#erejearmin day
seraphichan · 7 years
super duper special thanks to @glassesgirl0401 and @agent-2-6 for helping me work out an ending to this thing! also hey @pinkheichou i did an erejearmin (and i apologize haha)!
(also on ao3)
For all the hell they went through, the defeat of the titans came quickly enough. It was...odd. The world as they knew it had effectively come to an end and they were left with nothing but the question
“What now?”
Eren looked at Jean. He didn’t have an answer for him. The walls were gone, taken down bit by bit, titan by titan. Eren was so tired. He wanted to sleep, but at the same time he felt too restless to do it.
“Well,” Armin piped up from between them, “we spent so much time fighting to live. Now we can actually do it.”
But how did they live without fighting?
It seemed that was a question that was unique to Eren.
Armin and Jean found their purpose quickly enough. They set out a few days later with paper and ink and curiosity in tow. Jean drew the world they saw - made maps and diagrams, sketched animals and plants and stars. Armin made notes and observations, wrote paragraph upon paragraph of them, sometimes the words near illegible in his excitement.
Eren went with them, of course, but he couldn’t stop feeling restless. Even after they got to the ocean, even after they sailed across it and found new land to explore. He wondered if he should have stayed behind.
What would he have done there, though? Would he have found something that left him feeling satisfied at the end of each day? Or would he have felt as incomplete as he did here with the two people that made him feel the most whole?
“Shit,” Eren groaned as Jean pushed into him.
“Eren, are you okay?” Armin asked from beneath him, cheeks pink, eyes concerned.
“Yeah,” he sighed. “Why?”
“You’re crying.”
That made Jean stop. “I knew you weren’t ready,” he began. “I told you we should have--”
“Shut up, I’m fine.” Eren wiped at his face with the back of his hand. “Keep going.”
He didn’t.
“Will you just--” Eren pushed back, trying to get Jean to go deeper.
It worked and Jean hissed in pleasure. Armin let out a pleased sound of his own and shuddered when he was thrust inside Eren deeper as well.
“I need this, okay? I need it.”
He could hear the tears in his voice now, could see them as they made his vision fuzzy. He didn’t know why he was crying, but he kept crying the entire time they fucked him; as he hiccuped and gasped with every touch, every word of praise they spoke. He was crying even when they finished, face buried in the crook of Armin’s neck, Jean’s arms wrapping around him from behind.
Eventually he cried himself to sleep.
The next morning was awkward, as was the rest of the day. They wanted to talk to him, Eren knew. He could tell by the way they gave each other quick worried glances, the close yet somehow gaping proximity they kept to him.
“Eren,” Armin ventured later after they had set up camp for the night, “are you sure you’re alright?”
“If we fucked something up you have to let us know,” Jean said.
“I would.”
“We aren’t doing anything wrong?” Armin asked. “Or maybe there’s something we aren’t doing at all? Are we missing something?”
They weren’t convinced, but Eren didn’t know what he could say to do that. He merely took their hands and gave them, what he hoped was, a reassuring squeeze.
Neither of them hesitated to squeeze back.
“So, what now?” Jean asked.
There was something missing, something Eren was still searching for. He couldn’t imagine what it was, and he didn’t know if he would ever find it. But he had Armin. And he had Jean. And he had an answer this time.
“We live.”
And that was all that mattered for now.
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sharky-bishaw · 7 years
Yoooooo gimme Erejearmin and LeviFar headcanons *grabby hands* 👀
Wait so you just want a list of them? Aight
As soon as you asked this I forgot half of my headcanons, so some of these are ones I thought of today
Levi is sorta uncomfortable in relationships and still needs his space, so Farlan respects that and isn’t too touchy or anything, but eventually Levi misses it and becomes incredibly clingy. Farlan takes full advantage of these moods with lots of cuddling and kissing (this is also usually when they would have sex)
(This is less LeviFar and more them just being kind souls together) When they were thugs/underground, if they ever had any sheets/clothes they didn’t have a use for anymore, they would go around and give them to homeless children on the streets, for them to wear/sleep under.
