#esp after the anon today i felt like i was in the wrong all this time and it makes sense what they proposed
hhjs · 4 years
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bokutoslittlebird · 4 years
My brain told me I need something angsty, fluffy but also spicy today✋🏼 So uh could you pls write a small scenario where Iwa, Satori and Bokuto sees their s/o with someone who is actually flirting with them and they think that their s/o is cheating? Because its mostly where the reader thinks that the boys are cheating and I thought it would be interesting if its different this time 👀
Ngl anon reading this made my heart hurt a bit esp Bokuto I’m sensitive when it comes to him 😣 but only Tendō’s isn’t fluffy. I tried to make the other ones a bit fluffy. Mostly angst and spice. Bit of hcs + drabble mix again.
Hints of possessiveness, implied spiciness, Tendō has no shame
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> It’s Oikawa’s fault, as usual. He got sick the day before he promised to go with his sister to some orchestra show and to sightsee. It was supposed to be a bonding day for them, but he came down with the flu and Iwaizumi was kindly volunteered to take his place. As in Oikawa begged him.
> It was fine, they got ice cream afterwards and she wanted to take a picture to remember the day. He took the picture and sent it to the group chat, letting Oikawa know his sister was having fun. The boys all laughed and congratulated Iwaizumi for going on a date with such a “bombshell”, as Makki said.
> You think it was an accident, which makes the pain sting more. He’d share his cheating with his friends so easily, it’s sickening. You immediately shut off your phone after that, deciding to not deal with it.
> The next day, when Iwaizumi goes to greet you, you continue walking. It’s something everyone notices, but nobody says anything. Makki and Mattsun give each other similar looks of ‘oh shit’ while Oikawa is still missing.
> Once Oikawa is back to proper shape, you welcome him back with a big hug. It’s the most emotion you’ve shown all week and Iwaizumi gets pissed. He continues to ignore you, though. He finds it hard to continue, though, when you start flirting with Oikawa.
> Mattsun fills Oikawa in on the situation while a plan forms in Iwaizumi’s head. He knows he did something wrong, but what? He decides to apologize anyways. Not having you talk to him was putting him on edge, worrying him.
> The next day, Oikawa tells you Iwaizumi won’t be attending since he’s busy. At first, you got worried, but when Oikawa winked at you, your face felt hot as anger boiled. You figured it would come to this, but it still hurts more than you thought. Then, Oikawa tells you he forgot his knee pad and could you go get it for him. As the helpful manager, you oblige. It’s not like anyone is in the locker room.
“What’s this?” Your voice cracks as you stare at Iwaizumi. He’s standing in the room, holding flowers and an apology note. His face is a dark shade of pink, his eyes glancing at you before going back to the floor.
“An apology. I’m sorry for being a bad boyfriend,” he says, clearly and cleanly. His palms are sweaty, but he is able to at least speak properly. “I don’t know what I did—“
“Oh, please. You’re tired of me, I get it. You don’t have to go apologizing on my account. Shouldn’t you be with the brunette girl?” You feel hot tears streaming down your face, quickly wiping them away as Iwaizumi looks at you, dumbfounded.
“Brunette— do you mean Shittykawa’s sister?” A confused look crosses your face as he groans, running a hand down his face. “Fuck, I forgot to tell you. Shittykawa made me fill in for him and go sightseeing with his sister. He didn’t ask before telling her, but she watched over us as kids, so I figured it wouldn’t hurt to just hang out. I didn’t think it’d be a big deal,”
“Not a big deal, Hajime? Not a big deal? I honestly thought you were bragging! It didn’t help Makki was all like ‘oh man she’s so hot’ in the chat!” Tears are freely falling now, as your blink away the blurriness. “I thought you had just gotten tired of me,”
“Baby, no, never,” he shushes you, hugging you. It’s nice to be talking to him, wrapped in his arms. It’s a sweet and tender moment, relaxing in his hold as he whispers apologies and sweet nothings into your hair, shifting on the balls on his feet as you follow suit. It’s not until you’re pressed against the cold metal of the lockers do you look at him. His face sports a familiar look, one that always has your knees buckling to his command.
“Hajime, not now,” you whimper, feeling his warm hands sliding underneath your shirt. Had you been in your uniform, you’d most likely have his hand down your panties right now. He just presses a kiss to your temple, hands moving the waistband of your pants.
“I gotta remind you that I’m all yours, baby. And you’re all mine, so don’t ever go flirting with Shittykawa again,” he growls out, sending heat down to your core.
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> So first off, your relationship with him is on the down-low as in the only person outside the relationship who knows is Ushijima because Tendō cannot keep a secret from his BFF. You wanted it to be a secret because you did like him when he confessed, but your friends would tease you for dating him. Coach Washijo didn’t allow his player to date, so it was a secret relationship.
> However, when a girl ended up flirting with Tendō because she wanted a free pass to see the games, you wished it wasn’t so secretive. He was obviously flirting with her, enjoying the attention, while you listened from the girls’ bathroom. When he called her a “pretty lady” though? You felt your world shatter. He never called you that.
> The following practice, you passed by the gymnasium doors to see that girl standing outside them. A brief glance in her direction before continuing on your way, back to the dorms. You didn’t text Tendō the rest of the day.
> Tendō was frantically looking for you, wondering what he did wrong. When that girl was outside the gym and not you, he panicked. It was lunchtime, so he expected you to be in your class. When he got there, you were gone.
> He asked your friends, but they didn’t give him an answer, asking him “why does it matter?” So he went back to perusing the halls, looking for your familiar hair color or your voice. He heard a male’s voice first. Then your laugh.
> Turning a corner, he saw your hand on some guy’s bicep, a smile on your face. He recognized the stranger as the dude who tried to date every girl in his grade. Why were you talking to him? Another giggle had him moving towards the two of you.
“Why don’t you and I, I don’t know, meet up for some drinks after school? There’s a good milkshake joint nearby,” he grins, flashing his bright teeth. It would make most girls keel to his demands, but you’re different.
“Oh, I’d love to—“
“But she’s my girlfriend, loser,” Tendō sneers, his hand gripping your elbow as he drags you away.
“Tendō-san, what are you doing?” You attempt to resist his pulling, but he doesn’t let up. “I thought I was barely a classmate to you,”
“Yeah, well who gave you the right to flirt with some fuck boy?” He looks down at you, anger flashing across your face. The guy is still standing there, watching.
“Oh, I figured I wasn’t a priority to you. After all, you called that other bitch a ‘pretty girl’, so what’s up? I don’t get a cute name like that, except ‘girlfriend’?” You wrench your arm free. “Leave me alone, Tendō. Go to that other girl,”
“You mean Hana? Ōno Hana? The girl who’s crushing on Wakatoshi-kun?” He raises a brow. “As if she’d like me. I was complimenting her because she was anxious about talking to Wakatoshi-kun,”
“Well, it didn’t seem like that. I listened to the conversation. Leave me alone,”
“Why would I want her when I have a perfect little girl in front of me? Who else could trust me enough to bind them so tight, or who could cream on my fingers so easily?” He smirks as your face gets hot. A swift smack to his chest is useless when he turns to the guy, holding your arms. He maneuvers you to face the guy, smushing your cheeks together. “Tell him who you’re a good girl for, because it’s not gonna be him,”
“Tendō, this is so awkward,” your muffled voice comes out, dealing with his fingers pushing your lips together. “I’m not gonna say it,”
“Then he can watch as you cream on my fingers. Front row show, you know?” He snickers, moving his hand off your face and moving it underneath your skirt. A brief flash of your underwear towards the boy has you submitting properly, squirming as you practically shout what Tendō wanted you to say. “See, not that hard? Oh look— he’s running away! I hope he enjoyed the show!” Tendō waves happily, smiling all the while. You’re finally released from his hold.
“What is wrong with you?”
“What’s wrong with you? Thinking you can go be a whore?”
“You want the relationship on the down-low! You wanted it to be a secret!”
