#especial de halloween
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mockingjays2capista · 3 months ago
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-A pousada-
Especial de Halloween
Editado no Ibispaintx
Materiais retirados do Pinterest
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nekoannie-chan · 1 year ago
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Pareja: Steve Rogers X Lectora agente de S.H.I.E.L.D.
Palabras: 1049 palabras.
Sinopsis: En la noche de Halloween, cosas raras pueden suceder.
Advertencias: Demonios, alucinaciones, horror, Smut.
N/A:  Esta es mi entrada para Jaimie’s Halloween Challenge 2023 con la frase:
“El visitante inesperado.”
También puedes leerlo en Wattpad y Ao3.
         Si te gusto por favor vota, comenta y rebloguea.
No doy ningún permiso para que mis fics sean publicados en otra plataforma o idioma (yo traduzco mi propio trabajo) o el uso de mis gráficos (mis separadores de texto también están incluidos), los cuales hice exclusivamente para mis fics, por favor respeta mi trabajo y no lo robes. Aquí en la plataforma hay personas que hacen separadores de texto para que cualquiera los pueda usar, los míos no son públicos, por favor busca los de dichas personas. La única excepción serían los regalos que he hecho ya que ahora pertenecen a alguien más. Si encuentras alguno de mis trabajos en una plataforma diferente y no es alguna de mis cuentas, por favor avísame. Los reblogs y comentarios están bien.
DISCLAIMER: Los personajes de Marvel no me pertenecen (desafortunadamente), exceptuando por los personajes originales y la historia.
Anótate en mi taglist aquí.
Otros lugares donde publico: Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter.
Tags: @sinceimetyou @black23 @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @azulatodoryuga
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Tu luna de miel con Steve había sido todo lo que siempre habías soñado. Pasaron unas semanas en un lugar paradisíaco, disfrutando del sol, la arena y el amor que se tenían.
Era la última noche en ese lugar, pronto tenían que regresar a su vida cotidiana, pero eso no significaba que no la iban a disfrutar.
La luz tenue de las velas llenaba la habitación con un suave resplandor, Steve Rogers y tú estaban sentados en un sofá, tomados de las manos, hasta que él trazó círculos suaves en tu espalda con sus dedos, provocando que suspiraras suavemente.
"¿Cómo puedo ser tan afortunado de tenerte a mi lado?", susurró Steve en tu oído.
¡Diablos, él sabía como hacer que te excitaras!
Sonreíste y apoyaste la cabeza en su hombro, sintiéndote increíblemente cerca de él.
Porque soy increíble respondiste riéndote, él negó con la cabeza sin dejar de sonreír, luego inclinó la cabeza y rozó tus labios con los suyos en un beso suave y lento.
Sus manos se deslizaron por tu cintura y se posaron en tus caderas, acercándote aún más a él. Sus dedos comenzaron a recorrer suavemente los contornos de tu espalda.
Tus manos encontraron su rostro y acariciaste su mandíbula con ternura.
El dulce beso se convirtió en uno apasionado y ardiente, Steve te levantó del sofá y te llevó a la cama, sin romper el beso. Sus cuerpos se fundieron en un abrazo apasionado y se besaron con más intensidad aún. La ropa comenzó a volar por la habitación mientras tus manos exploraban el cuerpo de Steve. Él se estremeció bajo tu toque y gemidos suaves escaparon de sus labios.
Después de un rato se separaron, necesitaban tomar aire. Steve admiraba tu cuerpo desnudo, no importaba cuantas te había visto desnuda, siempre lo hacía. Él se acercó a ti y comenzó a acariciar tus pechos suavemente, haciendo que tus pezones se endurecieran bajo su toque.
Gemiste y arqueaste la espalda. Steve se agachó hacia tu pecho. Sus ojos iban de tu pecho a tu rostro, mientras sus manos te acariciaban, besó tus pechos, luego lamió sus pezones, chupando y lamiendo después de cada beso.
Luego comenzó a acariciar tu pezón con la lengua, mientras apretaba suavemente con los dedos el otro. Cerraste los ojos y te ibas a dejar que él hiciera lo que quisiera contigo. Sus labios y lengua se dirigieron a tu cintura, luego por tu estómago. Luego continuó bajando y lo que sus manos y su boca causó sensaciones indescriptibles en ti.
Lo necesitabas dentro de ti, él alzó la cabeza y con la mirada le suplicaste, enseguida entendió y te dio lo que necesitabas.
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Ahora, al estar de vuelta en casa, la emoción era por celebrar el primer Halloween como pareja casada.
Steve y tú desempacaban sus maletas y comenzaron a decorar toda la casa para la ocasión. Las calabazas, las telarañas falsas y las luces parpadeantes creaban una atmósfera.
—¡La fiesta de Stark! —dijiste de pronto.
—Había olvidado que Tony nos invitó a la fiesta de Halloween…
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Jugueteabas con el vaso en tus manos, esta vez no te estabas divirtiendo en la fiesta, quizás no habías extrañado al resto o tal vez extrañabas las vacaciones que tú y Steve tuvieron.
—¿Qué pasa? —Steve te preguntó sentándose a tu lado.
—Hay mucha gente aquí —te quejaste.
—¿Quieres regresar a casa? —conocías a lo que se refería Steve cuando usaba ese tono.
—Sabes que habrá niños tocando el timbre.
—Podemos dejar un bol afuera con dulces y que tomen los que quieran —Steve propuso, tú asentiste y se fueron del lugar.
Sin embargo, el plan de Steve no funcionó, en menos de quince minutos, el bol ya no tenía dulces, por lo que decidieron que era mejor ponerse a tallar calabazas en lo que esperaban a que fueran a pedir más dulces y así no los interrumpirían,  de pronto escucharon un golpeteo en la puerta, tal vez un poco más fuerte. Steve se encogió de hombros, pensando que eran los niños que venían a pedir dulces.
Cuando abriste la puerta, una oleada de escalofríos te recorrió de pies a cabeza. Parado frente a mí, con una sonrisa siniestra en su rostro, estaba Brock Rumlow. Estaba seguro de que Brock había muerto años atrás, pero aquí estaba, de pie en nuestra puerta.
—Brock... ¿cómo es posible? Estás muerto —balbuceaste, sin poder entender lo que estaba viendo.
Él rio suavemente, un sonido que enviaba escalofríos por mi espina dorsal. Cerraste de inmediato la puerta y te fuiste directamente a revisar las cámaras, ignorando que Steve te estaba llamando, no podía ser posible, estabas segura de lo que habías presenciado años antes y no tenía ninguna lógica lo que acababas de ver.
—¿Qué pasó —Steve te detuvo. No podías articular ninguna palabra, porque no sabías como explicar lo que había ocurrido.
—Necesito ver las cámaras —fue lo único que alcanzaste a decir y te soltaste del agarre de Steve.
Él te siguió, si era necesario, enfrentaría lo que te hubiese perturbado. Comenzaste a buscar en las grabaciones, no obstante, lo que encontraron… los dejó sin palabras.
—N-no es lo que vi —tu voz sonaba entrecortada a la vez que buscabas una explicación lógica.
—Pero, ¿qué viste? —Steve preguntó con preocupación, él tampoco podía creer lo que las cámaras mostraban.
—Pero está muerto.
—Lo sé. Había escuchado rumores de que cosas así pasaban en Halloween, pero creía que eran simples historias para asustar a los niños —comentaste sin dejar de estar asustada, simplemente porque no sabias como luchar contra lo que había aparecido.
Steve bajó, estaba decidido a enfrentar a la amenaza, abrió la puerta, pero no encontró a nadie, observó con cuidado, incluso, la calle se veía diferente, demasiado solitaria para época, no eran ni las once de la noche aún, definitivamente algo extraño estaba ocurriendo.
Veías las cámaras con atención, aunque no entendías porqué Steve no hacía nada, si el demonio estaba frente a él… fue cuando entendiste lo que ocurría…
—¡Steve cierra la puerta de inmediato y por nada la vuelvas a abrir! —gritaste, probablemente el demonio estaba intentando entrar a la casa.
Steve cerró de inmediato y volteó a verte buscando una explicación.
—Solo tenemos que esperar a que amanezca y todo volverá a la normalidad —dijiste.
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cinemedios · 1 year ago
Terror para toda la familia, 10 recomendaciones de terror poco aterradoras
🍫🍫🍿🍿🎥🎥El cine de terror no es para todos, eso esta claro, pero hoy, traemos una lista de 10 películas aptas para todo público, esas que hasta los más asustadizos pueden ver de inicio a fin. 👻👻🎃🎃🍬🍬
Sustos que darán gusto Halloween es una de las épocas más esperadas tanto por el público en general, como por los cinéfilos, los adornos, los disfraces, las fiestas, la comida, los dulces, las anécdotas paranormales y por supuesto, las películas, desde grandes clásicos hasta las producciones más experimentales, sin dejar de lado las extensas franquicias, una de las mejores partes de estas épocas…
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kuriyamanyah · 1 year ago
❜ spooky spooky ❜
it's spooky season! ou também o mês do saci pererê para os br
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⇴ r e g r a s
• Sinta-se livre para usar o desafio em outros tipos de edições, contudo, se for capa, você deve seguir as regras do site em que será utilizada.
• Lembre-se de creditar os artistas que utilizou e/ou os capistas que foram inspiração. Lembrando que “crédito aos fanartistas” não é crédito.
• Fica ao seu critério o que irá fazer com a edição.
• Também fica ao seu critério como as edições serão postadas, em um único post ou em posts diferentes.
• Apesar de ser um desafio temático de Halloween, não há data limite, edite quando estiver inspirado.
• Use a tag: #spookyspooky-challenge
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⇴ d e s a f i o s
I. palhaço branco: Um tipo de palhaço certinho, inteligente, que não vive sem o bobo, mas também está sempre pronto para enganá-lo. Antigamente, usava maquiagem branca, lantejoulas e chapéu cônico (1). Use a estética antiga do palhaço branco para compor um estilo dark, de terror ou simplesmente preto e branco!
II. vampiro: "Um fantasma sugador de sangue ou um morto-vivo". Popular em diversas crenças e no gênero do horror, existem vários tipos de vampiro e seu simbolismo está comumente ligado ao que é considerando tabu, refletindo os medos e conflitos da sociedade, como: a sexualidade, o sexo, doenças, problemas raciais, LGBTQIA+, solidão, religião, etc. Se inspire nisso para criar um edit vampirecore de primeira!
III. gótico: Se considerarmos o quão abrangente o tema é, chamá-lo de "amplo" é pouco. Logo, considere os seguintes sentidos e se aventure pelo mundo dos góticos:
1) conotativo: duro, bárbaro, coisas distintas e excêntricas.
2) literário/figurativo: gênero de prosa ficcional que envolve histórias de mistérios e terror, ambientes lugubres (castelos arruinados, passagens secretas, etc), fantasmas e entidades sobrenaturais.
3) movimento artístico: caracterizado como arte de catedrais, teve a arquitetura como principal meio. As construções eram verticais, bem iluminadas (com bastantes vãos e janelas circulares), como também tinham vitrais coloridos, arcos ogivais e abóbadas com nervuras. A escultura estava intimamente ligada à arquitetura, uma vez que eram usadas para decorar os exteriores; aqui surgiam as esculturas de gárgulas em grandes monumentos.
