#especially hand veins even though i get grossed out when i see my own
dabisbratz · 2 years
i love man hands i dunno it’s so…. yeah.
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chaneomma · 2 years
We Dare Not Speak Its Name
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Prologue | Chapter 1
We Dare Not Speak Its Name: Lee Felix
Word Count: 1079
WARNING: This is a work of fiction intended for mature audiences. It features swearing, extreme violence, and themes that may be triggering to some readers such as murder and missing person cases. Read at your own discretion
Author's Note: This is the first time I've written a long form story and the first time I've tried any kind of horror story, so I'm doing my best.
"Bug spray?"
"Swim suit?"
"Your sneakers and your sandals?"
"Check and check." Felix shut and zipped his suitcase before standing back and surveying his work. "Wow, you were right! I really CAN fit ten days worth of stuff in one suitcase."
You smiled, tearing the page out of the notebook in your hand. "It's all in the power of the list. Put this in the front pocket so you don't accidentally leave anything behind when we come back."
Felix took the list from you and glanced at it before gasping. "Y/N, I forgot something!"
"Really? What?"
A sly smile crossed over his face. "A kiss for the best girlfriend in the world."
You laughed as he sidled up to you, pressing a kiss to the corner of your mouth.
A disgusted scoff came from behind you as Seungmin passed the open door. "Gross. If you two are going to make out the whole trip, I'm gonna drown myself in the lake."
Felix rolled his eyes as you covered your mouth to hide your laughter. It had been Seungmin's idea to take this trip. His parents owned a cabin on a lake about two hours from the city, and he'd insisted there was plenty of space for the whole group. You'd used the last of your vacation time at work and traded some shifts around, and now you were about to leave for a 10-day trip.
Reluctantly, you untangled yourself from Felix' arms. "I'm going to go help Chan finish packing the cars."
Felix pouted, but was immediately caught up in a new conversation as Seungmin reappeared in the doorway. You grabbed Felix' suitcase and ducked past the younger boy, scooping up your own waiting suitcase as you passed.
You lugged your stuff down the hall and out of the apartment. The elevator had been broken for at least a year now, and you were just contemplating the best way to carry your luggage down three flights of stairs when a knight in shining armour in the shape of Seo Changbin appeared.
He grinned. "Hey, you! Need some help?"
"Yes, thank you." You handed over one of the bags. "I thought you were helping get the cars ready."
"I was, but I had to get out of there."
You frowned. "Why? What's wrong?"
Changbin rolled his eyes. "You'll see."
Han Jisung was your best friend. Really, he was like the brother you never had. You'd been inseparable since the age of 5, joining the same dance classes and peewee soccer leagues. In high school, you'd both carefully planned each semester so you could take the maximum number of classes together, and you'd even lived together for a year after graduation. Then he introduced you to Felix, and the rest was history.
Most of the time, you and Jisung could almost read each other's minds, but the one thing you could never figure out was how and why Jisung chose his partners. Jisung was bright and happy. He would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. But the women who came in and out of his life were always sullen and selfish.
Especially his current girlfriend, Gillian.
The woman herself was perched on the hood of Jisung's car, so engrossed in whatever was on her phone she was completely oblivious to the heated discussion going on in front of her.
Despite his hushed tone, the vein in Chan's neck was standing out, revealing his anger as you and Changbin walked up to them.
"-agreed this was just a friend trip! No girlfriends!" Chan was saying.
"We're taking Y/N, though." Jisung argued, crossing his arms over his chest.
Chan glared. "That's different and you know it. Y/N was our friend years before she and Felix got together." He turned to you as you stopped in front of them. "Y/N, PLEASE tell Jisung that she can't come."
"Sorry, Ji." You said with a sigh. "It's Seungmin's place, and you know he's not gonna say yes."
Gillian wasn't particularly nice to any of you, but you and Seungmin caught most of her animosity. You understood why she didn't like you; Jisung was closer to you then anyone, and anyone on the outside would say there was no way you weren't together. You had NO idea why she hated Seungmin so much. Seungmin wasn't exactly helping himself, matching her energy with just as much venom, but Gillian had definitely started it.
Jisung looked at you with pleading eyes. "How am I supposed to tell her she can't come now?"
"Like this!" Seungmin said, sidling up beside the group. "Hey Gillian! No room for freeloaders!"
You rolled your eyes and got into the back of Chan's car before you could hear whatever nasty reply Gillian had on the tip of her tongue. Through the windshield you could see them yelling back and forth. Gillian got off the hood of Jisung's car like she was going to run up on Seungmin, but Jisung stepped in front of her. Whatever he said didn't make her any happier, because she threw his car keys at him and stomped off down the street.
There were several moments of silence as the boys regrouped before Jisung was squeezing into the middle seat next to you with a deep sigh. "There goes another one."
"Oh, come on, Ji," You said, resting your head on his shoulder. "She wasn't good enough for you anyway."
Jisung was about to respond when the door on his other side opened.
"Hey, move it." Felix said playfully. He had a backwards baseball cap and sunglasses on, giving him a decidedly frat boy appearance. "You're crowding my girl."
Jisung snorted at him "What are you gonna do if I don't? Pout about it?"
Felix immediately stuck his bottom lip out. "Yes."
All three of you laughed as Jisung got out and let Felix slide in next to you, getting back in on the other side. Chan got in the driver's seat, Seungmin already in shotgun, the GPS pulled up on his phone. "Hyunjin just called. Him, Minho, and Jeongin just got on the road. Are we ready, gang?"
A cheer went up through the car as Chan backed out of his parking spot. You glanced back at your building as he pulled away, and a strange sense came over you.
You got the feeling it would be a long, long time before you made it home again.
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hrina · 3 years
Be Sweet, Pt. I
PAIRING: Harry x Reader RATING: M (minors dni!) WORD COUNT: 6k
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hey everyone! here's part one of my new enemies-to-lovers series :) this fic will be five parts in total, but i'm only posting the first part on tumblr. you'll be able to read the rest of it on patreon if you wanna sign up!
as always, reblogs and feedback are very much appreciated. i love hearing your thoughts! enjoy.
August 27th, 2021
“Who’s opening tomorrow?”
Ella scrubs a wet rag across the table closest to the door. You cast a furtive glance up at her, flipping absentmindedly through the jumble of papers on the counter in front of you. Nick’s messy scrawl catches your eye, and you pause, reading the haphazard comment written at the bottom of the page.
Customer requested a very specific shade of pink trim. See back for details.
You flip the order, scoffing at the Pantone strip taped to the other side. The square labelled Quartz Pink has been singled out, encircled in bright red. Jesus fucking Christ.
“Alice and Olly, I think,” you say, shoving the form to the bottom of the pile.
“That’s good,” Ella grunts, returning the napkin holder and the sugar dispenser back to their spots on the table. “And you’ll swing by sometime during the afternoon?”
“Yeah,” you say, drumming your fingers over the papers. “I’m gonna help Olly in the back. You know how much he hates dealing with fondant.”
“How could I forget?” Ella rolls her eyes, smiling to herself. You grimace when she tosses the damp cloth in your direction. It lands on the counter with a loud splat! You nudge it away with your elbow, shaking your head.
“You’re gross,” Ella says.
“I’m lovely,” you reply. She grins.
“Where’s Alex taking you tonight?” you ask, changing the subject. Her eyes light up instantly, and she clasps her hands together against her chest.
“It’s a surprise,” she says, giggling girlishly.
You groan. “I hate surprises.”
“It’s a good thing he’s not your boyfriend, then, isn’t it?” she retorts. You snicker, and she continues: “He told me we should stop off at home to change, though, so I’m guessing that wherever it is, there’s a dress code.”
“Ooh, fancy.”
“Right?” She twists her wrist, peeking at her watch. “He should have been here by now. It’s already a quarter past seven.”
“The hospital is just down the street,” you remind her, organising the mountain of orders into a neat stack. “Give him another five minutes.”
She nods. You spin on your heel and push through the door leading to the backroom of the bakery. The large space is split into two sections: on your right, there’s a wall of ovens, and a cluster of metal racks filled with pale, unprocessed dough. On your left, tables and counters lined with all sorts of decorating necessities—piping bags, spatulas, scrapers, turntables. You make your way toward the small cabinet perched against the nearest wall and pull out the top drawer, sliding the orders inside. Olly should have no trouble locating them tomorrow morning.
When you return to the front of the shop, Ella is locked in a passionate embrace with a gangly, dark-haired man. You recognise him immediately.
“Doctor Dao,” you call out, resting your elbows on the counter. “Did you at least wash your hands before putting them all over my best friend?”
Alex and Ella break apart swiftly, but he keeps one arm wrapped around her waist. “Hey, cookie,” he says, flashing you an apologetic grin. “Didn’t see you there.”
You arch one brow, lips curling into an amused smirk. “I’ll say.”
Only then do you catch sight of the other man lingering by the door, and your smile quickly morphs into an irritated frown. Harry is watching you with twinkling eyes, like he knows the effect his presence has on you. How could he not? You don’t try to hide your disdain, especially when it comes to him.
“Harry,” you say curtly, lifting your chin in stubborn acknowledgement.
He brings two fingers to his temple—a mock-salute. “Sweetheart.”
You clench your jaw. God, he makes your blood boil. Rather than responding, you turn back to Alex, who is now smoothing his palms over Ella’s silky brown hair. “You’re late,” you tell him. “You were supposed to be here when we closed.”
“Sorry, cookie,” Alex says, and he sounds like he means it. “My last surgery of the day had a few…complications.”
You purse your lips as the annoyance melts away. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah.” He nods, blowing out a heavy breath. He looks tired. “We figured it out.”
“That’s good.”
Alex directs his attention back to Ella, leaning in and pressing a chaste kiss to the tip of her nose. “You ready to go?”
“Yeah,” she replies. “Just let me grab my bag.”
“Cool,” he says. “You don’t mind if we drop Harry off at his place, right? His car is fucked, apparently.”
Ella’s grey eyes widen. She peers over her boyfriend’s shoulder at Harry. “What happened?”
Harry waves away her concerns, chuckling quietly. He tugs on the collar of his blue scrubs, and you can’t stop your gaze from trailing across the plethora of tattoos inked into his arm. Your nose wrinkles at the sight. He looks ridiculous. What kind of doctor would agree to don such outrageous body art?
“He’s being dramatic,” Harry says, shooting Alex a pointed glare. “My car’s at the shop right now, but I’ll have it back by tomorrow evening at the latest.”
“Oh.” Ella relaxes. “Okay, that’s great. Babe—” She turns to Alex. “—when are our reservations?”
“Eight-thirty,” Alex says. “Plenty of time.”
“Awesome,” she chirps. She scurries around the counter and playfully bumps her hip against yours. “My purse is in the back. Give me one second.”
And then she’s gone.
You stare at Alex, fighting a clever smile. “Tonight’s the night, huh?” you murmur, quiet enough so that there’s no chance of Ella overhearing.
He beams, shouldering his knapsack and dragging his sweaty palms down the front of his shirt. His scrubs are a light purple, you note. The shade compliments his dark skin.
“Yeah,” he replies, gnawing anxiously on his bottom lip. “She’ll say yes, right?”
You scoff, rolling your eyes good-naturedly. “Of course she will.”
Just then, Ella bursts through the door, her leather purse swinging wildly against her waist. “Alright!” She claps once, striding over to you and planting a wet, sloppy kiss onto your cheek. “I’m off.”
“Bye,” you say, wiping her saliva from your face with the back of your hand. “Have fun.”
Alex waves at you as she tugs him out of the bakery. “See you later, cookie.”
You wink. “See you.”
Harry is the last one to leave. He glances at you momentarily, the corners of his lips quirking up into a smug smile. The look makes you bristle. He’s absolutely infuriating.
“Got any leftover almond croissants?” he asks. Silent laughter taints every word.
You point to the exit. “Get out.”
He bows his chin in farewell, approaching the door. “Sweetheart.”
“Asshole,” you reply flatly. Now that your friends are out of earshot, you’re under no obligation to tolerate him. Sometimes, you find yourself actually craving his company, just so you can drop the pretence and really give him a piece of your mind. You’re a mature adult, and you won’t ruin a social gathering because of one presumptuous dickhead, but everyone has their limits. You don’t owe him shit.
Harry chuckles to himself, and you clench your fists at your sides. He shoots you one last maddening smirk before disappearing out the door. You rush forward, latching it swiftly and ensuring that the sign against the glass reads ‘CLOSED’. Once you’ve successfully locked up, you march into the back of the shop, plucking your own purse off one of the metal counters and tugging it over your shoulder. You shut the light and return to the front, scanning the clean tables, the empty display cases, the shades drawn over the windows. Shards of the sunset stream through the cracks in the blinds, casting orange stripes along the floor.
All clear, a voice in your head whispers, and you sigh.
Finally—you can go home.
August 28th, 2021
Quick, frantic knocking rouses you from your sleep. Blearily, you sit up on the mattress, knuckling at your puffy eyes. The hardwood floor is cold against the soles of your feet when you climb out of bed. You shiver.
The insistent clamour continues as you pad down the hallway. You tug at the hem of your worn, baggy t-shirt, concealing your midriff. Ella wastes no time after you open the front door, surging past the threshold and vaulting herself into your arms.
“He proposed!” she squeals as the two of you stagger backward. You freeze, remembering Alex’s plans from the day before. His apprehension, too—the way he wiped his clammy palms against his scrubs and anxiously dug his teeth into his bottom lip. Shock ebbs and flows through your veins for a fraction of a second, but then you’re sweeping Ella into a tight hug, rocking your bodies from side to side.
“Oh my God,” you say. Excitement festers beneath the murky exhaustion clouding your mind. “He did it.”
Ella steps back, brows knitting together in bewilderment. “You knew?” When you nod, she scoffs, aiming a half-hearted swat at your bicep. “And you didn’t tell me?”
“Why the fuck would I tell you?” you retort, rolling your eyes at the demand. “Come on. Let’s see it.”
A bright grin stretches across her lips, and she holds up her left hand, wiggling her fingers keenly. You spy the ring resting on the fourth digit: a simple platinum band topped with a large, clear diamond. Grey morning light bounces off the gemstone, and it winks at you as if it knows something that you don’t.
“Gorgeous,” you breathe, gripping Ella’s wrist to bring her hand closer. You scrutinize the ring carefully, smiling to yourself. “He’s got good taste.”
“Doesn’t he?” she gushes, beaming like an idiot. You beckon her into the kitchen, and she collapses onto one of the tall stools positioned in front of the marble island. A quick glance at the digital clock on the stove reveals that it’s only eight in the morning. You groan, rubbing gentle circles against your temples.
“I was hoping I’d get to sleep in today,” you say, lips curling into a wry smirk.
Ella shoots you a sheepish, apologetic smile, sliding her purse off her shoulder and placing it on the counter. “I’m sorry, cookie. I couldn’t wait.”
“I’m just kidding,” you tell her, floating around the room to prepare a pot of coffee. “So…how did he do it?”
She launches into a frenzied retelling of the night before. Alex brought her to the same restaurant they’d visited four years ago on their first date. They ordered their food and made conversation. Things proceeded as usual until the end of the meal, at which point Alex set his napkin down on the table and excused himself to the restroom. Two minutes later, the waiter arrived with the bill. Ella accepted it graciously, scanning the thin paper and pausing at the question scrawled at the very bottom of the slip. When she snapped her head up, searching for her boyfriend in the crowded dining area, she found him kneeling a few feet away from her chair, a small velvet box nestled securely in his steady hands.
“I started crying immediately,” she tells you, groaning at the memory. “I couldn’t keep it together. It was so embarrassing.”
You toss your head back and laugh. Despite the crimson blush staining her cheeks, she joins in. The coffeemaker beeps, signalling that the pot is ready. You fetch two mugs from the cupboard and fill them with dark liquid. Ella accepts her drink eagerly, blowing cool air across its surface. You grimace as she takes a tentative sip—you’ve never understood her penchant for unsweetened black coffee. Sugar and cream are a must.
“I’m so happy for you, El,” you tell her, stirring a small spoon around your mug. “You’re going to be the most beautiful bride.”
Her eyes grow damp. You snicker quietly, reaching across the island and swiping your thumb beneath her bottom lashes. She catches your hand and kisses your knuckles softly, clearing her throat.
“Will you—?” She releases a shuddering breath. “Will you be my maid of honour?”
You stiffen at her request. Her gaze rakes over your face, like she’s searching for any clue as to how you might respond. At last, your shoulders sag in relief, and an ecstatic smile splits across your cheeks.
“Of course,” you say, voice thick. Tears gather in your own eyes, but you blink them back furiously. “I would love nothing more.”
She sets her coffee down and skirts around the counter, yanking you into another bone-crushing hug. You grin as she presses a handful of sloppy kisses to the side of your head. Her elbow knocks against your abandoned mug, and a few drops of coffee spill down the side of the cup. You laugh at her enthusiasm, pulling back and sweeping your hands over her silky hair.
“It’s probably way too soon, but have you guys started discussing anything?” you ask, arching one eyebrow.
Ella flushes pink, averting her gaze. “Um…when we got home, there wasn’t really much of a discussion going on.”
You cackle, poking at her ribs. “Oh, he gave it to you good, didn’t he? It’s a miracle that you’re not limping right now.”
“Be quiet,” she yelps, stamping her eyes shut.
You lift your hands and shoot her a teasing smirk. “I’m not judging, okay? If anything, I’m living vicariously through your various sexual conquests. It’s been months since I last got any action.”
“Maybe that should change,” Ella says, folding her arms over her chest. “You and Harry could probably fuck out your frustrations. His dick is huge, apparently.”
You balk. “Ella!”
She shrugs, grey eyes widening comically. “What? Alex told me!”
You snort, but say nothing. She watches you cautiously, examining your features for any signs of acquiescence. Any indication that you might actually be considering her lewd suggestion. You almost gag.
“Why do you hate him so much, anyway?” Ella asks, flicking an invisible speck of lint off her shoulder. “You’re not still hung up on that fiasco with the almond croissant, are you?”
“I’m not doing this with you again,” you say, and she sighs.
“Okay, I’m sorry. But can you at least try to be civil while we plan the wedding? For my sake.”
After mulling over her words, you slouch in defeat. “Fine. But only for you,” you say, throwing a stern finger in her face.
She beams. “Thank you.” Something dirty flashes behind her pale eyes. “And if you do end up sleeping with him, I want all the details.”
You shove her gently and scoff. She laughs.
“Honestly,” you start, shaking your head, “it doesn’t matter how huge his dick is. I’d rather walk across hot coals than let somebody like him climb into my bed.”
“What makes you think it wouldn’t be the other way around?” Ella snickers. You glare at her, but she just steps back, raising her hands in surrender. “Alright, alright, fine. Have it your way. But I’m expecting you to find someone in time for the big day. Don’t let your plus-one go to waste.”
You roll your eyes, thoroughly unconvinced. “Noted.”
September 2nd, 2021
“Olly!” you call, sticking your head into the backroom. “Ella and I are going on our lunch break, but Leyla will be here in, like, twenty minutes. You going to be okay by yourself until then?”
Olly doesn’t even bother looking over his shoulder, too busy piping little flowers along the sides of the rectangular cake laid out in front of him. He lifts one hand, waving away your concerns before running his palm over his short blue hair. He buzzed and dyed it just last week after claiming that he couldn’t stand how the long brown curls stuck to the nape of his neck. It took a few days to get used to the change, but now that the initial shock has faded, you have to admit that he looks great.
“Yeah, that’s fine,” Olly says, putting the finishing touches on the cake. He sets his piping bag down and turns toward you, wiping his palms against his red apron. His left ear bears a swirl of shiny silver piercings. “I’ll be out in a second.”
“Thanks,” you say, flashing him a small smile. He returns it, and then you’re spinning on your heel and letting the door swing shut behind you.
You find Ella waiting outside the bakery. She urges you along, and you squawk at her impatience.
“What’s the rush?” you ask, falling into step with her as you both amble down the sidewalk. “We have forty-five minutes.”
“I don’t want Alex’s sandwich to get cold,” she explains, holding up the small paper bag clutched in her right hand. You snort.
The two of you make it to Ridgefield Hospital in record time, mostly because Ella grips your arm and gives it a forceful tug whenever you start lagging behind. You walk through the automatic doors, ignoring the row of ambulances parked outside. The secretaries sitting at the front desk shoot you a few distracted smiles—they’ve all grown accustomed to your frequent visits by now.
Ella babbles endlessly as you enter the elevator, pressing the button for the fifth floor and waiting as the metal doors slide shut.
“I want to ask Alice and Leyla to be part of the bridal party, but I’m scared the guys will feel bad if Alex doesn’t choose them as his groomsmen. Like, I think they’d understand, considering I work with the girls and we’re all pretty close, but I don’t know.” She nudges you with her elbow. “What do you think?”
“I think you should do whatever the fuck you want,” you tell her, shrugging. “It’s your wedding. And I don’t think Olly, Marcus, or Nick will mind if they’re not part of the bridal party. Olly doesn’t care about that stuff, and Marcus and Nick already have their hands full with their jobs at the bakery. Plus, they know Alex has his own friends—not just the ones he’s met through you.”
Ella nibbles on her bottom lip, her head bobbing in agreement. “Yeah, you’re right.”
You lay a placid hand on her shoulder. “You’re already overthinking this. You’ve only been engaged for a week. Enjoy it.”
She shoots you a grateful smile just as the elevator dings and the doors glide open, and the two of you step out onto the hospital’s paediatric floor. It’s a stark contrast to the other sections of the building. Instead of barren white walls, these ones are painted with all sorts of pretty, colourful decorations—flowers, rainbows, sunsets, animals. A massive sign in front of you denotes the different divisions on the floor and where to find them: the ICU, the operating rooms, the palliative unit, the psychiatry wing, and the oncology department. You and Ella turn right, making the familiar trek to Alex’s office.
“He should be on his lunch break, too,” she says. “Unless they paged him for another emergency surgery.”
You hum in response.
Sure enough, you find Alex at his desk, twirling a blue pen between his fingers as he pores over the stack of papers in front of him. Ella knocks gently against the open door, and his face lights up when he spies her standing in the threshold. He moves quickly, crossing the room in five long strides, and plants a searing kiss onto her lips. You look away, rocking awkwardly on the balls of your feet.
“Hey,” Alex murmurs after he and Ella break apart. That’s when he notices you behind her. “Hey, cookie.”
“Hey,” you reply. You toss your thumb over your shoulder. “I’m just going to—you know, the usual.”
He nods.
The last thing you see before you turn around is Ella holding up the brown paper bag, and Alex’s face splitting into a bright, easy smile.
You meander through the halls, trailing your fingers over the rich artwork covering the walls. The end of the corridor cleaves in two; you turn left and enter a large atrium. The ceiling is high and peppered with skylights. A small cafeteria sits off to the side, clusters of families chatting and laughing together as they eat. Children sprint around the space, their arms outstretched. Some of them are dressed in normal clothes—others don pale hospital gowns, their skinny legs bared for all to see. You wrench your attention away from them, fixing it instead on the far wall.
Slowly, you cross the room, surveying the vibrant handprints stamped against the plaster. There has to be hundreds of them, you think. They vary in size—some are so tiny you could cry. Colour becomes scarcer the higher you go—the youngest children are too short to reach those levels, obviously—but still. The sight takes your breath away. You visit this mural every time you find yourself at the hospital, and every time, you unearth a new detail that you hadn’t noticed before.
You walk along the length of the wall, dragging your fingertips across the dry, smooth paint. Purples and pinks and oranges and blues. Reds, greens, yellows, browns. Each handprint is a person—a pair of little feet that scuffled over this very floor, a blank story that had yet to unfold. Briefly, you wonder how many survived whatever illnesses plagued them, and how many succumbed to their conditions. The thought makes your throat grow tight with emotion, so you quickly shove it aside.
Ten minutes pass before you’re leaving the mural behind and heading back the way you came. You’ve just rounded the corner when a strong, solid body barrels into you. You grunt at the impact, smacking one palm against the wall to steady yourself.
“I’m sorry,” you start, lifting your head to meet the stranger’s gaze. “I wasn’t paying—oh.”
Harry smirks, his green eyes glittering with mirth once he recognises you. You purse your lips, wishing the ground would just open up and swallow you whole.
“Harry,” you say, nodding stiffly.
He folds his arms over his chest. “Sweetheart.”
His brown hair is tousled, and his biceps strain against the white button-up adorning his torso. Black slacks cover his legs, and he’s wearing a pair of pristine leather shoes, ones that look like they might’ve cost a month’s worth of rent. Your teeth grate together noisily. The sound echoes in your ears.
“What are you doing here?” Harry asks, as though the two of you are old friends. You want to scoff—you’d rather stick your hand in an oven than make idle conversation with him.
“Visiting Alex,” you say tightly, stepping back. “Ella brought him lunch.”
At that, Harry straightens. “Ella’s here?”
“I wish I’d run into her,” he murmurs, pinching his bottom lip between his thumb and forefinger.
You throw him a scowl. “Asshole.”
Harry cocks one eyebrow, tilting his chin haughtily. “Forgive me if I prefer her company to yours. At least she doesn’t treat me like I’m some insufferable bastard.”
“Maybe if you stopped being such an insufferable bastard, I wouldn’t treat you like one,” you shoot back, planting your hands on your hips. You tense as Harry’s gaze rakes down your body—head to toe, like he’s sizing up an opponent. His nose wrinkles in disdain, and you fight the urge to deliver a sharp, backhanded slap across that pretty, perfect face.
Harry opens his mouth, and you brace yourself for whatever retort he has prepared. What comes out is nothing overtly nasty, but it is enough to make you want to shrink away and curl into yourself until you wink out of existence.
“You smell like yeast,” he says, and tosses in a derisive sniff just for the added effect.
You recoil as the words slam into you, blinking in shock.
Asshole. Rude, arrogant, condescending asshole.
“I own a bakery,” you grit out. Harry shrugs, but says nothing else. Your lips flap wordlessly as he pushes past you, his shoulder bumping against yours. You watch him go, massaging the tender spot on your arm with shaky fingers. Your eyes fall to his ass for only a moment before skittering away, and a hollow laugh catches in your throat.
