sheepluto · 5 years
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- Ereri Haven's Ereri Week Day 1: Roommates
So basically Eren always study super late at night, sometimes he even stay up all night and levi really hate it.
(more like he wants Eren to be in bed with him uwu)
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softmtherfcker · 5 years
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Ereri Haven Ereri week day 5: Sugar Daddy pt 1
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sheepluto · 5 years
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- Ereri Haven's Ereri Week Day 2: Heterochromia Iridum.
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softmtherfcker · 5 years
Ereri Haven’s Ereri Week day 1- Roommates
“So… um… this is an inconvenience.” Eren mindlessly mumbles to himself.
“Really? Having only one bed is in no way an inconvenience.” The small boy huffs dropping his bags on the ground.
It was only the first day of college, and he had barely even met his roommate before this predicament. Most dorms would have two different spaces for their students, but unfortunately, this one only had a king-sized bed. Not sure of what to do next, Eren drops his belongings and reaches his hand out to his new roommate.
“I’m Eren.”
The raven-haired boy just stares at his hand before crossing his own, “Levi. Nice to meet you.”
Letting his arm drop, he scratches his nape, “So… one bed.”
“Yes, pointing the obvious out again.” Levi sighs moving towards the front of the dorm, “I guess calling the R.A. would be the best move.”
“I guess...” Eren wasn’t a very social person to begin with, so throwing him in a situation like this wasn’t ideal. He decides following Levi was for the best.
Peeking into the open area where they could entertain whoever choose to tolerate their company, Levi stood on the phone. Taking a deep breath, Eren makes his way to one of the available couches, “So did you—“
Levi waves him away, focusing on the call. Hopefully, they’d get along when they had separate beds. Not wanting to be a bother, Eren figures it’ll do some good to look around the small dorm and see if anything else was out of place.
“Yeah, Levi Ackerman and.. hold on, hey! What was your name again?” Startled, he replies with his full name, “Okay, Levi Ackerman and Eren Yeager.”
Eren figures that was his cue to leave. Standing, he goes through a different door to find the room filled with the two desk usually provided to the students. Finding it odd, he thinks of telling Levi before he hears shouting from the open area.
“What do you mean it’ll take a week?! … I don’t care if— you know what? Fine.”
The slam of the phone causes him to flinch. Without warning the smaller boy makes his way to Eren making a fuse about the situation as if he didn’t hear him, “We’ll just have to hold out for a fucking week sleeping— what the fuck is this?”
“Heh, turns out it’s just that extra bed we need.” Eren chuckles, trying to lighten the mood. Not being great with social cues, when Levi started walking away he took that as making him uncomfortable, “I-I’m sorry I know that wasn’t the best kind of joke in this kind of—”
Eren’s walks in to find Levi huddled over the couch screaming into one of the pillows. It seemed yelling was how Levi relieved stress. Taking note, he sat next to the now silent boy.
“So… should I unpack?” Eren mumbles unsure.
At that, Levi startes screaming again.
1 month had passed, and the two boys had yet to receive their second bed. After the first two weeks, the two had begun to develop an understanding of how the other one worked and how much dirtier one was compared to the other. On one or more occasions, they’d find each other in a not so pleasing situations to which they just went to another room for privacy.
During the last few weeks, Eren realized he had started developing a crush on the raven-haired boy. He didn’t know exactly what he felt but knew he couldn’t tell Levi. If that happened, he just might want to get a new roommate instead of waiting for this damn bed. Ever since he noticed, he has tried to keep his distance but failed since they both got back around the same time. Eventually the month had passed and with the bed still not there, Eren found it harder to hide his feelings.
“Aye, what’s wrong with you lately? Thought we were actually getting along?” Levi questioned one day before they went to sleep side by side.
“Oh, uh nothing’s wrong with me? What made you think so?”
With such an intense glare directed at him, Eren couldn’t help but squirm, “I don’t know. You’ve been distant. Making me miss your presence.”
Confused by Levi’s small confession, he pressed for more answers but was given a blank stare. Sighing, Levi replied with, “I said what I said. Now go to bed.”
For the next few days, those few words stuck to Eren like a second skin. What exactly did he mean by ‘miss your presence’? He hoped he would get an answer soon, but instead got the extra bed they had been asking for since almost 5 weeks.
“Look what finally came in.” Levi gestures as the taller boy walks into the dorm, ready to confront the other boy
Eren, not know how to react, opts for a simple, “Oh. Um, so do you want it?”
“I was actually thinking, maybe we could just… “ Levi proposes trailing off at the end.
