#escaped audios candy
boowiij · 29 days
Working on some other stuff but here’s this candy doodle i did🤭
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(Her outfit is all over the place and it’s killing me💀💀)
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ccstiles · 3 months
I had a vision and had to do it (ft my Slash design)
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I don't know if Candy has a full design but I had to make her a blonde blue eyed bitch with hella makeup and a spray tan
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blackcubez · 2 months
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Don’t matter how attractive you’ll still get slashed>:)
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mslattea · 2 months
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So I was looking at @escapedaudios answering an ask, and he described demon candy I have been wanting to draw her but couldn't put a face to her. I think I did a good job this time!
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citrus-kiddo · 1 month
Request by: Myself
Word count: 818
Featuring: G/T (Giant Barnaby|oc & Reader|Y/N), unwilling to (kinda) willing prey, foodplay if you squint and tilt your head-)
You awake in some sort of bowl, surrounded by various candies, ranging from cheap chocolates to fruity hard candies- wait- this isn’t the time to ogle, where are you? You stand up before beginning to look around inside the space, pushing past the sweet smelling treats to reach the steep wall of the bowl;up, you’re not getting out that way. Suddenly you feel rumbling footsteps approaching before the thump of someone sitting down near the bowl, there was then silence before a faint light and noise emanating from a somewhat further source… who was that person? Were they watching a movie? They’d probably be able to help you out! You begin to try and call out to them, though it doesn’t seem like they can hear you, suppose you should just wait.
Soon a large shadow casts over the bowl as a giant, bulky root-like hand reaches into it, headed in your direction, luckily you scurried out of the way so the candy behind you was picked up instead. The candy was carried out of the bowl, maybe your ticket to freedom! Till that idea was crushed by the loud crunch of the candy being crushed. Oh… oh no. You’re gonna be eaten, aren’t you. This is bad, this is really bad. You were gonna be eaten by some unseen beast and there’s nothing you could do! Panic set in as the hand came more and more frequently, plucking away more and more of the candy.
Soon there was only you and one piece of candy, said candy quickly being taken and eaten like the many others. Now it was just you left in the bowl, your dread reaching an all time high, it was your time, you were going to end up like the candy before you. This was your fate, whether you like it or not. Soon, the hand returned but rather than picking you up, it scooped the bowl you were trapped in up. Soon you were greeted to the face of your capturer which appeared to be… an overgrown jack-o-lantern..? He appeared to be just as confused as you as his hollow eyes squinted a bit before speaking, “ It appears there's a fun-sized being in my dish…” He chuckled before plucking you out the bowl, smiling. You didn't exactly know if this was a good or bad outcome but at least you weren't being eaten…
You were able to look around while in the thing's grasp, soon realizing you were in some sort of living room before being dropped onto the couch the beast was seated on. He turned to you, “ Oh, by the way, don’t think you're off the hook, I’m just waiting for my meal to settle, I’d rather not get a stomach ache over a puny thing like you.” He commented, blocking out any relief you were hoping for. You decided to distract yourself by watching the tv you heard from before, it was playing some sort of horror film. The two of you sat in silence, both of you sucked into what was playing on screen, though the audio was being drowned out by the faint grumbles coming before the pumpkin’s stomach as it worked to make room for you. The beast leaned back into the couch with a happy little huff, clearly amused by your nervousness, “ Oh don’t fret you foolish little thing, you’ll be perfectly fine in there. I don’t have much of a digestive system so you won’t face any harm in there.” That… was oddly reassuring. You sighed a little through your nose before going back to watching the TV, just watching and waiting.
Soon, the movie started to get so good you almost forgot about the literal large looming threat, till he grabbed you. “ Oh, did you really think I’d forgotten about you? You’re a sweet little morsel and I rarely forget about those.” He chuckled, bringing you to his mouth, allowing you to feel the warmth emanating from him. He quickly opened his maw before popping you in, quickly shutting it to prevent you from escaping. His tongue pushed you, causing you to plummet down his hollow gullet. As you fell, a faint glow became brighter and brighter, almost as if you were entering a jack-o-lantern…it was actually kinda nice- ACK! Your sudden crash into the mound of candy that rested in the pit of his stomach was quite the rude awakening. You decided to get yourself comfortable, you were probably gonna be here for a while.
Barnaby chuckled before resting his hand on his gut, “ I’ll let you out once I finish this movie. Don’t worry, I’ll be sure to tell you how it ends!” He chirped smugly before settling himself back onto the couch to enjoy his movie. Meanwhile, you sat amongst your fellow ‘candies’, bored. This was kinda a bummer too, you wanted to what that movie too.
The end.
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ghostfrog28 · 6 months
Escaped Audios Characters And Listeners As Funny Pictures And Draw Prompts, Pt. 2! (Mostly the rats)
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Green is Slasher, Purple is Basher, and Blue is Demon Candy
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I’ll make a part 3 later, I’ve posted like 4 times in the past 2 days lol
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dungeonclown · 26 days
Dungeonclown D20 “Rankings”
In quotes bc i love pretty much all of them and just had to post this for posterity and if one of my friends asks which season(s) to watch. [Bullet Points not in any particular order]
Level 0: did not finish
Pirates of Leviathan (lovely cast but i couldnt get all the way thru due to audio quality issues from being the first remotely recorded show.)
Shriek Week (gabe hicks)
Coffin Run (didn’t hold my interest)
Level 1: I Really Like This 😊
Fantasy High Sophomore Year (i love this season, literally the only downside was the livestream format. No!!)
