#erik killmonger x sister
jtargaryen18 · 1 year
His Inheritance ~ Chapter 31
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Part 31: Girl on Fire
Series Masterlist
Words: 6.7k
Pairing: Mobster Steve Rogers x Mobster daughter reader
Warnings: References to mafia, reference to violence and violent acts, references to sexual violence. Strong language, dismemberment, and physical violence. This is a dark fic. Please read responsibly.
Disclaimer: The author of this work claims no ownership of characters aside from the reader, and original secondary characters mentioned. This work is not intended for those under the age of 18 due to explicit sexual content and darker themes. By reading this work or any works on my blog (jtargaryen18), you agree that you are at least 18 years of age. I do not consent to have my work hosted on any third party app or site. If you are seeing this fanfiction anywhere but archiveofourown and tumblr, it has been reposted without my permission.
Summary: For @alexakeyloveloki. Your father is the head of one of the most powerful crime families in Boston but he’s protected you from that life. In your quiet home outside the city, you’ve been cared for and protected. When the desires of a more powerful man with the will to dominate bursts into your life, all your illusions are shattered as he comes to claim what is his.
When Bucky’s phone rang, it didn’t surprise him. When he saw Kat’s number… They didn’t have plans tonight. Why the hell was she calling?
“Hello,” Bucky said, pausing the cage match he’d been watching.
“Bucky?” Kat sniffled, tears in her voice.
“I’m at the hospital,” she said, clearing trying not to sob.
“Have you been hurt?” he asked, pulling the lever to sit up in his recliner. “What happened?”
“I’m fine,” she said. “It’s my sister, Paulina.”
Ah. “What happened?”
“She’s unconscious,” Kat managed. “I don’t know what happened. But neither of us have insurance…”
Neither of them was legal residents of the US either. Bucky sighed.
“I’ll send someone down there,” he told her, ready to get back to his fight. Before his hand reached the lever on his chair, she started sobbing in earnest.
“Please,” Kat begged him. “Will you come down here?”
Kat wasn’t usually so needy. Usually, she stuck to their agreement. Something had her shaken up.
“Give me a few minutes,” he said before hanging up. Shaking his head, he shot a text to his men telling them he needed the car ASAP.
Erik Killmonger was there in less than five minutes. He’d been a soldier for the Barnes family for the last five years. The entire time, he’d handled the tasks that he was given. He never failed, followed orders to a fault, and was always quiet and respectful, Bucky’s three favorite qualities in a soldier.
Erik’s ambition had been obvious from the beginning. It was in the confident way he walked, the efficient way he took care of business. It was there when he asked Bucky if he could serve him personally. Since then, he had Erik reporting directly to Hansen, and he showed the same respect to him.
The two men were comparable in their abilities, evenly matched when it came to killing a man. But where Hansen liked to put on a show and preen around, psychologically breaking down his prey, Erik was silently lethal. Bucky had to wonder if half of the men he’d sent him to kill even saw him coming.
Now that Hansen was wherever the fuck Hansen was, Bucky didn’t believe for a fucking minute the bastard was dead, Erik was his top lieutenant. Maybe he should have been all along.
He’d put the man in charge of finding Hansen. Erik knew him better than he did. Bucky’s only request was that Hansen be brought in alive. Bucky wanted to kill the fucker himself. The betrayal signed his death warrant. The fact that Hansen thought he was going to just make off with the woman Bucky coveted, the bright jewel in the crown he'd soon wear... Bucky was just sorry he could only kill him once.
“Where we off to?” Erik asked, ready to go.
“The hospital,” Bucky said, following him out to the garage. “Kat’s sister is there. I don’t know what happened yet.”
Erik held the door open for Bucky to climb in the back of the huge SUV. Walking around, Erik took a seat in the front next to the driver.
Bucky caught Zemo’s gaze in the rearview mirror. “We’re going to the hospital. St. Agnes," he told him.
When they reached the hospital, pulling up to the door at the ER, Zemo again met his gaze in the mirror. “Should you be going in there, boss?” he asked respectfully.
“He can go wherever he wants,” Erik said, opening his door. “Nothing’s going to happen to him.”
Damn right. Very soon, Bucky would be the goddamn king of Boston.
He waited while Erik inquired about Paulina, speaking to the older woman at the emergency room desk. His man led him past the desk, swiftly through a maze of corridors until they found Paulina’s room. Kat looked grateful when they arrived, her dark eyes still shiny with tears when she opened the door.
Paulina lay in the hospital bed, curled in on her side. Her hair was a wild tangle around her head and her face was streaked with makeup and tears.
“What happened?” Bucky asked, moving to stand at the foot of the hospital bed. Erik closed the door, staying close to it.
“We went shopping,” Kat explained in her tear-filled voice. “Our car dropped her off first at her apartment building. And then… I w-went home.”
“So she was attacked in her apartment?” Bucky asked.
“I didn’t see it happen,” Kat went on. “But she didn’t make it into her apartment. Someone found her in the hallway… One of her neighbors called an a-ambulance.”
Great. More people in his business.
“My number was the emergency contact on her phone,” Kat went on. “They called me.”
“I’m sorry this happened, Kat,” Bucky said, his patience slipping. “But you didn’t need me to come down here to pay the bill.”
“What if this wasn’t random?” Kat asked.
“What else would it be?” he countered.
“Steve,” she said. “I think Steve is behind this.”
Bucky shook his head. “Why would you think Steve had anything to do with this?”’
“Why?” Kat threw her hands up. “Isn’t it obvious? With everything you’ve done to him? With you taking me away from him? He’s hitting back.”
That had Bucky chuckling. Yeah, he’d put Rogers through some things. And it wouldn’t be long until he finished Rogers, put him and his fucking family down and took the lead that should have been his when the old boss died.
“Yeah, he’ll try.” Bucky stared her down. “But what does that have to do with you and your sister? I didn’t take you away from him. You were all over me when he threw you off to get married if I remember correctly.”
Kat looked affronted. “You took me away from him. Paulina? She was seeing his consigliere.”
“Still not seeing a connection,” Bucky told her, ready to end the conversation.
Ready to end things with her period. Pretty soon, he wouldn’t need Kat.
“Banner betrayed him,” she said. “Maybe that’s why they went after Paulina.”
It was plausible. But why hit his family there? As Kat pointed out, Paulina had been Banner’s side piece. Banner was out of the Rogers’ family and no longer any use to the Barnes family. Honestly, Banner was lucky Rogers let him live. But messing with Banner’s mistress after the fact? It didn’t make sense.
It wasn’t Rogers’ style.
That reminded him. Banner had been laying low on Stark’s turf after Rogers ousted him. Then he’d disappeared. Bucky made a mental note to follow up on that.
“Did anyone see who did it?” Erik asked. “Did the neighbor see anything?”
“No,” Kat told them. “They just found her. Beaten… Don’t you understand? She wasn’t robbed or violated or anything else. Just beaten. To hurt her was the point. What else could it be? Am I next?”
Bucky moved closer to Kat, taking her chin in his fingers. She trembled in his grasp, and he knew she was scared. He wanted her to be.
“Pain and death are always the point,” Bucky whispered, gazing into her eyes. “But Steve’s not after you, Katerina. He’s not after you sister.”
Releasing her, he watched indignation and hurt bleed into her expression.
“When Rogers strikes at me,” he explained, “he’ll make it hurt. He’ll make it personal.”
“This is personal,” her voice was rising. “This does hurt.”
“You and your sister maybe,” Bucky told her. “It’s not personal for me. It doesn’t hurt. I’d have to care about you and your sister for this to hurt me and I don’t.”
Tears slid from her eyes now. “You’re wrong.”
Bucky moved closer to the woman on the bed. Her makeup was a mess but on closer inspection, there were no cuts on her face. There could be bruises under the makeup, he supposed. Pulling back a tangled section of her hair revealed her throat. No bruises there or any injuries at all.
Kat said she was beaten. Were they fucking with him?
Grabbing the edge of the blanket covering the woman, he pulled it back to reveal her unconscious form covered by a thin hospital gown with shorter sleeves. He half-expected her arms and the rest of her to be unmarked as well. He was all ready to flip shit on Kat and her sister for wasting his time.
Paulina’s arm? That was a different story. The bruises were red and angry, lacing up from her forearm like macabre artwork. The gown opened at the back, and she lay on her side facing him. Throwing the blanket back, he leaned over to look at the woman’s back. A wild patch of pink and red marks covered most of it. The one contusion right where her kidney was? That had him wincing.
Tomorrow, her skin would be purple, black, and blue and she’d be feeling it. Shaking his head, he pulled the blanket away from the rest of her. More evidence of the beating she’d taken over thighs and upper shins. Nothing close to the ankle…
Kat, still lost in her indignation, glared at him as she grabbed the blanket to cover her sister up again.
“Still think this is random?” she asked, still swiping away tears.
Bucky shrugged as he headed for the door. “I’ll handle the billing,” he said over his shoulder as he walked out.
The entire situation should have left his mind never to return the minute he was back in his car and headed home. Bucky just couldn’t get his mind off it. It was just so off. Why was it done? What did it mean?
Was it a message for him?
After finishing his run, Bucky headed for his study to check messages before getting a shower.
He jumped at how off-guard she’d caught him. There Kat stood in the door of his study, looking like a deer caught in headlights. Her big dark eyes were on him, a shiny red shopping bag dangling from her manicured fingers.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” he asked irritably. He didn’t like her coming by his house uninvited. She knew that.
“I’m sorry.” She looked it.
As he stood watching her, a sweaty mess behind his desk, she meekly approached him. Stopping on the other side of his desk, she carefully placed the bag on the top of his desk between them.
“It’s for you,” she said forlornly. “Thank you for helping Paulina.”
Blowing out an exhale, he looked at the bag. “She out of the hospital yet?”
Kat nodded. “She’s home. Resting. I’m staying with her since we don’t know who did this… or why.”
Bucky hated wasting the manpower but in the off-chance Kat was right… “I’ll send someone to keep an eye on her place for the next couple of days, okay?”
“And mine?” she asked, flashing him a smile.
“You said you were staying with her,” he pointed out. “You stay with her, someone’s looking after you too.”
The smile faded and he couldn’t even feel badly about it. Kat was one of many. He’d had women who were more beautiful, better in bed. She wasn’t unique. She wouldn’t even be memorable.
And she’d served her purpose a long time ago. He took up with her to piss off Steve, to hurt his wife. While Rogers had been pissed and insulted that Bucky brought his former mistress to his wedding, he hadn’t succeeded in his second objective. The new Mrs. Rogers hadn’t been hurt.
No, the daughter of the old boss and the new bride of his enemy had turned out to be a lioness.
Think of that. The girl had been hidden away like Quasimodo in his bell tower, mutilated and not fit for society. That was what he’d always been told about the old boss’s surviving child. His bitch wife, who’d ripped Bucky’s family apart by having an affair with his father, died trying to get out and killed the man’s son. The daughter was never supposed to be anything for Bucky Barnes to be concerned with.
Even so, Bucky hated her. He’d been glad she was disfigured, glad she’d never be out in the world. He’d even toyed around with the idea of paying her a visit once her father died. Taking care of the disfigured little lamb once and for all.
Rogers had executed his plan well. That he was kissing ass to claim the crown, Bucky got that. He had no idea, however, that Rogers planned to marry the boss's daughter who was supposed to be horribly disfigured. Within a week of her father dying, Bucky gets word that she’s engaged to Rogers and the wedding Is being rushed.
When he went to confront Rogers about it, he was surprised to find her alone and barely dressed in the kitchen. She was uncovered enough for him to see there wasn’t likely a scar or blemish on her. She was amazingly beautiful wearing her whore mother’s face with innocent eyes. That first impression of her had him both hard as a rock and ready to commit murder, right there in Rogers’ kitchen.
Rogers knew what he was doing. He didn’t care who she was, that her mother destroyed the Barnes family. Rogers didn’t care about anything but the throne and it was then Bucky decided he’d do whatever it took to take Rogers’ crown, to take him and his bitch wife out.
But he couldn't get her out of his head. Not once he saw her.
Bucky had assumed for most of his life that Mrs. Rogers was his half-sister. The daughter of his father. After meeting her, he looked into it, knowing her father would have had a paternity test done under the circumstances. With a little patience and a lot of money, Bucky had an answer.
Mrs. Rogers was not related to him by blood. The old boss was her father after all.
By the time he figured this out, Bucky had found his attitude toward Mrs. Rogers shifting. Yeah, he could kill her when he destroyed her husband. No one would be surprised or even blame him.
But he’d never met a woman like her. There was a fire, an iron will, buried beneath the persona. Mrs. Rogers was stunning, beautiful. But according to Loguidice, Rogers’ bride wasn’t just a pretty face. There was a beast in her heart. The lioness could handle her husband, win his men’s loyalty, and even fucking shoot Lloyd Hansen which had been hilarious when his lieutenant had to explain it to him.
And she would be Bucky’s at the end of this. It was going to happen.
Glancing at his current mistress, he knew it was past time to end things. But he’d wait until Paulina had mended. Make sure nothing else was heard about that little incident. Then he’d drop the hammer.
“Do you really care so little about me?” Kat asked him, pulling him from his thoughts.
It wasn’t a bad acting job. Bucky smiled.
“Do we really care about each other?” he wanted to know. “Relationships aren’t based solely on love. That’s the movies. Relationships are based on mutual need. You need someone to give you money to maintain your lifestyle and I need sex and occasionally some arm candy. Don’t make this something more than it really is.”
Hooking a finger in the bag, he peeked into it to see a wad of tissue paper.
Kat watched him expectantly.
Grabbing the bag, he pulled out whatever she had wrapped in that tissue paper. It felt odd in his hand, more than one thing. The first thing he encountered was a small jewel box. Setting the rest down, he opened that to see a set of ruby cufflinks winking up at him from the black velvet.
He had to give her credit. She knew his tastes.
“These are nice,” he told her with a grin. “Thank you… What else do we have here?”
Kat’s brow creased as she watched him pick up the wad of tissue still in front of him.
“There was nothing else,” she said, looking confused.
But there was something else. Peeling away the tissue paper, Bucky stared at the fucking fingers – five human fingers – he held in his hands. In disgust, he dropped them onto the desk as Kat covered her mouth with her hand, backing away in horror.
“What the fuck?” he demanded, staring at those digits.
She shook her head. “No,” she said. “I didn’t do that. I didn’t… I feel sick.”
Kat dashed from his study like the devil was chasing her as Bucky muscled his way past the revulsion to study those digits. The fingers of a white man, toughened from work. There was no blood. No rings. No scars or other identifying marks.
Grabbing the bag, Bucky looked to see if there was something else. There was. A business card for a donut shop on Rogers’ turf. He recognized the name of the shop.
Bucky hadn’t ordered a hit on that shop or the girl. No, that was all Hansen who took the girl that worked there. Bucky hadn’t known a thing about it until after Rogers’ faceoff against Hansen who had since disappeared.
Bucky studied the fingers again. Were they Hansen’s? He didn’t think so. Hansen had big hands, he didn’t remember the fingers being slender.
Well, they’d find out.
Fishing his phone out of his pocket, he shot a text to Erik to come right away.
Now he wondered if the attack on Paulina was related. Was it tied to this? Was there more to come?
It would make sense if it was Rogers. But Rogers wasn’t usually so theatrical. He’d hit hard, head on. Anyone who was at odds with him always saw him coming. In his defense, he always hit really fucking hard.
This? It was puzzling. And not Rogers’ style at all.
What game was he unwittingly playing? And with whom?
The tap at the door pulled Bucky away from trying to catch up on his investment portfolio, sheets scattered all over his normally immaculate desk. His mind wasn’t on it. He’d been pretending to look at the numbers for damn near an hour.
Erik looked as tired as Bucky felt. He was hoping his lieutenant had some news for him. The episode earlier with Kat and the dead man’s fingers still had him rattled.
“Found out who those fingers belonged to,” Erik got right into it. “Belonged to one of Hansen’s men. One of our guys found the rest of him in a dumpster on your turf. The prints matched.”
Bucky nodded. Hansen likely had the guy pick up the donut shop girl for him. And the ax fell on him because they didn’t get Hansen. Bucky nodded. It was something he’d do.
The donut shop girl. What did she know, if anything, about everything going on? Maybe he should chat with her.
“Hansen’s still alive,” Buck said flatly.
Erik nodded. “There’s no proof he’s not.”
“Anything else?”
His man’s dark-eyed gaze met his. “I sent men looking for Banner, but it looks like he skipped town.”
A wise move on the man’s part.
“You don’t think he targeted Paulina, do you?” Erik asked.
Bucky shook his head. “Not with that temper of his. If Banner decided to do that, she would know it was him. He’d make sure she knew it was him.”
Scrubbing a hand through his hair, Bucky leaned back in his office chair, tried to relax. To think. “Any word on Rogers?”
“You knew Hansen and Frankenstein grabbed Dyson to draw Rogers out,” Erik said.
“Frankenstein?” Bucky asked.
“Neal Logiudice,” Erik explained. “Pop some bolts on his neck and he looks like Frankenstein.”
Bucky snorted. He could see that.
“Then he was supposed to off Dyson and Logiudice,” Erik continued. “Grab Rogers if he could. Hansen changed the plan. He drew Mrs. Rogers out instead of her husband.”
Bucky was still furious about what happened. Dyson would never betray Rogers and Logiudice was collateral damage. The move was meant to break Rogers down. Dyson’s loss on top of Logiudice’s betrayal would demoralize him. Bucky thought it might just finally finish his rival off.
Instead, Mrs. Rogers showed up, playing right into Hansen’s hand. Then her husband showed up and he brought friends. A shootout ensued. Rogers, his wife, and Dyson made it out. So did Hansen and Logiudice, apparently. And Bucky was out several men. Several good men.
“Does anyone know?” Bucky pressed. “Was Rogers shot?”
“Most likely,” Erik told him. “There’s different versions of the story. Some say he got shot. Some say Dyson got shot. Other say Mrs. Rogers was shot to protect Dyson and Rogers got shot trying to shield her.”
Rolling his eyes, Bucky blew out an exhale. Needless to say, whoever did or didn’t get shot in Hansen’s grand fuckup was a moot point. Rogers was fine. He’d apparently had enough of Bucky fucking him and now he was firing back at the Barnes’ family.
There was nothing altruistic about their chosen business. You were either a ruthless bastard or dead. Back when they were both younger and coming up under their fathers’ wings, Steve Rogers had been a cocky, dangerous bastard and Bucky always hated all the attention he got. How Rogers always got away with everything.
Bucky always knew that the minute his father was gone, the minute it was just him calling the shots, that Rogers would fail. Then he’d found another mentor in the former leader of the five families but that didn’t last, and he died too. Bucky just knew that without the mentorship of better men, Rogers wouldn’t make it on his own. He was one hell of a soldier, terrifying if he came after you. But a leader?
Still, something was different. So far Rogers had pulled himself out of the trap Bucky set for him with Hansen, sent him the fingers of one of Hansen’s men in Kat’s little gift bag, and maybe had someone beat the shit out of Paulina, Kat’s sister.
While Kat swore to him she had nothing to do with the fingers, Bucky wasn’t leaving anything to chance. He had her taken to her sister’s place and there she would stay under close watch. He didn’t think either woman had anything to do with whatever the fuck was going on. But he’d keep them under glass for now to make sure.
There was an underlying menace to sending Bucky the dead man’s fingers. It wasn’t just the barbarism of the act. It was multifaceted. It was Rogers letting Bucky know that he knew about the donut shop girl and exactly who abducted her. It was knowledge that she’d been taken under Bucky’s command even if it wasn’t his personal decision. It was accusatory and direct.
It left him feeling unsettled. Bucky had been so close to shutting Rogers down, to finally taking everything he wanted.
And now? Well, he sure as fuck couldn’t slow down now. He couldn’t let Rogers even the score.
“My Vinny’s gotten here yet?” Bucky asked. He’d sent out for food from his favorite restaurant. Vinny’s was the best Italian restaurant in all of Boston and the owner's brother was one of Bucky’s best soldiers.
“I’ll go check,” Erik said, heading off to do that.
It was only a few minutes later that Bucky had his takeout, enjoying it in his recliner while he took in an action movie he’d been wanting to watch. His meal didn’t disappoint. The veal was perfect, just what he’d wanted.
After he’d digested a few minutes, he took his dishes to the kitchen, ready for dessert. The tiramisu was in the fridge and Bucky grinned as he pulled it from its foam box to carefully place it on a plate. With a fresh glass of wine, he returned to his recliner and resumed the movie.
Bucky was two bites in when his fork hit something that felt unexpectedly solid in the layered dessert. Frowning, he worked at using his fork to grab the next bite. But something was wrong. Something was in there…
Taking a closer look, he found something solid in there. Plucking it at with his fingers, he found… meat?
He almost lost his meal to realize that something was the tip of a human ear.
“What the fuck?” Bucky said to himself, his heart starting to race in his chest.
Sitting up in the recliner, he kept digging through the dessert to find an earlobe, just as bloodless as the tip.
It was the dark eye staring up at him that from the bottom that had him screaming, fighting nausea as he slung it all away and sent it flying across the room.
“Fuck me! Fuck me!” he was shouting as Erik and Zemo both raced into the room to see who was killing their boss.
Covering his mouth with a hand, Bucky fled to the bathroom…
“I am so sorry,” Erik said for the hundredth time. “I looked in there, but I should have looked a lot closer.”
Soldiers were crawling his house, crawling the grounds. Zemo was at Vinny’s, no doubt tearing the restaurant apart. And he’d specifically requested that Zemo take Vinny’s brother with him. If there was a rat in his ranks or at the restaurant, heads would roll.
Bucky shook his head, sitting in his recliner with his elbows on his knees. He felt like shit. More body parts sent to him set his nerves on edge.
Was it Rogers? If so, he didn’t like the fact that his enemy was running up the score. That really pissed him off. His mind was spinning with the theories forming in his head.
“We’ll try to figure out who those…” Erik shook his head. “Don’t worry about it.”
“Don’t worry about it?” Bucky asked, rising from the recliner to glare at Erik. “That’s all I’ve been fucking doing the last three days. You know?”
Erik didn’t drop his gaze, didn’t back down. Bucky admired his quiet accountability.
But it wasn’t exclusively Erik’s fault. It was on all of them. Even him. No one had ever been able to get him directly. People around him, yes. But never him. Taking another drink of his Scotch, his mind spun webs with his instincts. He was starting to form a few ideas on his current situation.
“Boss,” Zemo called, walking into his living room.
Bucky spotted his man, standing a few feet away with a white takeout carton in his hands. He wasn’t going to like whatever was in the box, he knew from the way Zemo shifted his weight from one foot to the other nervously.
“What is it?” Bucky asked, trying to be ready for anything.
“We went through Vinny’s, and we found this in Vinny’s office,” Zemo explained carefully. “It’s for you. Vinny swears he didn’t see who left it and he doesn’t know anything about it.”
“You believe him?” It was an honest question.
Zemo nodded.
Bucky motioned him forward, not looking forward to his latest surprise with the dark red stains at its bottom corners. He plucked the card off the top. It simply read, “Hint: It’s not Snow White’s.”
Bucky really shouldn’t have been surprised to find what appeared to be a human heart in that box. He really shouldn’t have. Once he started laughing, it was hard to quit. His laughter was manic, a stress response. Something he hadn’t done in years.
It’s not Snow White’s.
Erik looked concerned. “I’ll get on figuring out who that is,” he offered.
Laughing, Bucky sank back onto his recliner, still laughing as he set the carton on his end table like it didn’t have a human heart in it.
“I think… I might know who this is,” Bucky said when he caught his breath. “It’s not Snow White’s. What did the magic mirror tell the evil queen about the heart the huntsman delivered to her? The mirror said it was the heart of a pig.” Laughter threatened to halt his conversation as pieces of the puzzle started to slide together in his mind. “This is the heart of a pig.”
His men didn’t speak, looked like they had no idea what to say to that.
“This is making a little sense now,” Bucky told them. “Erik, you and Zemo stay. Everyone else, fuck off.”
The soldiers cleaning and checking everything cleared out fast while Erik and Zemo moved closer.
“Who do you think that is?” Erik asked.
“That?” Bucky pointed to the carton. “That’s the heart of a pig. I’ll be really fucking surprised if it’s not Bruce Banner.”
Zemo’s brows shot up. Neither man spoke.
“Kat was right,” Bucky said. “This is Rogers hitting back. But… it isn’t.”
Rising from the chair, Bucky started pacing. Both men watched him in silence.
“Think about each incident,” Bucky told them as he paced. “Paulina was attacked. Then the fingers, eyes and ears, now the heart. All of it’s personal. It’s very, very personal.”
“Personal?” Zemo asked.
That stopped Bucky. “Don’t you see? Paulina was Banner’s side piece. Someone did a number on her.”
“In a way that could be covered up,” Erik muttered.
“Yes!” Bucky pointed to him. “Exactly. Hold that thought… And now, here’s the cheating, deceitful pig’s heart.” He continued pacing. “The tiramisu? I think that must be Logiudice. He was my eyes and ears in the Rogers household.”
Understanding lit up Erik’s face. “What about the fingers? That guy?”
Bucky shook his head. “The guy Hansen sent to kidnap the donut shop girl isn’t the point.”
“What is the point, boss?” Zemo asked.
“Each of these messages were sent on Rogers’ behalf,” Bucky explained. “But I don’t think they are from the man himself. No, this is someone else… All three messages have one thing in common… A woman scorned.”
Erik nodded, listening. He was always quick on the take. Zemo still looked confused.
“Bruce Banner was married to Rogers’ sister, but she didn’t love him,” Bucky told them. “She loved her high school sweetheart, Clint Barton. Banner knew this. That's why he’d beat his wife where it didn’t show. It's why he shot Barton.”
“Then,” Bucky stopped in front of Zemo. “Hansen got away but I was sent the fingers of the man who took the girl from the donut shop by Hansen’s order. Hansen was my right-hand man. A reminder of the wrong done to that woman.”  
“Explain Logiudice,” Erik said.
Bucky smirked at him. “Oh, I can. He betrayed Mrs. Rogers herself right before we grabbed Dyson. Her husband had restricted her to their bedroom he was so pissed..” An idea with merit.
“You think a woman gave these orders?” Zemo looked puzzled.
“Maybe,” Bucky muttered, as something occurred to him. “I need to talk to one of these women first.”
“Who?” Erik asked.
“I need you to find the girl from the donut shop,” Bucky told them. “I need to see if she knows anything we don’t before I make any decisions.”
Bucky was both surprised and pleased to see the girl waiting for him. The park this time of day was quiet with only one man walking his dog, and she was sitting on the bench by the giant sandbox, just as he instructed her.
When he walked around, she didn’t look up. Hell, she probably had no idea who he even was. He didn’t mind keeping it that way. There was no reason she needed to know anything else about their world. All she had to do was be nice, be cooperative, and he’d help her find her way out of his world.
Carefully, like he was trying not to frighten a doe, he sat a couple of feet away from her on the bench, setting the bookbag he brought with him between his feet.
She didn’t look up until he called her name and then, her eyes were wide in alarm. The lower half of her face was covered by a medical mask, maybe because of the flu going around. She’d made herself small, slouching on the bench with her hands folded on her knees.
He introduced himself just as Bucky, that was all she needed to know. Her cold hand was trembling when she shook his. He knew she was scared, and he didn’t intend to keep her long.
“Thank you for coming,” he said. “I wasn’t sure you would.”
She nodded, her gaze on the floor in front of her.
“I want to apologize to you for what happened,” he said without preamble. “The man who… While he was a soldier of mine, taking you wasn’t an order I gave. I know that doesn’t change a lot for you. But you should know that.”
Again, she just nodded.
“And I do want to help you,” Bucky said slowly, leaning a little closer to her. “I’ve brought you a substantial gift. Enough to help you get back on your feet and back to school somewhere else.”
“What do you want?” she asked quietly.
Bucky grinned. It was a smart question.
“You’re right,” he admitted. “There is something I want. I want to ask you a few questions about your time with him. Will you answer?”
She squeezed her eyes shut at the mention and guilt pricked at him. Hansen was a fucking weirdo, and he could only imagine what he might have done to her. It had him wishing he’d framed the question in a different way. But it was out now so…
“Do you know his name?” Bucky asked her.
“Lloyd,” she said. “Sir.”
Oh, he did not want to know about any of Lloyd’s kinks or hangups.
“He didn’t give you any other names?”
“No,” she said.
“Another man brought you to Lloyd’s house,” Bucky said quietly. “Did you see anyone else. Besides him and Lloyd, in your time there?”
