#ep 2.08: family
yennefer-x-tissaia · 1 year
Do you think Tissaia could feel how Yennefer cut her wrists in 2x08 again? Maybe by a spell Tissaia used back then to make sure Yennefer wouldn't try again/ made sure she would feel it if she did?
And now I'm thinking of Tissaia grabbing her wrist and hissing in pain like Yen did in 3.08. But then smiling as she feels Yen's magic return.
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kolbisneat · 2 years
MONTHLY MEDIA: February 2023
Okay I didn’t watch any movies this month BUT I’m very excited for the D&D movie and I watched plenty of youtube.
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Arcane (Episode 1.01 to 1.09) It took a few episodes for me to get invested (and a few mid-season eps that felt like a CW series...only young beautiful people allowed) but by the end I was into it. I know nothing about League of Legends and to the show’s credit, I couldn’t tell when there was fanservice. I’ll check out season 2 if it happens.
The Great (Episode 2.01 to 2.08) Loved the first season and currently love the second. Still a few eps left but it’s kept me guessing the entire time. Stellar characters, very funny, and the world continues to walk the edge between whimsical and dangerous.
Spy x Family (Episode 1.01 to 1.07) Super fun premise and very funny. I’ve only just started but I hope we get to see more of Yor’s world. It seems to be spy-centric and psychic-centric (which, based on the name and current plot, makes sense) but I hope it can start weaving in more of her role in the future.
Cunk on Earth (Episode 1.01 to 1.02) Sure I’ve only seen two episodes but both were very funny. Something about her timing and delivery just works every time for me.
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Chronically underwhelmed? This might be why... by Daily Mindtrap A concise reflection on why we’re not having as much fun as when we were kids. Touches on a lot of thoughtful points though my hatred of subscriptions does make me a little biased. VIDEO
The Decline of Tim Burton by Broey Deschanel One thing that scares me as an artist is that I’ll get stuck in a spot and start copying and reiterating on my own work to the point that it becomes caricature. Just a random thought and totally unrelated to this video. VIDEO
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How To Analyze Movies – Film Studies 101 and What Do The LOONEY TUNES Mean In 2023? by Patrick Willems Both really great in their own way. Film studies 101 is fairly universal as a lot of the topics apply to all art. And the Looney Tunes share a room in my mind palace with the Muppets: concepts I love but haven’t connected with anything of theirs in the last 15 years. VIDEO (Film 101) VIDEO (Muppets) 
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Your Friendly Neighbourhood Death Pedlar by Jimmy Sangster (Complete) The cover was so good and the write-up pitched it as a comedy that I took a gamble on a thrift store find. Swing and a miss. Comedy is difficult in your own time let alone 50 years after being published. Are the offensive bits a sendup of the time, or have they just aged poorly? Comedy that requires context doesn’t land for me so this whole thing fell flat. Anyway all this is to say I’m a sucker for a good book cover.
Confronting Capitalism by Vivek Chiboer (Complete) An easily digestible primer on Capitalism and it’s...faults. It really gave a lot of insight into the structural problems with politics in a capitalistic system and for that alone, I recommend. I wish the last chapter (talking about how a society moves past capitalism) was a little more robust, but hopefully I can find some other books to fill in those gaps.
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Batgirl/Robin Year One by Scott Beatty, Chuck Dixon, Marcos, Martin, and Javier Pulido (Complete) Great introductions to both characters and the perfect balance of fun and dangerous. It feels like there are real stakes while not getting too dark. I’d love if a Batman movie could strive for this sorta tone, you know?
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Paranoid by Black Sabbath (1970) One thing I appreciate about getting into Girl Talk years ago was it introduced me to bits of really great albums. And I somehow missed that Ozzy Osbourne was the lead singer. Anyway filling in a lot of blind spots here and War Pigs holds up so well. The whole album really. 
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Oz: A Fantasy Role-Playing Setting (Andrews McMeel Publishing) The group is unearthing some underground tunnels and playing the political game as well. If you want to read more of the recaps, they’re over here!