“Well, if that means boys think you’re available, we’ll have to change that, won’t we?” He smirks, once again dragging you off. As he heads towards a closet, you know you’re not going back to class with steady legs.
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> It was unusual for Bokuto to miss practice, so the managers and Akaashi were asking if you had seen him. You had not, but offered to go looking while everyone else started practice. Akaashi thanked you, leaving to fill in for his missing captain.
> Roaming the school, you checked the bathrooms to see if he was in there and even checked the classrooms to see if he fell asleep. When you didn’t find him, you went through checking the halls only to find him walking next to some girl with his arm around her shoulder. The scene hurt you, but a part of you knew he wouldn’t ditch practice and cheat on you, it was not in his nature.
> When the girl laughed at one of his jokes, you felt tears prick your eyes and ran off, back to the gymnasium where Akaashi was the first to greet you. You explained what you saw, after he took you to sit down on the bench, while the team continued. He said it probably wasn’t what it seemed like, but the scene kept replaying in your mind.
> The next day, you didn’t meet him on the roof for your normal lunch date so he got worried. Bokuto can usually read your moods, since you wear your heart on your sleeve, but he hadn’t seen you at all. He went looking for you, ignoring the strange looks he got as he ran through the hallways. Once he got to your class, he expected you to be sitting at your desk. Instead, he turned to your friends for help.
> One of them mentioned a dark haired student invited her to eat with him in his class and after he got a description, he went looking for the mystery man. He thought it might have been Akaashi, but he didn’t have brown eyes and a mole beside his right eye. It was finding a needle in a haystack, looking in each class until he saw your familiar hair color sitting in an unfamiliar class.
> He just kind of looked at you and the stranger through the window, watching as you laughed at the guy’s jokes. It was the same laugh you used at his jokes. It made an strange feeling in his chest burn, it made him jealous. Walking inside the classroom, you continued talking to the boy as he moved behind you.
> You closed your eyes for a moment but when you opened them, you saw the boy’s face drop as a shadow loomed over you. Looking behind you, you saw your boyfriend standing behind you. “Whatcha doing?” He asked. His voice seemed to be bright and cheerful, normal to the innocent bystander. To you, with the fake smile on his face, it sent shivers down your spine as you looked up at him.
> He wanted to talk to you alone, a hand on your back as he guided you to the stairs leading to the roof. You tried to ask him questions, but he didn’t answer. He didn’t turn to look at you. He just stared forward as anger simmered in his chest and his eyes.
> Once the roof door had shut, you were roughly pushed against it as his eyes finally met yours. His eyes bore into you, demanding an answer.
“What’s wrong?”
“Why were you flirting with him? Do you no longer love me? Did I do something wrong? Are you tired of me?” As his questions poured out, the anger in his eyes melted into sadness, guilt forming into a ball on your chest. His hair drooped down as he put on his pouty face. “Do you wanna break up?”
“N-No! Not unless you want to, that is. I saw your arm around that g-girl in the hallway. I—“ you gulped, unshed tears on your lashes, catching the sunlight as you look at him. “I thought you were tired of me,”
“Why would I be tired of you? You’re the love of my life!” He shouts, you flinching as his booming voice made your ears ring. He apologizes, hugging you tightly into his chest. You do a heaving motion, fighting back the tears as his words play on loop in your mind. “I could never see anyone replacing you in my life,”
“That’s nice, Bo,” you mumble, rubbing your nose into his chest. It’s warm and comforting, a nice contrast to the brisk wind in the autumn air. When he moves, you look up to see him grinning at you, a glint in his eyes. “What are you thinking?”
“We’re all alone and obviously my little bird needs to remember just who she belongs to,” he murmurs, rubbing his nose against yours before he quickly drops to his knees. It’s a sudden movement, his face in front of your skirt and then it’s under your skirt, a leg hooked over his shoulder. He’ll make sure you’re screaming his name before lunchtime is over.
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wizkiddx · 3 years
without making this a sap story ive had some not so great news from home and am in one of them moods to not talk abt it. but i need a tom h to hug me , pls could u write something like that?
hey anon - i am sending u all my love, and hope things get a little easier for u as soon as possible. if u ever do wanna chat abt nothing or rant just send me a pm x  I hope this is at least somewhat what u were looking for <33
summary: life is sometimes not good, but your fave boy makes it just a little easier to deal with (with some original help from his brother too)
a bit angsty but i promise mainly fluff (and a popcorn fight?)
What drew you out of the sort-of-trance was a two soft but firm knocks at the door - well Tom’s bedroom door. You’d been relaxing with him and Harry, watching the new ‘Line of Duty’ when your mum had called for the daily catch up. Admittedly, she had already tried to call you twice today but somehow you’d managed to miss both of them. On reflection, possible not that shocking because you’d been at a charity golf day with the boys which involved a fair amount of noise, chat and competition. 
Thankfully the boys had both done pretty well, Tom coming slightly ahead but that was the norm between the two. It meant they were both happily basking in their relative victories and not moody and grumpy like they are oh so often when things go wrong. Because to them, against your pleading, begging and sometimes lecturing…. golf was not just a game.  
You and your mum had always been very close, so usually speaking to her was uplifting and made you feel a little bit more complete - what with travelling with Tom for work, her voice was a slice of home. This time though, it was not so much the case. It was just sad news about your home town. Nothing directly to your family or close friends but still, it makes you feel generally down. 
Who knows how long it’d been since you’d hung up on the phone, just staring at the wall opposite. Everything felt just hollow and empty, lacking in meaning somewhat. You weren’t necessarily thinking, more like devoid of emotion, of thoughts, of anything. Just a bit cold. 
“Y/n…Y/n?” His voice sounded hesitant, as though scared he was interrupting your call. When you didn’t respond, the door cracked open and his fluffy head poked in, not that you noticed - your brain was still half absent. Tom on the other hand, was instantly looking you up and down, very much confused as the why you looked so rigid and not present. Noticing the phone was lying quiet on the bed in front of you, he felt safe to enter. He made a beeline for the bed, perching himself down on the edge, in-front of you - so he was blocking your fascinating view of the grey wall opposite. 
“What’s going on in that little head of yours?” His voice was soft and gravely, choosing not to put much energy into his vocal box as he rubbed up and down one of your arms. 
“Hmmm? Sorry, was miles away.”
“Could tell darl.” As he chuckled his eyes crinkled round the outside. “How was your mum?”
“Yeh…um okay, I-I guess.” As much as you wanted to shake yourself out of it, it just wasn’t that easy. Everything was laced with this underlying chilliness. 
“You sure? You dont really sound it?” 
“No, I um…well I’m not sure. I think I’m okay?”
“What happened?” You shook your head in response, making Tom press his lips together with a small nod. “ Don’t wanna talk about it huh?” 
“Not… not right now. Please?” 
With a permitting nod, Tom stood up and squeezed your hand, urging you to follow. Trailing behind him into the living room, he then instructed you to take a seat on the sofa adjacent to Harry, Tom himself disappearing back into the house. It made you pout a little, you wanted him to just look after you a little this evening but that self pity wasn’t allowed to last long - because a piece of popcorn flew into your cheek. You whipped your head around, with mouth open feigning shock, to see Harry smirking at you cradling a bowl full of other possible missiles in hand. 
“And what was that for?” He shrugged his shoulders, turning his head back to the TV.
“You looked sad.”
“…” Your mouth was open, no words coming out though, as you looked at the frizzy haired boy in bemusement. Sometimes you thought you understood how his head worked but at other points, the boy was a bloody mystery. Instead of explaining his thought process (because there almost certainly wasn’t one), he just smiled evily at you - wiggling his brows. And I know you know what that meant.
Sure enough by the time Tom reentered the room, arms full with different objects he’d collected round the house, the floor had been littered with popcorn kernels. You and Harry were squealing at each other as handfuls of the snack were catapulted vaguely at each other as you chased him round the room. It took Tom shouting at the both of you for you to freeze, slowly lowering your hands in ceasefire with a giggle. 
“I leave you alone for two minutes.”