IV. lua: "A lua sabe..." Observador dos amantes, catalisador dos lobisomens, o sol dos vampiros e por aí vai. A lua sempre faz parte do palco das histórias de mistérios e horror, logo, destaque o astro em um edit dark, melancólico ou romance ligeiro macabro alá Tim Burton.
V.doppelgänger: palavra alemã que significa "duplo ambulante", refere-se a uma sósia não ligada biologicamente a uma pessoa viva. O famoso "gêmeo do mal", um alerta de mau presságio e por aí vai. Mas também há lendas que dizem que essas duplas estão fadadas a arruinar a vida um do outro... Ish, que edit sairá daqui?
VI. piratas: qualquer coisa para obter riqueza ou poder, seja com a ajuda de um grupo autônomo tão marginal quanto o capitão ou sendo um bando de um homem só. Há vários mistérios pelo mar, sereias, maldições e demais seres marinhos, mitológicos ou não, há sempre uma boa história de terror no mar.
b ô n u s: saci pererê: uma pequena homenagem ao nosso folclore, pois tudo pode ser terror se você jogar com as cartas certas.
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divirtam-se e feliz halloween! compartilhe para não perder ou simplesmente para ajudar a chegar em mais capistas por aí!!
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thechechogp · 3 months ago
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monicalestrange4 · 3 months ago
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🎃Especial de Halloween en mi OF!🎃 50% de dcto en toda mi tienda el 31 de octubre con el código "MONICA THE WITCH" 🧛
🎃Halloween special on my OF!🎃 50% off my entire store on October 31 with code “MONICA THE WITCH” 🧛
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hansolsticio · 4 months ago
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▶ 𝐄𝐏. 𝟎𝟏: "𝐒𝐔𝐂𝐂𝐔𝐌𝐁𝐈𝐑".
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— 𝗴𝗮𝗺𝗲 𝗺𝗼𝗱𝗲: multiplayer (𝗣𝟭: leitora × 𝗣𝟮: bang chan). — 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲: 3731. — 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: demônios e variantes, somnophilia, power play, hard sex, degradação, orgasm denial, pain kink, misticismo, spanking, dacryphilia & blasfêmia. — 𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗸: closer — nine inch nails.
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Dentre os princípios que regulam a atividade humana (ira, avareza, gula, inveja, orgulho, preguiça e luxúria) e que, inclusive, eram, de maneira muito audaciosa, nomeados como "pecados", você acreditava existir uma sétima norma responsável por reger as demais: a hipocrisia. Esse sétimo pilar é o maior responsável pela existência dos outros seis. A hipocrisia faz com que os outros "pecados" caíam sob o domínio da repressão que, por sua vez, os torna mais cobiçados ainda — o peso de um "não" faz com que a ideia do que poderia acontecer através de um "sim" digna de obsessão.
Repressão e vontade são faces de uma mesma moeda e você sempre sentiu muita satisfação em saber disso. Especialmente porque um dos princípios que regem os humanos é responsável por te mover. A luxúria é alvo muitas interpretações divergentes. Uns descartam o quão prejudicial ela pode ser devido ao seu caráter temporário — se comparada aos outros pecados —, outros a veem como uma instância muito fraca devido a sua mutabilidade: há até a crença de que a luxúria poderia transicionar e tornar-se amor.
Todas essas hipóteses em nada te afetavam. A Luxúria só te servia para uma coisa: te alimentar. E é por isso que você voltava mais uma vez ao mundo humano...
As três velas dispostas em cantos distintos do cômodo bem como a ausência de espelhos ou de qualquer objeto refletivo explicitavam que ele talvez fosse habituado com esse tipo de situação. Seja por devoção ao Asmodeus ou por ter Lilith como patrona, Chris parecia saber receber bem as suas visitas.
Os nomes deles eram a única informação que lhe era dada antes que fosse consumar qualquer ritual. O peso de saber o nome de alguém era inigualável — especialmente quando se é um demônio.
Sentia-se pulsar só de encarar o corpo grande em cima da cama. Estava quente e dolorosamente vazia, a fome irradiava num calafrio teimoso pelo seu ventre. Machucava. Fazia com que você tivesse vontade de se curvar. Precisava desesperadamente de alívio. Precisava levar tudo de Chris. Ele quem te chamou até ali, então ele que lidasse com as consequências das próprias escolhas.
Não era costumeiro que se importasse com a aparência física daqueles que te invocavam, mas era inegável que o homem era atraente. O corpo forte te fazia pensar que talvez ele duraria por mais tempo que a maioria, seria prazeroso destruir cada célula de resistência dele, uma a uma.
Um cobertor fino adornava a cintura do homem. Ele suava, parecia desconfortável com a temperatura do cômodo. Você jogou o tecido de canto, não se surpreendendo ao encontrá-lo completamente nu. Chris não decepcionou suas previsões: era forte e grande em todos os aspectos. O pau semi-ereto fez suas pupilas dilatarem, queria brincar. Não perdeu tempo, abaixando-se entre as pernas dele. Esfregou o narizinho conta as coxas do homem, selando a carne firme logo em seguida. Arrastou os lábios desde as bolas pesadas até a glande rubra.
Levantou os olhos, mas Chris ainda não havia despertado. Agarrou a extensão com as duas mãozinhas. Roçou a bochecha contra a cabecinha, bateu no próprio rostinho com ele — completamente obscena. Finalmente mamou a glande com fome, não ficaria surpresa se já estivesse gotejando de tanto se molhar a esta altura. Fechou as pálpebras, abocanhando mais da extensão, forçava a cabeça para baixo — queria engolir tudo. Movia-se inquieta tentando apertar as perninhas, estava praticamente de quatro no colchão, era uma tarefa difícil.
Os receptores sensíveis notaram quando a energia do quarto se alterou, a promiscuidade no ambiente não era mais só sua — Chris havia acordado. Quis levantar para olhá-lo, porém foi empurrada mais para baixo por duas mãos fortes. Mal engasgou, habituada com a sensação. Mamou com mais fome ainda agora que a luxúria dissipada pelo homem começava a te alimentar. A boquinha percorria toda a extensão, deixava a saliva escorrer. Ele grunhia, puxando os fios do seu cabelo totalmente desmedido.
O gostinho de porra fazia seus olhos revirarem, enfiou uma das mãos no meio das pernas, massageando o clitóris sensível da melhor forma que podia. Retirou-o da boca só para cuspir na pontinha, masturbando a extensão ao que finalmente conseguiu olhar para o homem. Chris tinha a cabeça jogada para trás, dava para ver o pomo-de-adão se movimentando sem controle. Ele espasmava na sua mão, as veias abundantes deixavam claro o que estava por vir. Colocou-o de volta na boca, sugava a cabecinha, batendo uma apertadinha no restante.
Gemia para si própria, impaciente. Queria logo. Precisava engolir tudinho, era uma necessidade fisiológica. Massageou as bolas pesadinhas e foi o suficiente para fazê-lo esporrar na sua boca. Seu corpinho tremeu, sorvendo o semên espesso com devoção. Obcecada pelo gostinho meio amargo, quase não foi capaz de tirá-lo da sua boca, sendo praticamente obrigada pelo homem que precisou te puxar pelo cabelo.
"Você demorou...", ele murmurou. Os olhos estavam fechados e a boca sustentava um sorriso meio grogue. Você não se deu ao trabalho de responder, levantou-se arteira, sentando no abdômen marcadinho. As orbes afiadas o encaravam como se você estivesse prestes a devorá-lo.
Rebolou a cintura, aproveitando o contato gostoso dos gominhos tímidos com seu íntimo molhado. Abriu-se mais por puro instinto, esfregando o pontinho carente com mais força. Apertou os próprios peitos, beliscando e maltratando os biquinhos de um jeito delicioso. A cabeça pendia para os lados, praticamente cavalgando em cima do homem.
Christopher parecia hipnotizado, assistia você se satisfazer totalmente depravada, como se ele sequer estivesse ali — como se fosse indigno de sua atenção. As mãos grandes envolveram sua cintura, mas você foi rápida em afastá-las de você. Fez questão de machucá-lo com as garrinhas pontiagudas, detestava brinquedinhos libertinos. Ao contrário do que ele provavelmente estava pensando, Chris estava ali para te servir — não o inverso.
Estava prestes a liberar os próprios feromônios, precisava deles para colocá-lo à sua mercê. Porém foi jogada em cima da cama num só empurrão. A cadeia de fatos que resultou em você de bruços no colchão com Chris sentado em cima das suas coxas virou um borrão na sua cabeça. Os olhinhos arregalados encarava a cabeceira, cogitou virar a cabeça para trás, mas seus cabelos foram agarrados no mesmo instante, suspendendo seu tronco para fora do estofado. Começava a se sentir perturbada, era como se ele previsse, como se...
"Não é minha primeira vez, _____.", disse com escárnio. A menção tão casual ao seu verdadeiro nome te fez travar, entrou em pânico — não sabia como prosseguir. "Achei que um demônio reconhecesse outro.", ele acrescentou em meio a um risinho sinistro, um calafrio cortou sua espinha. Precisava ir embora.
O corpo grande se debruçou em cima do seu, a respiração quente agora batia na sua nuca. Pela primeira vez em todos os seu séculos de existência, sentiu-se vulnerável. Não tinha ideia do que o homem era capaz de fazer com você.
"Que foi? Assustou? Faz assim não... abre as perninhas, abre.", o timbre grave fez você se molhar, mesmo aterrorizada. Estava presa num limbo confuso, se fosse humana talvez não se sentisse assim, mas o caráter sórdido da situação fazia seu corpinho de demônio queimar de desejo. No fim das contas, tudo em você já havia sido corrompido. "Não é um pedido.", alertou, o pau meladinho roçando contra a carne da sua bunda. Você não viu outra saída senão obedecer, espaçando as pernas para deixar que ele se abrigasse no meio delas.
"Espera, vo-"
"Cê 'tá aqui 'pra eu te usar, não tá?", foi interrompida no segundo que decidiu falar, Chris fez questão de firmar ainda mais o aperto nos fios. "Então fica quietinha.", não esperou que você respondesse. Para ele, a resposta era afirmativa. Fim de conversa.
Um miadinho deixou seus lábios quando ele forçou para entrar, ficava apertadinha nessa posição. O homem não pareceu se importar, socava fundo, indo devagarinho para ser capaz de sentir o jeito que você apertava — era como se não quisesse deixá-lo sair.
Você não pensava mais. Porra, claro que não. Tornava-se uma vadiazinha obcecada por pau no segundo em que tinha um encaixadinho em você. Foda-se que era a porcaria de um demônio em cima do seu corpo nesse momento. Não se importava com as consequências, só queria gozar gostoso. A carne latejava por isso, estava longe de se livrar da dor que a fome causava. Se preciso fosse, morreria por isso também — dada sua natureza, não haviam outras opções.
Chris parecia tão sendento quanto, o quadril batia contra a sua bunda sem piedade alguma. Assistia à suas tentativas patéticas de rebolar contra ele, a cinturinha não tinha força alguma para ser páreo contra o peso do corpo masculino. Socou com mais força, fazendo questão de enfiar até a base — te deixaria larguinha se era isso que você queria.