Neverland: A Fantasy Role-Playing Setting (Andrews McMeel Publishing) The Mof1 group is busy making plans and saving Pirates. They recently acquired some protective suits so they’re now exploring the iron mines and its fluctuating temperatures!
And that’s it. See you in March!
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perfectarmony · 2 years
In the promo pics it looks like Nadia is definitely getting more of an edge - regaining control but harsher appearance (is wedding ring still on?). By contrast, Arman and Thony look so natural together (even if a bit worried) and much more authentic - great bike pic in their matching black jackets! I hope this reflects Arman's journey - everything stripped away but finding his true self with Thony by his side, wherever that goes. Curious to see if ep title Spousal Privilege has anything to do with Nadia & Arman in part. Once Fi and kids leave, I wonder where Thony will stay if in danger?!
Haaaa I love how you interpreted the pics 🤧 100% agree with you!
Putting the rest under the cut, because of speculating/spoilers on 2.07 - 2.08 and 2.09
Warning: I mostly speculate here, but I do address some scenes that will happen in 2.09 - it can be heavily spoilery, so please tread carefully if you don't want any of that.
It definitely looks like it 👀 this might be the episode where we'll get to see Nadia torn between Arman and Robert - she'll still stay loyal to Arman though but it'll be interesting to watch anyways!
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Concerning JD taking Fiona and the kids away, that won't last long - Luca is back (and sick..) at Fiona's house in ep9 - which is probably the reason why they come back (despite the possible danger).
Here is a BTS pic from ep8 - I don't think I posted this one before 🤔 it now makes sense and is most likely JD's house/apartment
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I see what you're getting at Anon 😅 and I would definitely love it!
Whatever happens, I'm sure Arman will keep a close eye on her to make sure that she's safe, and I'm sure we'll get stunning scenes - but I don't know if she's really in immediate danger.
If Kamdar is sending someone (or whatever may happen in ep7 - I'm just speculating here because of the promo for 2.07) to Fi's house - I guess it's more as a way to "display his power/send a warning/show how easily he could have killed Thony's entire family" if she ever betrays him...
Maya will probably take the fall for the FBI Raid (I could really see Kamdar torturing and then killing her in front of Arman oooorrr forcing Arman to kill her himself to ''prove'' that he's not involved with her/the FBI - imagine Garrett's reaction once he finds out..this probably won't happen but that's how my twisted mind works when I see those promo pics for 2.07 🙈) ⬇️
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Robert will still be suspicious but I'm sure they'll come up with a plan that will make them valuable to him - so their lives shouldn't be directly threatened. They're probably just trying to protect anyone that could be used as leverage against them 🤷🏻‍♀️
But that's all just my tired brain speculating, so just ignore my rambling! 😅
Edited to add: I JUST REMEMBERED THAT SHE HAS NO CAR IN EP 8!! Fiona seems to be taking the van - so she's stuck with Arman (and his motorcycle) 🤧🥺🤧
(Sin Cara could also start to become an issue in ep8 so that adds another problem if they have to slow down with the drugs, unless they wait for ep9 (the attack on Bosco and his gang) to really address that story and having to find another access to ''pharmaceuticals'' ➡️ Thony going to Manila etc etc 👀)
Also...I'll try to post what I have on episode 10 and 11 tomorrow, but it's going to be hell to try and not say too much. Just like I refused to blatantly reveal Marco's death before the premiere aired, I'll once again avoid revealing any major plot point I stumbled upon - it will just ruin the surprise for you all. Trust me, I once again regret having seen some things, I just want to scream and cry everytime I think about it because we are NOT ready. I may guide you to your own speculation and speculate on BTS pics, which is fair game - but I'll stop there 😉
They just started filming episode 12 yesterday - I know we still have 6 episodes but I'm already saaaaaad 🤧
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amchara · 1 year
Hiya! I saw some posts about Shadow and Bone on your page and I just finished S02E03, and wanted to talk about it, so here I am annoying you 😁
I just don’t get the “Alina has to pretend to marry a prince to get support”. I know it’s to create some angst between her and Mal, but it completely turned me off watching any further. So I guess my question is, is it worth continuing to watch? Am I missing another decent reason why that storyline had to be there? 🤔
Hey! No problem at all. I am definitely happy to chat Shadow and Bone.
