#erik in the cockpit
theoscout · 1 year
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This is probably my favourite poto related photo of all time, so I'm reaching out to the tumblr phandom to answer one question: anyone know the source of it?
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charlesyapperxavier · 1 month
What if instead of walking away after Erik messed up with the plane, Charles continued the fight and ends up in a messy makeout session
Instead of walking to the cockpit
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Charles tackled Erik first class style.
Like this
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Fought like this
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Ends up like this
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And makes out
P.S. Logan sure won't be the one stopping it cus Erik few seconds ago was "Let him come"
P.P.S. Logan will be the one going to the cockpit
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multi-fandoms-posts · 16 days
Between Mission and Seduction
X Men Masterlist
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It's a beautiful, sunny morning as the X-Men team sets off on their next mission. The atmosphere is tense, as it's a delicate operation ahead. Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr, and Y/N are sitting in the cockpit of the jet, while the other X-Men, including Jean, Scott, Logan, and Storm, have taken seats in the back.
"Okay, team," Charles begins calmly and focused. "Our target is a secret government facility where they are presumably conducting experiments on mutants. We need to be cautious."
"Pff, what nonsense," Logan mutters from one of the back seats, arms crossed. "When has it ever been easy?"
Erik, standing next to Charles, frowns and adds, "This time we really need to make sure no one gets left behind. The security will be extreme. They know we're coming."
Y/N sits quietly in their seat, looking at Charles and Erik with a mischievous smile. "Oh, don't worry, my focus is elsewhere. But sometimes distraction can be quite useful, right?"
Charles raises an eyebrow, trying not to react to the comment. Erik glances at Y/N with a thin smile. "Now is not the time for your games, love."
"Oh, really?" Y/N leans back casually as the jet speeds through the clouds. "You seem a bit nervous, Erik. But don’t worry, I'll be happy to help you relax later..."
Charles clears his throat and tries to refocus on the mission. "Y/N... it would be helpful if you could support us a little right now instead of..."
"...instead of completely distracting us," Erik adds dryly, his eyes still on the controls.
Y/N grins innocently. "But I am supporting you! After all, I'm here to make sure you both stay sharp outside the battlefield too. You know how important it is to stay focused... even if one looks so tempting."
Jean, sitting in the back with the others, tries to stifle a giggle. "Is it just me, or is it getting very... hot in here?"
Logan grins broadly. "I wouldn’t have missed it. I find it damn amusing how the two most powerful mutants in the world are thrown off by a single comment."
Storm shakes her head, but also tries to suppress a smile. "Focus on the mission, everyone. We're almost there."
Charles, his brow now slightly furrowed, closes his eyes briefly to collect himself. "Y/N, really... you're not making it easier for us to stay focused."
"Oh, but Charles," Y/N says with an innocent smile, "I thought you loved challenges."
Erik mutters under his breath and reaches out to check some metal parts in the jet to calm his nerves. "You know exactly what you're doing, Y/N."
"And you know exactly how much fun it is to see you like this, Erik," Y/N whispers in a seductive tone.
As the jet finally lands and the team heads to the ground, the tension is palpable. The facility is before them, well-secured and surrounded by guards. Charles and Erik strive to maintain their professionalism, but Y/N's comments still hang in the air.
"Alright, team," Charles says with a hint of tension in his voice. "We'll split up. Erik and I will handle the guards on the right side. Y/N, you... just stay close to us."
Y/N grins and positions herself between them. "Oh, I'll definitely stay with you both. After all, you're so... protective."
Erik sighs deeply and uses his magnetic powers to keep the guards' weapons at bay. "Y/N, please..."
"What? I'm completely on it!"
Scott, observing from a distance, speaks quietly to Jean. "Is it always like this?"
Jean nods. "This is nothing new. But it’s always fascinating to see how easily they get thrown off."
The team cautiously moves through the facility, bypassing the first guards who are effortlessly disarmed by Erik. Suddenly, a loud crash erupts as a hidden energy weapon activates and fires at the team. Before anyone can react, Y/N is struck by an invisible force and slammed against a nearby wall.
"Y/N!" Charles calls out immediately and sprints as fast as he can towards her.
Erik follows closely behind, both with panicked looks in their eyes. Y/N lies dazed against the wall for a moment before lifting her head and looking at them with a grin. "Too bad… I was hoping you'd slam me against the wall."
Erik comes to a sudden halt, staring at her with a mix of astonishment and affection. "Really, Y/N? Now?"
Charles, standing beside Erik and checking Y/N's injuries, shakes his head slightly but can’t suppress a smile. "You seem fine if you're still able to make such comments."
"Oh, I'm perfectly fine." Y/N dusts off her clothes casually and gets up. "But I could use a little… attention after the mission."
Jean, who has been watching from a distance, can no longer hold back her laughter. "I have to say, this is really incredible. The two most powerful mutants in the world, and Y/N is playing with them like they’re puppets."
Scott shakes his head in disbelief. "I don't think I'll ever be able to look at Charles and Erik the same way again."
Logan grins widely. "I like it. It shows that even the great ones aren’t invincible."
"Focus, Guys," Storm says seriously, though she too is trying to suppress her smile. "We have a mission to complete."
Charles sighs quietly and looks at Erik, who rolls his eyes but still wears a small smile. "Come on, Y/N," Erik says, "let's finish this up. We'll talk later." Y/N winks at him. "I'm looking forward to it."
As the team continues to search the facility, Charles and Erik manage to keep the opponents at bay, but they keep exchanging glances whenever Y/N dives into dangerous situations without a word.
"I think I need a little backup," Y/N says, winking at Erik as she knocks a guard to the ground. "Or should I save you both?"
Erik gives her an exasperated look, though there's also a hint of affection in it. "You know very well you don't need to save us. But I appreciate the effort."
Charles, focusing on monitoring the enemies' thoughts, takes a deep breath. "Let's finish this quickly before more... distractions come up."
At the end of the mission, as the team returns victorious and exhausted, Logan gives one last look at the trio. "That was the funniest thing I’ve seen in a long time."
Y/N stretches and looks satisfied. "Well, you know what they say, a little fun is a must."
Charles and Erik, both with a mix of frustration and affection in their eyes, exchange a long glance. They know full well that Y/N will continue to present such challenges, but somehow, they wouldn’t have it any other way.
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gerec · 1 year
AU-gust 2023
9 & 10. Joker: Shipwrecked, Exiled
Pairing(s): Cherik, Starles Warnings: N/A
The sirens start blaring at the first direct hit, the computer warning of severe damage to the auxiliary engines. Erik curses as Azazel makes a mad sprint to the Engine room, while the rest of the crew try to keep their cool under heavy fire. The Genosha is used to having a little heat on its tail, as their dealings are often with the least savoury of the galaxy’s myriad inhabitants, but even they can concede that this is a lot, and that they might not be able fly or finesse their way out of this predicament.
It's not exactly common after all, to have half a planet’s armada after you, or specifically, after the long-lost Crown Prince of said planet hiding away on your ship.
The Westchester fleet hails them again, the automated voice of their flagship blaring through the comms, “Genosha, we have you surrounded. Surrender now. This is your last warning.”
“Erik,” Charles murmurs, looking out of the cockpit window at the dozen fighters keeping them boxed in on their current flight path. “Do as they say.”
“Fuck no,” Moira says, before Erik even has the chance to tell Charles to shut the hell up. “We’re not giving you up. You’re one of us, and we’re not going to let those bastards kill you.”
The rest of the motley crew shout similar sentiments, and Erik has never been prouder of the assortment of miscreants and misfits he’s come to call family. And Charles is more than just a crew member; he’s Erik’s, and Erik is his, and he is not going to let that thug Marko lay a finger on the stepson he exiled ten years ago.
“If they wanted to kill me, we’d be dead already,” Charles counters, which…none of them can really refute, given the sheer firepower aimed in their direction. “Give me up and they might just let the rest of you go.”
Erik rolls his eyes, and even Logan and Emma scoff at his words.
“You’re too trusting,” Logan grunts. “Ain’t no way they let us go once Marko gets his grubby hands on you, Your Highness.”
“He’s right,” Emma adds with a grimace, “I wouldn’t if I were in his place. Better to tie up all the loose ends.”
“You don’t know—”
Whatever Charles was going to say, none of them hear it, the ship suddenly spinning out of control, a precise hit sending them careening down into the barren moon below.
Erik regains consciousness sometime later, thankfully still on board his own ship, and – like the rest of his crew - still in one piece.
Unfortunately, that’s the extent of the good news, because a quick check of the Genosha’s vitals finds the entire starboard side smashed open, and the main engine damaged beyond repair. It’s a miracle that they’re all still alive, given the severity of the crash, and wonders if the enemy might have done something to help slow their descent. But that’s abruptly the least of his worries, because Charles is not right beside him, strapped into his chair….  
He stumbles out of the cockpit down the main hallway, then down the stairs and off the exit ramp. It immediately becomes clear that they’re inside the flagship’s massive docking bay, and that the Westchester forces have successfully captured their target. What’s not clear is where Charles has gone, and why there aren’t armed guards at the ready to escort them to the brig---
Then he looks up and sees Charles, a tiny figure in the distance, flanked on either side by row upon row of soldiers in Westchesterian armor. A man dressed in the heraldry of House Xavier steps through the blast doors – tall, blond and decidedly handsome – and smiles at a stunned Charles. Erik doesn’t understand what he’s seeing; not when the man goes down on one knee and bows his head, and not when the hundreds of soldiers all follow in kind, paying homage to the Crown Prince with the price on his head.
