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contosdainterwebz · 2 years ago
Ponto de referência
"Sim, é essa a morada. Deve deslocar-se ao edifício das neurociências que é o que surge na sua frente com o desenho de uma espiga de trigo."
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oknews · 2 months ago
'Misericordia', de Alain Guiraudie, logra la Espiga de Oro en una Seminci que también premia el cine español
En dos años Seminci se ha consolidado como el festival español más potente tras San Sebastián. Ha recuperado ese espacio y lo ha hecho logrando una Sección Oficial potente que apuesta por el cine español y consiguiendo que casi todos los cineastas que compiten presenten sus películas, algo fundamental para un certamen. En la segunda edición capitaneada por José Luis Cienfuegos, la apuesta por ese…
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gracious-freedom · 1 year ago
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Barcelona Rustic Bedroom Medium-sized mountain style guest bedroom with white walls, terra-cotta tile, a beige floor, and wall paneling.
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eurekadiario · 1 year ago
Un nuevo estudio detecta proteína espiga en personas vacunadas 6 meses después de la vacunación contra el COVID-19
Un estudio publicado el 31 de agosto en Proteomics Clinical Applications ha revelado que detecta la proteína de pico en los receptores de la vacuna 6 meses después de la vacunación contra el COVID-19.
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Los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) han sostenido desde el inicio de la pandemia que el ARNm de la vacuna COVID-19 "se descompone a los pocos días de la vacunación y no dura mucho en el cuerpo" a pesar de la evidencia de lo contrario ( pdf a continuación). Si bien los documentos regulatorios y Pfizer se refieren al ARNm de las vacunas contra el COVID-19 como “ARN modificado”, los CDC se refieren a él como “ARN mensajero”.
Sin embargo, un estudio reciente reveló proteína de pico en los fluidos corporales de personas que recibieron una vacuna de ARNm COVID-19 seis meses después de la inmunización. Este hallazgo sugiere que el ARNm puede incorporarse o transcribirse en algunas células. Los hallazgos fueron publicados el 31 de agosto en Proteomics Clinical Applications.
El grupo de prueba estuvo formado por 20 voluntarios que recibieron dos dosis de una vacuna de ARNm contra el COVID-19, 20 personas no vacunadas que dieron negativo en la prueba de COVID-19 o anticuerpos que indicaban una infección previa, y 20 personas no vacunadas que dieron positivo en la prueba de COVID-19.
En fluidos biológicos como sangre, orina, saliva y fluidos de lavado broncoalveolar de los participantes del estudio, los investigadores luego probaron para distinguir las proteínas de pico sintéticas generadas a partir de vacunas de ARNm de las proteínas de pico naturales, y observaron la proteína de pico inducida por la vacuna después de la vacunación.
La proteína de pico del ARNm difiere de la proteína de pico posterior a la infección
Según el estudio, dos aminoácidos de prolina reemplazaron a los aminoácidos lisina y valina para ayudar a estabilizar el pico sintético producido por la vacunación, que es diferente de las proteínas de pico naturales que circulan en los fluidos biológicos después de la infección. El sitio de digestión tríptico de la proteína de pico normal, que es esencial para la absorción de proteínas, fue eliminado por el doble cambio de aminoácidos. Debido a esto, los investigadores afirmaron que la digestión tríptica seguida de un análisis de espectrometría de masas se puede utilizar para distinguir entre la proteína de pico natural y la sintetizada en los fluidos corporales.
Estos métodos permitieron a los investigadores identificar fragmentos de proteína de pico sintética específicos en alrededor del 50% de las personas que recibieron vacunas de ARNm. La proteína de pico artificial se encontró entre 69 y 187 días después de la inoculación. Incluso las 20 personas que dieron positivo después de contraer COVID-19 tuvieron muestras negativas del grupo de control no vacunado.
3 hipótesis sobre la proteína de pico sintética persistente en vacunados
Los investigadores propusieron tres teorías basadas en los hallazgos del estudio para explicar por qué la proteína de pico sintética persistió en los receptores de la vacuna:
El ARNm de las vacunas contra la COVID-19 puede integrarse o retranscribirse en algunas células.
Las pseudouridinas en una posición particular de la secuencia pueden inducir la formación de una proteína de pico, aunque los investigadores afirmaron que era una posibilidad remota.
Las nanopartículas que contienen ARNm pueden ser captadas por bacterias normalmente presentes en el nivel basal de la sangre y producir proteína de pico.
