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derd2000 · 5 months ago
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Wappen der Stadt Dissen am Teutoburger Wald ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Die Kleinstadt Dissen am Teutoburger Wald liegt südlich im Bundesland Niedersachsen. Das Wappen besteht seit dem Jahre 1968 so, mit dem Osnabrücker fünf Speichigen Rad auf grünen Wappengrund, dem eine goldene Blattkrone ziert. Dissen hat ca. 11000 Einwohner und vier Stadtteile. Das sind Aschen,Dissen,Erpen und Nolle. Die Feinkost Firma Homann ist in Dissen beheimatet. Außerdem der Feuerwehrautohersteller Schlingmann.
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sibersonik · 1 year ago
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vanessabekmann · 2 years ago
Ensaio Alícia
No ensaio fotográfico da Alícia, nosso tema principal na divulgação foi relembrar as mulheres a importância da autoestima no dia a dia. Assim, as fotos foram realizadas com lingerie e um body, mostrando detalhes de um corpo feminino real. Nosso cenário foi montado em um quarto, com o intuito de trazer aproximação com o cliente na venda e no momento da propaganda.
Modelo: Alícia Erpen Fotos e Edição: Vanessa Bekmann
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tunaliyapi · 4 years ago
Sincan Pimapen Contası Fitili
  Sincan Pimapen Contası Fitili Sincan Sanayi Sit. 236. Cad Ardıç Plaza No: 14/9 Sincan Pimapen Contası Fitili Pimapen, Menteşe, Çeşitleri, Dış Cephe Silikonları, Silikon Özel Renkler, Köpük, Köpük Tabancası, Montaj Vidaları, Keser, Skarpile, Tokmak, Takım Sandığı, Takım Çantası, Maket Bıçağı, Matkap Hilti Uçları, Vidalama Uçları, Cam Halatları, Cam ipleri, Cam Vantusu, Hızlı Yapıştırıcı, wd 40,…
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theories-of · 3 years ago
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Tatjana Erpen-gesammelte-erde screen print on paper, 72 x 94 cm
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xbeast-bunnyx · 3 years ago
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Little star about to shine
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quackels · 4 years ago
De Debil vent dern teh jerja
Her were lurkin fur a shirl ta stear
He wers en a brnd curse ey wis wee beehind
Err he wers wearin ta merk a deer
Van day cam ehcris thas yong min
Swerin ern uh fidder n preyin it hert
Ant ze Debil jompt apron a hackery stinp
Ernd sernd "ber lemmur tear ya wot,
Eh geese yo dodn't knaw et, bot Ima fadle pleyer, tuh-
Ernd erf yad keer ta tek a dear earl merka bet werth yer,
Na ye ploy praty gud fadle boi, buh gib da Debil 'is duh;
Air berta fidder er gourde agernst yer sore
'Cuz oi thonk am batter thin ye".
Da ber serd, "mer nerm's jerneh ernd eat mert bee uh shin
Butt oil tank yar bet, ur gun a rugrat
Cruise em da berst debts erver bean"
Joni, roisen op yer bow ent ploy yar fadle heart!
Cruise hers brick lose in gorge-uh nd da debil deers da curds
End off ya ween, yau gater shin knee fadle mad iv' geld
Boot ef ye loose, deh Debil gets yar sour
Da debil erpenned urp hus cause ernd her cert "luts strut dis store"
Amp foir floo frem es fongertaps ass he roasted ape es boo
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soycabcba · 4 years ago
El resumen con los goles y todo lo que pasó en el amistoso Belgrano vs. Instituto
Belgrano e Instituto se enfrentaron este sábado en el predio celeste de camino a Villa Esquiú en el marco de dos ensayos de pretemporada (dos tiempos de 35 minutos).
En el primer partido, en el que jugaron los que se presumen son titulares, los albirrojos se impusieron 2-0.
Luego, los “suplentes” igualaron 1-1. No hubo acceso a la prensa ni al público. Las cuentas de Twitter de ambos clubes publicaron las formaciones de cada equipo.
Belgrano, dirigido por el uruguayo Alejandro Orfila, presentó a Daniel Sappa; Juan Barinaga, Wilfredo Olivera, Gino Barbieri y Axel Ochoa; Valentín Barbero, Hernán Bernardello y Tomás Asprea; Ulises Sánchez, Pablo Vegetti y Juan Pablo Ruiz Gómez.
Instituto, bajo la conducción de Mauricio Caranta, tuvo a Jorge Carranza; Leonardo Ferreyra, Lucas Landa, Facundo Erpen y Emiliano Endrizzi; Nicolás Watson, Franco Watson y Rodrigo Garro; Martín Cuello, Gonzalo Castillejos y Gustavo Villarruel.