The rest of the crew catch up to Erik, just in time to hear Charles breathe, “Steve? Is it really you?” “Your Highness,” the man says, joy and relief abundantly clear in his voice. “I can’t believe I finally found you. After all this time.”
“I don’t understand. Kurt sent you---”
“No.” He watches as Charles closes the distance and pulls Steve to his feet. “Your stepfather is dead. You are the rightful heir to the throne of Westchester and I’ve come to bring you home.”
Charles shakes his head. “I can’t believe it. My friends? And Raven? Are they…”
“They’re alright. I promised you, remember? I swore I wouldn’t let any of them come to harm.”
In the two years they’ve known each other, Charles has rarely spoken of home, and shared very little of his life before his forced exile. It had never mattered before, what Erik didn’t know about Charles’ past, as they’d agreed to keep their own secrets even as they fell into bed. But now it seems the past would no longer stay buried, and the implications of it all – Marko’s death and Charles’ future as Westchester’s ruler – threaten to upend their fragile coexistence.    
Then, as the soldiers all rise and start chanting their Prince’s name, Steve pulls a teary Charles into his arms and seals their heartfelt reunion with a passionate kiss.
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dailyanarchistposts · 6 months
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Song to say goodbye.
The "Cherik Song Machine" is a little compilation of ficlets/one-shots I've made while listening to certain songs. This one is based on the song "Song to say goodbye" by Placebo.
Charles looked different, when Erik saw him he didn’t recognize him immediately. This Charles in front of him made him think of death, it was as if the being watching him was the corpse of whatever he once had. Because he had it. The memories of that happy young man with hopeful eyes were that, just memories. What Erik saw in front of him, was a man with glassy and hateful eyes, a man with long greasy hair. God! When was the last time Charles looked in a mirror? He had dark circles under his eyes, his beard has grown... Didn’t Charles tell him that he found beards to be unhygienic? The more he stared at Charles, the less he recognized him.
After the shouting match, trying to talk about a past out of reach for the both of them and Charles deciding to go and cry away from him (Yes, Erik knows he made him cry). Erik stayed put, not even acknowledging Logan. He knows Logan was sort of right, but Erik has no time to feel sorry, specifically for someone like Charles. He thinks Charles already spends a lot of time feeling sorry for himself, Drugging himself so he could walk? That isn’t the Charles he fell… Charles was wasting away his life instead of helping his mutant brothers and sisters, that’s what he was doing. Erik can’t feel sorry or love for someone like that.
Erik is so certain that Charles wants to be a human that he begins to treat him like one, and if he hates one thing more than the state Charles is currently in, is seeing him as something less than a mutant. Weak, angry, wasting his precious power, throwing his dream of helping other mutants away. No one would believe that the graduated Doctor Charles Xavier and this guy are the same person. When Erik left… No! When Charles chose humans instead of mutants on that beach in Cuba; Erik thought Charles would be okay. Yes, he didn’t stay long enough to know about his legs, and yes, he learned that thanks to Emma and her sarcastic remarks, but he knew Charles wasn’t the type to dwell on something like that, not when he had his mutation. Not even if Erik wasn’t there.
Charles walked in front of him, ignoring him, maybe he did hurt Charles. Erik knows he is hurt too, but he also knows his pain is necessary sometimes for the greater good. Charles was going back straight to the cockpit, and Erik noticed the bottle and the glass. It seemed getting high on whatever wasn’t the only thing he did. When they were looking for mutants ten years ago, Charles told him about his life with his mother. Erik knew Sharon wasn’t that bad as a mom, but she had alcohol always nearby, leaving her son to his own devices, was Charles following the same steps as his mom? Why would he throw his life away like that? Hank at least had the decency to be sober while trying to be human. Charles has become a sorry excuse of a mutant or human being, as if whatever Charles was looking for was at the bottom of a long and bitter taste of alcohol.
Erik had a lot of time to think of Charles when he was in prison. He remembered him so innocent, Charles was an inspiring person, his speeches were always on point, his words were delightful and his actions were always correct. Charles was good, someone with a good heart, someone who risked himself to save others, Charles saved him from drowning! What happened to that man? Who broke Charles to the point of turning him into a broken shell of what he once was?
He also remembers when Charles helped him control his power. Charles was the kind of person you could be open with and there would be no fear or judgment, the trust he inspired in others was one of the many reasons why Erik lo… Admired Charles. But now his somber face and lost glance only inspired anguish, fear, and hate. Erik would give anything to turn back time and keep that fucking needle away from Charles.
Because that serum was Charles’s problem. Not whatever he implied with that excuse of "doing it because he couldn’t sleep", yeah, sure. Alcohol was Charles’s problem, not whatever he tried to forget while drinking it. Maybe that’s the reason why Erik has the chessboard already set to play with Charles. To convince him that he is the only problem, not his spine, not the war, and most importantly, not what happened in Cuba. Definitely not what happened in Cuba.
Erik pretended not to see the way he harshly finished his drink, at least he accepted the game. During the night they talked about nothing in particular, they laughed a little and for just a second, he could see the old Charles there, with him. That got him a little sentimental, What happened to those young mutants that wanted to make the world a better place for them? Maybe he should stay with Charles. But he knows Charles would never want to finish all of their problems, not if he has to damage someone else to do it. Charles will always choose his own suffering over someone else’s.
Charles is sleeping now, and Erik is still awake. Erik knows he won’t stay and he knows that will hurt Charles, it hurts him too. Erik will always cut short his dreams and hurt the ones he loves the most before abandoning his mutant brothers. Charles was always one of those blessed with lucky sevens, someone whose voice made people cry, Charles was one of those people the world just doesn’t deserve.
But that was before his hope and innocence were lost on a beach in Cuba. Because Erik had to accept the truth, at least to himself.
The serum was not the problem, it was the bullet he sent straight to Charles’s spine.
The alcohol was not the problem, it was the way he broke Charles’s heart.
Erik abandoning him was Charles’s problem. Charles still loving Erik and hoping he will come back to him was the problem.
Charles doesn’t deserve this and Erik knows he doesn’t deserve Charles in his life. But Charles loves him and he can’t deny he still loves Charles. It’s a shame he has to abandon Charles again.
Check the Cherik Song Machine list here!
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news247planet · 1 year
#Featured #Jones #NASCAR #Sports NASCAR: Erik Jones penalized 60 factors for inspection points after Gateway https://news247planet.com/?p=423479
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1983 pt4
Summary: Ten years later (y/n) is now earning her PhD at Oxford, when she is called home in a emergency involving another telepathic student, Jean Grey and the nightmares she’s been having.
Warnings: battle scene. I follow a lot of stuff directly from the movie.
A/N: okay so like her powers are what ever I want them to be cause she studies how to unlock more powers so guess what. She’s sometimes senses possible future events and dreams about the future. @whyiswhatahow @willalaufeyson @flowersfrom197o @neenieweenie @laic2299
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The jet is oddly silent as we fly through the sky, only interrupted when Hank calls for me to the cockpit.
“What do you need?” I say as I stand behind the pilot's seat.
“Oh, I got something for you. I found it in one of the arsenal cabinets.” I walk over and pull out the only thing that is not a gun. It's somewhat like a cuff for your arm. “It looks like some sort of laser technology. I thought it could be helpful for you since you know.”
“I’m the only one here without useful combat skills. Yeah, I know Hank, being an empath is that great for hand-to-hand stuff, I am still trained though.”
“Yeah, I know I know. It’s just I don’t want you to get hurt out there, and I know you’ve been studying to find other powers in the unconscious, but I just want you to be safe.”
“Thank you, Hank. I’ll keep it with me.” I slide the metal cuff on my wrist, but I don’t push any buttons in case it’s dangerous.
Once we reach the outskirts of the city, we can see the mass destruction. There’s metal being pulled from the earth, and the whole city contorted to form a new pyramid in the middle of the city.
I stand in the cockpit of the jet next to mystique as Hank and Moria fly. “What the hell is that?” I ask, pointing to the sphere in the sky where all the metal is pulled to.
“It's Erik,” Raven says without missing a beat. Moreover, without missing a beat, Peter zooms in and stands between us, staring up at the sphere.
“How are you going to get through that?” I ask.
“I can get you in. I came here for him, let me help you.” Raven gives a nod to Peter, agreeing to let him help.
We touch down on land, and we all stand outside the jet. “Ok, Peter and I are going to stop Erik. The rest of you go find Charles.”
“But wait, some of us don’t even know how to control our powers.” Scott adds.
“Then don’t…” ravens pauses for a second and decides to show her natural form. “Remember, mutant and proud.” She gives a nod and Peter rushes them off.
Hank leads us through the rubble around the pyramid. We duck behind some remnants of a wall and scan the perimeter. “There's an entrance. It looks clear.”
Something feels off, “No, I don’t think it is.” Before I can sense it, I look up just as a man with metal wings swoops down, sending blades at us. Jean pulls up metal sheets to block them.
I see a small flash of my father in a few minutes dying on the stone slab. “Kurt, you need to get in there!” He spoofs away in a cloud of smoke.
“We have to go with him.” Scott says, but I stop him as I sense the next apocalypse member.
“We won’t have the luxury, Scott.” Just before he can question me, a bolt of lightning strikes a few yards away and a teen girl stands in its place with light shining from her. Her eyes are solid white. “Everyone duck!” Right on cue, she hurls a car in our direction. Hank instead plants his feet and pushes the car back at her, but before it crushes her, a girl in leather slices it in half.
Hank goes to charge her, but I put my hand out and stop him. “No, I got this one.” I start to toy with the cuff on my wrist. “Let’s see what this does.” I click one bottom, and it buzzes to life with a yellow light. I twist part of it clockwise, and it forms a long stream like a whip. I smile and flick a few times as a test. “Oh, this will be fun.”
