#err ☕
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symerr · 8 months ago
Hiiii we love to be unfashionably late to things, so here's that one oc evolution meme! Featuring OCs that are also alters that are also OCs (you understand). Without further ado...
Fritz [TS3+4 c.2017 -> TS4 2024]
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Carter [TS3+4 c.2017 -> TS4 2024]
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The ts3 ones are actually bases our partner did, iirc? These two are technically shared ocs between the two of us, but we're the one with the dorks in our head, so we get last say rights lol. I'm going to ramble under the cut about my thoughts on it! :D
I feel like, above all else, we've found a better middle-ground between cartoon-y and realistic sims! Especially with Carter's 2017 sims, he's almost uncanny, I'd say? The eyes feel weird to me at least, but with the 2024 one, I think we figured out how to make him look like he's running on 10 minutes of sleep and 5 coffees without making me worried about him enough to ask him about it pffff.
We keep having repeated phases in our art where we draw people with too much weight or the opposite and there's no middle ground, and that's getting kinda apparent here too, which surprises me! I'd say Fritz' 2017 TS4 sim is definitely not as fat as he should be, while Carter's is too chubby for how he really is? We're still working on hitting the mark for the 2024 ones (Fritz could go a little fatter still and Carter could go thinner), but I think we're getting at least to a point where it's more realistic proportioning! I hope at least, heh...
Also, most notably, we started being more deliberate in our cc, heh. I think the 2017 ts4 sims only have like... Carter's septum as CC (pre-werewolves rip) I think? And the CAS bg of course. The 2017 ts3 sims do use CC, but our partner just... sent us a zip of all the ones she used, so that doesn't really count pfff.
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foxgloves-garden · 3 months ago
Clickbait WIP Titles
Thanks for the tag, @48lexr! Let's do this. Coffee and Curses
Sekaran Tales
Pataphysics 101
Just for fun, let's add in some of the other WIPs I neglected to mention before. (There are A Lot of them thanks to the ADHD)
Team Spirit
The Magnificent Mallard
I think that's all the relevant WIPs now. Also, psst! @huewrite, you're up!
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swede1952 · 6 months ago
Good morning. 💻👨‍💻☕
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10 May 2024
We are in a hotel in Texarkana, Texas. My wife is still sleeping and I'm here typing in the dark. This is my first real test of my travel computer equipment. I have a 14" Omen gaming laptop, I don't play games, but it is powerful enough for my photo software and then some. I added a cheap second monitor so that I can extend my desktop, it connects via HDMA connectors that both provide the power and video signals. Throw in a wireless mouse and an external 1TB SSD with a backup of my photographs and I'm set up almost just like home. Oh, I also brought along my own personal Hot Spot device so that I don't need to use the unsecure hotel Wi-Fi.
"To err is human, but to really foul things up you need a computer." - Paul R. Ehrlich
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aceonice · 10 months ago
Find the words!
Thanks for the tag, @thehollowone16
Goal: find the words slow, time, and secret in your fic and copy paste the section.
Slow: Uncommon Flavors
“Alexander! I made something special, I’m thinking about introducing dog treats to the menu and was wondering if Archer would try the first one.”
Alec blinks at him, glancing between Magnus and the treat and for a terrifying moment Magnus thinks he’s overdone it- again- and scared off the other man. Then a slow smile spreads over Alec’s face. “You made a dog treat?”
“You inspired me,” Magnus states, setting the treat on the counter between them, unsure of whether he’s allowed to simply feed it to the service dog. He errs on the side of caution. “It’s a simple recipe- flour, peanut butter, baking powder, water, honey, and egg. It’s dog-safe, assuming Archer doesn’t have any odd allergies, and, even edible for humans.”
Time: Uncommon Flavors
“Tell me about your job,” Magnus finally says.
“It’s not very interesting,” Alec says, scrunching his nose. He finishes the cupcake and sips at the latte Magnus had made him.
“I strongly doubt that. I think if I didn’t love baking so much, I might have considered a career with animals,” Magnus muses, glancing down at where Archer is still laying perfectly at Alec’s feet, big golden eyes blinking back at Magnus. Magnus wonders how much longer until Archer is a full service dog and Alec shows up with a new pup- perhaps more rambunctious, still needing to be trained. 
Magnus looks up and meets curious eyes which only confuses him. “Training services dogs? It must be a fulfilling job.”
