#erwan rebec
memwazz · 1 year
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After my last badass illustration of Aloïs, I wanted to draw a whole series of these with the other members of the 7th Division.
Of course, first to come is Erwan because he's the main character even if he joins the team later. I chose a little dark back alley for his background because he was homeless for a few years and spent a lot of time in the streets.
His pseudonym is R-0 and he can control a bright and burning golden light.
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memwazz · 1 year
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Happy Pride to all my trans folks (and the other queer people too of course) out there!
Erwan went through a lot before he started transitioning (quite illegally actually) and in general. He's doing his best now to stay strong and protect himself because he doesn't have anyone to count on at the beginning of SEVEN.
Respect his existence or expect resistance.
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memwazz · 1 year
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(Arthur, Roxanne, Myko, Ronnie, Aloïs, Erwan, Ezra, Samira, Grace)
I sketched this sheet a few weeks ago to train at anatomy, celebrate diversity and of course because I LOVE doodling SEVEN stuff.
Some of my babies have small or big complexes, others love their bodies ad their little selves, but the most important thing is I cherish them all with everything I have 🥺
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memwazz · 1 year
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Did you know Erwan used to have a girlfriend ?
When he was 13, his parents kicked him out for doing drugs and he was took in by a shelter for LGBT minors. He was at his lowest but his love for a girl named Violet saved his life and helped him overcome his addictions.
They would play video games together every night and Erwan would always lose but have a lot of fun.
Unfortunately, fascists burnt the shelter to the ground the year after and Violet died amongst many other teens.
After her death, Erwan tried playing alone but would always cry and break down thinking about her.
Then he meets Roxanne who plays Mortal Kombat every time she needs to relax. They start having moments together but at the beginning Erwan feels sad during each game.
It will gradually get better, Roxanne's positive influence associating video games with good memories again.
In the end, his smile will come back after 8 years of grief and Violet will watch and protect these precious moments from the sky ❤️
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memwazz · 1 year
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Old old old Song Art :O !
I think this one was made in 2019 when SEVEN was just created. It's inspired by Stone Sour's Absolute Zero, the song I consider as Erwan's character theme.
After joining the 7th Division, his pseudonym will be R-0 (referring to his name whose pronounciation is close to "R-1"); before that, he's a pessimist character who doesn't believe in humanity, doesn't trust anyone and hates the simple concept of superheroes.
He's not the devil but he won't be your hero.
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memwazz · 1 year
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... Woops I lost myself in another big song art piece. This one is inspired by Skillet. The more I listen to this band, the more I tell myself all their discography is a superhero movie OST. Their songs are so fucking badass xD Finish Line especially made me want to draw the 7th Division together.
This is a shame I created this story exactly 4 years ago and it's the first time we see the whole team reunited.
For the people in the back : the 7th Division is a superhero team and they're all my OCs.
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From the top left corner to bottom right corner :
- Ezra/Queen Elizabeth can control their own, some people and objects' gravity. - Arthur/Day Bird has no superpowers but strong high tech prothesis which allow him to fight but also burn and make things explode. - Myko/Nuclear Blast casts a radioactive energy which can either be offensive or heal people. - Grace/E-DEN is a telepath and a mind reader. - Aloïs/The Clockworker can teleport on short distances thanks to little portals (and is the leader of the team) - Roxanne/Chlorine produces a huge quantity of..... chlorine (it was unexpected ikr) and it has all the gas' properties when it goes out of her body. - Erwan/R-0 is an alien with an unknown power looking like a golden light which hurts if cast on sentient beings. He's the main character and joins the team later in the story.
That's all folks, I hope you like that thing I spent like ~14hours on ✨
Also, here's a bonus sketch :
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memwazz · 1 year
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During my story SEVEN, the transmasc main character Erwan will discover his alien origins and acquire his original form. His powers come from Xandear's five suns so it's all golden-themed, including all his scars✨✨ He will have top surgery during the story but I don't know exactly when, probably after Xandear Arc (a few years later so his bestie Roxanne will have a new appearance too, including longer hair with more and more white as her "vitiligo" progresses.)
So uh yeah, he's quite "shining" in every kind of way.
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memwazz · 1 year
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Here comes a sweet moment between Erwan and the two Mom Friends !
Grace is a huge fan of ABBA and it originally comes from her wife Samira who listens to the band 24/7. At some point of the story, Erwan has to live at Grace and Sam's after a traumatic event, so he hears and sings ABBA 7/24.
This scene is not shown in the canon but would totally have happened during the 3 weeks they spent together. Dancing on "Dancing Queen"! Samira LOVES to dance as a hobby so she's the Dancing Queen, Grace is young and sweet, and that's fun because Erwan is seventeen. Anyway, I love these 3.