The young woman shook her head.
“Tell me about the day you got out,” Bucky said.
She shrugged nervously. “A man broke down the door and helped me out,” she said. “That’s all.”
Bucky frowned. That didn’t sound right. “You didn’t hear a fight elsewhere in the house? The sound of bullets?”
After a moment, she nodded, still staring hard at the ground before them on the bench. “It was the day before. There was shouting and a fight. Guns…”
So no one found her until the next day. Bucky wasn’t happy about that. None of his men swept the house?
“Where did the other man take you once he got you out?” Bucky asked.
The young woman blew out a long sigh. “To a friend’s,” she said slowly.
He nodded. “I don’t need specifics. I just need to know if you ran into anyone else since you were taken. Did you ever leave his house until the guy got you out?”
She shook her head.
He hated to ask. “Did he let anyone else…”
“No,” she said quickly.
“All right,” Bucky said in a kinder tone. “What can you tell me about the guy who got you out?”
She was still for a moment, before shrugging. “Not much. I wasn’t… trying to look at him.”
“Did you see any women?” Bucky asked. “Any other younger women like yourself, about your size?“ Did she see Mrs. Rogers there?
“No,” she said after a moment. “Why?”
“Why what?” Bucky asked, giving her one last chance to tell him something useful before he handed her the bag of money and told her to get lost.
“Ask about other women?” she asked.
“I was just wondering if you'd seen someone I’m interested in,” Bucky said simply.
“Why are you interested in her?” the young woman asked.
“For many reasons,” Bucky told her as he rose from the bench. “For our purposes here, I’m curious about the part she played in the last few days.”
She sighed again but didn’t move as he stood above her.
Hauling the bookbag off the ground, he held it up for her. It was filled with money, a lot of it, hers for the taking.
“Take this and make a fresh start,” he told her. “But this talk didn't take place. You understand?”
Slowly, she stood, her head ducked making her smaller than him. With a hand, she reached to take the bag from him. She froze. Her hand gripped one of the straps, but she’d stopped moving.
“Oh, God,” she whispered. “I can’t…”
She couldn't take the money?
“I’ve got it,” another female voice came from behind him, with a Russian accent. Before he could turn to see who it was, he felt the blade pierce his clothing, pierce his skin before sliding into his flesh at his side. The fuck?
The pain didn’t subside when the blade was pulled free as he expected. The pain grew in intensity, spreading out from the wound.
Was the blade coated in poison?
The woman in front of him now held the backpack in one hand, pulling the mask from her face with the other. Bucky's pain was breathtaking and had him gasping as he dropped to his knees, gripping his side with his hand and listening to shouts from his men drawing closer.
Bucky stared up in pain and rage at the woman he now recognized as Mrs. Steve Rogers.
“You!” he managed. “You fucking bitch! You’re… You did this?!”
Her eyes were fierce on him. “I did,” she said.
"Evil bitch," he hissed.
"When all of you commit violence, you're protecting your family," she explained angrily. "When I commit violence, I'm an evil bitch."
His gaze darted to the backpack and back.
“And you’re taking the fucking money… too?”
Yelena Belova was there, trying to pull her away.
“I’m giving it to her,” she said as Belova pulled her away. “Just like you wanted.”
Bucky's mind was a mad whirl of thoughts as pain strengthened its grip on him. It was her. Not her husband. Did that mean...?
"Is Steve even alive?" he managed.
She held his gaze. "He is."
"He's not in good shape," Bucky shot back, hating how the pain rendered him unable to wring her neck. "He wouldn't let you... He's bad off if you..."
"We have to go," Belova urged her, grabbing Mrs. Rogers' arm and pulling her behind her in earnest.
“I’m… I'll get you!” Bucky promised, his vision fading to black at the edges. "I'll survive this... and I'll get you!"
"If you survive this," she called back, "Steve will get you."
Then she was gone and his men were there, crowding around him, their shouts fading as he let the darkness claim him.
@valsworldofcreativity @21stcenturywitchcraft @coconutqueen21 @bval-1 @caffiend-queen @sadlittlecountess @candy-and-writing @capsicle-shield @chaoticfiretaconerd @chrisevansgirl @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @coldmuffinbanditshoe @daughterofthenight117 @hv-chw3 @iheartsebstan @imanuglywombat @just-one-ordinary-fangirl @justrae9903 @lokislastlove @mariaenchanted @maxwelllee2020 @nekoannie-chan @nerdwholikesword @notyourtypicalrose @optimistic-dinosaur-nacho @peaceinourtime82 @rainbowkisses31 @rayofdawnworld @richonne4life @rissysthoughts-blog @saiyanprincessswanie @scarletsoldier21-blog @shygirl-00 @supernaturaldean67 @sweater-daddiesdumbdork @team-iron-wannabe-man @titty-teetee @tonib666 @villanellev @vitamingummies @what-is-your-plan-today @what-is-your-wish @xoxabs88xox @rosalynshields @naturalthrone22 @marvelovernfan @gotnofucks @eralen @kawairinrin @bluemusickid @geminievans1 @daughterofthenight117 @sunmoonandbuckyrecs @jesevans @kandis-mom @salvatoreitmeanssaviour @kmc1989
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starcrossedxwriter · 2 years
Here is the master list for all my fics! The date at the bottom is the last time it was updated (I try to keep it as updated as possible)
Thank YOU for reading, liking, reblogging, and commenting! I appreciate and LOVE the reception and feedback and commentary more than you could ever know - it fuels me and keeps the inspiration flowing!
All stories have a face claim. However, with all my OCs, I encourage folks to see themselves in the story! Also I love angst BUT all my stories are happily ever afters so enjoy the emotional rollercoasters knowing everyone'll be ok lol Thank you again for reading! Love y'all!
MBJ Fics:
Built for Love Series - Michael B Jordan x Famous OC Reader Charlotte Elsbeth Jordan
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Series Summary: Charlotte Bennett was not looking for love when she moved to LA and landed her first role in Creed. Quite the opposite actually. However, her costar, Michael B Jordan, makes her question everything she once believed possible for herself and her future. As she builds a life and relationship with him, ghosts from her past threaten to destroy it all.
Series Warnings: Violence, Mentions of past experiences with DV, Angst, Mature Sexual Content
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6**) (Interlude**) (7**) (8) (9) (10) (11**) (12)
Completely random one shots that follow Charlotte & MBJ as they navigate the world as Hollywood’s Black power couple. Whether it be stardom, their work, parenthood, or relationship drama, the Jordans are building a love that will last a lifetime.
Oscar Night Part 1** (Part 2**)
Bleeding Through (1)
Falling Apart (1) (2)
Date Night**
GQ Couples Quiz
Wicked Fantasies - MBJ x Black OC
Moodboard: coming soon!
Series Summary: Raven’s life, as of late, was one unexpected turn after another. It seemed as though every time she got a break and could get her head above water, something came tumbling to knock her back down. As she struggles to get her foot in the door of LA’s call girl scene to make extra money, she stumbles upon her big break: Michael B. Jordan, Hollywood’s most famous, talented, and notorious actor, director, and playboy. One night of pleasure for him would solve many of her continuously mounting financial problems. However, an unlucky trip to the hospital and an ill-timed flash of a paparazzi’s camera snag her the proposition of a lifetime, one that would solve all her problems and allow her to live out her most wicked fantasies with the sexist man alive. However, she forgot one cardinal rule: fantasies and pretend never last and reality would always come around eventually. 
Warnings: Mature sexual content (18+), HEAVY Dom/Sub storyline (the whole nine), this is for the kinky girlsssssss, angst
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11.1)
Late Nights
MBJ Requests:
A Love That Never Fades (MBJ x OC)
Erik Killmonger Fics
Unbreakable - Erik Killmonger x Black OC
Moodboard: Coming soon!
Series Summary: Naja, the younger sister of the Queen of Wakanda, hated few things. And at the top of that shortlist: Prince N’Jadaka. Well, if she were honest, he was the entirety of the list. Once destined to be a princess of Wakanda, Naja was the picture of kindness and grace. Now, she is hailed as Wakanda’s most fearless, dangerous, and reclusive war dog. After more than a decade of putting as much distance as possible between her and the life she almost had, Naja is forced to come face to face with the person she hates most again. With a threat looming over Wakanda and lives at risk, Naja must decide if trusting Prince N'Jadaka is worth the risk before it is too late.
Warnings: Angst
(1**) (2)
Last Updated: May 31, 2024
580 notes · View notes
ctrlsznwrites · 2 years
a familiar face.
summary. after n'jadka's return, things tend to go the exact way the reader hadn't hoped they would. pairing. erik 'killmonger' stevens x black!reader word count. 1.57k author's note. I've sat on this series for a while and I finally want to finish it since I've been writing more regularly at the moment so please bare with me. and leave behind some thoughts.
series masterlist. | masterlist previous | next
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            [Your Name] hung up her phone, saying a silent prayer to bast that everything would be alright after this ritual to place and that her kids make it to their destination safely.  Letting out a deep sigh she made her way to the waterfall were the ceremony was being held. And even though she was hoping for the best, she couldn’t shake the feeling this wouldn’t end the way the elder and the kingdom would hope it would.
Once she got to the waterfall, she made her way next to her mother holding her hand as the ritual started. Her stomach felt as if someone had punched her repeatedly, as the ritual went on tears were present in her eyes. Watching the King who just lost his father fight his long lost cousin who was failed by two systems and his family. The anger felt from N’Jadka made her head swim watching as he delivered blow after blow onto Prince T’Challa.
The bile in her stomach rose as she saw him turn into the hurt little boy she had seen appear so many nights as he took the life of someone who he once knew as an uncle. Tears streamed down her face at the screams for Zuri losing his life, turning her head she couldn’t stomach much else as tears ran down her face.
Erik started on his speech as T’Challa fought to find the strength to continue the fight. [Your Name] couldn’t take her eyes off of Erik as he picked up T’challa throwing him off of the waterfall. All the wind had been knocked out of her chest as she tried to find the air to scream watching a childhood friend of her die at the hands of her first true love. Soon enough the council was scattering, the Queen and Shuri had been safely removed from the scene before Erik could notice.
But the same luck couldn’t be extended for herself, as she made her way to leave she was stopped by the sound of his voice.
“So, you think you can just up and leave lil’ mama?” This question caused [Your Name] to turn around taking in his appearance.
Looking him over she took a deep breath, watching the erratic breathing he had along with the cuts along his body. It made her sick to her stomach but a weight in her heart knowing it was just a scared child lashing out the fill the warmth of the village that left him to struggle after his father died.
“Yes, my King the ceremony is over, with the previous King being dead and all. I have to go report to my tribal elder , since she is my mother of this before you hold the first meeting. Now, excuse me but this is an urgent matter.” [Your Name] quipped, turning to walk away.
“I just got one question for ya’. Why’d you leave after you told me you got an abortion. And why didn’t you tell me you were from Wakanda? You could’ve helped me come here. We could’ve done this together.” He explained walking towards her.
[Your Name] looked Erik up and down quickly. “My king, if I recall you said, ‘Either you have an abortion or never speak to my ass again’ and that’s exactly what I did.” She rambled before quickly leaving the waterfall making her way back into the streets of Wakanda as quickly as she could. 
After what she had said to Erik, [Your Name] knew deep down in her heart that he would catch on.  That he would find out she had his children, but they wouldn’t meet him as long a single breath went through her lungs. 
Once [Your Name] had gotten home she’d explained everything to her mother, down to why her sister had to take the kids to M’Baku for safe keeping until everything was figured out. The sickness she felt had made an appearance earlier, which is why she is in her current predicament. Sitting on her mothers couch nursing water trying to get ride of the anxiousness she felt about the current situation happening.
This feeling only got worse when there was a knock at her door. Her mothers head snapped towards [Your Name] knowing it could only be the Dora coming to get one of them for whatever reason N’Jadka saw fit. [Your Name] signaled for her mother to sit down, going to get the door so this could be over soon then later. Hopefully the ball of emotions she had would go away once she finally was able to talk to him face to face. But even in her heart of hearts, she knows it’ll only get worse before it gets better.
“Hello, how may I help you two?” She questioned opening the door, with her mother standing right next to her.
Since Amala is the elder in the situation she would now be the head of this conversation, much to [Your Name]’s dismay.
“The new King has requested for your eldest daughter [Your Name] to come to the palace to meet with him. We also have strict instructions not to leave without her.” One announced, which the mother and daughter duo took in.
Amala went to objects but before she could her daughter beat her to it, putting on her shoes to leave with the two members of the Dora.
“I’ll go with no issues, but do you know why he asked to see me specifically?” [Your Name] knew exactly why he wanted to see her, but she was wondering what he was telling the people around him at the moment.
“Personal.” The two answered in sync, this caused her to nod her head following them out of her mother’s house.
On the way to the palace, [Your Name] couldn’t help but replay every moment she’s ever had with N’Jadka good or bad. She knew he was hurt by how he found his father, but she never thought he would be so blinded by his rage, if he did this to Wakanda. Its no telling what he did to get here, and that is what really shook her to her core.
Upon their arrival, she was escorted to the throne room where he was seated waiting for her. A weird sense of annoyance rolled over her at the irony that a few hours ago it was him entering this room, while she sat to the side watching him challenge his now deceased cousin.
Snapping out her train of thought she proceeded to greet N’Jadka. “My King.” She spoke softly moving into the room a bit more.
This caused him to wave his hand while a small chuckle left his lips.
“You can forget all that shit, [Your Name] you know me better than anyone. Ain’t not need for all this formal shit.” He held this smirk on his face as he walked away from his throne to get closer to her. Her eyes never left his person, as he started to circle her.
“There just one thing that really is getting under my skin at the moment. And with you knowing me better than anyone else in the entire world. Why the fuck didn’t you tell me you were from Wakanda!” He questioned roughly, she watched as his breathing started to get more rapid how his upper lip was curled in disgust.
“You knew my father was from here, what I went through in my childhood. And you still looked me in face, claiming to love me and lied to me.” Now, it was [Your Name]’s turn to feel awful.
She was caught in between a rock and a hard place, she loved him, she truly did. But she had a duty to her country to not tell him that she was brought up to speed of everything by her Uncle and the he knew she was carrying his nephews children. So many times she had thought to end it all, but she loved him too much, selfishly.
“Answer me!” He yelled, causing her to jump as tears rolled down her face against her will.
“I couldn’t let anyone know about who I was or where I was from. N'Jadaka I understand how this seems, but I was there to see how life was. I met you unexpectedly, I couldn’t blow my cover. You never know who the King sends to watch you.” She explained.
His face remained cold as he took in what she said. [Your Name] was now avoiding his face at all costs, she still had love for Erik. But she knew he wasn’t the person she met at MIT. He had changed and for the worst and she knew there was no way she could help him. He was a lost cause, and this isn’t the way she wants to remember him, or for their children to remember him. Even if they didn’t know he was their father, she wanted to keep the good memories she had if them, that she had told her children.
Her thoughts were soon interrupted by Erik. “[Your Name] I have one last question before I let you go. And please answer this honestly.” He started walking closer to her, lifting her chin up with his index finger.
“Are the children you have mine?” [Your Name] studied his facial expression and she could tell for once Erik was truly being sincere and vulnerable. 
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Spark [Chapter 2]
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Summary: She is a spymaster, not a warden. A hunter, not a caretaker. Yet here she is, trusted with the keys that hold the prison of one Erik "Killmonger" Stevens.
Notes: This chapter was super wordy but I set up like...two other stories and some of what Spark's plot going forward will be, so I'm proud of myself for getting this far without a concrete chapter plan (best believe I will be forcing myself to write one this weekend). Just clearing something up: unless I state otherwise, all of my fics take place within the same continuity. All of my fics focus on oc x canon pairings, and those OCs are black women specifically.
Word Count: 3.70k
Warnings: Allusions to racism and canon-typical violence.
Chapter 1 || Next [12/23/2022]
1991, Birnin Zana
Fatuma awoke with a soft gasp, sitting up slowly and blearily looking around her darkened room. The only source of light was from her clock, which emanated a soft golden glow. The preteen scrubbed a hand over her eyes, smacking her lips, as she slowly sat up, tempted to sink back into her silky soft sheets. Her bed was still warm—she’d been suffering from a cold and so her mother had slept with her daughter, the young girl uncharacteristically seeking her mother’s physical comfort. Fatuma’s throat itched and she noticed her water cup was empty. Getting out of bed, she padded over to her cracked door, easing it open silently. 
As she headed towards the staircase which lead down to the kitchen and living area, her mother’s sharp voice stopped her in her tracks. 
“Is this true, my king?” Fatuma peered over the banister—her eyes widened into saucers when she saw her uncle standing there, clad in his armor. Although she wanted to go and greet him, something rooted her to the spot. 
“I see.” The head of the Emem family ran a hand over her face. Expression strained, mismatched eyes fixed upon T’Chaka. When she spoke again, Fatuma heard the tears in her mother’s voice. A rare display of emotion from the otherwise stoic She-Wolf. “I will…I will update the records.” 
T’Chaka’s voice held a pleading note. “Desta—”
“T’Chaka.” Desta sharply said, before her voice softened. “Please. Don’t, Your Majesty. As your Spymaster, I understand. As your friend and sister-in-law…” 
“I know.” Another pause. The King swayed on his feet and Desta stepped forward, only for T’Chaka to raise a hand. “Will you tell Faraji?” 
“Are you insane—”
“It is a legitimate question, Desta.” 
Fatuma watched as her mother paused, then let out a bitter little laugh. “No.”
“Thank you.” Desta Emem turned away from the King, her brother-in-law, and walked over to the small bar, pouring herself a glass of wine and draining the glass. She leaned against the marble countertop for a long time, the King patiently and respectfully waiting for her to speak again. 
“…Is that all you want to tell me, T’Chaka?” Desta squeezed her cup. “Is there anything else I should know?” 
“…No.” T’Chaka firmly said. The She-Wolf blew air out through her nostrils. 
“I suppose both you and I will be telling our spouses some lies, come the dawn. I hope—I pray to Anub that it was worth it, Your Majesty.”
“I know.” A pause. “I pray it was worth it as well.” The King sounded more exhausted, more strained than she’d ever heard him. Repentant, even. Fatuma shuffled away from the banister and back towards her bedroom. The water could wait. Whatever the situation, it sounded grim and she did not care to listen any further. 
She pretended to be asleep when she heard her door open. Desta got into the bed next to her daughter and after checking her forehead, wrapped her arms about her daughter and pressed her cheek to Fatuma’s.
The young girl pretended not to notice the wetness of her mother’s cheeks. 
“It is my intention to deny any and all ‘exchanges’ to Wakanda.”
Fatuma paced the space below the throne room, as the Elder Council met above. It was tradition for the Spymaster to not be seen during such gatherings. She, after all, answered directly to the king. Never to the Council of Elders. She had respect for them—all of them. Their positions were earned, not simply given, just as her own had been. But as she answered to a single leader… 
The Americans are likely frothing at the mouth. Fatuma smirked to herself. It was she, after all, who advised against visitors to the country proper. She didn’t trust their leadership as far as she could throw them. Vigilance and suspicion. She’d advised T’Challa, Okoye and Ramonda, when they’d met privately the evening before. She’d spent time in America—sent agents into vital areas of their infrastructure. She knew how they treated their own people. Treated those nations with the resources they wanted and the lack of power to resist. She planned to assign two Dogs to each planned outreach center. They are like sharks—if they smell blood, they shall feast. 
“Shall we go ahead with suggestions of an embassy?” 
“Only in several countries.” T’Challa said. “The Americans refuse unless they are allowed to establish one of their own within Birnin Zana.” 
The Merchant Tribe Elder scoffed, “Out of the question.” 
Okoye piped up. “I agree.” 
Fatuma paused in her pacing, purposely letting her leg drop heavily. The sound of her heel clicking filtered up through the thin floor—she was sure that the elders had heard her nonverbal agreement. T’Challa, after masterfully disguising his laugh with a clearing of his throat evenly responded. 
“I have taken my advisors’ words into consideration and I will not permit the establishment of an embassy on Wakandan soil.”  
“My King.” The Mining Tribe elder said. “There is another matter we have been meaning to bring up.” 
Fatuma’s lips twitched—she had a sense of what it was. And based on T’Challa’s quiet ‘what is it’, he had a sense of what it was going to be as well. 
“The burden of the crown is a heavy one. Perhaps you should take a queen…” 
The rest of the meeting was a blur and standard. As they turned to more mundane matters, she made her way to the upper floor and waited outside of the door to the throne room—after a few minutes it opened. 
Fatuma inclined her head respectfully as the elders, one by one, filtered out of the great throne room. The Queen Mother squeezed her arm gently before vanishing down the hall with the others, leaving T’Challa alone, staring out at the skyline. She didn’t hide her smug amusement and called out, 
“An interesting conclusion, to the meeting.” 
“For Bast’s sake—my reign is not even two months old.” T’Challa turned away from the great window with an uncharacteristic scowl. Fatuma smiled—he was going to hate what she had to say, then. 
“I think you should get married, actually.” Fatuma folded her arms. “I might weep over Nakia’s loss, but she would make an excellent Queen.” 
T’Challa gave her a withering look.
“Nakia is someone I care for deeply. And she cares for me. She has been my lover and she is a close friend and confidant. But…” He left the end of his statement open. Fatuma strained her ears for signs of resignation or sadness, but there was simply a conclusion. “We desire different things.” 
“I understand.” Fatuma knew her best spy well. Marriage, queenship, a life tethered to the land of Wakanda…it was not in her nature. Nakia had always been one to look outwards, to look beyond. Her service to her people was in a more proactive, dynamic role. If T’Challa were a mountain, serene, peaceful and unmovable, Nakia—true to her heritage as a member of the River Tribe—was just that. Coursing and unpredictable, yet providing to the people who lived alongside it. It frustrated Fatuma to no end at times. But it was also what she—and perhaps T’Challa as well—loved the most about her. The She-Wolf came to stand alongside him, only for T’Challa to wrap an arm about her shoulder.
“What about you, elder sister? You will be forty, soon enough.” 
“Eh, eh! I am thirty-seven, cousin, do not add the extra years.” Fatuma swatted at the King as he began to laugh. “You sound like Halima.” 
“Speaking of Halima.” T’Challa thoughtfully said. “I want her reassigned to a particular task.”
“Reassigned to what?” Halima Emem, her younger sister, had been in deep cover in Hong Kong when Killmonger’s coup occurred. When she refused to accept orders, two of her fellow Dogs fled and the others attacked her. Like Fatuma, she had been charged with hunting and apprehending—or killing the rogue agents. Fatuma imagined their ends weren’t kind—she after all, had taught Halima everything she knew. And if Fatuma was vicious, Halima was brutal, built taller and stronger than her elder sister.
“I want her to go to Jabariland.” At Fatuma’s furrowed brows the King explained, “Shuri is Wakanda’s only princess and she is the head of our Development Group. As the Queen’s niece and one of the remaining members of the Wolf Cult, having Halima as an unofficial ambassador will show our confidence in M’Baku’s overtures of friendship.” 
Fatuma frowned but T’Challa gave a toothless smile. For someone who disliked politics, he was frighteningly adept at the art. Perhaps we are fortunate he does not relish the game so greatly. 
Working her jaw for a long moment, she finally conceded, “Halima will kick up a fuss, you know. She enjoys her work as a Dog.”
“I am well aware. But I have confidence she will not turn down what I am prepared to offer her.”
T’Challa gave a conspiratorial grin. Fatuma raised her brows. 
“Truly? That is how you intend to bribe her?”
“Do you think it is childish?” 
“A little.” 
“I have seen you baby your wolves, Fatuma, is bribing her with a panther cub such a ridiculous notion?”
Fatuma felt her cheeks flush as she thought of Sarabi and Zhali. She did tend to spoil them, that much was true--she planned to leave this meeting and go make them their favorite meal of rice, boiled chicken and yams. “I think Lord M’Baku will take issue with the sort of pets people like us keep.” 
“And that is why he will not know about the cub until Halima is already there.” T’Challa turned down the hall which lead to his office—clearly there were reports and missives to review. “I will make the proposition at the next  council meeting. I’m afraid I’ll have to ask you to inform Halima of her new assignment.” Fatuma made a mental note to order some of Halima’s favorite takeout. 
“I did notice Lord M’Baku was not in attendance today.”
“One of his wives is ill—he wished to stay behind and care for her.”
“How many does he have?”
“Four, I believe.” Fatuma hummed thoughtfully and T’Challa snapped, “I will not bring back concubinage as the standard, so don’t you even think about asking.”
“The line of succession was never lean when the King had multiple wives, T’Challa.”
“Yes, but the lack of infighting is nice, don’t you think?” Fatuma sucked her teeth, knowing he was correct. “If you are so inclined, you and my mother may chat my ears off about dating when I return from my walkabout in the countryside.” The walkabout had been Ramonda’s idea—a way to restore confidence and security amongst the people following the upheaval of the past couple months. And it was standard for several weeks, up to a couple months a year, for the King of Wakanda to tour the provinces of the small kingdom. 
“The crown is a heavy burden. You should have someone to share it with.”
“I have my mother, and Shuri. Nakia has never denied me a listening ear or advice. And I do have you.”
“How is Erik doing?” Fatuma’s brows furrowed and she frowned openly at T’Challa. 
“You see him quite often.”
“And he volunteers little information about the hours between our time spent together.” T’Challa gave her a pointed look. 
“I don’t spend much time with him, T’Challa.” It was true. 
The first couple weeks of their new arrangement passed in relative peace. 
Fatuma rose early and worked late, mustering up the energy to kick her shoes off in the front walkway before stumbling to the couch. There she would catch an hour of sleep before rousing herself enough to either fall into her bed or pass out on her study’s couch. Her heels were always in place by the entrance to her rooms in the mornings. 
Fatuma made a point of checking on Erik’s movements every hour or so, pulling up map on her beads and studying it. So far, he hadn’t done much—he spent a lot of time in the spare study, in the kitchen, in the palace training grounds. The mind-healer assigned to him came to see him in her quarters. 
Right now he was in the main living space, although she couldn’t ascertain what he was doing. If he’s eating on my couch, I will kill him. Fatuma thought, and closed her beads’ interface out. When she glanced over at T’Challa, there was a curious look on his face. It was one he got whenever he got down to the labs and tinkered, or was faced with a problem someone wanted him to solve. She didn’t like it and smacked his shoulder lightly. 
“Whatever you are thinking of, put it from your head.” Turning away, she called, “I have to meet with Okoye—do not cause trouble while I am busy.” Her beads hummed with a message—when she saw it was blinking red, she frowned. That meant it was urgent. 
“Me? Never.” 
His laughter accompanied her all the way down the hall. 
When Erik was a small boy, he found sitting still difficult. 
His teachers all claimed that he was ‘bright’ but ‘disruptive’, simply because his lessons bored him. Who gave a shit—he did his work, he got straight As, so he amused himself. If his friends got distracted by him fiddling, he felt that it was their business, not his, but this attitude got him hauled into parental conference after parental conference. 
His fourth-grade teacher, Ms. Duggan, sneered down her hawk beak nose at him as she recounted his latest offense, which had been attempting origami with his loose papers while the rest of the class worked on their math test. 
(A math test that he had naturally aced.)
Although normally Erik’s mother accepted teachers’ critiques with a practiced smile, this time she dropped the pretense of politeness. 
Demanding to know if her son quietly working on origami required both the principle and a hall monitor to be hauled in. When Ms. Duggan stammered, scrambling for answers, Dr. Cassandra Stevens gave Ms. Duggan a snarl of a smile and informed her that if she was called down to the school again for something so innocuous, she’d bring the board into this. She also informed Ms. Duggan that her son would not be serving a late detention, given that he was eight and she would not have him walking back to their apartment after the streetlights came on.
Erik had clutched his mother’s hand as she walked with him to the parking lot, keys jangling in her hand, black leather purse slung over her shoulder with his detention note peeking out, heels clacking loudly against the asphalt. She muttered under her breath in her thick Southern drawl, occasionally sucking her teeth and scowling. When they were both in her ‘82 Honda, she took a deep breath and stared out across the parking lot. When the heat in the car became too much, he tugged on her sleeve. 
“Momma?” Erik asked timidly. “You mad at me?”
Cassandra took a deep breath and turned to him, sighing softly and ruffling his hair. “No, baby, of course not. But remember what I told you about doing extra in class?”
He pouted at her. “But I was bored.” 
A fond, sad smile crossed her face.  “I know, Erik.” 
“Mr. Pritchard says you should skip me.” Erik said. 
