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starlought ¡ 10 days ago
Academy Part 4/4: Fire Lord Zuko Series
This is Part 4 of 4. There are photos linked that were created using an AI software for each major character. They are linked individually to a google drive and when there is a photo it will be in bold.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3 Word Count: 5039
It was a dreary day, Omaya had dropped Tairom and Yaro off with their nanny for the morning as she went to work, it was decided that Esano would only take the boys once a week. Ursa was running ahead of Omaya as they walked through the center of the town, passing by venders who gave her a wave, as they neared the academy, Omaya paused, Ursa still ahead, she heard the locals whispering that there was a royal ship at the docks, continuing after her daughter who had entered the courtyard, Omaya stopped again once she found Ursa staring face to face with Zuko, who she looked remarkably like, she had his eyes and nose.
“Fire Lord Zuko.” She bowed to him, Ursa immediately doing the same once she heard her mother’s voice. “Go up to class, Master Inorno won’t like you being late.” She told her daughter once they stood, Ursa looked at her mother and nodded before she ran off. “No running!” She called after her, a few other students milling about. “Don’t you all have classes?” She asked loudly. “Usami, please ask master Lyro to take over class for the day, I’ll be there when I can.” Usami nodded at her. “What can I do for you Fire Lord Zuko?” She asked, hands poised behind her back.
“Uncle mentioned you had children; I wasn’t sure it was true.” Omaya nodded at his words. “Can we speak in your office?” Nodding at him she began leading her and Akono him, outside her office he paused at a portrait, it was a copy of one she had at home, it was her and Akono, the one next to it, her and Ursa, and the final one was her and their three children just weeks before. “Are these of your children?” He asked, Omaya looked over.
“That is me and my late husband, Aokono, he was a general, he taught our tactile class. That is me and my eldest daughter, and them me and our three children.” She stated, leaving out the names of her children before entering her office, an image of her and Aokono on her desk. “Why are you here?” She asked softly, turning to him. Since she fell pregnant with Ursa she hadn’t kept up with royal news.
“I never married.” He mentioned moving around her office. “Eeroka and I tried, for a year to be together, we agreed we wanted love more than anything and we didn’t want to marry for the nation, ultimately we ended things.” He stated turning towards her.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know.” She spoke softly. “I had hoped you two found happiness.” She frowned.
“It was announced everywhere,”
“I didn’t keep up with the royal news after our last encounter, it hurt too much, then I met Aokono and we married, had a family, it just, it felt wrong holding onto the past.” She stated softly. Zuko nodded at her.
“Eeroka married last year, a nice man, she sent me a letter.”
“Why the small talk?” She asked him, taking a seat at her desk, Zuko standing by the bookshelf.
“Ako is leaving the academy, he married last year, they’ve decided to move to the colonies, he’s opening his own bending school.”
“I’m happy for him, he invited me, but, Tairom was sick, and I hadn’t the heart to leave him.” She stated softly. “So Tiso is taking over then,”
“No, Tiso doesn’t want it, says he prefers teaching the intermediate classes.” Omaya nodded at Zuko’s words.
“I can get you recommendations,” She opened a drawer in her desk.
“We want you.” He stated, causing her to halt and look up at him. “Tiso and the others, they’ve threatened to leave if anyone takes the spot besides you.” Omaya sighed.
“I can’t uproot my children. I have a family now Zuko. You may not understand this, but my children,”
“When you left your home in the colonies and came here, you were what, the same age as your eldest? You were fine, and you only had Esano, your children would have you, and your sister,”
“But not their grandfather, or their other aunt, their support system.”
“I won’t argue Omaya.” Zuko sighed. “We’re too old for that.” Zuko was right, they had both turned thirty recently. “I need you to take the job or I have to replace an entire staff.” Omaya sighed and leaned back in her chair.
“Shuhon was supposed to be my escape from heartbreak.” She stated softly, eyes landing on the portrait of her, Aokono, and their children. “But, now I walk these streets, and I see him everywhere, he, well he would want us to be happy.” She sighed. “Let me run it by my daughter, she’s old enough to understand, but, I would need to find my replacement, Dako, he might be willing, his wife, well Somi will be royally ticked off with him taking more responsibility.” She sighed.
“Ask her now.” Omaya stared at him and nodded before standing.
“Akiyama.” She opened the door, her head girl walking by. “Get my daughter please. She’s with Master Irnono, tell him I requested her.” Akiyama nodded and headed to do so. “Zuko,” She turned towards him a frown on her face. “I have many secrets, ones that will cause you to hate me, but what happens here, I have proof that it is true, I documented everything.”
“What are you talking about?” He asked, eyes furrowed as Omaya waved him off. Not five minutes later, Ursa knocked at the door and entered, bowing to both her mother and Zuko.
“Mama, I was in the middle of class.” She whined as Omaya smiled slightly.
“She’s like you.” Zuko chuckled.
“Yes, she is, she’s bound to be better than me.”
“Mama say’s I’ll be a better bender than her and baba combined!” Ursa spoke towards the Fire Lord who smiled.
“Darling, I have a question for you.” She spoke softly. Ursa turned and stepped closer to her mother’s desk. “You remember when we went to the capital and got baba’s medal from Uncle Iroh?” Iroh had kept in touch over the years and Ursa nodded at her mother. “You remember how mama asked if you wanted to be on the walls of the school one day?”
“Yes mama.” She nodded.
“Would you like to move there with mama and brothers? We can put you into the advance class.” Ursa’s eyes widened.
“Really?” She asked.
“If you want, we don’t go unless you say yes.”
“Well yeah mama, let’s go!” She grinned as Omaya nodded at her daughter.
“I’m Zuko, what’s your name?” He asked crouching to Ursa’s level. Ursa glanced at her mother who nodded.
“Ursa,” Zuko’s eyes widened but he shook her hand.
“It’s very nice to meet you Ursa, your mama and I are old friends, we went to the Royal Academy together.” He spoke softly; Ursa grinned at him.
“Go back to class darling, I’ll see you after.” Omaya motioned her daughter off.
“Ursa.” Zuko spoke once she was gone, his eyes going to her.
“Yes, after her grandmother.” She spoke softly, Zuko’s eyes hardened.
“You, she’s mine?” He asked, Omaya just nodded at him. “You, you never said anything!” His voice raised Omaya sighed.
“You were getting married, and by the time I found out, I assumed you had already married, so I made a choice.”
“But, everyone thinks she’s yours and,” He paused, taking a seat as Omaya spoke.
