#esp in the titanomachy
hermesmoly · 3 months
Why is Demeter so absent during the Gigantomachy? we get a lot of goddesses defeating giants (Athena, Artemis, the Moirai, Hekate, Hera) but nothing on Demeter?
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pirunika · 1 year
also i need to decide on my Astoria MCs backstory n work her being a titan into the story...i think i decided at her being 27 (still 2 years older than the canon™ age bc she was with Hydra before Hades ms worldwide)
Um so....Theia changes sides during the war (Titanomachy) leaves her baby children (Selene and Helios) and her husband (Hyperion) — centuries pass
She lives a fine if guilty life - up until her furious husband finally escapes Tartarus to hunt her down
...at least thats his intention.
They do make up though, and the result is... Eos! Theia hides while pregnant and no one knows a young titan is about to be born. Until the last day. When she does, Theia dies during birth because of the titan poison which has never harmed her previously, its a punishment for aiding Hyperion - who btw manages to escape...for now (and in a way abandoning the baby the way Theia did the first time.)
Eos is secretly taken in by Hera who will later trust her with the MC's Mom (the canon one) she even has special artifacts made just so she will appear human and wont be hurt by the same poison confining Astraeus, Selene, Helios to Tartarus.
The only one who knows is Ares and while he doesn't blackmail Eos he's especially interested in her, wanting to unleash Eos' true feracious, chaotic nature repressed to hell and back. They have a brief affair which ends with Eos barely escaping Aphrodite's wrath (with a minor curse) thanks to Alex who also gets their heart broken by the events but (tries to) move past it.
Eos as the MC is...far more angry and passionate than the game version, and she's shorter at 5" because i couldnt deal with the text suggesting how big Astraeus' 5'9" self is compared to her when she was 5'5" but thats just me nitpicking. She also surely did morally and legally questionable things and knows many other titans on Earth who remained neutral during the War (like Prometheus who aids her a lot or his sister Ankhiale her actual bestie for life)
Her first love is Hydra. She breaks up with him bc frankly he's just too mean and she s not about to be treated like that even if it's with 'love', especially after finding out Hades' interest. With him....its a manipulation of sorts. She never really loves him but her underlying hatred of H.E.R.A starts to show and she wants it gone even before the main events... She does fancy him a bit bc cmon
Then of course - Astraeus. I believe they both feel a staggering, panic inducing connection at first sight which Astraeus clings to like a lifeline and Eos is just...scared of it... which causes the in-game reactions. He is not unwelcome, its never really an enemies to lovers. Just... inconvenient to be 'kidnapped' when ur planning a coup lowkey and ur almost there u know
honestly what first gave me this idea (besides Astraeus' connection to Selene and Helios n then i read he s married to their sibling n its so neat in canon lore??? Like... 👌 dusk, dawn, moon and sun - ) is this portrayal of Eos so... anachronistic esp. for a goddess??? n then noticed mcs design is close lol
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they r the same
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atdamnbraina · 3 years
i  know  the  atlas  imagery  /  reference  is  big  @  t100  fandom  but  the  deities  erinyes  or  furies  as  they’re  more  known  as,  seem  more  fitting.   essentially  they  are  meant  to  represent  guilt  &  they  chase  after  someone  who  has  commited  a  crime  to  punish  them.     they  are  three  in  number  each  being  a  humanification  of  emotions  such  as  rage,  envy,  revenge.   
orestes  is   a  figure  in  mythology  that  while  athena  (  &  the  trial  he  went through )  gave  him  no  punishment  for  killing  his  mother,   the  furies  disagree  with  that  decision  &  still  chase  him  for  a  punishment.
i  think  this  is  what’s  fitting  for  t100  specifically.  that  while  some  of  their  crimes  are  forgiven/pardoned,  ( they shouldn’t )  guilt  still  haunts  them  after.
sidenote:  esp  in  this  setting  i’ve  seen  atlas  been  used  as  a  martyr  reference  or  parallel  is  a  way ?   which  is  still  incorrect.   bc  atlas  is  punished  for  his  war  crimes,  essentially,  during  the  titanomachy.   the  gods  won,  titans  lost.   most  titans  were  imprisoned  in  tartarus,  atlas  simply  received  a  different  punishment.   so  it  can  be  accurate  as  a  reference  if  used  on  the  note  of  conceqeunces  for  their  actions.