They would keep a small amount of the money they earned to themselves, so they could use it to buy gifts for birthdays. This idea mainly came about from Farlan’s need to spoil his boyfriend, and even though Levi though it was kinda pointless he slowly gave in to Farlan’s begging. Farlan always knew perfect gifts for Levi, and even though Levi wasn’t that good at it, Farlan still loved everything he got.
When Isabel joined they made it a smaller cut so they could afford for her to join in as well.
Farlan has a habit of walking around the house half-naked after showers because he can’t be bothered to get dressed yet. Although Levi got used to this eventually, it would’ve shocked him at first to see his new (suddenly very hot) roommate/partner in crime sitting naked in the kitchen, first thing in the morning.
Levi is most talkative at night and often will ramble on to himself about nothing because he’s too busy to notice Farlan fell asleep. Personally, Farlan loves to listen to Levi spewing nonsense as he drifts off to sleep, but everyone who in the same barracks as them hates it.
When Farlan and Levi got engaged (*coughcough* self-promotion) because they couldn’t afford rings or anything, they tied a thin coloured ribbon around the handle of their knives. Levi still has the knife with its ribbon during the current time of the snk universe, Hanji is probably the only who knows why he has it and when someone asks he doesn’t explain.
The ribbon things were from the one Farlan sometimes wore in the manga, which is on Levi’s knife, and Farlan’s knife has some of Kuchel’s shirt tied to it. They chose these because they both were very dear to them (Farlan’s ribbon was from his mum or something too idk).
They were both incredibly protective of each other (Isa too but not in a relationship way), mainly when it came to Erwin and Mike.
Farlan was always lowkey salty that Hanji forgot his name that one time, and would occasionally bring it up when they said his name like “Farlan? Who’s that? I don’t know a guy named Farlan. Weird name, huh?” *proceeds to ignore Hanji*. (but seriously Hanji wow, the only one to put effort into a salute and you forget his name? Wooooow rude much?)
In a modern au, Farlan would be the one to come up with impulsive ideas that they neither can or should do, and Levi is always the one who has to say no. These are the rare occasions where Isabel sides with Farlan, and it in no way helps Levi
“Levi, we should go to every Universal Studios around the world, and compare them!” “Farlan, no! We had to go to McDonald’s the other day, just to steal the ketchup packets because we can’t waste money on a whole bottle!”
Farlan had a slight crush on Levi before they had formally met, he’d always found him incredibly attractive but more importantly he looked up to him in a way, and found his personality very interesting. Then from moment they met he started falling for him further. 
Handholding during sex!
Before the three of them got together, Armin was a fucking nerd who wanted his to guy best friends (so excluding Mikasa, I haven’t just forgotten her) to get together. After a while of failed attempts, he went to Connie and Sasha for help, and they told him to fake love letters from each other. So Armin wrote them in the way Eren and Jean would, but they didn’t pick up on the style of writing and instead they both recognised Armin’s handwriting. He ended up with them both chasing after him, but he managed to work a compromise of “Let’s all just date each other then”
I can’t imagine them getting together in a non-messy way for some reason
When they found out about the whole titan shifters die after 13 years, there was not only an erejearmin cuddling/crying session, but also a 104th and Mikasa and Jean session.
Idk if the Jean’s mum owning some sort bakery/cafe is a popular hc in the fandom, or I’ve just happened to see it a lot, but we’re going with that for this one. Jean often takes Eren and Armin to see his mother, and then they will go to the cafe as a date.
 Eren and Jean will have little competitions over who loves Armin more, and even though Armin tries to stop them getting to into it, he loves the attention they give him. Eren will often have nightmares and night terrors that wake him up in the middle of the night. He used to either pace around the room or go down stairs, until he woke Jean up by accident. Before Jean had the chance to moan at him he noticed Eren was still shaken up, and after he explained Jean invited him to sleep in bed with him. They spoke with Armin in the morning, so now Eren alternates between them, rather than waking just one of them all the time. 
When sharing beds, Eren always has to snuggle into his boyfriend’s chest
Jean likes drawing Eren and Armin, and when they found out they put their money together to buy him some nice quality colours. Since he’s started using then he’s had a habit of accentuating their eyes.
When they started dating, Mikasa ran Jean through trials and tests to prove he was worthy to date her family. 
Eren was surprised to see how sensitive Jean actually when he got closer to him. 
