#especially now that blb is over
polkadotpatterson · 1 year
thinking about organizing a talkers fic exchange later this year... would people be interested
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wandixx · 7 months
Ghost of fries and Hero of cookies part 3
All work words count: 14 643
Words in this part: 3 056
Summary of whole work: Duke wasn't expecting to wake up from his quick rooftop nap to some meta kid with fries. He also wasn't expecting kid to stay
Danny asked Dani to stay safe while she was in Gotham. Where would she be safer than under the wing of local hero? And he looked like he needed bad day combo anyway
This part summary: Joker goons are in for an orange surprise and Duke does not like it in the slightest
Beta read by @audhumla-sailor though English is second language for both of us, so proceed with this in mind. I also know all of the charaters through fics alone, so probably ooc. Stay catious if it's something you don't like
First part, Previous part
trigger warnings: gun violence, panic attacks, dissociation, mentions of Joker gas and what it doeas to people (tell me if i missed something, I'll add it)
Duke was having quite a good day. His schoolwork finally got lighter and up until now nothing notable happen on his patrol. Obviously, couldn’t have Gotham without at least one mugging and bank and corner shop robbery. About the last thing, if it was chain store he would conveniently arrive too late to stop it and just follow up to make sure cashier didn’t get fired. He used to be intimately close with hardships of getting necessary supplies like food or gas masks while corporate assholes were trying to suck people dry. But it was family business so he actually had to step in. He did mention secure way of getting resources to would be robbers though. All in all, not so bad, pretty good day. As for now, he was swinging on grapple to meet with Dani, armed with healthy snack Alfred demanded he took for her when he got texted on his Signal-work-phoneTM. It meant important business 90% of the time, so he stopped to check it out. Other 10% were memes from Dani that usually were worth it anyway.
Got it in one, Hoopoe texted. He opened chat expecting funny video or something instead to be greeted by:
Dani: Hey Signal
Dani: Peple aint spossedf t get out f Arkham
Dani: Amirite?
His stomach dropped. He wished it was hypothetical question but he knew better than to believe such fantasies. Things didn’t go so well in Gotham, especially not with Hoopoe.
You: Yeah, your right. What’s up?
You: You’re*
Dani: Nerd
Dani: Whatre you’re thots on clowns
Dani: ?
His stomach officially landed at his feet and decided it wasn’t enough dropping and ended up on a street below. Even if Joker was still locked up, his goons being active were bad news.
You: Where are you?
You: Hoopoe, where are you?
Dani: Clm dow I ned to chek
Dani: I have ni ieda
Dani: The box building rod
Dani: roof*
Dani: Warehouse?
Dani: That the wors
Dani: I think
You: There are over 1000 warehouses in Gotham
Dani: Idk wht yu want me totll yu
Dani: Therere other warehous arond?
You: Okay
You: Check corners for symbol and number
Back in the day everyone other than Bruce decided to take part in a challenge to count all of the warehouses in Gotham manually. They each got their sector and graffiti spray to mark counted buildings. Later it kinda turned into a way of identifying them. 
Dani: Red blb with too wite dots
Dani: #83
Okay, he wasn’t too far. He risked roof hopping and checking texts to make sure she didn’t try anything stu-
Dani: Im goin in
You: No!
You: Stay where you are!
You: Hoopoe!
You: Hoopoe!
Dani: Calm down worrywart
Dani: Jus wante ti get ab look
Dani: Invisible
Dani: M not dump
I doubt it
You entered building with Joker’s goons with no back-up or plan. It’s extremely dangerous
Dani: Yeah, yeah don care
Dani: 5 goons in clown masks
Dani: Maks idk wat of
Dani: Not northern hemisphere of sky for sure
Dani: Weird containter s
Dani: Ari smells funny
Dani: Giggly i guess
Dani: U prbl know better
You: Get out of there
You: NOW!
You: Try not breathing it in
Dani: K
Dani: Ill stop brething then
Dani: K
Dani: Why so agressive
Because Duke knew what Joker gas could do to person. He knew how it took wonderful people (like his parents) and left shells wand shadows of who they used to be. Because every gas release left him with panic attack. Because he knew it was more dangerous than even some vigilantes thought it was.
You: Wait until I get there
Dani: K
He almost tripped with how much he tried to speed up.
Dani was actually vibrating when he arrived but stayed quiet. Good. If she breathed in some Joker gas it wasn’t working dose yet. Duke had deep feeling not even Alfred’s cookies would be enough to deter her from entering. Offering her a granola bar he sat at the edge of the roof with bone deep sigh. Girl took snack eagerly, bouncing around like puppy high on caffeine.
“How about we take a note of this happening and get going? Other Bats are better equipped to deal with this,” They weren’t but he didn’t want Dani anywhere near this mess. He himself didn’t want to be anywhere near it either.
Kid got deadly still, staring at him as if she could read his deepest secrets if she looked hard enough.
