tmarshconnors · 2 months
UK Disorder 2024
In the summer of 2024, United Kingdom erupted in riots that spread from major cities to small towns, shaking the nation to its core. While the spark for these disturbances might have been immediate grievances, the tinderbox had been building for years. These riots are a symptom of deeper issues that have been ignored for too long. Understanding and addressing these underlying causes is essential if we are to move forward as a society.
For years, many people in United Kingdom have voiced concerns about immigration policies and border control.
There is a perception among a significant portion of the population that the government has not done enough to secure the borders, leading to economic strain, cultural tensions, and a feeling of being unheard. This sentiment has been simmering, with communities feeling increasingly marginalised and ignored by those in power.
Successive governments have often promised to tackle these issues but have failed to take substantial action. Instead, they have been accused of playing lip service, making grand promises during election campaigns and then delivering little in the way of real change once in office. This cycle of unfulfilled promises has eroded trust in political leaders and institutions, creating a sense of disillusionment and frustration among the populace.
Another significant factor contributing to the unrest is the perceived inequality in policing. There have been numerous reports and accusations of discrimination within the police force, with officers treating people differently based on their skin colour, background, or nationality. This has fostered a sense of injustice and alienation, particularly among minority communities.
The police are supposed to be protectors of all citizens, yet when certain groups feel targeted or unfairly treated, it undermines the very foundation of trust that law enforcement relies upon. Reforming the police to ensure equal treatment for all is not just a matter of justice but a necessary step towards rebuilding trust and community cohesion.
A Path Forward
To move beyond the riots and address the root causes of this unrest, several steps need to be taken:
Listening to the People: The government must genuinely listen to the concerns of its citizens about immigration and border control. This doesn't mean giving in to xenophobia but rather addressing legitimate concerns about resources, integration, and national security in a balanced and fair manner.
Realistic and Effective Policies: Rather than making empty promises, the government needs to implement realistic and effective policies that can make a tangible difference. This includes investing in border security, streamlining immigration processes, and ensuring that newcomers are supported in integrating into society.
Police Reform: Comprehensive police reform is essential to ensure that all citizens are treated equally under the law. This involves training officers in cultural sensitivity, holding them accountable for discriminatory actions, and fostering a police culture that values equality and justice.
Community Engagement: Building bridges between different communities is crucial. This can be achieved through dialogue, community projects, and initiatives that promote understanding and cooperation between diverse groups.
The riots of 2024 are a wake-up call for United Kingdom. They are a manifestation of deep-seated issues that have been ignored for too long. Addressing these problems requires more than quick fixes or political rhetoric; it demands genuine engagement, realistic policy-making, and a commitment to justice and equality.
Only by taking these steps can we hope to heal the divisions within our society and move forward together. Want to see real change? I strongly encourage each and every one of us to vote for the “Reform Party” it is the only way can get the change we all want. 
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irfangohar · 2 years
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“A Sufi is one who does not differentiate between a friend and foe” - #YounusAlGohar #quoteoftheday❤️ #ifollowGoharShahi #GoharShahi #ImamMehdiGoharShahi #friend #enemy #equal #behavior #foe #sketch #fair #justice #value #sufi #equaltreatment #instagram #friday #saturday (at Arcola, Virginia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoyhsMqO0_J/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lgbtally4ever · 1 year
THE best #LGBTQ messaging, hands down. Simple, basic, easy to understand. So, WHY do so many people have such a hard time accepting it? #equality It’s all people want; it’s what ALL people DESERVE. #ToSirWithLove #ThaiSeries www.one31.net @one31 #Thailand #EqualTreatment #EqualRights
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marianelmagdangal06 · 6 months
TITLE: Acceptance of Lgbtq differences
the lgbtq community should be celebrated and should not be an obstacle to love and unity and giving support to them, for what they are and we should help them overcome the challenges and discrimination they face and we should give them equaltreatment because they are not different, they are also people who need respect and their only goal is to receive their rights and equal treatment, and they should not be judged for what they are, they should be respected and respected just like the respect of others person innormal people, we are all the same normal the only difference is their gender, we have the same rights and we should be respected as a human being. this world, and let's show them the importance of rights as human beings and let's recognize that each of us has the right to live freely without fear and without discrimination and this includes their right to love, marriage, and having equal alreadyopportunity and let us show our understanding of what they are going through, let us join their fight for equal rights and acceptance and let us show that we are ready to listen and understand what they are going through and their experiences and feelings, Support theorganizations and groups that aim to fight for the rights and welfare of LGBTQ+ members. and Be open to talking and listening wholeheartedly to their experiences, struggles, and dreams. and Accept them wholeheartedly and without doubt. Recognize their gender, identity, and relationships as part of their life and identity. Avoid judging and giving prejudices. and Show care and concern for their safety, freedom, and happiness. Avoid being blind to the discrimination and oppression they face Think about the experiences and challenges they face. and Be understanding and empathetic to their struggles and needs.