“E-Erik w-we’ve spoken a-about…” Cassandra tripped over her words and took a deep breath. Erik reached out and put a hand on her shoulder, which made her smile as she turned to him. “You know your daddy and I don’t want that.”
“Why not? I’m the smartest kid in school, everyone says so, Momma.” 
“Because you are a little boy, not some excuse for the district to try and look good while failing everyone else left and right.” She swiped her thumb over the apple of his cheek. “Wouldn’t you miss Kareem, Danny and the others?” 
He saw his mother’s point—he’d be sad without his friends, but still. 
As quickly as his mother entered his mind, he banished her again. He wasn’t ready to mourn. He wasn’t ready to lay those memories to rest.
When will you be?
“Erik.” He took a deep breath and looked forward, at the woman staring across the table at him.
Madhi was a silver-haired woman with sharp eyes, a sharper tongue but a warm and honest heart. It was her job to be utterly impartial, and her commitment to her role stunned him. Not once did he detect resentment, anger or even disdain. Simply an open ear, sound advice, and perhaps even a bit of understanding. When he returned his attention to the elder woman she smiled a little. 
“Done daydreaming?”
“I wasn’t.” He insisted almost childishly. 
“Do you think you’re up to speak about your family today?” She laced her fingers together. 
“Everything’s in my file, doc.” 
“I knew Prince N’Jobu, Erik.” She reminded him. “And I’m aware of what’s in your file. But I’m talking about your father. Your sister. Your mother.” 
Erik fell into silence and he saw Madhi give a quiet, understanding quirk of the lips. Progress was glacial and some part of him deep inside felt guilty about making her job harder, but at least she wasn’t gnashing her teeth in frustration or throwing her hands up. His first and last attempt at therapy back in the States ended with the doctor, some tweed-wearing Becky from Upstate New York throwing her hands up and trying to put him on medication. After that, he’d been reluctant to try again, but T’Challa had mandated this shit…
“Alright, what about your interactions with your family here? T’Challa tells me that the two of you sparred the other day.” 
“It’s aight.” He shrugged lightly. Sometimes T’Challa’s capacity for forgiveness and tolerance made him want to smash his fist into his cousin’s face. Killmonger hissed that it was weakness and foolishness. Idiocy, even. Erik, Erik Stevens who once held an idealistic view of the world and of his future saw it for what it was. A form of strength. A willingness to embrace the shunned child, despite the disapproving gaze of the village. “It’s different.” 
“From your exercises in the American military.” 
“Yeah.” He felt, for the first time, that he was actually learning things again. As much as he hated to admit it, his cousin did know a thing or two.
Their session continued as normal, Mahdi silently reading through the journal she had him keeping, reminding him of their exercises and after bidding him a good evening, she departed, leaving him alone with his thoughts. 
His mind, he found, was a frightening place. It was a thought he’d increasingly had, in the last few weeks.
After pulling the spear tip free of his torso, Erik had awoken expecting to see the afterlife, only to see a panther the size of a horse staring at him. He did not need to be told who he was facing, for the orchid-colored eyes which burned out of Her face told him that he faced a goddess. 
He was inclined to spit at Her, curse Her for Her passivity, but something not quite fear and not quite reverence stopped him in his tracks. 
N’Jadaka. Son of N’Jobu and son of Cassandra. 
His father’s name had not stunned him. His mother’s had. 
“If you’re here to tell me how you always loved me or some shit, I’m not tryna hear all of that.” Erik snarled. Bast tilted Her head and a low rumbling reached his ears. It didn’t take him long to figure out that She was laughing at him. 
Even if I were so inclined, I would not beg forgiveness of you. Bast’s maw parted in mimicry of a smile. 
“Where am I?” 
You lie on the precipice between life and death. The goddess said. She got to her feet and loped past him. He felt inclined to follow. They passed between rows of baobabs, the call of the savannah distantly reaching his ears. He followed her into grass which tickled his bare feet, then rose to his knee, his waist and then above his head. My consort believes I should let you die. But death is easier than living—no, N’Jadaka, it is not yet your time. You carry my gift within you—and you shall use it for purpose higher than rage. 
“What purpose?!” He roared at Her. “I had my purpose!”
Did you? Bast stared at him. Beyond war, Erik Stevens, N’Jadaka Udaku, what was your purpose? When the ashes settle, there must be something to fill the void. Revenge only sustains one for so long. And when revenge is taken, where does purpose go? After reducing the world to nothing, would you have ruled the ashes?
And what of your mother’s ancestors? What of their sacrifices and struggles, only for war and destruction to be their ultimate legacy?  
Erik was silent. The goddess gave what he assumed was a pointed look. 
Go, Erik. The panther melted into the great, pale stalks of grass. Heal. Seek atonement. Rediscover your purpose. 
The goddess had not visited him again, since that meeting. He had awoken on a metal slab, thrashing and screaming until his throat was raw. That had been three weeks ago. 
The first familiar face he saw was T’Challa’s. His cousin looked exhausted, yet told Erik that he was pleased to see that he was awake. 
“Why save me?” He’d demanded. His final wishes rang in his ears. "Just bury me in the ocean with my ancestors that jumped from the ships because they knew death was better than bondage." Yet here he was. Alive.
“Because She decided it was not your time.” T’Challa had answered simply. “And She can be insistent, when She is ready.” 
And so he continued to live, all because a fucking god decided she wasn’t finished with his ass. 
He couldn’t decide if he wanted to laugh, to destroy something, or to cry.  Bonus: Spark Lookbook! (Prologue, Ch. 1 and Ch. 2) Taglist: @chaneajoyyy @muse-of-mbaku @tchallasbabymama @blackpinup22 @shimmerwriter @theunsweetenedtruth @why-wait-4-eventually
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age-of-heroes-x · 2 years
continued from here x @overtlys3xual
Damn, this dude was fuckin’ irritating. Erik wanted nothing more than to hit T’challa in the jaw for giving him the finger but he wasn’t stupid. His time and place would come. Sooner rather than later because he knew T’Challa didn’t have enough hate or fear in his heart to say yes. And he’d told Namor as much, tried to convince him to drown everyone, Wakanda included. But he had relented. He saw Talokan and Wakanda as sister kingdoms and so would not deny the king a chance at an olive branch. Something about playing nice like that made Erik want to puke. He watched T’Challa waste his breath telling Namor there was another way, that Talokan need not make an enemy of the surface. Then he turned to Namor.
The sea king’s jaw was clenched. He accepted the conch back with stoic silence. Still like the tranquil sea before a storm. It saddened him more than it enraged him. If T’Challa had seen what he had seen, seen his own people in chains, seen the violence they had suffered, then perhaps he would be as angry as Namor had been at the American interlopers. He didn’t have the age on him to even fathom. Words on history book pages could not convey how it had hurt. Erik started laughing. Namor could not decide if it was with him or at him. It was because Erik could see Namor was not ready to give up on T’Challa. He could see that he didn’t want to him. But that’s all that happens during war: people get hurt.
Killmonger had seen enough. He walked back to the sea. But, before he was far enough...
“This ain’t gonna go how you want it....” He addressed Namor but spoke loud enough for T’Challa to hear, “Should’a let me kill him what we had the chance.”
A warning. Erik put Talokan’s rebreathing device back onto his face and slunk back into black waters from whence he came. Namor watched him out the corner of his eye as he went. Then, it was just the two kings.
“It wasn’t all magic...” Namor finally answered T’Challa’s question, “..Perhaps it was more the strength of his spirit...There was a spark there that did not need much fanning to roar into a fire.”
He was silent for a moment, testament to his reluctance. And Namor wondered what Erik would have done. Likely killed or captured T’Challa. Then the full might of Talokan and its vibranium would have been brought down upon Wakanda and next, the world. He only wished he were as wrathful a man.
“I do not want that fire to spread needlessly....I do not want to loose him upon you and your people...Perhaps, I did not show you what was at stake. What it is I have to protect.”
Conquest was all he had addressed the first time he held T’Challa captive. He should have taken him to Talokan, introduced him to his people. Perhaps he would be more receptive than Erik to the concept of protecting something beautiful and precious. He produced another breathing device from the gold cuff on his bicep. He offered it to the black panther. 
“I would like to show you my world. I need you to understand why the surface must be held at bay by any means.”
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The Missing Piece (Erik Killmonger x Sister!OC)
A/N: Hey guys! This is the fanfic i probably had so much fun writing. Do I want to turn this into a series? I’m not sure. But if it does well, I’ll be gladly doing so! Let me know what you guys think!
Imagine if Erik had a sister that he left behind on his journey to Wakanda. How will she react to the news of his death? Will she return to Wakanda and meet the rest of her estranged family? Or will she let vengeance consume her and begin pick up where her brother left off?
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"Bitch, if you ever touch me again, imma knock your ass to kingdom come! The hell is wrong with you?!" I shout at some white girl who tried to touch my hair.
I've never seen someone run so damn fast in my life.
"Girl, when will they ever learn?" My coworker, Vicki, shook her head. 
"I'm telling you. Where I'm from, you get your ass beat for going near a black woman's hair. The hell I look like, a petting zoo?" I scoffed, Vicki chuckled. 
 The door bell rang and I went over to take their order. The campus diner was kinda slow around midnight, and I needed something to get me through the next hour before I got off my shift.
"I got this one, Kim. You go ahead and go home."
Shit, you ain’t have to tell me twice. I headed out the diner in record time and into the night.
The heat of the California sun never seemed to end, even after it got dark. Then again, I should be used to it. 
I shuffle into my dorm and shut the door behind me, sprawling across my bed, exhausted.
It was damn near 2 o'clock in the morning. I hated my job, but you do what you got to do to keep your scholarship. Standford was out of my. . . element a little bit.
 Growing up in Oakland, you had to be tough, otherwise you ended up six feet under. That toughness got me through a lot of things. Hell, it got me here,
But I learned very quickly that it don't matter how tough you are,
Ain't no place like home.
You're surrounded by people who love and care about you at home, but what's even better is that you're surrounded by  people like you. 
Here, I was the black girl in mostly white world. The odd one out. The "representative" of all things black. But I do what anyone else would-
Focus on what the hell I came here for and beat anybody’s ass that tries to come between that.
I dragged myself off the couch and onto my bed ready to pass out. I'm so thankful my roommate decided to take her frequent one night stands to their place. Otherwise, her ass would be on the street, tonight.
 I finally began to fall asleep when I hear a loud banging on the door.
"I know the devil is a damn lie. It is two o'clock in the fucking morning. This better be good." I muttered, groggily getting out of bed. Another loud knock.
"I'm comin', hold on a damn minute! If y'all don't stop all the loud noise, I swear, Madea ain't gone have nothing on me!”
Swinging the door open, 3 men in suits were standing there. The two men stood behind the shorter white guy staring at me with blank expressions.The shorter man with salt and pepper hair began to speak. 
"Kimberly Stevens?"
I swallowed nervously, but stood my ground. "It depends, who's asking?" I cross my arms in front of my chest.
"I'm Special Agent Ross, CIA. Do you have a moment?"
"Well, whatever it is it's two o'clock in the damn morning so it must be important. What is this about?" He hesitates for a moment.
"It's about your brother, Erik. We're going to need you to come with us."
With those words, my world came crashing down.
About an hour later, I ended up in a conference room at the CIA headquarters downtown. I tried pressing them for answers, but they wouldn't tell me anything. I know how this is supposed to go, so I made sure to keep my hands visible and followed their instructions-while scoping out the nearest exit. 
The whole time, I thought about what could've happened to Erik, and I pray to god that he is at least is still alive. 
He's the only family I got left.
A door opening snaps me out of my thoughts. Agent Ross from earlier sits down in front of me.
"So, is anyone going to tell me what the hell is going on?" I break the silence, not caring at this point.
"Miss Stevens, what do you know about your brother's whereabouts?" He asks opening looking at a folder.
"I haven't seen my brother in almost 2 years, except for the occasional Christmas or birthday card. And  if you think I know where he is or that I'm going to give him up, think again. I ain't no traitor or snitch." I lean back in my chair and cross my arms. 
He closes the file and looks at me. "Has he told you anything that he's been doing since you last saw him?"
I huff in annoyance.  "What part of "I haven't seen my brother in 2 years," do you not understand, fool? Is he here?"
He sighs. "Your brother is dead. We have his body, and since you are next of kin," Ross pauses, and looks down then back at me. "You have to I.D the body."
I shook my head. "You lying. He is not dead! You're just telling me that so I'll give you some information. Well, it ain't. gonna. happen!" I slammed my hand down on the table, fist clenched. I stood up looking at the mirror I knew was a two way, then back at the table.
He slides the file in his hands over to my side of the table, open.
A picture of my brother lying on a table, eyes closed and eerily still sat in it. I slid the folder back to him, and sat down. A thousand emotions running in my head a mile a minute.
"If he really is dead," I raise my head up, fists still clenched.
"Show me."
On the other side of the mirror, Okoye and T'Challa stood watching the exchange. They wanted to see what they were dealing with, what they were potentially bringing into Wakanda.
Okoye was hesitant and truth be told, so was T'Challa to an extent. But he knew better than to judge her, 
Especially since he was no saint either.
"In all honesty, I'm not too comfortable about this." Okoye spoke in Xhosa, to keep their conversation private. She eyed the young girls movements wearily.
"My King, are you sure you don't want to leave her be-"
"Yes, I am sure." T'Challa cut her off.
 "I have considered all of our options, but this one is pretty clear. My father made the mistake of leaving Erik behind and he almost destroyed us. However, he was a monster of our own making that we could have prevented. Just like her brother, she is one of circumstance. She is not responsible for her brother's actions and it is wrong to judge her because of him." He turns to Okoye, who nodded in understanding.
"I refuse to make the same mistakes twice." T'Challa looks back at the girl.  
"Does the council know? Or even your mother?" Okoye looks at him, eyebrow raised.
"No. I knew they would not approve. They will, eventually, but time is of the essence."
"The way I see it," He continues. "We do what we didn't with Erik. We'll bring her to Wakanda. We tell her about her everything, in due time of course, and then we let her make her choice.  We owe that much to her." He sighs, uncrossing his arms.
“After all, she is family.”
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Final Wishes (T’Challa & Shuri X Killmonger!Reader)
Characters: T’Challa & Shuri X Killmonger!Reader, Erik Killmonger X Sister!Reader
Universe: Marvel, Avengers, Black Panther
Warnings: Spoilers to Black Panther, mention of death
Request: can i get an angsty fic where reader is erik killmonger's sister and t'challa and shuri come to tell that her brother is dead.... and it doesn't go well but in the end is full of fluff(weird, i know) but the idea just suddenly pop up in my head
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It had been several days since you last had any form of contact with your older brother, Erik, and you had started to get worried. Erik never really concerned you with his work, but you always worried, knowing his work wasn’t normal. He’d be gone for days at a time, sometimes weeks, and he refused to tell you anything. All you knew is that it paid the bills, and bought you anything you needed or wanted, and that sometimes he went to different countries. The closest thing you could describe his work as was that he moved artifacts, usually back to their original homes.
The last you heard from your brother, he said he was gonna go meet some relatives from your dad’s side who lived in Wakanda. You were quite a bit younger than Erik when your dad died- you were having a sleepover, so luckily you didn’t have to see your dad dead, and Erik had expressed his thankfulness for this as well growing up. Erik had stepped up for you, being the best big brother to you. He kept you safe, he provided for you, and he made it clear that he would always have your back.
Then two people showed up at your door. They introduced themselves as T’Challa and Shuri- your cousins. They asked to come in, and you let them in, though you could feel they were tense. You sat down with them. “Did Erik send you? Has something happened?” You asked. Shuri looked at her brother for a moment, before looking back at you. 
“Um.. we have bad news.” Shuri started, and your heart dropped.
“Erik… passed away… the explanation of how it happened is complicated, but please, let us explain.” T’Challa asked, before he started to explain what had happened, from start to finish. It was clear they didn’t want to jump right into how it happened, and as they gave context, before ultimately telling you about his death, you understood why. 
You wanted to be angry. You essentially just let your brother’s killer into your home. But you were also distraught. Erik was always righteous, and he’d always promised you one day he’d get your dad’s killer, who you now know was your uncle, and the late King of Wakanda… and while it pained you to admit it… you understood.
“Before he died, he told me about you. He had promised he’d take you to see Wakanda. I’m here to ask if you’d like to see it.” T’Challa asked. You snapped out of your blank stare to gawk at him. 
“Even after what he did? Nearly killing you? Nearly destroying Wakanda? You want to invite me in?” 
“What happened was horrible, Y/N, we know that. Our father shouldn’t have killed your father, and he shouldn’t have shunned you and your brother, but we can’t change the past, but we can do good by the dead. Erik wanted you to see the sunsets, to feel welcome in the home where your father was born and raised. You don’t have to come with us now, you can come whenever, and however often you want.” Shuri tried to assure you. You let yourself think for a moment, checking the calendar on the nearby wall, taking a deep breath in. 
“...Can I come with you today?” You asked them. They smiled reassuringly, and nodded.
Hope you like it! If you have any questions, please send them in! 
*Not my gif
TAGS:  @klanceiscannon14​ @waywardemo​ @marvelhoeingismyhobby​ @bellamyblakemorley @dummiesshort @abbybills22-blog​ @waywardemo​ @mutantjediavenger​ @theoraekensnotsosecretlover​ @alicedanganh  @courtneychicken​  @graysonmalfoy​ @bellero​ @originalpottervengerlock​ @supernatural-pan​ @esoltis280​ @lena-stan-xavier​ @lady-of-lies​ @sebstanismylife​ @macbetheliza @mandywholock1980​ @cdwmtjb8​ @caswinchester2000​ @determinedpines​
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captain-noir · 6 years
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the prodigal son returns
“now what, n’jadaka? are you to kill me like you did our family?”
“no, dearest cousin.”
“hold me hostage then?”
“the thought has crossed my mind”.
“wouldn’t it be more fun at my side, ruling our empire.”
“you want me to build you weapons?”
“i want to make you a queen and a wife. what say you, cousin?”
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anime-kia · 2 years
Internet Lover
If you don't know, Twitch is a platform where people can broadcast and livestream things from gameplay to "just chatting". Its a dope platform (of course there's trolls, but I mean what social media app doesn't have those?).
Twitch Terminology: 
Raid: When a streamer brings their channel viewers to another persons stream (happens once they've ended the stream)
Sub: Subscriber (they pay to be subscribed [or they can use Twitch Prime for free] to a channel: which gives them access to custom emotes, badges and other things as well)
Bits: 1 bit = 1 cent (these are like tips)
No warnings.
Relationship: Twitch Partner Erik x Reader
King.Killmonger, also known as Erik Stevens lived up to his name. He was a big name in the Twitch community, mainly known for his highly skillful Call of Duty gameplay, but is also good at many other games. 
You discovered him from your little brother, Kai. The both of you were gamers, and he put you on to Twitch. Before that, you mainly used YouTube to watch other people's gameplay. 
One evening when you were babysitting your younger brother who was suppose to be doing his homework, you caught him on his iPad, and confiscated it away from him before he could even protest. But what stopped you was the smooth and low voice that vibrated your eardrums so pleasantly. Even better was the chestnut coloured male in the bottom right corner of the screen, his face so focused with his eyebrows furrowing slightly, bottom lip pulled between his teeth.
"Who's this?" You asked Kai.
"King.Killmonger. Now gimme it back!" 
"Not until you finish your homework. I ain't getting the blame if your ass does bad in school."
"I ain't gonna do bad!"
"I don't care."
"Give it-"
"Yoooooo! I know y'all seen that trick shot! Oh my God, bruh!" Killmonger's voice sounded through the tablet. "Please tell me someone clipped that."
"You made me miss it!" Kai yelled in frustration. 
"If ya homework was done you wouldn't have." You shrug and walk into the kitchen.
"You're so annoying, holy shit!"
"Cuss at me one more time and I'll show Mom your browser history."
You could hear him gasp in the other room. A smirk of success graced your lips.
Sister: 1 Brother: 0
Now to present day, you never missed one of his streams. You even snuck to watch him if he streamed while you were in class. 
Erik was very confident and some people could easily mistake that for cockiness. There was one time where this other streamer decided to start beef with Erik for no good reason other than jealously. 
"Aight so here's the story. I said, 'Honestly, bruh you really ain't even worth my time. You doing this shit for clout. You do what you do and imma do what I do, aight?'" His tone was calm, but you could see it in his eyes, the irritation. "Then this nigga goes, 'You're not shit, you never will be shit.' I had to fuckin' laugh, nigga don't even have a third of my followers and got some nerve to talk about me. Anyways, so he says, 'I wouldn't be nothing without my followers.'" Erik bursts out into laughter as he gets up from his gaming chair. 
There was shuffling in the background for a little while until he returned, plopping back down into the chair with a piece of paper in his hands. 
"Y'all can see that right?" He asked with humour in his tone.
The comments flooded with laughing emojis, his emotes, and different variations of comments that applauded him.
"Erik Stevens. PhD in Engineering." He stroked his beard, in fake thought. "Hmm... I would be nothing? Look, y'all my niggas, but I'd be flourishing regardless of Twitch."
Not only was he handsome and talented, but he was also educated. To say you had a crush on him would be an understatement. 
Maybe you had a chance, but there was this one female who he would often play with, she was pretty good at gaming as well. Everyone thought that she was his girlfriend for the longest time, you included. 
She was pretty; light skin, curly medium length hair, slanted hazel eyes, full lips and a slender figure with meat in all the right places. She too was an Internet personality, part time Instagram model, full time YouTuber. Yes, you did stalk her on Instagram. 
They had a bond which seemed inseparable, but other than the assumptions from everyone, they kept their relationship private. 
Erik had a very large male audience compared to females. Because his chat was incredibly active (even in slow-mode) he wouldn't always be able to read messages or notifications, but more times than none, he would thank his viewers for their support and contributions.
There was one time when you subscribed to his channel and he said your username as he thanked you. You clipped it just for yourself, completely ecstatic hearing him say your nickname. 
Seeing Erik stream and how much he enjoyed it motivated you to start streaming. You played a variety of games from first-person shooters to RPGS. Your following was small with an average of ten people showing up, some of them were your online friends and sometimes you would get random people too, but it all depended on what game you were playing and if your webcam was on or not. 
It's not that you would have your cleavage in the camera or a full face of makeup with your hair done to attract the viewers, but you were a female. Some guys enjoyed seeing female gamers play things like Call of Duty, and others did not. You normally kept your webcam off for first-person shooters, but this time you decided to keep it on.
"Hey Tracey, yes I do have my camera on this time." You smiled, getting ready to start the match. "How was my day? My day was alright I guess. I had to go to the supermarket, and y'all know I hate that. Picked up Kai from school and got some... Unfavourable news, but overall I'm doing okay."
The match began counting down, so you adjusted the volume on your gold and black headset. 
As soon as you would join a lobby, you would mute all of the other players unless they were your friends. For some reason, CoD lobbies were just so toxic and you did not have the time to curse out a caucasian child (hell, even the adults) for using the N-word or harassing you because you're a female. 
The viewers in your stream chatted amongst themselves and sent some messages out to you. You would glance over every now and then to read the chat.
Your thank you alert dinged in your ear, signalling that you just received a new follower. It was the clip from Master Chef, season 3 episode 1.
"Thank you for the follow MysticBubblez. Welcome to my channel!"
The kill confirmed match was going fairly well, except this one person that kept getting kills off of you from camping. "Fucking annoying ass, dirty, cheating ass bitch." You raged. "I swear I hate campers, like get the hell off the game if you're so scared. The fuck?"
Kai scream something from his room, but the game audio drowned out his words.
"I'm sorry if y'all can hear my brother screaming in the back, the kid is a maniac I swear."
The match was close to an end and your team was up by two. 
"Come on y'all, collect the tags!" You yelled to no one in particular, considering you muted them all.
You were so focused in on not losing the game which was neck-and-neck, but you were caught off guard by the continuous follower alert going off in your ears and the one that told you someone just raided your channel.
"Oh shit, whoa whoa, hold on! Sorry y'all gimme a second." 
At first you thought it was just another small streamer that had raided you, but your chat was flooded with emotes. Killmonger's emotes.
Your heart began racing like crazy. 
"Oh my God. No way! No fucking way!" 
You completely set your controller down and watched as your chat was flooded with new names. All of your regulars were being drowned out. The thumping of your heart was so intense, you could swear that it was about to jump out of your chest. Then you saw his name pop up with the purple verification check. 
Your eyes grew three sizes while reading his comment. 
King.Killmonger: Wassup lil mama? 😈
You covered your mouth with your hand, staring in absolute shock. 
Traceyyy: Ma'am the alerts, mute them LOOOL
"My bad." You laughed, silencing the alerts. "Um, hi everyone! What the hell is actually happening? I know my favourite streamer didn't just raid my little ass channel."
You had to put the chat in slow-mode because it was going insane. You couldn't even see your moderators' comments and even a few of Erik's comments got lost in the chaos too.
King.Killmonger: I'm ya favourite? No surprise heheh.
"Wow, oh my God. I didn't even know you were streaming today, I've never missed a stream before, but I can't even be mad." Your voice was light as you spoke.
The bedroom door bursted open with Kai flying in. "Yo, Killmonger just raided you!"
"I know Kai, what the fuck!?" 
He went into the webcam, "Hey King K, I love your streams! Raid me next, my sister is trash at video games, I'll make it worth your while I swear."
"Kai, get outta here!" You pushed him out of your room and locked the door. You sat back down and apologized, "Ugh, sorry about him. Anyways, thank you so, so, so, so, so much for the raid. I definitely just hit affiliate thanks to you too, wow!"
King.Killmonger: LMAO 😂 Np lil mama 
Then your annoying little brother commented.
Kuickscope_Kai: This wouldn't be possible without me
"Kai shut up before I tell mom about your math grade."
But he is right, you would've never found Killmonger, thus you would've never started streaming if it weren't for him. You could thank him later though.
Kuickscope_Kai: Thats why your ugly 
King.Killmonger: @kuickscope_kai you cappin' she ain't ugly bruh
Kuickscope_Kai: YO @King.Killmonger 😱
Your little brother was freaking out in his bedroom, yelling in excitement because Killmonger just replied to him. You were also freaking out because he basically called you good looking, even if you were dressed in your university's sweater, a pair of tights, no makeup and hair slicked back from two days ago. Your profile picture was nice though, snapchat filters were truly a life saver.
"First of all, it's y-o-u-r-e. But anyways, once again thank you so much for this raid you don't even know how happy I am right now, like my cheeks are hurting from smiling. I'm really in shock."
You were so thrilled, even after ending your amazing stream. Before going to sleep, your phone had so many notifications about different followers on all of your social media platforms. What blew you away even more was that Erik really followed you on everything. 
"There is no way this is happening, I'm about to wake up from a dream I know it." You sighed, sliding your body underneath your covers and retiring for the night.
You ended up dreaming about playing online with him, so when you woke up you were certain that it was all just a vivid dream. But that was until you lifted your phone to check your notifications and saw an Instagram DM from Erik.
King.Stevens: wassup? Your stream was super dope yesterday, I enjoyed myself.
So it wasn't a dream... The beating in your heart picked up once again.
It took you the whole day before you could respond to his message. You were too nervous and afraid to answer back. He was so intimidating, so powerful and so handsome. What could you say to a man like that?
You contemplated leaving the message alone until you could collect your thoughts together. He sent that message at 1 a.m. and you responded just before midnight stuck.
You: Thank you so much. I really appreciate that! 
He replied within five minutes.
King.Stevens: Lmao dang it took you the whole day to get back, I thought you were never gonna respond
You: Ah, sorry I just was too nervous
King.Stevens: No worries... Aye can I get your gamertag tho, wanna play together? 
You: I'm not that good tho, you're in those elite squads lmaoooo
King.Stevens: I aint even worried about nun of dat, just you and me, not competitive. Plus I wanna talk to you, hear more of that pretty voice
You could feel your cheeks heating up at this point.
You: I guess so 😅
So you typed your gamertag and sent it to him.
King.Stevens: You got time tomorrow or am I gonna have to wait another business day cuz I make you nervous
You: 😂 we can play tomorrow
King.Stevens: Aight bet. Don't stand me up either 
You: I won't! I'll be on around 3 your time
King.Stevens: Oh yeah, I forgot about the timezones. Where you stay?
You: New York
King.Stevens: That's dope, I was hoping TwitchCon would be held there this year but they doing it up here again
You: Of course :/ I been wanting to go
King.Stevens: You never been?
You: Nope, I got school that I'm paying for so I barely have time. And Cali is expensive! A plane ticket, plus a hotel, plus the event is more than I can afford atm.
