#errrr heheh um .
pine-arten · 1 year
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so i finally decided to sit down and actually make a decently detailed map of the regions around PIV. i didn’t intend to make this many but .... i ended up with around ten of them. there’s obviously more to the area, but it’s obscured by the angle i chose. The cave system was also pretty difficult, i hope it’s not too difficult to discern.
The bridge connects to LTTM/Bitter aerie area
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poppythetoppy · 2 years
[F4A][Upperbody & Foot Tickling][Femdom][Light Humiliation][Poppy's Ultimate Lee Fantasy] Your Partners Watching
Too bad sweetie, I'm not going to stop tickling you. I'm loving this far too much, and from the looks of it, so is he.
Wakey wakey Poppy... Looks like I've caught you. Don't you look cute all spread out, trapped and tied in my little web of fun here. Hehe, don't look so nervous. It's not like we're alone in here, you and I. Look around... OOH, do you see him now? There he is~ look familiar?? Hahaa! Doesn't he look so sexy standing like that in the X frame, locked over in the corner of the room.
👋 Hiya sweetie, look whose up! 👋
I know he looks a bit sweaty and um a little *EHEM* stiff over there. But thats only because my fingers had been tampering with him until you were ready to stoop up out of that slumber. So I think its somebody else's turn for some attention. And I think ALL eyes are going to be on you this time, hehehe!
So, are you going to try to tug down those outstretched arms as I'm straddling your waist? Te-he, oh oohh!! A bit flinchy when my FINGERS start to prod at those sides. Hahahaha! Mhmm, isn't this fun? That cute laugh of yours echoing off the walls.. Hmm, I think I need to count ribs and check to see if they're all there...
1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. Oh wait, maybe it should be.. 2.. 4.. 6.. 8.. 10..? How many are there supposed to be, 14? I don't know, I dropped Anatomy class. Better count again, 2.. 4.. 6.. hmm hmmm.. hm hmmhhmm.~ HIP CHECK! Hehe found them, quite ticklish here too! Aww are you blushing already? Oop, looks like his face is red over there too. But thats for a completely different reason isn't it? Still kinda 'standing stiff' over there huh? You like watching me tickle her? You do? I think he does Poppy. Lets give him a show.
I'm just gonna make myself comfortable down here, and put your right foot in a bit of a head lock. Now I want you to do something. I want you to look at him, and I'm going too as well. But I don't want you to look away, no matter how BAD it tickles. Okay? One, two.. HAHAHA, Errrr!! I got your foot!~ Yeah? Hehe. Curling your toes isnt gonna work, nm-hm, not with me. Having my long sharp nails draw along these cute wrinkles. So delicately tracing each and every crevasse on your foot. Look at you two look at each others, who's enjoying this more him or YOU!? Haa!!
Don't break eye contact. Don't break eye contact. Don't bre- *nomnomnom* hehehe, aww can't handle a little toe nibbles? I didn't know you could scream that loud? *nomnomnomnom* Aww-haha, is that too much? Too bad sweetie, I'm not going to stop tickling you. I'm loving this far too much, and from the looks of it, so is he. How does this sound, I'll stop when he goes limp, okay? Hahaha, it might be awhile!
Lets see, is that neck up there ticklish? Now lets migrate up there and see, let my fingers marinate against your collarbone a bit? Mmhm, thats it, giggle for me. I can get a much better look at those tears from up here. I wouldn't take my eyes off of you either if I were him. Are your ears ticklish? Would you rather me tickle there or have me coo at them some more?
Haha, aww alright. Breath breath. I don't want to wear you out so quickly now do I? You lay and rest for a moment, I have him to keep my fingers busy. Oh yoo-hoo~ Boy Toy! Did somebody miss my fingers making them cackle like a little girl? Don't think I've forgotten about you. Those underarms have just been screaming my name since they left havent they? Hahahaha..!
Look at you dance, how precious. Ooh, theres just soo much ticklish skin to ground here. Hmm, I know. I've got a little idea. I think... I need to make a few phone calls. How do you like the sound of watching me and some friends gang tickle your partner while she's all tied up over there? Don't worry, I'll make sure someone's here to play with you too. Think she's listening over there? Haha, I think so, just look at her glistening with excitement.
Don't worry you two, I'll be back with reinforcements. Don't go anywhere!~
So I uh. I have DIED. Holy shit @prettymeredith you are a QUEEN
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Jou/Oku Messing Around #3
By:  heikki
Link: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=58162229 (19 pages)
Tomoko threatens to ground the boys from hanging out together if they don’t pass their next test at school. Hijinks ensue. Since the comic is pretty long, I put page numbers in to help keep track, I hope that’s helpful
Rough translation below the cut. About this blog here.
