#esper allura
aether-staza · 4 years
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Spy x Family Sheith AU 💕
Ft. Bby Allura~
Based on Ali's drawings (twitter) & the manga! I finally got around reading it recently and oh boi it's the fluffiest shiz I have ever been blessed with 😤💕
I was gonna add more doodles to this but it's finals week and I'm--
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alluraadler · 3 years
w. @whisperer-seb
Batia na porta de Sebastian de forma desesperada pois era exatamente assim que Allura se sentia. Esperou completamente impaciente, será que ele estava ali? Não, havia barulho vindo de dentro da sala. Levantou a mão em punho para bater novamente quando Seb abriu a porta e ela evitou a tempo de praticamente lhe dar um soco. “Tá ocupado? Posso entrar.” - Falou apressada e no mínimo sinal de que podia ela passou por ele elogio começou a organizar os papéis que tinha em mãos. “Ele está aqui.” - Disse como se fosse óbvio. “Meu pai está em Angeles, Sebs, em Angeles.” - Apontou a mensagem que ela havia acabado de decodificar, na qual era possível ler ‘Estou bem. Estou em Angeles mas não posso voltar pra casa. Muito perigoso.’ E Allura ignorava completamente a parte do perigo e iria co robust ignorando pois era seu pai. “Precisamos acho-lo e eu tenho um plano, mas preciso da sua ajuda mais do que nunca.”
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maelthas · 4 years
                   Os sons de espada atingindo madeira ou metal ecoavam na cabeça de Illidan, que ainda dividiam espaço com algumas das vozes que sussurravam palavras quase inaudíveis em sua mente, mas felizmente conseguia ignorá-las muito bem. Estava aprendendo a lidar com aquelas coisas acontecendo em sua cabeça... não só nela, mas em sua vida. A descoberta de uma irmã, a chegada da protegida de sua mãe adotiva e demais fatores, o faziam questionar, a cada segundo, o motivo daquilo tudo. Mas não era momento para aquilo.
                   Estava observando arena, avistando uma das selecionadas lutar bravamente contra os constructos, Arthur estava muito bem servido de lutadoras, isso não podia negar, ficava genuinamente surpreso. Em uma pontada de sede que sentira, virou-se na direção da multidão que acompanhava as apresentações, passando seu olhar pelas pessoas, uma por uma, conferindo a segurança de Allura, que estava sentada alguns metros ao seu lado. — O que? — indagou, arregalando os olhos. Não podia ser verdade, era @jessz​? Não, não podia ser, Rosalie deve ter pintado o cabelo, não tinha outra explicação... mas algo dentro de si o fazia querer conferir. O que caralhos estava acontecendo em sua vida?
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                   — Ei, espere! — pediu, em um chamamento alto, esperando que a garota o ouvisse, enquanto se movia rápido, quase tropeçando nas pessoas. Seu coração batia rápido, com força. — Jessamine? — questionou, ainda longe da mulher, queria ter certeza... mas desejava que fosse ela de verdade ou torcia para ser mais uma enganação de sua cabeça? Não sabia como se sentia, mas a cada passo que dava em direção a figura feminina, sua respiração ficava mais ofegante.
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aurunprincess · 4 years
Desde que acordara aquela manhã nos braços de Maximus, tudo o que Allura conseguia pensar era nos olhos verdes, sardas e o sorriso dele. Passará o dia todo sorrindo e ansiosa por notícias dele. Estava agitada, sentia seu estômago inquieto, como se houvessem borboletas raivosas voando dentro se si. No entanto, a princesa estava incomodada, não gostava de se sentir assim, era ridículo, não era? Passou o dia todo debatendo consigo mesa se deveria esperar por alguma notícia dele, bilhete ou o que quer que fosse, ou deveria ir atrás dele, ou mandar um bilhete ela mesma. Rolou os olhos decidindo que iria quando bateram à porta, um dos criados do palácio lhe entregou um bilhete do guerreiro pedindo para ela lhe encontrar no observatório e não comparecer no jantar com todos os outros. Ele estava sendo misterioso. Allura sorriu e se arrumou especialmente para a ocasião. Trajava um vestido preto de mangas longas, porém que deixava seus ombros a mostra, dando ênfase no decote em formato de coração. No horário estipulado por ele, lá estava ela, no observatório completamente vazio. Franzio o cenho, estava ela adiantada? Esperou por algum tempo, o que lhe pareceu um longo tempo. Seu estômago roncava de fome. Será que ele havia esquecido? Após o que pareceu trinta minuto esperando, Allura deixou o observatório irritada. Perguntou para os guardas nos corredores se haviam visto seu noivo e quando fora informada de que ele estava em seu quarto, na ala dos convidados, a feiticeira rumou para lá. Assim que chegou, Allura já estava tão irritada e com fome que se quer bateu na porta, apenas a abriu para encontrar @breakingofsword sentado numa poltrona, lendo. “Se desistiu de me encontrar poderia pelo menos ter me avisado pra que eu não te esperasse por uma hora a toa.” - Falou mal humorada, cruzando os braços na frente do corpo, com uma cara de poucos amigos. “Ou o que? Qual será a desculpa? Esqueceu?” - Ela o acusou, irritando-se ainda mais com o fato de que ele nada falava. “Vai agir feito criança agora?”
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aurunselection · 4 years
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É com grande prazer que damos as boas vindas à CATRINA VANRI HUDRAIG uma GENASI DO FOGO, da GUILDA DOS FEITICEIROS. Ela tem  24 ANOS e se parece muito com a humana KAYLEE BRYANT, mas pode ser apenas algum feitiço. Solis está em festa com a chegada da DAMA DE COMPANHIA DA PRINCESA.
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Os Hudraigs ganharam fama e notoriedade pelos feitos de seus ancestrais, seja lutando contra dragões ou sendo agressivos em suas opiniões políticas, assim os chefes da Guilda dos Feiticeiros sempre os usaram como conselheiros e apoio em na guerra, bem como na política. Atualmente a família controla a entrada e saída de mercadorias da Guilda, fazendo com que ninguém ouse desafiá-los. Isso fez com que a pequena Catrina crescesse sem qualquer medo, correndo pelas ruas da cidade principal com os primos sem nunca serem chamados atenção, por mais que merecessem. Dona da magia elemental do fogo vinda com seu nascimento, seus poderes não demoraram a se manifestar, assim ela sempre demonstrou grande interesse em aprender cada vez mais sobre eles. Ávida por sempre aprender não era novidade vê-la passeando por aí com um livro de feitiços na mão ou um caderno para rascunhar seu próprio feitiço.
Um dia o Líder da Guilda apareceu na casa dos Hudraigs pedindo um favor, Catrina tinha 10 anos, foi chamada ao escritório do pai e posta sentada na frente do homem desconhecido: Você tem uma missão, mocinha! As palavras foram ditas com um sorriso nos lábios, a comemoração e a animação da família eram evidentes, a ponto de darem uma festa no jardim aquele dia, como de costume Catrina dançou na fogueira e a maneira que ela controlou as chamas, tão pequena, tão nova, fez o sorriso no líder do clã se alargar, assim como nos outros velhos que o aconselhavam.
O plano daqueles patriarcas e matriarcas era transformá-la numa espécie de professora, protetora e confidente da princesa Allura, a qual, ao que tudo indicava, tinha poderes natos para magia, tão poderosos quanto o que se podia esperar Caelynn Yaeldrin. Ocorre que nem de longe Catrina poderia ser considerada para uma dama de companhia, a garota sempre foi estabanada demais, sempre falando alto e dona de opiniões fortes difíceis de serem mantidas em segredo, em parte honrando a família que vinha.
Não foram poucas as vezes que a jovem Hudraig fugiu de seu treinamento para dançar na em um festival ou para contar histórias e ensinar os feiticeiros aos mais novos que brincavam na rua, sempre sendo trazida de volta sob os gritos dos professores.Quando completou 15 anos controlava os poderes como ninguém, então a chamaram para uma reunião com o líder do clã:
- Sabe quem é? - o velho a indagou apontando à um retrato de Caelynn Yaeldrin, entre o de tantas outras selecionadas.
- Sim… Caelynn Yaeldrin! - respondeu seu ânimo.
- Esta é sua rainha! - o homem falou sério, cruzando os braços atrás do corpo magro, mas imponente - A rainha que foi esquecida por todos! Mas sua rainha! Sua missão será ir até sua princesa e ensiná-la a usar seus poderes, vê-los como bençãos! Catrina você deverá guiar sua princesa para que ela chegue ao trono de direito!
Agora, a genasi estava com os olhos vermelhos arregalados e não tinha o que responder pela primeira vez na vida, o que fez o homem rir e continuar com a instruções sobre sua missão como dama de companhia de Allura, deveria mostrar a ela o caminho seguro para magia, além de garantir que a princesa tivesse seu reconhecimento na corte, todos os feiticeiros contavam com ela!
Foi apresentada à princesa engoliu seco, não esperava que Allura fosse tão princesa! Mesmo assim soltou um sorriso e se apresentou a ela como sua dama, desde então daria e tiraria a vida de alguém pela Auran. A última parte nem tanto, mas gostava que todos na guilda dos feiticeiros pensem que sim, afinal o príncipe não era tão ruim… só um pouco: fraco? Era o que ela pensava quando o via treinando com os demais, dando de ombros em seguida, tinha uma missão, seu povo contava com ela, não ia decepcionar.
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Por ser uma Genasi do fogo tem a pele avermelhada e os olhos castanhos com reflexos laranja.
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Catrina é filha de uma antiga linhagem Genasi, sendo que sempre a família sempre gozou de grande prestígio e poderes em decorrência de uma barganha feita com um dragão pelo lendário vovô Emere muitos séculos antes. Dessa forma, magia e poderes sempre estiveram presentes na vida de Catrina. Dona de uma magia ligada à natureza e seu caos ela nunca tem medo de tentar coisas novas, e bem… Se as coisas saírem errado? “Saíram! Bora consertar!” Não é incomum vê-la saindo de alguma sala com o rosto cheio de cinzas e um feitiço novo escrito no pergaminho chamuscado. Orgulhosa de si mesma e de seus poderes vive atrás da princesa incentivando-a a usar os poderes.