One time when they went to help Historia at the care home, Jean got really attached to one of the children and spent the entire journey back to the barracks trying to convince Eren and Armin to adopt her. He cried when Historia told him she’d been adopted. 
If they’re sat together in the evening, Armin will take full advantage of being small and having two boyfriends, by laying his whole body across them, taking up as much of the space as he can. 
NSFW Headcanons
They’re comfortable enough with each other that they try out new kinks and stuff, but Levi is always the one a little more reluctant about things. 
Levi has a thing for making clean surfaces “dirty” which Farlan loves, but he doesn’t enjoy the thorough cleaning they have to do again afterwards.
Farlan loves to pleasure Levi, and will more than often put his entire focus on during sex. 
He also thinks that the Levi looks during and after sex is equal parts hot and cute.
Levi tends to swear and say I love you a lot whenever he bottoms (which is the majority of the time), whereas Farlan will normally say Levi’s name a lot.
Farlan always makes sure to start off very gently, to make sure it isn’t too much for Levi
Levi likes to keep going after he’s come, even if Farlan is done he loves it when he then either sucks him off or eats him out afterwards. 
Farlan makes sure to kiss Levi all over when they’re having sex, and he repeatedly tells him how beautiful he thinks he is
Farlan is especially good at eating Levi’s ass, and Levi is surprisingly good giving blow jobs. 
Levi’s skill however is from researching through dodgy books because he was nervous about his first time. 
|At first Levi would get embarrassed about cumming
One of Farlan’s favourite times was when he convinced Levi to ride him whilst wearing a skirt. 
His all time favourite is their first time though, as he remembers how great it felt to finally touch Levi in those ways he’d wanted to for so long. 
Farlan once managed to convince Levi to have a threesome, which they had with Jan. 
All three of them love frotting, not only because of how they feel but also because it’s one of the few things they can do where they know what the others are feeling at that time
Jean and Eren are generally quite vanilla, Armin, however, is pretty much the complete opposite. They’re both open to try pretty much anything, but some of the things Armin suggest can be quite intimidating. The two only really draw the line when it comes to hurting each other (further than spanking and choking) 
Armin likes to tease Eren and Jean a lot, but will often put in rules such as “you can only touch yourselves” or “you can only touch each other, but you have to watch me”
If he had the right pole, Armin would 100% know how to pole dance. 
Armin and Jean would probably want to make a sex tape
All three of them love the feeling of being wrecked, but Eren is the best at taking two at once 
They fucked by the ocean
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pinkheichou · 7 years
After talking to one of my mutuals I got the suggestion to choose the German word as fic title and tbh this is the best idea ever because it fits very well and DOES give my fic some sort of aesthetic :D Thanks, @phx-y :* ‘Fettnäpfchen’ as in ‘ins Fettnäpfchen treten’, in English: putting one’s foot in one’s mouth
As always, my writing exercise got out of control lol. Now here have some… well… slightly Eremin? … slightly Jearmin? What’s the end ship? Eremin? Jearmin? Erejearmin?? Ha, who knows c: (I know lol) Read to find out~ 
“I can’t believe they put me together in a team with you two.” Levi growled an exasperated sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose in the process.
“What ya mean?” Jean was the first one to react; boasting uncourtly as he always did. He whipped his spiky two toned hair back, attempting to act awesome. “You can be lucky to be paired up with someone as cool as me.” There was a ridiculous grin almost splitting his face into two.
“How many times did we have this discussion already?” Eren intervened, sounding almost as desperate as Levi, though for other reasons. “Fucking get it already that I am the cooler one of us.” He threw a disapproving glare at him.
Jean scoffed – like a horse – rolling his eyes as if all the like-hate he felt for Eren was accumulated together to flood into this one particular act. And of course he wouldn’t leave Eren’s stupid comment at that. “Now listen, you idiot. And I told you time and again already that—”
“Okaaay.” Levi drawled out gruffly, having raised a hand in a manner that ordered silence from both of them, and he scowled, genuinely irked. “We— I don’t need to hear any more of that. Enough. We can’t help that we’ve become partners for this shitty group presentation, let’s just do our jobs and earn those credits without making it difficult for us all. It’s just a little group work. If we manage to be productive, we’ll be finished with the project in only a few days. After that you two can bicker as much as you want and I won’t have to hear or deal with it.”
