#epi 40
paramasqueradeva · 9 months
Suddenly not so FUNNY, huh? l Twin Runes Epi 40 [ Deltarune Comic Dub ] @akanemnon
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vavaharrison · 1 year
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lazyspeedy · 1 year
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not quite them but the song kinda reminded me of them lol
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thebibliosphere · 2 months
ID: a video showing a weeks worth of heart rate numbers that start out high, ranging from 72 to 158, then dropping drastically to a resting rate in the 50s with the highest being 99.
The video then moves on to show a month’s worth of similar data, showing wild swings in heart rate from the low 40s up to the mid hundreds before evening out at the end of the week.
So, uh, I think the amitriptyline is managing my Hyperadrenergic POTS. Quite spectacularly, actually.
I’ve never been able to stay on blood pressure meds because they block epi-pens from working but also because they made my MCAS worse, but amitriptyline inhibits the uptake of norepinephrine (among other things) which is what causes Hyperadrenergic POTS.
My elevated norepinephrine levels are caused by my MCAS. Amitriptyline is a multi-level mast cell inhibitor.
And as you can see from the above video it has dropped my heart rate significantly. All those high heart rate days with the massive swings between high and low? Those were normal days where just sitting up in bed gave me a resting heart rate in the 80s and 90s. That’s been my life for as long as I can remember.
That one day where my heart swings between 59 and 99? That 99 was me walking up a steep hill in high 80s heat with 70% humidity while carrying a gallon of water back from the store.
I currently have a resting heart rate of 58 even after drinking caffeine and not having had any salt yet today.
I think this bitch is managing my MCAS/h-POTS. Holy shit.
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horizon-verizon · 3 months
On this here day, GRRM wrote an entry clarifying several things about the dragon lore in his novels, and it vindicates so many Dany stans/Daenerys as the Azor Ahai:
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Saying dragon "mysteries", in-world, will be revealed in the last two books AND Septon Barth got a lot right. I'm taking that to mean that dragons change sex (Viserion, here you come, baby!), like two particular Twitter mutes I have (danylanzhou and Branwynwitch). It also seems like he's confirming that dragons and the first 40 Valyrian families (which include the Targs, then and now) mixed dragon blood with their own in some long past ancient event AND that only these families, therefore, can bond with dragons to rides them safely or befriend them.
Which means Nettles is definitely of Valyrian/Targ-descent, which really should have been obvious. One of my mutuals also asserted that this makes the idea of Nettles-Sheepstealer/Rhaena-Morning being interchangeable for their supposed HotD merging GRRM-disapproved bc he makes a point to say that dragons don't tend to move far from their lairs that are usually very high up in mountains and volcanos. Sheepstealer can't be going to the Vale while having a lair in Dragonstone:
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As for the thought of Sunfyre flying miles to get to Dragonstone...this is where he/they were born and where the real magic that sustains dragons is coalesced from hundred of years. It makes sense for him/them to fly to this castle even if Aegon weren't there after he had been bodied by Meleys/Meleys & Vhagar, looking for recovery. This is where the Targs get most of their eggs/dragons and it is near where most dragons in Westeros make their lairs.
Note that he says, in the very last paragraph, how:
Fantasy needs to be grounded.  It is not simply a license to do anything you like. Smaug and Toothless may both be dragons, but they should never be confused. Ignore canon, and the world you’ve created comes apart like tissue paper.
It appears he is VERY not happy about something to do with dragons in the show's second season, how they bond in the show, how a certain dragon is "explained" to have traveled a too-long distance for a certain pale-locked young girl who has been trying to hatch her own dragon for years...I see you GRRM, fighting for Nettles AND Rhaena I see.
Oh, and just bc he said he liked epi 2, doesn't mean that he cannot critique anything about HotD ever again...he is the writer and creator of this universe that they are capitalizing on. As long as a writer of any genre stays logically consistent and relatively undiscriminatory in their original writing, they definitely can tell any of us readers what is real and not real or possible in their own creations! That this is even up for debate is a travesty to logic.
Mind you, this is the same man who said the show and the book are two separate canons AND that adaptations "nowadays" tend to fail bc the adapters think they can make the story "better" and ignore critical lore details. And in his latest commentary on HotD's S2 first two episodes, he says, and I quote:
“Rhaenyra the Cruel” has been getting great reviews, for the most part.   A lot of the fans are proclaiming it the best episode of HotD, and some are even ranking it higher than the best episodes of GAME OF THRONES.   I can hardly be objective about these things, but I would certainly say it deserves to be in contention.   The only part of the show that is drawing criticism is the conclusion of the Blood and Cheese storyline.   Which ending was powerful, I thought… a gut punch, especially for viewers who had never read FIRE & BLOOD.   For those who had read the book, however… Well, there’s  a lot of be said about that, but this is not the place for me to say it.   The issues are too complicated.   Somewhere down the line, I will do a separate post about all the issues raised by Blood and Cheese… and Maelor the Missing.  There’s a lot to say.
Note that the latest post was about epi4 and this one I just linked is only abt epi 1 &2....so where are his thoughts for the hated/comedic epi3?! (we see each other, George). (BTW, I gave my thoughts on his thoughts about 1 & 2, HERE.)
I'll say it once again: though GRRM praised the portrayal of grief, defended Cheese being lost, and loved the dog (the last I don't fault anyone for, I also loved them) in the Blood & Cheese episode, he also expressly talks AROUND how Blood & Cheese and Helaena actually interacted and comments on the Maelor-lessness (therefore the lack of Sophie's Choice) that many people--inclu myself--have been saying was a huge problem.
Now we have two different sources that seem to support the ideas of:
GRRM both not being as "involved" with the actual writing of this show for a bit AND not approving of a lot of critical changes
HotD's writers cannot create anything truly "canon" or "real/true" for this universe, it only can make any sort of "sense" if it also retrieves information from the original tale, which is not really just F&B but THE ENTIRE SET OF AVAILABLE BOOKS!
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themeasureofasim · 1 year
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More overlays? More overlays! Specifically, 40 (40!) correlated body hair overlays for teens to elders of both genders, brought to you by the wonderful @episims and a little help from myself. There are different hair textures for each part of the body (arms, underarms, chest, stomach, back, cheeks, happy trail, pubis and legs), and you can combine them as you like. There are a lot of possible combinations!
