#espically when spot went to go appolgize<3
Some background info for this one!
The punks have this place that is like the lodge but its a car shop with a building connected to it where they all live or stay if their home isn't as good as the others
Also, they all ride motorcycles bc I said so and there just cool like that. BUT here's sprace who is the first couple to get together before Javid was even thinking about each other
"Do you even know how good you have it?" Race snapped. 
"What are you talking about?"
Race shook his head, Jack wouldn't know what it was like.. Or even would know about Spot or how Race feels. Jack has no idea but Race yearns, he wants, he needs more. “You wouldn’t understand!” Race yelled at him. Then he turned around and left.
He ignored his phone and planned all night long how to go up to Spot the next day. Although he was thoughtful enough that he wasn’t gonna do it in school. He was gonna do it after. 
Race parked his car in the lot and marched up to Spot at the car shop, crossing his arms, "We need to talk, Conlon." He also wasn’t trying not to think of Spot looking hot with oil stains, the other punks just staring with a look as they watched Spot walk towards him. 
Spot cleaned his hands a bit with a rag and half glaring at him as he stands up and they go a few paces away, "You know you're supposed to text me when you wanna see me. "
"Well I don't wanna do that no more. I just- I want to be able to see you when it's not the middle of the night, Sean."
Spot rolls his eyes, "Yeah well you know why we can't-" 
"Screw the labels! Haven't you've see Jack and David lately."
Spot almost hisses out. "Well just because Jackie boy doesn't care about his reputation doesn't mean I have to either. If you're not happy with this you don't have to keep seeing me."
Race eyebrows shot up, "So our time together meant nothing! What the hell did we do that for? Did you just want sex!? God maybe the labels are right, maybe you guys are nothing but horrible sex driven punks!" 
Spot clenches his teeth, genuinely hurt at the words but not wanting to show it. "It didn't mean nothing.", he almost whispered. "But I can't risk it." 
"So I'm not important enough. Will never be, it'll always be your rep first, huh, Spot?"
"You don't know what you're talking about!" He snapped, "You're not on the bottom of the food chain Racer! You'll always be safe since you're popular, I'm a punk, no one likes us!"
"Then let me help you, we can be stronger together-" 
"I first need to be strong for the others, we can't show weakness, Racer. They need someone to protect them-" 
"And who'll protect you?", Race yells, shoving him. "Who'll protect you when you do dangerous shit or insist you have to do everything alone?"
"Maybe I don't want your help! Or anyones for that matter. Maybe I want to be alone!" 
Race just stares at him for a moment, he swallows, "Alright fine then, you want to be alone then fucking be alone you punk!"
Spot is too stunned to react when Race actually reals back and punches him in the face. He wasn't sure if he'd ever done that to anyone, if he'd ever seen Race get physical instead of just mouthing people off, and he knew this was deeply personal, that he'd hurt the popular boy more than he'd even let on. "I thought we had something.", he spat before turning around and leaving Spot, now truly alone.
Spot watches as Race gets in his car, he speeds off leaving Spot on the ground. 
"Spot what's going on?!" Blink asked while running to him, "Shit your nose!" 
Spot lifted the back of his hand to his nose and there was blood. Race had finally punched him
He let Blink hand him a rag to stop the blood from getting to his clothes and walked back, not stopping at anyone's calls for him, going straight into one of the washrooms, gripping the porcelain of one of the sinks, staring at his reflection in the mirror. He felt tears well up in his eyes, his breathing getting shallow. Had he really just done that? Had he pushed the only good thing he'd had in so long away forever?
Spot slid down the wall and pulled his legs up to his chest. He felt a panic surge in him and couldn't help but wish for Race to hold him. Biting his lip as a few tears fell from his eyes. "God damnit Race!" He quickly wiped his eyes and ran out the door towards his motorcycle. 
An arm grabbed onto him and Spot turned to see Skittery. "Spot! Where the hell are you going?" 
"Yeah we got a car to fix up." Blink walked up behind him. 
Spot ripped his arm out of his grasp, "Let me go! Screw the car. I gotta find Race."
He wasn't sure if they'd assume that he was going to soak him or whatever else, but he couldn't leave Race like this, he had to... he had to go and apologize, beg him to take him back if he had to. Spot jumped on his bike and sped to the direction of Race's house, not sure if he'd be there or not, but it was at least the first place he wanted to check. Not seeing Racetrack's car he kept driving, to the one place where he hoped Race would go now.
Spot zoomed up the hill towards their spot. It was a bit out of the town but enough where they weren't so far away. As he went up the last curve he saw Race's car. Spot hit the breaks and slowed to a stop, killing the engine and started to look for him, "Race! Race please I'm sorry..."
Spot's shoulders sagged in relief when he saw Race sitting on one of the benches in the pavilion, knees pulled up to his chest. At least he was safe. Quietly, he walked to the pavilion, sitting down on a bench across from Race, not wanting to piss him off further. 
"What do you want.", snapped Race, not looking at him, instead glaring into the city after the cliff.
"To apologize."
"Maybe I don't want your apologies." Race mocked Spots words. Spot stayed silent trying to set him off. Race sniffled and rubbed his eyes. "Just yet out of here, not like you care anyways." 
"But I do care Antonio, I shouldn't have lashed out at you. I wasn't thinking. I was only thinking of myself and my reputation and I shouldn't have done that, it's wrong."
"Careful, if you keep doing that someone might think you care. You ain't getting more sex from me, if that's all you're after, so fuck off." Race just curled tighter in on himself 
Spot thought it might be time he stood up and got closer to him. That made Race look at him at least-or rather glare. He knelt down in front of Race, completely getting rid of any mask hiding his emotions, just showing how much he already missed the other boy, how he'd cried, how much he secretly loved him. "Antonio, I'm sorry, I was scared. Scared of what other people'd think of what they'd do to you. I'm not popular and I don't want you to lose what you have."
"I don't care if I lose everything! I just want you Sean!" He screamed out before thinking. The sound echoed off the ceiling a little and it gave Spot goosebumps."I-I just want you Sean." Races eyes begin to fill with tears, "I really don't care about school okay, I just wanna show off my boyfriend like Jack and David do now."
Spot scooted closer and took his hands in his. "Okay. Okay we can do that. If you really want people to know then we can start making out in the hallways startin' tomorrow." Race laughed and tugged at his hands, wanting him up on the bench. Sitting next to each other now, Race's feet on the ground again, he leant forward to finally kiss Spot again, one hand in his blond hair, the other in his leather jacket. Spot didn't hesitate a moment with kissing him back, his hands on his hips.
Race kissed him and turned his head to the side. Tightening his hold in his hair. He broke for air and kissed Spot's cheek, "Sean..." 
"Yes?" Spot kissed his jaw.
"You really mean it? Everything you said about not caring what others think." He felt anxiety spike in him. 
Spot pushed away and looked into Race's eyes, "Every word I said is true okay. I want to be with you." Race didn't answer and instantly surged forward to capture his lips into a passionate kiss.
Spot had no idea how he ever could have thought that he could live without this, without Race, without him to show him the world wasn't completely terrible and to make him feel normal, not like someone who had to hold the world together, not like a failure, just like Sean. He leaned back again, just enough so he could talk against Race's lips. "I love you, Tony." 
The other's eyes widened, but soon enough he smiled widely, hugging him close. "Love you too, you idiot."
@chaosfairy18 your boys are back<3
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