“ It was his fault!” You protested, causing a 5 minute of ‘ he said-she said’ between the two of you, even if Tom wasn’t listening to the bickering. Instead, he quickly whizzed round the room picking up all the obvious popcorn bits and then spread out all the blankets he’d got from round the rented house on the sofa.
 You knew Harry, in his very own and special way, was only doing all this to cheer you up and you couldn’t appreciate it more. Your relationship with him had recently got so much closer, thanks to Tom being busy on set actually filming - while you and Harry just had some quality ‘almost sibling’ times. And now living with him too - naturally he had grown to know your tells almost as well as Tom. 
“Alright children calm down… thought we could watch movie?” Plopping himself down on the cream seat, Tom made grabby hands to you which of course you had to comply with. 
“I’ll um… I’m gonna leave you to- well to the being in love shit. It’ll make me chunder”
“We love you too bro” Tom called to Harry, who was already on his way out - but the tone of gratefulness in his voice was evident, he appreciated Harry noticing that the two of you could do with time together. 
“Don’t make it weird!” Harry’s response had you sniggering, as you pulled the fluffiest blanket over both you and Tom and nestling into his side. 
After a few minutes of Tom pretending to argue with you about film choice, before ultimately agreeing with your choice of ‘La la land’ as he always planned on letting you. The Holland boys were both very talented at subtly being a shoulder if needed, and yes you knew it was all an act - but you weren’t about to call him out. About halfway through he kissed the crown of your head and murmured. “Can tell you’re not watching darling.” He wasn’t wrong to be fair. Yes, you were looking at the screen - but your mind was far away from the plot line. 
“Sorry I um… minds like a runaway train sometimes.” Tom released a breathy chuckle at that before murmuring a ‘come ‘ere’ to you as he all but lifted you up from sitting by his side. You ended up lying almost onto of him, with both of Tom’s strong arms holding you tightly to him. Smiling into his chest, you nestled closer so the soundtrack to the movie played over the top of his constant thudding heartbeat. It took a few moments of you both just staring into the screen, completely contented for Tom to speak, squeezing you slightly tighter whilst the two of you watched Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone twirling on the road.
“I gotchu now lovie” 
And you swore then that all the thoughts racing in your mind were outpaced by those of a different kind. Still intense ideas, ones that buzzed round your brain, but these were happy. Thoughts of ‘how could I be so lucky’ and ‘I love this man with my whole heart’. 
Apparently these thoughts were also a comfort because when Tom looked down at you after what must’ve been at least half an hour, you were spark out. Breathing deep and unchanging, eye locked shut and mouth slightly squashed against his chest so your lips were pressed together. But what made the boy physical pout was the way you relaxed hand was loosely balled round a fistful of his purple hoodie. As if you were clutching at him to keep him as close to you as possible. 
He felt so grateful - not only for you, but also for the fact that he had the ability to make it a little better. You didn’t need him - Tom swore you were one of the most fiercely independent people he’d ever met - yet it was clear you wanted him. You wanted him when you felt down, the same way you wanted to be around him when you were overly hyper and chatting pure rubbish. You didn’t want him because he was the ‘Tom Holland’ you wanted him because he was Tom. 
He couldn’t fix what was going on back at your home (I mean right now, he still didnt even know what was going on). But he did know how to make everything just a little less shit. He knew how to be your person. 
And that would forever be job Tom was most proud of.
once again sending u all lots of love (esp u anon 💕)
would love to know what u guys think if ya made it this far ;)
tagging (link to join) : @hallecarey1 @hollandfanficlove
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joanofrad · 4 years
Hey, I don’t know if you can help me out but I have a question about fashion history and maybe you know something about that? Recently I’ve seen some videos by two influencial fashion history youtubers claiming that corsets being oppressive is just a modern myth and that back in the day they didn’t negatively impair women’s lives and health. I know that tightlacing wasn’t universal and apparently was mostly worn by fashionable upper class women (as everyday style? Not sure on that one) and (1)
to big events (that’s apparently not bad enough already). They claim that normally-laced corsets for working class women were totally fine and not limiting or unhealthy as they had to work in them and that you could even excercise in them. (And that they’re even good for your posture.) But tbh it just doesn’t seem plausible to me. When I wore modern, non-laced, not-very-tight corsets I already felt very impaired and immobile, eating and sitting was hard and I think you also can’t really breathe into your stomach, which is harmful longterm? Also, consindering that the concept of female excercise has changed a lot over time (look at 50’s gymnastics and modern gymnastics for example) I’m really sceptical about their „you could excercise in them“ claim (you „can“ also run in highheels, yet there is a reason why we wear flat shoes). We still wear so much limiting clothing and make-up today, even an ill-fitted bra or sports bra can harm you, not to mention high heals. I justcan’t imagine that a) (working class) women back then were suddenly not subjected to any social factors that made them endure unpractical fashion just as we do today and b) that the structure of a corset with the purpose of shaping your body (even if not laced super tightly) doesn’t somehow limit you in movement, eating and breathing and could press on your rib-cage long-term, esp. If it’s not perfectly fitted (if we wear ill-fitting underwear then I’m sure that happened to our (poorer ancestors too). But that’s just what seems plausible to me. Maybe my perception is wrong nonetheless? Do you have any insight into that topic? Sorry for the very long message!! I don't have a tumblr blog so I really hope it's not too inconventient or annoying like this.
Hi anon!
I’m not a fashion historian, but I have done some research on corsets and your perception isn’t wrong at all. Corsets are not a good thing (to put it mildly). Personally I find it very disturbing that such a harmful practise done by and to female people in the past, has made a comeback in our time, but I think that the return of the corset is just one more way of making girls and women feel ugly and insecure about our bodies and it’s - of course - also a new way for companies and celebrities to get money out of us. Every few years there seems to be a new trend that capitalism comes up with to make sure they get our money: the no-make up make-up look followed by the trend of conturing followed by the advertising of detox and diet products and now it’s corsets.
For the history behind the corset, I can really recommend this segment from the documentary “The Deadly Fashion Of The Victorians” with the great Suzannah Lipscomb as moderator. The whole documentary is definitely worth a watch, but here is a link to just the “corset part”: link From the documentary (paraphrasing): What corset a woman wore and how tight it was laced depended on her age and class, but right after we are also told that it was recommended that women wore a corset all the time and there was really no escaping it. Women were considered “loose women” if they didn’t wear a corset. It was mandatory not optional. I could quote the whole documentary, because it’s so informative! Just watch it for yourself! Suzannah also puts on a corset herself and does some exercises (like walking up a flight of stairs a few times) and I was so worried that she would faint! If you want to know more about the medical impact of wearing corsets, here is an article about it in the “Royal College Of Surgeons In England”: link
In short, corsets being oppressive is definitely not a modern myth and they greatly impaired women’s lives and health in a negative way. I guess one could argue that yes, corsets can definitely be worn without been restrictive, but that was not the point of a corset historically speaking and therefore there is no empowerment to gain from it. It’s just another dangerous beauty practice that female people (had to engage) engaged in to be seen as “fashionable” and the “right kind of woman”! The more freedom women gained (cue the Suffragette movement!), the more women spoke out about how restrictive and unhealthy corsets actually are. They rebelled against them and wanted them gone, so it’s really ironic that “feminists” in the 21st century are trying to bring it back.
I hope my answer helps you a bit, anon! And to everybody reading this: please correct me if I said something wrong (I’m no expert after all) and/or leave additional information!