"Você gosta tanto assim?", o questionamento saiu meio ofegante. Um gemidinho manhoso foi tudo o que você foi capaz de oferecer como resposta. O homem riu em desdenho. "É patético como a classe de vocês é inferior. Lilith deveria treinar as cadelinhas dela melhor.", o tom era degradante. A ofensa deveria ser suficiente para pisar no seu ego, mas já se sentia tão estúpida para gozar que mal tinha certeza do que ouviu.
Com muito esforço conseguiu colocar a mãozinha em baixo do próprio corpo. Os dedinhos desesperados esfregaram o clitóris com força. Massageava, apertava, até mesmo beliscava na tentativa de se fazer chegar lá, mas nada surtia efeito. Estava presa na borda, sentia o aperto gostoso do orgasmo bem no meio do seu ventre. Porra, queria tanto isso... era absurdo, mas queria tanto gozar pro pau de outro demônio, queria melar ele inteirinho
"Não percebeu ainda, putinha?", o homem interrompeu seus devaneios. Outra vez, se melou mais com o timbre dominante. "Você não goza. Não até eu deixar.", esclareceu.
Porra, não, não. Isso não.
Não teria como ele ser capaz de fazer algo assim, teria? Era injusto. Não fazia sentido.
"Vai dar 'pra mim caladinha até quando eu quiser. Não é isso que vocês fazem?", forçou sua cabeça contra o colchão ao que se retirou do seu buraquinho. Você quis chorar, bater nele, foder sua bucetinha com os dedos até gozar por conta própria... tudo ao mesmo tempo. O peso de um orgasmo arruinado machucava mais do que deveria. Era patético o jeito que seus buraquinhos se apertavam, carentinhos, precisavam de qualquer coisa.
Ele te virou com a mesma força que usou anteriormente. Sequer olhava na direção, as mãos abrindo suas pernas de um jeito rude — como se você não passasse de uma buceta que ele estava prestes a usar. Tudo nele causava desejo na sua cabecinha depravada. E agora que tinha noção da verdadeira natureza de Chris, sentia-se curiosa com o fato dele falar de maneira tão secular — a forma humana escolhida por ele deveria ter a personalidade mais resistente do que aparentava. Duvidava de tudo, da maneira com a qual ele conseguiu te trazer até ali, do fato de você não ter percebido antes, duvidava até mesmo se o nome dele era mesmo 'Chris'...
Tão grosseiro quanto antes, enfiou-se de uma vez só. Você se perdia no rosto austero, tenso, como se te odiasse, como se sentisse nojo de você. Não pôde deixar de rir baixinho, apertando-se com o quão gostosas todas as circunstâncias faziam aquilo parecer. Chris forçou seu pescoço para baixo num movimento só, cortando parte do seu ar. Seus olhinhos foram parar atrás da cabeça, choramingando burrinha de tesão.
"Quer que eu pare, hm?"
"N-não... Chris, eu... mais...", as palavras saíram entrecortadas, incapaz de se expressar com coerência.
"Fala direito comigo então. 'Tá agindo como se nunca tivesse dado a porra da buceta.", rude. Seu buraquinho se apertou mais. Arrepiava-se, a pele queimava. "Tá assim porque quer gozar, é?", bingo. "Caralho, eu sei... dói 'pra cacete, não dói? É uma delícia.", sussurrava embriagado, agora ia lentinho. Um sorriso maldoso adornou os lábios grossos. "Quer descobrir uma coisa, vadia?", outra vez, não te deixou responder: "Dói mais ainda se eu te deixar sem nada...", retirou-se num movimento só e foi como se tivessem levado um pedaço da sua própria carne. A sensação de vazio fazia sua visão ficar turva, era quase desesperador — e totalmente antinatural, deveria ser feito do outro demônio presente.
"Espera! Espera... Não-", a garganta coçava com a sensação, tudo em você agora parecia dependente daquilo. "Chris! Chris, porra... por favor...", engasgava-se com as próprias palavras, forçando o quadril contra o nada, incapaz de fazê-lo entrar outra vez.
"Você é uma puta tão patética, nem dá 'pra ser chamada de demônio.", zombou ao que ria do seu estado. "Que porra de súcubo que fica burra por pica, hein? Não faz o menor sentido.", entrou mais uma vez e você jura que quis chorar com o quão delicioso foi tê-lo de volta. Não sabe que porra de poder ele tinha, mas ia acabar de te matando se não fosse capaz de impedir. Queria raciocinar, mas quase se babou inteira com o jeito que o pau gostoso estava abrindo sua entradinha. Inferno, jurava nunca ter sido comida tão bem assim — se pudesse foderia com outros demônios pelo resto dos seus dias.
Entretanto, precisava voltar a si. Mostrar a que veio. Seria enxotada pelo Asmodeus se ele ao menos cogitasse que isso aconteceu e que, muito pior, você se deixou ser usada — droga, provavelmente nem sobreviveria para ser expurgada. Resolveu voltar ao princípio, se liberasse feromônios suficientes talvez fosse capaz de sair dessa situação. Só precisava ser rápida, só...
"Tenta qualquer gracinha e eu acabo contigo.", a ameaça veio acompanhada de um tapa firme no rosto. Seus olhinhos reviraram. "Te mando arruinada 'pro seu mestre, nem que 'pra isso eu tenha que te arrastar pelos nove infernos.", rosnou as palavras, acertando um tapa do outro lado ao que sentiu você espasmar. Estava definitivamente estúpida, choramingando com a ardência gostosa que sentia na pele machucada. "Porra, quer gozar até quando apanha... Que brinquedo de merda que você é. Não serve nem 'pra isso.", desdenhou. Porém você estava distante. Reduzida a nada, envergonhava a própria espécie. Não racionava, mal ouvia, sequer respirava.
A visão turva fez um péssimo trabalho em te deixar ver o momento no qual ele se aproximou novamente. O nariz foi pressionado contra a pele do seu pescoço, arrastou-se pela pele quente sondando seu cheiro como um animal faminto. Sentiu a língua áspera rastejando por ali logo em seguida, o corpo inteiro encolheu-se, os olhinhos reviraram mais uma vez. Chris grunhia, parecia mostrar apreciação pelo gosto do seu suor.
Era confuso. Sentia-se cheia e drenada ao mesmo tempo. Não aguentava um mais segundo sequer, porém precisava que ele te libertasse, que te desse o que você tanto ansiava. Queria que Chris acabasse com aquilo de uma vez, que fizesse doer. A cabeça movia-se de um jeito inerte na tentativa de acompanhar os movimentos da boca dele.
O homem soltou seus pulsos, a destra pressionou seu baixo-ventre contra o colchão — um esforço inútil, não é como se você pudesse se mexer. A canhota esfregou seu íntimo sem delicadeza, estava encharcada, a entradinha minava uma mistura de líquidos diferentes. Tentou fechar as perninhas, mas o corpo grande no meio delas te impediu. Chris moveu a mão com mais velocidade após sua tentativa, fazia um barulho pegajoso, nojento. Ele sorriu ao te ver tremendo, as mãozinhas molengas indo até os pulsos do homem, forçando as unhas afiadas contra a carne.
Queria chorar, a garganta arranhava no ímpeto de implorar por clemência, mas não o faria — não era da sua natureza, sequer sabia como fazê-lo. Queria ele longe de você. Queria ele dentro de você.Te tomando, te enchendo de tanta luxúria até que você não fosse mais capaz de raciocinar. As pernas abriram-se, forçou o quadril para cima com a força restante que tinha, ofereceu-se mais uma vez. Precisava de mais. Mais um pouco.
"Vai deixar eu acabar com você, não vai?", o timbre cortou seu corpo num arrepio. A glande avantajada roçou contra as dobrinhas maltratadas. E você sorriu. Droga, parecia certo. Só sorriu, completamente mole. Chris soltou um risinho anasalado. "É a puta mais burra que eu já comi.", entrou de uma só vez, como se te punisse pelo seu comportamento. Novamente, você quis se curvar com o impacto, mas a mão que pesava no meio do seu corpo não te deixava sair do lugar.
Caiu totalmente fraca no colchão quando ele voltou a estocar, balançava junto com o movimento. Parecia não acostumar, ele te abria gostoso 'pra caralho. A boquinha já abria novamente para gemer, os lábios tão secos quanto a garganta. Tentou forçar a bucetinha por conta própria, estava embriagada de prazer, mas não parecia suficiente. As mãos dele te agarraram pela cintura, suspendendo parte do seu corpo para fora do colchão. Movia-o como bem queria, fodendo contigo sozinho, como se fosse um brinquedo.
Era rude, o impacto fazia sua pele arder. Sentia-se tão perto da borda, todos os músculos do seu corpo se contraíam. Mas conseguia ver no sorrisinho dele o quão longe do alívio você estava. Patética, queria chorar. Qualquer resquício de força parecia deixar seu corpo, estava mole, totalmente maleável. Só notou os próprios olhinhos se fechando quando recebeu um tapinha no rosto.
"Não desmaia, porra. Aguenta.", ele cuspiu entre-dentes, impiedoso.
"Chris... eu tô- hm...", praticamente soluçou. Estava tão certa de que iria gozar que quase chorou quando sentiu a sensação se afastar novamente. Os olhos arderam, a boquinha tremeu — merda, não, não, não! Não podia. Era a porra de um demônio. Agir como uma humana ridícula e quebrada te colocaria num dos níveis mais baixos dentro de qualquer categoria. Significaria assinar seu atestado de fraqueza. Mas se sentia tão rendida à sensação, só precisava...
Levou uma das mãozinhas fracas até os seus seios. Tontinha de tanto tesão, ansiava por qualquer estímulo. Beliscou os biquinhos, recolhendo a própria saliva para esfregar contra os a carne macia. A entradinha pulsava, sentia ela vazar. Mesmo tão cheinha, parecia não ser suficiente. A mão grande circulou seu pescoço novamente, você sabia o que estava por vir. Os olhinhos se apertaram assim que Chris esporrou mais uma vez, era quente demais, se arrepiou inteirinha. Sua cabeça girava só de pensar, tinha tanto dentro de você... sentia o fluido pegajoso escorrendo entre as suas pernas.
O corpo agiu por conta própria, levou os dedinhos até o clitóris sensível, estimulando-o sem ter dó. Ignorou o aperto contra o seu pescoço ao que se fodeu contra o falo pesado dentro de você. Agia do jeitinho que Chris havia te descrito, como uma cadela desesperada. A língua escapava para fora da boca, quase babava, choramingando uma série de palavras desconexas. Comportava-se de uma maneira desprezível. Convulsionava por prazer, por tesão, por não ser mais capaz de suportar... não sabia.
"Porra, Chris... deixa... deixa eu- Ah!"
Ele debruçou-se por cima de você, o rosto agora próximo, a mão ainda no seu pescoço — fodia como se não sentisse nada.
"Deixar o quê, sua puta do caralho?", se fez de desentendido, quase rosnando as palavras contra o seu rosto.
"Seu- hm! filho da puta... seu- porra, eu vou acabar contigo...", sequer sabia mais o que falava. Sentia raiva, queria torturá-lo da pior forma, tirar qualquer resquício de 'vida' existente dentro do corpo dele. "Gozar, porra, me deixa gozar...", choramingou, os dedos esfregando o pontinho sensível com mais força. Chris gargalhou, você era ridícula.
