#error mama
scuddle-bubble101 · 9 months
Data: 15. What places hold significant meaning or memories for your OC? Do they have a positive or negative association with those places?
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"One, one place, and I will never go back there again as long as I live....... Its not worth it to try."
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papaemeritusthefifth · 3 months
Imagine if once a year the ministry allows some of the ghouls' family to spend a few days. After someone pleaded with Secondo during his era, he decided that it would be a great team building exercise and can improve morale. They had families in the Pit, after all. So now they have a few days each year where the families are invited to stay. In light of this, here's a few family dynamics!
Swiss: Has a great relationship with his family. He's one of the oldest in his extended family, so he is immediately swarmed by a few kits. He's great with the kids and is happy to help. He's closest with his brother, who is only a couple years older than him.
Phantom/Aeon: Is an only child, and it shows. Such a mama's boy. There's a moment during the first year with the new summons where their families show up and suddenly the older quintessence ghouls take a knee. A regal woman is standing in the smoldering summoning circle and Omega greets her with a solemn "Your Highness, we were not expecting you." This tall being regards everyone with a cold stare. They hear an absolutely ear piercing "MAMA!! :D" as Phantom rushes to hug her. And that is how everyone finds out that our favorite bat is related to a Prince of Hell. Despite this...shocking revelation, Phantom is on his best behavior for the next few days. It's clear he knows all the proper etiquette and is making a show of teaching everyone. Somehow, this ghoul who cannot figure out what kind of animal the Pink Panther is has a deep and extensive knowledge of court attire and manners. Dew is flabbergasted the entire time.
Mountain: Parents aren't in the picture anymore, so he grew up with his aunt, uncle, and two cousins. They were always disdainful towards our boy and treated him as such. Any gifts he received - if any - were only bribes to get him to do their bidding. When Mount was first summoned, he was quite reserved. Kept to himself and never accepted invitations for pack bonding. He warmed up to everyone over time, but no one wil forget those first few months. He is one of the few who doesn't have family visit.
Rain: Isn't close with his family. They haven't done anything wrong, but they just aren't as close as some others. His family visits but moreso out of responsibility. This is a family that is entirely neutral towards each other. Of course they love each other and keep in touch, but their letters are months apart and moreso to keep everyone up to date on large events. If you look closely, you can see Rain eyeing Swiss with his family with a glimmer of envy.
Cirrus: Has a small family, just her fathers and a younger sibling. They are the closest team you will ever see. Constant messages sent back and forth. When they visit, they immediately jump into the middle of a conversation as if that's how it always was. She gets majorly mischevious in the way that only siblings can bring out. You can visibly see her relax when they visit, and you realize how much being away from them takes it out of her.
That's it so far, but believe I'll be thinking up more soon!
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turtleblogatlast · 1 year
Leo post invasion: beaten to a pulp
Big Mama post Shredder: beaten to a pulp
Time lapsed between these events: roughly a couple months
Therefore- I propose a scenario where they both end up at the same yokai physical therapy spa retreat
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wxnderlxndz · 3 months
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drawings i did while talking to my friend lasf night!!
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felix-cachaceiro · 6 months
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this little guy is called "Carinae", it's based on the nebula Eta Carinae!
he seems cute but he can be the devil himself! he doesn't care about being an instrument for Nightmare or something, he doesn't care much about nightmare either and he doesn't care about being loved or not!..
he loves cold blooded animals or small animals, has only one toy and doesn't give a shit about the love life or problems of his parents and people around!
he doesn't care about anything more than living, and he doesn't care how, he just wants to survive and pass on his lineage to the future! But don't worry, he's also kind and polite! I mean- he's just a child among chaotic parents, he doesn't understand his own feelings and has difficulty feeling empathy, just sometimes!
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rj-opp · 2 years
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More mama mac tavish for the soul
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aurumacadicus · 2 years
I’m gonna throw this out there.
For years, Tony’s done holidays with the Rhodes family. Rhodey grabbed him by the scruff and yanked him out of the dorm the moment he realized Tony wasn’t going to his own home for Christmas, and he’s just... shown up at their house ever since. He’s always welcomed, always feels loved maybe even more than at his own home during the holidays, but he knows it’s temporary. Someday, Rhodey’s going to have someone special to bring home, and Tony will have to bow out. Still, until that point in time, he’s going to hold onto the holidays he has with them as tightly as he can.
Of course, it happens eventually. Rhodey meets Carol, and he’s smitten instantly. Tony likes her, too. She’s tough and snarky and gives as good as she gets, and she’s the only girlfriend he’s had that wasn’t put off by Tony and Rhodey basically lying on top of each other or Tony wandering into Rhodey’s room every morning and pestering whether they wanted to go out for brunch. But Christmas is coming. Rhodey and Carol have been dating for seven months. It was time to meet the family. Rhodey went to meet her friend Maria and daughter Monica for Thanksgiving, and Carol was going to the Rhodes’ for Christmas.
Tony had spent Thanksgiving with his maybe-boyfriend and his friends (he doesn’t know if they’re dating and at this point he’s too scared to ask). Normally he’d go to the Rhodes’. But. That’s for Carol now. She’s Rhodey’s partner. Maybe, after she’s more settled into their relationship, Tony could come back. As it stands, he’s always been sort of the spare piece. He’s used to it. Maybe he can spend Christmas with his maybe-boyfriend again. Or... maybe not. Steve probably had plans with his own family. Friends. Friend-family. Whatever. He doesn’t really want to ask. Thanksgiving was... friend-friendly. He knew Christmas was more family-oriented. He doesn’t know what to do. He feels sort of paralyzed. He hasn’t had to choose what to do for the holidays for fifteen years. Maybe he should just... work? That way he won’t be putting anybody out. He’d been invited to Steve’s NYE party. He just had to spend a few days alone beforehand. It would be fine.