What a fucking prick.
September 17th, 2021
“Attention, everyone!” Ella stands at the head of the table, clinking her fork delicately against her glass. “I wanted to make a little toast.”
The conversation around you tapers off into silence. You sit back in your chair, focussing on your best friend. She looks splendid in her pretty blue dress, her dark hair twisted into an elaborate knot at the nape of her neck. She peers around the room, chewing nervously on the inside of her cheek. When her gaze locks with yours, you grant her a tiny, encouraging nod.
She beams, her next words imbued with renewed enthusiasm. “I wanted to thank all of you for coming here tonight to celebrate our engagement with us.” She holds out her hand, and Alex presses a gentle kiss to her knuckles. “We’re so grateful to be sharing this milestone with such a wonderful group of people.”
You inspect the other guests gathered around the table. To your right sit Alice and Leyla, the first employees you hired when you were trying to get your business up off the ground. It’s odd seeing them like this—poised and elegant, looking nothing at all like they do during the long, arduous shifts at the bakery. Alice’s blond hair has been fashioned into an intricate braid, and Leyla’s brown eyes are lined with dark kohl and smoky eyeshadow. They clean up nice, you must admit.
Next to Leyla: Ella’s older sister, Hillary. They have the same piercing grey eyes, though Hillary’s hair is a shade lighter. You didn’t miss the sour expression that trundled across her face when you waltzed into Alex and Ella’s condo. She’s jealous, you think. Jealous that Ella chose you as her maid of honour instead of her. You’ve been ignoring her resentful glares for the better half of the night, letting her bitterness pass over you like a cloud. Whatever her problem is, it’s clear that the issue lies between her and her sister. You’re not getting in the middle of that.
It doesn’t help that she’s been fawning over Harry all evening. Upon witnessing her coquettish behaviour, you glanced at Ella, brows raised, but your best friend just rolled her eyes and yielded a helpless shrug of her shoulders. At least the attraction didn’t appear to be one-sided—that would have been humiliating, you think—because Harry gave as good as he got, chuckling sincerely and flirting right back. You had to suppress the urge to retch, and sent out a quiet prayer of gratitude when Ella and Alex sat them as far away from each other as possible at the beginning of the meal.
On the opposite side of the table: Alex’s groomsmen—Milo, Sasha, and Connor. You’ve been in their company a few times, mainly on birthdays and other special occasions. According to Alex, they all met when Milo accidentally vomited during their very first anatomy lesson at medical school. Milo insists that the putrid smell of the cadavers was simply too awful to bear, but everyone else claims that he just couldn’t stand the idea of being so close to a dead body. No matter the truth, the story always makes you giggle. The four of them have been good friends ever since.
The five of them, you remind yourself as your gaze settles on Harry, who is lounging in the chair directly across from you.
Harry—Alex’s best friend. Harry—Alex’s best man.
You wanted to rip your hair from your scalp when Ella broke the news. Several images flashed through your head all at once. You and Harry inching rigidly down the aisle, arms linked. You and Harry donning the same colours, your gown complimenting the spry flower pinned to the lapel of his suit. You and Harry flanking Ella and Alex while they recite their vows, glaring daggers at each other behind your friends’ backs. Even now, the mere thought of it has you biting down on an exasperated groan.
You don’t realise that you’ve zoned out until the faint quirk of Harry’s mouth catches your eye. You blink once to yank yourself from your daze, and clench your jaw when you find him staring at you with an amused look on his face. He places his elbows against the arms of the chair and clasps his hands together. Unmistakable smugness emanates from him, as if he somehow managed to crawl inside your mind and saw exactly what you were envisioning. Your nostrils flare, and you fix your attention back on Ella, who has reached the end of her speech.
“Cheers,” she says, holding up her glass. The champagne inside sloshes and fizzles temptingly. Would she allow you to chug the entire bottle, if you asked?
Everyone around the table mirrors her movements, raising their own drinks and touching them together lightly. Quiet, delicate clanking fills the room, and the friendly chatter resumes. You nudge Ella with your elbow, shooting her a proud smile. “That was great, El.”
She beams. “Thanks, cookie.” She then picks up her fork and motions to the plate in front of her, piled high with seasoned chicken and steaming, roasted vegetables. “Let’s eat.”
“Are you sure you’ve got him?” Alex asks Sasha, gesturing to the very inebriated Connor wobbling at his side.
Sasha wraps one arm around their friend, letting Connor rest his full weight against him. He bares two rows of perfect ivory teeth, flashing a wicked grin. “Yeah. Besides, I’ve been meaning to pay him back for the shit he pulled at the barbecue last month. There’s a Sharpie in my car.”
“You’re going to draw a dick on his face, aren’t you?” Alex muses.
With that, Alex bids them both farewell, shutting the door and heaving a dramatic sigh. Ella approaches him after a moment, hooking her chin over his shoulder and murmuring something indiscernible into his ear. He chuckles softly.
“Didn’t peg you as the voyeur type, sweetheart,” a low voice says from behind you.
You jump, whirling around and coming face-to-face with Harry. He’s got a green washcloth slung over his left shoulder—the shade brings out his eyes, a traitorous voice in your head whispers—and his arms are folded neatly across his chest. Your gaze falls to the collar of his black button-up, where he’s undone the first two discs, leaving his sternum exposed. Tendrils of ink peek out from beneath the dark material.
You frown and take a step back, putting distance between your bodies. “You’re such an asshole.”
“So I’ve heard.” His lips twitch, and he rolls up his sleeves. “Now, if you’re done ogling them like a lovestruck puppy, I could use some help in the kitchen.”
You grit your teeth, but follow him into the other room. Harry grabs the rag hanging over his shoulder and holds it out for you. You snatch it from his fingers without a word, and the two of you take up residence in front of the sink. Harry plunges his hands into the soapy water, rinsing the dishes thoroughly before passing them to you. You stand as far away from him as possible while you dry each plate, your movements stiff and choppy. This is not how you wanted to finish off the night, but Alex and Ella spent the entire day preparing the food, and it was delicious. The least you can do is spare them the hassle of tidying up.
The tense silence eats at you, until you feel like you might explode. Unable to bear it any longer, you hastily blurt, “Saw you getting pretty cozy with Hillary before dinner.”
Immediately, you want to kick yourself. Where the fuck did that come from?
Harry snorts, shrugging coolly. “We’ve hooked up a few times, but it’s nothing serious.” He shoots you a mischievous grin. “You jealous?”
“Of Hillary?” you scoff, rolling your eyes. “Please. The woman’s standards are practically underground. Why else would she be interested in someone like you?”
Harry scowls, and hot satisfaction surges through your veins. Yes, the taunt was mean, but no, you don’t care. “You’re a real bitch sometimes, you know that?” he says.
You flash him a petty, insincere smile. “Only to you.”
He squeezes the yellow sponge nestled in his right hand, scrubbing it forcefully across a dirty plate. “Maybe you should find someone to hook up with. It might help get that stick out of your ass.”
“I have better things to do,” you sneer, narrowing your eyes.
“Better than sex?” He chokes on a derisive laugh.
“Like what?”
“Like…things!” you snap, fingers curling into tight fists. “I run my own business, for God’s sake. And I’m going to make Ella’s wedding cake.” You announce the last part proudly, hauling your chin into the air.
Harry, however, looks unimpressed. He shakes his head, blowing out a heavy sigh. “Uh-oh.”
You pause. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
He shrugs again, but you detect a hint of malice behind the action. “It’s just…I’ve seen the way you decorate cakes. Ella might be better off going elsewhere—you know, to an actual professional.”
Son of a—
“That’s rich, coming from you,” you say, motioning to the mismatched tattoos littered across his arm. “What would you know about professionalism? It looks like you let a preschooler doodle all over you.”
Harry bares his teeth in a feral grin. “Deflection. I’m not surprised.”
You bristle at his words. “Asshole.”
“You’ll need to get a bit more creative with the insults, sweetheart. I’m growing bored.”
“Is that so?” you say. “I think ‘asshole’ suits you just fine. Maybe you should have become a proctologist instead of a paediatrician.”
“At least I pursued something I was good at. I’m not sure if you can say the same.”
“You fucking—”
“Everything okay in here?” Ella asks, floating into the kitchen. You spin around to conceal your anger, placing your hands against the counter and inhaling deeply. You roll your shoulders back and slap an artificial smile onto your face before turning once more.
“Everything’s fine,” you say, and fake a yawn, covering your mouth with your palm. “I think I’m going to call it a night. I’m exhausted.”
Ella’s bottom lip juts out into a pout. Her red lipstick has faded, leaving only a stain of scarlet in its wake. On cue, Alex walks into the kitchen behind her, setting a steady hand on her hip and cocking his head to the side. “Hey. Everything okay in here?”
You nearly snort. Fucking soulmates.
“All good,” you tell him, nodding brusquely. “I’m just going to finish up with the dishes and head home.”
“Okay.” Alex presses a soft kiss to Ella’s temple, murmuring something about needing to get out of his stuffy clothes. You whirl, drying the last of the plates with frantic, shaky fingers. In your peripheral vision, you spy Harry watching you, but the stupid bastard must possess some scrap of self-preservation, because he keeps his mouth shut. You say nothing else as you whack the rag down onto the counter and stride out of the room.
You don’t miss Alex and Ella’s hushed whispers at the other end of the hall, but a little voice in your head tells you not to interrupt them. You halt at the front door, snatching your purse off one of the metal hooks mounted on the wall. You’re in the middle of putting on your shoes when you hear it:
“I was hoping we could arrange a truce, you know.”
You twist around, palm flying to your chest. Harry is standing a few feet away, his hands still wet with the water from the sink. He clasps them together and ducks his head, and if you didn’t know any better, you’d almost think he was ashamed.
Something vile bubbles in the pit of your stomach. You gnaw on the flesh of your cheek, trying to reel your emotions back in. You refuse to give him the satisfaction of witnessing another outburst.
“Keep your fucking truce,” you spit, and wrench open the door. You shoot him one last withering look before stepping out of the condo and slamming it shut.
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ateezinmymind · 3 years
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my brother’s best friend (part 1)
word count: 4k
fluff, slight angst??
(series masterlist)
tag list: @brie02 @a-soft-hornytiny @reeateez @multidreams-and-desires
Jung Wooyoung, the boy who was irresistible, but off limits. Jung Wooyoung, the boy who just had to be your brother’s best friend…
Snapping your eyes out of the reoccurring unsettling thoughts, remembering you're still in the 1st hour. You guess the bell already rang, seeing everyone had their bodies turned in the teachers direction.
The class murmuring amongst themselves, the small episodes of laughter and whispers.
“You didn’t even hear!” Gripping your shoulder and shaking it around, you roll your head towards the boy sitting next to you. “The announcements said there’s going to be a school bonfire this Friday!! Aren’t you excited?” Not getting the ecstatic reaction he was hoping for, scoffing out Wooyoung leaned back into his desk.
Looking down at the ground you searched for a reasonable excuse to tell the guy you’ve been dreaming about, you weren’t going.
“y’know.. Woo I don’t think that’s really my scene“ bringing your gaze into his unamused eyes you continue without confidence, “a-and you know it.”
Flicking the loose bangs that fell to his eyes, Wooyoung looks at you with disappointment. “That doesn’t mean you can’t change.” Leaning forward in his desk once more, taking his chin to his hands, closing his eyes he whispers out “you don’t have to stay hidden away from the fun”
Why was he so committed to bringing you out of your comfort zone? It’s not like he actually enjoys being in your presence. He and your brother have always been picky about the terms of you hanging out with them. Yeosang loves you of course, like any brother would, it was indescribable and obvious. But once he graduated high school, last year. He had told Wooyoung to keep his intended boundaries from you and not spend as much time with you when he came over. But even during Yeosang’s senior year, you and Wooyoung actually came to become close friends.
October, 29th << Junior year
“Get off! Get off! I can’t breathe!” Spitting out fits of giggles and snorts, Wooyoung laid sprawled out on top of you. “No! I can’t, I’m sorry y/n.” giving a wiggle seeking comfort “you stole my spot.”
It was true. You did steal his seat on the couch. It was so tempting to lay your head down when he got up to use the restroom.
The three of you were having a scary movie marathon, which meant lots of snacks, blankets and jump scares. When the first movie ended you hadn’t realized you had clung to Wooyoung’s side until Yeosang gave a cold glare and a questioning “what the fuck?” And from there, was when Woo got the sudden urge to get out of the brewing situation by going to use the bathroom.
Rolling your eyes, giving out a huff, you lay yourself along the sofa. “Why are you acting like that Yeosang??” lifting himself up off the recliner he goes to put in the next movie, slumping down and ejecting the disk he quips out, “like what?” Giving out a small chuckle from annoyance, you stick your tongue out to the back of his head. “Like you’re going to have me banned from my own existence”
Closing the case, Yeosang turns around and tilts his head to the side. Plastering you a look of disgust, “I’m sorry, but I just witnessed my sister boggling my best friend. To which I might add, is off the table”
Lifting your head up and forcing it back down, you continuously hit it over the sounds of your groans. There was no wrong intention of being friendly and quite frankly seeking comfort from the scary movie, it was stupid. Right as Yeosang gets up off the floor and heads to the kitchen to refill his bowl of popcorn, Wooyoung comes out of the bathroom. In perfect timing.
“You little-“ he blurts, running towards you as evil giggles ignite within him as he plunges his hands on your shoulders. Rocking you up and down as he makes his way on top of your flat frame.
Hearing laughter and squeals come from the living room, Yeosang puts his phone down and peeks into the area. Observing the way your face is flushed, and how you’re literally being all up in Wooyoung‘s damn business, made his blood boil. Stomping back to the kitchen, the beeping of the microwave feeding his flaming fire of rage, gets feverishly opened and as he takes the popcorn out of its bag and into the bowl. He makes sure to slam it shut unnecessarily hard.
“Dude get off my fucking sister, that’s gross.” As silence blanketed the room, the tension before significantly increased. “Chill, we were just messing around-“ Wooyoung says almost defensively.
Propping your elbows up, swiping a hand over your forehead, moving the messed up hair. You look up at Wooyoung, who’s jaw clenches and unclenches, as the veins in his neck become prominent.
Tapping his arm as a gesture for him to release you from his trap, the awkward silence feeds your urge to leave this situation completely. ���Please get up Woo” you practically plead out. So he does, he releases his hands on your waist and gives you a light apology. “Sorry-“
“Thanks.” Yeosang spits out. “Now we can continue on to the next movie…” looking over at you getting off the couch, he gives one last blow, “the reason why you’re even here.”
Your eyes become blurry with tears, from both embarrassment and the sudden anger rising within. Now standing, you quickly fold the blanket you were wrapped in just seconds before. Draping it over the cushion, you look at Yeosang who snidely smirks in satisfaction at the television. Then to Wooyoung who portrays himself in a stiff manner. His arms folded over his chest, left leg bouncing quickly, and wearing an expressionless face.
Quickly looking down to the floor, you make your way across the room and to the bottom of the stairs. Trying not to embarrass yourself any more, you try and sound the least bit affected by your feelings. “Goodnight. Thank you for letting me hang out-” leaving the boys to continue watching by themselves.
Making your way up to enclose yourself in your room, face hot and limbs jittery. Why did Yeosang have to humiliate you in such ways, you knew Wooyoung didn’t mean anything by it. Of course that’s not the same way you feel about him, because who wouldn’t have some intimate feelings for him. He was a charmer, and hell he knew it. Wooyoung never bent out of shape about it though, he had times of modesty and respect, especially when he was trying to get on someone’s good side.
There was that one week where he spent his entire day, everyday to help out with the junior class decorations for the school spirit competition. You’d never seen him so motivated before that, it still makes you chuckle to this day. He’s always yearning for affection, though he can be seen to come off as a cold hearted person, Wooyoung wants to please the people around him. He doesn’t like having enemies or people who look down on him, and he won’t risk his reputation of being ‘everyone’s friend’. It’s in his nature to be a comforting presence, and that's why you think you’re so fond of him.
Opening the door to your bedroom, getting welcomed by your favorite scent from the lit candle by the window, you let out a long sigh of exasperation. At least this was the longest you’ve got to hang with them yet. You could see this as a plus, though because this outburst had to happen today.. right when Halloween is around the corner. Your once exciting ideas flew out the window while insecurities sank their teeth in.
It was a stupid idea to begin with, of course you shouldn’t hang out with him, he wasn’t your friend. It’s not like you befriended him first, even though he’s been your classmate since the beginning of this school year, your junior year, you drew an interest in him when he made his way to introduce himself. He had been so funny, making the whole class laugh out from this one awfully corny joke.
Wooyoung being the new student was like a fresh start to a better experience. He wanted to put his past behind him, and change his former and darker days.
In all honesty Wooyoung didn’t share a lot about his life, which is interesting to consider— for he’s so determined to be a safe place for everyone else. You were clueless about how his life besides your home and school goes down. It’s not that you were suspicious about him hiding something, but if he in fact was even the slimmest bit of your friend, you’d want him to open up too.
Walking over to your nightstand, turning on the warm lit lamp you sit on the end of the bed and flop down on your back. “Thank you for letting me hang out??” Slapping your forehead, you give a cry of humiliation, “why did I say that-“ you shouldn’t have to have permission to be friendly with your brother, and frankly his friends! Why was Yeosang so picky when it came to Wooyoung but not the others?? You’ve had your times of fun with Seonghwa, why was he so different?? It made you angry to say the least.
The other boys came over a lot more before Wooyoung showed up. Mingi and Seonghwa showed you a side you’ve missed with Yeosang.. they brought him comfort and genuine smiles and hospitality. They didn’t hold a grudge on each other, they didn’t keep secrets, and he actually liked to talk about them in your presence. This year changed how things were..Mingi left schools when Wooyoung came, and Yeosang stopped hanging out with Seonghwa. Obviously it was a sensitive topic, but that only intrigued you more.
Getting up, quickly making your way to the bathroom, trying not to wake yourself up before you wouldn’t be able to sleep. You take care of your nightly routine of washing your face, brushing your teeth, etcetera. Hearing Wooyoung give a quick and loud commentary about the typical people in scary movies from down stairs, you rub your eyes with exhaustion. Today drained you, and in order for this Halloween weekend to be a success, there needs to be some time to sleep. Blowing out your candle, and then turning off your lamp, you hop into the warmth of your bed, and fall into a slumber.
October, 30th << Junior year
“KANG YEOSANG YOU PIECE OF SHIT!” opening your eyes, the screaming voice of Wooyoung does its job of erupting ears, and it makes you roll out of bed. Groaning with annoyance, once again make your way to the bathroom to wash up.
Going to your closet, picking out an outfit for the day you choose some casual leggings with a t-shirt. Another scream from outside your door makes you think of all the possibilities causing it could be. It’s only 9 in the morning and already they’ve woken the house.
Walking across the hall to your brothers room, you give a quick knock. “Yeosang??” you ask, but you’re only met with giggles and then a smack, ending in a “OUCH!” assuming it’s from Wooyoung, given his standards.
Turning the handle, you peek through the door to see your brother and his friend sitting on the floor, faces lit with blue in the dark room, and nudging each other repeatedly. They’re absolutely unfazed, and had no clue the door even opened. You roll your eyes, at the fact they woke you up with video games..typical—
“Hey!” getting their attention, they swivel their heads over to you immediately. In all honesty you didn’t even think they’d hear you, so a bit flustered about how much attention you had made you just laugh. “Do you guys want breakfast?” softly saying, and all they do is turn back to the screen and give a sigh of relief and a happy “YES PLEASE!” making you gently close the door and head your way down the stairs.
“Good morning mom!” stepping into the kitchen you sing out to where she is sitting at the table reading a book and sipping on coffee. Looking up at you, and giving a bright smile, she gets up and greets you in a morning hug and kiss, “Good morning my sweet y/n, how did you sleep?”
Giving a light chuckle and soft smile back, you separate yourself from her body and turn to the fridge. “It was fine...actually pretty nice. Since I didn’t stay up as long as the boys-“ then turning to playfully give your mom another roll of your eyes and finish saying, “but they DID wake me up!” making her laugh out loud, she sits back down and picks up her book and sighs out- but joyfully, “Yep, I heard” craning your head back to look at her face, you see she wasn’t mad, just wearing a smile sweetly.
There’s times where you think your mom needs help, with dad rarely being around because of work, you never find her complaining. She is strong, practically caring for three children, because Wooyoung is welcomed whenever he wants. It’s a problem, but it’s become a habit or probably more a lifestyle.
Taking out the carton of eggs, some bacon and fruit you start on breakfast. You thought just something simple would do.. there’s no need to go all out. Your mom kept trying to help you out, but everytime you insisted she’d relax instead.
After finally cutting and washing the various fruits and filling the plates of food, you give your mom her meal first. Setting it in front of her reading state, you kiss her cheek “here you are! I’ll go get the boys” you say and turn to set your way up the staircase.
Skipping two steps at a time, you reach the top and strut to your brothers room. Hearing the muffled conversation, knowing you shouldn't invade either of their privacy, curiosity took its turn in you. No more screams or fits of laughter spilled out through the crack, only the low inaudible stammers.
Softly placing your hand on the door frame, leaning your head in for better comprehension, the conversation clears up and becomes coherent. Not even needing to be in the room, you know there's tension going on. “But that's a whole different story Woo, I didn't feel that way with Seonghwa..it was just d-different.” you had no idea what was going down, why was Yeosang talking about Seonghwa? “sure, I get that. But i just don't understand why you are always so weird about me wanting to acknowledge your sister..you get such a temper when she's around.” then there was a long pause, hearing someone shuffling about, sounding like they're on the bed, the interesting conversation continued but a little quieter. “Wait..Wait!” hearing giggles come around, the grip on the door frame tightens, your whole body on edge for more information. Both of them erupting in a small fit of laughter, “so it was Seonghwa!! That’s why!!” you hear Yesang trying to rebuttal but unable through his annoyed groaning and small chuckles.
So this was all about something Seonghwa did? Or is it something you missed, having really no clue what this is about, you straighten your body away from your brother's private talk. You hear the muffled sounds of them again as you head to the stairs. Your mind thinks of a billion ways to connect something. Leaving them be, you turn to give a shout for breakfast once you reach the steps again. And with what little you knew, you never got the chance to figure out their meaning in that exclusive talk.
The morning quickly turned to evening, the day spent uselessly. Yeosang and Wooyoung ended up going out after you fed them, something to do with their “weekend plans”, whatever that meant. So you wasted time cleaning and being of help to your mom. When the boys came back, you all had dinner together and then Wooyoung went home. You weren’t even sure what this certain tension going on was about, and how Halloween hadn’t even been brought up at all. It was almost awkward, and uncomfortable to try and possibly bring up.
After you washed the dishes and wiped the counters clean, you made your way to your room for the night. Passing Yeosang’s closed room, you hear his video game playing making your body involuntarily knock on his door.
“Come in!” he shouts over the sounds. Entering in with his invitation, once Yeosang sees it’s you he pauses and softly smiles up to you. There he was, that was your brother. The sweet brother whom you love dearly, and whom loves you— even when it’s hard to tell. The brother who has always been there for you, your other half. Well that was the true him, at least how it used to be before.
“Hey yeo yeo— can I sit with you?” you feel yourself cheering back to his sweet expression. Earning a pat next to himself on the bed, you skitter forward and crawl to him. “You okay?” he gently says, throwing his controller to the side.
Nodding your head, you reach for his hand. Taking it in yours, you give him a reassuring squeeze and giggle. “Yeah, yeah~ I just want you to know that I’m sorry.” you say lowering your voice to almost a whisper. Actually really not sure what you were saying sorry for exactly, but in all this mishap you find yourself being the one the blame. Lacing his fingers with yours, Yeosang perks his head to the side and lightly sighs. “Y/n, please don’t..” he starts with a comforting tone, taking his other hand to tap your knee. “No apologizing, it’s over and it was stupid” he scoffs. “Okay and also— you didn’t miss much” he picks up his controller again after giving your hand one last grip “it was so predictable and not even scary-“
Finding his amusement enlightening, you give a laugh and slide your legs off the side of the bed. “Well, fine. But I love you Yeosang..” you say getting up, and turning to look at him lightly.
“And I love you dork, but let’s not get too sappy now okay?” he chuckles. “I gotta beat this game real quick so you can join in~”
And that’s what the both of you did that night, played video games, proving each other wrong, having little arguments, the tiniest bit of pushing and pinching but overall bonding again. The night couldn’t go on forever sadly though, it had to end at some point. Sharing laughs and love, everything seemed perfect.. that this would be your brother always.
But did he really mean it?
<< present day
That weekend had always left you wondering what you did wrong. The day after your evening games with Yeosang, he didn’t end up going out for Halloween. Wooyoung didn’t show up, it was interesting to say the least.. but there wasn’t really anything you could do.
After the bell rang, students flooded the hallways, the chatter rang through the building and you packed your things by your locker. School went by surprisingly quick, and throughout it all Wooyoung had pressured you further to go to the bonfire this weekend. His reasonings didn't really make you want to go, you didn't really feel the need to. It would be a night full of your annoying classmates, the screeches and shouts of people doing something unabiding of their safety, and the only friend you would be with was Wooyoung.
Closing your locker you feel your phone start buzzing in your pocket.
Before getting it out to answer you see Wooyoung at the end of the hallway leaning against the wall, hands in his pockets. Maybe he was waiting for you? He had said that he was going to stay after school for a test he missed. Because he didn’t show up at all last week, and came back like it was nothing, saying he got sick.
As you continue to walk to the lobby you answer the call not paying attention to the ID, “hello?”
“Y/n, hurry up I’m waiting..” the male voice sounded so familiar, you sped up quickly waving bye to Woo as he pushed off the wall seeming like he wanted to talk. “Wait.. who is this?” turning the corner you see Seonghwa standing there, wearing a smile
“it’s me..”
