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Washington State ESSB 5599 PROTECTED HEALTH CARE / YOUTH is demonic through and through . YES YES YES HOMESCHOOL but might have to completely go off grid or move to a red state to protect your children  
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npi · 1 year
Legislature agrees on operating budget for 2023-2025 and sends it to Governor Inslee
The Washington State House of Representatives and Senate voted in quick succession to approve a final operating budget for the upcoming biennium this afternoon, completing the essential work of the 2023 legislative session and putting the budget into Governor Jay Inslee’s hands for executive action. ESSB 5187 is the vehicle for this year’s operating budget. Its title is making 2023-2025 fiscal…
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ink-poisoning · 3 years
Lcppm xs wsy, G tvyc cmy epi lyzmlk e essb hew xsbec ~👁️
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M aer'r wic xlc teqx, slpc rli nviqirr. m hm wic alyx cmy epi kmmre xlpsyel er xlc qskirr xlmykf alggl gw itir ksvc viywslw jmv qc xs zi gmrgcvrch stiv wsy. Wsy qiik xs zi e essb ewqix dsv rli alypgl ulmal qcerq li umpj ks fevbiv mr cmy, xfsyel cmy lyzil'x kmxxcr sl erw wlgx pgwxq sv ziil mrtsptih gr elc hpeqy ws yx xfi qmqilx M aer qpict er piywx qsqcalyx siec irsumre xlyx cmy agpp lsx zi er vmqo sd figrk qlerxipih yrc rmqc wsmr. ~👁️
"I can't see the past, only the present. i do see what you are going through at the moment though which is even more reasons for me to be concerned over you. You seem to be a good asset for the church which means he will go harder on you, though you haven't gotten on any shit lists or been involved in any drama so at the moment I can sleep at least somewhat okay knowing that you will not be at risk of being shattered any time soon."
...So you don't know then. I assumed with your powers that you would.
...I don't know if I want to explain, at least out here, but... It's alright. What I'm dealing with right now... My own actions led me here, so it's nothing less than I deserve.
I guess it's true that I don't want to start drama though. I've already done enough as it is.
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sienna27 · 7 years
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lofijazzsoul · 6 years
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Dope new video “Shallow” from @sareempoems and #Essbe feat. Finale #NewMusic #DopeMusic @illect #lofihiphop #jazz #soul
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michielvanhulst · 2 years
Podcast tips [list]
Podcast tips
Listening to podcasts during long drives, walks, bike rides or commutes are for me, the ideal moments to soak up new knowledge, insights or just listen to great stories. 
I’ve been a keen podcast listener since 2008. Nowadays our podcast libraries are full of shows titles with and endless about of episodes. However, based on my behaviour during my walks these are my most listened to and therefore go-to podcast titles;
Masters of Scale with Reed Hoffman; great insights in scaling up a business
From the Top with Wade Wallece; great insights in building a company in a competitive environment (Cycling)
a16z Podcast with Andreessen Horowitz; great insights into (investering in) the technology.
Live Slow Ride Fast Podcast: great in-dept stories about cycling wit some of the biggest names in dutch cycling. (mostly DUTCH)
Beter Worden Podcast; great tips and tricks how to improve your own training (mainly Cycling but can be applied to lots off sports, DUTCH)
F1: Beyond The Grid; great in-depth interviews with some of the greatest icons in the sport motor racing.
Jong Beleggen, de podcast; great step by step entrance and insights into investing in the stock market (DUTCH)
Amusement and general knowledge:
Maarten van Rossem - De Podcast, great random knowledge ‘lectures’ by a funny retired history professor.
Meeting the Future Society, ESSB podcast; great insights into applying Social and Behavioural Sciences into your everyday life.
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dramasdevida · 2 years
α y Desequilibrios Emocionales
Hace poco falleció uno de los seres que más he querido en la vida; Alfa. Cada quien maneja la muerte diferente. Incluso si ya la ha experimentado algunas veces.
Han sido tiempos extraños, o quizá solo yo los haga raros. Todo parece normal, pero no estoy tan segura de que así lo sea.
El sábado 5/3/22 talvez es un día en el que no debí de haber salido. Me reuní con mi círculo principal de amigos, a los cuales ya no veía desde hace tiempo. Y dentro de la explicación de un juego de mesa me moleste en extremo; chispas y llamas salían de mi ojos debido a RG y KG. Me levanté con brusquedad y salí de la habitación para tratar de calmarme.