Link to the full documentary I mentioned above, if anybody is interested: link
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babygirlwolverine · 4 years
gonna have to politely disagree with the anon who said your work was repetitive--I really enjoy it, esp today's piece about dean and cas and finding home--it was really sweet ;-; (also there's nothing inherently wrong about having a style/writing similar stuff? you're doing so awesome <3)
Thank you so much for politely disagreeing with the anon who said my works were repetitive! You have no idea how much it means to me that you really enjoy my writing! I can’t even put it into words like how much your message impacted me! I was really upset after those anons messages, and I felt really insecure about my writing. But you coming and sending me this message.... there aren’t words to describe how much it means to me! Just hearing you say you loved the piece last week with Dean and Cas and finding home means more than I can ever say! Thank you, thank you, thank you for thinking it was really sweet! That’s all I was going for with that piece was writing about something soft and tender and how important simple touches are for them and finding a home in each other, and so hearing you say you really enjoyed reading that honestly made my heart all tingly and happy!! Thank you so so much!! (And you’re so right that there isn’t anything wrong with having a style/writing similar things. That’s exactly what authors IRL do. Everyone has their own unique style and writers become known for those styles of writing, and that is perfectly okay. I just needed that reminder from y’all that it is okay and that my writing isn’t bad because I make similar stylistic choices). Thank you for thinking I’m doing awesome <3 I swear you made me cry happy tears and smile so much my cheeks were hurting! Your message was the exact pick-me-up and reassurance I needed. Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart! I love you so much! <3
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K-Pop life lessons (2 year old blog anniverary project)
I believe that music is something that can bring people together. I believe that the musicians we listen too and the things they create can teach us things. This goes for every genre, not just K-Pop. But there is a stigma around K-Pop of it just being men and women dancing around singing about ice cream, rainbows and happiness. It can be that, but it can be incredibly meaningfull and the artists teach us things. 
Here are some things I have learned: 
Monsta X , BTOB and Seventeen taught me that family isn’t just blood, it can go further than that. Your friends can become your family. 
SHINee and VIXX taught me that it’s perfectly fine to go against the grain of what others do. As long as you stay yourself. 
Day6 taught me that it’s okay to feel alone sometimes, but in the end you are never truly alone. 
Sistar, Girl’s Generation, AOA, Mamamoo etc have taught me that it’s okay to be confident and speak my mind when I feel like I am being done wrong. 
Here are some life lessons that other Kpop fans have chosen to share with me
“stray kids taught me that it's perfectly okay to be sad, depressed, or have anxiety because there's always a light at the end of the tunnel and so there's so many people just like me”
“Super Junior taught me how to smile and laugh again after I had spent so much time barley going through the motions.”
-signed, A Shy Male ELF.
“VIXX and BTS taught me that even when you might feel down and think that nothing matters, eventually everything is going to get better.”
-        @michelleherrera16
“Day6 taught me that’s it’s okay to go at my own pace and everyone can feel lonely and thats okay Stray Kids thought me that everyone feels lost at some point and going into adulthood is scary and longing to go back to the easier days is normal”
“BTS taught me that I can't always think about everyone else, I'm young and I have my own dreams to go after. If I need it, I'll take the time to sort my sht out. That's thanks to SUGA's 'Nevermind'. Mikrokosmos made me realize I have a reason for being here right now, and my existence does matter. These two songs had lyrics that pulled me out of suicidal thoughts i'd been dealing with for 6 years. It’s so weird that certain lyrics had that effect on me. Although I still have depression and social anxiety, I’m slowly getting over it. I’m finding myself.”
“This is pretty basic, but BTS and Got7’s Jackson are teaching me to love myself since I hate myself to my core. It’s a long road but I know I’ll get there eventually ❤️⭐️”
“I know this isnt strictly what you asked butVixx and esp, Hakyeon inspire me. I see him being a leader and helping his members, vlogging, serving his country, moving out, spending time with friends and family, doing charity work in a very super low key way, being kind, gracious and just a lovely human being and it reminds me that's what I need to be. I want to inspire and carry myself with the level of maturity and grace he has.”
“Wanna One taught me the right way to life with memories, to not get stuck in the past holding onto memories crying because they're not coming back, instead I've learned to treasure memories and see them as something beautiful without pain, but with a smile on my face.”
“VIXX and BTS showed me that there is nothing wrong with being sexually dominant and identifying as a woman -- their subby concepts gave me metaphorical wings. (my name is Coral but I don't have a tumblr I just check yours sorry)”
“Monsta x and Dreamcatcher taught me to never give up on your dreams, no matter what anyone says, the amount of pain and heatbreak, or how long it takes. Dreamcatcher specifically taught me that it is okay to start over if what you were doing in your life did not turn out to be what you wanted. Sometimes it takes a little more time to figure yourself out before you are happy. ( Their story of how they went from Minx to Dreamcatcher really inspires me)”
“N.flying taught me that it’s okay to be weird, out of the box, and different. Taught me how to accept my weird personality and find others that accepted it as well.”
“So for me, it was VIXX. They were my first group and they came into my life at the right time. I had hit an all time low with my depression. 'Error' distracted me from the bad in the world and it was through them that I learned that there was still beauty in the world. Their lyrics inspired and Ravi in particularly inspired with his own struggles and his outlooks on life. I don't think I would be here or at least as happy as as stable as I am if it wasn't for them.”
“A lot of the groups have fought me the families don’t end in blood, that you can make your own if needed, mainly 17 and Victon”
-🦋 anon
“iKON, EXO, and Monsta X taught me what a real family looks like, and how to support my fam through thick and thin. The most important lesson is that family doesn't end with blood, and sometimes it doesn't even start with blood. After all, the blood from a pact with your real family will always be thicker than the water of the womb.”
“Red Velvet didn't really teach me much, but they gave me a reason to smile. Wendy said this on VLIVE a little after RV's 5th anniversary: "I will always be there for you, I will be there even when you leave because you can always come back to me." (paraphrasing) It made me cry a little on the inside because I found them the summer before I started high school. It was really rough but I had their music to make me happy.”
“Tbh I got into kpop at a crazy time I'm a young mom and I felt so out of touch with who I am. It was more than one group, but the combination of "fun thing for me " and BTS had just started the love yourself series... it meant the world to me to remind myself that the me that exists under "mom" was worth love too.”
“Got7 taught me that it's okay to have fun while chasing your dreams and ambitions. You're not doing anything wrong while having fun cause you're still on the path you wanna go. Even if there are people that don't believe in your dreams remember that you're doing for yourself, not for them. Do what makes you happy.”
“Blackpink taught me to be the badass woman i am today. I think without them i would still be in my shell of depression and fear. Got7 didnt teach me anything they saved my life. Their music calms me and makes me feel loved with saying how beautiful, amazing, and perfect you are in their lyrics. I know it may sound cliche but their music has helped me a lot feel beautiful and good about myself. Bts did the same. both got7 and bts had taught me that i deserve better. They became my safe space when i have panic attack. They both helped me get me out of sexually abusive relationship and helped me gain the friends i have today. I have great friends that arent toxic and a closer relationship with my mom. I even met my boyfriend because without got7 and bts words i would have never gotten out of my house, get on dating sights, and go to japan. They have helped me immensely when i used to be shut in.”
“RM of BTS reminded me that I love writing poetry to express the things I can't tell anyone. TOP of BIGBANG showed me that someone with anxiety issues can still do anything. Most of all, most of the groups I love have given me a community I can trust with more than just Kpop stuff- I feel safe telling fellow Kpop stans that I'm trans and nonbinary because I've seen such a supportive and loving community here.”
“Kpop fan culture has taught me that you will always have a friend if you need one. Also that if someone is in distress another WILL come to help. Stray Kids, Bts, Seventeen etc.: have taught me that it’s okay to love myself and that if they love me I should love myself too.”
“Stray kids taught me to never give up no matter how long it's going to take, it's okay to take your time and that no matter what I'm going through everything is going to be okay. Bts taught me that's it's okay to not have a dream and to just do whatever makes me happy and they also taught me how to be myself...like I should be always be myself and that there is nothing 'wrong' with me...if that make sense”
“Kpop has taught me a lot of things subtly over the past couple years. But the ones I can really pick out are that. It taught me how not to give up on life when things get tough but just step back. It taught me how and when to cut out toxic people from my life. It taught me that I can still do so much despite my mental health and that my mental illnesses don't define me. It's also inspired me to start drawing again after a long bout of art block.”
“Kpop as a whole has taught me to be myself, to live more creatively and not to hide anymore.”