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part 2
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lyraparadigm · 3 years
Never Have I Ever...One Shots S2 & Beyond
Fanfic on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32770339/chapters/81307000
(More chapters in the link)
 Chapter 1: Never Have I Ever...Done Well In School
It felt good to do well in school. Paxton missed feeling accomplished. Ever since he broke his arm and couldn’t swim, he felt like there was a void in his chest..something he couldn’t quite pin point till this very day. Seeing his classmates clap for him at the end of his extra credit presentation felt good - like a few months ago when he was still on the swim team and breaking records. To top it off, Ojichan was there and now he couldn’t stop praising Paxton at dinner with Mom, Dad and Rebecca. Paxton couldn’t help the dopey grin that overtook his face when Ojichan asked what inspired him to step out of his comfort zone. Devi. He wasn’t gonna say that though.
“I just wanted to go above and beyond in school.” He shrugged nonchalantly, his face still split in a grin. 
Shaking his head, he chuckled to himself and mumbled under his breath, “I wanted to swim to San Diego.”
“Huh?” Rebecca asked, ever observant and Paxton, try as he might, couldn’t keep that damn grin off his face.
“Well, whatever it was, i’m proud of you Paxton. Thank you for convincing me to tell my story. It was the right thing to do.” Ojichan’s admission meant everything to Paxton and as he walked back to the garage after dinner, to play Call of Duty, it struck him that this wasn’t really what he wanted to be doing. 
Without much thought, he grabbed his keys and was on his way to Devi Vishwakumar’s house. The closer her got to her home, the louder he could hear his heart beat. Adrenaline was pumping through his veins and he felt like he was about to compete at a swim meet, or maybe sit in that Facing History test for the first time again.And then the insecurity set in… what if Devi was still into Ben? But that couldn’t be, right? Ben was with Aneesa and Devi was pretty chill with that. Her crying the other day has nothing to do with Ben. It was to do with her friends and he fixed that…he made her smile… so maybe…He shook himself free of those thoughts as he parked on her street by the fire hydrant so Dr. Vishwakumar wouldn’t be able to see him. He wasn’t gonna make that mistake again. Besides, it was just going to be a quick in and out. He just needed to say thank you to Devi. No need to knock on her door and meet her mom. He was just going to…what, throw rocks at her window? That was cheesy as hell and Paxton didn’t do cheese. 
He licked his lips, frowning as he realised it was raining. How had he not realised this before?!  Well, he was outside her house now…and the longer he dithered, the more soaked he was getting. Grunting, he started climbing the tree outside Devi’s house. He had never done this before. He usually just knocked on the front door or invited the girl around. Damn Paxton, just get a grip.He was on the roof now and her bedroom light was on and she was…she was sat there in these cute pjs that somehow did a great job at outlining her figure despite completely covering her. Her window was open, so he could just climb in… he blinked sheepishly…maybe he should text her before he did that. That’d be the polite thing to do. 
He watched like a total creep as she responded to his ‘what r u doing’ text.‘U want company?’ He had barely finished hitting send before he knocked. She was so goddamn cute - no. He was just here to thank her. Right. He climbed in as she got off her bed and approached him.
He breathed out a laugh at the ridiculousness of this situation.
“You’re in my house…” she appeared utterly confused, her brows furrowing adorably.
He laughed, a little shy, a little nervous, “Yeah…I guess so”His palms felt clammy all of a sudden and he could feel every drop of rain seeping into his skin through his shirt. His hair must have been a mess but he was just going to start talking anyway.
“Look I just wanted to say thank you for all your help.” His eyes could help but stray down her form quickly, “It felt so good to finally do something well in school” and he noticed her eyes drift too, though her gaze was far more obvious than his had ever been. And it struck him suddenly. There was never any hiding with Devi. She always just did what she wanted, when she wanted - like that time she propositioned him for sex despite having never spoken to him before, or when she manipulated Mr. Shapiro into giving Paxton a second chance at that Facing history test.So maybe it was time Paxton did what he wanted too.
“So…are you here to study…or….” The anticipation in her voice did things to him. Devi always had a way of looking or talking to him like she couldn’t quite believe he was talking back or looking at her or..well, now he was about to wipe that look off her face.
“No” he shook his head, closing the distance between them, barely giving her a chance to adjust, barely giving himself a chance to change his mind. His hand was in her hair, his gaze flickered down past her nose ring to her lips while he released a slow breath. This was happening. His eyes met hers for a moment before he closed them and leaned forwards, his lips pressing against hers in the softest of kisses that somehow felt different than any other kiss he had given her before. 
And then all bets were off; one hand wedged firmly in her hair, the other rose to grasp her waist as his lips moved sensually over hers and before he realised, he was backing her towards her bed. She didn’t seem opposed to any of it, her own hands gripping his forearms to start with, then grazing his arms before settling on his chest.He crawled on top of her bed, his lips never leaving hers for long as they adjusted so they were lying on their sides, kissing each other languidly. 
Soft kisses, open mouthed kisses, lingering ones, breathy ones…he could spend hours just learning her mouth and all the little hitches in her breath when he switched up the pace, or pressed his tongue against the seem of her lips. Then her leg forced its way between his and his brain short circuited a little. He didn’t think it was intentional, he didn’t really think she realised that her thigh was now pressed firmly against his… she seemed too absorbed in kissing him, her hands wading through his hair, nails scratching his scalp and making him shiver. ‘I don’t kiss guys often, Paxton!’ He remembered her admission weeks ago… for someone inexperienced, she sure was good at making him breathless. And to think he thought this would just be a quick visit. He was careful to not push. His hands stayed at her waist mostly, his thumb gently rubbing circles on her lower back. Occasionally his lips would drift to her jaw and kiss the spot below her ear. That drew a breathy sigh out of her that sent a heat wave up his spine. His lips returned to kissing hers, not wanting to get carried away, not wanting to push.
“Paxton?” she mumbled as they parted for breath, noses rubbing against each others. Her eyes were squeezed shut as she asked, “this isn’t a dream right? I’ve not just fallen asleep on my math homework? Am I drooling?”
He chuckled, cheeks blushing a little in embarrassment. There was a lot to unpack here - she dreamed of him apparently and God she was adorable.“This is real”, the words were barely out of his mouth before she lunged the already short distance between them and started kissing him once more. They must have been at it for at least an hour, he surmised, based on how uncomfortably tight his jeans were getting. He rolled onto his back to cool off, grinning dopily at the puppy dog frown on her face. She settled on her back too and they both stared at the ceiling, catching their breath.
“Did you talk to your Mom? You know.. after you saw her in the Maybach”Her brows furrowed again and her fists clenched. It always fascinated him how quickly her temper flared. The first time he took notice of her wasn’t when she asked him for sex, it was when she said something about Nazis killing Ben Gross. He had been surprised a nerd like her had the balls to say something like that in class and get sent to the Principal’s office.
“I just feel like she’s moving on so quick  - it’s not even been a year since my dad died” Devi huffed and Paxton turned to face her. 
He picked up an errant strand of hair and curled it around his finger, “Maybe you should talk to her?”
“I yelled at her already and now I don’t want to talk to her. I don’t want to talk about this.”
He nodded. He didn’t know what to say. Devi’s life was intense with a lot more drama than he was used to. He called her crazy once, with her ‘psycho’ drama. He cringed a little at that. It did nothing to ease his hurt when he said it then and it wasn’t doing much else but deepen his guilt now. So instead of saying anything at all, he let his fingers drift from her hair to brush against her nose ring and then against her lips. 
He felt a flutter in his stomach on seeing her anger melt off her face..like he was the only one that could do that… just like when he made her smile after her face was all puffy from crying about Eleanor. ‘Swim to San Diego’ seemed to be echoing in his mind a lot lately, especially whenever he gazed into her eyes. Her eyes. Had they always been this pretty? He grinned at his own thoughts now and it grew further when she matched his smile. He sighed against her lips, unable to keep away for long. His lips hovered against hers, never quite touching, just teasing…till she let out a grunt of frustration, much to his amusement, and reached forwards to mash their lips together. It was clumsy at first and he let out a groan as her teeth nicked his lips but his laughter died down when she snuck her leg between his again and then a different sort of groan left his mouth.
“Devi,” he breathed, pulling away from her and enjoying seeing that dazed look on her face he was so familiar with. His shirt was fully dry now and he figured it was time to stop pushing his luck. He shuddered to think what Dr. Vishwakumar would do if she caught him in her daughter’s bed.
“I’ve gotta go,” he pressed a quick kiss to Devi’s lips and she squeezed his hand in response. Walking to the window and ducking out, he found he was unable to leave without kissing her goodbye.
“I’ll call you tomorrow” he spoke gently against her lips and yep, there it was, that look on her face that made his stomach feel giddy. She looked at him like he had hung the moon and it was hella endearing.It had him grinning all the way back down to her front lawn and to the short walk to his jeep.Yeah this was definitely not a quick visit.Swim to San Diego indeed. 
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Who Am I Really?
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(Eyeless Jack X Reader)
Iron was all he could taste, as he hugged his arms close to his chest. The white snow that speckled the forest floor contrasted greatly with his newly acquired ash-grey skin. He could feel blood crusting under his fingernails, he could feel the sting of the cold snow underneath his bare feet as he walked. Whatever they did to him, he was no longer human that much was clear, his feet turned more animal-like and had ripped through his old shoes. If he was being honest with himself he knew that from the moment he awoke and could still see that he was no longer human.
Jack Nichols shivered as he caressed the hollow sockets where his eyes should’ve been. They were dripping with the black tar that was mercilessly poured in there by Jenny and her cult.
‘That absolute fucking bitch.’ He thought, and an animal-like snarl tore through his throat. He could feel the stretching and popping of his jaw as he ground his teeth together. Killing her and her stupid friends was therapeutic to him, remembering the taste of their blood as it filled his mouth when he tore out their throats made him feel euphoric. Pausing his steps only for a brief moment he let those memories of eating their flesh and organs consume him, it only served to make his mouth water.
What was wrong with him? Why did that memory, which happened only hours ago, make him so god damn hungry? What exactly had they done to him, as much as he tried not to dwell on that thought the hunger that ate away at him even after the slaughter was almost too much to handle. All Jack wanted when he woke up this morning was to go on a date with a cute girl, get a little drunk, and maybe get lucky (though realistically that was just wishful thinking). The true college experience one might say, even for a med student. Especially with a schedule as busy as his...that was as busy as his. He knew he should’ve just stuck to focusing on school and studying his brain out, god why did he have to listen to his friends as they urged him on the date.
‘What’s the worst that can happen?’
This. This was clearly the worst possible outcome.
What he really couldn’t believe, however, was that he allowed one of the cultists to get a hit on him, and a bad one at that. Turning his head to glance down at the tear in his thigh, it was a deep gash that desperately needed to get medical attention and fast. The only problem the former medical student faced was that whatever was pouring out of his leg wasn’t blood. It was a deep black ooze that stained the white snow that littered the forest floor. In fact, Jack wasn’t even sure if normal medical supplies would even heal his wound. Jack grit his teeth trudging onwards into the forest, a faint buzzing reverberated around in his skull like flies buzzing around a corpse that he couldn’t seem to shake.
He placed his hand against a tree the world spinning around him. Whatever the blood-like substance that was pouring out of his leg was, he was losing it fast. Jack heard the crunching of snow in front of him and a small gasp. It took most of his strength but he picked his head up and snarled. Jack bared his teeth and tried to make himself look as dangerous as possible, he felt like a wild animal that was cornered by the hunter. There was a girl in front of him, she had (h/l) (h/c) hair that was stuffed under a furry winter hat. She took a few steps back, her brown snow boots making giant footprints in her wake. He could hear the blood flowing through this girl’s veins, as her anxiety levels seemed to spike. The anxiety caused her heartbeat to quicken drastically, hearing the sound only served to increase Jack’s seemingly ceaseless hunger. Jack tried to take another step towards her, flexing the sharp nails on his hands but collapsed under his own weight, his fucking leg. He really couldn’t catch a break, could he?
“What are you?” The girl’s voice held a slight quiver to it and Jack could feel her sharp eyes burning holes into his body. He watched as she hesitantly took a step closer, her (f/c) parka standing out against the muted colors of the forest.
“I don’t know.” He responded with a raspy breath, she smelled divine but he had no strength to attack. Something in his bones told him that he was beyond human, something so much more, a god perhaps? What a silly thought that he couldn’t shake away. Through his quickly blurring vision, he swore he could make out a pair of fancy dress shoes a little bit behind the girl. He saw the girl drop to her knees and cover her ears, his vision went black and the sound of static accompanied the darkness.
Jack was expecting to be dead. He expected to be accompanied by beautiful white light, maybe an angel or something. However, it caught him very off guard when he suddenly awoke in a rather plush bed. He threw the plaid covers off himself unceremoniously and moved to swing his legs over the side of the bed. The baby god never got far because he let out a howl of pain as a sharp sensation traveled up his thigh. Shit right, his entire upper thigh was practically ripped open. He forgot all about that, glancing down at his wound he noticed it was wrapped tightly in medical bandages and he assumed it was stitched up underneath the dressings. Whoever fixed the wound seemed to have done at least a semi-decent job, at least he wasn’t dead. Sniffing the air with his newly acquired sense of smell he could make out the distinct smell of humans and...was that lavender?
Jack felt his stomach growl and he doubled over clutching it. They smelled delicious. He could practically hear their organs singing out to him, rip open the human, steal us, devour us.
He was snapped out of his thoughts by the door opening, in the middle of the doorway stood the exact girl he’d seen in the forest. Immediately going on the defense he bared his teeth opening his jaw as wide as he could, he heard the popping sound of his jaw as it extended, he felt something swirl around in his mouth. He felt a chill run down his spine at the unwelcomed sensation.
Did he have more than one tongue?
Shaking the thought away Jack didn’t move to attack, he was never the type. He would always rather listen to rationality before getting his hands dirty, the only issue was he was starving and the girl would absolutely make a fine meal.
“Don’t try demon.” The girl scoffed eyeing Jack up and down, if he was still his old college self he would’ve gotten flustered at the gesture. A girl showing him attention? Unheard of back them. However, after Jenny, he was almost positive he’d never let that happen again. His sockets looked down at what the girl held in her hands, it was a plate, a plate that had kidneys on top of it. He was only mildly aware of the fact that he was drooling all over himself. “Oh gross.” She scrunched up her nose placing the organs on the bottom of the bed.
Without hesitation, Jack attacked the cold meat shoving it in his mouth with vigor. He knew blood was all over his face and hands but he couldn’t bring himself to care. Jack knew the girl’s calculated eyes were watching his every move, even so, he couldn’t help but let out a groan of pleasure as the food slid down his throat. Once the meal was finished and Jack was satisfied he finally felt he had enough strength to start asking questions.
“Who are you?” He rasped, whipping his mouth with the back of what was left of his sleeve.
“Really? You’re asking ME that question.”
“I’m not a fan of your attitude.”
“I’m not a fan of you bleeding out on my property.”
Jack growled low and guttural.
“Don’t make me hurt you.” The girl had the audacity to laugh in his face was she not aware of what he was capable of now?
“Nice try but I’m not scared of you. You’re not allowed to hurt me as long as you’re under my care.” She pointed to herself with her thumb, puffing out her chest a little however he could hear her pulse increase just the slightest bit.
Jack only scowled.
“What pray tell is exactly stopping me?” He raised an eyebrow watching carefully as the girl lifted up her sleeve to her sweater. Scared into her wrist was a symbol that Jack had never seen before in his life, but for some unknown reason, he felt dread wash over him. Carved into her wrist was an O with an X slashed through it. “What’s that supposed to prove exactly? That you’re into weird tattoos?”
The (h/c)-ette let out a loud sigh like this conversation was boring her. Oh he’s sorry it’s not his fault he was turned into a fucking organ-eating monster by a cult at his local college! If he still had his eyes they would be rolling so far back into his skull, yet he still waited for the girl to explain.
“My name is (y/n), I’m a medical proxy under The Operator. Currently one of the only ones he has left because we keep getting killed off by rogue killers.” The girl, (y/n), clicked her tongue in clear distaste at the mention of said killers. “Since I’m under The Operator it means if you kill me, he’ll kill you, that’s the deal Jacky boy.” That put him on high alert.
“How the fuck do you know my name?”
“You’re certainly full of questions for someone just waking up out of a coma. If you must know The Operator gave me a brief rundown of your file after we found you in the woods.” (Y/n) crossed her arms over her chest “It’s your lucky day because you just got hired to work for him.” She gave him a round of applause, but it sounded more mocking than serious and he only grew more confused.
“This doesn't make any sense to me. I hope you’re aware.”
“I’m sure it isn’t. It’ll all be explained in due time. For now, all you have to focus on is getting better so you can begin your training. Lucky for you, I’m your registered nurse and caregiver, so enjoy your stay at castle de la (Y/n). Trust me when I say you should value your time here while you still have it.” A thousand more questions ran through Jack’s mind and his little question and answer session with his self-proclaimed nurse didn’t really help.
“So you’re a med student then?” She made a noise of affirmation picking at the strings of her sweater.
“Was a med student Jack, that pretty much came to a screeching halt after I was scouted by the boss man. That, however,” He watched as (Y/n) put a hand to her lips signaling him to stop asking questions, “Is a story for another day. The first order of business now that you’ve eaten is a shower. Cause no offense but you smell like dried blood, and coming from me that’s saying something cause I smell blood all the time.”
Jack still didn’t trust this stranger fully and it got under his skin that she seemed to know everything about him and he knew next to nothing about her. Yet, a shower did seem nice at this moment, he glanced down at his hands and noticed his nails were caked with dry blood. He could only imagine what every other part of his body looked like, (y/n) clearly didn’t bother cleaning him up aside from dressing his wounds.
“A shower sounds good.” Jack nodded in confirmation and the girl gave a relieved smile.
“Oh thank God you agreed, it took me a week of convincing to get Jeff to go take his first shower.” Jack decided it was best not to ask who Jeff was deciding that that was a can of worms he shouldn’t open just yet. She reached out to touch him and he immediately recoiled back almost biting her handoff, the smile that appeared disappeared into a frown.
“Don’t touch me.” Memories of Jenny’s friends holding him down while he pleaded for his life flashed across his mind. The blade coming closer and closer to Jack’s crystal blue eyes before making contact and-
“Alright, cannibal boy snap out of it. Can’t have you succumbing to blood lust just yet. You don’t wanna injure yourself more.” (Y/n) snapped her fingers next to his ears and he couldn’t help but feel a little grateful that she snapped him out of his stupor. “I was going to help you to the bathroom because you really shouldn’t put pressure on your leg. Is that okay?”
Jack felt himself nodding reluctantly. She was right, he really shouldn’t put stress on his leg or it could cause more harm than good. Especially since he didn’t know the extent of the injury yet, for all he knew he was lucky they didn’t hit the femoral artery. Her arms went around his waist as the god and the human girl hobbled to the bathroom together. On the short walk there Jack was trying to get a feel of the house, in case he needed to make a grand escape in the future.
“I’ll put some fresh clothes outside the door for you, call for me when you’re done so I can help you back to the bedroom.” (Y/n) explained as Jack hobbled into the bathroom, he didn’t feel the need to respond to her as he shut the door in her face. He heard a faint click of a tongue from the other side of the door and listened to the girls retreating footsteps.
Jack leaned against the sink putting most of his weight on his hands. The sink creaked at the newfound pressure and Jack wasn’t sure it was because it was an old house or because he had newfound strength. He glanced up at the mirror, it was weird somewhat seeing when you had absolutely no eyes. It was the first time since the incident he got a good look at himself, he looked about as good as he felt.
His auburn hair curled around his now pointed ears and was caked in mud and dirt. He was almost grateful that (y/n) didn’t touch him aside from the wound while he was unconscious, Jack couldn’t imagine what he might’ve done if he felt anyone go near his face. Speaking of his face, he opened his mouth and saw his teeth were shaved into razor-sharp fangs. His stomach turned as he remembered the exact reason why they were like that, organs. They were like that so he could eat organs. The thought wasn’t nearly as nauseating as it should’ve been.
His skin was unnatural and sickly grey color, as he lifted up his shirt the color seemed to spread all the way down his body. He glanced down at his hands and saw his nails were long and black, almost like those girls who wore acrylics, except he was sure their nails couldn’t rip into people's chests with a single swipe. Continuing down his body he lifted up one of his padded feet, he was correct in his assumption from earlier. They were much more animal-like, he wondered if they made him faster, what purpose could they possibly serve other than that?
Gently letting his footfall back down on the floor he shuffled to the shower and turned it on, the water sprayed out in a burst and he patiently waited for it to heat up. Eventually, he was able to step inside, not before knocking his head not only against the curtain rod but also on the showerhead.
“Fuck!” He snarled glaring down at the showerhead. Jack did a little double-take, okay he was also super tall, at least he got one blessing out of whatever the fuck was happening. Jack had to kneel on the ground in order to let the water roll down his body, with a deep breath he enjoyed the warm water pelting his skin. He fumbled around with the shampoo trying to figure out how to open it without popping a hole in the container. As the lid popped open he was hit with the calming scent of lavender.
“We’ll send someone to come back and check on him in about a month give or take, see how he’s adjusting and healing.” A figure spoke from the kitchen shaking a cigarette into an ashtray, as (y/n) stood across from him. The man ran a hand through his messy brown hair “Then we’ll reassess him, give him a test and see if he’s fit to come to the mansion.” Meanwhile, the girl heaved a sigh of her own and leaned against the cool tiles of her kitchen wall.
“So it’s gonna be my responsibility to explain everything that’s happening to him? Isn’t that supposed to be your job Tim?” (y/n) raised an eyebrow “You realize he’s, like, almost seven feet tall, has no eyes and eats organs right? I’m not even sure WHAT he is.” She muttered, “The rundown I got really only gave me his background and his clear trauma.”
Tim clicked his tongue like the girl in front of him was wasting his time, it made her ball up her fists subconsciously.
God, the main proxies really got on her fucking nerves sometimes.
“You won’t have to worry about that, The Operator will handle all of that throughout the coming weeks. No need to worry. You also don’t need to worry about harvesting organs for him, and hopefully, once he’s healed he’ll work on doing that himself. But for now, someone on a kill close by will be dropping off organs.” Tim’s nose scrunched up a little and the (h/c)-nette’s did the same, she normally prided herself on her strong stomach, but this was a lot even for her. “The only thing you have to do is monitor his eating, see how much he will need on a weekly basis, and obviously keep him alive.”
“Obviously.” They both seemed to have a mutual understanding about that at least, she fucks up and he dies they’re both in deep shit with The Operator. Tim reached to the side where his porcelain mask sat against the countertop.
“Don’t fuck it up.” He pointed to her before slipping out the door leaving the women alone with an organ-eating monster. (Y/n) mimicked ‘don’t fuck it up' in a nasal voice before kicking off the wall and heading back in the direction of her guest's room, she pulled out a pair of crutches from the closet and rested them by the bedside. She gently scratched at the faintly buzzing symbol on her wrist, this is going to be a long month.
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vocalyunho · 4 years
For the game
pairing — bad boy! Yunho x fem. reader
genre — angst, smut
word count — 4.4k
warnings: blowjob, cunnilingus, explicit protected sex, degradation, mention of insecurity.
synopsis — playing truth or dare with a bunch of 20-year-olds always leads to impermissible happenings. What happens when your friend dares you to make the bad boy of the campus come in order for you to win the game?
A/N(1): to the anon who requested this, I made some changes to the request to fit the plot. Writing bad boy! Yunho was kinda difficult for me though when he’s a walking sweetheart 24/7. My apologies if this one’s not good.
Α/Ν(2): gif is mine
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“Make Yunho cum and you’re the winner of the game”, everything went blurry for a second and you thought you didn’t hear right. However, you heard perfectly but when the night started, you didn’t expect it to come to this.
“we want proof, too”, Mingi smirked from across you in the circle.
Your eyes flickered and before they could go wide, you collected yourself. If anything, making Yunho come was a fantasy many girls had. He’s the dreamlike Yunho, after all...tall, blond with his black natural roots always visible, built like a damn Greek God and he’d really resemble one, if only he wasn’t him. Hs has a different reputation...the ‘bad guy’ kind of reputation, but he isn’t just the type to smoke too much for his own good or break the law because ‘laws are meant to be broken’ -even though he did both-. He’s more like the type that doesn’t pretend. He never changed his personality just to accommodate whoever was around, he never tried to fit in, he never asked for approval by anyone. He was him, too confident, unpredictable, cocky and rough and most of the times...too much.
You’ve never come in direct contact with him, you’ve never talked to him, he’s intimidating enough to just mind your business and stay away from the trouble he could cause you. However, you do see him in many lectures to know how smart and eloquent he is and that worries you the most, because he knows how to use these two gifts of his very well. So well to the point, girls fall for him and his carefully chosen words, even though they subconsciously know he just wants to fuck them and never talk to them again. But they still fall!
“I’ll do it”, you didn’t think much of it. There are 15 people in this room waiting for you to take the dare, you can’t be a coward now, even if you know you’ll regret it later. “but just so you know, the proof part...fucking gross...what’s going on inside your mind?”, you spit out the words. How are you going to keep proof, anyways?
Everyone cheered as you stood up and from the corner of your eye you could see Yunho doing the same, the simple way of just standing up with a smirk smudged on his lips making your heart clench out of nowhere.
“take your time, no need to hurry”, Mingi shouted and Yunho laughed cheekily. Your eyes only rolled dramatically at the back of your head and, without knowing that’s a foreshadowing of your near future, you walked upstairs. Who would’ve thought walking to a room would be hard, especially with him following behind you as you felt his eyes on you the entire time. Trying to stay calm, your mind wandered around trying to think of what you’ll do once you come face to face with him behind the closed door and when you reached the room, the clicking sound of a door getting locked, made you snap out of any other thoughts. You turned around fast, only to catch him scanning your body as his tongue played around in his mouth and when he felt your gaze on him, he didn’t even try to take his eyes away. The -not so loud- music from downstairs was even lower upstairs and it could only be heard as a distant echo now, behind the closed door.