“I couldn’t hear you, Levi. Could you—“
“We should just keep the king!” He interrupts startling the taller boy.
“B-But I thought you wanted—“
“Yeah I know what I wanted, but things are different now.” Levi admits.
Everything was just getting more and more confusing. If something wasn’t explained soon, Eren just might pop, “What’s different? Are we keeping the king? I’m so confused!”
Sighing, Levi guides the boy to one of the couches to sit. He begins fiddling with his fingers, avoiding eye contact as well. “What’s wrong?”
“I didn’t want to tell you since it hasn’t been that long, but seeing as you’re a little slow on the uptake… I like you, Eren, and don’t mind sleeping next to you.”
Eren knew it took him some time to process things, but now it just felt like he was day dreaming. Levi, out of all the people he’s met, likes him; a very slow boy who needs reminding to do simple things.
“Did you hear me, brat?” Levi implores snapping his fingers in Eren’s face.
“You–You like ME!?” He blurts out still not sure if he was hearing things straight.
“Yes, how many times am I gonna have to say it. Now, what do you want—“
“Why!?” Eren interrupts wanting answers now, “I mean, have you seen me? I’m not exactly that special, and I make huge messes that you clean up half the time.”
“I know.”
“And all I do is sit and do nothing. That’s like... dumb.”
“Mmhmm.” Levi hums standing now.
“And, and… are you listening?” Eren questions noticing Levi casually lean against the bed looking smug.
“Hm? Oh yeah, heard everything. Anyways, the bed.”
Not sure what to do now, Eren begins running his fingers through his hair before confessing as well. It was only fair, “I-I like you, too.”
Levi’s body goes ridged making him even more nervous. Even though he had told him the same thing not too long ago, it didn’t make it any more nerve-racking. He began to wonder if Levi was even serious. Some people had made fun of him before, and it never ended well. Thankfully, the smaller boy noticed his squeamish behavior and went in for a hug.
“I had a feeling. Don’t worry.” Levi reassures rubbing at Eren’s back.
“I didn’t think it was that noticeable,” Eren mumbles pouting.
“Eh, you’re not that great at hiding your emotions to begin with.”
“That’s not very nice.” Eren claims crossing his arms.
“Says the one that likes me.” Levi smirks poking his nose lightly.
thank you to @erenfuckinglevi for being my beta for this short story :)
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softmtherfcker · 5 years
Ereri Haven Ereri week day 5: Sugar Daddy pt 2
“What the fuck?” I scream showing one of my only friends the newest follower of mine.
“That’s hilarious, you should answer and see what happens”
I look back to question why I continued to be this maniac‘s friend. With a simple stab to the throat they’d be dead. As I continued considering whether commuting a capital crime was worth it, they snatch the phone from my hand.
“Bro, give me that shit back!”
We quickly entered a wrestling match deciding who would get the phone. After a fair amount of struggling, the phone is freed from their treacherous claws. I opened my phone to find a message sent, given it was only a couple of incoherent words. For a few seconds I just glare in their general direction hoping they realized the amount of will I had to kill them.
“Hanji, fucking Zoë. What in the hell did you just do?”
“Helped you with your shit life that’s what! Imagine the scandal.” They say putting distance between us. Good.
“I’m going to kill you in your sleep. I know where you live.” I threaten putting the phone down to look for my pocket knife.
“Look, Levi. It’s not like you’re 13 or something, it’s legal and plus, dude’s hot so boom. No problem there.”
Luckily, the blade is nowhere to be found. Grumbling I opt for sitting on my bed facing away from Hanji, “Aww don’t be like that. I doubt—“
Before they could finish the sentence, a ping alerts the two. Quickly giving each other a look, Levi is unlocking his phone to see which app caused the sound.
“Dude no!” I scream in agony probably waking the neighbors. “Why!”
Hanji takes my phone after I throw it away from myself. They get into a fit of laughter shoving me playfully. The message read how he couldn’t understand what was sent but was happy that I sent something anyways.
“Hanji, you got me in this mess, fix it!” I shout tossing a few pillows.
“Just ask what you should send him for mon— I was joking! Give me the phone.”
Not trusting their judgement, I send a simple text and showing them, “Dude, that’s so wack!”
“Sending a hello is not wack. I don’t even know the dude!” I exclaim wildly.
With no time to process, another ping filled the air. Giddy, Hanji snatches the phone and replying before I can take it away once again. Not having enough energy to entertain the idea of wrestling them again, I pass the few seconds by cleaning a small part of my room.
“Done. Take a look.”
