#especially eyefestation too
cloudydays69 · 2 months
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shadeframed · 2 months
how are we feeling, pressure folks?
i just have to share my tiny observations about our character/inmate since the following of this game is so new and fresh—which is nice! ( edited )
is our character’s awareness canonical? their dialogue seems so specific, especially their awareness of their surroundings. dialogue isn’t just flat or repetitive, it becomes farther in depth the more you click. but narrowing it further, our player is acutely aware of us, the player.
i truly came across it after trying to take the crucifix—why must it taunt me again?—and refers directly to us, noting how “ it’s useless “ and there’s no point in taking it. our protagonist specifically remarks to us, using “ you “ instead of asking why they would need the crucifix.
but, what motivated me to post, and by far the most interesting note i have personally found is on a rare floor i found with a stage and a microphone, overlooking chairs with slouching bodies
( video is cropped for your looking convenience because i play on mobile )
the changing reasonings and awareness doesn’t just seem like a quirky, slightly horrifying easter egg for players. it feels deliberate. our inmate is trying to first drive you away from inspection, to take you away from forcing them to “ speak, “ and later coming to terms with their predicament by being forced by your hand to say something.
it would be a fascinating encounter if it was the only location that it happened, or that any acknowledgement of the player and inmate being separate occurred.
but it isn’t.
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i’m curious if, in later updates and add-ons to pressure, this’ll happen more often with other items or interactions, and if any other character is aware of this. i’m reminded of deltarune, and obviously undertale too, in having a protagonist that our player controls but who isn’t able to dictate their own actions, who knows their being dictated by an outer force that they don’t have any control over.
as a side note, just to hammer how expendable we, and our inmate, are, i find it interesting eyefestation chooses to mimic HQ’s voice. i know it’s mentioned in its file that it can do that, it also says it can mimic loved ones or deceased relatives. it brings across that our inmate truly doesn’t have anyone else, or that’s the most significant person in their life. we don’t even get a glimpse of what someone connected could them could sound like, just the only constant they have.
i know too it could just be for budget reasons, or it was just easier to keep the voice actor pool small, but i can speculate!
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hold (someone) closely in one's arms, especially as a sign of affection.
Urbanshade. Hadal Blacksite. Oh how you wish you could forget it all.
Being falsely imprisoned and given a second chance at life if you were to bring back an "important" crystal.
The money was tempting, and you were on the brink of going crazy.
You wish you had never taken their offer.
Eyefestation was a total pain. The sight of her caused your brain to melt, literally.
Squiddles are terrifying in your own way if you don't watch your step.
"Shi—t!" You yelp out, pushing yourself out of the locker while almost getting caught by an angler.
You started to hyperventilate, the anxiety of being in the locker being all too much to bear.
You check your vitals, your health was not in good shape and you needed to find a med kit soon. "Damn." You whisper to yourself.
You look up, the numbers displaying 34 in bright green. Almost halfway there.
After narrowly escaping death every few doors, this place's true nature started to finally set in.
You found an office room, away from everything. You couldn't help but sit down and lean your head against the wall.
Your loved ones. Did they still think of you? Did they believe those lies of those false murders? Did they even miss you?
Fat tears welled up in your eyes. "No..." You mumble, clinging onto yourself for false comfort.
'Get the crystal, and get out of here.' Those words repeated in your mind, playing over and over again like a broken record.
The stinging pain near your solar plexus didn't help either, it felt like this was hell already.
You forced yourself to stand up, wiping the tears away as you look up to the next door.
Door 50.
You pushed on, your health slowly declining. A sharp pain in your thigh becoming more and more apparent. It's a wonder you haven't passed out from exhaustion yet.
You make your way into door 51, then you saw 52 in bright blue. Shit. A keycard door.
As if on cue, a vent cover suddenly flew open, "stranger, over here."
A muffled male voice spoke out, it lulled you but you were still hesitant. What if it was an entity mimicking a human voice?
You had no other choice, you were alone in this horrible place with no one to communicate with.
"Welcome, welcome! Don't be afraid, I'm not going to hurt you—" He continued on, introducing himself and his little shop he has for expendables like yourself.
