#eric dyer
edyer-art · 2 years
Tumblr name change!
It’s time. I’ve been hesitant to do so because it will create a lot of dead links, but I’m changing my tumblr name in 2023 to no longer be my dead name.
Thank you for all of the support everyone has shown me: my followers, @hyperallergic @art and @staff . (I’ll never forget when y’all asked me to be apart of that talk at the Phoenix Hotel in SF!) It has meant a lot to me, and continues to mean a lot to me.
I can not wait to show yall all the things I have planned for 2023, it’s going to be a fantastic year!
Thank you!
- E Dyer
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flashfuckingflesh · 8 months
EVIL Explains EVILThings! "Mansplained" reviewed! (SRS Cinema / DVD)
“Mainsplained” on DVD. Do You Need Me to Explain It To You? Middle class professional Sara has just been mansplained how to be better at her job.  Numb by the experience, the humiliating moment eats at Sara’s sanity like a nagging drip of a leaky pipe.  In fact, drip sounds of a leaky sink invade her mental space as she nonchalantly places a towel and bucket under the constant dribble.  When her…
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sweetcarolinejane · 2 months
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I don't know how I feel about this lol
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bronx-bomber87 · 1 year
Good Morning! Super excited for these next set of eps to review.
We’ve reached the iconic and pivotal DOD eps. I’m nervously excited to review these. I want to do them justice. They are momentous for not just Chenford but the entire series. Rosalind Dyer is one of my fav recurring baddies. I loved Annie from Castle as well. Was psyched she would be joining The Rookie. This was a rare one where I got to use all the gifs I wanted to. Yay. Kid in a Chenford candy store haha Thank you to all the wonderful gif makers out there. You are the real MVP's. Let’s get this started :)
2x10 The Dark Side
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We start with Lucy and the guys out for a post work drink. Armstrong is there as well. They’re talking about Jackson dating a celebrity. Asking how that is? Lucy says they’re happy if he’s happy. Nick calls her bluff and says ‘Liar.’ LMAO Lucy cracks and says men suck ha They sure can. That the single men in LA suck. That whenever they find out she’s a cop they freak out. (To touch on not dating a cop bit. It is only a mistake when it’s not Tim. Let’s be real.) Especially while she's still a rookie just not a good idea (cough Nolan cough) He was never a good decision though....not even a little bit. I'll die on that hill haha
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Armstrong joins the convo and comes in with some solid advice. ‘Those aren’t men they’re boys. Real men are not afraid of a strong woman.’ Your real man just isn’t ready yet my dear. Nor are you. I really love this scene though. I enjoyed Nick a lot as a character. Poor Lucy she goes on her 'Sister Officer Lucy Chen' rant ha Classic. Oh the irony of this convo. In S5 she definitely isn't in a nunnery anymore heh. That is quite awhile away from this point though. Have to note how pretty she looks in this scene. Her outfit is simple but she looks stunning.
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Lucy leaves the table to get another round. That’s when Lucy runs into Caleb….really unfortunate that’s his name. That’s my BIL's name haha He seems normal enough with his flirting with Lucy. Both of them being ignored for another drink by the bartender. He's making her laugh and appearing nice and kind. Ugh run Lucy run…Their moment gets interrupted by Lucy noticing a guy stealing tips. She walks away from the convo and apologizes. End ups arresting the thief. The way she takes him down is bad ass I have to say. (Tim would be proud) Says 'Surprise I’m a cop’ haha
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Roll call comes around and they find out about Rosalind Dyer. A rare unicorn in their world. A female serial killer. She’s agreed to show them the 3 bodies that were never found. In exchange she gets life with no parole instead of the death penalty. Everyone’s day is now centered around this. Tim and Lucy discuss her past murders. Lucy telling Tim she was in college when they found the first victims.
That it was all anyone could talk about, wondering how a woman could be so barbaric? Tim shares his own story about it. How he worked a scene for the 4th victim. That he was advised not to look at the body. How he wish he hadn’t… The hindsight of watching this scene unfold right before they run into Caleb. It’s bone chilling to think about. Their convo being framed around this before he shows up.
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Caleb shows up and Tim is immediately suspicious and does not like this guy. His face has me rolling the entire time. Gives Caleb a hard time about the word 'Perp'. His facial expressions I can not LOL Now part of this reaction is his cop gut. I truly believe that. Not trusting whoever this guy is for Lucy. His default is suspicion. The fierce protector coming out to play in this scene.
I think the rest of his reaction is him just not liking this guy being interested in Lucy. Jealously thy name is Timothy Bradford. Its seeping out of him and he can't stop himself. He's completely forgotten he's dating one of her closest friends in this moment. Written all over his face how territorial he’s being right now. I always love me some protective/jealous Tim. This scene and honestly this entire episode is full of that.