“Aokono and I met just after I found out, we took an instant liking to each other, I told him early on I was pregnant before either of us slept together, his only care was if you were in the picture, he knew who you were to Ursa, he knew and still chose to marry me, he asked me and I, well I loved him, it was fast and intense but we married within three months of meeting, everyone seen the love we had so no one questioned it. He loved her, treated her the same if not better than he did the boys. He loved her more than me, which I’m happy for. She has no clue that Aokono wasn’t her father, and Zuko, I don’t wish to change that anytime soon.” She stated softly. “She’s young, that’ll change her whole world.” Zuko listened to her but sighed.
“I want to know my daughter.” Omaya nodded at him.
“I can’t deny you that anymore, but please, let me tell her when the time is right.” Zuko nodded.
“We need you there in a month, Ako will be leaving just after.” Omaya nodded.
“That’ll give me time to inform my staff and students, along with friends.” She stated. “My sister-in-law will take my home; she loves the greenhouse.” She stated softly.
Zuko left not long after, Omaya finding Daka and asking him to talk. After informing him she would be heading back to the capital, she sat him down.
“Daka, you are my closest friend here, well besides Somi, what I am to tell you stays between us, and well, Somi can know, but no one else until I decide so, even Teilon and Ilona don’t know this.” She sighed and leaned against her desk. “I’ve agreed to go back, mostly because, Ursa, she wasn’t Aokono’s, he knew from the go, but chose to stay for us.”
“He was a good man.” Daka spoke softly. “Her father, do you know who he is?”
“Fire Lord Zuko.” She stated softly.
“No!” He laughed at that.
“Yes, she was named after his mother, he knew once she said her name. We’re leaving in a month. We spoke for a moment but, I’d like you to take my space.” She said softly, Daka’s eyes widened. “We never talked of you taking over, I think we assumed this was permanent for me, and up until Aokono’s death, I thought so too, if I stay here, the Royal Academy closes, their teachers are threatening to leave, I have to go back.”
“Oma, you don’t need to justify it to me, I get it, your daughter deserves to be near her father.” Omaya smiled at him. “I would be honored to take over, it sucks that I’ll have to find another new teacher.” Omaya laughed.
“I have a few recommendations for that.” She stated. The two got everything squared away. “One last thing, Fire Lord Zuko knows how much the Shuhon and Royal Academies mean to me, so we’re making a few changes. You will be headmaster here, but, under the new decree, I’ll be overseeing all academies as headmistress, we’re renaming to the Royal Academy of Shuhon.” She stated, Daka nodded and the two finished their meeting before she left to find Teilon and luckily Ilona was in town as it was Teilon’s birthday in a few days. Finding her sisters-in-law, she spoke with them and told them the truth, stating that Aokono knew, and she didn’t want them to treat her or Ursa differently, both rolled their eyes and told her that regardless of these events, Ursa was their niece.
The month flew by, and Omaya was hugging Esano one last time as they readied to board the boat. It was a heartfelt goodbye for them and the children, the four were on the boat shortly after and sailed the three days to the capital. Inside Omaya’s ruck sacks were all their effects, along with Aokono’s. Arriving in the capital, the crew helped them to their home, the same one Omaya bought when she first began teaching at the Royal Academy.
“Mama?” Asked Yaro, turning to her three-year-old who sat on the couch a day after they moved in. “Who watch us when you work?” He asked, head tilted, Tairom nodding along as Ursa drew at the dining table.
“Mama has a friend, her name is Taya, she’s agreed to watch you and Tairom.” She said softly. “Tairom will come to school soon with sissy.” She said pushing Yaro’s hair from his face.
That was the end of the discussion, the children just nodded and went back to playing. Shaking her head, Omaya smiled at them before they joined Nymh and Jako for dinner where they met her daughter Ara who was two, and found a very pregnant Nymh who would soon have a son. Dropping all three children off early the next day, Omaya had gone to the market to do her shopping for the week before bringing them home and getting dinner ready.
Four days after arriving back in the capital, Omaya and Ursa headed to the academy after dropping the boys off with Taya, who Omaya had known since she had arrived in the capital at age ten. As they entered the yard, she found Ako, and all her former students were waiting to welcome her back. Tiso standing near the front.
“Ako.” Omaya laughed.
“Madam Omaya, welcome home.” Ako grinned at her, Omaya smiling before hugging him tightly. “We’ve missed you.”
“Missed you more.” She laughed turning to motion her daughter. “My daughter, Ursa, if Tiso will have her, she’d love to audition for the intermediate class.” She spoke as Ursa bowed to the masters before Omaya greeted the students who all began talking over one another. “Okay, Okay, let me meet with Master Ako and then we can all catch up.” She laughed. “Ursa go on.” She motioned the girl to mingle before Ako led her to what would be her office again. Nymh hugged her niece before they walked away.
“You look great.” He mentioned as Omaya laughed.
“Marriage looks good on you Ako.” She pushed his shoulder. Ako turned and frowned at her.
“I am sorry about Aokono, he was a good man,”
“He was, but it’s time to move on.” She stated with a shrug before Aokono went over the changes made over the past few years.
Six months passed quickly, Ursa was accepted into the advanced class, and Tiso was giving her extra lessons, Omaya reconnected with Tiso’s wife Lyzun, who was a blacksmith in the city center. Ursa had been spending more time with Zuko, who was offering her the wisdom passed down from his Uncle. Omaya didn’t mind so much, but it was only after the fourth month that Zuko mentioned wanting more with Omaya, he had been spending time with not only Ursa but the boys that day, having taken them to the opening day of the Fire Lily Festival, in which Omaya had been at, as her class performed, the Shuhon students were arriving that night. Omaya struggled with his confession, and it took weeks before Omaya agreed to take things slow. Nymh had her son Daiju.
Soon enough a year had passed, Omaya and Zuko’s relationship was private, the public not knowing they were together, but that was soon to change. It was late one night; Omaya had just put the children to bed before she heard Zuko enter her small home.
“You snuck out early.” She spoke, Zuko was still sneaking out of the palace to see them.
“Figured we could take a stroll; Taya is just outside waiting for the okay.” Omaya nodded at him and grabbed a jacket before following him out, thanking Taya who smiled knowingly.
“You brought guards.” She mentioned as they walked, a few guards just behind them.
“Figured we didn’t need to hide anymore.” He stated, his hand taking hers, Omaya smiling at him.
“Is that so?” She asked, her head leaning on his shoulder as they walked up a secluded path to a cliff overlooking the sea. “You’re not planning on killing me are you?” She teased.