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Extrovertida e esforçada: Catrina não mede esforços para conseguir o que lhe pedem ou o que quer, vive estudando feitiços novos e novas formas de controlar os poderes para ajudar Allura, bem como para aumentar os seus próprios poderes. Ao mesmo tempo que faria amizade com a parede se deixassem, espere uma vez ela já fez mesmo amizade com uma parede, mas isso é outra história. Diverte-se com a amiga que adora flertar por aí, assim tem seus momentos depois de um ou dois copos de bebidas, quando se esquece de sua “missão”.
Ardilosa e orgulhosa: Sua missão na corte não tem as melhores das intenções, contudo ela tenta manter a fachada de “boa menina”, sempre sorrindo para o rei e para rainha, dizendo que essa história dos feiticeiros estarem contra o governo é apenas fofoca! Raramente admite que está errada, além disso sempre está mostrando os poderes por aí, mesmo que o rei não goste muito.
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blackpaladinsbang · 4 years
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Title: Tips for Annoying Your Boyfriend
Author: julia-sets
Artist: esper
Rating: T
Pairings: Shiro/Keith (background Allura/Lance) 
Warnings: No warnings apply 
Shiro and Keith have been dating for almost a year when Shiro realizes that they haven’t had a single fight, not even over the little stuff. It should be a good thing, but it nags at him instead. He can't shake the worry that Keith doesn’t feel comfortable in their relationship. Clearly the only way forward is to annoy Keith into a fight—for his own good, of course. Unfortunately it’s a lot harder than he thought it would be!
See the art on Twitter!
Read the fic on Ao3
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Update F/O List
(All depicted as 18+)
Romantic F/O’S
DC comics
- Wonder Woman Ship Name: The warriors fool (hint: i’m the fool)
- Black Canary Ship Name: Benary, my Canary, sing of my love
- Big Barda Ship Name: Benarda, Big heart for me
- Supergirl Ship Name: My superb girl
- Hippolyta Ship Name: Hibenyta, Benyta,
- Catwoman Ship Name: Benselina, Selen, clawed your way to my heart
- Starfire Ship Name: fire of my heart, your my star
- Batgirl Ship Name: my bat
- Harley Quinn Ship Name: Benarley, Benley, Harlen, mischievous romance
- Zatanna Ship Name: Zatannen, Bennana , Betanna, worked your magic on me
- Hawkgirl Ship Name: My darling Hawk
- Giganta Ship Name: Bengal, Giganen
- Huntress Ship Name: My huntress, hunted hearts
- Killer Frost Ship Name: pleasant chills in my heart
- Lady Shiva Ship Name: Beniva
- Talia al Ghul Ship Name: Talia all mine
- Vicki Vale Ship Name: tbb
- Lois Lane Ship Name: tbd
- Lady Blackhawk Ship Name: tbd
- Captain Marvel Ship Name: Captain of my heart, marvelous lovers
- She-Hulk Ship Name: she-mine
- Emma Frost Ship Name: Bemma, Benma
- X-23 Ship Name: BenX-23, Benura (Laura used here)
- Magick Ship Name: Under your spell, Benick
- Mystique Ship Name: Benstique, Mystien
- Black Widow Ship Name: Benidow
- Shuri Ship Name: shuri she is mine
- Gamora Ship Name: Gamoren, Benora
- Amora Ship Name: Amoren
- Scarlet Witch Ship Name: Scarlet kiss
- Spider-gwen Ship Name: She caught my heart
- Black Cat Ship Name: benlicia
- Rogue Ship Name: Benogue, Roben
- Storm Ship Name: brewin’ a storm in my heart
- Thor Ship Name: worthy to hold his hand, Lightning lover
- Valkyrie Ship Name: Benkyrie, Valken
- Sif Ship Name: sifen, Benif
- Hela Ship Name: Benla, Helen
- Silver Sable Ship Name: Benable
- Hawkeye Ship Name: caught my eye, prey to your love
- Captain America Ship Name: Captain of my love
- T'challa Ship Name: Benchalla T'benlla
- Psylocke Ship Name: tbd
- Jean Grey Ship Name: tbd
- Kitty Pryde Ship Name: tbd
- Abigail Brand Ship Name: tbd
- Astolfo Ship Name: Benolfo, Astbeno
- Saber Ship Name: Saben, Bener
- Saber Alter Ship Name: Alter bener
- Jeanne Ship Name: Benne,Jeaner
- Jalter Ship Name: Benter,Jalten
- Mordred Ship Name: Mordoren,Bendred
- Link Ship Name: Benk, Linen
- Urbosa Ship Name: Urbosen,Benbosa
- Zelda Ship Name: Zelden, Benda
- Mipha Ship Name: Benpha, Miben
- Shiek Ship Name: Shien, Benek
- Midna Ship Name: Midnen, Bena
 Star Wars
- Ahsoka Tano Ship Name: Ahsoken, Bensoka
- Sabine Wren Ship Name: Sabene, Benine
- Hera Syndulla Ship Name: Heren, benra
- General Grievous Ship Name: four armed hug
- Aayla Secura Ship Name: Aaylen, secura in my heart
- Shaak Ti Ship Name: Shaen, Benti
- Obi-Wan Kenobi Ship Name: only one Kenobi
- Jaina Solo Ship Name: Janen
- Mara Jade Ship Name: Maren, Jaden
- Luke Skywalker Ship Name: Luken Skyben
- Captain Phasma Ship Name: Bensma, Phaben, command my heart
- Padme Amidala Ship Name: Queen of my heart, Bename
- Mon Mothma Ship Name: Mon lovema , Mon lover
- Jyn Erso Ship Name: Jynen, Benyn
- Iden Versio Ship Name: Idenen
- Leia Organa Ship Name: Lenen, Benia
- Cassian Andor Ship Name: Cassien, Benian
- L3-37 Ship Name: L<3-<37
- Wilhuff Tarkin Ship Name: Wilhufen, Benhuff
- Shiro Ship Name: Shirnen, Henri, Beniro
- Allura Ship Name: Alluring Allura
- Pidge/Katie Ship Name: Katien, Benidge
- Axca Ship Name: Benca, Axen
- Krolia Ship Name: Krolien, Benrolia
- Tae Takemi Ship Name: Tae Taken my heart!
- Sae Niijima Ship Name: Seanen, Benae
- Sadayo Kawakami Ship Name: Sadayonen, Benyo
- Ann Takamaki Ship name: tbd
- Akira Kusuru Ship Name: tbd
- Daisy Ship Name: my flower, my delightful, Dainen
- Peach Ship Name: she’s a peach 💙
- Rosalina Ship Name: Rosalina is my rosey girl
- Pauline Ship Name: 1UP boy & 1UP girl
 Fire Emblem
- Lucina Ship Name: Lucinen,Benina
- Lyn Ship Name: Beyn, Lynen
- Male Robin & Female Robin Ship Name: Robins love
- Male & Female Grima Ship Name: Grimen, Benma
- Bayonetta Ship Name: Benyonetta, Babe-o-mine-o, She’s my bit-witch!
- Samus Ship Name: The Hunters Bounty
- Dark Samus Ship Name: Dark lovers, Benus, Samen
- 2B Ship Name: 2B URS
- A2 Ship Name: 2 lovers
- Yorha Commander Ship Name: YORmy Commander 💙, Commanded love
 Rainbow Six Siege
- Frost Ship Name: Operation: Loving you , Strategic loving
- Buck Ship Name: Buck of my heart, shoot your love my way
- Ash Ship Name: Ashen
- Thermite Ship Name: TherMINE
- Castle Ship Name: Guard my heart
- Pulse Ship Name: my pulse
- Twitch Ship Name: benitch
- Montagne Ship Name: Benagne
- Rook Ship Name: Benook
- Doc Ship Name: Heal my heart
- Dokkaebi Ship Name: Benbi, Dokken
- Finka Ship Name: I Finka I love you
- Ela Ship Name: Elen, Benla
- Zofia Ship Name: Zofien, Benia
- IQ Ship Name: I think your Qute
- Jager Ship Name: Janer, Janen
- Caveira Ship Name: Caveiren, Benira
- Valkyrie Ship Name: Valkyrien, Benrie
- Vigil Ship Name: Vigilen, Vigilance
- Kaid Ship Name: Kaiden, Benid
- Nomad Ship Name: Nomaden, Benad
- Lion Ship Name: Lionen, Beion
- Hibana Ship Name: Hibena,Benana
- Ruby Rose Ship Name: Ruby lovers, my ruby rose
- Yang Xiao Long Ship Name: Gauntlet Love
- Blake Belladonna Ship Name: Belladonnen
- Weiss Schnee Ship Name: Weissen
- Pyrrha Nikos Ship Name: Pyrrhaen
- Roman Torchwick Ship Name: Romen, Benan
- Winter Schnee Ship Name: My eternal Winter
- Emerald Sustrai Ship Name: Emeralden
- Coco Adel Ship Name: Cocoen, Benco
- Velvet Scarlatina Ship Name: Velvet kisses
- Arslan Altan Ship Name: Arslen
- Nora Valkyrie Ship Name: Noranen
- Cinder Fall Ship Name: fallen for you
- Glynda Goodwitch Ship Name: Benda, Bewitched
 Metal Gear Solid
- The Boss/The Joy Ship Name: joy of mine
- Quiet Ship Name: hushed sweet nothings, Quieten, Benet
- Meryl Silverburgh Ship Name: Meren, Benyl
- Sniper Wolf Ship Name: TARGET: My heart
 Full Metal Alchemist
- Olivier Mira Armstrong Ship Name: Benvier, strong love
- Riza Hawkeye Ship Name: Risa caught my eye
- Izumi Curtis Ship Name: Izubenmi
- Lust Ship Name: lusting after you
- Greed Ship Name: greedy for your love
- Mercy Ship Name: Bency, Merben
- Pharah Ship Name: Pharen, Benarah
- D.VA Ship Name: D<3.va
- Widowmaker Ship Name: widow no longer, caught my heart
- Sombra Ship Name: Somben
- Ana Ship Name: Anaen, Bena
- Ashe Ship Name: outlawed love
- Mcree Ship Name: fastest heart stealer in the wild west 🔫
- Moira Ship Name: Moira O'mine
- Mei Ship Name: Mei cutie, Benei
- Zarya Ship Name: Zaren
- Reaper Ship Name: death’s embrace is sweet
- Baptiste Ship Name: tbd
 Kid Icarus
- Palutena Ship Name: Palunten, Goddess of my heart
 Legend of Korra
- Korra Ship Name: Koren
- Asami Ship Name: Asamien
- Ariel Ship Name: I wanna be part of your world
- Jasmine Ship Name: a whole new love
- Elsa Ship Name: Frozen Heart
- Moana Ship Name: voyage to the heart
- Sergeant Calhoun Ship Name: Lover’s duty
 Harry Potter
- Hermione Ship Name: Benione, HerMINE
- Fleur Ship Name: my pretty Fleur
- Narcissa Ship Name: Narcissen
- Tonks Ship Name: Benks
- Arcee Ship Name: Acreen
- Optimus Prime Ship Name: Prime hearts
- Windblade Ship Name: Windenlade, Bende
- Shockwave Ship Name: Heart shocker!
