#especially when you bring up dark souls and ffxv?
stephicness · 1 year
Okei I have to ask... Last day I see in Youtube comment in 'Ravus Aeterna' video someone writes 'Ravus is so interesting but he doesn't have scenes. If he has more scenes he will be the Artorias of FFXV'' I don't play Dark Souls but I knows a little of Artorias so my question is... What's your opinion about that comment?#GiveRavusmorescenesplease
Oooh, that is a really cool comparison, actually! Funny that you bring up Artorias, because he’s one of my favorite Soulsborne icons across the FromSoft games. Have a little figurine and everything that I love and cherish. 
I can see a lot of similarities between the two of them overall, but contrary to thought... Artorias only had, like, 40 seconds of screentime. But the major difference is that you got a crap ton of lore hidden throughout Dark Souls – something that Final Fantasy XVI should have done to really cover its bases when it comes to plot holes. I definitely would have made me log another 20+ hours into the game just meandering to find little juicy secrets and lore pieces hidden within items and locale details, you know? 
But I digress. The similarities between Artorias the Abysswalker and Ravus Nox Fleuret the High Commander Butthead, is kinda cool! Both are knights who are badasses with a single sword, both like dogs, both turn into gooey abyss boys, both get wrecked by the MC after they wrecked you seven-hundred times (no? Just me?) --- the list of similarities goes on! 
Okay, I joke a lot when I simplify it, but legit – the deep dive into the lore of these two is rad, so the comment really does hold up a little bit: 
Both were, of course, knights and soldiers. But both also have groups that, in a way, serve/follow them – with Artorias commanding Gywn’s army before eventually inspiring the Abyss Watchers and Ravus eventually leading the Niflheim army. Artorias may have had a much more pleasant group of supporters, but Ravus too had his own influence as time passed. 
Both wield the power of darkness on their side due to some aspect of corruption to them when they fight – before they turn fully corrupted, that is. Artorias's sword is cursed by the Abyss after travelling in and out of it. Meanwhile, Ravus’s arm is supposedly corrupted, as it’s realized that Magitek stems from Daemon power and scourge magic essentially. 
Speaking of arms... Both have crippled LEFT arm. Ravus of course had his burned by the Ring of Lucii and Artorias had his broken when trying to protect Sif from the creatures of the Abyss after being defeated by Manus. It’s why you see Artorias in his signature fighting stance – as he used to wield the Cleaning Greatshield before that. 
They both have some sort of closely associated canine companion – with Artorias having Sif and Ravus having Pryna and Umbra (to a degree). 
Both ultimately succumb to the darkness/abyss at some point, and yet both were still recognized as heroes after their death. Artorias was killed by the Chosen Undead after becoming fully corrupted, but he was still honored as a hero by most – enough to allow the Abyss Watchers to use him as their inspiration of sorts. Meanwhile after Ravus’s death, Noctis and the others found themselves with a great deal of respect for Ravus – especially when knowing he was attempting to help Noctis and the others before he was ultimately killed. 
In general, I think Artorias’s lore in Dark Souls is fantastic. And when you compare Ravus to it, it’s rather interesting to see overall. So yes! I can’t help but nod with that comment and go ‘Yeah... That sounds aight.’ -u- 
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sweet-evie · 4 years
For the fanfic q&as. No. 12 & 13 please. If thats ok?
Oh my god, this has been in my inbox for sooo long. TT_TT Anon, thank you for asking these. 😀 And I apologize for my delays.
#12 For E-rated fic, what are some things your characters keep doing?
A: They keep doing it doggy-style for some reason. I’ve only tried my hand out at writing smut fairly recently (in fics like One Day at a Time, and This is My Kind of Ending), and all these smuts have mentions of two characters doing the dirty doggy style.
I blame this on the fact that I personally like the idea of a male dominating the female in bed. If that’s TMI, I’m sorry 😜 But I’m just being as thorough as possible with my answers.
2nd are blowjobs, and 3rd is probably reverse cowgirl or something. 😜
#13 Name three favorite characters to write.
A: Oooh boy... I’mma do a top 3 list. :3
#3 Noctis Lucis Caelum (Final Fantasy XV)
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I used to write fanfic for the FF fandom, way back in high school, and Noctis was one the easiest characters to write for, honestly. But that’s not the reason why he’s my favorite. I love his characteristics, his story, and at first, the mystery surrounding his character before FFXV was officially released. From Prince of a Mafia group to Prince of a rapidly deteriorating kingdom. If you’ve ever read FFversusXIII fanfics, then you totally get what I mean.
I’ve always loved the idea of a Dark Prince, which brings me to number 2, and it’s super obvious to friends who know me in real life.
#2 Lelouch vi Britannia (Code Geass)
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Oh, he is beautiful! 😍
The depth of Lelouch’s character is astounding. He’s such a flawed character with complex morals and looks at the world differently from all the others in the show, and that’s why he’s so relatable. He’s that right mix between human and totally not (because of his Geass powers and his intelligence). He’s a guilty pleasure.
Writing about him is always fun to me. 😍
#1 Seto Kaiba (Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters)
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This bad boy is my very first anime crush. 😍😝
And if I had to choose any character I could remember flawlessly writing about, it’s this BAMF CEO. (This is coming from a fanfic writer who thoroughly believes they suck. I just write fanfiction because I am one of the ‘I write what I want to read’ type of writers.)
When I first delved into writing fanfiction for Yu-Gi-Oh, writing about this dude just came so naturally, that up ‘til this day, it’s one of the things I can never explain. I was always fascinated with him, and how Kaiba’s mind works, his psyche, his talents, his way of looking at the world, and interacting with people around him. I especially adore his relationship with Mokuba, and his soul’s subconscious attachment to Kisara.
Writing about Kaiba never required a long character study (like Lelouch or Noctis), it just flowed.
It’s been like over a decade ever since I first watched this anime, and 5 years since I first wrote fanfic for it. And even if you asked me in the near future who is still my favorite character to write, it’s Seto Kaiba to me, hands down.
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“So where’s the bask–” Noctis pauses, seeing unfamiliar guests and the fish he is reeling in has escape. But the pink haired girl catches his interest. The girl is just sooo looking at him, looking into his soul. He looks away and tries to hold his composure. “W-who are they Prompto?”
A/N: So I hope you guys enjoy this little fic I wrote and I am sorry if ever you will find wrong grammar/s use of words here in my story because English is actually not my native language.
“Yo Noct! It seems like your fishing rod will lose anytime. Do you mind letting me give it a shot?” Prompto grins, pulling out his gun to indicate what he means. 
“Get lost, Prompto!” Noctis said in a boring tone.
He still feels sleepy but mother Ignis insisted for him to go fishing, and of all people, with Prompto, ever the troublemaker. But he got no choice. And in the very first place he hadn’t, especially the only person he would rather be with is still sleeping. But he has to do this because the only ingredients left are veggies, and he hates anything that is green.
“Yeee-haw!!! And that’s what I’m talking about!!!!” Prompto boosts in laughter after he shot a fish dead. 
‘He thinks this is fun huh?’ Noctis thought.
He tries to give Prompto a death glare.
“Still sleepy, Noct?” 
He just blew a sigh and continues fishing.
“You want me to tell the truth?” Noctis reels in his rod as his prey nibbles his bait.
“Aye Prince-y!” Prompto even saluted.
“You are not helping.” 
“How? I shot the fish for you.”
“It’s dead!”
Prompto, who seems to not understand what the prince meant, raises a brow. “So? … Ignis needs it dead, right?”
Noctis wants to give Prompto some Armiger about his ignorance. “Just get me a basket.”
“Yes, sir!” And thankfully, Prompto leaves him.
                        [ A R M I G E R - the means to wield the royal arms all at once ]
Prompto happily makes his way back to camp to get a basket for the prince as he sings to himself “Get a basket for Prince Nocty! Get a basket for Prince Nocty and serve his highness!” 
“WATCH OUT!” A girl’s voice shouts from a distance out of nowhere.
And Prompto did what the voice said; he dodges, ducking down at once and he saw strings flying off somewhere. He slowly stands up and searches where it came from. 
“I am sorry!!!” the voice speaks again. He follows it and spots a cute girl across the pond. He smiles and waves. “It’s okay!” he shouts back. Then he observes the girl from afar before finally deciding to approach her. Maybe she needs some help.
“You fishin’?” Prompto speaks behind the girl when someone also speaks in a stern voice after him. “Don’t move.” 
Prompto, carelessly turns when he was asked not to, only to see a gun pointing at him. His eyes widen . . . and shines.
“WOW! Where’d you get your gun?!” he beams.
