ulenehlervu · 2 months
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some older sketches i put color on :)
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ghoulsbeard · 3 months
Erthor meets a levitating alchemist…
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fwipination · 2 years
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A very special artfight revenge and a very fun throwback for me to draw! This is Erthor the Ghost, a ranger elf, and a part of the first ever dnd party I ever got to play in (He was a working friend of Dr. Fellanolanol!).
Erthor belongs to @osukaasoriano- absolutely go check them out here or on twitter!
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abstractgaze · 15 hours
This fucking guy. Erthor of Skingrad. I hope his pretty little zom8ies 8 the smooth, glossy, moist piece of shit that he has for a 8rain.
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delicatenightfury · 2 months
Star of the Mountain Chapter 44
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Warnings: fluff, angst, canon-level violence, spoilers for the Hobbit films
Pairing: OC x Thorin Oakenshield
Beta'd By: @mistys-blerbz
Author's Note: please do not steal my work! I do not own the Hobbit or the characters, but I do own my OCs and the parts of the plot that are not part of the movies. I have worked very hard on this fic. Please be respectful and do not steal.
Please comment, reblog, and like!
Masterlist - Previous Chapter
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It has been so long since we have seen you. I hope that all is well and that you are enjoying a quiet life in your little hole in the ground. There was once a time where I could not understand how you could enjoy living so peacefully, but after all this time, I believe that I understand your contentment. Thorin mentioned once that you carried an acorn with you while we were on our quest. I do hope that it has turned into the most amazing tree by now.
I suppose that I should explain the reason for my writing, especially after so long.
I’m sorry to tell you that Thorin and Oreliell have both passed. We wanted you to know as you are our dear friend.
They passed on together, peacefully in their sleep in the year 3008. Thorin was nearing the age of 262. I could not begin to tell you how old Oreliell was. As you know, elves live quite a long time. 
While the news is hard on all of us and we greatly mourn the loss of Erebor’s king and queen, we have so much to remember them by as we celebrate their lives in this world. There is so much I want to tell you about them, as much has happened since we reclaimed the mountain all those years ago. I shall start at the beginning.
Thorin and Oreliell married in the summer after we reclaimed the mountain. There had been much work to do in order to restore the mountain to its former glory, so that became their focus. There had been some stumbling blocks along the way, but they knocked those blocks down with no problems. 
(The Arkenstone did go missing for a brief period, but don’t worry! Everything and everyone was fine. We found it and it was safely returned to the throne.)
Not even a year into their marriage, Oreliell became pregnant. I cannot begin to tell you how excited everyone was at the news, Thorin most of all. He completely doted on Oreliell all throughout her pregnancy. Dwarf and elven pregnancies both last quite a long time compared to humans or hobbits. In fact, they can last a couple of years. I know, that may seem insane to you. That being said, no one really knew what to expect with the baby.
Turns out, the pregnancy was about twenty-seven months, and Erebor welcomed its newest heir: Erthor Durin. The healers had worried about his health since Oreliell’s pregnancy wasn’t dwarven length, but Erthor was perfectly healthy. He looks so much like Thorin it's hard to believe, but he has his mother’s eyes.
They waited a couple of years before trying for another child and when Oreliell became pregnant again, it was with twins! There had been a great deal of concern this time, as twins were rare among both dwarves and elves. Thorin and Oreliell had sent letters to Lord Elrond - you remember him from Rivendell, don’t you? Apparently he has twins himself. Well he was able to give some advice, but recommended that Oreliell take things easier than before.
The pregnancy itself was smooth, just a little longer than before. The birth had been the challenging part. We thought we had almost lost Oreliell, but she was a strong woman and pulled through. And the twins - a girl and a boy - were healthy as well. Their names are Tirneth and Varin, who are each a near perfect mix of their parents. 
Thorin and Oreliell were the best parents. I can attest to that myself since Thorin practically raised Fili and I after our father passed, but it’s something else to see him raise his own children. He would always make time for them, sometimes even skipping meetings to spend time with them. He had received more than a couple of scolding for that.
Oreliell spent a lot of time with them as well. She played with them daily, taught them how to ride horses. They’ve learned how to forge metal and play instruments. Oreliell also made a point to teach them about their dual heritages, and about the history of Middle Earth. They’ve even grown up hearing stories about our quest. So don’t worry, they know all about our precious burglar and how he helped to reclaim Erebor. 