Los investigadores llegaron a la conclusión de que sus primeros hallazgos podrían ayudar a alguien a decidir si debía tomar refuerzos, aunque reconocieron que las tres teorías requieren más investigación.
En un episodio de su podcast, “The Megyn Kelly Show”, que se emitió el 6 de septiembre, Megyn Kelly confesó que se arrepentía de haber recibido la inyección de COVID debido a una lesión causada por la vacuna.
Otros estudios
El diseño de las vacunas de ARNm contra la COVID-19 permite una biodistribución incontrolada, durabilidad y biodisponibilidad prolongada de la proteína de pico dentro del cuerpo después de la inmunización, según los hallazgos de una publicación que se acaba de publicar en Biomedicines.
"La matriz de lípidos y nanopartículas permite una biodistribución generalizada de códigos de genes de ARNm a las células en la mayoría o en todos los órganos" y podría dañar los tejidos y causar enfermedades, concluyeron los investigadores.
14 días después de recibir la vacuna de ARNm COVID-19, según un estudio publicado en noviembre de 2021 en el Journal of Immunology, se descubrió que los exosomas expresaban la proteína de pico. Cuatro meses después de la segunda dosis de la vacuna, hubo un aumento en los niveles de proteína que aumentaron después de las dosis de refuerzo.
Los investigadores descubrieron cantidades completas o trazas de ARNm de pico de SARS-CoV-2 en algunas muestras de pacientes hasta 28 días después de recibir la vacuna COVID-19, lo que indica una producción prolongada de proteína de pico, en un estudio publicado en el Journal of Pathology. Microbiología e Inmunología en enero de 2023.
En los ganglios linfáticos los días 7, 16 y 37 después de la inmunización, se descubrió ARNm de la vacuna, con cantidades reducidas pero aún detectables el día 60, según un estudio publicado en Cell en marzo de 2022. Nanopartículas lipídicas de pacientes vacunados con ARNm teñidas inmunohistoquímicamente para detectar En ciertos casos, el antígeno de pico reveló una proteína de pico significativa 16 días después de la segunda dosis, y el antígeno de pico “aún está presente hasta 60 días después de la segunda dosis”, según los estudios.
Una proteína de pico de la vacuna COVID-19 puede pasar del lugar de la inyección a la sangre y acumularse en órganos y tejidos, incluidos el bazo, la médula ósea, el hígado, las glándulas suprarrenales y los ovarios, según un estudio de biodistribución japonés de Pfizer. Desde el día de la vacunación hasta semanas después, el ARNm de la vacuna fue detectable en el torrente sanguíneo.
Los CDC dicen que las vacunas no afectan el ADN, a pesar de la evidencia contradictoria
Además de afirmar que el ARNm de las vacunas COVID-19 se degrada rápidamente en el cuerpo, los CDC también afirman que estas vacunas “no afectan ni interactúan con nuestro ADN” (el material genético que se encuentra dentro del núcleo de las células) porque no “entrar en el núcleo de la célula”.
Los CDC desacreditan la idea de que las vacunas contra el COVID-19 pueden cambiar el ADN en su página web “Mitos y hechos sobre las vacunas contra el COVID-19”.
Según la organización, las vacunas de “ARN mensajero” contra el COVID-19 funcionan “entregando instrucciones (material genético) a nuestras células para comenzar a generar protección” contra el SARS-CoV-2. El cuerpo también descarta todos los componentes de la vacuna después de generar una respuesta inmune, tal como lo hace con “cualquier información que las células ya no necesiten” después de generar una respuesta inmune. Los CDC afirman que este procedimiento es "parte del funcionamiento normal del cuerpo".
Tanto el análisis actual como las investigaciones anteriores refutan esta afirmación. Utilizando líneas celulares de hígado humano, un estudio de febrero de 2022 publicado en Current Issues in Molecular Biology demuestra la transcripción inversa del ARNm de vacunación en ADN. Investigaciones adicionales han revelado que el ARN del SARS-CoV-2 puede transcribirse de forma inversa, integrarse en el genoma de células humanas cultivadas en cultivo y expresarse en tejidos extraídos de pacientes o mediante células portadoras del virus.
Actualmente, la información farmacocinética y farmacológica sobre las vacunas de ARNm contra la COVID-19 es escasa. La farmacocinética es el estudio de cómo reacciona el cuerpo a las sustancias químicas proporcionadas durante el transcurso de la exposición. La evaluación en profundidad del impacto del fármaco en el organismo se realiza mediante farmacodinámica. El extraordinario número de eventos adversos que parecen estar relacionados con la proteína de pico producida por las vacunas puede explicarse si se comprende durante cuánto tiempo el cuerpo produce la proteína de pico y durante cuánto tiempo está presente en los tejidos biológicos.