The girl in the leather takes note of me and pulls out from nowhere her own two swords. Must be her mutation. I flick the whip at her, and she blocks it with her sword. She runs at me and I send the stream back at her, this time at her side. She moves out of the way and brings her swords down on me. I use the moment to wrap the whip around her leg and pull out from her. She stumbles but jumps back up, she grins before she changes her purple swords to match the whip in my hands. She sends it around my neck. I grasps it with my hands. Stronger than I expected, she slams me into a wall. Dragging me back to her, I gasp for air as she tightens it. I let go and place my hands beside my head. She tries to tighten it again, but I push back and kick up, knocking her back. I scramble to my feet and tackle her down. Somehow, as we wrestle and tumble around, my cuff gets knocked off. I finally pin her down and stretch to reach over for my cuff. She kicks me off her and I land hard on my stomach. I grab the cuff as she walks over to me. I stand up and turn the whip back on.
Before either of us make the next move, I feel a hand grab my shoulder: I blink before I’m in the jet. My dad lies unconscious on the ground. Soon, Kurt pops up a few more times with everyone else. Except Raven and Peter.
“What about Peter and Mystique?”
“They’ll catch up.” Hank starts the jet and takes off.
I sense the girl in leather and metal bird man's next attack. There’s a loud bang on the top of the jet. “Hank, take the plane down!”
“What, just do it!” He pushed the controls straight down. The metal bird man crashes through the ceiling and lands in the back of the jet. “Everyone, grab hold of nightcrawler.”
“I’ve never done it with so many people.”
“Kurt! Just get us out of here.” Jean says. We all take a hold of him as he focuses. After a few seconds of glitching, we’re in the living room of a nearby house.
“Get out! Get out!” My father starts screaming and moving in his sleep.
“Professor!” Jean tries to comfort him. “You're with us, it's okay.”
I can hear the mad mutant yelling in the street for my father to show himself. When he suddenly stops, I go to check the window. For a few seconds, I see him being thrown around by a blur, my heart stops when I sense the next gruesome scene. The mutant somehow stops Peter by timing it to catch his foot in the dirt. Peters freezes and tries to pull his foot free, but he can’t. He throws a punch and the mutant catches it, twisting his arm behind his back. He then kicks Peter's leg backwards. I can hear the snap from here before he screams in pain.
My father flinches, “I have to go out there, it’s me he’s after.”
“No, you can’t do that. If he has you, he has the whole world.”
My father cringes and settles himself back down. I keep my eye out of the window as the girl in leather walks over to the fight. The mutant pulls Peter's hair back to expose his neck for her. “Finish him.” I see the glint in her eye as she takes her sword and instead slices the mutant's throat.
He frowns as the mark quickly heals. He then picks her up by her throat, dangling her off the ground. Raven shifts back to her usual blue self.
I turn around as my father cries. “Raven,” he shuts his eyes. The mutant yells again for my father. My father stops. He’s face turning serious, “he’s right, I can still get inside his head.” He lays back down and focuses as he closes his eyes.
I turn to Hank and pull him aside. “They're dying down there. We can’t leave them.”
He nods, “I’m already on it.”
The mutants peel back the wall of the second story building to the living room. We’re sitting ducks, but Erik flies in, sending metal down on his former leader.
“You betray me!”
“No, I betrayed them.”
“Let’s do this.” I say, and Hank grabs mine and Scott’s shoulders. We jump down to the ground level and charge in. I run to where Peter stays trapped and kneeling.
“Need some help there, handsome.” I put his arm around my shoulder to help him stand. Hank comes around with mystique over his shoulder as he breaks the dirt around Peter's trapped foot.
Together, we lead them over to some rubble away from the fight. I help Peter sit down as Hank rejoins the others. “Stay here,” he instructs.
I pause to make sure they’re alright, but go to follow Hank. Peter stops me by grabbing my arm. “Where are you going? You can’t fight him, it's too dangerous.”
“Oh, but you certainly tried.” He doesn’t laugh, and I see the pain on his face.
“You’re an empath, what are you going to do out there? You could get hurt, I don’t think I could live with myself if you did.” He frowns.
“I can handle myself, Peter. Besides, they need my help, and you have to stay here.” I give him a small smile and place my hand on his shoulder. I push all my thoughts aside for a moment and decide to just lean in and kiss him. Our lips meet so quickly and with so much pressure. His hand that grabbed my arm now cupped the side of my face. I pull awake before I change my mind and charge back out to the others.
Peter was right, this is a very dangerous situation. But he was wrong about a few things, though. I'm not just an empath anymore. My technique is nonexistent, and I’ve only experimented with this once, but I saw in the future I can do it in 40 years so let’s hope that I can do it here.
I plant my feet and focus on pushing the energy from my hand. Trying to feel the waves from the ground, I use it to eventually build up enough force to push the clear stream of energy at my target. I drop it a few times and have to start over again, but eventually, I’m able to push him back a bit.
But me, Erik and Scott are doing nothing to him without Jean. She starts to walk out of the living room, her eyes glowing. Even when she runs out of floor, she continues walking on air. With each step closer, I see the mutant shrink more. But when she lets go of her power, and it tears him apart, I’m not quite sure if it’s Jean anymore.
With a final explosion, the chaos stops. I run back over to Peter and a now conscious mystique. “It’s over.” I smile. Hank and I help them back to the living room where my father lies, tired from fighting mentally.
Moria kneels beside him. “Charles, do you know where you are?”
“Yes, I’m on a beach in Cuba. With you.”
“That’s sweet, but no Charles you’re…”
“There’s still one more thing I have to do.” He sits up and places his finger on his temple. I see Moira’s eyes widen as she remembers the time of the Cuban missile crisis. I feel her overcome with emotion as she smiles back at my father.
Suddenly and not quietly at all, Kurt jumps up from where he laid unconscious and shouts. “Hold on!” He looks at everyone around him. “What did I miss?”
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goddessofmischief · 4 years
Days of Future Past, Part 2 - Peter Maximoff
Peter Maximoff masterlist here, and read Part 1 here!
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“Is this a good idea?” Hank said, watching you with unease. “Sending her with him.”
“Well... no, probably not.”
“It’ll be fine, teach,” said Peter, carelessly, throwing his arm around your shoulders.
That, you would later remember, was the exact moment that Charles Xavier began to loathe Peter Maximoff.
“Don’t take any unnecessary risks, then,” cautioned Charles. “Get in. Get Erik. Get out.”
Hesitantly, you took Peter’s hand, and he placed his hand against your neck.
“What the hell are you doing?”
“Tryna help you. You don’t want whiplash, do you?”
“Whiplash,” he explained, softly, and he whisked you into the complex.
...If anything, you had the comfort of knowing that Charles, Hank and Logan were in the Pentagon with you.
Logan would protect you, wouldn’t he?
Because you were absolutely sure this maniac was about to kill you.
“You got his dinner, right?” you said, awkwardly adjusting your uniform, identical to Peter’s.
“Yeah, yeah, I got it - oh, here he is.”
The two of you approached a plastic prison cell, peering down at the man inside it.
You had to say... you’d hoped that Erik Lehnsherr would’ve become less intimidating, over the years. If anything, he was as terrifying as ever. Even though he couldn’t see you, you felt as if you were already a disappointment to him.
Peter slid a tray down to him, carefully, and Erik read the note attached.
“Watch this, it’s gonna be cool.”
“You ever done this before?”
“Nope. Never!”
Peter placed his hands on the glass, and you watched in terror as it began to shake.
“Peter, are you sure-”
“Yeah, I got it!”
The glass rained down, and Erik climbed out. He did a double-take.
You waved, shyly.
“You know this guy?” asked Peter.
“Vaguely. He’s my old... mentor.”
“In three seconds, those doors are going to open,” said Erik, “And twenty guards will be here to shoot us.”
“I know,” agreed Peter, calmly. “That’s what I’m waiting for.”
Peter placed his hand at the back of Erik’s neck, and did the same for you.
“What are you doing?” asked Erik.
“I’m holding your neck so you don’t get whiplash,” Peter said, irritated.
At that exact moment, a cluster of guards stormed in, guns raised.
“Don’t move!”
Peter glanced at you.
“You ready?” he asked, and as you nodded, he rushed you and Erik into the elevator.
You leaned against the wall, feeling as if you were about to be sick.
“Fast. I... I don’t like fast,” you choked out.
“It’ll pass. It happens to everyone.” He rubbed your back, awkwardly, and you couldn’t help but lean in to his touch before he turned to Erik. “You must’ve done something serious. What’d you do? What’d you do? Why’d they have you in there?”
“For killing the President,” Erik deadpanned, and you bit your lip.
“Oh. They, uh... they told me you control metal?”
“You know,” said Peter, “My mom once knew a guy who could do that.”
You and Erik exchanged glances, and Peter seemed blissfuly oblivious.
Just then, the elevator doors opened, and--
Charles slugged Erik.
“Good to see you too, old friend,” said Erik. “And walking.”
“No thanks to you,” Charles grumbled, and six guards rushed in.
“Nobody move! Hold it right there!”
...You didn’t know what happened.
One moment, Peter was by your side. The next...
All the guards had knocked themselves out, the kitchen was in disarray, and your beloved speedster was out of breath, a pair of earbuds in hand.
“Music?” you asked, breathlessly, starting to piece together what had happened.
“Yeah. Time in a Bottle.”
“Oh, I love Time in a Bottle-”
“Thanks, kid,” said Wolverine, brushing past.
You stopped in front of him.
“That was really cool, Peter,” you said, quietly, and you could swear he blushed.
“You really think so?”
You grinned, going on your tip-toes to kiss him on the cheek.
