#esp with how distraught Grace gets at the pub when she tells him she’s leaving
all-mirth-no-matter · 10 months
Again, after my like ten thousandth rewatch of s1 Peaky Blinders, I get to e6 and realize for the first time that there’s a calendar behind Campbell’s desk. I only caught this because I knew the Kimber showdown was on December 3rd from the black star diary entry, and during the shot when Moss tells Campbell that Kimber is dead, I noticed the big “3” behind his head.
So I went back to ep5 to see what date them digging up the guns and Tommy hiding at Grace’s was, because I always assumed that those days happened like right after another. But nah, the date behind Campbell when he’s telling the coppers that they dug up the guns is 21 (November) and then 22 later in the ep when Churchill calls him.
Which means a full week and a half passed between when Tommy and Grace slept together and when she told Tommy that she was leaving because she betrayed him. Does that not seem crazy to anyone else that that much time passed? Or am I just not suspending enough disbelief?
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