- Soundwave Ship Name: your music to my ears
- Shatter Ship Name: don’t shatter my heart!
 Final Fantasy
- Lunafreya Ship Name: Oracle of Love
- Cindy Aurum Ship Name: Garage beauty, Cinen
- Aranea Highwind Ship Name: protector of mine
- Tifa Lockhart Ship Name: Fast, Furious and all mine
- Terra Branford Ship Name: Esper of my heart
 Mass Effect
- Jane Shepard Ship Name: Bane
- Tali'Zorah Ship Name: Zoran mine
- Vetra Nyx Ship Name: Vetranen, Benyx
- Liara T'soni Ship Name: Liaren, Benara
- Sara Ryder Ship Name: Ryder of mine
- Miranda Lawson Ship Name: Miranden, Lawnen
 League of Legends
- Akali Ship Name: Akalien
- Ahri Ship Name: Ahrien
- Katarina Ship Name: Kataben
- Sona Ship Name: Sonaben
 Doctor Who
- 13th Doctor Ship Name: 13th times the charm
- 10th Doctor Ship Name: intergalactic love
  Assassin’s Creed
- Kassandra Ship Name: fierce lover, tiger heart
- Evie Frye Ship Name: Sophisticated love
- Aya of Siwa Ship Name: Ayen
 My Hero Academia
- Rumi Usagiyama(Mirko) Ship Name: Usagiyen
- Nemuri Kayama(Midnight) Ship Name: kayaen
- Yu Takeyama(Mt. Lady) Ship Name: Takeyen
- Ryuko Tatsuma(Ryukyu) Ship Name: Ryukoen
- Maya Ship Name: Maya Girl, perfectly calculated love
- Lilith Ship Name: Lithen
- Mad Moxxi Ship Name: Madly in love
- Athena Ship Name: Athen
- Kelly 087 Ship Name: Kellen
- Linda 058 Ship Name:Linaben
- John 117 Ship Name: Johnen
- Cortana Ship Name: Cortanen
- Thel ‘Vadam Ship Name: tbd
- Dana Scully Ship Name: Not so mysterious love
 The Witcher
- Ciri Ship Name: Burning Emerald
- Yennefer Ship Name: raven haired beauty
- Triss Merigold Ship Name: My gold
 Red Dead Redemption
- Arthur Morgan Ship Name: Arthen, Morganen
- Sadie Adler Ship Name: Sadien
 Detroit Become Human
- Kara Ship Name: Karaen
- North Ship Name: Noren
- Connor Ship Name: Conen, Connoren
- Markus Ship Name: Markusen, Marken
 Resident Evil
- Ada Wong Ship Name: love in the red dress
- Claire Redfield Ship Name: Clairen, Benire
- Jill Valentine Ship Name: Jillen, my valentine (or sandwich)
- Leon S Kennedy Ship Name: not a rookie at love
- Rebecca Chambers Ship Name: healthy loving, refreshing love
 Kingdom Hearts
- Aqua Ship Name: Aquen, Benua
 Just Cause
- Rico Rodriguez Ship Name: Ricen, Chaos filled love
- Mira Morales Ship Name: Mien
- Gabriela Morales Ship Name: Gaben, Moralen
 Titanfall (including apex legends)
- Jack Cooper Ship Name: tbd
- Bangalore Ship Name: tbd
- Gibraltar Ship Name: tbd
- Mirage Ship Name: tbd
- Bloodhound Ship Name: tbd
- Caustic Ship Name: Tbd
Call of Duty
- Gideon (Advanced Warfare) Ship Name: tbd
- Ilona (Advanced Warfare) Ship Name: tbd
- Salen Kotch (Infinite Warfare) Ship Name: tbd
- Robert Zussman (COD WW2) Ship Name: tbd
- Joseph Turner (COD WW2) Ship Name:
- John “Soap” Mactavish (MW2/MW3) Ship Name: tbd
- Spectre (Black Ops 3) Ship Name: tbd
- Battery (Black Ops ¾) Ship Name: tbd
- Ruin (Black Ops ¾) Ship Name: tbd
 Red vs Blue
- Agent Carolina Ship Name: tbd
- Agent Texas Ship Name: tbd
Girls Frontline
- M16A1 Ship Name: tbd
- AUG Ship Name: tbd
- CZ-805 Ship Name: tbd
- Grizzly Mk V Ship Name: tbd
- KSG Ship Name: tbd
- AK-12 Ship Name: tbd
- M4A1 Ship Name: tbd
- M4 SOPMOD II Ship Name: tbd
- UMP40 Ship Name: tbd
- UMP45 Ship Name: tbd
- UMP9 Ship Name: tbd
- Python Ship Name: tbd
- TAC-50 Ship Name:  tbd
- Springfield Ship Name: tbd
Warhammer 40K
- Saint Celestine Ship Name: tbd
The Dragon Prince
- Amaya Ship Name: tbd
- Sarai Ship Name: tbd
- Claudia Ship Name: tbd
- Cynthia Ship Name: tbd
Attack on Titan
- Annie leonhart Ship Name: cats and crystals
- Mikasa Ackerman Ship Name: benkasa
- Morgan Yu (male) Ship Name: tbd
- Morgan Yu (Female) Ship Name: tbd
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ao3feed-klance · 6 years
The sacrifice of Freedom
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2GBG9on
by KyokoUchiha
25 years ago kids with special abilities were born, which manifest at 12. They are called Espers.
Society can’t accept them. Parents have to take theirs kids to the authorities and get them tested. If they are Espers they will be ranked. #1: the ability is weak and is not a threat to humans; #2: the ability can be used as a weapon and the Esper has to be monitored at all times, either it will be used as a weapon in the military or it will be brought to scientists who will experiment on it; #3 the ability is a threat to humankind and has to be eradicated immediately.
Lance is non-registered, and a Rank 3. He has hidden his ability his entire life and only uses it to gain money and help his family, but when he’s spotted by Allura and pressured into helping find others like him and rescue them in the name of her organization, he has to use his ability openly.
As a result he meets Keith, another Rank 3 Esper and property of the military. He's hot-tempered and a lone wolf, who does nothing but grate on Lance’s nerves. It is precisely why Lance feels drawn to him.
Words: 2846, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Lance (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, The Blade of Marmora, Shay (Voltron), Lotor (Voltron), Lotor's Generals (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Superpowers, Inhuman Treatment, Violence, Cage Fights, Angst, Background Relationships, Smut, Bottom Lance (Voltron), Top Keith (Voltron), Other Additional Tags to Be Added
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2GBG9on
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spacelurs · 7 years
"Allura, já parou pra reparar o abdômen do Shiro? Preste atenção durante os treinamentos, aquele homem é um pedaço de mau caminho." (elshooter)
・゚✧ // @elshooter.
❛pedaço de mau caminho? ❜ a princesa repetiu, porém n’um tom confuso. ❛não fico reparando nessas coisas, lance. é invasivo e indecente… mas se está tentando me dizer que seu físico é forte, rígido e como o de um guerreiro exemplar, estou ciente. só não entendo como isto poderia levar alguém a cometer um crime, em vez de inspirar um treinamento braçal. ❜ao término da frase, seus olhos estreitaram-se enquanto pensava, com uma mão debaixo do queixo. talvez fosse apenas uma expressão terráquea? oh, espere um pouco…
ela piscou rápido, retornando a atenção total ao paladino, desta vez com um sorriso travesso e as sobrancelhas indo para cima e baixo. ❛por que, lance? você anda prestando atenção, é?❜
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breezy-cheezy · 8 years
For the MP100 Ask meme, #10, if this Ask is the extra push you need to type that up. :p
*squints* Oh right, I remember who this is now lol thanks
MP100 Ask Meme!
10. Is there any character that you strongly identify with or understand their behavior?
Haaaaaaaahahah okay SO I already said Mob, and there’s another reason I relate to him too...y’see, I headcanon Mob has Attention Deficit Disorder...like me. I meant to make a whole post with example pics and stuff but that’s taking me forever so I’ll do it some here! Just the way he spaces out so often (ex. crouching down and hyperfocusing on a trail of ants whilst forgetting Reigen is still talking to him, orrr...the entirety of the “demon king” mini arc, with Mob constantly thinking about what he’s going to do for his school festival even while he’s taking care of some pretty “dangerous” spirits with Serizawa. There are more, that’s just off the top of my head) and the particular way he struggles in school (he’s not dumb, he just...misses information so often that he gets lost and is too shy to ask about it) really strikes a chord with me! Alot of things he does I also have done (spacing out often, hyperfocusing on certain things, talking slowly to let words catch up with the mind and hopefully say the right thing) and it’s just really interesting to see on a story protagonist! I find him relatable in alot of ways; my A.D.D. headcanon being one of the big ones ;v;
You also added later...
14. Is there any crossover other than OPM that catches your attention?
...all of you asked this X’’’D Okay so I can’t believe I never saw one of these, so i ended up thinking of a Voltron crossover myself! Thennn I mentioned it to Xi one day and many thoughts later it grew into a rather big thing! O.o Just my luck. X’’D But here, figure out who each paladin is based on a redraw of that one iconic screenshot:
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Lol, that took longer to draw than I thought it would Ovo;;;; I’ll post it separately when I draw up Mob and Ritsu (the roles of Allura and Coran, respectively :P) The outfits are mainly based of canon MP100, but with color tweaks to match their paladin colors ;) (the only black clothing I’ve seen for Teru is that awful World Domination arc tracksuit of his, so I guess he’s stuck with that X’’’’’D It kinda works??) 
11. Headcanons on older (Teru, Reigen)?
Oh boy oh boy *rubs hands together* I guess I can try and throw out a few? I’mmm not that great at this but...