“I know so.”
“Peter, thank you very, very much,” said Charles, shaking his hand, and Erik added in a begrudging “You take care.”
“Hey, I saw your flight plan in the cockpit. Why’re you going to Paris?”
Charles rolled his eyes, refusing to answer, and began to walk up the ramp to the plane.
“Promise you’ll write me,” you urged, squeezing his hand. “And call.”
“Oh, every day.”
You rolled your eyes, knowing he’d never keep that promise.
“Fine. Every week.”
“Fair deal,” you agreed, and you squeezed his hand. “I’ll miss you, anyway.”
“Don’t worry, I won’t let you miss me. I’ll be calling, and visiting, and writing-”
You silenced him with a kiss, and he dipped you, your hands entwined.
...Interrupted by Charles, flinging a set of car keys at Peter’s head.
“Do me a favor and return it for me.”
“Okay,” said Peter, dubiously.
“And, Peter?” said Charles, looking between the two of you. “Take it slow.”
Charles ushered you up the ramp, and Peter smiled at you, one last time.
You knew it wouldn’t be the last you saw of him.
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valeriethepussycats · 4 years
Chapter 14
Pairing- Loki x Reader x Steve (one side)
Warning- cursing
Your thoughts and other characters are in italics.
Your Alter ego name- Red Wing
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Several humvees  aim their mounted .50 Cal guns into the sky, firing and hitting  Chitauri Riders. Captain America fights off a soldier who is pinning him down with its energy rifle. Cap breaks it’s leg. He stands up, pickingup his shield.
“Captain, the bank on 42nd past Madison, they caught a lot of civilians there.”  Clint told Steve.
“I'm on it.” Steve answered.
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Dozens of civilians are gathered in bank. Tension and uncertainty surround them. Three Chitauri  Soldiers oversee them, pointing their weapons at them. One of them charges a bomb.
Captain America jumps through the window and throws his shield at the Chitauri bomber. The two Chitauri Soldiers aim their rifles, but Cap heads for cover under a desk, which he kicks at them. Captain America jumps over the desk, headlocks a soldier, while backhanding another one over the railing. The crowd moves away. A Chitauri Soldiers attacks him from behind and rips off his helmet. The bomb is beeping faster.
“Everyone! Clear out!” Steve shouted.
Captain America flips over the soldier, grabs his shield and just as the bomb is about to go off, Chitauri bomber. dives for, trying to stop it, but it goes off, sending Captain America through the window, landing very hard on a car. The civilians look up from below.
They're okay.
Cap gets off the car, looks around the city. Destroyed. The police and firemen arrive, pulling out those civilians he saved. A waitress looks back, thankful.
“Well every thing here gone shit.” A voice announced.
Steve turns around and see Logan leaning down on the Hood of a burning car, lighting his cigar.
“Who are you?” Steve questioned.
“I’m Wolverine and I’m here to help.” Logan said breathing out the smoke.
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Back in the bridge, Fury sees on his viewsscreen the World Security Council.
“Director Fury, the council has made a decision.” World Security Council #2 announced.
“I recognize the council has made a  decision, but given that it's a stupid
ass decision, I've elected to ignore it.” Nick snapped.
“Director, you're closer than any of  oursubs, you scramble that jet...” World Security Council #1 started.
“That is the island of Manhattan, Councilman. Until I'm certain my team can't hold it, I will not order a nuclear strike against a civilian population.” Nick explained.
“If we don't hold them in the air, we lose everything.”  
“I send that bird out, we already have.” Nick shuts off his viewscreen.
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Black Widow, still driving the chariot with the rider, is hit at  her side. She looks about, wondering whose Energy fire it was she looks behind.
“Oh. You.” Loki follows in hot pursuit. They race downward, trailing between buildings. They race madly, driving and dodging.
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Hawkeye looks at Black Widow, astonished. “Nat, what are you doing?”
“Uh... a little help!” Natasha voiced.
Hawkeye pulls the trigger twice, nocks an arrow, and points it at Loki, smiling.
“I've got him.” Hawkeye find the arrow streaks down the city, straight at Loki’s head...Snatch! Like a cat, Loki grabs the arrow straight out of the air...looks straight at Hawkeye, smiling...BBoooommm!! The arrow explodes in Loki’s face, crashing into the Stark penthouse pad.
Black Widow looks down and building her momentum, she jumps of the chariot, lands on top of Stark Towers, rolling herself to the edge.
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As Loki looks up, shocked at what just happened, The Hulk is leaping and kicking Loki hurtling towards the glass window.  He collapse as he hits the wall. The Hulk jumps in, ready to attack. Loki rolls  himself up in a flurry of broken glass, standing up to the Hulk.
Hulk grabs Loki by the legs and smashes him against the floor repeatedly and finally throwing him against the ground flattening Loki.
“Puny God.” Hulk mocked.
Loki whimpers in pain.
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Black Widow walks up the CMS machine. Erik, slumped down, weakened, looks at her desperately. The Tesseract's energy is firing towards the portal, gaining in strength, at the surge of energy moving through the sky.
“Doctor.” Natasha called out.
“Loki's scepter, the energy...the Tesseract can't fight. You can't protect against yourself.” Erik started.
“It's not your fault. You didn't know what you were doing.” Natasha said tried to reassure Erik.
“Well, actually I think I did. I built in a safety to cut the power source.” Erik answered.
“Loki's scepter.”
“It might be able to close the portal.” Erik looks down. He sees a gold gleam. “And I'm looking right at it.”
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Thor rides on top of chariot, Smacking several soldiers with the hammer. As Thor takes the reins, a Chitauri Leviathan crashes   through a building, knocking him down to where Cap and Wolverine  is, fighting off soldiers. Red Wing and Iron Man flies right next to the Chitauri Leviathan. Red Wing holds out her hand to slow down the The Leviathan while Tony aims his laser Booster at it. Nothing.
“Sir, we will lose power before you cut through that shell.” Jarvis Informed.
Iron Man flies up ahead, facing the oncoming monster.
“I would freeze it and then you could shot one of your....” Y/n looks to her left and  doesn’t see Tony. “Tony??”
“Jarvis. You ever hear the tale of Jonah?” Tony wondered.
“I wouldn't consider him a role model.” Jarvis answered.
“No don’t Tony.” Y/n shouted
Iron Man flies towards The Chitauri Leviathan, unleashing every arsenal on the suit. The Chitauri Leviathan opens its mouth. Iron Man flies in and bursts out the other end, making the Chitauri Leviathan collapse. Iron Man rolls down the street. The wind is knocked out of him. He looks up with an overwhelming sigh as a small band of Chitauri soldiers rush towards him,holding out their rifles they all fired at him busting one of his thrusters. Red Wing uses her powers to make it very cold on the Chitauri soldiers to the point of freezing and then shattering them into pieces. Y/n  rushes to Tony holding her hands out to warm him up.
“I’m sorry. Are you ok.”
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Hawkeye turns to fire his last arrow. Using his bow as a staff, he knocks some Chitauri soldiers, before yanking his last arrow off the dead body a Chitauri soldiers. Hawkeye nocks his arrow, dives down the building fires his grappling arrow up into the side of building. Falling down, Hawkeye finds the momentum and SWINGS himself into a building and cannonballs in.
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The Hulk  holds Chitauri soldiers by the face and slams  them down. More keep coming. Hulk looks up. Hundreds of riders hover over him. Then... they begin to fire energy blasts. Hulk takes them like he’s running though a light rain. Blocking the stream of streaking blasts, as though swatting at bees.
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A lone pilot sits in his cockpit, listening.
“Director Fury is no longer in command. Override order, 7 ALPHA 11.”
World Security Council #2  told the pilot.
“7 ALPHA 11, confirmed. Prepare to takeoff.” He ignites his engine.
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Back in the bridge, Agent Hill sees on her screen 7 ALPHA 11 preparing to leave. “Sir, we have a bird in motion! Anyone  on the deck, we have a rogue bird! We need to shut it down! Repeat! Take off is not authorized!”
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Nick Fury runs out to the deck, holding a Airtronic RPG-7. He takes aim and fires, hitting the tail end of the jet. The  jet skids off towards the edge. Pilot unharmed. Suddenly, another 7 ALPHA 11 jet flies  off. Fury stands there,knowing he can't do anything about it.
“Stark, you hearing me? We have a missile headed straight for the city.” Nick told Tony through the earpiece.
“How long?” Tony asked.
“Three minutes, at best. Stay low and wipe out the missile.”
Y/n  looks over at Tony him not needing to say anything. “A missile and it’s Three minutes out.....you can’t take it they shot your thrusters.
Without a second thought Red Wing leaves the streets and flies up into the sky. 7 ALPHA 11 arrives outside the city. He flips the switch to press the button. He presses it. The missile is flying out to Manhattan. “Destination is in 2 minutes, 30 seconds mark.”
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Captain America and Thor Battle, Side by side while Wolverine is slicing and dicing some soldiers with his claws on the outer side. Cap and Thor both throw their respected weapons. Thor catches Mjölnir, but as Cap turns, an Energy blast strikes him down hard. Thor runs over to a broken car, swings the hammer and flips the car over and over on its side, crushing a few Chitauri soldiers. Cap tries to get up. Thor helps him back to his feet. Cap raises his shield back up.
“You ready for another bout?” Thor asked.
“What? You gettin' sleepy?” Replied.
Wolverine plunges his clawed hand into gut of one of the soldiers. And Steve and Thor looks at him. “What?”
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Erik, back in scientist mode, clacks  away at his laptop. Henods. Black Widow grabs Loki's scepter, slowly breaks into the Force field, almost touching the Tesseract. “I can close it! Can anybody hear me? I can shut the portal down!”
