#esmee shelby
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Day Four of the October Dreams 1K Follower Event
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Witch!OFC
Summary: Polly’s meddling has unintended consequences for Tommy
Word Count: 1.8K
Warnings: Smoking, drinking, language, set around season four but mostly spoiler free
A/N: Dedicated to @a-reader-and-a-writer ❤️
“There’s a woman here to see you, Tom.”
Tommy tears his gaze from the pile of paperwork strewn across the desk to find Lizzie hovering in the doorway. His secretary’s face is a careful mask of indifference as she leans against the wooden frame, but her apparent apathy is belied by the hint of jealousy in her voice.
There’s nothing for her to worry about, Tommy muses to himself, reaching for the half-empty carton of cigarettes resting on the far side of his desk. He doesn’t have any of those appointments booked this evening - or for the foreseeable future. These days, sex is the furthest thing from his mind.
Pushing the paperwork to the side with one hand and lighting his cigarette with the other, he inclines his head. “Send her in then, eh?” Under normal circumstances, he wouldn’t be so accommodating towards unexpected visitors, but heaven knows he could do with a distraction.
Lizzie nods brusquely and disappears from the doorway before he can ask her to fetch him another packet of cigarettes.
“He says you can go in,” he hears her mutter in a clipped tone.
Choosing not to acknowledge her possessiveness for the time being - that’s another problem for another day - Tommy reclines in his chair and takes a long drag of his cigarette. He exhales heavily and when the smoke clears, he casts his attention over the woman who has taken Lizzie’s place.
Her appearance is unexpected. Striking, even, to say the least. Dressed from head to toe in black, she’s at least a foot shorter than his secretary but just as slight. A headscarf conceals much of her hair, and she appears to be dressed in a riding cloak and long skirts, a far cry from the ever-changing ladies’ fashion he has grown accustomed to in recent years.
Tommy narrows his gaze, trying to place her. It’s unheard of for his mother’s kin to approach him like this; these days, all communication flows through Esmee or Johnny Dogs. A gut feeling tells him this woman is something else entirely.
Seeming to shrink under the weight of his stare, his visitor is the first to break the silence, taking a tentative step forward as she murmurs, “Mr Shelby?”
There’s a note of nervousness in her soft Birmingham accent, which comes as little surprise. Clearly, she knows exactly who she’s dealing with. What he’s capable of. And why wouldn’t she? After all, the Shelby reputation continues to precede him.
Tommy nods, exhaling another cloud of smoke in her direction. “And who might you be?”
“Your aunt Polly sent me,” she answers, choosing to omit her name as she glances around the dimly lit office. “I’m sorry for turning up unannounced but she said it was for the best.”
A familiar sense of irritation prickles within Tommy’s veins as he recalls the particularly contentious conversation he’d had with Polly not two nights ago. It would seem his aunt has finally made good on her threats.
“Come in and close the door,” he barks, stubbing out his cigarette with more force than necessary.
The woman does as he commands, crossing the room until only the large mahogany desk separates them. With the distance between them now halved, he’s taken aback by how young she is, how her skin is unblemished and her hair - thick and dark - threatens to escape from two untidy braids. Her pale blue eyes, currently filled with the hint of trepidation, are lined with kohl.
“So you’re the witch, eh?” He raises his brow, wishing he’d poured himself a whiskey before agreeing to see this woman.
The feeling only intensifies as her striking gaze lingers on him for a beat longer than is comfortable and her voice takes on a more confident edge.
“We don’t like to use that term these days, Mr Shelby.”
“No?” Tommy considers this, pulling out another cigarette from his dwindling supply and rolling it across his bottom lip. “What would you have me call you then?”
The woman’s shoulders lift slightly, apparently unfazed by his churlish response. “Some call us healers.”
“Healers?” he scoffs around the cigarette, the beginning of a headache starting to form. “You think I’m in need of fixing?”
“What I think is irrelevant, Mr Shelby. But Polly seems to think so.”
Polly. Damn that meddlesome woman. One day she’ll realise that some things - some people - are better left broken. And even if he could undo the events of the last five years, there is simply no coming back from what happened in France. There is no coming back from death.
“Polly doesn’t know anything. And you are wasting your time.” He waves his hand towards the door. He has absolutely no intention of entertaining Polly’s fantasies tonight - or ever. “No amount of magic or potions is going to change a bloody thing. So you can leave now.”
Despite his disparaging tone, the woman doesn’t baulk. “She already paid me twenty shillings to come here tonight.”
“Twenty shillings, eh?” He blinks back his surprise. “That’s quite a profit you must be turning. And you didn’t just take the money and run?”
She frowns at the implied insult, her pink lips pursing. “My grandmother taught me better than that. Besides, Polly is a friend of the family.”
“And who is your family?” he wonders aloud. “You’re not one of the Lees.” No, they assuredly would have taken the money and ran.
She shakes her head, her unwavering gaze still trained in his direction. “I’d prefer it if we kept my family out of it, Mr Shelby. As I said, I’m here at your aunt’s behest.”
Unaccustomed to being on the backfoot, Tommy is careful to hide his unease. This woman seems to know him - or his family, at least - but he has absolutely no idea where she has come from.
“Forgive my curiosity,” he mutters around the cigarette, not an ounce of contrition in his tone. “But I usually seek references when doing business. It’s good practice to know who you’re getting into bed with. Do you know Johnny Dogs?”