“No, never.” He spoke looking down at her. “We’ve spent so much time apart, I can’t say it was wasted because you’ve given me not only my heir,” He mentioned Ursa. “but two boys that I love as if they were my own.” He stated turning to face her completely. “You’ve given me love like no one has ever done before and I cannot imagine spending another day without you by my side. I know I can never replace Aokono, but I did speak with the children,” He laughed as Omaya shook her head. “They’ve agreed that it’s time.”
“Time for what? Zuko you’re making no sense.”
“My darling, I’m asking you to marry me, finally.” He spoke; Omaya grinned at him.
“It only took you nine years.” She teased before kissing him. “I guess there are worse things than marrying the Fire Lord.” She laughed as Zuko pulled her into his chest.
“Yeah? Like what?”
“You know, eating rocks?” She laughed with him before he kissed her. “The sages won’t like it though, especially since it’s my second marriage.” She said softly, thinking logically.
“Fuck the sages.” He spoke as Omaya gasped. “You are the love of my life, the mother of the heir to the Fire Nation, the mother of those boys that I love, and hopefully the mother of our future children, you are to be my wife, they have no say.” He kissed her again.
Their wedding was within six months, Omaya made sure Zuko knew that she wasn’t giving up her job, she would step back from the actual teaching as she had enough teachers for that, but she still wished to oversee the curriculum for all academies. Their wedding was beautiful it was the talk of the nation. People came from all nations, including the avatar and his friends. Zuko was nervous but he knew he was marrying the love of his life. Omaya, well she had a breakdown, Esano had to calm her down and make sure she knew Aokono would want her to be happy. Esano walked her down the aisle, her children already waiting with Zuko. It was a relatively quick ceremony, the wedding that is. The following day, Omaya would be crowned as Fire Lady, and her children would be crowned as Princess Ursa, Prince Tairom, and Prince Yaro. The same day it was announced that Ursa was heir to the throne as she was Fire Lord Zuko’s legitimate child, which Ursa knew as of two weeks before.
Everyone important to Omaya was there, from Esano, to Nymh, Jako, their children, her sisters-in-law, Zuko’s mother and his half-sister. Simo and Daka, Ako and his wife, both the academies that Omaya oversaw, Iroh was standing next to Zuko, tears streaming down her face. Omaya was filled with love for both her wedding and coronation. Smiling at her now husband, Omaya couldn’t help but think of Aokono, wondering if he would be happy for her. Zuko’s hand rested on her shoulder, Yaro sat on her lap, Ursa stood in front of Zuko, his other hand on her shoulder and Tairom stood to her right.
“Baba would be crying in happiness.” Ursa spoke softly to her mother, Omaya glanced at her daughter who had a knowing smile, Aokono cried at every wedding they had gone to.
“I think you’re right; he’d be a right mess.” Squeezing her daughter’s hand, Ursa grinned. “Baba is here with us, he’s in you, and Tairom and even Yaro. You may not have been his biologically, but you are all baba’s, I see him in you every day.” Ursa squeezed her mother’s hand as well. The two turned back to the crowd who were cheering, and those of all nations came out to see the royal coronation. Zuko beamed at the crow who looked upon his family and he was happy, his happy ending finally arrived.
Within a year, the children had adjusted to living in the palace and especially having their own rooms. Omaya had adjusted to being Fire Lady and having many duties including the academies. Within the first six months of their marriage the two traveled all over the Fire Nation to see how their nation was doing, Omaya going to each school to see what they needed before they headed back to the capital. On the year mark of their marriage, Omaya found herself entering the throne room, where everything had started for her. Nearing her husband who was speaking softly with the now five-year-old Tairom.
“Is he asking to start at the academy?” She asked nearing them, Tairom looked at his mother, Yaro was off with the nanny and Ursa who was nine was off at the academy.
“He is.”
“Please baba!” Tairom whined, the boys and Ursa had taken to calling him baba just after the wedding.
“Hush.” Omaya spoke interrupting her son. “You start next week, now go find nanny.” She ushered him off, Tairom grinned wrapping his arms around his mother.
“You’re the best mama!” He grinned before running off.
“That boy.” She shook her head and stepped up the platform near her husband, Zuko held his hand out, pulling his wife onto his lap.
“It’s nice of you to join me.” He spoke with a smile, Omaya got comfortable before pressing her lips to his.
“I’ve been busy.” She shrugged. “You’re happy right?” She asked softly. “With the four of us?”
“Of course I am.” Zuko squeezed her waist. “You’ve given me everything I could want.”
“Everything?” She asked again.
“So, you would be upset if I said we were having a baby?” She teased.
“What?” He asked sitting up straighter. “Are you? Are we?” He asked excitedly.
“We are, they confirmed it this morning.” Zuko was ecstatic.
Seven months later and Omaya and Zuko welcomes Asora, and within another year they welcomed their final daughter, Eemosa. Zuko couldn’t have imagined his life would turn out the way it had, when he was sixteen, his whole life was about chasing the Avatar to restore his honor and now, he was a father of five, a husband, Fire Lord. His life couldn’t get any better.
All of Omaya’s children ended up being fire benders, not that it surprised her and Zuko. Ursa was the best the capital had seen since Omaya, the girl graduating school when she was fourteen, just like her mother. Tairom continued in the academy until he was eighteen, same with Yaro. Both Asora and Eemosa both had private teachers for their early years and didn’t join the academy until they were well into their teens as their mother and sister helped teach them.
Years passed and eventually Ursa was twenty-two, Tairom was nineteen, Yaro was eighteen, Asora was now thirteen and Eemosa was twelve. Nymh’s children, well Ara was now sixteen, and Daiju was fourteen, both were benders in their own rights. It was the day of Ursa’s wedding; she had met a young Naval Officer when she was eighteen and the two decided to get married.
Ursa married Rai, and the two had three sons before her coronation, Aokono, the heir to the Fire Nation, named after the first father, she ever had, a man who helped shape her future, when she told her mother the name, Omaya bawled her eyes out, then she had Cheran and Daizon. Aokono was a brilliant fire bender, taking after his mother and grandmother, he eventually took the throne after Ursa abdicated. Cheran was not a bender, just like his father, but he became a blacksmith. Daizon was a fire benders, though he took his classes, he was nowhere near the level of Ursa, Aokono, or Omaya, nor near his grandmothers first husband, he was decent and could hold his own in a fight, he eventually took ownership of his Great Great Uncle’s Tea Shop in Ba Sing Se after his Great Aunt Ilona stepped down as she began running it with Iroh after Zuka and Omaya’s wedding. Esano lived long enough to see Aokono born and held the boy before passing away the next week, surrounded by Omaya and her children. She cried for her surrogate father but knew he was off somewhere causing trouble with her own father.