“Do it!” Steve exclaimed.
“No, wait!” Y/n blurted.
“Y/n, these things are still coming!” Steve disclosed.
“I got a nuke coming in, it's gonna blow in less than a minute. One of Tony’s thrusters are Busted and I’m the only who can get to it the fastest....And I know just where to put it.” Y/n explained.
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Y/n catchers up, now comes at the missile from behind. The missile speeds on.
“Maximum effor.” Y/n proclaimed.
With the uttermost amount of effort, Red Wing touches the missile then use her powers to wrenches the rocket off its course. Steering it from behind, she accelerates quickly, flying straight up into sky, towards the portal.
“Y/n, you know that's a one-way trip?” Steve stated.
“Hey if I die build me a statue.” Y/n answered.
“What’s going on?” Logan asked.
“There’s a missile and Y/n going to put it in the portal.” Steve answered.
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Back in the bridge, every single agent holds their breath as they watch Y/n  fly up into the portal. But Nick is concern by 1000 Y/n  is going into outer space without any protection. Y/n limbs higher and higher over the city, gaining speed, suddenly flings herself through the portal.
“Y/n!! Y/n!! Can you hear me.” Nick called out.
But it’s to late communications has die. Y/n begins to feel cold. She looks looks in horror. She about to die.
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Every single agent cheers. Fury smiles. He tries to communicate with Y/n. Nothing.
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The black sky is filled with what must be ninety ships in a vague cluster. Most of them hang still in the air. Some move swimmingly about. Y/n let’s go of the missile. All of a sudden Y/n begins to feel warm and then a burst of the fire comes out form within Her.  Blasting her back out of the portal and blowing the missile up. Y/n being to free fall back down the portal's opening. The explosion from Y/n  and a missile reaches the main ship. The main ship implodes, causing the entire Armada  to burst into a supernova, creating a spectacular heavenly display.
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whatmack · 4 years
dude i would KILL to know more of the backstories and the postcanon stuff of iff if you have time or if u wanna share its so!!!!!!! good
!! Ahhh you’re so sweeeet Assorted headcanons/ extra stuff I couldn't fit in; some of it sweet, some of it not. SPOILERS FOLLOW.
After Cas, Andrew did not return to the Orphan Train. He traveled along the railroads, collecting odd jobs where he was able, and eventually ended up in San Francisco, where he stayed until he left for London. Aaron did the bulk of the work searching for his twin after his mother's revelation that there was one. He knows about Clara Barton because of his intent research into US medical records.
Abby had three children.
Bee was originally going to be French. 
In the first draft of Chapter 1, Kevin was the squad leader/ranking NCO, not Andrew.
Initially, Wymack had traveled to Ireland with Kayleigh, intending to stay temporarily. After Kevin was born, he extended his stay; after Kayleigh's death, the Moriyamas took Kevin over, and Wymack remained to do his best to get Kevin back. He did not succeed until the war threw the status quo into disarray. Katelyn and Aaron have been friends since very young childhood. 
Every airplane that Allison finished had a small inscription on the inside of the cockpit. They were short updates on her life to Renee, or questions, or hopes for her health. Though she and Renee exchanged letters, and the chance of Renee ever seeing these notes was astronomically low, it helped Allison feel better. The pilots who flew these planes had a fondness for the notes. They called the planes Renee's Birds.
Andrew's lot and Renee's tunnellers traded parts of their rations with Jean, so that he could eat as halal as possible. They care about him very much.
During the war, Dan ran a boarding house for women and girls made needy by men in their lives being sent to the trenches. She accepted any woman who applied, though, regardless of the reason. Some of Katelyn's less affluent fellow VAD nurses were Dan's "sisters."
Erik's eye injury was due to a perforation in his mask. Most blindness from gas in WWI was temporary: by the time permanent damage was done, the gas had usually damaged the lungs and throat enough that death followed.
Before Neil's letter that he and Abby had joined a French regiment, Andrew did not get a letter from him for several weeks. Then came the intel that the area his makeshift hospital was in had been bombed heavily. Bee found Andrew in the bathtub with a bottle of whiskey in his fist and a knife against his skin. She bandaged him and put him to bed, and Andrew had a long think afterward about what she'd done for him and his family. A few of his poems are about her; he had the one he thought she'd like best done up nice in calligraphy and gave it to her. She hung it on the wall, with Andrew's permission, making it the first one of his poems that anyone other than Bee saw. After Jean has recovered some, he and Kevin go travelling internationally. In Spain they run into Jeremy Knox, who survived the plane crash that ended his military career, though it left him heavily scarred and wounded. He is working as a flight instructor.
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Sorry for answering this so late, I hope you’re still around, dear anon :) and thank you for the ask 💙
Share your most poetic line.
Adkjfdkzf oh dear oh dear, bold of you to assume that there is anything poetic about my lines 😅 maybe this one from my Star Wars Cherik will work: 
A slow smile spread like sickness over Shaw’s drawn face, and his thumb came up to brush Erik’s lower lip.
Using a method of your choosing, share a randomly selected line. 
This one’s from my Mash-up May WIP that I haven’t updated in almost over a year 😂 It’s an MCU x XMCU crossover in which Steve and the Howling Commandos rescue Erik from Auschwitz and adopt him. 
They hurry to the bomb cockpits – the gunshots ring closer now, too, and Erik knows the best he can do is sit still and pray for the Howling Commandos to win the fight before the plane can take off.
Share a line that shows a character’s personality.
Cheating here by choosing one with dialogue but anyway. This is supposed to be both a fill for Mermay and for an angst prompt someone sent me a while back! It’s just Charles being very much fascinated by mer!Erik 🥺
“You’re… gorgeous,” Erik’s new acquaintance finally breathed, before he pointed to Erik’s tail undulating right below the waves. “May I- Can I touch?”
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kimistorm · 3 years
X-Men First Class: Reader Insert || Part 11 || Doom
It wasn’t very long until you noticed the plane circling over the two lines of battleships on either side of the embargo line.
“It looks pretty messy out there.”
“We are literally moments away from a whole out nuclear war.” You mentioned and then the brunt of the situation finally landed upon yourself, “oh my gosh. We are literally moments away from a nuclear war.” You put your face in your hands and looked wide-eyed at the ground.
“Don’t think about it, it’ll make things all the more terrifying.” Erik remarked.
Charles was off in his own little world as he read the minds of  the Russian soldiers below, “the crew of the Aral Sea are all dead.” He informed the rest of you, “Shaw’s been there!”
“He’s still here!” Erik yelled and looked through the window, “somewhere.”
“He’s set the ship on course for the embargo line.” Charles elaborated and pointed to the ship that was continuing to move forward, even though the rest of the Russian fleet had stopped.
“If that ship crosses the line, our boys are gonna blow it up.” Moira explained, “and the war begins.”
“Unless they’re not our boys.” Charles declared defiantly. He focused and you could tell he was controlling the actions of one of the russians. It was confirmed moments later as one of the russian ships launched a missile into the air.
“Hold on!” Beast yelled and the plane did spins in the air to avoid the missile rising into the air and then falling down to explode the Aral Sea. “A little warning next time, Professor.” You nodded and you noticed the other passengers nod along with you.
“Sorry about that. You alright?” Charles asked in concern.
“Yeah.” Hank confirmed.
“That was inspired Charles.” Moira applauded once it was clear that the Russians weren’t approaching the embargo line anymore.
“Thank you very much.” Charles acknowledged, “but I still can’t locate Shaw. (Y/n)?” he turned to you.
“No can do.” You shook your head, “he has a helmet on, and if you’re encountering it, I can’t get past it either. It works against telepaths and empaths.”
“He’s down there.” Erik insisted, “we need to find him, now!”
Charles looked towards the cockpit, “Hank?”
“Is there anything unusual on the radar or scanners?” Hank asked Moira.
She shook her head, “no. Nothing.”
“Well, then he must be underwater.” Hank concluded, “and obviously we don’t have sonar.”
The plane fell into silence until an eager voice shouted,“yes, we do!” Sean’s face brightened and you noticed the determination coursing through him.
Charles looked at Sean and nodded as well, “yes, we do!”
The two of them got up from their seats and Charles shouted to Hank, “Hank! Level the bloody plane!”
You noticed Erik’s anger getting the better of him which was causing the plane to crumple. You sent your mind out to him and tried to smother his anger with calming emotions. Moments later, the plane righted itself.
“Beast, open the bomb bay doors!” Sean yelled and the doors opened.
“Remember!” Charles shouted over the wind, “this is a muscle. You control it!” Sean nodded and jumped out of the plane. He dove into the water and you could only guess as to what he was doing. You sent out your mind to keep tabs on him, and when he was filled with joy, you knew he found Shaw’s sub. “He found them!” you called out.
“Are you ready for this?” Charles asked Erik as the two of them waited near the open doors.
“Let’s find out.” Erik replied evenly.
“Remember, the point between rage and serenity.” Charles coached.
Erik nodded and used his metal powers to lift the submarine out of the water. You inwardly laughed to yourself, you wondered how the sailors on the ship must’ve thought of all of this. A giant submarine being levitated in the air underneath an unknown plane.
“Yes!” you cheered Erik on, “you can do it Erik!”
The hatch on the submarine opened and you recognized the guy with tornado powers, “oh no.”
“Erik, take my hand!” Charles shouted as he grabbed onto Erik to keep him from flying away as the tornado ripped it’s way towards you.
“Hold on guys. It’s gonna get bumpy.” Hank warned as he attempted to keep the plane from going completely out of control. You desperately grabbed onto the various handles along the walls and hoped with all of your might that the plane wouldn’t get torn to pieces.
