thatoneguyrune · 2 years
*undyne finds an bag full of 5000g and it has an note saying "award for catching an wanted person"*
(Sorry this is late, I just have college and all that) *Undyne spends some of it on new gear, saves some more, invests most of the rest. And treats all of herm friends to a nice meal.*
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thatoneguyrune · 2 years
you have been robbed by robber anon (you can have ocs of yours react to this)
*Undyne blinks at you, because you are quite stupid. You just tried to rob from the wanna be royal guard member. And so you proceed to get suplexed and knocked out. Once you wake up, you find in yourself in jail. Congrats!*
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thatoneguyrune · 4 years
Canon stuff even though I know have posted stuff before/masterpost I guess
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RP Rules and Muse List
I meant to work and release this stuff before but oh well... here it is CANON STORY INTRO (I know I made a post before but here is the canon story intro, well my idea of it) Ever since long ago, there has been two races, humans and monsters. Despite the tension between them, some members of each race wanted peace and union. The humans were especially divided, as two fifths wanted an union while the others did not, no, they wanted to slaughter the monsters. These humans did their best to warn the monsters, as well to prepare but it was futile as even with their combined strength, they lost and the monsters were sealed within the mountain. While the rebels were sentanced to always be a ‘second class race’, but just because the battle was lost, does not mean the war was lost. No, history became filled with little incidents and battles as the unionists struggled. Over time they pushed them across the river. As tensions flare ever high and war brews, the unionists prepare for one last battle as monsters never deserved to be sealed anyway. Meanwhile a group prepare to give it their all, even if they get a bloody happy ending.
Bios: Name: Jack Avalice Body Age: 20 Soul Age: Probably over 500, he lost count. Species: Wizard, half human, half goat monster Gender: Male Sexuality: Hetero
LVTOK:1 LVTOS:-1 HP:40 ATK:20 DEF:20 Magic: ‘Jack-of-all trades’, he can copy any magic but its a weaker variant, at least until he practices it and gets stronger. Special Abilities: Is able to mix spells together as well as copy other spells, but the new spells will be weak Personality: A generally warm and friendly man who just wants a timeline where everyone can live a peaceful life  Cons: Serious PTSD
Post run changes (base stats): LVTK:54
HP 252
AT 126
DEF 126 
BTW Equaltalefrisk tag is not canon, imma have to fix that on some posts
Equaltale Sans and Papyrus
Tux, Equaltale Sans-Tux is to his family, friends, and workplace, a warm and kind jokester. Who always does a honest four or five hours work at a time, as he’s still a sans after all. He has a lot more energy than normal Sans’ but not as much like Blue or FS/SF Sans. So he is able to work two part time jobs with a good nap in between. He is a waiter at grillby’s during the more busy hours, and a foodstand person later in the day. After the second job he does take another but shorter nap. He always wears formal clothes, which tends be tuxedos, only tuxedos. Tux is good at his jobs but still has to do part time jobs as he can’t manage full time jobs. Nonetheless, Tux is a lot more energetic than UT Sans for example. However he is a fan of dark humor, which tends to annoys those who don’t like it but he doesn’t care, as long as a majority laughs he’s fine. He always apologizes afterwards....but if your a stranger, he is cold and apathetic, showing little emotion to you. He doesn’t care, as he doesn’t trust you, plus he is a bit hard to warm up to you. But once he does, he’s a good trustworthy friend. If you do fight him, expect a cold, emotionless, killing machine. All he cares about then is you dying, you probably hurt people he cared about so you will pay. However his fighting styles depend on whether he has backup or not. If he’s alone, he uses bursts of accurate magic attacks to have enough energy to keep in the melee, but if he has help, he’s more of a support attacker, dealing a good amount of DPS. 
The timelines have worn him out, he just wants it to end, he can’t keep doing this forever as he’s getting tired, but he can keep going...for now.