“I said don’t move!” Then the gun clicks.
“Light, cool it down! I think he isn’t a bad guy!” the cute girl said.
“Yes, I’m not.” Prompto raises his hands in surrender and puts them down, still smiling. Then he starts circling around the woman called ‘Light’. 
“But who are you? I bet you’re not supposed to be here.”
“I am Vanille and she is Lightning and we resides at Galdin Quay.” The Vanille girl with cute ponytails holds out a hand to Prompto. “Nice to meet you….”
“Prompto” Prompto said and about to take Vanille’s hand when Lightning slaps his hand off.
“How could you trust this stranger easily, Vanille?” Lightning still on guard.
“Woah-wait! I am from Lucis and I am accompanying the Prince right now to get some breakfast.” He smiles then his eyes lands on Vanille and oh did he just love those innocent green eyes of hers.
“The prince?!” Vanille gushes. Her eyes literally shines “Oh take us with him. I want to meet him!”
“Vanille” Lightning grumbles. “Our only plan is to catch some fish and get back.”
“Good timing! The prince is fishing as well. I am sure he needs your amazing fishing rod!” He looks at Vanille’s cool fishing rod. And he leans on to Vanille and whispers “Since he sucks at fishing.” 
Lightning doesn’t approve of the proximity this Prompto makes. She just scowls from behind. Prompto’s phone rings, receiving a text message from Noctis asking where he is and the basket.
“Oh come on now ladies, and let’s not make the Prince wait.” Then Prompto, successfully, bring the girls with him. And as they are making their way there Prompto muses over their appearances. “Your names are kind of weird …in a good way, I mean. I actually like it. Vanille and Lightning! And Vanilla’s my favorite ice cream flavor by the way.” 
“Oh I love Vanilla; it’s my first time tasting it here.” Vanille gleefully said and she and Prompto seem to get along pretty easily. But Lightning has her doubts and that is if this guy will really lead them to the Prince. It’s not that easy to get and meet the Prince.
“Yo! Noct!” Prompto waves.
Maybe not.
The said Prince is quietly fishing and beside him lays a dark cloth with fishes on it.
“Genius, Noct! Your jacket as a substitute for the basket.” Prompto went closer.
“So where’s the bask–” Noctis pauses, seeing unfamiliar guests and the fish he is reeling in has escape. But the pink haired girl catches his interest. The girl is just sooo looking at him, looking into his soul. He looks away and tries to hold his composure. “W-who are they Prompto?”
“Friends!” As usual of Prompto, easy to make friends. 
“Hi!” Vanille waves and Noctis turn and give her a little nod then her rod catches his eyes.
‘WOW!’ he mouths and just looks at it without moving.
But Prompto notices it “The Prince likes your rod, Vanille.” he said like he predicted what the Prince was thinking.
“Oh! I would love to give it to you, your Highness but I just…can’t. It has sentimental value to me.” Vanille clasps her rod a little tighter.
Noctis blinks, feeling a bit embarrassed. “N- No. Y-you don’t really have to do that.” He manages a smile and glances at Lightning. 
Prompto leans down to Noct to tell him of his manners. Then Noctis stands up and dusts himself. “Oh… I-I am Noctis………” then his voice slowly dies down realizing how awkward it already looks, then still he adds “…. by the way,”
“We know.” Vanille said, smiling. “Mine’s Vanille and this is my friend, Claire.”
Lightning slightly twitches at the mention of her name and said “It’s… Lightning.”
She shots Vanille an eye. But Vanille just ignores her. “Want to borrow my rod, Prince?”
And Noctis is more than happy. He smiled. “Do you mind?”
“Not at all.” Vanille giggles and hands the rod to him and moves closer to Noctis to teach him how to use it.
Prompto feels jealous at the attention Noct receives from Vanille when the gun catches his interest so he approaches Light. “Hey show me how that gun works!”
Lightning was observing Vanille and Noctis when blondie, suddenly, appears beside her. He reminds her of Snow. She looks at the gun at her holster. 
“Say, you see those Arbas? Let’s shoot them.” 
“Sure.” Then she and Prompto set off to kill. Lightning just looooves huntin’.
Prompto isn’t a bad guy after all, Lightning thought.
Together they beat the Arbas while showing him how Blazefire Saber works.
[ B L A Z E F I R E  S A B E R - gunblade only issued to highly trained soldiers ]
“Lightning, we should hunt together in the future.” Prompto said as they get back to the camp.
Lightning carries the Prince’s jacket that’s filled with fishes. While Prompto and Noctis carry the Arbas they skinned and Vanille carries the fishing rods and other things. Ignis spots his two friends who got some company. He is currently reading a book as he waits for them.  He gets up and approaches his friends, fixing his glasses.
“No wonder you took so long.” He looks at the two lovely ladies then to Noctis and Prompto.
“Ignis, meet Vanille and Lightning, and girls, meet Ignis.” Prompto happily introduces. Vanille waves enthusiastically and Lightning gives a gentle smile.
Vanille reminds Ignis of Prompto as to how they look delighted in everything. And he somehow sees himself in Light. But he’s not sure; she just gives him that vibe. Ignis smiles back “Please to meet you. But where do you come from?”
“We’re currently residing at Galdin Quay.” Vanille simply said and Ignis takes note of the word 'currently’ but he rather not say anything more.
“Care to join us?” Noctis finally speaks, being a prince.
“Sure, we’d–” Vanille was cut short.
“As much as we’d like to, but sadly, we have to take down the offer as our friends are waiting for us too” Lightning said, politely.
“Too bad.” Prompto comments from behind. But Noctis manages a smile despite feeling dejected “It’s alright.”
A lie.
Then Lightning faces her back and starts to walk away and Vanille gives a little bow and goes after Light.
“L-Lightning, W-wait!” Noctis half run after them and stops as Light pauses and slowly turns in confusion. She just stares at Noctis, waiting for him, which makes the prince feel more gauche as he already is.
“Erm…. w-when do we meet?” 
Lightning is taken aback by his question; she blinks once and opens her mouth slightly to say anything. “….J-just come by at Galdin Quay if you have time…” her words left hanging like there’s something more to say, but she just gives an awkward bow-not knowing how to acknowledge a prince, especially he doesn’t give her some vibes of being one.
Then she adds…
“ So…s-see you around, Prince.”
And they completely left.
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neon-serpent-llc · 8 years
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Here’s to 365 days of polygonal worlds, shot point-blank at our grey matter, some catching fire, others fizzling to the void! It must be that oh-so-pointless time to give out video game awards! For the third year running I present a cheeky list of spills and chills like no other (spoiler: Overwatch wins nothing). Anyway, blahblahblah, here's the awards already:
Game I Forgot Existed Until I Looked Up "Game Releases of 2016" Award
Quantum Break
Like previous winners Watch Dogs, and Evolve, this is a shining example of a game that simply vanished after it was released. Probably took hundreds of Artists four years to make, and then *poof* gone overnight. But alas, most games do, eh? Was the TV show any good?
Best Case for Virtual Tourism Award
The Division
Say what you will about the game itself, but this lovely facsimile of NYC is killer. And super accurate. If it weren't for all the invincible, hoodie-wearing street thugs it would be a pleasure to cruise this digital remake of my favorite city.
Genius or Madness Award
Zero Time Dilemma
A game that walks the line perfectly between the two. So clever, and yet maybe too clever? The twists are ridiculous when they work and outrageous when they don’t. Even so, its sheer confidence of going eight steps beyond everyone else, narrative-wise, is so refreshing. Truly a piece of Art that only works in the video game medium. Speaking of Art...
Most Unplayable Work of Art Award
The Witness
Conceptually, The Witness is flawless. Especially once you've seen the "real" ending, that perfectly frames the point of the whole experience (I watched it on YouTube). Unfortunately, to get that real ending is a monumentally painstaking chore. But, this isn't "difficult" Art in the sense that its meaning is opaque or it’ll challenge your worldview. Its simply that I have zero patience for puzzle games. If The Witness is an encapsulation of what it means to be Johnathan Blow, then it's clear that he and I couldn't be more different. And that's why it works as Art.
Don't Want to Be the Guy That Says, "I Told You So," but.... I Told You So Award
No Man's Sky
Even with its countless features, the spiritually-similar Spore got boring fast. How, then, was this bare-bones knock-off, No Man's Sky, going to keep people interested? And that was with the assumption that it would at least look nice. However, it absolutely did not. The novelty of seeing procedurally generated ANYTHING gets old fast, and it's made far worse when you're presented with a never ending stream of ugly, barren planets made of mud and more mud. Next year’s winner: Star Citizen?