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Lucy’s face is screaming ‘chill out’ the entire interaction. She's basically scolding him with her eyes above. They have a mini silent conversation with their eyes before the scene continues. If that isn't the most married look they've had so far. I love it so much. He definitely looks reprimanded in that second gif above. Tim is as transparent as person can be in this scene. Not even trying to hide it a little bit. Caleb has shown up and Tim's guard and protective nature are out in full force. Doesn't like this guy just showing up and sniffing around at all.
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Caleb is clearly nervous around Tim (as he should be..) It's too funny he keeps trying regardless to talk to Lucy. Tim deftly snags the paper out of the air. She didn't have a chance of grabbing it. Caleb has to sense how much Tim doesn't want him here. He could not be less welcoming of this man. Tim reads the paper and he asks if Caleb has a last name LOL He says Wright. The irony of that last name...
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I doubt our boy even knows why he’s reacting this way to Caleb. Only that he is and very strongly at that. All his feelings when it comes to Lucy are muddled and confusing for him. Yet he acts on them anyway. From the moment this guy showed up the green eyed monster was present. Tim continues to grill him. He asks what he does for a living? Says if it’s a screenwriter he’s going in a cell. He really hates screenwriters haha A theme through out the show for him.
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Eric’s facial expressions during this entire scene truly is perfection. Look at the way he looks at Caleb as he leaves. If looks could kill he would be a dead man. Also you can see the mask on Caleb drop when he turns away from them (shudder). The immense distrust written all over Tim's rigid body language. You'd have to be blind not to see it. Both of their faces above are a summary of the entire scene. Lucy is happy to have caught the eye of a 'decent' guy. Tim doesn't trust this guy as far as he can throw him.
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Tim doesn’t even think he’s done anything wrong till he turns around and sees her face. Kudos to Melissa for the great reaction. He says 'What?' All innocent like he didn't just drag that guy through the mud. Treat him like a criminal they deal with on the daily. She is so affronted and honestly confused as hell with his reaction. Her face basically saying 'What the hell was that?'
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From the moment Caleb shows up to the moment he leaves Tim is NOT pleased with his presence. Lucy is truly confused as to why he is acting this way. She can’t put together why he was trying to kill that entire interaction. We all know Lucy included (deep down) this was jealously thorough and through. But she chalks it up to him being stressed about how crazy everything is right now. Sure that’s it Lucy…She demands the paper back with just her face and outreached hand. Tim is shocked she wants the number of this doofus. He relents and unwillingly hands it back to her. Almost rolling his eyes as he does so.
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They’re driving in a caravan to the first burial site. Lucy is looking at Calebs online profile in the car. Tim snaps at her to focus. That this is going to be most dangerous day she’s ever going to spend on the job. Oh the weight of that comment when you know these eps….They both have no idea how true that’s going to be. Might seem like he’s mad when really he’s protecting her by getting her to focus. It’s his way of doing it. I also think it's a little frustration bleeding over from the whole Caleb thing. Not that he's going to put that together right now. Hell doesn't even realize how territorial and jealous he just was.
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We rejoin Tim and Lucy once they arrive at the first spot. They're talking about Rosalind during this 'Hike' to find the remaining bodies. Tim asks if she’s less scary in the light of day? Lucy tells him no…but mentions how smart she must be. To have gotten away with this for so long undetected. Lucy smartly mentions there’s a play here they’re not seeing.
Tim tells her it’s just to jerk them around. Oh my love it is far more than that. Lucy is so sharp to observe this hike has to be more than just her deal. She is proven right when they find a fresher body in one of the grave sites with the old one. It’s obvious she has a partner on the outside they just don’t know who…
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Lucy is looking at Caleb’s “profile” again. Watching a video of him with a puppy. Jealous/Protective Tim makes his next appearance. Could not be more obvious if he tried. Not a fan of her being enamored by this guy. He makes a snide remark saying I bet that’s not even his puppy. It’s scary how spot on he was with Caleb the entire time. It’s mainly from jealously and being protective of her, but it’s frightening how dead on his cop gut was. He turned out to right about everything with him.
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Lucy naturally gives him push back and says she just wants to enjoy a cute puppy. That it’s been an awful day. Can't she just do that? Jealous Tim won't agree with her. So he is a little shit and says 'This your first decomp right? ' Watching her face go from happy to grossed out LOL Oh Tim. He knows how bad this smell is going to be for her and is enjoying it haha The way she follows after him is too funny. Melissa is also amazing at expressing so much as well.
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The eerie part of this scene is it’s them being the ones to discover the DOD tattoo… There are so many forewarnings in this episode for her. For them. Literally smacking us in the face with them. That could’ve been her if things had gone wrong... Ugh my heart. They find out the newer victim was suffocated…What an awful way to die. I’m asthmatic and it gives me a pre-asthma attack just thinking about it.