You walk up to his tail, noticing the huge size difference between the both of you. You gulp, shaking subtly while grabbing a med kit, and handing him loose assets. His form of payment was simple, DNA vials, usb sticks, and other files  that were junk to you.
"Thank you." His ear fins and tail wiggled with excitement, his hands rubbing together.
You use the med kit, healing yourself with the sterile gauze and septic spray inside of the small box.
You awkwardly smile at him, taking your leave after purchasing a lantern, and grabbing the keycard.
He watched your form disappear through the vent. "Stay safe now." He advised, sighing to himself as he heard the door's keycard scanner chime and unlock.
Well. That was new.
Death after death, you just wouldn't stay dead. What the hell was going on? This truly must be hell-on-Earth.
At least it meant you could see Sebastian.
"Oh, you're back, lovely." He pulled his lure down, causing it to flicker on, and he greeted you with his usual smile.
"I was so close to retrieving the crystal but... I couldn't leave you." Memories of your last run played in your head, that split second decision of leaving Sebastian behind and going back home, or continue being tormented by these creatures...
"Better luck next time." His voice interrupted your thoughts, playfully ruffling your hair up with his third arm.
You hum in response to his words, deciding not to dwell on the fact that he ignored how you chose him over freedom, basically.
He picked you up with ease, two of his arms holding you up like a cat while his third rest on his hip.
His eyes shone into yours, it's almost blinding, but you didn't mind.
"Stay here with me." His words stunned you. Your eyes blink repeatedly as if it would help you process them quicker.
"W... What?"
"You heard me."
"I..." You weighed your options carefully. Was it worth it? Abandoning your life to stay with this abnormally large fish?
His company is pleasant, but what would happen if you were to be injured? What if he was hurt, what if—
"Hey, eyes on me." His voice brought you out of your trance. "Well?"
"Okay. I'll... Stay." A knot of excitement and regret tightens in your stomach.
"Good." He sets you down on his tail, turning you around so your back is against him.
Sebastian then started fiddling with the explosive on your neck, opening the back compartment, being met with all sorts of wires.
Your blood turned cold, cold sweat started to form as you anxiously anticipated the results.
You shut your eyes tightly, trembling a little, but he reaches his third arm to reassuringly rest it on your shoulder.
You expect the worst, a clink is heard and you yelp; expecting it to blow up.
But it falls off, a weight, literally, has been lifted off of you.
You reach your hands up to your neck, absolutely astonished.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you." You repeatedly cry out, wrapping your arm around where his waist would be.
He wrapped his arms around you in return, a smile plastered on his face. "I enjoy your company, [Name]."
"I do too, Seb."
"Using nicknames now, huh?" He chuckled at his own words, patting your head with his left hand.
"I'll allow it, only because it's you." He scooped you up into his arms, cradling you as his tail acts as a cushion for himself.
"Tired?" You question, his lure's light flickering softly.
"Maybe." He yawns after, shaking his head to shorten the dizziness period.
You rest your head against his chest, closing your eyes.
"Goodnight. Or, whatever time it is." You mumble, already falling asleep, somehow.
Sebastian reaches a hand up to his lure, pulling it down, and it turns off. "Goodnight, dear."
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hi silver sorry to bother you but have you defeated pressure yet? do you have any advice im struggling ( >Д<;)
I have defeated pressure! last time I beat it was my 6th win; and I was inconsolably mad because I was aiming for a damageless run and then misclicked a single cable at the very end of the game (so finished w 95 health) so, here are my ‘pro’ gamer tips:
Don’t use light sources unless it’s a blacklight. It leaves you both at risk of squiddles attacks, and makes you dependent on light sources in general. I’ve legitimately ONLY been attacked by squiddles when I wanted to get the document on it. Turn your brightness up instead
Pay attention to the sounds more than your sight. Each version of the angler + pandemonium and a60 all have different sounds and gimmicks. It’s important to be able to distinguish which is which. Here’s my guide for the monsters:
Anglers/rush-based monsters
Regular angler: regular scream, regular rush time. pretty basic stuff. Wait until you hear its actual high pitched scream before getting in a locker.
Pinkie (pink. duh): doesn’t flick the lights, but scream is a higher pitch and can be heard from much further away. try not to panic, but it’s important to keep an ear out always.