Alot of these brought me to tears and I am so glad you all decided to participate in this and I really appreciate it. Please stick with me for the years to come ♥
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hypmicwritingbutbad · 6 years
hewwo may i request a friends to lovers hcs (but more short term) for samatoki and ichiro? (separate) thanks!!
Here you go anon!! I might have misunderstood what you meant by ‘short-term’– I interpreted it like the s/o has only known gotten to know them recently rather than being classmates or childhood friends. If my dumb brain got it wrong or you’re unsatisfied, drop me a message and I’ll make the changes! Other than that, please enjoy (・ω
It’d always been lonely in your old little apartment complex
While things were often nice and quiet, you’d often wished for a friendly neighbour you’d be able to chat to and get to know for the longest time
One day you received word from the senile old landlord that new tenants were going to move into the apartment next to yours: a young man and his younger sister
On the day itself you’d given yourself a pep talk so you could muster enough courage to drop in for a quick introduction and pass them a little welcome present
Your first meeting was a little hectic: when Samatoki opened the door, the sight of this scowling, intimidating thug nearly made you drop your welcome loaf of bread out of fear
You’d honestly felt out-of-place sitting in their cramped little living room in awkward silence, but you got along well with his sister who took an immediate liking to you
She saw you as an older sister to go to for girl talk– and so that resulted in you dropping over frequently to watch over her while brother was out
Soon enough, your visits became an everyday routine; you’d come with snacks and a home-cooked dinner, and in return the Aohitsugi siblings became adjusted to your constant presence in their little flat
Over time, you’d discovered that Samatoki wasn’t really as unpleasant as he made himself appear
Sure, he had a hot temper, no filter between his brain and mouth, and the two of you often bickered for the stupidest of reasons–
(“Oi, you left your frickin’ makeup bag in the bathroom yesterday night for the fifth time this month already.” “Well that’s cause I know you ain’t gonna steal it, unless… Sama-chan, you wanna use it??” “Shut up, you damn woman!!”)  
–But he was a surprisingly good listener and would often lend a patient ear to any worries you often needed to get off your chest during private 11PM conversations after his sister went to bed
Plus he was a sucker for your homemade omurice (often demanding seconds with a bashful scowl on his face), and you’d always wanted someone to cook for
One day, the three of you’d been sitting in the kitchen, eating a dinner that you’d prepared in their kitchen as usual
You’d just finished telling Samatoki about what some idiot coworker of yours did when imoutoki’s voice breaks the silence
“When will you and niisan get married already?”
And Samatoki immediately chokes on his rice, so you spend the next five minutes hitting his back as he splutters away
You’d initially take it as a joke and laugh it off, but the serious earnestness in imoutoki’s eyes—
“Niisan always talks about how nice you are… Oh, and he did once say that it’d be nice if he could eat your food for the rest of his life…”
—and Samatoki’s beet red complexion would take you by surprise
“What even are you saying?” You hear him hiss at imoutoki under his breath, flustered, “I thought I told you I don’t—“
But with your heart beating loudly and your head giddy with adrenaline, you’d reach out to latch onto his arm and pull yourself closer to him
Smiling at imoutoki with a wink in your eye
And saying “Oh, very soon.” as Samatoki’s face only gets redder and his words more garbled
The two of you first met at one of Japan’s biggest cosplay cons, with you in a cosplay of Fullmetal Alchemist’s Winry that took you ages to put together
You’d been walking about - albeit a little shyly - and taking pictures with anyone who asked nicely when you bumped into him:
A young man, looking distraught and frantically searching about
Concerned, you’d stopped him and asked him what was wrong
It turned out that he’d lost sight of his younger brothers, so you spent the rest of the day helping him search for them 
When you finally located them crying at the Lost and Found, he’d apologised sincerely for wasting your entire day– though he did stop to compliment your cosplay with genuine awe dusting over flushed cheeks 
“I know it’s been a rough start, but my name’s Ichiro! If you don’t mind, maybe we could go grab a bite to eat together– my treat, of course, to make up for today!” 
Things just hit off from there: you’d often chat with Ichiro on SNS (esp after the latest episode of the intense anime you both like and get embarrassingly emotional over), and occasionally meet up with him
As you grew closer, he  even took an interest in your cosplay projects; he’d come over just to see your latest exploits with Asuka’s complex bodysuit, or perhaps Saber’s iconic blue armour
While he enjoyed helping you sew, he’d never really showed interest in cosplaying one himself
(But it was still fun as you both often played a game to see who could suggest the most obscure thing for him to cosplay– like bald Orochimaru or Sakata Gintoki in a clown costume)
One day as the two of you’d sit together in his apartment, sewing and putting together props in your usual fashion, he’d stop his work in the loudest of fashions:
Dropping his sewing scissors, slamming his hands onto the table and psyching himself up with a few intense exhales
He’d look you in the eye and yell: 
“Will you be the Winry to my Edward!?”
And honestly it’d take you by complete surprise— you’d blink at him, unable to process anything from the pure shock of it all
And even he’d grow bashful, sinking back down into his seat and mumbling “….cosplay! I-I mean, it’d be nice— I want— agh— let’scosplaytogethersoonalright!!”
Before you’d cut him off with an embarrassingly loud gasp 
“Winry and Edward end up together, right? They’re the OG couple…?” “Y-yeah, they are!”
And you’d simply grin up at him, grabbing his hands. “Ichiro you big nerd…! I’ll be the Riza to your Roy, the Kagome to your Inuyasha, the… Oh my gosh!! I-in the first place, what kind of confession is that?? You big nerd!!”
And his confession would honestly be the best thing to ever happen to you— after all, if he’s to be your boyfriend, there’d be no more escaping the inevitable couple cosplays…
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yeonjuins · 3 years
yes very lovely and yess exactly it’s such a nice song ♡︎
aw,, are you okay? (giving you a hug right now ♡︎) I hope everything can fall back into balance for you soon ♡︎ I understand how that can feel
no really I understand that’s been me with exo lately but I hope listening to them has been helping you feel better at least ♡︎
no same but now I will literally play a song 3 or more times back to back and still vibe with it each time SKSKDKD
And hmmm well I went shopping for decorations for my room over the weekend and I’ve been getting around to listening to some song recs my friends gave me, I added them to a separate playlist so it’s easier for me to get to them,, I also added the audios you reblogged too so I can finally listen to those (I haven’t gotten to yours yet but when I do I will bug your inbox about them SKSKDKDKF) but other than that nothing new. I’m on spring break so I am just taking time to relax before I have to get back into work mode :)
I am currently trying to work on my Home Screen at the moment because it’s like blank LMAO but I can’t seem to come up with any ideas :/ but I will not give up
also also whenever you have time listen to See the Sea by Dvwn it’s an instrumental but it’s really nice and I feel like it could be good background music while doing work or just something nice to listen to ease your mind or something (hope like it!!)
(lengthy response!)