A light hearted part of this scene is once again the lack of personal space. Ah personal space. They don't know her and never will. We're all ok with this notion. Nolan ends up getting Rosalind to lead them to the second site. They find a new body in it with a DOD Tattoo. The freshest one yet. They realize it’s every three months. That 12/09/19 is the the next DOD. John notes it’s 12/08 they have a day to find the next victim.
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Tim and Lucy join Armstrong at the jail to search Rosalind cell once again. Trying to find some connection. A way her and this person have been communicating. Nick asks where her books are and they say they sent them back. He asks for every book she's read in the last 6 months.
They’re searching all the books and of course Lucy is the one to crack the code. I love it. Finds something in the binding. Its a coded piece of paper. She figures out the cypher fairly quickly. You know Tim loves how damn smart she is. He’s impressed. She figures out a name from the code. My girl. Bryan Coleman. Funny that doesn’t sound like Caleb Wright….
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Harper and Nolan end up saving the next girl. They find out he’s been using the old abandoned zoo as his staging ground. What kills me is them saving her condemns Lucy. They stopped him from scratching that sick itch. Grey tells them all to go home and rest. Lucy spins around and tells Tim she’s just going to go home and crash.
Tim tells her that’s a mistake and gives her the advice that will haunt him in the next episode. Hell for quite awhile if I’m being honest. He will carry this moment with him for a long time. Says after a hardcore assignment she needs to blow off some steam. Find a way to decompress. If she doesn’t she’ll never get any sleep.
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Lucy is super cute asking if he's really telling her to go get a drink instead? He tells her yes. Preferably a strong one even with another human being. We all know who that human being is going to be….Side note I adore the fact that he always opens the door for her. Doesn't even realize he's doing that. Just does it out of habit. Her real man standing right in front of her but it is far too early for that hehe
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Literally makes me sick to watch her scene with Caleb. My skin crawls knowing where it’s headed. He took advantage of Lucy with her guard down. Her cop eyes we're retired for the night. Just trying to decompress. We go back to the station where Grey tells John and Nick they found a body at the old zoo. Bryan Coleman. Which can only mean one thing as we go back to Lucy. That Caleb is the apprentice….
She goes from giggly and relaxed to sheer terror in a matter of moments. He drugged her and Lucy is slowly realizing the situation she is now in. He also snags her phone before she can use it. Sadly she is over powered easily due the drug he gave her. Then sticks her in the trunk of his car. The ep ends there.
It’s a crazy stressful two-parter. So damn good though. I remember when this first premiered how hard it was to wait for the next episode. I’m pre emotional just thinking about analyzing the next episode. Can’t wait to do it though.
Side Notes-Non Chenford
Wopez good scenes not many but really good. Wes clearing not handling his post traumatic stress well. Mixing his prescription with alcohol. Angela coming home asking if he was trying to kill himself. He says I don’t know… Not a great answer bud.
The whole Rosalind SL. It’s so dark but so good. Getting a deeper look into Nick and seeing some chinks in his armor. What he sacrificed to catch her. It’s very good. I enjoyed his character a lot and getting more depth with him as well.
Thank you as always to those that like/comment/reblog these reviews. It’s means the world to me. I love doing these and they take time to assemble. But they’re so worth doing to enjoy this rewatch together. I’m also enjoying the hell out of analyzing these eps and our beloved couple. I’ll see you all in 2x11 :)
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squeamishnerd · 9 months
My Top 23 Screenshots from 2023
Thanks for the tag @sharona-sims 😊
Pictures below the "Keep reading" cut
Most of the pictures also have links to the posts they're from 🙂
From The Original Ahriman
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Ahriman being photogenic. The picture for Arc 2.
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These two being... questionable? 😅
(It's just self-woohoo with extra steps...)
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Morgyn's training session
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The "What do you mean I should treat others the way I want to be treated?" face
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Cornelia Goth making her son nervous
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Ahriman meeting Harold 🥰
From The Brights
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Beren crying 🥺 Taking this screenshot broke my heart
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Beren laughing 🥰 When he played Never Have I Ever with Jayden, Cameron, and Julia
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Beren reacting to when Melon first started
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New chassis colours! Kodex kept their original blue chassis colour, Eve changed to silver, and Melon changed to red
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The first time Ahriman saw a bot
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Cameron and Jayden breaking up 🥲
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Selfie! The picture for Arc 2 😊 (Also, see if you can find something I hid in the background)
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Beren and Melon going to a restaurant
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Ahriman sitting by the broken portal
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Beren "got distracted" 😅 (He started to think about woohoo because of Morgan's questions about love)
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Melon being dramatic 😂
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The Order of Enchantment when they were found by Julia. I just love how he squints with one eye 😆
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✨ Glimmerbrook ✨
And here are four pictures from a Dress Up / Alternate Universe Prompt game. People gave me prompts, and I dressed up my sims in a separate save file. All of these are just me playing around with the ideas from the prompts, so they're completely AU and not canon 😆
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Beren as an engineer in the 1800s
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Beren as a steampunk engineer
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Beren and Andrew at a ball in the 1800s
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Beren as a steampunk scientist and Ahriman as a vampire, in the 1800s
And I'm tagging @pomelosims, if you want to do it, no pressure 😊
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missnancychavez · 2 years
The Rookie; 5x04 Spoilers
I am so intrigued by how some people completely hated the episode and how some people completely loved it.
