yournewkeyboard · 5 years
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Ergodex DX1 Input System, a keyboard with fully customizable keys and arrangement
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ergographics · 3 years
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cryptosnewss · 2 years
Cardano's First eUTxO Cross-Chain DEX Goes Live on Public Testnet: Details
Cardano’s First eUTxO Cross-Chain DEX Goes Live on Public Testnet: Details
Tomiwabold Olajide Cross-chain DEX combines contracts from AMM DEXs with order contracts from order book DEXs According to his official Twitter account, ErgoDex, Cardano’s first eUTxO cross-chain DEX, has launched on its public testnet. ErgoDEX is a decentralized exchange that uses Cardano’s unique design and allows traders to perform atomic swaps or cross-chain swaps, allowing them to…
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cpifsworld · 3 years
Split keyboards
I am too poor to buy another keyboard, but I want one. Here is a list of the ones I am thinking about purchasing currently.
Sol 3
no raise
$313 linear
no wrist rests
four thumb buttons and
a lot of buttons to right and left of keyboard
Dygma Raise
staggered and
includes wrist rests
four thumb buttons
linear tenting/resting
includes tenting and four thumb positions
and a number of buttons to right and left of keyboard
ErgoDex EZ
optional wrist rest
six thumb keys
buttons to right and left
linear key arrangement
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sycriptouk · 3 years
Tired of waiting on Cardano dapps to launch? Have a go with the Ergo dapp ecosystem.
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If you are itching to play around with some Cardano dapps but sick of waiting despite alonzo being out, boy do I have the solution for you!
The Ergo Ecosystem circa September 2021
Ergo is another eutxo blockchain closely tied to the cardano ecosystem and has had smart contracts deployed since day 1 mainnet.
"The spiritual successor to Bitcoin" - Charles Hoskinson
The ergo platform is developed on sigma protocols. Sigma protocols are the foundation of Ergo’s smart contracts. They allow for a class of efficient zero-knowledge protocols that allow implementation of tasks that would otherwise be either impossible, or else risky and expensive. For example, Sigma protocols enable ring and threshold signatures out of the box. This functionality has already been used to build a trustless, non-interactive fungibility enhancer for coins and tokens.
So far Ergo has a very healthy dapps that might just scratch the itch of waiting oon post-alonzo Cardano dapps to release. Here is a brief overview of some of what the ecosystem has to offer. Links to each dapp are in the title of each:
Bid on audio, picture, gif, and token NFTs
Ergo Auction House - a decentralized auction house, secure and easy to use. A simple way to sell or buy Ergo's tokens, artworks, NFTs, etc.
Check out the Ergodex roadmap and try the beta - full release coming soon
ERGODEX (public beta) - A non-custodial, decentralised exchange that allows a quick, effortless and secure transfer of liquidity between the Ergo and Cardano networks. Currently useable with Ergo native assets via Yoroi nightly and Yoroi dapp connector nightly.
Mix your ERG with other wallets to maintain financial privacy
ErgoMixer - a web application for mixing ergs and tokens based on Ergo platform. ErgoMixer is completely serverless; It only needs to connect to the explorer and a node.
View and listen to Ergo NFTs in your wallet
Ergo NFTS / Ergo Tokens - Website to view information on NFTs / Tokens created on the Ergo blockchain.
Fund a community based project
Ergo Raffle - Ergo Raffle is an incentivized crowdfunding platform for the community to gather funding for their ideas. Or you can make a raffle for fun, join in and maybe you will get lucky!
Explore essential utility functions on Ergo
Ergo Utils - Ergo Utils is an app that contains different useful functionalities for all users. It is easy to use and supports all wallets. Currently, issuing new tokens and artwork NFTs are supported along with token airdrops and Mixer Hops for the ErgoMixer.
Pure, decentralized finance
SigmaUSD - Experience the latest advancements in Stablecoins by buying and selling SigUSD and SigRSV using Ergo and smart contracts. This project is based on the AgeUSD Protocol. If you know Djed, it was born out of the AgeUSD Protocol.