Her lips curl into a smile. “He offered me his hand in marriage once. My grandmother saw him off with a shotgun. Threatened to put a curse on him if he ever came back.”
“Smart woman, your grandmother.” Despite his misgivings, Tommy gestures for her to take a seat across from him, unable to deny his growing intrigue. He’d wanted a distraction, had he not? “Cigarette?”
She shakes her head, gracefully lowering herself into the spare armchair. “They’re bad for your health.”
“This is Birmingham, sweetheart. Everything is bad for your health. Including” - he points a finger in her direction - “witches.”
In lieu of a response, she smiles again and suddenly he finds himself wishing she’d remove that headscarf. Her face is still partially cast with shadows in the low light; he’d like to see all of her.
“So humour me.” He settles back in his seat and stubs out his second cigarette, both his headache and the desire for whiskey beginning to fade away. “What exactly has Polly paid you to do?” Tommy would be the first to admit that he has a complex relationship when it comes to his family’s faith in fortunes and curses.
“Besides the magic and potions, you mean?” she teases, her ring-clad fingers clasped in her lap.
Fighting the unexpected and somewhat disconcerting urge to smile back, Tommy nods. “Besides the magic and potions.”
“You’ll have to forgive me, Mr Shelby, but it’s bad for business to reveal all my secrets.”
There’s no trace of her initial apprehension as she continues to meet his eye. In fact, she seems to have relaxed in his presence. He can’t decide whether she’s brave or just naive.
“Tommy,” he tells her, taking both of them by surprise. “You can call me Tommy.”
She pauses for a moment, her blue gaze suddenly unreadable, before she replies, “Ok, Tommy.”
Another beat of silence passes between the two of them and there’s a noticeable change in the air as it fills with an electric charge - the portent of a gathering storm.
“You won’t tell me about your family, but it seems only fair I should get your name, eh?” Tommy remarks, offering her an expectant look. The truth is, he wants to keep her talking. Magic and potions be damned.
“Evelyn,” she murmurs, her answer taking him by surprise.
“I knew a girl named Evelyn once,” Tommy tells her, clearing his throat. Deep in the back of his mind, a memory is stirring. A truth, demanding to be revealed. “We called her Evie. Always had flowers in her hair. We played together as children on the banks of the canal. Me, her and Arthur.”
The woman, the witch - Evelyn - shifts in her seat. “What happened to her?”
“War happened,” he tells her, bluntly. “Never saw her again.”
That’s not to say he hadn’t thought about the girl often, although admittedly less so over the years. He’d made a point not to seek her out when he’d returned from France. It was safer to treasure her as a memory than trouble her with the demons that had followed him back to Small Heath.
“But you got to say goodbye.”
It’s less a question than a statement, but Tommy finds himself responding anyway, still grappling with that insistent feeling that he’s forgetting something. “I did.”
“You kissed her,” Evelyn continues solemnly. “At Digbeth Lock. After the summer fair.”
Thrown off balance entirely, Tommy stutters. “I- how did you know that?” He frowns, rubbing a hand across his jaw. Is he under the witch's spell right now?
Slowly, wordlessly, the witch begins to unwrap her headscarf. Tommy watches, spellbound, as her beautiful face finally comes into full view, a thin crown of crimson and ochre flowers resting atop her midnight hair. All of the air leaves his lungs in a single breath.
It can’t be.
“It’s you. It’s fucking you.” He shakes his head, eyes rapidly searching her face as he reconciles the woman before him with the memory of his childhood sweetheart. Evie. How could he have been so blind. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
Evelyn clutches her discarded scarf tightly, her eyes now shining bright with unshed tears as she offers him a melancholy smile. “I was told the war had changed you, Tommy. Honestly, I didn’t think you’d remember me.”
Of course he remembered her. Evie. The girl with the flowers in her hair.
Abruptly, he rises to his feet, torn entirely between pouring himself a whiskey and gathering her into his arms.
The truth is, Tommy Shelby has always believed himself to be irrevocably broken. But maybe, just maybe, she could be the one to fix him.
#tommy shelby#cillian murphy#peaky blinders#tommy shelby fanfic#cillian murphy fic#October#follower celebration
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Summary: Fluffy one shot requested by @zablife focusing on Isaiah and his girlfriend's babysitting John and Esmee's kids while the couple is away. I've added names and some specific interactions to bring the scenario to life, showing their natural parenting instincts and the subtle exploration of their potential future together. I hope it's what you were looking for!
Word Count: 3k.
Pairings: Isaiah Jesus/Original Female Character, mentions of John and Esmee Shelby.
Warnings: None.
The late afternoon sunlight filtered through the kitchen windows, casting a warm golden glow across the countertop where Isaiah was meticulously arranging chicken nuggets into a smiley face. Y/N watched him with a soft smile, her heart melting at the care he was taking with the meal.
"Are you sure this is how kids want their food?" Isaiah asked, tilting his head and adjusting a nugget to perfect the smile's curve.
Y/N chuckled, wrapping her arms around his waist from behind. "I think seven and five-year-olds will be more concerned with eating than food art, babe."
When John and Esmee had asked them to watch their children, Lily and Max, for the weekend, Y/N and Isaiah had been simultaneously excited and nervous. John's sister and his best friend, they were the go-to babysitters, but this was different. This was their first extended time caring for children, and somewhere in the back of their minds, a question lingered: Could they do this someday?