I personally loved it.
First; I get why people wish the Lucy had more involvement in the conclusion of the Rosalind storyline; but she was a victim. We have to remember that while Rosalind impacted her life in a life-altering way, Lucy was just a blip in Rosalind's. Yeah, she was a victim that got away, but Rosalind knows that Lucy still has so many obstacles to face because of her, and that is all of the excitement she needs from Lucy.
Nolan, however, was a more objectively obvious foe, due to Rosalind's weird obsession of him. Him being lured by Rosalind and given the choice to kill her or watch Bailey die, and ultimately choosing to watch Bailey "die" because of his morals, is going to affect him through the rest of the season. He made a choice, and while it all turned out okay, it is going to haunt him. It'll affect his relationship, his personality and ultimately make him question a lot.
Secondly. That Chenford moment. The eye contact. Tim being next to Lucy when she stared at Rosalind's body. Everything about the two of them this episode. And more specifically, Lucy's finally getting the closer she needed to truly move on from Caleb and Rosalind.
I don't think it is fully over, but I don't think it is going to be in a sinister way. Its going to be Lucy coping with Rosalind's death and what comes next. As much as Chris is in the way of who we actually want together, I don't think he is bad. Nor do I wish for him to be evil and go after Lucy and Tim. Lucy has gone through too much, and if Chris is evil, logically, we could kiss any thought of Chenford goodbye for another few years as she wouldn't trust anyone with her heart after that betrayal, even Tim. Lucy is strong, but even she has a breaking point, and another betrayal revolving around Rosalind would be it.
I cannot wait for Tuesday. It will be really interesting to learn more about Jeffrey, and who shot Rosalind, to them hunting Jeffrey. As a huge Criminal Minds fan, I'm always down for a good serial killer story arc, and I wouldn't be opposed if Jeffrey becomes that for Feds.
I think those are all my thoughts. Yeah, pretty sure that's it.
Night guys!
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I didn't love the way Rosalind died...it just wasn't very satisfying after it being so drawn out.
Yeah was a bit too much bailey for me and yeah I would have preferred if it had revolved more around Lucy/Tim/Tamara, but they did have good roles and now it was Lucy being the one to save someone which is very poetic.
I liked Celina a lot more this episode. Her spider line 🕸️ Also I think they forgot what Lucy/Nolan/west rookie training was like, because there was a whole lot of boot, don't you even dare make eye contact with me and you fucked up by their training officer and the rest of the team.
Oh and I for some reason really enjoyed them all getting into the shop together for their pow wows lol
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suchananewsblog · 2 years
Stream It Or Skip It: ‘American Auto’ Season 2 On NBC, Where The Team At Payne Motors Deal With A Recall, A Brush Fire, And An Angry Seth Meyers
Season 1 of American Auto wasn’t an enormous, Abbott Elementary-style hit for NBC, however its first season confirmed that it was a stable if unspectacular office comedy with a well-oiled solid. Usually exhibits like this enhance of their second seasons, and the second season of American Auto exhibits the gang at Payne Motors smack in the course of the disaster launched on the finish of Season…
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diceriadelluntore · 9 months
I Miei Libri del 2023
Leggere libri è il gioco più bello che l’umanità abbia inventato. Wisława Szymborska
1 - Benjamin Stevenson - Tutti nella mia famiglia hanno ucciso qualcuno
2 - Bernardo Zannoni - I miei stupidi intenti
3 - Michela Marzano - L'amore che mi resta
4 - Martin Griffin - L'impostore
5 - Eric Fouassier - L'ufficio degli affari occulti
6 - Wendy Doniger - L'anello della verità
7 - Peter Hopkirk - Il Grande Circo
8 - Carmine Pinto - Il Brigante e il Generale
9 - Susan Cain - Il dono della malinconia
10 - Dennis Duncan - Indice, Storia dell'
11 - Maria Grazia Calandrone - Dove non mi hai portata
12 - Eshkol Nevo - Tre Piani
13 - Marcus Du Sautoy - L'enigma dei numeri primi