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katenera18 · 9 months
"Women of Wonders: An in-depth Understanding on Feminism"
Feminism is all about a collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights for women. But it doesn't mean that only women are part of this theory. Because feminism aims at achieving equal rights and opportunities for all genders, not promoting women over men. The theme of this essay is "Feminism and Gender Equality".
The purpose of pageant that we did in our class is not only to make fun in our male classmates, but for them to experience standing in front of the audience that supports them. The men in our class experienced pageanting, I know they are all afraid because they didn't know what to do. But in the end, they had so much fun and we saw that in their face. So we realized that pageanting is not only for women but to all genders around us. We are all human, only one created us, He never gives up on us, so why should we? Let's appreciate each other, let's accept each other, we are all equal so we love each other how God loves us.
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americanmuslimt · 1 year
U.S. Will Allow Israelis Visa-Free Entry From November Onwards Read more: https://americanmuslimtoday.com/details/adf386df-7636-4aec-ab52-46dee1f0365c
#americanmuslimtoday #VisaFreeTravel #USIsraelRelations #EqualTreatment #TravelDiplomacy #UnityInTravel #USVisaWaiver #IsraelTravel #DiplomaticRelations #FairTravel #GlobalUnity #TravelEquality #USForeignPolicy #IsraelConnections #VisaWaiverProgram #TravelFreedom #USIsraelAlliance #DiplomaticAgreement
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justisborred · 5 years
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Posted @withrepost • @while_black PLEASE REPOST!!!! WHILE BLACK FAMILY...WE NEED YOUR HELP..THIS YOUNG BEAUTIFUL SISTER NEEDS YOUR HELP . WE DONT KNOW WHAT OR HOW POWERFUL SHE WILL BECOME ONE DAY AND IF WE DONT STAND UP AND PUSH FOR CHANGE WE NEVER WILL KNOW. Please show up if you are in Atlanta and please call and voice your opinion if you are not in Atlanta. Let the hospital and CEO know they must meet with this young childs family HERE IS THE HOSPITAL NUMBER..404.785.7002 Read more of the story context below This is a real story and it's an even larger problem They mistreat us and we keep moving but when they mistreat and hurt our babies we have to stand up and fight back Aniyah Dixon has been on the transplant list since December. She was admitted into Children's Health Care back in July being told that she was on top of the list. The week of Thanksgiving Aniyah was removed from the list and asked to leave the hospital. Since then the family and community has requested to speak with CEO Donna Hyland and she has refused. Tomorrow morning the community is going to demand she gives us answers. #whileblack #justice #medicine #equaltreatment #blackchildren #blackmen #blackfamily #blacktwitter #youngqueen #legacy #giveherachance #fightback #takeaction #wedemand #blessthischild #yourdaughter #panafrican #melanin #blackpower #blackamerican #blackandproud https://www.instagram.com/p/B54RxWuHiMf/?igshid=ee2jo5k9ira9
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makepeace22 · 5 years
Until you treat everyone as an equal, you have no right to complain about the treatment you receive from anyone.