The doorbell rang, and Max's excited voice preceded his entrance. "Auntie Y/N! Uncle Isaiah!"
Lily followed close behind, her braids bouncing with each step. John had given them a detailed itinerary - meal times, bedtimes, favorite activities - but Y/N and Isaiah were determined to make this more than just a checklist of tasks.
"Who wants to help me set the table?" Y/N asked, pulling out colorful plastic plates.
Both children's hands shot up. "Me! Me!" they chorused.
Isaiah watched, fascinated, as Y/N guided their small hands, teaching them how to carefully place utensils and napkins. The patience in her movements, the gentle way she corrected and praised, made his heart skip a beat.
After dinner, which involved more giggles than Isaiah had anticipated (particularly when Max decided to stack his nuggets into a "chicken tower"), they moved to the living room for some pre-bedtime activities.
"Story time!" Lily declared, clutching a thick picture book about magical adventures.
Isaiah and Y/N exchanged a look. They had this down. John had specifically mentioned their stellar storytelling abilities.
Y/N settled into the oversized armchair, and Isaiah joined her, their bodies creating a comfortable nest for the children. Max immediately cuddled close to Isaiah, while Lily nestled against Y/N.
"Once upon a time," Isaiah began, his deep voice taking on a theatrical quality, "in a kingdom where dragons wore sunglasses and unicorns played basketball…"
The children's giggles erupted, and Y/N added dramatic sound effects, making the story come alive. It was a collaborative performance, each of them adding details, their eyes sparkling with joy.
Bath time was an adventure of its own. Water splashed, bubbles flew, and by the end, the bathroom looked like a miniature tsunami had passed through. But the children's delighted faces made every soaked towel worthwhile.
"Can you braid my hair like you did earlier?" Lily asked Y/N, her big eyes hopeful.
"Of course, my little princess," Y/N responded, sitting Lily between her legs and carefully weaving her hair into neat braids.
Isaiah watched from the doorway, his heart filling with a warmth he couldn't quite describe. Seeing Y/N so tender, so natural with children, stirred something deep within him.
Bedtime approached, and with it came the inevitable battle of "I'm not tired."
Max tried hiding under a blanket, claiming he was "invisible" and therefore couldn't possibly go to sleep. Isaiah played along, dramatically looking around the room. "Where's Max? I can't seem to find him!"
Lily, more strategic, negotiated. "Can we have one more story? Pleeeease?"
Y/N and Isaiah exchanged a knowing smile. How could they resist?
Another story, this time about brave knights who solved problems with kindness instead of swords, finally settled the children. Soft breathing replaced giggles, and tiny hands clutched favorite stuffed animals.
In the quiet of the night, with both children finally asleep in the guest room, Y/N and Isaiah sat on the couch, exhausted but exhilarated.
"We did it," Y/N whispered, leaning her head on Isaiah's shoulder.
His arm wrapped around her, pulling her close. "We make a pretty good team."
The unspoken question hung in the air. Not said, but definitely felt. Could they do this? Be parents?
Isaiah's fingers traced gentle patterns on Y/N's arm. "They were amazing today."
Y/N nodded, a soft smile playing on her lips. "Imagine our own…"
Their eyes met, a spark of possibility, of potential future, passing between them.
When John and Esmee returned the next day with their least daughter, sleeping in Esmee's arms , they didn't except to find their kids requesting Isaiah and Y/N to babysit them again in the near future and bubbling their weekend adventure.
"They were perfect," Y/N assured them, exchanging a meaningful glance with Isaiah. Perfect, indeed.
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Spring • 1/4
Organized crime had not been the life Thomas envisioned and yet it was the life to greet him. Some assumed the killing, lying, and stealing were the hardest of transitions. What troubled the Shelby boys most was the hierarchy. There was always someone higher in the crime food chain. The Peaky Blinders—no Thomas wanted what only one man had. Carlisle. Very few had met him in person. Known for his eyes and ears everywhere, Thomas was known for being two steps ahead while Carlisle was known for being twelve. If a man jumped Carlisle was prepared for his takeoff, flight, and landing.
“Have you gone mad? You can fuck with the men such as Lee’s and Kimber but Carlisle is not to be messed with. He’s ended bloodlines for less,” In all of Polly’s years she had never heard anything so foolish. Her gaze so deeply fixated on her nephew she wished to read straight through him.
“We are not moving against Carlisle,” Thomas clarified but his aunt only scoffed. She snatched the glass of whiskey from his hands throwing it back like water. The cringe on her features spoke volumes.
“And yet you’re ready to jump into bed with him. You boys know little of the whispers of Carlisle. Most places they don’t even say his name aloud in fear he’ll show,” None of this stirred the piercing blue eyed Shelby. His demeanor remained at ease despite the risks he wanted to run.
“We get in good with Carlisle it could mean everything for the Peaky Blinders. Most importantly our family,” Arthur chimed in but hesitance stained his features. No matter how formidable of men for the very first time there was someone truly worth fearing.
“Or the end of us all. Do tell how you intend to get the attention of Mr. Carlisle. There’s rarely good attention and we cannot have bad intentions with Carlisle,” Silence followed within the betting shop. Thomas reached into his coat pocket revealing a newspaper.