When Tairom finally married, he married Noh, a young girl from the colonies who he met whilst traveling, he had joined the Fire Army like his biological father and met Noh on one of the less populated colony islands. The two married when Tairom was twenty-five and Noh only nineteen, but anyone who seen them seen the love they shared, they married within three months of meeting, taking after his father. Noh and Tairom had four children, triplets, Muya, Neikah, Zayih and a younger daughter, Erazi. The triplets were all fire benders and attended the Shuhon academy and bragged to anyone who would listen that their grandmother had been the headmistress and pointed out the photos of their family on the wall. Tairom and Noh settled on Shuhon not long after their marriage. Erazi also became a fire bender and eventually followed in her grandmother’s footsteps and took over as headmistress of the Shuhon academy. Muya left Shuhon to join the circus, whilst Neikah became and actress and Zayih, well she wanted to follow in her Great Grandfather’s footsteps and became a fish merchant.
Yaro also decided to join the Fire Army and was eventually stationed in the Earth Kingdom where he met his wife, Koye. Koye was of a wealthier family in the Earth Kingdom. They married once, they were both twenty-nine and later welcomed three daughters. Shin Nah, Shai, and Shivi. Shivi was an Earth Bender like her mother, whilst Shin Nah and Shai could firebend. Shivi became an architect in the heart of Ba Sing Se. Shin Nah had decided that even though she could bend she hadn’t wanted to make her life all about bending, so she left the big city and made her way to Omashu, where she became a librarian. Shai changed jobs often, she traveled to every nation she could until she eventually settled in the Southern Water Tribe and became a midwife.
Asora left the capital and found herself in Republic City where she had met her partner, he also was a fire bender, his name was Mosai, and he was an Attorney in Republic City. She eventually opened her own restaurant that sold different fire nation delicacies, but she also began experimenting with her own fusion blends, the public’s favorite was when she combined both the Water Tribe foods and Fire Nation foods. Both Asora and Mosai traveled a lot so that Asora could find all the recipes she needed, they never married but were faithful to each other. Eventually the two welcomed two boys, Iki and Jaruk. Both boys were fire benders, both chose to travel the world after their teens to find even more recipes before they both took over the shop so that their mother could enjoy her life in the internation city.
Eemosa traveled like her siblings, but she eventually settled in the Capital, wishing to stay close to her mother. She became the political advisor to her sister, Ursa, the two working closely together. She met her husband, Heloh, through work. Heloh was a political advisor stationed in the Fire Nation from the Earth Kingdom. The two hadn’t gotten along at first, always arguing in state meetings about what was best for the respective nations, and eventually the pent-up tension kept sending her screaming to her mother before Omaya snicked and gave her daughter a bit of advice. “Darling, sleep with him, it’ll fall into place after.” Eemosa paled at that and left her mother’s house. Though weeks later she did take her mother’s advice and she allowed Heloh to take her in the state meeting room, and like her mother said, everything fell into place. The two married within the year and ended up having two sons, Gulu and Rone. Once the boys were born, Ursa opened a consulate on Ember Island and the small family moved into a small house on the ocean. Gulu was an earth bender, surprising everyone as Heloh was a non bender, his mother had been an earth bender. Gulu had decided to become a Warden within the Fire Nation, becoming the first earth-bending warden, the nation had seen. Rone was different from his brother, he was neither a fire bender nor an earth bender, he took after his father like that. He eventually joined the Fire Army, advanced up the ranks, and became a general before he settled down in the colonies and opened a pastry shop as he learned he loved to bake.
When the time came, and Zuko abdicated the throne to allow Ursa to take over, he was happy to do so. His wife, Omaya, stood by him with his choices. The two moved to Ember Island and settled into Zuko’s childhood vacation home, where they lived out their days together. Omaya passed before Zuko, but he held her whilst she took her last breath, it broke his heart. Zuko lived another ten years without his wife. When Omaya arrived in the Spirit World, she found her mother, father, Iroh, Esano, and Aokono waiting for her. Greeting all of them, Aokono told her he was happy she found happiness. The two spent the next ten years watching over their three children, but also Omaya’s other two along with Zuko, making sure all was well. Aokono told her all about how he watched over her and their children and he never felt anger that she moved on and lived a happy life. When Zuko arrived in the Spirit World, he was greeted by all his old friends, Aang, Sokka, Iroh, but most importantly was his wife, Omaya, who stood with Aokono behind her. She looked just like she had the day they married, and Zuko looked the same. “We’re stuck in our prime Zu, whatever will we do?” She laughed as Zuko embraced her and kissed her, telling her to never leave him for that long again, before thanking Aokono for taking care of Ursa and his Omaya. Aokono thanked him for raising the boys like his own and making his wife as happy as he had ever seen her. Eventually all of Omaya’s children joined them in the Spirit World after living long and full lives, and the three of them, Omaya, Aokono, and Zuko, welcomed them all with open arms, and the cycle continued for years to come.
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laiperoconi ¡ 8 months ago
Esano, esa no porke me identifico 😭
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444names ¡ 1 year ago
Names generated from the Italian Wikipedia article on "Italy" plus French and German forenames
Accanale Acchien Acordoaceb Acrente Adazior Adeolta Adicy Affici AgebblitĂ  Aggetta Aggicolagli Aghealus Aldoga Alepoi Alligoni Alvato Amene Amigi Ampaetta Andatti Angeopreca Angra Anotti Anovatiche Anzati Aorione Aphalche Apolin Apolone Apperreter Aqual Ardinche Ardisio Areante Arienticina Artenzecis Ascio Assibella Assinia Assisti Assubjea Astresa Atale Atordotta Atorna Aughitemie Aurgianze Ausse Avamigno Avase Avilesoni...
