#ep 5x19
catnipster69 · 2 years
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Episode 5x19 "Hammer of the Gods"
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eg515 · 2 years
...okay, I was not expecting Enzo's story to end like that. well, temporarily at least, because I know he will be back. but damn, that was extreme
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nicholasdaymiller · 2 days
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damienns · 2 years
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5.19 "Hammer of the Gods" - Storyboards (Scene 36, 9 pp.)
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makeitastrength · 1 year
Short pre-ep for 5x19
It’s late – or maybe early, he has no concept of time anymore – by the time Tim fumbles the key into the lock and pushes his way into Lucy’s apartment. He knows she and Tamara are both asleep, and he probably should have just gone back to his own place so as to not risk waking them in the middle of the night.
If anyone asks, he came here because she lives closer to the station and he has precious few hours to sleep before his next shift. But the reason he won’t say aloud is because he sleeps so much better when Lucy is next to him.
Tim is used to sleeping alone. He did for years when he was in the military and again when Isabel started working undercover. At first, she was home more than she was away, but over time it shifted to the opposite until she wasn’t coming home at all and the other side of the bed remained empty for more than a year.
He spent the night with Rachel on occasion, but their relationship only lasted a few months – not long enough for him to grow used to sharing a bed again. Ashley slept over more frequently, though he still probably spent close to half his nights alone. Which was fine. Besides, he has Kojo, so he was never truly alone.
It’s different with Lucy, though he supposes he shouldn’t be surprised because everything has always been different with her. Sharing a bed with her felt normal from their first night together, and they spend far more nights together than apart. Now that he stops to think about it, he hasn’t gone home alone in nearly two weeks.
So really, he should have.
Read the rest on AO3
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kitxvoss · 2 years
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kitbell in every episode / 5x19
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gleepolls · 2 years
Glee Episode Bracket
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mybrainontv · 2 years
I don’t know how much the episode tonight (5x19) will delve into Lucy’s future career options and if she’s going to go into undercover work. I know the fandom is pretty divided about weather they want her to go UC or not. But here are my thought on it:
I think there’s a lot of debate on this topic because Lucy herself isn’t sure what she wants to do. When she was a rookie, she was pretty gung ho about doing UC work. But now she’s done one long term UC op and a handful of short term ones and I think she’s conflicted about what she wants to do now.
On one hand she likes the work. She gets to use her smarts and think on her toes. Going undercover is exciting and she’s good at it too. But on the other hand she’s seen what it did to Isabel and her and Tim’s relationship. And what it did to Nyla’s family. Lucy isn’t Isabel or Nyla, but I don’t think you can just count their experiences out. UC work comes with a certain set of risks and I think Lucy’s aware of that.
There’s also the fact that people (and Lucy herself) have put in a lot of work to help train her for undercover work. She could feel like she owes them, and herself, to follow through with going UC.
When Lucy got the offer to go to the UC school and she was asking everybody’s opinion about if she should do it or not. It seemed to me like she was waiting for someone to tell her no, that she doesn’t have to go.
But what I think it boils down to most is Jackson. Lucy was really interested in going undercover for the Solonga/La Fiera stuff. But when she came back, her best friend as killed. Jackson died and she spent the last week of his life pretending to be someone else.
When the show started, Lucy didn’t have much of a family or support system. But now she’s built that and she has people that she cares about and that care about her. Season 1 Lucy would have been good at going under long term. But Season 5 Lucy has Tim and Tamara now and I don’t think she wants to miss out on big chunks of their life together.
There’s also the logistical part, where if Lucy starts doing long term undercover stints, she’s not going to be in the show hardly at all...
So I don’t know what Lucy’s going to do with her career (I also think staying in patrol longer is a perfectly fine choice), but I don’t think she should do full time undercover work. I’d like her to still do some of the short term ones and find some other division that she can use her brains in.
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justyncase · 3 months
i think my main problem with this season is that everyone is five steps ahead of each other and its exhausting
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bronx-bomber87 · 6 months
Good evening wonderful fandom! SO glad to have a new ep to do some quick thoughts on. I missed our babies. As stated few weeks back the gif library is a turd right after an ep. So quick hand made ones till summer. Off we go.