You know what- I always knew that I was going to continue to watch Shadow and Bone but I'll admit that it was at the exact same point- 2.03, where I was like... eh, this is dragging a bit.
In my opinion, it gets better as you go through the season and builds to a very exciting and captivating conclusion. But I do think there are highpoints in the season depending which characters/storylines you prefer.
For eps 2.04-2.06 there's more of a focus on the Crows (Kaz, Inej, Jesper, Wylan and Nina), with a couple satisfying scenes as well in 2.08.
If you're more into the Alina, Mal, Nikolai, Darkling characters, I think 2.06-2.08 is really where their storyline shines, particularly 2.07-2.08. I am not the biggest Alina and Mal book fan (though it has been years since I read their books) but I really enjoyed seeing their story come to life onscreen.
Now, to address the 'pretend to marry the prince for support'.
Dude- honestly don't even worry about it. Yes, there are a few pining looks but they're never sustained and that er- love triangle (if it can be even called that) never really develops further, though there are some unrequited feelings on the part of one party. I don't want to say more because spoilers- but feel free to message me and I can spoil the whole thing.
Spoiler-free: I came out of the season shipping more Nikolai/Mal and Nikolai/Alina/Mal, because there are so few feelings of jealousy and there is mutual respect and friendship between all three that I think you'll be fine if you're looking to avoid relationship angst there.
As to why they went down that route... I think two reasons, one- it was in the original books (though that storyline is- er, you probably wouldn't be a fan) and two- it's meant to contrast Nikolai with the other royals in his family, to show that he considers Grisha to be people and not just tools in their army. The fact that he would form an alliance with Alina helps support that.
Whew- sorry for the essay! I would encourage you to keep watching the season but obviously up to you- but if you do, definitely come back and tell me your impressions.
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pynkhues · 2 years
Hi, have you done a top 10 GG episode list since the show sadly ended? I'm also curious to see how you'd rank the seasons? 2 and 4 are so close for me, but I think the Kevin storyline drags 4 down enough for 2 to come out on top. If it was only in a couple of episodes it wouldn't have been too bad, but it took up way too much of Annie's storyline (so initially promising with the GED and how the Cohen part wrapped up!).
Hi! I haven't, and I think I haven't really just because I find it so hard to rank episodes generally. I feel like a lot of them offer such different things that appeal to me at different times, and while there are certain things that will always make me feral (i.e. bathroom break, dubby, money making scene in 3.04), a lot of it can hit differently depending on the mood I'm in.
I've said it before that I think s2 has more stand out episodes, and that the run between 2.04 and 2.11 is probably the most consistently strong run of eps that the show's ever had, although I do think it's tarnished a lot by 2.13 and the reveal Rio's been playing her. That reveal undermines a lot of the stand out moments in s2 for me on both a narrative and shippy level, so while I love those eps, they are sort of coloured a bit by that.
I totally agree that Kevin drags s4 down (if I ever met any writer on this show, I think my first question would simply be 'so Kevin. Why?' hahaha), but I do think s4 is my favourite season. It's not perfect, but I think it took far greater risks narratively, dove deeper on its themes of gender, identity and the ways women learn to survive than it had done in any of the other seasons, and that the overall season arc was strong than the one in s2.
(I do have to add to that though that re-watching s3 at the moment has really made me appreciate that so much more too, particularly in how they balanced the darkening tone).
Interestingly in that sense, I wouldn't actually put any s1 eps on my favourite list? I do love the season, but it's a lot lighter overall and I think there was less complexity and as a result less meat for the actors to sink their teeth into, so! With all that said, I think my tentative list would be:
2.04 - Pick Your Poison
2.07 - The Dubby
4.15 - We're Even
4.04 - Dave
3.04 - The Eye in Survivor
3.08 - Nana
4.06 - Grandma Loves Grisham
2.08 - Thelma and Louise
3.01 - Find Your Beach
2.09 - One Last Time
Honourable mentions to 4.10 – Strong Hearts, Strong Sales (the Beth and Dean argument in this episode is excellent on every level, and Matthew and Christina both really elevate some already strong dialogue), 2.11 – Hunting Season (I mean, what can I say that I haven’t said a hundred times before?), 3.05 – Au Jus (a difficult episode to make work given the tone of the show, and it only gets better on rewatch tbh - a pivotal moment well handled) and 4.12 – Family First (thanks, I love it).