Biggest Social Phenomenon Since the Wii Award
Pokemon Go
It didn't last long, but for a month this summer, everyone was out hunting in the parks of the world. Sure, we still mostly ignored each other, but there was a touch of bizarre camaraderie knowing we were all playing the same giant meta game. Like the Wii before it, it was a game-related subject you could talk to ANYBODY about, and they'd not only know what you meant, but have an opinion on the matter. How often does that happen? How odd was it to see a fifty year old business man asking where the nearest Clefairy could be found?
Welcome to the 90s Loading Time Award
Deus Ex Mankind Divided
I think I spent more time riding the subway in this game than I have in real life.
You Don't Know Your Audience Award
Metroid Prime Federation Force
As a new Nintendo IP this would have got tons of attention. Who doesn't like crazy new Nintendo ideas? But as a Metroid game it could only possibly get bad press. Why play as Samus when you can play as more-generic-than-Master-Chief, chibi space marines instead? A top tier faux pas.
They Finally Got it Right Award
Dragonball Xenoverse 2
After decades of awkward DragonBall games, they finally hit the sweet spot for over-the-top action with fun controls and interesting content (granted, I never played the first Xenoverse). In the year of Street Fighter 5, who would have thought I'd prefer the new DragonBall fighting game?
Well Deserved Retirement Award
Dark Souls 3
Still fun despite almost no alterations in what is clearly a formula now, but I'm glad this is the last hurrah, at least for a while. As I said when Dark Souls 2 came out, the magic is less pronounced with each additional entry. None will have that Demon's Souls impact anymore. But when it returns in 5 to 10 years, it'll be nostalgic to see the old tricks in action again.
Everyone's An Asshole Award
Dishonored 2
At least that's what the talking Heart makes it seem like. Half the populace has secretly killed their husband/wife, whereas the other half have burned down orphanages or something.
Late to the Party Award
Another game I played years after release. And damn it's good. Far more novel than game, but I don't mind for a story of this quality. Why wasn't I reading this earlier? Haven't got to Steins;Gate 0 yet, but I'm working on it.
Xenogears Disk 2 Award
Final Fantasy XV
Like Metal Gear Solid V last year, another all-around excellent game that suddenly sprints to the end, jumping vast stretches of story in an instant, clashing hard with the slow burn style of storytelling established before that. Much like Xenogears of yore, this is a game that tried to be far bigger than time/budget allowed.
Honestly, I wish these overly-epic games would get chopped in two, a la Kill Bill. At the point where the story would start getting rushed, end part one. Just end it. Then let its sales fund part two, the remainder of the story. Then again, you run the risk of a Too Human situation where you announce a trilogy and then don't sell enough to finish it. But honestly, Final Fantasy and Metal Gear would handily sell enough. I’m sure they’ll make a FFXV-2, but at best it’ll attempt to reassemble the pieces of its predecessors fractured ending.
Didn't Burn the House Down Award
Uncharted 4
The writers said the ending would "burn the house down" in terms of closure. But it didn't, at all, even slightly. Uncharted 5 could EASILY be made based off this exact ending, with no retcons and no changes to the game’s formula. They'd just have to make Drake constantly say, "I'm too old for this shit!!"
It Shouldn't Work, But it Soooo Does Award
Dragon Quest Builders
I don't like Minecraft. As a professional level designer, I find Minecraft‘s game building tools too crude to enjoy using at length (what a snob, eh?). And I don't like Dragon Quest. Too much grind, not enough story. Too simple. But for some reason when you combine the two it's fucking great! Dragon Quest adds the personality, charm, and flavor Minecraft was sorely lacking while also bringing enough story and tangible goals to make the building feel like a game and not like a chore. Plus, the game’s worlds are fairly handcrafted and feature proper level/zone design, which is greatly appreciated. The surprise hit of the year.
Best Game Industry Trend of the Year
Virtual Reality
I'm glad we're all working on it seriously now. Sure, the current headsets are uncomfortable as fuck, (can’t emphasize this enough), but its a step towards sunglasses-size VR in about ten years or so. Plus, by then everyone will be over their VR sickness so we won’t have to keep watering down the experiences we create. It’ll be sweet!
Worst Game Industry Trend of the Year
Infinite Sales
Between Steam, Good Old Games, Humble Bundle, Greenman Gaming, PSN Store, etc there is always a massive, store-wide sale going on somewhere. Wait a year and any game you want will be a mere $10. Why buy an unknown indie game when you can get a supremely polished, lengthy triple-A game for the same price? Indie developers basically need to charge $1 to get anyone's attention. Or make their game free *cough* ULTRAWORLD.
Best Game Awards of the Year
Worst Game Awards of the Year
The Game Awards
A transparently corporate affair, the winners have all be carefully selected based on what needs to sell at Xmas. Companies won't even show up if one of their high profile games doesn't get an award. Even setting those complaints aside, it's hard to get interested or excited about a 2016 award show that happens with over a month of 2016 left; when wonderful games like The Last Guardian haven’t even been released yet. Speaking of which...
Game (Experience) of the Year
The Last Guardian
There's a layer of disconnect between the player and Last Guardian. The boy, Trico, and the camera all seem to disobey the player constantly. Many marked this as a flaw, but I think it's 100% intentional and part of why the game is so cohesive, thematically. For me, there's an added sense of surrealism when things are out of control. The chaos of physics interactions seem like they shouldn't work, yet suddenly you've made it to the next section of the castle. Did you really play that last section, or merely guide the chaos? Since you’re playing as a helpless child, lost in towering labyrinthine passageways, this obtuse disconnect feels entirely appropriate.
I feel it's intentional because Fumito Ueda and his team have managed to capture this sense of surreal play for three games in a row. Everyone manages to get to the end despite the feeling of disconnect. Trico is so aloof, yet will always get you where you need to go. Eventually. If everything functioned 100% predictably, God-of-War-precise, it would be FAR less memorable...as an experience. You, like the boy, legitimately struggle to escape the castle. Who has the guts to purposely make their controls imprecise to service the game, and theme, as a whole? It's amazing. A true work of Art. Game of the Year.
Non-Game of the Year
The expansion and finale to whatever the hell this thing is. I liked it, but I think I'm literally the only one.
So that's the year, says I. Looking over my list, its clear I didn't play many indie games, even though I complained about people not buying indie games (which is bad Karma for me, but I'll live). As always, if you disagree: good. All awards are pointless, just fluff opinions with a bow on top. Your awards are as good as mine, good as the Oscars, Grammys, Emmys, etc etc forever. Til next year!
2015 Awards 2014 Awards
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How Rare & Beautiful: Chapter 10 - A FFXV OC Fanfic
So, there isn't much to say about this chapter other than we're quickly wrapping up this story. One chapter left after this. So this chapter's title is taken from Alan Menken's opening piece from the animated film, Beauty and the Beast. It fit the mood just right and I consider this point in the story the prologue of Soo-Min's journey. Please use the link to the story's playlist on my profile for the version I listened to. WORDS: 2,380 UPDATED: 07.14.17 Master List Previous Chapter
Prologue - Alan Menken
I stared into the blue eyes of the oracle, queen Sylva, watching her as she gazed at whatever she saw in place of my eight year old form. I shifted uncomfortably, looking around the queen's study to avoid those pale eyes.
The study was similar in design to the rest of Fenestala Manor—white architecture accented by gold, with splashes of sylleblossom blue here and there. The study was pristine, not a book or cushion out of place.
The oracle hummed lightly before speaking, drawing my gaze back to her.
"How long have you been hiding in this body?"
My mind scrambled for the date of my arrival in Eos, eventually settling on "Late July".
"I thought so," queen Sylva said, more to herself than me, scratching a few notes into a leather journal, "I sensed a strange presence entering the world around that time and was never able to determine what it was. It only grew stronger following the prince's accident."
I could feel the unspoken question hanging in the air, answering carefully.
"I confronted the gods after the accident; I wanted to help Noctis. The draconian gave me the ability to bring him back to the waking world, in return, he made me a Seer to guide the prince to his destiny."
The blonde queen froze in her note-taking, staring at the page in shock as ink blotted the paper.
"And do you know what he is destined for? Have the gods granted you visions of it?" the oracle questioned cautiously, removing her pen from the paper to lace her fingers together.
"No. I've only seen bits and pieces of things, images of the next year or so I think…" I furrowed my brow as I thought about the vision I had in the dreamscape, "There was fire; a meadow was burning. Then a girl in white, fading into the distance… Lunafreya maybe? Noctis was crying and reaching for her…"
"So prince Noctis and the girl we are assuming to be my daughter look relatively the same as they do now, putting these events within the remainder of the year." queen Sylva observed, leaning back into her seat.