Textures were made by Epi, based on Inky-Fish's textures (aside from the happy trail, which was stolen from @platinumaspiration). They come in the five natural colours, and will have the colour of your sims hair/eyebrows. Body hair goes grey when sims age into elders. The box is a 4t2 bath basket by Veranka, found in Misc/Dressers for 0§ (right next to this box by Nikki and my edit of Inky-Fish's box).
Besides making 200 textures, Epi cleaned unnecessary code from the "add/remove overlay" BHAVs, and also made an universal remove option for each part of the body, so you don't need to remember which specific overlay you've applied (*standing ovation*). Cute preview is also by Epi! You can see a swatch here/here and there's more info about the overlays in this post.
Download SFS | MEGA
Credit goes to Epi, Inky-Fish, PlatAsp, Veranka and Morague. As usual, I only did the copy-pasting in SimPE. You can use the body hair textures for whatever you want, but DO NOT credit me! If you do, I will break into your house and kill your sims 💀
Update 24/06/25: I've fixed an error in the overlay Arms_5Medium, please redownload if you were having face issues (shouldn't happen unless you've deleted the previous overlay file).
Update 24/07/23: I've fixed an error in the overlay Arms_3&4Light, please redownload if you were having face issues.
Update 24/09/02: I included my personal version of the box, which is collection only, in the previous update (facepalm). Now you should be able to find the box in the catalogue again.
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growingstories · 1 month
Growing stories
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hi, idk if requests are open but if so..
can you please write deacon x reader when during a case his wife saves a man’s life. the next day, the guy goes to the station with flowers to thank her and asks her out and deacon gets jealous!
Yes! I love getting them!
Enjoy! ❤️
Deacon’s station had been temporarily relocated next to yours while their headquarters were being remodeled. A firehouse, EMS station, and police headquarters all on the same block? It kept the banter between your first responder branches alive. You all spent your free time hanging out, training together, and cooking good meals to be eaten in between calls. You and your partner had just sat down with 20-David and the fire crew on for the shift when you were dispatched to a difficulty breathing call.
“Love you, Babe.” Deacon said as he chewed his mouth full of food.
“Love you too.” You responded. You had to be mindful not to kiss him or have any public displays of affection while you were on shift together. That was a BIG no no and would undoubtedly result in one of you two being moved stations. Despite being restricted on affection for 24 hours, you enjoyed sharing a station with your husband.
The rest of the house told you and your partner to be safe as you left to run the call.
You arrived on scene to find a 40 year old male having an anaphylactic reaction to some peanuts he unknowingly ingested while having a severe peanut allergy. He had given himself his epi per a friend on scene, but with no relief.
You immediately administered a second dose of epi, followed by 25 mg of benadryl, as well as a nebulizer breathing treatment. You and your partner were able to get him onto the stretcher and loaded into your ambulance where you got an IV and continued treating him on your way to the hospital. You had to admit, he was a stubborn one - as you would say. You threw the entire anaphylactic protocol at him down to intravenous epi and there still wasn’t a ton of improvement. Regardless, he wasn’t any worse by the time you dropped him off at the hospital.
You returned to service once you made it back to the station to restock. You told Deacon and Luca about the call. You were always excited to get to run good calls where you were able to use your full skill set as a paramedic. Deacon adored listening to you talk about good calls. He loved watching the spark in your eye when you talked about getting to help people and use the skills you trained hard to develop.
Deacon stood at the back doors of your ambulance while you put your supplies away.
“You are so beautiful, you know that, right?”
You looked up from your medication bag and smiled at him.
“You’re not half bad yourself, Kay.”
Your husband chuckled.
“I love getting to see you work and I love hearing you talk about getting to do your job.”
“Well, baby, you know I love what I do.”
A week later, you both were on shift together again. You were checking off your ambulance that morning while the firemen checked off their trucks and SWAT checked their gear.
You and your partner were lost in conversation together about a recent call you ran when you overheard someone asking a fireman for Paramedic Kay - you. The engineer walked the man over to you and you immediately recognized him as the anaphylactic patient you had cared for earlier in the week.
A man walking into the bays carrying an impressive bouquet of flowers caught Deacon’s eye - even more so when he heard the man ask for his wife.
“Who the hell is that?” Luca asked his teammate.
“We’re about to find out.” Deacon said, making a bee-line for your ambulance.
“These are beautiful. Thank you.” You thanked the man, taking the flowers from him as you smiled.
Your husband caught your eye as he approached the side door of your ambulance and stepped inside.
“As a thank you for saving my life, I would love to take you out to dinner one night, that is, if you would please go out with me?” The man asked.
Deacon was standing next to you as you sat in the captain’s seat in the back of the truck. You heard a low growl escape his throat.
“I thank you for your kindness and consideration, but I was simply doing my job. I love what I do, so I’m pretty good at it. However, I am married to a wonderful man.”
Deacon smirked to himself, “And even if I wasn’t married, there is a strict no-no on dating patients.”
Deacon looked at the man and noted he was visibly disappointed.
“There’s nothing I can say to change your mind?” The man asked.
As professional as you were trying to remain, your kindness was quickly wearing thin when the man asked you again after you had revealed to him you were married, but Deacon didn’t leave you time to respond.
“Brother, I believe she told you that she was married.”
Your patient became obviously disgruntled.
“Marriages don’t mean much now-a-days.”
You could tell that struck a nerve with your husband. His posture became more upright and he held his hand out towards the man, expecting a handshake. You kept silent to watch the scene unfold. You noticed Luca had approached the back doors of the ambulance as well.
“My apologies, I forgot to introduce myself to you,” Deacon began, “I’m SWAT Sergeant David Kay. Paramedic Kay is my wife.”
The man stuttered and turned around to leave without responding or shaking your husband’s hand.
“Don’t forget. Keep your epi pen somewhere that’s room temperature and replace them when they expire!” Your partner reminded the man as he walked off.
Once the man was out of earshot, you could no longer contain your laugher.
“Really?” You said, laughing at your partner.
Your partner shrugged.
“Fucker.” You heard Deacon mumble.
When you arrived home the next morning with your husband, you were undressing from your uniforms.
“David Kay,” you said sternly with a slight sensual tone in your voice.
“Yes ma’am?” He turned around after taking his shirt off.
You felt butterflies in your stomach. You always secretly loved when Deacon said ma’am to you, or called you mama, or his ole lady.
“Was that jealousy that I saw in you yesterday?”
You smirked and made your way over to your husband. You wrapped your arms around his neck.
“And if it was?” His voice was low and sensual.
“I’ve never seen that side of you like that before.” You rubbed the back of his neck with your finger tips.