“They’re scaring you” she whispered with strong feeling but Duke had trouble reading what feeling was it. He put his face in his hands for a moment. How was he even supposed to answer that?
“Joker is one of the most dangerous people in Gotham and these guys are working for him. They have guns. Of course I’m a little scared”
Judging by the face Dani made, she wanted to call him out on his bullshit but thought better of it. She floated to sit next to him, swallowing granola in few bites.
“My friend Johnny mentioned him,” she started between chewing ”he said ‘bastard murdered my baby bro Jay and Jay knew his way in fight, stay away from him Dani’. Normally Johnny isn’t so careful”
“All more reasons to leave it for others!” Duke almost shouted, hope growing in his chest. Maybe he could steer her away from it!
“He also told me to hit him if I happen to meet him. He would owe me ‘big one’ then. Do you think I could get ‘small one’ for couple of goons?!”
“Hoopoe no!”
Girl looked thoughtful and after over two weeks of working together he learned to fear this expression.
“Whatever you’re thinking, no. I’ll buy you biggest fries, just leave this–” he waved vaguely at the warehouse hoping it would get message across “–whole mess alone” There was lump in his throat.
Dani haven’t abandon whatever thought got her like that and nodded to herself few time. She drifted around a bit, shifted under her way too long cloak and finally settled with a soft smile.
“You’re scared… Terrified. You’re terrified of them,” she started calmly, like she would talk to a victim if she actually knew how to do it ”It’s okay. It’s great. Fear is what keeps humans alive,” she nodded as if she recounted something from textbook properly in front of the class “But I’m not scared and I fought people much stronger than them and I’m even better now thanks to you. If you’re so terrified, it means they need to be dealt with and it needs to be done fast. It’s okay,” her grin from soft turned devilish “I was itching for some fun fight anyway”
“It’ll be quick, I promise,” she said, serious again “Don’t worry,” she stood up, saluted and fell through the roof, all too fast to react or not miss it with a blink. Frankly, it caught Duke so off guard he couldn’t even move for a few seconds after the whole ordeal anyway. He threw himself down to the nearest window as soon as he regained control over his body. His heart was stuck in his throat.
Dani tackled first goon with delighted giggle right when he crashed inside. He checked if his mask was secure on reflexes he plummeted towards the ground, moving his body to land safely on top of the shelf. Warehouses were weird place to fight. Easy to get vantage point like Duke just did but was also hard in a way. Little space made it hard to use wider streaks, easy get backed into corner. Annoying more than anything.
Dani’s wrestling match was so attention grabbing that nobody even looked at Duke, despite his far from subtle arrival. He threw himself forward when he caught telltale shine of the gun in one of goons hands. It was dumb move when Dani was so close to his ally, but who he was to criticize Joker goon’s live choices. It didn’t take Signal long to understand he wouldn’t make it on time. He had to but there was no-
Two gunshots rang in rapid succession split second before Duke got to the goon and, with swiftness granted only by adrenaline and fury people got when someone their got hurt, knocked man out cold. Before body could hit the ground he spun around to see the damage because Dani still refused to wear any armor and from this close goon would have to be Storm Trooper to miss her. Because she was most likely bleeding heavily. What if they hit something instantly lethal?
He faced a fight right in time to see Dani jumping at another goon also openly wielding a gun. He wanted to yell at her but bullets were fired before he got a chance. He looked for blood dripping from her torso while dodging another man  barely taking his eyes off Dani.
“That wasn’t nice,” she sounded like she pouted! At being shot! “If I was anyone else I would be seriously hurt right now, you know?” her voice was somewhat off. Like it wasn’t quite made by her vocal cords but some awkward voice generator.
Before the appalled man could react, he got technically not too good right hook to the jaw. It was strong enough to make him unconscious and get quite loud creak out of his neck. Duke hoped Dani didn’t mess up the guy's spine. He was criminal but he didn’t deserve this type of treatment.
Duke focused back on his own fight when he made sure that girl wasn’t in immediate danger of dying. He dodged running goon again, who literally ran himself into the shelf because of that. Signal used his short confusion to hit him in the side of his neck, rendering the opponent unconscious. Okay, they made it, this was the last-
Another gunshot made his sped-up heart skip a beat. Lump in his throat suffocated him.
No, no, no, no, no-
“I shot you in the face!”
 He looked her way ready to see unmoving body and red decorating concrete floor.
“There was a good quip for- oh right” she started cheerfully, entirely unharmed, before her face twisted into something actually demonic.
“Y̶o̸u̵r̵ ̶p̵e̶s̴k̶y̵ ̴l̷i̷t̶t̸l̶e̸ ̵b̷u̸l̴l̴e̶t̷s̵ ̴w̸o̴n̵'̸t̵ ̵h̶u̵r̶t̸ ̸m̷e̶, ₥ØⱤ₮₳Ⱡ₴”
She laughed in distinctly Dani way, all bright and joyful while also so not like herself, distorted and echoey it mage hairs at the back of his neck stand.