"And the meaning of the vision itself could be metaphorical as well. While the images shown depict violent and dangerous circumstances in the future, it could also be a warning of the emotional state Noctis will be put through when the party departs from Tenebrae." I offered, thinking back on the vision and it's possible interpretation.
The queen's blonde eyebrows rose in surprise, looking to me curiously.
"My school's literature teacher always said gods are never clear in their messages, that the answer usually needs to be found within what they show. But regardless of whether or not it's literal or metaphorical, I'm not allowed to try and change anything…" I trailed off, looking to the floor as I bit my lip.
"We can only hope nothing ill will come from this vision. Now, we have spent enough time on this; we should begin your therapy." queen Sylva stated, closing her journal and setting it aside.
I moved to lay on my front, allowing the oracle access to the injury across the backs of my thighs. I felt the drag of my skirt against my skin as she drew it upwards, setting it just above the scarring injury. Warm fingers carefully grazed the edges of the cut, a warmth pooling under the scar tissue as the oracle whispered under her breath.
"There is no trace of the scourge, not even a lingering infection." she commented, dragging her fingers along the length of the cut.
"The Draconian said I was unable to contract the scourge because my soul isn't from this world. That the light from my star burned it away the moment it tried to take root." I explained, nestling my cheek against the couch cushion.
The queen hummed in response, focusing on the healing as she replied, "It will be easier to mend your muscles then, as I won't be fighting the remnants of the scourge as I heal you. You are much luckier than the prince."
I frowned at that, my small hand turning into fists as I quietly whispered, "Yeah, I am…" for lapsing into silence.
I sat on a bench in one of the manor gardens, watching as Luna taught Noctis to make flower chains from sylleblossoms. The younger boy was slowly smiling more, the princess bringing happiness back to his sapphire eyes once more as she drew him out of his shell.
The blonde looked up at me, her gaze understanding as she wove flowers together without a thought. I nodded to Luna in response, brown eyes meeting blue as I rolled the stem of a flower between my fingers.
The older girl had slowly become my friend through tentative conversation whenever Noctis had fallen asleep, curious to know my life from before. Luna and I had a mutual respect for each other, both of us meant to guide Noctis to his destiny through communicating with the gods. There had originally been some lingering tension and awkwardness following her confrontation after the Lucian party's arrival, however it slowly faded as I spoke with her and the queen more often, and we began to understand each other.
Luna began wheeling Noctis over to the bench where I sat, a crown of sylleblossoms resting on the prince's lap. I smiled warmly as the duo approached, opening my mouth to speak before abruptly shutting it as Noctis stretched up and delicately placed the flower crown on my head.
I blinked owlishly at the young prince, my hand coming up to touch the soft petals.
"You looked like you needed some cheering up, you've been so serious since we came to Tenebrae." the dark haired boy offered in explanation at my confused expression. Luna smiled her otherworldly serene smile from where she stood behind Noctis.
"Blue is a lovely colour on you, especially sylleblossom blue." the princess complemented, moving to sit beside me on the bench.
"Thank you, Luna. Although I do think it would suit Noctis better, since he has those great big, blue eyes and wears nothing but black all the time." I replied cheekily, tucking the blossom in my hand behind the boy's ear.
The three of us laughed freely, Luna bending over the edge of the bench to pluck another blossom from the garden and place it behind her ear.
"Now we all match." she exclaimed, fueling our laughter until a servant entered the autumn-chilled garden to fetch us for dinner.
On our way to the dining hall, Luna leaned to the side slightly, whispering quietly in my ear.
"After Noctis retires for the night, come to my room." the blonde breathed, pulling away quickly to answer one of Noctis' questions. I didn't falter in my step, leaning against my remaining crutch as we continued down the hall.
I quietly opened the door to Luna's room, poking my head in to see the blonde princess reading on a chaise-lounge by her window. The soft lamp light that filled her room gave the area a warm glow as I stepped in.
Luna's head rose to look at me as I closed the door, watching as I slowly walked over.
"You're recovering quickly." the older girl observed as I sat next to her on the chaise.
I sighed lightly before replying, "All thanks to your mother, and my apparent luck."
"Yes, you do seem to have an abundance of that. Thank you for coming to see me." Luna commented, closing her book after marking her place.
"The Lucian party will be leaving in a few days, since you're making a fast recovery and Noctis is much more likely to walk again after returning to proper therapy." the princess stated, turning slightly to face me.
"Is that why you wanted me to come see you?" I questioned, raising a brow.
"That was one of the reasons. I have a way of communicating with Noctis while we're apart, but I was wondering if you would also like to keep in touch. I'm sending Umbra to get messages to and from Noctis. Perhaps we could use Pryna?" Luna continued, gesturing to the pair of dogs that lay on top of her bed.
I thought quietly to myself for a moment, considering the options.
"Well, that would work. I have one other way we could possibly contact each other, but I'm not 100% sure if it'll work…" I mused, furrowing my brow as I thought about it.
"What is it?" the blonde asked excitedly, leaning towards me.
"When I approached Bahamut about bringing Noctis out of his coma, he gave me to ability to go into the dreamscape and speak to him. I could possibly be able to communicate with you through your dreams." I offered, toying with the possibility of it working.
"How would we test it?" Luna questioned, placing her book on the end table.
"Well, if you fall asleep wanting me to enter your dream, I should be able to just come right into it once I fall asleep." I answered, thinking back on how I entered Noctis' dreams the last time.
The blonde girl nodded in understanding, brushing off the skirt of her nightdress. She rose from her seat on the chaise to walk across the room to her dresser.
"Alright, we'll try that method tonight then. Before you go, I have one more thing. It's a gift for you, a sign of our friendship and something to remind you of the sylleblossoms here." she told me as she looked through a small chest on her dresser.
Luna walked back triumphantly with a small pouch in hand, extending her small hand, and the pouch, out towards me.
I curiously take it from the princess, opening it and sliding a delicate gold bracelet into the palm of my hand. Dropping the pouch into my lap, I used my now free hand to examine the bracelet, flipping over the small charm that was attached. Surrounded by a thin band of gold was a star sapphire that was the size of a pea. The shade of blue reminded me of the sylleblossoms, just as Luna said.
I looked back at the princess, her face eager to hear what I thought.
"It's beautiful, Luna… Thank you, I shall keep it with me always." I promised the blonde, watching her face split into a grin as I slipped the bracelet onto my wrist.
"I'm glad… Now, shall we try this method of communication? You can stay here for the night if you would like." the older girl offered, gesturing over to her bed.
I nodded in acceptance, standing from the chaise and following her over to the large bed.
It was the day of the Lucian party's departure, Noctis and I lingering in Luna's room while servants began to pack up our things and put them in the cars we'd travel home in. I was dressed in a dark gray and lavender hanbok, the bracelet that Luna had gifted me secured around my wrist as our trio ate a filling breakfast.
Noctis was pushing around his food on his plate, as he was in a sour mood about leaving Tenebrae. Luna and I shared a knowing look, our silent communication something that had developed after we began sharing the princess' dreams.
"Noctis, you need to actually eat, it's a long journey from the manor to the closest town on the edge of Lucis. Besides, there's nothing you don't like on your plate, so you can't use that excuse." the blonde pleaded, hoping the prince would listen to her. Noctis only set his fork down beside his plate in response. Luna sighed, looking to me for help.
"Noctis, what if we do a final tour of the gardens before we meet your father in the courtyard for the send off? See the sylleblossoms one last time." I offered, hoping the more private time he would have with the princess and I would lift his spirits a bit.
The dark haired boy nodded reluctantly in response, not saying anything.
I frowned before continuing, "If you don't eat what's on your plate, we head straight to your father when Luna and I are finished eating, are we clear?"
The younger boy picked up his fork to shovel some of his eggs into his mouth, pleasing Luna and I enough to not bother him any more. I ate my toast silently, savouring the ulwaat berry jam that was native to Tenebrae.
After Noctis had finished his breakfast, the three of us dressed in our coats and boots, heading out into the gardens around the manor. Luna and I picked random flowers for the younger boy to weave into a chain, the colourful flower crown finding it's way onto the princess' blonde head as we wove our way through the gardens.
Luna and I began slowing our pace the closer we came to the open meadow that served as a courtyard, drawing out the minutes we had left together for Noctis' sake. My fingers brushed against the moss covered trees as we passed them, breaking through the treeline as we entered the meadow.