“well, uhm-“
“you had planned this, right?”, only then he decided to leave your body and move his eyes up to yours. Everything happening as he moved his hands into his pockets and narrowed his eyes as the same sly smile from before got wider.
“excuse me?”
“you planned this with Mingi, didn’t you?”
“believe me, if I was to plan something...this would be the last thing I’d try to”, your hand moved in circles in front of you, indicating that you’re talking about the situation you’re in right now.
“the last thing, you say?”. It looked like he got offended as the smirk disappeared, but you couldn’t care less right now.
“can we just get over with it fast? Sit down so I can blow you”
“I can’t come from blowjobs”, he said in a normal tone.
“there’s no way you don’t, all guys do”
“I don’t”, he shrugged and started walking around the room, “besides, we wouldn’t be able to keep proof...would you go downstairs with my cum all over your face as proof?”
“I’d never do that, my level isn’t so low”, you grimaced at his boldness as you faced his back.
“I’m not so sure about that”
You tilted your head and -without realizing- your eyebrows furrowed, “excuse me?”, a bitter smile creeped up your features, trying to process the words he had just blurted out as you crossed your arms tightly in front of your chest. He turned around and his characteristics looked extremely chill, like he was discussing normally with a friend. “I think you’d gladly go down these stairs to show off to everyone what good of a job your pretty little mouth can do”
“I really hope I misunderstood what you just said”, you tried to stay content and waited for him to somehow explain himself. You were sure you weren’t hearing right, this guy doesn’t know you the slightest bit to spit out dreadful things like that.
“aww what? are you mad?”, he sneered pouting and walked towards you. If you weren’t already mad at what you were hearing, his attitude was enough to make you.
“no”, although your head felt like clasping from the rush of nerves, you took a deep breath and let your eyes fall heavy on his.
“guys like you always speak like that”, you raised your eyebrow at him “you don’t have anything better to do, after all. Your only concern is who you’ll fuck next…so, I didn’t expect anything more from you”
You let your hands fall on the back pockets of your jeans and looked at him with the same sly smile he had before. At this point, you know you’re about to lose both Mingi’s dare and the opportunity to blow the Jeong Yunho, but who cares after what he’s already told you? If he can be bad, you can be worse.
The black buttoned down shirt he was wearing betrayed the tension spreading in his body and as he raised the sleeves up to his elbows you saw the -painted with black ink- arms flex and unflex at the words you spoke, making the veins pop out. His expression changed into a mix of confusion and surprise and stayed still where he was, maybe 1 meter away from you.
“you don’t know me”, he smiled ironically and you held back every urge to kiss this flaming hot smile of his away.
“You don’t either but you said what you said before, uhm…Yunho? Is that right? Wait, what’s your name, again?”, you frowned like you couldn’t remember his name.
He laughed coldly and let his tongue lick his bottom lip, bet then moved closer and bent down to reach your height, “ask that one more time and I’ll make sure you never forget it again”, he whispered like someone could hear you.
You looked everywhere but at him and your face was expressionless, but your mind travelled with 200 miles an hour. If this meant what you thought it did, you’d love to never forget his name again but why is he attacking you? You don’t even know each other, he has no right to talk to you like that and after all, you were dared to be in this room alone with him. It’s not like you asked for this to happen.
It took you everything to press your palm against his chest to keep a distance between your bodies, “cut the act already and let’s get over with what we came here for. I need to win the dare and the game, not argue with a fucking stranger”
“oh, don’t worry about that, you’ll win the game”, he kept coming closer and closer and you moved back until your back pressed against the wall, leaving you no other choice than to stare up at his intimidating, yet hot form “and we won’t be strangers anymore”. It felt like his lips attacked yours in a matter of seconds and his hands travelled immediately down to grab your ass and pick you up. Your head felt dizzy at the relieve of the previous nerves as you kissed him back just as hungrily, and it felt like all the argument from before did, was build a sexual tension that drove you both crazy. He was breathing heavily against you, making the sound of lips on lips and breath against breath echo in the room and your legs wrapped around his waist fast. It was sloppy and passionate, like you were both waiting for it longer than you should and as his tongue wandered around in your mouth, you arms wrapped around his neck tightly. Your hands messed his hair up as you grabbed the back of his head in whichever way you could and when he parted and travelled down to kiss your neck, only then you realized how much you’d lingered for this. Leaning your head back against the wall, it seemed like all the previous thoughts about the credulous girls that fell for him led you to becoming one of them. Your mouth fell open when he bit down in the part between your ear and collarbone and the spine-tingling feeling made you let a breathy moan out. If he hadn’t already marked it, he was definitely going to with the way his lips sucked on the increasingly sensitive flesh. All your senses had almost given in until you felt fingers grab your chin, forcing your head drop down to his eye level “seems like someone’s having fun”, he smirked.
“shut up” and this time you actually kissed that cheeky smile of his away, with no second thoughts. If you’re going to regret all of this afterwards, better regret it after doing everything you wish for, now. He didn’t hesitate a second and before you knew it, you were thrown on the bed with him on top and your legs still wrapped around his waist, but now you could feel his bulge between your thighs. “You considered me a slut, yet you are the hard one”. You turned him over easily but you’re sure he only let you to. You straddled him on purpose, already grinding your crotch against his and your lips landed on his neck, sucking harshly. Multi-tasking isn’t your forte, but you successfully did all of this while unbuttoning the useless buttons, until gravity forced the two parts of the shirt to slide on the sides exposing his chest that you couldn’t see yet. He breathed heavily under you, not letting a single sound out though and you so wanted to hear what he’d sound like. You raised your body to admire the view of his exposed torso and it didn’t let you down at all and his comment only made your curiosity about how he’d sound like, grow more “wanna know how I taste like? C’mon go ahead, baby”. Oh, you’re so gonna taste him. You kissed his chest and travelled down to the fairly formed abs, giving attention to each one as they tensed with every lick, but still no sound from him. The sight of the v-line on his oblique muscles, travelling down and inside his jeans, made your mouth water and unbuckling the already loose belt along with the zip, he raised his hips to help you take it off.
“Both”, he growled and the message was taken in an instant. You don’t know why you obeyed but you slid down both the jeans and his boxers, making his dick spring up like an actual spring. You didn’t help the gasp that left your throat and he only fake laughed, enjoying your reaction more than he should. “maybe you should think about it again, baby”, the confidence in his tone triggered you more than you expected. He’s indeed big, well maybe, too big but you can’t back out now. You’ve come this far, you need to win this game. You grabbed the base tightly and gave it a slow stroke all the way up to his tip, that was already swollen, but he was too dry to pump properly. Your spit landed on his slit fast, only for you to smear it with your thumb over the entire reddened tip. “Shit”, his eyes never left your hand as it stroked him slowly, getting the spit over the length until it was ready to work as lube. Your hand worked up and down, increasing the pace as you did, but other than the curse he let out previously no other sound or word was heard from him. Only heavy breaths and tensed muscles proved that someone was playing with him. You held on his bare thigh to keep your body steady and pumped him faster but the spit was long gone, “blow me”.
Every time he speaks, it feels like you can’t do anything else other than obey, and that’s exactly what happened now again as you wrapped your lips around the tip, licking it with your tongue. He hissed and, maybe, you’re almost there, almost at making him let all the sounds out. You tried your best to deep throat him but you only gagged from the first try and you hadn’t even taken all of him yet. So staying at known waters, you bobbed your head fast going till midway and holding the rest of him with your hand, until he backed his hips up going deeper than you were prepared for and your eyes watered instantly. Everything around you disappeared for a second and when you felt a strong hold on your hair, you came back tightening your lips around him as he held your head steady in a messy ponytail he had created with his hand. His body was almost up, thrusting in your mouth with no mercy, lowkey loving the sounds made by his dick getting shoved in your wet mouth. You moaned at the abuse of your throat and the vibrations sent to him made his eyebrows furrow and thrust faster as you tried to keep your kneeled body up by pushing down at the mattress. He thrusted and thrusted and tears started sliding down your cheeks, indicating that you’re almost out of oxygen. Your breathing was sporadic, not being able to inhale properly until he grunted so loudly that made you snap out of everything and, finally, listen to his needy voice “you’re taking this dick better than anyone else, fuck”
He throbbed and immediately pulled out, making you fall on his thighs. Everything was spinning around you for some moments and you coughed trying to catch your breath. Your hair fell all over your face when he detached his hand and you felt some wet strands sticking anywhere they touched. Weakness was the first thing you felt once you caught your breath, but you did realize what he had told you, making your drenched in wetness panties feel almost uncomfortable now. You were needy, you needed him to make you feel good. You needed to know if he was as good as everyone claimed he was, but you shouldn’t look desperate. “Fuck”, you whispered coming in your senses for good now.
“About that…”, your body was on the pillow and under him again in a matter of seconds “you didn’t make me come, so I guess I’ll have to fuck you if you wanna win the game”, he rolled his eyes like you failed him but his actions said otherwise. Yunho slid his hands under your shirt, only to find your bare breasts already exposed “you’re not wearing a bra? How did this pass unnoticed by me the entire night?”, he raised his eyebrows, genuinely surprised, but the smirk was still there.
However, you didn’t wear one only because you wore an oversized piece of clothing tonight and your breasts are too small for anyone to realize you don’t have a bra on under such fabric. That’s already been your biggest insecurity, you didn’t need him to mention your breasts in a situation like this. Your breathing hitched and your eyes flickered between his own as he fiddled with them. You were quick to cover your breasts with your hands above the t-shirt, pushing his own away but then he looked in your eyes again and you swear to any God, you saw some…emotion? “I like small boobs anyways…they’re way cuter”, he stated after a bit, like he spoke facts but you couldn’t bring yourself to let go of them. You didn’t want him up there again and, maybe, he realized as he didn’t dare to touch them again. He is…respectful?! He started kissing your abdomen here and there until he reached the hem of your pants and as his lips went lower and lower, so did your pants along with your panties. You don’t know when they reached your knees or when he slid them completely off, but you do know how good his lips feel on your thighs and on the inner part of them and now on your…clit. “ohmygod-“, he flattened his tongue and you spread your legs to give him more space to do as he wished “so needy”, Yunho chuckled and sucked on your clit making lewd sounds fill the room. You whimpered and as he kept sucking, you felt a knot on your stomach getting tight “oh shit, yes-”. He hummed and before parting his lips from you, he licked your entrance collecting some of your silk on his tongue and swallowing it. “mhm better than I expected”, he commented to himself as he stood up from the bed fast, leaving you confused until you saw him taking a small square package from his jeans’ pockets and ripping it open before sliding a condom on his length.
He came up, close to your face again and his eyes flickered between your eyes and your lips as he spoke “be a good girl and make me come…remember, I’m the one making you win this game so behave and don’t you dare fall for me”
“I wasn’t planning to, I want this to be over as much as you want”
He cocked his brow and ran his tongue over his bottom lip in disbelief “it didn’t seem like this a minute ago”.
“it didn’t seem like you wanted this to be over either when you throbbed and pulled out of my mouth”, you cocked your brow too. Did he really think you wouldn’t notice he almost came in your mouth? You might not be as experienced as him or have a dick like he does, but you’re not this naïve. You were ready for a harsher comeback but your mouth fell on a silent scream and your eyes shut close fast before you could hear what he said. He shoved himself in you with a groan and your head pinned to the pillow “oh shittt-”
“I could come…but I didn’t. I know you want me inside you…look at you, you can’t even take it all”
“fucking try me”, you said through greeted teeth and when he pushed further you regretted talking before thinking “fuck ohmygoddd-”. He’s big, especially in width, maybe more than anyone you’ve had before or so you thought at the moment. Your fingers dug into the mattress, eventually holding on the sheets on each side of your body and when he bottomed out, he grabbed your cheeks to make you face him again “you better take me well”, he said and pulled out fast before snapping his hips against yours “fuuuckkk”. You weren’t even used to his size yet but he thrusted in a pace that had the skin against skin sound echo in the room like a rhythm.
“you’re so fucking tight”, he almost growled and your eyes shut tight at the feeling of being filled to the hilt. Pleasure took over your body quickly and his breathing got heavier and louder making you look at him. Yunho’s head was bowed forward, his eyes on how he disappeared in you but the glistening wetness on his forehead caught your eye. You weren’t the only one sweating at the penetration, he tried his best to bear the new satisfaction that was taking over his body slowly and the popping vein on the side of his neck, admitted it.
You didn’t control the loud cry that fell from your lips when he managed to go faster and the smirk that got smudged on his lips again, drove you insane. “oh fu-uck”, his brows furrowed and his head snapped back. He sounds so good. Your body started moving along with his thrusts and high pitched moans filled the room after every shove of his dick in you “f-fasterr”. Only when the headboard knocked on the wall behind you, you realized how hard he was thrusting and the next second his hands grabbed your waist to move you as he wished. You could only feel the sweet abuse of your hole but when he tightened his fingers you noticed how big his hands were. So big, he could almost move you easily with just the grasp of his fingers around you. The air in your lungs got knocked out with every shove and your breasts -even though tiny- bounced too.
“Spread your legs”, he snapped suddenly. You only did as much as you could “more”.
He sounded mad and suddenly both of his hands grabbed your ankles and held them up, spread as much as he wanted, forcing his dick harder in your hole. “ohmygod Yunho-”. He went so deep you thought you saw stars and you tried to hold on the sheets harder but failed miserably.
“you know my fucking name after all”
“fuck that’s iit”, his balls hit your ass with every thrust and he hissed at how much deeper he could go in the new angle.
“say my name”
“ ddon’t stop- yess”
“say my name”
“fucking make me”
Yunho’s hands were off your legs in a second and his body above you, almost crushing you. He wrapped his arms around your waist and brought you up on his lap fast before getting off the bed. You had no idea what was going on but the movement made you wrap your legs around his waist and your hands around his neck for safety. “you’ll scream my name, want it or not”. Your bare back froze from hitting the cold wall so fast and his hands went on your ass now to bounce you up and down on his dick like a puppet. “ohmy fuckin godd-”
‘this little pussy’s swallowing me s-so good”
Everything spinned and your hair got all over your face again but you were holding on him for dear life. Your eyes rolled at the back of your head when he hit the spot and as you didn’t control your mouth muscles anymore, he crashed his lips on yours swallowing the next loud moans. “that’s it yesyesyes”. You let his lips go but felt his eyes on you as you couldn’t keep your own open for more than a second. He groaned loudly and you realized that the Jeong Yunho is right in front of you, looking at your fucked out features and being the reason behind them. You tried to collect yourself as much as possible. This is the only chance you have to make him lose his mind and you’ll grab it. “ffuck me har-der”, you stared into his eyes like this was a challenge “is that all you got?”
“you little-”, He pressed his body against yours, sandwiching you between him and the wall and snapped up with effort.
He pounded into you mercilessly and you lost track of everything. You were so close. The overdose of satisfaction almost choking you, but he was driving you to a bliss so sweet that you’d never wanna leave again. “shit-” he jerked and his tip hit your g-spot especially hard “ohmygod Yunhoo-”
“lou-der”, he couldn’t even speak the words properly but his pride was so big, he couldn’t end it there.
“Yu-unho don’tt stop-”
“I’m gon- coome fuck”, his knees trembled and the knot in your stomach couldn’t take it anymore. His grunts were loud and got mixed with needy moans as he came but he kept thrusting as fast as he could. His face was all scrunched up and let his head fall on your shoulder muffling incoherent syllables against it. His sweat got on your shirt and he kept throbbing and thrusting as he filled the condom. Your hand reached for your clit and just as you circled it twice, your abdomen flexed like you pressed the switch and your orgasm reached you with loud cries and sporadic breathing. Your upper body trembled and you felt him tightening the embrace to keep you steady as he slowed down, trying to catch his breath still against your shoulder. Your head rested on the wall behind you and after closing your eyes, you felt Yunho dragging himself out. You hissed because of the sensitivity but he was slow and then he moved your bodies letting you fall on the soft mattress.
“you won the game”, he said staring at the condom after sliding it off. You’ll probably have to clean it with some water before keeping it as proof.
“I’m glad”, you raised your head only to get the view of his naked body standing tall beside the bed and you pressed your legs together, narrowing the knees at the recent memory of him being inside you, but then you spoke words you wished you didn’t have to “this was only a one time thing, for the game. Let’s forget it happened”.
“yeah, let’s forget it”. Something felt like shattering inside him in a million, tiny pieces. He knew this was the first time he ever felt something, almost real, for someone…
you can read part 2 here
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dizzyingdaze · 3 years
no seats | s.r
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a scenario where you can't keep your mouth shut and steve rogers wouldn't want it any other way.
only warning is cursing
New York was somewhere you never thought you'd visit let alone live in, yet here you were. Clutching the bag of your friends coat as she shuffled her way into the busy cafe during lunch time, the worst time to be in any cafe in the city.
Women in pencil skirts exchanged pleasantries with men in dark suits, briefcases occasionally knocking off the guitar case lain against one of the long sofas a group of teenagers occupied.
The jazzy playlist was overtaken by the loud chatter of the customers, the scent of fresh toasted panini's and cinnamon buns intermingling with the raw coffee bean tones. It was chaos to be short if the screaming baby who knocked over their babysitters iced coffee, smack in the middle of the bustling building, was any indication.
Hearing a hefty sigh pass your side, a young worker grabbed a mop and placed down a wet floor sign, shooing anybody standing nearby away.
"Oh no, we're not going to get any seats I think," your friend Karolina said to you, eyeing the usual window seats taken filled up completely.
You signed in response as the line waddled forward, names being shouted out as you continued to eye all tables, eager to jump at any tables with packing bags and empty drinks.
"I'm going to shoot upstairs and check, get me a mocha?," She nodded her head in reply as you broke away from the impatient grumbles and weaved through the tables.
As you neared the end of the stairs, accidentally kicking an empty cup on the floor, you eyed a girl sitting by herself, nestled in the of the window sets. Her bag sat on one chair while an empty one sat across from her.
Eyes widening with an idea you began to walk towards her when a couple beat you there. An almost six foot boy placed his hands down on the table, garnering the attention of the lone girl.
"My girl and I need somewhere to sit and I see your cup is nearly empty. Mind moving? Thanks," He bared his teeth at her in an almost smile, the annoyed crease between his blonde brows giving him away.
His girlfriend seemed less than interested, typing out a message on her phone, only glancing up when the girl opened her mouth.
"Actually I'm waiting on somebody as I'm meant to be tutoring, I don't mind giving you one of the seats though?" She gave a watery smile, her hands beginning to slowly shake at his direct nature.
He downright glared at her response, leaning further into his hands until his face was an inch away from hers. "I was being courteous, now I'm annoyed. Move it,"
Her face flushed red at the embarrassment as his girlfriend began to giggle behind him, clearly used to his egotistical nature. Your own face flushed too but rather in anger, just who the fuck is this dick ordering around random girls?
What a huff you strode up to till you stood between the two, pushing him back with your hand you glared harshly at him as a "What the fuck?" escaped his lips.
'What the fuck yourself, who are you to tell this girl to move? Everybody here wants a seat to yet you don't seem them acting like a little child," You spat watching his neck go red at the confrontation, clearly not used to it.
He stumbled for a second finding words before shooting back "I can tell whoever I want to move especially if she's been sitting there with an empty coffee cup. I don't have to listen to any bitch trying to boss me around!" The cafe had gone quiet as he shouted out the last sentence, Karolina looking on surprised, the drinks held in her hand. She moved forward to pull you away from the scene but you didn't even budge.
"Oh I'm the bitch? That's rich coming from a dickhead picking on somebody smaller than him, tell me, do you always start throwing tantrums when you don't get what you want? Like a child?," Hearing you call him a child again seem to strike a chord in him.
His girlfriend moved to pull him back as his hand balled in a fist, Karolina whispered to you "Not again, let's go please," into your ear. But you both shared the same stubborn nature, refusing to move.
The tension rose as you just stared each other down, veins almost bulging, jaws clenched so tight they began to ache. The man pointed his finger right in your face, the thought of biting it ran through your mind. "You do not tell me what to do and I'm not a fucking child you hear me? You better learn to keep your sharp tongue to yourself and out of my goddamn affairs!" His attention shifted to the girl he had originally spoken to, her eyes beginning to tear up as he moved the finger from you to her.
Pushing him back again, outraged at the audacity he had to even speak to her again you pushed him back full force with both your hands, grounding your boots into the sticky floor. Taken aback he stumbled into his girlfriend and you swore you could see his pride take a physical hit.
Without missing a beat he rolled his shoulders and balled his fists and you did the same before two large figures stepped between you two.
"Easy there tough guy, hitting a dame the best way to win a fight you shouldn't have started?" The voice wasn't familiar but the metal fingers peeking out of the black denim jacket was, clutching the boys shoulder so hard he bent forward at it. "Let me go what the fuck-" He started before the stranger grabbed the back of his lettermen jacket and dragged him out of the shop through the back exit, the girlfriend shouting along with him as she followed them out.
The second man had bent down in front of the girl in the middle of this all, her shoulders shaking as the man whispered soothingly to her. You coughed awkwardly uncurling your fists, clocking all the eyes on you and your friend just deadpanned at you. "Don't you even try, why does your ass always have to get in the middle of other peoples business? I said, don't start!" She placed a finger over your lips as you obediently went quiet.
You could always explain later. You turned to face the man and the girl, to see how she was when you recognized who he really was. Light blue eyes stared into yours as you took in the broad shoulders and blonde hair peeking out from under his cap. You just blinked in surprise but said nothing, choosing to crouch in front of the girl who was no longer shaking.
"Are you alright?" She nodded, thanking you as she bent forward for a hug you gladly returned, albeit a bit quickly because there was so many people here. "I probably would have moved and most likely cried in the bathroom so you know, thanks for that," You grinned at her response, standing up as Karolina threw her free hand up.
"If you're not outside in the next five minutes i'm throwing your drink down the drain," She stalked out, blonde ponytail bouncing behind her as the onlookers resumed their previous activities, leaving you standing rather stiffly in front of Captain fucking America.
"I take it from your friend being annoyed, you do that thing a lot?" His lips curling up as you nodded shortly. "She's not actually annoyed at me, she'd be more annoyed if I let that twat continue to shout at her and do nothing," He chuckled at that, stuffing his hands into his jacket pocket as you stared at the door your friend left.
"Well don't let me hold you back but hey, Captain America approves of your social justicing! Or in the name of social justice? You get what I mean," His cheeks blushed a light pink as you giggled at his roundabout way of complimenting you.
"Yeah I'll say that next time it happens. Nice to know an Avenger approves! I'd better go..." You trailed off as he stepped to the side and sent a curt salute your way.
As he watched you saunter away Bucky, who re entered the shop from the entrance, clapped a hand on his shoulder, sighing lowly. "She reminds me of you in some weird, female way, hopefully she doesn't end up in back-alley brawls" He commented, Steve scoffed as they made their way back to the two seater in the corner of the cafe, drinks now a gross lukewarm temperature.
"Please, did you hear her? Her words alone could get a guy bleeding internally," The words slipped out and Bucky whistled at them. "Didn't know all it took was some curse words and authority to get you mushy. Yet, Natasha is a poster child for it and you couldn't care less," Bucky grimaced after sipping his hot chocolate, the once sweet warm mixture now cold and slimy on his tongue.
The other soldier slowly circled the rim of his latte, thinking of how fast you stood up to him, pointing your finger up in his face. "Nat sticks up to assholes 'cause it's her job but she did it for the sake of it. Excuse me, I am not mushy!" He sent a quick dig to his friends shin the offended's brows furrowed at the sharp pain.
"Oh yeah? You're wearing the same damn look you did when Peggy came into the pub all those nights ago. Bet you even tried to find her name on those coffee cups the blonde had," Rubbing the attacked body part, Bucky snidely remarked.
Steve said nothing in response, choosing to stare out the window next to him. He was right, your quickly scribbled name was engraved in his mind as was the white ford fiesta you had hopped in a few meters down from the cafe. Not that he was looking, of course, it was mere coincidence his eyes never seemed to leave your figure.
Mere coincidence, he thought to himself as Bucky rolled his eyes at his friends behaviour. He wondered what weird excuse Steve was going to give for the rest of the week or month it would take to run into you again.
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kazorashi · 3 years
Swear Words
Everyone is beginning to think that Haru hangs around with Hayato too much these days. Everyone knows that at age 14, she was very adamant about people not using swear words and would berate anyone who would do so in front of her (and especially in front of the kids). Thus, why she and Hayato would always argue.
However, time passes and even people begin to change.
Now, at the the ripe age of 20, Haru is a fully grown woman dealing with the most aggravating waitress of her life. Another woman just a couple of years older than her who took one look at the men with Haru and began snubbing her at every chance she got.
She “forgot” to take Haru’s order, made some rude comments about her to other waitresses, messed up her food order twice, never bothered to refill her drink, the list goes on. But Haru was patient, even though Tsuna and the others could see a vein popping out from her neck. It was only covered by the rather friendly, yet deadly cold, laugh she would let out.
Hayato, who was seated next to her the whole time, smirked and patted his hand on top of hers. Apparently, he shouldn’t have done that. The petty waitress saw it and “tripped” on her own two feet, spilling a creamy pasta dish all over Haru.
Tsuna, Takeshi, and Ryohei winced.
“Oh my goodness!” The waitress cries out. “I am so sorry! I’m usually not this clumsy!” She explains, batting her long lashes at Hayato, completely disregarding the raven haired female. Haru realizes this and tilts her head slightly to the left.
The Vongola mafioso could have sworn they heard something snap.
“I’ll be extra careful. Please, use this to clean yourself up.” She presents to Haru a dirty rag. Haru just smiles at the waitress politely.
“No need. I don’t need your fucking help.” Are the first words out her mouth. Takeshi spits out his soda while Ryohei and Tsuna gasp. Hayato tries to hide a smile behind his hand. The waitress looks at Haru, stunned. “Aren’t you just a little, pretty bitch?” She says, slowly standing up and making her way towards the worker.
Haru’s tone is as cold as ice and as hard as stone. Though she is smiling, there is no warmth to be found on her face. The waitress steps back a little, Haru’s dark aura swirling around her.