6x04 Training Day
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Lucy saying she’s fine as she consistently does all her fidgety tells screaming she is anything but LOL Tim picking this up too love it. Smart man saying what he does about “being fine.” They cute with her saying 'Does he want her to be upset?' He's so good at making her laugh in this moments. Makes my heart happy. Till John appears.... Way to jump in on their moment Nolan. Of course the man makes it worse…She was laughing before you got there John…Tim's face when she takes off. Like if I could punch you Nolan...
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Oh Lucy... Definitely hitting her hard she’s still a patrol officer. Tasks that didn't used to bother her as much are. Ugh my girl. This is rough. You are anything but fine my friend…Poor Lucy last thing she needs is more alone time with her thoughts at a scene that'll take forever to wrap up. Not only that but babysitting puke…I think our girl is headed toward quite spiral that has yet to happen. Tim is gonna do his best to keep her sane but I have a gut feeling we are headed there. I could be wrong but just how I'm feeling.
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Lucy killing me softly watching Juarez and Nolan get recognized on Tv. Mmm I am loving Tim coming to pick her up yum yum. Lucy mentioning almost getting that call... Damn nothing going her way today. Or lately... Think her only sanity at this point is that man next to her. Tim of course is picking up on it immediately knowing her mood is linked to Primm. Knows his girl so well. Stating she was hoping could've proved him wrong with catching a call like that.
I love this scene. Lucy telling Tim about her crappy day and Tim giving her perspective. Saying she could be the big hero tomorrow. Not only that but making her smile as well. Look at him building her up like it’s second nature. Cause it is. Damn I love these two. Him basically leaning on her and bumping her shoulder with his telling her not to be too greedy hehe That Lucy smile of his loud and proud. Making her beam as well. She loves this man next to her so much.
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Oh my lord this entire scene had my heart racing. What an absolute BAMF our girl is holy hell. Tim would've lost his mind seeing this. Hell I did. I screamed when she got hit and my dog ran from the room LOL The looks on Harper/Lopez's face when she went down oh my goodness. The absolute panic on their faces. Right there with you ladies. This was a huge risk she took to prove herself. One like I said Tim would’ve lost his mind at seeing.
Lucy was definitely being the big hero this entire scene oh my lord my heart was pounding. What a way to impress Harper and Lopez but give me a damn heart attack. That scene in the ally with the brother..... I was worried when he didn’t stop she was gonna have to shoot him. Giving me 5x19 flashbacks. I think she is going to CARRY this with her for a long time. Being an empath is no joke. Our girl one of the finest even at her own detriment.
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I was hoping for some insanely worried Tim and they DELIVERED. Like that man couldn't breathe till he set eyes on his girl. Oh my damn lord. The way he ran to get to her. Man on a mission doesn’t even stop to check in with Grey. By-passes them completely. Only wants to get to Lucy. His hand on her head had me reeling everyone. It's the gentle way he caresses her hair I'm squeeing. Also his non stop touching.
Trying to ground her by letting her know he was there emotionally and physically. Rubbing his thumb up and down her her collar bone. The sweet squeezes. I'm a puddle.. The way this man has transformed because of her still blows my mind. The sweet comforting touches. I'm losing my mind. His adorable attempt at a joke telling her she didn’t have to take the hero suggestion literally. Ugh Lucy breaking my heart into million pieces. Saying she doesn’t feel like one.
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Melissa you deserve all the awards madam I’m crying. Her little pre cry when he says they'll deal with it my damn heart. Killing me. I love how Tim's hands have not left her for 90 percent of this moment. Protective Tim was very much present in this scene with Wes. Grey was too being like dude let us take the win. Feral Tim having Wes back it off for tomorrow. Wade being the sweet man he is says that's ok. Lucy is going to be anxious about all this. I would be stressed about him succumbing to his injuries now that Wes said that. Read the room Evers lol
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Gah Tim telling her let’s go home. Then we get another glorious hug where he encases her in his arms. Protecting her emotionally from this situation. Lucy burying herself in his embrace. Wrapping her arm around him tightly to ground herself again. She needed to fall apart in his arms before they left. THIS IS SOO GOOD. Annnnnnd another head kiss I’m dead I am writing these thoughts from the grave.