Bancente Bancepi Banzatrita Basbusti Batalenni Batore Bentalche Berato Bermante Bernerse Bestramesso Bilinew Bologili Cachis Calica Canizzo Canni Canzie Carazio Carti Casis Censespeci Cernificità Cetto Cilamone Cipolcoletà Citapia Clabizio Clasta Clevillack Coaccedono Colarda Coldi Colinin Colititi Collani Colmori Comicante Compantammi Coneallo Coneli Coneoismoni Coneoto Coniture Consevo Conte Corassi Cormatio Cosinalile Costrasick Cricasti Crigonse Crodo Danti Decesi Delad Dentato Denterd Dericincimp Dersane Derti Dianni Dimaro Dindono Dinetto Dinia Dinie Diormentere Distica Divente Doper Doriste Doteranoto Ducazione Duzzah Edandone Edeozienti Elenni Elgart Elmetimi Eloneri Emenallizza Emessie Emilini Enteolità Eolluddia Eproblia Erecturio Eronno Esano Eshariste Esteri Estexix Estri Etter Ettivolta Euccado Eucche Eurbodo Eurriva Fabormoni Fallari Faniffra Farviarista Fasseinig Favvistroli Felizioliri Festric Feterco Fichinia Filichria Firatte Fissi Fisto Flumenale Fonfresti Fornena Forto Franuto Fumitere Gabicon Gadopolo Gatistiva Gautteata Gentuti Geoginquen Geonce Geozza Gerni Gesceato Giurisite Golia Gonegrater Goveragene Grali Grassata Grele Grelei Grelo Grent Gripentenza Grist Guattec Guelfona Guistame Guito GÊlie Hanri Hilhe Hugligia Imenti Immetto Imonter Impenza Impolati Indanto Inforah Inicha Initosmoka Insione Intani Isaglia Isthm Jacie Jeato Joacquidita Josolmine Joste K��pplautt Labilieta Lariof Latato Lattessede Lavar Laziononsi Lebarenze Leccino Leggione Liaro Licalizzo Lindio Lisperso Lunale Luzionari Lynente Maggione Magline Malinomi Manneolivo Manoni Mantei Marcumia Martosegi Medina Mendano Mententi Menza Menzaziono Mersi Metto Michesale Miclie Micomo Miconelato Migene Miggismove Migistarie Milpio Minghelli Mionarismo Mistia Mitenti Moriti Mosita Musule Nalmeziono Nanico Nattiche Nazzato Nendento Nessero Nestrato Notran Novinald Ocare Ociatoni Oclatruni Ocronn Onziane Opengue Oregagovoto Orema Orficono Orgiona Orgonentò Orinsi Orito Orità Ormartua Ovappità Ovilisti Pacenze Padia Padosisce Paggiuto Paranto Passei Paustie Pazini Pedepare Periana Perietto Perterte Picorno Pilizione Pinialcipio Polatteta Polazia Pondo Pondote Ponfruto Potto Pottps Prati Prelleno Prelli Prenza Prestano Priboezio Printi Proalisso Proggiuta Promanosi Propote Puari Puggionsena Pupossità Qualgemung Quelleta Quessie Rambari Rando Rapollita Ratieta Rattena Raziare Raziarre Recanata Rellai Repanno Rialvicone Riche Riedicende Rieliaglimo Rietiveni Rigenzia Rigili Rigio Rilloni Rione Rismouroci Ristranata Roclardt Romanotito Rozzannare Sacregui Sajesti Salmily Sandig Sanne Satostoulli Saveri Scologio Scostrati Segnès Sempar Senica Serappeeta Seresti Sermedrado Sfichich Sicinve Sicola Slano Sonteropr Sorezzoi Spale Spapone Spellazione Spere Spervanale Spone Ssestaca Stalenta Starbellono Sticolia Stina Stippere Stiregna Stregugo Suagna Subbri Subidet Substegui Sulrichi Suppro Suraffato Surbità Suzzà Svesionosts Svocino SÊverrati Talganza Tatimo Tenida Tentes Tentiza Tento Tesisca Tessidia Timingen Torthonsili Tradeschen Trapie Trato Trazzata Trene Trion Troce Trottibie Uffesenti Ulognazi Uncla Unzio Uuinote Valersara Vatorneon Vegnistra Vegrarpe Venck Venja Verborrut Vicalle Vidoticasi Vinuccinie Visimatenza Vistra Walinsi Willi Winizi Wtorfialevo Xittore Xviterviste
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petello993 ¡ 1 year ago
Covid :
Quindi per la medicina tutti i morti per covid sono dovuti al gene.......
Quindi la medicina dice che i morti esano solo cavernicoli.......
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chimearcade ¡ 2 years ago
La zorra esano lo va a daĂąar mĂĄs
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harrywdiaz ¡ 3 years ago
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#esano (en Lomas de Tabure. Cabudare Edo. Lara) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUQa7QrLRy8/?utm_medium=tumblr
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spunbby710 ¡ 3 years ago
somethings never change
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bandalamaravillosa-blog ¡ 8 years ago
Recordando que en un tiempo fui feliz! Esaaa no😌🔥@beto_bandalamaravillosa #bandalamaravillosa #asidefacil #aldespertar #esano
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kon-igi ¡ 3 years ago
Mi ha fatto sempre molto sorridere questo luogo comune che accompagnato ai miti del preferire il profumo al sapone e della mancanza del bidet, dipingono il francese come un sudicione impenitente.
Non mi interessa soffermarmi su questa fantasiosa descrizione discriminatoria (sennò poi dovrei parlare di quella dell’italiano mafioso cattolico gesticolatore urlatore amante di calcio, pizza&pasta) ma pensate all’immagine di una persona che, in cannottiera, trasporta la sua baguette sotto l’ascella sudata mentre passeggia sotto il sole di Agosto.
Non solo voi il pane lo tenete dentro al sacchetto di carta ma poi il sacchetto di carta lo mettete dentro a uno di plastica, pardon, di bioplastica polimerica da condensazione biocompostabile e siccome quest’ultimo è resistente tanto quanto la carta velina usata come cartaigienica durante un’epidemia di colera, lo infilate dentro una sporta di plastica (o di stoffa se siete fan di Tim Minchin).
E cosÏ proteggete il vostro prezioso pane nel tragitto dal forno al vostro stomaco (salvo poi mangiarlo senza esservi lavati le mani dopo aver maneggiato il pollo per la fettina impanata ma quello è un altro discorso intestinale).
E voi, volete che il vaccino per il Covid vi sia iniettato dopo essere stato tenuto sotto un’ascella sudata oppure accettate e comprendete che l’RNA messaggero con la codifica della proteina Spike del Coronavirus sia da proteggere con un rivestimento specifico?
Naturalmente non mi sto riferendo alle fiale di vetro ma alla polemica sui famigerati tanto citati ALC-0315 e ALC-0159, due sostanze ‘conservanti’ elencate tra i pochi eccipienti del vaccino a RNA messaggero prodotto da Pfizer e Moderna.
Prima di tutto è bene specificare che queste non hanno una funzione ‘conservante’ così come la si intende comunemente (sono altre le molecole che svolgono questa funzione) ma essendo NANOPARTICELLE LIPIDICHE servono a inglobare il principio attivo immunizzante (un RNA messaggero a singola elica con capping in 5’, prodotto mediante trascrizione in vitro senza l’ausilio di cellule (cell-free) dai corrispondenti DNA stampo, che codifica la proteina virale spike (S) di SARS-CoV-2) e a permetterne la veicolazione attraverso l’organismo senza che questo sia aggredito dal sistema immunitario e distrutto come ‘estraneo’. Una volta che il sistema ribosomiale ne legge e ne acquisisce le codifiche per ‘istruire’ il sistema immunitario, l’RNA messaggero viene dissolto assieme alle nanoparticelle lipidiche.