I tell you, Bilbo, those children never wanted for anything growing up.
And of course, all the children can fight. Both Thorin and Oreliell taught them, as well as Vedis and Dwalin. Their duels are quite intense. Remember the duel at Beorn’s home, where Thorin, Dwalin, Fili and I fought Oreliell and Vedis? It’s like that. There’s almost always a healer on call in case of injury.
As the children grew older, Thorin and Oreliell made a point to teach them matters of state. Both knew that they would most likely pass on before Erthor was ready to take on the throne, so they wanted to make them all prepared. Since Erthor is not yet ready or old enough to assume the throne, mother and I are serving as regents until he is ready. I don’t think it will be much longer honestly. Erthor is a very capable lad and will rule Erebor well, just like his parents.
Thorin and Oreliell have left Erebor in a very stable condition. Over the years, they have managed to grow our wealth. We have established trade routes and alliances with both Dale and Mirkwood, including several other neighboring kingdoms and towns. We even have our own farmland! The land in front of the mountain has been transformed so that we can grow our own crops and have livestock. You would be very proud, Bilbo.
The rest of the company is doing well. Most have stayed in Erebor as they have held various positions over the years, and several started families.
Bifur and Bofur continued making toys and became well known for them in Erebor and Dale. Meanwhile Bombur takes great pride working in the kitchens.
Dori and Nori have both chosen to live quietly with their riches. There are many who like to listen to their stories in the local taverns.
Dwalin remains head of the royal guard, and has held a seat on the royal council since Thorin was crowned.
Gloin has assisted with training over the years. Gloin’s wife and son Gimli came to live in the mountain as well. Gimli has grown quite a lot. He’ll make a fine warrior. 
Oin was head of the healers for many years. He learned lots about human and elven healing techniques, which he was always ready to try out, though he is not as active anymore due to his old age.
Balin and Ori were the only two to depart. They moved to Moria. Balin became the reigning lord there, so we have not seen them in several years. 
My mother, Dís, has also taken up a role within the mountain, aside from being a doting aunt hell bent on spoiling her niece and nephews. She was named Keeper of Ravenhill. There is a host of ravens there that returned after the Battle, and she tends to them frequently.
As for myself, Tauriel and I married after Tirneth and Varin were born. We became engaged during Oreliell’s pregnancy and wanted to wait until the babes had been born to wed. Now, we have two children of our own: two daughters, who are ten years apart in age. Their names are Filia and Leitha. They’re beautiful, if I do say so. Filia has Tauriel’s fiery hair and Leitha has my own. I have said that they look so much like Tauriel, but both she and my mother say that they have my nose.
And Vedis. About thirty years ago, Vedis left Erebor. There had been rumors spreading that the Morfaroth were making appearances across Middle Earth. Do you remember them? They were the group that Oreliell and Vedis had been part of long before we met them. We had a run in with one of them before Oreliell and Thorin got married, but nothing had been heard of them since then. So Vedis decided to leave so she could stop them.
She has had some success, but they are apparently good at hiding. She’s been across almost all of Middle Earth. She does return from time to time to visit. Her visits are quiet as you can probably imagine, but she spends a great deal of time with her sister and her niece and nephews. She has returned briefly to see Oreliell and Thorin be buried, but I know she plans to leave again.
I do worry about her, Bilbo. She seems tired. I have noticed more scars on her throughout the years, though she has never acknowledged them and I have never said anything. I do not know if Oreliell ever said anything. But now that Oreliell is gone though, I fear her visits to Erebor will become fewer and that she will become lost. I suppose all we can do now is continue to invite her home and pray for her safety and happiness.
We plan to bury Thorin and Oreliell in the next few days. We shall hold a grand banquet to celebrate their lives, their love, and their rule, as they will be greatly missed. There are even plans to create a statue of them afterwards. It should be a sight to truly behold.
We miss you dearly, Mister Boggins, all of us do. Enjoy your books and armchairs, your doilies and handkerchiefs. May your pantry always be full of food and your riches never run out. I hope that another adventure finds you and brings you as much excitement as our time together.
Yours sincerely,
Kili Durin
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nightingaletrash · 5 years
Iriana: can I get a recommendation?
Kalthar: *stealing the Seer's Stone*
Kud-Ei: *trying to stop Varon from harassing Ardeline*
J'skar and Volanaro: *pranking Jeanne*
Caminalda: *murdering merchants*
Falcar: *murdering Associates*
Earana: *spying on Teekeeus*
Erthor: *summoning zombies*
Iriana: can I please get a recommendation?!
