#especially rich queeny ones like girl. he should be at the fucking club
bishonenspit · 5 months
reading from eroica with love looking at dorian red gloria and thinking wow he should be at the club
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edream93 · 6 years
Pirates Don’t Wallow (Amongst Other Things)
So this is not really a oneshot. This is just a random half written scene from “We’ll Light the Fuse” that may or may not ever be edited for another scene in the actual story but I just really liked it because we got to see a bit of the Anti-Hero club and see how despite them not being villains like they’re parents, they are not above giving our poor First Mate a hard time (all in good fun though). This was originally supposed to happen right before Uma and Harry made up in Chapter 13. Anyway, even though I probably wont use it, I really liked writing this part so hope you enjoy!
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“More than a compass or even his ship, a good pirate must always trust his gut,” a memory of his rarely sober father whispered in his ear. Harry frowned, rubbing the thumb of his left hand against the curved cool metal of his hook. His gut twisted in foreboding.
“You’re spacing out on us again, Hook.”
Harry snorted, stabbing halfheartedly at the food in front of him. It was still slightly jarring to see his plate filled with so many colors instead of the usual gray and ‘fuck, you-may-or-may-not-die-from-this-but-what-else-is-there-to-eat?’ gray. “Not spacing out,” he stabbed a piece of sausage before shoving it in his mouth, mind so distracted he didn’t even notice the rich savory taste.
“He’s right,” Gil said around a mouthful of food. “He’s not spacing out.” He took another bite of his sandwich before shoving some waffles into his mouth with his other hand. “He’s wallowing.”
“Oh that’s so much better,” Yzla muttered under her breath as she fiddled with what looked like an engine part. No one bothered to ask what poor unlucky bastard would find their vehicle missing an engine and Yzla didn’t bother to tell.
“I’m not wallowing!” Harry growled.
“Simmering then?” Eddie Balthazar proposed dealing out cards between himself, the Badun cousins, Diego, and Sammy Smee.
“Pouting?” Hermie Bing suggested quietly, her tiny frame practically hanging over Big Murph’s shoulder, watching as he carved a small figurine from a scrap piece of wood from his Wood Cutting class.  
“Bumbling?” Hadie croaked, tensing but merely tugging his hoodie further up over his head when Claudine Frollo reached over to try some pomegranate off his plate once she had confirmed that these weren’t from the underworld. 
“Are all of ye deaf?” Harry slammed his hook down on the table. “I ain’t doin’ any of that! I’m strategizing! If all of ye haven’t noticed, these cookie cutter princes and princesses want us out!”
“We’re off the Isle, Hook,” Diego grinned, placing a card down to the dissatisfaction of the other players. “You can say you miss Queenie. You could also, you know, still shave instead of wallowing,” he pointed out to the patchy spots of skin on Harry’s chin.
“I’M NOT WALLOWING! And of course I miss her!” Harry snapped loudly, some heads from nearby tables turning to stare at them. He glared back at them until they all quickly turned away. Focusing his attention back on Diego, Harry kept his voice low. “She’s me captain! And is no one else worried that she may be rotting in a dungeon somewhere? We haven’t seen her in days!”  
“Probably for the best,” Claudine commented offhandedly pulling out one of the school provided phones that they had been given the other day. “I mean, if you look at that school poll that genie girl put up,” she slid the device over to the pirate, “a lot of people are worried that the son of Hercules was too aggressive with her. That’s actually good here. We want them to have sympathy for her.”
Eddie snorted. “Too bad, the same can’t be said for you, mate,” he directed at Harry, not deterred one bit when the pirate’s glare fell on him. “The genie poll voters are on Mal’s side in terms of what happened with the King.”
Rolling his eyes, Harry scoffed. “Like I give a damn what that snotty lot thinks.”
“You should,” Hadie narrowed his one good eye at the pirate. (Oh did Harry want to pluck that eye out and shove it down the lads throat.) “If you’re really Uma’s First Mate, especially here in this place, you need to adapt. What do you plan to do? Solve all of your problems here swinging around a hook that can’t harm anyone?”
Harry stood up suddenly. He really hated the nonchalant expression on the younger boy’s face. “Believe me,” he growled, “I don’t need me hook to do harm to ye.”
Hadie’s retort was cut off by the bell ringing, signalling the end of lunch and the return to their different classes.
“Damn, I was hoping to start a bet,” Jace groaned to his cousin Harold as they grabbed their bags.
“I’ll put down four of those chocolate bars that you like that Hook starts a fight with someone before this day is over,” Yzla murmured as they walked away, leaving only Gil at the table to deal with Harry. 
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