She gulps.
“Don’t think I haven’t noticed your little game here. You jealous, petty, brazen vixen. I don’t need your help, but perhaps it’s you who needs mine, hm?” With that said, Haru grabs the dirty rag from the waitress and begins whacking her in the face with it.
Slap! Whack! 
“Ahhh!” The waitress raises two hands to defend herself. Tsuna looks on with disbelief while the others begin laughing. Haru grabs the remaining pasta on her and throws it at the waitress before she continues to hit her with the dirty rag again. “Stop it!” She cried.
“Shut the fuck up!” Haru screams before throwing her body on top of the waitress and begins to rub at her face. “I’ll clean that shitty attitude of yours so no one else will have suffer through this again!” She yells. It takes both Hayato and Ryohei to grab Haru off the now embarrassed and crying waitress. She looks at Tsuna and Takeshi with pitiful eyes. 
Takeshi just shrugs his shoulders while Tsuna goes to talk to the manager. Safe to say, they’re not allowed back into the restaurant any time soon.
Driving back, Ryohei peeks at the three in the back. Tsuna is sighing, Takeshi is laughing, and Hayato is looking at Haru, who is in the passenger seat, with soft eyes. He makes a face at that, unsure of what to make of the Octopus Head having eyes for his sister (in his heart, Haru is his sister now).
“That was amazing!” Laughs Takeshi, reliving the night in his head.
“It was a nightmare.” Tsuna sighs for the umpteenth time.
Haru nods her head in agreement. “You got that fucking right.” Seething, Haru grinds her teeth together. Hayato just sighs.
“It’s kind of hot when you swear.” He tells her. “Do it often.”
“That’s fucking gross.” Ryohei states.
“Yeah Haru-chan, that’s pretty new.” Takeshi adds, ignoring the boxer.
“You’ve been hanging around Gokudera-kun too much.” Tsuna frowns a little. “That was a little overboard back there, don’t you think?”
“FUCK NO.” Haru and Hayato reply at the same time. She looks at him through the  rear view mirror before smiling. “In fact, I don’t think it’s enough.” Turning in her seat to look at the three of them, Haru grins. “I’m feeling pretty petty myself. After all, she started the whole thing. Then they kicked us out. I think we should take the whole restaurant down. You guys in?”
Tsuna answers first. “N—“
“Yes.” Answer Hayato, Takeshi, and Ryohei faster. Haru’s grin turns into something brighter and admittedly, for someone who smells like pasta and still has some cream left in her hair and clothes, she looks very pretty.
And dangerous.
“Great, so this is what I was thinking to get back at that bitch.” Haru begins her master plan. At the end of it, even Tsuna has to admit that it’s rather good. Perfect, even.
And that’s pretty fucking scary to him.
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The Missing Guardian | Prologue: Act I Scene II | Mondstadt: The Outlander Who Caught The Wind
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A.N. yay! second chapter! hope you guys enjoy and sorry for any typos! this chapter is also a day late :/ sorry again about that. im currently going through a lot family wise, but i wanted this to come out as soon as i could get it out. in compensation, you guys have another birthday character coming out and hopefully the first i love you prompt :D anyways, enjoy!
Word Count. 2,213 words
Page Count. 6.5 pages
TWarnings. cursing 
Synopsis. When you’ve finally found a home in a set of twins who travel across worlds, setting out to enjoy your time with them; learning everything you could while traveling from world to world. But this time was different, because this time, someone stood in your way from continuing forward, from going home. You watched as your family was torn from you once again, leaving you stuck in a world alone with only a guide, the memories of a life long left behind, and the hope of finding them once again.
[ Series Masterlist: The Missing Guardian Mini Masterlist ]
[ previous ] [ Act I Scene II ] [ next scene ]
        You smiled as your gaze looked out the window, the eternal abyss staring back as it was littered with the misty colors of turquoise, lavender, and many shades of rose- stars littering the rest of the scene in front of you. You leaned your head against the metal framing of the window, your hair cushioning you comfortably as thoughts sat still in your mind, your body calm as well.
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        How long has it been since you were on the ship?
        "Hey kid, don't sleep with your neck like that- you'll mess it up" Quills voice rang out, but it sounded far away, muffled. You didn't know if it was cause of your tiredness or your spaced out state, but you couldn't seem to care by that point. You felt thick gloves move around your neck, the other moving under your knees, before a huff and some grumbling.
        "I don't know what you'll do without us, but even then," He sighed, carrying your body to the closest area where you could rest properly under his gaze, on the plush rest area in the cabin, allowing him to navigate the stars while keeping you near- though he'd vehemently denied it at any and every comment about it, the Guardian had grown attached to you, finding a child in you where you found a father in him.
        "I don't think I want you leaving the nest so soon."
        "As we all know, poetry and language flow like the wind. There'll definitely be someone there who knows about your friends. At least, that's what Paimon thinks!" Your guide chimed, hovering in front of you as you both made your way down the side of the hill, the vibrant and thick greens of the grass and trees were only further complimented by the sun- this place definitely was beautiful. You didn't feel warm, or overheated, which surprised you, especially with how bright the sun was. The cool breeze was constant in this place, giving an Autumn chill to a Spring setting, at this rate you'd think you'd need your body suit to warm you up.
        "Whether the gods actually answer you is a different story. You never know unless you try. So let's hop to it!" You can practically feel her smile, her small head turning back to you, Paimon's small body bouncing up at how you were listening to her so intently. By the time you reached the statue, she started to cross again, having the privilege of floating while you... did not.
        "You can swim right over! Don't push yourself though!" 
        "Let's just hope I don't sink with all the gear I have... or get electrocuted." You joked, walking into the water till your hot waist level, deciding at that point swimming was best.
        "W-what? Don't just jump in then!" She shouted, still loud as ever in that tiny body of hers, floating above you with a worried look on her face.
        "I'm fine, I'm fine. My gear is all waterproof, so there isn't an issue there." You huffed, climbing onto the shore of the tiny island before shaking off the water and straining what you could, lightening your load as much as allowed. 
        "See? All good."
        "Well don't joke like that! Paimon doesn't know what she'll do if anything happens to you... Paimon doesn't even wanna think about it!" She exclaims, a hand to her head, her face still concerned. You sighed, a small smile coming to your face before you took a small hand into your own, rubbing the soft skin to soothe her.
        "Alright. I'm sorry about that joke, I won't make any of those types again, alright? I'm not going anywhere. Not without you, Paimon." You smiled, sincerity in your voice, making her smile and nod her head.
        "Good! Paimon’ll make sure to keep that in mind for the future."
        "I'll hold you to it." You smirked, walking up to the statue, finding interest in the large golden plate. You reached out, taking the glove off your hand to get a proper feel of the metal, before taking a step back in shock. The statues' indentations lit up and aquamarine, the one you were so used to seeing outside of terrestrial planes, before a deep thump resounded in your head- much like a heartbeat. A small swirl of wind danced around the statue before the orb held in place started to glow, small particles combing in the center before forming a small sigil with wings that flew straight towards your chest.
        You felt a rush of cool air through your veins, like an excitement you couldn't explain, whips of teal surrounding your body as you could only take another step back and look to your uncovered hand to see for any physical changes as well- to which there were none. But you felt something. In your chest, your heart, something that was stirring and it didn't seem to slow down.
        "Ooh! Did you just feel the elements of the world?" Paimon asked, allowing you to turn and face her, your face still showing a stunned expression from... whatever that was.
        "Seems all you had to do was just touch the statue and you got the power of Anemo! As much as they may want it, people in this world can never get a hold of powers as easily as you..." She explained, crossing her arms over the matter, an idea popping into your head at the same time.
        "I think I might know why-"
        "Ah-ha, it's because you're not from this world to begin with. If we keep heading West from here, we'll eventually reach Mondstadt, the City of Freedom. Mondstadt is the city of wind because they worship the God of Anemo." She cuts you off, making you only hum at the action, allowing her to continue.
        "So perhaps, because you got the power from the God of Anemo, you can find some clues there. There are also lots of bards there, so perhaps one of them has heard news of your friends." 
        "That isn't a bad idea, Paimon." You smiled, thankful she was so serious and straightforward with helping you find the twins, something that seemed to be floating around in your head as you took in everything from this new world. She was like an anchor to keep you grounded, and for that, you were extremely thankful to her- beyond words.
        "Let's move then!" Obviously happy with your praise at her deduction and planning, though simple, it was a good and steady start- and that's what you needed at this moment.
        "The elements in this world responded to your prayers and Paimon thinks that's a lovely sign." She finished, her gaze reaching behind you as some Slimes approached, eyes wide at the intrusion by the elemental mutants. You followed her gaze, finding the flaming creatures to be bouncing right in your direction, your surprise evident on your face.
        "Ah, shit." You grumbled, taking a few steps back, your arm starting to stir up with energy. It felt like when you drank too much coffee, to the point where even your limbs were vibrating, wisps of turquoise enveloping your palm on instinct. The small slime soon was sucked into the vortex you had made, swirling around before getting blasted away, back onto the land- over the lake and away from you.
        "Ugh, gross." You winced, noticing the slime that coated the land in front of you, and your dominant hand. Wiping your hand, you decided it was best to swim to the other side of the lake, following Paimon as you escaped the burning grasses. You could only laugh as she huffed about wanting "cool fighting powers" as well, reaching the end of the lake and making your way further in.
        "You know, it may not be a blessing. Usually powers like these have consequences..." You said, wringing out your hair as the wind started to pick up, but this time it wasn’t by your own hand.
        "You shouldn't say that! These powers are a blessing from the Archons and for that you should be grateful! They'd never allow anything bad to happen to the people they've blessed with their own two hands." A low rumble started to echo through the area, making you turn your body and look around for what was causing it as you continued your talk with Paimon.
        "I get that... but still, usually the Gods and whatever powerful beings there are have some type of plan along with it- at least that's how it worked in my world."
        "Then maybe you should consider our world works differently?" She quips her head.
        "A god is a god." You huffed, the rumbling becoming louder before a dragon caught your vision, making you gasp in awe. Six wings, four limbs, a large tail, and decorated in patterns of blues that made it almost blend with the sky if its wings didn't hold an ethereal glow, a white underbelly contrasted with the rest of its body.
        "Wow! What is that? There's something huge in the sky!"
        "You guys have dragons here?" You exclaimed, walking in its direction to where it flew, making sure to lower your output of noise due to the camps that were littered nearby with humanoid creatures.
        "It's heading to the heart of the forest, where we're going, so make sure to be careful." Paimon notes, keeping up with your pace as you jogged into the forest, collected some things along the way that could help in the future. By the time you had reached the forest, you slowed your pace to a comfortable walk, looking around and making sure not to run into anything aggressive- or the dragon you two had just seen.
        Maybe it continued flying anyways?
        "Huh? Look at that." Paimon pointed in front of the both of you, the grumbling appearing once again.
        You were wrong.
        Moving to hide behind one of the larger trees, you pressed your back against it before slowly turning your head to look at the scene in front of you, still making sure to keep your noise at the bare minimum. The dragon from before was standing before you, almost cautious of the person that stood before them, a short man dressed in turquoise and white, holding his hands outward to the dragon before him.
        "Don't be afraid. It's alright now, I'm back." He spoke gently, ignoring the dangerous growls coming from the beast in front of him. It made you worry at the sight and activate the mask that was embedded into your earpiece, still watching as Paimon spoke up.
        "Is he talking... to a dragon?" She questioned, right as your palms lit up with the Anemo power you had just gained, a glowing pattern forming as it burst with life, alerting the dragon and scaring it away with a scream of displeasure. 
        "Who's there?" The man questioned as he jumped back, his gaze in your direction before taking a few steps back, disappearing in a glow of light. Your hair felt like it was about to be yanked out as the dragon flapped its wings before taking off, leaving you dazed at what had just happened, and headache from the harsh tug. You stood there in shock for a bit, not saying anything as your hand buzzed and fizzled out, focusing on calming down your heart rate- deactivating your mask to breathe better as well.
        "That was close! Paimon almost got blown away!" Your guide yelped. "Luckily Paimon managed to grab a hold of your hair! Thanks." She smiled, handed over her heart, and you felt your energy drain immensely in the moment.
        "Good thing you didn't pull my hair out." You sighed, rubbing the aching spot to soothe your head as Paimon continued to speak, you following closely behind.
        "This definitely has something to do with that weirdo who was talking to the dragon..." She trailed off.
        "Is... that normal? Talking to dragons?" You asked, confusion written on your face, wanting to know if this was a common occurrence in this world.
        "Of course not. But what's that? There's some kind of shiny red thingy on the rock over there." She pointed out. You both walked over to look at the glowing item, her warnings falling on deaf ears as Paimon spoke about never seeing anything like this before, making unable to help in this specific situation. 
        "Let's keep this, just in case." You mumbled, your bare hands picking up the gem(?) with ease before packing it into your belt, tucked away safely and unable to escape.
        "Good idea, now let's get out of here." 
        "Agreed." You nodded, deciding to stroll through the forest for a bit, both to rest and catch up on your thoughts, maybe ask Paimon more about this world and how it worked- so you don't seem like a bumbling idiot to the locals. But before you could do any of that, a yell came from behind you, rushed footsteps following at the same time.
        "You there! Stop right there!" A girl yelled, jumping across your field of vision off the small pass, dressed in red and white with long brown hair, rolling as she hit the ground before coming back up to a stand. 
        "Are you fucking kidding me?"
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readyplayerhobi · 4 years
Flower | 29
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; Hoseok x Reader
;Genre: Fluff, slight angst
; Warnings: Discussions of periods and contraception
; Word Count: 4.6k
; Synopsis: You finally decide to take a dip into the world of online dating and find the Flower dating app. One of the top matches for you proves to be a guy who looks to be your complete opposite; tattooed, pierced, a metalhead and oh…incredibly handsome. What happens when you throw caution to the wind and reach out to him?
; A/N: I know it’s taking a long time for me to update this but I hope you enjoy it :D Please reblog if you do and let me know what you think my commenting on this or sending me an ask!
; Flower Masterpost
“Hey, meeps,” You hear Hoseok’s voice calling to you from the end of the aisle, his new nickname for you now gaining its own nickname as well. “If sunflower oil is made from sunflowers, and coconut oil is made from coconuts...then baby oil…”
He trails off, raising his eyebrows and giving you a scandalous look as he holds up a bottle of baby oil. For a moment, you just stare at him blankly before sighing and rolling your eyes in amusement. Taking the bottle from him, you place it back down onto the shelf before linking your arm through his.
Thankfully, he lets you direct him back to the little section they have in this makeup and skincare store that’s fully dedicated to Korean beauty. This is one of those strange stores where they have tons of products that are basically on sale yet also have branded stuff alongside it. Not that you cared though; it had the Korean brands you swore by for your skin and you were more than tempted to try out the Japanese beauty stand next to it.
For someone who isn’t particularly bothered about the whole concept of skincare, though you had managed to convince him to at least improve his routine, Hoseok was being a pretty good boyfriend right now. He hadn’t complained about the half an hour you’d spent perusing the makeup to find new stuff to put into your collection and he still wasn’t complaining as you filled your basket with face masks.
If anything, he’d managed to entertain himself quite well. 
But you think he was being good purely because you’d gone with him to a concert last night. It had been for one of his favourite bands, Metallica, and he’d ended up with a spare ticket as Jungkook had ended up ill with food poisoning. He had been about to go on his own, but you hadn’t liked the thought of him being lonely so you’d gone with him.
You’d recognised some of the songs they’d played from whenever Hoseok played them in the car or the house but it hadn’t been your scene. Still, it had been fun enough and you’d more than enjoyed seeing Hoseok happy as he’d rocked out to his beloved band.
It did mean that you were exceptionally tired today though as the two of you hadn’t gotten home from the stadium they’d performed in until after 2 am. That had been the closest performance apparently and you’d been shattered, sleeping until well after 11 am. Hoseok had promised you a day of relaxation, which you’d jumped on by asking him to do a full Korean skincare routine with you tonight.
He’d agreed, and you’d eagerly dragged him out to this store to replenish your supplies. The makeup was just because it was there and you couldn’t resist it. Already you were coming up with ideas for looks in your head that you could create and then put onto your Instagram. Moving places had meant that you hadn’t done many looks lately and you were eager to change that.
Especially now that you had a yard to take nice photos in. Hoseok and you had both been working hard on the weekends and evenings to transform the yard from the overgrown mess it had been into something nice. Nothing too amazing or expensive as it wasn’t your own house but nice enough that it made from some pretty aesthetic photos.
Placing a final bottle of moisturiser in your basket, you smile at Hoseok and hold it up proudly. He just looks at you in amusement for a second before smiling back.
“All done! We can go to pay now.” While you pay for all your new stuff, he goes and waits outside for you. Which you discover means he intently window shops at the video game store, getting that look on his face when he wants to do something.
Feeling that your bladder is a little too full right now, you glance over to where the public restrooms are and move over to Hoseok. “You can go in if you want, I’m going to the restroom so I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
He takes your bag for you like the gentleman he is before disappearing inside, immediately making a beeline for the Playstation 4 section. You have a feeling he might be about to drop some money given how interested he’d been in some of the new games that have been released in the last few months.
Any thoughts of games are wiped from your mind very quickly though when you’re on the toilet. The sight of red staining your underwear has your eyes widening in horror as you realise that your period has decided to make an early appearance. For a moment you simply stare, brow creasing before you reach for your bag and grab your phone.
The period app you use says that you shouldn’t have started for another four days and you curse your body for doing whatever it likes. Scowling at the stain, you attempt to clean it before sighing in defeat, acknowledging that at least you were wearing black jeans today.
Another rummage in your bag causes you to find another problem, this one sending ice water running through your veins. Grabbing it and placing it onto your knees, you visually scan through every space and almost pull out the entire contents before letting out a small sound of despair.
You had no tampons.
Cursing to yourself quietly, you finish up and make do with an almost ridiculously large amount of toilet paper. Rushing out, you wash your hands before moving over to the machine that always had condoms, sanitary pads and tampons.
Only to see the ‘sold out’ sign on both the buttons you need. Groaning quietly, you do a little dance of frustration as you realise there are not even any other women in the restroom for you to ask. Not that you would. As if your social anxiety would allow for that!
So instead you have to slink outside and into the game shop, lip jutting out in a slight pout as you become hyper-aware of yourself. Can other people smell the blood? What if you leak through all the toilet paper and it does somehow show through your jeans?! What if you leak through onto a chair!
Hoseok wanted to get something to eat after this and you were dreading having to sit there for ages. Playing with your fingers nervously, you move over to where he’s crouched in front of the PS4 stand. He already has two game cases in his hand and is reading the back of another one, your bag of goodies on the floor between his feet.
Glancing up at you, he grins brightly before showing the cover of one of the cases he’s got.
“Look! The Spider-Man game is on sale! You want to play this, right?” Absentmindedly, you nod. The back of your mind takes in the fact that he’s also got Divinity: Original Sin 2 in his ‘buy’ hand and the other case he’s considering is the Doom remake. You wish that you could let him browse more but the drug store wasn’t close by and you didn’t want to just abandon him suddenly.
Still, the thought of what was going on down below was overwhelming and you found yourself shaking his shoulder slightly.
“Hey, are you done? Can we go?” Reaching down, you take your bag back and stand back as he rises, the crease between his brows letting you know he’s a little confused as to why you’re suddenly rushing him. He knows full well that there’s nothing important you need to do.
Still, though, he doesn’t question it and instead nods slowly. While he goes and pays for the games he’s buying, you go to wait by the entrance. Wrapping your arms around your waist, you realise that the low ache in your back that you’d had for a day or so was one of those early symptoms you got of your period.
Only you hadn’t thought anything about it. Not when you’d spent a few hours last night stood up. You’d just thought it was because you’d done a lot of work in the yard combined with the concert. Apparently not.
You’re pretty much already walking in the direction of the drug store by the time Hoseok comes out, causing him to have to jog to catch up with you. All you can think about is whether or not walking faster or slower would make things worse.
“Woah, hey, where are we going?” Hoseok asks, matching his speed to yours. You’re just thankful that there are not too many people out shopping today because it would only increase your stress levels if there was a big queue that you had to wait in or something.
“Just, to this store.” Admittedly, you’re not being very open and honest right now. But you’re embarrassed. Hoseok is fully aware of your periods and that they’re very much a thing that happens. They’d become a little more irregular recently as you’d had a copper IUD put in around a month before moving in with him.
Nothing drastic or anything, but then again they were also sometimes longer and a little heavier than you were used to when you were on the pill. It wasn’t exactly something you enjoyed talking about with anyone though; Soyeon and Chungha were pretty open about this kind of stuff but you had always mostly stayed quiet whenever they talked about it.
Which was silly. They were women who fully understood what you were going through and Hoseok understood that it was a monthly event. So it wasn’t like he’d be shocked to find out or anything. If anything, you’d probably done a bit of a bad job in explaining some things to him as you’d always got too shy whenever he’d asked things.
That was bad, you were well aware. But you’d only really got comfortable talking about sexual things with him. You knew that there were guys who thought it was gross that women bled for a week or so. Hoseok had never made those kinds of comments, but still. You were a work in progress.
“We’ve already been in here, why are you dragging me like Jason Voorhees is running after us with a knife?” He whines when you enter the store. You’re not surprised he’s confused because he’s right, you had come in here earlier and picked up what you needed. Still, though, he follows close by.
“I thought we didn’t need anything else.” Comes from him next, his lip pouting and you get the sense that he wanted to spend more time in the game store. A rush of guilt and shame washes over you, causing you to grip his hand even tighter as you shuffle awkwardly in place for a moment.
Finally in the store though, you realise just how silly you’re being with him. It’s not like he’s going to get outraged or upset. And you’re sure he’d have been much more willing to come along if he hadn’t been dragged along half the street with no idea what was happening.
Leaning into him, you cough slightly before swallowing as you feel yourself go hot with anxiety.
“My period started.” You whisper, keeping the words quiet enough so that he can hear them without having anyone else overhear. Though the rational part of your mind knew that you shouldn’t give a flying fuck what anyone else thought. It was a natural, bodily function and all that.
Your mind has never quite done things rationally though.
Hoseok has heard you though, you can tell by the way his head tilts to the side ever so slightly. But his expression is blank for a moment before his brow creases in obvious confusion, lips pursing as he contemplates what you’ve just told him.
“Okay...so why are we here?” Annnnd there it is. That famed male obliviousness to female problems. You couldn’t get annoyed at him though, not when he was good with you on everything else. He was cute.
“It’s early? And I have nothing to use. So I need to buy some.” His face changes immediately when he understands finally, mouth curving into an ‘o’ shape as he lets out a noise of recognition. It then contorts into worry for you, his eyes glancing down to your crotch area with wide eyes.
“Wait, so that means you’re...just…” He creates a rushing gesture with his hands, imitating a waterfall as he makes a ‘whoosh’ noise with his mouth. It’s a little too loud for your liking and you hiss at him, poking at his stomach before quickly pulling him over to the menstrual health aisle.
“I’ve used some toilet paper but it probably won’t last. It’s come on pretty hard and fast today. Please don’t laugh.” You beg him and his face sobers immediately, eyes darting over your own as he takes in your distressed appearance. Licking at his lips, he inhales deeply before nodding.
“Okay, you use tampons, right? So like...which ones? You never keep the box.” Automatically he starts to look over all the boxes of tampons; staring at the brands, types and absorption levels like he’s reading signs in Mandarin or something. It makes you want to laugh, despite the situation.
You appreciate his eagerness to help though, even when he points at random boxes with absolutely zero knowledge of what it was.
“What’s the difference in the brands? Is there a difference? Or is it like...when you buy those store brand biscuits and realise they taste the same as the branded biscuits only to find out that they’re made in the same factory and just relabelled?” That makes you snort with amusement, particularly as he’s now holding up a box of Tampax and a store brand to try and see the difference.
He’s not finished yet though, and even though you still feel the urgency to just grab some and run, you can’t help but let him entertain you. Because that’s what he’s doing. You’re not oblivious, you’ve realised over time that if you’re feeling anxious or uncomfortable or shy, Hoseok will often use humour to distract you away from your negativity.
It’s nice, which is why you let him carry on for a minute or so more.
“What are the drops for? And what’s the difference between regular and super? I mean, I think you’re pretty super but is this like...super big or something? Wait, is this plastic?! How does it absorb blood if it’s plastic?” Rolling your eyes at him, you bite your lip to stop the laughter that wants to escape before reaching past him to grab the box you usually buy.
Lifting it, you decide for a quick crash course in tampons. As your boyfriend, you never know when you might need him to run out to the store for some and the last thing you need is him bringing the entirely wrong type back.
“I use Tampax, purely cos it’s just the brand I’ve always used and I’m familiar with it. Super and regular are like the absorption so you’d use a super for the first few days when a period is heaviest. Hence why I’m getting these. The drops are the absorption rating too basically and it’s not plastic, that’s just the applicator that makes it easier to insert.” You say it all pretty quickly, but quietly enough that only he hears. 
Not that there’s any need, the store is loud enough that your conversation can’t be overheard and on top of that, there’s no one in this aisle anyway. But Hoseok nods thoughtfully, scanning the front of the box carefully.
“When we get home, I think I need a crash course in periods because I’m feeling pretty useless and dumb right now.” Laughing, you lean up to kiss his cheek quickly before heading in the direction of the cashiers.
“We can do that for you. It’s better to be educated after all. This is where I find out that you have this bizarre knowledge that is unbelievably wrong and I cringe.” Hoseok doesn’t answer back to that, causing you to look back and chuckle at his meek shrug and wince.
“What can I say? I’ve never had a girlfriend long enough to learn and education in high school was terrible. I’m not even gonna try to defend myself.” Humming lightly, you grin at him as you pay before heading out of the store. Looking in the direction of the toilets, you twist your lips as you consider your options.
“You want to eat at that place, right?” You ask, nodding your head towards the Japanese place that was down the opposite end of the street. Hoseok looks that way and nods, confirming his desire to you. Already you can feel your stomach rumble as you imagine the delicious food.
