#eric ogrady
why-i-love-comics · 1 year
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Avengers Inc. #1 - "The Man Who Wasn't There" (2023)
written by Al Ewing art by Leonard Kirk & Alex Sinclair
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xmenred2022 · 1 year
I watched quantumania last night. As the resident antman fan I may give my thoughts on it at a later date but I think the story was. Not great. The strength of the two first films were that they were kind of low stakes and character based, which imo should be Scott’s thing when he’s not with the avengers, so having the multiverse at stake sure was a choice. I personally would’ve avoided the quantum realm or at least spending that much time in the quantum realm. I spent the runtime dreaming about a story where Eric O’Grady stole a prototype version of the suit during the snap and they had to track him down
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that90ssmshow · 3 years
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Taskmaster + Black Ant   f o r e v e r
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gaygwenpool · 5 years
Black Ant and Taskmaster for the ship meme :3c
Hello there oh so anonymous nonnie! :3c Once again under the cut cuz I Ramble… @herbofoo come get your juice too
[ask meme]
Who cooks
Both but more often than not, they just order a pizza or even somethin fancier. Neither of them are particularly good cooks but both of them are also able to eat pretty much anythin…  Though actually, im pretty sure while LMDs can eat, they dont derive any energy out of it so Eric basically runs on unstable Pym particles anyway. (Tasky probably bitches Eric should cook more often then, since they buy the pym pars mostly from Tony’s still considerably bigger paycheck and so technically he is already ‘cookin’ all meals for him) 
Who does laundry and other chores
neither of them, lazy bastards lol. no okay for laundry, its Tasky mostly, again by virtue of Eric bein a robot and not having many actual clothes anymore (he always uses tasky’s metal polish tho) plus who the fuck wears WHITE to a fight like buddy i know its all an ego trip how you fight so well u dont get it dirty but STILL.  
For the chores in general, Tony keeps track of what needs to be done and usually tells Ant to fix it cuz buddy’s too dumb and disorganized to do it on his own. And then Eric usually makes ants help him out.  
How many children do they have:
none and aren’t plannin any! Eric is still terrified of fatherhood and Tony just.. couldnt care less, neither of them really want to fuck up some poor kid that didnt sign up for it… But Tasky still trains his henchies, not as extensively as he used to but every year he has several “courses”, he loves that and slowly Eric started to enjoy it too. They stay in touch with quite a few of them.
But well, technically there is Finesse. In fact, Tasky keeps tabs on how she is doing and sometimes they even hang out, but not that often, again mostly for Jeanne’s benefit. They started keeping in touch more, slightly before she joined A.I.M. and while Tasky would have been happier if she stuck to the merc life, he can see she’s happier with Nadia and other G.I.R.L. scientists so hey, he’s glad girl’s makin her own way. 
Who’s more dominate:
Me on the mysteleon ask - no one, its a beautiful equal partnership Me on taskant - Tony lol. 
I mean it’s definitely not as unbalanced as their were in the Initiative! But Tony is just.. used to lead. :’D And Eric for sure doesnt mind! That post with “going legally braindead when S/O picks you up” is ...relevant. 
Favorite nonsexual activity:
Whatever they feel like at the moment, mostly just dicking around, lmao! They love partying and drinkin and just havin a good time with clubbing, singing their lungs off at karaokes, all that night life stuff! But also simply chillin at home with a bag of doritos and a cheesy romcom marathon or video games. Or enjoying the perks of luxurious life by shopping for ridiculously overpriced dumb stuff and robots and Weapons. And well sparing can be fun too or goin to pick up a fight with some strong villains/heroes so Tasky can renew his repertoire (that’s not that often though, more often he scores them a job so he can have fun, renew his repertoire AND get paid.) 
Their favorite place to be together:
It really ties with what i’ve said in the last bullet point so the Bar With No Name is really a strong contestant, you can get everythin there booze, food, music, karaoke, friends, jobs and sometimes even a workout when heroes bust it up or simply when someone is being an ass (outside of the bar of course). 
Any traditions:
Does backstabbing their employer count as a tradition because these two sure do it a lot. 
What they do for each other on holidays:
Holidays are often a real busy period for mercs, all these family feuds resurfacing or business enemies tryin to blame it on that etc.. So they mostly just run around, tryin to earn all that sweet sweet moneycash lol. But they manage to find some time to both get and exchange presents, which are often somethin both can enjoy, either tickets for a WWE match or a concert or some cool gadgets for jobs...
Their “song”:
Obviously it had to be somethin fun and pop since Tasky is canonically a big Spice girls fan and Eric definitely loves stuff like that too. I swear i wanted to pick a less ‘classic’ song, but it ended up being really on the nose because it just fitted so well.. 
so Yeah, anyway, it’s Wannabe by Spice girls :’D just imagine them singin it at the top of their lungs at each other, havin an absolute blast.
Where did they go for their honeymoon:
Oh dont get me wrong, there were Big Plans!!! ….and then they got caught, one by police the other by a cult, so their big casino trip snowballed into running all over the place, trying to free each other, kick some ass, save the money and accidentally help save the world… You know how it goes. They ended up in some washed up place, drinkin with Deadpool and Bullseye (Yes they tried to kill each other like an hour ago during those honeymoon shenanigans, whats your point) but hell, they still had fun. 