Duke froze when goon fired again and there was no way she dodged it. There was not enough space. She had to get shot. She got shot and he did nothing to stop it. A child got hurt because of him-
He looked at but hadn’t quite seen how Dani knocked out last goon and flew up to him. He heard her voice but words were impossible to understand over rush of blood in his ears. He could tell she was laughing. They should get out. Dani mentioned giggly smell in the air. It had to mean Joker gas. They needed to be out yesterday.
He stumbled a bit, forcing his leg to cooperate, half caring, half dragging girl to the nearest exit point. Fact that he could touch her and didn’t feel any blood was grounding a bit.
“-gnal, Signal are you okay? Your heart is beating weird,” Dani asked, sounding a bit scared for the first time today. Duke’s brain felt too fuzzy to care “Signal, you’re freaking out, calm down, please”
Light assaulted their eyes the moment they were out. Before he got fully used to it, he set girl in front of him and detached her cape. She may have squawked at this action but he didn’t care. She was shot, he needed to check her for injuries.
She got shot, she got shot, she got shot-
“Signal what-” he was clearly freaking her out “Oh. You think I’m hurt. I told you I could handle it. I’m fine. Signal I’m really fine. I have intangibility, bullets can’t hurt me. I’m fine Signal”
Duke wanted to make sure. Adrenaline or simple wish to not worry him could make her ignore something. He couldn’t let her. He made her turn maybe a little to roughly.
He wouldn’t be able to forgive himself if she bled out.
She was actually fine.
Relief hit him so strong he crumbled against the wall, his mind finally succumbing to the haze. It was fine. It was all actually fine.
He may have heard some yelling.
Next thing he registered was something tad too warm, almost burning his palms. His gloves did their job of protection well though. There was a herbal smell. Melissa, he registered after a moment. It took him some more time to realize that the source of the smell was in his hands. He had scathingly hot cup of melissa in his hands. He stared at a little bit squashed paper again trying to get used to the light. He didn’t even realize he closed his eyes. Sound of the paper bag made him look up where Dani, still without her cape, crouched few feet away from him.
“You back?” she asked cautiously. Duke wasn’t sure how to answer. He was and he wasn’t. His mouth didn’t work anyway. He shrugged, mindful of the cup in his hands. Blanket, he didn’t even know he was wrapped in, fell from one of his shoulders.
“I don’t know what happened but Jazz likes this tea when she needs to calm down. Though she usually needs to drink it to make it work,” Dani rambled, gesturing widely “You’re still breathing kinda funny, can you slow down? It’s not good for humans to breathe so fast. It doesn’t let good stuff from air get in your blood and travel around your body and it’s not healthy. I know, Jazz told me and she is really smart. She wants to be this doctor who stabs brain back into working. She had this smart word for it… Neurosurgeon, I think it’s this one. She said breathing like that is not good for brain so slow down? In for four, out for four? I don’t know, Signal, just calm down?”
Right, he still was hyperventilating. Duke focused on his lungs, forcing them to expand, trying to match up Dani’s slightly gasping breaths.
He really was freaking her out, wasn’t he?
Melissa was almost lukewarm by the time he was back in his body enough to drink it. It was sweet, a bit too much for his taste.
“You good now?” Dani asked and Duke nodded. He was as good as he could at the moment “Great, I didn’t want to leave you for too long so I don’t have BatBurger. I got cookies though. And I can go get it now”
“Don’t,” he caught her arm and squeezed, not sure why he did it himself.
“Don’t go anywhere”
“Sure. Wanna cookie? I have chocolate chips and healthy, wheat ones”
“Okay” she nodded and fixed blanket on his arms. It was comfy. If Duke was firing on all cylinders, he would wonder where she got it.
“Don’t ever do it again”
“What is it though?”
“Jumping into danger like that”
“Oh, really? It wasn’t that dangerous, they were normal humans”
“They had Joker gas and guns”
“Intangibility means I can ignore bullets Signal, don’t be such worrywart. It’s bad for your health. What’s Joker gas?”
Question and the whole statement felt so surreal that Duke couldn’t help but laugh, choked and hysterical as it was. She didn’t know what Joker gas was. Worrying about her getting shot was bad for his health. He just had a panic attack and was comforted by a ten years old girl with cookies and melissa. What the fuck?
“Hey!” Dani pouted “Don’t laugh like that! Jazz always says that you shouldn’t laugh when someone doesn’t know something, just explain it to them! Signal!” she whined but the damn broke he couldn’t rear his hysteria back in “Alright, I’m Googling it”
She did as Duke’s laughter winded down. He was almost calm when she deemed her research enough.
“Alright, this is some nasty shit”
This sentence startled him into full silence. Dani was ten, swearing wasn’t something she did, like, ever. He must’ve scared her a lot.