"Eu 'tô deixando, não tô?", desdenhou. Socou o pau com mais força ainda, ia fundo, machucando o buraquinho com gosto. "Anda, _____. Goza vai.", ordenou, tendo a plena consciência de que ainda te impedia.
Um senso de fúria te encheu, detestava ser alvo de escárnio — aquilo feria seu orgulho da pior maneira. Quando foi capaz de perceber, já estapeava o rosto acima do seu. Descontrolada, arrastava as unhas afiadas pelas costas dele com força. Chris sequer se movia, o risinho insistente ainda zombava de toda a situação. As sobrancelhas do homem franziram ao sentir um tapa mais severo no rosto — e você definitivamente não era fraca —, a cabeça dele caiu para frente. Você gemeu ao senti-lo te encher pela enésima vez.
"Porra de puta gostosa...", grunhiu baixinho, ainda sentindo os efeitos do próprio orgasmo. Seu corpo amoleceu ao que praticamente experienciou o prazer junto com ele. Era a parte mais desalentadora de ser um súcubo, um orgasmo é a expressão mais elevada de luxúria — a sensação te embriagava todas as vezes. "Bate de novo, vagabunda.", ordenou, mas sua mente lerdinha não foi capaz de processar. "Bate, porra! Tô mandando.", soltou seu pescoço, balançando seu rostinho com uma das mãos. Você finalmente obedeceu, acertando o rosto dele num só lance — Chris não pareceu impressionado. "Mais forte.", murmurou. Outra tentativa, a cabeça fraquinha só conseguia se concentrar na porra dele escorrendo para fora de você e ele não demorou a notar. "Cacete, você é tão estúpida...", sussurrou com escárnio "Bate direito e eu te faço gozar. Anda.", sabia que agora você era incapaz de negar.
Respirou fundo tentando agrupar algum pensamento coerente. Dessa vez, pesou a mãozinha, batendo com toda a força que tinha. O impacto fez o homem tombar o rosto, sorrindo satisfeito. Você também não deixou passar despercebido o jeitinho que o pau dele espasmou, liberando mais um pouco do líquido viscoso. Sua buceta se apertou toda carentinha, molhou-se ainda mais, porém sequer tinha espaço para vazar a lubrificação quentinha. Olhou-o em forma de súplica, sentia o ventre arder. Doía de tanta vontade...
Chris tomou seus lábios num solavanco. A língua serpenteou para dentro da sua boca de um jeito caloroso, fazia a garganta queimar. Seu rosto ardia com o sal das próprias lágrimas. Estava liberta, finalmente. Era excruciante, sentia o homem rastejando dentro de cada parte do seu corpo. Sentia-se pertencente a ele e isso não era, de maneira alguma, natural. Mas era tão... gostoso, gostoso 'pra caralho. Sim, era muito mais do que você podia suportar. Não conseguia respirar, sugando desesperadamente a língua do homem acima de você. A saliva escorrendo pelos cantos dos lábios, por mais que você tentasse engolir cada gotinha.
O corpo parecia envolvido por um líquido gelatinoso e quente.
A mente se apagava e talvez...
Só talvez.
Você não acordasse outra vez.
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# — © 2024 hansolsticio ᯓ★ masterlist.
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retro-frikianos · 2 months ago
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crisalizmo · 9 months ago
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# continuación... ❛ ¿No me digas que eres el gracioso del grupo? — señala a Garma & Ryu mientras se ríe de manera sarcástica ❛ Supongo que muchos dones no debes tener — se encoge de hombros sin quitarle la mirada de encima ❛ Tengo muchas otras cosas más importantes que estar prohibiéndole la entrada a niños como tú — no puede evitar ponerse a la defensiva, tampoco quiere iniciar una pelea, Doyun no es ese tipo de personas pero la mención de la chica le provoca algo, quizá una emoción que no quiere aceptar en esos momentos ❛ No voy a permitir que hables con Jinsol, si vienen a tocar y Daon lo permite, lo hacen y se van, punto. —
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Ryu intenta hacerle señas a Garam para que se calle, no tiene ganas de marcharse antes de tocar, la fiesta se ve increíble y tiene ganas de ver a Jinsol y felicitarle personalmente ❛ Creo que necesitamos relajarnos un poco ¿no creen? — mirada recorre a cada uno de los allí presentes, finalizando en Daon ❛ Tampoco necesitas ponerte en modo matón, a menos que quieras que me ponga modo niño rico... — trata de sonar inocente pero lo cierto es que puede que sea una amenaza, pues su paciencia empieza a disminuir y, a pesar de ser la parte racional de aquel dúo, no piensa dejarse ❛ Mira, no prometo mucho pero tratare de evitar que Garam se acerque a la barra ¿de acuerdo? Es más, Garam, dile que no beberás por la garrita — está vez mira a su amigo intentando no reírse, regresándole la broma. ( @tsvbavsa )
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o-profeta-diario · 1 year ago
EDIÇÃO ESPECIAL DE HALLOWEEN: Lobisomens na Floresta Proibida: Entre a Sombra e o Pavor
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por Matheus M. Winters, Estágiario.
No coração de Hogwarts, onde a magia se entrelaça com a natureza, ergue-se a imponente Floresta Proibida. Esta vastidão de árvores antigas e sombras densas é o lar de criaturas mágicas e mistérios que desafiam a compreensão humana. Entre esses enigmas, um se destaca em sua infame notoriedade: a lenda dos Lobisomens.
À medida que o crepúsculo mergulha a floresta em uma penumbra inquietante, os sons da noite ganham uma sinistra harmonia. Uivos distantes ecoam sob a lua cheia, prenunciando a chegada das temíveis criaturas. Diz-se que, quando a lua está no auge de seu esplendor, os Lobisomens emergem das profundezas da floresta, transformando-se de homens em bestas.
A maldição que assola esses seres é um dos segredos mais bem guardados da magia, envolto em um véu de mistério e pavor. Durante a transformação, os Lobisomens perdem temporariamente a sua humanidade, cedendo ao instinto primal de caça. Suas garras afiadas e olhos ferozes são os vestígios visíveis de uma luta desesperada contra a fera interior.
Enquanto a lenda dos Lobisomens se perpetua, a Floresta Proibida permanece como uma fronteira enigmática, desafiando os aventureiros a explorarem seus recantos sombrios. Contudo, é imperativo lembrar que a coragem muitas vezes dá lugar à sensatez quando confrontada com a realidade aterradora dos Lobisomens.
O Ministério da Magia, ciente dos perigos que residem na floresta, impôs limites mágicos ao seu redor, mantendo os estudantes e curiosos à distância. No entanto, à luz da lua cheia, os uivos ainda ecoam pelas paredes de Hogwarts, um lembrete de que nem todas as criaturas mágicas são domesticadas, e nem todos os segredos são completamente conhecidos.
Os mais destemidos entre nós, munidos de varinhas e coragem, já se aventuraram nas bordas da Floresta Proibida em busca de um vislumbre fugaz dessas criaturas misteriosas. No entanto, a experiência é sempre acompanhada por um sentimento inquietante de que a fronteira entre o seguro e o desconhecido é uma linha tênue e traiçoeira.
À medida que o Halloween se aproxima, o mistério que envolve a Floresta Proibida e seus habitantes lupinos parece mais palpável do que nunca. À noite, as sombras dançam e os galhos das árvores sussurram segredos antigos, alimentando a lenda que permeia os corredores de Hogwarts.
Nesta noite de festividades e sustos, convidamos todos a refletirem sobre a lenda dos Lobisomens e a respeitar os limites que a magia impõe sobre a natureza. Que todos possam celebrar com segurança, cientes de que as sombras na Floresta Proibida abrigam mistérios que a mente humana mal pode conceber.
Que o Halloween seja uma noite de emoções intensas e mistérios insondáveis, e que todos permaneçam a salvo das garras da escuridão que espreita na Floresta Proibida. Que a magia e o mistério se entrelacem, criando uma noite que jamais será esquecida
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hoshifighting · 3 months ago
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       hoshi + playboy bunny
WARNINGS: +18, smut, halloween party both reader and hoshi are dressed as playboy bunny's, fingering, crying, penetrative sex, protected sex, all fours, riding, overstimulation, aftercare, mingyu give reader encouragement, crush!hoshi, squirting, he calls reader bunny.
“really playboy bunny? don’t you think this is too outdated?” you mutter, eyeing the little white pompom on your butt that sways every time you turn. you’re leaning forward at the mirror, tilting your head, lips pursed, wondering if this whole thing might just be too much. or maybe it’s not enough.
“y/n, every guy goes wild for this costume. it’s like... an unspoken rule.” mingyu’s sprawled across your bed, flicking through his phone, looking up just to roll his eyes. “especially if we’re talking about hoshi. dude practically loses his mind over anything with ears and a tail.”
you snort, shaking your head as you tug at the bodysuit, adjusting it for the hundredth time. “maybe he’ll just find it hilarious that i look like a bunny roadkill with ears sticking up like this.”
“nah, you look ridiculous in the best way.” he grins, propping himself up and giving you a once-over. “if you’re worried, i’ll lend you my jacket for the ride there. gotta protect my favorite attention magnet.”
that earns him a middle finger as you step back, but secretly, the idea of having mingyu’s huge jacket draped over you makes you feel a little more… armored. it’s one thing to strut around like this in the mirror, but another entirely when you’re gonna be walking into a party full of his friends, all of whom you know aren’t above throwing a snarky comment or two.
the cab ride to the party is a whole other level of weird. mingyu’s jacket hangs heavy on you, smelling like his cologne, like he’s smothering you in that woodsy scent that, admittedly, is kinda comforting. “feel like i’m cosplaying you,” you laugh, crossing your legs and watching his reflection as he watches you.
“yeah, yeah, just wait till we get there. you’re gonna be the highlight of the night,” he says, leaning back, eyes on you, like he’s planning something you don’t know about yet.
finally, you’re standing outside the house party, which is already buzzing loud enough you can feel the bass thumping up through the driveway. you hesitate for a sec, knowing the second you step inside, that jacket’s coming off. mingyu nudges you with an elbow, grinning.
it’s like a reveal, honestly. the minute you slip out of his jacket, it’s a ripple effect—heads turning, eyes widening, and then, just for a sec, silence falls across the group near the door. like the scene pauses for just one breath, and then someone’s like, “oh damn, y/n really came out tonight.”
mingyu just rolls his eyes and puts a hand on your shoulder, a little too casual, like he’s trying to ground you. “get your eyes off my friend, you creeps,” he laughs, but there’s a glint of pride there too, like he’s proud he dragged you out of your comfort zone.
and that’s when you see him—hoshi. he’s across the room, talking to some guy, laughing, and it takes you a second to realize he’s wearing…
bunny ears too.
only hoshi would have the audacity to go full playboy bunny, with the bow tie and all, shirtless, and he’s grinning, completely unbothered, his gaze wandering until he finally, finally spots you.
his grin freezes, and there’s a split second where you see his eyes drag down from your ears to your bodysuit, to the pompom swaying on your butt, and then back up to meet your eyes. and the look he gives you? god, it’s something straight out of a bad rom-com. he’s laughing, clearly in disbelief, mouthing something like “no way,” shaking his head. but then he just goes, “y/n? really?” crossing the room, and the grin on his face makes you feel like maybe you’ve outdone yourself.