14 - Pietro Trifone - Brutte, sporche e cattive
15 - Giuseppe Barbera - Agrumi. Una Storia del Mondo
16 - Gianrico Carofiglio - Della gentilezza e del coraggio
17 - Audrey Magee - La colonia
18 - Edith Wharton - L'età dell'innocenza
19 - Antti Tuomainen - Il fattore coniglio
20 - Geoff Dyer - Natura morta con custodia di sax
21 - Franco Lorenzoni - Educare controvento
22 - Toshikazu Kawaguchi - Finché il caffè è caldo
23 - Florian Illies - 1913
24 - Francesco Paolo De Ceglia - Vampyr
25 - Richard Osman - Il Club dei delitti del giovedì
26 - Giulio Boccaletti - Acqua
27 - Domenico Dara - Malinverno
28 - Alessandra Necci - Al cuore dell'Impero
29 - Andrew Verghese - Il patto dell'acqua
30 - J.F. Powers - Morte d'Urban
31 - Imma Eramo - Il Mondo Antico in 20 Stratagemmi
32 - Gianni Solla - Il ladro di quaderni
33 - Alice Cappagli - Niente caffè per Spinoza
34 - A.K. Blakemore - Le streghe di Manningtree
35 - A.J. West - La meccanica degli spiriti
36 - Eric Fouassier - Il fantasma del Vicario
37 - Beatrice Salvioni - La Malnata
Nel 2023, finalmente, ho superato le 10 mila pagine lette, arrivando a quota 11336. Era un piccolo limite personale, niente di competitivo, ma il fatto di aver cambiato metodo di lettura mi ha aiutato nell'intento. Quest'anno ho letto anche libri su consigli di amici di Tumblr, uno tra questi è stato un regalo graditissimo. Per quelle vie misteriose e magiche che i libri ti fanno seguire, a volte ho comprato, senza saperlo, libri che sono complementari per tematiche e trame. Obiettivo del prossimo anno è leggere un classico a trimestre. Se ci sono curiosità sui titoli, chiedete!
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waystarresourceco · 1 year
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Kendall’s office with a breakdown of identifiable degrees and awards. A list of books are under the cut. (x)
B.A. in Economics (summa or magna cum laude) – Harvard University
E.M.B.A. (Executive Master of Business Administration) – INSEAD
INSEAD has locations in Europe (France), Asia (Singapore), the Middle East (Abu Dhabi) and North America (San Francisco); unclear which location Kendall attended 
Liz Rogers Award for Leadership in Business and Entertainment Media
Books (Left to Right):
The New Digital Age by Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen
Masters of Innovation: Building the Perpetually Innovative Company by Kai Engle, Violetka Dirlea, and Stephen Dyer (credit to @poeland and @kenzie-ann27 for the ID!)
Responsibility at Work by Howard Gardner
Beijing Welcomes You by Tom Scocca
Confessions of a Radical Industrialist by Ray C. Anderson
Known and Unknown by Donald Rumsfeld
Collision Low Crossers by Nicholas Dawidoff
The Credible Company by Roger D'Aprix (thanks again to @poeland and @kenzie-ann27 for this one as well!)
The Moment of Clarity by Christian Madsbjerg and Mikkel B. Rasmussen
Emperors and Idiots by Mike Vaccaro
Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done by Larry Bossidy and Ram Charan
The Hedge Fund Mirage by Simon Lark
The Mobile Mind Shift by Ted Schadler, Josh Bernoff, and Julie Ask
Denial and Deception by Melissa Boyle Mahle
The Good Jobs Strategy by Zeynep Ton
Trauma Red by Peter Rhee
Good for the Money: My Fight to Pay Back America by Bob Benmosche (huge thanks to @poeland for identifying!)
In an Uncertain World: Tough Choices from Wall Street to Washington by Robert Rubin (huge thanks to @flippy-floppy for identifying!)
Feel free to message if anyone can identify any of the other items/books/details!
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andiatas · 6 months
Good morning, everyone, and welcome to another instalment of the Fandom project! This time, we are once again discussing books, this time, young adult books. Check out previous posts in this series here.
Once again, the list is quite long, so I will just mention the wiki and not go into deeper details about what each one needs help with. If I did that, the post would be too long, and no one would have time for it.
As I've mentioned in previous posts, if you can create & edit a Tumblr post, you can edit articles on a wiki. Here, you can find an easy step-by-step guide on how to get started with contributing, but you can also message me & I will help guide you through any question marks.