Noctis' father stood beside queen Sylva, flanked by guards and nobles alike, and I could even spot Luna's older brother Ravus among the group. Noctis laughed as the blonde princess ran, pushing his wheelchair at a faster pace than usual. From halfway across the meadow, you could see king Regis' relieved expression at the sound of his son's laughter blending with that of Luna's. I grinned widely at my father, who stood on the edges of the crowd, proud to demonstrate to him that I could walk and run without needing crutches once again.
The sounds of laughter and merrymaking were suddenly drowned out by a loud noise descending from above, similar to the sounds of a war plane's engine. Luna stopped pushing Noctis' wheelchair as we all gazed at the sky. Large machine's slowly creeped across the clearing, coming to a stop over the gaps in foliage. Uneasiness began to take root in my chest as the machines just sat there for a moment, nothing happening. Until hell began descending from the sky.
Next Chapter
0 notes
kitsunesbooks · 8 years
The Stunning World of Final Fantasy XV
When it comes to story, in any form of media, the world of that story is what always grabs me first with characters at a close second. The setting can make or break a story for me and it often disappoints me when I see worlds that serve only as a backdrop. In my opinion, no world should be put to waste. Worlds need to interact with the characters and vice versa. A world shouldn’t serve the single purpose of providing a locale for the variety of actions that unfold. One of the ways that writers tend to avoid the struggle of world building is by setting their world in a modern era. Final Fantasy XV takes that idea and hurls it into the friggin stratosphere.
Final Fantasy XV is a game I have been playing quite a lot, but wished I had more time to dedicate to. I have spent ten years waiting to play this game, and even though I am aware that the story deviates from the original plot of Versus XIII, the original title of XV, it is still a phenomenal game. And one of the things that makes this game such a grand revival of Final Fantasy is it's absolutely gorgeous open world. The world of Eos is teeming with life and vibrance and has instantly become one of my favorite video game worlds ever since I first laid eyes on the city of Insomnia back in 2006. Its flawless blend of fiction and reality is something to behold as it creates a story steeped in a beautiful depiction of open road Americana.
In most stories that blend fantasy and reality, the real world often shoves the fantasy side in the back seat. This is almost too true for A LOT of Western stories. This is especially true for books and tv where a “fantasy world” is often showcased as just a damn forest. Final Fantasy XV proves that it is possible to seamlessly meld fantasy and reality in a way that balances the two and creates a world that viewers/players can actually believe is real. The city of Insomnia is a sight to behold. The beaches of Galdin Quay remind me of the shores here in Jersey as well as the Caribbean islands. The forests of Duscae are extremely reminiscent of the Appalachians. There is so much beauty in this world and it is definitely the highlight of this game. Not only that, but it demonstrates that it is possible to make an alluring fantasy world set in a modern era. It is easy to take our world and just put some magic in it, but when you take the time to really flesh out the fantasy side of things you get something less generic. The visuals definitely aid in painting the gorgeous landscapes of Eos, but that shouldn’t stop writers from using deep level descriptions to really emphasize the fantasy part of their settings. If anything, the visuals of FFXV should encourage this level of detail in writing. Final Fantasy XV should be an example of how to do a proper modern fantasy.
The towns all feel heavily lived in and well populated. While the roads may feel a little barren at times, traffic always picks up near the variety of towns and settlements. Lestallum is one the prettiest and quaintest little towns I have ever seen, with its quiet and rustic city scape. Insomnia, though we never see much of it, is a sprawling metropolis reminiscent of Tokyo. Hell, even the Hammerhead garage takes design elements akin to those aged rest stops you find on those long midwest highways here in America. I would rant about how gorgeous Altissia is, but I haven’t gotten there yet. All of these places feel so close to reality while still keeping a strong fantasy style that helps to seamlessly meld a world of science and a world of magic. I think one of my favorite parts about the game is all the different foods you can try at rest places. Every hotel/restaurant has a variety of different menu items adding a layer of culture to each place you visit. It is a detail that is completely unnecessary but adds a layer of depth to the world. And the fact that this same small part of the world can actually help you in the game shows a genuine understanding of how open world games should really work, or really any game for that matter. Games that have mechanics that work together with the lore really stand out to me. That is why I am such a fan of the Souls series. Final Fantasy XV nails that harmony between the story and the game.
Another amazing aspect of Final Fantasy XV is the photography. Prompto, one of your party members, has a deep affinity for taking pictures. This adds to the road trip aesthetic that game flawlessly delivers on. Almost every shot is a stunning view of the world as a backdrop to the characters. There are even a few photo op places scattered around the world, such as the Disc of Cauthess in Duscae. The photography really does the world a ton of justice and teeters on the verge of uncanny valley. The photos are almost too true to life. Even my mother, who never plays video games, had to comment on the photo-realism of the game’s amazing graphics, which do an amazing job to add color and vibrance to the world Eos.
Though the world is fantastic there are a few problems. While, one them I don’t necessarily have trouble with, others seem to dislike it. That of course is the large amount of product placement. While it is kind of dumb to have the characters themselves talk about friggin Cup Noodles. I can at least see why a game like this could be such a potent vehicle for product placement. There is so much of it, simply because it works. It doesn’t take your eyes off things when you see it. If anything it brings us much closer to our reality and makes the world of Eos seem like more of an altered version of our Earth. Product placement CAN be used as an effective writing tool to help sell a story as something that could exist. But when it is thrust into the dialogue in a clumsy fashion, like almost all product placements do, it falls flat on its face. But hey, that Audi R8 in Kingsglaive looked pretty damn cool.
On the other hand, the one complaint I have with the world is that despite how interesting it looks, the lore is tucked away. The world amazingly fleshed out and a beautiful sight to behold, but it doesn’t really embody its lore as strongly. That is a problem. But, then again, at least it has lore to begin with. Eos, has a pantheon of gods, it has a creation story, it has lore tied to each of the major kingdoms such as Nifelheim and Lucis. But it falls a bit short for not being put somewhere in the actual game. I would have really enjoyed being able to uncover tidbits of lore throughout the open world, like in Dark Souls for instance. But I will settle for what I have.
I honestly don’t know how long I can gush about this game without sounding too repetitive. I will more than likely be doing some more articles on FFXV as I play through more of it. Future articles will be much more in depth than this one for any of you looking for some juicy research.
Stay Frosty, Adam Schmidt
0 notes
recentanimenews · 8 years
FEATURE: Crunchyroll Favorites 2016, Part Two: Video Games!
From returning classics to the Wii U breathing its last (well, last-ish) to a multiplayer-only shooter absolutely taking over everyone's lives, 2016 was a wild year for video games. Continuing from yesterday's feature, Part Two features CR's staff and contributing writers sharing their favorite gaming experiences of 2016--let's get started!
  NATE MING (@NateMing)
  Overwatch- Not only is Overwatch a fast, bright, and fun multiplayer shooter, but it's made people who otherwise wouldn't play shooters into fans on its style alone. Playing out like an action-packed Saturday morning cartoon, Overwatch's wonderfully diverse and larger-than-life cast has inspired people who don't even play the game, making it go beyond its already-considerable reach as "just" a game.
    Dark Souls III- For me, Dark Souls is the game series that best represents life itself: nothing is easy, everything can come crashing down with one bad decision, but every victory is absolutely worth all the pain. Dark Souls III was like coming back home, only home wants to tear you apart and leave nothing left. Every gorgeous new area, every fearsome new enemy, every horrifying discovery--Dark Souls III is a hell of a ride.
    Street Fighter V- Yeah yeah, no Arcade Mode, I get it. For the people who wanted to step into the arena and see what they were made of (I'm not made of much, by the way), Street Fighter V dialed back the execution-heavy insanity of Street Fighter IV, making the game more accessible to a new audience by making it about matchups and playing the person instead of worrying how tight your quarter-circles were. For all its missteps on the single-player front, SFV made Street Fighter honest again.
    DOOM- In the years since Modern Warfare, it felt like shooters had become too clinical--headshot jousting and drop-shotting had taken away the thing that initially drew me to first-person gameplay decades ago: their rough, literally-in-your-face nature. DOOM drops all pretense with its mandate: RIP AND TEAR. Each fight leaves you nowhere to hide and no time to catch your breath, expecting finesse, knowledge of your terrain, using the right tool for the job, and pure killing efficiency.
    Titanfall 2- Almost on the other side of the coin, Titanfall 2 demands a sense of fluidity and keeping an almost constant state of three-dimensional movement--you're never fighting on a straight line, and it's not about who makes the first move, but who survives the last. Add in the sheer fun of large-scale Titan clashes and you already have a near-perfect game--the excellent Iron Giant and Big Hero 6-like single-player campaign is just icing on the cake.