“You think Jean and I are bickering right now?” Eren huffed, amused. “Oh, Levi, dear. You don’t even know! When I’m in a very good mood I’m roasting him constantly and getting the same back. This is how we treat each other, great, huh?” Eren throws an arm over Jean, rather clumsily rough, bumping his arm with his left fist. Jean reacted with a disgusted snarl.
Now it was Levi’s turn to sweep his eyes to the ceiling and then to the side. “Whatever. Let’s just go somewhere to discuss some plans on how we’ll proceed on our project. The more organized we are with it, the quicker we will get finished.”
“Yeah, yeah, sure. How about we go to the café that is close to uni? What is it called again?” Jean rubbed his chin, pursing his lips unnecessarily peculiarly as he was caught in his own thoughts that were short-timed. He finally nodded. “Oh, yeah. Wall Maria’s Café.”
Eren had let go of Jean by now, adjusting his bag and looking sceptical. “Huh, a café? We can just go to my or your pla—”
“That café sounds good.” Levi cut off Eren’s words promptly, no trace of grace evident in any of his personal features.
And Eren and Jean wondered why all of a sudden Levi’s mood had switched to the better; that much and in a way that they saw him – the usually stoic guy with that all time frown on his face – smiling contently to himself. As if he was told heavenly beautiful news, Levi kept musing. Eventually, his eyes darted to the other two boys again and while his tiny smile had faltered, there was still a sign of satisfaction tingling in his now vivid grey orbs. “Yeah, I fancy that idea.”
Jean and Eren were the first ones landing with their arses untraditionally on the café’s chairs by the table they had chosen to sit. Levi was still busy draping his jacket over his own chair insted of using a nearby hanger, mentally cursing over the fact that the two guys he would have to be partners with for the next few days had already started messing around playfully again.
He had given up praying that it wouldn’t be too unbearable with the two of them. Because it was! How could two grown-ass (not so grown-ass, despite their age) university students be of this much energy and obnoxious behaviour that it caused Levi headaches?! Perhaps that was the case only because Levi was actually used to fairly calm surroundings throughout the days.
Jean snatched the menu first, flipping the pages, occasionally throwing literally all kinds of shit at Eren who would respond or counterattack with same-levelled remarks.
Surely, Levi had had no other choice than to be a victim to this, his impatience rising just as his irritation did, and he wondered what sin he had committed to actually deserve this.
At some point, however, Eren edged Jean for silence, laying a palm flatly on his forearm to get his attention.
“Hey, Jean, you see this? Look at that adorable barista over there.” He discreetly rose a finger to a direction where said person must be stood, and Jean followed Eren’s pointing. And he arched a brow up, a quickly intrigued glint flashing up in his eyes.
“He’s a guy.” was his first comment; not one to be expected and so nerve-testing for Eren.
“Oh, Jean, please. Don’t even go there. You are gay for 3 years now.” Eren jabbed Jean’s side with his elbow. “Now look at him. Doesn’t he look cute?”
The person in the center of attention was indeed a waiter at Wall Maria’s café; blond hair tied loosely to a ponytail, a bit smaller than Eren or Jean, wearing a blissful smile, blue eyes connecting with the customer’s ones, and his button nose completing the perfection of a face.
Levi furrowed his brows and turned around in his seat to get a sight of who they were talking about.
And then his eyes widened.
“Yeah, he does look cute.” Jean finally agreed, having put his chin on his propped palm.
“Ah, just looking at him makes me feel different.” Eren was grinning dreamily, his also propped hands crossing, fingers forming several X’s before they entwined together.
“Oi.” Levi started, seemingly bothered.
“He’s the kind of guy I want to spoil endlessly.” Jean went on, coming up with ideas and images of how he would win over that guy’s heart.
Just the blond conversing with his customers kindly, always sending off radiating smiles like the bright sun itself, did things to Eren and Jean; they had already become visibly interested in that guy.