“I’m fine though. I didn’t breathe it in. Did you? This laughter sounded a bit worrying to be honest”
“I’m okay, I had gas mask. People sometime laugh to release tension”
“Yeah. But you were in the building with it and didn’t have gas mask”
“I wasn’t breathing”
“You were talking”
“Our fucked up biology, as Danny likes to put it, means that one doesn’t mean another. I just don’t use it often because humans find it uncanny and my throat gets itchy after some time”
Something in Duke wanted to argue more but it was squashed but utter exhaustion that crashed him.
They sat for a long moment.
“Are you ready to patrol now?”
Duke would laugh again if he had any energy left.
“I think we should end for today. I would be useless like that”
“Okay, valid. You go home I’ll fly around a bit”
“No. You’re going home too. I don’t have enough emotional energy to worry about you getting into some mess like this again”
They stared at each other for a long moment before Dani looked away with angry huff.
“Okay. You’re worse than Danny, you know?”
“I don’t care. Go home and stay safe”
“You sure you will be alright if I go now? I can walk or fly you somewhere, not home if you don't want me to but maybe somewhere closer?”
“I’ll be fine. I can call my brother. Just go please”
“Sure. See you tomorrow, Signal. You were really brave today”
“Thank you, Hoopoe” If she answered, he didn’t hear her. He fumbled with his comm to turn it on with still shaky hands. Finally he managed and called a pick up in the form of Jason. It was great to have older brother who always had time like that. Even if it meant a lot of unnecessary questions about what happened Duke wasn’t up to answering it yet and threats of serious violence on his enemies.
Duke couldn't force himself to let go of the orange blanket. It was grounding.
Though Alfred made him hot chocolate with marshmallows. He wouldn’t repeat today for that, but it certainly was nice accent.
"Humouristic" summary of this part
Dani: Yo, there are goons here. Gonna investigate.
Duke: *quietly freaks out*
Random Joker's goons: *do normal goon things*
Dani: *attacks them* HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Duke: Is this what minor heart attack feels like?
Goons: *start shooting*
Duke: Is this what major heart attack feels like?
Dani: Dude, you good? Here, get some tea, cookies and blanket
Dani, few hours later, texting: Hey Signal, remeber to bring back my cape tmrw
Duke, internally: Wait, this is her cape?
Duke, also texting: Wanna better one? Like Spoiler has?
Dani, somehow conveing Ghost Speak via text: Don't you dare
Thank you for reading this <3
Next part
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plcautomation · 2 years
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Our Quality Products
● Trio
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● Techno
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Trio -  Trio is Gibberellins dipping media. It is added to the water in which the G.A. stock solution is mixed. Trio maximizes G.A. efficiency to get elongation of bunch steam. It also makes sub-branching of the bunch. This improves bunch shape & size. Use of Trio in all three G. A. dipping results in automatic berry thinning elongation & imparts luster on each berry.
Max Linea Grape Special - Max Linea is next generation Plant Growth Promoting formulation. Its usage is especially helpful for Berry Development in Grape cultivation for varieties such as Sonaka, Manikchaman, etc. Max Linea helps in Berry elongation but also imparts a shining & attractive color to the berry. 
ENORM - E - Norm is a Technical Sizer specially formulated to Increase berry size in grape cultivation. It also makes berries shiny & improves their color & texture. 
Dosage: use 1.5 -2 ml E-Norm per liter water along with Gibberellic Acid In 2 & 3 Dipping
CAPLONG Plus -  Capulong Plus is a specially formulated product to get elongated berry size in Grape cultivation for a variety such as Sonaka, Thompson, Manik Chaman, etc. Capulong Plus not only helps in elongation but also imparts a shining & attractive color to the berry.
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Techno - Techno is a Technical sizer specially formulated to increase berry size in grape cultivation. It also makes berries shiny and improves their color & texture.Techno causes cell elongation, and cell division and thus increases pericarp diameter. It also develops pathogen or abiotic tolerance. Hence, Techno increases the berry size, and weight and increases the yield. Techno also prevents flower & berry dropping.
Span -  AEGIS is researched, an herbal nanotechnology-based special formulation for the treatment of various species of Xanthomonas, Pseudomonas and other bacterial infections.
AEGIS contains nano herbal particles of metallic ions embedded with the herbal extract. They interact with proteins and cause structural deformation of the cell membranes. Positive metallic ions then enter through the membrane causing inhibition of cell replication and eventual cell death.
Thus Aegis is effective on various bacterial diseases such as Bacterial leaf blight (BLB), Bacterial blight, Leaf streak, Xanthomonas canker, and Black spots.
0 notes
I got curious which of my story files are biggest. So I sorted them by size, and...