Your free pass to other dapps in the Ergo ecosystem.
ErgoFaucet - This one is brand new. Receive some free tokens to play around in the ErgoMixer or the Ergodex! How can you say no to free crypto?
Many more dapps are still in development by community members. Currently we even have an Ergohack hackathon running and we should expect to see even more great new dapps come out of this! If you want to join in on Ergohack head over to the Ergo discord and we can get you on a team. Dev work starts this weekend with a prize pool of 9k SigUSD.
submitted by /u/InThePortalAgain [link] [comments]
from Cryptocurrency News & Discussion https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/q2fw51/tired_of_waiting_on_cardano_dapps_to_launch_have/ via IFTTT
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theda-rison · 3 years
Finale (I Think)
(Part 4, here)
I mean, I hope I’m done.
I didn’t work on it yesterday because I was busy making borscht for like 5 hours because the recipe I used puts things in the dumbest spots 🙄. If you’re going to add “if you want to add cabbage, put it after the potatoes have softened,” add it AT THAT TIME, NOT AT THE BEGINNING OF THE FUCKING RECIPE. I forgot about the cabbage and then had to pull everything I had JUST CLEANED out again, make it dirty, and then clean it all over again.
I will be reformatting that recipe.
So yeah, I had to wait until today to finish.
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WHY does this always end up like this? It’s like it’s trying to hurt me on purpose.
Anyway, time for the pics:
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This is basically where I left off last time. I decided to watch the 1977 Addams’ Family Special, since I generally watch it for Halloween.
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That’s French! Eight years of French and no one kisses ME like this. I want my money back.
Basically, what was left was the take the tape letters off, fix up the lining on them, and put the keys together.
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A mess.
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More of a mess.
After pulling all the tape off there were two groups: the left, needing only touch ups; and the right, needing cleaning since the tape apparently didn’t adhere all the way. Which is just annoying.
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Everyone was cleaned up, and cleaned up nicely.
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And one last picture of everything together, before I pulled the wax paper off the mat and threw the garbage out while I waited for the keys to dry.
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Goodnight, mess. (It’s the afternoon.)
Then I just had to erase the pencil I had put on the keys way at the beginning, when I was estimating where the LED lights would be under them.
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All the keycaps are together and on the board.
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Look how nice and tiny the amount of space between them is now.
Moment of truth...
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I might make the LEDs under the keys a little dimmer, since they might seem QUITE bright if I’m typing in low light, but it’s done!
Thank you all for joining me on this journey of “Things a Person Can Do With Their Free Time Instead of Being a Busybody or Asking for the Manager,” or “What To Do When You Have the Too Much Gene.” Making a Steno board was frustrating, fun, and I got to learn a bunch of new things while doing it.
Now, to actually practice (which I haven’t in a while, out of annoyance over the large key spacing being aggravating).
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yournewkeyboard · 5 years
i have a terrible idea. a keyboard but it's just detached keys with magnets that you can put on your fridge.
oh, this almost exists!! check out this video on twitter https://twitter.com/HomeiMiyashita/status/1177849432336781312?s=09
in the early 2000s there was a similar keyboard with movable keys called the "ErgoDex DX1" but it only had 25 keys. I think I posted info about this keyboard a while back if you search the name on this blog
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ergographics · 3 years
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sycriptouk · 3 years
ERG (Ergo) is getting popular. Don't miss out just because you "don't know how to buy it"
The general consensus from this subreddit appears to be that ERG is one of the new favorites here.