“You think he’s up for a date? Not only with one but with two? Oh, and you think he’s the kind of guy who would agree on more than kissing on the first date? Jean?” Eren had already neglected half of the happenings surrounding him, eyes locked onto the personification of a blond, lovely beauty while occasionally he would come up with questions to ask Jean, hoping he would get satisfying answers.
Levi began to seethe in fury, though reasons yet unknown. “Don’t talk about him like tha—”
“Let’s ask him out.” Jean was literally not listening on things anymore that he didn’t deem important, meaning that most of Levi’s words were bouncing off him. “Wait, wait. We should start an actual conversation with him. Let’s not rush it, or else he’d be creeped out. We aren’t like this.”
“Yeah, let’s talk to him a bit. I think he would show interest. He’s so beautiful, I’m sure we aren’t the first ones wanting to ask him out. Gosh, I wanna kiss all over his body. He must feel nice, right? You think he likes boys? I hope he does.”
“Mhm.” Jean merely nodded, too lost in beautiful thoughts. He cooed in awe, “I hope so, too.”
Levi’s balled hand met the table, and he glared at them. “Shut the fuck up! He’s—”
“What?!” Eren interrupted, throwing his arms in the air. He really dared opposing Levi. “You want him too? Well, okay. But we will share. You won’t have him all for yourself. I had my eyes on him first. Oh, and if it’s because of the project then don’t worry. We’ll talk about that later. Let us have some more fun for the time being. Don’t be a joy killer.”
Levi’s whole body - mind, bloodstreams and nerves - was bubbling with wrath, perilous eyes spiking piercing grey daggers through both. His fist’s knuckles were paling white and he trembled with heating anger.
Though, the fact that the waiter was heading for the three stole Eren’s and Jean’s attention quickly enough, for they couldn’t waste a thought on or care less about why Levi would suddenly fume with madness.
“Hey, he’s walking to us!” Eren rammed his elbow against Jean’s ribs again, this time with more force out of sheer uncontrollable excitement. “Jean, for once, act like a decent man, okay.”
Jean returned the push of an elbow. “What the fuck. I was about to say the same to you.”
When the blond had reached them, he halted next to Levi. Levi, who was frozen in place, though only because he wouldn’t stop giving Eren and Jean menacing frowns.
“Hey, I’m Eren.” Eren introduced himself straightforwardly, grinning prettily (at least he tried to), his voice bordering on passive flirtatious.
“And I am Jean.” Jean followed him, talking and behaving the same way as his friend, but with the addition of an eye wink directed at the gorgeous looking barista. Of course, the more bragging guy he was, he’d come up with such a move first thing first.
A nerve popped up on Levi’s neck at that.
“I’m Armin. Nice to meet you.” The waiter called Armin smiled at them cheerfully. “Hello, Eren. Hello, Jean.” And then his face turned down to the left, face reaching close to the third person. “Hi, Levi.”
Jean and Eren hadn’t enough time to figure out how Armin knew about Levi’s name because in a matter of seconds all their questions were answered. Quickly, harshly, brutally, mercilessly. Like a brick hitting their faces.
“Hey, babe.” Levi didn’t hold his gaze on them anymore, head moving to the side and lips meeting with Armin’s cheek.
And that was when Jean and Eren understood. They finally understood what they had fucked up just now. They had fucked up totally; idiotically, shamelessly. Just like the two hormone-controlled boys they - still! - were.
Realizing that they had said all these things about Armin when Levi had been listening to all of it the whole time, their faces lost its healthy colour. They had carelessly dismissed Levi’s protests and now they were confronted with what multiple dimensions of regret and panic they had chosen to pace along. Unknowingly and unintentionally, and yet they couldn’t stop their eyes from parting widely, jaws dropping extremely low, as they continued to follow the event of Levi actually giving Armin a kiss. The guy Jean and Eren shouldn’t have started to crush on to begin with!
“Wai— Wha… He’s…” Eren stammered, meek, and mentally shrunk to a little ball of silly anxiety. The worst that could ever happen was for him to provoke Levi. And this was what he had exactly done.
He had crushed on Levi’s boyfriend! And Jean too!