King.Stevens: Dang, I feel that. Them student loans be expensive as shit
You: Tell me about it omg
King.Stevens: Aight, hold on. I don't want to get to know you over DMs, so imma hit you up tomorrow and like I said, don't leave me hanging
You: I won't LMAO! Talk to you later.
King.Stevens: Night lil mama ;) 
The next morning you woke up extremely excited. You even contemplated getting on a little bit earlier just in case he was on early as well. But judging by his Instagram story, he was at some club in LA celebrating his friend, Roger's, birthday, so he was probably still asleep. The time differences would have its affect as well.
You were sure he had a hangover too, there was so much booze in every single clip of his story. He looked mighty fine though. His beard and hairline were both nicely lined up, dreads hanging loosely on his forehead,  gold caps peeking from his mouth every time he rapped to a song or smiled for a picture, tight fitted black t-shirt showcasing his muscles and a gold cuban link resting over his broad shoulders, not the typical chain he wore with a unique ring looped through it. 
Unfortunately he didn't show off the rest of his outfit, but you could only imagine the name brand sneakers he had on. 
You decided to catch up on the rest of your notifications with a bowl of cereal for the rest of the morning. Your Twitch following grew three times more than what you originally had, a lot of thirsty guys flooded your DMs on both IG and Twitter, and even your Snapchat was going off. Something told you to ignore all of the new video and picture messages though.
Does Erik even know the impact he could have on someone's life, you wondered. 
Just a day ago you were practically no one, and now all of sudden, hundreds of thousands of people knew you. Killmonger rarely raided anyones channel, so what made you the special one? It couldn't have been random selection.
Three p.m. his time seemed like it took forever to come. You hadn't realized how much of a difference there was with the timezones, but then again it could be because you were anticipating playing with him the entire day. It felt like watching water boil.
You went to the mall with a few friends and then to a restaurant to kill even more time. Usually when you do that the time flies, but you checked your watch so often that it felt like time began reversing. 
Finally the clock hit six p.m. and you turned on your system and slipped on your bluetooth headset. Like clockwork, you got a notification: King.Killmonger has invited you to a party.
All of your nerves spiked right back up, heart beating so incredibly fast. This was really happening.
You accepted the invite with a shaky hand. 
When you got in it was quiet at first, noticing that the party was on private.
"H-hello?" Your voice came out smaller than you expected.
About ten seconds later he finally turned his headset on, "Aye, wassup lil mama? You accepted that invite real fast. Thought you'd be a day late again." He teased.
His voice ran smoothly in your ears, and it was a bit rusty like he had just woken up.
"Wow, it was just that one time." Your eyes rolled.
"I'm just fuckin' with you. What you tryna do?"
"I mean we can play CoD." You suggested.
"Modern Warfare?"
"Aight bet." He agreed, placing the disk into the system. "Think you can run with the big dogs?" 
"I'll try. I ain't shy."
He chuckled, "Nah lil mama, you came in here on some, h-hi. I heard that, sounding like you scared or some."
"I did not!" 
"It's aight, don't trip." He was laughing. "I don't bite... Unless you want me to."
Your eyebrows jumped at his suggestive remark. 
He sent you another invitation to the game.
"Team deathmatch, kill confirmed, domination?" Erik asked.
"I'm cool with anything, just use 'quick play' so we can play whatever."
"I like that, you decisive. I hate when folks can't make up they mind."
"I know, you always get mad at your friends for not choosing something."
"Only reason I let they ass choose is cuz they say I'm selfish if I make all the calls." He huffed in annoyance. 
You could relate, just like earlier when you were out with your friends. You spent an extra hour in the mall deciding on where to eat. Some wanted seafood, others wanted chicken. You gave them suggestions of restaurants that carried both, but for some reason they didn't want to eat at those restaurants either. The funny thing was you all ended up getting pizza.
You explained this to Erik and he was amused. 
"At that point I'd just go home." He said.
"I would've, but we were all starving and I'm out of groceries."
"It's a dude coming on your left with a shotgun."
"Thank you." Before the other player could shoot you, you threw a stun grenade and shot him with your AUG. 
"So y'all don't got bread and butter at least? You could've ate that and called it a day."
"That's something my dad would say." You rolled your eyes. 
"Daddy knows best." He was smirking.
"Sure, whatever you say." You let out a silent laugh, "I'd rather deal with them being indecisive than eat some dry ass bread and butter."
The match ended and Erik of course dominated the leaderboard with way more kills than deaths. You were sitting just above average.
"That lobby was full of try-hards, bruh." He sounded annoyed, which is funny because the whole time you were talking he seemed cheery and relaxed.
"You had the highest score out of all of us though." 
"I did, but I actually had to lean forward for that damn match. Niggas was camping and shit."
"I know, they piss me off the most."
"I'm saying." 
It was amusing how you forgot you were talking to an internet celebrity. He didn't make you feel uncomfortable or intimidated, it honestly felt like you've known him your whole life. So that brought up your question for him that you had earlier.
"Why did you decide to raid my channel?"
"I was just browsing through Twitch and I saw your channel pop up. The name looked very familiar, and you were also playing my favourite game. I thought, why not share the love, you know?"
"So I got very lucky I guess."
"You can say that." He chuckled, "...A pretty thang like you playing a shooting game, what nigga could resist?" 
Your eyes widened once again, suddenly you felt shy and nervous again. "Th-thank you."
If you weren't already hot before, you most definitely were now.
The next few months were nothing you expected. Erik and you formed a friendship with flirty undertones that were unspoken. Getting to know more about Erik was interesting. He told you about things he never told his viewers before, clearly he trusted you enough. You too told him things about yourself that you never really talked about with other people either. 
Never in a million years did you think he would notice you, much less befriend you. He was on the other side of the country and you were just one of a million living in the city. Plus, LA had tons of beautiful women, and some were also gamers too. Just like his hazel eyed, light skinned friend. 
You must've accumulated enough good karma in your life for this to happen. 
You were in bed, binge watching episodes of Dr. Stone when Erik sent you a text.
E: FaceTime?
You paused the episode and replied.
You: Sure, gimme a sec
E: Aight
You took your bonnet off, and pushed your twists over your left shoulder. Your face was looking a little tired, so you washed and moisturized it, finishing off with a bit of lip gloss. There were bags under your eyelids still, but they weren't too noticeable.
You opened the app and clicked his name, and by the third buzz he answered. Your jaw almost hit the floor. Sexy wasn't even the word to describe the man staring at you with a grin.
He was relaxing in bed, dreads hanging messily over his forehead, pecs slightly making an appearance.
"My eyes are up here, lil mama." He teased.
"I hope you didn't call me naked." You lied.
His camera flipped, but all you could see was a blanket covering his lower half. Hopefully the covers were just ruffled so much that it was creating shapes, but if not... Lord pray for any girl who has been into contact with him.
Eyes wide, you gasp. "You are-"
He started laughing as he flipped the camera back onto his face. "What, you tryna see sum?"
"I- no! I said I hope you didn't call me naked!"
"You want me to get dressed?"
"I didn't say all that." You shyly said.
"Good." He smirked. "So what you up to?"
"I was watching Dr. Stone before you texted me."
"Oh word? All these months of knowing you and I'm just finding out you watch anime?"
"I could've sworn I told you this before."
"Nah, shorty. I remember everything you tell me."
"Is that so?"
"Mhm, test me."
"Where did I go on vacation last year?"
"Barbados. But you also mentioned it was for school, so it really wasn't a vacation, but you still had fun." He recited your words.
Oh wow, he did remember. When you returned from your trip, a lot of your family members and friends constantly asked, "How was Bermuda?"
Goes to show that they either don't listen or have poor geography skills.
"I'm impressed, Erik."
"I know." He cockily agreed with a wink, "But I been wondering. When is your birthday? You never told me."
"It's in two weeks on Saturday. I been busy with making plans and stuff."
"That's why you got them bags under your eyes. You need someone to put you to sleep, huh?"
He made your cheeks heat up in embarrassment. Erik often teased you with suggestions, but you tried to pay no mind to them.
"Well I am kinda busy. Plus, my brother and me share the same birthday so I been planning for him and myself."
"Ain't you nice? How's he doing by the way?"
"Better, but I'm still tryna push him to achieve higher because he's smart, but all he wants to do is play video games and skip school with his delinquent friends. It's hard cuz my mama is at work pretty much every day and she's barely home. My dad doesn't live with us, so he lacks that male role model in his life. Then me, I'm always busy, especially with school."
Erik hummed to himself, stroking his beard. "Lemme talk to him, I'll see what I can do."
"No, you don't have to, E. It's okay."
"Nah, nah. I mean he looks up to me, right?"
"I might be able to push him to do better. I mean look at me, I grew up rough, a young nigga from Oakland and I made it. I ain't using my degree or whatever, but I still got it."
You smiled, "Alright. But he's sleeping right now."
"Oh, well I didn't mean right now. I'm tryna talk to yo' fine self."
You bashfully looked away again, he constantly made you feel some type of way.
"Stop. Oh my gosh." Your voice went up a few pitches higher, "You're just saying that."
"I mean it, girl."
"Lemme ask you a question then." He nods at you to proceed, "Okay so, you keep flirting with me, but aren't you dating that girl."
His eyebrows furrowed, "Who?"
"The light skin one."
Erik chortled, "Hell nah. We cool, but she got a man. Some nigga from Ethiopia."
"But I thought-"
"I know. But it ain't like that..."
You nodded. Their chemistry was so good though.
"What about you? Who you got keeping me from cuffing you?"
He was so bold.
"N-no one. I been single for a while." You moved a twist behind your ear.
He sat up, and now you could get a full view of his defined chest. He caught you staring and flexed them both. Your eyes rolled.
"A while?"
"Yeah, my ex cheated on me with this girl I use to go to school with." You sighed, "They didn't even last longer than a month- and she got pregnant too, by someone else!"
Erik eyebrows were raised, "Damn."
"Then he tried coming back to me." You let out an airy laugh. "I almost felt bad for him, dude was crying, snot and everything."
Erik chortled, revealing his pearly whites. "He a whole clown yo."
"Right. My life is a movie, I swear."
"You're telling me. I thought my life was wild, but the shit you tell me got me cracking up, on God."
You both laughed and continued to converse together for a while, until you yawned.
"You tired, lil mama?"
"Yeah, I am." You were now resting on your side, blanket pulled up to your nose.
"I wish I could talk to you some more, I ain't sleeping for another five hours at least."
Damn the timezones.
"Me too." Your eyes were half lidded, and his silky voice was lulling you into a deep sleep.
He watched your eyes slowly shut down, enjoying the peaceful look on your face. It's interesting how these quiet moments on FaceTime were some of the best. It was a bonding experience.
Your social media platforms continuously grew and you even started collecting money from Twitch. People were actually curious to know more about your life and the secretive relationship that was forming between you and Erik.
Every time he streamed, the viewers would inquire about you. Every now and then you would leave a comment, but then you would be harassed by tons of comments. Someone dropped a ten dollar tip donation with a question attached to it.
"Trip, thank you for the ten dollar tip." Erik said, pausing the game to read the message. "When will you guys be meeting up? Well imma be at TwitchCon this year, ion know if my girl's gonna fly out too." He replied.
As much as you really wanted to, you couldn't. You had to get your priorities straight, like putting your money towards school and helping out with the house bills and groceries. Anything you made off the internet, you set that aside into your savings.
Some streamers would set up donation goals so their viewers could help fund various things like trips to different conventions, but you didn't feel all that comfortable doing that. If people wanted to donate money to you, they absolutely could, but it was never mandatory. 
It was funny how Erik calling you his girl blew up into a huge thing. Not even on Twitch alone, but Instagram too. You were now known as Killmonger's girl. 
People kept talking about you both. Some YouTube channels even went as far as posting videos based around it. Of course you knew how big Erik was on the internet, but you hadn't realized the real calibre of it all. If he made music, he would probably make it to The Shade Room. 
You talked to him about it, considering the two of you weren't actually dating, but he said let them believe what they want. Erik didn't care at all.
The only annoying thing was when people mentioned his other female friend. The light skin. She was still there, but you didn't really converse with her or anything. 
She was annoyed as well, and posted a video on her Instagram ranting to her followers.
"I don't know why y'all think I'm bothered by this. Erik and I are just friends, and I have a boyfriend. There is no drama, aight? Thank you, next!" 
You agreed with her, and you also wanted to make a similar video to explain things, but Erik insisted that there was no need to. Maybe he was right.
Two weeks later, Kai, your mom and you went down to the Cheesecake Factory to celebrate your birthdays. 
Kai was so excited because it was his first time going, and your mom was just glad to finally get time off of work to celebrate with her babies. You too were happy. Cheers to another year of life!
The smell of food wafted into your nose as the waitress sat it on the table. Your mouth was already watering. The plate of truffle-honey chicken was yours, Kai ordered the chargrilled bone-in New York steak and your mom got shrimp and chicken gumbo. 
Kai kept stealing pieces of shrimp off her plate so she poked his hand with the fork. He retracted it quickly, "Ouch, ma what was that for!?"
"Don't touch my food, boy." She warned him.
Your mom did not play when it came to food. 
You laughed at the interaction, "If you take a piece of her cheesecake you better say goodbye to your arm." 
Years ago when Kai was just a baby, you tried to take a piece of her cake, but she grabbed your arm so fast and rough you thought it was gonna come off.
"You better know it, tuh." She scoffed, while eating another piece of shrimp.
The rest of the dinner was filled with chatter and more food. You loved seeing your mom finally relax and enjoy herself. Around this time of the year, she was usually so stressed out because she was the one to plan your birthdays with her busy work schedule, and she somehow always managed to make it happen. 
At first you were going through the hassle of throwing a party, inviting lots of family and friends, until you decided that it wasn't worth it. You wanted it to be quality family time. Kai was cool with it too, as long as he was getting presents. 
Your mom was relieved when you told her that a small dinner at the Cheesecake Factory would suffice. She hadn't gone out to eat in a long time too. 
"I am stuffed." You leaned back against the booth, patting your stomach.
"Me too." Kai agreed, "I'm taking my cheesecake home."
You nodded, "Same." 
"This was a good choice." Your mom praised you, placing her fork down. 
You thanked her feeling proud.
The waitress came back so your mom asked for takeout containers and the check. 
"Oh and one more thing." She pulled two small gift bags out of her purse and handed them to each of you. 
"Thanks, mama!" Your brother and you both said.
In yours was a beautiful gold necklace with your name on it and a little diamond dangling on the side with a preloaded gift card of $100. Your brother also got the same gift card and Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot. He's been wanting the game ever since it came out. 
"This is so dope, ma!" He cheered and gave her a hug.
"Yeah, I love it! Thank you." You added and also gave her a hug.
"I'm glad you like your gifts." She mused and collected the bill from the waitress. 
"Another gift?" You raised an eyebrow at the package at the front door.
"Maybe it's from Dad." Kai suggested, taking the keys from you to open the door.
You picked up the package and read the label, completely shocked to see Erik Stevens printed out on the sender label. 
"Nah, it definitely isn't Dad." The box wasn't too heavy, and when you shook it, nothing really moved around.
Your mom looked at the label, "Oh it's from ya boyfriend, huh?" She cheekily grinned at you.
"He is not my boyfriend." You rolled your eyes.
How in the world did he get your address?
"It's from Erik." You told Kai.
He gasped excitedly and ran over to the package, "He was serious!" 
You frowned at your brother, "What do you mean by that?"
"Just open it!" He was very excited so clearly he knew about it. "Killmonger is the coolest man alive, bruh!" 
Carefully, you opened the package and there was a black and gold card on top that said 'Happy Birthday!' in fancy bubble letters with a drop shadow. 
The inside of the card read, Happy Birthday to you! For many more years to come, I wish you all the best. 
Cliché. You thought.
But underneath the standard greeting was his hand writing. It wasn't sloppy at all, but very sharp. 
I hope you enjoy these gifts. You're a Twitch star now, so of course you need one of these. (At this point you open the rest of your gifts- and there's one for Kai too).
You removed the packaging and pulled out two packages, one with your name on it and one with Kai's. 
"Here." You handed Kai his and in no time, he tore it open. You also opened yours, revealing a lovely purple sweater with the word 'Twitch' on it, plus the logo.
"Yo! And he got my size right!" Kai enthused, slinging the hood over his head.
You were about to try yours on, but there was a white envelope at the bottom of the box. His hand writing was also on top.
I hope I got the right sizes. So now that you got the sweater, you need to wear 'em somewhere. Go ahead and open the envelope. (P.S. Using paper is primitive, but I wanted to surprise you.)
Kai was watching your face and trying to keep his composure. 
"Open it!" He demanded. If his complexion was lighter, he would be as red as a tomato.
"Alright, damn."
You pealed it open and slid out two pieces of paper. Flipping it over, you almost dropped them in complete shock.
"We're going to TwitchCon!" 
"Yes!" He yelled enthusiastically. 
Your mother ran into the kitchen to see what all the commotion was. 
Kai was jumping up and down for joy. You were still in complete shock that this man you befriended over the internet went to these lengths just for you.
Later that night you FaceTimed him.
"Thank you so much, Erik oh my gosh! You really didn't have to, like it's too much!" You bashfully exclaimed.
"Never too much for you, birthday girl." He grinned. 
"Dude, you bought us plane tickets! Who does that!"
His smile was so big, almost rivalling yours. "I do, for special people like you."
"You really didn't have to, I feel like I owe you something now."
"You do."
Your eyebrows shot up, "I-I do?"
"Of course you do. When I see you, you owe me a hug." He joked, even though the look in his eyes were serious.
"But I mean I was gonna do that anyway." You giggled. 
"Oh word? Then you owe me a kiss." 
Your jaw dropped, "Erik!"
"I'm serious, baby girl." He smirked, running a hand through his dreads.
Well you did plan on doing that too as well, but you wouldn't let him know. 
"I'll think about it." You challenged. "No promises."
"Aight, but don't do too much thinking." 
Trust me, I won't.
Kai and you were anticipating the day to come and it finally did, two months later. Erik too was excited to finally meet you. No more seeing him through your computer or phone screen, you would finally be seeing him through your eyes. 
You hailed a taxi, waiting for it to stop so the both of you could get in. You gave the driver the address to the air B&B. Erik also wanted to pay for your hotel, but you refused. He already did so much.
Kai had on his sweater, but you reminded him the event was happening tomorrow.
"I don't care, imma wear it the whole time we're here." He insisted with a shrug.
"It's 78 degrees, Kai. Take it off, I'm not tryna smell your sweat the whole time we're here." 
This was your first time in Cali as an adult. The last time you visited, you were just a baby, and Kai wasn't even born. You were excited about everything. The weather, palm trees, plastic bodies, beaches, a possible chance at a celebrity sighting! 
Erik promised to give you a tour after TwitchCon since you would be staying a week in Cali.
When you checked your phone, he already sent you a text. About the same time your plane landed.
E: Welcome to Cali! 
You smiled, he must've had that flight tracker on his phone.
Sending him a quick 'thank you', you slipped your phone back into your carry-on and pulled out your camera. Kai was snapping every single moment.
"Ayo, look at that shorty." He zoomed in on her wide behind while snickering. 
You were driving by an outdoor pool and Kai was busy ogling at the females and their tiny bikinis. It was a sight you rarely saw in New York, so you could understand his giddiness, but still. Gross.
"See what you not finna do is that." You snatched the phone from him and deleted the video. "Nasty ass."
"Bruh." He glared at you, taking his phone back.
"Do stupid shit like that again and I'll send you home."
"You wanna be mom so bad, B."
You sharply cut your eyes at him, and he settled down looking back out onto the streets.
The cab driver was silently laughing to himself the entire time.
The air B&B was small, but nice. It was an apartment with two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a cute kitchenette and a living room area that had a large TV, a PS4, an Xbox One and a Nintendo Switch.
"Check and see if they have Mario Kart." You told your brother while wheeling your suitcase into the first bedroom.
"They do!" He turned on the system and set up the game.
You put on a pair of shorts because the jeans you were wearing became too hot, ordered pizza  and picked up a joy-con. "Ready to lose?"
"Who losing, you?" He challenged.
You playfully shoved Kai's head as you selected your characters. 
The two of you spent the rest of the night playing various games while eating pizza from a California native restaurant that you've always wanted to try. It was hyped up on social media, and after your first bite you definitely understood the excitement behind it. 
Several hours later, you woke up on the couch. The TV was still on and your brother's foot was in your face.
"Ew." You pushed it out of the way and sat up, realizing what had happened. You felt both jet lagged and hazy. 
It was pretty bright outside, like it was the afternoon.
"Oh shit, don't tell me we're late!" You ran into your room and checked your cell phone, but became instantly relieved when the time was only showing nine a.m. There were still another four hours before you had to get to the event.
The timezone differences were no joke! 
There was a text from your mom and Erik.
Mama: Good morning, baby. Enjoying Cali? You're probably not up yet. The time will throw you off, especially Kai. Lol.
She sent that an hour ago. 
You: Morning, it's great! The weather, the air B&B, everything. I might have to move after grad ;)
Then you checked Erik's text.
E: GM, princess. They just told me I got a panel to speak so I invited u to come up w/ me. Is that cool?
He texted you two hours earlier. Why was he up so early?
You: That sounds scary, what am I gonna do up there?
You set your phone down onto the bed and headed into the bathroom to take a quick shower and to brush your teeth. There was a supermarket five minutes away and you needed some groceries for the week. Pizza would not be sufficient enough for seven days.
The weather was gonna be in the high sixties for the morning so you slipped on a pair of shorts, a tank top and a pair of Nike slides. You got goddess braids styled into a pony tail, so you didn't have to worry about fixing it up too much. Maybe a retouch up on the edges, since you fell asleep without protecting your hair.
You left the apartment, leaving Kai to catch up on his sleep.
At the grocery store, Erik had replied.
E: U just gotta answer questions, no biggie.
Easy for him to say considering he's been doing this for a while now, you were still brand new to it. And that's what you replied to him. 
He sent three laughing emojis. 
E: It's easy, I promise
You were walking through the isles, picking up various items. You could feel stares on you, it was strange, but you carefully looked around to make sure no one was racially profiling you or that a weird man hadn't been following you around. It was relatively empty too.
You gathered your groceries quickly and brought them to the checkout. As you waited for the cashier to finish scanning you called up and uber so that way you weren't left waiting with the possibility of someone harassing you.
Six grocery bags and twenty steps later, you finally made it back into the apartment. Your phone vibrated once again. The shower was on, indicating that Kai was occupying it. He was lucky, you couldn't grill him for not answering his phone when you needed help.
You put all the groceries down and checked the message.
E: Lol u real famous now huh?
You: Wym?
He sent you a picture of yourself holding up two Ben & Jerry's ice cream carton.
E: Some lil nigga took a picture of you at the store. Check ya Twitter
So you did, and there were tons of notifications that were linked to the tweet with the same picture Erik had sent you. 
The caption read, "I saw @_____ at the Market, but I was too afraid to say hi 😓"
Someone afraid to say hi to me?
So you wrote back: @Maverickthegamer1800 don't be shy to say hi to me, I don't bite lol. Plus, I'm a normal person! 
You would much prefer a hello versus someone taking random pictures of you in public. 
For the remaining time you had, you packed away the groceries and made breakfast for you and Kai. Erik said there would be food vendors there so you wouldn't have to eat too much prior, and apparently there would be an after party as well.
There was a two hours left and the event was a thirty minute drive away, but with the famous LA traffic you knew it would take at least an hour. You took another shower, moisturized your body and dressed up in ripped high-waisted denim capris, a black long sleeved crop top, full black converse, gold hoops and the necklace your mom gifted you on your birthday. You shoved all your belongings in a small backpack and tied your purple sweater around your waist. 
"Ready, Kai?" You called to him from the front door.
He emerged from his room, dressed in shorts and his sweater.  "Been ready, let's go!" 
"Thank you." You said, closing the door to the blue Honda Civic. Your uber driver was quite friendly. She was a middle-aged lady who was telling you how her son wanted to come to the event, but he ended up getting too sick to go. You felt bad for the kid, but she did mention that it would be his fifth time going. She also complimented your hairstyle. 
"It's really beautiful, I wish I could get my hair to do that." She had said.
You would've lied to her and said it was possible, but hey, cultural appropriation exists!
"We're really here!" Kai said in awe looking up at the large building. There were so many people, even cosplayers!
A few people waved at you or shouted your name, so you waved back and said hello to them. Being recognized in public more than once was certainly a new feeling that you'd have to get use to.
Your heart was beating as you sent Erik the text. 
You: We're here 😅
Within seconds he responded.
E: Fr? Where u at?
You: We're walking through security now. Gate A
E: Stay there 😈
You: Okay
Him and that damn emoji.
You pulled Kai to the side and told him to stay put.
He huffed before speaking. "Your hand is shaking. What are you nervous for?"
"I-I dunno, I'm just excited." You explained.
The truth was you were nervous to meet Erik in person. You really had no idea of what to expect. But also, you were being acknowledged a lot more than you were use to. There were people from all around the world here, and some of them were fans. Your fans.
It was an odd thought, people actually came to these events to meet other people like yourself. 
Kai went to sit down on a nearby bench and pulled out his phone to post on snap again. He was pointing out all of the Twitch streamers that he followed, almost leaving his seat to go take pictures with them, but you didn't want him to get lost in the big crowd. 
"Just wait a little while." You sternly commanded him. He dramatically rolled his eyes.
"H-hi, can I get a picture? I'm a big fan." A shy female voice said. You looked to your right and saw a girl standing there with her and behind her back. 
She was about fourteen, dorky looking, but very cute. She was the first black girl you had seen considering the humongous crowd of males, and the lack of melanin. 
"Of course!" You smiled at the girl, and bent down a little to level with her. She snapped the picture and thanked you.
"What's your name?" You inquired.
"Arusi." She grinned.
The more she spoke, the more you could hear an accent. "Where are you from?"
"Tanzania, we moved to the US about a year ago." Her voice was so soft and gentle.
"I hope America's been treating you well."
"It's been good so far. Especially since I discovered your Twitch channel. You really inspired me to start my own." She beamed. 
Your heart almost melted. 
Me? Inspiring others!
It was truly amazing. 
"That makes me feel really special." You blushed at her, "I'm glad I could inspire you. Keep doing what your doing, okay?" 
"I will, thank you so much!" 
You gave her a hug and watched her disappear into the crowd.
"Ain't that cute." A familiar deep, and smoky voice came from behind you.
Your eyes widened and you turned around immediately. "Oh my gosh!" As if the beating in your chest wasn't already pounding enough.
He was really there. Standing in front of you with that signature grin on his lips and arms wide open. 
Of course he was attractive online, but in person took it to a whole other level. Your head craned upwards because he was so tall. You admired his smooth brown skin, dark eyes, straight nose and full lips. His hair was freshly re-twisted and lined up, beard and moustache both looking very healthy and kempt.  
His body was so large and muscular. You were sure once you went to meet his embrace, your body would be lost within his. And that's exactly how it felt as you rushed into him. He smelled so good!
He wrapped his arms around you, rebalancing himself after you threw it off. There were many reactions of awe from people around, but you drowned it all out, relishing in the moment. 
You knew the pictures and videos would be all over social media, but honestly you did not care.
He began pulling you away, getting a better look at you. It felt like an eternity as you both stared into each others eyes. 
"Hi." You shyly said with a bright smile on your face.
"Wassup?" He cockily smirked, flashing his gold caps.
You felt someone roughly tap your shoulder, "Can I go now?" Kai begged.
You glanced over and looked at him, "Yeah go ahead, but please do not get lost. And do not lose your pho-"
"Okay, mom! Hey Erik, Imma come back to you aight?" He promised and rushed off into the crowd. You sighed as Erik laughed.
"For sure." Erik agreed then turned back to you, "He was right, you do act like his mama."
You gasped, "When did he tell you that?"
Erik let go of your arms then wrapped one of his heavy arms over your shoulder, "Don't worry about it." 
"Ah, there you are!" A lady dressed in all black, carrying a clipboard hurried over. "The panel is starting now, come on."
"But we wanted pictures!" The audience whined. 
"Pictures after the panel, now let's go." She demanded.
"I got y'all later, no worries." He said and followed the lady to a stage area with seats set up and everything.
There was a seat for you, and your name was on a card beside Erik's. You greeted a few other streamers who were sitting at the table. 
"Don't be nervous, aight? You got this." Erik reassured you, patting your thigh.
The seats filled up very quickly, some people had to stand outside of the area and listen in.