Secret: I Saw Bapak Kissing Santa Claus
“I want them to be happy, but you could’ve told me it was Alec! I can keep a secret.” 
“Okay, we’ll tell you next time, alright? If Alec or I ever need to pretend to be Santa again, we’ll let you know.”
“We’ll even show you the letter from Santa,” Alec says, ruffling his hair. Max sighs and leans into the touch. Now that he knows Bapak won’t replace Alec with Santa Claus, Max is feeling pretty sleepy. It’s been a long day. 
He crawls further onto the bed and tucks himself under the blanket. “We need to go to sleep so Santa Claus can come for real.”
Shamelessly plugging Uncommon Flavors here ☕ 🐶
Tagging @dicaculus @myulalie @missyousofar
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anisecandy · 1 year ago
Oh, new ask game? Well then! *cracks knuckles* This is about to get personal
☕ + flasheddie/symbiOT3
☕ + Anti-Venom
Take care! 😊
Oh hi!
☕ + flasheddie/symbiOT3
I've already shared my feelings about them here, so this time I won't be so dramatic about it and be more matter of fact lol They are fine. I've read some really good fics with them. I like Symflash and Symbrock way more though. Somehow, when put all together they turn very normal. I can imagine with ease them ending up having a very happy, very domestic life. You see, Symbrock enable each other, right, which make their personalities really shine (be it in a positive or negative way) because their, let's call it "weirdness" levels are pretty similar. And in Symflash Symby contrasts agianst how normal Flash is with how alien it is (while also there's a emotional story in the foreground, the "weirdness" here makes for a fun and entertaining background that makes the rest pop and be more fun!). But with symbiot3 there's this gradual... "decrease" with every person like in "weirdness" or "intensity", leading to eventual calmness, you know? It's not a bad or good thing, it's simply a thing and you can like it or not, depending on your taste. So in the end, symbiot3 is not something I would typically look for on my own, but not something I would avoid.
☕ + Anti-Venom
Complicated feelings.
On one hand, I hate the 2003's Hunger and everything that happened after it. I really dislike the arc about Eddie having cancer and selling Symby, what the absolute- Ekhem. But Anit-Venom was a step in the right direction. I'd say they picked up broken pieces and saved what they could with it. It started the arc of Eddie having some Gasp!!! character developement!! (Eddie? surely not him?? surely not my babygirl???) and trying to be accountable for his actions. The key word is still "trying" and he really throws Symby and in general symbiotes under the bus, so it can be hard to read though... But it does feel in character, after all Eddie's core flaw is rejecting responsibility and I can see him completly swinging from one extreme to another. That suits him very well. Plus, at this point the damages done to the Symbiote's character... Well, it probably would feel justified for it to be treated like this, if you weren't looking for way to fix the awful mess they've made out of it. All in all... Anti-Venom had potential, and I think I would like that version of Eddie to last a bit longer, maybe. I feel like without the work it did, we would have never gotten Carnage(201...5?), and that was one of the best comics Eddie had in years, an amazing pivotal moment, honestly. So yeah, they did pretty well with wha they were given. Cool christian imagery too. And great spiderve- err. P-parkerbrock...?? moments!
But then Flash getting it and then Andi... nope. Nuh-uh.
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year ago
I also definitely relate to the "not having the same eye color as you're portrayed with" paradox. Very, very sure I had brown/black eyes, prior to err, the incidents. Blue eyes look properly strange on me I think. -2D! ☕
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onsieluenkeli · 5 months ago
Ok. Ez lesz az uccsó hogy a Borderlineról írok, mert annyira érdekes, hogy egy életre megjegyzi az ember, és ez után rengeteg konfliktusra és virtuális Trollra is talán magyarázatot találtok.
Kezdjük azzal hogy egy (egészséges) embert a mindennapokban folyamatosan hatások érnek. Millió és millió érzelmi hatás. Például... képzeljük el hogy amikor reggel nyűgösen felébred, érzi a ☕ kávé illatát és hálásan mosolyog a szerelmére, utána pedig felkészül a napra, felöltözik, és kicsit bosszankodva veszi tudomásul... hogy b@sszus már megint hízott, és nem jó rá a ruha... stb... Szóval az embert egész nap impulzusok érik, apró, kisebb és nagyobb érzelmek, feszültségek, amelyek hormonlöketek termelésére ��sztönzik a szervezetünket. Az endorfin, az adrenalin, és az oxitocin pedig iszonyatosan fontosak szervezetünk egyensúlyban tartásában...