What are your top ten eps?
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maulthots · 5 years
Essential tcw episodes
For when you trust dellesayah's extensive star wars expertise more than some rando. For @valdomarx
These are in chronological order.
1.16 the hidden enemy - clone centric, not essential to an arc but essential for clone feelings.
Movie: the clone wars - both a bad movie and the biggest time commitment. however, it is essential for introducing ahsoka and maybe also ventress if evil leggy assassins are your thing. if you feel called to skip thru this movie for only those parts, go with god.
3.01 clone cadets - essential clone episode.
1.05 rookies - essential clone ep and quite the follow-up to 3.01.
1.15 trespass - standalone episode. this one gets overlooked a lot because it's not part of an arc, but imo it's one of the better stories tcw has done.
2.10 the deserter - essential clone episode (rex specifically).
2.12 the mandalore plot - essential for introducing a friend of obi wan's.
2.17 bounty hunters - standalone. our intrepid trio bickers constantly because that's what family does.
3.02 arc troopers - essential clone episode, also a follow-up to 1.05.
3.07 assassin - essential ahsoka and padme episode.
3.12 -3.14 (nightsisters arc) - essential for following up with an old enemy and introducing a new one
3.21 - 3.22 (padawan lost arc) - essential ahsoka episodes.
4.07 - 4.10 (umbara arc) - so good but also particularly hard to watch imo. almost exclusively about clones.
4.15 - 4.18 (deception arc) - essential Anakin and obiwan episodes. strap in.
4.21 - 4.22 (brothers arc) - essential for introducing our new fave villain.
5.14 - 5.16 (lawless arc) - essential. cannot say more than that.
5.17 - 5.20 (the jedi who knew too much arc) - absolutely essential, and in fact every single ahsoka episode in the show has been leading to this arc.
6.01 - 6.04 (orders arc) - essential clone episodes, especially as a precursor to revenge of the sith.
Honorable mentions:
1.22 hostage crisis - standalone episode. Anakin may not come off favorably in this one (😕), but you get introduced to a mercenary with the most magnificent hat.
2.05 - 2.08 (geonosis arc) - I dont like this arc, but it's important for introducing a friend of ahsoka's. If you want to pick a couple eps out of this one, I'd recommend 2.06 and 2.08
2.13 - 2.14 (mandalore arc) - these two wrap up an arc about the duchess of mandalore. Anakin gives obiwan a hard time about the duchess (a delight), and then the duchess rips obiwan a new one (also a delight).
3.15 - 3.17 (mortis arc) - both very good and Very infuriating. It seems essential but actually it's not at all, and that's what's frustrating.
4.11 - 4.13 (zygerria arc) - the kind of arc that generates Anakin feelings but never actually resolves any of them and is thus a little disappointing.
5.06 the gathering - mixed feelings on the arc that this one kicks off, but this is a good showcase of how much ahsoka has grown up since season 1.
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blueandgoldoffice · 6 years
Hi I was wondering if there were any post 2x08 fics, thanks so much xxx
Yes there were. There wasn’t a round-up or anything, but I did a preliminary search of the Archive for you. As you can imagine - most are pretty darn angsty - so prepare yourself. Happy Reading!   ❤ Jandy
i and love and you by @rivervixens (1/1 - NR)
Summary: Post 2x08.It sticks.
Facing the Demons by @bettycoopergal (2/2 - NR)
Summary: Betty, still grieving her breakup with Jughead, finds out about his hookup with Toni and gets kissed by Archie. But she’s done being sad. Now, she’s angry.