“That’s because no man has openly disrespected you like that in front of me before. You are my wife. That should be respected.”
“You know I have eyes for you…” you traced his pecs and abs down to his belt with your fingers, “and only you.”
You stood up on your tip toes to kiss your husband.
He wrapped his arms around you, groping your ass with his hands, and moaned into the kiss.
You spent the day showing your husband that he was the only one you would ever want.
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covid-safer-hotties · 21 days
Living with Long COVID: What it’s Like to be Diagnosed with the Debilitating Disease - Published Sept 3, 2024
By: Nicole Pajer
Even mild cases of COVID-19 are linked to potential long-term repercussions — some of them deadly serious
Chrissy Bernal has caught COVID-19 three times, most recently in ­October 2023. “My symptoms were always pretty mild,” she says. But after her third round of the virus, she ­developed extreme allergies to foods she used to eat all the time: oats, dairy, gluten, sesame seeds and peanuts.
“I literally have some level of anaphylaxis every single day,” she says. In May, Bernal, 46, a public relations professional in Houston, went into anaphylactic shock during a virtual meeting. “I had to inject myself with an Epi while everyone watched in horror on Zoom,” she says.
Natalie Nichols, 53, has been struggling with debilitating asthma and severe food allergies since she first caught COVID more than three years ago. “Last fall, I spent ­two-and-a-half months confined to bed, ­motionless, because moving, including holding a cellphone, made me too short of breath,” she says.
She’s also experienced brain fog, high blood pressure, hyper­glycemia, fatigue and gastrointestinal symptoms. Nichols, the founder of a nonprofit in Nacogdoches, Texas, recently underwent surgery to repair joint damage caused by COVID-induced inflammation.
Lorraine W., of Clarence Center, New York, was looking forward to an active retirement when she was diagnosed with COVID in March 2020. “I’ve never returned to my pre-COVID self,” says Lorraine, 65.
She’s on medication to treat small blood vessel damage to her heart and continues to battle a lingering cough, fatigue and breathlessness, as well as kidney disease. Neurological changes have made her legs unsteady when she walks, requiring her to use balance poles. “None of these conditions were present before COVID,” Lorraine says.
In June, the National Academies of ­Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine released a comprehensive definition of long COVID: “an infection-­associated chronic condition that occurs after COVID-19 infection and is present for at least three months as a continuous, relapsing and remitting, or progressive disease state that affects one or more organ systems.” According to that definition, 18 million Americans have experienced long COVID; currently, more than 1 in 20 of us are living with its symptoms. Researchers have begun to link long-term COVID with another recent phenomenon: our shrinking life expectancy.
The disease we’re forgetting COVID doesn’t seem that scary anymore. More than 98 percent of the U.S. population has some degree of immunity — from vaccination, prior infection or both — and Paxlovid and other medications are available to counteract acute symptoms. For many of us, contracting COVID is like having a bad ­upper respiratory infection.
But “COVID isn’t gone,” says Ryan Hurt, M.D., director of the Long COVID Research and Clinical Program at the Mayo Clinic. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that COVID still kills at least 1,000 people every week around the globe — but “we only have data from about 40 countries,” says Maria Van Kerkhove, M.D., director of WHO’s Department of Epidemic and Pandemic Preparedness and Prevention.
Older adults and those with preexisting conditions remain among the most at-risk populations for severe, acute COVID. ­People 65 and older accounted for 63 percent of COVID-related hospitalizations and 88 percent of in-hospital deaths during the first seven months of 2023, according to CDC data.
Although the dangers of acute COVID ­infection may have ebbed for many, the ­reality of long COVID is coming into view. Of those who contracted COVID-19 within the past four years, 10 to 20 percent have experienced long COVID.
“With every new case of acute COVID [the initial phase of infection when diagnosed or symptoms first appear], there is risk for developing long COVID,” says Caitlin McAuley, D.O., a family physician at the Keck COVID Recovery Clinic in Los Angeles. She’s had patients who developed long COVID fully recover, get reinfected several times with no lingering effects, then develop another case that leads to a new bout of long COVID. She’s also seen patients who got COVID twice with no lingering effects, and the third time they ended up with prolonged symptoms.
“We still have a number of individuals who had the first wave of COVID who are suffering from long COVID symptoms now, several of them many years out,” says Jerrold Kaplan, M.D., medical director of the COVID Rehabilitation and Recovery Program at Gaylord Specialty Healthcare in New York.
Having escaped long COVID previously doesn’t mean you won’t face it in the future. Indeed, some research has suggested that catching multiple COVID-19 strains puts you at increased risk. A study published in 2022 found that reinfection can increase the risk of complications in major organ systems, and these risks persist at least six months beyond the initial infection.
We don’t yet know the true impact of catching COVID. “Many chronic disease processes, such as cardiovascular disease, dementia and cancer, take years to develop. And whether acute COVID-19 puts people at risk for some of these issues? Time will tell,” Hurt says. What doctors do know is that patients are flocking to their offices complaining of symptoms they never had before COVID.
Is long COVID boosting our death rate? In July, COVID accounted for less than 1 ­percent of all deaths in the U.S. Life expectancy in the U.S. is 77.5 years, reflecting an uptick over the past two years but still lower than prepandemic levels. Many factors contribute to that statistic, but it’s clear that the long-term effects of COVID have played a role.
For example, a study in the journal Nature Medicine found that those hospitalized with COVID had a 29 percent greater risk of death in the three years after their infection.
“But what was also alarming is that in people who weren’t hospitalized, there was also an increased risk of a variety of medical issues,” says John Baratta, founder and codirector of the COVID Recovery Clinic at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Even patients who’d had mild bouts of COVID-19 had an increased risk of respiratory, cardiovascular, metabolic and neurological issues lingering for three years after the initial infection. Long COVID patients had a significantly increased risk of severe health issues affecting the brain, lungs and heart.
We have long known that an acute case of COVID can compromise heart health: Compared with those who didn’t contract COVID, people who caught the virus were 81 percent more likely to die of a cardiovascular complication in the ensuing three weeks, according to a study of 160,000 patients published by the European Society of Cardiology. But the risk lingers long after the symptoms abate. Those who caught the virus were five times more likely to die from cardiovascular disease as long as 18 months after infection, the same study found. Heart disease deaths, which had been on a downward trend for decades, began to spike in 2020 and remained high through 2022, the last year for which data is available.