Teacher: The text will be next week, in first period.
J: {Sigh}
[T/N: Most of what follows is in flashback, as Josuke remembers.]
Tomoko: Josuke!! Okuyasu!!
T: When the end of term test comes
T: If you two fail, then you'll be grounded from hanging out!!!
J: What-!?
O: {Aaargh!}
T: The two of you have been doing nothing but play games for four hours
T: I won't have you let your grades go. Okuyasu hasn't passed a single class. Do you understand me?
O: Guess I'd better study for once... haha. Well, I'll get going.
J: What seriously, Okuyasu? Later, then.
[T/N: end of flashback]
J: (Me, well... If I study, it won't be a problem.)
J: (The problem is that bastard Okuaysu...)
J: (Cos he really can't study...)
Koichi: What? If you guys don't pass the end of term test, you'll be grounded?
K: I kinda get what Josuke's mum means, though...
J: Whaddaya mean?
O: I can't solve the test with The Hand.
K: That's right, you won't be able to just use The Hand on the test, huh.
K: No, it's a compliment! You can't just 'GAON!' and erase everything like you don't care [T/N: Oof, that's a shaky translation]
K: You're a hoodlum, but it's better to not use it recklessly, I thought. [T/N: Again, oof. But you get the gist.]
O: KOICHI! You're damn right!
O: Usually I don't need to use it. Plus, that's not what it's for, right?
O: Look.
O: We just gotta stick together like always, right?
O: If we stick together, then I won't need to {Right, Josuke?}
J: What are we gonna do? Today my mum won't shut up about study study study.
O: Right? Well, I guess today we gotta go straight home and try to study...
J: Well, see ya.
O: …...
O: (If I don't study, then...!!!)
Rohan: Okuyasu the Idiot. What do you want? And your buddy Josuke's not here, that's unusual.
O: …
O: I've got something to ask you!
O: I want you to write something on me with Heaven's Door!
O: Please write 'He will not fail tomorrow's test'!
R: I refuse.
R: I want to use my stand for my own convenience, absolutely not to help you!
O: I'm stupid, so I can't remember anything! Please, Mr. Kishibe, I'm begging!
O: Please! Just write it here!
{Pull pull pull}
R: Moron! You're a bastard and I won't help!
O: I'm back
J: {You went home without me}
J: Did you go to Kishibe's place?
O: Check it out! Heaven's Door wrote on me.
J: That's not the Heaven's Door I know...
{Rub rub}
J: Look, it's come off. It's water-based.
J: You...
J: Relying on other people is risky, plus what if you get caught!
J: Seriously, just for once, don't mess around.
O: I tried studying! Until my eyes hurt {Look, I got glasses!}
O: But even so, nothing gets in my head
O: And even if I study, it's too late for the test tomorroooow!
J: {Don't cry about it}
J: Well! If the test is stuffed up, then it's stuffed up. I can still come over to your place to hang out, right?
{Sitting noise}
T: I can hear everything.
T: {You'll be grounded from going to Okuyasu's as well!}
{Shocked silence}
O: Guess I'll go home and keep studying...
J: Oi, cheer up! Hey, it'll be okay!
J: …..... uh
{Plod plod}
J: O-okuyasu! Even if your test score is bad... In an emergency, there's still my stand stand. And, I can...
{Doki doki}
J: I can do something, so don't worry.
O: Huh? You'll do what with your stand?
J: It doen't matter! At least, we'll pull an all nighter and if you fail tomorrow, come and find me.
J: Whoa!
O: Well, something my stand can do is bring you to me!
O: So it's not completely useless for the test! [T/N: or something like that, I think?]
J: Too close! Hahaha
J: ….....
J: {kiss}
J: Er... uh... um....
J: I definitely did not kiss you just then [T/N: errrr, maybe]
{doki doki}
O: … I wanna do it again
Narration (J): The test isn't until tomorrow.
Narration (J): We did the best we could with what was in front of us.
Narration (J): The test was no big deal
Teacher: I'm going to hand back the tests now.
Narration (J): After all...
{Dozing off}
Note: {Lack of sleep}
Teacher: Higashikata~a, Higashikata.
Narration (J): After all, it was no good!!!
{Floating, floating}
Narration (J): I'll just change one number!!
J: (That was close!!)
J: {But, Okuyasu's case is still a concern...}
O: Hehehe
O: Ta-daaaa!
T: You two better work hard for the next test, too.
O: Yayyy!
J: (How did I lose to Okuyasu...)
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