“Tony, we’re ready,” Rhodey says after coming in from one last trip to Carol’s car.
“Okay,” Tony answers, wondering if it would be too weird to smile as he waves them off.
Rhodey stares at him for a moment, then asks, “When’s your boyfriend getting here?”
Tony blinks. “...Um?”
“...He’s driving up with you, right?” Rhodey prods. When Tony just stares at him, too confused to speak, he adds, “Mama said she wanted to meet our beaus. You remember that, right? You have to. You made a face when she said ‘beaus’ and then had to sit through a lecture on how it was gender inclusive specifically for you. It was when we told her we’d be going somewhere else for Thanksgiving.” When Tony only continued to blink, he said, “Tony. You’re coming to our house for Christmas.”
“I am?” Tony asks hopefully.
“Tony,” Rhodey begins, and then sighs, rubbing a hand over his face. “Yeah, Tony, of course you are. I’m sorry I didn’t make it clear. I know how you are.”
Tony stares at him for a moment, then asks, “Can I still come, even if my maybe-boyfriend isn’t going?”
“Why isn’t your boyfriend coming? Why are you calling him your maybe-boyfriend,” Rhodey adds sternly. “Steve sleeps over three nights a week. Sometimes four.”
“And you still come in and bother us about brunch,” Carol adds, stepping inside as well.
Tony just blinks at her. “Everyone likes brunch.”
“I like sleep,” Carol says, at the same time Rhodey bursts out, “Does he know you don’t know you’re dating?!”
“...I obviously did not,” Steve says, standing in the doorway.
“Eep,” Tony says, and then flees to the bathroom under everyone’s incredulous stares.
Steve packs Tony a bag while Rhodey tries to cajole him out, but in the end, Carol gets nervous about being late impatient and rams her shoulder into the door so it breaks off its hinges, then carries Tony out while he, Rhodey, and Steve are too stunned to say anything about it.
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ickadori · 6 months
oh wait, i forgot i don’t like you anymore and we’re enemies right now.
gimme kiss 😚
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wintercherryx · 2 years
Still the same parent
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I had the primal urge to draw Goth and Error after I couldn't find any art of them on Google (Only found 1 lol) No it's not just because this is also for a one shot I have written lmao
If y'all wanna read the one shot it's Gothic Tales by Firehedgehog on AO3 and Wattpad
AO3 1/2 Wattpad 1/2
Goth by @nekophy Error by @loverofpiggies
☽•┈┈┈••✦ ✩ ✦••┈┈┈•☾
Please do not Repost, Steal or Trace my art work or else you'll stub your toe repeatedly after you stepped on lego, thanks <3
☽•┈┈┈••✦ ★ ✦••┈┈┈•☾
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scuddle-bubble101 · 9 months
Data: 1. What kind of person is your OC in a crisis? Are they calm and collected? Do they panic? Or are they chronically the cause?
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"I'm usually-"
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"I dropped my toy box Momma sorry!!!"
"....These kids... Will be the death of me. I had one, and now I have another and, a teenager with biting problems..."
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colourme-feral · 2 years
This week (15 - 21 Jan) on the shared filming locations game in thai (mostly) ql,
The New Employee and Semantic Error
Also spotted by @respectthepetty​
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I Promised You the Moon and Hormones the Series
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My School President, Mama Gogo and Tonhon Chonlatee
Thanks to both @callipigio​ and @aprilblossomgirl​ for pointing these out!
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plummyplums · 7 months
Mont-d'Or is gonna have a damn breakdown sometime. Mans is exclusively rage, stress, pride, and cheese.
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littlesweetcake06 · 1 year
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Error belongs to @loverofpiggies
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x-heesy · 1 year
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Oh my phucKing gosh:
I'm history, I'm your luck
We've grown old after
One of us is night, the other is day
It is impossible for us to meet
What if I stay, what if I go?
I'm a stranger to myself
If I hold fire, if I leave gold
Error is my middle name
Neither whole nor half
I'm filling the void
It's like I have everything, like I have nothing
I have no taste in my mouth
What if I stay, what if I go?
I'm a stranger to myself
If I hold fire, if I leave gold
Error is my middle name
Error is my middle name
Error is my middle name
In this big world
Which city do I run away to?
It becomes the capital of error
In this big world
Which city do I run away to?
It becomes the capital of error
In this big world
Which city do I run away to?
It becomes the capital of error
In this big world
Hata Benim Göbek (Error is My Middle Name) Adım by Lalalar v4.0b @west150 🇹🇷
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mehdrawsansezuvu · 1 year
Da watchers (Remake of the little kindergaten kiss)
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Ink: F-for me?
Error: *CRASHES&
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Dust: Yo! i got a pic of them nightmare gonna be mad bro.
Horror: ...
Horror: Is the food ready?
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Killer: Yes. the food is redy.
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sad-g · 1 year
Te llamo, te busco y no tengo tu atención, soy tu sangre, tu hija carente de tu amor, pero siempre piensa que llevo tu sangre y tu color, fui un error, pero me disculpas no pedí llegar ¿Acaso tuve la culpa?
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