“Okay, we’ll just go there and I’ll go straight to the restroom in there. Come on.” Reaching you, you take his hand and smile up at him, your walk not so hurried now compared to before. Not that you aren’t completely aware of the fact that you’re free bleeding from your vagina right now, but walking faster might just aggravate it more. 
You had what you needed, so now you could relax a little more.
“Why are there so many steps in this? Don’t you get bored?” Hoseok mumbles, his words a little slurred due to the fact you’re rubbing serum into his cheeks. He’s already been here for ages in the bathroom as you’d used a cleanser to clean his face before exfoliating and then using toner on some cotton pads. 
You could tell that he was amused by the whole situation, even though he’d seen you do this many times before. But it was different experiencing it for himself you supposed. Still, he looked so adorable and you cooed to him, squishing his cheeks even more in amusement.
“No. It’s relaxing. You’re supposed to relax.” That makes him scowl, the expression not nearly as intense as he was going for given you’ve got his lips in the cutest pout. Still, you’re finished with that part so you let him go, laughing as he runs his fingers over his skin.
“I’m not relaxed. More...manhandled.” Scoffing, you roll your eyes as you get to work rubbing the serum you need into your skin, focusing on your eyes. The dark circles beneath them were far too...well dark for your liking.
“Okay, how’s your skin lately? Dry? Oily?” Frowning at you, he twists his lips as he considers your question. He’s been taking better care of his skin than he had been before dating you, but you knew that he still didn’t care that much. Surprisingly though, he has an answer for you.
“Dry?” Nodding to yourself, you reach through your box of face masks and pull out a moisturising one. Handing it over to him, you take your own and rip it open, pulling out the mask and carefully putting it on. Hoseok watches you intently before opening up his mask, his face immediately twisting into a cringe.
“Ewwww, oh my god. Why is it so slimy?!” He whines, holding it over the sink like it’s some monster that might kill him. With the mask on your face, you can’t laugh properly like you want to.
“Stop being a baby and put it on.” With a little more whining, he does so, lining it up and putting it onto his face. What follows is then complaints that it’s also cold and feels weird, causing you to roll your eyes at him once more as you help to smooth out any creases in it.
“Right, we’ve got to keep this on for twenty minutes so let’s go watch some Netflix,” Looking over him, you take in how he still manages to look handsome even with a white sheet mask on. “It’s not fair that you always look so good. Honestly.”
Hoseok just shrugs before licking his lips, his reaction immediate as he registers the foul taste. “Oh fuck me, what the fuck. This tastes fucking vile!”
“...you’re not meant to eat it, babe, they don’t make it for the taste.” He washes his hands in the sink to get rid of the remaining residue before following you out to the couch in the living room, Netflix still paused on the large television screen. Kasumi is curled up on her cat tree, fluffy body small as she sleeps quietly.
For around ten minutes, neither of you speak as you continue to watch Warrior Nun. It’s surprisingly got both your attention hooked, so you’re a little surprised when Hoseok suddenly speaks up and distracts you.
“Hey...I know this is a weird time to talk about this but after your whole period thing today it reminded me. So, I’ve been thinking lately. You definitely don’t want kids...right?” He looks at you and you get the impression he would raise his brow if he could. When you nod in response, he blows out a breath slowly.
“Okay...how would you feel if I said I wanted to get a vasectomy? I mean, I know you’ve said you don’t want kids but there’s always a chance that you might and a vasectomy is pretty final. Despite what people say.” Now it’s your for your expression to be mostly hidden by your face mask, your eyes widening until your eyelashes are uncomfortably touching the edges of the holes.
“You want that? I thought guys normally got all weirded out at that prospect. And I don’t want kids, ever. Full stop. Are you sure?” Of all the things you were going to be discussing tonight, you did not expect it to be this. It’s almost amusing that Hoseok has decided right now is the time for something so serious, when you both look so silly.
“I do. I just...I don’t want to risk a pregnancy and I know you’re scared of that too. Also, it’d put less stress on you, I know most birth control is usually aimed at women except for condoms and it’s a lot easier for me to get a vasectomy than for you to get anything done.” That makes you snort in acknowledgement, shifting on the couch until you pull your leg up and wrap your arms around it.
“Yeah, because god forbid a woman not want to fulfil her natural duty and pop out a kid, right?” 
“I’ve been looking into it, I’m pretty sure I could get one. If not, I’ll just talk the doctor’s ear off until they let me. Because it’s gonna happen. It’s way easier and less stressful than anything you have to do.” His dual concern for not wanting to cause an accidental pregnancy that neither of you wanted along with not wanting the burden to fall too heavily on you warms you, causing you to reach out and grasp his hand tightly as you squeeze at it.
“Is it easy? Or quick?” 
“Apparently. Some guys say it doesn’t hurt at all, others said it hurts. But...I’m pretty sure I want it. I just wanted to check with you that you’d be okay with the idea too. As I said, it’s final.” Hoseok smiles at you as best he can, causing you to shuffle a little closer to him. You’d like to rest your head against his shoulder but you’d just get it covered in face mask gunk.
“I mean, it’s your body. It doesn’t have anything to do with me.” Pointing this out to him, you look up and tilt your head, your statement almost a question.
It makes him sigh and focus on your hands, shifting them until he could interlink his fingers with your own. You let him do so, figuring he should probably be taking the lead in this conversation. It is about him after all.
“We’re in a relationship. A serious relationship and this decision would affect both of us. It’s cutting off the chance for biological kids, despite people saying you might be able to reverse it. I feel you should have a say too.” Nodding slowly, you hum lightly as you consider his words carefully.
“Well, if you want it then I’ll support you completely. I never want children so you don’t have to worry about that. It’s your decision, but I just want to make sure you think it over properly and do research, okay? Don’t go rushing into it.” That makes him snort in amusement.
“Meeps, if there’s one thing you should know by now; it’s that men do not take decisions regarding their dick and balls lightly. You can be damn sure I’m going to be 100% in my decision if I’m going to let someone come near my balls with a scalpel or somet.” The way he says this is so matter of fact that you can’t help but laugh, the sound not as big or bright as you’d like it to be given you still had your mask on.
“Man, I can’t believe I’m talking about someone knifing my balls while I’m sitting here looking like a dollar store Michael Myers.” Hoseok points at himself, his bemusement clearly obvious despite his poor Halloween costume and you giggle softly.
Reaching out, you run your fingers through his hair that’s currently being held back by a bandana and smile at him softly. “Come on, let’s go get these off and start looking human again.”
Hoseok follows you immediately, already peeling the face mask off and making casual comments about how the mask isn’t as slimy as it had once been. You take off your own and drop it into the small bin in the bathroom, making sure that he does the same.
“Okay, rub it in and pat it dry. Make sure you get the excess to go on your throat and stuff, it’s good for your skin there too.” Hoseok looks in the mirror, his face shining obscenely from the residue leftover and grimaces.
“Ew, this feels...gross,” One hand presses to his skin, rubbing it in and cringing. “Is this what it feels like when I cum on your face?”
The comment is so random that you pause for a moment, all thoughts disappearing as you comprehend what he’s just said. A glance at him makes you realise he’s being completely serious, his expression focused on rubbing his face as you’d told him. It’s moments like this that make you love him even more, the blasé comments he makes that are so funny and yet also x-rated.
“No...not really. That’s more...well it’s not all over, you know? And it’s thicker than this. And I don’t know why I’m explaining this to you. You know what your cum feels like.” A snort from him gives away his bemusement.
“Yeah, but I’ve never smeared it all over my face before.”
“Maybe you should. Experience it for yourself for once. It’s not all that good for you by the way, despite what people say. It has protein but it’s not enough to make it worthwhile or anything, so don’t think I’m going to be asking you for your special facials anytime soon.” Looking away from him, you grab the next item on your routine before looking at him with a smirk.
“Damn, there goes my plan to be self-sufficient. Could’ve made a whole organic spa thing out of it.” 
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kenmasgameboy · 4 years
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oikawa toru has so many girls falling at his feet, but it wasn’t always like this. when y/n met him there was no one yet to inflate his ego, when he was pure to himself, the person he is when it isn’t performative. she fell in love. after forcing a rejection from him, where he says he never saw her as a girl, she’s determined to become the absolute perfect girl for every one except him.
profiles: [ student council ] [ on the block ]
listen to the mixtape while you read
↬ entry #1: age 6 ➺ chapter 1  ➺
𝕚. caught one.
"Play outside!" You had heard this demand a million times growing up from your sweet grandparents. Your mother's parents did what they could to provide as normal a childhood as possible for you despite having a hole in your life that rested in not having your societally normal guardians. But thanks to them, it never really felt like that hole bothered you growing up. You still didn’t understand fully what had happened yet, the bliss of being so young. As doting as they tried, midway through the day, the clock would strike the time when their joints would remind them they could not continue playing with their rambunctious grandchild any longer that day.
So opening the door would be an exciting change of pace. You would go outside by yourself playing on your front porch with the new toys you had. But nobody to play with. Always going outside after the other neighborhood kids had already gone inside for dinner that day. The quiet of the neighborhood would overwhelm the excited girl. You had far too much energy to play in silence.
Singing while you played, dancing with your favorite stuffed animal until you were too exhausted to stand. You would become tired only when the orange and peach lights would tint the sky in a flattering manner. You'd lay down in the tall grass, breathing in the fresh air and singing the rest of your favorite song to yourself, squeezing your stuffed bunny to your chest.
Suddenly a net comes down on top of your bunny, which was resting peacefully in your arms.
"Iwa-chan! Look! I caught a gnarly one!" You opened your eyes in a panic to see a young boy with soft brown curly hair. His brown eyes sparkling as he stared down at you. You weren't used to playing with other kids, especially not ones that made your cheeks rosy just by looking at him.
Looking back on it now, the feeling of your blood pumping in your veins and electric shock of looking into his eyes for the first time may never be a feeling you feel again.
"You just caught a girl, Toru! That's gross she could have cooties!" Another boy approached, he had dark spiked hair and a large bandage on his cheekbone. Both boys were considerably dirty from bug hunting.
Toru screamed upon the mention of cooties. He took his net back, "No! That can't be true! My little sister doesn't have cooties!"
"It is true! Makki said even little sisters have them! That means nae-chan too!" Iwa told him, Toru screamed again.
"Hey! Do you have cooties?" Toru asked you, you sat up, "And you better be honest! I can always tell when someone is lying!"
"Cooties? No! Of course I don't!" You said, straightening out your shirt. Toru got close to your face, his tongue sticking out in concentration as he studied it. You didn't lean back, even though your face was scared of his judgmental eyes. You were strong enough to take it.
"I believe you." Toru smiled, backing up and crossing his arms, "She's clear, I know it."
"Are you sure?" Iwa asked, approaching slowly.
"Of course, look—" Toru grabbed one of your hands off your stuffed bunny and held it in his own. "No cooties here."
Even though his hands were dirty, and one of his fingers had an alien band aid on it, it lit up a part of yourself you had no idea existed. This lonely part of your heart you didn't know yearned for peers. For friends. For someone as sweet as him to show you a shred of kindness. You couldn’t help but feel your stomach twist into a knot in the bottom of your gut.
"Whatever. Don't touch me with that hand, though! I'm not taking stupid risks like you do!" Iwa barked back, turning around and walking toward an ant hill.
"Are you alone?" Toru questioned, your sorrowful glaze that went over your eyes as you tighten your grip on your bunny was enough for him.
"Say, what's your name?" Toru brought your attention back to his lively smile. You couldn’t help your sudden nerves that overtook your throat. You were not that shy of a child, pretty average to say the least, but with his attention making you feel so special you wanted to shrivel away into nothing on the floor.
“Sorry for Iwa-chan, he can be a little aggressive..” Toru shrugged, searching through his pockets for something. He pulled out an oreo packet half eaten but offered it to you. “Do you want these?”
You could only gasp and grab at them, but he pulled them out of your grasp before you could grab them.
“I’ll trade you these for your name.” The boy smirked with his height advantage over you, though not by much he still was able to hold the oreos out of your reach and laughed at your struggle. Your grandmother never let you eat such sugary treats, even told the teachers at school you weren’t allowed to partake in the same desserts as the other kids. There was nothing you could do but comply with this person's request. He giggled at your sad attempts, “Shorty!”
"L/N Y/N. At your service." You said confidently, putting your hand up to your forehead in a salute, "Oh and this is Bun-Bun. Is that enough?"
"I'm Oikawa Toru,” He smiled and brought his hand down to give you the treats you desired, “and that's Iwaizumi Hajime. But you can call him Iwa-chan."
"Don't call me that!"
"He likes it, don't worry about that." Toru cupped his mouth with one hand to tell you that at full volume and waved off Iwaizumi with the other hand, “You’re new to the neighborhood, right? I’ve seen you before from my window, I live right there.” 
You nodded between shoving oreos into your mouth.
“Why do you only come out when all of us are done playing? We’d love to have another friend playing tag!” Toru said his best attempt to try and get you to join their group when something clicked in his head.
“Iwa-chan, what if y/n is the evening bug we’re supposed to find?!” Toru exclaimed.
“Don’t be stupid, girls aren’t bugs.” Iwa said, his eyes searching the ground and combing through the long grass that hadn’t been cut in a long time.         
"Evening bugs?"
"Bugs that are only around in the evening! And I thought that since I only see you out– uh, nevermind." Toru explained, your eyes were wide and burned his face, “Iwa-chan’s big brother said there should be tons over here.”
"That's so cool! What can I do to help?" Your large eyes stared into Toru's heart, ready to do whatever he needed. He felt his face get all hot and his throat get itchy. You were one of the first girls that weren’t one of his sisters to get this close to him. 
“N-nothing, why would you want to do that? Aren’t girls scared of bugs?” Toru waved you off.
“No way! If I kill a bug in my house my grandma will give me a dollar, so I’m always picking up bugs.” You said so proudly, pointing at your chest. Even though you looked as dainty as any other girl your age your voice was louder than expected and your words had no restrictions. 
“You really are weird, huh?” Toru picked on you, your face fell at the comment. And he panicked, “I didn’t mean that in a mean way! I’m sorry. I– sorry I’m not great around cute girls. I mean! Nevermind.”
“You’re the weird one, saying embarrassing stuff like that.” You said, hugging your bunny closer to your chest in a frustrated manner. That comment was so embarrassing your body felt like it would explode.
“You should meet my little sister, Nae-chan, she’s kinda weird like you are.” Toru meant it as a challenge, but you didn’t take the bait. You didn’t know his sister anyways or how weird she might be.
“Does she like oreos too?” You asked, squinting your eyes in seriousness.
“Duh!” he responds quickly, and he whispered loudly:  “Who do you think I stole those from?” 
“Dumbass! You need to apologize to her for stealing!” Hajime threw his shoe at Toru, causing him to comically fall to the ground. “She’s probably going to cry and I hate it when she does that.”
“Sorry, sorry! I’ll do it after we go home.” Toru insisted, then reached up to grab your arm and pull himself up. But all it did was cause you to fall over next to him. The thin grass tickling your neck and elbow landing directly above Toru’s shoulder forcing you to land on your side. Your face being insanely close to the boys. You watched his face light up and it turned to the side.
Nose to nose. Tips of noses just barely touching each other. 
Too close. You were scared, but you couldn’t move.
His brown eyes looking directly at you. They paralyzed you in place.The world felt silent just for a second. Maybe you just hit your head on something or maybe…
“No, loserkawa do it now! She doesn’t deserve that.” Iwa yelled and both you and Toru looked like you were snapped back to reality. Toru was the first to look away only to stick his tongue out childishly at his best friend.
No, don’t leave!
“Fine! But I’m taking Y/N-chan, so have fun being alone!” Toru replied. Before you could say anything, he grabbed your hand to pull you onto your feet and started running. The image of the back of Toru’s head, running toward the sunset.
The way the orange glow of the sun made his brown curly hair look almost red, the way it bounced. The way his face turned around and laughed at your shocked expression. His hand felt so warm in yours, it sent shock waves up into your chest to force your heart into doing its first flip of your life. Your nose felt red hot at the lingering tingling Toru’s nose left. You wiped at it with your hand that you held Bun-Bun in but you couldn’t get it off. Your hand was so sweaty from his touches, you thought it might slip out of his grasp but he hung on regardless. He was stuck to you like glue. You didn't know it yet, but you weren't going to be lonely anymore from that day on.
ba-dump... ba-dump... ba-dump... ba-dump.....
        【fun facts】
➺ although she isn’t a bug, y/n was exactly who Iwaizumi’s older brother wanted them to find. he just simply put it in terms for those boys to understand, he knew they’d never resist finding a rare bug for their collection. he just thought she looked like she could use some friends her own age.
➺ after y/n heard this she thought she had a crush on Iwaizumi’s brother (who was 5 years older than them) for like 3 years. or at least that’s what she told people
➺ y/n only comes out at night because her grandparents are trying to protect her from her biological father who has been trying to win her back in a court case. her father is doomed to lose, but still has tried to come by the house to take her with him. In order to prevent this, her grandparents have been keeping her inside during the day, then at about 4pm they know dad should be going to his night shift and feel easier about letting her play outside. 
➺ y/n was completely oblivious to this being the reason her grandparents were cooping her up most days until she was about 11. she felt awful about the amount of tantrums she threw and how many times she tried to sneak out.
➺ Toru was there for her during all of this, he would come by the house every day. Some days it was just him, some days he was dragging his friends there with him, always ringing the doorbell for her to come play volleyball since with y/n they had almost a full enough team for 3 on 3. Or 2 on 2′s with two people being “coaches.”
➺ That became one of the kids only activities, because it was one that y/n’s grandfather could come supervise since he had played himself. 
➺ y/n wanted to become a libero just like him. 
➺ other days, Toru would just beg for y/n to come over and play ping pong, sing karaoke, paint, ride scooters or bikes, anything he could think of that would convince her grandma to let her come hang out with him. Her grandma caught on, and would just watch them in the street between their houses as they played many things.
➺ because of Toru, y/n slowly stopped hanging out with only Bun-Bun.
taglist: @chibishae34 @bby-bokuto @shittykawaa @1-800-schmacked @artsamber @berriesii @bbyazu @roseestuosity @gaytoasterstrudels @mirdy47707 @trippy-kitty @iwanttogotopluto @hvneymun @a-listaire @princessmidas @glyxiebear @akaashiwife @anejuuuuoy @kiyoojima @deimmortales99 @unstableye @sugawarabby @haikyuufairy @ashaite @bettys-other-shoe @defchamseoul @honeymoneyy @animatedrapture
reply with a comment or send an ask to be aded to the taglist!! if your name is crossed off it’s because i couldn’t tag you, let me know if you’ve changed your username!
a/n: also i hope you guys don’t mind the first fluffy prologue to this story, these memories will be littered through the story. so we start off with age 6, then we’ll read about current day at 18, then flutter back between memories from middle school. the smau stuff will be for when reader is 18! i swear the angst will come! this probs the only fluffy chapter ya’ll will be getting LMAO. so let me know if you guys liked it bc i’m scARED.
also bun-bun was the name of my stuffed bunny i used to take everywhere for everyone who cares hehe
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chiwhorei · 4 years
Hey I would like to propose something rather dirty with Sakusa (sakusa and dirty in the same sentence: O) that he's having sex while his girlfriend is on her period! Thanks, good luck!
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Paring: K. Sakusa x period-having!reader (i’m going to use gender neutral pronouns bc not just girls have menstrual cycles)
Warnings: 18+, all characters are aged up, smut, period sex, fingering, shower sex, mentions of menstrual blood, brief mention of alcohol
A/n: this ask has been sitting in my drafts for weeks and i’m so sorry, i literally wrote is all out and then it just sat there (?) Sakusa has a very special place in my heart as i deal with ocd and anxiety disorders, so i think it’s important to remember that people are dynamic and ever-changing, and just because they have a certain anxiety doesn’t mean they aren’t able to function in a romantic relationship.
also, @joyousandverywarlike just wrote an *insane* Sakusa fic. it’s not about period sex but zo literally said “I bet you never thought I would be dirtier than you” and i about fell down the fucking stairs, so if you want some amazing Sakusa smut go read Filthy.😩
Okay enough with the proselytizing, let’s get nasty.
period sex is amazing, and honestly i think everyone should be doing it, even Sakusa.
he’s a very clean person, but i don’t think he would actually have a problem with this. he’s around bodily fluids all the time and gets all sweaty and gross while he’s playing.
(also i’m p sure there’s a panel where he literally stretches his hands on the fucking dirty floor so my dude will be fine)
he is an anxious person so feeling comfortable with your body takes time, and you have always been patient with him, which he appreciates more than he actually expresses.
he loves you so much, it kills him that sometimes his anxieties keep him from being super affectionate with you, but he tries to show you he cares in the best ways he knows how
i headcannon him as having an “acts of service” love language so on cold mornings he goes out and starts your car for you before leaving for practice, or he throws your towel in the dryer as your showering and brings it to you all nice and warm (i am so soft for him okay he’s my comfort character the nasty is coming)
sex was slow-starting in your relationship, taking months to have him feel confident enough to let go completely with you, so the idea of him actually wanting to have sex with you on your period never seemed plausible
but tonight, your cramps are intense. like twisting-knife-in-your-ovaries bad, and your ever observant boyfriend can tell how much pain you’re in
he’s not great with bedside manner, but he’s trying okay. without a word he puts his shoes and mask on and fucking leaves the apartment 💀
but he’s just going to the store to buy you chocolate and some red wine because he read that it could help, and at least the wine will make you feel better in some way
in the most unromantic way he literally just waltzes back into the apartment and shoves a chocolate bar into your hands, and goes to the kitchen to pour you a glass of wine
he’s so soft in his own way 😭
you happily accept both offerings and he pulls you into his side on the couch, physical touch was panic-inducing to him at first but over the years he’s realized he yearns for skinship with you
he puts his big hand (😩) on your abdomen and rubs circles into your skin, trying to ease your pain in anyway.
as he’s rubbing though, you’re cheeks are burning hot because your body is so sensitive and reactive on your period, a moan accidentally slips out and your whole body tenses
you immediately start to worry that Kiyoomi is going to grimace and be disgusted by you, his head snaps towards you but there’s no disgust written on his face.
his eyes read surprised, yes, but his pupils are blown and he pulls his bottom lip between his teeth... he’s turned on and you are more than a bit shocked
“I read online that orgasms can help with period cramps.” Your boyfriend blurts out, as blunt as ever, and your mouth hangs. Is he serious?
you’re obviously treading lightly based on his hang ups when it comes this kind of stuff, and the knowledge that he has a way to possibly make you feel better but you not wanting to ask makes his heart ache a little
he puts his forehead against yours for a moment, taking in the smell of your shampoo before pulling you gently to straddle his lap
even the minimal friction makes you groan, causing blood to rush straight to Kiyoomi’s cock
“do you want to go take a shower with me, angel? the hot water might help you relax.” he says, pressing a sweet kiss to your lips
you agree and let your boyfriend lead you to the bathroom, he starts the shower and makes sure it’s nice and scalding hot (there’s no way Sakusa doesn’t shower in a lake of hellfire)
he pulls you into the stream and trails his soapy hands all over your body, pressing into your shoulders to relieve the tension built up
kiyoomi presses your back to his hard, muscular front, hands wandering down to your chest, you arch into him as he squeezes your acutely sensitive nipples
his ministrations are relaxing your body but every touch is becoming less and less innocent, so by the time his fingers wander down to your clit you’re already whimpering
“i want to help you feel better angel,” he says, trailing his lips over your neck, his dark ringlets tickling your shoulder, “you know i don’t mind getting a little dirty if it’s for you.”
just as the words leave his mouth, two long fingers dip into your pussy, ripping a groan from your throat.
Sakusa feels your tight warmth in a new way, you’re clenching around his digits immediately and there’s a soft, syrupy quality to your pussy that’s different than usual. the feeling of you wrapped around his fingers alone is driving him insane
he positions his thumb against your clit to rub tight circles, kissing and biting down on your neck when your head rolls to the side
all of the pleasure Koyoomi is giving you is magnified, feeing each movement of his hands electricly through your veins
“do you want to cum on my fingers y/n?”he’s spurring you on, making you clench desperately around him. your hand finds purchase in the hair at the back of his head tugging as the tension in your stomach snaps
your only upright because of your boyfriends strong arms wrapped around you, fingers still inside and marveling at the way you pulse around him.
he’s obviously doing this to ease your cramps and help you relax, but his cock is aching at the feeling of your pussy and needs to get inside of you desperately
Sakusa grabs your hips and turns you around, pinning you against the wall with ferocious resolve
he’s more wild animal at this point than man, hungry for something now that’s he’s gotten a little taste
he hoists you up slightly so that he can line himself up with your cunt, he pushes in slowly, not wanting to cause you any pain
as he delves in inch by inch, the feeling of your slick, relaxed walls welcoming him in and the breathy calls for his name are intoxicating
he rocks into you, noticing how each thrust has you twitching, begging him not to stop
“feels so good oomi. fuck” you run your nails across his slick back, the hot, rushing water combined with your sex is fogging every surface of the bathroom
“cum for me one more time, angel. let me see how good i make you feel.” he snaps back into you, angling your ass to make sure he’s pumping right against your sweet spot. he wants to feel you come around his dick like this, but he also wants you to know he can push past his anxieties and take care of you
especially if taking care of you feels this fucking good
when he feels your warm, drooling cunt pulse around him he can’t hold back anymore, spilling inside you with a round of breathy grunts and moans of your name
you stay like that for a moment, presses against the shower wall tightly wrapped i. each other.
he helps you clean off, taking his time to rub every inch of your body, your cramps melt off in the hot water and circle down the drain
after you two are nice and clean, Kiyoomi wraps you in the towel he had thrown into the dryer before your shower. 🥴
i’ll pray for all of you’re nasty Sakusa thoughts,
Sinners Anonymous
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Volcanic Love (Taywhora) - Holtzmanns
read on ao3 | word count: 6045
“Oh I was aware, alright,” A’whora purses her lips and for a second, Tayce wonders what it would be like to kiss her. “And you know what I saw?”
