#esp when jinki was there 🫶🏻 my favorite vocalist
acebytaemin · 1 year
Are there any SHINee songs that you prefer the live version over the studio version? Like for me I can only listen to the live version for password and like a fire, the studio version just doesn’t hit as hard
OH great question bc their live stuff is just so so good! i listen to their studio versions of everything just bc i’m used to it but i actually prefer literally all their songs (esp ballads) live bc they’re just so good live, they bring such a beautiful energy/emotion into songs that you just can’t get from a recorded version. i agree with you about those two, password especially. i’d also like to point out some of my very faves (these tend to be ballads as my obsession w shinee ballads is rampant and all-consuming): 1000 years always by your side, symptoms, dream girl (ballad version), and a special shoutout to my favorite ever version of juliette and this little snippet of jjong singing lucifer that i tend to daydream about. in a nutshell - any rearrangement and any cover or anything at all that focuses on their vocals is my absolute favorite thing in the world (extra special mention to taemin doing end of day. while i don’t think anything could ever top the original so it doesn’t fit the category of your question, it’s so incredibly dear to me for multiple reasons that i have to mention it)
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