#especially kira in edinburgh
doyelikehaggis · 2 years
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Rowing the Rarepair Rowboat: Kira Yukimura x Lori Talbot (Teen Wolf)
Requested by @rhyslahey
Rain bounces down on the cobbled streets below in an almost melodic rhythm. Maybe Lori's just been listening to it for too long, but she's entranced by it. The sky was still dark when she swung the window open wide and climbed up onto the inside ledge so that she could enjoy it better, but now the sun blazes from behind bright white clouds and mists of rain, trying to get through.
There's a knock on her door. It feels weird to call anything 'hers', most of all this little room. It's nice, though. It gives her a strange sense of comfort.
"Come in," she calls out and turns her head to smile at Kira, the only person it possibly could be aside from Brett. From the snoring going on next door, she's pretty sure it's not him.
The door opens and Kira stops momentarily, her eyes widening at Lori's precarious position next to the open window. She doesn't comment on it, just blinks once before her expression melts back into the friendly smile she wore when entering.
"I come bearing gifts," she tells her.
Lori's stomach nearly growls in excitement at the sight of the cinnamon buns and other delicious pastries Kira procures from a bag. She gratefully accepts a bun and tears into it while Kira plants herself at the bottom of Lori's bed with a yum-yum.
"I've always liked watching storms," Kira muses, her gaze now intent on the rain as well. It's only getting heavier. The buildings across the street are four shades darker. "There's just something really peaceful about them. And since moving to Scotland, I've gotten to enjoy a lot more of them."
"I used to have this list," Lori explains, "of places that I really wanted to go, if Brett and I ever got the chance. This was... third, I think?" She looks down as she pulls off some more of the bun, sprinkling her legs with cinnamon flakes and sugar. "It always sounded so far away that I thought maybe it could be nice to just... disappear to. We would never be found or bothered."
When she chances a look at Kira's expression, it's soft and understanding. They exchange a slight smile between them, and they listen to the rain's soothing tune as they eat and watch the people passing by on the streets below them, simply going about their day. They make passing remarks, like how those two seem to be in a fight with each other, and how that man looks lost. Having to stay cooped up in the flat has been getting to Lori, but the feeling of isolation and hopelessness eases every so often when she catches herself in moments like this.
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laureljaycarpenter · 7 years
Benefits of Research
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One of the benefits of research is the built-in excuse to travel to festivals and conferences just to SEE and EXPERIENCE and LEARN. No stress, no personal agenda, just drinking it in. Two especially edifying events I’ve been privileged to attend were Alastair MacLennan’s gorgeous retrospective (along with the tender and mindful performance with Sandra Johnston) at Summerhall in Edinburgh, and the jam-packed WAKE Festival hosted by ]performance s p a c e [ in Folkestone, especially the durational, site-based performances by Hancock&Kelly, Dominick Thorpe and Kira O’Reilly. All three I have long-admired (and known!) and the WAKE festival was the first time seeing their work live. The WAKE evening performances also included a bounty of old favorites and new voices. The significance of all these works within the current political climate cannot be overstated. We need art now more than ever to keep reminding us there are other ways to connect to each other. There are other ways to imagine our world. We all need to hold on to compassion and kindness in the face of our own fear, for those who most need support to stay safe amid such implausible rage. We need to hold on to love.
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Some links, so you can drink it in too: http://www.performancespace.org/wakefestival https://festival17.summerhall.co.uk/exhibition/air-a-lair/ photos: top | Rita Marhaug performance, WAKE festival | by Jennie Klein middle | Alstair MacLennan and Sandra Johnston | by Cha Blasco bottom | Alastair making me laugh after the performance | by Benedikte Esperi
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