Stroke, blood clots in the legs leading to clots in the lungs, abnormal heart rhythm (arrhythmia) and inflammation of the heart are among the challenges COVID poses, says Mohanakrishnan Sathyamoorthy, M.D., professor and chair of internal medicine at the Burnett School of Medicine in Fort Worth, Texas. In long COVID, this collection of cardiovascular disruptions can present as postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), in which patients’ heart rates increase abnormally when they go from sitting or ­lying down to standing up.
One theory to explain COVID’s long-term effect on the heart — and the body in general — centers on inflammation. “Every time you get infected with COVID, there is a possible increased risk of long COVID, and some cardiac disorders can occur — especially if you have a history of heart disease, including stroke, heart disease and heart attacks,” says Pragna Patel, M.D., senior adviser for long COVID at the CDC. All of these problems can be exacerbated by the virus entering coronary tissue and triggering inflammatory responses that can damage the heart.
Researchers say COVID may also alter the gut microbiome, a primary controller of inflammation, thereby triggering the immune system to rev up the condition. “There is no single agreed-upon mechanism that’s causing the issues,” Baratta says. “An individual may have multiple factors going on in their body, and not everyone will have the same underlying mechanism causing their symptoms,” which increases the complexity of both research and treatment.
One factor that seems to matter: vaccination status. “Several studies show that vaccination can decrease the risk of developing long COVID,” Patel says. Vaccination rates tend to increase with age, with people 75 and older being the most well vaccinated — hence the most well protected from long COVID, Patel theorizes. That may explain why long COVID most commonly affects people ages 35 to 64; the risk seems to drop for those 65-plus, according to CDC data.
From long covid diagnosis to treatment No single test can determine whether a ­person has long COVID. Doctors typically diagnose long COVID by reviewing the ­patient’s health history and current symptoms and trying to rule out other causes. A positive COVID test is not required, as someone could have been infected without knowing it, then experience strange symptoms later, Patel says.
Though there are many ongoing clinical trials on long COVID, there is no umbrella treatment. Primary care physicians address what they can, then call in specialists — such as a cardiologist to handle arrhythmia or a therapist to treat anxiety — for more targeted care. There are long COVID centers around the country where teams of professionals work to help patients through their unique symptoms.
“Because the effects of COVID are so wide throughout the body and mind, there will not be a single treatment for all long COVID issues,” Baratta says. “This is ­going to be treated by many different types of providers and specialists, and it will be treated, often, symptom by symptom.”
Long COVID is recognized as a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act if it substantially limits one or more major life activities. About 200 symptoms fall ­under that umbrella, Patel says. Here are some of the conditions we’re learning can linger months and, in some cases, years beyond an acute COVID infection. If these or other health changes seem familiar, consult your primary care physician.
1. Extreme fatigue It’s common to experience fatigue when your body is busy fighting off an illness. But some people still struggle with fatigue long after their initial COVID infection. In fact, a lack of energy is the number one symptom reported by long COVID patients. In some, this can be diagnosed as chronic fatigue syndrome, which has been on the rise since the start of the pandemic, Baratta says. He defines this as “a disabling level of fatigue that severely limits daily activities.”
This lingering fatigue may be due to limited production of energy within the muscles caused by damage to the mitochondria from a COVID infection. It can happen to anyone — no matter their level of fitness before infection. “I’ve treated patients who have been triathletes and now may only be able to do 15 or 20 minutes of exercise a day, when they’re used to running and swimming miles at a time,” Kaplan says.
He recommends starting slow and pacing yourself with everything you do around the house, “doing shorter intervals several times throughout the day, rather than trying to do everything at once.” Whether it gets better depends on the individual. Some people’s symptoms clear, and some people may battle them indefinitely.
2. Shortness of breath An analysis of chest CT scans from 144 patients ages 27 to 80 found that more than one-third of people hospitalized with a previous COVID infection had lung scarring and thickening two years after coming into contact with the virus. Even patients with milder cases who walked away without scarring can experience changes in their breathing.
“Some research shows that people ­after COVID start to take shorter, shallower breaths,” Baratta says. “This essentially causes a type of hyperventilation they are doing without even recognizing it, not getting good fresh air deep into the lungs, and [this] can lead to shortness of breath.” ​
Doctors have found success using respiratory exercises to help patients relearn slow, deep breathing.
3. Cognitive changes Difficulty concentrating, spaciness and forgetfulness are just a few of the brain challenges COVID can bring on. These can last for weeks or months or — in some with long COVID — become an everyday occurrence that lasts indefinitely. COVID may linger in a person’s gut long after an infection, altering their microbiome and hindering the body’s ability to produce serotonin, leading to cognitive disturbances.
COVID may also disrupt the blood-brain barrier, allowing chemicals or molecules in the rest of the body to enter the brain blood circulation and potentially lead to brain fog, Baratta says.
One study found that 30 days after testing positive for COVID-19, people were at greater risk for cognitive decline, as well as for mental health disorders including anxiety, depression and stress. Another study found inflammation in the brains of people with mild to moderate COVID-19 was similar to the effects of seven years of aging. Doctors are leading neurologically affected patients through cognitive rehabilitation exercises that show promise in reducing symptoms.
4. Depression and anxiety “Mood-related disorders are one of the top five issues that happen to people after COVID,” Baratta says. There may be a direct relationship between the virus’s effect on the brain and mood issues. A 2021 review of eight studies found that 12 weeks after a COVID infection, 11 to 28 ­percent of people had depression symptoms, and 3 to 12 percent of those individuals reported their symptoms as severe. If you’re feeling more stressed or down after catching COVID, tell your primary care physician, who can refer you to a therapist. Or visit the American Psychological Association’s search tool at locator.apa.org to find a qualified therapist in your area.
5. Sleep disturbances Nearly 40 percent of people with long COVID have reported major changes to their sleep patterns. One study looked at 1,056 COVID-19 patients who did not have a severe enough infection to require hospitalization. Of that population, 76.1 percent reported having insomnia and 22.8 percent severe insomnia. Sleep ­apnea may also appear post-COVID, another way the disease affects the respiratory system.
Talk to your doctor if you’re having sleep issues. A CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine can help with sleep ­apnea. Lifestyle habits that prioritize healthy sleep, such as keeping consistent sleep and wake times and avoiding large meals before bed, may also help. “Post-COVID sleep has literally been a nightmare! We saw a 23 percent increase in sleeping-pill prescription during and post-COVID,” says Michael Breus, a clinical psychologist and clinical sleep specialist in Los Angeles.