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0uze · 5 years
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Please, in Mara's name...
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indoril-nerevar · 5 years
(sees any shithead bosmer thats part of a larger group) hmmm this is mine now
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ulenehlervu · 3 years
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sketched these guys also
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ghoulsbeard · 5 months
going to have to hone my chops enough to be able to do an homage bc gal is the type to start tossing lines from his courier serials at erthor when theyre disagreeing on something touchy but the situation is not quite severe enough he needs to actually be in earnest. by y’ffre he’s quoting at me again.
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we-were-legends · 5 years
Headcanon time!
Birds carrying letters and importancy of rank
The Kingdom of Doriath didn’t end only on its capital city Menegroth. We can imagine there were a lot of settlements, many towns or even smaller cities in the forests of Doriath and what goes along with it, there were many outposts where the soldiers stood guard and are stationed. And even Elwe’s rule didn’t end in Doriath - before Hitthlum was granted to the Noldor, Elwe had under protection elves of Mithrim who inhabited Hithlum.
To spread out letters, messeges and even orders efficiently, there were needed bird who would carry such messeges. However, some birds were more distinguishable than others and once such bird appeared it the falcony, it was known from whom the letter or order came from.
[ Important note - in this post I used bird species from the real world (of course) but I ignored regions of their distribution and habitat. Techically speaking, it would be impossible for the birds I chose to live in the same habitat and in the same region but I am in luck because it’s just a headcanon and Beleriand is a fantasy world :) Though it would be interesting to do a map with animal species distribution in Beleriand! ]
In some places I changed the name of the species to fit more the world of Tolkien, but I included true species name, too. So, let’s begin:
King Elwe - Sea Eagle (Steller’s Sea-Eagle)
The largest eagle species in the world. Mainly feeds on fish. In the whole Kingdom of Doriath, it is known that Sea Eagle is a King’s bird and only Elwe has a right to pass on messages with this bird. Once this bird appears somewhere in one of the falconries, it is known immediately that it came from the King.
Queen Melian - Sun Eagle (African fish eagle)
A large species of eagle found mainly near open waters. Just as with Elwe and his own raptor, the Sun Eagle is Queen’s bird and only Melian has a right to pass on messages with this bird.
Usually, only the King and the Queen own eagles - it’s an unsaid rule that is more or less followed. The reason for it is that eagles are hard for the falconers to train and take care of, so only those with highest rank and social status can afford having them. Sometimes leaders of more wealthy Houses make decision to own an eagle but it’s kind of expensive business and not everyone can afford it. However, Sea Eagle and Sun Eagle are always reserved for the King and Queen and this rule is followed, so the other eagles that are chose to train include mainly Golden Eagles and White-tailed eagles.
Luthien - Snowy Owl
Despite that Luthien is a Princess of Doriath and an heir to the Throne, she doesn’t own any special bird that can distinguish her from others, neither she is required to follow any rule to own particular bird. However, she grew in liking for Snowy owls that are characteristical and beautifully charming.
Erthor - Monk (Black-and-white hawk-eagle)
As the First Prince of Doriath and Head of the Council, Erthor needs to have his own bird that will be distinguishable as well. A monk is a raptor with few characteristical features - areas around eyes are black, its wings are black and part of tail as well whilethe rest of the feathers are white and the beak is yellow.
Privately, he owns Eagle-Owl (Eurasion eagle-owl)
Mablung - Warrior (Black hawk-eagle)
Primus General of Doriath also has his distinguishable bird. A warrior has black feathers, four characteristical grey bars on its tail and there is a white line right above its eyes. Although quite small, a bird is a powerful predator.
Privately, he owns a Paragon (Swallow-tailed kite)
Generals of Doriath - Red hawk (Plumbeous kite)
As the commanders of the army, Haerdin, Egnaspen and Oropher have their own birds they use as the Generals of Doriath and they send their orders and messages with those raptors.
Privately, Egnaspen owns a Little owl (Long-eared owl), Haerdin owns a Brown kestrel (American kestrel) and Oropher owns a Sparrowhawk.
Healers in Doriath - Barn owls
It is widely known and acknowledged that healers are sending their messages with Barn owls. They are quick and can be easily trained. Usually, no one other owns those birds to make them distinguishable so the letters from healers would be gathered and read immediately.