    Hitman- My favorite stealth series returns to its roots, going episodic and giving you huge playgrounds to stalk. The variety of levels leaves you with plenty of options on how to approach targets, and are already designed so well that Agent 47's base kit is all you really need to take them out. I was worried about the series after Absolution--consider Hitman's sins absolved.
    Mother Russia Bleeds- Peter and I played through this whole game on stream, and it was one of the best co-op experiences I've had in a long while. Mother Russia Bleeds is rough, difficult, and downright nasty, and it never, ever lets up on you--this is the kind of gaming experience I live for. A twisted sense of humor and a thumping soundtrack only add to one of the year's coolest, meanest games.
    Gears of War 4- I still hold to the belief that Gears of War 3 is a damn-near-perfect shooter, and while the latest game stumbles in some areas, it's still a total blast. A lighter tone, faster gunplay, and some insane setpieces make this feel more like a cover-based Contra, and I couldn't be happier. Even my favorite co-op game type--Horde Mode--gets a major overhaul that really brings teams together.
    That Dragon, Cancer- Media doesn't always have to be fun. If there are sad movies, there certainly can be sad games, and going on this interactive journey of a father's loss is one of the most difficult things I've ever had to willingly go through. Watching Joel--just a boy--steadily grow weaker, and feeling the hopelessness and despair of his parents, and finally coming to terms with it all, is a gaming experience unlike any other for me, and it was 100% worth it.
    Shantae: Half-Genie Hero- WayForward's adorable hair-whipping, transforming, belly-dancing genie came back with another fast-paced, this time much-more-risque adventure. Probably the most tastefully horny platformer I've yet played, Half-Genie Hero had plenty of laugh-out-loud moments in addition to its high-energy platforming and Metroid-like backtracking.
  JOSEPH LUSTER (@Moldilox)
Final Fantasy XV- I can't think of another recent game that had me so skeptical prior to its release, only to have it thoroughly entertain me and kill pretty much all the time I had left. FFXV isn't just a great Final Fantasy game, it's a fantastic role-playing game that really puts an emphasis on the role-playing. From the moment Noctis and his hott boiz put gas in the tank I refused to fast travel, and I couldn't be happier with the results.
    7th Dragon III Code: VFD- If you told me I'd be including THIS on my list of top games of 2016 I'd probably have to stop and ask you what the hell 7th Dragon is. The latest installment of Sega's series launched in Japan in 2015, but didn't make its way to the west until summer of 2016. While we covered it on Crunchyroll News quite a bit leading up to its release, I never thought I'd actually bother playing it. Turns out I would have missed out on one of the most low-key enjoyable dungeon-crawlers of the year. Do yourself a favor and fire this one up on your 3DS once you're done clearing that nasty backlog.
    The Last Guardian- I don't know what to tell you if you didn't expect a Fumito Ueda game to feature a hard-to-control boy and a stubborn NPC. Time will tell how The Last Guardian measures up against Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, but I was thoroughly moved throughout the 8 to 10 hours I spent with Trico. Sure, the cat-bird beast in question will occasionally have you screaming at the screen, but no one builds worlds and develops molasses-thick atmosphere quite like Ueda and co.
  BRITTANY VINCENT (@MolotovCupcake)
Final Fantasy XV- As a lifelong Final Fantasy fan I wasn’t entirely sure I would love this entry, but I came away so appreciative of the new battle system, the “road trip” narrative, and the characters themselves. I greedily lapped up the expansion media like Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV and everything that went with it because I just couldn’t get enough of this world. From Cindy to Noctis to the familiar Final Fantasy mainstays peppered throughout, I lost count of everything that made me smile throughout my journey through Eos. I can’t wait to see what the future of Final Fantasy holds.
    World of Final Fantasy- If Final Fantasy XV was all about delivering the most polished narrative it could with all the fixings, World of Final Fantasy was a massive love letter in the vein of Pokemon that combined the best of both worlds. Hardcore fans could appreciate the nuances and cameos of games prior, and newcomers were able to bask in the hilarious writing and heartfelt story. It’s a world I would happily live in, especially when you get to frolic with so many heart-rendingly-cute characters so much of the time.
    Amplitude- The fact that one of my favorite entries in the PlayStation 2’s library was given new life shook me to its core. I’m still annoyed I can’t purchase the banging’ soundtrack, but Harmonix’s updated Amplitude was rebooted with a story, ridiculously awesome new tunes, and graphics that really punched up the synaesthesia factor. It’s like I never stopped playing the original game and just saw the difficulty ramp up a little.
  PETER FOBIAN (@PeterFobian)
The Witcher III: Heart of Stone and Blood and Wine- Irrefutably the best game to come out of 2015, The Witcher III is returning to my list to also take the top spot for 2016. CD Projekt RED has released two major story expansions, Heart of Stone and Blood and Wine which over double the length of the game while providing access to huge new locations with all the narrative depth and density of Novigrad. These two expansions are everything that DLC could and should have been, actual enhancements to a game that provide content above and beyond getting what we paid for on the original pricetag.
    Uncharted 4: A Thief's End- This game felt like a movie, packed with small moments like novel mishaps and character interactions that were both humorous and organically contributed to the narrative. The action sequences were tremendous, from some immensely dynamic car chases to absolutely insane escapes from crumbling structures. The world is beautiful and composed of diverse environments possessing fine detail and impressive verticality. Then there’s Nadine fights, which felt like a battle simply to survive rather than defeat a boss.
    Hitman- Releasing Hitman as an episodic title turned out to be a perfect formula for a title that is composed of a series of sandboxes missions encouraging an individualized approach. Each new area had a strong concept and an orchestrated feeling that really communicated that Square had been able to unhurriedly direct their entire attention toward its development. For the fans this meant either buying a season pass or buying the levels piecemeal. The episodic metaplot and special events like hunting down Gary Busey or the bandits from Home Alone are just icing on the cake.
    Dark Souls III- The twisted takes on the environments from the original Dark Souls were a really satisfying return to the series origin (not counting Demon Souls and earlier titles). I don’t know if there is a way to really perfect Dark Souls gameplay, but Dark Souls 3 managed to introduce even more variety while keeping that immensely simple and streamlined feel. The NPC storylines were maybe my favorite part of the title and the best they’ve ever been, the quests with Irina of Carim and Anri of Astora will probably be how I remember the franchise for the rest of my life.
    Titanfall 2- The three-dimensional movement is so clean and intuitive it makes me feel like I was born to fly. The inclusion of titans as stand-in for killstreak rewards is one of the best ideas in modern competitive FPS, giving you a powerful tool that can still be defeated with good counterplay. It didn’t need it, but man did they create an awesome single player campaign with some epic environments and boss fights that give the setting some new dimension.
    The Last Guardian- I’m a bit torn about this one. I found the emotional narrative of The Last Guardian to be an immensely satisfying experience, elaborating upon the player's relationship with Agro in Shadow of the Colossus while raising the stakes by portraying both partners as adolescents. My only major problem is the game just didn’t feel connected to the rest of the continuity the way SotC did, even if the ending was a nice moment as a standalone. For all that, the game probably got me more involved that many other titles I’ve played this year.
    INSIDE- Perfectly walking the line between forcing you to remain intellectually engaged to figure out puzzles without ever feeling lost by their difficulty, each delivering that “aha!” moment without the accompanying frustration. It has a bunch of novel ideas and manages to find a few different ways of using each of them so the game’s mechanics never feel stale. I’m not sure if I’ve ever felt as uncomfortable playing a game as maybe the last 20 minutes of INSIDE and it was great. Still not sure what the hell is going on in that world, but it was definitely an experience.
    Mother Russia Bleeds- Using a side-scrolling Streets of Rage style in lieu of Hotline Miami’s top-down perspective, Mother Russia Bleeds has all the dark themes and brutality of its spiritual predecessor. This game is bad acid trip turned multiple homicide with an amazing soundtrack. A highly refined brawler with some boss fights that are memorable both for their difficulty and because of how absolutely gruesome they all are. Also, in keeping with with Hotline Miami traditions, the soundtrack is worthy of its own vinyl.
    Hyper Light Drifter- No game has succeeded in making me feel as profoundly alone as I did playing through Hyper Light Drifter. The haunting synth soundtrack, unspeaking protagonist, and unique visuals all work in concert to create this intensely pure emotional experience. The overall world structure and gameplay had the feel and sense of discovery as A Link to the Past, running with a lean number of highly flexible gameplay options.