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makestrongminds · 2 years ago
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Rustic Bedroom - Paneling Mid-sized mountain style guest terra-cotta tile, beige floor and wall paneling bedroom photo with white walls and no fireplace
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suenosyfantasmas · 9 months ago
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"El perdón es el olor que desprende lavanda cuando la pisas".
Mark Twain.
Creación digital: MAVi.🌾
Sueños y fantasmas. El arte de soñar.
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morangoowada · 6 months ago
Mondo versão São João
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Esse aqui vai pros fãs BR🙏🏽 bom São João galera
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sweetsweethate · 1 year ago
momentos como este deseo ser más habilidosa haciéndome peinados
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tratadista · 2 years ago
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Espiga Pinto
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inthewindtunnel · 9 months ago
Veiled Venus
Celda de Espigas, Dorado Horizonte
Auto de Fe
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nuriaverde · 1 year ago
"El regreso de las golondrinas": la historia de amor imposible de comprender para Occidente y que China censuró
Asisto a un milagro en una sala de cine medio vacía con aire acondicionaado y calma envasada al vacío en los Renoir Plaza de España. Me emociono al ver una película llena de significado, cargada de futuro. Participo en la emocionante liturgia del buen cine, y para mí, es sinónimo de cine emocionante. Inesperadamente, sin pretenderlo, sin grandes alaracas de la crítica, sin ir con unas…
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tenderloincherub · 2 years ago
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Rosario Castellanos, Judith
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agustinisrael · 2 years ago
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#navidadx50 Como cada año en el mes de diciembre cada día hasta el día de reyes un original por 50 euros hoy este #IIrepublica con el #leon la #bandera la bola del mundo de #expo92 #olivo, #espigas #yunque coml simboll del #trabajo #libros com simbolo de la #cultura la balanza de la #justicia y la #cartela con #libertad #igualdad #fraternidad junto al #no8do de sevilla y de fondo la #giralda y lassetas de #sevilla, en el centro la republica luce #capirote verde #esperanza y #toga de #lunares posca sobre papel 10x15 al más puro estilo #pop#artepop #deci #haring #art #artepop #agustinisrael #lunaresycapirotes (en Estudio De arte y Diseño De Agustin Israel) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm5GqZLjEqH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sinkovia · 11 months ago
Yes, Lieutenant: I
Simon Riley x Fem!Reader
Violence, suggestive themes.
Yes, Lieutenant Masterlist
Under the scorching sun, the team gathered in a huddle as Price provided the final briefing for the mission in Al Mazrah. Intelligence had pinpointed the location of Iván Espiga, Valeria's new right-hand man.
The stakes were high – capturing him was crucial for extracting any information about Valeria's potential hideout following her escape from Alejandro's prison.
As you move swiftly through the labyrinthine streets of Al Mazrah, your eyes flicker over to Alejandro, engaged in small talk with a local vendor.
Vigilant, you keep a watchful eye on his back, prepared for any indication of trouble. The urgency to find Ivan before he slips away from the city fuels every step.
Navigating through the bustling market, you seamlessly blend in with the local populace, your senses attuned to the surroundings. The air is thick with the scents of spices and the murmur of haggling voices.
Alejandro and you find a momentary refuge under an overpass, your eyes scanning the crowd for any signs of Ivan's presence. Amid the ambient sounds, your radio crackles to life, interrupting the tension.
"Bravo 1-1, this is Echo 3-1, how copy?" Alex's voice crackles over the comms, and you glance at Alejandro, your silent communication understanding the urgency in the situation.
"Alex, talk to me. You pick anything up?" Alejandro queries.
"Affirmative. You see that big tower with the bell. It's south, about half a click away from our entry point." you and Alejandro began to move.
"I see it. We are down the street from it. Two minutes. How far are you and Farah?"
"About five minutes. Do not engage, wait for Ghost and Soap to rendezvous."
"Copy, out."
As you approached Ivan's supposed safe house, the atmosphere grew tense. Guards were everywhere, and infiltrating without being seen would be a challenge. Taking cover behind crumbling walls and rusty vehicles on the side of the safe house, you instinctively took the safety off your weapon, ready for any unexpected confrontation. 