Oh Christ, she’ll humour her. “What’d you see, then?”
It’s the response A’whora wants, from the way her eyes gleam. “I saw you peeking at me some type of way. A little pout on your face. You jealous, Tayce? Is that it? You want some attention?”
“Please. Don’t flatter yourself.”
A/N: Thank you guys so much for the love on my other Taywhora oneshot, it made me so happy. Enjoy this one, too - fully a product of Taywhora beginning to occupy my thoughts with no signs of leaving. Title from Volcanic Love by The Aces. Also thank you Writ for betaing and bouncing ideas with me, and Pop for catching any North American slang that may have sneaked in, I appreciate you both ❤️
Tayce isn’t a chicken.
It doesn’t matter what Tia’s said in the past. She’s never had the balls to flirt with Veronica, anyway, she’s the real chicken.
Tayce is just respectful, that’s it. She’s not about to go hit on her best mate in the club, not when they’re going back to the same flat, not when A’whora’s eyes right now are on everyone but her.
Doesn’t matter, anyway. Tayce is here for drinks and to forget about her shitty work week.
Even if A’whora’s talking to a leggy brunette by the barstools. And giggling. And tossing her hair over her shoulder.
A tap on Tayce’s arm makes her jump, and Lawrence is looking at her a tad impatiently, gesturing towards the waiting bartender on the other side of the table.
“What d’you want, then? Can’t wait all night while you stare at your woman.”
“She’s not my woman,” Tayce mutters under her breath, trying to ignore the warmth in her cheeks. “Two tequila shots, please and thank you.”
Lawrence raises her eyebrows. “Two already? You that ready to end up with your head in the toilet tonight, are you?”
“Oh, shut it.”
Tayce peeks over again while the bartender prepares their drinks and A’whora’s whispering something into the brunette’s ear, leaning in close to her. Tayce grabs the table just a little bit harder.
She knows that Bimini’s organized this night out for them so that Tayce can finally get her shit together. They’re out far too often as it is, despite graduating uni and beginning adult jobs and working normal hours, but regardless, this evening has a purpose. Not that Tayce wants it to. Her liking for A’whora is clear as day to everyone except for A’whora herself, and part of Tayce wants it to stay that way.
Why ruin it, anyway? They’re friends, best friends at that, and A’whora cares for her and knows all her secrets and is the most important person in the world. Or rather, she knows all of Tayce’s secrets except how much she fancies her.
Tayce clinks her shot glass with Lawrence’s whiskey before she tosses it back, the salt and lime on her tongue straight after enough to start a fresh fire through her veins. Maybe it’s not going to happen, tonight, or ever. Tayce is fine with that, especially when she’s on a night out with her mates and Little Mix is blaring in the DJ’s mix overhead.
That’s all she needs for a good night out.
Ellie pushes through the crowd to reach them, a head taller than everyone else. “Did you get my vodka cran?”
“Course,” Lawrence grins, handing the glass to her. “Even though we both know it tastes like horseshit. You gotta branch out your options, El.”
“Just like you ordering a whiskey every night out like the wee old man you are?” Ellie sticks out her tongue without missing a beat, and Tayce snorts when Lawrence lifts a mock offended hand to her chest.
“Excuse me for having some pride for the homeland. Not about to let the English win around here.” Lawrence tosses her drink back, and the slight wince on her face is just about noticeable.
“Looks divine,” Tayce deadpans, craning her neck towards where A’whora had been standing.
Except she’s not there anymore, and she’s not in the crowd of people either, and-
“She’s coming up behind you, dafty,” Lawrence snickers, and Tayce hardly has a second to retort before a set of arms wraps around her waist.
“Did you miss me?” A’whora’s voice takes on the sing song quality that it always does when she’s a few drinks in, and Tayce has to ignore the way her stomach feels like it’s filling with butterflies.
Because it’s not.
“Kept yourself busy over there, did you?” Tayce gets out, trying her best not to let the bitterness peek through in her voice.
A’whora’s allowed to flirt with whoever she wants. It’s fine, really.
“I love meeting new people, that’s all,” A’whora grins, reaching across Tayce to flag the bartender, “unlike you, you antisocial creature.”
“Lies. I have enough friends already,” Tayce mumbles as A’whora pulls back, the scent of her perfume making Tayce’s breath hitch in her throat.
She needs her second shot.
Tayce tosses it back as A’whora takes a sip of her rum and coke, and the burn of the liquor at the back of her throat isn’t enough to distract her from the way that A’whora wraps her lips around the straw, all round and delicate as not to smudge her lip gloss.
“You’d be a lot less grumpy if you moved away from the bar, y’know,” A’whora says in between sips. “Maybe danced around a bit or something. No more sulking on nights out like you normally do.”
“She really does sulk, doesn’t she?” Lawrence pipes up, another whiskey in hand, and Tayce can’t help but roll her eyes at the pointed tone in her voice.
Lawrence wouldn’t know subtlety if it hit her in the head.
“Come on. We’re all gonna go dance. No more sulking.”
A’whora grabs her hand, and Tayce starts to panic for a second because she’s sure she’s a little bit clammy, but Ellie and Lawrence are following them and maybe Tayce’s brain is running just a little bit too fast for her own good. They end up in the thick of the crowd and it’s sweaty, gross, but it also makes Tayce feel a little nostalgic for uni, when they’d do this too often and end up hungover for class the next afternoon.
The Rihanna that the mix fades into is enough to make Tayce forget about the fact that she’s attracted to her best friend, especially when she’s giggling at Ellie’s attempt to embody the song with her lip-syncing. She joins in at the chorus, and fuck it, there’s nothing on par with screaming out the words to Bitch Better Have My Money with her mates, especially with Lawrence’s rather unmelodic tones.
She does love them.
“Let me squeeze in!”
Bimini’s voice is loud enough to be heard over the music as they pushes themselves in between Lawrence and Ellie, their fur coat miraculously still around their shoulders while balancing a drink in each hand.
“Well there you are!” Lawrence exclaims, and the delight on her face is exactly how Tayce feels, all of her friends together and-
Well, almost all of them. There’s Ellie, and Lawrence, and now Bimini, but where has A’whora gone off to again?
Tayce goes up on her tiptoes, craning her neck because she can’t have gotten that far with the crowds, she has to be near…
She’s found a girl to dance up on. Blonde, this time. A lovely sight to see.
The tentative excitement that had been rising in Tayce’s chest bursts like a balloon, the sinking feeling spreading along her insides and pulling her back down to the ground because of course A’whora’s found someone to grind up against and shoot sultry eyes at because she’s good at that, at getting what she wants. It’s fine, it is, because Tayce is having fun watching Lawrence try to rap Taki Taki.
She doesn’t care what A’whora’s doing.
Except that when she peeks over again, A’whora’s crouching down while she dances and she’s got her hands on the girl’s thighs and she’s looking up at her with an expression that can only be described as hungry. And it doesn’t matter that there’s an elbow poking at Tayce’s back, or that the mix overhead weaves in a Beyonce song that she’d normally scream the words to, because right now she’s got tunnel vision, unable to pull her eyes away from A’whora despite the fact that she feels like she’s burning up the longer she does. Despite the ripping in Tayce’s chest and the rushing in her ears, it’s fine, because A’whora’s allowed to do whatever she wants. Tayce is her friend and nothing more, and she’s used to it, she is.
But then A’whora slowly rises up from her crouched position and wraps her arms around the girl’s neck, leaning in to kiss her and Tayce needs to get out of the crowd and off the dance floor.
The club bathroom has suspicious stains on the walls but it’s blissfully empty, a fact that Tayce is thankful for because at least she can lose her mind in private. She doesn’t need anyone else witnessing an absolutely pathetic meltdown over her best friend.
Tayce’s lip colour is smudged when she looks at herself in the dust covered mirror, and she halfheartedly pulls out her lipstick from her clutch to fix it. Not that it matters, when she’ll probably grab a taxi home in a few minutes anyway, because her bed and some sleep will at least help her forget the sight of A’whora practically on her knees.
Once she’s fixed her lipstick, Tayce runs a hand through her hair and lets out a sigh. She’s changed her mind. Going out isn’t so nostalgic anymore. It’s shit.
“You done admiring yourself in the mirror yet?”
“Jesus, fucking-”
Tayce whirls around at the voice and of fucking course A’whora is standing there, her own lipstick a bit smudged and looking too smug for her own good and Tayce hates the way her heart starts to beat just a bit faster.
“Thought you were busy macking on some slag and giving everyone a little front row performance,” Tayce mutters, turning back towards the mirror.
“Oh, so you were watching, then?” A’whora’s voice is positively delighted, and Tayce wants to roll her eyes at the audacity.
“I think people in the nosebleeds could see that even if they didn’t want to. A little careless, no? Nearly shagging on the dance floor?”
Tayce isn’t bitter. She’s not. Not over something this stupid.
“What, are you a nun suddenly preaching chastity and pureness and everything that’s holy? Is that it?” A’whora snickers, not looking fazed in the least as she sidles up to Tayce at the counter.
Tayce scoffs, trying to keep herself from glancing at A’whora in the mirror. “It wouldn’t hurt to be a bit more aware of your surroundings, that’s all.”
“Oh I was aware, alright,” A’whora purses her lips and for a second, Tayce wonders what it would be like to kiss her. “And you know what I saw?”
Oh Christ, she’ll humour her. “What’d you see, then?”
It’s the response A’whora wants, from the way her eyes gleam. “I saw you peeking at me some type of way. A little pout on your face. You jealous, Tayce? Is that it? You want some attention?”
“Please. Don’t flatter yourself.”
It’s a lie, a flat out lie but A’whora doesn’t need to know that, not when it highlights how absolutely pathetic Tayce feels for having A’whora fucking notice. A new low for her. She might as well trod home with her tail between her legs at this point, not that it would save her from any embarrassment.
So, she’s going to have to pretend it never even happened.
“I wasn’t, but you did that enough for me,” A’whora murmurs, and Jesus, she’s coming up behind Tayce and looking at her in the mirror with the sultry eyes that are usually reserved for other girls. “I like seeing you all worked up in a tizzy.”
“I’m not worked up,” Tayce breathes out, trying her best to hold on to the semblance of control she has before it smashes into pieces.
“So you wouldn’t mind then, if I went back on the dance floor and found another girl to kiss? You wouldn’t care if I brought someone home and let her have her way with me? You’ll be just fine with that, huh?”
It’s hard to think straight when A’whora’s hands are raking up her sides, when she’s looking at her all smug through the mirror because she knows she’s going to get what she wants, the way she always does.
Maybe Tayce will be weak willed if she gives in. Maybe A’whora’s going to be smug for weeks after, or maybe she’s going to tease her mercilessly because she’s just joking around with her hands at her waist. Except A’whora’s hand is trailing to her ass, and she’s biting her own lip in the mirror and fuck-
She gives in.
Tayce turns around, face to face with A’whora whose eyes widen for just a second before Tayce captures her lips in a biting kiss. The hitch in A’whora’s breath and the way she surges forward is enough evidence that she isn’t joking around.
Tayce grabs A’whora’s waist and flips their positions, so that she has her up against the counter. It’s funny - she’s thought about kissing A’whora before, too many times for her own good, but a dingy club bathroom with her heart beating out of her chest is not how she’d envisioned it happening.
A’whora’s needy, pawing at Tayce’s waist to try and bring her closer than she already is. Tayce nudges A’whora’s legs apart with her own thigh, trailing a hand up her chest and past her collarbone and neck until she’s cupping her jaw. She pulls back from the kiss and A’whora’s lips are slightly parted as she catches her breath, her eyes alight but a little bit hazy.
“Is this what you’ve wanted all night, then?”
Tayce has to applaud herself for the semblance of calmness in her voice, not betraying the fact that her insides feel like they’re catching on fire, her heart beating faster and faster the longer she’s touching A’whora.
A’whora looks as dazed as Tayce herself feels, her lipstick smudged and her lips parted while she catches her breath. Tayce watches as her eyes flick down to look at her lips then back up again, and she takes a step back because she knows that A’whora’s about to lean in and kiss her again. The whine A’whora lets out is more than gratifying.
“You could have just asked, y’know. Dunno why you’ve got to go and make it so complicated for the both of us,” Tayce murmurs, licking her own lips as she steps in closer again.
It’s as if there’s a string between them that’s been pulled taut all night and on the verge of snapping, except now, Tayce is the one controlling it. And after how she’s been on edge all evening, it’s a welcome reprieve, a familiar feeling that she’s been craving for so long.
“I…” A’whora’s words trail off when Tayce leans forward, pressing a kiss to her neck, and then another that slightly nips at her skin, and it’s all Tayce can do to keep herself from smirking against the corner of her jaw.
Because, of all people, she’s the one having this effect on A’whora. A’whora, who could absolutely be classified as a certified babe magnet. A’whora, who can land any girl that she bloody wants. A’whora, who has been on Tayce’s mind for far too long whenever she slips her hand between her legs in the shower. A’whora, who up until now Tayce has had to push down any semblance of feelings for.
But now Tayce has her in her grasp and it’s verging on the edge of being too much, sending her brain into overdrive if she focuses on it for too long.
So instead, Tayce brings her attention back to A’whora, who gasps when her lips focus on the juncture between her neck and collarbone. There’s no way A’whora’s neck isn’t going to be looking ridiculous after this, between Tayce’s lipstick and the fact that she’s being rather liberal with how much she’s tugging at A’whora’s skin, but A’whora’s hands are fisting in her hair and it’s becoming clear that she’s the type to like it like this.
She brings a hand up to grab one of A’whora’s tits, her thumb tracing over her nipple that’s already beginning to harden through the dress fabric because of course A’whora’s not wearing a bra, cheeky slag she is. The whine that A’whora lets out when Tayce pulls her face back is enough to make her want to squeeze her own legs together but she steels herself, putting on the most confident face she can muster without falling apart.
“More,” A’whora gets out in between sharp breaths for air, and part of Tayce wishes that she could frame this sight, keep it in her mind forever.
Instead, she presses her lips together. “I’m not about to fuck you in the loo, Rory. What sort of slag do you take me for?”
A’whora’s brows press together adorably, and Tayce has to resist the urge to smooth them out for her. “But-”
“Let’s go home.”
They end up in A’whora’s room solely because of the shorter distance from the front door, as compared to Tayce’s at the end of the hallway. Tayce kicks the door closed behind them, watching as A’whora flops herself down on the bed, resting her weight on her elbows.
It’s strange - Tayce has been in A’whora’s room thousands of times before, like when they do their makeup together or watch Netflix while passing a spliff back and forth. But right now, the air in the room feels different, a breeze that makes her hair want to stand on end. Or maybe that’s the effect from the look that A’whora’s shooting her from the bed.
She takes her time as she walks over to the mattress, kicking off her heels once she reaches her. There’s a hair elastic on A’whora’s bedside table and Tayce grabs it, tying her hair into a bun and out of her face before she climbs up on the bed herself, straddling A’whora’s lap in a swift movement.
A’whora’s so pretty like this. Not that she isn’t always, when she’s laughing and her eyes scrunch or when she’s tearing up because of a cute kitten video on Instagram. But there’s something about this sight, when A’whora has her hair spread out on the sheets, her chest rising and falling almost erratically, that Tayce wants to absolutely drink up.
She channels her bravado from the club bathroom as she tucks a lock of A’whora’s hair behind her ear, watching as her eyes flutter. “You getting sleepy on me?”
“Better stop boring me, then,” A’whora squeaks out, and Tayce knows, knows that it’s a bluff, but a small part voice in her brain yells at her to accept it as a challenge.
A’whora wants more? She’ll get more.
Tayce grabs at A’whora’s hipbone and flips her over so that she’s on her stomach, revelling in the gasp that A’whora lets out when her face buries itself in her arms on the mattress. She runs a hand up A’whora’s thigh, over the curve of her ass and can feel a satisfaction blooming in her chest when A’whora pushes back into her touch.
“So impatient, for someone who was a little brat and teasing me all night.”
A’whora lifts her face out of her arms, the pout on her lips so quintessentially her. “Tayce, c’mon.”
“Yeah? You think you deserve it?”
Tayce pushes the edge of A’whora’s dress up, exposing more and more of her thighs and tracing along the soft skin. By the time the skirt is bunched up at her hips and the lace of her thong is exposed, Tayce feels like her mind is going into overdrive. She wants nothing more than to speed up the process and just pull the lace down and make A’whora come as fast as possible, but she forces herself to slow down, enjoy the process. Relish in it.
She tugs upwards on A’whora’s hips until A’whora understands the hint and gets up so that she’s resting on her elbows and knees, ass up in the air. Tayce taps the outside of A’whora’s thigh and she parts her legs, and part of Tayce wonders how she’s still upright and breathing herself.
“Good girl,” Tayce murmurs, because there’s really no wrong time to test out the waters and see what makes A’whora tick.
From the little noise A’whora lets out from the back of her throat, it seems like Tayce is on the right track.
Tayce can’t help herself from cupping A’whora’s ass with her hands, kneading the flesh. “You really do have a nice behind, y’know that?”
“Behind? What are you, my eighty year old nan?” A’whora snickers, and despite herself, Tayce lets out a huff.
“Why am I even about to fuck you?”
“Because you’re drawn in by my ass-ets,” A’whora says, a grin on her face as she wiggles her bum slightly, and Tayce has to roll her eyes.
Despite the idiocy, it’s still hot. Tayce is definitely in too deep. She may as well dial for help now.
Her nails are short but she drags them lightly on A’whora’s skin, watching the goosebumps that rise on the surface. She follows the lace of A’whora’s thong with one hand, reaching between her legs, and shit, A’whora’s already damp through the fabric.
Not that Tayce isn’t herself, but that’s another story.
She anchors her other hand on A’whora’s hip as she traces her fingers along the lace, and she can feel a smile spreading on her face when A’whora lets out a little whine. Part of Tayce’s brain feels like it’s still in disbelief, waiting for her to wake up from a particularly saucy dream in which she ends up in her flatmate’s bed with said flatmate a mess beneath her with the sheets bunched up between her fingers. All the pining and the ‘sexual tension,’ in Lawrence’s words, coming to a head feels surreal, almost on par with seeing a dragon in their backyard or with Ellie actually being shorter than someone for once.  
But she’s here, and A’whora’s here and fidgeting in the sheets and Tayce needs to stop getting bizarrely tender about hooking up with her flatmate.
It’s easier to push A’whora’s knickers to the side rather than to pull them off entirely, especially when she’s already shaky on her knees. Tayce traces along A’whora’s folds, the wetness that coats the pads of her fingers making her feel dizzy, and A’whora pushes back against her touch, a moan in the back of her throat.
“What, are you waiting for someone to make a speech or something? C’mon.”
Tayce has to grin at the gumption. A’whora’s never been one to hold back what she’s thinking. “See, I would, but you didn’t say please.”
“Fucking bitch,” A’whora groans, dropping her face back into her hands, and Tayce takes the opportunity to still two of her fingers near A’whora’s entrance, not quite pushing in the way she wants.
“Still didn’t hear a please, though.”
“Ugh. Please. You absolute hound,” A’whora grumbles, but her words cut off in a gasp when Tayce decides to give in, pushing in a finger, then another when A’whora spreads her legs apart just a little more.
A’whora’s one of the more responsive girls she’s ever had sex with, already trying to rock back against her when Tayce curls her fingers. It makes Tayce want to give her more, so as much as her wrist is complaining when she maneuvers her position so that she can circle around her clit with her thumb, she keeps at it. Speeds up when A’whora starts to drip down onto her palm.
“God, I…” A’whora gasps, and Tayce can feel the way she’s squeezing around her fingers and it’s hot, A’whora’s fucking hot and so close to the edge and there’s no way Tayce is going to stop now for anything.
Tayce leans down and presses a kiss to A’whora’s shoulder blade, the motions of her hand unforgiving as she keeps up her pace without slowing, and the contrast between the two is almost striking.
“You close, baby?”
She can see the way A’whora’s back muscles are tensing, the way her face drops into her hands as her legs get more unsteady and she drinks it all in, committing it to memory because fuck, she’s had a lot to drink tonight but there’s no way she’s gonna forget a second of this. Not when A’whora is the most beautiful sight she’s ever seen.
A’whora can’t kill Tayce for leaving marks on her back if she can’t see them - it’s flawless logic, really. But it’s enough reason for Tayce to pay attention to the ripple of A’whora’s muscles, the heat emanating from her skin when she kisses and nips because she can’t help herself, A’whora’s back a canvas that isn’t going to stay empty for too long.
Tayce doesn’t dare change her pace, not when A’whora’s squeezing around her and her muscles are tensing and her breaths are coming in little gasps that are somehow endearing. She ignores the burning in her forearm, the way she’s worked up a sweat of her own because A’whora’s eyes are squeezed shut, and the noise in the back of her throat cuts off on a raggedy gasp for breath.
“Fuck, ah, shit-”
A’whora’s whimpering, her face buried in her arms and her legs squeezing Tayce’s hand in a death grip as her knees finally give out in a heap on the mattress. Tayce wipes her fingers on the back of A’whora’s still shaking thighs as she pulls her hand back, pressing a kiss to her hipbone before she turns her onto her back as carefully as she can.  
There’s something to be said for a post-orgasm A’whora, from how her chest is rising and falling to the way she has an almost dopey smile on her face that she covers with the back of her hand.
“C’mere,” A’whora mumbles, holding out a hand with grabby motions and Tayce snorts, crossing her arms.
“Postcoital A’whora is a cuddler. Who knew?”
“M’not cuddling,” A’whora pouts, reaching for Tayce’s arm. “I wanna get on top now.”
Tayce yelps when A’whora tugs on her elbow, bracing her hands against the mattress and catching herself on top of her just in time. “You, a top? That’s a thought.”
“Hey!” A’whora whines, wiggling underneath her. “It’s my turn.”
Tayce has to hold back a laugh. “You sound like a child waiting for their go on the swings.”
But then A’whora pushes on Tayce’s hipbone and nudges her leg against her inner thigh and Tayce isn’t sure, really, how A’whora ends up on top of her, though the grin on her face is adorably triumphant.
“Ha! See, I’m strong,” A’whora preens, tossing her hair over her shoulder as her thighs bracket Tayce’s hips and as much as Tayce wants to roll her eyes, she has to admit the sight is kind of hot.
Especially when A’whora licks her lips as her gaze drags down Tayce’s body, a lioness who’s finally gotten her prey. A lioness with highlighter on her cheekbones and a slinky dress that’s still bunched up at her hips.
“I’ve wanted to kiss you for so long, y’know that?” A’whora whispers the words centimeters away from Tayce’s ear, raking a hand through her hair and she can feel the way it makes goosebumps rise on her skin.
Not that Tayce is one to let her facade drop so easily. “Oh, yeah? Why’re you always out there kissing other girls, then?”
She still hasn’t forgotten the sight of A’whora grinding up on some girl on the dance floor. Or how badly she wanted it to be her.
A’whora blinks at her. “How else was I supposed to go and get your attention? It worked, didn’t it?”
“You’re a cheeky little hound, aren’t you?” Tayce snorts, shaking her head against the sheets.
Really, A’whora’s not wrong. It had certainly gotten her attention, alright, made her stomach turn and need to leave the dance floor before she had a full on crisis while the beat dropped.
A’whora tsks, a smug smile alighting her features. “And yet, you still have those puppy dog eyes for me.”
“I do not-”
Tayce’s half hearted protest is cut off when A’whora presses her lips to hers, licking into her mouth. It’s bullshit and she knows it, A’whora does too, but it doesn’t matter, not when A’whora’s grinding her hips down onto her and moving her kisses to her jaw and her neck.
A’whora’s not one to waste any time, dragging her nails past Tayce’s collarbone and chest and soothing her path with kisses before she pushes Tayce’s dress straps off of her shoulders, beckoning her forward to pull on her zipper. Tayce follows without question, lifting her hips so that A’whora can tug the dress from underneath and off her legs.
Being flatmates means that they’ve seen each other in various states of undress before - when they’re trying on clothes they’ve just bought, when they’re lounging around the flat in their bras when it’s too bloody hot that one month during that one month a year London becomes a fucking sauna. But the purposeful nature with which A’whora traces a hand up Tayce’s inner thigh, her eyes lingering on the lace on her hips and the straps along her ribs, feels worlds away from those times. Tayce has to resist the urge to cross her arms, pull the sheets up on herself, because the way A’whora’s eyes are widened and her mouth is slightly parted makes no real sense when her brain tries to compute it.
A’whora pushes down on Tayce’s shoulder until she’s laying back against the cushions and winks before she resumes her path downwards, pressing biting kisses along her ribs and above her hip bone that make Tayce draw a breath in between her teeth. A’whora’s touch is delicate when she tugs on the lace sitting in the crease of Tayce’s thigh, pulling the thong down her legs and throwing it on the ground to follow the dress.
“My turn,” A’whora grins as she pushes Tayce’s legs apart, and Tayce feels like she’s going to pass out before A’whora’s even gone and done anything.
A’whora takes her time, trailing a path with her lips past Tayce’s calves, her knees, up her inner thighs, in the crease by her hip bone. Tayce tugs on her hair, a cue to speed up her pace but A’whora falters for only a second, a flutter of her eyes before looking up at Tayce, shaking her head.
“No rushing.”
Tayce’s protest cuts off when A’whora drags her tongue up her slit ever so slowly, the contact not enough in the least but also the first she’s gotten so far, which makes it feel almost like a welcome reprieve. A’whora pushes her thighs further apart, looking up with her with eyes that draw her in as her tongue traces a path around her clit, not quite giving her the relief she needs.
“Don’t tease,” Tayce gasps, her hands involuntarily tightening their grip in A’whora’s hair, and A’whora lets out a moan into her cunt in response which Tayce has to file away as the hottest fucking thing she’s ever heard.