“don’t laugh!” you say, smirking, and crossing your arms, even though the movement makes your boobs practically spill out of the bodysuit.
there’s no denying hoshi’s gaze keeps wandering, landing just below your face, like he’s trying not to be obvious about it and failing spectacularly.
his eyes are practically sparkling, and he’s already pulling you in, wrapping his arms around you in that way only he does, with that ridiculous amount of warmth and ease.
“you look insane!” he murmurs, his lips brushing your cheek as he plants a quick kiss there, his bare chest pressing against you. you barely have a moment to react before mingyu’s strolling up behind him, still holding that jacket he promised, but instead of handing it to you, he pauses, raises a brow, and gives hoshi a smirk. then, without missing a beat, he does the oldest, dirtiest gesture in the book—index finger slipping through a circle he makes with his other hand, his eyes meeting yours with this knowing, wicked look. and god, you can feel the heat rush straight to your cheeks.
hoshi chuckles, and he glances back at mingyu, he catches it, and his eyes go wide, cheeks flushing in that cute, bashful way that’s so him. “mingyu, dude, could you be more obvious?” he laughs.
“i mean, come on,” mingyu shrugs, crossing his arms and nodding at you. “you don’t get all dolled up like this for no reason, right? thought you might as well go all the way.”
you laugh, nudging hoshi’s shoulder as he pulls back slightly, still not quite letting go. “yeah, yeah, keep it up, mingyu, and i’ll start charging for every stare you throw my way.”
hoshi grins, leaning in closer, his voice dropping a little. “they might actually make some cash tonight,” he teases, nudging your hip playfully looking at his friends in the corner, his gaze still locked on yours, even as mingyu scoffs and steps back, giving you both a moment of space.
“oh, please, hoshi,” you mutter, trying to keep your equilibrium. “you’re staring just as much as they are, don’t even pretend.”
“can you blame me?” he says, eyes drifting down before they snap back up to yours. “i mean, i didn’t expect this level of… commitment,” he smirks, giving you an exaggerated once-over, his fingers toying with the little bit of fluff on your bunny ears. “you’re really going all in, huh?”
“well, it was either this or come as a pirate,” you reply, shrugging, though you’re hyper-aware of how close he is. “but i figured you’d like this more.”
he raises an eyebrow, leaning in even closer, his voice a conspiratorial whisper, “oh, i do. believe me. i mean, you’re practically a professional bunny now. we might have to get you a part-time gig at some club or something.”
“ha! you’d like that, wouldn’t you?” you tease back, nudging him, but your voice has this slight waver that you can’t quite control, because he’s watching you with this intent, focused look, like he’s memorizing every little detail.
“you have no idea,” he murmurs, the look in his eyes suddenly serious, like he’s not even joking. he lets his gaze linger on you, his teeth pulling at his bottom lip just slightly, and it’s impossible to ignore the warmth blooming in your chest.
“are you gonna keep staring all night, or do i get to enjoy this party?” you finally say, raising an eyebrow, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.
he grins, leaning back just slightly, though his hand finds your waist, steadying you as the crowd around you shifts. “oh, i’ll stop staring, sure—right after i get my dance,” he says, voice playful again, but his eyes are still so fixed on you. “come on, you owe me one for showing up looking like that.”
“oh, you think i owe you?” you laugh, folding your arms, but before you know it, hoshi’s pulling you toward the dance floor, his hand warm on your back, guiding you through the crowd. he’s animated, so full of energy, laughing and joking as he leads you, and there’s this playful tension between you, like he’s daring you to match his pace.
once you’re in the thick of it, surrounded by bodies moving and music thumping, he spins you around, catching you off guard as he pulls you closer, his hands landing on your hips. “so… what’s the story here?” he says, voice hardly audible over the music, but his eyes are sparkling with curiosity. “is this all for fun, or is there, i don’t know, something more going on?”
“hoshi, please,” you roll your eyes, though you’re grinning, and you can’t stop yourself from leaning into him. “you really think i’d go through all this trouble for just anyone?”
he laughs, clearly pleased with himself, and there’s this smug little tilt to his smile. “so… just for me, then?” he raises an eyebrow, and you can tell he’s enjoying this way too much, practically reveling in it.
“maybe,” you shrug, though you’re fully aware of how close his hands are to the edge of your bodysuit, and the way his thumbs trace small circles on your waist is definitely not helping your focus. “guess you’ll have to keep wondering.”
“oh, that’s cold, y/n...” he says, laughing.
the music’s pulsing, and after a couple more songs, you’re breathless, finally pulling back just a little to catch your breath. “so… you planning on letting me go any time soon?” you say, grinning up at him.
hoshi just shakes his head, his hand holding onto yours and tugging you back in. “you think i’m letting someone as hot as you walk around here alone?” he says, pouting a little, his gaze dipping over you one more time, like he can’t help himself. you laugh, rolling your eyes, but it doesn’t stop that little thrill in your chest, the way he looks at you.
it’s around then that you feel a light tap on your shoulder, and when you turn, chan’s there, his usual grin stretched wide. “hey, y/n,” he greets, eyes flicking over to hoshi before he gently nudges him aside with a laugh. hoshi just shakes his head, moving back a bit, arms crossed as he watches, but that little smile doesn’t leave his face.
“hey, chan,” you say, leaning against the wall, still feeling that buzzing energy from dancing with hoshi. chan’s energy is a little lighter, a little easier, and it’s somehow refreshing. he leans close, resting one arm on the wall beside you, talking animatedly about something that happened earlier with mingyu, his other hand occasionally landing on your shoulder or arm. his fingers linger a little longer every time, but it’s friendly enough—though maybe a bit more touchy than usual.
you catch hoshi’s gaze from across the room, watching as his eyes narrow, the subtle flick of his jaw as he takes a long sip from his drink, looking way too calm. he’s still keeping that sharp eye on chan, like he’s waiting for him to do something worth stepping in for.
chan’s mid-sentence when you turn, pointing out the fluffy pompom on the back of your outfit. “look, they even gave me the tail and everything,” you laugh, turning slightly so he can see. chan’s grin widens, and he laughs, reaching out and squeezing the pompom gently with a playful chuckle.
he’s still laughing, his fingers tapping the fluffy tail, but your eyes slide over to hoshi again, and this time, he’s not sipping his drink anymore—he just downs what’s left in his cup, sets it aside, and begins walking toward you both. chan’s laugh stumbles a little as he catches sight of hoshi, and that easy confidence slips for just a second.
“hey, chan,” hoshi says, his voice light, though there’s a weight to it, an edge under the friendly tone. “mind if i steal y/n for a bit?”
chan gives a little nod, scratching his neck, though you can tell he’s unsure. “yeah, sure,” he says, stepping back, the wide smile he’d had now just a polite curve.
hoshi moves in, fingers finding your wrist, and he leans in close, his breath brushing your ear. “i’ll be waiting for you in my room,” he murmurs. he lets go of your wrist and heads toward the stairs, glancing back over his shoulder once before disappearing up them, leaving you rooted in place for a second.
“uh, sorry, chan,” you say, laughing a little to ease the tension, though your mind’s definitely upstairs now. chan brushes it off with a casual smile, telling you to go, and you slip through the crowd, making your way to the kitchen, where mingyu’s already there, nursing a drink.
you pull him to the side, leaning close. “emergency!,” you whisper, eyes wide. “hoshi told me to meet him in his bedroom.”
mingyu’s eyes go wide, practically bugging out of his head as he glances between you and the stairs. “are you serious?” he almost chokes, grinning like he’s the one who just got invited. “finally! no more listening to you go on about hoshi’s insane body and that stupid smirk he does. you elbow him, but he’s just laughing, a little too pleased about it. “so… what are you still doing here?” he says, lifting a brow. “need me to hold your hand up the stairs?”
“shut up!” you hiss, feeling the nerves hit you full force now that you’re actually thinking about it. “it’s… it’s hoshi, okay? i don’t just wanna walk up there like i’m—i don’t know, desperate or something.”
he rolls his eyes, shaking his head like you’re missing something obvious. “and you’re not desperate?” he says, giving you a look. “come on, this is the guy you’ve been daydreaming about. just go up there and knock his socks off!”
you hesitate, chewing your lip, and mingyu sighs, reaching around the counter, grabbing a bottle of tequila. he twists the cap, holding it up. “one shot for courage?” he grins, tipping the bottle towards your lips, and you let him pour, feeling the burn slide down your throat as you gulp it down.
“better?” he asks, waggling his eyebrows. he places his hands on your shoulders, giving you a small shake before he adjusts your bunny ears and fixes a few stray strands of hair.
you breathe out, nerves prickling along your skin, like you’re about to float right out of your body. “mingyu, if i faint, just drag me back down here, okay?” you half-joke, still clutching onto his arm.
he laughs, ruffling your hair again, “you’re not gonna faint. i’ll walk you to the first step though.” he gives you one last nudge, and you make it to the stairs, glancing back as he calls, “promise me you’re gonna leave this party still walking, yeah?”
you roll your eyes, giving him one last scolding look before climbing up. every step feels like a whole saga, until you’re finally at his door, just barely cracked open like it’s waiting for you. you press your fingers to the handle, steadying yourself before slipping inside and closing it gently behind you.
hoshi’s already sitting there on the edge of his bed, legs spread wide, hands braced behind him. his head’s tilted back, one brow raised with this faint smirk as he takes you in, the way your chest’s heaving just a bit too fast, cheeks already flushed. you try to calm your breathing, pressing your lips together to keep from biting them as you close the door clicking the door locked, fingers gripping the door handle as you stand there.
“c’mon, you don’t have to stand there looking all shy now,” he says, tapping his thigh, the grin on his face widening. “come here, bunny. this is what you came up here for, right?”
your heart races as you walk over, feeling every nerve in your body sparking up, and you place one knee beside him before swinging the other over so you’re straddling him, knees sinking into the bed on either side of his thighs. he settles his hands on your hips, pulling you down snug against him. you try to lean in, but he just leans back, grinning even wider.
“don’t be in such a rush,” he murmurs, his lips hovering just out of reach. “you’re already here, got all night.”
his fingers slide up your sides, over the curve of your waist, tracing every line slowly, he tilts his head, leaning closer to your neck, his breath brushing against your skin. you shiver, barely able to hold back a sigh as his lips graze your neck, soft, teasing.
“you know, i couldn’t even focus downstairs,” he murmurs against your skin, pressing a lingering kiss just below your ear. “every time i looked over, there you were… flaunting that little tail.” he chuckles lowly, the sound rumbling against your collarbone. “knew you’d come find me sooner or later.”
his hands trail down to your hips, squeezing just enough to make you feel it, but he still doesn’t kiss you, his mouth just brushing along your jaw, teasing. he’s watching every reaction, every twitch, like he’s got all the time in the world.