Questo non è un fraintendimento o un equivoco ma la precisa volontà fallace dei soliti noti complittisti che in assenza di mercurio, squalene o alluminio dei vaccini tradizionali hanno scelto le sostanze col nome più altisonante - ((4-idrossibutil) azanediil)bis(esano-6,1-diil)bis(2-esildecanoato) per l’ALC-0315 e 2-[(polietilenglicole)-2000]-N,N-ditetradecilacetammide per l’ALC-0159 - e così scatenare l’indignazione di chi non vuole sostanze ‘chimiche’ nel proprio organismo.
Ma allora perché non guardare bene la scheda tecnica del vaccino Pfizer e additare la terribile 1,2-distearoil-sn-glicero-3-fosfocolina (un banale fosfolipide naturale presente sulle membrane cellulari della soia) o il COLESTEROLO (Chi vuole tracce di colesterolo iniettate nel proprio organismo!? Chiunque, visto che ne produciamo giornalmente dai 500 ai 1000 mg e serve alla funzionalità cellulare) o anche il POTASSIO CLORURO (Ma lo usano per l’iniezione letale nei condannati a morte! Certo... anche 10 chili di carbonara possono ucciderti), il SACCAROSIO (Ci fanno diventare diabetici! Ne assumi 100 volte tanto con una mela e mille volte tanto con lo zucchero nel caffè) oppure infine anche IL SODIO IDROSSIDO E L’ACIDO CLORIDRICO (Soda caustica e acido per batterie! Peccato che siano correttori di pH e le stesse sostanze che il nostro organismo usa per acidificare e basificare il sangue in modo automatico e costante).
Forse qualcuno è stato così stupido o in malafede da andare a cercare su google ‘ALC-0315′ e ‘ALC-0159′ e confondere la formulazione venduta ai laboratori analisi non destinata all’iniezione e quella invece per la produzione del vaccino? 
Io punterei sullo stupido in malafede ma oggi è una giornata meravigliosa con un sole bellissimo e voglio dare una chance a tutti gli stupidi <3
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shawnabrennan88 ¡ 5 years ago
CBD Olio
Cosa devi sapere prima di acquistare olio di CBD?
Breve guida sulla scelta di olio CBD
Il CBD identifica uno dei diversi cannabinoidi – nome specifico cannabidiolo – presenti nella pianta di canapa e estratto principalmente dai suoi fiori previo opportuno procedimento.
Escludendo la produzione casalinga, non ammessa dalle leggi di diversi Stati e Nazioni, diverse possono essere le metodologie industriali e di laboratorio di estrazione e purificazione del cannabidiolo, le più adottate sono essenzialmente due; l’utilizzo della anidride carbonica (CO2) in fase supercritica – processo noto con la sigla SC-CO2 – e l’estrazione con solvente.
Da un punto di vista industriale e alimentare entrambe le metodologie sono sicure. Non necessariamente un metodo di estrazione e purificazione è meglio dell’altro poiché entrambi presentano vantaggi e svantaggi.
In linea generale la metodologia con CO2 supercritica risulta essere piuttosto selettiva nell’estrazione delle sostanze di interesse come terpeni e cannabinoidi ignorando tutto il resto (e.g. polifenoli, lignine, aminoacidi ecc); inoltre regolando alcuni parametri fisici durante la lavorazione, come pressione e temperatura, è possibile rendere ancora più selettivo il procedimento eliminando così altre sostanze chimiche – compresi alcuni contaminanti – e ottenendo un olio di CBD ad altissima purezza ma con un chemiotipo diverso rispetto alla materia prima (fiori di canapa).
La modalità di estrazione con solvente (in genere etanolo ma possono essere anche utilizzati gas come butano o esano, in funzione del processo produttivo) è molto meno selettiva pertanto alcune sostanze rimosse con il procedimento SC-CO2 sono presenti.
Questo non è un problema perché la ricerca ha stabilito i benefici, ad esempio, dei polifenoli sulla salute umana. La risultante vede una minore purezza dell’olio e, laddove il procedimento non riesce a rimuoverla (possibile solo in presenza di un sistema di filtraggio il quale in genere non è molto selettivo quindi rimuove anche ulteriori sostanze depotenziando l’olio), la presenza di clorofilla che di per se non è un male, ma conferisce all’olio un sapore piuttosto amaro che a non tutti potrebbe piacere.
In definitiva non esiste un metodo adatto per tutte le occasioni, occorrerà sempre verificare qual è il prodotto che meglio si adatta alle proprie esigenze e gusti.
Qualunque sia la scelta i suggerimenti per l’acquisto prevedono di assicurarsi sul metodo di produzione di olio di CBD (o CBD oil in caso di CBD shop esteri) e verificare se il produttore pubblica sul proprio sito le analisi di laboratori terzi (indipendenti) dei lotti di olio CBD prodotto o quanto meno possa fornire le suddette analisi su richiesta dell’acquirente.
ProprietĂ  del CBD
Diversi i meccanismi d’azione e le potenzialità terapeutiche del CBD. Prima di tutto non è necessaria alcuna prescrizione medica per acquistare dai vari CBD shop prodotti a base di cannabidiolo, purché il contenuto di THC, la sostanza psicotropa presente nella pianta, non superi lo 0,2%!
Il contenuto di CBD presente nell’olio, a seconda della purezza del prodotto e del tipo di processo produttivo, può andare dal 2,5% fino al 30%. Il CBD, a differenza del THC, non è una sostanza psicotropa e in quanto tale non rientra nella definizione di droga. È caratterizzata da una serie di effetti benefici e studi scientifici dimostrano e aprono a nuove opportunità terapeutiche per una pianta la cui origine si perde nella notte dei tempi. Un riassunto delle proprietà più note vede:
CBD effetti: calmante, analgesico, antinfiammatorio, antiemetico e anticonvulsivo;
CBD benefici: per le proprietà riportate nel precedente punto è evidente come il CBD allevi il dolore, riduca l’infiammazione, riduca l’ansia, protegga da patologie neuroinfiammatorie, allevi gli effetti delle terapie oncologiche (e.g. nausea e/o vomito), riduca la depressione e riduca il valore della glicemia a digiuno quindi può essere proficuamente utilizzato in caso di diabete.