Tumblr media
Fun fact: The Word file for Dove’s Dark Discovery is over 8 MB! (For the record: That’s a Microsoft Word file. An one-page file with text is about 2 kb. And a MB is about 1000 kb. So it’s about... four thousand times the size of a one-page document!) And that’s the master file-- the version WITHOUT the last chapter added in yet!!
(It’s worth noting that DDD has tracked changes on, so while it’s only a 350 page story, there’s also about ten years of addition, deletion, editing, and rewriting data. But all of my stories before ~2014 have Track Changes turned on, so that’s not exclusive to DDD!)
I’m surprised “Srentha pt II” is so high on the list?? (That’s his debut story, published under that name on fanfic, though it’s re-published with rewritten notes and a reorganized chapter structure under “Fire and Flight: The Keys to Igniting a Pacifist Heart”. It’s a pun because “flight” can mean “running in fear”, which is a Big Factor in Dove’s Life, and the only reason Srentha’s alive-- he followed her out when he saw her fleeing the destruction of Azarath. And his name is literally an onomatopoeia for “flight”, the sound wings make.)
technically the fully verbalized version of his name is something like se-o a’erentha,  “one’s soul moving upwards”, because my headcanoned version of the Azarathean language is fancy as fuck, but it abbreviates for “prayerspeak” because Breath is Sacred so you Gotta Save It In Prayer, and honorifics and all that, so “se-o a’erentha” abbreviates to “Srentha”. His name is in prayer-speak because he can channel sacred magics, and all that.
But I didn’t think I had That Much actually WRITTEN for that story!
I have no idea how the HECK the “DDD_old climax print” file is two whole-ass MB?? (That’s a remnant from the days when I Was transiting from writing my stories on paper to writing them on the computer. Most of my computer access was limited to Family Computer Time, or When My Parents Let Me Use My Own Computer. I didn’t have a laptop until 2014, and if the chapter was shorthand on the computer, especially if I added new stuff to it that wasn’t on the paper, I’d have to print it out so I could continue editing when I wasn’t at the computer. 
UPDATE: I OPENED IT IN WORD, AND ITS A FREAKING... 2012 EDIT OF UNFORESEEN (Dove’s debut story)??? Not DDD at all?????? So I definitely have NO idea what happened there. (I think it’s all the Tracked Changes, since Unforeseen has been undergoing heavy revisions since 2012, some things are completely rewritten, and there were Whole-Ass New Scenes added in the rewrite... but I want to know how that file name got attached to that story. When Unforeseen still has its own story...? ?? ??????)
I’m not surprised with Unforeseen being that big, considering it’s one of the only Actually Published Stories I have (meaning it’s Fully Written Out, and not just outlining a ton of scenes in Dialogue’d Shorthand). AND it’s my oldest story and has gone through So Freaking Much Editing (so there’s a lot of Tracked Changes data)... AND add to that, the fact that I wrote it TWICE. All of the above-mentioned reasons. 
I’m surprised Srentha pt II is a bigger file than The Next Step, though?! (The Next Step covers the time between Dove and Srentha’s wedding, and Leyla’s birth. There a LOT of fully-written scenes in that one, mostly because Dove’s pregnancy is Pretty Traumatic, and there’s just some deliciously excruciating drama between them the whole time. So I wrote... A Lot About It.
Though Srentha pt. II is an older concept, older story, and there’s also A Lot of Writing-Worthy Drama in that one, and it takes a LOT of buildup (and emotional reconciliation) between the time they re-unite, and the wedding. (They’re my favorite couple for a REASON, guys! They go through sO MUCH TOGETHEr. And they’re SO GOOD for each other! ASFDgsfndgmfaysudfy)
Growing Up Demon basically holds Every Single Scene I’ve Ever Imagined for Leyla’s Childhood (minus the 122 pages of emvents...;;;)... That post is STILL really true;;
But aside from THOSE scenes, every OTHER scene in Leyla’s childhood is in there. (Besides the scenes in Something Special, because that’s definitely its own story entirely.)
....I did NOT know Spellbound pt II was longer than Kary’s story??? Whoa????? (Probably because most of Kary’s scenes are just... Vague Ideas at this point. Brief scene outlines. I have a lot of scenes with her PLANNED, but she’s abrasive and fiery and has a serious problem with Emotions, so she’s Very Hard for me to write about. I have to be In the Kary Zone to get it right.)
I can’t believe Welcome to the Real World is a bigger file than Something Special, though?! (To be fair, Something Special is split into two files, with about half the story in each file: the file for stuff from the binder that the Bare Bones Plot came from, the BLB file (stands for BLack Binder), and the stuff for things I added after the binder writings, but didn’t know where they go chronologically BETWEEN he binder scenes. Which has happened a LOT, and I’m only recently being more able to combine the scenes, now that BOTH halves of the story are sinking more into my awareness and I’m getting a clearer idea of What Happens While Dove’s Captured, not just the Before and After.
