#esp bc like i Avoid phone calls in my usual life and i know lots of my mutals
change-the-rules · 1 year
my yellowjackets peeps know you can call the landline yea
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dramarants · 2 years
You already know what it is - finale rant time
Okay, injeong, na heedo knows what she wants and she deserves to have her needs met - baek yijin could not provide it. They weren’t meant to be life partners in the traditional sense, fine.
I’m happy for yurim and jiwoong and yay minchae’s sticking with ballet, and joo hyuk and taeri’s acting is just so phenomenal my gosh.
But I need a season 2 that actually gives us answers for the present day timeline and shows us what happiness looks like after your youth. And we’ve bonded so much with the characters, ofc we want to see what their everyday lives are like and what their goals are, what they live for, what their specific happiness looks like. I refuse to accept that the happy memories of the past are enough to keep you going just bc you once had it - wtf? No, show me how heedo has love and support now, through yurim or her mom or even her daughter? Show me that yijin isn’t some traumatized reporter destined to spend the rest of his life alone, show me why the fuck seungwan is a variety pd?? Idk, do all ppl past the age of 35 just not have things they look forward to?? Like I’m 23 but my “happy youth days” are very much over - am I just supposed to feed off memories of college years and all the people I lost for the rest of my life? This can’t be it. It’s funny bc the show is about moving forward but it makes it seem like heedo’s happiness is left in the past.
How come after so many years where clearly heedo and yijin have moved on (or at least I hope so lmao the show gave us next to nothing), how come they can’t be old friends? Like would it be too hard to move on from the past if they remained in touch?
The BIGGEST question I have is what does minchae’s father do, bc he isn’t there in covid times and isn’t that exactly the reason heedo broke up with yijin? Make it make sense. Tell me heedo didn’t compromise for someone other than yijin or tell me how this magic mystery man fulfills her life more than yijin did.
How come they left so many unanswered questions for the present day? Things that could be revealed with just a few passing sentences my goodness.
Ugh I don’t want to be angry or upset at the show, it was so good and I love these characters so much. I feel a lil hollow but I’m going to try and focus on all the good. Even the breakup scenes themselves were wonderfully done. I’m not gonna let my confusion for everything that follows leave a bitter taste.
My headcannon: after reading yijin’s words in her diary, heedo calls up the anchor laughing and semi-confrontational like “ya baek yijin, I can’t believe you had this” bc they’re still close friends who can rely on each other to tease them or assure them in darker times. They don’t talk often or at length, but a two minute phone call is enough to bring them peace and make them smile. There’s no need for longing or yearning and the squad is able to meet up in the future bc their breakup wasn’t messy. Ugh the squad not being able to stay as all five of them through the years is realistic but still a girl can dream
You know what the more I think about it, it’s understandable if yijin and heedo fall out of touch completely cuz that’s just how life goes but usually that happens between friends over a long period of time, not all of a sudden and certainly not by choice. In those situations, it wouldn’t be weird to encounter the other person either esp if you have lots of mutual connections but it sorta felt like they avoid each other? Idk them not ending up together is realistic but something about what we watched feels unjustifiable and I can’t put my finger on exactly what.
Ugh whatever whatever Coldplay’s “oh take me back to the start” is blasting in my head and this doesn’t make sense, I’m posting just bc I typed it and maybe someone else can figure out what this feeling is or what’s missing but if you’re reading this, thanks for being on this crazy beautiful journey together. All of our characters have some type of happy, fulfilling ending and it’s true that no matter what lies ahead, the love and laughter you’ve shared with friends and family and mentors and lovers will always remain with you ❤️ even if lost, it still mattered and continues to matter. Every moment has value.