Fantasy High (OG - we’ve come so far)
Tiny Heist (i mean, so darling, so funny. what so u expect)
Mice & Murder (better quality for remote but could tell the cast would have killed it in person since the zoom call situation is a big barrier)
Misfits & Magic (very cute and wholesome. Spaulding forever)
The Seven (needed more episodes to tell the story!!! wish they had sets and minis; covid problems)
Neverafter (love the themes and imagery, such a good study on storytelling.)
Dungeons & Drag Queens (fave sidequest character art and minis, mainly so impressed by brennans skill as a gm for new players/roleplayers)
Level 2: I Absolutely Love This 🤩
Fantasy High Junior Year (first show watched as it was airing, best FH yet, mary anne skuttle what more could u ask for)
Unsleeping City Part 2 (literally only downside is being filmed remotely. Breaks my heart they couldnt do this in person since this season is so special. BUT - got to see character art and illustrated backgrounds which was really fun)
A Crown of Candy (goddamnit brennan)
The Ravening War (goddamnit matt)
Mentopolis (superb cast w great chemistry and just lots of fun idk man i just think theyre neat)
Burrow’s End (fucking incredible storytelling by aabria, the cast, the crew w sets and minis and SHADOW PUPPETS goddamn.)
Never Stop Blowing Up (so stupid so joyful im just happy to be here)
Level 3: Has a Special Place In My Heart 🥰
Unsleeping City (some of my all time favorite characters and i just love how deeply these people love and understand New York City. Its the molecular structure of NYC in a show and its special)
Escape from the Bloodkeep (the first season i was like I Have To Stop Immediately And Share This With My Family. Every character is perfect. Every NPC is perfect. The minis and sets are darling. Every day i think about Hamhead and about muh hert)
A Court of Fey & Flowers (i just love them, i never thought id be invested in regency shit but if you put it in the feywild and add goblins and hobgoblins and owlbears and idiot bird people and shit im so down goddamn. Killed it. Absolutely killed it. Also gorgeous sets and costumes and props??? Gagged.)
Level 4: Rewired My Brain Chemistry 💀
A Starstruck Odyssey (screaming, crying, throwing up. The energy of these people being in person after covid creates a truly incredible maelstrom of dumb beautiful bozo shenanigans. id give a kidney for more ASO content. I Love This Show. And that it was based off of Starstruck is so fuckin special. This setting is amazing. also big barry syx is the exact bullseye of character im obsessed with that it makes me feral to think about him. I was going to joke that he was made in a lab specifically to appeal to my big beefy sex idiot himbo mercenary sensibilities but thats exactly his backstory and im mad about it)
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DIABOLIK LOVERS LOST EDEN WonderGOO Tokuten Drama CD ”Coffin Decoration ~ Out of the Counsel of Three comes the Greatest Fashion Sense”
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Original title: 棺桶★デコレーション~三人寄れば最強のセンス!?~
Source: Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN WonderGOO Tokuten Drama CD
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Midorikawa Hikaru, Takashi Kondou & Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Translator’s note: This CD added three days to my lifespan with how absolutely ADORABLE Subaru is. ;w; I love it when he gets super excited about coffins and such, haha. That being said, Ayato and Yuma were hilarious in this CD as well. I loved how they all work together in the end to make what is probably the strangest coffin in all of human and Vampire history. xD 
Ayato: …Goddamnit, Reiji. Can he just stop complainin’ ‘bout every single damn thing? I’m not the only one whose room is a mess! It’s my room so it can be as messy as I want it to be, right? …Huh?
Ayato suddenly comes to a halt.
Ayato: Is that…?
Subaru: …
Ayato approaches Subaru. 
Ayato: Oi, Subaru! Whatcha doin’ over here? …It doesn’t happen every day that Mr. Shut-In leaves his room. 
Subaru: Shut up!! It’s none of your fuckin’ business, is it!? I’m busy right now so leave me alone!
Ayato: Busy? All you’re doin’ is lookin’ inside some store. …Ah? 
Ayato: What’s this? 
Subaru: Can’t you tell? It’s a customizable coffin. 
Ayato: Oh. Now that you mention it, it does have these weird decorations on it. …Oh! Are those different kinds of sweets and candy on top? Interestin’! 
Subaru: You like that overly cutesy one? The one on the far right is obviously the coolest!
Ayato: Hah? The one with the black wings? …Also could they have fit on any more skulls? It’s way too much.
Yuma approaches them.
Yuma: …Aah? If it isn’t the Loudmouth and the Shut-In. What brings ya two here? 
Ayato: Subaru wants to decorate his coffin, apparently. 
Yuma: Decorate? Is that the sorta thing you’re into mate? 
Subaru: I’m not…!! I never said I’d actually do it, did I!?
Ayato: But you’ve been lookin’ at this even way before I came here, right? I bet you actually want to give it a try.
Subaru: …!! W-Well…
Yuma: Heeh…Well, check it out! It says that right now, ya can put on as many ornaments as ya can fit on there!
Subaru: …
Ayato: If you’re too scared to go inside by yourself, I can come with you? I’ll even help you pick out some stuff! I’ll sniff out the real cool stuff!
Subaru: …I can only see this endin’ badly. 
Yuma: In that case, I’ll tag along too! Let’s make a coffin that would turn anyone into a shut-in. (1)
Subaru: You guys are makin’ fun of me, aren’t you? Besides, aren’t you outside for a reason as well!? 