“A colored girl on the front. How progressive of London,” Polly murmured, taking the article in her hand she studied the picture. Beneath it read (Y/n) (L/n). You wore a big smile on your face with a tight glittery dress. Thomas returned the article back to his pocket.
“This club is the only place openly owned by Carlisle. In the whispers I found he frequents there,” The suggestion only added to the uneasiness within the room. Thomas watched each of his family members carefully. Polly smoked her cigarette as though her life depended on it. John chewed on his tooth pick his eyes downturned while Arthur stared off silently. Ada bounced Karl in her lap caring little for the meeting. Her presence only there by the behest of her Aunt.
“I think whatever it is you are thinking of doing. Don’t do it. You’ll be the end of all of us,” Thomas expected nothing besides venom from Ada. At times he wondered if his younger sister was correct. Will I be the end of the Shelby’s? Ada continued only acknowledging that Thomas was going to do as he pleased any how.
Thomas was the first to leave the family meeting. Out into the warm rain, the sunshine deceiving on first glance. He walked toward the Garrison with a strange calm. Unaware of the next sequence of events that would unfold. His pack of smokes bumped the article making a small sound at the wrinkle of the paper. Inhaling deeply the burn in his throat stung lightly. He pulled the article back out, his eyes landed immediately on your photo. Hair pulled back small coils of baby hairs lined the side of your face adding a youthfulness to your features. Said features are what Thomas perceived as foreign and yet it intrigued him. Folding it back into his pocket he flicked the cigarettes between his fingers to the mud.
Inside the bar just down the road Tommy ordered a drink. His brothers joined him not long after and the three bantered like always. Those moments silently cherished by Thomas more than he cared to admit.
The Shelby brothers stepped into the club in full swing. Low lighting brought a soft hum to the entire room. The bar decorated with candles created an almost sensual theme.
“Name?” The bouncer asked in a way no man aware of the brothers would dare. Arthur scoffed but Thomas grabbed his brother.
“Tell Carlisle the Shelby’s are here. The heads of the Peaky Blinders,” The bouncer frowned but all eyes landed on you.
“Is there a problem Lance?” The article burned in his pocket at the sight of you. You took them by surprise with your American accent. Lance repeated Thomas and they watched as your smile widened.
“Follow me boys,” Without waiting you walked in the opposite direction. Music loud and bodies everywhere you worked your way through the crowd. Multiple people saying hello and grabbing your attention through the mix. Not turning to make sure they were still there you walked down the a dark hall.
The fourth door down you opened it and looked to the Shelby brothers. Grinning as you gestured for them to enter first. Each of them eyed you before stepping in. Thomas’s stare never broke though, his eyes on the slit of your dress. Your holster just faintly noticeable.
“Now what does Carlisle owe for the pleasure of the Peaky Blinders?” Amusement clear as Arthur narrowed his eyes at you. The confidence leaving you in a way they had never seen in any woman. Not even Polly held this calm in the face of danger. Thomas noted your posh-like behavior.
“We’d like to propose a deal to Carlisle. Do you speak for him?” He asked, grabbing glasses you placed four on the table. You looked up with a light grin saying, “Whiskey?”
John was the only one to accept this made your grin widened as you downed your glass. Thomas and Arthur silently scolded John as he shrugged.
“Cowardice,” Pointing at Arthur and Thomas you watched as both their eyebrows pulled together. Your index finger moved to John who appeared as a deer in headlights. “You will speak for the Peaky Blinders.”
“I asked you a question?” Thomas spat, pouring another shot of whiskey you quick swallowed it down. Eyes locked on Thomas you leaned forward, “I’m sorry—I couldn’t quite hear you?”
“Uh John,” Your eyes were still on Thomas, watching as he fumed silently. A pause occurred in the small black painted room.
“Now John why would Carlisle need some Peaky boys?” Watching John squirm under your gaze sent your ego into overload. He pitched the Peaky Blinders on Carlisle’s payroll, reason being more eyes and ears.
“What makes you think Carlisle doesn’t already have eyes and ears in your territory?” The thought never dawned over any of the three. Thomas snatched his glass of whiskey downing the drink in seconds. He wet his lips fighting the urge to bounce his leg beneath the table.
“I’ll call your bluff. What does your boss know about anything in Small Heath eh?” Thomas pressed pouring your third shot you also added to Thomas’s. The burn in your throat finally made you cringe.
“Carlisle knows all about the fixed races. Kimber, Lee drama, and the dance with Inspector Campbell. And your recently blown up bar. Shall I continue?” Speaking so carelessly you enjoyed the silence that followed. You now sat on the edge of the table, long legs dangling off the side. Thomas on the other hand froze in place, your boss had tabs on them. “Ease up. Carlisle knew you would show up soon enough. Family is important to Carlisle. He admires your business and family dynamic. Come here tomorrow at noon. We’ll see if you are fit to be in business with Carlisle.”
“Who is Carlisle to you?” Thomas’s question went unanswered as you walked out. The three went over to the bar, Thomas watched as you moved about the club. You danced and drank without care.
The irony of the night being only one hotel offered a vacancy, The Carlisle. Inside the lobby was grand and as they gave their name at the desk a room was already prepared for them.
“I don’t know Tommy. If we’re going to do this we cannot try anything with this man. Too much money, power, and ears,” Arthur pointed out on the side. They remained careful of the receptionists observant eyes.