Too Much by @bug-headx (2/2 - NR)
Summary: The day after Betty and Jughead break up at the Whyte Wyrm, Jughead and Archie wind up in a booth at Pop’s with none other than Cheryl Blossom. She knocks some sense into both boys, shockingly. Is it enough to help Jughead fix everything that had happened?
it’s not sticking (not this time) by @milkshakesandmurders (2/2 - T)
Summary: Betty fights. She loves Jughead; she caved to the Black Hood and lost her love once, she won’t let him go again.
for the ones who stand…  by @heartunsettledsoul (1/1 - NR)
Summary: a 2.08 post-ep in which Alice & Betty have a much needed mother/daughter chat, and Betty fights for her relationship with Jughead.
It stuck by @bughead4days (1/1 - NR)
Summary: He pushed her away and this time she pushed back.
the world beyond cycles by teatin (1/1 - G)
Summary: "Right now, there’s a universe out there where he and Betty are happy together. Alas, it just so happens to not be this one.“ Ten years after their separation, a chance encounter between Betty and Jughead brings forth truth, closure, and all the unspoken in-between. Or: Jughead Jones contemplates choices, fate, and the multiverse.
into your heart i’ll beat again by @flwrpotts (1/1 - T)
Summary: “It’s not just her. It’s Betty and it’s Archie and it’s Veronica and it’s this entire goddamned town. Even if I can fix it this time, what about next time? Or the time after that? The cycle will just keep repeating, I might as well break it now and save us both a lot of time,” Jughead says, voice choppy and savage.F.P chuckles lowly, flicking ash onto the pavement. “You want every misery at once, kid,” he says, “You’re like your old man that way.” OR 2x08 predictions. sometimes things fall apart so better things can fall back together.
Positive Tension by @imreallyloveleee (1/1 - M)
Summary: Jughead doesn’t like surprises. But for Betty – for tonight – he’ll make an exception. (Or, the one where there are no poles anywhere in the Whyte Wyrm, and Betty and Jughead hook up in the bathroom instead.)
Running by @bug-headx (1/1 - NR)
Summary: Betty doesn’t leave the Whyte Wyrm after Jughead breaks up with her. She ends up in conversation with a very flirtatious Sweetpea, which causes Jughead to step in. Just as the boys are about to fight, Betty storms out. Will Jughead be able to make amends? Or has Betty had enough?
girls girls girls in neon lights by Em11134 (23/23)
Summary: Post 2x08. After Jughead walks away, Betty’s left alone in the Whyte Wyrm parking lot. Toni Topaz drives her home. Secrets are revealed, barbs are thrown, and then: an alliance is formed.
cycles by teatin (1/1 - T)
Summary: The thing about history is that it’s bound to repeat itself. The thing about families is that each is unhappy in its own way. The thing about parallel lines is that they have so much in common yet never meet. In which they surrender and fall right back on the track the universe decided for them. Or: Jughead, Betty, and a lifetime of mistakes. AU continuation of 2x08.
More Than You Know by @gellsbellshead (1/1 - T)
Summary: Jughead and Betty are participating in a new annual Christmas tradition for the Southside Serpents, a toy drive. Betty confronts Jughead about the break up and Jughead is forced to examine his own motivations for pushing Betty away. Also, FP meddles.
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stargate365 · 6 years
[SGA] 2.08: Conversion (2/2)
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Previously on Atlantis… We meet a Baby Queen raised by humans… and then things went really, really wrong thanks to an untested retrovirus and the medicine cabinet not being locked…
…nasty laceration? That’s practically half-healed… or… all healed?? What the ever-living fuck??
Dammit John, this is serious…
Okay, and now he’s outrunning Ronon the Runner… that is very worrying.
He beat Teyla?? Somebody sound the alarm klaxons, the world is about to end.
!!! !!! !!!
That is not a Friend Expression… that’s a… okay… now I’m concerned beyond all reason. Who is this, and where is the Real John Sheppard??
Six hours? That’s a wee bit lax in my opinion, but I guess y’all don’t get to see everything like I do.
Don’t just poke it John, go to sickbay… okay, I see, you are. Good boy.
Oh god… a whole load of scientists in the same room, arguing about how to do something… this not good.
Oh god… we’re going on a bear hunt, we’re gonna catch a big one. I’m so sorry ;_;
Yay Evan!!