Yuma: Yeah. I’m on my way to buy stuff for tonight’s dinner. But I still have plenty time, so it should be fine. 
Ayato: I only left the house to escape from Reiji’s ramblin’. …Come on, let’s go inside already. 
Subaru: …Hey!
Ayato: You grab his other arm, Yuma. 
Yuma: Gotcha. 
Subaru: …! Ugh…!
Ayato: Don’t worry. You’ll be cryin’ tears of joy by the end.
Yuma: Exactly. Leave it to us!
They drag Subaru inside the store. 
Subaru: As if…!! Why do I have to do this with you two fuckers anyway…!? I can already tell you’re goin’ to turn it into some kind of weird shit…!! …So stop pulling me…!!
Ayato: Oh…They’ve got so many decorations to choose from. Wow.
Subaru: Aren’t their coffins a lil’ too big as well? This is pretty much twice the size of my current one. 
Yuma: You’ve got a point. This doesn’t look like it’s meant for one person. 
Ayato: What are you sayin’? Not only does it give you more space to work with, but it’ll obviously be more comfortable to sleep in as well!
Yuma: Is that how it works? 
Subaru: Che…I can’t keep up with you idiots any longer. I’m goin’ home. 
Ayato: That kind of defeats the purpose, doesn’t it? …Let me see…Oh! What do you think ‘bout this one? 
Yuma: Ah! Why a huge cross out of all things!? Ya really think this guy will like that?
Ayato: Ah…? I guess you’re right, it’s kinda creepy. Oi, Subaru. Let’s go for somethin’ else after aーー
Subaru: Not bad…
Ayato & Yuma: Haah…!? 
Subaru: I should probably put this one on the lid. Also…It’d look even better by adding a pair of bat wings. …Wait, no! The dragon wings are kind of temptin’ too…
Yuma: No way…That’s the sort of thing he likes? What’s wrong with your lil’ brother’s taste!?
Ayato: Don’t ask me!!
Subaru: Oi, you guys should bring me some decorations too. If they’re good, I’ll even use them. 
Ayato: That arrogant tone pisses me off, but seems like he finally got in the mood. …Let’s do this. I’ll put on some weird shit and turn it into the lamest coffin ever seen. Hehe…
Yuma: I mean, I guess this is a decent way to kill some time, so count me in.
Subaru: What are you two whisperin’ ‘bout? 
Ayato: Nothin’! I’ll go fetch somethin’ that’ll blow you out of your socks, so just you wait!
Yuma: You just stick to bein’ your usually loner self and have fun decoratin’ ‘kay? 
Subaru: …Okay. This should do for the lid. 
Ayato: Oi, Subaru! Check this one out…!!
Subaru: Ah? What? Also, what took you so damn long!? I’m pretty much done except for the sidーー …Wait, that’s…
*Dun dun*
Ayato: It’s a mini-sized takoyaki grill! If you put this on your coffin, you’ll be able to enjoy takoyaki all while livin’ the loner life! Isn’t that amazing!? 
Subaru: Hard pass! Besides, if I start grillin’ takoyaki inside my coffin, I won’t be able to sleep from the stench afterwards, will I? 
Ayato: Haah? But it’s the best smell in the world…? You really don’t get it. 
Subaru: I’m pretty sure you’re the only person in this world who feels that way. 
Ayato: Fine then. Guess I’ll have to make do with this one instead…
*Rustle rustle* 
Subaru: …Please don’t tell me that round thing is a takoyaki. 
Ayato: Huh? Are you really that stupid? What else does it look like to you? Well, it’s only a decoration and not the real thing though. 
Subaru: But why!? You’re the only person who’d be happy havin’ that thing on their coffin!
Ayato: You already rejected the takoyaki grill so at least let me have this? You’re really provin’ the point that the youngest child is always the most selfish one. 
Yuma walks up to them. 
Yuma: Are ya’ll havin’ an argument again? Ya never grow tired of that, do ya?
Subaru: We’re not! It’s just Ayato’s who’s tryin’ to put stupid shit on my coffin!
Ayato: Ah…? Maybe you should stop shootin’ down all of my suggestions!
Yuma: Oh come on, lay it off. You’re causin’ issues for the store. …Anyway, I brought some stuff with me. 
Ayato: Let me see…
*Rustle rustle*
Ayato: Carrots, peppers, eggplant and cabbage…These are all vegetables, aren’t they?
Yuma: Gotta get those greens in. Works wonders for yer health. 
Subaru: No but…Those are not somethin’ you’d put on a coffin, right?
Yuma: Nah, don’t worry. They’re all just incredibly well-made replicas. 
Ayato: Heeh, these as well? After seeing the takoyaki from earlier as well, I have to say that they really upped their replica game. 
Subaru: That’s not the issue…!! What I’m tryin’ to say is that these don’t fit the aesthetic at all!
Yuma: Hah…? You are in no position to judge, are you!? The fuck did you do to this coffin? 
Ayato: Geh…! Now that you mention it, Subaru’s creation is…on a whole different level. 
Yuma: Skulls and crows…Ah? And are those thorny vines and snakes running across? 
Ayato: And can we also mention the really creepy face in the middle? Is that a monster of some sort?
Subaru: Take a proper look! It’s a devil! Can’t you see its horns? 
Ayato: Do devils have horns?
Yuma: Beats me. …Or rather, why would a Vampire put that on their coffin? 
Subaru: I just thought the design looked cool, that’s all. 
Ayato: Then these spider web-like patterns were done on purpose too? 
Subaru: Obviously. 