The announcer came on stage and greeted the audience, "Hello and welcome to the annual TwitchCon, I hope you are all excited to be here! Today we're bringing you more updates and things to come in the future for Twitch." He looked back at the table, "Some of your favourite streamers are here to talk to you today and answer any questions you have and we even have a few newbies here too. So without further ado, I'd like to welcome everyone!" He began reading the names off as the audience cheered and clapped. 
The whole time the announcer was talking, Erik kept playing footsies with you and smirking at you. He'd poke your side, and one time he actually poked a really sensitive spot causing you to yelp. Everyone looked at you and you blushed terribly in embarrassment. You mouthed a sorry as Erik laughed. 
He would also whisper jokes in your ear, and you wanted to laugh so badly, but it would be impolite. 
"Honestly, this part is the boring shit that nobody really cares about." Erik admitted in a low tone. The blonde haired guy sitting beside him agreed and you made an amused noise with your nose.
A while later, the announcer finally opened up the floor for the audience to ask questions. You were nervous again because you haven't been interviewed like this other than for a job.
Luckily though, majority of the questions went to Erik and the other more popular streamers.
You figured teenage white boys didn't really know what to ask a black adult female. 
There were a good number of females in the crowd and one of them inquired about how it felt being recognized for more than just a pretty face in the Twitch community.
"Well thank you first of all." So many compliments, it was overwhelming. "It feels good, ya know. I'm really grateful that my viewers don't question my ability to game because I'm a woman. Of course I get the occasional troll, but my moderators usually handle that."
"What about you being black?" Erik added in. 
You smiled, "Well being a female is one thing, but being a black female is another. There will always be trolls, someone trying to bring me down, but I don't let it get to me. I'm very happy with where I'm at in life right now. I'm not hurting anybody, not causing drama with anyone. I'm doin' me." You commented. "In fact, when I got in here this girl- shoutout to you Arusi- said I inspired her. Do you know how good that made me feel?" You gushed just thinking about it again. "All I know is the gaming community can be harsh, but it's also an amazing thing too."
"Great response!" The announcer applauded, the audience also clapped as well. 
You knew that this crowd wouldn't be able to completely understand what it felt like to be a female gamer with African heritage, so there was no point in breaking it all down. Even though there were all kinds of people in the audience, but it mainly was teenage white boys. You were still happy to express some of yourself though. 
"Alright and we'll take a few more questions... Yes you in the back, blue hat."
The guy in the blue hat was handed a mic, "I have a question for Killmonger."
"Wassup, bro?" Erik rested his arms on the table.
"Is she your girlfriend?!" 
Your eyes widened at the boldness of this guy. Erik however, leaned back and stared at you. You tried to avoid looking into his eyes.
"Ion know, you gon' have to ask her." He slyly said, putting you on the spot. 
This was an asshole move.
You shielded your face and turned away. The purple haired female streamer beside you guffawed. 
"Come on, you guys always keep secrets from us!" Blue Hat complained.
"It ain't me bro, I just respect what the lady wants." Erik shrugged.
You finally lifted your head after you felt your heart rate calmed down slightly. You leaned into the mic and inhaled before looking at Erik and then saying, "Yes."
The audience erupted in different forms of cheer and celebration. Many "I KNEW IT's!" and "I TOLD YOU SO's!" filled the air as you and Erik glanced at each other during the madness. 
Who knew so many people cared?
"Alright, settle down. Settle down!" The announcer interjected.
Blue Hat still had the mic, "If you really are dating then kiss!" 
The audience went wild again as they chanted, "Kiss!" repeatedly. 
You already admitted that you were Erik's girlfriend in front of hundreds of people, might as well go the extra mile and seal the deal. Besides, you owed him that much for all he's already done for you. So you pulled him in and gently connected your lips.
Judging by the way he was preparing to move his lips, you could tell it would heat up quickly so you pulled back before TwitchCon turned into PornHubCon. 
Erik licked his lips, impressed at your boldness. At first he believed the furthest you would go was a kiss on the cheek, but you really kissed him on the lips after just meeting him for the first time. 
"Happy?" You asked Blue Hat. 
But Erik answered under his breath, "Most definitely."
"Yep, I just won $100 dollars. Thank you!" He cheered.
Everyone laughed. 
There are really some crazy people in the world. Making bets on other peoples relationship. 
At the end of the event, you, Kai and Erik were tired. You both more than him, Erik was use to this. Though you were grateful for the many people who were excited to meet you, taking that many pictures and signing that many autographs was exhausting.
"You still wanna go to the party?" He asked running his thumb over your knuckles.
"I do, but I'm kind of in the mood to sleep as well." You admitted. 
"You won't be missing much to be honest. I usually show up for the hors d'oeuvres cuz they fire, but other than that I bounce."
"I guess I'll head back to the air B&B then. Kai looks like he's gonna pass out anyway." You looked at your brother who was leaning against the wall, eyelids halfway open.
"I can drive y'all."
"No, no it's alright. You've already done so much."
"Baby, why you always quick to say no to me? I want that sam energy from the panel."
You made up an excuse, "It's gonna be a long drive."
"I ain't worried about no traffic, girl. That just gives me more time with you." Erik brought your knuckles up to his lips. Your knees felt weak. 
You sighed and gave in, "Fine. Come on, Kai."
Erik helped you into his silver Range Rover, locking the door before getting into the drivers side and Kai helped himself.  
Another hour and you were back at the air B&B. Your phone was blowing up with notifications about the whole event earlier. Even your friends and family had texted you about the kiss you shared on stage with Erik, mom included.
He walked you to the front door of your room. 
"Goodnight, Erik. See you tomorrow." Kai sleepily said and walked into the apartment leaving you two alone.
"Goodnight, Kai." He replied before fixing his attention back onto you. 
"So how did you get my address?" You began, it's been on your mind since you received the gifts from him. 
"Remember when you gave me Kai's number." You nodded, "Well I told him about my plan to fly y'all out here to LA so we could go to TwitchCon together. I knew you wanted to go, but you kept telling me why you couldn't. So I made a deal with him."
You beckoned for him to keep going.
"If he kept his grades up, I would get both of y'all out here for TwitchCon. And he held his end of the deal." Erik stated with a shrug. "I would say you should thank him, but I was gonna do it either way. It was a good motivator though."
"It was." You agreed. Kai's grades did change over the course of him talking to Erik. You were unaware of this happening, but you're glad that Erik did it.
It was silent again, Erik was staring at you with this calculated look on his face. It made you shy. 
"What?" You timidly questioned him, feeling small under his gaze.
"Nun, I'm just taking in how fine you are." 
He always knew how to wake the butterflies in your stomach.
"I'm also thinking about that kiss." He added in a husky voice. "I wanted a part two, and I still do." His fingers lifted your chin up and your eyes fell onto his lips that were closing the distance. 
You met in the middle, lips clashing together. Erik's arms wrapped around your frame, your hands holding the sides of his face as the kiss deepened even more. It was soft at first, but grew stronger with need and passion. You clung to each other, not wanting to let go.
You both dreamed for this moment for months and it finally was a reality.
The man that you use to watch behind your computer screen caused your legs to feel like butter, the butterflies in your stomach to go rampant and the beating in your heart to rival the sounds of a drum.
You couldn't have asked for more.
Yes! Finally finished! 
I have no idea how this became so long, but it did lol!
I'll be honest, at one point I felt like this story was super boring (and I was considering deleting it 3000 words in- there's 9000 excluding this authors note), but as I kept writing I grew to like it more, so I really hope you all enjoyed it. Even if video games aren't your thing.
Thanks for reading!
(Start/Finish: March 14-19, 2020)
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namjoonswifey99 · 3 years
Stop Playing Pt.3
Erik Killmonger X Reader 
Warnings : Cussing it get steamy Profanity Use of The N-word Possivness 
Author Notes: I Know I'm way behind in this story but I'm sorry I'm catching up now. I don't own anything but the plot and the last name.
Y/N was heated how dare he use her feelings against her who he does think he is. Y/N was now pacing in her towel throwing insults at Erik even though he wasn't present. Y/N decided she was gonna be bold and petty by wearing an outfit that she knows he hates. Y/N wore a brown chocolate two piece set that showed her slim figure and her gorgeous chocolate skin.The outfit was showing the top part of her breast a nice deep v cut and her skirt had a slit starting from mid thigh. Y/N then proceeded to put her smedium poetic braids in a half up half down look. Y/N looked in the mirror and she honestly couldn't believe how good she looked. Y/N other friend Monique was texting her to let her know she was outside. Y/N and Monique were more like sisters than friends.
“ Okkkkkkkkayyyyy Y/N i see you stepping on some necks tonight” Monique said hyping Y/N up. Monique was waiting on Y/N to come out of her shell and this was her perfect time to do it. “Well Erik been pushing me not to go to the party even using my feelings towards him so i said fuck it watch me go.” Y/N said making sure she got everything in her purse that included her taser, pepper spray, keys, and her pocket knife. 
“ Girl you are lying to me right now he did not” Monique says while looking at her in disbelief. Good thing they were at a red light because Monique couldn't believe what she was saying. “ That's crazy he needs his ass beat” Monique said while driving off from the red light. “ Girl like somebody is gonna be bold and touch Erik but I did call him a bitch”. Y/N said while pulling up her and Erik messages to show Monique. “ Y/NNNNN you didn't please tell- girl you're gonna get fucked up”. Monique said while pulling up to Aaron’s party. Monique then grabbed Y/N phone to see their messages and there it was clear as day the bitch word that dudes hate to call.
“ Y/N you better not let Erik catch you here he gonna fuck you up” Monique said Monique always been the one to see both sides. “ Girl I don’t care I’m not scared of Erik” Y/N says trying to be bold. “ Y/N we both know that that's a lie.” Monique said while looking straight at Y/N she understands her finally standing her ground but not this way. 
Everybody knew on campus that Erik is crazy and he definitely doesn't play when it comes to Y/N. Monique can only hope Erik or Y/N doesn't do anything wild tonight. “ Well okay you got me there but still he's not my dad nor my boyfriend he doesn't control me”. Y/N said  while trying to tell herself it's okay to have fun. “ You know I can take you back if you want.” Monique said getting ready to start the car.
“ NO I'm not about to waste an outfit especially while looking this good.” Y/N said while getting out of the car. While getting out of the car she already had eyes on her; they've never seen Y/N dressed like that. Monique on the other hand was wearing a nice bodycon dresses that showed off her curves if not her booty better. 
“ You ready to get wasted, Y/N”. Monique said, looping her arm with Y/N.
 “ Ready whenever you are Mo” Y/N said smiling ready to get her party on. It's been so long since she's been to a party and she was ready to have fun.
 --------- 1 Hour Later--------
It's been an hour since Y/N and Monique arrived at the party and Y/N was having the time of her life. So far she smoked 3 blunts with Monique and a few girls from Aarons crew. Y/N whispered to Monique saying she'll be right back.  
Y/N then got up and walked up to one of the coolers and grabbed her Mikes Hard Lemonade. She then spotted two bottles of Hennessy and grabbed one and filled her cup up.  
“ Damn Y/N i didn't know you could pop out like this.” Aaron said, eyeing Y/N up and down. Y/N didn't even notice Aaron was standing next to her.
“ I'll take that as a compliment then so thanks.” Y/N said, grabbing her drinks and trying to walk away from him. He then grabbed her arm to continue having a conversation with her.
“ Wait wait holdup what's the rush” Aaron said while still having her arm in his hands.
“ One can you let me go and second I have to get back to my friends.” Y/N said while trying to jerk her arm out of Aarons.  Y/N started to panic and look around to see if anybody she knew was by her.
“ Okay Okay I'll let you go but there's really no rush your friends can wait “ Aaron said while putting his arm around her waist. 
“ Please let me go. I want to go back to my friends.” Y/N said while trying to get away from him.
 Then she thinks in the back of her mind a move Erik showed her. Y/N then stomped her foot on his and headbutts his chin and ran off to back to her friends.
“ Yo Y/N wait up i just want to talk to you” Aaron said while trying to get up but fails 
Not knowing Corey and Kareem were a few steps away ready to intervene but see she got it covered but they were pulling out their phones to call Erik.
Meanwhile with Erik he was at his apartment rolling up some blunts while trying to study for the test on Monday morning. Yea Erik might be a nigga on the outside but what people that really don’t know him is that he’s a genius to the point that he’s riding a full term scholarship. 
While he was in the mist of lighting him up a blunt he gets a call from Corey.
“ Yooo wassup nigga” Erik said trying to scope out the background.
“ Man nigga you need to get down here fast this nigga Aaron try to pull at Y/N and creeped her out”. Corey said, trying to get out to the patio to give him the full scoop.
“ Nigga creeped her out how”. Erik said standing up while going to unlock his safe to grab his gun.
“ Nigga he spooked her to the point she headbutted him and stomped his foot” Corey said while watching over Y/N with Monique glad to see she safe.
“ Where is she at now”. Erik says, grabbing his keys to his Audi S7.
“ She is with Mo outside next to the pool.” Corey said, still observing the scene.
He then sees Aaron walk up to Y/N and Mo trying to get her attention. He then sees Aaron try to grab Y/N up from her seat when Monique got up and blocked him. Corey couldn't see what was said but knew all hell was about to break loose.
“ Erik you might wanna hurry up cuz this nigga in her face again trying to grab up on her” Corey said in rushed tone trying to get outside fast as possible.
“ Nigga I’m outside”. Was all Erik said before he ended the call.
Meanwhile with Y/N after the incident with Aaron. She ran to find Monique and quickly told her what had just happened. Monique sobered up real fast asking Y/N was she okay.
“ Honestly right now Mo I want to go see Erik”. Y/N said while trying to dry of her chest since he spilled on her when she headbutted Aaron.
“ I can take him to you if you want i do----”. Monique was cut off by Aaron approaching them.
“ Y/N what you did back there wasn't cool we need to talk”. Aaron said while trying to grab Y/N arm again but Monique stood his way.
“ Y/N doesn’t want and doesn't want to talk to you so you can just step” Monique says while taking her off heels to get more leverage.
“ Mind yo Business this is not between you” Aaron said while trying to step up to Monique.
“ Nigga she right there is nothing for you to say to Y/N but all i know is you better step out her face”. Corey said, walking in between them. Everybody on campus also knew anybody who ran with Erik was just as crazy as him. It also didn't help that Corey and Monique were dating.
“ Nigga I don’t have to do shit yall at my party so i can do anything i fucking want.” Aaron said, stepping up to Corey.
“ Nah nigga you don’t because that the case you gonna leave in a body bag” Erik says few steps from behind Aaron.
Erik looked at Aaron ready to kill but he was not gonna bring that side out in front of Y/N. 
“ Y/N come here let's go”. Erik said while moving past Aaron wanting him to do something so he can fuck him up. Y/N immediately stood up to go to Erik's side but was stopped by Aaron who grabbed her arm from behind Erik.
When both Erik and Y/N felt her jerk back they turned their heads to look at was keeping her back. Erik followed the line of sight to see that Aaron was holding her back. Erik then cocked his arm back and punched Aaron in his face hard enough to knock him out. 
While everybody was still in shock about what just happened Erik and Y/N were already in his car pulling off.
Erik looked over at Y/N and  grabbed her by her neck said.
“ I’m about to fuck you up i hope you can handle it”. Erik said. He then let her neck go and zoomed off into the direction of his apartment.
Please give me feedback let me know if you want part 4.
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starcrossedxwriter · 9 months
Unbreakable Part 4 (Erik Killmonger x OC)
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A/N: So... we're getting into the thick of the plot here! So a lot happens in this chapter - maybe too much LOL but two parts were holdovers from chapter 3 that weren't quite ready lol so this chapter ended up jam-packed. Enjoy!
“You know we have staff to do that?” Nakia asked while she nursed Wakanda’s new princess and Naja moved at lightning speed folding all her clothes and straightening up her nursery.
Naja merely smiled and waved off her sister’s statement. “Yes I know. But the staff could use a break every once in a while. Besides laundry and organizing are the few domestic tasks mama taught us that I actually enjoy. How does such a tiny human make so many dirty clothes? She already has more clothes in this closet than I do.”
Nakia merely shook her head and laughed. “We have to change her outfit no less than 5 times each day. And she’ll outgrow 90% of that closet by the time you leave in a month.” 
Naja’s shoulders sagged a bit as she realized she only had about four weeks left in Wakanda. She had been so disgruntled about coming and now she did not want to leave. She knew she had to, there was much work waiting for her in Niganda and she missed her life there. But for the first time in a long time, she wondered whether she would miss what she was leaving in Wakanda more. Particularly her sister, her niece and her nephew. The Queen of Wakanda was incredibly busy with the new baby and her regular duties but she and Naja still made time for sister bonding, even if it was merely fawning over the baby together. 
“Who knows how big she’ll be when I am able to return again. Those five years with TJ went by so fast.” 
“Yes, this time will be very different though. Thank Bast,” Nakia whispered. Naja abandoned her task and squeezed her sister’s hand. 
“Yes, it will.” Naja pressed a soft kiss to the baby’s head before returning to her task. 
“You ever think about having one of these one day?” 
Naja was thankful her back was turned to Nakia as that question hit her ears. Her eyes clenched shut for a moment as if she could block out the avalanche of emotions that started barreling down at her at the question. She had to force her fingers to loosen around the baby onesie she was holding, her tight grip wrinking the pristine fabric. However, she did not let it show beyond that as she quickly schooled her expression into one of pained laughter. 
“Nope,” she asserted with a tone that made it seem like the suggestion was laughable to her. “Don’t think years of murdering people make you the mothering type. Hardly a nurturer.” 
“I disagree. You were amazing with TJ during his first 5 years. You were always the more nurturing of the two of us.” 
“Even if that were true, it would require me to be attached to a man for more than a night.” She winked at Nakia who merely rolled her eyes with a chuckle, always amused by her sister’s flippant attitude about sex. “And there is not a single man on this continent or Earth I am interested in saddling myself with for a lifetime.” She ignored the vision of a certain prince that popped into her head. 
“There’s not a single man whose company you enjoy in Niganda?” 
She scoffed. “There’s barely a man who can give me an orgasm to enjoy on a regular basis. I certainly don’t enjoy their company. They are merely a necessary means to an end.” She chose to leave out the part where many of her late night callers were men she wanted information out of for the rebellion… her sister hardly needed to know that part. 
“You can’t run from love forever, sister.” 
Naja rolled her eyes. Here we fucking go… A lecture. 
“I’m not running from it. I’ve actively decided I don’t want it. I love this life for you, Nakia. But I… I want something different.” 
Naja knew Nakia was not foolish enough to actually believe that lie. Naja had always been the one who wanted what Nakia now had, not being Queen, but to settle down and build a family once she had the adventures she and Erik discussed. While Nakia had yearned for the life Naja now had but had fallen in love with the King, which came with responsibilities she could not ignore. 
Sometimes those plans haunted her as vivid nightmares of the future she and Erik planned together when they retired from their posts as War Dogs and returned to Wakanda to serve T’Challa and Nakia as advisors and raise a family together. Fifteen years later and she could still see that future clear as day, only now it mocked her for ever believing it could be a reality, for putting so much stock into childhood fairytales and fantasies that could never happen. 
“Love can fit into your lifestyle, Naja. You can have the life you want and make room for love.” 
“The only people I love are in this palace right now. You, your children, T’Challa, Shuri. And our parents… most the time,” she muttered under her breath. “That’s all I need.” 
“I understand. I just don’t want what happened with N’Jadaka to close you off from love forever.” 
“It has nothing to do with him!” Another lie. “Not every decision I make in this life has to do with what he did.” Another lie. She despised just how much of the person she fashioned herself into was because of Erik. But there were some hurts… some wounds she simply could not let go. And no one on this planet, even Nakia, knew how deeply Erik had cut her. Everyone knew he abandoned her and broke off their engagement but their last conversation? That nail in the coffin of their love and friendship? Naja had never breathed those words aloud to another soul. Every time she tried, it felt like the poorly constructed stitches holding it together ripped open and pain flowed as if he had just hurled those words at her. 
“I am not saying it does. I had just hoped… since you have clearly forgiven him and you are becoming friends again, perhaps it had softened some of this. I know a future with him is not possible but that doesn’t mean getting to a better place with him will not open doors for others.” 
Naja paused but this time for some introspection as she tried to find the words to describe her increasingly complex relationship with a certain prince. She had two hearts where Erik was concerned and she had no idea which one would win out each day. One was held together by duck tape, still shattered and reeling from his actions. While the other, the heart that she tried her best to ignore, yearned for him as she did air to breathe and sustenance to survive. For that heart, he was as critical to her survival as the blood it pumped through her veins. And the control over her actions and her brain ebbed and flowed between the two, toggling back and forth in ways that made her increasingly frustrated.
She wanted to hate him, her hate for him was fuel and she was not ready to let it go. Today or ever. Once those feelings were the most clear and easy aspects of her life. And now? They were murky and she found herself wanting to forgive him so she could experience the once-in-a-lifetime love he offered her again. Since he held her the other night, she could not shake the feeling it left her with, the reality of how much she had gone without in the last 15 years. But she could not pretend that the mere idea of giving into that made her feel ashamed of herself. How could she forgive him so easily? He had not even really worked for it yet. She had to make him work for it, she could not let go that easy. She would hold to the tether of her rage and pain until it broke. Because he did not deserve easy this time. 
“I haven’t forgiven him… not yet anyway and I wouldn’t use the words friends. And whatever we are was not intended, believe me. I planned to go to my grave hating Prince N’Jadaka. I still might. But he’s… I don’t know. Every bit the same as I remember and completely different too. And he sees me? In a way no one else really does. So I am willing to give him a chance to earn my forgiveness, prove he’s changed. We are going out together on Friday.”  She glanced over her shoulder expecting to see an excited look on her sister’s face. Instead, she saw an expression she could not read fully. Partially shock but under the surface, Naja could not help but wonder if she saw a hint of anger. Of course, Nakia was able to school her face to throw on a fake smile but Naja noticed it too fast. “What’s that look?? You think I’m completely stupid, don’t you??” 
Nakia cleared her throat and shook her head. “No, no. You’re far from stupid. I just… Just be careful, Naja.” 
Naja scoffed. “I’m surprised you aren’t jumping for joy. Am I to believe the ulterior motive of this whole visit was not to get us back together? Was your husband alone in those intentions? It’s not gonna happen, I don’t want that,” Not really, she added silently in her head. “I just… there’s a part of me that has to know if he really has changed? And I lost a bet,” she admitted. 
“T’Challa and I merely want you and N’Jadaka both to be happy. And be able to coexist for the sake of this family. And perhaps that is best done apart. I just don’t want to see you hurt again. There are things you don’t know about him a-” 
“I’ll never be hurt like that again,” Naja answered sharply, cutting her sister off. She became immediately frustrated by the insinuation that she was anything like the 17 year old girl Nakia and T’Challa had to nurse back to health like a broken bird. As if Erik or anyone could break her again. She was stronger, she was different. “I know everything I need to know about who Erik is now. We’ll never be more than friends.” 
Nakia fell silent and merely nodded, though Naja could tell there was more she wanted to say. “You’re right, you’re right. Sometimes I just get overprotective.” 
Naja immediately felt bad for biting her head off. This was Nakia’s job as her older sister. But Naja already felt rubbed raw by N’Jadaka’s clear advances and effort. Old woulds were open and now her own sister was questioning whether she was strong enough to withstand the inferno that was Erik once again. If Nakia could not see how much she had changed, had she really at all?
“I know and I appreciate it. But I don’t need you or anyone else to protect me anymore. I’ll be ok. I promise.” 
Naja barely laid her head down to attempt to sleep when she got a call on her kimoyo beads. She glanced down, surprised to find a voice message from N’Jadaka. 
“Meet me outside. Bring your notes and journals. Got somethin’ to show you.” 
Naja could not help but stare at her beads in confusion. She had seen Erik several times throughout the day and he had not mentioned wanting to see her tonight or that he had anything to show her. 
Despite all of her questions and annoyances about having to leave the palace so late, she still forced herself out of bed and back into the first set of acceptable clothes she could find. Since she worked late nights at the bar and often did her recon and other illegal activities in the dead of night, all of her clothes were designed for stealth and to hide weapons. It was all the clothes she had so even tonight, when there was no stealthing or defending to do, her light black jacket was still home to four well hidden knives and her soft black leggings held spots for two guns, which she chose to leave at home. She stuffed all of her notes and journal into a small backpack.
She slid on her soundless shoes and out of her room with a mere nod to the Dora assigned to her room. She walked through the palace and out to the landing pad, Erik arrogantly leaning against the Royal Talon. 
“That was quick. When I didn’t get some smart ass response, I assumed you didn’t get it.” 
“It’s not too late if you need a dose of smart ass. I always have a few in my back pocket for you.” 
Erik surveyed her body, taking in her perfect curves and toned ass in her leggings. He licked his lips and winked at her. “What else you got back there for me?” 
Naja stopped in front of him and smiled sweetly. “A gun… though I’d prefer a knife. But trust me, you wouldn’t.” 
“How you know knife play ain’t a kink of mine, baby girl?” 
Naja almost choked before she recovered with a shake of her head as Erik burst into laughter. “You’re my least favorite person on this continent, you know that right?” 
“Don’t believe that for a second. Come on,” he gestured toward the Talon as the ramp opened for them to climb on. 
“Does our King know we are stealing his plane?”
Erik merely shrugged as he slid into the driver's seat. “More or less. Not my first time takin’ it out for a little ride. But don’t worry, we’re just going to Shuri’s lab. So we won’t be far.” 
“What’s at Shuri’s lab?” Not that she did not mind going to Shuri’s lab, she enjoyed learning from the Princess and getting to try out new gadgets before anyone else. However, she did not understand why he wanted to go there with her or what he would have to show her. 
“You’ll see.” 
Naja rolled her eyes before sliding into one of the seats. The short plane ride was virtually silent though the tension between them, in such a small space, was palpable. Things had somehow both become more difficult and more effortless between theme since he spent the night two days prior. The vulnerability they shared broke down a few barriers in a way Naja had not expected but she did not know what to do now. She was not accustomed to gray space when it came to Erik. They were not friends, they were not lovers but they weren’t enemies anymore either. They were just something else that she was not prepared to decipher or understand. 
“So are you going to reveal the big secret?” Naja asked as they entered Shuri’s private workspace. She was surprised to not find the Princess in her usual spot. Everyone knew she did her best work in the middle of the night when she should have been resting like everyone else in Wakanda. The Wakandan Palace was filled with night owls.
“Shuri told me we could use the space at night for a while cause she’s working on a different project downstairs. Wanted to show you this,” he took her over to the giant work table which was usually covered in completed or half-finished gadgets. However, tonight, it was filled with notes and papers, treaties, aerial photos, and a giant 3-D map of Niganda. 
“Whoa.” Naja’s hands started grabbing random pieces of paper. There was enough material here to keep her busy for weeks. “What’s all this?” 
“Notes from the other three War Dogs in Niganda from the last year, I didn’t tell them why,” he added at the freaked out look on her face. “I just asked all War Dogs to send an update to make it seem routine. After our talk the other night, I pulled some recon photos we had from before the peace treaty talks started. Figured we could use all this and your notes to piece together some more information. And T doesn’t really come down here unless Shuri invites him so it’s a good spot to do shit we ain’t supposed to be doin’.” 
Naja glanced at him with wide eyes. “You did all this to help me?” 
“There’s nothin’ I wouldn’t do to help you. I know you don’t believe that but it’s true. And you ain’t in this alone, this ain’t just on you to figure out.” 
Erik did not have the heart to tell her that his actions were not totally altruistic. He had his own motivations for finding a reason to end these peace talks with Niganda. His future, or rather the future he wanted, was as tightly wound in discovering what Niganda was doing as Naja’s was, if not more so. 
She sighed, grabbing more papers. “I do now. Thank you, N’Jadaka. Seriously. Also a bit old school don’t you think?” She gestured to the printed papers. 
“Less likely for T’Challa or anyone to notice on our tablets and shit. And stop thankin’ me and let’s get to it, aight?” she nodded with a smile before putting on her game face. “So you said the King is definitely behind the kidnappings? Any theories as to why?” 
“Definitely. Witnesses report soldiers taking the kids. It’s possible it is a rogue faction of the guard doing something nefarious and they are getting away with it because most of the people will think it is the King’s orders. But King Bisi runs the guard with an iron fist, hell, most do not breathe without his command. There are claims that his mental health is waning so perhaps someone in the palace is taking advantage of that? But there are few in his court with the skill to pull something like this off besides him.” She sighed. “And I have several theories but none of them are particularly good and haven’t panned out.”  
“Ok well let’s hear 'em anyway.”  