I’m sorry to say that yesterday’s post did not upload. It was some photos I took from my time in Cambodia. It is a great place and a visit would be great for you. In the meantime, think about this quote.
Peace out,
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omlekha · 4 years
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[MOFATEOAGD C5 progression]
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khatriji · 4 years
International Day of Democracy
In 2007 the United Nations General Assembly declared to observe 15 September as the International Day of Democracy with an aim to promote and uphold the principles of democracy that mainly contributes to raise public awareness including equal human rights, equal treatment and participation. Follow Below profile to remain updated Or Connected : Twitter :- https://twitter.com/OJCTkhatriji Instagram :- https://www.instagram.com/ojctkhatriji Pinterest :- https://in.pinterest.com/ojctkhatriji/ LinkedIn :- https://www.linkedin.com/company/khatriji/
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melneedsakidney · 4 years
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Word. . . #ToxicTraits #ItMe #Simpsons #EqualTreatment #JustWannaBeLoved #Reciprocation https://www.instagram.com/p/CD1JKLCDgcS/?igshid=abek3m2w12vm
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epiphanies-of-life · 4 years
For once and for all
Often times, a person’s poor state of mind per say the sense of insanity in a person or them being mentally disabled can often exempt them from holding accountability for their act of misdemeanor or felony. I personally believe that no matter what gender, background, ethnicity a person belongs to, it is vital to treat everyone equally even if the person committing the crime is mentally challenged. It may sound extremely arguable and very wrong but there have been numerous times where when a person of color or minority commits a crime, establishment of punishment is harsh but when a normal person commits a crime in this country, it’s established that their reasoning for doing so is because they are mentally disabled. Why is that so? It astounds me so much. For how long will this prolong? For how long will people of color be looked down upon? For how long will the abnegation of minorities continue to have existence? For how long will this act of unfair judgement and mistreatment sustain? There has to be an end to all this. For once and for all. 
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typerception · 4 years
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#BLACKMAN and #Blackwomen #Blackchildren #blacklivesmatter #Unitedagainstracism #Loveoverhate #speakup #standup #Peacefulprotest #protest #mylifematters #Usagainstracism #Justiceforall #equaltreatment #Knowyourright #wecanmakeadifferencetogether #justiceforgeorgefloyd https://www.instagram.com/p/CBDjvWJJOud/?igshid=1ju2f2fwte4yl
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lgbtally4ever · 1 year
THE best #LGBTQ messaging, hands down. Simple, basic, easy to understand. So, WHY do so many people have such a hard time accepting it? #equality It’s all people want; it’s what ALL people DESERVE. #ToSirWithLove #ThaiSeries www.one31.net @one31 #Thailand #EqualTreatment #EqualRights
Episode 16 @54:59 minutes in to 1:12:52.
On You Tube
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artissolastseason · 4 years
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White Silence = Black Death Silence = Death Start using your white privilege for good. Hold yourself and each other accountable for injustice, discrimination and inequality #georgefloyd #justiceforgeorgefloyd #silenceequalsdeath #silenceisviolence #stoptheviolence #blacklivesmatter #blm #whiteprivilege #privilege #standup #fightback #equalrights #equaltreatment #weareallhuman #whitesilenceequalsblackdeath (at Manhattan, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBBrIHchnWl/?igshid=111w5mzgjrxwo
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polemicsnpedantics · 5 years
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This week marks the 100th anniversary of the first enunciation of women's rights in the International Labor System. Chief among the demands of women at the time was maternity leave. We explain how these women forced the hand of international institutions and governments alike to gain their say in the process. #labour #labor #feminism #womensupportingwomen #laborrights #unions #workers #workersunion #wages #equality #equaltreatment #equalpay #maternityleave (at Washington D.C.) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5f-M_Mn1dq/?igshid=1eehr3r20m5fh
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