Yuma: I don’t get it. 
Ayato: I don’t even want to understand. 
Yuma: Guess I have no other choice but to fix it up for ya a lil’...
*Rustle rustle* 
Subaru: Oi! Don’t be changin’ the composition without my permission!
Yuma: Oh come on, just watch. 
*Rustle rustle* 
Yuma: First you put this here…and then…
*Rustle rustle*
Yuma: …There we go! The carrots add a nice touch, don’t ya think?
Ayato: Heeh…You had the crows hold carrots with their feet, huh? 
Subaru: I mean…I guess it doesn’t look half bad…
Ayato: …Oh!
Ayato: I just had a genius idea as well…! If I put the takoyaki inside this lizard’s mouth…
*Rustle rustle* 
Yuma: Ah! I kind of like it!
Subaru: Say, don’t you think the eggplant would fit well with the color palette as well? 
Ayato: It’s purple after all! Why don’t you try wrapping one of those chains around it?
*Cling cling* 
Subaru: …Not bad. 
Ayato: Let’s add a basketball while we’re at it as well. See? It looks good with a crown of thorns placed on top of it.
Yuma: In that case…The cabbage should go inside the skull, right?
Subaru: No, wait. Tomatoes would work way better. 
Yuma: I’d say we go for cherry tomatoes then. It’d look way better if we stuff a bunch of them inside. 
Subaru: Yuma, you…You’re a genius!
Ayato: Oi, Subaru. We need somethin’ big which really stands out. 
Subaru: Ah, now that you mention it…I saw a spider ornament with really long legs earlier. It didn’t click with me earlier, but it might actually improve the overall design! I’ll go get it!
Ayato: Yeah! We’ll decorate some of the other empty spaces while you’re gone. 
Yuma: Hurry up, ‘kay?
Subaru: Kuh…Don’t mess it up!
Subaru runs off.
Subaru: …It’s perfect!
Ayato: Yeah! We created a true masterpiece!
Yuma: We didn’t skimp on the details after all. 
Subaru: I was kind of worried for a sec…But I never thought the end result would be this good!
Ayato: That’s all thanks to my help. 
Yuma: What are ya sayin’? I’m the one who did such a great job with the composition. 
Subaru: Hah…? We were able to achieve this result because I did the lid first.
Ayato: Excuse me!? 
Subaru: Got a problem, huh!? 
Yuma: For the millionth time, don’t start fightin’ inside the store! …Anyway, don’t we need to square up now?
Subaru: Ah, right…
Ayato: I hope you’re not gonna tell us you don’t have any money.
Subaru: Hah? Of course I do!
Subaru walks to the counter. 
Yuma: Anyway, how much does one of these cost? 
Ayato: Hah? Didn’t you say that there’s an all-you-can-fit deal? You must have seen the price then, no? 
Yuma: Nah, I didn’t pay attention to that.
Subaru: (muffled) ーー Haah!? Are you fuckin’ kiddin’ me!? 
Ayato: …!? What’s that guy’s problem? Why is he shoutin’ out of nowhere? 
Yuma: Should we go take a look? 
Ayato and Yuma walk up to him.
Ayato: Oi, what’s up?
Yuma: Did ya forget yer wallet? 
Subaru: I didn’t! But look at the damn total!
Yuma: The price? …Ahー It’s surprisingly…expensive, huh? 
Subaru: I don’t have nearly enough money on me. 
Yuma: I’ve only got some small change as well. …I mean, there’s the money Ruki gave me to buy food butーー If I use that, my head will be on the choppin’ block…
Ayato: Oh geez, guess I have no other choice. I can easily pay this mu…
Ayato: Hm…?
Subaru: Ayato…
Ayato: Now that you mention it, I didn’t bring my wallet with me. 
Yuma: First ya talk all big and now this!? 
Subaru: Or rather…If my pocket money isn’t nearly enough, I doubt addin’ yours to it will make much of a different. 
Ayato: Ahーah. We put so much time and effort into it as well. 
Yuma: We should have probably checked the price tag first.
Subaru: Haah…My coffin…I’ve decided! I’ll start a part-time job at this store and one day that coffin shall be mine!
Yuma: Haah!? What are ya sayin’...!? 
Ayato: It’s not worth goin’ that for, is it? 
Subaru: Right! You two should come work here with me as well. I’ll go have a word with the manager, so stay right here, ‘kay!?
Subaru runs off.
Ayato & Yuma: Haahーー!?
 ーー THE END ーー
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brokehorrorfan · 2 months
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Devil will be released on 4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray on October 8 via Scream Factory. The 2010 supernatural horror thriller is produced by M. Night Shyamalan, who also conceived the story.
John Erick Dowdle (As Above So Below, Quarantine) directs from a script by Brian Nelson (30 Days of Night, Hard Candy). Chris Messina, Logan Marshall-Green, Geoffrey Arend, Bojana Novakovic, Jenny O'Hara, and Bokeem Woodbine star.
Devil has been newly restored in 4K from the interpositive with Dolby Vision. Special features are listed below.
Disc 1 - 4K UHD:
Audio commentary by film critics Emily Higgins and Billy Dunham (new)
Disc 2 - Blu-ray:
Audio commentary by film critics Emily Higgins and Billy Dunham (new)
The Story
The Devil's Meeting
The Night Chronicles
Deleted scenes
Trapped in an elevator high above Philadelphia, five people discover that the Devil is among them — and no one can escape their fate.
Pre-order Devil.