L’assunzione di olio CBD può avvenire in diversi modi: per via orale deglutendo le gocce oppure lasciandole sotto la lingua per alcuni minuti oppure versandole sui cibi (meglio se freddi) e/o nelle bevande (rigorosamente analcoliche!). Se il sapore non è gradito si può sempre optare per l’assunzione di capsule.
La posologia non è possibile definirla a priori, troppi i fattori incidenti. Il suggerimento rimane quello generico: non essendo il CBD una sostanza psicoattiva si può iniziare con piccole dosi da 10-15mg 1-2 volte al giorno utilizzando oli con contenuto percentuale di CBD che si attesti su un valore medio, e.g. 8%-10%. Incrementare la posologia fino ad ottenere l’effetto desiderato o, di converso, mantenere la medesima posologia utilizzando oli a contenuto percentuale di CBD superiori (e.g. 14%-20%).
The post CBD Olio appeared first on Olio di CBD | Cannabidiolo | Olio di Cannabis | Cbd Effetti | Olio di Canapa Benefici | CBD Italia.
source https://alleviacbdoil.org/cbd-olio/ from Allevia CBD Oil https://alleviacbdoil1.blogspot.com/2020/08/cbd-olio.html
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alleviacbdoil ¡ 5 years ago
CBD Olio
Cosa devi sapere prima di acquistare olio di CBD?
Breve guida sulla scelta di olio CBD
Il CBD identifica uno dei diversi cannabinoidi – nome specifico cannabidiolo – presenti nella pianta di canapa e estratto principalmente dai suoi fiori previo opportuno procedimento.
Escludendo la produzione casalinga, non ammessa dalle leggi di diversi Stati e Nazioni, diverse possono essere le metodologie industriali e di laboratorio di estrazione e purificazione del cannabidiolo, le più adottate sono essenzialmente due; l’utilizzo della anidride carbonica (CO2) in fase supercritica – processo noto con la sigla SC-CO2 – e l’estrazione con solvente.
Da un punto di vista industriale e alimentare entrambe le metodologie sono sicure. Non necessariamente un metodo di estrazione e purificazione è meglio dell’altro poiché entrambi presentano vantaggi e svantaggi.
In linea generale la metodologia con CO2 supercritica risulta essere piuttosto selettiva nell’estrazione delle sostanze di interesse come terpeni e cannabinoidi ignorando tutto il resto (e.g. polifenoli, lignine, aminoacidi ecc); inoltre regolando alcuni parametri fisici durante la lavorazione, come pressione e temperatura, è possibile rendere ancora più selettivo il procedimento eliminando così altre sostanze chimiche – compresi alcuni contaminanti – e ottenendo un olio di CBD ad altissima purezza ma con un chemiotipo diverso rispetto alla materia prima (fiori di canapa).
La modalità di estrazione con solvente (in genere etanolo ma possono essere anche utilizzati gas come butano o esano, in funzione del processo produttivo) è molto meno selettiva pertanto alcune sostanze rimosse con il procedimento SC-CO2 sono presenti.
Questo non è un problema perché la ricerca ha stabilito i benefici, ad esempio, dei polifenoli sulla salute umana. La risultante vede una minore purezza dell’olio e, laddove il procedimento non riesce a rimuoverla (possibile solo in presenza di un sistema di filtraggio il quale in genere non è molto selettivo quindi rimuove anche ulteriori sostanze depotenziando l’olio), la presenza di clorofilla che di per se non è un male, ma conferisce all’olio un sapore piuttosto amaro che a non tutti potrebbe piacere.
In definitiva non esiste un metodo adatto per tutte le occasioni, occorrerà sempre verificare qual è il prodotto che meglio si adatta alle proprie esigenze e gusti.
Qualunque sia la scelta i suggerimenti per l’acquisto prevedono di assicurarsi sul metodo di produzione di olio di CBD (o CBD oil in caso di CBD shop esteri) e verificare se il produttore pubblica sul proprio sito le analisi di laboratori terzi (indipendenti) dei lotti di olio CBD prodotto o quanto meno possa fornire le suddette analisi su richiesta dell’acquirente.
ProprietĂ  del CBD
Diversi i meccanismi d’azione e le potenzialità terapeutiche del CBD. Prima di tutto non è necessaria alcuna prescrizione medica per acquistare dai vari CBD shop prodotti a base di cannabidiolo, purché il contenuto di THC, la sostanza psicotropa presente nella pianta, non superi lo 0,2%!
Il contenuto di CBD presente nell’olio, a seconda della purezza del prodotto e del tipo di processo produttivo, può andare dal 2,5% fino al 30%. Il CBD, a differenza del THC, non è una sostanza psicotropa e in quanto tale non rientra nella definizione di droga. È caratterizzata da una serie di effetti benefici e studi scientifici dimostrano e aprono a nuove opportunità terapeutiche per una pianta la cui origine si perde nella notte dei tempi. Un riassunto delle proprietà più note vede:
CBD effetti: calmante, analgesico, antinfiammatorio, antiemetico e anticonvulsivo;
CBD benefici: per le proprietà riportate nel precedente punto è evidente come il CBD allevi il dolore, riduca l’infiammazione, riduca l’ansia, protegga da patologie neuroinfiammatorie, allevi gli effetti delle terapie oncologiche (e.g. nausea e/o vomito), riduca la depressione e riduca il valore della glicemia a digiuno quindi può essere proficuamente utilizzato in caso di diabete.
L’assunzione di olio CBD può avvenire in diversi modi: per via orale deglutendo le gocce oppure lasciandole sotto la lingua per alcuni minuti oppure versandole sui cibi (meglio se freddi) e/o nelle bevande (rigorosamente analcoliche!). Se il sapore non è gradito si può sempre optare per l’assunzione di capsule.
La posologia non è possibile definirla a priori, troppi i fattori incidenti. Il suggerimento rimane quello generico: non essendo il CBD una sostanza psicoattiva si può iniziare con piccole dosi da 10-15mg 1-2 volte al giorno utilizzando oli con contenuto percentuale di CBD che si attesti su un valore medio, e.g. 8%-10%. Incrementare la posologia fino ad ottenere l’effetto desiderato o, di converso, mantenere la medesima posologia utilizzando oli a contenuto percentuale di CBD superiori (e.g. 14%-20%).