Blitz (black): extremely fast, but the lights flicker twice. Beeline to the nearest locker and get in pretty much as soon as you reach it.
Chainsmoker (green one): very, very slow, and sounds a little like a single-toned scream with rattling chains. You have to wait until it’s practically on top of you to get into a locker bc it forces you out of the locker much faster than usual.
Froger (orange): angry kinda scream. Like william afton it comes back. Upon the first rush, wait until it doubles back, then get out of the locker but stay next to it. It will come back again. Get back in the locker. After that it should be gone.
Pandemonium: it kinda ‘sings’ ig, it’s not a regular scream. Slower than most of the angler variants but not quite as slow as chainsmoker. If you struggle with its minigame, side rooms, vents under the floor, or making your window smaller are your new best friend. These work for the other anglers too, of course.
A-60: kinda has this faint ‘pixely’ scream, very easy to miss. Get to a locker or side room. When its message appears you’ve got like, 4 seconds? To get out of sight. It’s probably the hardest to see coming which is why it’s the rarest.
Other monsters
Void mass: also pretty easy. Makes a bubbling sound when you’re nearby, has a puddle underneath it, and also, the obvious glowing eyes. When you approach a locker, look up through the slots to check if it’s empty. I recommend multiplayer bc someone can still get you out.
Wall dwellers: controversial opinion but they’re also pretty easy. If you do struggle with them you can turn around midway through each room, but they have audible squelchy footsteps and you can hear them peeling out of the wall as well. If you’re really paying attention you can even see them in the walls while you’re passing through, they have these weird stretch marks to outline them. Theres this one room especially with that weird green and black mould that you can see a fantastic example of. Also benefits with multiplayer bc there’s more eyes to scare it off. Same with squiddles, I’ve only died to them when I wanted the documents.
Eyefestation: often in an eyefestation room there’s a short period where you can see a little flash of it, or the door locking behind you if it’s a gauntlet. Run as far as you can in that window. Other than that just beeline for the door the best you can.
Good people: there’s the sparks, of course, but press your ear to the wall next to it and listen for growling. If you hear water or some other ambiance like the fans, it means it’s safe, however, so not all noise is bad. In a dark room or after an angler, the real door’s lights will also be out while the fakes remain lit up.
Turrets: “If you see me, no u didn’t :<“ wait to check their patterns before anything else. Hide where you can of course, and try to follow its sweep where you can. And flip the lever to disable them if you can, of course. Even if pai insults you, better to be berated by your worstie than to be dead.
Searchlights: do not rush it. In the warehouse, follow after it to give you more time. You can hide underneath piles of boxes, the forklifts and in shipping containers (as well as the lockers). In the final searchlights encounter, go for the most risky cables FIRST and the underground ones LAST. Go underground as few times as possible, as it makes it more dangerous by cutting off a lot of your view. Trying to go for the one right in the middle with three of them right on top of you is rough. This usually saves you with the remaining cables being in safer places the further you go to cancel out the difficulty as best as possible. In the final manoeuvre, do NOT hide in the submarine as it makes it even riskier by cutting off your peripheral. Watch the light patterns and then go for it. Wait in the middle underneath it bc it only kills you if you go in the actual light. Always works for me. Another controversial opinion but the warehouse is harder than the final fight.
Sebastian: don’t flashbang or climb on him. it’s rude. Also, make sure he’s happy when you leave. I don’t think there’s any real change but I find its bad luck to leave when he’s pissed at you. Buy his medkit and code breaker if you can.
Other dangers
The Ridge: there’ll be an angler or pandemonium in almost every room. Open the door to the next room and then wait by a locker in the previous one until the threat has passed. Do not panic, and BE PATIENT. Sometimes it takes a while when it passes through. Also, any good people will have light spilling out from under the door. With the music, wait for the angler to leave and then kinda just avoid it or speed through it as best you can. If you’ve got code breakers, save them for either the ridge (or paranoia’s box if you manage to come across it.) As long as you stay careful and make sure you know where the lockers are, it’s not as daunting as it may seem.
Parasites: just stay in the light, you’ll be fine. It’s pretty forgiving
Hazards: just avoid them. Don’t jump in holes you can’t see the bottom of. Dont walk into the fire. Don’t swim in lava. Don’t touch the electrified water, there’s a way to disable it/go around it. Wait for the right time between the fans. Ask @revenyance bc they’re an expert on how not to do that last part.