Snatching the phone away from them, I read the already sent messages and proceed to pounce on Hanji again, “Why are you like this!?”
Instead of answering they cackle in my face making me frustrated. I did not need this man knowing me or any of my business, with the exception being what was in my bio. We wrestle for a few more minutes before deciding it’s best to just lie down.
“Don’t come near me.”
They smirk opening their own phone, “Wouldn’t dream of it, buttercup.”
Rolling my eyes, I go back to the messages to find a few replies. Unfortunately, this stranger now knew that I was also happy to be texting him and what would I have to do for money. On the bright side he hadn’t replied. I quickly type out an apology, but not quick enough. Another reply pops up.
“Hopefully more pictures of that face, and maybe more?” What was this man thinking? Given I messaged him first he probably thought I was actually interested.
I sigh in defeat. Maybe this wouldn’t be that bad. I would only really be send pictures of my face and maybe an occasional chest pic. This could work. Groaning I turn and punch Hanji in their shoulder.
“The hell was that for?”
~ 2 weeks later ~
“You sure are glued to that phone of yours. What’s so interesting that you totally forget we’re here?” Annie questions trying to take a peek.
Clutching my phone, I turn away so the screen wasn’t visible, “None of your fucking business. If you’ll excuse me, I have something to attend to.”
I could feel the smirk radiating off of Hanji. They were the only person who knew what exactly that ‘something’ is. These last few days I’ve taken a liking to this ‘sugar baby’ thing. It also helped that the daddy, Eren, isn’t that bad. Fortunately, he hadn’t brought up meeting yet, so I had some leeway with what I sent.
I make my way to the bathroom finding a stall. With no one in the bathroom at the moment, I figure a mirror pic wouldn’t hurt. Taking the photo, I send it along with a good morning text. Not even a few minutes later, I’m receiving a message from Eren saying how cute I look and how I should have a wonderful day. Under it is a shirtless picture of him making me drool a little. Being attracted to him wasn’t a crime.
Wiping the dopey smile off my face, I walk into a stall finally to send him what I was originally planning on. I remove my shirt and place it on the hook making sure it wouldn’t fall. Raising my phone up so my torso would show, I double check that everything looked nice. After taking a few, I look over them before sending the best one.
Knowing that I’d get something in return, I make my way to class as the bell rings. On the way I feel my back pocket vibrate and smirk. Never a long wait with Eren. I fasten my pace hoping to get a seat in the back. Waking into the classroom, no one was here yet giving me time to sit down and look at the text and picture I had received. As fast as I open it I quickly put my phone down.
This time around, he sent a video fully nude with the words, “Look what you do to me.”
I reach for my bag ransacking it for my headphones. Watching it in the open wasn’t so smart with people slowly trickling into the room now. After a few minutes of finding and untangling the earbuds, I’m ready to watch the video. Just as I go to opening the text, Hanji bust through the door and bee lining to the seat next to me. Cursing to the gods, I put the phone down and rip one of the buds out.
“Hello, best friend of mine. So.. why <em>did<\em> you have to leave early?”
I shove them away from my face turning my body so my back was towards the wall, “Exactly what I told Annie, none of your business. Now leave me alone I have to watch something.”
“What is— ahhh Levi!” With their nosey self, they picked my phone up and saw the delicious body that belongs to Eren.
I snatch the phone back curling into myself attempting to ignore their not so quiet whispering, “Levi, you’re still talking to him?! I thought you would have stopped by now, but hubba hubba I see why you didn’t!”
“Shut up before I castrate you.” I mumble feeling blood rise to my cheeks.
“Can’t castrate something that’s not there!”
“Dear god, I hope today isn’t the day I die.”
The last few weeks messaging Eren consisted of him wondering just when would we meet up. I was very hesitant on the idea, but he’d constantly reassure me nothing drastic would happen and how he was who he said he was. Still hesitant, I agreed if we met somewhere close to me.
A few days later, and here I am at a pretty nice hotel nervous that something could go wrong. After convincing myself this would turn out fine, I go to the reception desk and ask, “I was told that there’d be a key waiting for me.”
“Which room, sir?” The woman questioned defensive.
“Uh, room 321?”
“Ah, alright here you go. It’s gonna be on the 10th floor.”
And just like that I was on my way. As the elevator got closer to the floor, the more nervous I got. Hopefully this wouldn’t end with me in the headlines. The soft ding breaks me out of my thoughts as the doors open. Walking towards the hotel door, I stand rigid. A million thoughts run through my head as I knock on the door. Without warning the door swings open revealing the face I’ve seen only in photos and videos thus far.
”Hello, princess.”
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