A’whora trades her earlier motions for circling Tayce’s clit, and Tayce doesn’t even care at this point if the rest of their flatmates are home and can hear them, because A’whora’s good. Better than good. She’s going to get Tayce there embarrassingly fast and Tayce is sure that she’ll brag about it later, but it doesn’t even matter at this point, not when Tayce’s brain is this hazy and she can feel her own breaths becoming more and more shallow.
There are half moon indents where A’whora’s nails are digging into Tayce’s thighs as her movements speed up, and Tayce can feel the familiar sensation building in her core and god, she’s so fucking weak for A’whora. She looks so hot like this, her face between Tayce’s thighs and Tayce feels like she could come from the sight in front of her alone.
But Tayce instead pulls oxygen from around the room into her lungs, forcing herself to breathe as her hips begin to lift themselves from the mattress and she’s so damn close to tipping over the edge. “Fucking hell, just like that.”
A’whora’s pace is steady as she looks up at her, a glint in her eyes that doesn’t waver when Tayce’s hands wind into her hair, pulling her impossibly closer. Something about the confidence in A’whora’s gaze, the way she’s unwavering with her movements is enough to finally push Tayce over the edge and fuck, the sensations are all too much but also what she’s been craving, waiting for the entire evening, and it’s perfect.
A’whora’s committed, her tongue still making circles around her clit, albeit slower but it’s enough to make Tayce’s ribcage rise and fall all jaggedly, sucking in air that can’t fill her lungs soon enough. She pushes A’whora’s face away from between her legs when it becomes too much, hiding a mewl behind her palm but it doesn’t even matter, not when A’whora’s wiping her mouth on the back of her hand and looking like she’s a cat who’s just gotten the cream.
“Shut up,” Tayce mutters, but there’s no malice behind it, not when A’whora’s smile reaches her eyes and Tayce can’t help but reach out, stroke her cheek with her thumb.
A’whora leans into her touch and Tayce’s heart glows in her chest, lighting up hopes that maybe, just maybe, this doesn’t have to be a one off. Tayce isn’t that smashed anymore and A’whora doesn’t look like it either, but it doesn’t feel awkward for Tayce to scoot down on the bed, avoiding the wet patch to lay down beside A’whora when she pats the sheets with her palm.
A’whora’s grinning that cheeky smile that she does when she’s doing a bit and laughing at her own jokes, an expression that Tayce has seen far too often. “Why don’t you just stay the night, yeah? The commute back to yours would take too long. It’s not safe at this hour, really.”
“As if my room isn’t just down the hall.”
A’whora shrugs as she drapes an arm across Tayce’s midsection, shuffling to get closer to her. “See? Much too far. May as well stay here at this point.”
“Very compelling argument, I have to say,” Tayce can’t help but smile, and putting her arms around A’whora’s waist when she snuggles into her feels so normal, so them.
Yeah, A’whora’s half on her lap for movie nights anyway because they’re the only two who enjoy strawberry laces as a snack and they have to share the packet but now they’re snuggling, actually snuggling and Tayce doesn’t feel like running for the hills. Maybe because it’s A’whora, her best friend who knows when she’s annoyed and trying to hide it, the one who knows her coffee order down to the almond milk.
Tayce presses a kiss to the top of A’whora’s head because she can, and the contented sigh that A’whora lets out is enough to bloom the seeds of longing in her chest into strings of ivy that don’t ever want to let her go. She can’t, not anymore, not when she’s seen A’whora come apart but also sees A’whora now, nearly falling asleep on her chest with eyes that she can barely keep open.
She’s so beautiful.
And Tayce is so, absolutely fucked.
Maybe she’ll work out how to properly win A’whora over in the morning, and keep this from being something as stupid as a one night stand because Tayce doesn’t want that, or feel like she can handle the two of them only having something so fleeting. She needs A’whora around as more than just a best friend or a flatmate that always brings home fresh flowers for the kitchen table. The reminder is almost calming, in a way, running through her veins and a part of her after years of attempting to push the thoughts out of view.
Tayce can’t continue to bury the feelings in the farthest corners of her mind anymore, not with A’whora in her arms like this and having it actually mean something. No more pining. She’s going to promise herself.
Maybe she can ask A’whora out properly when they wake up, if she has the guts for it. That is, after asking for a round two first.
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toorusbaby · 4 years
second choice, pt. 4
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summary: being in love with hajime iwaizumi is like riding a rollercoaster of emotions. it’s thrilling as it is exciting, but you feel a little lightheaded... because he doesn’t know how you feel. the worst part? he thinks you’re in love with his best friend.
warnings: just pure fluff, oikawa cockblocks, slow burn, slight angst if you squint real hard
word count: 1,885
part five here
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Your face burned at how blunt your words sounded when spoken aloud and it took extreme self-control to not facepalm yourself in embarrassment. You nervously bit the inside of your cheek. 
That definitely sounded better in my head, you thought. 
The only sounds you could hear were the shuffling of your feet beside Iwaizumi. The ace however, was taken aback by your response and had remained silent to gather his thoughts. 
She wanted to spend time with me? Wouldn’t she want to spend time with Oikawa instead since she likes him?
Unable to hold his words back, the blushing boy had blurted out the question that had bothered him for months. 
 “Y/N, do you like Oikawa? Romantically, I mean,” He asked, his voice slightly wavering. Nonetheless, he didn’t look away from your face; he wanted to see your entire reaction. Iwaizumi was terrified to hear what you were going to say next. Even though he was hoping you didn’t feel that way towards his best friend, the spiker knew there was a low possibility of you returning his feelings anyways. Despite his self-doubt, your answer still mattered to him. When he heard you chuckle, Iwaizumi was confused.
“You keep asking me questions about Oikawa, Iwa,” you sighed and twirled the pom-pom keychain on your purse. “I won’t ask why, but this is the last time we’re bringing him up today.” You teasingly scolded the ace with a small grin, approving of his quick nod. 
“I think Oikawa is extremely attractive, not to mention charming. He’s incredibly sweet,” you started off. 
Gross. Iwaizumi couldn’t help but grimace.
“But I only see him as a friend. Nothing more, nothing less,” you shrugged your shoulders. The adrenaline in your veins gave you the courage to say one last thing. You turned your head and cheekily grinned at Iwaizumi’s indistinguishable expression. “I do like someone else though, even though he’s pretty clueless for a smart person.” 
Iwaizumi felt his chest constrict at your words but he resisted the intense urge to question who the lucky person was. Although he was silent when the two of you continued to walk, the volleyball player’s mind was filled with questions. If you didn’t like Oikawa in a romantic way, which other boy were you interested in? Iwaizumi was aware of your friend circle; the only boys you interacted with were on the volleyball team. As far as he knew, you weren’t into younger guys so he could count out the underclassmen. Iwaizumi also wasn’t suspicious of either Hanamaki and Matsukawa since jokesters weren’t your type. So who the hell could it be?
Unless the person was from another school. 
Hajime had to stop himself from clenching his fists at the thought of you swooning over a student from Karasuno. Or Date Tech. Maybe Shiratorizawa? Please God, not Shiratorizawa, he pleaded internally. But in truth, the school didn’t matter. Although he was desperate to know who the mystery boy was, Iwaizumi respected your privacy. If you wanted to tell him who the boy was, Iwaizumi would allow you to do so on your own merit.
He just really wished it was him. 
“You see that over there?” Your voice broke the green eyed boy’s train of thought. Startled, Iwaizumi looked in the direction of your finger. When his eyes landed on what you were pointing to, he was surprised. How did he not see that earlier? It was nearly impossible to miss. Iwaizumi quickly looked at you, only to be met with your twinkling eyes. Despite the icy air, you felt warm inside. The beaming smile on Iwaizumi’s face was definitely worth the cold walk. It was the giddy sparkle in your eyes that warmed Iwaizumi’s cheeks. 
“I figured you’d like it. But,” You slid your purse off and clutched it to your chest. The spiky haired boy watched you, oblivious to what you were about to initiate. Before he could question you, your body positioned itself into a running stance. “The last one there loses!” You shouted and took off. Iwaizumi blinked to himself, clearly at a loss for words. Seconds later, the blushing wing spiker found himself running after you, shouting at you to be careful. 
“All I’m saying is that you should’ve never tried to go up against me,” Iwaizumi snickered, the rare sight of a smug smirk making you roll your eyes. 
“Well someone’s cocky,” You flicked the volleyball player’s forehead, eliciting a small groan from the tall boy. “But we all know that I let you win.” You grinned.  
There the two of you stood, on top of the wooden arched bridge that hovered above the koi fish pond you had grown to love over the years. Watching the koi fish never failed to comfort you, even if you had always done so alone when visiting Osaki. Today however, was different. Although you felt as if the pond was a ‘secret’ of yours, you decided to bring the special boy who meant just as much to you, along.
Despite the many clouds in the sky, a bit of sunlight had been able to shine through. The branches of willow trees that dangled over the pond that was scattered with lily pads was truly a sight to behold. With his body leaning against the railing of the wooden bridge, one would assume that Iwaizumi would be focused on the swimming koi fish just below him. After all, he was surprisingly fond of fish; the beautiful scenery before him was an additional plus. Iwaizumi never took mother nature for granted. But if that was truly the case, why couldn’t the green eyed boy take his eyes off of you?
Beside him, you were also against the bridge, your chin resting in the palm of your hand. From the way strands of your hair fell onto your face because of the wind, to the way a small crinkle formed at the corner of your right eye when you smiled down at the pond, Iwaizumi noticed it all. 
The distance between you wasn’t large by any means; it was close enough for the boy to truly study your features. The fading acne scar on your cheek, the tiny zit on your chin, a small beauty mark or two in different places. The way your mascara was a bit smudged under your lower lashes due to moving around the entire day, walking through the smoke of barbecues at the festival. The way your lipgloss had naturally faded away even after you reapplied, but hints of the color remained, reminding Iwaizumi of strawberries on a warm, summer day. 
Despite what you’d consider flaws, he thought you still looked breathtaking. Before today, neither of you had been so close in proximity physically; everything was always from a distance. However, after spending the entire day with you, the hours filled with laughter, teasing, and smiles, Iwaizumi had never felt closer to any other person, physically or emotionally.  
A large koi fish had caught your attention, surprising you at how its white scales sparkled from under the water. “Haji, look at that one!” With widened eyes and a beaming grin, you placed a hand on his arm. Lifting your gaze away from the pond, you turned your head to face the boy beside you, whose green eyes were already on yours. 
You had never had the chance to really look at Iwaizumi’s face before, especially not up close. Hajime’s dark brown hair actually had a few lighter strands, a likely result of being out in the sun for hours on end in the summer. His warm green eyes had flecks of grey within, framed by the long dark lashes always made your knees weak. You could tell that his pink lips were soft, seeing as Iwaizumi always applied a layer of Burt’s Bees lip balm; you could smell the faint scent of peppermint from where you were standing. From the obvious details to the smaller ones such as the very few fading acne scars and the small chicken pox scar Iwaizumi had next to his left eye, your mouth became dry. He was just so handsome.
Iwaizumi felt his cheeks burn at the thought of you observing his features. The way your eyes wandered across his face caused the volleyball player to purse his lips together, a wave of shyness washing over him. Was there something on his face? 
Suddenly, you felt a small itch in your nose. Quickly, you turned away to quietly sneeze, awkwardly grinning afterwards. “Oh, excuse me,” you sniffled and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear to face the boy once again. This time, Iwaizumi’s lips were formed into a small frown.
Way to ruin the moment, Y/N. You sighed to yourself and pulled your sleeves out far enough to bury your clenched hands underneath the turtleneck. 
“It’s pretty cold, huh? Even so— Iwa? What are you...” 
Iwaizumi stood straight, eyebrows furrowed as he began to undo his scarf. With a sigh and click of his tongue, he expertly wrapped the navy blue fabric around your neck, lifting your hair out of the way. Frozen at his sudden action, your arms felt like jell-o at your sides.
“Geez, you’re gonna to get sick, Y/N. Why didn’t you bring a scarf in the first place? Or gloves?” Iwaizumi gently scolded, huffing in the process. His green eyes were quick to glance at your clenched fists that were hiding underneath your now-extended sleeves. 
The feeling of Iwaizumi’s body heat along with his signature pine scent that lingered on his scarf caused blood to rush to your face. You were sure you’d pass out at any given moment. Much to your luck (and confusion), you remained conscious, staring at the boy with wide eyes, especially when he began to remove the black gloves from his hands. 
“Iwa,” You called out, placing a hand on his to stop his actions. “You don’t have to do that,” you mumbled, your eyes darting away from his face in embarrassment. If you thought you had been shy around the volleyball player before, this situation took the cake. You couldn’t help but stare at your makeshift sweater paws.
“Don’t be ridiculous, Y/N. If you catch a cold—“
“Iwa-chan, what are you, my mom?” 
The infamous death glare Iwaizumi sent in your direction to intimidate you only caused a loud laugh to escape your lips. It wasn’t long before you accidentally snorted, causing you to cover your mouth to laugh even more. At the sound of your snort, the ace’s frown morphed into a smile before he chuckled himself. With a lopsided grin, Iwaizumi began to slide his gloves on to your ice cold hands. You didn’t stop him. 
“Even without him here, it’s almost as if Shittykawa’s presence remains.”
“You make it sound like he’s dead, Iwa.”
“He will be if he keeps influencing you like this, you dummy.”
Iwaizumi’s teasing smile made you grin cheekily. There was truly no other person in the world that could compare to the boy leaning his side against the railing before you. 
“Shush,” you joked and used your now gloved hand to play with the ends of the soft scarf around your neck. It wasn’t just any scarf though.
It was Iwaizumi’s.
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🏷️ taglist: @webkinzfroggie​ @isseikawa​ 
feel free to ask, dm, or comment to let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! <3
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7-wonders · 4 years
The Thrill of the Chase
Summary: Your path once again crosses with Michael’s, this time under much more dire circumstances. Life and death, specifically yours, has suddenly never been more prevalent in your mind.
Word Count: 2602
A/N: Hey y’all, this takes place after Lost In the Shadows! We’ve been talking a lot of True Blood on here lately, and when I wrote this sort of situation with Eric Northman, somebody said they could imagine this with Michael. Hence, this new work. I hope you enjoy, and please remember that likes, comments, and reblogs are what makes my world go round.
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In the weeks since you had discovered that vampires are not just a myth written about in romantic novels and scary stories, and that your boss, Michael Langdon, was the first vampire and the Antichrist, life had been quieter than you were expecting. After luring Michael to your lab and forcing him to tell you about vampires, you had thought that he was going to make you go missing or force you to swear that you would remain silent. To your surprise, however, he gave you space. You had seen him multiple times since the incident had occurred, but every time he kept his distance, choosing to greet you with a simple smile before moving on to whatever a vampire CEO needs to do. 
Maybe this is some predatory habit of vampires, where they bait their prey before backing off and driving them mad with anticipation before striking. If it is, you would rather Michael get whatever he’s planning over with. This wait, whether it be for something or nothing, is starting to affect your work.
Speaking of work, it’s then that you shake yourself out of your thoughts and realize nearly an hour has passed since the typical work day ends. You sigh, running a hand through your hair and looking disdainfully at the paperwork that still litters your desk. Some days, being head of R&D has its perks. Others, when you have to sift through hundreds of funding requests from developers just as idiotic as Jeff and Mutt, make you want to walk out and never come back. You doubt you’d find a job with health insurance as good as Kineros’s, though.
Deciding that a walk to clear your head will do you some good, you stand and relish in the popping noise that your shoulders make when you stretch. The building’s your favorite when it’s almost completely empty, the comforting silence a perfect work environment. Greeting one of the custodians as she mops the hall in the direction away from your lab/office, you decide to walk downstairs to give her uninterrupted time to clean without you getting in the way. 
Eventually, and like always, you end up down at the main lab that Jeff and Mutt inhabit. You’ve made it a habit to come and check that everything is turned off and put back where it’s supposed to be, not trusting two men constantly high on cocaine to properly dispose of used chemicals and turn off the power source to loose wires. After getting on them numerous times about proper lab etiquette, they’ve actually become quite vigilant. Tonight, however, you can already see a bunsen burner that looks like it’s still on. While concerning, it’s not a disastrous situation. It’s not, at least, until you turn the light on and notice the ethanol-soaked rag right next to the open gas source.
That’s when the explosion happens.
It’s a perfect storm, with a combustible chemical having had plenty of time to oxidize next to a natural gas source. The heat emanating from the fluorescent lights that you turn on act as the catalyst, and you only have time to cover your eyes as the light from the rapidly-expanding flame warns you milliseconds before the explosion reaches your ears. The sheer force of velocity is enough to throw you across the room, with the all-glass interior proving no match as every surface shatters. Everything is happening so fast, yet it seems as though it’s in slow motion, an out of body experience in which you’re a passive observer watching what’s happening to you. Maybe you are having an out of body experience, since the bouncing of your head against the wall is something that you’re pretty sure knocks you out.
It’s unclear how much time has passed when you hear a voice calling your name. Long enough that the flames have started smoldering under the water of the fire alarms. You blink rapidly, trying to get your eyes to focus again. Finally, Michael Langdon comes into view. If you weren’t in a state of shock, you’d be mildly upset that of course the vampire whom you threatened last week is the one to come upon you in a state of mortal peril. Since you are dealing with a bit of shock, you can only stare at him in disbelief.
“(Y/N), can you hear me?” You nod. “What happened?”
“Cokeheads...chemicals...bunsen burner…” Damn, that sounded way more eloquent in your head. Your inability to string together a full sentence means a concussion is almost certain.
“Those fucking imbeciles,” Michael says lowly, eyes scanning you to catalogue the extent of your injuries. His eyes are dark red with veins extending to his cheeks, startling you just as much as the previous time you saw this side of him. What startles you even more is just how easily he bites into his own wrist to let blood flow, holding it out to you expectantly.
“No, I don’t wanna be a vampire.” You try to move away from Michael, but you’re in too much pain for even that.
Although your words come out slurred and confused, Michael still understands you. “You won’t, I promise. It’s a very specific ritual, and there’s not even a chance of you becoming a vampire from this. Please, just take my blood and let me heal you.”
Later, you’ll wonder if Michael had done some sort of vampire mind trick on you. That’s the only way you can justify taking his blood with so little hesitation. Regardless of the reasons why, the earnesty in his voice tells you that he’s being truthful.
Michael leans over you, slipping a hand around the back of your neck to help you up as you lower your mouth to the open wound on his wrist. While you grimace at the metallic taste when Michael’s blood first pools in your mouth, the taste changes to something much more pleasant. It’s like a new cocktail that you get at a bar; you’re not too sure of whether or not you like it, but you know that it tastes good.
By the time you notice that your head feels clearer, Michael’s deemed that you’re fully healed. To your muted horror, you realize that you don’t want to pull away, but Michael gently forces you off of him. His inquisitive eyes look you over once more, and he uses his thumb to wipe stray blood off of your lips.
“You healed me. Why?” Your head is reeling with how fast events have been moving in the span of just a few minutes, yet the one clear question you have is why Michael healed you when he could have just as easily killed you.
“Why not?”
“Are you feeling better?” Michael decides to take pity on your bewilderment, switching the subject. 
“Oh!” Now that he mentions it, you do feel better. You can think in full sentences now, and the dull ache in your head has disappeared. While you hadn’t seen any cuts on your body, the thin lines of blood left behind on your arms prove that there were wounds from the broken glass. “I am, actually.”
“You sound surprised. Did you not think that it would work?”
Laughing sheepishly, you shrug. “I mean, not really.”
You look around, just now seeing the destruction around you. “You think Jeff and Mutt have insurance that covers gross negligence?”
“Oh, they’ll be paying for this out of their own pockets. They’re lucky that I won’t have them criminally charged for any of this.” Sirens sound in the distance, and Michael pulls you up from out of the rubble. “Come, the authorities will be here soon.”
“Wait!” Michael allows you to pull him to a stop. “What do I even tell the police? I’m sure there’s security footage of me getting knocked out.”
“Conveniently, the cameras were knocked out due to the explosion.” Michael winks at you before disappearing like he was never at the scene, leaving you to stand among the carnage as authorities swarm what was once a laboratory.
It’s light out when you wake up after your whirlwind night, which is what you first recognize as odd. When you arrived home last night, you don’t remember falling asleep. The next thing that can be categorized as odd is the tall, blond vampiric Antichrist standing in the middle of your bedroom. You scramble up on the bed with a surprised gasp, pulling your blankets up to your chin and staring at Michael’s smirking face.
“What--how are you here? I never invited you in.”
“A common misconception about vampires.” Michael slowly approaches the bed, his languid movements reminding you of the predator that he is.
“But what about the fact that it’s light out? Shouldn’t you be a pile of ash right now?”
“I am not the final word of vampire lore.” He kind of is, and you would retort with that, if it weren’t for the way he crawls towards you. “Your heart is beating very fast.”
“That’s because I’m not sure if you’re gonna eat me.”
“Potentially, but not in the way that you’re thinking.” If Michael couldn’t hear your heart beating before, he surely can now, especially once he leans in and kisses you.
You’ve been kissed before, enough times that you would consider yourself pretty knowledgeable about the subject. If you know a bit about kissing, then Michael Langdon is an expert on it. He manages to be sensual, yet rough at the same time, a fang nicking your bottom lip and making you shudder in surprise. Just as quickly as the droplet of blood can bead up to the surface, Michael’s licked it away, moaning at the taste of your blood.
“I don’t know how I’ve managed to go so long between tasting you,” Michael mutters against your skin, using his skill to quickly remove the shirt that you had been sleeping in.
You’re not self-conscious at Michael seeing you topless, which is unusual for you. Maybe it’s just because he knows how to treat a person right, but it’s impossible to even have those thoughts when the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen is currently kissing his way down your abdomen. Michael’s fingers ghost over the top of your pants, and you thread your fingers through his hair in response. Then, there’s a loud knock on the door.
Sitting up in bed, you’re disoriented when you realize that it’s not light out, and you don’t have a gorgeous blond vampire on top of you. Somebody knocks on the door again, and you realize that must be what woke you up from your extremely vivid, extremely wonderful dream.
“I’m coming,” you say in the loudest voice you can muster, wrapping a blanket around your shoulders to combat the cold air that the open door will let in. “Michael!”
Either this is the weirdest inception-like dream you’ve ever had, or the man you were just having a sex dream about is standing at your door. “Hello, (Y/N). I hope you won’t be too upset that I woke you at this hour.”
“Uh, you’re fine.” You open the door wider to allow Michael to enter, but he just continues to stand in the same spot. “Do I...have to invite you in? Like, is that a real thing with vampires?”
“No, I just prefer to be polite and not barge into somebody’s home without their permission.” You smirk. Of course that myth would come from the overly-polite Antichrist.
“Come in, Michael.”
“Thank you.” He steps in, quickly appraising the entryway of your apartment with the detached air of someone who’s been in homes much grander than this (he probably has; you’ve seen a couple of portraits of the French court at Versailles with a blond lord who looks suspiciously like Michael). “I suppose you’re wondering why I’m here.”
“That would be a question I have.”
“Well, I realized that I had forgotten to mention something about taking vampire blood when injured.”
“And you couldn’t wait until the next time that you saw me to tell me this? Wait, how did you even find my address?”
“I’m the CEO, I have everybody’s records.”
“So, what did you have to tell me?”
“I’m assuming, since you were asleep, that you had a pretty...imaginative dream about me?”
The blood drains from your face. “How did you know about that?”
“I was so wrapped up in saving you, and the commotion that followed, that I didn’t get to tell you that a human drinking a vampire’s blood bonds them to that vampire.”
“What does that mean?” you ask incredulously.
“What it means,” Michael explains patiently, “is that certain things are going to happen to you now that you have a vampire’s blood in your system. Your senses will be enhanced, you’ll have heightened strength…”
“And the dreams?”
“As I said before, drinking a vampire’s blood bonds a human to that vampire. Until my blood is out of your system, I’ll be able to sense if you’re in trouble and your emotions. It can also give you erotic dreams about the vampire whose blood you’ve consumed.”
You groan, dismay evident on your face. “Great, that’s just--fantastic. So when does it stop?”
“A couple of months? Blood doesn’t cycle through the body very fast.”
“You’re kidding me,” you say with a disbelieving laugh.
“I don’t see what’s funny about this.”
“My entire life since I’ve met you has been fucking hilarious! And now I’m apparently bonded to you because you just happened to cross my path when I was mortally wounded.”
Michael glowers at you. “I didn’t have to save your life, you know.”
“Yet you did, all the while knowing what would happen when I took your blood.” You want to say all the things you’re thinking of, like how you still would have survived out of sheer hatred for him even if you did have to wait for the ambulance to arrive (which they had, clearing you after you had explained to the very confused EMTs that you hadn’t been in the lab when the explosion happened, just right outside of it; they had accepted your lie, albeit dubiously upon seeing the devastation that wrecked the first floor of Kineros), but all you can think about are his goddamn beautiful lips and how badly you want to kiss them. “Fuck, I can’t even focus on being mad at you because of the urge to kiss your stupidly perfect face!”
The anger Michael was previously feeling evaporates as he fights the upward quirk that his lips threaten to take. “We certainly can kiss, if that’s what you’d like.”
“It’s not what I’d like! It’s that stupid bond you were talking about.”
“Maybe just once will help to quell any future urges you may have?” 
You’re not sure if you want to smack the cocky grin off his face or jump on him, so you settle for pointing to the front door. “Out.”
“Alright, but just remember that the offer still stands.” He produces a business card between his long, ringed fingers, and you snatch it out of his hand while still glaring at him. “Goodnight, (Y/N).”
You slam the door behind him, leaning against it to help your shaky knees. Michael’s laughter is still on the air long after he’s left, and you sigh as you wonder how on earth you’re going to get to sleep...especially when you realize that you won’t be able to take care of your little problem without Michael knowing. That laughter suddenly seems a lot louder now.
Baby tag list bc I’m lazy: @moonanonwriting​ @lvngdvns​ @wroteclassicaly​ @sojournmichael​ @chibi-lioness​ @ccodyfern​ @trelaney​ @xavierplympton​ @dyns33​ @michaelsapostle​ @ajokeformur-ray​
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