“you look too damn good,” he murmurs, hands sliding up to your waist again, thumbs brushing the fabric stretched tight. “been wanting to tell you that since you walked in.”
your hands slide over his shoulders, fingers curling into his skin, and you’re practically holding your breath, waiting for him to just close that last bit of space, to kiss you for real. but he just smirks, still dragging this out, his lips pressing another slow, hot kiss to your neck, then another, his hands tightening around you.
his fingers dip down, right between the base of your thighs, grazing that sensitive spot over your bodysuit. “oh, what’s this?” he hums, eyes glinting as his fingers press, right there, making you jump a little, gasping as he just laughs taunting. “nervous, bunny? you’ve been putting on quite the show tonight. kinda expected you to be ready for this.”
he brings his hand back up, dragging it slowly along the side of your thigh, back to where the tail rests. his fingers play with it, tugging gently, brushing against your skin through the fabric. “got you all dolled up like this, bouncing around with that little fluff. you know what that does to a guy?” he clicks his tongue, tilting his head and letting his mouth hover so close to yours that your lips practically ache, but just before you lean in, he pulls back, smirking when he sees you bite down on a whine.
“you want me to kiss you?” he teases, eyebrows quirking as his lips almost touch yours, only to pull back again. “look at you, bunny. i can feel you shaking, can practically see how bad you want it. all this fuss just to be up here in my lap, begging for it.” his eyes get that mischievous glint, watching you intently.
his hand drifts down again, his middle finger pressing between your thighs, applying just enough pressure through the thin fabric that you feel every inch of him pressing against you. you can’t hold back the soft whimper that escapes, your hips shifting as if you could get closer. “oh?” his voice is all smooth, leaning close, whispering in your ear as he chuckles. “think i feel something here. been this worked up for me all night, hm? tell me, bunny.”
he moves his hand just enough to pull the bodysuit aside, and his fingers brush against you, bare and wet, sensitive enough that the slightest touch makes your breath hitch. he pauses, lets out a soft groan, pulling back to look down at his fingers. “damn, you’re soaked.” he lifts his fingers to show you, glistening, and then lets them trail back down, tracing circles that make your legs tremble. “you weren’t kidding, were you? knew you wanted me bad, but this…” he laughs softly, his breath hot against your neck as he presses a kiss there. “never thought you’d be this needy.”
you try to stammer something back, but words feel impossible with the way his fingers keep moving, steady and slow, as if he’s luxuriating in every reaction. “c’mon, bunny,” he murmurs, his fingers slipping inside, pussy so wet and greedy, sucking it all in, finding you so easily that you can barely catch your breath. “give me something. tell me how long you’ve been wanting this.”
“h-hoshi…” you gasp, feeling your cheeks go even redder as he laughs, clearly pleased with himself.
“yeah?” he whispers, fingers pressing deeper, making your whole body respond, legs clenching around him. “don’t hold back. i’m right here.”
you let yourself go, your body responding to the way his fingers move, slick and ribbing, the wet sounds are almost embarrassing, echoing in the quiet of the room, but he’s not even trying to hide his laughter, each laugh dripping with that dark, horned-up energy that makes your stomach twist.
“you’re really getting into this, hm? riding my fingers like a little bunny in heat. thought you were shy?” his eyes are gleaming, and you can see that he’s practically losing his mind with lust, just as you are. the way your hips instinctively rock against his fingers is making it hard for him to think straight.
“hoshi-ah!—” you manage to gasp, your body feels electrified, like every nerve is lit up, and the pressure building inside you makes it hard to focus on anything else. he laughs, that low, throaty sound, clearly enjoying the way you’re unraveling in his hands.
“what? can’t handle it? not my fault you look so damn cute like this,” he teases. “there we go, that’s my girl. just keep riding me like that. you’ve got this.”
you grip his shoulders, feeling the warmth radiate from his skin as your eyes roll back, threatening to take you somewhere blissful and hazy. it’s like the world around you fades away, and all you can focus on is him—his fingers, still buried deep inside you, pushing you closer to that edge you desperately try to reach. the slick sounds of your pussy mix with his labored breaths, a soundtrack of pure sex echoing off the walls.
“wait,” he suddenly breathes out, his voice strained. your heart races as he shifts, trying to find a condom somewhere in the chaos that is his bedroom. even as he rummages around, his fingers stay just where they are, still pressed against you.
“hoshi…” you murmur, your voice shaky as you feel that lingering sensitivity from his touch. he glances up at you completely consumed by you.
“just a second,” he manages, and you can see how hard it is for him to keep his focus as he finally finds the little foil packet. he leans back, pulling you closer, and there’s a wicked smile playing on his lips. “herre, you do it. i wanna watch you.”
you nod, hands shaking as you reach for the condom, your fingers fumbling slightly with the package. he resumes his teasing fingers, moving them inside you, and your breath hitches.
“god, you feel incredible,” he murmurs, his breath coming out in ragged bursts as he watches you, mesmerized by how easily you respond to him. your moans escape before you can hold them back, and you feel your cheeks flush even hotter.
“m’not gonna last if you keep doing that,” he warns, but his voice betrays him, coming out breathy as he gives a playful thrust of his fingers, coaxing more sounds from you.
he resumes the rhythm of his fingers, and the sensation almost makes you forget what you’re doing. “ah—hoshi!”
“feel good?” he asks, like he’s genuinely concerned for your pleasure.
“y-yeah,” you gasp, riding the waves he creates, trying to keep yourself steady as the pleasure builds again. “so good.”
hands are trembling as you reach for him, fingers fumbling over the buttons of his jeans, your breath hitching in your throat. “it’s… it’s kinda tight,” you admit, biting your lip, you can feel his excitement growing, and it only makes you even more nervous.
“don’t worry about it. just take your time. i’m right here,” he reassures, with that, you unbutton his jeans, sliding them down just enough to expose him, and your heart skips a beat as you lower his underwear, finally revealing him to you.
your hands tremble as you reach for him, the feeling of his fingers still lingering on your skin making it hard to focus. but you do your best, slipping the rubber over his length, feeling how hard he is, and the way he breathes out sharply when you finally make contact. it makes you swell with confidence.
“wow,” you breathe, your eyes widening as you take him inside the rubber. he looks so delicious, so ready for you.
“like what you see?” he teases, his breath coming out in shallow gasps as he lays back comfortably, pulling you to him. his hand intertwine with yours, guiding you as you slide the condom on him.
“yeah, i do.”
“hoshi, please…” you plead, you want nothing more than to feel him inside you. “i need you.”
“patience, bunny,” he murmurs, teasing you with every thrust of his fingers. “you’ve got to show me how bad you want it. ride my fingers like you did before, and then we’ll see.”
you moan, the sound echoing in the room as you start to move your hips against his fingers, rocking back and forth, feeling that familiar tension building again. “i’m trying!” you whine. “but it feels so good… i don’t want to wait.”
“i get it. trust me, i want you too. just hold on a little longer,” he encourages, a smirk playing on his lips as he watches you. you feel like you’re melting under his gaze.
the pace of his fingers increases, and you can feel the sweat starting to bead on your forehead, your breathing becoming more erratic as the sensations grow stronger. “i can’t… hoshi, i can’t hold back much longer,” you gasp, squeezing your eyes shut.
“let go for me, baby,” he breathes, pushing you further and further to that edge. “just let it all out, and then we can really have some fun. i want to feel you fall apart.”
the moment he feels you squelch around his fingers, a wicked grin spreads across hoshi's face. he uses his fingers to spread you wider, that little pompom bouncing slightly as he watches you melt. but before you can melt completely, he guides you down onto him, urging you to sink onto his waiting cock—all in. and just like that, you're sent spiraling to hell and back in the middle of your orgasm.
a scream escaping your lips as you bury your face into his chest. your cries ringing in his ears, a sweet melody.
he wraps his arms around you, holding you close, feeling the rapid thump of your heart against his chest. “you good?” he asks, his fingers slide down your back, gentle and soothing, trying to help you catch your breath as his cock twitches inside you. “you looked like you were about to explode.”
“i—i think i did,” you mumble, still a little dazed. the pompom on your costume sways with every quiver, a ridiculous but endearing sight that makes his grin widen. “hoshi, i—oh my god, it’s too much!” your voice comes out in a high-pitched whine when he grinds up.
you bury your face against him, seeking comfort in the warmth of his body, and the sound of his heartbeat thrumming against your cheek calms the storm inside you, if only just a little.
“i know it feels like a lot, but just wait. will be good, i promise. will ride me so good... my bunny..”
the thought makes u all horny again, and you can’t help but squirm as you process what he’s suggesting. “but… what if I can’t?” you stutter, glancing away shyly.
“you can, I promise,” he insists, his eyes softening as he leans closer, brushing his lips against your cheek. “I’ll take care of you, and I’ll make sure you feel every second of it. just trust me.” his words are a warm caress, soothing the lingering worries, and the way he says it makes you feel safe.
he raises your head just enough to capture your lips, and it’s like a combustion igniter between you. his tongue slips into your mouth, tasting you, teasing you with a sluggish kiss that makes you melt. it’s rousing, and you find yourself leaning into him, wanting more, craving the heat radiating off his body.
with a speedy movement, his other hand spreads your ass, giving him a better grip as he pulls you closer. “let’s get you to ride me, yeah?” he murmurs against your lips, and the way he says it makes your heart race even faster. you can barely comprehend.
“hoshi, i—” but you can’t finish your thought; he’s already guiding you, and your body instinctively responds, you can’t help but gasp into the kiss, breaking it as you try to regain your composure.
“can’t believe how wet you are for me. it drives me insane.”
“you’re so much, hoshi,” you admit, you begin to move, lifting your hips and then sinking down slowly, feeling every inch of him stretching you, filling you up completely. you can’t help but moan, eyes fluttering shut.
“yes, just like that,” he urges, his hands squeezing your hips. “you’re doing amazing, baby. keep going.” the way he praises you pushes you to ride him harder, to take more of him.
“hoshi!” you gasp, feeling the inferno pool deep in your belly. you can’t believe how good it feels to finally be connected with him like this, your bodies moving together in perfect harmony.
he grunts, flipping you around and positioning you on all fours, your bunny tiara tumbling onto the sheets as you crawl onto the bed. the fabric beneath you is soft but the way he thrusts into you is anything but gentle.
“come on, y/n, keep that ass up for me,” he growls, his breath heavy as he digs his fingers into your hips, holding you in place. “you wanna feel me deeper, right? i need to see you like this.”
you can merely hold yourself up as his thrusts grow stronger, sending your body forward with each powerful push. “hoshi, please,” you whimper, trying to maintain your balance as your body instinctively responds to him.
“please what?” he teases, his fingers tightening around your hips, his grip possessive. “are you begging for me? ‘cause if you don’t keep that ass up, i might just stop right here.” he emphasizes the last part with another hard thrust that makes you gasp, your body aching for more.
“i’m trying—fuck, fuck!” you manage to say, he’s watching you, waiting for you to comply, adds an edge of desperation to your movements.
“good girl,” he murmurs, he thrusts again, and you can feel him so deep inside you that it’s almost too much to bear. “you’re so fucking tight, y/n. it’s like you were made for me.”
you can’t help but push back against him, trying to find that perfect angle. “hoshi, please—don’t stop. i need more,” you plead.
“that’s what i like to hear,” he says. “you’re such a little minx, crawling around in that cute little outfit. it’s making it hard to think straight.” he shifts his angle slightly, hitting your g'spot with his bulbous cockhead.
the tears fill your eyes, your face twists, turning into full-blown sobs as he hits the spot again and again, you don't have more control of your body, hips slumping on bed.