The pipe puzzle: try to go from the end rather than just the start.
Vent/pipe maze: always take a left turn and eventually you’ll find your way out.
major, all-round tip summary:
-keep sound high and preferably play with headphones. Turn on deaf mode if you have hearing issues.
-fuck light sources, I hate those guys. Go max brightness instead.
-try try and try again. You’re never a bad gamer so long as you’re having fun and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise :>
-try to keep at least two code breakers with you until the end for paranoia’s box or the ridge
-if you’re still learning the ropes, play multiplayer or with your friends! If you die first it’s still good experience seeing them and getting practice for further rooms. Also helps with some of the monsters in general.
Hope all of this is helpful! (Sorry that its a bit wordy) 6.:}
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fymo-blogs · 27 days
Pre- Expierement Dolores Info
[Pre-Expieriment Dolores Info]
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Name: Dolores Hasha Solace
EXP-R number: 562
Crime: Attempted robbery of government documents
Mission status: Success
Notes: She is to be used as an experiment under Dr. Hasha's request.
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Dolores was born to the Solace family when Sebastian was 8. They got along like two peas in a pod.
When Sebastian was falsely accused and sentenced to death, she was devastated.
Dolores made it her life mission to prove him innocent, which resulted in her attempting to steal his case file. Unfortunately, she was caught and scentenced to 40 years.
When Urbanshade offered her an early release, she quickly accepted, not knowing what they had done to her brother.
She made it through the doors with relative ease, easily figuring out to hide from Anglers and to not look into Eyefestation's eyes. An unfortunate encounter with Good People taught her to avoid them.
When she came across Sebastian, both of them thought they recognized eachother, especially due to their names.
They passed it off as coincidence and Dolores continued on her way to the crystal.
She eventually got to the crystal and retrieved it, heading to the open.
Just before she left, she found a copy of Sebastian's file on the floor. That's when she realized he was her brother. Unfortunately, it was too late. She was tranquilized to be dragged to the main base and be used as Urbanshade's next experiment.
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YIPPEE! Trauma!
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spectator-63 · 14 days
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whatever. go my scarab~~~~~!!!
status: playing having fun :) (available for anything, im doing multiple rps at once sorry)
(blog info under the cut or somethig)
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^^ this is spectator . feel free to give it your own nicknames. some quick notes:
IT USES IT/ITS. this is both because of the companys influence and because the pronouns set just stuck. it likes being called it/its, even though it was originally dehuman(?)ization it still prefers this set. if i slip up let me know, ill do the same for you.
its often found hanging around the forklifts if not in the actual site
its ageless, closest guess being that its a young adult.
its unrecognizable to most monsters in its "expendable" form, save for sebastian. i currently dont have a design for what it usually looks like sorryyyy
it and sebastian are friends (at Least one sided) becauuuuse i say so. ok?
usually the expendables can tell when theyre being sent down with spectator, either because theyre told or because they have a strange uncomfortable feeling in their gut. it just kind of has that affect on people, unfortunately. if they dont realize, it dying and coming back as a weirdass monster that follows it around and asks questions all the time will definitely be the thing that brings it to their attention!
^^ and because it seems to be friendly around some of the monsters, namely eyefestation
has died countless times and has never gotten past 50 rooms. at least not as an expendable.
it gets into a lot of places its not supposed to. oftentimes its not even on purpose. it barely remembers any of its times escaping, though, so it didnt retain a lot of skill therefore its a lot less frequent than it was before.
yes, theres a reason it doesnt remember. yes, it knows why. no, it is not just going to say it.
and some ooc notes:
i have trouble with sentences and long paragraphs due to brain fog, PLEASE keep this in mind. i especially strugge to read small text in images.
i know like. nothing. about pressure LOL only the bare minimum that i need for this blog
im 18 but still no nsfw content please. and dont get me involved in em/eto related rps ok.
i am also plural and disabled so um. ssssorry if this is inactive sometimes
if i get any pressure lore wrong lmk 🐠🐠
i loveee full on rp please initiate rp with me its my special interest
^^ silly rp is fine too
interacts from @kirbytripledeluxe . last updated September 12 2024!
name list:
"spectator", general title given by the company. doesnt really like it but its fiiiine itll use it anyway
"goldie", from comet. loves it!!!