    Furi- This game came out of nowhere for me and I’m happy to have happened upon it. It does what I most love about indies by taking a good component found in many AAA titles and condensing it down into its purest form. Furi is a series of intense duels against the residents of a floating prison that looks and feels like it was created by Moebius. The game taps into multiple genres to accommodate some insane forms of combat and just feels like a pure experience.
  KARA DENNISON (@RubyCosmos)
  Ace Attorney: Phoenix Wright: Spirit of Justice- I started playing the Ace Attorney series during a long hospital stay many years ago, and I was hooked immediately. I didn't think anything would wow me as much as Dual Destinies did, but Spirit of Justice is really something special, in terms of both plotting and art. The sprites are gorgeous... like sinfully so. And it's getting increasingly cinematic, with the case formats bending to the plot. Also, if you play it and want some serious nostalgia, do yourself a favor and buy the DLC case.
    Five Night's at Freddy's: Sister Location- Prior to 2016 I was terrified of anything FNaF because I am a jumpscare loser. But thanks to let's plays, brave friends, and far lower anxiety than previous years, I've been able to engage with the franchise. Considering I'm a sucker for childhood nightmare fuel, the games are already tailor made for me. And this in particular -- a new spin on the old formula -- was fascinating. The lore has my head spinning and I need to know more.
    World of Warcraft: Legion- WoW expansions are getting a bit like Star Trek movies, aren't they? Where they alternate good and bad? I was interested enough in Warlords of Draenor, but it didn't quite ping all the buttons I thought it would. Then along comes Legion, with demon hunters and artifact weapons and class halls. The storytelling is becoming progressively more cinematic, the DH's are SO fun for a tank like me, and everything is just looking cooler and cooler. I'm a loner on MMOs, and this got me caring so much about endgame that I did a dungeon with a bunch of strangers just because I was that invested in the plot.
  EVAN MINTO (@VamptVo)
  Overwatch- I tried the Overwatch demo on a whim, and fell in love pretty quickly. I’m very bad at it (as is the case for most games), but what makes it such a rewarding experience is the wealth of play styles it presents, from a twitchy traditional FPS character to a melee-centric tank to a passive healer. On top of the fun of playing these mechanics against each other in team-based match-ups, Overwatch also has a giddy, cartoonish visual style and a diverse cast of vibrant, memorable characters representing all sorts of countries, body types, and yes, sexual orientations. I’ll be playing this one for years to come, along with the rest of the world.
    1979 Revolution: Black Friday- The Iranian Revolution is a relatively recent historical event, but its implications for the Middle East and the world were massive. I’m surprised it took so long to get a video game about it! 1979 Revolution uses the mechanics and even the visual style of Telltale’s critically acclaimed adventure games to tell the story of a photojournalist caught between a brewing revolution and his own loyalist family. The game is full of documents and historical notes to read, but its elegance lies in its ability to showcase political ideologies through moments that feel like urgent personal struggles rather than distant historical details.
    Oxenfree- Ever since I first played the Telltale Walking Dead series, I’ve been on the hunt for great story-based adventure games. Oxenfree doesn’t just copy Telltale, though. Instead, it’s a side-scrolling adventure game with some platforming and puzzle elements, centered around a group of teenagers who find themselves trapped on a haunted island. The navigation and puzzle-solving is dead simple, but genuinely funny, likable characters, timed dialogue choices with real impact, and an atmospheric, occasionally psychedelic visual style more than make up for it.
    Firewatch- Probably the greatest video game about walking around in a Wyoming national park ever made, Firewatch is a fantastic example of indie games’ potential to create really unique experiences. You play as a fire lookout, communicating via radio with your boss in a far-off tower via timed dialogue choices, but Firewatch isn’t really about changing things via your choices as much as it’s about spending an extended period of time with a character and a location. And boy oh boy, is that location beautiful! The devs at Campo Santo create a world that feels alive, with dying sunlight playing across painterly mountain backdrops and trees that disappear day by day as a wildfire burns across the forest. And then there’s the story itself, which uses the lonely environment to present a sinister mystery. “Walking simulators” ain’t so bad after all.
    Fire Emblem: Fates- I absolutely loved Fire Emblem: Awakening, but I still haven’t even finished my first run through Fates (Birthright). Still, it has a lot of the elements I loved about Awakening: a cast of likable warriors, simple RTS mechanics that get more complex with time, and web of statistics and relationships to manage both on and off the battlefield. Birthright’s somewhat boring level design knocked this one a couple places down my list, so maybe one day I’ll finish and move on to Conquest!
  SAM WOLFE (@_Samtaro)
A lot of great games hit the scene in 2016. We saw the releases of long awaited games like Final Fantasy XV and The Last Guardian, as well as the release of breakout hits like Overwatch. I, however, didn’t play any of these games because Hearthstone released three expansions this year, and unfortunately for you, Nate has given me a platform to gush about them on.
    Whispers of the Old Gods (Hearthstone Expansion)- Whispers of the Old Gods was the first set released in Hearthstone’s “Year of the Kraken,” where the standard format got its foundation. As the mechanized minions of Goblins vs. Gnomes were swept into the wild, corrupted versions of our favorite minions took center stage, and with them, their ancient Old God masters. One of the best promotions for this set was that everyone who logged in received C’thun, an iconic creature from Warcraft lore, for free. This was a great move, as it gave beginners a powerful creature with a fun mechanic right from the start.
    One Night in Karazhan (Hearthstone Expansion)- Things took a turn for the funky with the release of One Night in Karazhan, the fourth Hearthstone adventure. Set in a reimagined 70’s version of the magus Medivh’s tower, the set brought balance to the game with several new cards, all served in a stylish disco package, and introduced some very creative creatures (a silverware golem? That’s hilarious!). A special shout out should go to Prince Malchezaar, a card that shuffles 5 random legendary cards into your deck, allowing new players to try out some powerful cards that they wouldn’t otherwise have access to.
  The Mean Streets of Gadgetzan (Hearthstone Expansion)- The most recent expansion, The Mean Streets of Gadgetzan, took us to the Goblin city on the coast of the same name, where three factions are fighting for control: the Grimy Goons, The Jade Lotus, and The Kabal. With each faction having a unique mechanic, as well as introducing multi-class cards, the meta was once again turned on its head, and two months out people are still waiting for the dust to settle. While every faction has something to offer, I have to put my lot in with the Kabal; Raza the Chained is one of the craziest cards I’ve seen, and he gets along great with our old friend Reno Jackson.
  NICK CREAMER (@B0bduh)
  Overwatch- This game loomed large for me this year--in fact, I’m pretty sure I played more hours of Overwatch than all my others put together. I’ve always been a fan of asymmetrical cooperative/competitive games, with Left 4 Dead standing as one of my all-time favorites, and Overwatch’s diverse gallery of heroes has made for an endlessly entertaining experience. From its attractive aesthetic to its competition-ready depth, Overwatch offers a steady curve of delights as you slowly gain familiarity with its intricate working parts. Here’s to finally hitting diamond in season three…
    DOOM- I’m honestly not that big of a shooter fan, at least relative to other genres - if I were doing this list last year, I’d be gushing about Undertale. But the shooters were good this year, and so I gotta hand it to DOOM. This year’s rebirth of the franchise embraced and elevated everything that made the originals fun, bringing back not just the monsters and weapons, but the gameplay feel of constant movement, intimate encounters, and steady mastery of each level’s winding maze. DOOM wasn’t beloved just because it got there first, and this year’s remodel demonstrated there’s still a lot to love in the game’s classic formula.
    The Witness- After a year as tumultuous as this, it was almost hard to believe that The Witness actually came out this year. But yes, The Witness finally arrived, and yes, it was wonderful. Jonathan Blow characterized his work on The Witness as attempting to capture and iterate on that elusive “a-ha” moment of personal revelation and discovery. While I wouldn’t say every segment of the game succeeded, the overall product was a consistently rewarding and just fundamentally beautiful getaway, a spiritual successor to Myst that tempered its fiendishly difficult puzzles with a consistently inviting atmosphere.
And that's a wrap for Part Two of our three-part series! Be sure to check out Part One if you missed it, and tune in at the same time tomorrow for PART THREE: EVERYTHING ELSE, featuring movies, music, food, and more! And if you're still in the mood for past CR Favorites, check out the previous years' features here:
  Crunchyroll Favorites 2015 Part One Part Two Part Three
Crunchyroll Favorites 2014 Part One Part Two Part Three
Crunchyroll Favorites 2013 Part One Part Two Part Three
Crunchyroll Favorites 2012 Part One Part Two Part Three
Crunchyroll News' Best of 2011 Part One Part Two
  What were your favorite video games of 2016? Remember, this is a FAVORITES list, not a BEST OF list, so there's no wrong answers--sound off in the comments and share your favorites with us!