Oh my word this season has delivered in spades both friggin crap. I’m out of breath from this episode in the best way. Also whoever does the music needs a raise I say it time and time again. But that song was perfection against the backdrop of this final scene. Was telling D earlier I already need to change my header to it.
I love this hug SO much it's insane. Sure I'll write a novel on it this summer. Having everything that's going on plus this I think our girl is hurtling toward a breakdown of some sort. Some actual UC/detective feelings coming with it. Cause our girl is anything but fine. I'm so excited to see where we go from here S6 has every bit worth the wait. I cannot wait till next week
Side notes -non Chenford
Yay Aaron progress in therapy. Back to active duty ha his heart rate going up for her too cute.
We finally get Nyla’s new hair style. Loving it
Adore the idea of Tim being one to take Aaron back out. Ain’t no one better.
Mmmh love hard ass TO Tim in metro uniform yummy. Does things to me. Aaron thinking he got this TRAIN but there is panic there.
‘Train is leaving the station officer Thorsen.’ Mmmm He does impress Tim for this first call. Yay Aaron haha
Giving Aaron only 9 minutes before bouncing him back to being a rookie oh my lord Timothy. I love you so much.
I do adore watching Tim watching Aaron do well. I’m sure there is a part of him that misses being a teacher. You can see it in these scenes. The pride and excitement he gets when Aaron is doing well. Aaron doing little fist pump and Tim shaking his head I’m dying.
Also How can Tim make leaning against a chair look so sexy? I want to be the chair he is leaning against in this scene with the wife LOL
Glad he passed Tim's TRAIN test. Glad they took their time getting him back out there. Was realistic
Feel free to comment any and all thoughts. I welcome them. See you all next week!
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escapismqueen · 2 years
Chenford + miscommunication/angst speculation for the next ep?
Hi, thank you so much for your request, I hope this is okay ❤️I’ve had a few requests for a 5x19 spec fic so hopefully you all like it 🥰
A Chenford speculation fic- 5x19- ‘I don’t know’
Incl: angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, mostly angst though.
Warnings: allusions/ representation of a panic attack, mentions of needles and drugs.
The words had been ringing in Tim and Lucys ears since they were first uttered that Morning. “Guess we’ll have to get used to seeing less of each other”. He’d been regretting saying anything about it the moment he opened his mouth; he meant it light heartedly when he said it, but Lucy’s sudden drop in expression and worry glazed eyes hammered home the reality- they would be seeing each other less.
So far, their relationship hasn’t experienced any significant bumps or obstacles, they’ve been ridiculously happy in their new relationship bliss, and nothing as of yet had gotten in the way of that. Until now; and it had sent them both in a spiral.
Tim opened the door to Lucy’s apartment with haste. It’s been a rough day at work for him today; the sounds of their morning conversation reverberating in his mind, not helped by the fact he hasn’t seen her since. The fact that they’d be seeing each other less was of course stirring an uncomfortable feeling in his stomach, but the nausea- that came from Lucy’s mention of ‘narcotics’. He hated that word; hated everything about it. Narcotics reminded him of everything that pulled his life apart; his dad and Isobel being the forefront. But when it came to work and narcotics; it came in thunderous force to Isobel.
He’d been feeling his chest tighten all day, his heart clenching so hard that he started to worry about his health- an area in which he knew from a recent checkup was all good. So what the hell was the feeling ? As he pushed the door open, a thick, stuffy warmth took over his skin- it reminded him of the night Isobel left him. That feeling- it was coming back. His chest got tighter, his vision blurring from not only a wall of tears but from a dizziness that was now whirring around his system at an alarming rate. But then he registered Lucy. The sweet melodic sound of her voice, the smell of her coconut shampoo, and her mango scented perfume delightfully greeting him as he stepped into the room.
“Tim?” The sound of her voice snapped him out of his fog, his heartbeat steadying the second he looked at her. The blurriness slowly disappearing from his vision, allowing him to see the beauty that is his girlfriend. “Hey, you okay?” Lucys brows furrow in concern, her hands following suit and cupping his cheeks in a reassuring hold. “I’m fine. But are you ? You look a little shaken.” Tim ponders for a moment on wether he should open up to her about this. They spoke about it briefly this morning, but it ended with Tim reassuring her that ‘it’ll be okay’ how was he supposed to tell her later that same day that he wasn’t?