She started pacing up and down the length of the table. “First I thought intimidation? You know taking the children to keep their parents in line. But that doesn’t explain the first four kids who were all orphans. And the entire country, save the rebels, are already terrified of him. And those with parents… none of them are part of the Front or involved in illegal activity. They are just regular people so that would not make sense. It could be trafficking or labor for the fields? It’s the poorest village of the Capitol and in the country so outside of those of us who live there, no one would know or care that these kids are going missing. The wealthier villages are just happy to remain in the King’s favor. The first few were from the local orphanage, the man who runs it is who sounded the alarm to Dayo initially. But Dayo ruled out trafficking. The kids aren’t showing up in those channels either. Whatever he is doing with them, they are still in Niganda.”
“Yea, and there are a lot easier ways to get bodies… prisoners, rebels. What else?” 
Naja glanced up at him with a helpless expression. “That’s it. If we were finding bodies, we’d have more to go on but these kids are vanishing without a trace.”
“Anything else suspicious happened since this started?” 
“Not really. Two doctors were kidnapped about a week before the kids started. But we found one of their bodies the same week so we assumed they were both dead and fell into something they shouldn’t have. We never found the body of the second one so maybe that’s something?” 
“Yea but most people kidnap adults or kids… kidnapping both is uncommon. What’s the deal with this rebellion anyway?” At her skeptical look, he smiled. “Don’t worry, ain’t gon’ rat you out to T.” 
“How else do revolutions and rebellions start in this world? The people have nothing and King Bisi brutalizes them while leaving them destitute. Dayo… he and a couple rebel leaders were once in the King’s court but he escaped after the King murdered an entire village who was ‘harboring’ a father who had stolen from the palace. He realized that the freedom we deserved was only possible if the king was not in power. He created the Nigandan Liberation Front to overthrow the Royal Family and install a true democracy.” 
Eek could not help but hear how she used the word “we” to describe Nigandan citizens as if she was not a spy masquerading as one of them. Nor could he stop the smallest kernel of hope from blossoming in his heart. If the rebels succeeded, that nagging reminder of the promise he made that he desperately tried to forget, the reminder that his future did not belong to him at all, would be null and void. 
“How likely you think that is?” 
She scratched her forehead. “Honestly, I don’t know. We’re inching forward but it could be years. The King loves his grip on power. Many refuse to join the rebellion because they hold hope that his heir will be different but…” 
“You disagree? You know her?” 
She laughed humorlessly. “No, never met her. Gotten a glimpse of her a few times. She’s been to the village more than once. She’s known for her charity work, feeding and clothing those in need.” 
Erik could hear the disdain in her voice. “That’s a good thing, ain’t it?” 
“Not when she has the power to ensure there are no poor in the country to begin with. Niganda has the money for everyone to live in prosperity. Her father has chosen policies that hoard resources for him, his council, and the wealthy while the rest of the country starves. Many of the country may love her for it but I won’t celebrate someone saving lives when they are the reason the people are dying to begin with. All Princess Imani is doing is keeping the people on life support so they can continue to serve her family and eventually her interests. As far as I’m concerned, she is as soulless as her father.” 
Erik’s eyes grew wide. “Damn, tell me how you really feel. Who knows, maybe she’ll be different.” 
Naja did not look up from the written accounts of one of the war dogs she was reading. “Why do you care so much? It’s not as if you have to live under her rule. You met her?” 
Erik fixed his face to seem as disinterested as he should be. “Only once at an event. She was a bit vain but hella independent. I’d hardly describe her as soulless. Her father? That nigga definitely. But she seemed like she wanted to do some good.” 
“I’ll believe it when I see it. But that’s a ways away, unfortunately. According to the palace, King Bisi is in perfect physical health by all accounts. And despite his age and ailing mental health, the ancestors will have to drag him to whatever heaven or preferably hell is waiting for him before he willingly gives up that throne.” Silence fell for a few minutes before she paused. “Wait… this could be something. Did you read this one from… M’Badu?” 
“Haven’t had a chance to read any of them. What’s it say?” 
Naja stood and walked over to where he sat to hand him the papers, sliding to sit on the table in front of him. “His cover is a doctor at the biggest hospital in the Western Province, smart cover… that’s were all the wealthy go. A life of comfort as you put it. He reported that half of their supply of medications and drugs was stolen the day after the first child was stolen. Things like anesthesia, blood supply… opioids.” 
“So? Could be for a black market or somethin’.” 
“No, I know every major player in Nigandan’s underground… none of them have the manpower, capitol, or balls to pull this off. And they are all egotistical men so they would’ve bragged about a score this big. I never even heard this happened, which is saying something. They still small amounts with the help of doctors and nurses in their pockets to avoid attention. Whoever did this has all those things and sophistication.” 
“Why you say that?” 
“Because… I didn’t think it was relevant but this same hospital houses the country’s largest scientific research center and they had a break in not long ago… about a month before the first child was taken. I don’t even live in that Province and I heard about it. It was the biggest breach of security they’ve ever had. They redid the security for the entire facility and hospital afterward. So this person had to get around all of that and M’Badu said Princess Imani had been there earlier that day visiting sick children. So they had to avoid additional palace guards too.”
“Ballsy to hit the same hospital twice.” 
“Not really when you know the health care infrastructure is crumbling. Biggest hospital in the country and the only significant research facility. If you want as many chemicals and drugs as you can get your hands on, this is your only option.” 
“What chemicals were taken?” 
“They took a bit of everything the facility had. All raw chemicals and drugs that could be used to make a million different things. Dayo and I check the black markets every night to see what will turn up but nothing of note has.” 
Erik raised an eyebrow. “Does T know you frequent black markets this much?” 
“He knows I check to see if there’s vibranium floating around. But does he know I go almost every night and sell what I can get my hands on? Nope.”
“What do you even have to sell?” 
“Whatever I can buy with my War Dog riches without raising attention… and whatever I can steal from the King and the wealthy and give back to the people where it belongs.” 
Erik was shocked, and admittedly aroused, at how nonchalantly she talked about theft. A ruthless spy indeed. 
“How’d you get into that? Also you must not do much bartending on your shifts with all this extra shit?” 
She let out a barking laugh and waved her hand dismissively. “No. Truth be told, I’m a terrible bartender, which Dayo figured out fairly early on. But Dayo is not a fool and recognized I had skills that were far more important to him so he keeps me around to bookkeep for him, manage the bar… flirt with men to get information. And some talents that he appreciates but won’t dare ask how I got. My speciality in the Hatut Zeraze … besides torture and murder, of course, was infiltration. When he realized, Dayo helped me start to steal from the trucks that supply the palace and wealthier restaurants with food and other delicacies. Sometimes from the houses of the wealthy. I take whatever I can and sell it.”
Erik let out a low whistle. “Infiltration… that shit’s hard. I was good at gettin’ niggas to talk but the gettin’ in and out was always my weak spot.” 
She shrugged as she looked down at him from her spot. “I’m surprised. All it takes is being a good liar. And you’re the best one I know,” she mumbled under her breath before she could stop herself. She clenched her eyes closed as she saw the hurt flash across his face. “Sorry, habit.” She stood up from her perch she had taken on the edge of the table by him and moved to the giant screen they had in the room. She started writing the information they had on it. 
Erik let the papers he was holding fall back onto the metal table. “My feelings for you weren’t a lie, Naja. The things we talked about, the life we wanted to have together… none of it was lies… I just… shit happened and I handled it all wrong a-”
Her hand stilled as she heard his words, painfully clashing against the narrative she had created for over a decade. Her heart wanted her to leap and fall but her brain forced her feet to remain planted where they were until he proved he could be trusted again. All of this was a good first step but that was all it was: a first step. 
“Don’t what? We need to talk about what happened. Let me explain.” 
“Look… I want to trust you… get to a place where we can, at least, be friends again, Erik. Because as hard as I try to hate you with my entire soul… part of me will always care for you more than I should. You caught me at a weak moment the other night and I appreciate you being there for me. But nothing that’s happened should make you think the door is open for that conversation. I don’t want to hear you excuses and reasoning… whether or not what you felt was true doesn’t matter anymore. Why you left… why you said those things, none of it matters because it doesn’t change the fact that you left. All that matters is that you did it and you said it. And because of that, we can’t go back. But we can create something new… a new friendship. So all I want to see and hear from you now is something different. That’s all I have space for.” 
Erik’s head fell in disappointment at her words. He knew he should not have gotten his hopes up, that he should have listened to T’Challa and not gotten his heart back invested in Naja because she would never feel the same. He knew that was not the only reason T’Challa had cautioned him to stay away but he had not listened. He never listened. And though he knew he should take her words as fact and accept the friendship she offered, he knew it would not be enough. Whatever time he had left of freedom, he wanted to spend what time he had left with her, choosing her. He also knew her better than any other soul on this Earth, there was more than just care for her too even if she did not want to admit it. 
Luckily for him, Erik was as patient as he was committed. He would not stop trying and he would play the long game to continue softening that barrier between them for as long as he was able.  
“Ok so…” she turned back to him, a determined look on her face as she quickly changed the course of their conversation. “We have missing kids, a doctor, drugs, chemicals, and medication. But no obvious links between any of them. So we have nothing.” 
“The links are always there. We just gotta find them.” 
Nakia stalked through the palace, an aura of anger radiating off of her so strong that the few servants walking about immediately moved out of her way as she raced to her husband’s office. She did not give Okoye a chance to knock or announce her presence as she walked inside. She had tried to not let her overprotective nature get the best of her since her conversation with Naja that morning. However, when Ayo alerted her to Erik and Naja taking the Talon for a late night joyride, she could hold her tongue no longer. 
T’Challa glanced up from his tablet as the door opened and she swept in. However, his fatal error was not noticing the look of rage contorting her features. 
“I will come up to bed soon, my love. I need to finish thi- what’s wrong? Is it the baby?” T’Challa immediately jumped up as he realized his wife was not there to drag him from his office to get rest. 
“What part of ‘Tell Erik to stay away from Naja,’ did you not understand, T’Challa??” she exploded. No one except Nakia could yell at the King of Wakanda and the Black Panther. “Because what is happening right now is NOT staying away!” 
T’Challa grimaced. “I told him to stay away.” 
“What did you say exactly??” 
“That she despised him and that she would never forgive him, which is true. Naja won’t forgive him so there is nothing to be concerned about.” 
She shook her head as she paced up and down by his desk. “No it is not true! They are currently Bast knows where in the Royal Talon. He spent the night in her room a few days ago and they are going out on Friday.” 
“Nakia…” his voice took on a chastising tone. “You can’t spy on your sister.” 
“Do not take that tone with me as if you do not spy on N’Jadaka too. You knew this was going on and you’ve said nothing. You’ve DONE nothing to stop it. I will spy on her all I want when she is in harm’s way. Someone has to protect her, no one else in this country seems to.” 
The jab hit exactly where she wanted it to, T’Challa’s face twisting up in indignation. “That is not fair, Nakia. I protect Naja just as I do my own sister. She is my sister in every way that matters. But I cannot stop N’Jadaka from trying to mend fences with her if that is what he wants to do.” 
Nakia shook her head. “This is more than mending fences and you know it. He is in love with her and making her fall in love with him again. And you and I and he all know that cannot happen. The only person who is going to get hurt is Naja.” 
T’Challa shook his head. “What we are talking about is a hypothetical situation that is 10… maybe 15 to 20 years down the road, Nakia. The King will have to die and she would have to choose N’Jadaka among a list of eligible princes. We have years before it is even a conversation and even then, it is only a possibility. The Princess does not even want to get married.” 
“You and I both know that King Bisi did not raise a fool. There may be a list… but every nation on it knows that Wakanda, thus Prince N’Jadaka, is the list. If she is forced to marry someone, which she will have to according to Nigandan law to be queen, there is no one else who would give the Nigandans the power and resources they want and need other than him. Just because N’Jadaka chooses to play the fool and pretend that is not the case does not mean we have to. I am not ok with my sister’s heart being broken in 10 or 20 years either when I can stop it now. Since N’Jadaka and you have clearly forgotten, remind him of the promise he made to this country or I swear to Bast, I will tell her myself.” 
“Nakia… Erik offered his life and future for this country and for us. The life he has led… what he has endured because of what Wakanda took from him… he deserves happiness. He deserves hope even if it is only for a short while. Do not ask me to take it from him. I have faith that N’Jadaka will tell her when the time is right. Before it progresses to anything serious.” 
“No one deserves happiness at the expense of someone else’s. My sister deserves happiness too… with someone who can actually dedicate their entire life to her, not years with an expiration date stamped to them. I love N’Jadaka like he is my own brother and I wish for his happiness as I wish for Shuri’s and everyone else I love. But I will not allow your guilt for what your father did to hurt my sister. He broke her once and I lost her for years because of it but if he does it again, I don’t think she will be able to get back up. Tell him to stay away from her, T’Challa. I mean it. Before this ill-fated date on Friday. And do it properly this time.” 
She did not even wait for him to agree or respond before she swept out of the office, Okoye peering in as if waiting for an invitation. 
“I suppose you heard all of that?”
Okoye nodded. “Our queen’s voice does certainly carry when she is impassioned and angry at you. Did you really believe what you told the Prince that first night would stick?” 
T’Challa’s head thudded back against the soft material of his chair, his hand rubbing his eyes. “I had hope… foolishly perhaps.”
“Seems as if there is a lot of foolish hope floating around this palace since Naja returned.” 
“Do you believe it is my guilt?” T’Challa asked as Okoye handed him a glass of rum from his stash. He sought counsel from precious few people but Okoye was most certainly on that list. 
Okoye sighed. “What did you tell me your father said when you saw him in the Planes? You’re a good man, T’Challa… and it is hard for a good man to be king. You want to do right by him to make amends for what your father did and I understand that. But you, who seems determined to carry the weight of his triumphs and mistakes, aren’t accountable for what King T’Chaka did, the fate he allowed to befall his own family. That was his choice and is it a shame that he did not live to take accountability for that, yes. But that how Bast saw for his life to play out. What Prince N’Jadaka lost? That is not a debt you will be able to repay, my King. Even saving his life won’t do it. And you would be a fool to try… and you are not a fool. Prince N’Jadaka must make peace with what he lost and you, my king, must make peace with your father’s role in it. But denying Prince N’Jadaka hard truths because it makes you feel better about what happened to him will do nothing but hurt him when those hard truths come to call. And they always do.” 
And with those words, Okoye returned to her post outside his office and left her King alone with his thoughts. 
“Fuck!” Naja’s frustrations got the better of her as she and N’Jadaka spent another night pouring over all their notes and information. She threw a knife at the wall, the very tip of it lodging into the vibranium. “This is hopeless.”
“We have a good startin’ point. Seems like experimentation of a new drug or chemical or somethin’ is the most likely bet.” 
“Yes but what good is that if we have absolutely no way of determining what they are testing and why?” 
Erik stared at her for a moment and sighed. It did not matter how many nights they spent working on this, it would never satisfy Naja until they… she found each one of these kids and returned them to their parents. 
Naja was fascinating puzzle to him. Depending on the setting and context, he saw a different picture every time he looked at her. When they trained, he saw Naja, the ruthless assassin. She was everything T’Challa said: a lethal beauty… Killmonger’s equal in every way… just as cunning, pragmatic and unemotional as he - maybe more. That night in her room he saw the Naja he used to know, the soft second daughter of the River Tribe who could not wound a fly, much less murder a person. And when they stood among the low blue lights of Shuri’s lab, he saw the Naja he imagined she did not want anyone else to see: a ruthless assassin who was still felt everything far deeper than she should. 
He knew the real Naja was the latter version. Just as Killmonger was not the real him nor was the 18 year old he was before he fled Wakanda. It had taken a brush with death and a year to finally come to terms with the fact that it was not an either/or calculation. The real him was the best and worst parts of all of the hats he wore. He prayed to Bast it would not take the same thing for Naja. 
“Let’s get out of here.” 
Naja looked at him like he had grown several heads. “You’re joking right?”
“We’ve been staring at this shit for hours every night and recycling’ the same theories. Let’s take a break. You know one night ain’t gon’ make a difference.”
“And go where?” 
“For me to know and you to find out. Come on.” And with that, he walked out of the lab. 
Naja stared at his back for a few moments before letting out a soft chuckle and following after him. She followed his footsteps to the elevator, which took them up to the panther opening of the Great Mound. 
“When’s the last time you saw a Wakandan sunrise?” He asked as he walked to the edge of the cliff and sat down, his legs dangling off the side. A small sliver of the sun was visible over the horizon. 
“You remembered?” Her entire body stilled as she looked at him. 
“If I remember correctly, it was the sunrise over the falls specifically but I figured this would do too.” 
While sunsets were always Erik’s favorite thing about Wakanda, Naja’s was the sunrise. Different sides of the most beautiful coin Wakanda had to offer. Naja often snuck out as a child, when she needed to calm her spirit, to the falls to watch Bast bring a new day across all of Wakanda. 
“I forgot how beautiful it was,” she muttered as she sat down next to him. “Niganda has a different sort of beauty to it. But it’s not this.” 
In the distance, she could see a herd of antelope racing by, the sun only barely peeking out. They sat in silence as they both stared out into the distance. Erik could tell that the picturesque landscape was not doing much as her shoulders still hunched forward with the weight of everything she felt. 
“What are you thinkin’?” 
“That I can’t find them…. That all these kids are going to die because I’m too much of a failure to connect the dots. ‘A wallflower who will never be quite good enough’ indeed.” The words of her father rang loudly in her head. Aside from her rage for Erik, he was the other man whose words fueled this version of her, fueled her desperate need to be the best. 
Erik sighed. “You were always too hard on yourself, Naja. Never saw your potential.” 
She wrinkled her nose. “Nobody here saw my potential… my father made sure of that. Nakia’s shadow and nothing more. You know he tried to stop me from becoming a War Dog? Tried to get T’Challa’s father to decline my application.” 
Erik bowed his head. “Yea T told me.” 
“Of course he did,” she chuckled. She brought one knee to her chest and hugged it. “I passed the trainings and tests and he still tried to go behind my back to stop me from doing it. You know that’s why I became Hatut Zeraze? Wasn’t the route I intended when I applied, even Nakia didn’t go that route. But I just wanted to spite him, prove I could do it. That I was built for it. That’s all my entire life has been. Proving I’m worthy… that I’m something to the people who claim to love me. But maybe all of you were right. I should’ve just stayed in Nakia’s shadow.”  
Erik pressed his palms into the warm surface of the mountain’s cliff and scooted himself closer to her so that their shoulders were touching. He placed a tentative hand on her thigh, right above her knee, gently rubbing it. 
Her breath nearly stopped at his touch, tender and loving just as she remembered. She felt everything in that simple touch. It had been too long since she let someone touch her for comfort and in the last week, she had let him do it twice. And this time, she had no desire or inkling to pull away from him. 
“Nah we were all wrong. I ain’t just sayin’ this, Naja but you can figure this out. Your father’s words… my words… they don’t gotta be what you believe about yourself. You can choose to believe that you’re the woman who took all her pain and fashioned herself into a weapon, someone who people quake in fear when they see comin’. You think I ain’t heard stories about you since I got back?” He nudged her with his shoulder causing her to laugh. “You might’ve started down the road cause of me and your dad and whatever else but where you are now? That’s all you. So own that ’n use it to figure this out. You’re the smartest person I’ve ever met. Always were.” 
She sighed and glanced at him. “How is that you always know what to say? It’s extremely annoying, in case you were wondering,” she added with a teasing smile. 
“I always know what to say with you. But only because I’ve always seen all of you.”
“Oof… all of me? Quite the dark picture I imagine,” though she tried to keep her tone light, Erik could see it. The shame in her deep brown eyes that she tried to hide by dipping her head, avoiding his stare. 
“Nah, parts of it are dark… but those parts were always eclipsed by light and vibrancy. There were just too many people contributed to dimming that light. Me included. But from where I’m sittin’, the only person dimmin’ your light ‘n doubtin’ you right now… is you. Can’t hide in the darkness forever, baby girl. Gotta let that sun rise at some point.” 
She rested her cheek on her kneecap, his words settling into her mind. She did not have the words to respond to that. Or rather, she had so many words, so many feelings bubbling to the surface that she did not know where to start. Tears pricked the back of her eyes, forcing them away from him as she pushed them back down where they belong. 
He did not say anything, thank Bast, he merely just took her hand, lending her as much nonverbal support as he could. She squeezed his hand gently, praying that the small gestured conveyed what her words could not. Her thanks for always seeing her even when she desperately tried to hide. 
Only T’Challa was at breakfast when Erik arrived, an additional pep in his step despite the somber tone this day usually had for him each year. Today was finally his date with Naja and he would be lying if he said he had not strategically picked today in hopes she would distract him from the painful memories and rage he usually felt. Naja had always been his peace and solace, his place to retreat to. She still was. 
Though she would never call it a date, it was close enough to one for him. To an outsider, it might not have seemed like much. But to him, it was everything. Spending the night with her, working with her every night, solidified one fact he had always known: he was madly and insanely in love with her. And her friendship was not enough… he’d do anything in his power to get her back. 
“Morning,” he offered as he settled into the seat across from T’Challa. 
“How are you today? I know what today is.” The words were simple, T’Challa did not even look up from his tablet as he offered them. 
Erik shrugged. “Just another day like any other day.” As much as he loved T’Challa, in his own way, his father was not a subject he would discuss with his cousin. Ever. “What did you want to talk about?” 
T’Challa glanced at Okoye who merely offered him a dead pan expression that demanded he get on with it. He closed the cover of his tablet and lifted his eyes to his cousin. Erik could immediately since the tension… a power imbalance that was not usually present when he spoke to T’Challa. He straightened up slightly, he was not speaking to his cousin today. Today, he was speaking to his king. 
“You and Naja have been spending quite a lot of time together. Daily sparring sessions. Late night rides on the Talon. You spent the night in her room?” 
Erik raised an eyebrow in confusion. “Is that a question cause seems like you know already?” He and Naja’s sparring sessions were no secret around the palace, they were often a spectacle for training Dora and War Dogs alike. Everything else was not common knowledge, though Erik knew he always had eyes on him. But Erik did not understand what that had to do with him being called to the proverbial principal’s office. 
T’Challa sighed. “Do not do this, N’Jadaka. You will only end up hurting her.” 
“Do what? Stop beatin’ around the damn bush ‘n just say what you need to say.” Erik’s patience was running thin, as it often did when T’Challa clearly had something on his mind but did not want to confront him. Save Naja perhaps, Erik was the only person in the entire palace T’Challa handheld like a child. Like he would pick up and run the moment T’Challa did his job as King and ordered him or told him something he did not like. But Erik was no stranger to hard truths, his life had been shaped by them. There was nothing T’Challa could say that would make him run, not anymore. 
“Stop working her! Naja is not a mark or a challenge to conquer. You are falling in love with her and trying to convince her to do the same because you believe you have time. Time to undo the mistakes of the past, time to try again even if it is fleeting. You made a promise and I expect you to keep it. So stop pursuing something that can never happen.” 
Erik stilled. He had made that promise to T’Challa and the Nigandans in service to Wakanda, a promise that he was assured may not even happen. Had he foolishly held onto that too tightly? Maybe. 
“You told me she didn’t even want to marry. That it was unlikely given Niganda and Wakanda’s relationship.” 
“Plenty of monarchs don’t want to get married, N’Jadaka. But she will because it is her duty. And marriage alliances are one way to cement peace, which puts your name at the top of the list. Frankly,” T’Challa sighed. “You might as well be the only name on the list. I’m sorry… I should’ve been more clear when Naja returned about this. That is my fault.” 
“Wait, wait. Nah, nah, nah. T, I’m just… I’m just gettin’ her back. This is a once in a lifetime shot. Don’t ask me to give her up. Retract my name from consideration. Please.” 
Erik Stevens had never begged another human being in his life, his pride would never allow him to do such a thing. However, for Naja? Pleas were all he had to over, pleas that T’Challa would give him this reprieve as his cousin and not his King. He could not give Naja up, would not give her up. 
“The peace between our countries is fragile as it is, N’Jadaka. Any perceived or real slight could tip the scales. I know it is not fair, I know it is not right. And I am sorry. But you made a promise when we offered up your name that you would serve Wakanda’s interests if chosen. And as your king, I expect you to uphold that. Whether it is 5 years or 20 before she is queen, you are as good as engaged to her. You need to start acting like it.” 
“So what do you want me to do?” 
T’Challa sighed and clenched his eyes closed before saying, “Stay away from Naja. Temper your feelings for her so you can fulfill your duty when the time comes. You can do whatever you want with your life and your heart until then but Naja is off limits.” 
“That an order?” 
T’Challa stood up and walked over to Erik, placing one hand on his shoulder, which he immediately shrugged off in frustration. “I tried to warn you once as your brother and hers. I hoped the knowledge that she still harbored such anger toward you would be enough to keep you away. But I was wrong. I give you a long leash, N’Jadaka and I do it because you have proven yourself worthy of it. But yes. On this subject? This is me ordering you as King. Do not continue to foster feelings you know you cannot act on. Stay away from her.”
Erik’s hands curled into fists. Those were two things he could not do. “Why’d you even offer up my name when you knew she lived there? If she had not come home, were you ever gonna tell her that the man she despises would be her King consort one day? That I would be leading the country she calls home. Were you ever gonna tell me that the woman I loved more than anyone on this planet was living in the country you offered me up to like a prized horse? I didn’t know where Naja was when I agreed to this but you did… and you said nothing.” 
“At the time, I did not owe either of you that information. And I did not say anything because your dedication to this country should outweigh whatever childish feelings you still harbor toward her. Beyond that, Nakia wants Naja here… home with us. I will not pretend as though I do not see this eventuality as a way to push her toward returning here for good.” 
“You’re talkin’ about me workin’ her like a mark? As if you aren’t usin’ this shit to manipulate her into comin’ home. Just like you did to get her back here in the first place. She deserves the truth. She can handle the truth ‘n make her own damn decisions.”
T’Challa scoffed. “Bold of you to say as if you did not abandon her and throw a grenade behind you as you went.” 
“That was different,” N’Jadaka rose from his chair, his rage getting the better of him. “And you fuckin’ know it.” 
“Hardly. You found out the truth of what happened to your parents and instead of trusting Naja with it and what you wanted to go do, you destroyed her to ensure she would not follow. You did not see what Nakia and I saw after you left. It took months to piece her back together. Nakia refuses to see that happen again. Better you hurt her now before she grows too attached to you again.” It will hurt her but it will not break her.” 
Erik shook his head, finding his cousin colder than he had ever known him to be. He was not talking to his cousin who was basically his brother. He was talking to King T’Challa, son of King T’Chaka indeed. “That’s cold, T.” 
“I know… and I take no pleasure in it. I would love for you and Naja to be what you once were. I will even admit that I may have considered it a blessed side effect of her return when I invited her back. But I am King and that means I must often act contrary to my whims of my heart and do what is best for Wakanda. And whether T’Challa, your cousin and brother, likes it or not, what best for Wakanda is that you are free to secure this alliance between Wakanda and Niganda when the time comes. You and Naja’s feelings and complicated relationship do not supersede what Wakanda needs to survive or what this continent requires to avoid another needless war.” 
Erik could not stomach to hear another word. He stood up with such force, his chair screeched loudly against the marble floors. “Yes, my king,” he sneered before marching toward the door, his breakfast forgotten. However, when he got to the door, he stopped. “Your father chose Wakanda and politics over family ’n we all know how that turned out. Thought you would’ve learned from that nigga’s mistakes but I guess you’re more like him than I thought.” 
And with that, Erik stormed out. 
Erik fiddled with his kimoyo beads, dreading what he had to do. Words could not describe how much he hated T’Challa in this moment. He was well within his rights as king and things had only gotten this far because Erik allowed himself to have hope - a fool’s errand really. But here he was and now he was going to have to break his own heart and Naja’s again. He hated himself for it. But he had forced himself to hurt her once to fulfill a selfish need for vengeance. He could do it again for his country. He had no choice. 
This was not how he wanted today to go. On today of all days, to have to lose another person he loved, it was too much. 
He pressed the button of his kimoyo beads, calling Naja. He hated how quickly she picked up, a soft smile on her face. 
“Hey,” he offered. 
“Hey… you ok?” She asked. “You sound weird? You better not be calling me to cancel. I let Shuri drag me to get a manicure and pedicure for this…. Painstaking shit if you ask me. I adore her but that girl basically wants to dress me up like a damn doll. I drew the line at her taking me to get my make up professionally done.” At his silence and the grimace on his face, she frowned. “Oh you are canceling.” 