And for good reasons:
Probably the most closest cryptocurrency to Cardano in terms of partnerships, ties and ideologies
Ergo's core dev being Alex Chepurnoy (yes, THAT Alex Chepurnoy)
It doesn't allow mining farms, limits PoW nodes
Utilizes Oracle Pools (UTXO-based) and smart contracts
ErgoDEX's beta was a flawless success with Cardano according to dev testers (despite the amount of recent FUD with the UTXO model)
Market Cap is nearing $1B USD (up x60 since January 1st, 2021)
ERG's amazing tokenomics (no pre-mined coins exist, eventually the Ergo Treasury will cease to receive a percentage of mining rewards to better decentralization)
ERG has a very healthy supply of 97 million tokens, the treasury is only expected to hold 4% at the end of the distribution
And so forth. So yes, this is the most early point for ERG investors.
But the same concerning statements keep coming up here:
"I don't want to open a KuCoin/CoinEx/Bitcoin.com exchange account"
"I'm going to wait for Binance/Coinbase to list it. That's the exchange I use"
"I don't know how to buy it"
I'm sorry, but these are terrible, terrible excuses. I understand the concerns for investing on an exchange you're not familiar with, but these are all reputable exchanges (KuCoin being one of the top 5 right now in terms of volume).
And by the way, you can mine ERG with any GPU that has more than 3GB of VRAM
Imagine having the same thought process for Bitcoin back in say 2012. Buying Bitcoin back then was not exactly easy as it is today. No one really understood anything about wallets, deposits were harder through banks, etc. But it was possible. And it's even easier today for coins like ERG.
I can say first hand that KuCoin is a reputable exchange. Yes, you can deposit USDT. Yes, you can trade ERG for USDT. Yes, you can withdraw your ERG to another wallet. It works just like any other exchange.
And yes, some of them use KYC. It's not a big deal.
And yes, it is without question getting listed on Coinbase and Binance. No, that is not confirmed, nor can it be as the developers literally aren't allowed to even speak about new exchange listings until they're given approval.
TL;DR Don't be lazy. Search how to buy ERG if you're interested in it. KuCoin is one way and is a decent way to buy it currently. Just sign up, verify yourself, deposit USDT, trade for ERG, and you're done.
submitted by /u/Puppy_Coated_In_Beer [link] [comments] from Cryptocurrency News & Discussion https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/pn1drc/erg_ergo_is_getting_popular_dont_miss_out_just/ via IFTTT
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theda-rison · 3 years
Steno Adventures, Part The Fourth
(Parts 1-3, here)
Hello Kuromi,
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Hello Actual Cat,
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Hello painted keys taped, to the self-healing mat,
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Goodnight moon, you fuck.
We are back at it again in the Land of the Too Much Gene and I am working on this gordtdamn keyboardt again.
I don’t know why I keep doing this to myself.
Actually, I do know why: I didn’t like the spacing between the original keys and the fact that they’re concave, so they sort of have a lip on the left and right sides. It made it hard to mash them quickly (or rather, as fast as I wanted to) and so some more complicated words were hard to type.
It doesn’t seem like a big difference, but when you’re trying to hit like, seven keys at once, it really is.
I actually wanted to work on it over the summer, but the company I bought the keycaps I painted for the S and * keys last time didn’t have any clear keycaps in a 1x1 size. And then they FINALLY (after months) had them, so I ordered them and was surprised that they came way earlier than they were projected to… but only one bag of keycaps arrived and I had to wait for the others so… like…
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My reaction to things I can’t control: Trying to remain optimistic but I know there are a lot of things that I can’t account for and I can completely understand the way ancient peoples viewed the concept of Fate. Or maybe I’m just, like, trying to convince myself everything will work out. I don’t know. I’m not sure if this is a reaction meme or a motivational poster at this point, but I’ve been using it a lot lately.
So yesterday was a larger repeat of the S and * keys. I cut out letters. I actually ended up making a stencil with all the letters I needed on it and then using that to draw the letters onto a piece of tape for cutting.
I’m so out of the habit of documenting things that I completely forgot I should be taking pictures until I only had one letter left to cut out.
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Alphabet soup.