Hank was able to maneuver the plane from landing in the water, but instead of that, the plane was sent rolling onto the beach with fire and flying pieces of metal. You let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding when the plane stopped rocking and unbuckled yourself from the seatbelts holding you in.
“Moira? Moira, are you alright?” Charles asked as he helped said woman get out of her restraints.
“Yeah, I’m okay.” She replied.
“I read the teleporter’s mind.” Charles filled the rest of you in to what was happening, “Shaw is drawing all the power out of his sub. He’s turning himself into some kind of nuclear bomb.”
You gasped, “we have to stop him!”
“Moira,” Charles turned to her, “this is what we’re gonna do. Get on the radio and tell them to clear both fleets out immediately.” She nodded and ran to find the radio on the plane.
“I’m going in.” Erik declared and stepped out of the wrecked plane.
“Beast, Havok, back him up.” Charles ordered, “Erik, I can guide you through once you’re in, but I need you to shut down whatever it is that’s blocking me, then we just hope to God it’s not too late for me to stop him.” You frowned, the plan was banking a lot on chance, and Erik, but what other choice did you have?
“Got it.” Erik nodded and the three men darted out of the plane towards the submarine’s wreckage.
“Good luck!” you called out after them.
Raven made her way out to follow them but was halted by Charles, “Raven, stop!”
“I’m going to help them.” Raven proclaimed.
“We don’t have time for this.” Charles shook his head in denial, “if anything comes in that entrance, you’re taking care of it, yes?”
Raven harrumphed, “fine.”
“What about me?” you asked suddenly.
“I need your help to make sure Erik doesn’t do anything rash, we could completely lose him and start world war three.” He answered somberly.
“You know, you trying to control everything isn’t going to result in something good.” You murmured. Charles looked at you, but decided against refuting it.
“Erik, make for the middle of the vessel.” Charles lead Erik through the maze of the submarine. Even after knowing him for nearly your whole life, it still amazed you the extent of his powers. “That’s the point my mind can’t penetrate. We have to assume that that’s where Shaw is.”
You raised your eyebrow, you thought it was his helmet that was keeping Charles out, apparently it was a room. You sent out your mind through the ship to see if you could locate Shaw yourself. Sure enough, there was a big blank hole in the middle of the ship. You groaned, right when you thought you could’ve been helpful.
“There’s the nuclear reactor.” You heard Charles next to you, “disable it.” There were moments of silence as you assumed it was action going on that didn’t require step by step instructions from Charles. “Erik, you’re there. You’ve reached the void.” There was a silence and then Charles’ voice had an edge of panic in it, “what? He’s got to be there! He has to be! There’s nowhere else he can be!”
You took this as your cue to delve back into the sub to try and calm Erik down. A panicked mind can’t think clearly, and for the plan to work, you needed Erik to be able to think rationally. You latched onto his mind and gave him some calming emotions. He still needed his anger to keep him motivated, but it was a delicate balance he needed to be in.
“Erik? Erik.” Charles was calling out to the man who went into the sub.
You noticed Shaw flicker in and out and you grabbed the chance to try and change Shaw’s emotions. “No!” you shouted and Charles’ eyes flicked to you in surprise, “I can’t do anything against Shaw.” You explained, “darn it!” you shouted and punched the side of the plane.
“He’s gone.” Charles tried to refocus onto Erik.
“What?” Moira looked at him in concern.
“He’s gone into the void! I can’t communicate with him there.” Charles explained. You and Charles met blue eyes with (e/c) eyes. You were doomed.
“Darn it!” you shouted again and kicked the metal wreckage, “I could’ve done something about it, but I was too wrapped up in trying to get Shaw.” You spun around angrily and looked at Charles in shame, “I’m sorry.”
“Wait, yeah! Yes!” Charles cheered and you looked over to him, “he’s back!” he elaborated, and you quickly took a seat next to him, “Erik, whatever you’re doing, keep doing it. It’s starting to work.”
“Can you see him?” you demanded.
“It’s working! I’m starting to see him. But I can’t yet touch his mind.” Charles continued.
“Charles! I need you to send the image of him into my mind.” You took hold of his shoulders, “I can’t do anything without it.”
Charles looked torn between keeping tabs on Erik, and helping you which would in turn help him. Charles nodded and quickly established a mental connection with you. You closed your eyes and the image of Shaw appeared. “Got it, thanks Charles.” You confirmed and the connection broke.
The two of you turned towards the sub and you searched for Shaw. Now that you knew what he looked like, you were able to create the emotional connection with him. You ferried calming emotions into Shaw, ‘you don’t want to do this. You don’t want to hurt anyone.’ You thought in your mind. Shaw froze and you knew Charles was able to get into Shaw’s mind.
“Erik! No!” Charles shouted and he screwed his eyes shut in concentration, “(y/n)! Help Erik!”
You turned your attention towards Erik and got into his emotions. Once again, you were ferrying calm emotions into Erik. ‘Don’t turn against us Erik!’
“Erik, please! Be the better man!” you heard Charles shout next to you. You shut your eyes and your hands clenched as you tried even harder to get Erik to stop. “Erik, there will be no turning back!” there was a pause, and your connection broke off. You and Charles shared scared glances, once again you had lost him, and you were certain this time that there was no return from this.
Charles turned back towards the ship and you could tell he was holding onto Shaw, “No! Please, Erik! No!”
You couldn’t just sit back and let it happen without knowing what was going on, so you sent your mind back to where Shaw and Erik were. What you saw made you want to throw up. Fear was coursing through Shaw and only gleeful pride was found in Erik. “Charles let him go!” you shouted when you noticed Shaw was still frozen.
“I can’t! I can’t!” Charles shouted in a panic.
You decided you didn’t want to witness what was going to happen and retreated while still hearing Charles pleading for Erik to stop. It went silent, and you looked to Charles who shook his head. “It’s over.” Him, you, and Moira picked your way out of the ship, encountering a bored Raven on the way out.
You gasped when Erik led Shaw’s dead body out of the sub using his powers. You saw the trickle of blood coming from the wound in his head and you turned away to gag. It was horrible, and the shocked and disgusted emotions from those around you didn’t make it any easier to bear.
“Today our fighting stops!” Erik called out triumphantly and dropped Shaw’s body to the ground. You felt like a little kid again and hid your face behind Charles’ body. “Take off your blinders, brothers and sisters. The real enemy is out there. I feel their guns moving in the water. Their metal, targeting us.” You gasped and turned towards the ships out in the water. You looked at Charles in a vain hope that it wasn’t true, but Charles shook his head. Erik wasn’t lying. “Americans, Soviets, humans. United in their fear of the unknown. The Neanderthal is running scared, my fellow mutants!” Erik turned to Charles, “go ahead Charles. Tell me I’m wrong.”
Upon seeing no denial from Charles Moira took it upon herself to frantically call those who were on the ships, “the beach is secure. Call off the attack!” there was no answer and Moira frantically cried out, “hello? Hello!”
“No!” you shouted and clapped your hands onto the sand. You focused and used all of your energy to send out a wave of emotion through the water and to the ships. “Stop it!” you shouted, “we’re no threat!” You were only able to send a few waves of the strongest power you’d ever felt towards the ships, until you collapsed onto the ground from exhaustion. A moment later missiles flew into the air. You could barely keep your eyelids open, but you were determined that you were going to spend your last moments awake.
You felt Alex grab your fallen body to bring you back to the others, “stay awake, okay (y/n)?”
“That’s the plan.” You let out a dry laugh that took more energy than you believed was warranted.
The missiles stopped in midair as Erik halted any progress through the air, you let out a sigh of relief, “thank goodness.” Then, the missiles did a one-eighty and turned back towards the ships, “oh no no no no no! I hoped I was wrong. Erik!” you shouted
“Erik, you said yourself, we’re the better men.” Charles cautiously dictated, “this is the time to prove it. There are thousands of men on those ships.” Charles angrily pointed towards said ships, “good, honest, innocent men!” he shouted, “they’re just following orders.”
“I’ve been at the mercy of men just following orders.” Erik replied with an upturned nose, “never again.” He let the missiles fly back towards the ships where they had come from.
“Erik, release them!” Charles screamed.
“No!” Erik shouted in response.
“Alex, put me down.” You urgently hushed into his ear, “you’re a lot more help when you’re not being weighed down by me.” Alex hesitated, then nodded as he gently placed you down into the sand.
In the meantime, Charles had launched himself at Erik in an effort to stop him. “Erik stop!” he continued to yell.
Moira grabbed a gun and had it pointed at Erik, ‘it won’t help!’ you tried to shout using your mind. You cursed at yourself for not being able to master telepathy.
“Stand back!” Erik shouted and Moira refused to listen as she shot off multiple rounds. Charles ran to restrain Erik again as he was thrown off of Erik but let out a pained scream as a bullet Erik had deflected shot into his back.
“Charles!” you shouted. Immediately Erik turned around to cradle Charles’ head in his lap.
“I’m so sorry.” Moira ran to help Charles.
“I said back off!” Erik roared, he then glared at Moira, “you. You did this.” He noticed the dog collar around her neck and used it to hold her up in the air, thus choking her. You cursed in your head, if only he didn’t have that helmet on.
“Erik, please.” You heard Charles wheeze. “She didn’t do this, Erik. You did.”
Erik seemed to bite down whatever he was going to say and let Moira take his place in holding Charles.
“Charles! I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” She rushed over while profusely apologizing.
“Us turning on each other. It’s what they want.” Erik talked mournfully to Charles, “I tried to warn you, Charles. I want you by my side. We’re brothers, you and I.” You wanted to scoff, he was a psychopath, Charles, was not. “All of us, together. Protecting each other. We want the same thing.”
