deanwasalwaysbi · 2 years
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So when I tell you we went off about Chuck. ... @escapingpurgatorypodcast just released the 3 hour version of our discussion on "The Monster at the End of This Book" (x).
You can tell Amy & Annabelle have so much more to say heading into season 5.
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Okay so I knew going into this that since I don’t have anyone to talk to I was going to need to find people to listen to or else I would drive myself crazy. Unfortunately I found three I really liked all at once and now am spending a truly concerning number of hours on spn content. But I do appreciate the content they make so shoutout to them:
1. Imon_Snow supernatural reactions on YouTube
She does episode reactions, and is watching the show for the first time without much foreknowledge, and I’m enjoying seeing how the show plays to someone who goes in basically blind. Sure sometimes she makes a comment that makes me want to give her a lore dump for context, but genuinely watching her see the nuances unfold is one of my favorite parts.
She’s thoughtful, sweet, and engaged. She tends to focus on theme and character in her discussions, and not infrequently pulls out insights that I’m really impressed she caught onto so early in the show. She has a very endearing crush on Dean and is also extremely fond of Sam, and her coming off as a sweetheart is entertainingly counterbalanced by her occasionally having The judgeist reaction to something a character does before catching and laughing at herself.
P.S. For some reason the playlist I linked only includes her reactions up through 1x16, but last I checked she was well into season 3.
2. @escapingpurgatorypodcast
This is an episode-by-episode deep dive by two friends who have watched the whole show, hated the end so very much, and have stayed as stuck on the show as Tumblr has. I don’t know if/how much they’re involved with online fandom, but this definitely has the most Tumblr-fandom vibes of the three. They try to avoid full-on spoilers, but their watch is very much informed by the show as a whole.
They’re longtime friends who have a very sweet and fun dynamic with each other and scratch that itch I always have after an episode for someone to rant about the implications and emotions raised by ‘x’ episode in context of the Everything to come. I definitely find myself agreeing with them the most, and while that’s not a ding against the others I’m recommending (the different perspectives is part of what I appreciate about them), it’s very nice to have a channel that consistently vents about the same things that got my emotions spinning while also adding insights I missed.
They also make smart comments about filming choices, and since one is watching the dvds and the other is watching on Netflix, they also compare notes on the music changes Netflix made. So yeah—if you want really in-depth discussions from long-term emotionally invested fans, I highly recommend this one!
3. Just Us supernatural reactions on YouTube
This was the last one I stumbled across, and I really didn’t mean to add a third accompaniment. But then I watched Faith and was still reeling after watching/listening to the usuals, and I decided to watch one more reaction for just that episode—and was unfortunately very entertained and endeared.
This channel is four friends, two of whom have seen all or most of the series, and two of whom had never watched an episode before. Their dynamic is boisterous and they rib each other mercilessly but in a way that makes you go ‘aww, they’re friends ^^’. If you’re bemoaning the absence of Sam girls in the other recommendations, Cameron has got your back, with support from Nathan. Davion is holding the fort for the Dean girls. Cameron has a notebook and it somehow becomes the best ongoing bit in the series. Divek has previously watched through season 13, and is the cypher of the group. He spends most of the episodes hood up slumped down poker face on, and he does say things—sometimes passionately—yet I’d have a hard time confidently recounting any opinion he has in the show. It’s a Wild energy to bring to an entertainment platform built around giving opinions/reactions, and it’s frankly fantastic.
Davion and Cameron—the ones watching for the first time—are brothers, and something about their teasing/affectionate/annoyed interactions in response to what is currently The Brother Show is really the key to how delightful the reactions area. Also Davion and Cameron (especially Davion) have John pegged pretty darn quick, and for that they have my respect.
A heads up though: they all have moments in how they talk about the women in the show that make me cringe, and some of them can go uncomfortably hard on no-homoing their (frequent) comments on how attractive Sam and Dean are. For me it’s not enough to outweigh the elements I really enjoy, but ymmv.
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I love the newest episode. 10000000% agree Victor should've been a hunter. I was thinking about what you said about Victor's greatest fear, and maybe his greatest fear is spending his life putting the wrong people behind bars. He has spent so much time and effort on the Winchesters, and it turns out he was wrong. Who else has he been wrong about?
Please tell Chaos Machine Productions that there is an alternate timeline where Victor became a hunter. Make a show about that!
Thanks for listening we love having you along! I really like this take on Victor's greatest fear and I think you are right. The conversation he has with Dean about 'saving only a handful of people' I think he also regrets the lost time and the people he could have saved.
Oh Victor! Your character had so much to give and I wish we could have explored your story....
I will definitely pass on the pitch to Chaos Machine XD (HAHA I wish I had that power!)
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dean-is-love · 4 years
💕 get to know your mutuals!! when you get this, it means someone wants to know more about you, so list 5 things about yourself you want your followers to know. they can be as simple as your age or as complex as your deepest fear, as long as it’s something you’re comfortable with sharing. when you’re done, send this to 10 people you want to get to know better!! 💕
Hi! So um five things about me
1. I love space and anything science fiction
2. I read Harry Potter and the Order of The Phoenix in a day one time (no, i didn't eat or do anything else that day)
3. My favourite author is Alice Oseman and my favourite books from her are Radio Silence and Loveless
4. I like to draw but I don't think it's good enough for it to be more than a hobby
5. I used to write pretty crazy stories in middle school and looking back I don't know how my teacher didn't say anything to my parents about them lol
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savagecabbagedean · 3 years
So many things.. Dean couldn't say but felt..