“I think this could be really good for us,” Thomas muttered but Arthur feared of his youngest brothers hubris and ambition. Despite the reasonable fear he still trusted him.
The next morning arrived seemingly faster than the night ended. Thomas getting little sleep fueled his irritability levels. The low lights still on the area felt odd without the several numbers of people. Armed men stood in different corners of the club.
“Carlisle has assigned a task for you,” Almost as if you had not been drinking as you carried a cheeriness to you.
“Where exactly is the man of the hour eh?” Thomas questioned but you placed yourself up on the bar. Your feminine suit-like outfit appearing rather peculiar. All black suit with a red bow tie, that same red matching your lip stick and heels.
“The Martello family has been skimming funds. Their Estate is rather lovely. Carlisle will be occupying them with lunch in two hours time. During that time you’re going to have this delivered to their door. Give them these bullets with the daughters names on them. I’ve personally always admired the Lee family’s flare for dramatics,” The picture was a clear family portrait. Anthony Martello’s wife and two daughters had bars over their eyes.
“This could cause a war between the Martello’s and the Lee’s,” Thomas pointed out, adjusting the strap on your heels you rolled your eyes.
“Both constant thorns in Carlisle’s side. The Lee’s have proven to be your adversaries in the past. You think some cute little marriage will stop them from inevitably toppling you. Carlisle has grown tired of the two greedy families,” Serving yourself some water you crossed one leg over the other. Your gaze shifted from Thomas to John. He bounced on his heels nervously while Arthur looked to Thomas. “Tell me. Are you boys sure you want to jump in this bed?”
The provocative nature to your tone bordering sexy and frustrating. Under your gaze Thomas was sure he could not hide. You leaned back on your elbows revealing the small tattoo on your ankle. From what Thomas could see it was an coyote. You leaned forward elbows on your knees, pants hiding away the ink.
“Once the task is complete are we finally going to strike a deal with Carlisle?” Chuckling at the urgency in meeting the man.
“This is your audition. If you pass that you meet Carlisle. Don’t be fooled the meeting is only the interview to see if you qualify to be on payroll. When your done with Martello’s estate report back here,” Jumping off the bar the only sound was your heels clicking against the floor. The Shelby’s walked to the car in an place of shock.
“Are we doing this?” John queried. Thomas only nodded in silence. His mind still wrapped up with the coyote tattoo. You sparked a fire in him, one he had not felt since meeting his first love. Grace. For the first time the name was nearly forgotten.
He shook the thoughts from immediate memory. The three carried out their assigned task with ease. Anthony Martello would return home to Thomas’s most feared threat. A threat against his family. Back at the club bouncer Lance showed them to a private room. A bottle of bourbon and glasses the only thing within the room besides seats. After twenty minutes the door opened, back in a dress you were not alone. In followed a man who looked much like you. A group of unfamiliar men, and several of the regular armed guards.
“Alright welcome! Welcome!” Thomas frowned as the sight of what practically appeared your male twin. “My name is Carlisle (L/n) you lot have requested my presence. In hopes to be on my payroll. Peaky Blinders say hello to your competition, The Baxerton Gang.”
“What in the bloody hell is this. Your pretty little bird said nothing about this,” Sipping your bourbon quietly you chuckled to yourself. You watched the Peaky Blinders silently watch as the Baxerton gang pitched a fit.
“I’m sick of the bloody games. You’re not only going to add the Baxerton gang to your payroll but as your main security. This is no place for women one of my own could be your representative,” Nathaniel—no David, you could not recall the name of the head of Baxerton. While your blood boiled from the disrespectful demands Carlisle only chuckled.
“You see that’s where I must stop you. I have a different approach. Us men we start wars and lose lives meaninglessly. The women. Dare I say they’re smarter. While we think two steps ahead they’ve thought out a lifetime,” The head of Baxerton once again interrupted. Their haughtiness creating a dangerous tension. “Are you reaching a point Mr. Carlisle.”
This time Carlisle turned toward you, chewing the inside of your cheek you eyed the Baxerton leader. Rising to your feet you pulled your hair from it restraints, allowing the coils to hang free.
The leader of Baxerton stood in front of you, smiling as he wore a big grin on his lips, “Are you a part of the deal beauty?”
“Something like that,” Kneeing him you watched as he hunched over. Your men readied their guns as his partners reached for their own. Before the pig could rise your gun was pressed to the back of his head. You raised your white heel near his face.
“I guess it’s time to introduce myself. I’m (Y/n) Carlisle. You and a few others know the truth, only a handful but to the world my brother is Carlisle. Now first things first you want off the floor? Lick my heel,” Gun still aimed your eyes locked with Thomas’s, a fire danced in your eyes. “You have two options lick my shoe or I decorate these floors and my shoes with you.”
As his tongue connected with the bottom you signaled your most trusted guards to grab him. Thomas did not break his gaze on you, even when you walk back over to your seat. Reaching into his pocket he retrieved a cigarette, ignoring his brothers uneasy gazes.
“You reveal the truth behind the hierarchy here but claim the Baxerton gang is our competition. Is it safe to assume you intend to end the gang you choose to not work with,” Smiling wildly they all watched as you and your brother locked eyes. The nonverbal conversation was indecipherable.
“Give our Baxerton guests a prolonged exit. Call the office tell them plan Beta is being executed and remind them Beta is for Baxerton not Shelby,” Your men moved in unison, the uniformity nearly admirable. Even though the three screamed and pleaded for their families you awaited until the door closed to continue.