“Yea, I’m sorry.” She clearly tried to hide her disappointment, the deep frown that overtook her features. He did not understand how he did this all those years ago. It felt like the worst form of torture to make himself do this again. And as he struggled to find the words, he realized he couldn’t. So like the coward he was, instead of telling her the real reason he needed to cancel, he said, “T’Challa just dumped a bunch of shit on my plate for the peace talks and it’s pretty time sensitive. Will keep me busy ’n workin’ late for a while. A-and honestly… just havin’ a really shitty day. Wouldn’t be much fun anyway.  Figured it’s only right to free you from your debt.” 
She chewed on her lip for a few minutes before saying, “No worries. Your work and Wakanda comes first and I’m sure you’ve been falling behind since spending every night helping me. All good.” 
“I am… really sorry, Naja. I hope you believe that.” 
“I do. Still have time for our sparring session tomorrow?” 
He could hear the hopefulness in her voice. And that hopefulness felt like a beacon of light in a hopeless situation for him, proof that she felt everything he felt. He lowered the beads so he could not see his face and clenched his eyes closed. He knew he should say no but he heard himself say, “Yea, we’re still on for tomorrow.”  
He could see the small sigh of relief she let out. “Good. See you tomorrow, Erik.” 
He offered her the same refrain before ending the call and tossing the beads across the room in frustration. 
Naja paced back and forth outside N’Jadaka’s wing. She knew the Dora stationed there was eyeing her as if she were a madwoman as she muttered to herself while holding a picnic basket and a backpack. 
“What are you even doing here?” She whispered to herself. It took all of two minutes after hanging up with N’Jadaka to realize why he had cancelled, to remember that today was his dad’s birthday. She did not even know how she remembered it, a memory so buried deep in her brain that she was shocked she was able to retrieve it. Every year on this day, Erik distanced himself from everyone and everything without a word. 
One year, when they were 15, she found him at the Great Mound watching the sunset. He had disappeared and T’Challa, Nakia and Naja were sent to find him and bring him back to the palace. Naja, who knew him best, was the only one who knew where he’d be. She did not approach him at first as he sat there quietly, she just watched him. Like a creep, admittedly. But she watched him, took in every bit of his lean teenage form as her heart ached for him more than it should at that age. 
Her heart broke as she heard his deep youthful voice, cracking with the strength of his sobs, offer a prayer to Bast on behalf of his parents, prayed they would come back to Wakanda soon, that they would return to him. She remembered bowing her head as she prayed for the same thing on his behalf. She had never met Prince N’Jobu a day in her life, just knew him as a traitor that most of the country hated, who was likely on the run to avoid facing the consequences of his treason. But even back then, Naja could not believe that was the full story, could not believe that N’Jobu stole what he did for selfish reasons, that he was just a traitor.
And that’s why she was now standing outside his door with a picnic basket feeling rather foolish. But resolved to do what Erik had done for her a few nights ago, show up for him. Because everyone deserved someone to show up for them in their darkest moments. 
She bowed her head to the Dora who shifted to the side to allow her to knock. It only took a few moments before he swung his door open. 
Naja lost the ability to speak as she took in his perfectly tone chest, the deep V that led down to his most formidable and tantalizing weapon. Her brain and the reason for her visit disappeared as a cloud of lust hazed everything. 
“Hey, everythin’ ok?” He wanted to scream at her that she should not be there. She could not be there. This was the opposite of distance. But try as he might, those words refused to surface. 
“Y-Yea, yea. Everything’s ok. I just… well, I know you didn’t cancel tonight because of work. I know what… I remember what today is. Your dad’s birthday. And if you want to bury yourself in work, I understand. But I figured you could use a friend while you do it. So I brought snacks and liquor and work of my own. And I have Boyz in the Hood queued up on my tablet, which I doubt is still your favorite movie. But I do remember you mentioning your dad liked it so… I thought we could watch while we work.” 
She lifted the backpack and basket in her hands as if to ask him if she was allowed inside. 
This woman, he thought to himself. Something inside him wanted to break down in tears at her thoughtfulness. And before this moment, he was not even sure his body still produced those. 
“Guess it’s my turn to be shocked you remembered all this?” 
“Well… tell anyone and I’ll have to kill you,” she joked. “I remember everything about you too. Much to my chagrin, I suppose. So can I come in?” She asked as she balance back and forth on her heels. 
Right then and there, Erik knew he had an impossible choice to make. He could do what T’Challa demanded and be the Erik that destroyed her or he could be the man he wanted to be. And the man he was and wanted to be loved this woman beyond comprehension, adored her beyond comprehension. 
It was a gamble, a gamble that could cost him her and everything he wanted. But a relationship with her was worth risking everything for… war, damaging his relationship with T’Challa… he did not care. She was worth every risk in this world. 
So then and there, he decided to hell with T’Challa. Fuck his orders, fuck marrying some woman he did not know because of a promise he made years ago. Even if it took every day of the next 20 years until King Bisi was with the ancestors, he would dedicate his life to finding a way out of that promise so he could be with the only woman that mattered in this world. The only person that mattered in this world. 
“Only if there’s some lime cake in that basket?” 
Her entire body, which was weighed down by her nervousness, seemed to lightened as she walked in past him. “As if I’d bring anything else??” 
“You didn’t have to do this. I’m sorry… for canceling on you.” 
Naja waved her hand. “I know I didn’t have to. Probably shouldn’t have. But I lost a bet. Besides, this is way better. What would the Wakandans say if they saw their most feared assassin at dinner with their beloved prince? We’d never live the rumors down. Can’t have anything destroying my… how do you Americans say it? ‘Street cred?’” 
“I thought I was Wakanda’s most feared assassin?” 
Naja tilted her head as if she had to think about it as she sat down on the giant couch in his living room. “Second… did you forget how I was beating your ass on the mat everyday?” 
“You forgot what bet you lost to earn this date, baby girl?”
“Beating me twice hardly means anything when I’ve beat you no less than 30 times.” 
He settled on the couch next to her as she pulled out all of their supplies and poured him a drink and hit play on the movie. “Remember when we used to sneak bottles of rum from my dad’s collection?” 
He let out a barking laugh. “Yea I remember you bein’ scared as fuck too. Goody two shoe ass.” 
“One of my endearing qualities back then. Afraid to steal,” she threw back her head and laughed. “Oh if the 15 year old me could see me now.” She straightened up and raised her glass. “To our 15 year old selves? Maybe they be forever shocked and dismayed by our crimes and debauchary.” 
“Cheers.” He chuckled, the first genuine laugh he had all day before clinking his glass against hers.  
They did not talk much as the movie played and they both did their “work,” which really was stealing glances at each other and Naja commenting on the movie, which she had not seen since she last watched it with Erik. 
“Can I ask you something?” She asked him as the movie credits rolled. “It’s ok if you don’t want to answer.” 
“Shoot.” Erik brought the glass to his lips. 
“Did you ever find them? Or at least what happened to them?” 
His hand stilled. He did not know how to answer that without opening a conversation that she explicitly told him was off limits. He never talked about the truth about his parents, let everyone save T’Challa, Queen Ramonda, and Nakia believe what the rest of the country believed: that his parents had dumped him at the border and disappeared with their fortune from stealing vibranium and selling it to the highest bidder. When he thought about the real story, he found it difficult not to fall back into that vengeful 18 year old he was when he left. 
“Yea,” he cleared his throat and sat up. “Didn’t have to look far, they died not long after they dropped me here.” 
She did not seem deterred by the sharpness in his tone as she grabbed his hand and squeezed it. “I’m sorry. I know you doubted it back then but I… I believe that they would’ve come back for you if they could have. Would have faced up to what they did for another opportunity to be with you.” She paused. “Everyone’s fighting to get back to something. And you were worth fighting to get back to.”
Naja did not let go of his hand or break the stare between them as they gazed at each other, their work long forgotten. Erik tugged on her arm, Naja offered him no resistance as his superhuman strength pulled her gently into his lap. His hand cupped her face as he stared into her eyes and saw his future. As breathtakingly beautiful as a Wakandan sunset and sunrise, he saw everything he wanted in this world, his first real shot at happiness. 
“You’re what I’m fighting to get back to. No matter what gets in my way or how long it takes. Rhoqo ukutshona kwelanga nokuphuma kwelanga ubomi bam bonke.” 
Tears glistened in Naja’s eyes as she heard his words. 
Every sunset and sunrise for the rest of my life. As long as she lived, she never forget those words. The words he had said when he proposed, an eternal reminder that they were two sides of the same perfect coin. 
“N’Jadaka…” she breathed. 
The sound of his Wakandan name on her lips drove him insane. Whether a plea to stop or continue, he could not hope to care.
Every fiber of her being, down to her very cells begged her to fall. The sea was right there, the water felt warm and safe and like everything she had ever wanted. And yet, her feet were still planted. Something still made her hesitate. 
And Erik could feel it, every ounce of her that warred with the other. Every cell in her body that pushed her lips to meet his and every other one that begged her to retreat. She was not ready yet, he could feel that… see that. And that was ok. They would have time, he would make sure of it. 
He forced himself to muster superhuman self control and stop himself. He pressed his forehead against hers for a moment, Naja letting out a deep exhale. 
“I want…” she whispered, her voice breaking with the weight of everything she felt for him and wanted to feel for him. She wanted him so badly but she did not want to regret it tomorrow. “I want you so badly. I’m…” she lifted her eyes to the ceiling. “F-fuck if you ever tell anyone I uttered this, I’ll kill you. But I’m scared. Fucking t-terrified. A-nd I’m j-just not…” 
“I understand.” he pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. “For as long as it takes. I meant that shit.” 
“I’m sorry… I should go.” She started to move when he halted her. 
“Stay.” At her weary expression, he amended. “I don’t need that. But I do need you… stay.” 
Naja nodded, there was no resistance left. Erik shifted so he could lie down and Naja laid between his legs on his chest. He pulled a blanket around them and pulled her in tightly as he cued up another movie on her tablet for background noise. 
“And I know… no one can know ‘n this don’t change shit between us,” Erik’s deep baritone filled her ears. 
“No, this time… it changes everything,” she whispered back before closing her eyes to go to sleep. 
Erik watched her sleep for almost an hour, her soft snores reaching his ears. He did not need much sleep so he merely let movies continue playing while he watched her, committing every feature on her face to memory. Once she was deep enough in sleep, Erik slid out from under her. He lifted her into his arms and carried her to his bed. He was surprised she stayed asleep through all of the movement, most spies he knew could wake up at mere shift of a body next to them. 
However, before he joined her, he quietly snuck to his front door, easing it open. He leaned out, getting the attention of the Dora assigned to him. 
“Teela, remember that favor you owe me?” Erik asked lowly, referencing a mission he and the Dora went on to recover vibranium not long after he returned, a mission in which he saved the young Dora’s life. She said she would be indebted to him, a debt he never thought he’d need to call in until now.
“Yes, my prince.” 
“As far as Okoye ‘n that nigga T are concerned, you ain’t seen Naja here tonight or any other night. You got me?” 
The Dora sized him up for a few minutes, Erik could tell she was weighing the pros and cons of keeping a secret from her superior and King for the prince. However, thankfully, she merely nodded and saluted him, her nonverbal agreeance to his words. 
“Preciate you.” 
And with that, he closed his door and returned to his bed. Tonight, he would not think of how he would hide what he was doing, tonight he would not think of how he was going to help overthrow the very monarchy he was promised to, tonight he did not think of how he was going to hide a potential engagement from the slumbering woman next to him. Tonight, he merely reveled in the feeling of Naja in his arms and the peace she brought, a night where his heart was calm and at ease.  
Tag list: @miyuhpapayuh @pipsqueak-98 @injerafiend @themakingsofdion @lishabaybee @certifiedlesbianbaddie @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @dangerous-history @roguekiki @mysteryuz @shyblackgurl
A/N: le sigh... everybody's lying to our girl smhhhh lol so hopefully you caught the couple hints in chapter 3 that Erik was keeping some secrets. But hopefully you also caught the hints that his impending nuptials are not the only secrets he is holding back. So what do you think? How do you think this is going to blow back on him? Cause you know it will lol Drop a comment and let me know what you thought! Thanks for reading!
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fckwritersblock · 3 years
Act 1: While We’re Young
Chapter 5
Erik ‘Killmonger’ Stevens x Black OC
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January 10th 2005
Last night was the only night I'm allowing myself to cry over him and his 'return'. What good would it do me? No, I was gonna take Erik and whatever he had to throw at me by storm.
Waking up the next day, I feel refreshed. Like a brand new person with a more positive mindset. Today I had 3 classes and I'm determined to have a good Erik free day.
That whole Erik free thing went out the window as soon as I got to my first class.
Double O Computer Programming 1 was a junior class, however I'd taken it during the summer during my first year at UC Berkeley. DOCP 2 wouldn't be available until next semester but I needed to have a class since this was my first year on the actual campus. Thankfully Miss Hill really needed a T.A and the fact that I could help with an algorithm that tied into thermal nuclear astrophysics had her sold.
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Right after I finished taking attendance, she barely got a word out before the door swung open revealing Erik as our late comer. I quickly glanced at the sheet in front of me, scanning for his name. I was so use to calling him N’dajaka when we were kids, I completely skipped over ‘Erik Stevens’. I huffed rolling my eyes, arms crossed over my chest. His timbs were the only thing heard shuffling across the room making hid way toward the front of the class. Wordlessly he handed Miss Hill before his eyes were on me. They scanned me from top to bottom, before locking with me a smug grin on his lips.
"Hey Lona," my jaw dropped.
Before I could get out a word, Miss Hill opened her mouth, looking up from the paper he handed her.
"Welcome Erik, sorry for the confusion."
"It's all good," he shrugged.
"Im Miss Hill, and I see you already know my aid. As I explained to the class prior to taking attendance, If I'm unavailable feel free to email or call her during the hours listed on the sheet." She is then took a sheet from me and handed him to me. "Other than that, find a seat."
He nodded pretending look over the sheet before averting his gaze back on me.
"I'm definitely gon do that."
Fuck my life right?
Well, Erik just so happened to be in the Calculus class I skipped two days ago. I thank God my record was squeaky clean and Mr. Kennedy accepted my poor excuse before I was quickly reminded the man upstairs has a sense of humor as the only available seat was next to Erik.
"The person next to you will be your partner for the remainder of the semester so let's take the next 15 minutes getting know one another hmm?." Mr. Kennedy instructed.
I couldn't suppress the groan that slipped as Erik casually leaned back in his chair, examining me.
"You heard the man, get to know me."
"I know all I need this know about you Erik."
"Oh so I'm Erik now? Like that?" He spoke cool, calm, and collected like our exchanged was normal.
I gripped my pencils tight, my knee bouncing up and down my body tense.
"Let me set things straight now. We don't need to talk to one another. If it doesn't have anything to do with any of the classes we take together, don't want to hear it. When you see me act like you don't know me. We clear?"
The expression on his face was unreadable before his lip twitched slight him responding.
January 24th, 2005
It had been two weeks since Erik showed up here.
Ok that's a lie.
Apparently this man has been here. And to top it off, this mans name was in every bitch mouth like the second coming of Jesus Christ. From what I've observed though, he doesn't say much, or gives any of these broads much attention. He don't say much in general actually, he's really good at blending in. He got that laid back, mysterious, bad boy vibe going for him and these females out here hella into that.
But when he opens his mouth, that cocky bastard sure knows how to disrupt my entire soul at least while we're in class.
Outside of class though, he acts like I'm invisible.
It was like he never knew me. And honestly, I don't know how to feel about it. I know that's what I said I wanted but it bothers me just the same.
Today in particular though, he argued me down during our Calculus class. We had one problem to figure out before we could leave class today. You and your partner were supposed agree on the answer, and heaven forbid he just agree with me so we can get out of here. Math was always my subject when we were kids, nothing has changed. I was damn near about to say fuck it when he started laughing.
What in the entire fuck it so funny?" I was fuming.
"You," he shook his head. "You really hella mad."
"Um, YES!" I damn near shouted fed up. "You literally been tryna convince me it's 5 when it's-"
"Chill. I know the answer is 3 girl. C'mon, let's go." So smoothly he closed the book, grabbed his bag and headed to the front.
I was so upset, I had to let him do all the talking when it came to explain to the teacher I'll answer and how we got there. I know I open my mouth I wasn't going to say anything nice.
"Girl what crawled up your ass and died?" Donise questioned with a stank look as we sat at one of the benches outside of the library.
"Yeah What did Erik do now," I could hear teasing in Tatiana's tone so I flipped her off.
Only giving a brief explanation, I went on a mini rant about what happened in class 20 minutes ago. Donise's thought it was funny, while Tati just shook her head.
"I still can't believe it him," Tatianna glanced as a group of guys from across the quad headed our way, Erik included.
"Yes, and I wish it wasn't."
Tatianna was the first real friend I made in a while. I was actually tutoring her online for a while before she found out I was 4 years younger than her. Our friendship started off as a trade. I was her tutor and she both convinced and enrolled in a mentor program to help me with my social skills. I didn't speak to anyone much when Erik left, but I got into a lot of fights. According to the school counselor I was taking out my anger and abandonment issues on.I have meds to tame the anger, and while I haven't had to take them in a while Eric definitely bring that anger out of me.
"Girl that's just sexual tension. You got to fuck all that out." Ashley put in her unwanted two cents.
"Trust me when I tell you on God it isn't."
"Well if you out to holla, then trust and believe I will." She tossed her hair over her shoulder
I didn't really mess with Ashley like that, but she was Tati's frat sister which made them 'friends'. That little thot pocket will screw anything with legs, D, and a pulse and I'm not bout that life. Plus she messy as fuck and I don't trust her as far as I can throw her.
"I don't doubt it," I smirked as Donise said exactly what I was thinking.
Donise was coo' though, I meet her when I first got here 2 months ago. Believe It or not she was apart of the welcome comity for MIT and turned out her and Tatiana were already friends. Once she figured out  who I was, I was shot to the front line during registration and everything.
"Anyways, y'all going Ant and them party tomorrow?" Ashley questioned probably tryna bum a ride.
"What party?"
"The Que's," Donise answered. "The dudes with Erik are frat."
Now this was news to me. I met most of them before but I had no idea there were in a sorority. Examining them, I guess it all made sense. Most in the clique sported some sort of purple and yellow lanyard either around their neck or on their keychain that hung from their jean pocket as if  they wanted everybody to know who they were. Which I wouldn't doubt.
"Ladies! What we chattin about?" Moses questions every bit of his thick English accent tapering off every word.
"Our plans for mañana," Tati answered l
"Word. Y'all coming to the party tomorrow?" Jay spoke playing with a few strands of Donise's curls.
"Tomorrow? It's Thursday." I said confused. "Ain't there class the next day?"
"What's the matter, you can't hang?" I glared at Jay, knowing he was only chastising me because him and Erik were close, according to Tati.
I swear to God men gossip more than women do. Rolling my eyes I spared Erik a glance and he looked like he was waiting on me to respond.
"Oh, I can definitely hang."
I couldn't hang.
Around midnight I was  in the bathroom throwing up everything, damn near hug in the toilet as my surrounding looks so blurry and I can barely function. Im not sure when I'd finally finished, but I could feel someone picks me up and out the bathroom and soon everything goes blurry and then black.
Tag list: @kitesatforestp @xsweetdellzx @justgetitoverwith0 @letsshamelessqueen-m @cmkcolove @readingaddict1290
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Okay I know I change Juliette and Kittys backstories all the time but Kittys is definitely staying now because I love Erik Killmonger with my whole heart and again, Michael B Jordan and Zoe Kravitz tho!??? They’d be H A W T
So Juliette is actually gonna be business partners with her sister, Emma, so she owns a branch of the Hellfire Club except her place is a prestigious club for villains (mainly X-Men universe villains but whoever else too). So like the whole vibe of it is the walls are a glossy black, the booths are a dark red velvet, the tables are sleek black, there’s barely any lighting but it’s elegant and seductive. Then there’s a stage where there’s usually jazz playing cause I’m gonna make Juliettes mom back to Alison Lovette who was from France and moved to Louisiana, where she fell in love with jazz. So Juliette is gonna be back to having a light French accent, and Colettes mother Vivienne is best friends with Alison and they grew up together so they raised Juliette and Colette together as best they could. So Colette works as a waitress there, while Juliette kinda does it all. Sometimes she’ll take business men to their tables and flirt for big tips, sometimes she’ll sing onstage, sometimes she’ll waitress, it just depends on her mood
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raynnawrites · 4 years
New Start {12}
Pairings: Erik Killmonger x POC!Reader
A/N: I’ll start re-uploading the previous chapters soon.
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After two weeks at the hotel, you went back home where you began to pack for the move.
It was a block away from T’Challa. Meaning Kai didn’t have to deal with the sudden change of school and a street you could easily remember.
The house covered every necessity.
Five bedrooms, two of them being master bedrooms.
Four bathrooms, one being half bathroom.
A pool and two garage spaces.
“Alright, we got the attick first,” Erik had told you. It had been two hours ago while Kai was at school.
While you packed important pictures, you found one with a woman. You had never seen it before. The woman had white, silvery dreadlocks, with beautiful, flawless melanin and a sweet, gentle smile.
Next to the woman was a man, with a whitened beard. They were both obviously in their 60s, maybe even early 70s. But they also had two boys. Both cute and one resembling Erik. The other… you could’ve guessed was T’Challa over the soft eyes.
“That’s my aunt and my uncle,” Erik suddenly spoke, sitting next to you and making you jump, startled.
“That was my aunt, my uncle…” he softly smiled, “then that’s T’Challa and me. We were like… 10 or maybe 12 at the time.” He spoke softly.
“She was beautiful. Your uncle was a very elegant man as well,” you replied as he nodded. “I didn’t open it by the way, it was like this when I found it,” you quickly told him, “I know babe, it’s cool.”
You were curious about what happened to them, but decided not to push it. With all the care in the world, you placed it on another box.
“Erik… can I ask you something?” You asked him, hearing him hum for you to continue.
“How would you feel if I got pregnant?”
Erik stilled. “What was that?”, you felt your face heat up.
“I was just thinking that… after we get married if we could, you know… try for a baby. Our baby. A new brother or sister for Kai.” You explained, Erik only turned and had a perplexed face.
“Y/N,” he took a breath, “I love you. I really do but… I don’t think I’m ready for another baby. I mean, Kai’s not even 5 yet and I wanna take things slow with us. A baby with you would be nice but… just not yet.” He told you, voice low and soft.
You nodded. But began to hope…
After you finished, you went to the bathroom and showered, thankful for the fact that you hadn’t sneezed at all from the dust. You changed and went downstairs where Erik was at, in the kitchen starting to get ingredients for lunch.
“What's the menu today?” You asked, waking over and placing a kiss on his cheek. “You.”
In an instant, you were on him with your legs around his waist, feeling his lips place soft kisses on your neck.
“Erik!” You squealed, “shhh… the neighbors are out.” He told you, taking you to the couch and kissing down your body, reaching your sweats.
You gasped once he ripped them off.
Before you could even complain, a moan left your lips as you felt his tongue licking your lower ones.
His skilled tongue assaulted your clit and made your eyes roll to the back of your head. “MM! No, Erik, s-stop!” You whisper-yelled as he only hooked his arms around your thighs, pinning you down.
He sucked, licked and hummed, making your spine shiver and feeding your flame of pleasure. You hung onto his dreads for dear life as his mouth gave everything your pussy asked for.
“Oh fuck!” You kept moaning.
Erik suddenly stopped, leaving you panting.
“Go upstairs and wait for me, babygirl. Okay?” He asked you, having stood up and lifting your chin with his index and thumb.
You saw how his beard and lips glistened with your juices. You wanted nothing more than to reach and kiss those full lips, but you nodded and went upstairs, completely undressing in the process.
It only took him almost a second for him to follow you into the bedroom and lock the door.
He took off his shirt and pants, underwear along with the clothing items and threw them on a pile. Erik proceeded to crawl up to you like a Jaguar stalking its prey. His golden brown eyes darkened with want and lust.
“I’mma make you scream my name, Y/N… I’mma make them legs shake all day.”
His promise made your pussy throb.
You felt his lips connect with your pulse whilst his hand trailed down from the valley of your breasts to your lower lips once more.
“On your back. Completely.” He whispered, seeing you nod and lay on your back.
Suddenly, you felt his fingers rub against your slit and part your wet lips, not yet touching your clit. You shivered.
“Calm down, Y/N… ain’t even touched you yet,” he teased, lowering himself, kissing you.
You tasted yourself on his lips and cupped his face. In an instant, you moaned into the kiss, feeling two of his digits slide inside you. “Shit baby, so tight… all for me.”
You nodded. “All for you, Erik.”
He smirked, “daddy.”
“All for you, daddy!”, you moaned, louder, feeling his thumb rub against your clit.
His other hand traveled down to your breast and played with your nipple, adding to the stimulation.
“Oh fuck! Shit…” you moaned breathlessly, feeling his fingers pump in and out of your pussy, all while his thumb rubbed circles on your clit.
“You gon’ cum? You gon’ cum on daddy’s fingers?”
“Yes! Yes, I’m so close! I’m gonna cum on your fingers, daddy!”
The pumping and rubbing were providing the prefect amount of pleasure, bringing you closer to the edge of your orgasm. Until everything stopped.
You opened your eyes, confused at the sudden halt.
“Open up,” Erik suddenly told you.
You opened your mouth and the two fingers that had been inside you were placed in your mouth. “Suck ‘em.”
You hummed as you sucked on his fingers, licking and swirling your tongue.
When he took his fingers out, he rubbed them against your lower lips once more, only this time, he liked his hardened manhood with your entrance and pushed in.
You gasped and moaned. Already his manhood was pleasuring you.
Once he was completely sunken in your tight walls, biting his lip, he placed both arms next to your head and started to slowly thrust.
You felt everything, making your eyes water and moans go wild.
Once he started picking up the pace, your moans grew louder and louder. His manhood hit every spot and was making your walls start to contract.
“Don’t cum. Don’t cum,” he groaned, holding back his own moans.
“Moan… I wanna hear you, daddy… let me hear you, please…” you begged in his ear, wrapping your legs around his waist and wrapping your arms around his neck as well, keeping him close to you.
Slowly but surely, you began to hear his moans.
That sexy, deep, low and husky voice was making your eyes roll back.
“Fuck, baby… you so fuckin’ good” he would moan.
But once you started getting close, you started to contract again. “Daddy… Can I cum? Please, daddy…” you begged as he nodded and kissed you as well, sucking on your lip.
“Cum with me.” He told you, now rubbing your clit in circular motions.
You felt your body clench and release after being edged twice. You both came as hard as you could, moaning each other’s names and clinging on.
He felt your walls tighten around him, making him spill inside you. You could feel his hot seed flood your walls, making you moan out even more.
Once you both relaxed from your high, Erik straightened up and took deep breaths. He pulled out carefully and slowly, not to hurt you in any way. But he watched his seed spill out of you.
“Damn, girl…” Erik sighed, making you giggle.
Once he got a rag and cleaned you and himself, he fixed his glare at your naked body.
“What?” You asked him, growing self conscious. When you went to cover yourself with the sheets, Erik went over to you.
“Don’t.” He began, looking into your brown eyes. “I was just admiring your beauty,” he told you, making you blush.
“Don’t cover up… Lemme enjoy you a lil’ bit more,” he told you again, making a small smile creep its way to your face.
He wrapped his arm around you and lifted the covers. But he kept you in his arms, not letting go.
“You fit with me, y’know… your curves kinda go with my shape… your head’s in my chest…” he spoke, making you tear up.
No one had never been this intimate with you.
“Your hands fit mine too…”, you added, feeling him chuckle. “Yeah, they do.”
Erik only kissed your head and forehead, enjoying the peace, warmth and intimacy of the moment.
A/N: This would be my second or third try at smut. How did I do?
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The Missing Piece (Erik Killmonger x Sister!OC) Pt. 2
A/N I’ve decided to make a second part and make this into a series. As always, let me know what you think and let me know if you want me to tag you in this. 
Read the first part otherwise, you’ll be confused as hell
Enjoy! ~Lauren
Imagine if Erik had a sister he left behind on his quest for the Wakandan throne. How will react to the news of his death? Will she return to Wakanda and connect with her estranged relatives? Or will she let vengeance consume her and pick up where her brother left off?
Part 1
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Agent Ross took me to the other side of the building, and we entered the room.  
The strong smell of formaldehyde easily gave away where we were. Every step felt heavier than the last. We stopped near a body lying on an examiner's table, probably the most recent. He pulled the covers back and I let out a scream. Whatever toughness I had was gone. I fell to my knees in shock.