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(Click on the pic for better quality.. tumblr ate up my pixels)
I have almost finished another Destiel poetry now. Will be posting that soon. In this one.. I didn’t know whom to tag. So.. I am tagging my lovely mutuals and the wonderful people I have interacted with.. under the cut. 
Do let me know if you want to be added or removed.
tagging my beloveds @imapala67-aka-baby @iamnotmereally @mysticalexpertdaze @casmick-consequences @https-castiel @starrynightdeancas @icefire149 @casmybelovedass @green-blue-heller @jenniferfelton @evermorecastiel @velarianon @logicalerror101 @shelikestv @spncreatorsdaily @spnsmile @starlightcastiel @spn-romantica @dammitjas  @armageddonouttahere @impala-kaz @gertiecraign  @sunforgrace @escapingpurgatorypodcast @sinnabonka @deanisbisexual @john-winchesters-a-bitch @waywardpudding
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thepixelagora · 3 years
So I wrote this little thing...
Dean stood at the kitchen door threshold, looking at the display before him with immaculate confusion.
"What... are you doing?" He asked.
A fic in which Dean doesn't like cheesecake and Cas finds out why. Teeth rotting fluff with a twinge of angst and some nice domesticity. Enjoy 💙💚
Tag list under the cut
@deanwasalwaysbi @doctorprofessorsong @escapingpurgatorypodcast @you-cant-spell-subtext-without @november5th
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estrel · 3 years
hi, there are some portions of the jensen panel i'm still trying to piece together, maybe you could help? something about people being weird about jensen's kids and deanbenny and jensen brotherzoning cas (not the huge embrace part)??
i'll be honest i didn't see much of this on the dash and i wasn't listening to the panel itself so i probably missed it. if oomf can fill anon in or link to some posts w/ context, that'd be awesome!
edit: here's a link to the panel. thank you @escapingpurgatorypodcast !!
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deanwasalwaysbi · 2 years
@escapingpurgatorypodcast did a deep dive on the coding and implications of the siren appearing to Dean as a sometimes effeminate male FBI agent. Listen Here! (x)
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SPN 4x14 - Sex and Violence Notice how Dean completely ignores the strippers the entire episode
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destielshippingnews · 3 years
While re-watching and reviewing Supernatural, I'm reading, watching and listening to other people's perspectives on the show to broaden my own understanding... and as a form of trauma-bonding XD. @escapingpurgatorypodcast is one of the resources I've had the pleasure of getting acquainted with in the past few months, and I encourage you to go and listen to Amy and Annabelle's lovely podcasts.
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savagecabbagedean · 3 years
Yess...!! I AM AWARE anon..!!
@escapingpurgatorypodcast Shared it on this site..!!!
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deanwasalwaysbi · 2 years
"Cas has a Dean Winchester podcast on angel radio." Listening to @escapingpurgatorypodcast was a good decision (x)
say in the tags: what's Cas discussing on his Dean Winchester Podcast?
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deanwasalwaysbi · 3 years
For those of you who enjoy longview meta discussion and literary analysis of this enigma of a thing called Supernatural, I highly recommend @escapingpurgatorypodcast episode 2.20 What is and What Should Never Be (x)
Amy and Annabelle go into not just behind the scene discussions that led to choices made in the episode, but their own analysis of Dean's psyche, familial relationships, and how the djinn's magic worked.
Plus their podcast features art by @thepixelagora, and all three of these characters are just the sweetest desties you'd ever want to meet.
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deanwasalwaysbi · 3 years
So honored to have guested on @escapingpurgatorypodcast for 2x02 Everybody Loves a Clown so we can all Clown together about FEELINGS.
Listen here!
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Listen here!
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deanwasalwaysbi · 3 years
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deanwasalwaysbi · 3 years
@escapingpurgatorypodcast (with credit to @thepixelagora) asks: we only really got one episode from Cas's pov. If you were to have another, what would you want to have Cas encounter, who would write the episode, and who would direct it?
Misha Answers: I would love to do an episode from Cas's - well, I guess, I would have loved to have done an episode from Cas's perspective where we really get to explore more of his uh, idk I guess existential loneliness? Cas is such an interesting character because he's caught between worlds. He's been rejected by heaven but then you know never really felt like he was embraced by humanity.
So he was in this liminal space between Heaven and Earth and ironically cared about both so much. You know?
He really felt like he wanted to save the world and to save heaven. He felt allegiance to heaven and he felt duty and love for Humanity. Um and yet he never really knew if he was accepted anywhere.
So that that like in between space I think would be really lovely to explore.
I would love Ben Edlund to write it because Ben was just my favorite he was so he was such a brilliant writer on the show. It's... He's insane. ... possibly criminally insane. And it comes out in the most beautiful way is on the page.
Ben wrote not episode that was from Cas's perspective. He also wrote The French Mistake and some of the other episodes on the show that were just the best.
And I would love uuuuummmmm (looks around and thinks) who would I like to direct it? I don't know. That's up for debate.
(Audience: Jensen!) Jensen?...No
(Audience: Richard!) Richard?! Sure. Yeah.
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