La Gloria marcó a través de Franco Watson y de Lucas Landa, de cabeza.
El equipo suplente de Belgrano tuvo a Nahuel Losada; Rodrigo González, Ezequiel González, Matías Morales y Joaquín Livera; Santiago Longo, Bruno Zapelli y Gerónimo Tomasetti; Rodrigo Gómez, Rodrigo Colazo, Facundo Heredia.
Instituto, en este encuentro, alistó a Lautaro Petruchi; Misael Gutiérrez, Nicolás Vaquer, Ezequiel Neira y Rodrigo Mazur; Nicolás Cavagnero, Leonardo Monje e Ignacio Antonio; Manuel Liendo, Martín Pino y Tadeo Allende.
Manuel Liendo puso en ventaja a la visita, mientras que Ezequiel González empató para el Pirata.
Bernardello , referente de Belgrano, analizó lo que pasó en declaraciones que compartió el área de prensa del club: “A nadie le gusta perder, pero tenemos que ir encontrando sensaciones. Somos un equipo en construcción. Tenemos que seguir creciendo en las cosas que hicimos bien y corregir los errores”.
Caranta , también en palabras que dio al área de comunicación de la entidad de Alta Córdoba, consideró: ““La intensidad es una característica que quiero del equipo. Por ahi será bien arriba en una presión más alta, en la zona media o más abajo. Pero siempre ser intensos, esa es la idea que tenemos como equipo”.
La Primera Nacional arrancaría a mediados de marzo y la próxima semana se realizaría el sorteo en AFA.
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El zaguero Lucas Landa marcó el 2 a 0 de Instituto en el cotejo de titulares. (Leandro Gómez / Prensa IACC)
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Ambos equipos sumaron minutos importantes de rodaje en su primer amistoso. (Leandro Gómez / Prensa IACC)
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El Albirrojo tiene pensado jugar al menos tres amistosos más antes del debut. (Leandro Gómez / Prensa IACC)
source https://mundod.lavoz.com.ar/futbol/el-resumen-con-los-goles-y-todo-lo-que-paso-en-el-amistoso-belgrano-vs-instituto
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theories-of · 4 years ago
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Tatjana Erpen-Totes Kaninchen, 2016,
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riversupplyco · 4 years ago
erpene River’s strain profiles are made with USP grade, GMO-free organic terpene isolates derived from non-cannabis sources. We craft both our Classic Strain Specific terpenes and Enhanced Strain Specific terpenes with consumption in mind. The result is a better quality replication that enables manufacturers to make exceptional products.
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charlottelouise135 · 5 years ago
@s-erpens im cackling
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miawebdizayn · 7 years ago
ETİMESUT PİMAPEN TAMİR                                                                
ankara etimesgut’da -Her türlü marka, Fıratpen, Pimapen, Winsa, Pakpen, Erpen, Egepen, Adopen, Pidosan, Plaspen ….pimapen tamiri yapılmaktatır Tüm bu hizmetlerimizde işçilik ve malzeme birinci sınıftır. Müşteri Memnuniyet, her zaman önceliğimizdir.” pimapen Tamiri Hizmetlerimiz -ispanyolet ve Kilit değişimi -Kol değişimi -Menteşe değişimi çankaya pimapen tamiri profosyenel pimapen tamiri için bizi 7/24 arayabirsiniz…
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soycabcba · 4 years ago
Instituto venció 2-0 a Belgrano en el primer amistoso
Buen inicio tuvo el ciclo de Caranta como DT en Instituto. En su primer amistoso , La Gloria derrotó 2-0 en Villa Esquiú a Belgrano que, por contrapartida, no tuvo un buen inicio con Orfila como entrenador.
El ecnuentro mde práctica tuvo dos tiempos de 35 minutos cada uno. Franco Watson y Lucas Landa anotaron los tantos del conjunto de Alta Córdoba a menos de un mes, aproximadamente, del inicio de la Primera Nacional.
Con cuatro de sus refuerzos, Belgrano salió a la cancha de la siguiente manera: Sappa; Barinaga, Olivera, Barbieri, Ochoa; Bernardello, Barbero, Asprea; Sánchez, Vegetti, Ruiz Gómez. 
Por su parte, Caranta puso en cancha a un once similar al que term,inó jugando el Torneo Transición de la Primera Nacional: Carranza; Ferreyra, Landa, Erpen, Endrizzi; N. Watson, F. Watson, Garro; Cuello, Castillejos, Villarruel.
Instituto se puso en ventaja a los ocho minutos con gol de Nicolás Watson desde el área chica.
A los 18 minutos del segundo tiempo Lucas Landa amplió la ventaja para La Gloria con un tanto que puso al equipo de Caranta 2-0 arriba en el marcador.