“oh, baby,” hoshi coos, his voice softening as he notices. he pauses for a moment, his movements halting, but then he grips you by the hair hair roughly, pulling you back just enough to arch your back. “don’t cry. talk to me. what’s going on in that pretty head of yours?”
“i’m so close!” you cry, your voice cracking as you cling to the sheets, your body arching to meet his hips again.
he resumes thrusting into you, but this time it’s different—he pushes with more strength, less rhythm, like he’s trying to anchor you back to the moment. “focus on me,” he murmurs “feel every inch of me. let go of everything else.”
he smiles when he sees you react again, your eyes rolling when e lift your hips again, fucking his cock inside your swollen cunt until you spill around him. “you’re so fucking beautiful when you cry.. it makes me want to break you again and again.”
you clench tight around him, every nerve ending sparking to life, with each powerful thrust, hoshi drives you further into that delicious abyss. your body instinctively responds to him, tightening and fluttering around his length.
“oh fuck!— clench around me like that… just like that.”
you respond instinctively, clenching tighter, the action earning you a sharp intake of breath from him.
you’re clenching harder than ever, your mouth falling agape as the waves of pleasure crash over you like an unstoppable tide. hoshi can feel it; the way your body is tightening around him, squeezing him just right. he knows he’s close, too.
his fingers work their magic on your clit, massaging it furiously, until you gush around him, which he wished he could feel on his bare cock. “i can’t hold it!” you gasp, and as if hearing your plea, he speeds up, his fingers dancing over your sensitive clit.
“that’s it, y/n! let it out!”
a scream that echoes in the room even though the party's music bothered the whole time. you squirt, soaking the sheets and his body, hoshi couldn't hold after that. not here, not there. never. you looked so fucked out. because of... him?
“fuck, yes! just like that,” hoshi growls, his breath hitching as he feels you soak him, the slickness making your movements sloppier, until you fall completely on the bed.
he pulls out and heads to the bathroom to dispose of the condom. you hear the faint sounds of running water in the room.
hoshi watches you for a moment, your breathing slow and steady now, the remnants of bliss still evident on your face. he chuckles softly, shaking his head at how you’ve managed to turn his entire bed into a scene straight out of a movie.
“hey, y/n,” he says again, his voice a gentle nudge to bring you back to reality. “you still with me?”
you blink your eyes open, the world coming back into focus, and a lazy smile spreads across your lips.
“i think we need to do some cleaning.”
“cleaning?” you echo, glancing down at the damp sheets, realizing just how soaked they really are. your cheeks blush, as your mouth open. you don't even have the chance to say sorry before he's patting you.
“please, don't be embarassed! can you lift up a bit? i need to roll this off so we can get to the fresh stuff.”
“sure,” you mumble shyly, propping yourself up on your elbows. as you raise your hips slightly, he deftly pulls the duvet from under you, rolling it away to expose the clean sheets beneath.
hoshi carefully grabs a towel, its soft texture feeling comforting against your skin. he starts by dabbing gently at your body, wiping away the remnants of sex, his touch both tender and teasing. “you know, you really went all out with that costume. it’s a shame to see it go,” he smirks, as he deftly removes the bodysuit, revealing your bare skin underneath.
“it was cute, right? but not super comfy,” you admit, a shy smile creeping onto your face.
“definitely cute, but a bit too tight for my liking,” he jokes, tossing the towel aside and reaching for one of his oversized shirts hanging on the back of the door. he holds it up with a grin, the fabric slightly wrinkled but still looking inviting. “how about this? it’s way more comfortable. you can borrow it for the night.”
you nod eagerly, slipping into the shirt as he helps you pull it over your head. it swallows you whole, the fabric falling down to your thighs and making you feel cozy. “ah, much better,” you sigh, relishing the softness.
hoshi watches you with a smilling like a fool. “you look adorable.” he teases, his eyes sparkling. “um...i’m going to let mingyu know you’re sleeping with me here tonight, alright? he’ll freak out if he thinks you’re wandering home alone at this hour.”
“oh... thank you soonyoungie” you agree, flopping back onto the bed, the soft sheets welcoming you. “but don’t take too long! i might fall asleep before you come back.”
“no way! can’t have that happen,” he says, slipping into a pair of comfortable sweatpants. he flashes you a quick wink before heading towards the door. “i’ll be back in a flash. just hold tight, alright?”
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mockingjays2capista · 3 months ago
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-vampiros me mordam-
Inspiração @l-loserlover
Especial de Halloween
Editado no Ibispaintx
Materiais retirados do Pinterest
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nekoannie-chan · 1 year ago
Halloween Flash 2023 Bingo Card Masterlist En Español
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Versión en español/ Spanish version
Publico mis fanfics en español e inglés.
If you wanna read the English version here.
No doy ningún permiso para que mis fics sean publicados en otra plataforma o idioma (yo traduzco mi propio trabajo) o el uso de mis gráficos (mis separadores de texto también están incluidos), los cuales hice exclusivamente para mis fics, por favor respeta mi trabajo y no lo robes. Aquí en la plataforma hay personas que hacen separadores de texto para que cualquiera los pueda usar, los míos no son públicos, por favor busca los de dichas personas. La única excepción serían los regalos que he hecho ya que ahora pertenecen a alguien más. Si encuentras alguno de mis trabajos en una plataforma diferente y no es alguna de mis cuentas, por favor avísame. Los reblogs y comentarios están bien.
DISCLAIMER: Los personajes de Marvel no me pertenecen (desafortunadamente), exceptuando por los personajes originales y la historia.
Otros lugares donde publico: Wattpad, Ao3, ffnet.
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Todas mis entradas para Halloween flash 2023:
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Subterráneo. Fandom: Marvel, Capitán América. Pareja: Brock Rumlow X Lectora agente de S.H.I.E.L.D. Clasificación: B. Palabras: 510 palabras. Advertencias: Subterráneo espeluznante, primera misión. Sinopsis: Tu primera misión con Brock se torna un poco espeluznante. Cuadro: 1 "Subterráneo espeluznante."
También la puedes leer en Wattpad y Ao3.
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No muertos Fandom: Marvel, Runaways. Pareja: Nico Minoru & Alex Wilder (Amistad). Palabras: 541 palabras. Clasificación: B. Sinopsis: Una nigromante no puede ser problema para Nico, ¿verdad? Advertencias: Nigromante, espíritus, hablar con la muerte. Cuadro: 2 "Hablar con los muertos". También puedes leerlo en Wattpad y Ao3.
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Rutina. Fandom: Marvel, Capitán América. Pareja: Jack Rollins X Lectora agente de S.H.I.E.L.D. Clasificación: B. Palabras: 459 palabras. Advertencias: Momias, hechizo, aburrimiento. Sinopsis: Comenzaste a creer que tu vida era aburrida, hasta la última misión. Cuadro: 3 "Momia." También puedes leerlo en Wattpad y Ao3.
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¿Amor real? Fandom: Marvel, Fantastic four. Pareja: Sue Storm X Lectora. Clasificación: B. Palabras: 236 palabras. Advertencias: Control de voluntades, corazón roto. Sinopsis: Sue creyó que usaste tus poderes para manipularla. Cuadro: 4 "Control de voluntades". También puedes leerlo en Wattpad y Ao3.
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Imposible Fandom: Marvel, Capitán América. Pareja: Steve Rogers X Lectora agente de S.H.I.E.L.D. Clasificación: B. Palabras: 206 palabras. Advertencias: Desaparición, misterio. Sinopsis: Nadie sabe lo que te ocurrió. Cuadro: 5 "¡Nadie puede sobrevivir a eso!". También puedes leerlo en Wattpad y Ao3.
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cinemedios · 1 year ago
Viñetas de terror, top 5 cómics de superhéroes con temática de terror
💥💥💬💬🦹🏻‍♂️🦹🏻‍♂️ Top 5 cómics de terror La época del año favorita de muchos empieza a despedirse, pero antes de empezar a sentir el espíritu navideño, traemos una selección de grandes arcos de las historietas de super héroes igual de perturbadoras, violentas y sangrientas que cualquier película, adéntrate a esta espeluznante lista y descubre al sorpresivo número 1. 🧟‍♂️🧟‍♂️👾👾🦸🏻‍♂️🦸🏻‍♂️
Porque también los cómics se han unido a la temática de Halloween La época más macabra del año está a punto de terminar, pero no por ello significa que las opciones de entretenimiento también, todas estas semanas hablamos de cine y libros, pero también los cómics tienen mucho que ofrecer, por lo que hoy, te traigo un top de 5 grandes historias súper heroicas con viñetas e imágenes de terror. The…
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woso-dreamzzz · 3 months ago
Pipsqueak's Halloween
Ellie Carpenter x Daniëlle van de Donk x Child!Reader
Summary: The seventh of my Halloween-centric fics
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When Ellie first found out how seriously you and Daan took Halloween, she hadn't expected this.
She'd expected some trick or treating, of course. Maybe some horror movies, child appropriate obviously. There may have been pumpkin carving but Ellie hadn't ever considered she would be sitting in the car by herself.
She drums the side of the steering wheel, eyes narrowed as she leans forward to check through the windscreen.
All the other families she spies aren't you and Daan.
It wouldn't be difficult to spot either of you.
You're both wearing very stupid Teletubby onesies that makes you stick out from a mile away.
But, yet, you're both nowhere to be found until maybe half an hour (and two packets of skittles) later when Ellie spots one red and one green furry onesie come sprinting up the road.
Daan's yelling something that Ellie can't hear, mouth moving.
Ellie frowns, trying to lip read.
You're yelling something too.
You can't quite keep up with Daan's pace, you're still a kid after all, but Daan's half tugging you along, a tight grip on your hand.
In the end, Ellie loses the lip reading battle and just rolls down the window, sticking her head out of it.
"Start the car!"
"Start the car!"
"The car!" You interrupt, opening Ellie's door and clambering in, climbing over her to go tumbling into the back," Start it!"
Ellie barely has any time to react as Daan also uses her now open door to climb in. She hauls herself over Ellie's body, slamming the door shut at the same time on her way to the front passenger seat.
"Start the car!" You both snap at her as you spy someone else come running down the street towards you.
"Okay, okay," Ellie says," We're going. We're going."
She throws the car in reverse, backing out of her parking spot as the man who ran after you yells and shakes his fist.
"Did-Did you two do something to him?" Ellie asks," He looked pretty angry."
"I don't know," Daan says," Some people just have those kind of faces. It was nothing."
"Really? He was pretty angry."
"Some people just don't know how to take a joke, Ellie," You say from the backseat.
Ellie frowns, angling her rear view mirror to look at you properly.
You've got the same innocent, butter wouldn't melt in your mouth smile that you wore when Ellie found all of her bras hidden under the sofa cushions and her phone chargers in the back of the fridge.
"Alright," She says, slamming on the breaks," What did you two do? Huh? What did you do this time?"
Ellie isn't used to being the voice of reason of the family.
That's normally Daan, which is another surprising thing for people outside of the family to realise. But Daan's been your mother for years now and she's used to all your tricks and even though she can be a bit childish herself, she's still trying to raise you as a functioning member of society.
So, usually, Daan is the voice of reason in the family.