OHH MY GOD HUMMING ANON okay before i forget i need to get this out of the way... i like.. secretly remember your actual url from the time you accidentally sent an ask off anon (because you pop up on my mutuals pages too off anon ;0) so whenever i see you pop up in my notifs i'm like (": <3 and out of curiosity i was just wondering if u were active so i tried searching ur url off memory BUT I TYPED IT IN WRONG AND DIDN'T NOTICE !??! SO i began to panic and i was like omg what if humming anon deactivated what now... i feel like my life is suddenly empty.... i like RETYPED IT IN (incorrectly each time) AND I COULDN'T FIND IT AND I WAS SO IN DISTRAUGHT until i finally got it and i was like oh phew they're still here ): <3
anyways aside from that, your url is redacted to me it does not exist you are simply humming anonnie to me if that is much more within your comfort zone !!!!
i'm doing better now ! recovering from like.... a little bit of too much spending in the month (to which i can whole heartedly afford with ease... spending a lot just makes me feel guilty in a sense and i overthink literally any purchase <- spent 4 hours agonizing over buying a new desk i wanted) ty for the hug though i read this when it first came it and i felt really warm ): i'm more coherent today so i'm hoping things eventually just.... do bounce back in general and i'm back to my normal lifestyle again (i say that as though something truly significant happened.... i think march overall is just a really hectic month for me so i've been having 31073120 things on my plate D:)
EXO SOOOOOO TRUE oh my god.... i'm going to hate the way i sound but like exo is such a mood for me... like sometimes i'll remember growl exists and i'll listen to it on repeat along with mama, what is love, etc etc... i'm pretty sure exo was one of my first groups and i was such a big exo-l (": i remember watching their little web series too and i had such a big crush on chanyeol <3 honestly exo's songs are up there for me i respect their work a lot
CRIES U ADDED THE SONGS I REBLOGGED TO THE PLAYLIST D: i'm so honoured ;; NOOOO garuntee that you'll like them, a lot of the times i'll just upload it for the sake of being able to show off the niche music i like for the even more niche minority that knows xyz song... i hope u are enjoying spring break my angel ! u deserve all the rest you can get esp after all your finals and exams ;;
see the sea is so cute i wasn't expecting dvwn just to drop an instrumental by itself that's so cute ): a song i've been listening to lately is until i found you - stephen sanchez (piano version in particular!)... makes me feel like i'm in a slow waltz and i'm realizing how in love i am with xyz person (<- is not in love but for the future LOL MANIFESTING I GUESS <- <- EVEN MORE OF A JOKE i intend to die single <3))
0 notes
👀👀👀 I would love for you to talk about Lud's development from ww2 to modern day for hours
anon ur feeding my ego here who knows what disastrous consequences may spawn from ur actions but??? just know that ily
WELL my friends since we are here!! B) let me divulge to u ,,, the evolution of Lud. i could start with him as a child but i admittedly know way less abt that time period n also that would take ten years so that shall be for another ask
ludwig during ww2 was rlly rlly messy in the sense that he wasn’t exactly in his right mind. he’d defo been brainwashed by the propaganda n in general he wasn’t a fun guy to be around. ludwig was arrogant, impetuous, too hyperfocused on exacting revenge n showing everyone wrong. he thought he knew best which rlly caused a rift between him n his brother
his desperation in the time period just before ww2 led him to grasp at literally any promise of smth better, but instead of rising back up he fell down the slippery slope to some place even further from where he’d originally started. ludwig turned a blind eye to many things he shouldn’t have at the prospect of havin smth- anything- better for his ppl n a shot at revenge n power aka proving himself bc he was young n stupid. he ostracized those that truly cared abt him like his brother (who was never rlly for what was going on), rod, eliza, liech n im sure a few others as well, isolating himself to soak in that damn web of lies
ofc disillusionment is never pretty esp when ur the one who made the mistakes n as we’re all aware ludwig had screwed up big time. by the end of the war ludwig’s eyes were opened n his middle name was Regret his first name was Guilt n his last name was Failure. ya boi was not in a good place emotionally not to mention economically, socially n politically but yk thats another story!! 
what i would like to touch upon is where ludwig was maturity wise at this time. i’d like to remind u all that ludwig at the time of ww2 would’ve been hm 130 at most?? less than two centuries thats for sure. in nation years he was a child, he should’ve looked like a gotdamn child but nah lud grew up too fast by the start of ww2 he was already lookin 18-19. ludwig was forced to grow up fast n tho this is applicable for many nations he grew up at a time when many of his “peers” already had centuries beneath their belts. i’d argue this is esp important to note considering how most of the european nations grew up at roughly the same ish time. this explains some of why lud was so eager to stake his claim on the world. he would’ve felt a heckin lot of pressure to show he rlly was on their level
anyways ludwig was young af when he was thrown to the wolves n tho that doesn’t justify his actions it’s smth to keep in mind
so lud’s out here coming to terms w the fact that’s he’s screwed everything up n likely if it weren’t for the western aid ya boi would’ve been a goner. he was to keep it short depressed n basically ready for Death™. it was legit just alfred’s marshall plan n the fact that his ppl were still a thing that forced him to power thru. but yessu the aid sent by the west spurred on the miracle of the rhine which marked the bringing back up of germany to his feet after the war n lud eventually did recover from his depression say, around the 50s bc u gotta do what u gotta do when ur a nation
ludwig from then on out did experience better times i mean discounting a few things like the berlin wall- ah yes i should talk abt this
alright so before the division of germany ludwig had always had gilbert around for him. gilbert had raised him since the v beginning n even thru his ugly stages aka ww1 n ww2 gilbert had stuck w him. it was only after ww2 that ludwig was truly separated from his brother, forcing him grow up once n for all n shoulder the true burden of a full fledged Adult™. war guilt, recovery n repercussions ensured it. moreover, ludwig felt responsible for the abolition of prussia amongst many other things that had occurred as a result of the war so a big part in his magically doubled maturity was the desire to recompense for his wrongs n become someone his brother might someday be able to forgive
which is ridiculous considering gilbert would die for ludwig get it bc he did
so anyways!! ludwig builds himself back up into a respectable member of society n bam we get all the goodies of present day germany like the EU, etc. germany rn is one of europe’s most influential players n i would say?? a lot of this is bc ludwig wanted to make up for what he did wrong tho this eventually was coupled w a desire to become a nation his ppl could be proud of again n i’d say he’s done a fine job of it! ofc this isn’t to say he’s without his problems but ludwig today is a much more mature n agreeable man than he once was largely due to what the world forced upon him n how he decided to handle it
tldr; ludwig was Messy during ww2. he realized that was bad n felt rlly guilty esp bc of gil gettin demoted from nation status so ya boi worked rlly hard to become someone his bro n his ppl could be proud of n matured n accomplished a lot making him into the gr9 dude he is today
also im writing a fic on the subject of post ww2 germany (that will be gerame based) that i should prbly post the first ch to but !! follow me @realmwrites for news on when i do eventually post it B)
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velvetchen · 7 years
Anonymous | pt. i
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[ back to masterlist ]
Scenario: Tumblr AU Pairing: Chanyeol/Reader Word Count: 1671 Rating: T 
Summary: You just shot to tumblr fame when the latest chapter of your webtoon went viral. Messages start flooding in – hundreds of people saying things good and bad alike. One anon catches your eye, and you find you just have to reply to them… 
next part >>
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You found out when your friends all started calling you. That morning, you woke to your phone bursting with notifications – your twitter, tumblr, texts, everything. You picked up your friend Jia’s next call, your groggy hello met with the sound of her excited screaming. “Y/N! You’re famous! You’re all over the internet today?”
Groaning, you rolled over and checked the time. 8:37, too early for anything. “What?”
“I said, you’re internet famous,” she said. “Strawberry Shortcake just hit it big.”
That shot you awake. You jolted upright and pulled your laptop towards you, logging in and opening your tumblr. “What? Oh my god.”
“I know!” Jia squealed. “Oh my god! You totally deserve it, Y/N, you’ve worked so hard on it. Congratulations!”
Your activity page had numbers you’d never seen before. Reblogs with comments. Your inbox, full. You felt dizzy. “I’ll call you back, Jia,” you said. You didn’t wait before you hung up.
What had just happened?
Opening a new tab, you typed ‘strawberry shortcake tumblr’ into the search bar – and nearly fainted at the results. The first link was your tumblr. The second was an article about it. About you. About your webtoon.
You didn’t know what to feel. The webtoon you’d been working on for more than six months, so far resigned to a few reblogs and barely more than five hundred followers, was suddenly famous.
We Can’t Get Over This Super Cute Romance Webtoon, And Chances Are You Won’t Either
Strawberry Shortcake, a super sweet love story written and illustrated by the owner of the strawberryshortcakecomic tumblr – known only as S – is something we just can’t get enough of. The cute story, light humor and to-die-for cold-hearted, bad-boy-with-a-heart-of-gold love interests will have you rushing through the chapters and smiling like a fool. The webtoon is available in English on Tumblr and translated to Korean on LINE Webtoon.