"many fish" and "uh person yeah" from atlas. doesn't know what these mean but it isn't opposed to them!
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cheddar-inq · 21 days
i have a feeling nobody will read this but i want to write it down somewhere in case anyone has feedback or ideas yk
ideas / story for my newest pressure oc,,,,,
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still nameless atm but its an australian kelpie that was a stray for a long time, probably around a year or two old when urbanshade decided to take it?
dumped on the streets from a backyard breeder since nobody bought it, grew up alone scavenging for food
hates being touched and hates eye contact
at some point an urbanshade employee had seen it and was eventually told to catch it for experimentation [humans cant be the only mammal turned into fish /j]
this TERRIFIED the dog and only made it more afraid, especially once the experiments were over it became extremely fear aggressive and bites or snaps at anyone that gets too close to it. this also resulted in none of the employees being all that nice to it since it was attacking them pensive emoji
was freed with all the other monsters before the lockdown and at one point killed a guardsmen after they tried to grab its collar and contain it again, lashing out in pure terror
it wanders the blacksite and does quite like swimming- its aggressive towards expendables since its fearful of any and all humans
often seen carrying around items or research, doesnt usually do much with it but occasionally has brought it to sebastian if he's nearby [typically just drops it on the floor somewhere and leaves when it doesnt feel like carrying it anymore]
sometimes expendables will hear about it or just recognize the breed and avoid eye contact, that combined with offering food [wall dweller chunks] might mean the dog gives you whatever its holding or brings you something
normally it avoids humans and does have to hide in case of anglers, its just easier to since its smaller SHSBJD
barks at everything that freaks it out, which is most things. very noisy i think the bark would sound kinda messed up, maybe like it was combined with some whale sounds kinda vibes?? do you get me???
eyefest does Not care abt it since its a. dog. clearly not a human
also i once drew imaginary friend fox [since i LOVE imaginary friend i will NOT tolerate imaginary friend slander here ok /j] so theyre besties now. doggy found the remote at some point and accidentally activated it and now theyre buddies :]
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i call imaginary friend nova soo
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blacksite-saboteur · 2 months
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(( THE SHOP IS: OPEN (but very delayed due to mod's mental health reasons) ))
Oh, hey. I'll make this quick.
My name is Sebastian, and I am just a local, selling his wares, in exchange for any research you probably stumbled upon already before getting here.
If you, for some reason, decide you want to stay for a bit and chat, then I won't stop you. I'll even try my best to answer whatever questions you might have, so long as you aren't too personal about it. As a bonus, if you buy something, I might be okay with you sticking around...maybe.
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(( This blog contains swearing, and may possibly contain mild descriptions of violence, death, or blood/gore in the future. ))
Alright, I'm gonna lay down some ground rules while I've still got your attention. Don't want things getting out of hand.
: If you decide to be weird, I'm just going to ignore you. This means don't try to get raunchy or sexual with me, got it? You can feel free to embarrass yourself all you'd like, but I'm not gonna justify your behavior with a response. Or, if I do for some reason respond, it's going to be to laugh at you.
: If you're planning on coming back, give yourself some sort of identification so I know who you are. It's just easier for me that way, I'm not good with remembering only faces. If you don't, then don't expect me to remember who you are.
: I don't work for free, understood? No payment, no service. If you try to steal from me, I'll feed you to Eyefestation.
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Any and all types of interaction (OOC, Canon, Expendable or Entity OCs, AUs, Fandom Crossovers, ETC.), including other Sebastian askblogs, is perfectly fine. Go wild. I'll try to respond to any and all asks with as detailed of replies as I can, especially roleplay asks!
If you want to interact using an AU, please send me a DM or something explaining the AU to me so I understand. I'm not magic, after all.
Headcanons may be included as this goes on, but as of right now, I don't have any specific headcanons in place yet.
This post might get updated if things change.
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You can call me either Mod, Bones, or a combination of the two. I'm perfectly alright with any pronouns except for she/her, so feel free to get creative with it. I am also a minor (16), so please keep that in mind when sending asks.