- He eventually grows his hair out again, long enough to easily tie in a ponytail; not to impress others, but because he himself likes it that way and likes having more styling options!
- I think he enjoys working with the awakening lab kids so much that he continues to teach...I can’t decide if it would be gathering more young espers and guiding them so they don’t make the same mistakes he did, or just a normal teaching job in general. *shrug*
- Teru just grows more confident in himself, but not for his powers; he’s made great progress in becoming a Good Person. 
- He’s still incredibly grateful to Mob for setting him on this path in the first place, and I like to think they’re still close friends as the years go by and life takes them in different directions.
- This poor man starts greying waaaaaayyyy early X’’’D
- Sometimes scares Mob and Seri by throwing out his back or something, since he can’t be as hypermobile as he used to without hurting himself! Old habits die hard though...it once got so bad that Mob and Seri had to practically force the silly man to go to a hospital;;;;
- He got Empty Nest Syndrome really badly when Mob finally quit work and moved on... (to Highschool or college? Idk) But Mob still comes by so they can have lunch together once every one or two weeks, and they keep in contact through texts and emails so it’s not...as painful. Not to mention Serizawa still works with him and that Shou kid continues to drop in his office at random intervals, so the loneliness isn’t too crippling.
- Speaking of the little fireball, somehow Reigen ended up with unofficial custody of Shou. He’s been well informed of the kid’s family situation, however, so it’s not like he really minds.
- I also like to think that Reigen ended up friends with the 7th division Claw members, and they go out to drink occasionally. He drags Seri along most of the time for this X’’D (I just want the guy to have more friends his age too, c’mon)
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ao3feed-safeklance · 8 years
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2moHbGw
by Halcyonranhuer
Voltron is a vigilante Mafia group formed by a mis-mash of certain individuals who band together for the sake of fulfilling each of their own goals. Shiro and Keith are on the run, Pidge is searching for her brother, Hunk just wants to start life anew, Lance is trying to find a way home and Allura just craves for revenge.
Words: 2887, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Shoot me in the head (and I'll stab you in the heart)
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Shiro (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Original Characters, Zarkon (Voltron), Haggar (Voltron), Matt Holt, Lotor (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Keith & Shiro (Voltron), Hunk & Lance (Voltron)
Additional Tags: mafia au, guns and swords, Vigilante, Violence, Blood, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Alcohol, Abuse, Sexual assualt, Voltron's a Mafia-Vigilante group, Lance is a great actor, protective keith, Some save Hunk my cinnamon roll, he is too innocent for this, pidge is savage, BMAF Shiro, Complicated Family ties, Apathy, lack of compassion, Mutual Pining, Female Pronouns for Pidge | Katie Holt, Slight use of esper like powers, All of this is just a bad excuse of wanting to see Keith in a yukata, Scars, Tattoos
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2moHbGw
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read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2moHbGw
by Halcyonranhuer
Voltron is a vigilante Mafia group formed by a mis-mash of certain individuals who band together for the sake of fulfilling each of their own goals. Shiro and Keith are on the run, Pidge is searching for her brother, Hunk just wants to start life anew, Lance is trying to find a way home and Allura just craves for revenge.
Words: 2887, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Shoot me in the head (and I'll stab you in the heart)
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Shiro (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Original Characters, Zarkon (Voltron), Haggar (Voltron), Matt Holt, Lotor (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Keith & Shiro (Voltron), Hunk & Lance (Voltron)
Additional Tags: mafia au, guns and swords, Vigilante, Violence, Blood, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Alcohol, Abuse, Sexual assualt, Voltron's a Mafia-Vigilante group, Lance is a great actor, protective keith, Some save Hunk my cinnamon roll, he is too innocent for this, pidge is savage, BMAF Shiro, Complicated Family ties, Apathy, lack of compassion, Mutual Pining, Female Pronouns for Pidge | Katie Holt, Slight use of esper like powers, All of this is just a bad excuse of wanting to see Keith in a yukata, Scars, Tattoos
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2moHbGw
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aurunprincess · 4 years
𝔗𝔥𝔦𝔰 𝔦𝔰 𝔫𝔬𝔱 𝔪𝔶 𝔦𝔡𝔢𝔞 𝔬𝔣 𝔣𝔲𝔫
                     ❝  Long before they met were destined to be wedded   However anyone could see the only point on which they didn't disagree                  Was that the very thought of summertime was dreaded ❞
                                            { Alluras’s Point of View }
Faltavam apenas um dia para o verão começar e já se completavam por volta de cinco anos desde que a princesa Allura de Brightland não mais temia os verões. Cinco anos desde que ela tivera que passar um verão inteiro ao lado do noivo que seu pai arrumara para ela. Desde seus cinco anos, todos os verões eram ao lado dele, lembrava-se de não ir com a cara do ruivo desde a primeira vez que o vira. Ele era alguns anos mais velho que ela mas ainda assim era uma criança, mesmo que o tempo se passasse, a idade mental de Máximus Augusto parecia continuar a mesma, ou pior, regredir. E era exatamente por isso que ele se dava tão bem com Arthur.
Agora, após passar um bom tempo sem vê-lo, ela começava a respirar aliviada. Talvez o pai havia desistido do casamento. Talvez Máximus havia morrido na campanha contra os orcs. Eram muitas as possibilidades, ela só sabia que estava aliviada, em paz. Contudo, a sorte nunca estava a seu favor, enquanto ela tomava chá com a madrasta e suas damas de companhia no salão das mulheres, seu pai mandou chamá-la do lado de fora, afinal, homens não eram permitidos ali dentro, mesmo se este homem fosse o rei. “Majestade?” - Allura indagou de forma respeitosa. “Venha criança, venha comigo, precisamos conversar.” - E assim ambos partiram em direção aos jardins para uma caminhada. Obviamente não estavam sozinhos, eram seguidos pelos guardas de ambos numa distância respeitável. “Tenho uma novidade para você. A campanha com os Orcs fora encerrada no final dos mês passado.” - O rei contou com uma certez empolgação, um certo sorriso nos lábios. Algo que Allura não entendia. O que deveria dizer? Apenas virou a cabeça de lado a fim de encarar o pai, mas não disse nada, apenas esperou que o rei continuasse. “Pois bem, como sabe, o filho do Conde Lighthree estava na camapnha e...” - Ele fez uma pausa dramatica, fazendo com que a mensão do filho do lider da guilda dos guerreiros e a pausa fizessem seu coração pular uma batida e o estomago embrulhasse. “E...” - Perguntou ela ansiosa. Será que Máximus havia morrido? Não que ela queria que o nobre falecesse, não lhe desejava mal, mas também não lhe desejava de forma alguma. “Não seja ansiosa Allura, não me interrompa. Este não é um comportamente digno de minha filha.” - Ele ralhou com ela, virando sua cabeça na direção da mais nova com os olhos arregalados fazendo com que Allura se encolhesse e olhasse para o chão. “E Máximus está voltando para cá como um herói, ele passará o verão ao seu lado. “ - Ele anunciara de forma impaciênte e antes que ela tivesse qualquer chance de falar qualquer coisa ele voltou a falar. “E eu não quero ouvir mais nenhum comentário sobre isso ou este noivado se transformará num casamento mais rápido do que o planejado.” - O rei Alexander parou abruptamente e sem mais nem menos se retirou, deixando Allura sozinha, estática, incrédula. Queria gritar com todas as forças mas se quer conseguia encontrar a própria voz. Fechou a mãos em punho, apertando as unhas pontiagudas na carne de sua palma, sem se dar conta da força que punha ali, sem se dar conta que apertava as mãos tão fortes que as unhas rasgavam-lhe a pele deixando pequenas marquinhas sangrentas. Elas não podia ver agora, mas seus olhos já não eram mais castanhos, eles foram tomados por uma cor violeta vivo enquanto a raiva borbulhava dentro de si. Ela estava prestes a explodir, por isso reunindo toda sua coragem ela voltou a caminhar sem olhar para trás. Fez um sinal com a mão para seus guardas que não queria ser seguida e rumou em direção a seu jardim e lá ficou até o dia seguinte quando Catrina gritou diante da porta trancada que botaria fogo no jardim inteiro caso a princesa não lhe deixasse entrar.