In the distance, a faint whistle caught your attention, and you saw Soap with Ghost following closely behind, both crouched behind some barrels. Glancing around the perimeter, you signaled to them that it was safe to cross over and join you.
Soap approached your side, speaking softly. "Aye there, lass. Are Alex and Farah here yet?" 
You turned to Soap and nodded your head. "They mentioned they were slightly behind the rest of us. They're probably still making their way over," you replied, noticing Ghost crouched behind you, his gaze fixed upon you. 
Despite his hunched position, his dominating presence was evident, his towering figure, broad shoulders, and muscular frame drawing your attention. As you held Ghost's gaze, his brown eyes burned a hole through you. Even in the midst of tension, he exuded a calm demeanor that caught you off guard.
A deafening explosion rocked the air, ripping you from your thoughts. Peering over the wall, you witnessed the front gate of the safehouse blown up, and men in civilian clothing rushing through the debris. The chaotic scene sparked questions – was the safe house under attack by a rival gang?
Gunfire erupted from every direction as bullets whizzed past, kicking up dust and debris. The team ran for better cover behind the safe house, adrenaline surging through your veins. Ghost turned around, and all attention focused on him.
"This is our only chance to infiltrate while we still can before Ivan catches wind and leaves. Soap, I want you to breach the back door so we have a way in. Alejandro and I will clear the first floor, Y/N and Soap will find the stairs and clear the second."
Soap quickly planted and detonated the door, the team moving in unison. Bullets found their marks, dropping cartel members one by one. With the path clear, you and Soap advanced towards the stairs, leaving Ghost and Alejandro to handle their assignments.
Slowly ascending the stairs, you and Soap took out a few enemies, clearing each room systematically. As you opened another door, a man lunged from behind, slicing your arm. Reacting quickly, you slammed the door against him, sending him sprawling back into the room. Soap entered from the room across, pointing his gun at Ivan.
"It's over, Ivan, we have you like a cornered rat," Soap's Scottish accent cut through the tense atmosphere.
While Soap remained oblivious, you noticed Ivan's hand slowly reaching for something next to him. Your eyes zeroed in on a small pocket knife, just inches from his grasp.
Acting swiftly, you grabbed a throwing knife and aimed for his hand. The knife went through his hand and embedded itself in the floorboard below, incapacitating him from reaching the weapon. Ivan screamed in pain, unleashing a string of curses.
"Ahora sabes cómo se siente, perra. Mira lo que le hiciste a mi brazo" (Now you know how it feels, bitch. Look at what you did to my arm). You turned your arm to show him the small cut he had inflicted, and he sneered through the pain.
"Eso no es nada comparado con mi maldita mano. Te voy a matar, perra" (That's nothing compared to my fucking hand. I'll fucking kill you, bitch). You laughed as you retrieved handcuffs from your vest and secured them on his wrists. Rendezvousing with Ghost and Alejandro downstairs, Ghost noticed your arm.
"You alright sergeant?" you look at him a bit confused before you realize he's talking about your arm.
"Oh yeah, it's just a graze L.t I'm good" You hold eye contact for a couple of seconds before breaking away to walk outside through the back door you breached. You all made it back safely to the exfil where Price was waiting.
The mission in Las Almas spanned three days, and you are eagerly anticipating a much-needed shower. After checking your weapons back in, you make your way to your room to get a change of clothes and your shower bag. You head towards your personal shower, turning the knob you wait for it to warm up. However, after running cold water for about five minutes, you curse to yourself.
"The hot water probably isn't working on this side of the base"
For fucks sake. With a sigh, you collect your belongings and navigate your way toward the communal showers. It's 3 am, so fortunately, the area is pretty empty with everyone else heading to bed or watching the interrogation with Ivan. As you turn on the water, you shed your clothes, allowing the warm cascade to envelop your body. The sensation of scrubbing and lathering your hair fills your senses, the fragrance of your shampoo adding a refreshing touch.
Lost in your own thoughts, your peace is abruptly interrupted by the sound of someone entering the shower area. The walls dividing each shower stall aren't particularly tall, granting you a clear view over the top. Curiosity piques, and you cautiously peek your head over the wall, spotting the familiar sight of a Ghost mask.
"Im guessing your shower was cold too huh?" you remark, turning back around to rinse the shampoo from your head.
"Shit was colder than the motherland" he states in his brooding voice, eliciting a laugh from you. Ghost's rare sense of humor always brought a welcome respite from his typically solemn demeanor.
"How's the arm?"