6. Digestive upset Diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, bloating and gas: These symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome can be by-products of an encounter with COVID. A survey of 729 COVID survivors found that 29 percent experienced at least one new chronic GI symptom six months after their infection. “There is evidence that parts of the COVID virus linger in the GI tract for many months after the initial illness, and it’s been suggested that the presence of these ongoing viral fragments causes dysfunction or problems with the GI tract, leading to mostly symptoms of diarrhea and gastric distress and discomfort,” Baratta says.
Talk to your doctor about any new digestive symptoms or seek help from a gastro­enterologist. You can keep a food journal and note if your condition flares after eating certain foods. Try cutting out those foods, then reintroducing them one by one to see what you react to, Kaplan advises.
7. New or worsened allergies Some people who develop COVID experience allergies they never had before. One study found the risk of ­developing allergic diseases, such as asthma and allergic rhinitis, rose significantly within the first 30 days after a COVID diagnosis. This may be because one’s immune system stays hypervigilant after fighting the virus, McAuley says.
In severe cases, like Chrissy Bernal’s, this can lead to mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), a disease that can behave like a series of severe allergies: The body’s cells become hypersensitive, causing strong ­reactions to everything from food and pollen to even a hot shower or exercise. Antihistamines and other medications may help, so talk to your doctor if you experience skin itching, a rapid pulse, wheezing or gastro­intestinal symptoms.
8. Pain Some COVID survivors battle chronic pain, everything from aching joints to testicular pain. There is a higher risk of inflammatory arthritis, and women are at higher risk than men. One review of studies estimated that 10 percent of people who contracted COVID experienced musculo­skeletal pain at some point during the first year after infection.
Reducing stress, eating a healthy diet and exercising may ease some post-COVID ­discomfort. Massage therapy, movement therapy, acupuncture and over-the-counter pain medications may also offer relief. Your doctor can refer you to a specialist, such as a rheumatologist, who can help manage symptoms including joint pain.
Fast-moving research means new hope If your symptoms last after a bout of COVID, start with your primary care physician, who can help treat your symptoms or refer you to a specialist. Despite previous dismissals, long COVID is more recognized these days, Patel says, and the CDC is doing its part to educate both patients and providers. And initiatives such as the National Institutes of Health’s Recover program are researching treatment options.
“In a year, things will look different, because research is moving so quickly,” says Sara F. Martin, M.D., medical director of the Adult Post-Acute COVID Clinic at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. The CDC, for instance, is funding a series of clinical trials that the NIH has in the works. This new information, Martin says, may guide doctors, including herself, who treat long COVID ­patients to better ease their symptoms.
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lonewolflupe · 3 months
A Lupe Of Faith (aLoF) | Masterlist
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Welcome to my A Lupe Of Faith masterlist!
This is my very first Star Wars fanfiction, which revolves around my OC Lupe.
The chapters are shifting between Teen and up and Mature ratings (due to several adult content).
You can also find A Lupe Of Faith on AO3.
Chapter overview below the cut.
Last updated: September 23, 2024.
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Here you can find the current chapter overview (and TCW/TBB timeline):
42 BBY | Lupe is born on Lothal
40 BBY | Lupe Of Lothal (ficlet) Jedi Knight Plo Koon investigates a report and stumbles upon an unexpected discovery (1.954 | August 2, 2024)
32 BBY | The Phantom Menace (EPI)
22 BBY | ch1 Approaching Storm (First Battle of Geonosis EPII) As the First Battle of Geonosis marks the beginning of the Clone Wars, Padawan Lupe finds herself submerged in the destruction the war brings (2.468 | June 17, 2024)
22 BBY | Battle of Christophsis/Battle of Teth (TCW movie) 22 BBY | Battle of Ryloth (TCW S1E19-21) 22 BBY | Malevolence Campaign (Abregado) (TCW S1E02)
22 BBY | TBA (ficlet) (coming soon)
22 BBY | Skytop Station Campaign (Falleen/Bothawui) (TCW S1E06) 22 BBY | Mission to Rodia (TCW S1E08) 22/21 | BBY Battle of Khorm (comic)
22/21 BBY | Khorm-ageddon (ficlet) After a devastating encounter leaves a hole in the 104th Battalion's ranks, Padawan Lupe is determined to bring some comfort (717 | July 11, 2024)
21 BBY | Second Battle of Geonosis (TCW S2E05-08)
21 BBY | ch2 Over The Top During a relief aid mission, a company of the 104th Battalion finds itself in a tight spot; time for Padawan Lupe to prove herself (5.921 | June 24, 2024)
21 BBY | Battle of Saleucami (TCW S2E09-10)
21 BBY | TBA (ficlet) (coming soon)
21 BBY | Attack on Kamino (TCW S3E02)
21 BBY | ch3 High Fives After Lupe achieves Jedi Knighthood, she finds herself and the Wolfpack in trouble again - but not on the battlefield this time (3.033 | July 1, 2024)
21 BBY | ch4 Pick Of The Pack Now a Jedi General, Lupe gets designated to an unusual squad of clone troopers, as they emerge on their first assignment together (6.200 | July 8, 2024)
20 BBY | Battle of Sullust (TCW S3E12)
20 BBY | ch5 Fives Past Midnight Lupe finds herself in trouble with a familiar face - only to flee the scene to spend some private time together (2.434 | July 15, 2024)
20 BBY | ch6 Shared Skills After an eventful night, Lupe seeks distraction in a training session with her Lone Wolf Squad (2.710 | July 22, 2024)
20 BBY | ch7 Sporting Sabotage The Lone Wolves find themselves on another mission that will test their skills and wit as a team (6.649 | July 29, 2024)
20 BBY | Battle of Lola Sayu/Escape from the Citadel (TCW S3E18-20)
20 BBY | ch8 Fives Days Off (slightly spicy) After a devastating loss, Lupe finds the opportunity to grant a certain ARC trooper some well deserved rest and comfort (5.850 | August 5, 2024)
20 BBY | ch9 Troubling Tension Words spoken - and unspoken - cause a tension that affects the squad during their mission (9.434 | August 12, 2024)
20 BBY | Battle of Mon Cala (TCW S4E01-03)
20 BBY | ch10 Fives O'Clock (NSFW) Between missions and other responsibilities, Lupe and Fives find some rare private time together (and they use it well) (3.137 | August 19, 2024)
20 BBY | ch11 Downfall Of The Sane Mind The Lone Wolf Squad is requested to rescue a Republic Senator (7.788 | August 26, 2024)