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by-glass-and-waves · 8 months
do you have a playlist or like a mixtape for inspiration or setting the mood when writing your stories?
Oh boy I hope you're ready because YEAH I DO
Associating songs with themes/scenes/locations have been my thing for like years and I would totally listen to a song over and over to figure out what happens during each part as well as what themes/ideas fit with a song. I made a few playlists on my oc worldbuilding shit a long while back in this manner heh
My playlist is divided into each AU, complete with weird titles to remind me what is what in each song
It is a work in progress though, a lot of them on the bottom haven't been organized yet and may not even be used actually there's a lot to organize omg
Link is for my YouTube playlist (and if you're on YouTube Music I recommend using the video for the first song because if you select the audio only version it will not give you the remix)
I go by vibes more than lyrics, and I thought that most of these should be more soundtracks though there are some exceptions
Song list/associations under the cut, it'll be in the playlist description as well (it's really long sorry)
Emil Ultimatum - Narinder (Courtship/Depression Quest/Restart) - use the video vers since the song vers only plays Emil (Despair)
Depression Quest
Courtship of the God of Death
Master of Time - Narinder
Dark World - Anupet
Epilogue - The Gilded Cage
Wretched Weaponry (short vers) - The Chained One
Widespread Illness - Prison of the Mind
[Tower of Sunz] - The Wrong Side of Love
Midcentury Motion - Escape
Danger in the Forest - Darkwood
Terra -
ZETA, la chanson - The Wanderer
Esto Gaza - The Heart Shaped Pond
Bran Bal - Eye of the Storm
Currents - Respite
Yoru Vln - The Stars Above
Somnus - Grief in Darkwood
Freya's Theme - Narinder
Malchut's Song - Shapash
The Kingdom of Noigllado - The Bishops
Kagachi - The First Resurrection
Ristaccia - Chaining the One Below
Trisagion -The Temple (Shapash)
Pandemonium - The Temple (The One Who Waits)
Memoria - Recollection
Once in a Lullaby - The Crystal Temple
Wretched Weaponry (long vers) - The Crystal Temple/Regret
Candy Shoppe - The Blacksmith's Final Gift
Innocent Wish - Yearning
Palliative - Distance
Water from the Same Source - The Admirer/Understanding
Unrequited Love -
Eidolon Wall - The Gateway/The Lands Below
Shadowlord's Castle/Memory - The Temple, Defeated
Eidolons on Parade - Slow Descent into Despair
Sarabande - Understanding/Contentment
When We Finally Fall Asleep, Pt. 3 - Mutual Understanding
Amusement Park - Arms Full of Offerings/Growing Jealousy
Dark Colossus (Kaiju) - The One Who Waits
Copied City - The Gateway
Possessed by Disease - Unraveling
Mourning - The Bishops
19th Century AU
The 13th Anthology - Narinder
Snow in Summer - The Lands of the New Faith
Turii ~Panta Rhei~ - The Dying World
Turii ~Panta rhei~ (Orchestra) - The New World
Main Theme of Final Fantasy V -
Zephyr Memories ~Legend of the Eternal Wind~ -
Saving Words for Making Sense - A Tender Moment
The Disney Afternoon - Town Theme/Respite
Blinded by Light - Crusade
Silver Dragon - Boss Battle
Gods Bound by Rules - Frivolous Masquerade
Blind Justice, le concerto - Blood of Chaos/"What… has become of us?"
Grandma (Destruction) - Guardian of the True Word
…con lentitud poderosa - Threshold of His Temple
Bipolar Nightmare - Betrayal
Black Song White Scales - The Sacrificial Beast
The Sound of the End - The Point of the Sharpened Blade
Raison d'etre - The Final Battle
God Shattering Star - The Final Battle
The Ultimate Weapon - A Heart for a Heart/Sacrifice
North - The Red Crown
Dispossession/Piano Ver. - Aftermath
Dust to Dust - Crossing the River
His Dream - Within the Circle
Theme of Love - No Illusion
Terra's Theme -
Shadowlord - Shamura
Shadowlord's Castle/Roar - Silk Cradle
Sustained by Hate - Revelation/Disappointment
March of the Dreadnoughts -
Atonement - A Heart for a Heart
VS. Star Dream - Kallamar
Midnight Moonlight -
The Final Battle (Magolor's Theme) -
Three in the Morning (Aftermath) - Abandoned/Regret
Destati - Imprisonment
Village of Dali - Respite
Kaine/Salvation - Relief
Alien Manifestation - Bitu
Dwelling of the Ancient Gods - The One Who Waits/The Gateway
Lord of a Dead Empire - The One Who Waits
Between Heaven and Earth - The One Who Waits
Birth of a Wish - The Red Crown/The Deal
A Beautiful Song - vs Heket and Miniboss
Crumbling Lies (Front) - vs Shamura and Miniboss
Song of the Ancients (Atonement) - Baal and Aym
Pascal - Ratau
The Spirit Dais - Bitu
Tango Appassionata - Allani and Narinder
Phantom Forest - Lost in the Gardens of the Ball/Shamura
Aerith's Theme -
Nautilus - The Capital
Yoru Vo - Halycon Harbor (Night)
Moonsetter - Baal and Aym
Requited - Across the Room/The Dance
War & War - Shamura
A Funeral of Flowers (Rain) - Prince Narinder (Unfettered)
A Funeral of Flowers (Thunder) - Prince Narinder (Amenthes)
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boowiij · 24 days
Reposting this cuz her eyelashes were barely visible😭(there’s barely a difference)
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ccstiles · 3 months
We were talking on the Escaped Audios discord server and Demon Candy came up in conversation while we were talking about the next series for Rival Slasher Villains soooo...