“I’m only going to make me self clear once. Remember I am everywhere. You even have the slightest inkling of betraying me and that’s your life. Not just yours alone,” Placing photos on the table you watched as the expressions shifted. Ada carrying Karl was the first, she clearly appeared unaware of the photo. Next Polly with Finn and photos of Esme and Johns children followed. Johns leg tapped at a slow pace his eyes on his beloved kids. “Sins of th—Now John I would advise you to put down the gun but that’s boring.”
“Leave me bloody kids alone!” Rising to his feet you remained in your seat. Thomas searched your eyes for a glimmer of fear but once more he found amusement. Arthur begged John to lower the gun, beckoning Tommy to help him.
“Come on pull the trigger John. Shoot me and then shoot me brother. Me men know the procedure for the assassination of Carlisle. Let’s go through a play by play shall we? First they are going to beat you lot to an inch of your life. Followed by a trip of rounding up all of the Shelby’s. The children will be renamed and rerouted to new families. The adults? They’ll be hung and set ablaze of course. Come on Johnny. You’re my favorite Shelby thus far. Brave and Passionate. Such a doomed combination,” His hand shook but his finger no longer touched the trigger. Thomas could see your brothers hand clenching, he lacked your brazenness. Without a word John holstered his pistol. Tommy and Arthur rose to their feet and you followed suit. “Do I make myself clear Shelby’s?”
“Crystal,” Thomas accepted your hand taking note of your manicured nails. He said nothing as you took his cigarette from his lips taking your own puff of the tobacco. You stared up into his eyes with a playful glint, “Good. We’re going to have so much fun together.”
Peaky Blinders Masterlist
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What are your oc’s wishes?
Well, it really depends on which ones you mean!
i'll list the one's who're posted right now as that'll give you better context for each! if you want an unreleased one then you can ask specifically
Clara Blake - “Can you get rid of my back pain?” Dorothy Jane - "Can you heal me? Can you remove my stitches?" Hina Chishino - for her dad to wake up (from a coma) Tsuki Chishino - for her mom to wake up (from a coma) Winona Roxanne - “Let me find who did this...I wanna make them suffer…” Elanore Conner - "I want a new perspective!" Shelby Cooper - “Please! Let me see them one last time! I don’t care if they’re dead already, I want to see them!” Elise Patrick - “Let me build something useful for once!” Luciana Sienna - “Can...can you let me inherit the parlor? My family’s ice cream parlor!” Esmee Maud - "I want to go somewhere...Somewhere I can call home!" Jennefer Delaney - "Her! Make her suffer! Make her pay! Let karma take a toll on her life!" Riley Harper - to travel to the stars Janet Bianca - “Stop what's causing all this!” Austin Levin - “I want to steal their hearts” Maisie MacMillian - To repair the sinking ship she was on Bonnibelle Thomas - to unlock the door under the stairs Beatrice Valentina - "Tell me, what the hell is love supposed to feel like?" Catherine Serlin - "let me resist more light!" Daphne Dylan - “Blow it all away! Every brick, every board, every slamming door! 'Til there’s nothing left of yesterday!” Zelda Khün - "Tonight there's a feast, correct? Why not let me poison them all? So I'll finally be free!" Robin Morales - “I want there to be someone they can root for” Alice Bedivere - “What happened to everyone?” Lacey Cruller - "Let my family have the perfect chocolate recipe in anywhere around!" Mianbao Meihui - "Don't let me forget, let me archive all my work." Tae-Min Myeong- "I need to actually get them (the prosthetics), can your wish granting help with that goal?" Loretta Kidd - "I need to study, I can't fail, I need to stay up all night to pass this!!" Liwliwa Pataray - I want the new year celebration to go exactly according to plan. Derek Doxiadis - "I wish I could be here all alone but noooooo you just had to show up!" Tian Meihui - Let me be smarter! Let me reach the top of the class! [The Villain] - You know what? Let me be the villain they say I am, just let me take it all out on anyone! [The Detective] - Let me figure it out, I need all the evidence I can get [The Mint] - Stop them from hunting! [The Mask] - I want [their] family to dissolve from the inside out [The Archer] - I want perfect aim, always! [The Artifact] - Make those thieves give back what's rightfully ours! [The Egg] - I wish I wasn't fragile as I am now Ginger Jiang - Give me my grandma’s recipe!
Hopefully that helps! like before these are all of the released ones so far! if you want an in-progress one then let me know! everyone has a wish so dw!
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Chilhood sweethearts part 5
It's the morning, Ada and Eleanor come back from the cemetery, they spent all night by James' grave, crying, talking, just the two of them like in the good old days. They go into the house, Polly's having breakfast.
“ There you are! I was beginning to worry! "Polly takes them both in her arms, then touches Eleanor's face, looks into her beautiful blue eyes.
"And how are you? "Eleanor nods her head that she's okay even though she's empty inside.
"Do you know what day it is? »
Ada pushes Polly's arm, gets excited, steps back...
"It's your birthday! I can't believe I forgot."
"but no…stop it's not today ... " she looks at the calendar and indeed it was set for June 23rd.
"Oh yes, I had completely forgotten" when she tooks them in her arms.
"Come on ! Come on, get dressed ! It's your day ! We'll go shopping and then we'll celebrate at the Garrison Pub !!! »
"Thank you, Polly," as she kisses her on the cheek.