Viszont a Borderline-os személy esetében, ami többnyire gyermekkori traumák, abúzusok, családon belüli bántalmazások, szexuális zaklatások miatt alakulhat ki, nem mindig sikerül az érzelmek helyes felismerése, a helyén kezelése, és a sok apró és kisebb impulzusokat nem mindig élik úgy meg, és nem elégségesek a számukra azok a kevésbé intenzív pillanatok. Ezért érzik sokszor magukat értelemszerűen üresnek, és ez az ürességérzet húzza le őket egy depressziós motiválatlanságba. Erre pedig valahol ők sem vágynak, és ösztönösen tenni akarnak ellene, és keresik az intenzívebb impulzusokat. A céljuk, hogy meglegyen az a bizonyos élmény, és a hormon löket. Ezért is van az hogy képesek extrém sportokat űzni, óriási koncerteket tartani, és be mernek vállalni keményebb drogokat is. Szorongásokkal küzdenek, és megesik hogy már csak a túlzott alkoholfogyasztástól tudnak tompulni. És sajnos képesek veszekedéseket is kiprovokálni, kötekednek, bántóak, erősen szarkasztikusak. Egy pillanat alatt drámakirálynőkké vedlenek ha nem megy fel rájuk a kihízott az összement nadrág, és a hormon élményért ők tényleg valódi hisztit is képesek csapni.  A Bordelineosok habár kiválóan el tudják végezni a feladataikat, de csapatban sajnos nem igazán tudnak együtt dolgozni. Képesek munkahelyi kapcsolatokat is egy pillanat alatt szabotálni felnagyított hibák miatt, vagy szándékosan nem hajlandóak együttműködni kompromisszumokban, mert a konfliktust sajnos ők jobban = élvezik, és keresik. De ugyanez igaz a családi, és baráti kapcsolataikra is. A Borderlineos túl sokat vitázik, és veszekszik, és sokszor mások határait sem érzékelik, és rendszeresen átlépik. És a Borderlineos az, aki valamiért nagyon tud vágyni, de amikor végre a kezében van... már csak unottan veszi tudomásul, hiszen a vágyakozás volt neki az erős impulzus, csak a vágyakozás.
Idetintászavarban is szoktak szenvedni, az "én" keresésük a kamaszkort követően akár még 40 évesen is tarthat még. Ők azok akik például teljesen össze-vissza keverik az egész LMBTQ-t, vagy nem igazán veszik komolyan, értik, mert önmagukat sem. Egy Borderlineos simán képes magát leszbikusnak meghatározni, majd egy új kapcsolattal heteronak. A pán vagy a biszexualitást közben elutasítva. - Azt hiszem Demi Lovato hullámvasútja kiváló példa erre, és a gyógyulása is, ahogyan képes volt megérteni segítséggel nagyon sok mindent magáról. Csak az a baj, hogy a legtöbbjük (szintén a hormonlöket miatt) inkább a hulladék, sz@r, elborult barátokat választja, akik miatt sajnos még több sérülést szedhetnek össze. Vágynak a szeretetre, a megértésre, a stabilitásra, de sajnos sokszor saját maguk cseszik el a társas kapcsolataikat. És mivel sokuk adhd-s, önző és nárcisztikus is, nem igazán veszik észre a másikat.
(Rengeteg internetes cikk van róluk, de az újabbakat érdemes keresni, megértőbbek és tisztelettudóbbak velük)
- Szóval nehéz esetek. Nehéz személyiségek.
A jó hír, hogy a Borderlinenak különböző spektrumai vannak, tehát mindenkinél más, és más a fokozat. Van akinél csak nagyon enyhe, másnál közepes, és sajnos akad olyan is aki komolyabb segítségre is szorul. És az évek múltával enyhülhet a probléma, pláne valódi segítséggel. Sőt, vannak akiknél teljesen el is múlhat. ツ A kommunikációs terápia az egyik legjobb a számukra, a tanulás, az önismeret, és a traumáik feldolgozása, és persze a gyógyszerek szedése (átmeneti). Sok híresség szenvedett már tőle, de szerencsére egyre kevesebb a tragédia miatta.