This is just a roleplay ask blog that I made for fun because I saw other people doing it recently and I love making/participating in ask blogs a lot. Unless otherwise stated, all posts will be in character, with any mod additions being written either in the tags, or in the post in double brackets.
As much as I'd like to, I don't have the motivation nor time to make a drawing for every ask, so expect to see only text posts here. (Though there's a small chance that if I really like the ask, I might make a doodle for it. Maybe.)
That's about it. Hope you enjoy talking here!
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IMAGE CREDIT LINKS: Profile Photo Banner
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z-317-b · 9 days
Hadal Blacksite – Personal Log, Dr. Raymond Finch
They had warned me, years before I joined, about how the Eyefestation had a habit of laying eggs. It was a fruitless exercise, they said. For as long as the entity had been contained at the Hadal Blacksite, the eggs had come and gone—empty, unfertilized, and ultimately dead. After all, how could they ever hatch? There were no males of her kind, not on this planet, not anywhere we knew of. So, the research staff logged each new egg as they appeared, ran the obligatory tests, and tucked them away in the storage wing with little fanfare.
This egg was no different, or so I thought.
It arrived one rainy afternoon, almost unnoticed amidst the daily chaos. My colleague, Dr. Ben Gimples, a man whose expertise bordered on obsession when it came to the Eyefestation, was the first to see it.
"It's just another dud, Finch," he said, leaning over the glowing containment pod, the dim light of the lab casting shadows over his tired features. "You don’t even need to bother running tests on it."
We both knew the protocol, though, so I did as instructed. Scans showed the same as always: an underdeveloped embryo, no signs of life. We placed it with the others, deep in the incubator chambers beneath the Blacksite, and resumed our focus on the Eyefestation itself. The creature was always more interesting than the eggs, especially when the anomaly’s moods were so volatile.
Days turned into weeks, and I nearly forgot about it—until that morning.
It was early, the labs quiet except for the hum of machinery. I was working on my notes when the alarm chimed. My heart skipped a beat—there was only one reason that alarm would go off. Either something had gone wrong, or…
I rushed to the chamber, my breath tight in my chest. Gimples was already there, his face paler than usual.
“It’s hatching,” he said, as if the words barely made sense to him. His eyes were glued to the monitor.
“That's impossible,” I stammered, stepping closer. Sure enough, the feed from the containment pod showed cracks splintering across the surface of the egg. The tiny fissures spread slowly, but deliberately, like the shell had been waiting for the perfect moment to break.
We both watched in silence, frozen with disbelief. The egg, one of dozens thought to be nothing more than a biological curiosity, was alive.
The shell broke with a sudden snap, and from within, a small, webbed paw pushed through. Then another. The creature that emerged from the shattered remnants was unlike anything I had ever seen. It had the sleek, predatory body of a shark, yet the dexterity and form of a monkey. Its eyes—wide, alert, and far too intelligent—locked onto ours through the glass. There was no mistaking its origin; this was Eyefestation’s offspring.
Gimples stepped back, muttering to himself. “No males… how could this happen? The father—there is no father.”
I couldn’t take my eyes off the thing, this strange hybrid creature, the product of an unknown union. “Maybe… maybe the father isn’t of this world,” I said softly, the only theory that made any sense.
As the creature wobbled, learning to stand on its odd, webbed paws, I felt a chill settle over me. This wasn’t just another failed experiment or an anomaly to be cataloged. This was something new—something that defied everything we knew about Eyefestation’s biology. It emitted only a faint radiation in its calm state, its purple glow barely registering on the scanners. It was safe for now, but I knew, deep down, that the balance could shift at any moment.
“What do we call it?” Gimples asked, his voice quiet.
I looked at the creature, its calm purple glow a stark contrast to the danger I knew it could present. “The Sea Monkey,” I replied, though the name felt far too simple for the implications of what we had just witnessed.
The files would show the usual: the testing logs, the radiation levels, the behavioral patterns. But none of it would capture the weight of this discovery. None of it would explain how this impossible child, a hybrid born from a creature thought to be entirely alone in the universe, had come into existence.
We both left the chamber that day knowing we had crossed a threshold into something new. Something dangerous.
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