20 BBY | Battle of Umbara/Umbara Campaign (TCW S4E07-10)
20 BBY | ch12 Fives More Minutes (NSFW) Torrent Company needs some distraction after Umbara; Fives in particular (5.792 | September 2, 2024)
20 BBY | Liberation of Onderon (TCW S5E02-05) 19 BBY | Bombing of the Jedi Temple Hangar (Coruscant) (TCW S5E17-20)
19 BBY | TBA (ficlet) (coming soon)
19 BBY | TBA (ficlet) (coming soon)
19 BBY | Battle of Ringo Vinda + aftermath (TCW S6E01-04)
19 BBY | ch13 Fives Minutes From Falling Apart During a mission with the Lone Wolf Squad, Lupe's galaxy is shattered (4.485 | September 9, 2024)
19 BBY | A Fox Encounter (ficlet) Commander Fox is summoned to a disturbance and finds himself in a pitiful scene (1.446 | September 9, 2024)
19 BBY | TBA (ficlet) (coming soon)
19 BBY | Battle of Scipio/Banking Clan Crisis (TCW S6E07) 19 BBY | Second Battle of Christophsis (Dark Disciple)
19 BBY | ch14 Inevitability Of The Mind's Abyss Trying to cope with recent events, Lupe remembers she doesn't have to deal with her loss in solitude (3.039 | September 16, 2024)
19 BBY | Battle of Anaxes/Mission to Skako Minor (TCW S7E01-04)
19 BBY | TBA (ficlet) (coming soon)
19 BBY | Battle of Coruscant (EPIII) 19 BBY | Siege of Mandalore (TCW S7E09-10) + Battle of Utapau (EPIII)
19 BBY | ch15 Burial Of The Conscious Mind When Lupe finally finds the strength to accompany her squad on another mission, she finds herself in a new mess; one that affects the entire galaxy (6.135 | September 23, 2024)
19 BBY | TBB S1E01 19 BBY | Mission to Mustafar (EPIII) 19 BBY | TBB S1E02-S1E07
19 BBY | ch16 TBA (coming soon) September 30, 2024 OR October 3, 2024
Mid-season break after ch16
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You can find my OC Lupe's character sheet and general information here.
Lupe is depicted as Jedi Knight during the Clone Wars on her character sheet. Her appearance (including tattoos) changes through the years, so I'll try to get different versions as her story progresses. I'll try to create/design a fitting lightsaber for her as well, some day!
You can find my Lone Wolf Squad (clone OCs) and funfacts here.
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Disclaimer/Please bear in mind:
English isn't my first language; I'm sorry if I used any wrong grammar/styles/wording (please let me know through DM so I can improve my writing, thanks!)
I haven't been writing stories in over 10 years, so I'm only just getting back into it (thanks to you Tumblr-folks <3)
I'm really not technical but I'm doing a lot of research for my story (Wookieepedia is my new best friend), but I apologise if anything slipped past me
If any of my tags or ratings are incorrect (or lacking), please let me know (thanks!)
I use Tumblr on my phone mainly, so please excuse my sloppy formatting/layout
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phunockery · 3 months
Trigger warning allergic reaction, random etymology facts pertaining to sexual acts, talking about death, the melodrama of trying not to die.
(Spoilers) If you're reading this, it means I survived the night.
This is a timed log after finding out I poisoned myself. I don't think I'll die from it but this sucks and I'm feeling emotional and melodramatic.
If I die tomorrow, I didn't mean to. I promise. I just wanted a drink. I usually don't, it usually upsets my stomach. But tomorrow I turn 34 and I was feeling frisky and wanted something to drink while I play my traditional birthday (and sad mood) game: Sonic 2. So I grab a Kirkland hard seltzer from the fridge. Never tried the brand, but it was black cherry and I like that.
I decided to try to time some of my runs, nothing serious. Beat a couple of my pbs feeling good.
After drinking about 1/4th of the seltzer and I notice that my head is feeling funny and I wonder how a 5% drink was making me feel like that. My game play gets bad, but I beat my PB on Chemical Plant 2.
Aquatic Zone is a mess, mild improvement in act 2... And I start feeling itchy. Hives are building. I grab some Benadryl, chew two and as my chest tightens I look up what could be causing this.
Apparently there is a filtering process called finning that run the alcohol through animal products, like gelatin.
That comes from pigs.
That I am deathly allergic to.
The company does not have to disclose this information and honestly this a best guess, because what else would make me allergic to an alcoholic beverage?
Now I am sitting here, trying to differenciate anxiety and anaphylaxis. Taking deep breaths, epi pen in hand. I'm not going to call 911 because I can't afford it, if you're mad, join the club. (🦅 Insert screams of eagles and freedom here 🇺🇲)
It's almost midnight. I am almost 34 and I am live blogging my allergic reaction because I have nothing else to do
'call 911' that is far too expensive and I don't want to leave my kids with massive amounts of debt because I decided to get treatment (eagle screaming and freedom noises here 🦅)
I messaged a few friends, but they're busy. My friend is probably going to kill me in the morning when she sees this if I'm not already dead.
I'll probably live... I once survived a wedding where the brides mother unintentionally tried to kill me. I was lucky then because there was a doctor in the house... But that was worse. I had lost my ability to breathe immediately.
I'm just itchy. Soooo itchy. I am covered in hives... It doesn't help that my other friend made dinner and no one put cast iron that has cooked bacon and allergy together yesterday... Which I suffered for. Granted I suffered less then than I am now. Now now, but still itchy and cramps.
I hope to make it to cramps. I should. I can still breath. I am just so itchy. I hate this. I should be getting rest so I can pretend to have a good birthday. Instead I will pretend to have a good birthday and deal with aaaallll the fallout of having a full allergic reaction.
Chest is no longer feeling tight. A friend has message saying they are going to bed. I sent a message asking if they have a few moments to just sit with me. I think it was too late, they're offline.
11:40 I'm still itchy. My legs, my arms, my scalp, my chest, my armpits... It all itches. This really sucks. (Remembers that sucks used to be a euphemism for bjs and this fact gives me the chuckles of strength).
double checked messages to other friends. All unread. Some are online, some are not. But I am still alone so you, future reader, remain my emotional support pen-pal.
The skin around my eyes is itchy like I was crying. I don't think I've been crying. I'm upset, but not like that.
Good news: this won't be my worst birthday.
My worst birthday was in 2009. I was BMT for the USAF and on my 19th birthday, two days before graduating, I was acting unusually confused, was sent to the hospital and diagnosed with viral meningitis. I was booted from the USAF shortly after recovering.