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És mielőtt ostobán elkezdenétek magatokat, vagy mást címkézni ezzel, megmutatom milyen az, amikor valakik hasonlóak, de mégsem Borderlineosak!
Anno amikor voltak azok a netes veszekedéseink és körülbelül 8-an voltunk (párszáz ismerőssel) benne, és naponta húztuk ki egymás alól a székeket nap mint nap, egy pszichológus is felfigyelt ránk. Az volt az első megállapítása hogy – függésben – vagyunk. Mind. Méghozzá adrenalin és erős impulzus függésben.  És azt is magyarázta hozzá, hogy a magánrendelőjében rendszeresen párkapcsolati problémákkal foglalkozik. Amikor pedig betér hozzá egy segítséget kérő pár, mindig azaz első kérése hogy legalább 1 hónapig hagyják békén teljesen egymást, mert ő nem a „veszekedés függő”, olyan „adrenalin függő” párt akarja látni, hanem a tiszta, és valódi énjüket. A doki biztos volt abban, hogy mi is ezerszer jobb emberek vagyunk, ha sikeresen egyszer lejövünk a provokálsokból, és a reakciókból... Szóval abból a veszekedés adta adrenalin függőségekből.
És akkor egy páran bizony elgondolkoztak még az írásán, és arra a felismerésre jutottak, hogy az a rengeteg online Troll -> és <- akik reagálnának rájuk, szintén hasonló függésekben vannak. Szóval ez még nem azt jelenti, hogy mindenki Borderlineos, de az impulzus, és adrenalin függések hasonlóak hozzá. És azok az emberek nagyvalószínűséggel ha nem lennének annyira magányosak, több érzelmi impulzus érné őket a mindennapokban, tized annyi időt se töltenének értelmetlen netes vitákkal, Trollkodásokkal, vagy Trollok kioktatásával.
! Mentálisan egészségesebb emberek lennének.
És ismerek egy másik valódi történetet is, ahol egy irodában a ☠főnöknő hülyült be, és minden egyes nap veszekedett valakivel. Horror egy módban volt, és szépen és lassan már a saját alkalmazottain lehetett látni, hogy hasonlóan ☠toxikusak, és frusztráltak mint ő. 6 hónap után már senkinek sem volt kedve betérni abba az irodába. Persze voltak elemezgetések és tippek arról mi a franc baja lehet a főninéninek, mire úgy 9 hónap szadizás után rájöttek, hogy egy nárcisztikus pszichopata fickóval jött össze, és ő hatott rá annyira borzalmasan. Akkor néhány figyelmes barátnő ahelyett hogy csak az alkalmazottakon, vagy csak az irodán, esetleg pont a főnökön törtek volna pálcát, inkább kinyomozták a gyökerét a problémának. És kiderült hogy arrébb volt... megrohadva. - Van ilyen is.
Na ezért sem szeretem a cimkézést, mert simán megtörténhet hogy valójában máshol van a probléma, az ok, és az okozat. Nem hogy az interneten, de még az életben sem lehet mindent olyan jól belőni.
((mindig amikor észreveszek valamit valakinél, először kihúzom azokat a jeleket, amelyek nem igazak rá))
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mark-matos · 1 year ago
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🔮✨ Unleash Your Inner Tony Stark: Your Guide to Using A.I. as a 🛍️ Shopping Sidekick! 👓💸
🧠⚡ "Your Very Own J.A.R.V.I.S.: Turning 🧪 Science Fiction into 🛒 Shopping Reality
Welcome back to our Hitchhiker's Guide to the AI-verse! Get ready to take a leap 🚀 into the future of shopping, where you'll harness the power of A.I. to do everything from finding the perfect ☕ coffee grinder to booking a vacation 🏖️ that would make even the Starship Enterprise crew jealous. It's like having your very own J.A.R.V.I.S. (without having to be a billionaire playboy philanthropist)! 💸💼🔨
🤖🧾Transforming the Cybertronian Task of 🛍️ Shopping
Let's face it, the research process in shopping can be a headache bigger than trying to understand the plot of Interstellar 🌀 (no offense, Nolan!). But just like the TARDIS, A.I. can transform this seemingly monstrous task into something smaller and more manageable. And no, this isn't some Matrix-style trickery! 🔮🤯
📊🛠️Unveiling the Cyberdyne Systems of Product Research
Imagine needing a coffee grinder ☕ and having your very own Cyberdyne Systems (I mean, ChatGPT) helping you find the best one without the fear of a Terminator uprising. It's as simple as typing “Act as a shopping assistant. I am looking for a coffee bean grinder for French press that is well reviewed. It should cost no more than $200.” You'll get responses faster than you can say "Exterminate!" 🛍️🕶️💥
🛒🗂️The Avengers of 🛍️ Grocery Shopping
Let's assemble your grocery list with the power of A.I.! With ChatGPT plug-ins, creating a list for your next Gordon Ramsay inspired dish 🍲 is as easy as asking Jarvis to run a diagnostic on the Iron Man suit. For example, try “I am making pasta Bolognese. What’s a good recipe and what are the ingredients?” Now, your only concern is whether your culinary skills are a match for the Chitauri... I mean, pasta! 🥘🛸🍴
🌎✈️Time Traveling (Err... Planning) with A.I.