Especially on occasions where she catches you and Ellie attacking each other with Nerf guns in the early hours of the morning.
But there are times, like this one, where Daan's childish side comes out and Ellie comes to the startling realisation that two Van de Donks is maybe two too many.
"Ellie, you're in the middle of the street," You say, still smiling innocently at her," You can't park here."
"There's no cars coming," Ellie says," And stop deflecting. What did you do?"
"Ellie," Daan says, wearing a matching smile," Why do you think we did something?"
"Because men running after you down the street, you demanding I make a break for it, all on Halloween means you were up to something."
You giggle. "You're so silly, Ellie. Turn right here."
"Are you really giving me orders right now?" Ellie deadpans," We're not moving until you tell me what happened."
"That's fine," You say," We can walk."
Ellie switches on the locks.
"We egged his house!" You say instantly and Daan groans.
"You weren't supposed to tell her!"
"You egged his house?!"
"Yes," Daan says," She just told you that."
"You-You can't go egging people's houses! It's wrong! It takes ages to clean up and-and that man had a right to be angry with you!"
From the backseat, you shrug.
"Yeah and people shouldn't be getaway drivers for people who egg other people's houses. I guess we've all been incriminated here."
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starsjulia · 3 months ago
trick or treat! // alexia putellas
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a/n ~ based on this request!!! also for some reason i decided my spanish gcse makes me qualified enough to write in some spanish? so bare with me if it’s absolute crap.
warnings ~ tiny bit suggestive, just loads of fluff!!
The crisp autumn night embraces you as you step out of the car with Alexia, who’s dressed as the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland. Her costume is charming and stylish: a white vest over a crisp shirt, a red bow tie, and bunny ears perched atop her head, with a toy pocket watch dangling from her waistcoat. You smile to yourself, already anticipating the comments from your teammates about the two of you arriving in matching costume.
As for you, you went all out with your Alice costume. The blue dress is snug, the neckline a little low, and the skirt ends dangerously high on your thighs. You paired it with knee-high socks and black heels, leaning into the ‘playful’ side of Halloween. When you catch Alexia’s gaze on you, you can tell she’s noticed. Her eyes narrow slightly, and she takes a slow step closer.
“¿Y esto?” she murmurs, her hand slipping around your waist and trailing down to the hem of your skirt. “¿No se supone que Alicia es más… inocente?” (“And this? Isn’t Alice supposed to be more… innocent?”)
You tilt your head, a mischievous smile tugging at your lips. “Well, maybe this Alice has grown up,” you tease, twirling a lock of your hair around your finger. “Besides, don’t you like it?” You give a little twirl, the skirt flaring out to show even more leg.
Alexia’s grip tightens on your waist as she pulls you closer, her voice low and playful. “Oh, I really like it,” she admits, glancing pointedly at the hem of your dress. “Pero no quiero que nadie más lo vea así.” (“But I don’t want anyone else to see it like this.”)
With a chuckle, you reach up to adjust her bunny ears, purposely brushing your fingers through her hair. “Then you’ll just have to keep an eye on me all night, won’t you, mi conejito?” you whisper, giving her a challenging look. “Think you can manage that?”
She grins, her eyes darkening with playful possessiveness. “No voy a dejarte sola ni un segundo,” she replies, her voice dripping with confidence. (“I’m not going to leave you alone for a second.”) She tugs at the skirt again, as if trying to pull it lower, then leans in closer, her breath warm against your ear. “Y si alguien se pasa de listo… bueno, ya veremos.” (“And if someone gets too bold… well, we’ll see about that.”)
Inside the club, the atmosphere is electric. Music pumps through the speakers, and the crowd is alive with laughter and costumes that range from frightening to hilarious. You walk in hand-in-hand with Alexia, her hand resting possessively on your lower back, thumb grazing the fabric of your dress as if reminding you of how short it is.
You catch sight of Mapi and Patri, who are dressed as the Joker and a pirate, respectively. The moment they spot you, grins spread across their faces.
“¡Vaya, vaya! Look who showed up looking like a sexy fairytale,” Mapi calls out, her eyes twinkling as she takes in your outfit. “And Alexia, did you come as her bodyguard or something?”
Patri snickers, nudging Mapi. “I mean, you can’t blame her,” she says. “Someone’s gotta keep Alice from causing too much trouble, especially in that little outfit.”
You just laugh and wrap an arm around Alexia’s neck, leaning into her. “Don’t worry, girls,” you say playfully. “Alexia’s already taken the job of making sure I behave.”
Alexia smirks, squeezing your waist. “Eso es cierto,” she murmurs, glancing down at you with a glint in her eyes. “Y no voy a quitarte los ojos de encima, cariño.” (“That’s true. And I’m not taking my eyes off you, darling.”)
Throughout the night, every time you move a little too provocatively on the dance floor or your dress rides up when you sit down, Alexia is there to adjust it, keeping that possessive yet amused smile on her face. It’s clear she’s enjoying the game—acting protective in a way that’s both teasing and affectionate.
When you pull her onto the dance floor, you can feel the tension between you turn into a playful back-and-forth. You dance close, letting your hands trail up her chest to adjust her bow tie, and give her a coy smile. “What’s the matter, mi conejito?” you tease. “Jealous?”
Her fingers grip your waist a little tighter, pulling you against her. “No,” she replies with a smirk, leaning down to whisper in your ear. “Just reminding everyone who you belong to.”
After the party, you and Alexia head back to her apartment. The Halloween festivities aren’t quite over yet, at least not for Alexia, who insists on a horror movie marathon. “It’s tradition,” she explains, setting up the first film as you settle on the couch with a blanket.
“You know I’m not a fan of scary movies,” you remind her, giving her a pout that you hope will soften her resolve.
Alexia smirks, sliding in beside you and pulling you into her side. “Pero es Halloween, cariño,” (“But it’s Halloween, darling,”) she says, wrapping an arm around you. “And it’s not that scary… I promise.” The mischievous glint in her eyes suggests otherwise, but you reluctantly agree, pressing closer to her for comfort.
As the movie starts, you try to focus on the plot, but the suspenseful music and creepy atmosphere immediately put you on edge. With every jump scare and sudden movement, you find yourself clinging tighter to Alexia. By the time a particularly gruesome scene appears on the screen, you’re practically buried in her shoulder, your hands gripping the fabric of her shirt.
“¡Dios mío!” you gasp, squeezing your eyes shut. “Why do people enjoy this?”
Alexia chuckles softly, her hand rubbing soothing circles on your back. “Tranquila, mi amor. I’m here,” she murmurs, pressing a kiss to your temple. “You can hide all you want.”
When you peek up at her, your cheeks flushed with embarrassment, she gives you a playful smile. “You know, if you’re going to jump on me like this, we might as well watch more horror movies.”
You roll your eyes and push her lightly, but you can’t help but snuggle closer. “Don’t get used to it. This is a one-night-only thing.”
She grins, wrapping both arms around you and letting you rest your head on her chest. “We’ll see,” she whispers, “but you’re cute, and i like it when you need me to protect you.”
The movie continues, but with Alexia’s arms around you, the scares seem a little less intense. Whenever you jump or tense up, she’s there to hold you tighter, letting you bury yourself in her embrace. Eventually, you start to feel sleepy, lulled by the comforting rhythm of her breathing and the warmth of her body.
“Are you falling asleep on me?” she asks, her voice soft as she feels your head droop.
“Maybe,” you mumble, half-asleep. “But only if you promise not to make me watch another horror movie.”
Alexia chuckles, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Está bien, princesa. We’ll watch something funny next,” she says. “Whatever you want.”
The next day, you decide to do something a bit more light-hearted and far less terrifying: baking Halloween-themed cupcakes together. It’s an impulsive idea, sparked when you saw a cute cupcake recipe while scrolling through your phone.
You find yourself standing in Alexia’s kitchen, surrounded by ingredients and baking tools. You’re wearing one of her oversized Barça jerseys as an apron and a pair of cat-ear headbands left over from last night, to keep your hair out of your face, while Alexia has pulled her hair up into a messy bun and is already reading the recipe out loud.
“Okay, we need to mix the flour, sugar, and butter first,” she instructs, glancing up at you. “¿Estás lista?” (“Are you ready?”)
You grab a handful of flour and grin mischievously. “More than ready,” you reply, tossing a small pinch of flour in her direction. It lands lightly on her cheek, and she looks at you with mock disbelief.
“¿En serio?” (“Seriously?”) she says, smirking as she reaches for her own handful of flour.
Before you can react, she throws a cloud of flour back at you, and the kitchen quickly turns into a playful battlefield. You’re both giggling uncontrollably as you duck behind the counter for cover, trying to avoid her flour attacks while sneaking in a few of your own.
Eventually, you call a truce, both of you covered in flour, laughing and panting as you lean against the counter. “Okay, maybe we should actually bake now,” you suggest, wiping some flour off your cheek.
“Buena idea,” (“Good idea,”) Alexia agrees, grinning as she pulls you into a quick kiss. “But you started it, remember?”
You stick your tongue out at her before getting back to work, this time actually focusing on the recipe. The two of you mix the ingredients together, taking turns stirring the batter and stealing kisses in between tasks. When it’s time to pour the batter into the cupcake liners, you make a show of ‘accidentally’ licking a bit of the batter off your finger in a slow, teasing way.
Alexia raises an eyebrow, her gaze darkening slightly as she watches you. “Ten cuidado, princesa,” (“Be careful, princess,”) she warns, her voice low. “I don’t think I can resist you if you keep doing that.”
With a cheeky grin, you lean closer to her. “Who says you have to resist?”
She doesn’t need any more encouragement. In one swift movement, she wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you in for a kiss, tasting a bit of the sweetness still on your lips. When she finally pulls away, you’re both breathless and smiling like fools.
“Okay, okay, cupcakes first,” you laugh, playfully pushing her back. “Then more kisses.”
Alexia smirks but nods in agreement. “Deal.”
After the cupcakes finish baking, you work together to decorate them with Halloween-themed designs—some with little ghosts, some with pumpkin faces, and a few with sprinkles. You’re not professional bakers by any means, but the cupcakes turn out surprisingly cute, even if the icing is a bit messy.
As you finish, you steal a glance at Alexia, who is carefully adding the last sprinkle to a cupcake. “Thanks for doing this with me,” you say softly, your tone sincere. “I know it’s silly, but it means a lot.”
She looks up, her expression softening as she meets your gaze. “No es tonto,” (“It’s not silly,”) she replies, reaching out to brush a bit of flour from your hair. “I’ll do anything for you, you know.”
You lean in and kiss her once more, savoring the sweet taste of icing and the warmth of her lips. “I love you, Alexia,” you whisper against her mouth.
“Te amo más,” she murmurs back, wrapping her arms around you and pulling you close. “Always.”
You spend the rest of the afternoon in the kitchen, snacking on cupcakes and cleaning up the mess you made, with music playing softly in the background. There’s nothing extraordinary about it, but somehow, it’s perfect—just you and Alexia, sharing the simple joys of being together.
As the sun sets and you curl up on the couch to watch a much less scary movie, you think back on the last 24 hours. From the Halloween party to the horror movies and flour fights, it’s been a chaotic, laughter-filled celebration. But with Alexia by your side, you wouldn’t have had it any other way.
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