11:50 Hell this isn't even as bad the last 7 years that just got progressively worse. I was let go of my job on my 30th birthday and became disabled two days later. (Barely related). Last year I was coerced into going to a water park (I don't do good with loud noises any more) and I wound up breaking a tooth trying to swim in the shallow waters. My ex was not comforting about it and suggested that I not make a scene in front of my kids because they would get upset.
11:55 I can breathe a bit easier. Still left unseen and I turn 34 in 5 minutes.
3 minutes to go and I am trying to fight the sleepy of the Benny's until I feel less itchy.
2 more minutes, I really hope I don't die, my friends don't deserve to have a corpse in their guest room
12:05 made a happy birthday post on TikTok. My voice is definitely affected, but I can talk and breath.
Still left on unseen. I feel bad that they're going to wake up and find out that a friend reached out for help and help wasn't available. That is going to suck. Hopefully I'm still alive and can tell them they're good and deserve sleep.
12:20 a rando has become the first to wish me a happy birthday. A friend messaged to let me know they're glad I'm safe and they're going to bed so they can work in the morning. They hope I find someone to talk to. It looks like it is just you and me
12:23 the stomach has put in its bid for attention. I will spare you the details. The Benny's are taking effect. I am soooo tired and the body itches slightly less. Except around the eyes, it still feels like I've been crying
12:29 my apologies to my friend: I fear I have destroyed your toilet. It should be fine in the morning.
12:30 the stomach still hates me. I hate me. I just want to go to bed.
12:40 tired. Imma go to bed with my Epi Pen on the bedside table. I wake up to everything anyways. The sudden inescapable lack of breath should be more than enough to wake.
I could really use a 'there there's and a hug. And now my eyes are itchy again, at least I know why this time.
Good night.
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For those who didn’t know, I’ve been doing a thing where I make posts on Tumblr, and detail my thoughts on every episode of The Magnus Archives as I listen to the show.
I’ve decided to put them all into one big master post so they’re easily accessible, and I’ll add upon this as I make more of them.
Outside of the first one, which covers 20, I plan for each post to cover 10 episodes individually. Also note that my first one is much shorter than the others, so expect these to be…pretty long. Anyways, enjoy :).
(Also NO SPOILERS PLEASE, unless they’re for episodes I’ve already listened to. And if you haven’t listened to the series yet yourself, well, there’s obviously spoilers here, so tread carefully. And of course, trigger warnings for…everything in tma, all of which can be found via the online transcripts.)
UPDATE: I’m currently writing for the last episodes of Season 2 at the time of this being written, and…holy shit have these gotten long. As of now, each post is longer than the last, and they’ve also started functioning as mini-recaps of the episodes themselves, to the point where looking back at my first post is downright comical. Just um…seriously brace yourselves for some rambling. (Update added May 4th, 2024)
- Episodes 1 - 20 ⚰️
- Episodes 21 - 30 ☕️
- Episodes 31 - 40 🧯
- Episodes 41 - 50 🚪
- Episodes 51 - 60 🍏
- Episodes 61 - 70 💻
- Episodes 71 - 80 📚
- Episodes 81 - 84 👁️‍🗨️
Post explaining my plans going forward
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denimbex1986 · 9 months
'...23. Sherlock – Series 2, “The Reichenbach Fall” (2012)
The triumphant conclusion (which, as it turned out, wasn’t really a conclusion) to Steven Moffat’s initial Sherlock run was a tour de force in TV suspense, pitting Benedict Cumberbatch’s eponymous super-detective against his greatest frenemy, genius villain Moriarty (Andrew Scott). All anyone could talk about for the next two years — until the third season finally arrived in 2014 — was that devilish cliffhanger when, right at the end of “The Reichenbach Fall”, Sherlock and Moriarty meet for the final time atop St. Bartholomew’s Hospital.
Moriarty offers his nemesis-slash-wannabe-boyfriend a choice: dive from the roof to his death, or allow his closest friends and loved ones – among them, Una Stubbs’ Mrs Hudson, Rupert Graves’ Lestrade and Martin Freeman’s Dr Watson — to be murdered instead. He then pulled his cruellest trick of all, putting a bullet into the roof of his mouth, forcing Sherlock’s hand. The result, Sherlock apparently falling to his death, fuelled rampant fan speculation for months. Until he turned up spick and span in the next season, that is...
20. Broadchurch – Series 1, “Episode 8” (2013)
Murder mysteries are a game of cat and mouse for both the characters on screen and the audience at home, as both try to beat each other to nail down the killer. Bad ones make it too easy, good ones pull the wool over our eyes and great ones change the rules entirely. After seven hours of Broadchurch hunting down the possible killer of 11-year-old Danny Latimer, we knew we’d leave hour eight with an answer, expecting a final-minute reveal born from some intense action sequence that would mask the tragedy in adrenaline.
Instead, halfway through the episode, the killer, Joe, our lead detective Ellie Miller’s (Olivia Colman) husband, gives himself up, sick of being consumed by guilt and shame. It knocked the classic whodunnit structure on its head, changing the focus from the murderer to the fallout of his crimes. There’s Danny’s parents’ grief, which is finally felt in all its horrendous weight now that there are no longer question marks over the case, the town’s reckoning with the aftershock of such a harrowing crime, and Ellie’s life imploding before her eyes. Even though many viewers had worked out that Joe was the murderer, the real shock came from the horror of what it meant to be right...
16. Fleabag – Series 2, “Episode 4” (2019)
Throughout its two seasons, Fleabag became a beacon of rare relatability. It was a show about a woman actively not trying her best, self-sabotaging to bury emotion and hoping that none of it ever found its way to the surface. In its fourth episode of season two, it finally did. The episode is a bait and switch of sorts, as Phoebe Waller-Bridge’s titular Fleabag takes rejection from her hot priest crush (Andrew Scott) as a challenge, aiming to get him to relent on his spiritual allegiances and give into some good, old-fashioned carnal sin. For so long, it seems as if it’s not working, despite the pair dancing around the kind of sexual tension that feels like lightning in a bottle. But then she finds herself alone with him in the church late at night. He has had a few drinks. What starts as Fleabag in control ends with her walls breaking, the vulnerability she feels with the first person she’s connected with since the death of her best friend Boo corroding the armour that’s kept her feelings of guilt and shame and sadness locked away. He commands her to “kneel” and, well… you know the rest...