It’s not that he didn’t want Lucy to work in the narcotics division or go undercover- he knows she’d be great at it. But he couldn’t help but have deja vu by the mere suggestion of it. This is how it started with Isobel. The excitement about the opportunity, the anxiety over the test, the smile she had when she talked about anything ‘UC’ related. But then it was late nights, weeks or months without talking that turned into no talking or coming home at all. She left him. She got hooked on the things she was so passionate to get rid of, and got rid of him instead; the one thing she swore she’d always be passionate about. But he couldn’t dangle this insecurity in front of Lucy could he ? She deserves to make the decision herself and not sacrifice anything in hopes that it’ll make him feel better. No. He’s not saying anything.
“Oh, it’s nothing. It’s just been a long day and I have a bit of a headache that’s all.” The lie flew off his tongue like an eagle chasing its prey; smooth and sharp with no hesitation. He felt guilty as soon as he spoke, but he knew he had to do it for her sake. Tim Bradford is a lot of things, but selfish isn’t one of them. Tim sighs in relief at her nodding head, glad she didn’t question him further; he could struggle through a lie to her once, but twice ? Not happening. “Okay babe, as long as you’re sure. Go lie down, I’ll bring you some Advil.” And with a quick loving kiss to his warm lips, she darted into the kitchen and left Tim’s Heart aching even more- he can not lose her.
Later in the evening, Tim and Lucy snuggled up closely to each other, legs tangling perfectly into each others. They’d both been asleep for a few hours, happy to nod off in the others arms whilst they still could. Tim’s arms were placed protectively around Lucy’s waist, his face nestled sweetly in her neck; it was their usual sleeping state, one that Lucy liked to playfully tease him for, stating that he ‘couldn’t bear’ to be without her even in his dreams. But the more he wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her neck, the more she knew that she never wanted to sleep another way again. The scruff on his chin would always tickle her and sometimes wake her up, and she often gets very hot from his own body heat being so close to hers, but the first day she had to sleep without him, she’d never been so unsatisfied with such fresh, cold sheets and an unbothered night of rest.
As per usual, Lucy woke in the middle of the night, her body anticipating the scratch of Tim’s beard scruff. But as she turns to her side to give him an affectionate kiss on the cheek, she notices his eyebrows scrunched together, and a thin layer of sweat coating his skin. “Tim?” She reaches her arm out delicately over to him, not wanting to startle him, but hoping that he’ll wake up. Her voice wobbles as she says his name again, her worry this time heightened by the small whimper that escapes his throat- he’s having a nightmare.
The images flash overwhelmingly quick in Tim’s head. The empty house he came home to when Isobel left him, the needles he found stashed away under their bed, her sunken eyes and her frail body laying in the dumpster, blood exiting her and paling her more. Then her face changed and the images got clearer, the words got louder ‘your wife has been arrested’ ‘your wife is in the hospital’ ‘your wife has overdosed’. Everything awful he’d ever heard about her was now repeating cruelly in his slumber, but her face was no longer a part of the images; now it was Lucy’s.
The images piled on top of each other like wooden blocks, each one making the tower weaker and more likely to fall. Tim’s chest began to feel tight again, his breathing now altered and shaky. He heard Lucy’s voice call him over and over again, begging, pleading, but he couldn’t get out. He was trapped there, trapped in the depiction of her close to death or abandoning him at their home. He heard her screams, he saw her being shot, he saw her placing needles in her veins with a far away look in her eyes. Why couldn’t he stop her ? “Lucy !” “Lucy, stop, Lucy !!” His chest was heaving, his hands were clenching, and all he could feel was a fire-like heat rushing through his body, but he was unable to scream.
Lucy looks at Tim in the bed with tears streaming down her face. He looks so vulnerable and afraid. The sweat on his body glistened in the moonlight, but their was nothing beautiful about it. His face was reddening by the second, his breaths were quick and scattered, his body was twisting and turning in shock, and he’d shouted her name several times in desperation; this was a Tim Bradford she’d never seen before, and the sight of it broke her heart. “Tim ! Wake up! It’s okay, it’s just a dream, you’re okay, wake up, cmon”. She pleads.