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F/O List
(All depicted as 18+)
Romantic F/O’S
DC comics
- Wonder Woman Ship Name: The warriors fool (hint: i’m the fool)
- Black Canary Ship Name: Benary, my Canary, sing of my love
- Big Barda Ship Name: Benarda, Big heart for me
- Supergirl Ship Name: My superb girl
- Hippolyta Ship Name: Hibenyta, Benyta,
- Catwoman Ship Name: Benselina, Selen, clawed your way to my heart
- Starfire Ship Name: fire of my heart, your my star
- Batgirl Ship Name: my bat
- Harley Quinn Ship Name: Benarley, Benley, Harlen, mischievous romance
- Zatanna Ship Name: Zatannen, Bennana , Betanna, worked your magic on me
- Hawkgirl Ship Name: My darling Hawk
- Giganta Ship Name: Bengal, Giganen
- Huntress Ship Name: My huntress, hunted hearts
- Killer Frost Ship Name: pleasant chills in my heart
- Lady Shiva Ship Name: Beniva
- Talia al Ghul Ship Name: Talia all mine
- Vicki Vale Ship Name: tbb
- Lois Lane Ship Name: tbd
- Lady Blackhawk Ship Name: tbd
- Captain Marvel Ship Name: Captain of my heart, marvelous lovers
- She-Hulk Ship Name: she-mine
- Emma Frost Ship Name: Bemma, Benma
- X-23 Ship Name: BenX-23, Benura (Laura used here)
- Magick Ship Name: Under your spell, Benick
- Mystique Ship Name: Benstique, Mystien
- Black Widow Ship Name: Benidow
- Shuri Ship Name: shuri she is mine
- Gamora Ship Name: Gamoren, Benora
- Amora Ship Name: Amoren
- Scarlet Witch Ship Name: Scarlet kiss
- Spider-gwen Ship Name: She caught my heart
- Black Cat Ship Name: benlicia
- Rogue Ship Name: Benogue, Roben
- Storm Ship Name: brewin’ a storm in my heart
- Thor Ship Name: worthy to hold his hand, Lightning lover
- Valkyrie Ship Name: Benkyrie, Valken
- Sif Ship Name: sifen, Benif
- Hela Ship Name: Benla, Helen
- Silver Sable Ship Name: Benable
- Hawkeye Ship Name: caught my eye, prey to your love
- Captain America Ship Name: Captain of my love
- Captain Ameria 2099 Ship Name: tbd
- T'challa Ship Name: Benchalla T'benlla
- Psylocke Ship Name: tbd
- Jean Grey Ship Name: tbd
- Kitty Pryde Ship Name: tbd
- Abigail Brand Ship Name: tbd
- Maria Hill Ship Name: tbd
- Mockingbird Ship Name: tbd
- Astolfo Ship Name: Benolfo, Astbeno
- Saber Ship Name: Saben, Bener
- Saber Alter Ship Name: Alter bener
- Jeanne Ship Name: Benne,Jeaner
- Jalter Ship Name: Benter,Jalten
- Mordred Ship Name: Mordoren,Bendred
- Billy The Kid Ship Name: tbd
- Saber prototype Ship Name: proto Saben
- Nero Ship Name: tbd
- Link Ship Name: Benk, Linen
- Urbosa Ship Name: Urbosen,Benbosa
- Zelda Ship Name: Zelden, Benda
- Mipha Ship Name: Benpha, Miben
- Shiek Ship Name: Shien, Benek
- Midna Ship Name: Midnen, Bena
 Star Wars
- Ahsoka Tano Ship Name: Ahsoken, Bensoka
- Sabine Wren Ship Name: Sabene, Benine
- Hera Syndulla Ship Name: Heren, benra
- General Grievous Ship Name: four armed hug
- Aayla Secura Ship Name: Aaylen, secura in my heart
- Shaak Ti Ship Name: Shaen, Benti
- Obi-Wan Kenobi Ship Name: only one Kenobi
- Jaina Solo Ship Name: Janen
- Mara Jade Ship Name: Maren, Jaden
- Luke Skywalker Ship Name: Luken, Skyben
- Captain Phasma Ship Name: Bensma, Phaben, command my heart
- Padme Amidala Ship Name: Queen of my heart, Bename
- Mon Mothma Ship Name: Mon lovema , Mon lover
- Jyn Erso Ship Name: Jynen, Benyn
- Iden Versio Ship Name: Idenen
- Leia Organa Ship Name: Lenen, Benia
- Cassian Andor Ship Name: Cassien, Benian
- L3-37 Ship Name: L<3-<37
- Wilhuff Tarkin Ship Name: Wilhufen, Benhuff
- Shiro Ship Name: Shirnen, Henri, Beniro
- Allura Ship Name: Alluring Allura
- Pidge/Katie Ship Name: Katien, Benidge
- Axca Ship Name: Benca, Axen
- Krolia Ship Name: Krolien, Benrolia
- Tae Takemi Ship Name: Tae Taken my heart!
- Sae Niijima Ship Name: Seanen, Benae
- Sadayo Kawakami Ship Name: Sadayonen, Benyo
- Ann Takamaki Ship name: tbd
- Akira Kusuru Ship Name: tbd
- Daisy Ship Name: my flower, my delightful, Dainen
- Peach Ship Name: she’s a peach 💙
- Rosalina Ship Name: Rosalina is my rosey girl
- Pauline Ship Name: 1UP boy & 1UP girl
 Fire Emblem
- Lucina Ship Name: Lucinen,Benina
- Lyn Ship Name: Beyn, Lynen
- Male Robin & Female Robin Ship Name: Robins love
- Male & Female Grima Ship Name: Grimen, Benma
- Bayonetta Ship Name: Benyonetta, Babe-o-mine-o, She’s my bit-witch!
- Samus Ship Name: The Hunters Bounty
- Dark Samus Ship Name: Dark lovers, Benus, Samen
- 2B Ship Name: 2B URS
- A2 Ship Name: 2 lovers
- Yorha Commander Ship Name: YORmy Commander 💙, Commanded love
 Rainbow Six Siege
- Frost Ship Name: Operation: Loving you, Strategic loving
- Buck Ship Name: Buck of my heart, shoot your love my way
- Ash Ship Name: Ashen
- Thermite Ship Name: TherMINE
- Castle Ship Name: Guard my heartfelt
- Pulse Ship Name: my pulse
- Twitch Ship Name: benitch
- Montagne Ship Name: Benagne
- Rook Ship Name: Benook
- Doc Ship Name: Heal my heart
- Dokkaebi Ship Name: Benbi, Dokken
- Finka Ship Name: I Finka I love you
- Ela Ship Name: Elen, Benla
- Zofia Ship Name: Zofien, Benia
- IQ Ship Name: I think your Qute
- Jager Ship Name: Janer, Janen
- Caveira Ship Name: Caveiren, Benira
- Valkyrie Ship Name: Valkyrien, Benrie
- Vigil Ship Name: Vigilen, Vigilance
- Kaid Ship Name: Kaiden, Benid
- Nomad Ship Name: Nomaden, Benad
- Lion Ship Name: Lionen, Beion
- Hibana Ship Name: Hibena,Benana
- Ruby Rose Ship Name: Ruby lovers, my ruby rose
- Yang Xiao Long Ship Name: Gauntlet Love
- Blake Belladonna Ship Name: Belladonnen
- Weiss Schnee Ship Name: Weissen
- Pyrrha Nikos Ship Name: Pyrrhaen
- Roman Torchwick Ship Name: Romen, Benan
- Winter Schnee Ship Name: My eternal Winter
- Emerald Sustrai Ship Name: Emeralden
- Coco Adel Ship Name: Cocoen, Benco
- Velvet Scarlatina Ship Name: Velvet kisses
- Arslan Altan Ship Name: Arslen
- Nora Valkyrie Ship Name: Noranen
- Cinder Fall Ship Name: fallen for you
- Glynda Goodwitch Ship Name: Benda, Bewitched
 Metal Gear Solid
- The Boss/The Joy Ship Name: joy of mine
- Quiet Ship Name: hushed sweet nothings, Quieten, Benet
- Meryl Silverburgh Ship Name: Meren, Benyl
- Sniper Wolf Ship Name: TARGET: My heart
 Full Metal Alchemist
- Olivier Mira Armstrong Ship Name: Benvier, strong love
- Riza Hawkeye Ship Name: Risa caught my eye
- Izumi Curtis Ship Name: Izubenmi
- Lust Ship Name: lusting after you
- Greed Ship Name: greedy for your love
- Mercy Ship Name: Bency, Merben
- Pharah Ship Name: Pharen, Benarah
- D.VA Ship Name: D<3.va
- Widowmaker Ship Name: widow no longer, caught my heart
- Sombra Ship Name: Somben
- Ana Ship Name: Anaen, Bena
- Ashe Ship Name: outlawed love
- Mcree Ship Name: fastest heart stealer in the wild west 🔫
- Moira Ship Name: Moira O'mine
- Mei Ship Name: Mei cutie, Benei
- Zarya Ship Name: Zaren
- Reaper Ship Name: death’s embrace is sweet
- Baptiste Ship Name: tbd
 Kid Icarus
- Palutena Ship Name: Palunten, Goddess of my heart
 Legend of Korra
- Korra Ship Name: Koren
- Asami Ship Name: Asamien
- Ariel Ship Name: I wanna be part of your world
- Jasmine Ship Name: a whole new love
- Elsa Ship Name: Frozen Heart
- Sergeant Calhoun Ship Name: Lover’s duty
- Gogo Tomago Ship Name: tbd
 Harry Potter
- Hermione Ship Name: Benione, HerMINE
- Fleur Ship Name: my pretty Fleur
- Narcissa Ship Name: Narcissen
- Tonks Ship Name: Benks
- Arcee Ship Name: Acreen
- Optimus Prime Ship Name: Prime hearts
- Windblade Ship Name: Windenlade, Bende
- Shockwave Ship Name: Heart shocker!
- Soundwave Ship Name: your music to my ears
- Shatter Ship Name: don’t shatter my heart!