I took it upon myself to draw her! ^^ hope y'all like it!
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(that's her wedding dress btw, guess who's the groom?🤭)
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aaa-xxx-storyteller · 20 days
Look over the abundance of porn you have access to through your phone.
Whether it’s images (photos/videos/gifs) hypnotics (spirals/audio), stories, books, etc… look over the abundance of it.
Be honest with your dripping little hole.
The porn you want to expose yourself to tells you about your sexual identity.
Some of the common threads you are going to find as a follower of this page is pornography that focuses on the humiliation, degradation, and objectification of women. Women who are often times deeply aroused by men who just controlling focuses on the humiliation, degradation, and objectification of women. Women who are often times deeply aroused by men who just controllingly take what they want and expect women to find their arousal if any by having been chosen to service the man’s kinks in whatever debasing way he chooses.
Pornography where girls crawl on leashes and get traded among men like property. Not just sexual submission, but experiences where women become so interchangeable that they are relevant only to be described by words like: whore, slave, slut, cumdump, fuckdoll, hole, fuckpig, etc… or via sweet little names that dress the same meaning in a sweet wrapper like: Daddy’s girl, good girl, fuck bunny, naughty kitty, etc… You might be given an entirely different name like Candy or Bambi. That’s because your real name doesn’t matter in these situations where you are literally reduced to being a sexualized body - tits and three holes that are eager to be filled by perverted men.
The pornography focuses on how depraved a girl can get while still amplifying her her own arousal.
Girls caged until it is time for them to be brought in from their training area in the barn, bathed, and shown what accessories they will be wearing to accentuate objectification for the party. Her Owner is going to parade her around at so that she can be useful to him. Useful in entertaining guests. Useful in making guests happy enough that they want to come back, in part because your contribution in service to their depraved kinks was exciting for them.
Porn focused on desperate little cunts who chose sexual slavery getting used in ways that reprogram them to crave nothing more than the deeper descent into the life of service that they have chosen.
Wives being whored out by their husbands.
High school girls being groomed by their teachers to come back and visit after they graduate and enthusiastically learning take every drop of cum they can over the summer before they go away to college.
Secretaries being groped in their interview so that only those with the greatest potential to become trashy little office whores get called back in for their second interview. That second interview has a dress code and it doesn’t include panties or a necklace because she’ll be fitted for a collar and while she’s being led around on a leash, nobody wants to have to waste time pushing her panties aside to check how turned on it’s making her.
Stories of women being coerced into going on “retreats” but it is a front and they are captured and sold into slave camps. Where men with enormous cocks force fuck them at any time day or night with no hope of escape. Masters who make the girls fuck and spank each other for dinner entertainment. Some masters are more cruel than others and they never know who will be taking them to be fucked, or when, or for how long. Days or weeks on end are spent being raped cruelly only to then have a kind master buy them and put them in a pampered harem for months, where they are still forced to fuck, but they are given orgasms upon orgasms and fine and comfortable accommodations. Used and aching cum filled holes getting massaged by harem sisters as dinner entertainment. Saw again and put on a merchant ship as the 15 man crew’s cumdump. Sold again to wealthy mine owner. First, you are passed around the office, and then you travel with the owner on his yacht. Laying nude on the deck, servants bring you drinks while guests make use of your holes.
Etc., etc.
Women traveling where it is legal so they can make horses cum. Whether the cum is being pumped hard into their Cunt or all over their face… Dirty, sexy girls making themselves cum while rubbing huge horse cocks all over their pussies.
Women begging their owners for the gift of their piss. Masturbating and edging themselves so that when their owners piss begins to flow, they are able to eagerly swallow and then begin their own orgasm as the piss cascades over their face and tits and pulses in hot streams across their clit.
Women hooking up at bars and hotels just to taste a hard cock before feeling it split her open and pump her full of cum. Needy sluts who then go home to their husbands and tell them all about the way they got used. Sucking their husbands’ cocks to bypass any jealousy and invite further use of her throat and cunt.
Good girls who get tricked by their boyfriends into drinking too much and then being molested in upstairs rooms at parties. Waking up the next day and not remembering how many or who it was that fucked them, but liking the feeling. The ache that causes them to reach between their legs and hump their hand. Fingers stroking at the sensitively used and wet, cumdump between their legs. Girls whose arousal outweighs their shame. Girls who then go out the next weekend and set themselves up to do it again. And then again.
Babysitter who groom husbands into fucking them. She is right in the bed where his wife sleeps. Right where his wife sucks his dick. Right where he is used to blowing his load of cum. She’s wearing the tiny little skirt that always makes the old men Linger their eyes on her. She’s already sucked his dick countless times. This will be the first time he fucks her though. She knows he’s going to. She could feel his hard cock when she kissed him and handed him her panties. She spread her legs as they kissed and pushed his hand across her dripping, wet and tight little pussy. She whispered that she will be rubbing it on his wife’s pillow until he figures out whether he’s going to come back to the bedroom and fuck her. She tells him not to make her wait too long… The thing is, his wife arranged everything and encouraged it to slowly unfold. His wife eats the babysitter‘s pussy while she gives updates once per week about how her seduction is going. Detailed stories about making out and swallowing his cum. His wife uses her tongue and fingers to make the babysitter orgasm, but his wife only edges herself. She saves her orgasm and uses the energy from edging to transform herself into an evermore, desperately aroused servant to her husband’s kinks. She has used this to learn how to have anal only orgasms. She has used this to learn how to expose herself in public places for his enjoyment. She has used this to develop so many dirty kinks in service to his perversions. Perversions that are now hers. Perversions that were always hers and that service to him have now been set free within her. Finally, the babysitter has spread her legs and his wife can taste her husband’s cum as she buries her tongue inside, awaiting the details to fill her ears and imagination.