Nate Ming is the Features and Reviews Editor for Crunchyroll News, creator of the long-running Fanart Friday column, and the Customer Support Lead for Crunchyroll. You can follow him on Twitter at @NateMing.
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stephicness · 7 years
Astral!Ravus AU? O u O
I WILL RAISE YOU AN ASTRAL RAVUS WITH AN ASTRAL EVERYONE AU!But I’ll talk about Ravus alot because I really, really, really like Ravus. ccc:
SO HERE WE GO! Because who needs just the Six when we can have all of the gods and goddesses? c:
Divine Intervention – FFXV x Mythology Headcanons
Noctis Lucis Caelum – Protector of the Crystal; God of Night
The God of Night, son of the God of Time and the Goddess of Maternity.
A young and naive god, but one tasked with a great duty to protect the Crystal of the Astrals.
Many say he resides within the Crystal itself, but it’s only a legend since few have been able to see this strange Crystal within the Temple of Thought.
The Crystal itself is a means that regulates day and night, you see. If the Crystal isn’t able to control itself, then night will be eternal.
Or if something happens to the God who is to bring forth the daylight, then the Crystal would need to help make sure the darkness doesn’t fall.
The God of Night and the God of Sun coincide in terms of powers, both relying on one another in order to allow day and night to be balanced in the realm of humans.
The God of Night usually slumbers within the Crystal, waiting for when the God of the Sun comes along and awakens the night once again.
And once it is time for the night to slumber once again, the God of Night returns back to the crystal, put to a pleasant slumber by the Goddess of the Moon before the cycle repeats once again.
Prompto Argentum – Waker of Day and Night; God of the Sun
Bright as the sun he represents, the God of the Sun is among one of the best worshiped Astrals.
Many ask for his blessings in hope for his radiant light to shine upon them, resulting in him being a god associated with luck and fortune.
His main duties reside in bringing the sunlight to the realm of the humans, and also allowing the God of Night to bring forth the night.
He travels across the Sky every day until he meets with the Crystal where the God of Night slumbers.
And with a gentle greeting and ritual, he’s able to awaken the night, allowing the God of Night to cross the expansive sky so it may meet with the Goddess of the Moon and awaken her.
The God of the Sun holds an important duty to not only help the night, but he also serves as an icon for the humans – a blessing to them as a divine figure who directly affects them all.
He adores the humans perhaps the most out of the other Astrals, more inclined to walk amongst the humans to see how he can bless them with his light.
But nevertheless, his favorite time of the day is when he’s able to greet the night once again.
Ignis Scientia – Archivist of Thought; God of Memory
Residing in his own pantheon amongst the Astral realm, the God of Memory holds the knowledge and secrets of the Astral Realm and the Human Realm.
Perhaps his pursuit of knowledge seems overwhelming, but he continues to become the embodiment of perfection with the memories he holds to become the most intelligent Astral of the realm.
Protects the Crystal within his Temple of Thought, allowing only a rare few ever lay their eyes on the Crystal that he oversees.
At least, as much as he can see, for an accident where the God of Chaos attempted to defile the God of Night’s crystal resulted in the loss of his vision.
The God of Memory still allows himself to see VIA the dreams and memories of those he encounters, allowing them to be his gateway to the world he wishes to see once more.
But anything he can do to protect the Crystal and the God that resides in it, he will gladly do it as a devoted ally to the God of Night.
He is never seen leaving his Temple as a result of his accident, but it is no matter with the God of Strength visiting the Temple often or the God of the Sun approaching to awaken the night.
Perhaps one day, he may fight the knowledge of how to restore his eyesight again, but alas – such secrets must be sought after first.
Gladiolus Amicitia – Shield of the Gods; God of Strength
Just as the God of Metal once was, the God of Strength protects and serves those who are in need of his strength.
An unwavering shield of the weak, the God of Strength takes pride in his duty to bless people with his strength and devotion.
If someone feels doubt in their powers, he will help every last soul asking for the strength to carry on – at whatever the cost it is.
However, he cannot protect those unwanting of his strength – those who are strong without him. And it’s ultimately what caused him to fail in protecting the God of Memory.
He vows to protect his comrades as he can, but alas, he sometimes finds him own strength wavering as he’s unable to protect everyone he cares for.
But he fights, and fights, and fights. For one day, he may find the strength to truly be worthy of his status as a god.
He is noted to wander amongst the humans at times – particularly when the Astrals wish to traverse amongst human kind – and serves as their bodyguard of sorts.
He does admit, however, the humans have the best concoctions of food. Especially what he simply knows as ‘Cup Noodles.’ He asks the God of Memory to tell him more about this delicacy quite often.
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret – Keeper of the Night; Goddess of the Moon
As the night awakens after the God of the Sun performs his ritual, it is up to the Goddess of the Moon to make sure the night is safely brought to the humans.
A light amongst the dark, when the night becomes too weary to bear, she provides an aura of hope to those lost within the darkness, and to the god with a burden to carry every eve.
Without the night, there would be no moon, which is one of the reasons why the Goddess of the Moon is so reliant and enticed by the night.
However, the tragedy is knowing that without the moon, the night can still thrive.
But nevertheless, the Goddess of the Moon dedicates herself to guiding the night until the God of the Sun may return once again, allowing the God of Night to rest once more.
The moon allows travelers to fight safety in the dark, but the Goddess personifies an ideal of peace as well, for the dark can sometimes be filled with unwanted chaos and fear.
But fear not, weary traveler.
For when you gaze upon the moon’s graceful light, the Goddess will watch over you and protect you from the monsters in the darkness.
Ravus Nox Fleuret – Watcher of the Dead; God of Death
A strange fate the God of Death had faced, residing once as the God of Life and yet, meeting a fate that resulted in a tragedy for the god.
Corrupted by the God of Chaos, the God of Life was unable to do the very thing he was destined to do: give life to those he wished to grant life to.
Everything the god touched withered away, unable to fight for life – a tragedy in the eyes of a man once beloved by most, now feared by all.
He resides amongst those who attempt to pass through the Astral Realm to the afterlife, a judge to them with a new duty to make sure no one wicked or unjust can pass through to the afterlife.
Those who are unworthy of ascension must deal with him. And just as despair once filled him, he will show the wicked what true despair was with an eternity of punishment and torment.
Due to his corruption, he is unable to truly reside amongst the Astrals once again, trapped in his own realms of death, where the lost wait for their chance for atonement in the afterlife.
He is unable to see those he once cared for, fearful that his corruption and pension for death will curse those that he touches and remains by – just like the Goddess of Fertility that he unfortunately took the life from.
He can only watch from his place amongst the dead, hoping that perhaps one day, he too may know his own peace in death.
Ardyn Izunia – Wicked King of Exiles; God of Chaos
A name erased from history itself, and yet his reputation is known throughout all of legend.
Something wicked this way comes, and it comes in the form of the God of Chaos.
Once chosen to become the King of the Astrals, he was denounced in his name, for no one could trust a man of chaos and wickedness to rule over with fairness and justness.
Alas, it was something that the king of Chaos would not take lightly. For step by step, plot by plot, he hopes to be able to exact his revenge against the Astrals and their ‘Beloved’ king.
He will do what it takes to prove that he is not a threat to be taken lightly, even going so far to attempt to steal the God of Night and corrupting him, so that night will never be allowed to slumber ever again.
There are those amongst the humans that see the King of Exiles as the true king of the Astrals, many devoting themselves to the God of Chaos’s philosophies and teachings. 
So it is there that he will continue his revolt against the gods, by turning the humans against the gods they once worshiped.
Because, after all, what is a God to a non-believer?
Aranea Highwind – Goddess of the Winds. She can be as gentle as a spring breeze or as treacherous as a fall hurricane. Her temper is hard to judge.
Cindy Aurum – Goddess of Creation. Not to be confused with the God of Life, she blesses the humans with the inspiration to create, build, and shape the world around them.
Cor Leonis – God of War. Evenly-tempered and honorable, those who seek war will see for the God of War’s advice and strength, for only the honorable will prevail in war as the god watches.
Iris Amicitia – Goddess of Nature. Young and kind-spirited, she blesses with the humans with the life around them and the ability to survive in a beautiful world created by her and the other Astrals.
Nyx Ulric – God of Victory. When your will is lost and the tides of battle fall out of your favor – fear not. Call upon his blessing, and the God of Victory will aid those truly deserving of a fair victory in an unfair world.
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