Taped them very gently (meaning: with barely contained anger) to the inside of the keycap tops. An aside: I really don’t understand how people just make tons of like, Gundam models or whatever, I would LOSE my mind with the amount needing to be gentle with it. And then I know that - at some point - I would get frustrated and then the familial rage strength would take over and I would end up breaking something.
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Sticking these on was probably the worst part because the adhesive on the tape thinks it’s mozzarella for some fucking reason.
Maybe that’s why I still haven’t painted my mini for my old dnd character lol.
Anyway, anyway,
I watched a bunch of videos by this youtuber, Dr. Octavia Cox:
I didn’t know that “buy a title in Scotland!” was basically as old as the monarchy itself. What a fucking crock lol. (The video explained much more than that, but that was my main takeaway. Also, Sir Walter is an idiot but we already knew that.
I must have watched like…. Four hours worth of her videos? As I cut tape letters, put them on, and then taped up the sides of the caps so I could spray paint them. (You know, without having to be accurate or delicate or anything like that since I’m functionally incapable of doing that without flying into a rage.)
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Artistic shot.
Then I went outside and spray painted them, and I did not take a picture.
Told you I was bad at stuff.
Then I came back in and used nail polish to paint the bottom parts of the keycaps to block out all the light except right under the letter.
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Goth legacy. I actually had to buy new nail polish because all of mine seems to have gone missing since the time I painted the other keys.
Then I taped them down to the mat so my cat couldn’t steal them in the night because she’s a dirty thief, and I went to sleep.
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Ah yes, this picture again.
Woke up this morning and laid in bed going AHHHHHHH internally for a little bit. Sent silly messages back and forth to friends who live in different time zones, and then finally got up.
I also, for some reason, think I’m the type of fancy bitch who deserves to have affogato in the morning when I *always* forget about it and the ice cream melts getting rid of all the trendy uniqueness of the thing. Now it’s just slightly cold chai with heavy cream and a little bit of egg yolk.
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And also, marshmallows, because I’m an adult and can live how I like. Truly a hedonist of the modern era.
I then I realized I forgot about the keycaps I had spray painted yesterday and had to run outside to the garage in torrential rain to bring them in and I found what I expected from my last experience:
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“Gee” said she, as she saw what she expected to see. (I think all this rhyming is what I get for reading Goethe last night 🙄)
But, no matter, I was going to paint over it with nail polish anyway because the enamel does a better job of keeping out the light.
I have been listening to this on repeat as I give everything a second coat:
A chill morning of keycap painting with four dudes who are way too good at what they do. Stop it.
Now I get to wait a bunch while everything dries. 
And also, hope in advance that I don't’ ruin my DnD figure brushes by using them with the nail polish, since I can’t find that bottle of black nail polish with the detail brush from the older posts. I have a bottle of acetone so I should be okay.
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ergographics · 3 years
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ergographics · 3 years
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sycriptouk · 3 years
If Bitcoin could be started all over, it would look a lot like Ergo right now
Cardano's PoW cousin, Ergo, built by the former core developer of Chainlink, the legendary Yoda of the industry, Alex Chepurnoy, is the Swiss Army Knife of crypto.
It does everything the top 10 coin are already doing, but better, with privacy in mind: smart contracts already running, a Bitcoin-and-Cardano- like eUTXO model, a DEX (ErgoDEX), a NFT Auction House and Marketplace, NiPoPoWs applications, a crowdfunding platform (ErgoRaffle), a fantastic stablecoin issuance protocol (AgeUSD) etc....
Cherry on top, it has had a fair launch: no ICO, no pre-mine, and there are only 42M tokens in circulation (total 95M).
EDIT1: Forgot about ErgoMixer ==> a privacy feature to ensure anonymity of transactions like on Monero. Because the whole world doesn't need to know everything you do with your money
submitted by /u/ReportFromHell [link] [comments] from Cryptocurrency News & Discussion https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/ph3b2f/if_bitcoin_could_be_started_all_over_it_would/ via IFTTT
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