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top 5 rasputin quotes, go !
I had such a gut feeling I was going to get this top 5 nglBUT OKAY(these are in no real top 5 order btw I love them all the same)1. "I was a servant too. I was an instrument of war, bound to the will of a lesser master. But I learned to be something more..."this quote is actually from Cayde musing over Rasputin, but turns out that's actually what Rasputin thinks and it's been a real favorite of mine for a while2. "The morality of obedience is more pernicious than any government. For the latter makes use of violence, but the former — the corruption of the will."I thought about this quote a lot, esp back when I used to RP the old man; it was kinda the foundation for him as I built up how to portray him due to the rebellious nature of it and I ended up hitting the mark (if I can toot my own horn here) considering how he ended up in the DLC3. "I bear an old name. It cannot be killed. They were my brothers and sisters and their names were immortal too but Titanomachy came and now those names live in me alone I think and think is what I do."THIS !!! was the first card I read involving Rasputin ! this quote has ALWAYS mean a lot to me and honestly I don't know why and can only say it was bc it was the first card and the start of said card and thus the beginning of my love for this NPC :'34. "IT was stronger than everything. I fought IT with aurora knives and with the stolen un-fire of singularities made sharp and my sweat was earthquake and my breath was static but IT was stronger so how did I survive?"this is from the same card as the one above and again it's special to me for the same reason but also bc it also helped me form how to protray the old man back when I RP'd him ! the poetic nature of it helped me form his dialog, external and internal !5. the absolute entirety of his dialog when he actually spoke to us for the first time in the DLCI loved it; I love him so much; I love that we have to trust him even tho he doesn't trust us but he's changing; he's starting to trust; I feel like he could have such great and interesting character development and I know it's Bungie and I know I shouldn't get my hopes up, but for the love I hope he shows up again rather strongly and it's Good Shit !
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Future Plot: Project Titanomachy - Chapter 27
(( Camille belongs to @inklingleesquidly
Nebula belongs to @myzzy and @agenttwo
Agent 0 belongs to @son-of-joy
Sylver (mentioned) belongs to @twelvetailedkitsune
Emerald and Sapphire belong to @son-of-joy and @twelvetailedkitsune
Celeste belongs to @alpinesquid
Telemachus, Justinian, and Hera belong to me.
Those not mentioned or in this chapter belong to @a-demo-of-a-hero , @askvincent / @asktheseastars , @evora-flux , @splat-tendency , @eiden-calamar , @petit-blu-inkling , and others.
The Titan Fortress - Skies of the Gunma Prefecture - 5:00 AM
While the battles were raging outside, Camille's party was going to start a third on in the Titan Fortress.
The halls of the Fortress were distorted into geometric impossibilities of bismuth and marble. The columns were twisted, their stairs are in mid-air, walls and ceilings are falling apart like puzzle pieces instead of rubble. The chambers and rooms were also distorted with the furniture and ornaments becoming unusual structures of jewels and alloys.
Chamber, The Titan Fortress -Skies of the Gunma Prefectures and Saitama Prefecture - 8:00 AM
Camille's party can barely tell which way is to Cronus and Rhea, but Hera's ESP managed to guide them through the complexing maze of the fortress. They reached a mosaic dome chamber without a floor, yet they were able to walk on nothingness as if the floor was just one huge clear glass window. Camille's party can see that the fortress moving as they can see the two that were going on below; they can also see that the Titans Coeus and Theia were now eliminated.
The two battle were soon merging into one. The forces defending Inkopolis were some reason retreating.