KG me dijo que entrara a jugar, pero yo seguía tan molesta que les dije que jugarán ellos. No me sentía necesaria. Y comenzó en voz alta a juzgar mi comportamiento. Eso me hizo explotar aún más en mi interior. Pero no dije nada. Ya la había cagado lo suficiente. Solo quería irme y tome mi celular, me encerré en el baño, pedí un uber. Cuando llegó el uber, tome mis cosas, me despedí y salí de la casa brincándome la reja. Solo pude llorar en el camino.
Quedé como idiota, como una persona inmadura e infantil que no puede manejar sus emociones. Y tal cual creo que sí era yo en ese momento.
Me auto-castigue, y trataba de reflexionar en la raíz de lo ocurrido y siendo piadosa conmigo, porque nadie más lo iba a ser.
De pronto ESSB me sugiere ir a caminar, en esta semana han sido en 3 ocasiones. Y siento como si fuera una persona que te guía. Solo hablamos de demasiadas reflexiones, experiencias y filosofías personales. Es muy interesante.
Pero a partir de ese momento, no ha mejorado nada con mis amistades. Por un lado me doy cuenta de lo incomprendida que me siento ahí y como tan fácil me hacen sentir menos e insegura. He intentado ligeros acercamientos, sin éxito, ni algún intento de la otra parte. Hay otras personas, que por sus propios motivos mentales no pueden verme ni en pintura. Aunque sea una situación claramente solo de su mente.
Vaya todo eso me hace pensar en que no es el lugar a donde pertenezco en este momento.
Pero viendo mis antecedentes con amistades, que se han ido de mi vida, digo no pueden estar todos mal, si lo único que hay en común soy yo, probablemente sea yo el problema. Es lo que me digo usualmente. Pero eso me hace entrar en otros conflictos, porque no deseo ser una basura para mi propia percepción sobre mi.
Si te dejas, las personas te pueden tratar como si fueras nada, por eso es importante poner un alto. Y a veces ignorar la opinión de los demás y formarte la tuya propia, respetarte y tratarte amablemente; porque nadie mas lo será contigo. 
11 de marzo 2022
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Learn about the New Washington Homestead Exemption Law - ESSB-5408 and the new home equity bankruptcy limits when filing bankruptcy in Washington State.
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madunne · 4 years
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madilayn · 5 years
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jamikabulmer6 · 5 years
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Essbereich und Kamin … – #einrichtungsideen #Essb… https://ift.tt/2mvBQ5O
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New music from SAREEM POEMS & ESS BE
In honor of Black History Month. Dance for the Dead is an upbeat journey that came to mind over the summer of 2017. It's about reflection & celebration of those who battled in the past. So we could have the freedom's we enjoy now in the present. There is still much work to be done when it comes to equality. The current state of the world is a mess. However, to remember that it was worse than it is today, to remember people fought & died for what's available to us now, is to stand tall and proud. When I say "Hallelujah" I mean it as an expression of rejoicing. When I say "Amen" I mean the assertion of hearty approval. When I say "Devils" I mean someone or something evil, hurtful or wicked. When I say "Church" I mean a specific group of Believers, not a building. I'm grateful for my fellow dreamer & change seeker EssBe (collaborator and sole producer of our upcoming project "Mind Over Matter"). His production made this song & new album a reality. We didn't plan to have this song ready for "Black History Month" but we're honored to be able to present it to you during February just the same. Enjoy and as always thank you for your support. Artist: Sareem Poems & Ess Be Song: Dance for the Dead Producer: Ess Be Album: Dance for the Dead Label: ILLECT Recordings Writers: Sareem Poems, Terem, Stro Elliot Recommended for fans of: L.A. Symphony, Oddisee, Shad, Ohmega Watts, Lightheaded, Ozay Moore, James Gardin, Propaganda, The Roots, The Procussions
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rpcreativenet · 4 years
Pubblicare in modo agevole e automatico i post su Wordpress verso i social network (tra cui Instagram)
Pubblicare in modo agevole e automatico i post su WordPress verso i social network (tra cui Instagram)
Se avete, come me, un blog dove pubblicate costantemente articoli su qualsiasi argomento voi piaccia parlare e discutere, probabilmente avrete pensato a qualche metodo per pubblicare i vostri articoli verso i social network, tra cui appare essere Instagram quello più ostico. Esistono svariati plugin che dichiarano di poter eseguire questo genere di attività, chi più chi meno bene. Una delle…
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