Where did they first meet:
At the Initiative, Ant was a young cadet under Tasky’s mentoring. Eric was (is) obnoxious, dumb and awkward but he was eager to please while being enough of a lazy bastard for Tasky to appreciate. And ever since that one time when Eric offered to share his Chuck episodes on his phone instead of the two of them answering the call to arms, they started to hang out more and more. 
Any pets:
Ants… So many.. ants……….. And not in neat vivariums either, they are simply walking around like they own the place. Tasky definitely isnt happy with that and he threatens Eric regularly, that if he wont stop feedin them or send them away this instant, he’ll just spray them all with DDT, but they both know he wouldn’t. 
At some point, Eric wanted to get into beekeeping, but he didnt really have time nor patience for it, not to mention they gotta move often and a lot. So he just. Asked some wild bees to make a hive at their place. (”We’re gonna have honey AND i can command them to attack any intruders, I’m a genius!”) It went about as well as you’d expect. At least the hood+skele mask hides stings pretty ok...  
As for Tasky, he kept Tess-1, that giant murder robot from Secret Avengers and  he has the Fluffiest snowhite cat as well, like a Gorgeous Soft angel cloud, this cat could win medals on contests. She is a spoiled princess that only eats the most expensive fresh tuna and also all the weird bits and pieces of gore the mercs accidentally bring home on their boots n weapons. Her name’s Kitty Spice because a certain T. Masters is hopeless. She sleeps on Anty the same way cats sleep on computers and in general is super cuddly. 
What do they fight over:
Lots of things! Tasky has his temper and both of them can be annoying fucks.  From the dumbest tiniest stuff (like Eric leaving his dildo in the fridge who the fuck does that or Tony not lending him his guns, that aint fair you have so MANY of them) to more serious stuff (like the first time Tasky had a bigger amnesia attack, making him forget not just the beer he invited Black Ant to but forget Eric all together… Ant knew a little about Tasky’s memory issues, but they are still both ruthless mercs so Tony didnt divulge much in order to avoid vulnerability or manipulations.. Eric took it hard, he didnt really understand how it worked (or wanted to understand), he just kept going on about how he doesnt mind Tasky forgetting what they did last few years but how could he forget him??? 
Do they go on vacations, if so where:
Well, they did pay for that beautiful beach house in Belize so… ;)
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currycomicedits · 5 years
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︔ Eric O'Gray (Cyborg) ⌜🤖⌟ Black Ant
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Edited by: Cellphone.
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Comic: Illuminati [ 2015 ]
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penciltopbear · 4 years
Okay look I don't know much about Hank Pym but I do know that I want to punch him. So bad. He just seems like such as asshole.. he probably watches big bang theory and thinks it's funny. Dumbass let three separate people steal suits from him. One of the smartest guys in the world and he can't get people to stop fucking stealing from him. Stop building killer robots and get a real job at least movie Pym wasn't a fucking tool all the time jesus christ
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killbaned · 5 years
intersexmycroft replied to your post: my favorite thing about how fucking annoying mcu...
when i rped eric ogrady someone thought he was a scientist
that is fucking HILARIOUS oh my GOD 
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disabledwarrior · 7 years
Ma: cas i saw green lantern fleece but it like wasnt YOUR green lantern it was the one with brown hair
Me: doesnt matter ma u couldve bought it
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artinbuildings · 7 years
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Check out the great photos from the 2017 Francis J. Greenburger Awards in Real Estate Weekly!
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why-i-love-comics · 2 years
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Ant-Man #4 - "Ant-Man Forever" (2022)
written by Al Ewing art by Tom Reilly & Jordie Bellaire
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xmenred2022 · 5 years
Imagine Eric O'Grady is introduced to the MCU as Black Ant as he frames Scott while working for A.I.M but redeems himself whole way with Scott seeing him as a potential successor also him flirting with Hope. Also in a twist, Hank mentioned to have had a previous marriage before Janet with Eric's mother causing Eric to look at Hope and puke in his mouth a little.
I'm going to be honest with you I 100% cannot stand Eric OGrady I wish he would die again for his various crimes but good story pitch
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why-i-love-comics · 2 years
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Ant-Man #4 - "Ant-Man Forever" (2022)
written by Al Ewing art by Tom Reilly & Jordie Bellaire
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why-i-love-comics · 2 years
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Ant-Man #4 - "Ant-Man Forever" (2022)
written by Al Ewing art by Tom Reilly & Jordie Bellaire
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why-i-love-comics · 2 years
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Ant-Man #4 - "Ant-Man Forever" (2022)
written by Al Ewing art by Tom Reilly & Jordie Bellaire
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why-i-love-comics · 2 years
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Ant-Man #2 - "Imposter Syndrome" (2022)
written by Al Ewing art by Tom Reilly & Jordie Bellaire
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why-i-love-comics · 2 years
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Ant-Man #2 - "Imposter Syndrome" (2022)
written by Al Ewing art by Tom Reilly & Jordie Bellaire
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