13 Treasures Series // A Walk to Remember // The Amateurs // The Archived // Artemis Fowl // Beautiful Disaster // Big Little Lies // The Bone Season // Books of History Chronicles // The Book Thief
Charlaine Harris // Chris Van Allsburg // Chronicles of Nick // Cornelia Funke // Covenant // Dan Brown // Daughter of Smoke and Bone // Destroyermen // The Devil Wears Prada // Diana Wynne Jones // Divergent // The Diviners Series
Emily of New Moon // Endgame // Eric Flint // Famous in Love // The Fault in Our Stars // Fever/Highlander // Fifty Shades of Grey // Fire and Thorns // Gabriel Allon // Gail Carriger // Gail Carson Levine // Gallagher Girls // The Giver // Guards of the Shadowlands
Half Bad Trilogy // Hardy Boys // Hush, Hush // If I Stay // Island in the Sea of Time // J. K. Rowling // Jane Austen // John Green // John Wayne Cleaver // Just One Day // L. J. Smith // The Last Kingdom // Little Britches // Little Women // Lockwood & Co. // The Lone City // The Lovely Bones // The Lying Game
Mara Dyer // Maximum Ride // Me Before You // Meg Cabot // Millenium Trilogy // Monsters of Verity // Mortdecai // Neil Gaiman // Nerve // Outlander // Paws and Claws Mysteries // The Phantom of the Opera // Phillip K. Dick
R.L. Stine // Rain of the Ghosts // The Reckoners // Red Queen // Roman Mysteries // The Selection // Shades of London // Sharpe // Shopaholic // Sir Robert Carey Mysteries // Starbound Trilogy // Starcrossed // Storm and Silence
Takashi Matsuoka // Trudi Canavan // Uglies // Unearthly // Unenchanted // Vicious // We Were Liars // Wicked Lovely // The Witchlands // The Work and the Glory
If your favourite book or series isn't mentioned here, I suggest checking out the literature page, the book club or go to this page & simply search for your favourite book/series/author. Its almost guaranteed to have their own wiki!
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makeitastrength · 4 months
Multiple questions and none of which have any correlation, I am just way too lazy to make separate asks.
1. Do you think Tim would cry on his wedding day and/or for the birth of his child(ren)?
2. What are your thoughts on the chenford argument in Angela’s house? I’ve seen so many posts about the top 5 moments from season 6 and I’m surprised not a single one had that one on there. (My top 5 is Kojo’s birthday card, argument at Angela’s, the entire ‘freak in the sheets’ scene, the breakup, and the elevator hug if anyone cares.)
3. What are your top 5 ALL TIME chenford moments?
4. Could you explain more of your idea for the alternate ending to the Rosalind Dyer fic? Seems interesting.
Oooh, fun questions, anon! Thank you!
1. I mean, I want to see him tear up on his wedding day for sure. Will he? Pre-therapy, I would've said no, he won't, because Tim doesn't really cry. But now, one of my biggest hopes for season 7 is to see Tim actually cry. He needs to let out all the pain he's holding in and just let the tears flow. And I think once that happens, he might be more likely to at least tear up on both those occasions.
2. I loved that scene, anon! Tbh, I think in my head I was kind of lumping that in with the breakup when I made my list of favorite scenes. Eric and Melissa deserve major props for that scene, it was so real and emotional and incredibly well-acted. And thanks for sharing your list of fav scenes as well :)
3. Oh gosh, my top 5 all time?? I don't even know how I can ever answer that question. If you ask me again later when I have the motivation to dig through the entire series, I'll be able to make a more complete list, and I'm sure it will be different from this one. But for now, off the top of my head:
Tim rescuing Lucy from the barrel/the hospital scene (2x11)
The hug in 4x09
Dancing at the wedding in 4x18
The hospital scene/hug in 6x04
The elevator hug in 6x09
Honorable mention: the airplane bathroom kiss
(Are you sensing a theme here? They have the best hugs.)
4. Hmm... I'm trying to figure out what to say here without totally spoiling it. But basically, it's shaping up to be a one-shot set after 5x01 but in a universe where 5x04 doesn't exist, and Tim and Lucy are more directly involved with taking her down once and for all. That's all I'll say for now.