After their long day of shopping and getting dressed for the birthday party.
The doors of the Garrison open, everyone was there, all are the most important people for El. In this crowd, she imagines her brother making jokes to people with John, talking about boxing with Arthur, talking business with Thomas. She wishes he was there.
"El! Happy Birthday to you! You ready to celebrate? "said John, taking her in his arms. He gives her a drink, comes close to her ear, "You look beautiful" she smiles, "Thank you John" and gives him a kiss on the cheek. Esmee not far away, takes him by the arm as he blushes.
Arthur comes to take El by the hand to bring her to a table. She sits down and notices that Thomas and Grace are there as well as Ada and Freddie.
"Happy Birthday Eleanor, full of good things," she hears from Grace's mouth. She raises her glass as a sign of thanks. She is drawn to Grace's hand that Thomas is holding. She starts smiling and decides to throw a spade.
"She's not going to fly away your barmaid Tommy."
Serious Thomas is looking at El.
"What don't you say anything ? It's a new from you, you always have something to say."
He puts his cigarette on the floor, takes his glass of whiskey " You know El, I wanted to announce it at another time but I think it's time after all "
"Announce what?" Ask Ada by surprise.
"You see, the Kimber mission, it brought Grace and me even closer together. Even though we'd already been close for a few months. »
"You're a bastard Thomas Shelby," exclaimed Ada aloud. She didn't hesitate to look at El to see her reaction. Her gaze plunged into the whiskey, she doen’t react. It took her a few seconds to finally say something as she got up from the table to get some fresh air.
"Great...happy for you...", she is desperately looking for the exit, she needs air to digest this news. Why is Thomas wasting his time with Grace, she's convinced that Grace isn't here in Birmingham by chance. Why Thomas refuses to believe her. She's approaching the exit when suddenly someone comes up to her.
"I know about you and John" always in her thoughts, she comes out of it confused.
"John didn't have to tell me, I immediately understood the way you hugged and smiled at each other! "She doesn't understand why Esmee is reacting this way, this story with John was a long time ago and since then nothing has happened. El takes Esmee's hands.
"Esmee...it was a long time ago...I don't love John the way you love him, believe me you don't have to be afraid of me, I don't want to take him away from you, he loves you very much! »
"You think? "said Esmee, tilting her head to the ground.
"I'm sure of it! " Esmee looks at her, takes her in her arms.
"Thank you! "El nods as if to tell her that it's nothing. Her head spins as Grace moves towards the exit. She wants to know who she really is and to find out why she is here, without hesitation she follows her.
"Grace! Grace! Grace! Grace! Grace! Wait! Where do you think you're going?" Grace turns around.
"I have to go get something I forgot at home," she says hesitantly. "But don't worry, I'll be right back, I don't want to miss the end of your birthday... ». El thinks Grace is weird.
"You seem to be in a hurry to just go and get something from home, I'm sure you're hiding something, you're not here by any chance are you? »
"I don't know what you're talking about..."
"Oh! Stop lying, Grace, I'm not Thomas! I know you're using him!
"No, you're wrong! I'm not using him anymore..."
"Ah, you were using him! Why Grace?! Why him? »
"I swear at first, I was using him but now, after staying with him, I realized I was falling in love with him little by little."
A voice interrupts them.
"So Eleanor was right about you!” Thomas comes out of the shadows that have been hiding him since the conversation began. Grace didn't expect him to be there.
"Why?" he said as he approached her.
"Detective Campbell..." Thomas can't believe it, takes a cigarette, thinks for a moment.
"Tommy, there's something you need to know..."
"What else do I need to know that's even worse than what you just told me, Grace! Huh?!!!! »
"Tommy... I'm pregnant! »
Eleanor's in shock.
"Guys!!!!!!!!!! Ada's having a baby !!! Her water broke !!! " shouts Freddie "Thomas we need your car !!!! »
Thomas without hesitation goes to get the car to take Ada to the hospital. Everybody runs around. Eleanor doesn't move, she doesn't feel well between Grace's announcement and Ada's baby coming. Her legs are so heavy that she can't feel them anymore and in a few seconds she faints.
"El! »
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Give me your meguca witches or give me death please.