 Final Fantasy
- Lunafreya Ship Name: Oracle of Love
- Cindy Aurum Ship Name: Garage beauty, Cinen
- Aranea Highwind Ship Name: protector of mine
- Tifa Lockhart Ship Name: Fast, Furious and all mine
- Terra Branford Ship Name: Esper of my heart
- Fran Ship Name: tbd
- Lightning Farron Ship Name: tbd
- Celes Chere Ship Name: tbd
Mass Effect
- Jane Shepard Ship Name: Bane
- Tali'Zorah Ship Name: Zoran mine
- Vetra Nyx Ship Name: Vetranen, Benyx
- Liara T'soni Ship Name: Liaren, Benara
- Sara Ryder Ship Name: Ryder of mine
- Miranda Lawson Ship Name: Miranden, Lawnen
- Cora Harper Ship Name: tbd
- Garrus Vakarian Ship Name: tbd
League of Legends
- Akali Ship Name: Akalien
- Ahri Ship Name: Ahrien
- Katarina Ship Name: Kataben
- Sona Ship Name: Sonaben
 Doctor Who
- 13th Doctor Ship Name: 13th times the charm
- 10th Doctor Ship Name: intergalactic love
  Assassin’s Creed
- Kassandra Ship Name: fierce lover, tiger heart
- Evie Frye Ship Name: Sophisticated love
- Aya of Siwa Ship Name: Ayen
 My Hero Academia
- Rumi Usagiyama(Mirko) Ship Name: Usagiyen
- Nemuri Kayama(Midnight) Ship Name: kayaen
- Yu Takeyama(Mt. Lady) Ship Name: Takeyen
- Ryuko Tatsuma(Ryukyu) Ship Name: Ryukoen
- Maya Ship Name: Maya Girl, perfectly calculated love
- Lilith Ship Name: Lithen
- Mad Moxxi Ship Name: Madly in love
- Athena Ship Name: Athen
- Kelly 087 Ship Name: Kellen
- Linda 058 Ship Name:Linaben
- John 117 Ship Name: Johnen
- Cortana Ship Name: Cortanen
- Thel ‘Vadam Ship Name: tbd
- Dana Scully Ship Name: Not so mysterious love
 The Witcher
- Ciri Ship Name: Burning Emerald
- Yennefer Ship Name: raven haired beauty
- Triss Merigold Ship Name: My gold
 Red Dead Redemption
- Arthur Morgan Ship Name: Arthen, Morganen
- Sadie Adler Ship Name: Sadien
 Detroit Become Human
- Kara Ship Name: Karaen
- North Ship Name: Noren
- Connor Ship Name: Conen, Connoren
- Markus Ship Name: Markusen, Marken
 Resident Evil
- Ada Wong Ship Name: love in the red dress
- Claire Redfield Ship Name: Clairen, Benire
- Jill Valentine Ship Name: Jillen, my valentine (or sandwich)
- Leon S Kennedy Ship Name: not a rookie at love
- Rebecca Chambers Ship Name: healthy loving, refreshing love
 Kingdom Hearts
- Aqua Ship Name: Aquen, Benua
 Just Cause
- Rico Rodriguez Ship Name: Ricen, Chaos filled love
- Mira Morales Ship Name: Mien
- Gabriela Morales Ship Name: Gaben, Moralen
 Titanfall (including apex legends)
- Jack Cooper Ship Name: tbd
- Bangalore Ship Name: tbd
- Gibraltar Ship Name: tbd
- Mirage Ship Name: tbd
- Bloodhound Ship Name: tbd
- Caustic Ship Name: Tbd
Call of Duty
- Gideon (Advanced Warfare) Ship Name: tbd
- Ilona (Advanced Warfare) Ship Name: tbd
- Salen Kotch (Infinite Warfare) Ship Name: tbd
- Robert Zussman (COD WW2) Ship Name: tbd
- Joseph Turner (COD WW2) Ship Name:
- John “Soap” Mactavish (MW2/MW3) Ship Name: tbd
- Spectre (Black Ops 3) Ship Name: tbd
- Battery (Black Ops ¾) Ship Name: tbd
- Ruin (Black Ops ¾) Ship Name: tbd
 Red vs Blue
- Agent Carolina Ship Name: tbd
- Agent Texas Ship Name: tbd
Girls Frontline
- M16A1 Ship Name: tbd
- AUG Ship Name: tbd
- CZ-805 Ship Name: tbd
- Grizzly Mk V Ship Name: tbd
- KSG Ship Name: tbd
- AK-12 Ship Name: tbd
- M4A1 Ship Name: tbd
- M4 SOPMOD II Ship Name: tbd
- UMP40 Ship Name: tbd
- UMP45 Ship Name: tbd
- UMP9 Ship Name: tbd
- Python Ship Name: tbd
- TAC-50 Ship Name:  tbd
- Springfield Ship Name: tbd
- G36 Ship Name: tbd
-G36C Ship Name: tbd
- M2HB Ship Name: tbd
- M590 Ship Name: tbd
Azur Lane
- Brooklyn Ship Name: tbd
- Phoenix Ship Name: tbd
- Pennsylvania Ship Name: tbd
- North Carolina Ship Name: tbd
- Tennesse Ship Name: tbd
- Washington Ship Name: tbd
- Prince of Wales Ship Name: tbd
Warhammer 40K
- Saint Celestine Ship Name: tbd
The Dragon Prince
- Amaya Ship Name: tbd
- Sarai Ship Name: tbd
- Claudia Ship Name: tbd
- Cynthia Ship Name: tbd
Attack on Titan
- Annie leonhart Ship Name: cats and crystals
- Mikasa Ackerman Ship Name: benkasa
- Morgan Yu (male) Ship Name: tbd
- Morgan Yu (Female) Ship Name: tbd
 Street Fighter
- Chun-li Ship Name: tbd
- Rainbow Mika Ship Name: tbd
- Poison Ship Name: tbd
 Mortal Kombat
- Cassie Cage Ship Name: tbd
- Sonya Blade Ship Name: tbd
- Kitana Ship Name: tbd
- Mileena Ship Name: tbd
- Jade Ship Name: tbd
 The Walking Dead Game
- Molly Ship Name: tbd
 Original Character
- Aroar (ork warlord) Ship Name: tbd
- Shiara (created by theangelslittlecanary) Ship Name: The knight and her neko
 Magic The Gathering
- Knight of Sorrows Ship Name: tbd
- Doom Marine/Guy/slayer Ship Name: tbd
- Chell Ship Name: tbd
- Alyx Vance Ship Name: tbd
- GLaDOS Ship Name: tbd
- Mithrax the Forsaken Ship Name: tbd
- Mara Sov Ship Name: tbd
- Lord Shaxx Ship Name: tbd
 Parental & Platonic F/O’S
- Count Dooku (Star Wars) Relation: Father figure
- Kate Kane (DC Comics) Relation: Adopted mother
- Dick Grayson (DC Comics) Best Friend/Brother
- Damian Wayne (DC Comics) Brother/Friend/Step-dad
- Cassandra Cain (DC Comics) Brother/Friend/Step-dad
- Stephanie Brown (DC Comics) Friend
- Catherine Halsey (Halo) Mother Figure
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F/O List For My Wedding
Apart from wonder woman cause Im already married to her
Romantic F/O’S
DC comics
(all depicted as 18+)
- Wonder Woman Ship Name: The warriors fool (hint: i’m the fool)
- Black Canary Ship Name: Benary, my Canary, sing of my love
- Big Barda Ship Name: Benarda, Big heart for me
- Supergirl Ship Name: My superb girl
- Hippolyta Ship Name: Hibenyta, Benyta,
- Catwoman Ship Name: Benselina, Selen, clawed your way to my heart
- Starfire Ship Name: fire of my heart, your my star
- Batgirl Ship Name: my bat
- Harley Quinn Ship Name: Benarley, Benley, Harlen, mischievous romance
- Zatanna Ship Name: Zatannen, Bennana , Betanna, worked your magic on me
- Hawkgirl Ship Name: My darling Hawk
- Giganta Ship Name: Bengal, Giganen
- Huntress Ship Name: My huntress, hunted hearts
- Killer Frost Ship Name: pleasant chills in my heart
- Lady Shiva Ship Name: Beniva
- Talia al Ghul Ship Name: Talia all mine
- Vicki Vale Ship Name: tbb
- Lois Lane Ship Name: tbd
- Lady Blackhawk Ship Name: tbd
- Captain Marvel Ship Name: Captain of my heart, marvelous lovers
- She-Hulk Ship Name: she-mine
- Emma Frost Ship Name: Bemma, Benma
- X-23 Ship Name: BenX-23, Benura (Laura used here)
- Magick Ship Name: Under your spell, Benick
- Mystique Ship Name: Benstique, Mystien
- Black Widow Ship Name: Benidow
- Shuri Ship Name: shuri she is mine
- Gamora Ship Name: Gamoren, Benora
- Amora Ship Name: Amoren
- Scarlet Witch Ship Name: Scarlet kiss
- Spider-gwen Ship Name: She caught my heart
- Black Cat Ship Name: benlicia
- Rogue Ship Name: Benogue, Roben
- Storm Ship Name: brewin’ a storm in my heart
- Thor Ship Name: worthy to hold his hand, Lightning lover
- Valkyrie Ship Name: Benkyrie, Valken
- Sif Ship Name: sifen, Benif
- Hela Ship Name: Benla, Helen
- Silver Sable Ship Name: Benable
- Hawkeye Ship Name: caught my eye, prey to your love
- Captain America Ship Name: Captain of my love
- T'challa Ship Name: Benchalla T'benlla
- Astolfo Ship Name: Benolfo, Astbeno
- Saber Ship Name: Saben, Bener
- Saber Alter Ship Name: Alter bener
- Jeanne Ship Name: Benne,Jeaner
- Jalter Ship Name: Benter,Jalten
- Mordred Ship Name: Mordoren,Bendred
- Link Ship Name: Benk, Linen
- Urbosa Ship Name: Urbosen,Benbosa
- Zelda Ship Name: Zelden, Benda
- Mipha Ship Name: Benpha, Miben
- Shiek Ship Name: Shien, Benek
- Midna Ship Name: Midnen, Bena
Star Wars
- Ahsoka Tano Ship Name: Ahsoken, Bensoka
- Sabine Wren Ship Name: Sabene, Benine
- Hera Syndulla Ship Name: Heren, benra
- General Grievous Ship Name: four armed hug
- Aayla Secura Ship Name: Aaylen, secura in my heart
- Shaak Ti Ship Name: Shaen, Benti
- Obi-Wan Kenobi Ship Name: only one Kenobi
- Jaina Solo Ship Name: Janen
- Mara Jade Ship Name: Maren, Jaden
- Luke Skywalker Ship Name: Luken Skyben
- Captain Phasma Ship Name: Bensma, Phaben, command my heart
- Padme Amidala Ship Name: Queen of my heart, Bename
- Mon Mothma Ship Name: Mon lovema , Mon lover
- Jyn Erso Ship Name: Jynen, Benyn
- Iden Versio Ship Name: Idenen
- Leia Organa Ship Name: Lenen, Benia
- Cassian Andor Ship Name: Cassien, Benian
- L3-37 Ship Name:
- Wilhuff Tarkin Ship Name: Wilhufen, Benhuff
- Shiro Ship Name: Shirnen, Henri, Beniro
- Allura Ship Name: Alluring Allura
- Pidge/Katie Ship Name: Katien, Benidge
- Axca Ship Name: Benca, Axen
- Krolia Ship Name: Krolien, Benrolia
- Tae Takemi Ship Name: Tae Taken my heart!
- Sae Niijima Ship Name: Seanen, Benae
- Sadayo Kawakami Ship Name: Sadayonen, Benyo
- Daisy Ship Name: my flower, my delightful, Dainen
- Peach Ship Name: she’s a peach 💙
- Rosalina Ship Name: Rosalina is my rosey girl
- Pauline Ship Name: 1UP boy & 1UP girl
Fire Emblem
- Lucina Ship Name: Lucinen,Benina
- Lyn Ship Name: Beyn, Lynen
- Male Robin & Female Robin Ship Name: Robins love
- Male & Female Grima Ship Name: Grimen, Benma
- Bayonetta Ship Name: Benyonetta, Babe-o-mine-o, She’s my bit-witch!