Channeling your inner Doctor Who is as simple as using ChatGPT's Expedia plug-in for planning a trip. Remember, a well-planned vacation 🏖️ is a vacation well-enjoyed. Just ask, “I am traveling to Florence, Italy from July. Find me well reviewed hotels that are within walking distance to tourist attractions. My budget is $500 a night.” And voila, you've just saved time ⏳ you can spend perfecting your Vulcan salute! 🖖🚀🏖️
🚀🌌Boldly Going Where No Shopper Has Gone
Before: ✈️ Flight Searching Using the Expedia plug-in, you can even find flights that are faster than the Millennium Falcon on a Kessel Run. No need to be a Jedi, simply ask: “I am trying to fly to Milan, Italy from San Francisco on July 28. What are my best options with short layovers?” And may the flights be with you! ✈️🌌💫
🛸🔜 What's next in our AI-verse exploration?
What more exciting adventures await in the world of A.I.? Will we soon be negotiating prices 🏷️ with intergalactic traders or finding a hidden gem on Tatooine? Keep your eyes peeled on this space-odyssey! Until then, Live Long and Prosper! 🖖🔭🚀
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brigadeleadxr · 1 year ago
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@knightshonour​ asked:
❝  ☕ (i bet it will taste like Garbage but it will be funny nonetheless) ❞ 
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SHE SEEMS genuinely stumped for once. Her fingers run up and down the same bags over and over as she absently makes popping noises with her lips. Even with the plentiful options on the shelf, none of them are just the riiight fit. Until— her eyes light up !
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❝ YOU’RE NOT TEA, HAHA! YOU’RE COFFEE!”  She turns and sets down....literally a cup of plain black coffee and awaits for praise of her pure genius. The glass she sets down is much less ornamental than the delicate tea china. It’s clean, practical, and functional over pomp and frill. The drink is a deep shade of umber, with a rich but slightly burnt ( she burnt it accidentally ) scent. 
“ Y’know, ‘cause tons of people rely on coffee everyday! And ‘cause people can get scared off by black coffee, or think UGH, this is WAY too bitter! ” Even in front of a man three times her size, she is still way too comfortable insulting him to his face. “ BUT— ! But this is an Americano! It’s even STRONGER, earthy, and more ROBUST than black coffee! Sure it can be more err — intimidating to regular coffee drinkers, but that’s because — it’s base is richer, its CORE is made of the highest kind, quality, or order, SUPREME! And if people can’t appreciate that than that’s their loss!  ❞
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symerr · 9 months ago
Okay. I'm going to disable ALL script mods. And see if the game works. And just. Reinstall them later. I guess.
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hedonicghost · 2 years ago
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having a system be like *hears batshit thing on the news* *has to drag paranoid alters away from the front*
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cloudysmusesnocs · 2 years ago
(to any of the exes, your choice, my guy)
>Uh, hello? Hello hello? Uh, well, it's me, the Coffee Anon! To one of y'all hedgehogs in my screen; How do y'all take your coffee? Decaf or strong brew? Iced or hot? Do you take it with creamer and sugar or not? I would love to see some feedback if possible! ^^
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"I like decaf... and I do like mine iced and of course I take it with sugar and cream!"
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-ERR didn't respond to this question because he doesn't drink coffee-
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-EYX didn't respond as well because he doesn't drink coffee as well-
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"Oh well I drink it with strong brew, I like mine hot, and I take it with no sugar or cream.."
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"I like mine with Decaf, Iced, and with the Sugar and Cream..."