oh heck lemmie get the list 1 sec
Clara Blake - Vera, Skeleton/Deceitful
Dorothy Jane - Sowerberry, Morgue/Moribund
Hina Chishino - Dou Mei, Engine/Alert
Tsuki Chishino - Maria, Chassis/Sporadic
Winona Roxanne - Amygdala, Scarecrow/Vengeful
Elanore Conner - Brónach, Pinniped/Rustic
Shelby Cooper - Planchette, Occult/Uncanny
Elise Patrick - Aronnax, Brass/Innovative
Luciana Sienna - Rosa À La Mode, Gelato/Urgent
Esmee Maud - Van Der Decken, Galleon/Rapine
Jennefer Delaney - Lemna, Vocal Chord/Noisy
Riley Harper - Zeta Reticulan, Alien/Abducting
Janet Bianca - Claret, Plasma/Healthy
Austin Levin - Tharpe, Siren/Tempting
Maisie MacMillian - Nickole, Shipwreck/Vacant
Bonnibelle Thomas - Tamsen, Cupboard/Noisy
Beatrice Valentina - Cordelia, Fede Ring/Castaway
Catherine Serlin - Lenore, Firefly/Ecstatic
Daphne Dylan - Edna, Cyclone/Calamitous
Zelda Khün - Mithridates, Vial/Toxic
Robin Morales - Joaquin, Graphic Novel/Justice
Alice Bedivere - Margaret, Rose/Complaining
[The Villain] - Carabosse, Beast/Inimical
[The Detective] - Dupin, Bloodhound/Probing
Lacey Cruller - Herci, Cacao/One-upmanship
Mianbao Meihui - BonBon, Library/Engrossed
Tae-Min Myeong- Pelops, Malware/Neighborly
Loretta Kidd - Moriondo, Cafe/Fatigued
[The Comet]- Albedo, Dioptric/Inquiring
[The Mint]- Lotta, Moose/Ravaging
[The Student]- Kindergarten, School/Dim-Witted
Liwliwa Pataray- Baihu, Moon Cat/Yearning
[The Mask]- Diploë, Vessel/Manipulative
[The Archer]- Hou Yi Bamboo/Versatile
[The Artifact]- Rosetta Scarab/Restoration
[The Egg]- Pysanka Embryo/Cloistered
#My Witches#some are more in development then others but just to get the gist (jist?) of how many there are have this#please ask away at anything you wanna know on them lol
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Childhood Sweethearts Part 3
The day after John and Esmee's wedding.
The sun rises over Birmingham, Eleanor is awakened by the daylight hitting her window. She tries to turn to the other side to go back to sleep. Something, or rather someone, is blocking her. It's Thomas. She looks at every part of his face that makes her so excited. She would never have thought that this kind of thing would happen again, she thought what happened last time would remain the very last time, especially after what happened... A movement brings her back from her thoughts.
Thomas gets up and starts to get dressed. No hello, not a glance.
You could have woken me up, I have to go see the boys about Mr. Kimber, I'm going to be late because of you, Thomas says before he walks through the bedroom door.
Ok nice, you know what Thomas next time don't drag me into bed if you're gonna leave like that again...
Thomas not answering his sentence, leaves the room.
Grrrhhh he drives me crazy this man yells El in his pillow.
After long minutes lying in bed, she decides to get up in her turn, do her hair and get dressed. She opens the door and hears voices downstairs. The boys are having their meeting.
We have to show Kimber who's boss here, says John with his glass of whiskey in one hand and his cigarette in the other.
That's why we need a plan, we need someone to stay with him, while we make our plan hear El from Thomas' mouth.
Eleanor approaches the room, everyone is looking at her.
Why not El say Arthur and point her out to his brothers...
Jesus Arthur don’t not counting on me, I don't want to get involved in your illegal affairs!
It's not a big deal El, it's just staying with him, making him laugh or dance, I don't know, you're a girl, you know how to do it says John when he gets close to her.
I'm sorry, guys, but no, you're gonna have to find someone else, Eleanor said, taking her coat and her purse.
Thomas with his cigarette in his hand looks at her
Where do you think you're going?
I'm going to work.
You working on a Saturday?
No, I'm actually trying to figure out a way to stay away from you Thomas Shelby! says Eleanor's ready to open the door.
She looks at everyone's surprised faces.
Don't make those faces, I work every Saturday, says El, smiling, then looks at Thomas, whatever it is, maybe it's to stay away from you, she says as she walks through the door and closes it behind her.
Whatever you've done Tommy, you're in deep shit says John as he drinks his whiskey.
Thomas doesn't pay attention to what his brother says, he smokes his cigarette and then drinks.
Well, I'll ask Grace about Kimber.
Eleanor's coming home from work with groceries for dinner tonight. She comes into the house, she hears voices, she drops off her groceries to take off her coat and purse.
You are still discussing your plan for Kimber, she says as she enters the kitchen.
She stops at the foot of the kitchen, unexpectedly from what she sees.
Then you're not happy to see me, my little darling.
She moves a little forward to put the groceries on the table, looks at the boys, Ada and Polly in shock.
Mr. Shelby, what are you doing here?
Am I not allowed to visit my family? He asks, he gets up from the table to approach her.
I am so happy to see you, you are absolutely beautiful and my greatest achievement he says, caressing her face.
She steps back slowly.
With all due respect Mr. Shelby, you have 5 children here, I'm not one of them, who are absolutely beautiful and successful, you should be happy for them and not for me.
He sighs and then goes back to his chair.
Well, what do you want? Money? If that's why you should get out, says Thomas.
Mr. Shelby gets up, ready to go.
I only came here for you, so if you want to spend time with me, you know where to find me. He leaves the room and closes the door behind him.
Never thought I'd see him again, Eleanor says as she puts away the groceries.
Neither did we, and it was nice the way john said as he helped her put away her groceries.
Arthur John, We're going to get ready for tonight's plan says Thomas.
Did you find someone for Kimber? Ask polly.
Grace says as he smokes his cigarette and looks for El's gaze.
Ah well, that's good, she'll be perfect, said El in a rather excessive tone.
Let's get the rest of the groceries packed up, Polly says. And be careful, don't forget that Kimber is a criminal gangster protected by the police.
Don't worry Polly we're the Peaky fucking Blinders says Arthur, grabbing his cap and putting it on his head.
Arthur and John are leaving to get the car ready. Thomas stands there looking out for a look from Eleanor but in vain, he finishes his glass of whiskey and leaves.
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