Advisors in the Council - Eared owls (Short-eared owl)
Councillors and all the advisors in the Council send their messages with Eared owls. However, it is important to remember that such letters are only perceived as messages from King’s advisors - there are no other things that can distinguish from whom the letter came from (e.g no seal, no special paper). Only upon breaking a seal and seeing signature, it is known from which councillor the letter came from.
The exception is Erthor, who own his own bird as the Head of the Council. If any other advisor wants to send a message that will be immediately read and recognised, they need to use their own birds and apply all the necessary seals.
Privately, Edwethon owns a Little falcon (Amur falcon), Celeborn owns a Gyrfalcon and Galathil owns a Grey buzzard (Rough-legged buzzard).
However, birds are not equal to one another as it goes to speed and endurance. When the matter is truly crucial, all the messages and orders and send with birds that were specially bred and raised to increase some of their traits. Those are mostly Red kestrels (Common kestrels) and Grey falcons (Saker falcons). In those situations, a things that is distinguishable are the paper on which the message was written, a seal on it and special, colorful bandswith which the message is attached to bird’s leg.
Beside this, every resident of Menegroth has a right to make use of services of falconries. There are several falconries around Menegroth that are meant for “public” use. Everyone can go there and ask to send a letter to anyone they wanted, usually to family members who are living outside of the Menegroth. This service is absolutely free of charge and such falconries are funded entirely by the Council. And of course, there are namy falconers employed by the Council who watch over the birds and send messages.
I think that’s all I had to say about this matter. I am curious about your own thoughts and maybe you have some different ideas about it? Let me know if you do!
I attach below some pictures of birds, if you are curious what they look like (mostly those you may not have heard of).
Steller’s Sea-Eagle
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African fish eagle 
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Black-and-white hawk-eagle
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Black hawk-eagle
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Swallow-tailed kite
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Plumbeous kite
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brandontfg-blog · 6 years
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Anyone else drag this poor soul around for waaaaaay too long in Oblivion just so he could help you beat the hard battles? How many times have I heard this quote? Countless! Sorry, Erthor, we’ll get there soon....
So excited to hear a new Elder Scrolls is coming out!! I have devoted endless hours to Oblivion and Skyrim and just adored them both. It’s hard to think they can keep coming up with such unique characters, worlds, and story lines, but they impress every time!  
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incrediblysincere · 4 years
Erthor is kind of adorable
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lostwithinoblivion · 7 years
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Arturia talks with other guild members and one knows about Erthor, he had to leave the guild hall to practice in a cave... Although it’s a pity that he forgot where he went to. Maybe someone else will remember that part.
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0uze · 5 years
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Bad Influences
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403: Gilriian Camoran born ** 418: Ralion, Emanir’s mother, born. ** 430: End of Cyrodillic rule over Valenwood; beginning of a nearly seventy-year period of instability: Camoran infighting, war with Elsweyr and Colovia.  430-500: almost two entire generations of this particular branch of Camorans are wiped out. ** 502: Aeradan claims the Camoran throne. **        War with Colovia drags on. 503: Ralion and Gilriian return to Haven. ** 505-520: Gilriian’s three children born. ** 514: Nidras born. ** 516: Emanir born. ** 520: Erthor born. ** 530: Calabenn born.** 534: Emanir relocates to Alinor via swan ship (iirc, these are usually reserved for Altmer royal use, which speaks to the amount of negotiating and politicking Ralion engaged in on her behalf.) She is now considered a member of Hidellith’s household, and receives the same training and education Altmer nobles are given. Accompanying her are two Spinners, who serve as additional tutors. ** 541: Ralion murdered ** 555: birth of Ayrenn, first child of Hidellith and Tuinden. 557: Naemon, second child of Hidellith and Tuiden, born * 573: Ayrenn disappears the same night she is meant to begin her studies as the future Queen. 575: Naemon, now heir, enters the Sapiarchs' Labyrinth. 580: Hidellith dies. Naemon prepares to succeed him; Ayrenn returns and claims the crown. 581: Formation of First Aldmeri Dominion, with Emanir sent to negotiate with Aeradan on Ayrenn’s behalf. In exchange for Valenwood joining the Dominion, Ayrenn crushes remaining Colovian forces attacking the borders.  582: Alliance War begins.
*extrapolation **my canon
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