#essay abour perserverance
writersbeware · 5 months
My Own Coming of Age Story
Most kids travel from childhood into the teen years after their thirteenth birthday. Not me. At that age I was still firmly under my mother’s control. If she thought she saw a zit of blackhead, I was treated to pinching and squeezing. If I needed a new blouse, she bought it. Same with pants, shorts, shoes. Because she was old-fashioned and ultra-conservative, I dressed like an old lady. If…
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writersbeware · 1 year
Opening My Eyes
            My world was quite limited for a good, long time. My stay-at-home mom monitored everything I ate, did, and yes, pooped. She lectured me on posture, behavior and disciplined with a heavy hand. She expected me, even when quite small, to assume household duties.             But not my siblings. My brother, by virtue of being male, was not supposed to spend time doing chores, but rather…
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writersbeware · 1 year
            Being raised Catholic, I carried a load of guilt around for many years. There were the times I’d yelled back at my parents, fought with my siblings, talked back to my high school Spanish teacher.             I disliked my family so much that I hated being around them. Even phone calls were painful.             After years of physical and emotional abuse, I began to fight back,…
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writersbeware · 2 years
Women Who Serve Their Country
A lot of emphasis was placed on the #MeToo movement a few years back. Thanks to those who came forward with their stories, awareness of the sexual harassment that women face rose in prominence. Voices that previously went unheard or were pushed aside were suddenly important enough to draw the attention of politicians everywhere.            Going way back in time, the suffragette movement argued…
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