“My friend, I’m sorry. But we do not.” Charles denied, and you still wanted to groan aloud. Charles was too soft.
Erik looked somewhat offended and then turned towards the rest of you, “the society won’t accept us. We form our own.” He continued with his speech, “the humans have played their hand. Now we get ready to play ours. Who’s with me?” he held out a hand and you wanted to burn holes in it with your eyes. You were human too, just, well, as Charles liked to put it, more evolved. “No more hiding.” Raven started to walk towards him and you felt a crushing feeling of despair. However, it quickly turned to hope when she kneeled down next to Charles’ fallen body.
“You...you should go with him.” Charles breathed, “it’s what you want.”
“What? No!” you shouted. You couldn’t believe that Charles was breaking your little family apart.
“You promised me you would never read my mind.” Raven smiled wryly and continued as if your little outburst never happened.
“I know. I promised you a great many things, I'm afraid. I'm sorry.” Charles croaked. You couldn’t believe your ears. Everything that you thought you knew was falling apart faster than you could comprehend.
Raven looked towards you sitting in the sand many feet away, “take care of him.”
“R-Raven?” your voice cracked on the verge of tears as she turned away from Charles and joined Erik.
“We all knew it, you always got along with Charles more than me.” She smiled, “sorry (y/n). And Beast?” Hank looked up when she called his name, “never forget, mutant and proud!”
“No! Raven!” you screeched and you were miraculously gifted with the energy to lunge towards her. One moment she was there, the next she was gone with a whiff of red smoke. “Raven!” you choked on your own saliva as you fell onto the ground where she was just moments ago. Sure, you had your differences, but she was practically your older sibling. Raised up from nothing, she kept the two of you alive, and now, she was gone. “Raven!” you wailed up towards the sky.
“Help me out, come on.” Hank immediately rushed to Moira’s side, “I’m gonna get you to a hospital.” Charles started to move and she gently put him down, “wait, Charles.”
“Charles, don’t move. Okay?” Hank asked.
“I won’t.” Charles grimaced. “Actually...I can’t feel my legs.” You spun your head around to look at your fallen brother.
“What?” Moira asked in surprise.
“I can’t feel my legs. I can’t feel my legs.” Charles repeated the mantra and you found yourself shaking your head. No, it couldn’t be.
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knives-out20 · 4 years
Magnetic Push - Erik Lehnsherr x Male!OC - Part 4
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Fandom: X-Men: Days Of Future Past (2014)
Pairing: Karmel Rosenstein (OC) x Erik Lehnsherr
Warnings: Swearing, Gay, SELF HARM, Spoilers for X-Men: Days Of Future Past,
Notes: Welcome to Part 4! The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999) references ahead. Karmel’s hair tied up looks like this, for future reference:
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Karmel adjusted his tie as he walked down the plane aisle, Erik in front of him, buttoning up a blue shirt. "I always knew I left a tie at Charles' mansion" he groaned, flattening it down. Karmel pulled his suspenders up and over his shoulders, Erik reaching for a newspaper on the table in front of Logan.
Logan's claws shot out, landing on the newspaper so that Erik wouldn't read it.
Karmel instantly grew his thorny vines out, aimed at Logan.
"Karmel." Erik softly called.
Karmel groaned, reeling his vines back into his body- but slowly. He followed Erik further down the plane, the man calling "imagine if they were metal" over to Logan.
Erik sat down on a long seat that had its back against the side of the plane. He pulled Karmel down to sit beside him, draping an arm around the blond's shoulders.
Karmel leaned his head on his hand, glancing over at Logan when Erik asked him a question.
"Where did they dig you up?" Erik asked, not looking over at Logan, but clearly aiming the question over at him.
"You're gonna find this hard to believe, but, uh..." Logan started, leaning forward in his seat. "You sent me. You and Charles, from the future."
Erik looked over at Logan, clearly confused. He crossed one leg over the other.
Before Karmel could ask about his own whereabouts, the plane took off. He leaned his head on Erik's shoulder, who only pulled him closer. To Karmel, one of the best feelings in the world was having Erik's arm around him. Or both of Erik's arms. Either way made him just as content.
Erik and Karmel felt Charles' eyes on them, but took on the responsibility of not giving Charles the satisfaction of looking right back at him. 
Erik leaned down, to whisper to Karmel. "You feel him, too?"
Karmel nodded slightly. "It's fuckin’ weird. Can you say something-?"
Erik nodded back. "How did you lose them?" He asked Charles, still not making eye contact.
"The treatment for my spine affects my DNA" Charles answered, Karmel being the first to look at him.
"You sacrificed your powers so you could walk?" Karmel questioned.
"I sacrificed my powers so that I could sleep."
Karmel sat up straight, reaching a hand up to hold Erik's fingers. He did so in a way where two fingers gripped Erik’s, the others holding onto the cuff of his sleeve. This way, Karmel’s wrapped-up arm wouldn’t be exposed and questioned. He didn’t wanna talk about that right now. Or ever, if possible.
"What do you two know about it?"
"We've lost my fair share" Erik admitted.
"Ha" Charles sarcastically laughed. "Dry your eyes, you two. It doesn't justify what you've done" he shook his head.
Erik shook his head in return. "You have no idea what we've done."
"I know that you've took the things that mean the most to me" Charles raised his eyebrows.
"Well maybe you should've fought harder for them."
"If you want a fight, Erik, I will give you a fight!" Charles exclaimed, Erik and him standing up in unison.
"Sit down!" Logan called.
Karmel gestured a hand at Logan, "let him come" he muttered.
Charles gripped Erik's shirt. "You abandoned me, both Karmel and you! You took her away, and you abandoned me!"
"Abandoned you?" Karmel snapped, glaring at Charles. "You TOLD me to go with Erik, remember, numb-nuts? You gave me that 'go, it's what you want' bullshit that nudged me over the edge, to Erik!"
"Angel," Erik started to list off. "Azazel. Emma." He continued, everyone on board noticing how the plane started to rock a bit. 
"Erik..." Karmel softly called, gaze melting down when it landed on him.
"Banshee. Mutant brothers and sisters, all dead! Do you know how many times I almost lost K-Karmel, too?" Erik's voice rose, Charles letting go of him as the plane started to dip. "Countless others, experimented on" he added, cups and plates crashing to the ground when the plane tilted."Butchered!"
"Erik!" Hank called from the cockpit, Karmel steadily standing up.
"Where were you, Charles? We were supposed to protect them! Where were you when your own people needed you? Hiding, you and Hank! Pretending to be something you're not!" Erik went off, Karmel catching himself onto the first thing he could grab, to keep standing.
"Erik-" Karmel called, placing his hand on Erik's shoulder. "Erik, please" he pleaded, grip tightening a bit. 
And that's what shut him off. Hearing Karmel's voice, feeling Karmel's touch, that's what calmed him down. "You...Abandoned us all, Karmel and myself included" he exhaled, the plane wobbling back to normal. Erik looked down, panting gently before locking eyes with Karmel.
Karmel cupped his cheeks, Erik’s entire body facing him. "Focus on me, okay? Focus on me, my eyes, my voice, okay, Erik?" He quietly instructed, looking Erik up and down. "Deep breaths, alright, honey? In...and out...In...and out, just like you told me" Karmel repeated, watching Charles retreat into the cockpit. "I'm here, Erik. I'm alive. I'm still with you" he mumbled, patting Erik's cheek.
Erik softened into the touch, taking the deep breaths Karmel told him to do.
"So you were always an asshole" Logan noted, the comment directed at Erik. ”And you were always...quirky” he added, a lost gaze caught onto Karmel.
“I wouldn’t call myself ‘quirky’, but there is definitely something wrong with me” Karmel agreed.
Erik's eyes left Karmel's and locked with Logan's. "I take it we're best buddies in the future" he scoffed, sarcasm dripping with every word.
Logan grinned, looking up at the pair. "I spent a lot of years trying to bring you down, bub."
"How does that work out for you?" Karmel egged Logan on, arms wrapping around Erik in a tight, loving hug. 
"You're like me, both of you. You're survivors" Logan tilted his head, looking at the mess Erik made. "You wanna pick all that shit up?"
Erik raised his eyebrows, turning around to look at what he had done.
Karmel pulled away from Erik, balling his hands into fists. Vines shot out from his body and wrapping around every discarded piece of furniture he saw. Karmel lifted them all up and put them back where they originally were. He was desperate to ask Logan about himself, but held off from it. The idea of the future being a surprise felt fun. And normal.
It was night time. Charles was back where he was seated earlier, and Karmel lay across where Erik and him sat earlier.
Only this time, Karmel was fast asleep. A gin bottle was loosely gripped in his hand, thankfully closed so that it didn't spill anywhere. Erik tied up Karmel’s hair earlier, so it wouldn’t disrupt him in his sleep.
Logan hadn't moved an inch. He stared down at Karmel; so this is the esteemed Karmel J. Rosenstein, huh? Erik's one and only, Erik's ride or die, Magneto's dearest Climber. 
An alcoholic, orphaned bisexual with unapologetic anger issues and daddy’s ugly ties. What a guy.
Logan listened to Karmel's soft snores, wondering what it was that Erik saw in this guy. He took in the fact that first impressions happened to be rough. Maybe later on, he'll catch a glimpse of what Erik sees.
Erik walked down the aisle, holding a chess board in his hands. He stopped in front of Charles, putting it down on the table in front of him. "Fancy a game? It's been a while."
Charles drank from his glass, looking up at Erik. "I'm not in the mood for games, thank you."