((Has… has anybody else noticed that there are three alteran-descendents that have essentially have the name John?? John Sheppard, Jonathan “Jack” O’Neill, and Evan Lorne… Evan being the welsh version of John. Odds on it being both a family and an Alteran name??))
Poor John… he’s not handling it well. Holy freaking hell…
“I should get back to the infirmary.” “Yes.”
Ooh boy… Liz is not happy with Caldwell messing around with stuff, when he’s just temping.
*hisses* Bugs. I hate bugs. Spiders on the other hand, I like spiders. They eat bugs.
The slit pupil is wonky, clearly the contact lense is off kilter.
Ohgod… bugs. Bugs everywhere. Jfc, these kids must really love John to put up with this kind of shit.
Erm… is anybody watching the other bugs… they look a bit… antsy in my opinion…
And now we’re back to step one…
Oh… wow… John is looking… rather blue…
And very.. escape-y
Check the ceiling… nobody ever looks up… hot damn, since when could he climb glass walls like Spiderman??
*sighs* This is shaping up not be a sad ep too, and I’m not happy. Where is my Hail Mary, goddammit?
Erm… wat? This is a terrifying idea…
“Did Ronon shoot me?” “You had it coming.”
Okay, but I have to say it again. John’s ears are really pointy.
Don’t be an ass Rodney.
Lol… John is terrible at this.
But yay, not a sad ending!! :D
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lecameleontv · 5 years
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 L’acteur Jason Brooks a interprété Thomas dans la série Le Caméléon (V.O. : The Pretender)
Où le voir cette semaine à la TV ?
La pandémie de Covid-19 a mis un frein à sa carrière, avant de revenir en 2022 avec une publicité automobile, puis enfin en 2023 sur un plateau de tournage pour un film.
Très discret, l’acteur n’a aucun compte connu sur les réseaux sociaux et encore plus rares sont ses sorties publiques. En 2019, il a cependant participé au  30ème anniversaire d’Alerte à Hawaï, série dans laquelle il a tenu l’un des rôles principaux.
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Son Actualité 2023 : Murder at the Murder Mystery Party  
Ses autres rôles dans les séries TV :  AliasThomas Gates dans la série Le Caméléon Alias Sean Monroe dans la série Alerte à Hawaï Alias Peter Blake dans le feuilleton Des jours et des Vies.
Sa filmographie :  2019 :  - Hawaï 5-0 ( Ep. 9.20) - Sur les Traces de mon passé   - Devil’s Revenge 2017 : - Le Saint (TV) - N’oublie Jamais (TV) - Limelight 2016 - NCIS Los Angeles  (Ep. 7.14) 2014 : - Mentalist (Ep.6.22) - Alerte Astéroïde 2013 - Un Homme Trop Parfait (TV) 2012 : - Six chiens sinon rien (TV) - Home Invasion (TV) Site officiel 2011 : - Filles des Villes et Filles des Champs (TV) - Super Hero Family (Ep. 1.15) - Body of Proof (Ep. 2.08) 2010 : -  Les Experts. - Esprits Criminels (Ep. 5.18) 2009 : - Castle (Ep. 1.02) - Ghost Whisperer (Ep. 4.23) - Accusée à Tort (TV) 2008 - Las Vegas (Ep) 2006 : -  Les Experts : Manhattan - Roman Noir : Les Mystères de l’Ouest (TV) 2004 - JAG  (Ep. 10.02) 2003 : - Les Experts Miami (Ep. 2.09) - NCIS : Enquêtes Spéciales (Ep. 1.09) - Le Cadeau de Carole (TV) 2002 - Charmed (Ep. 5.08 ) 1997 -  Friends (Ep. 4.04).
sources : imdb et forcentreuseonly
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yennefer-x-tissaia · 1 year
I just KNOW that Tissaia felt Yennefer get her magie back the moment it happened. It's canon they told me. Nothing else is acceptable.
100% hard agree, anon.
It's always been my view that Tissaia can feel Yennefer's magic.
And yes, here's another shameless plug for a ficlet I wrote about this very moment.