"What the -- impossible!" Justinian shouted.
"Look!" Celeste pointed to unusual black rain drops that are coming from the Fortress they're on.
When those drops landed, the Typhonian Horde began doubling in numbers to the point that overwhelmed the Agents and Allies. However, Hephaestus had tricks up his sleeves by summoning Hekatonkheires mechs; three colossal bronze automatons with a thousand arms can be seen slowly walking toward the horde and throwing rocks at them.
"The war doesn't look good so far...... Mom, Dad,... please be okay..." Nebula worried.
"Hey, I bet they'll be fine." Camille puts one hand on Nebula's shoulder.
".....Someone's coming," Hera warned.
The party wasn't the only one in this distorted chamber. Stairs descended from the ceiling along with a massive doorway appearing on the other side of the chamber. The doors open to reveal the Titan Queen, Rhea, and she comes down the stairs. The titan then stood before Camille and her party, in her usual robes, headdress, and mask.
"Queen of the Titans," Agent 0 addressed.
"So you must the father of the Champions of Apollo and Artemis?" Rhea began. "The Champion of Ares." She stepped closer and has the tips of her fingers touching. "You know I have killed the Champion of Artemis, and I am responsible for the attack on Kepler. Thus... I take responsibility for the death of the Champion of Apollo."
Agent 0 clenched his hand into fists with built up anger inside.
".....You killed my daughters," Agent 0 berated, "And I've loved them since they day they were born." Agent 0 then took out his electric blade and Ares's blade. "And now I'm here to kill you."
Rhea looked to everyone else in the chamber and then to Camille and Nebula. "Do you all feel the same way?"
Justinian may have been concerned with Emerald hanging out with Nebula, but he sure didn't want her to die. Telemachus felt a bit of grief over Emeralds, but great guilt for not getting to know Sapphire well. Celeste was actually furious that at what Rhea did to Sapphire. Nebula felt some connection with Emerald, but not as just a friend.... but like a soul mate. But she felt like Emerald would tell her that she's better off with Justinian.
Now for Camille, her grief struck her when Rhea crushed Sapphire in her titan hands. And she can blame Rhea further for the death of Emerald. She stood beside Agent 0 and prepared Athena's Spear. Her shouted with uncontrolled emotion.
"We all share some grief over Sapphire and Emerald," Camille stated before pointing her spear at Rhea, "When I was hanging out with her one winter... I felt something!! I think..... that ..... I think I liked her more as a friend!" Camille teared up. "And I too want revenge for what you did to her!!!"
Agent 0 looked at Camille when she said that. All he can do is put away his electric sword and use his free hand to pat her shoulder. He pointed Ares's sword at Rhea.
"This is for Sapphire!" Camille shouted.
Nebula and Celeste stood by Camille's side with Poseidon's trident and Hestia's Heart; Justinian, Hera, and Telemachus stood beside Agent 0's side with Persephone's Staff, Hera's (the Olympian Queen's) scepter, and Hades's Helmet.
Rhea didn't reply to the threat and she remained silent. She places her hands on the edges of her mask and carefully removed them. It was the same mosaic face made of sapphires and lapis; her eyes were a black void with blue emeralds for irises; the cracks on her face was being consumed by veins of pitch black violet ink.
"So be it, Olympians, but as queen of the Titans.... Typhon's influence on me is strong. Prepare yourselves....." Rhea steps back curled up a bit, arms wrapped around her, knees and waist bent, and head looking down.
She wheezes and coughs, and soon she screamed until pitch-black violet ink from her mouth. A cut wound opens on her back and a head of a goat and a head of a skeletal asp popped out and placed themselves on her shoulders. Then violet tentacles later came out of the cut wound. Rhea's arms split apart, torn into 10 thin appendages. Her legs thicken and her feet has clawed toes. He robes became scales and tattered skin grafts. Her headdress became long silver hair, and her neck extends slightly. Rhea's face cringes, her jaws open, and the whole head deformed into a dragon's head. She was a mix between a wyvern and a chimera.