Pornography focused on women who cheat on their husbands because men who are fucking a cheating woman treat her more sincerely like a dirty whore.
Women who get picked up in dive bars, only two be fucked, bent over the back of some old beat up car in the parking lot and then, cum still dripping from her cunt, she moves on to the next dive bar. She is challenging herself to see how many of these successes she can have in a row. She debates whether sucking the guy off counts, or does she have to successfully get him to fuck his cum into her cunt for it to count? When she gets home, she asks her boyfriend whether sucking a guy off should count the same or not while he fucks her well used little cum holes.
A woman who is sent down to the hotel bar and told that she cannot return until she has sent her boyfriend a picture of a man fingering her while she sits lewdly at the bar with her legs spread wide, or a picture of two men spit-roasting her in a hotel room.
Women being led like dogs and made to drink from toilets while they’re fucked from behind and then pissed on.
Women being slapped while their pussies are edged on hard wooden ponies. They’re dripping little hole, flowing down the wood and dripping to the floor while they beg for more slaps.
Girls being gangbanged while enthusiastically offering their holes to a room full of hard cocked men waiting their turn for her to show them, they made a good choice by coming to this party. She’s thankful, and sincerely so, as men with cock after cock pound her until shooting cum wherever they want. She’s thankful as she finishes off each and they step aside. She licks at every load, making sure to have a good and significant taste, as the next man begins to unload some more for her. She’s stretched and full. Her whole body rewardingly filled with an ache that the cocks both create and salve.
Girls at glory holes, sucking strangers cocks whose faces they will never see until they are draining come and dutifully serving as good little sluts and sucking it down their throats.
Couples at swing parties having orgiastic sex among casual conversation and the building of friendships.
Whatever the porn is, allow it to tell you the story of your sexual identity. Listen. Open yourself and give yourself permission to accept your arousal triggers without shame.
Well. unless feeling ashamed is one of your arousal triggers, then:
“How dare you get off on such disgusting things! I’ll bet these trashy whore stories have already made your perverted little cunt wet! Spread your legs! Show me right now! My what a perverted little slut you are! Watch me pull my dick out… What’s wrong with you that you’re so desperate to suck my hard cock?! Your cunt is leaking and you’re pawing at me desperate to put my cock in your mouth? What a perverse and needy little slut you are!
Bend over!
You’re clearly the kind that needs a spanking!”
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meatmasks · 11 months
Can you PLS write yandere headcanons for the proxies? Or like, them being obsessed with reader? How would that go?
🥩-HAHA. you have opened a very intense can of worms. And for the sake of this account being a mostly SFW account, I won't put my NSFW head canons. but, I'll most definitely give you everything else!
(Keep in mind these are head canons and scenarios, not exactly canon accurate. )
Heavy stalking, will go out of his way to eliminate everyone you hold dear in your life. No remorse; no regret. He most likely has your name carved into his eugh,flakey ass skin. A daily reminder of one of his forcefully attainable goals.
He sees you more as an object that's his, less of a person. And I'm sure if you, the "object" in question objects to his murderous gestures, it won't go well. LMAO.
•Ticci Toby
Toby is the obbsessed individual that will squirm his way into your life like an unforgettable worm. Hes also heavily manipulative and slick, so hell play pretend for awhile with you. At first he may come off as awkward, sweet and endearing. But that quickly shifts as the span of time elongates. At first it's simple gestures and words, like "I just want you to spend more time with me. " and "you shouldn't spend that much time with them, I'm your boyfriend/friend." (Reffering to your other friends, maybe family or coworkers.) Becoming uncomfterabley clingy, touchy.
He slowly isolates you until youve had enough, but when you snapped like a rubber band he seems to be the scissors that cuts the rubber in pieces, mind breaking you. I also think if you've tried to escape numerous times, those hatchets would lovingly come into play to mark your never ending hell and the end of your standing and walking.
•Ben Drowned
Crazy cyber stalker, definition of that one scenemo audio of "I have your IP, your home address too, your government files say a lot about you. "
He steals all your information and eats it up like a 3 course meal. Then he uses the information against you like blackmail, and some how plans it in a way till he gets his grubby hands on you.
•Laughing Jack
If this entity / man is obbsessed with you, say goodbye to everything including yourself. He will play with you like a doll, then he will use you like a decorative coffee table and fill your empty bowel cavity with candy. Essentially your most likely a nice piece of furniture in the end. LMAO that's all I could imagine when I thought about LJ in this scenario. But hey, at least your his favorite bowl 💀
•Eyeless Jack
I imagine the guy finds you hurt, maybe stranded idk. Maybe your sick, maybe you got hit by a car? Anyways, he finds you unconscious. And while fixing you up he steals your kidney, and it escalates from there. LMAO?? Hot doctor makes a meal of your kidneys then isolates you because your good company.
🥩- enjoy some of these thoughts LMAO though lazily written
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Yoooo can you make an audio with Maurice escaping his S/O how is a yandere plz!! Plz!!