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aplushemporium · 3 years ago
☕ for Ana? owo?
Send me “ ☕ “ for my muse to drink tea uniquely flavored after your muse, and I’ll tell you what my muse tastes! (accepting!)
in addition, i may also add how much it would heal my muse depending on their relationship with yours!
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"Oh! Th-This one seems nice...!"
Served in a clear cup, it appears this blue and white tea was one of those bubbly teas with the chewy orbs at the bottom. Taking a sip gives this rather creamy taste that was overwhelming at first. It's not sweet at least. And the small serving size makes it less intimidating, in a way. It just feels like a lot due to the bubble (err boba) and cream.
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"M-Maybe I can finish this later...?"
[+5 HP]
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apprenticeofcups · 5 years ago
This is a bit out of nowhere.. idk, but what are your head canons on Nadia x MC x Muriel. I know in Nadi's route Muriel and Asra get together but like if that didn't happen tho? what are your head canons on this kind of relationship?
💜💚Nadia + Muriel - Triad with MC
Their relationship with each other moves a lot slower than their relationship with you
After all, they’re both pretty awkward with emotional intimacy, although they’re willing to give it in spades
Nadia tends to tiptoe around Muriel’s past, and she never refers to her ex-husband by name
Most of your dates are fairly quiet; lunch in the Gardens, a picnic in the woods, a private showing of a play
Nadia coordinates most of the dates, and she tends to err on the side of those with fewer other people around
Sometimes you have “workshop” dates, where Muriel teaches the two of you some woodcarving, or Nadia teaches some tinkering tricks
Muriel is apprehensive coming to the Palace so often, at first, but he also doesn’t want to ask her (or you, for that matter) to trek out to his house all the time
(Portia hints to him that she wouldn’t mind a neighbor, if he wanted to build something closer)
After a while, he loosens up, and he isn’t so worried about getting all Nadia’s nice clothes and things dirty or messed up
And nobody from the old administration dares to say a word about the Scourge hanging around the Palace, lest they suffer Nadia’s deadly disapproving stare
Sometimes she goes a little overboard with designing outfits for him, and you have to remind her to let him be shirtless for a couple days
Neither one of you really complains about that, though
Chandra, of course, loves Muriel, and will perch on his head so often Nadia would get jealous if Inanna wasn’t splayed across her lap all the time
He teases the two of you about wanting to cuddle him all the time; he almost overheats every night, and he keeps finding violet hair everywhere
If you’re a switch, by the way, you hit the jackpot: Muriel is a whole lotta man, so you and Nadia have plenty to work with, and if you feel like bottoming, well, Nadia has two hands
They are both a little hesitant to initiate (Cancer, Virgo, what are you gonna do), so it usually falls to you
If you can only marry one, Nadia insists it be you and Muriel
Marriage doesn’t have the same shine for her it does for other people, and she’ll get all her fun with planning - and officiating - the wedding, anyway
☕ Ko-Fi | My AO3 ☕
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davaia · 6 years ago
☕ Tim's?
Hmm... i feel... confused. tim’s? a specific tim’s or tims in general? to err on the side of caution here is a sampling of tims and how i feel about them: tim drake (v good); tim horton’s (v good); my friend tim from undergrad (v good); timberland boots (neutral); tim[buktu] (neutral); tim curry (v good); tim gunn (v good); tim[berdoodle] (is apparently a thing? intrigued); tympanum (honorary tim, also v good).
ask me something.
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poetfromabove · 2 years ago
Kávészünet 🚬☕
Csak 10 perc. 10 perc az életből erre a csodás dologra. 10 percig csodálni isteni gőzét, érezni felemelő illatát.
Fennséges isteni találmány.
Szivarom kezemben. Füstje oly különös ábrákat rajzol az égre. Egy Pipacs képe csalja magát a horizontra.
Szívem ártatlanságát megrontva.
Arctalan emberek. Hazug hangok után erednek sorban. Nyájakba rendeződve bégetnek szótlan.
Én csak röhögök a barmokon.
Ez a 10 perc. Megnyugvást jelent szerény énemnek. Megnyugszok eme fekete szépség lágy csókjától.
Kellemes szerelem izzadtság szagától
Lágy pillanat. Kellemes sugallat. Fakuló ég. Tündöklő virág.
A szürke köd fest már csak színesen.
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