#especially since it can come across as lesbian-phobic which is a hell no
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ultravioart ยท 2 years ago
Examples below:
Because I wonder if humor like this would be too vulgar if she's actually the "sexy bully" archetype???
-not caring if people see her sitting in a bathtub, laughs at them freaking out (or would she cover up and be mad, and have it be a funny screaming match???? idk). -In a similar vein, she's probably forced to where pajamas... because for grobs sake woman! Not her fault, her house her rules, chump. Sleeping O natural is for the wickedest. (she wears pjs within the week because Peepers is ridiculous) -while causing havoc in the beginning, they steal a car and go on a mafia machine blasters a' blazing joyride mixed with a wild party night. So a scene like (obviously not showing, but implying) Dee flashing someone to make them crash their car, to peeper's absolute horror. Where's the decency!!!! Goodness gracious!! Cover yourself up--HANDS ON THE WHEEL!!! All while Dominator is laughing so hard she's snorting over the crash. "Oh my grob, did you see those dorks! HAH!" -Dominator insisting Peepers must have some lame-o crush on her because EVERYONE has some kind of lame-o crush on her. She's really mean about it too, mostly taking out her anger because she is disappointed the little punk lady watchdog was the mega-dorky guy peepers in disguise. Men, ugh. Boys ruin eeeeeeeverything! Little does she know, it is not a lame-o crush Peepers has on Dominator, Peepers is just a big stan for her because she's a natural born villain lmao. Once she realizes that it's stanning and not a romantic crush she's like "huh." and starts to treat him more as an (almost) intellectual equal than a sap. She stanned evil day one, so she can understand the appeal of her evil perfection.
Frankly, Peepers had more of a mancrush on the badass macho lava suit lol, but ultimately Peepers' heart is forever loyal his the one and only, Lord Hater. The one who broke his heart... in a completely evil professional regard, of course! This is where I can see Dominator using that hurt peepers feels to push Peepers even deeper into doing eviler and eviler things. Seeing teensy twerpy peepers using that massive rage to punish the world is hilarious for her to watch. This in turns gives Peepers a wake up call on how being a bad influence on someone can really stink, and that's not what good friends do. No wonder Hater choose Wander over him... It puts into perspective that Peepers was actively pushing Hater to do evil things that Hater wasn't exactly on board with, but did so due to peer pressure. How it went from a romp on the town feeling all big and mighty to a constant slog of a job, demanding and soul crushing because this kind of bad felt bad. Thankfully Peepers' past interactions with Sylvia made him snap out of the "use your rage to rule the universe" stupor and realize there are lines he will NOT cross and there are things he WILL protect, grob help him. -I also can see Dominator, if completely unhinged and viciously aiming for vengeance, playing up the fact that Lord Hater kept saying Peepers was birddogging him. Doesn't count since they never dated, but that doesn't stop Lord Hater from being a total manchild about it. It almost makes me wonder if she'd get so fed up with Lord Hater's whining, she'd pretend for a few minutes that Peepers is her wittle princess while Peepers is utterly baffled and mortified, and Lord Hater is rage screaming over coms. This is where it matters how FAR dominator would go, because she's canonically a lesbian, so I feel it's weird to do anything jokesy between her and peepers unless it's entirely in character for her to be off the wall and do random stunts with no regard to mess with people. If she does have boundaries and a sense of pride over certain things, this would all read as forked up and ooc as hell. How off the wall is she? what the flarp does sexy bully EVEN MEAN? auhgghghgh.
So I'm trying to write out some ideas for Dominion au scenes and I guess I'm questioning what kind of humor fits Dominator? She's definitely comically evil + mean spirited so there is dark humor galore (Plus with kid cosmic using death as a punchline, lmafo it makes for some dark opportunity),
but if.... sighes, If the writers really were trying to go for the "she doesn't belong in the show" anime-op-badass "sexy bully"(<<<gags I hate this approach i hate sexy bully) archetype, I have to wonder if she's conscious of herself in situations or not. In Q&A they say she loves riot grrl but she's also fine with using a guy persona to "mess with people"?? Mess with them how? Make them double take and awkwardly scramble to treat her differently? Or make them not judge her as a (gender) but as a badass foe first and foremost regardless, and being a woman is just the cherry on top? I have to wonder if her love for the riot grrl genre includes the fundamental girl empowerment (proud to be a girl), or the "don't judge me just because I am a girl! I belong here too!" aspect. Is her perspective that she is proud to be a badass woman, or does she feel she's a badass who happens to be woman therefore women must be great? She seems to use whatever tools she has at her disposal, but also has a comedic self care routine of fluffy towels and pink guest bathrooms. So she's all out evil villain, but also has sensitivities and seemingly personal boundaries with "me-time" which doesn't read entirely as the all out off the wall destroyer, but a quirky lethal evil conqueror. It matters because like, would she be a "sexy" bully that has personal boundaries over her body, or is it all in, make the others squirm and yelp? Is she vulgar and unhinged? or does she have some kind of pride that would prevent her from "degrading" her self in her view by flirting with people she sees as losers? We have characters that have a sense of pride or a sense of boundary, which can make for good kind spirited humor too, but if Dominator really doesn't belong, it's hard to discern just how far her actions would go. basically it's one of the two: A) she embodies the "intensely evil little girl" all grown up into a fearsome villainess, playing godzilla with living toys. This is within the same vein to Hater's "spoiled brat emo prince" all grown up into a manchild rockstar tyrant personality. This means she would have some personal boundaries and sense of pride, meaning she would toy with others (flirting, teasing) but not be intensely vulgar. Fits the setting of WoY pretty well, though? Is... being pretty and mean enough to be a sexy bully archetype? Ugh Man, I hate this trope lmao. It feels gross. B) She embodies the "evil no matter what" and just happens to be a woman. she relishes in bullying others and making them squirm, wanting to destroy everything in her path. She's super unhinged and even self-destructive if not careful. No sense of sympathy for others, she just. wants. to. destroy. those puny little faces. (Cute aggression over 9,000!) And it's bleak! Yeah! ...and, lonely. Woops. This means she would be very vulgar, and not care what people think about her or her body because of course she's already perfect, she's HER. This to me reads as more so the sexy bully archetype, but ignores some semblance of her softer sides like her "...friend?" moments with Sylvia or her funny reactions to things like "what? Ew--no." which imply personal boundaries. I'm writing a whole damn essay about this because I don't want to make her too vulgar if it's ooc. But... it's seriously hard to understand what the hell the writers even meant by "sexy bully" because is that just a hot mean girl? Or a get under your skin and twist the knife just "to break your heart and watch you cry" kinda thing??? HOW FAR DOES IT GO, idk idk. Frankly I wish canon Dominator was not fanservice sultry and only sporadically "maniac pixie nightmare girl" like the VA's videos implied, because that stuff was hysterically fitting for WoY. Unhinged and unfitting of the WoY universe, but in a light goofy turning instantly heavy and dark humored way.
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