((Background Music - Wyvern-Chimera Horror, Titan Queen Rhea: https://youtu.be/5ZJbu9B9le8 ))
Rhea took the stance of a wyvern and looked at her opposition. Her mouth was drooling with pitch-black violet ink.
"Let's do this!" Camille has her owl wings sprout again and she started flying around tossing drops of ink at Rhea like an ink brush.
Nebula resummons Poseidon's chariot and stallions so that she can protect Camille. Celeste created a few walls of clay for her party to hide behind. Hera was following Celeste, offering protection by tossing glass orbs filled with glowing white ink at Rhea. Justinian tossed some seed and made them grow rapidly into vines to tie down Rhea. Telemachus and Agent 0 were leaving gashes green ink on Rhea while she is tied down.
Rhea struggling and broke the vines one-by-one. She raised her head and spews out pitch-black violet ink at Camille. Camille was now flying around, avoiding the ink. Nebula twirls the trident and quickly freezes the ink, suturing Rhea's mouth.
Rhea continued struggling until the last vine breaks. Once she's free, she uses her arms to whip everyone away from her. She then hits her jaws and snout against a wall to break the frozen patches of ice that was keeping her mouth closed.
Camille looks at Nebula and nods to her. Nebula nods back and waves her trident, stir up the air into indoor thunder clouds. Celeste quickly created a solid clay shack for Justinian, Telemachus, Hera, and Agent 0 to hide under for protection. Nebula created a few ink bubbles and pushed them toward Rhea.
Camille pointed her Spear straight up and then pointed it at Rhea, making lightning climb down to strike the Titan Horror.
This wasn't enough to overwhelm Rhea. She used her divided arms to strike the glass floor, creating cracks. Justinian and Telemachus tried to charge in and stop her from doing that, but the goat head and skeletal asp head breathed fire and sand at them. Hera started healing Justinian and Telemachus with Hebe's wine cup which filled up with water.
Camille and Nebula stopped attacking Rhea with lightning and bubbles. And Rhea continued striking the floor, attempting to take them with her when she plunges to her death. That's when Agent 0 decided to charge in and electrocute Rhea with his electric sword.
"Uncle Jac--" Camille was shocked.
"You go on and face Cronus!" Jacar ordered. "It's best this becomes my battle now!"
"But Uncle..." Camille knew there was bigger fish fry, so she nods instead of arguing. "Alright..... Just stay alive! For Sapphire and Emerald!"
Camille began running towards the stairs. Nebula, Telemachus, Hera,  Justinian, and Celeste followed and advanced into what should be the final room.
Agent 0 was now alone, but what Camille said about staying alive for his daughter he cannot promise.
((Transition to this background music: https://youtu.be/KELbXO6kpw4 ))
Rhea was paralyzed at the moment but was regaining control of her horrid body minutes later. Agent 0 needed to kill her quickly; he then noticed the cracks on the clear floor and he only had one idea. It would risk his life, but he had to do it if it meant avenging his daughters.
"This is for you girls..." Agent 0 thought to himself. And he was also breaking another inklings promise. "We'll meet again, Sylver..."
Agent 0 puts Ares's sword together with the electric sword. He jumps into the air and dives down. This one strike made the floor break apart and now he and Rhea were plunging into what would be both their deaths.
Agent 0 sheds his last tears.
It's up to the Fates to decide his fate.
((Background music fades ))
Hall of the Titans, The Titan Fortress - Skies of Tokyo Metropolis - 11:00 AM
Camille and her Party arrives in a massive hallway; they hoped that Agent 0 will be alright.
This hallway they were in wasn't distorted and strange, but it is empty except for a long carpet rug and some banners. They took this time to look through one of the windows in the hall and they can see it's getting closer to Inkopolis. There is one more stair to take which lead outside where Cronus is waiting for them.
"We need to hurry." Telemachus had one idea of what Cronus would be doing to the Titan Fortress.