You scrolled down to the comments.
iluvBTSxox: aha wow so cute ~ ^o^ prettyboy88: ㅋㅋㅋ so nice blossom3bunny: i love it so much, thanks mika-chan for recommending it~~~
So that was how it had gone viral. Mika-chan, another webtoon artist, ultra-famous for her anime-style webcomics on LINE and tumblr. You felt flattered beyond belief. Immediately, you pulled up her tumblr – and there it was – her reblog of your latest episode along with the caption “one of my favorite webtoons ;o;”.
strawberryshortcakecomic asked: mika-chan!!! Thank you so much for liking my webtoon ;;;;;; I’m so happy you liked it <3 I hope you enjoy my work in the future too!
You’re welcome ㅋㅋㅋ it’s very cute
You couldn’t believe she had replied to you. Much less reblogged your work. It felt surreal. Opening your tumblr inbox, you got to work answering, still on the high of your newfound fame.
Anonymous asked: author-nim~~~~ the last chapter is so nice, please update, when does jinho take yoon ah on the date
I will be updating soon! thank you for liking it
Anonymous asked: that lake scene is so sweet omg
Haha I know right! Thanks :)
You won’t have to wait much longer, the next chapter will be up soon !!
 You moved to the kitchen with your laptop, setting it down on the counter and opening the fridge to get some yogurt and fruit for breakfast. You sat back down immediately, intent on answering as many new messages as you could.
snsd-superfan asked: i love jinho he’s so hot ugh
Anonymous asked: mika-chan brought me here and can I just say I’m in love with you and your work
Thanks! Love you too anon
The next message stood out, because while so far you had only seen one-liner compliments and messages about your work, this one was much longer. You read on, intrigued:
Anonymous asked: Dear S, I’ve been following you almost since the beginning of Strawberry Shortcake and I wanted to congratulate you on your newfound and very well-deserved fame! I know how hard you’ve worked and how much effort you put into making the chapters for us, your readers. I’m so happy to see you get the fame you were destined for! Now, about the last chapter, hmm. I feel like something is going on with Seong-jin...is he plotting something behind Yoon-ah’s back? Sincerely, C
You thought a minute before you wrote out your reply, pausing in between words to make sure it was perfect. This ‘C’ person had obviously put a lot of thought into their message. At least that’s what it looked like.
Dear C, Thank you very much for your long and thoughtful message! Honestly, I feel extremely surprised. I don’t know what to do with all this fame, haha. I’m so flattered you think I deserve it, and that you’re a long time fan. How long have you been here?
As for the plot...you’ll just have to wait and see. I have a lot of things in store for Seong-jin!
Love, S
You continued scrolling through your inbox, but that was the only message of its kind - which only made you more intrigued. When a reply popped up, you felt yourself swell with a strange excitement.
Anonymous asked: Dear S, you’re very welcome for the praise ^^ I’m sure things will only get better from here. I meant it when I said you deserved all the fame. I’ve been following your blog since the third or fourth episode I think. That was a long time ago! You’ve come so far since then. Your art has improved a lot too. I can’t wait to see what you have planned for Seong-jin. He’s my favorite character (yes, I don’t like Jin-ho! I think he is too perfect...something’s wrong...haha) Sincerely, C
Was it too soon for you to reply? Shrugging, you started typing anyway.
Dear C,
Aw thank you, you’re making me blush lol. Thanks so much for your support! And wow, since the third episode? I don’t even remember that far back, you’re right when you say we’ve come a long way. Thanks for the comment on my art, do you really think so?
I should be offended you don’t like Jin-ho, but maybe you’re on to something ;) kidding, kidding, I don’t want to give away any spoilers. Seong-jin is my favorite character too, he’s very close to me. He was the first character I came up with for SS. At first he was going to be my main character but I made Yoon-ah the main character at the last minute.
Love, S
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Anonymous asked: Dear S, I clearly remember the day I found your comic. It was actually reblogged by one of my real-life friends. I was crazy about webtoons so I was super excited to find a new one to read. You didn’t disappoint :) Am I really on the right track about Jin-ho? I mean, he is a vampire, but he still doesn’t have any flaws. I’m guessing that’s intentional. Maybe he’s hiding some dark secret lololol. I hope Yoon-ah ends up with neither of them though, they’re not that nice to her :( Sincerely, C
Dear C,
Oh, please thank your friend then! They must have known me from my other blog ^^
You’re right, it is intentional, but there aren’t any dark secrets coming up...yet. Haha. Jin-ho is that very cliche k-drama character isn’t he! Hot and cold and handsome as hell. I have a lot of fun drawing him. ;) And yeah, neither of them treat Yoon-ah right, but that’s plot progression for you. I’ve already confirmed on this blog that she will end up with one of the two. The ending is still a long ways away but I hope it’s satisfactory!
Love, S
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Anonymous asked: Dear S, yes, I’ve been following your other blog too since then! You’re very private haha. But you’re very nice and friendly too ^^ Jin-ho is total eye-candy! My friend has lots of screenshots of all the shower scenes lol. She sends them to me. He is definitely a cliche character, but those can be very fun to read and write too. Even if there aren’t any dark secrets I’m sure he’s still hiding something. Oh well, I hope Yoon-ah ends up with the right one then. I like her a lot and hope she gets a good relationship. I don’t doubt in your ability at all to come up with an amazing ending :) Sincerely, C
Dear C,
Am I private? I guess I must be, since I don’t even have a proper pen name! Aww, you think I’m nice and friendly, thanks, you’re not too bad yourself :)
Your friend has good taste lol. I’ll draw more shower scenes just for her ;) You’re right about cliche characters not having to be one-dimensional. I put a lot of thought into Jin-ho when I was creating him and he’s actually very similar to me. Stubborn, secretly caring, introverted (unfortunately not I’m not as hot lmao). You seem to know a bit about this writing thing, do you write?
Yoon-ah will get the happy ending she deserves! She’s my precious little flower baby.
Love, S
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 Anonymous said: Dear S, it’s okay, you can be as private as you want,. I’m just warning you that fans can get a little crazy about finding out who you are...so be careful. No, I don’t write, unless you count writing music, which is a lot different from making webtoons I imagine :) Are you really similar? I guess I’ll have to start paying more attention to Jin-ho from now on. Sincerely, C 
Dear C,
Thanks a lot for the warning! (wow, do you have experience with this fame thing?) I know, just a couple of hours since the explosion and I’m already getting hate. Writing music could be like making a webtoon, hmm...you’re making a story without words. Or with only dialogue. Huh, I guess not really.
Oh no, have I revealed too much? ;)
Why don’t you come off anon? I’d love to talk to you some more.
Love, S
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a/n so a little background - like all the scenarios i’ll write this is set in an ambiguous location with no set culture/mix of cultures, so you can take it to be anywhere (i intended korea). webtoons esp. romancey webtoons however are pretty popular in korea so a bunch of the comments and etc will be like on a korean website. after this part the story will mostly be told through a collection of messages, articles, posts & dialogue. also i know asks don’t let u write that much but bear with me ok
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smallblanketfort · 7 years
How did you get diagnosed with bpd? Did you suspect it before? How did you deal with it? Did you feel like anything changed after a diagnosis? Do you feel like people treat you differently when they know you have it? How do you deal with all the negativity around the diagnosis? ps: sorry for so many questions
it’s okay. i feel like a smart person would say, come off anon and let’s chat, but u know what, i’ll totally embarrass myself for the common good. oh man.
short answers. click keep reading for the in depth, tmi answers.
How did you get diagnosed with bpd? Did you suspect it before? short answer: self dx followed by psych. yes. kind of.
How did you deal with it?short answer: i feel like i’m still “dealing” with the diagnosis, and my stance on it changes constantly lol, but probably better in the beginning. it didn’t really change a ton for me, bc i felt like it was just a word for what i had already been experiencing. i decided not to tell anyone, so i didn’t feel like things had changed. at the same time i refused to believe it. i have tables and tables of notes in my journals, trying to convince myself in and out of it. i did know that to be healthy, i needed to acknowledge it. i tried.
