starswhogaze · 2 years
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You are the Sun and I am the Moon 💜🧡
I live and breathe this ship. I have to say I think about them more than any other. To you it's a crack ship to me it's a crack yacht. 😙🤌🏼
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highlordvanserra · 3 years
Crackship Appreciation Week
Day Four: Headcanons
Eris hated being touched-until Nuala. He carries too many scars and shies away from most contact, but his trust in Nuala allowed him to finally find comfort in someones touch.
Nuala was the first to speak to Eris at one of the many revels under the mountain. She thought he would ignore her but he was intrigued by how bold she was to speak to him.
The two spoke often while under the mountain, though nearly always when no one else was around.
Eris feels completely undeserving of Nuala. He believes that she sees him as a much better male than he really is. Nuala assures him that she sees him just as he is-not perfect, but not the monster that he sees himself as.
Eris didn't realize that offering marriage to Nesta would hurt Nuala as much as it did. He was certain that Nesta would refuse him and only did it to help ensure his alliance with the Night Court.
On the rarest occasions, Eris has met with Nuala in the Court of Nightmares. Always when he is there on other business and they are never seen together by anyone else.
Eris' greatest fear is ending up like his father. Nuala reassures him that this could never happen because Eris has a good heart, but the fear is always in the back of his mind.
Though Nuala trusts her family, she hasn't told anyone about her time spent with Eris. She knows how dangerous it would be-not only for her, but more so for him if word got out about them.
Eris loves showing off to Nuala with his fire and magic, letting the flames dance in the palm of her hand, warm but never burning her. He loves that she's never afraid of him or his power.
Eris may be mated to Mor, but his heart and soul belong to Nuala completely. They've both made vows of love to one another, resulting in a bargain tattoo that honors both of their courts. An autumn leaf with filigree stars and moons that shines like molten gold and copper on their skin.
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starswhogaze · 3 years
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Day One: Favourite Trope
Forbidden love/Sneaking around, with a dash of friends to lovers is what I would want for these two.
I imagine Eris and Nuala met during their time Under the Mountain. Of course she's always heard of Beron's oldest son, and of course she was weary of him at first because of the violent yet mysterious past he had with Mor. Rhysand's inner circle hated him, so she supposed she should hate him too, but being a spy earned her the ability to witness things others typically did not.
During their time Under the Mountain she saw High Lords do unspeakable things to protect their courts. It was a desperate time. She saw the mask Rhys had to wear for so long...she saw a similar mask being worn by Eris.
Nuala saw how his own father treated him. How he was beaten when Beron disapproved of even the smallest thing.
She also saw him protective and caring towards his mother. Sometimes putting himself in harms way to ensure her safety.
I imagine maybe they locked eyes during one of those awful nights. Maybe he followed her out of curiosity and she let him.
I imagine they became familiar enough with each other that when Lady Autumn went to thank Feyre that night, Nuala was keeping watch in the shadows. Eris might have gotten worried for his mother, and would have gone to check on her but Nuala reassured him that she was okay.
Once everyone was saved by Feyre and everyone could go home, I imagine that Nuala made a stop in Autumn during a spy mission. Just to see him and let him see her in her true form. I think he would have been intrigued and curious about her and theyd sneak off together during his visits to the Night Court.
@sjmcrackshipweek 🖤🔥
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starswhogaze · 3 years
Crackship: Eris x Nuala
Shoutout to @highlordvanserra for crying with me about these two 🧡
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-Both of their love languages are Touch
-Nuala loves holding his hand and hugging him/holding him because of how warm he is. Like her own personal fireplace.
-When she knows Eris has a meeting with Rhysand, she makes him a small desert and sneaks off to the Hewn city, where he's staying.
-Eris treasures her and their moments together even if they're quick.
-He has trouble believing he deserves her because of the things he's done, and the things people say he's done. The reputation of his family and his Court, he doesn't want to burden her with it.
-She doesn't mind reassuring him of her feelings but it was also the cause of their first fight.
-Their fight turned into a love confession.
Angsty Headcanons (acosf)
-Sometimes Eris has to take risks for the sake of his Court. Including feigning interest in Nesta Archeron.
-He told her about his plan but she hated it, and worried. They had an argument before heading to the Hewn City separately.
-Nuala was there when Eris and Nesta danced together. Thought for sure Nesta wouldn't deny him.
-When Nesta asked Eris "And you? Who do you love?" He only thought of the half shadow wraith that stole his heart.
-Nuala was the spy that reported back to Azriel when Eris went missing.
-She is stoic like she trained to be, but on the inside she's suffering. Begging The Mother to keep Eris safe.
@sjmcrackshipweek 💜🧡
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starswhogaze · 3 years
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Day 2: Alternate Universe
High School AU
In a modern setting there's no way these two would be able to keep their relationship a secret so they flaunt it. Who ever hates it can stay hating. 💜🧡
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starswhogaze · 3 years
Yo crackship week starts tomorrow. You are not ready for the Eris x Nuala content I have.
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starswhogaze · 2 years
Found an elriel fic that's an office romance au, and NualaxEris exists...I cant describe how happy that makes me.
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starswhogaze · 2 years
If there's an ErisxNuala fanfic out there, you're required by law to tell me about it.
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starswhogaze · 2 years
I only ever talk about my crackship on here, so seeing someone on Instagram mention it made my whole day 🤣
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starswhogaze · 3 years
Day 6: Song Association
Crackship: Eris x Nuala
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@sjmcrackshipweek 💜🧡
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starswhogaze · 2 years
ur obsession with Eris x Nuala for some reason is the highlight of my day it is the most out of pocket crack ship I have ever see lol
🤣 okay but THIS made my day. They own my soul. I am sailing on the erisxnuala yacht drinking piña coladas and thinking about them and crying.
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