And then there’s just... Missing Raven hanging out at the bottom of the list there. 8F I have no idea why that one’s so high either, but it IS the “rewritten” version, which means it’s probably because of the editing again. (I’ve re-arranged SO many scenes in that, and I have a TON of shorthand notes for what’s going to be added, what’s going to happen...)
0 notes
diaforetikes-a · 7 years
2, 10, and 11
2.- Are there any plot tropes you are sick of/refuse to RP? If so, what are they and why?
[[ Honestly? The usual torture I always end up RPing, my character has the other character tied in a chair and is messing around with a knife or other sharp objects, i’ve had to do this so much, because of Lazael, and got so sick of writing it, ESPECIALLY, because people immediately make their characters be defiant and like “OH I FEEL NO PAIN BECAUSE I HAVE TO DEFY THIS ALMOST 7 FEET TALL MONSTER”, like forreal? if yer char is being cut up by a stranger last thing they should do is be fuckin’ defiant.
I just want proper reactions, or maybe for my character to be the tortured one for a while, i want to experiment and get in people’s heads, not just give them “deliciously edgy gore” you know? ]]
10.- What’s something you really hate seeing on your dash that seems to be popular with almost everyone else?
[[ OHHHHHHH OPINIONS TW HERE, I don’t give a shit anymore of what people think of me upon writing this, but i HATE the constant yaoi luv luv BUTTSECKS on my dashboard I see 24/7, now before you call me homophobic (lmao), let me tell you i’m not, i’m just tired of people fetishizing gay couples, drooling over them as fantasies and simply making gay couples just so they can make anal sex jokes, excuse me, but why can’t you explore deeper, in some other way? you know, you don’t need to know how someone’s ass feels to get a feel of their personality.
worst part? EVERYONE seems to be into the whole “yaoi” shit, (and i don’t mean BLB i mean hey let’s fuck and then that’s the rp for a year, it has 200 notes of different situations of buttfucking), like please LEARN how to write couples??? if guys love each other it don’t mean they wanna screw???? please??? have some sense?????? just like you do with straight or lesbian couples??? hello??????????????? 
i’m salty]] 
11.- What’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to RPing?
[[ uHHHHHHH Purple prose, if I can’t understand what you’re writing and you expect me to open thesaurus and check which of the 10 meanings of that word you’re referring to? no thanks, look, we’re all here to have fun, but if you’re going to look for the fanciest words just because you can’t seem to fill in more vocabulary into your RP, yeah, no, please do what you like but I won’t.... read that, i don’t understand it and if i have to look up each word individually it becomes a chore. 
oh and typing & instead of and, it looks stupid, even worse when people write && ]]
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knightofbalance-13 · 7 years
And right off the bat you lie, so how about we take a look at this so-called “rebuttle”
I’m only bothering unblocking you and refuting this because I hate being accused of things I never said or meant. Also because the point went right over head, as it usually does.
And yet you will do the exact same thing to me that you accuse me of doing to you, except you will have no proof and no reason to other Ad Hominin. Also, first sentence and you lied: I can’t reblog this post and you don’t need to unblock to respond: People have done it before with me so this is complete bullshit.
1) If you’re including songs in an official soundtrack it’s because they’re reflective to the events that happen in canon. That’s the message I was trying to convey to the people reading the post, and that’s why it makes Jeff’s comments revoking the songs’ canonicity confusing and frustrating to hear.
Yeah well Word Of God triumphs assumptions: Any fan can tell you that what a creator says is law and thus if Jeff is only giving his interpretation and says that his songs aren’t canon, then that’s the truth, not what you claim. SO basic fandom laws beat you on the first point: Not a good start.
2) Jeff didn’t just decide to make the songs on his own as some kind of unrelated fan project he thought people might like. He was hired by RT to produce profitable content for their show. It’s meant to be as close to canon as possible. If the soundtrack and the show tell two different stories you’re bound to have a problem.
Mind providing the proof that RT hired him for that specific reason? Because Jeff’s actions and words seem to draw the conclusion that they wanted him to make an engaging soundtrack and left him to his own devices and interpretations of how it sound go, similar to how they didn’t have specific fight scenes with Monty, letting him do what he wanted instead. Also, notice how Bmblb isn’t in the show itself. So it’s not contradicting anything.
But I will point out how when Not Falling In Love With You and All Our Days got shot down you didn’t saw a word but when a song supporting Bumbleby gets shot down, suddenly this is a problem. This shows that your intent is not to criticize RT but attack RT and try to make them look bad for shooting down the canonicity of your ship. So your attempt at being factual and such is defeated by the fact that if this were a problem before, you should have spoken up sooner.
3) You are correct, people can watch a show simply because they enjoy it. Identification doesn’t always factor within individual cases of viewership.
However, this is not the point in case. What Jeff had said in an interview with Murder of Birds back in January is that since no characters (he mentioned Ruby as an example) were never specifically mentioned in the songs, then these songs don’t have any actual meaning.