Did you feel like anything changed after a diagnosis?short answer: it brought some clarity, some understanding and validation, that i think really helped me. sometimes it brought hopelessness, sometimes motivation. i mean, i was still the same person, just with a label. it started me on a road i referred to as resurfacing.
Do you feel like people treat you differently when they know you have it?short answer: depends on the person and how much they care about you as a person.
How do you deal with all the negativity around the diagnosis?short answer: i dont lol
babe i hope this helps a bit and idk. im being honest here, so idk how much comfort is here, but if you find any, good. be safe. lmk if you have other questions! happy to answer.
How did you get diagnosed with bpd? Did you suspect it before? short answer: self dx followed by psych. yes.long answer: i had a slight mental breakdown in uhhhh fall 2015-january 2016, and i work at the library which slows down in the winter. i was going a little nuts with nothing to do one day in late december/early january, so i planted myself in the mental health section and read all the requirements in dsm-iv book for mental disorders. i think i was half curious and half knew something was wrong. i had dealt with depression and anxiety in the past, but i felt mentally dizzy all the time, if that makes sense. just generally unstable and lost and worried. Not Okay. self harming and finding comfort in it. i was totally bleary going through my daily life and i felt extremely unstable in my relationships. i also was trying to work through this whole hallucination/voice in my head thing that sparked it in september(?). so i remember taking these books to the break room and taking these convoluted notes on tiny scraps of paper, trying to make sense of what was happening. i found the notes a couple weeks ago, and it was really weird, but i was so careful about it. i really didn’t want to feel like i had anything, but i was getting desperate. i would copy out the requirements and tally up what i had. i remember contemplating a couple things i knew i could diagnoses with by a doctor who didn’t care, like avoidant pd, but i realized it was definitely not the one, at all. when i read bpd, it took my breath away. i was shocked, bc it was like reading a book about myself. i remember getting goosebumps, and shaking. i spent months researching and researching it, trying to convince myself i didn’t fit the criteria. at the time i was in several psych classes, and one of my professors had us write a 15+ page paper about our own life and psych development. it was hella weird, but i ended up pouring myself into it and my psych prof, who runs his own practice was like “Lol yeah omg” and we chatted a bit and sure enough, i am most likely a bpd bug. i’m not “formally” diagnosed but i have talked to several psychologists at my universities about it and they’re all like “lmao yeeeah” so
How did you deal with it?short answer: i feel like i’m still “dealing” with the diagnosis, and my stance on it changes constantly lol, but probably better in the beginning. it didn’t really change a ton for me, bc i felt like it was just a word for what i had already been experiencing. i decided not to tell anyone, so i didn’t feel like things had changed. at the same time i refused to believe it. i have tables and tables of notes in my journals, trying to convince myself in and out of it. i did know that to be healthy, i needed to acknowledge it. i tried.long answer: idk!? like on one hand i was relieved like “okay so this is a thing with a name, now i can start attacking it. i was really good at mood tracking for about 6 months. no more lol. anyway, i still go through acceptance/denial cycles constantly. just today, i decided to watch youtube videos about it to prove to myself that i didn’t have bpd. my reaction? o shit i guess i have bpd. every couple weeks ill come across an article or video or something about it and they’ll talk about other quirks of bpd and it’s so accurate it’s scary. but kinda cool (like perceptions of time and such that dont really hurt anything, but i thought everyone had. whoops. just my bpd showing again lol) it’s like when i climbed over a wooden fence in colorado and realized i had a sliver in my leg and then when i got it out, i realized i had another sliver in my leg and then when i got it out i realized i had another sliver in m-and so on. it never stops really. maybe it’d help if i told more ppl. idk. 
Did you feel like anything changed after a diagnosis?short answer: it brought some clarity, some understanding and validation, that i think really helped me. sometimes it brought hopelessness, sometimes motivation. i mean, i was still the same person, just with a label. it started me on a road i referred to as resurfacing.long answer: i mean, i was still the same person, just with a label. it definitely brought gravity to it. sometimes it made me hopeless (can you even recover from a personality disorder?), but sometimes it brought me hope bc i wasn’t alone and there are coping methods made esp for me. it helped me understand myself and why i did what i did. it helped me be more proactive, and im getting better at it. it helped me accept some of my quirks, and helped me communicate. it’s a constant learning process like battle.
Do you feel like people treat you differently when they know you have it?short answer: depends on the person and how much they care about you as a person.long answer: lmao so like i haven’t told my parents yet, didnt have to since i was over 18. lately my mom is becoming more aware tho i think, and she’s being really supportive. my friends (irl and online, they all know) are really supportive and patient and encouraging and kind. they’re so great. the two ppl i dated since were lovely. about a month after diagnosis, however, i told my boyfriend of the time whose only response was “why didn’t you tell me this before i got emotionally attached to you?” :-) THAT fucked me up, but i still think it’s fair. lately im super worried about it though. 
How do you deal with all the negativity around the diagnosis?short answer: i dont lollong answer: so i had never heard of it before 2016 sooo i actually don’t really know about the stigmas even now? i try really hard not to hear about any of it, bc if i do, im going to shrivel and not have the confidence to be open about it, which really helps me and my relationships. being open about it is what destroys the stigma. at the same time, im totally terrified of telling my family for some reason. my mom used to say anxiety was a hat i put on, bc she was a nurse in the mental ward, so her view of mental illness is basically of non to low functioning people. she;s a lot more supportive and validating of it now but idk i cant.OKAY ALSO negativity with recovery high key sucks. for a solid year i was convinced that there’s no recovery and i’ll probably kill myself before im 27, im so screwed blah blah blah, but then i FINALLY starting finding resources that consistently said 50% of adults find themselves recovered after ten years. im also really working hard on self care and coping rn. making good choices for myself to hopefully stay as healthy and happy as possible.
lmk if you have other questions!
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aliceinhabsland · 7 years
I'm kinda new to hockey and am really curious, what did Curtis Joseph do? i've tried looking it up but couldn't find anything
I used to kind of idolize him when I was younger, he was the first active goalie that I was ever a fan of
…in his exit interview at the end of the 2001-2002 season, when the Leafs were eliminated from the playoffs, he kinda bussed his entire team. Said that they didn’t care about winning, insinuating that they were all content to have an easy ride and nice paycheque living in a big hockey market. (i just checked, they were eliminated in game 6 of the conference finals). He was very emotional and sad himself, but there’s no way that insulting your team like that is ever okay? esp when they’re down? It left me in shock…sometimes I think maybe I was a naive child about it, but even today - doesn’t matter what you think of your teammates, it’s such a wrong!!!! thing to do! publicly in front of mics and cameras. ‘love thy goalie’ is such a basic part of hockey 101 and the idea that the goalie wouldn’t have his team’s back when they’re down just struck me as so horrible.
…so yeah. He went from being wayyyyyyy up on a pedestal for me, to being this unworthy ungrateful rude ass punk that I was embarrassed to have ever stanned for. He knew, too, that he was going to be leaving town (he signed with Detroit that summer) and honestly a city that loves you as much as Toronto and it’s fans did (honestly, think of how universally Carey Price is loved, that’s what he was) - to have the very last thing you do in a Leafs uniform be so bitter and backhanded and low… it sucks.
he ruined the Leafs for me. I know it’s not any of the other players’ fault but i just couldn’t muster up any heart after that for blue and white or engaging with other Leafs fans bc he’d inevitably come up, I needed distance. lol he’s also why - as much love and respect and admiration I have for Carey - I try to keep in mind that faves come and go. 😔
a couple of years ago I saw something on FB about how he was going to be in a Toronto area restaurant/sports bar hosting something? and I made a slightly bitter comment about how can he possibly think he’d be welcome in this town/that the sting of how he left could still be felt and was kind of surprised to find that this feeling was just about unanimous in everyone commenting.
lol sorry for the long winded reply, anon…I just have a lot of feelings about goalies! and strong feelings about right and wrong esp when you’re a part of a team.
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