While Armin straightened his upper body, taking his original position next to Levi, Levi’s vicious glare had revived the moment he kissed his lover and he had deliberately chosen to look at the other two as he withdrew. He took one of Armin’s hand that lay on his shoulder as the other had its knuckles tinted white again. “Hey, Armin, I think we can’t have our movie night tonight.” He said dangerously calmly and casually. Then, his voice faltered to one of pure loathing. “I have a double murder to commit.”
Cold sweat beads formed on Jean’s and Eren’s foreheads, their hearts reaching up to their throats first and then down to the very pits of their stomachs. They were too scared to breathe, fearing Levi would tell them not to.
“Yo, Levi, you see…” Eren tried again, one of his hands furiously waving in the air, as if it could actually help him get out of this soon to be misery. Misery in form of a living hell called Levi’s anger.
“We didn’t know okay!” It was Jean who spat this, not beating around the bush. Bursting out the words. Personally signing his entrance to death.
“That’s because you never let me finish talking!” Levi replied back with as much volume, not once had he taken a break from his daunting scowls.
“Huh? Did something happen between you all?” Armin wondered, cocking his head to the side, innocent.
“Those two dipshits had seriously tried to hit on you.”
“O-Oh…” A petite sheen of pink clouded Armin’s cheeks and he shifted his eyes, awkwardly flustered. “Okay… Well… i-it… to be honest, this isn’t the first time it happened to me. Levi, you are aware of that, too. Please don’t take it too personally — ”
“You know what?!” Levi was back with snapping at the two who were forced to stay where they are, guilty, regretful, mentally pleading for forgiveness. Levi couldn’t stay cool at the shit Eren and Jean had produced minutes ago. No way would he let these things pass just like that. “I know how Armin’s body feels like, but of course I won’t tell you. You have no right to know, you stupid brats.”
“Levi, hey, Levi. It’s okay. It’s okay.” Armin was patting his boyfriend’s cheek, attempting to get him down from his momentary fury. At this, Armin had no choice than to redden again.
“I’m sorryyyyyy.” Eren whined. All he wished for was to be forgiven.
“Tch.” The palpable threatening aura around Levi alleviated mildly. He hugged Armin’s hips with one arm, also resting his head against it.
Armin let it happen for that short moment he would be at their table to take their orders. Speaking of which…
“Okay, you two know now, Jean, Eren. Yes, Levi is my boyfriend. I’m in a happy relationship with him. So… now that most things are settled—”
“I’m not sure about that.” Levi commented.
“—and all misunderstandings gone,” Armin cleared his throat once after giving his boyfriend a quick reprimanding glance, took out a pen and notepad and with his infamous sweet smile he went on, “Can I have your orders?”
He asked Eren and Jean first.
Those two hadn’t recovered from the prior events and so all the things they could think about now were lead by senses of flight instinct and self-protection.
Eren raised his hand anxiously. “I would like to have a guarantee that I will make it out of this alive!”
“Yeah, I want the same as Eren!” Jean followed his friend.
Levi scowled at them even more.
As Armin was chuckling at this, in between stroking Levi’s cheek and whispering “Now, now, Levi, please. It’s alright.”, the two guys were really meaning it.
Eren and Jean knew that they wouldn’t escape from this without punishment. Whether it was a physical fight (against all guesses, that was unlikely for Levi to do) or the order to do the project alone from now on, they knew that they were thoroughly fucked.
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erejearminday-blog · 10 years
Thanks so much to everyone who participated in or supported erejearmin day!! It was so fantastic seeing everyone's art, fics, and headcanons! Even for such a niche pairing, I feel like we had an incredible turnout! I hope everyone had a lot of fun!
I'll continue reblogging anything in the #erejearmin day tag here even if you're a little bit late, so don't worry!
Thank you so much, everybody!!
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milubee · 10 years
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you came home too late, Jean, Armin's all mine *cuddles*
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dailydoseofsero · 10 years
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( ˘ ³˘)♥
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suzuyajuuzoux · 10 years
I’m going to bed now, I’m gonna publish chapter 1 of “the stray” tomorrow but you can find the mildly disturbing and maybe bland prologue here if you feel like it
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suzuyajuuzoux · 10 years
OMG I'm so excited right now I finally got an idea what I wanna write for erejearmin day !! I wish I had that idea earlier though because it's such a big idea and the time is so short D: but ahhhh I'm super excited to write
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