- Samus Ship Name: The Hunters Bounty
- Dark Samus Ship Name: Dark lovers, Benus, Samen
- 2B Ship Name: 2B URS
- A2 Ship Name: 2 lovers
- Yorha Commander Ship Name: YORmy Commander 💙, Commanded love
Rainbow Six Siege
- Frost Ship Name: Operation: Loving you , Strategic loving
- Buck Ship Name: Buck of my heart, shoot your love my way
- Ash Ship Name: Ashen
- Thermite Ship Name: TherMINE
- Castle Ship Name: Guard my heart
- Pulse Ship Name: my pulse
- Twitch Ship Name: benitch
- Montagne Ship Name: Benagne
- Rook Ship Name: Benook
- Doc Ship Name: Heal my heart
- Dokkaebi Ship Name: Benbi, Dokken
- Finka Ship Name: I Finka I love you
- Ela Ship Name: Elen, Benla
- Zofia Ship Name: Zofien, Benia
- IQ Ship Name: I think your Qute
- Jager Ship Name: Janer, Janen
- Caveira Ship Name: Caveiren, Benira
- Valkyrie Ship Name: Valkyrien, Benrie
- Vigil Ship Name: Vigilen, Vigilance
- Kaid Ship Name: Kaiden, Benid
- Nomad Ship Name: Nomaden, Benad
- Lion Ship Name: Lionen, Beion
- Hibana Ship Name: Hibena,Benana
- Ruby Rose Ship Name: Ruby lovers, my ruby rose
- Yang Xiao Long Ship Name: Gauntlet Love
- Blake Belladonna Ship Name: Belladonnen
- Weiss Schnee Ship Name: Weissen
- Pyrrha Nikos Ship Name: Pyrrhaen
- Roman Torchwick Ship Name: Romen, Benan
- Winter Schnee Ship Name: My eternal Winter
- Emerald Sustrai Ship Name: Emeralden
- Coco Adel Ship Name: Cocoen, Benco
- Velvet Scarlatina Ship Name: Velvet kisses
- Arslan Altan Ship Name: Arslen
- Nora Valkyrie Ship Name: Noranen
- Cinder Fall Ship Name: fallen for you
- Glynda Goodwitch Ship Name: Benda, Bewitched
Metal Gear Solid
- The Boss/The Joy Ship Name: joy of mine
- Quiet Ship Name: hushed sweet nothings, Quieten, Benet
- Meryl Silverburgh Ship Name: Meren, Benyl
- Sniper Wolf Ship Name: TARGET: My heart
Full Metal Alchemist
- Olivier Mira Armstrong Ship Name: Benvier, strong love
- Riza Hawkeye Ship Name: Risa caught my eye
- Izumi Curtis Ship Name: Izubenmi
- Lust Ship Name: lusting after you
- Greed Ship Name: greedy for your love
- Mercy Ship Name: Bency, Merben
- Pharah Ship Name: Pharen, Benarah
- D.VA Ship Name: D<3.va
- Widowmaker Ship Name: widow no longer, caught my heart
- Sombra Ship Name: Somben
- Ana Ship Name: Anaen, Bena
- Ashe Ship Name: outlawed love
- Mcree Ship Name: fastest heart stealer in the wild west 🔫
- Moira Ship Name: Moira O'mine
- Mei Ship Name: Mei cutie, Benei
- Zarya Ship Name: Zaren
- Reaper Ship Name: death’s embrace is sweet
- Baptiste Ship Name: tbd
Kid Icarus
- Palutena Ship Name: Palunten, Goddess of my heart
Legend of Korra
- Korra Ship Name: Koren
- Asami Ship Name: Asamien
- Ariel Ship Name: I wanna be part of your world
- Jasmine Ship Name: a whole new love
- Elsa Ship Name: Frozen Heart
- Moana Ship Name: voyage to the heart
- Sergeant Calhoun Ship Name: Lover’s duty
Harry Potter
- Hermione Ship Name: Benione, HerMINE
- Fleur Ship Name: my pretty Fleur
- Narcissa Ship Name: Narcissen
- Tonks Ship Name: Benks
- Arcee Ship Name: Acreen
- Optimus Prime Ship Name: Prime hearts
- Windblade Ship Name: Windenlade, Bende
- Shockwave Ship Name: Heart shocker!
- Soundwave Ship Name: your music to my ears
- Shatter Ship Name: don’t shatter my heart!
Final Fantasy
- Lunafreya Ship Name: Oracle of Love
- Cindy Aurum Ship Name: Garage beauty, Cinen
- Aranea Highwind Ship Name: protector of mine
- Tifa Lockhart Ship Name: Fast, Furious and all mine
- Terra Branford Ship Name: Esper of my heart
Mass Effect
- Jane Shepard Ship Name: Bane
- Tali'Zorah Ship Name: Zoran mine
- Vetra Nyx Ship Name: Vetranen, Benyx
- Liara T'soni Ship Name: Liaren, Benara
- Sara Ryder Ship Name: Ryder of mine
- Miranda Lawson Ship Name: Miranden, Lawnen
League of Legends
- Akali Ship Name: Akalien
- Ahri Ship Name: Ahrien
- Katarina Ship Name: Kataben
- Sona Ship Name: Sonaben
Doctor Who
- 13th Doctor Ship Name: 13th times the charm
- 10th Doctor Ship Name: intergalactic love
Assassin’s Creed
- Kassandra Ship Name: fierce lover, tiger heart
- Evie Frye Ship Name: Sophisticated love
- Aya of Siwa Ship Name: Ayen
My Hero Academia
- Rumi Usagiyama(Mirko) Ship Name: Usagiyen
- Nemuri Kayama(Midnight) Ship Name: kayaen
- Yu Takeyama(Mt. Lady) Ship Name: Takeyen
- Ryuko Tatsuma(Ryukyu) Ship Name: Ryukoen
- Maya Ship Name: Maya Girl, perfectly calculated love
- Lilith Ship Name: Lithen
- Mad Moxxi Ship Name: Madly in love
- Athena Ship Name: Athen
- Kelly 087 Ship Name: Kellen
- Linda 058 Ship Name:Linaben
- John 117 Ship Name: Johnen
- Cortana Ship Name: Cortanen
- Thel ‘Vadam Ship Name: tbd
- Dana Scully Ship Name: Not so mysterious love
The Witcher
- Ciri Ship Name: Burning Emerald
- Yennefer Ship Name: raven haired beauty
- Triss Merigold Ship Name: My gold
Red Dead Redemption
- Arthur Morgan Ship Name: Arthen, Morganen
- Sadie Adler Ship Name: Sadien
Detroit Become Human
- Kara Ship Name: Karaen
- North Ship Name: Noren
- Connor Ship Name: Conen, Connoren
- Markus Ship Name: Markusen, Marken
Resident Evil
- Ada Wong Ship Name: love in the red dress
- Claire Redfield Ship Name: Clairen, Benire
- Jill Valentine Ship Name: Jillen, my valentine (or sandwich)
- Leon S Kennedy Ship Name: not a rookie at love
- Rebecca Chambers Ship Name: healthy loving, refreshing love
Kingdom Hearts
- Aqua Ship Name: Aquen, Benua
Just Cause
- Rico Rodriguez Ship Name: Ricen, Chaos filled love
- Mira Morales Ship Name: Mien
- Gabriela Morales Ship Name: Gaben, Moralen
Titanfall (including apex legends)
- Jack Cooper Ship Name: tbd
- Bangalore Ship Name: tbd
- Gibraltar Ship Name: tbd
- Mirage Ship Name: tbd
- Bloodhound Ship Name:
- Caustic Ship Name: Tbd
Call of Duty
- Gideon (Advanced Warfare) Ship Name: tbd
- Ilona (Advanced Warfare) Ship Name: tbd
- Salen Kotch (Infinite Warfare) Ship Name: tbd
- Robert Zussman (COD WW2) Ship Name: tbd
- Joseph Turner (COD WW2) Ship Name:
- John “Soap” Mactavish (MW2/MW3) Ship Name: tbd
- Spectre (Black Ops 3) Ship Name: tbd
- Battery (Black Ops ¾) Ship Name: tbd
- Ruin (Black Ops ¾) Ship Name: tbd
Red vs Blue
- Agent Carolina Ship Name: tbd
- Agent Texas Ship Name: tbd
Girls Frontline
- M16A1 Ship Name: tbd
- AUG Ship Name: tbd
- CZ-805 Ship Name: tbd
- Grizzly Mk V Ship Name: tbd
- KSG Ship Name: tbd
- AK-12 Ship Name: tbd
- M4A1 Ship Name: tbd
- M4 SOPMOD II Ship Name: tbd
- UMP40 Ship Name: tbd
- UMP45 Ship Name: tbd
- UMP9 Ship Name: tbd
- Python Ship Name: tbd
- TAC-50 Ship Name:  tbd
- Springfield Ship Name: tbd
Warhammer 40K
- Saint Celestine Ship Name: tbd
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F/O List
DC comics  - Wonder Woman Ship Name: The warriors fool (hint: i’m the fool)  - Black Canary Ship Name: Benary, my Canary, sing of my love  - Big Barda Ship Name: Benarda, Big heart for me  - Supergirl Ship Name: My superb girl  - Hippolyta Ship Name: Hibenyta, Benyta,  - Catwoman Ship Name: Benselina, Selen, clawed your way to my heart  - Starfire Ship Name: fire of my heart, your my star  - Batgirl Ship Name: my bat  - Harley Quinn Ship Name: Benarley, Benley, Harlen, mischievous romance - Zatanna Ship Name: Zatannen, Bennana , Betanna, worked your magic on me - Hawkgirl Ship Name: My darling Hawk - Giganta Ship Name: Bengal, Giganen - Huntress Ship Name: My huntress, hunted hearts - Killer Frost Ship Name: pleasant chills in my heart - Lady Shiva Ship Name: Beniva  - Talia al Ghul Ship Name: Talia all mine  Marvel - Captain Marvel Ship Name: Captain of my heart, marvelous lovers  - She-Hulk Ship Name: she-mine  - Emma Frost Ship Name: Bemma, Benma  - X-23 Ship Name: BenX-23, Benura (Laura used here)  - Magick Ship Name: Under your spell, Benick  - Mystique Ship Name: Benstique, Mystien - Black Widow Ship Name: Benidow - Shuri Ship Name: shuri she is mine - Gamora Ship Name: Gamoren, Benora - Amora Ship Name: Amoren - Scarlet Witch Ship Name: Scarlet kiss - Spider-gwen Ship Name: She caught my heart  - Black Cat Ship Name: benlicia  - Rogue Ship Name: Benogue, Roben - Storm Ship Name: brewin’ a storm in my heart - Thor Ship Name: worthy to hold his hand, Lightning lover - Valkyrie Ship Name: Benkyrie, Valken - Sif Ship Name: sifen, Benif - Hela Ship Name: Benla, Helen - Silver Sable Ship Name: Benable - Hawkeye Ship Name: caught my eye, prey to your love - Captain America Ship Name: Captain of my love - T'challa Ship Name: Benchalla T'benlla  Fate - Astolfo Ship Name: Benolfo, Astbeno  - Saber Ship Name: Saben, Bener  - Saber Alter Ship Name: Alter bener  - Jeanne Ship Name: Benne,Jeaner  - Jalter Ship Name: Benter,Jalten  - Mordred Ship Name: Mordoren,Bendred  Zelda  - Link Ship Name: Benk, Linen  - Urbosa Ship Name: Urbosen,Benbosa  - Zelda Ship Name: Zelden, Benda  - Mipha Ship Name: Benpha, Miben  - Shiek Ship Name: Shien, Benek - Midna Ship Name: Midnen, Bena Star Wars  - Ahsoka Tano Ship Name: Ahsoken, Bensoka  - Sabine Wren Ship Name: Sabene, Benine  - Hera Syndulla Ship Name: Heren, benra  - General Grievous Ship Name: four armed hug  - Aayla Secura Ship Name: Aaylen, secura in my heart  - Shaak Ti Ship Name: Shaen, Benti  - Obi-Wan Kenobi Ship Name: only one Kenobi  - Jaina Solo Ship Name: Janen  - Mara Jade Ship Name: Maren, Jaden  - Luke Skywalker Ship Name: Luken Skyben - Captain Phasma Ship Name: Bensma, Phaben, command my heart - Padme Amidala Ship Name: Queen of my heart, Bename - Mon Mothma Ship Name: Mon lovema , Mon lover - Jyn Erso Ship Name: Jynen, Benyn - Iden Versio Ship Name: Idenen - Leia Organa Ship Name: Lenen, Benia - Cassian Andor Ship Name: Cassien, Benian - L3-37 Ship Name: L<3-<37 - Wilhuff Tarkin Ship Name: Wilhufen, Benhuff Voltron  - Shiro Ship Name: Shirnen, Henri, Beniro  - Allura Ship Name: Alluring Allura  - Pidge/Katie Ship Name: Katien, Benidge  - Axca Ship Name: Benca, Axen  - Krolia Ship Name: Krolien, Benrolia  Persona  - Tae Takemi Ship Name: Tae Taken my heart!  - Sae Niijima Ship Name: Seanen, Benae - Sadayo Kawakami Ship Name: Sadayonen, Benyo Mario  - Daisy Ship Name: my flower, my delightful, Dainen  - Peach Ship Name: she’s a peach 💙  - Rosalina Ship Name: Rosalina is my rosey girl  - Pauline Ship Name: 1UP boy & 1UP girl  Fire Emblem  - Lucina Ship Name: Lucinen,Benina  - Lyn Ship Name: Beyn, Lynen - Male Robin & Female Robin Ship Name: Robins love - Male & Female Grima Ship Name: Grimen, Benma Bayonetta  - Bayonetta Ship Name: Benyonetta, Babe-o-mine-o, She’s my bit-witch!  Metroid  - Samus Ship Name: The Hunters Bounty  - Dark Samus Ship Name: Dark lovers, Benus, Samen Nier  - 2B Ship Name: 2B URS  - A2 Ship Name: 2 lovers  - Yorha Commander Ship Name: YORmy Commander 💙, Commanded love Rainbow Six Siege  - Frost Ship Name: Operation: Loving you , Strategic loving  - Buck Ship Name: Buck of my heart, shoot your love my way  - Ash Ship Name: Ashen  - Thermite Ship Name: TherMINE  - Castle Ship Name: Guard my heart  - Pulse Ship Name: my pulse  - Twitch Ship Name: benitch - Montagne Ship Name: Benagne - Rook Ship Name: Benook - Doc Ship Name: Heal my heart - Dokkaebi Ship Name: Benbi, Dokken - Finka Ship Name: I Finka I love you - Ela Ship Name: Elen, Benla - Zofia Ship Name: Zofien, Benia - IQ Ship Name: I think your Qute - Jager Ship Name: Janer, Janen - Caveira Ship Name: Caveiren, Benira - Valkyrie Ship Name: Valkyrien, Benrie - Vigil Ship Name: Vigilen, Vigilance - Kaid Ship Name: Kaiden, Benid - Nomad Ship Name: Nomaden, Benad - Lion Ship Name: Lionen, Beion - Hibana Ship Name: Hibena,Benana RWBY  - Ruby Rose Ship Name: Ruby lovers, my ruby rose  - Yang Xiao Long Ship Name: Gauntlet Love  - Blake Belladonna Ship Name: Belladonnen  - Weiss Schnee Ship Name: Weissen  - Pyrrha Nikos Ship Name: Pyrrhaen - Roman Torchwick Ship Name: Romen, Benan - Winter Schnee Ship Name: My eternal Winter - Emerald Sustrai Ship Name: Emeralden - Coco Adel Ship Name: Cocoen, Benco - Velvet Scarlatina Ship Name: Velvet kisses - Arslan Altan Ship Name: Arslen - Nora Valkyrie Ship Name: Noranen - Cinder Fall Ship Name: fallen for you - Glynda Goodwitch Ship Name: Benda, Bewitched Metal Gear Solid  - The Boss/The Joy Ship Name: joy of mine  - Quiet Ship Name: hushed sweet nothings, Quieten, Benet  - Meryl Silverburgh Ship Name: Meren, Benyl - Sniper Wolf Ship Name: TARGET: My heart Full Metal Alchemist - Olivier Mira Armstrong Ship Name: Benvier, strong love - Riza Hawkeye Ship Name: Risa caught my eye - Izumi Curtis Ship Name: Izubenmi  - Lust Ship Name: lusting after you - Greed Ship Name: greedy for your love Overwatch - Mercy Ship Name: Bency, Merben - Pharah Ship Name: Pharen, Benarah - D.VA Ship Name: D<3.va - Widowmaker Ship Name: widow no longer, caught my heart - Sombra Ship Name: Somben - Ana Ship Name: Anaen, Bena - Ashe Ship Name: outlawed love - Mcree Ship Name: fastest heart stealer in the wild west 🔫 - Moira Ship Name: Moira O'mine - Mei Ship Name: Mei cutie, Benei - Zarya Ship Name: Zaren - Reaper Ship Name: death’s embrace is sweet Kid Icarus - Palutena Ship Name: Palunten, Goddess of my heart Legend of Korra - Korra Ship Name: Koren - Asami Ship Name: Asamien Disney - Ariel Ship Name: I wanna be part of your world - Jasmine Ship Name: a whole new love - Elsa Ship Name: Frozen Heart - Moana Ship Name: voyage to the heart - Sergeant Calhoun Ship Name: Lover’s duty Harry Potter - Hermione Ship Name: Benione, HerMINE - Fleur Ship Name: my pretty Fleur - Narcissa Ship Name: Narcissen - Tonks Ship Name: Benks Transformers - Arcee Ship Name: Acreen - Optimus Prime Ship Name: Prime hearts - Windblade Ship Name: Windenlade, Bende - Shockwave Ship Name: Heart shocker! - Soundwave Ship Name: your music to my ears - Shatter Ship Name: don’t shatter my heart! Final Fantasy - Lunafreya Ship Name: Oracle of Love - Cindy Aurum Ship Name: Garage beauty, Cinen - Aranea Highwind Ship Name: protector of mine - Tifa Lockhart Ship Name: Fast, Furious and all mine - Terra Branford Ship Name: Esper of my heart Mass Effect - Jane Shepard Ship Name: Bane - Tali'Zorah Ship Name: Zoran mine - Vetra Nyx Ship Name: Vetranen, Benyx - Liara T'soni Ship Name: Liaren, Benara - Sara Ryder Ship Name: Ryder of mine - Miranda Lawson Ship Name: Miranden, Lawnen League of Legends - Akali Ship Name: Akalien - Ahri Ship Name: Ahrien - Katarina Ship Name: Kataben - Sona Ship Name: Sonaben Doctor Who - 13th Doctor Ship Name: 13th times the charm - 10th Doctor Ship Name: intergalactic love Assassin’s Creed - Kassandra Ship Name: fierce lover, tiger heart - Evie Frye Ship Name: Sophisticated love - Aya of Siwa Ship Name: Ayen My Hero Academia - Rumi Usagiyama(Mirko) Ship Name: Usagiyen - Nemuri Kayama(Midnight) Ship Name: kayaen - Yu Takeyama(Mt. Lady) Ship Name: Takeyen - Ryuko Tatsuma(Ryukyu) Ship Name: Ryukoen Borderlands - Maya Ship Name: Maya Girl, perfectly calculated love - Lilith Ship Name: Lithen - Mad Moxxi Ship Name: Madly in love - Athena Ship Name: Athen Halo - Kelly 087 Ship Name: Kellen  - Linda 058 Ship Name: Linaben - John 117 Ship Name: Johnen - Cortana Ship Name: Cortanen X-Files - Dana Scully Ship Name: Not so mysterious love The Witcher - Ciri Ship Name: Burning Emerald - Yennefer Ship Name: raven haired beauty - Triss Merigold Ship Name: My gold Red Dead Redemption - Arthur Morgan Ship Name: Arthen, Morganen - Sadie Adler Ship Name: Sadien Detroit Become Human - Kara Ship Name: Karaen - North Ship Name: Noren - Connor Ship Name: Conen, Connoren - Markus Ship Name: Markusen, Marken Resident Evil - Ada Wong Ship Name: love in the red dress - Claire Redfield Ship Name: Clairen, Benire - Jill Valentine Ship Name: Jillen, my valentine (or sandwich) - Leon S Kennedy Ship Name: not a rookie at love - Rebecca Chambers Ship Name: healthy loving, refreshing love Kingdom Hearts - Aqua Ship Name: Aquen, Benua Just Cause - Rico Rodriguez Ship Name: Ricen, Chaos filled love  - Mira Morales Ship Name: Mien - Gabriela Morales Ship Name: Gaben, Moralen Titanfall (including apex legends) - Jack Cooper Ship Name: tbd - Bangalore Ship Name: tbd - Gibraltar Ship Name: tbd - Mirage Ship Name: tbd
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