At his lack of response, she reaches her arms out and shakes his shoulders fiercely, her anxiety no longer contained. “Tim, WAKE UP”. At the sound of her raised voice, Tim’s eyes shoot open, his body following within seconds. His eyes waste no time in scrambling for Lucy; was she okay ? Was she with him ?. Her hands cupping his cheeks answered his question, and within a second, he was wrapped tightly in his girlfriends embrace. He freezes for a moment, slowly readjusting back to reality and telling himself that everything was okay. He looks at her with desperation I’m his eyes and falls into her completely, a sob racking his chest at the first touch from her. “Lucy, don’t leave. Please don’t leave me. You have to stay, please. I cant’t handle losing you. I know I’ve handled losing people before, but it’s never been you and now it is. You can’t leave. Please.”
Her head shoots up from Tim’s shoulder in shock, his words sinking her heart to her stomach. He’d just had a panic attack in his sleep and now she knew what it was about- her. She hadn’t realised until this moment just how much their conversation from the morning had worried him. He reassured her, because she was the worried one, but now he was collapsed in her arms, sobs eliciting from his throat, voice begging her not to leave him. What the hell happened ?
“What ? Tim, I’m not going to leave you. Why would you think that ? I’d never leave you, I love you.” An uncomfortable silence hovered in the air, the only sounds heard being Tim’s laboured breathing and the sound of Lucy’s hands caressing up and down his back. Before she could open her mouth to speak, Tim lifts his head and looks her deeply in the eyes, his tears resurfacing. He takes a deep breath to steady himself, and says the words that have been circling his mind the whole day “She loved me too.”
The words cut through Lucy like a knife, not having to ask to know who ‘she’ was. In this moment, she hated herself for wanting to go UC. The sight of her boyfriend vulnerable and broken; driven to nightmares because of his past, worrying that the same will also happen in his future- it was one hard pill to swallow.
“I’m sorry”
Lucy looks at him with an empathetic gaze, her eyelids blinking slowly, her arms wrapping sturdily around Tim’s chest. “Tim, you don’t have to be sorry. Your feelings are valid. I’m sorry that this is causing you so much pain. And I’m sorry I didn’t see it earlier.” She mentally curses herself for missing the signs.
Tim leans his head forward and brushes his nose lightly against Lucy’s, glad that his breathing has now calmed and he can hold on to her a little tighter. “Luce. Whatever you do, please don’t make your decision based upon what just happened. Please. I know you’ll want to, to protect me, but as a person who loves you, I can’t- I can’t be the reason that you don’t pursue something that you want to.”
An eerie silence floods the air, the possibilities of what come next knocking rapidly at their chests. “Tim?” Lucy questions, her mind already running a mile a minute. “Yeah?”
“What’re we gonna do ?” The distress in her voice pushes Tim to place his hands at her waist and under her shirt, his fingers settling comfortably on her bare skin. He looks at her for a moment and sends her a weak smile, both of them knowing that this will not be a simple situation to figure out. He lies down back onto his pillow, pulling her gently towards him, his head finding it’s home back into her neck, nose inhaling her mango scented aroma.
As their hands intertwine, they both try to think of an answer, The strengthening of their interlaced hands giving away what their voices aren’t yet willing to say.
“I don’t know sweetheart, I really don’t know.”
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consoledacup · 1 year
For those who see a regression in Jordan's character in the latest ep....
The pilot set Jordan's series Achilles heel in motion incredibly well. He overhears his dad, the great NFL star Billy Baker, say that Spencer is the guy who will deliver the Beverly Hills championship. His name wasn't mentioned at all. And he's back to the day that he broke a window and saw the pride in his dad's eyes once he realized Jordan could be an exceptional quarterback.
Jordan said it as much in 5x19. He was chasing his dad's attention ever since. And all of his actions from the pilot to s4 constantly informed that idea.
It's why he was messing around and getting high. He saw how the connection between his dad and Spencer was unlike anything he's experienced. And was just kinda like, well, what's the point? I suck, so I might as well have fun. And then when GW is working with him, he can't shake the, what do you think? Am I good? Is my dad wrong? Am I good? Am I good? Am I good?