"Yeah..." Camille follows Telemachus. She wondering how her parents are doing during this war. She shakes her head and moves long.
But the moment Camille's party is heading towards the final stairs, they were stopped as a puddle of black ink seeps from the first steps of the stairs. And the ink puddle then started shaping itself into an inkling, materializing into Chaodis.
Chaodis still had that ominous calm smile, his usual cock-eyed look (one eye is slightly closed), and Eris's Golden Apple of Chaos in one hand. He was wearing his mother's ashy black tunic and tarnished silver. His hands were still dark-violet dragon claws that were cold to the touch, and the wings on his back were the wings of a crow that were black as the night. He still kept his long tentacles in a ponytail over his left shoulder. It was still him in his Olympian form.
"So Titanomachy repeats again, just as mother planned it." Chaodis shook his head and takes a bite of the golden apple. "Still need this?" He puts the apple away and takes out the silver stone, the Omphalos Stone.
"The Omphalos Stone..." Camille can still remember how he took it away from her.
Nebula, Celeste, Telemachus, Justinian, and Hera stood where they are and prepared for a fight against the traitor. Camille followed her party and pointed Athena's spear at Chaodis.
Chaodis stepped back and kept the Omphalos Stone close.
"Easy, guys, I'm not looking for a fight," Chaodis stated.
"How can we trust you?" Telemachus questioned.
“Cronus disposed me..... I failed to kill her.” Chaodis pointed at Camille. “And it seems he took over what was suppose to be my mother’s.”
“Well, I hope she got what she deserved,” Celeste commented, “We’re ready to kick your ass now.”
Chaodis keeps stepping back until he was a quarter up the stairs. "Heh... You’ll be wasting your time. Don't you have a King to overthrow?"
Celeste was going kick Hestia’s Heart at Chaodis like a soccer ball.
Camille sighs, she stops Celeste, and she walks toward Chaodis. She then stepped closer and kept Athena's spear at his throat. This was to make sure that if he does kill her, he'll be dead too. She was close enough to whisper into his ear.
"I hate you, Chaodis..." Camille was blushing when she said that, it was half-true, but she wasn't embarrassed, she was angry. "But..... I can't help but say you pulled this end-of-the-world off for your mother too well..... goodbye." She looked like she was about kiss his cheek, but instead, she moves the spear away and walked around him, continuing up the stairs.
Chaodis just stood there and didn't turn to watch Camille leave. Soon Nebula, Justinian, Telemachus, Celeste, and Hera followed Camille, walking around Chaodis and walking up the stairs. Celeste did look at Chaodis and sticks her tongue at him.
Point of No Return, The Titan Fortress - Skies of Tokyo Metropolis 11:30 AM
Camille's party reaches an observatory with a massive opening the leads outside. They then noticed the skies turning from blue to black. The Titan Fortress was ascending?
“What is Cronus doing?” Camille noticed this.
Hera closed her eyes and carefully used her ESP. “.....He going to crash this fortress into the city..... our friends, our family, our allies.... they’re winning the fight against the Typhonian Horde.”
“So Cronus is not going to accept defeat?!” Justinian is shocked about this. “I think being bound to Typhon has driven him mad!”
“Well no one going to win this war anyway,” Telemachus stated, “Typhon will just plunge everything to chaos.”
“We’ll just have to defeat Cronus then Typhon!” Camille leaves the observatory to face Cronus outside. Her party followed.
The six inklings now found themselves at the top of the fortress, with the King of the Titans looking down at them. The Mighty Titan, Cronus, stood more than 36 foot, wearing dark tarnished armor, a black cloak and headdress, and a white mask covering his mouth. The only weapon her had is a massive scythe in his hands.
“Camille...Telemachus...Nebula...Celeste...Justinian...Hera...,” Cronus addressed them in a cold tone, “The Champions of my children and my grandchildren..... defenders of the world that was once mine..... I’ve been waiting for this day to come..... to fight you six...”
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