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redladydeath · 1 year
Six actors who's names share a common root
Hannah (12) Jana Larell Glover, Anna Uzele, Hana Stewart, Annamaria Baranyai, Anita Gado, Hannah Lowther, Annabel Marlow, Anna Peller, Gerianne Perez, Analise Rios, Hannah Taylor, Anna Terpiłowska
Elizabeth (9) Ellie Jane Grant, Izi Maxwell, Ella Burns, Bella Coppola, Izabela Pawletko, Analise Rios, Leesa Tulley, Elizabeth Walker, Ellie Wyman
Laurence (8) Laura Dawn Pyatt, Lauren Byrne, Lauren Irving, Lauren Mariasoosay, Laura Blair, Lauren Drew, Loren Hunter, Lori McLare
Margaret (7) Małgorzata Chrusciel, Meghan Corbett, Meghan Dawson, Meg Dixon-Brasil, Megan Gilbert, Maggie Lacasse, Megan Leung
Christos (7) Kirsty "Zara" MacIntosh, Keirsten Nicole Hodgens, Cristina D'Agostino, Kristina Leopold, Christina Modestou, Kristina Walz, Krisztina Magyar
Helen (6) Ellie Jane Grant, Elena Breschi, Ella Burns, Elena Gyasi, Aline Mayagoitia, Ellie Wyman
John (6) Jana Larell Glover, Gianna Grosso, Jaina Brock-Patel, Janique Charles, Janice Rijssel, Lori-Jane McLare
Nicholas (6) Nicole Louise Lewis, Nikki Bentley, Nikolett Gallusz, Collette Guitart, Nicole Kyoung-Mi Lambert, Nicole Lamb
Alexander (5) Alexia McIntosh, Sasha Renae Brown, Alexandra "Zan" Berube, Aleksandra Gotowicka, Ji-sun "Lexie" Kim
Gabriella (5) Gabbi Mack, Gabrielle Davina Smith, Gabriela Francesca Carillo, Gabriella Stylianou-Burns, Gabriella Boumford
Jasmine (5) Jasmine Shen, Jasmine Smith, Jasmine Forsberg, Jasmine Hackett, Jaz Robinson
Julius (5) Juli Horanyi, Giulia Marolda, Julia McLellan, Julia Pulo, Jillian Worthing
Adal (4) Alicia Corrales-Connor, Alyssa Giannetti, Alize Ke'Aloha Cruz, Aline Mayagoitia
Amy (4) Amy Bridges, Aimie Atkinson, Amy Di Bartolomeo, Kara-Ami McCreanor
Courtney (4) Courtney Monsma, Courtney Stapleton, Courtney Bowman, Courtney Mack
Emil (4) Amelia Walker, Emily Rose Lyons, Emily Harrigan, Emilia "Millie" O'Connell
Katherine (4) Caitlyn De Kuyper, Kathryn Kilger, Caitlin Tipping, Kate Zulauf
Kayla (4) Kala Gare, Khaila Wilcoxon, Kaylah Attard, Kayla McSorley
Monica (4) Monika Nika Veres, Monique Ashe-Palmer, Janique Charles, Mónika Horváth
Sophia (4) Sophie Golden, Sophie-Rose Middleton, Fia Houston-Hamilton, Sophie Isaacs
Abigail (3) Abigail Sparrow, Abbi Hodgson, Abby Mueller
Aenor (3) Ellie Jane Grant, Ella Burns, Ellie Wyman
Danielle (3) Danielle Steers, Danielle Mendoza, Danielle Rose
Eireann (3) Aryn Bohannon, Erin Palmer Ramirez, Erin Caldwell
Hayley (3) Haley Izurieta, Hailee Kaleem Wright, Hailey Lewis
Laura (3) Laura Dawn Pyatt, Laura Blair, Lori McLare
Lucius (3) Lucy Aiston, Lucia Valentino, Lucinda Wilson
Natalie (3) Natalie Pilkington, Natalie Paris, Natalia Kujawa
Oliver (3) Olivia "Liv" Alexander, Olivia Donalson, Oliver Wickham
Rhiannon (3) Rhiannon Bacchus, Rhiannon Doyle, Rhianne-Louise McCaulsky
Sarah (3) Kala Gare, Sadie Hurst, Sarah McFarlane
Theodore (3) Terica Marie, Didi Romero, Dóra Csonka
Agnes (2) Inez Budd, Agnieszka Rose
Aisha (2) Aiesha Naomi Pease, Aisha Kardffy
Alan (2) Lana Zoe Jensen, Alana M. Robinson
Amanda (2) Amanda Lee, Amanda Lindgren
Ashley (2) Ashlee Waldbauer, Ashleigh Weir
Brian (2) Brianna Brito Mooney, Brianna Javis
Cassandra (2) Cassandra Lee, Cassie Silva
Cathassach (2) Casey Esbin, Casey Al-Shaqsy
Ceallach (2) Kelly Sweeney, Kelly Denice Taylor
Cennetig (2) Kennedy Carstens, Kenedy Small
Charles (2) Carly Mercedes Dyer, Caroline Siegrist
Chelsea (2) Chelsea Lorraine Wargo, Chelsea Dawson
Chloe (2) Chloe Zuel, Chloe Hart
Eloise (2) Eloise "Ellie" Sharpe, Eloise Lord
Eric (2) Terica Marie, Erika Herceg
Grace (2) Grace Mouat, Grace Melville
Hadrian (2) Adrianna Glover, Adrianna Hicks
Henry (2) Harriet Watson, Harriet Caplan-Dean
Holly (2) Holli' Conway, Holly Musgrave
Jennifer (2) Jennifer Caldwell, Ji-woo "Jennifer" Kim
Jessica (2) Jessica Niles, Jessica "Jessie" Bodner
Ludwig (2) Lou Henry, Rhianne-Louise McCaulsky
Maia (2) Maiya Quansah-Breed, Maya Christian
Martha (2) Marta Burdynowicz, Marta Skrzypczynska