And then of course after his dad's affair was revealed, and this man that he idolized revealed that he was very, very human, all hell broke loose. And when he's told he's going to be a father, he's like. Well, shit. Maybe this is something that will bring us closer in a weird way because he's not perfect either. He has no choice but to help me, right?
He is brokenly trying to make peace with his failed relationship with his dad and letting down his mom. And then Spencer, his brother, not only leaves Beverly but takes his dad with him. His dad follows the perfect son. Of course he's going to marry Simone. Because Simone is telling him, I know you would've been a great father. I know you can support me. I see you as a man. And then he completely loses himself after his concussions. Because the one thing he had going on with his dad, with his friends, with his school, with his future, with all of it... was football. And if he didn't have football, where else was he gonna find approval?
Once he gets Spencer to train him and becomes this really bad ass player, he's like... wait a minute. GW saw something and trained me really hard. Now Spencer is pushing me hard. Maybe it isn't me... maybe my dad just doesn't see me as anything special. And Simone has these dreams and fell in love with Bringston, and maybe that's my dream, too.
And s4 is when he finally starts to let go of his expectations that his dad see him as anything as a screwup. And that's when Billy is starting to think, hey wait a minute. What did I do? How did I fail my son this way? It's the classic "Look at me! Dad! Dad! Dad..." The minute Jordan shuts up, Billy looks.
And it isn't until Jordan starts getting closer to Layla that he begins to let go of his people-pleasing tendencies. His whole life, he's like, Are you proud? Are you proud now? How about now? What should I do? What should I do? What can I do to make you proud? And in a loving way, Layla has no time for any of it. Isn't it funny that she brought up him seeking his dad's approval in the studio when he didn't even mention his dad? Olivia has told him that Jordan sometimes doesn't see himself as great. But Layla's the first person to say, what even defines greatness? What do you want?
And it's that thought that has Jordan finally progressing on the path to leadership. And finally mends, really mends, his relationship with his dad. Jordan lets go of trying to please him so damn much and starts going after what he wants. And accepts his dad for the flawed man he is and loves him for it. And then Billy finally, finally, finally is like, I screwed up. But I will be the best damn coach to you if you give me another chance. Because I can't lead this team without your talent. And when Billy decides to stay at Crenshaw, Jordan isn't even phased. Because he had finally started to look inward.
When Billy dies, he immediately tries to be his father. And pretty quickly realizes that that's not gonna work because he's not. He's always, always, always been Jordan Baker. Not Billy Baker's son. And in that way, he knows how proud he's made his father.
Don't you see? It is a leap of faith to get engaged at nineteen, and I'm not saying it's not risky because it is. But he figured out what he wanted. Good or bad, he didn't talk to anyone else about it. He didn't say, what should I do? What would Dad do? Even when Layla was so adamant against Asher proposing to Jaymee, he had to see for himself what her answer was going to be. He's not relying on anyone else to tell him his dreams or show him his path. He didn't want to waste any more time waffling when, in his gut, he knew what felt really, really right. And he chose his way.
The Jordan Baker way.
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sunnydaleherald · 3 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Thursday, June 27
Xander: "Last night with me you said Jonathan." Anya: "It was a moan!" Xander: "Fine! You moaned Jonathan!"