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kolbisneat · 4 years
MONTHLY MEDIA: December 2020
And so concludes another year! Maybe not the most ideal 12 months on record, but certainly memorable. I dunno. Anyway here’s how I wrapped up the year.
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Gremlins (1984) Every time I watch this I just marvel at the fact that it was made. The practical effects are fantastic, the characters are so over-the-top that I think the Gremlin-sized mallet is the most believable part of the whole film. It just has that energy of a live-action cartoon and for that, I love it.
Gremlins (1990) This and Aliens fall under the category of sequels I didn’t like at first (for the hard turn in tone) but have come to really appreciate and enjoy. The opening with Bugs and Daffy really sets the tone for the whole thing and in hindsight, I appreciate how it manages to do all the same stuff that was loved about the original while making it feel bigger and different. Not necessarily better or worst, but definitely different.
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Happiest Season (2020) It really felt like Harper was written to be the villain, right? Anyway it was a solid Christmas movie for a modern era, Kristen Stewart was a solid lead, and Dan Levy’s comedic timing is unreal. All-around fun watch.
The Family Stone (2005) Claire Danes and Luke Wilson are the only redeemable characters in this movie and while I don’t think they’d work out as a couple, it’s a shame they never get a chance to chat and just say “hey all of our family members are awful, right?!?” Actually Thad and Patrick are decent people, but I suppose they’re overshadowed by everyone else. Oof what a movie.
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Ted Lasso (Episode 1.01 to 1.10) Never have I more sincerely connected with a character’s outlook than Ted Lasso. It doesn’t matter if you know anything about Premier League soccer, what you get is an optimistic, heartfelt comedy that doesn’t punch up, punch down, or really punch at all. It’s gentle and kind and the sort of tv we need more of right now.
The Queen’s Gambit (Episode 1.01 to 1.07) Dang I thought I knew a little bit about chess but like...none of that helps here. It felt like a Rocky miniseries only chess instead of boxing (and I mean this all as a compliment). Given that the show doesn’t expect a knowledge of the grame, credit to the actors for communicating what’s happening in a game just through facial expressions. Worth checking out.
The Bachelorette (Episode 16.08 to 6.13) You know what, this was a pretty good season! It’s a shame we didn’t get any follow up after the proposal, but it was refreshing to see a group of guys who all got along and were just generally mature!
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Mad Men (Episode 7.12 to 1.14) And so ends a pandemic-long viewing of Mad Men. First time watching it and I knew a little of how the series ended and honestly, I think it was fine! We got to check in with most of the cast and while I wish we could’ve kept going with these characters, it really did feel like they were all headed off in different directions anyway. Great series would highly recommend.
Neon Genesis Evangelion (1.07 to 1.11) It wasn’t until Asuka showed up that I realized this show is a metaphor for puberty and thus, is super horny all the time. Viewing through that lense, it’s an interesting allegory and the robot fights are cool.
The Mandalorian (Episode 2.01 to 2.08) For me, this show works best when it’s doing its own thing and just kinda existing in the world. The frog lady stuff, the random tasks, even the first ep did a good job of walking the line between fan service and the confidence to tell a new story. But dang if that last ep didn’t throw it all out the window. I’m just not a big enough Star Wars fan that I need to see all the old stuff again. It’s lazy writing and that’s what bums me out the most.
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Ring Shout by P. Djèlí Clark (Complete) Really great! I don’t read much modern(ish) day fantasy but the ideas and worldbuilding in this are so economic that it felt immediately familiar. Plus who doesn’t love the idea of a sword-wielding heroine cutting down monstrous klansmen?
Illuminatus Part III: Leviathan by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson (Complete) After reading all three parts I can say, with confidence, that I have no idea who 90% of the characters are. Maybe it’s the similar names (John, George, Joe, etc.) or that every character talks like a philosophy student, but I just couldn’t separate them from each other. The plot and illuminati stuff was fun, but I’d seen so many great reviews and high praise that I was expecting it to be more fun.
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Richard Stark's Parker: The Hunter by Darwyn Cooke (Complete) Darwyn Cooke’s effortlessly cool style elevates Stark’s pulp story to something that walks the line between classy and cruel. A murderous criminal is a tricky lead to follow but somehow you still want to see how it all shakes out. If you dig this first book then I recommend getting all 4 of Cooke’s interpretations of Stark’s work.