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saintkimora · 8 years
ooh a lot happened on thursday and friday. my fave part was when my sociology prof literally gave up in class bc we “looked bored”
so on thursday my first class was sociology and for some reason the topic of the lecture was nyc? i literally have no idea what that has to do w sociology esp when he spent so much time teaching us about his “alternative plan” for how nyc should be run. his plan was that there would be no cars allowed. anyways it was super boring obv and he ended class like 20 min earlier than when its supposed to end which he literally NEVER does. he was like “folks i just cant take looking at all of your bored faces, it makes me feel like im failing as a professor. idk maybe ive just lost my touch. class dismissed” like hes always so sensitive asfjadgnadf like last time when someone accidentally made a sound while yawning in class he went OFF he was like “youre lucky i dont know which one of you just yawned so im just gonna say whoever did it youre a fucking asshole and your parents must have done a bad job raising you for you to have no fucking manners. asshole” like...its a 9am class ofc people are gonna yawn LMAO hes so dramatic and he was like “if whoever did it doesnt come forward by the end of class and apologize im done trying with you guys” like this is the most cracked prof ive ever had
then psych was pretty uneventful except for this one part where i saw the 2nd hottest guy in the class (vikram is first obv) he came in wearing shorts even though it was still cold out and he had such nice hairy legs AND he had ass i was smitten. his name is hassan and hes so cute and has like cute dark brown eyes and he has nice facial hair
then in anatomy we watched the best video in like...the history of man. we are currently doing the heart so i guess this has to do with it bc its about heart attacks. so the prof pulled up this video from extreme pigouts about the “heart attack grill” and it was the FUNNIEST video i was literally crying in class while we were watching it. it was the most ive laughed in like...a year. like its called the heart attack grill bc its so unhealthy and they serve like quadruple burgers and stuff and the funny part is that all the waitresses have to dress up as “sexy” nurses and they refer to customers as patients and orders as prescriptions and they like check the patients vitals before taking their order ASFNAKFENGSK and the person who started the restaurant is a DOCTOR and they showed him on the grill pressing the burgers with a stethoscope lmao and they use so much lard and instead of like a salad bar they have a fry bar like it is just the messiest restaurant and my new dream is to work there as one of the nurses. and it was even funnier bc my classmates were so grossed out and confused 
after it ended my anatomy prof looked at me and he was like “i think perry enjoyed that a little too much...lets all pitch in and get him a gift certificate for it” ooh my man noticed how much i was laughing
then on friday the first thing i had was this budget training for the treasurers of the clubs. theres like 4 dif dates for it since they wouldnt be able to fit all of the treasurers in one session so i went to the first one and it was just 2 people including me (the last training thing was 3 people including me) and the guy doing the presentation was the same guy from the last training and he is like... literally THE cutest. his name is claudio and he is a grad student i think and i usually dont care for guys w/o facial hair but it works for him bc he is just so good looking! like he has nice hair and lips and the cutest smile and he has some of those mole/beauty mark (?) things on his face and he has like gay voice (but he has a gf rip) and he has a nice ass too and his mannerisms while talking are so cute too like...i love him. anyways the actual presentation was whatever but im gonna have to write out the gsa budget for next semester soon and it is stressing me out
then i had a little over an hour until my next thing so instead of going home i decided to go to the library and work on my orgo lab stuff! i only went bc it was a friday so i knew it wouldnt be too crowded. so ya it was nice i was able to do like half of my next mini report 
then at 3 i had to go participate in a psych study bc we if you take gen psych you have to participate in studies. and it was iconic bc we had to complete an online personality survey beforehand and then i came in and she gave me a print out of my results and then she went to go print out the debriefing forms while i read my results and it said for future problems i was at risk for having a “socially avoidant personality” or something and this analysis DRAGGED me it was like “you will most likely end up alone you will lose all of your friendships and relationships by your mid 20s and any marriages you have will not last” i was bald then a while later she came back in and i had to fill out a form for how i was feeling rn and then i realized it was a trick lol and she was like yeah we give everyone that analysis and it was a test to see if people use their phone to escape stressful situations and we’ve been videotaping you this whole time and it was true i guess bc after reading it i did go on my phone while waiting for her! but idk if it was really applicable to me bc i wasnt really stressed i was laughing about it bc i know not to take these kinds of personality tests too seriously but yeah that was a fun little trick they tried to pull on me
also i reinstalled grindr and kyle started messaging me but he wasnt free at all this weekend bc his mom came to visit smh but after that we are going to start seeing each other. he is fine w either a relationship or just hooking up but i told him i wasnt ~emotionally available~ for a relationship when actually i am just not with him bc once freddy has time for me in his life again im gonna go back to him
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