Suddenly the air in the room became much heavier, my heart sank to the bottom of my chest. I've seen a lot of shit in my life, but nothing can ever prepare you for this. 
I feel helpless and worthless because I couldn't help keep my only brother alive. My worst fear had come true. The only family I had left was gone.
After a few moments, I stood, trying to collect myself. "How did he die?" I never took my eyes off of Erik.
"I think I could answer that question," A deep voice answered. I whipped my head around.
A tall, dark-skinned man stood in a black sweatshirt and jeans.  The woman next to him had the same complexion, but instead of hair, tattoos adorned her head. She wore a leather jacket and dark pants. I had no clue who these people were, but something told me that they were not ones to fuck with.
"Who are you and how in the hell did you know my brother?" I straightened up a little more. He and Agent Ross looked at each other.
"My name is T'Challa and I am ruler of the nation of Wakanda. Your brother was there when he died in combat with another warrior, Kimberly." I noticed he had a thick African accent.
"Bullshit! You come all the way over here just to tell me that? That could've been sent in a damn email. Nah, something else was going on with him when he died and y'all know something I don't. So someone better start talking or shit's gonna go down up in here!" I may be young, but I was no fool. And one thing I could always tell is when people hid shit from me.
“I'm gonna step out, the boss is paging me. You can use the conference room." Agent Ross spoke and left the room. Pussy.
The walk into the room was purely silent. It wasn't much different now either, until T'Challa spoke.
"I know this is a shock to you. In fact, I empathize with you. But there is much more to your brother than meets the eye-"
"How are you going to tell me about my own damn brother?!” I cut him off. 
 "He raised me and now he's gone. Everything I had left in this world is gone! You're a king whose had everything handed to him! How would you know how this feels?!" I shouted, raising from my chair. 
"Fuck all this shit man, I'm done. Now, if you'll excuse me, let me go and figure out what to do with my brother in peace." I headed toward the door.
"Your brother's real name was N'Jadaka and yours is Nikimi. He had a blue tattoo in his inner lip that you have as well. He talked about how you both were royalty and one day, a throne would be yours."  I froze in my tracks. 
I've never told anyone about my family or our secrets, but this bitch somehow knows about it all. 
"How the fuck do you know that?" I narrow my eyes.
"Because it's all true. He was right about it all." T'Challa began to walk closer, calmly.
I, on the other hand, was losing my shit.
"He used to tell me stories about Wakanda  when I was little to put me to sleep. All of that fairytale shit he told me, you telling me is true?" He nodded his head.
"I took up African lit and history in school. Wakanda is a real nation, I'm no damn fool. But tell me how in the hell Erik ended up in a place with nothing but dirt and farmers?" T'Challa stood in front of me.
"How about you see it for yourself."
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A Calm Storm Raged.
Chapter One.
Ororo Munroe x Erik Killmonger x T’Challa
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T’Challa made his way into Erik’s rather large and extra palace suite, arms behind his back and shoulders straight. He had on a beautiful gold and purple Dashiki with matching linen pants, feet covered in Shuri’s new collection of sneakers that were sound proof and made with vibranium. 
“What?” He replied malevolently. 
Erik was in the middle of being rubbed down with fresh, raw Wakandan Shea Butter from the popular and historic Shea Trees of the Wakandan jungle. Supposedly the butter has long lasting protection for days and healing elements for scars, bumps, and bruises. The palace maid looked timid as she applied the butter to Eriks naked form, avoiding his ass and dick completely. T’Challa looked on with annoyance, not really thrilled to see his cousins bare behind with his doors wide open.
“I SAID WHAT?” His cousin's sharp tone caused the girl to drop the container of butter. 
“We are having a royal dinner and I would like you to meet my fiancé.” T’Challa didn’t feel like getting into a banter with N’Jadaka today. 
“Fiancé? What ever happened with you and that annoying ass bitch Nakia?” Erik admired himself in his full length mirror like he was the fairest of them all, stroking his goatee and looking at his muscles glistening from the melted Shea butter on his skin. T’Challa rolled his eyes at Erik’s vain personality. 
“Nakia is NOT a bitch… and it did not work out for us.” T’Challa wanted to get past that, move on. He was getting married to Ororo Munroe. She was more so known as Storm being a part of the X-men. T’Challa did have his doubts with Erik meeting Ororo but this was his family and the Kenyan princess would be a part of the Royal family as well.
“Yeah, she's not a bitch, you were.” Erik laughs, “she had you wrapped around her finger, bruh.” 
“For one SECOND N’Jadaka can you please act civil! Ororo doesn’t need to witness nor be apart of your mess-“
“What am I doing? You’re the one that walked up here all high and mighty trying to tell me to act right. I’m a grown ass man, T’Challa. I’ll play nice for your little Fiancé though,” Erik looked down at the wakandan maid, admiring her pretty braided hair and chocolate skin. Puckering his lips, he air kissed her dangerously, his dick all in her face making her shiver. 
“Sakra, you may leave,” T’Challa called to the girl, glaring at Erik for toying with her like that.
“Yes, my king,” Sakra lifts from her crouched position, capping the butter and bowing to Erik before making her leave. T’Challa smiles softly at her, brushing her past as he focused back on his maddening cousin, finally wearing black linen pants and a wool black robe to match. 
“Remember, N’Jadaka, you are a royal prince now. You can’t go around doing such things like that. ufanele ube neentloni,” T’Challa could feel his beads buzzing, preferring it on silent when he was within the palace. 
“Shuri, is dinner ready?” T'Challa looked at his younger sister’s holographic figure, a big grin on her face and hair out in its natural afro. 
“Why else would I be calling, brother?!” 
“A new discovery? Maybe to annoy me like the sister you are?” T’Challa bantered. 
“I’ll save that for later. Where are you?!”
“N’Jadaka’s room. Tell Queen Mother to hold on for us. Is Ororo there?”
“She is, and she looks so beautiful! Nakia would be jealous!”
“Aye! Stop it!” T'Challa's African accent was strong.
“All good fun, hurry up!” Shuri ended the call.
Erik was putting on his last minute jewelry that was unnecessary. Golden Jaguar necklace, gold fangs, kimono beads, and even gold rings.
“It’s just food, N’Jadaka.” T’Challa shakes his head. 
“Mad you can’t pull this off?” He teased his cousin, smiling with those killer dimples.
“ndingathini? Kumkani” T’Challa finally breaks his shell, arrogance showing through. Erik’s jaw clenched with anger, annoyed with the fact that T’Challa had to constantly remind him that he was the fucking King. Just months ago he YEET his ass over the cliff damn near killed him. He would YEET his ass over the balcony of his palace room right now if it wasn’t for his more civil nature. 
“You love using that against me, don’t you?” Erik’s tone was dark just like the jade color of his eyes. 
“Just a gentle reminder since you enjoy being an ass,”  T’Challa laughs, turning to leave.
“Enjoy it while you can, nigga.” Erik could only hope that T’Challa would fall ill or some shit. Maybe if Iron man didn’t reverse the effects of the snap Erik would still be king while filling the space. Being a ruler of Wakanda felt good. He missed that. Now, he was back to being Prince N’Jadaka and lead General for the Wakandan War Dogs.
“Calm yourself, N’Jadaka. Remember who spared your life.” T’Challa didn’t wait for a response, closing Erik’s double doors made of pure gold.
Ororo Munroe sat within the grand dining hall that was surrounded by the tropics. She had a long backless lilac dress on with her silver hair flowing over her pretty brown shoulders. The layout was simply too much but she understood the reasoning. Looking down at the rare amethyst rock carved into a ring on her finger, she twirled it back and forth to watch it catch the rainbows. 
T’Challa was going to be her husband. She said yes before she could stop herself. There were strong mutual feelings back when she was a teen after finding her way to Serengeti. Deciding it was best to part ways, Ororo hadn’t seen him again until a year ago when he joined up with The Avengers. 
Ororo sipped her aged wakandan rum, thinking about how she would become the Queen in only a few short weeks. Pressing a hand to her forehead, Ororo tried to calm her anxiety, the feeling of walls closing in around her triggering her claustrophobia. She needed some wild mava kush blend that a friend of hers of the Botanical Society of South Africa made. The kush always calmed her nerves when she felt on edge.
Three large raps of a gold staff alerted everyone in that room, all of them standing to their feet followed by Ororo. First entered Shuri, then came the Queen Mother, Ramonda. Ororo smiles, bowing her head respectively at Ramonda as she took her place next to Shuri who waved animatedly at Ororo. Next came a face she hadn’t seen before but heard about. The unknown cousin to T’Challa that seemed to stir everyone within that room. 
Ororo noticed his rather loose form, egotistical walk, and dark eyes. Seating himself next to Shuri, N’Jadaka doesn’t even look her way, grabbing the bottle of aged rum and pouring himself a generous amount that slushed wildly within his golden goblet covered in African gemstones. Ramonda gave him a warning look, causing Erik to kiss his teeth, sitting the bottle back in the center. 
“KING T'CHALLA. King of Wakanda!!!”
Everyone stood, even Erik out of respect even though he looked as if it pained him. T’Challa enters, that same rigid form and intense authoritarian eyes sweeping across the room silencing everyone. 
“kulilungelo ukuba nive nonke. wakanda naphakade!” 
T’Challa did the signature Wakanda symbol, everyone in that room following up including Ororo. 
T’Challa smiles warmly, walking forward with his eyes on Ororo. She returned the same gaze, waiting for her fiancée to speak.
“Today’s meal is a celebration for my beautiful Fiancé, Ororo.” Eyes were the spotlights for Ororo. 
“She will be the new Queen of Wakanda beside me, and I could not have chosen a better woman. Beautiful, strong, caring. Me and Ororo have a history that none of you would understand. I am the luckiest that I’ve ever been, and that is luckier than being King.” 
Ororo watched as T’Challa walked towards her, the dining hall silent as their king approached the future queen. Even in a room full of people he looked like he wanted to eat her. Storms name, Ororo, translated in her language as beauty which best suited her. The magical aura she possesses from her ancestors being sorceresses and priestesses automatically gave her appeal aside from her striking beauty. Full lips, eyes that changed the color of her hair when her powers were in full force, skin so smooth it was chocolate silk, smell of tropical rain and peppermint scented pelargonium on her skin. She was T'Challa's weakness. Ororo stood, taking T’Challa’s hands in hers, watching as he brought them to his mouth to kiss gently. His inviting mocha eyes made her eyelids flutter. He gave her a teasing smile and a wink in return. 
“So beautiful,” he rubbed her cheek with his knuckles, causing the powerful woman to blush. 
“Panther Goddess Bast sent you to me,” T’Challa whispers between them before placing a kiss to her lips again. What they hadn’t realized was that every man at that table looked at her like a piece of meat. Their mouths watered, skin prickled, hearts pounded. The strong magical pull affected them all. Even Erik. He never looked at Nakia…but Ororo…
“Let’s eat! We can’t let this wonderful Wakandan meal go to waste!” T’Challa’s voice snapped everyone out of their reverie. 
Everyone agreed cheerfully, cooks and palace maids passing around meals and filling goblets with rum or pomegranate juice. T’Challa seats himself next to Ororo, pouring his own glass of rum. Raising his glass, Ororo follows suit, clinking glasses with him before taking a long sip. She needed that drink with how intense things were going. Eyes sweeping about the room, Ororo watched everyone talk Xhosa, eat delicious food, and drink the strong rum like they were chugging water. Placing a lock of her thick hair behind her ear, Ororo’s cinnamon gaze landed on a pair of obsidian colored ones. Locked in a staring contest, she watched the brewing flame within his eyes almost spark her. Scanning her body painfully slow, N’Jadaka takes her in like it was for the first time, learning her from across the table. She felt completely bare under his eyes, a hand coming up to clutch her chest. He smiled smugly. 
“That would be N’Jadaka. My cousin.”
Ororo blinked, looking over at T’Challa’s handsome face as he chewed his slow cooked Oxtail.
“N’Jobu’s son?” 
“Yes. He looks like him, doesn’t he?”
“A little, not the dimples...they must be his mothers.” Ororo wondered who his mother could be.
“His mother is American.” T’Challa grabs a Chapatis to scoop up some spicy red sauce. He was so invested in his food that he hadn’t noticed the lust and interest in his own cousin's eyes towards his fiancé. 
“Arabella is the Cairo princess, correct?” T’Challa asks.
“Yes, not particularly a favorite with her bending of the rules but she’s getting better.” 
“I wonder if we could get her and N’Jadaka to meet? Maybe he would be interested.” 
Ororo looked at T’Challa quizzically, “You would like to arrange that?” 
“Why not? He could use a distraction. Erik needs a companion besides his five cats that roam the castle. A prince single? He should be with someone.” T’Challa laughed to himself, humor and mischief in his eyes.
“We both know how horrible Arabella is. She wouldn’t be a great girlfriend or wife, T’Challa.” Ororo senses that T’Challa wanted to do this on purpose because of the tension between them both.
“You aren’t playing fair, T’Challa,” Ororo spoke with a soft and alluring tone, “just because you are upset with how things are with your cousin doesn’t mean you should interfere with who he falls in love with.” 
T’Challa breathes out a sigh, shaking his head before forking a potato, “He talks to me like I didn’t heal his wound. He doesn’t respect me as King.” That was a personal situation Ororo did not want to get into at the moment. She decided to leave the matter alone for now, turning to her food. 
Throughout the dinner, Ororo avoided Eriks heated eyes and kept her glass of rum close. Why was he so interested? He clearly had no respect for T’Challa with the way he looked at her like he wanted to fuck her. She considered sweeping him away with a sudden tornado but that would only kill everyone in that room minus her. Plates were replaced with dessert and at this point Ororo couldn’t take any more food. Just when things were going well, the doors to the dining hall opened revealing two women wrapped beautifully in gold traditional wakandan gowns, natural hair in goddess locs. One was slightly shorter and plump while the other was tall and slender. Silence filled the large open space as the two women stood firm at the tail end of the table, waiting for a response or instruction. Wiping his mouth with a cloth, T’Challa takes his stand, the same ruling stance that hushed the room. Erik looked from the women to T’Challa, a knowing look on his face and the urge to laugh ready to explode within him.
Did this nigga really just do this?
All that power made his head swell and Erik couldn’t wait to see Ororo’s reaction to this. Erik chanced a look at Queen Mother, he could even see the disgust that she tried to hide. Everyone else was clueless and it made Erik want to beat it into their skulls with his Nguni stick that he used for combat. 
“Bold,” Erik drinks more rum, wiping the sneer from his face quickly. He wanted to have a little fun. Why not fake surprise just like the rest? He could look at Ororo and give her a reassuring look to calm her hurt. Erik couldn’t keep his eyes off her for a second. The woman was beautiful. It was her skin mostly, it glowed. No… maybe it’s her eyes. She had sexy eyes.
On second thought it was her lips. Erik almost broke his goblet in half from how hard he held it. She was gonna marry T’Challa. How unfortunate. T’Challa cleared his throat, motioning for the two women to speak. 
“I am Chioma, daughter to G’foru, warrior of the water tribe.” She was the plump one.
“And I am Hadiya, daughter to Akuchi, Jabari tribe.” The taller one spoke. 
T’Challa watched as the Dora followed suit standing from their seats. Ororo waited with confused eyes, flickering from the women to T’Challa. She shifted slightly, clearly feeling out of place.
“We are here to serve our king as sisterwives for Queen Ororo.” 
An entire uproar filled the room, some outraged while others agreed. 
“SILENCE!” T’Challa spoke loudly, quieting the room. 
Erik could not keep his composure. His laugh was the only sound in that room. After about five glasses of the strong rum, Erik’s mouth was sure to get him in trouble.
“I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WENT AND GOT TWO OTHER WOMEN TO BE YOUR WIFE!” Ororo screamed so loud that her glass shattered. 
Shuri stomped on Eriks toes, shutting him up. He looked at her like she was stupid, toes burning from the pain. Ororo sat still and stared at the women who looked straight ahead like two dumb ass statues. She could feel her ears ringing now from her rising anger.
“Thank you, N’JADAKA, for your amusement. My cousin always knows when to make light of a situation, right, cousin?” T’Challa spoke sarcastically. 
Erik could see the scorching rage in T'Challa's eyes that was masked with a forced smile. Huffing, he keeps eye contact until he looks at Ororo with a lopsided grin. He could see her energy crackling around her. T’Challa didn’t need to worry about Erik, more so Ororo.
“My King, should we go?” Hadiya asks, eyes reading otherwise.
“No,” T’Challa looked over at Ororo’s angry face, “You will stay. The Dora can take you to your rooms and food will be there waiting for you. I’ll be there soon.” 
Excitement poured through both women as they followed behind the Dora, excluding Okoye who even had a look of utmost shock on her face. 
T’Challa took his seat again, grabbing up his fork to continue eating. He completely blocked out Ororo’s glare towards him. Her eyes could be felt briefly changing from cinnamon to silver but all that changed when Ramonda’s warm and nurturing hand gripped hers. 
After dinner, everyone joined T’Challa in the throne room where he sat alongside Ororo watching his Wakandan people dance and drink the night away. He felt proud to be the ruler of these people. Ororo however sat lazily in her chair, twirling her eighth glass of rum with great interest. Her long claw shaped nails painted black could be sharp enough to scratch the grins off of her sister wives faces. They danced seductively for T’Challa, gaining his attention in the eyes and in his crotch. Ororo almost gagged. She and T’Challa had a lot to discuss after this unnecessary party. 
“I think I need to get some air. My claustrophobia is making me suffocate.” Ororo whispered to T’Challa softly.
“Take as much time as you need, Ororo. I will be here waiting for you.” 
Accepting his kiss, Ororo stood from her throne chair, walking down the platform with her pretty bare feet and towards the large royal balcony of the palace. The noise faded out as she sipped her rum and walked. The smell of the fresh wakandan air was always soothing and pulled to her aura. Sitting her glass down and causing it to shatter, Ororo gripped the vibranium edge of the balcony, letting out calming breaths.
How could he do this to her? How could he still make her feel second? When things didn’t work out for them in the beginning he ended up with Nakia. Now that things didn’t work out between them he made his way back to Ororo. She always fell for his dazzling smile and chocolate skin. Her hands were in her hair now, scrunching the long silver strands like a mad woman. She adored this man, but he was fgoing to marry two other women to ‘sow his Royal oats’. 
“You want some company, beautiful?”
Turning, Ororo spotted N’Jadaka approaching, a cigar in hand and a drink in the other. Taking a puff, he blew out smoke into the fresh air, licking his lips afterward to take a drink. Ororo looked him over, noticing the scarring on his torso. Imagine how much pain he had to be in to do that to himself. This man that T’Challa despised had a story that caught Ororo’s attention.
“It represents the people I’ve killed. I don’t think you want to know the number.” Sneering, Erik approached her, skin smelling like African fantasy: luscious fruit and musk giving him a sweet but sexy aroma. Ororo turned away, breathing in through her nose. The rum was clouding her brain. She can’t be attracted to T'Challa's cousin...that was wrong.
“That’s the second glass you broke within the past two hours, you good?” That Oakland drag made her belly flutter. It felt good to hear an American speak. She faked an American accent living there for so long as a reporter turned X-men.
“As you can see, N’Jadaka, I’m not all well.” Ororo brushed her hair over her shoulder.
“He is a fucking idiot,” chuckling, N’Jadaka offered some of his rum to Ororo, but she kindly declined.
“Just more for me then, Isondo,” she could hear the flirty nature in his tone.
“Don’t call me that. It’s disrespectful to refer to me as sexy when I am your cousin's fiancé.” Ororo gripped her upper arms as if covering herself.
“You cold?” N’Jadaka’s husky voice practically singing in her ear.
“No. Can you back up?” She shot daggers at him with her eyes, causing N’Jadaka to step away. 
“Fiery. I like that,” he laughs smugly, drowning the rest of the rum and focusing on his cigar, “He doesn’t deserve a woman like you. T’Challa thinks he can have whatever the fuck he wants and clearly having you is the golden egg. Too bad you look like you’re ready to rage a fucking storm.” 
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” She sassed him.
“I would actually. I heard about what you can do. Show me.” 
“Excuse me?” 
“Show me what storm is all about,” N’Jadaka invades her space again, eyes on the evening sky.
“Show me lightning.” Blinking away from the stars, he looked down on her, “Show me a thunderstorm, no...a hurricane.” 
His eyes were wild and lustful. Ororo blinked away tears, her psionic powers over weather affected by her emotions. She often suppresses extreme feelings to prevent her emotional state from resulting in violent weather.
“And I heard about how cunning you are. You used to be a thief, right? So did I. I bet me and you could have made the perfect team. Stealing vibranium, giving back to our people the proper way, beating niggas asses and snapping necks,” N’Jadaka took his fingers to touch her soft hair, “You’re dangerous just like me.” 
Ororo smacked his hand away, touching her hair as if it were infested, “You’re disgusting. You can have any woman you want and you choose to chase me?” 
“I always get what I want.” He said with a dangerous smile 
“You sure? You didn’t get the throne. T’Challa did that.” 
“Yeah...he did. That’s where I fell short but I’m here. I’m in Wakanda now and I still bark orders and make decisions. I’m the one that pushed T’Challa to open the Outreach Centers. If it wasn’t for me, none of that shit would have fucking happened.” 
Ororo looked at N’Jadaka with great interest, “That was you? You made him do that?”
“In a fucked up way that resulted in me getting stabbed through the chest, yeah.” Her pretty cinnamon eyes had him hooked. 
“Wow...I praised him for that and I should be praising you.” Forgetting her recent disinterest in touching him, Ororo grabbed his hands, grateful eyes dancing with tears.
“I’m happy he finally opened his eyes. You made that happen.” As quickly as she held his hands she let go. N’Jadaka felt a void.
“You didn’t have to stop touching me. Your skin feels good against mine.” His face was dangerously close to hers, their noses almost connecting.
“Did I make you feel better?” He asks in a hushed tone.
“...Not so much. But thank you.” Ororo tucks her chin bashfully only for N’Jadaka to lift it, forcing her to look at him.
“I like what I see...and apparently so do you.” 
“I’m not...I can’t N’Jadaka.” 
Confused Ororo looks down at his chest, “Who is Erik?”
“Me. My American name. My alias,” he looked at her juicy lips, “I prefer that anyway.” 
“You’re too close, Erik. What if someone sees?”
“So what? I don’t give a fuck about their opinion of me. They already have their minds made up about me anyway so fuck them.” His hard exterior caused Ororo to step back. He was a force to be reckoned with. Erik was the type of man to ruin her in good and bad ways. The temptation to allow this man to use her body was slowly surfacing. His wild nature was like a drug to her.
“I have to go. T’Challa will be wondering where I am.”
“Only if you give him a reason to. I can take you to my private Villa in the mountains? You can let me fuck you like I know you want me to. I bet T’Challa never ate the pussy.”
Ororo gasped from the vulgar comment, covering her cleavage with her silk lilac dress. This man had no pause. He had no filter. Just blunt and obscene.
“You know about the irvingia gabonensis of African trees? There are some planted in the Wakandan jungle,” Erik takes her hair, placing it behind her ear, 
“some people call them wild mango, African mango, bush mango, dika or ogbono.”
Ororo’s eyes went low from his smell and the warmth of his touch against her ear. He was enticing her.
“They Bear these edible mango-like fruits that if extracted of their juices can arouse the person,” Erik takes her fingers, kissing each one slowly with his eyes on her. She couldn’t breath at all, her phobia back again like the wakandan air didn’t matter.
“You can ask any woman in Wakanda where they like that juice to be,” Erik nibbled the tips of her fingers, Ororo gasping with pleasure. 
“I bet your pussy tastes like irvingia mangos,” his dark chuckle finally did its job with making her pussy wet. Her pussy hadn’t been this wet in a very long time. She thought T’Challa was the only man to ever make her drip as much as she did but here comes Erik with the same effect on her horny body. It was wrong, but sexual desire could cloud your better judgment.
Leaning in close, Erik whispers against her ear, his nose in her good smelling hair.
“If you let me eat I’ll show you just how good I can juice that sweet pussy over and over on my tongue.” 
Ororo bit her lip, fingertips sparking. She imagined laying on Eriks bed, allowing this man to please her with his tongue for hours and making her scream and shout. It was so nasty and bad to think of doing that in the same space as the King but the old Ororo didn’t have remorse. He had those perfect lips to sit her pussy on and ride his face. 
“I’m getting married, Erik, I can’t do this.”
“You don’t wanna be in a poly relationship, Ororo. You telling me you would rather torture yourself? Nah, I don’t believe that. I’m finna take you back to my room and fuck some sense into you.”
“Are you hearing yourself?!!!” Ororo looked around to be sure no one could hear, “You’re insisting on sleeping with me and without a thought as to how this will hurt the royal family?”
Erik kisses his teeth, “Ramonda doesn’t approve, Shuri sure as hell doesn’t and neither should you. The Dora will kiss T’Challa feet before going against him. We ain’t gotta deal with that!”
Erik gripped the sides of her face, eyes boring into hers intensely.
“All you gotta do is say yes. And it’s not the rum talking. I really wanna take you away from him.”
“You don’t even know me. What makes you think I would jump and do that?” 
“Because I already got your attention. All you need is a little push.” 
Ororo took one look at his lips, biting her own before leaning in to taste him. His tongue deep down her throat and grunts deep, Ororo moaned. His tongue wiggles and curls like a garden snake and his lips rubbed hers like soft pillows against her face.
“Mmm,” she moaned into his mouth, allowing Erik to suck on her tongue. He was so nasty and demanding. Gripping the back of his head, Ororo battles him, the sloppy passionate kiss making her stomach tightened and her pussy wetter. She could even feel the hardening of her nipples rubbing his studded chest through her silk dress.
“Mhm,” he moaned in return, pleased with his accomplishment. She was so tasty. Ororo pulled away, gasping for air only to give Erik room to invade her neck with his long pink tongue that stroked like a slippery reptile. She shuddered, back arching like his tongue was deep in her pussy. Ororo bounces slightly with need, mimicking the way she would bounce on his tongue if he told her to. Her eyes turned silver, night sky swirling until a strong wind brushed past, closing the balcony doors. Pausing their kiss, Erik looks her dead in the eyes with a sly smirk, getting on his knees now and lifting her dress up and over his head. The high split of the dress revealed her long toned legs draped over his shoulder. Bracing herself on the balcony edge, Ororo could feel her panties slipping to the side while Erik pulled her petals apart. 
“Fuck,” she widened her legs, Eriks flat and thick tongue brushing everywhere like he was licking a plate clean. He wiggles that damn tongue against the underside of her clit, alternating between sucking and slurping. Mouth wide and wordless, Ororo clawed the vibranium, hips moving in conjunction with his tongue. She closed her eyes in defeat, all regrets long gone as this man ate her pussy like no other. He circled her clit with his pointed tongue, earning a cry. The tears in the back of her eyes fought to fall from how amazing he ate her. 
“Erik,” she whined. He had her begging.
Now he had the nerve to tongue fuck her pussy. Careful not to fall over the edge Ororo held her legs open wider, sliding down on his tongue to give him all of her.
“You’re so good at this, ahhh, it feels so good, N’Jadaka.” She cradled his head closer, rubbing over him gently. Her chest rose and fell with rapid breaths, heart racing at the thought of being caught by T’Challa or anyone for that matter. The long billowing curtains that covered the Palace doors did hide them but that didn’t mean that someone couldn’t be peeking right now. She repeatedly moaned out with every movement Erik made, her intoxicated body moving in slow motion. Drunk or not this felt AMAZING.
“Right there, fuck, yes, right there,” her hitched breath caught in her throat, body frozen as Erik decided to add two fingers inside of her. She could hear him laughing beneath her. Tired of him hiding, Ororo lifted her dress away from his head, lust filled eyes holding his dark and sinister gaze. This man was pure evil sucking on her pussy like a beast. She grabbed a fist full of his tapered dreads, guiding his head as he sucked her clit and finger fucked her pussy.
“Erik!” She was ready to explode.
“Give me all that juice, baby,” he pushed her and pushed, coaxing her with a curl of his fingers.
“Cum on my fucking tongue.” With his command, Ororo shouted so loud it felt like the party beyond those doors ended to see what the screams of pleasure were all about.
“You taste so damn good. Your pretty sweet pussy tastes just like I like it. So pretty and good, baby.” 
Erik kisses her entire pussy with love, watching with greedy and admiring eyes as the Storm goddess moaned and weakly spoke his name.
“Erik...oh, Erik...Erik…”
He savagely started eating her again.
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