The post CBD Olio appeared first on Olio di CBD | Cannabidiolo | Olio di Cannabis | Cbd Effetti | Olio di Canapa Benefici | CBD Italia.
from Olio di CBD | Cannabidiolo | Olio di Cannabis | Cbd Effetti | Olio di Canapa Benefici | CBD Italia https://alleviacbdoil.org/cbd-olio/
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yolamalquerida ¡ 7 years ago
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#josealfredojimĂŠnez #CantameConElCorazĂłn #EsaNo
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444names ¡ 1 year ago
male italian and english forenames
Aarco Aardo Abiando Accor Acolo Adano Adder Adderco Adleopolph Adrizio Aduigio Alcard Aldone Alelee Alforey Alfrante Alfre Alfrettald Alfrino Alisto Alvanbas Alvantis Amaudlew Ambertin Amerfre Amilto Amirin Amoteo Ampiernatt Ances Anlucio Ardio Arduliando Aroberto Artunzo Arziotto Asiovita Atimorvey Aurbeney Aurex Badderino Badioelm Balvichary Barewino Bartundo Basquigio Basquin Bathew Batromo Bentine Bentino Bephilvale Bercy Bered Berias Berolo Beroph Bertobby Bertopolo Binfrenrio Brado Brano Braziano Brilto Cachelesta Cardo Carquino Carto Casperano Casto Cedverney Chamincell Chard Cheleorell Chill Cidic Cidino Clambro Claso Cleraylmo Cliancen Cliancy Cliovanzo Clisto Clitand Commaregor Costo Crigio Crilis Crilo Cristo Curimo Curon Curtino Dalbondo Damaspino Damelell Damphino Damuno Danbas Dangeodo Darcobbero Darmanio Daspielio Dassil Davianso Dearam Delevord Denco Derazzio Dertholdo Descolph Destaley Dinares Dondo Dukey Edelianti Edero Edeuguir Edmon Edrianto Edwarickto Edwino Elenilvey Elivalfio Ellomeremy Elmoldold Elmonar Elrenzo Emico Emmasper Enjaco Enrimo Erengo Ericostald Ermand Ernald Ernarmard Erpaignano Erperoger Esano Estandre Etrolo Euger Eziando Fabero Fabin Fabrio Faello Faetricco Falvittino Fedas Fedwistino Fellante Fello Feran Fermo Fernalciam Fichred Fiello Fioeley Fland Flaudley Flaureno Flaveziant Flias Flortino Fordo Forrucio Fosto Francy Fraziano Frino Fulph Fulphiamil Gaele Gaeleo Gartun Gascary Gasista Gavininoel Gavinuto Gavio Gavithen Gelianico Gelrey Genundris Gerel Geremyaspe Gerolia Giamel Gianbano Giancello Giancino Gianco Giand Giandrino Gianfrey Gianie Gianin Giano Giant Giard Ginato Gioel Giottillo Giovith Gisavith Giulivino Giustado Goscam Grald Granobben Gristercon Grizio Gussard Hadgeo Haduke Haetton Harey Helavin Helesto Henzo Hesto Holio Homberto Homoldo Hualemert Hugliano Huren Iantomenzo Ighest Igino Ippolit Ivanino Ivezio Jampauroy Jenzo Jerance Josco Julino Kitonio Lando Lanisan Lardavio Lardo Laulf Lawreano Lawreted Lernank Leslierl Lessavino Liamia Liancel Libervino Lionatto Liorispero Lippe Listerton Listordio Livino Lucarey Luccido Lucianzo Lucidin Lucince Luine Maccides Macciovano Madroyd Mafabrio Mantincy Marles Marmattiam Marmele Marose Masigiano Masimetto Mastonio Matocke Maton Mattin Maurigi Maurt Maxwele Meley Mertor Mesmuell Miacord Michew Micolò Miliano Mimbrayn Mince Minord Mirce Mondo Moniotero Mottino Mylvic Nandromard Nather Nazio Nedmoni Nerto Niance Ommanzo Ommard Osino Osvario Otholo Ottiertuno Ottonard Owalfrenzo Owaymon Pachriovin Paold Paoldo Paole Paolfre Paolian Paoling Paolio Paollo Pardo Parmoni Partoco Patino Patoremerl Paure Pelliotel Pethestino Philey Picharre Pickton Piellemed Piellomo Pielm Piercosido Piermatto Piert Pietrey Piett Piettalew Piettianio Piettinco Pietto Pineillo Quald Quige Quigence Quigerno Raignare Ramuello Randrico Ranine Raranick Razio Redercarco Remman Renny Riccolo Richerrian Rickier Rinie Rioth Rispippo Roantieren Roard Robianco Rolair Rolian Ronato Ropolo Rosco Roste Rosuè Rowlair Rugodo Samill Sango Sarde Sardovio Sarzio Savin Savitano Silcaste Silel Simbro Simer Simonario Stadamilio Stanine Stero Stini Stone Strobio Tairaff Teppo Teregiovin Terento Terto Tholò Tonazio Tonis Torgio Tristo Ubren Ugoreno Ugugeopo Umbence Umbricto Urbentius Urimo Urine Uroyd Urtiano Uveziony Valdo Valvilfill Vanio Vantimo Vantino Venzo Vidett Vidnedo Viermor Vilioanny Vilivo Vings Virano Wilfiell Wilfio Wilibert Willeonyle Willertino Willomelo Wulino Wulio Wuliovango Yandrea Yantonan Yasio Zartholo
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zeleny-est89 ¡ 7 years ago
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#thefeels #thefeelsarereal #esano
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djspooky-blog ¡ 8 years ago
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Fuck It I'm going!!!! 😍🙌🙌🙌 VIP Baby! 😉 #Coachella #Lineup #Lol #PurasFallas #SePasan #LaChivaDe10Mil #LosXVDeRubi #EsaNo (VIP: Very Important Paisa)
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mujerciclica ¡ 6 years ago
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rodearse de gente hermosa como estes dos pibes q me llenan el alma de una forma increible y re suman a mi vida, inmenso amor waches y altisima noche 💚 (aun teniendo en cuenta que me mori unos diez minutitos)
y dejo el escrito de une de elles mientras yo palmaba en el piso (le broto la inspiracion mientras la re mal flasheaba y le otre no sabia que hacer pero seguia escabiando vino)
el 50'por cuento a gus le agarro la laifa parave perdiosita acosasora
Nonhay que volver
El ano que biene es 30
La verdad que mi dignidad quedo por el pisoneste esano
yo quede enel piso
40lo peditte pedir lo ya
alguma tendra todo ellomesa mina
Husyamnete espetanalguiwrn para compartirlo
Nonle husta gumar aola.
Eso dijo
si lo sabeUnas gans
Me puso bella
Y ono me contesto
Queres er mi bimis ganas de gatchar
Yiene precuo mis comcha?
Y que le dio??
O busvate otro
O es neceidad
Fharve faso
hay que repetir noches de ciclos, vino y faso juntes. gracias belles <3
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