"It was nothing, won't even leave a scar" he hums in response. Both of you shower in silence, and as you turn off the water, Ghost does the same. Reaching out to grab your towel, you realize with a mental curse that you left it behind in your bathroom.
Frustrated, you turn to Ghost, "Hey, Ghost, could you do me a favor? I left my towel in my bathroom. Would you mind getting one for me from the cabinet?"
He steps out of his shower stall, only in a towel that dangerously hangs low around his waist. The alluring sight of water droplets cascading down his chiseled chest captures the soft glow of ambient light. Each droplet follows its own path, delicately tracing the contours of his well-defined muscles, only to vanish upon reaching the edge of the towel.
You watch the subtle movement of his muscles beneath his skin as he reaches into the cabinet to grab a towel. Before you can register the intensity of your gaze fixed on his exposed torso, he stands in front of your shower stall, towel in hand.
"And here I thought I was the one with a staring problem," he teases, a blush heating your face as you hastily take the towel without uttering a word.
Oh god, what the fuck is wrong with you. Ghost just caught you staring at him like some hungry ass dog. You mentally let out a string of curses as you begin to dry yourself off. Quickly changing into the fresh clothes you brought; a pair of black sweatpants and a short-sleeved black shirt.
Slipping on your slippers, you step out from the shower stall. You make your way towards the counter adorned with a small mirror. Ghost emerges from his own shower stall, now dressed in a combination of sweatpants and a form-fitting short-sleeved t-shirt.
"I'm sorry for staring earlier, it was rude and I shouldn't have done it" He halts his approach towards the door, diverting his path to stand directly in front of you, his imposing figure towering over your smaller frame. A sense of vulnerability washes over you as you instinctively try to retreat, only to find yourself trapped by the counter.
"Why were you staring?" he asks, taking another step towards you, his hands firmly planted on either side of the counter, effectively caging you. Caught off guard by his question, you struggle to find the right words.
"I, um, I-I don't..." you stumble over your words, flustered by how close he is and the intensity in his gaze as his head tilts slightly to the side, his eyes land on your lips.
"Come on, Sergeant, use your words," he urges, his tone laced with a hint of teasing, igniting a rush of heat to your face. You find yourself at a loss for words, paralyzed by the way Ghost is addressing you.
"I don't know what to say, Lieutenant," you finally exhale, almost in a whisper, lifting your gaze to meet his eyes that meet yours with unwavering intensity.
In a daring move, he raises his hand, his fingertips brushing against your jawline, trailing down to your chin. With gentle yet deliberate force, he cups your chin, his thumb grazing over your bottom lip.
"Should I help you then sergeant?" he mutters, causing your heart to race within your chest, and your knees threaten to buckle beneath you. 
"Yes," you breathe out, releasing a shaky breath you hadn't realized you were holding.
"Yes, what, Sergeant?" Ghost's grip on your chin tightens slightly, not enough to cause pain, but enough to assert his dominance in the moment.
"Yes, Lieutenant," you mutter, your cheeks growing warmer at the closeness between the two of you, acutely aware that anyone could enter the showers and catch you in this compromising position.
"Good girl," he utters, his free hand lifting his baklava to rest atop his nose. Before you can fully absorb his features, his lips press against yours. On instinct, your hands rise, one resting on his shoulder and the other on the back of his neck to let you deepen the kiss. Bodies entwined in a heated exchange, you both press closer, driven by a ravenous desire for one another.
His hand trails down from your jaw to your throat, giving a gentle pressure that elicits a breathy moan of pleasure. With a sense of urgency, he hoists you up and settles you on the edge of the counter, stepping into the space between your legs, you felt him press against you. 
Whose horse is that?
The friction between you causes a low moan to escape your lips as desire courses through your veins. You've never had sex with anyone before but you know if this is where it's heading, you would let ghost be your first. Your tongues melt together in a frenzied embrace, exchanging kisses that leave you both breathless, gasping for air.
As you part, gazing up at Ghost through hazy eyes, he looks down at you, his gaze shifting from your eyes to your lips, down to your body, and back up again.
Something changes in his expression, his lustful look morphing into the cold, distant gaze he always carries. He releases his hold on you and abruptly pushes himself away from you, turning and leaving the showers without explanation, disappearing into the unknown, and leaving you alone.
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manuelmoncayo · 7 months ago
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Espiga IX From "Rituals", 2023
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suenosyfantasmas · 9 months ago
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"El pan nuestro de cada día dánoslo hoy". Mateo 6:11
Creación digital: MAVi.
Sueños y fantasmas. El arte de soñar.
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