11. Fleabag – Series 2, “Episode 6” (2019)
Bringing back Fleabag didn’t seem like a good idea. Its beautifully constructed first season felt like the classic case of a one-and-done, particularly because of its gut-punch ending (the reveal that Fleabag had slept with her best friend Boo’s boyfriend shortly before she had died by suicide). And we’ve seen worse shows tarnish their legacies with ill-thought-out second runs. But, as evidenced by its dominance on this list, Fleabag series two went on to eclipse that first outing by every metric. This finale is a devastating conclusion to Waller-Bridge’s tragic romcom, with Andrew Scott’s sexy priest ultimately choosing God over love. Before that, we get to enjoy her father’s wedding to her ridiculous stepmother (Olivia Colman), her sister Claire (Sian Clifford) finding love with her Finnish namesake and a deeply moving and funny sermon from the hot priest (“Love is awful. It’s awful”). And, boy, that ending. The grim, bus-stop bench, the CGI fox, the priest’s devastating reply to her “I fucking love you”: “It’ll pass.” I defy you to see a fox at night on the streets of London and not think of it. But somewhere in here there’s a glimmer of hope, a sense that we’re leaving Fleabag better off than we found her...
9. Doctor Who – Series 3, “Blink” (2007)
Every episode of Doctor Who leans on existential wonder, conjuring concepts of the far reaches of time and space as the Time Lord navigates existence. “Blink” is a fascinating non-linear episode that introduces arguably the most terrifying monster yet – The Weeping Angels, lightning-fast creatures that can send someone through time with a single touch.
The perspective is switched from the usual Doctor and companion to place you in the shoes of Sally Sparrow, a normal girl roped into the world of the Doctor. She is tasked with deciphering the Doctor’s cryptic messages as he warns of the Weeping Angels. However, they turn into stone statues if they are laid eyes upon by a living creature – hence the iconic phrase “Don’t Blink”.
This anxiety-inducing episode prompts you to think at every moment what would I do? Every little action could prove to have deadly and unchangeable consequences. The prospect of being whisked away into another time is an unbearable thought. It is one of the best episodes of the show as it exemplifies everything wonderful about Doctor Who; evoking horror, mystifying time and space, as well as drawing upon emotion as the results of these life-changing stakes steadily come to fruition...
3. Fleabag – Series 2, “Episode 1” (2019)
“This is a love story,” says Fleabag (Phoebe Waller-Bridge) from the floor of a restaurant bathroom, dabbing at her bloody nose. So begins the opening episode of Fleabag’s triumphant second season, which turns a family dinner into a tense negotiation, punctuated with cigarette breaks for gasps of air and set to the operatic thrum of classical music.
Arguably the great achievement of the episode is managing a seamless recap of the previous season, reintroducing all of the faultlines within the family while adding a new face to the table in the Priest (Andrew Scott). The tension ratchets up as an annoying waitress hovers in the wings, Fleabag resists the temptation to bite over and over again, and her sister Claire (Sian Clifford) looks as though a vein in her temple might blow like a pipeline from the effort of holding her emotions in. Andrew Scott’s performance throughout the season is astonishing, but the charm he brings to his introduction is irresistible. Among a table of family members who don’t get her, here, finally, is an equal to tempt Fleabag into opening her heart fully. You can see it in her face as she shrugs him off during one of those cigarette breaks, and he says, in that sing-song voice: “Well, fuck you then.”...'
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snoopyliker · 3 months
epi 18 guys. this shits 4 hrs and 40 minutes😦 third longest episode
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mirandamckenni1 · 9 months
DAINTY WILDER TEACHES CHRIS DELIA ABOUT SQU*RTING PILLOWTALK UNCENSORED: https://ift.tt/dLzAmPU Tune in to a captivating episode of Pillow Talk, where host Ryan Pownall and this epi's legendary co-host Chris D'Elia sit down with the beautiful Dainty Wilder. This episode takes you behind the scenes of the adult entertainment world through Dainty's lens, as she shares her personal experiences and insights from the industry. Known for her unique presence and perspective, Dainty opens up about the challenges and triumphs of her career, giving listeners a rare glimpse into her life. Chris, with his quick wit and humor, ensures the conversation is not only insightful but also full of laughs. Together, they navigate the complexities and nuances of a life less ordinary. So, get ready for an episode that's as honest as it is engaging. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to Pillow Talk for more deep dives into fascinating lives and stories. Presented by Sinparty. Click this link to signup and get $5 FREE: https://ift.tt/5gdSWpo Use code “PILLOWTALK” and we'll DOUBLE your first deposit! PILLOWTALK UNCENSORED: https://ift.tt/dLzAmPU Check out our sponsors for some goodies and to support the show! IF YOU'RE TRYNA STAY ROCK HARD: https://ift.tt/lcBJvPK FOR MEN'S PLEASURE: The Enhanced Male - 15% OFF https://ift.tt/CWiu6Lp BECAUSE I GOT HIGH: Viia Hemp - 15% OFF + Free Sample (Use code:PILLOWTALK) https://bit.ly/3Tb99rS IF YOU'RE TRYNA GET BIGGER: Bathmate - 10% OFF https://ift.tt/fevk2HB SOCIALS: Dainty Wilder: https://ift.tt/Hfje4Sl @dainty_wilder@daintymillder Chris Delia: https://ift.tt/C69GHTt @chrisdelia Ryan Pownall: https://ift.tt/R71hcpC @itsryanpownall EPISODE 130 Produced by Three Entertainment Group https://ift.tt/F3bUjOw 0:00 Intro 2:08 Welcome Dainty Wilder & Chris D’Elia 3:44 Dainty explains squirt vs pee 5:42 Accidentally tasting c*m 7:00 What’s the ideal amount of time for s*x 11:22 Cucks got it figured out + Nervous D 13:55 Guys who like shame 16:42 Eating butt 18:48 Dainty’s collabs 20:44 Amouranth beef + Twin BJ 26:22 Chris, Ryan & Johnny Sins human centipede 30:01 Blowing Lamborghini employee 34:45 Vegan 💩 OF request 36:44 Selling bottles of squirt 39:34 Dainty 💦 on Ryan’s gay assistant 43:33 How to squirt 45:34 Sinparty’s got Talent 49:33 Dainty’s favourite female talent 50:40 Chris filming himself + 🌽 Acting 54:55 Chris gets a 🍆 pump via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HuypnffWdw4
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a-heart-of-kyber · 2 years
Is Vax like...dead dead now or does campaign 3 have a stealth narrative that is meant to give Vaxleth a happy ending?
Someone let me know, I haven't watched in over 40 epis 🤣
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