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But there's a moment when Erwan finally comes back and leaves Grace's house. Then he feels less safe and misses the couple. I can totally picture him singing ABBA in his head every time he has a panic attack (or feels sad or angry) so it will remind him of Grace and Samira and he will feel better.
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memwazz · 1 year
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Here's a quick drawing of Erwan's alien form a few years after the beginning of the story ! He decides to grow his hair and get top surgery (all his scars turned golden like most of the Xandean's).
He also became physically and magically stronger and added his birth name (Varga De Ambrillis) to his civil identity !
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memwazz · 1 year
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I doodled my superzero last year because he needs more attention.
Erwan is a homeless teenage boy with magic powers who gets implicated with a superheroes team and also a very angry, stubborn and pessimistic dude who hates society. Kind of a lost and fragile child inside.

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memwazz · 1 year
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The Disney Princess Meme but with SEVEN characters xD
This was inspired by my friends telling that Cat is a rare Pokemon because she's one of the only characters not having a tragic backstory.
All the others from SEVEN have lived several traumas... So I imagine Cat being shocked every time they tell their story, while they all are totally used to it.
(That is a non exhaustive list of their traumas btw x'D)
From left to right : Grace, Arthur, Erwan, Aloïs, Ezra, Roxanne and Cat!)
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memwazz · 1 year
SEVEN - Erwan Rebec
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As the main character of SEVEN, Erwan is the person whose eyes we discover the 7th Division through. His own magic ability will grant him a place in the team under the name of R-0 later in the story.
Species : alien (Xandean)
Age : 17
Height : 160 cm
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Erwan as "Varga", his alien alter-ego 5 years after/ Erwan with Varga.
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Civilian Erwan VS Superhero Erwan/ Erwan wearing R-0's costume without the mask.
- Illustrations :
Bust Up - Varga - Absolute Zero - Bodies -
- Comics :
Tough Boy - Dancing Queen - Absolute Zero - Video Games -
- Shitpost :
Disney Princess Meme - Every Time I Faint - Shine -
Erwan's power sources are unknown at the beginning, until Lyssandera's arc in which his alien origins are revealed. Linked to the five suns of Xandear, his magic takes the form of a bright and warm golden light.
Its shock waves can physically hurt people. When Erwan uses (intentionally or not) its full potential, the light turns into sharp peaks he can launch from his hands. However, he uses it most of time as a shield to protect himself from physical attacks or to warm his body up in conditions of extreme cold.
He doesn't control his powers until the second arc of SEVEN and his eyes usually turn yellow/golden when he uses it.
Erwan is mostly known for his high level of pessimism. Before he meets the 7th Division, he's convincted people are evil and it won't change. He doesn't believe in "humanity" and has a hard time trusting anyone. His main preoccupation is his own survival : the hardships he lived the last decade made an individualist out of him.
Because of social determinism, the oppressive system he lives in and his multiple traumas, Erwan gave up on his dreams and convictions and is just trying to stay alive without any aim in life. He used to fight and protest for a better world but finally stopped believing he could change anything.
Despite hearing about the 7th Division everyday in the media, Erwan doesn't believe superheroes exist until he's confronted to Chlorine. According to him, "people can't be good or naive enough to sacrifice their lives and safety for others".
After discovering the Division is actually real, Erwan instantly gets mad at them because they never helped nor protected him. At first, he thinks they're faking altruism to get attention and glory.
Erwan also is a confused child with a sensitive and fearful temper. He can't handle his strong emotions (most of them being negative at the beginning) and years of homelessness made him anxious and mistrustful. He sometimes shows signs of anger issues, is constantly mad at the world and easily overwhelmed by unexpected events (such as meeting a bunch of neurotic people with superpowers or being attacked by giant chimeras--).
Some traumas of his also caused him a terrible fear of abandon and rejection. If he struggles with trusting people at first, Erwan becomes extremely clingy and affectionate when he gets attached to someone.
His social life is empty before he meets the 7th Division; when he starts living at the headquarters, Erwan is triggered by his differences with the group. Being surrounded by teammates who've known each other for years makes him feel left aside and the idea of not being enough scares him.
Despite all his weaknesses, Erwan remains someone resourceful who learnt to deal with a hard life and always finds a way to survive in the worst conditions. His resilience is admirable for his young age.
Erwan Rebec, born as Varga De Ambrillis, is the youngest child of a wealthy family from the planet Xandear.
When he was 1 year old, a war against Llxiriv was declared and Xandeans needed strong soldiers. Erwan's powers were too weak already, thus he was judged as a burden and abandoned on Earth so his parents wouldn't have to raise him and could focus on the war.
Erwan was adopted as a baby by the Rebec family and lived an ordinary childhood until the age of 5. After the birth of his little sister Maggie, their parents started making a huge difference between their biological child and the adopted one.