Cook, Equaltale Papyrus-He is a friendly, bubbly man, who has many friends and is very popular. No seriously, he is. Everyone loves when its his day to cook for the royal guard, as they all love his little notes he makes. People tend to collect them sometimes, which makes him happy. But he doesn’t really mind people throwing out the notes. His behavior is generally that of UT papyrus, so he tries his best to help people out and sometimes lecture them, but he’s less about puzzles and more about cooking. He will be the best chef someday, even if he has to survive countless puns and such. Papyrus is a bit warm and kind to strangers, as the first impression is the best....that is unless you hurt someone he cares about...then he turns real scary and mean. He does use magic. as well as a bone weapon and shield. Despite being made of bones, he does have a nickname of ‘Bone Breaker’. Don’t ask why. 
He’s worried that a happy ending might not occur, but at least they are making progress but, he too can’t keep doing this forever. Mass murdering the enemy isn’t very friendly now is it?
Toriel-A ditsy yet friendly young woman, supposedly destined to be the queen of the underground. Rather, she would be a teacher, but she doesn’t know what type of teacher to be. Her interests are scattered around so she tries this and that, though contained in a few areas. She is great with children despite never having any, and wishes to have her own too. However, she resides in the dusty old home with the rest of the more pro human monsters, trying to figure out what she will teach whether it will be an art teacher one week and then writing the next. She tends to wear an apron over her clothing as it protects her clothes from her painting and cooking. Now, she may not be the best at them, but she is getting better.
She is like this because of the sudden rests, since to her, its best to try to master everything before everything gets reset again. Undyne-The wannabe royal guard captain, quite energetic and passionate in whatever she does. They work very hard to try rise up the ranks of the royal guard. But no amount of training will get her higher, but she tries anyway, and she has been for years. She has improved a whole lot, but it seems its still not good enough to rise up the ranks, which makes her sad but she still tries nonetheless. Her passion  is less than UT Undyne’s as she has not burned down the house with her cooking, but she still burns stuff anyway or ruins it, but hey she tries. She is also sad because she keeps failing to protect everyone, well everyone is but she is still sad since well, if she can’t protect the ones she cares about, how can she be the royal guard captain? Alphys-The nerdy, geeky scientist that always tries her best. She is braver than UT but not as brave as US. So she stutters sometimes but still maintains her composure when interacting with others. Not much is changed from UT Alphys as she is still the royal scientist and all that. But unlike the UT one, she will still fight if she needs, or for the greater good. She uses guns due to her lack of physical strength.
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thatoneguyrune · 3 years
More Equaltale Characters
(I’ve been meaning to do this ahh and this is more think up on the spot, I’ll add friends and what not at some pooint) Toriel-She is known as one of the most friendliest and kindest monsters underground, as well that she is great with children. Just like every Toriel, her overall personality is sweet and kind, and likes to bake. Although she still hasn’t gotten good at it just yet, she is still practicing. She also has a passion for more creativity arts, whether it's painting or writing as she wants to spruce up the old dusty ruins she resides in. She left Asgore due to conflicting interests, in her opinion monsters should work together with the rebels so that the rebels have a higher chance of freeing the monsters. When angry, she starts to be a pyromaniac setting people or things. Or she might just use some of the hand to hand combat she knows, although she isn’t exactly good at that too. She oddly likes the smell of burning things, especially people. Her Snap Mode is hard to come by, but it can and will come if people very close to her are in serious danger Undyne-The wannabe royal guard captain, she works very hard to try rise up the ranks of the royal guard. But training won’t get her higher, but she tries anyway. She is like UT Undyne due to her passion for anything she likes or does, but not as extreme for some things like cooking. Nor does she burn down her house either. She is also quite a helpful woman, performing good deeds here and there. When angry she just beats up the people who she views as the bad people. Just like UT Undyne. Her Snap Mode is one the hardest modes to come by as Royal Guards gotta play it cool...but just don’t hurt her friends please. Alphys-The nerdy, geeky scientist that always tries her best. She is braver than UT but not as brave as US. So she stutters sometimes but still maintains her composure. Not much is changed from UT Alphys as she is still the royal scientist and all that. But unlike the UT one, she will still fight if she needs, or for the greater good. She uses guns due to her frailness. When angry she becomes a mad scientist at the enemy, because who will be the better test subject than her foe? Her Snap Mode is in the middle, she isn’t too hard to snap but not too easy. You will find out what Snap Mode is...eventually
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