(is ok if you don't want to o make you uncomfortable ^^;)
not uncomfortable at all, yanderes do be fun!
and anyway my man Maurice could use a lil fear put into him XD
maybe you'll be back to check and find he's gone...?
footsteps, door, and doorknob sound effects from quicksounds.com/, other sound effects are mine
transcript under the cut!
“… Mh…!”
(kisses twice, deep breath, deep sigh)
“Ah… darling…? I don’t suppose I could… come with you to work today? … I… I know. It’s a silly idea. I just…”
(soft sigh)
“I feel so cooped up. I’d like to get outside for a bit. — With you, I mean.”
(quiet gasp)
“… Later? Alright… may — mm!”
(kisses twice)
“… Maybe when you… get back from work… we could… go do something. Together. Like a… a date.”
(soft laugh, breathes)
“Ah, alright. Well… mmh…”
(kisses three times, quietly breathes and sighs)
“I’ll just… stay in here while you’re at work. Read a book, or… maybe… try a new look with my makeup. Mh…”
(soft laugh)
“… Right. Pretty for you. Mmh…”
“Have a good day.”
[footsteps; door opens and closes]
(deep sigh)
“Alright… another miserable day. Stuck in the house.”
[pages rustling and crinkling]
(soft sigh)
“I know they love me… should be grateful, I suppose. But…”
(soft sigh, deep sigh)
“… Uh! They forgot the sweets they usually take with them.”
[sweets/candy package crinkling]
“Maybe they’re still close… if I bang on the door, maybe…”
[quick footsteps]
“… I can catch them before…”
[doorknob rattles softly]
“… Huh? Wait a minute… they… they didn’t lock the door when they left? But they always… to keep me from leaving…”
(small swallow leading into a breath)
“… It’s a trick. It must be a trick. To test my love… see if I’ll actually stay put when I have the chance to leave…”
(anxious sigh)
“They’re waiting on the other side… if I open this door, they’re probably going to kill me…”
(panicked breathing)
“But if I stay here… they might anyway.”
(deep breath, deep sigh)
[door opens, sweets/candy package crinkling]
“Darling! You forgot — uh…”
[sweets/candy package crinkling]
(anxious breath)
“They’re not here… they… they really did leave? With the door unlocked…”
[sweets/candy package crinkling]
(anxious breathing)
“I love them, but… what if they’re just waiting around the corner? Seeing if I fell into the trap?”
(anxious breathing)
“… Oh, God… I can’t stay… not when I have a chance to leave… alright. Alright, Maurice. Just… just go. You’ve wanted to get away for so long… just go…”
[running footsteps on sidewalk]
(heavy breathing)
“Keep running… as fast as you can… get as far away as you can…”
[running footsteps continue]
(heavy breathing continues)
“… Is it really that easy? Am I really free…?”
[running footsteps fade out]
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lilmissnatcat24 · 1 year
Turn Left ch 15- She's Not Even From France, She's From Montreal
Shepard and Garrus follow a lead, but not before an unforeseen change in their dynamic.
Relationship: Femshep/Garrus Vakarian
Archive Warnings in author's note
Additional tags: enemies to friends to lovers, slow burn, slow build, alternate universe- canon divergence, detective noir, sex club, anonymous sex, canon temporary character death, murder mystery, drug use, dom garrus vakarian, whump, smut, heavy angst, alien sex, dual pov, an overly sexual elcor named candy, earthborn, ruthless, fake/pretend relationship, dead dove: do not eat, identity porn, minor character death
Detective AU mixed with identity porn mixed with so much whump my fingers are bleeding
(or, start from the beginning here)
“Well, when we arrest Saren, get him tried for treason, and get our special commendation medals and swanky ceremonies, the two of us will have to celebrate in there.” 
“Is that a promise?” Garrus leaned over her, his elbow rested on the rail. Shepard would be hard pressed to ever admit this, but he had about the most attractive voice she’d ever heard in her entire life. Gravely and deep, it scratched an itch she never knew was there. He could narrate audio books. He could read off the instructions of how to assemble a chair. She didn’t care what it was, just as long as he kept talking. 
She made a cross over her heart. “Scout’s honor.” 
“Is that some sort of human thing?” 
“Oh, yeah,” Shepard said solemnly. “It’s about one of the most honorable and serious promises a human can make. That is, behind the pinky promise.” 
“The hell is a pinky promise?” 
She held out her pinky to Garrus. He looked at her blankly, unmoving. Sighing, she grabbed his hand (and ignored how he tried to swat her away), made a fist with his fingers and left his far digit out (at least, she could assume this was a pinky on a turian, given that they only had three fingers). She wrapped her pinky around his, shaking his hand. “I pinky promise that we’ll celebrate at Flux when all of this is over. Top shelf drinks, gambling, dancing, the whole lot of it.” 
“And this is a binding contract?” His voice was reaching a tone that she was becoming familiar with, one that made her wonder if there were tiny holes in the windows to let all of the air escape out into the vacuum. “I don’t take very kindly to people canceling plans on me.” 
“Who do you think I am? I’m a woman of my word, Vakarian.” 
“I expect your finest dress for the occasion.” 
“That’s not a part of the promise.” 
“How am I supposed to know that? You’re still holding my hand.” Ah. She was. Shepard let go of Garrus’s hand suddenly, as if it were ten thousand volts, shaking it on her sides. Garrus just gave her a look, not one that she could describe. His eyes were slightly hooded, his mandibles flicked out once. A blush creeped on her cheeks, not one that she knew the origin to and decided altogether to ignore. 
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