From then on, Erwan felt neglected as his family gave him the minimum care just so he would not die. He spent most of his time alone in his room while his sister was spoiled by the family.
In his early teenagehood, Erwan came out as transgender and it worsened his relationship with his parents. In a desperate attempt to get more attention, he started having bad company and turned into a delinquent : being scolded or punished was the only way he had found to be noticed.
Due to depression, anxiety and spending time with other delinquents, Erwan finally developed a cocaine addiction aged 13. Because his parents and sister didn't pay attention to him, he managed to hide it for a few months until a party went wrong.
Erwan came very close to overdose, his powers suddenly declared and he hurt a friend of his during a bad trip.
When both the teens went to the hospital, Erwan's parents discovered about his drug abuse and finally kicked him out. He lived outside for a few months before he was took in a shelter for young queer people.
There, he met his girlfriend-to-be Violet who helped him wean himself off cocaine. Unfortunately, fascists set the shelter on fire nearly a year after and most the young, including Violet, died in the arson.
Erwan became homeless again and worked several jobs at the same time to rent a small poor apartment.
At the very beginning of SEVEN, he lost his job two months before and is just getting expulsed from his accomodation.
Since the death of his girlfriend Violet 2 years before the story, Erwan struggles with bonding with other people. His distrustful temper makes it even harder and he's most of the time too busy surviving to interact with people.
Living in a rough area, Erwan often gets assaulted and can't trust people around him, causing him not to have any friend.
In SEVEN's first chapter, he has just lost his job and apartment and has to sleep outside once again.
Nicknames :
R-0 (pseudonym)
Varga (alien birth name)
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Roxanne is the first heroine Erwan meets : she mistakes him for a criminal as she's investigating on atrocious serial murders in his area. Their relationship starts quite badly since Erwan blames Roxanne for being attacked by Kreator's chimeras. Roxanne on her side, can't stand his pessimistic personality and abrupt sentiments on what heroism is.
However, they slowly start bonding during the first arc and finally become best friends.
Ezra quickly becomes a kind of mentor to Erwan. Seeing how strong Roxanne is while fighting, Erwan complains about his own weakness to Ezra, who offers to train him so he can control his powers a bit more.
Erwan develops a total trust in Ezra and is grateful for what he teaches him. They also have good laughters together : Ezra's carelessness in the field helps Erwan putting things in perspective and coping with his anxiety.
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Just like for Roxanne, their first interactions are not great. The very first time they meet, Erwan has just been attacked and Aloïs' coldness and abruptness cause him a panick attack.
Aside from fear, Erwan is resentful towards Aloïs for being the leader of the group which never helped him with his life struggles. The Clockworker embodies everything Erwan despises and sees as hypocritical at the beginning of the story.
Their relationship evolves and gets better with time though : Aloïs is one of the people to restore Erwan's hope and faith in humanity.
His strong convictions and morals even convince him to join the Division later.
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Grace is someone Erwan values a lot right from the start. She's the one who calms him after his first panick attack and when Erwan starts living at the headquarters, she's always here to help apeasing his emotions.
During Lilyas' arc, Erwan takes shelter at Grace and Samira's house after being tortured by the mafia : these 3 weeks spent together strengthen their bond and help Erwan coping with the trauma.
From then on, he starts seeing Grace as a kind of mother.
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Erwan soon becomes as close of Samira as of Grace. They meet when he takes refuge at her home and he gets extremely attached in less than 3 weeks. Just like Grace, she's a motherly figure to him and both the wives wish they could adopt him as well.
Lyssandera is Erwan/Varga's biological big sister he learns about quite late in the story. When she tells Erwan he was sent on Earth because he was too weak to go at war, he's absolutely mad at her for letting their parents abandon him.
This truth damages Erwan's relationship with his only family left, making him feel even more abandoned. At some point of Lyssandera's arc, he tells her he wishes he'd have never known her.
After fighting together to stop the war on Xandear, they both make efforts to build a healthier relationship but it takes a lot of time for Erwan to forgive.
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Violet is Erwan's late girlfriend. She died in the arson which burnt their LGBT shelter to the ground when they were around 15.
They used to be close and fusional and Violet is the person who helped Erwan overcome his cocaine addiction.
He's still grieving at the beginning of SEVEN and playing videogames with Roxanne sometimes reminds him of Violet and makes him cry.
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memwazz · 1 year
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Well I've been writing SEVEN lately and Erwan is the protagonist. He's a homeless teenager with magic powers who faints almost every time he uses it.
He also faints every time he gets attacked. And every time he gets beaten up or is afraid. He always faints, as much as it has the potential to become a meme. So here's a meme-ish drawing.
If he had a penny for every time he faints, Erwan would have the money to buy his own house.
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