Mary (2) Annamaria Baranyai, Marilyn Caserta
Matilda (2) Maddison Bulleyment, Maddison Firth
Melissa (2) Melinda Porto, Melissa J. Ford
Rachel (2) Rachel Rawlinson, Rachel "Rae" Davenport
Renatus (2) Renee Lamb, Brene "Bre" Jackson
Shannon (2) Shannen Alyce Quan, Su-jeong "Shannon" Pae
Sidney (2) Cydney Clark, Sydney Parra
Taylor (2) Taylor Iman Jones, Taylor Pearlstein
Victor (2) Victoria "Vicki" Manser, Viki Singh
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themagnuslegacy · 1 month
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The Magnus Archives & The Magnus Protocol
Helen Richardson
Elias Bouchard/Jonah Magnus
Melanie King
Celia Ripley
Lady Mowbray
Georgie Baker
Agnes Montague
Teddy Vaughn
Julia Montauk
Trevor Herbert
Jurgen Leitner
Annabelle Cane
Colin Becher
Lena Kelley
Callum Brodie
Eric Delano
Jared Hopworth
Jude Perry
Jurgen Leitner
Anyone else not on the taken list!
Jane Prentiss
Jonathan Sims
Martin Blackwood
Oliver Banks
Gwendolyn Bouchard
Gerard Keay
Simon Fairchild
Peter Lukas
Tim Stoker
Sasha James/Not!Sasha
Basira Hussain
Michael Shelley
Alice "Daisy" Toner
Samama Khalid
Alice Dyer
Nikola Orsinov
Joshua Gillespie
While we are open to OC muses, we do ask that you submit a short bio for us to consider first. This is to prevent having too many Avatars – we don't want every other character being an Avatar or being marked by several Fears (which is supposed to be incredibly rare in the source material).
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garadinervi · 1 year
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«Rampike», Vol. 21, No. 2, 'Poetics – Part Two', Edited by Karl Jirgens, Windsor, 2012 [UWindsor Institutional Repository, University of Windsor, Windsor. room 3o2 books, Ottawa]
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Contributions by Michael Winkler, Leonard Cohen & Judith Fitzgerald, Charles Bernstein, Susan Gold & Mike Dyer, George Bowering, Frank Davey, Katie Solbeck, Terry Trowbridge & Alexander Brown, Richard Kostelanetz, Peter Jaeger, Jesse Ferguson, Cathy Wagner, Tim Atkins, Amy De'Ath, Brenda Francis Pelkey, Richard Parker, Marcus Slease, Edward Nixon, Christian Burgaud, Susan Holbrook, Louis Cabri, Brian Ang, Harvey L. Hix, Kevin McPherson Eckoff, Stephen Remus, Eric Schmaltz, Travis Kirton, Kelly Mark, bill bissett, Judith Copithorne, Gregory Betts, Hallie Siegel, Matt Donovan, a.rawlings, derek beaulieu, Steve McCaffery, bill bissett, Cyril Dabydeen, Babar Khan, Norman Lock, George Elliott Clarke, tENTATIVELY a cONVENIENCE, Denise Desautels & Norman Cornett, Amanda Earl, Nick Power, Lindsey Bannister, Paul Lisson, Raquel Torres, Camille Martin, Stephanie McKenzie, Justin Langlois, Robert Anderson, Andre Narbonne, Tray Drumhann, Eric Zboya, Mat Laporte, Nico Vassilakis, Robert Dassanowsky, rob mclennan & Sachiko Murakami, derek beaulieu, & Ottarormstad, Britt-Marie Lindgren, Michael Basinski
Front Cover Art: Reed Altemus Back Cover Art: Andrew Topel
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fire-gift · 2 years
No spoilers, but Sunday’s finale gave us more than a few shockers. Where is the show going to go in Season 2?
I can’t say where it’s going to go. I can say where I think it’s going to go. I’m really interested in what happens to Louis and Claudia’s relationship. These are siblings that also have this sort of father-daughter dynamic who are going to now travel together alone with all of this stuff under the bridge. The water is going to lap up over the bridge.
There’s also this prescient thread throughout the show about truth in storytelling and unreliable narrators.
Daniel, (the reporter, played by Eric Bogosian, who is the titular interviewer of the series), has cracked into something about Louis in the present day. I’m really eager to explore what the ramifications of that are. Once one very important thing has been proved to be slightly unreliable, how do you continue an interview from there? How do you fact-check? How do you corroborate?
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