This is conflicting since these songs share motifs and themes relating to certain characters. Jeff then dismisses the fans and tells them to “go outside”, hurting the feelings of the fanbase who are invested in the characters he writes songs about. These people pay money to own these creations he was employed to sell because they hold sentimental value in them. What these fans pay provides Jeff with the means to make a living. He is, in fact, biting the hand that feeds him. Berating the fan base is not taking the “moral high ground”. It’s antagonizing your audience for a critical minority whose activities Jeff may not even be aware of.
That actually makes sense considering Yang’s theme only takes about her love for battle and nothing about her maternal side, Blake’s theme only talks about the White Fang’s struggle and not her personal struggle with her fear. Meaning that Jeff made the songs in a way that would entice viewers and not in the way that perfectly represents the characters,
And considering the fact that, again as I said in my post, he’s been harassed, attacked, called every form of bigot imaginable, his friends have been sent hate mail, Arryn was driven to delete her tweet and people still hound him about it: he has every right to call people who do that out. And judging from his words, he didn’t call the whole fanbase out: only the people that made this into a controversy IE the RWDE tag. Don’t try lumping the entire fandom and you together as if you rare all the only fans of RWBY. From what I saw, most people didn’t care at all. It was only a select few Bumbleby shippers and regular RWDE tag posters making a fuss over it. SO I think you should get called out for quite frankly disgusting behavior.
Or, you know, some people buy it because they’re good songs. See, that’s your problem: you generalize the entire fanbase into what you think and believe but not all fans share you mentality. Unless you can PROVE that the fans do so, I’m gonna go by the fact that they do this for a number of reasons in which your side is only one of and thus your argument is invalid. My proof being the fact that this is the first time I’ve seen this argument on any blog despite following famous and active RWBY blogs and following MurderOfBirds myself.
4) What Jeff said was not in response to the BM/BLB incident, nor did the original post ever reference it in any way. As I mentioned before, the event in question was an interview Murder of Birds hosted in January of this year. The situation that rose with BM/BLB has nothing to do with the argument I was trying to convey.
Except that was the only example of this action being seen as bad or controversial at all, so it’s the only example applicable to your argument. So this either means you’re lying or your argument is entirely hypothetical and thus should be disregarded.
5) I have never said I consider myself to be a “true” or “real fan”. A search through my blog will yield no such evidence of me making such statements. This is a false accusation. If anyone has made such statements, I am likely not affiliated with them. Furthermore, the RWDE tag is not an organization or a hivemind. I am not responsible for the actions of individuals who interact with it unless I am personally implicated in any altercations.
No, RWDE is a community that supports a hivemind mentality, as shown when the most regular of your posters git attacked for showing an opinion that contradicted what the majority said.
And yet you claim that your opinion is the entirety of the fandom’s opinions: Your actions and your words aren’t lining up.
6) You haven’t prevented anything. You overestimate your place in the public relations between the CRWBY and the fandom. The RWDE tag isn’t as menacing or influential as you think it is. We aren’t some Saturday morning cartoon bent on causing havoc and it’d be best for all parties involved if you didn’t think we’re characters you can “boss fight” instead instead of real people with actual feelings and differing opinions.
Yeah, I might feel a little bad...if you didn’t take my words out of context:
AKA The exact same thing I TRY to prevent. Congrats, you justified what I do here.
Notice the word “TRY” which denotes that I try to do it but I don’t necessarily succeed in. You just warped my words to make me look worse and make you look better. so your point about me treating you as things and not people kind of falls apart, especially since I haven’t argued that your opinions are invalid without logical reasoning, especially here where all I said was “your opinion is not the only one.” The only person seeing people as things would be the ones treating RT as slaves who aqre not allowed to do anything they don’t approve of, who must do exactly what they say at the moment they want it and call them bigots of every variety, assault them, disregard what they want and use their friends as an attack on them AKA what the RWDE community does. So don’t wait upon for me to start being especially compassionate.
7) You bring RT’s queerbaiting into this yet this isn’t about queerbaiting so now you’re not even addressing the issue at hand. But since you wanna talk about obligations, RT isn’t obligated to make characters canonically straight either. They just did. So why not do the same with LGBT characters? You can’t seriously expect one gay character can possibly represent several orientations and gender identities. Aren’t you a Knight of Balance? Surely you’re annoyed by the disparity of het relationships and the absence of same-gender ones. Unless you’re just a self-serving hack who doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
Actually, take a look at my post you won’t see queerbaiting anywhere in there: Just one mentiopn of teh LGBT character as a response to what RT owes you which also relates to the BMBLB controversy which, again, is the only example you have of this event happening so it does in fact connect to the argument at hand. Right off the bat, your whole argument is invalidated.