⏱ 6' ST | ¡Lo tuvo cerca Vegetti de cabeza tras un gran centro de Barinaga!#Belgrano  @InstitutoACC pic.twitter.com/GiH0XJIYl3
— Belgrano (@Belgrano) February 20, 2021
En el segundo tiempo, ingresaron en Instituto Pino por Castillejos, Allende por Cuello y Mazur por Endrizzi. En Belgrano ingresó Edgardo Albornoz por Ulises Sánchez y Santiago Morales por Wilfredo Olivera.
A los 24 minutos del complemento La Gloria estuvo cerca de convertir el tercero pero Sappa le atajó un penal a Pino. 
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      Festejo glorioso. Instituto derrotó a Belgrano en el amistoso jugado en Villa Esquiú. (Foto: Prensa Instituto)
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Así salió a la cancha Belgrano para jugar el primer amistoso ante Instituto. (Foto: Prensa Belgrano)
source https://mundod.lavoz.com.ar/futbol/instituto-vencio-2-0-a-belgrano-en-el-primer-amistoso
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johnwarner10 · 5 years ago
Aroma Chemicals Market Sees Promising Growth| H Kelkar and Company, Givaudan, KAO CHEMICALS EUROPE
Aroma compounds are mainly recognised for odorants and for their smell. Aroma chemicals are mainly produced from natural oils and fats. These chemicals have wide applications in manufacturing variety of lifestyle products. There are several properties offered by aroma chemicals including volatility, polarity, stability, and surface activity. Global aroma chemicals market is expected to rise to an estimated value of USD 6.5 billion by 2026, registering a substantial CAGR in the forecast period of 2019-2026. Top Manufacturers Covered in the Report: H Kelkar and Company, Givaudan, KAO CHEMICALS EUROPE, S.L, Symrise, BASF SE, Takasago International Corporation, Agilex  Fragrances, AromaTech International, Bell Flavors & Fragrances, Kalpsutra Chemicals Pvt Ltd, Silverline Chemicals, Hindustan Mint & Agro Products Pvt Ltd, Veera Fragrances P.Ltd, PFW Aroma Chemicals B.V, YingYang (China) Aroma Chemical Group
Request Sample Report at @   https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-aroma-chemicals-market
Segmentation: Global Aroma Chemicals Market
Global Aroma Chemicals Market By Type (Erpenes, Benzenoids, Musk Chemicals, Others)
Ingredients (Alcohols, Aldehydes, Esters, Ketones, Lactones, Thiols and Others)
Application (Soap & Detergents, Cosmetics & Toiletries, Fine Fragrances, Household Products, Food & Beverage, Others)
Geography (North America, South America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa) – Industry Trends and Forecast to 2026
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Key Developments in the Market:
·         In November 2018, IMCD, a leading distributor of food ingredient and speciality chemicals acquired Aroma Chemical Agencies  Pvt. Ltd. and Alchemie Agencies Pvt. Ltd. The main aim behind this acquisition is to expand their product portfolio in coatings, plastics and other specialty chemical industries in order to gain high profit from it, which will further lead in the upliftment of the global aroma chemicals market
·         In January 2018, SH Kelkar & Company Ltd acquired an Italian fragrance firm Creative Flavours and Fragrances. The main aim of this acquisition is to expand their international footprint and further emerge as one of the top 15 global players in the market which will ultimately boost the market growth.
20% Extra Discount for Early Buyer, Know More @  https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/inquire-before-buying/?dbmr=global-aroma-chemicals-market
Market Drivers:
·         Growing need for effective health additives can act as a driver for the growth of this market
·         Growing demand of aroma chemicals  in foods and beverages will also drive the growth of the market
·         Growing awareness among consumers towards hygiene propels the market growth
·         Growing expenditure on beauty and personal care products will also impede the market growth
Market Restraints:
·         High cost of aroma products can hamper the market growth
·         Volatility in raw material cost can act as a factor is restricting the growth of this market
·         High cost incurred in the research and development process can also act as market growth barrier
Competitive Analysis:
Global aroma chemicals market is highly fragmented and the major players have used various strategies such as new product launches, expansions, agreements, joint ventures, partnerships, acquisitions, and others to increase their footprints in this market. The report includes market shares of aroma chemicals market for Global, Europe, North America, Asia-Pacific, South America and Middle East & Africa
Key Insights in the report:
·         Complete and distinct analysis of the market drivers and restraints
·         Key market players involved in this industry
·         Detailed analysis of the market segmentation
·         Competitive analysis of the key players involved
Access Full Report at https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/reports/global-aroma-chemicals-market
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theories-of · 4 years ago
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Tatjana Erpen
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hs-band-love · 8 years ago
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Clare, Melissa Erpen (@melissaerpen), and David Baker's (@thebakerloo) conversation on this Instagram post today (May 24, 2017)
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