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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For One Night Only (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by Rea
How Will We Burn? (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by Desicat
Until Next Time (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Maxine Eden
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Thirty Minutes or Less, Chapter 6 (Buffy/Spike, T) by Geliot99
The Endlands, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, T) by heckate
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The Witch's Gift, Chapter 37 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by RavenLove12
Infiltre, Chapter 12 (French language, PG) by Miss Kitty
Truth and Consequences, Chapter 18 (Buffy/Spike, R) by JamesMFan
Maclay Down, Chapter 11 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Soulburnt
To All We Guard, Chapter 24 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by simmony
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Stomping on Butterflies, Chapter 4 (Buffy/Spike, 18+) by Blackoberst
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An odd Couple of grumpy old Brits, Chapter 17 (Buffy/Spike, G) by Julikobold
Waiting for You, Chapter 10 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by honeygirl51885
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Comic:Not A Date, Chapter 6 by Grief Counseling and Dusty
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Gifset:I Did Something Bad - Taylor Swift by detectivedawnsummers
Gifset:(1x09) ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴜᴘᴘᴇᴛ sʜᴏᴡ by likeafantasy
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Beneath You: Buffy 7x02 Reaction by Dakara
Buffy Review - 5x19 Tough Love | Reverse Angle by Reverse Angle
The Re-Watcher's Council | "Innocence" Buffy the Vampire Slayer S02E14 Spoiler Review by LGRN - Entertainment
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Podcast: YNFA 031: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or The Lost Girls of Sunnydale by You're No Fun Anymore
Podcast: Episode 122: Tabula Rasa by Myth Taken
[Fandom Discussions]
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I used to think that what Tara calls Giles in S5 was foreshadowing by msfbgraves
[Where Joyce's money went, historical context] by parliament-of-owlets
[Headcanon: Dawn loses all arguments] by duckwnoeyes
[Sending Angel to hell in S2] by coraniaid
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What If: The monks made a brother? by multiple authors
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Dark Willow by multiple authors
How do you prefer Spike's character arc as a champion? by multiple authors
Would Fred had continued working with Angel if she found out about how he erased her memories of Connor and changed what happened in s3 and s4? by multiple authors
You Have The Chance To Delete Something Canon by multiple authors
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Winnifred Burkle by multiple authors
Does anyone HATES the idea of a a sequel with Buffy as a watcher/mom? by multiple authors
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Do you like that Buffy and Xander never 'got together'? by multiple authors
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chenfordspiral · 7 months
Ever since Lucy came back from uc school I fell like she’s doesn’t want to it anymore because she didn’t seems happy to come back and honestly I hope she doesn’t do uc because I can’t see the show doing deep cover uc things because that would be big time jumps and I can see Lucy being a training officer
Hi anon! Sorry I waited a day to respond, I honestly thought I had posted it already.. whoopsie.
In total honesty.. ever since Jackson's death, I've had the feeling that Lucy hasn't been as interested in UC as she seems to be now. There was no talk about undercover for all of season 4, not until the finale anyway. She seemed hesitant in 5x02, but there was so much other stuff going on, so who knows why exactly she was so hesitant. It was likely a culmination of everything. Either way, I've gotten mixed feelings from her in season 5. She didn't seem happy early on in the season, totally agree. Afterwards, it became a bit more murky (to ME) and wasn't explicitly talked about again until 5x19 when she suddenly said she wanted to be a detective with narcotics or whatever the second thing was so she could work undercover.
To me, that came a bit out of nowhere. Yes, we had her go under in 5x18, but up until that episode, I was sure she was rethinking her decision or at least not explicitly planning on becoming detective to be UC. Maybe that was wishful thinking on my part because I’ve always had a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that people person Lucy Chen would actually, for real enjoy being away from everyone she loves and cares about. Ignoring show logistics here (for a deep cover, long term op), I just don't think Lucy really has thought about how much years of deep cover ops would impact her and her life in the long run. That's precisely the reason why I've always hoped they'd do a long term op over the hiatus between seasons so the finale and premiere (and possibly more eps) could be about that and how Lucy would actually feel then.
I also don't like that the shortened season takes away a lot of room for something like that because they have to make conscious decisions about what kinds of stories they want to tell. Although at least this way, the whole issue can't be ignored for half a season and has to be addressed.
Anyway. Whatever other career choice there might be for Lucy, because I don’t want to speculate even though I would kill to see her as a TO, we all know she'd kick ass. We've seen her deal with so many different tough situations, like when both Grey and Tim were in the hospital in 5x05 and she was Acting Watch Commander, or when she dealt with the domestic case with Kyra in 5x11.. she'd excel in every department and I need someone to tell her that. There's nothing wrong in setting your mind on one career path, but there's also nothing wrong with changing your mind.
At this point, I'm just gonna try and sit back and wait to see what they have planned. From all the BTS we've seen so far, season 6 promises to be a good one, with lots of good stuff to come. And while the whole UC thing won't be easy, I'm glad they're finally starting to actually talk about things instead of just brushing them off. They've still got a ways to go, but it's a start.
That was a long winded answer, geez. I'm sorry, anon haha. I hope at least some of this made sense.
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also-- super tempted to write a spec fic for 5x20 or at least some of my thoughts of what i think 5x20 could/should be... because i have THOUGHTS about isabel returning and i'm FREAKING OUT
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