Erik poured himself a glass. "I haven't had a real sip in ten years...neither has Karmel. Coincidence you had some gin lying around, hmm?" He inquired, eyebrows raising.
Charles gulped. "I like gin."
"Certainly not enough to keep a bottle of it on a plane, yea? Unopened, at that" Erik pointed out, turning to look at Karmel.
Logan caught the smile Erik grew when his eyes landed on Karmel. It's how Logan himself looked at Jean...No, it wasn't even close to that. It was far from that. Man, Erik is whipped. Logan held back a chuckle- the Erik in his future still smiles like that when Karmel's the center of attention in any way, shape, or form.
Charles followed Erik's gaze. "I see your feelings haven't changed, hmm?"
"Haven't budged a bit" Erik nodded, turning back to Charles. He sat on the arm of the long seat Karmel slept on, slowly drinking from his glass.
“His hair’s grown.”
“Karmel having longer hair than you, that’s a sight I never thought I’d see” Erik exhaled through his nose. ”Looks quite nice though, doesn’t it?”
“Not what I’m used to...” Charles shrugged, eyes falling on Karmel’s arms. ”What happened to his arms?” He asked stiffly. 
Erik set his jaw. ”That...” He started, a helpless look overtaking those beautiful eyes of his. ”I’ve had the misfortune of being asleep in our cell, while Karmel was wide awake. Left alone to his devices.”
Charles gulped, nodding.
"Karmel has secrets he doesn’t want to tell me. And I wish he would.” Erik’s tone was low, gentle. It was as if Karmel was still awake and he didn’t want Karmel to hear him.
Charles’ gaze diverged over to Karmel. He still didn’t want to get inside Karmel’s head, never again, at that.
“We didn't kill the President" Erik confessed, reaching a hand down and curling his fingers around Karmel's; like a baby, Karmel's grip on Erik's fingers automatically tightened.
"The bullet curved, Erik."
"Because we were trying to save him. Karmel volunteered to use his vines to grab it, but...that would've exposed us" he corrected. "They took us out before either of us could save him."
"Why would you try and save him?"
"Because he was one of us."
Charles' expression changed for a second, before he coldly scoffed, looking up.
Erik's expression didn't change. He was dead serious.
Charles shook his head, "you must think me so foolish. We've always said they would come after us."
"I never imagined they'd use Raven's DNA to do it."
"When did you last see her?"
Erik clicked his tongue, standing back up and moving to sit in front of Charles. "The day Karmel and I left for Dallas."
"How was she?"
"Strong, driven."
"How was...he?" Charles inquired, eyes trailing over to Karmel.
"Protective, actually. Karmel is tender...Karmel is beautiful. Though if I tell him, he’d say I’m such a liar. Karmel is...Karmel is a mystery- Kamel is not a nobody, though.” Erik shook his head.
"Erik. How was he?"
Erik opened his mouth, thinking. "He was...we are..." He shook his head, smiling. "I love him, Charles. I really don’t know what else you want me to say, or expect me to say. You watched me slowly fall for him, all those years ago, and I still am, to this day. You should be proud of Raven, though, Charles. She's out there fighting for our cause-"
"Your, cause" Charles cute him off. "The girl I raised, she was not capable of killing-"
"You didn't raise her, you grew up with her. She couldn't stay a little girl forever, that's why she left."
"Karmel and her left because you got inside their heads."
"Don't bring Karmel into this. You know as well as I do that his morals struck closer to mine than yours, from the moment you met him" Erik pointed a finger at Charles. "And besides, that's not my power. Karmel made a choice, she made a choice."
"But now we know where Raven’s choice leads, don't we?" Charles inquired. "She's going to murder Trask, they're going to capture her, and then they're going to wipe us out."
"Not if we get to her first" Erik claimed. "Not if we change history tomorrow..."
Charles stayed silent.
"I'm sorry, Charles...For what happened, I..." Erik looked down at the table. "I truly am." He apologized, looking up at Charles with puppy dog eyes he copied off of Karmel.
Charles threw back the rest of his drink. "It's been a while since I've played" he cleared his throat, adjusting himself in his seat.
Erik sighed silently. "I'll go easy on you. Might finally be a fair fight" he chuckled.
"You have the first move."
Erik looked down at the board, moving his first piece with his mutation. He kept his eyes on Charles, immediately standing up and turning to face Logan. Erik used his mutation to point a fork at Logan, "what do you think you're doing?" He hissed.
Logan was knelt down by Karmel, dangerously close to his arm. He raised an eyebrow and froze, looking up at Erik. "I got...instructed, by you in the future. To go see a friend of Karmel's and grab something for him."
"Grab what?" Erik pressed.
Logan gestured down to his hands. He held a brown, braided leather bracelet with a silver, metal clasp.
Erik's breathing calmed. "His bracelet...We haven't seen it in ten years."
"Or those?" Logan asked, gesturing to an old belt that lay across Karmel's waist, along with a black leather jacket he had draped over Karmel, as a makeshift blanket. "Some blue-haired kid, he's kickin' it at Karmel's place. Kept this stuff for him while you and Karmel were locked up. Future-you demanded for me to get these for him, both of these" he explained, clasping the bracelet around Karmel's left wrist. "What's with the hissy-fit, huh? They're clothing accessories."
Erik licked his lips. "I gave him that bracelet shortly after I met him, it was a gift. That belt belonged to Karmel's uncle. It's a long story, but, uh..." he rubbed the back of his neck. "Thank you for listening to me. These mean a lot to Karmel."
Logan nodded, "you can fix up Karmel's belt. Future-you would've killed me for so much as looking at him the wrong way" he joked.
Erik nodded, walking over and sliding the belt onto Karmel's pants. "Blue hair, blue hair...Grimm" he quickly connected.
"Grimm" Charles repeated from behind Erik, in an airy tone. "What a wonder."
"Hey, didn't you-" Erik turned back around once the belt was successfully on, but he quickly caught the 'don't' look that flashed across Charles' face. He nodded. "Sorry."
Charles waved his hand dismissively. "No, that's alright. It was for the best, for him."
Erik nodded, looking down at Karmel. His knuckles grazed Karmel's cheek, the blond shifting where he lay. Erik couldn't imagine breaking up with Karmel- it was unheard of.
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xmenwickedgame · 4 years
Today I want to talk about my canon Cherik headcanons...
I say canon because the First Class era wraps up differently in Wicked Game...but I still think about canon!
(Forgive me if I repeat myself at any point)
For years I’ve headcanoned that Charles and his telepathy accidentally picked up on the intimate moment between Erik and Raven. That’s why Raven finds him in the kitchen later, hunting for a drink. Does he know the full story? No, but it seems to Charles the man he’s fallen in love with doesn’t actially feel the same way...
Later, on the beach, when Charles tearfully tells Erik they don’t want the same thing, he isn’t just referring to their vision of the future...
We see how the heartbreak festers in Days of Future Past (hesitating when Logan refers to Erik as someone he loves, swearing never to look inside Erik’s head again.) He finally snaps at Erik on the plane; the civility between them too closely mirrors the night this man broke his heart and later ruined his life.
I also think that later, after Charles has calmed down enough, he leaves the cockpit to use the bathroom...and Erik impulsively corners him (at this point, Logan’s dozed off.) There’s hissing and swearing as Charles refuses to hear Erik’s attempts to explain; frustrated and desperate, Erik pulls him in for a rough kiss. Charles freezes, and gawks at Erik when he pulls back. A heated silence passes between them...then tears fill Charles’ eyes and he lunges at Erik for another kiss. One thing leads to another and then they absolutely have sex in that bathroom. You can’t convince me otherwise.
Of course, this reconnection is short-lived and Charles eventually learns to swallow his pain and grow into his own person. At least he knows there was something between them after all...
By X-men apocalypse, Charles believes he’s overcome his past...until Raven shows up and mentions Erik’s name. Oh, and tells him that Erik was married and had a child. Ouch. It only gets worse as Erik seems on board with sacrificing Charles for some awful ‘greater good.’ He can’t read Erik’s mind, which was initially what he wanted but damn all, how he wishes he could right now...once again, it seems like Charles loved Erik more than Erik cared for him (although I firmly believe Erik carried Charles after leaving the School and took off/bunched up his coat to use as a pillow.)
Thankfully Erik comes to his senses at the end and not only saves Charles, but sticks around to help him and the X-men recover. I wouldn’t be surprised if Charles suffered nightmares for a while, and who better to help him through trauma than Erik? Besides...it’s partly his fault. That’s why they’re able to part on civil terms, and why they exchange THAT LOOK at the end. There is still something there, even if they can’t seem to make it stick.
It’s hard to walk through Dark Phoenix because we haven’t seen the real cut of that movie. I don’t accept Erik’s motives in the theatrical version; it makes more sense to kill Jean because she’s a greater evil and Erik sure as hell knows what that looks like. Charles should too, but he doesn’t seem to (of course, Jean is basically his daughter and Erik should know a parent’s desperation to save their child...) he probably believes Jean is too far gone, or that letting her live will endanger too many. Of course, Charles manages to get through to her in the end, something he tried to do so many times with Erik...maybe that’s why Erik finally takes the incentive to repair the damage between them. That, and Charles is retired. No more X-men, no more publicity, no more clashing ideals to get in the way. They can finally be together❤️
(Oh and kudos to that tumblr user who pointed out everything in Erik’s home is wheelchair accessible. I wonder if he’d initially hoped Charles would visit before his ego took the reins...heck, maybe Charles DID visit early on. We don’t know how long they went without seeing one another...)
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news247planet · 1 year
#Jones #NASCAR #Sports NASCAR: Erik Jones penalized 60 factors for inspection points after Gateway https://news247planet.com/?p=412618
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