Even more so by the fact that thuggish supports what I said before: You see RT as slaves who can only do what you want. See, what comes first and foremost is what the fans’ freedom and the creator’s freedom. The fans are allowed to do what they want so the creators are allowed to do so. You do not respect that at all: You want the freedom but gi8ve RT very little. Something that a select few of a select few of a select few want takes secondary priority to what the creator’s freedom as well as their relationship and viewpoint of their fans. SO nice try. I can’t supp rot there being an LGBT character because it means condoning your actions and what you say and do so good job, lost an ally.
And that’s a mirror your calling a self serving hack, probably because yopu only speak up now when BMBLB got shot down, not when Alll Our Days or Not Fall In Love With You did, the first and second times this happened and thus when you should have made this argument if you cared.
8) I thought you hated Evangelion? Why are you suddenly praising Evangelion as a source of inspiration for RWBY? Besides, no one except trolls would consume media actively made to spite them. So per your claims, it seems the creator failed to piss off people seeing how it made that much money, which in fact isn’t a very successful amount for a movie.
1. *Stands still as eyes grow dark* Piece of advice: Never do that again.
2. Actually, most anime movies don’t gross that much unless your name is “Mizaki”, especially in 1996 when EoE aired. And that doesn’t discount Evangelion as a whole which, despite my immense hatred for it, is one of if not the most profitable anime series of  all time and insulting it’s audience is something it has always done. So your point fails once again.
9) RT DOES need me. Fans like me PAY to keep them afloat. A company is nothing without revenue. If there are no customers, you go out of business. Besides, when has anyone in rwde advocated piracy? I watch the episodes in the RT website or YouTube. If I’m not mistaken, I even reblogged someone calling out those who pirate the show.
No, fans like you usually pirate the show, complain about it and then claim yu pay for it.
Right here: (https://web.archive.org/web/20170811202745/http://dudeblade.tumblr.com/post/162739489136/studiogible2016-rwby-rants-and-theories-no) And I have gone through the notes on your post, the reblogger’s post and Dudeblade’s post: You did no such thing. And none of the versions imply any of you blocked anyone so it had to be visible if it ever happened. SO nope: Wrong here.
Bottom line: Sorry, bucko. Sounds like you don’t have a leg to stand on. Now stop stalking my blog just to find shit to “debunk”. Find something to do. Maybe you’ll find articles not written by some alt-right shit-for-brains.
Bye, Felicia.
I’m not the one who lies, cheats and misinforms while using logical fallacies (like calling me alt-right there with no evidence and has no place in the debate thus making it Ad Hominin). Maybe I would respond to you if you weren’t being such a horrid debater. Also, sorry sweetheart, but that’s the thing: You can’t control me no matter how much you lie and whine. Public site and freedom of speech: I can call you out whenever I want. Even if you try to silence me because you suck at debating (as you did  here.)
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polkadotpatterson · 11 months
okeydoke as I have not had much energy for working on stuff lately (but lots of motivation) I'm not gonna do proper NaNo with a wordcount or anything, BUT I am gonna make it a goal to get some amount of work done on a writing project every day (at least until I go away on the 24th). Main priority blaseball projects are, in no particular order:
Fic about the ending
Abner fic
Simon's Quest
secret fic(s) :)
get the Talkers exchange set up
Aside from that, I've been poking at more non-blaseball stuff, which is a good excuse for me to plug my writing blog @cyndakip! All my fics get posted there, so if you're interested in my writing beyond just blaseball (especially if you like pokemon), I recommend following me there, since I don't post non-blaseball fics here.
#I'm in a weird place rn where the end of blb is coinciding with me finally feeling ready to get back to nuzlockes#and I very much want to keep writing blb fics! it's just complicated by me getting smacked over the head with pokemon motivation#and separate from that I think it's just been hard for me to work on blb fics knowing that it's over#writing the ending fic in particular means confronting that. and I definitely haven't fully processed it yet and idk when I will#I really truly do want to keep writing blb fics for a long time but I worry there will be not much of an audience anymore#and I know that doesn't matter. I'm gonna write what I want and I know some people will still read it. but yknow. it's rough#also my relationship with pokemon and the nuzlocke community has been really fucking complicated these past few years#to the point where I stopped engaging altogether bc it was stressing me out too much and I had lost all confidence in my writing#this happened to be right before I got into blb. which came along at the perfect time and gave me the community & confidence boost I needed#now it kinda feels like we've come full circle. blb has changed me and now I'm ready to go back with a whole new attitude#I just don't want these two things to be mutually exclusive! I want both! but that's easier said than done#especially bc I haven't had enough energy to work on much of either lately! I want to say things are getting better on that front but#it's complicated. you know how it is with human bodies. treacherous things#the thing is I don't want to waste this. I feel ready for pokemon again and god I missed it and I'm gonna ride this wave of motivation#if I had more energy this would be less of a problem. ah well#gonna get all this done sooner or later#talking moistly
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