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Scott Pilgrim Vol. 6: Scott Pilgrim’s Finest Hour by Bryan Lee O’Malley and Nathan Fairbairn (Complete) Still love this series after all these years and rereading them in color has been great. I still think the “glow”, as a twist/reveal, doesn’t really work and is somewhat convoluted, but it’s one misstep in what’s a consistently great run. The color version only adds to the quality of the book.
Dragon Ball 3-in-1 Vol. 2 by Akira Toriyama (Complete) This is the sort of light-hearted, good-natured comic I like to read around the holidays. There’s just something about a world where a criminal organization can be a mix of humans, bears, and a monster made of jelly that feels right, you know?
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Song Exploder (Podcast) I’ve only listened to a handful of episodes so far but it’s really giving me a new perspective on music and the craft that goes into composing! I recommend starting with songs you like and then expanding from there.
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Neverland: A Fantasy Role-Playing Setting (Andrews McMeel Publishing) A small seasonal interlude! I’ve posted a longer recap on Reddit but the group has temporarily resolved the issue of the island flood and have moved on to an escaped Fairy causing wintery havok and significantly dropping the overall island temperature.
D&D Homebrew Adventure (Menace of Merlin) And so concludes the adventure! I think I could’ve made the final showdown against Merlin a little more climactic, but live and learn. Now we’re taking a break as the group makes up new characters to play in this world!
And that’s it! We did it! Goodbye 2020 and here’s to a bigger and brighter 2021!
Happy Thursday!
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rittenhousetl · 6 years
Timeless 2.08 Deleted Scene with Denise and her family, fiance, Lucy and Jiya at the hospital
Way to hit 500 retweets so quickly! Today's deleted scene is from "The Day Reagan Was Shot" ep and was (unfortunately) cut for time. It shows young Agent Christopher (@KarenDavid) contemplating a big question. Enjoy! #RenewTimeless
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johnisntevendead · 7 years
Same anon from before, how do you feel about this love triangle because I know andras has said it's not a normal one but I'm really not here for how Dolls keeps getting treated. Don't get me wrong I love wynonna but I wouldn't be watching this show if Dolls wasn't in it. I really wasn't here for the wynd*c scenes on Friday and how dolls was lied to straight after that cuddle session, like how can they just breeze past like that like it's nothing??? What are your hopes for the rest of the season?
fjsdlkfjsldkjf talk about like. my feelings on this and past abuse talk under the cut (it is an essay and I’m sorry) (I always have so many feelings about Wynonna)
SO like. I don’t like Wynonna lying to Dolls, and this by no means is me excusing that, but like. I have made it no secret that I watch for Wynonna because I identify with her and her experiences growing up. I see a lot of how my abusive childhood impacts her in myself. and here’s the thing with that--I lie.  I lie when I think I’ll get in trouble, or when I think someone will be upset with me, or when I’m worried what I’m gonna do is gonna make someone yell. it doesn’t matter if that person has never yelled at me, doesn’t matter if that person has been nothing but kind and loving, I have a really hard time opening up about certain things to people. I work really hard to be as open as I am now. growing up how she did, first with Ward, then in the system........................... I see that in her. so her lying? makes sense to me. doesn’t make it okay, but it makes sense. I often will not open up about a decision I think may make someone upset until after I’ve made that decision--it’s not good, it’s not right, and it can hurt, and there’s no excuse for it, I’m just pointing out a possible motivation.
I think we can all recognize that like being open with one another is going to be one of their big big struggles because of who they are and what their backgrounds have done to them. so, do I like Wynonna lying to Dolls? absolutely not. but... but given that Wynonna asked Doc to dinner knowing she’d be asking something like she was...? Doc didn’t like it--Dolls certainly wouldn’t have liked it. I don’t like Dolls being hurt, at all, but I feel like this is something Wynonna struggles with and will struggle with as time goes on.
that being said--I didn’t read the wynd*c interaction as particularly romantically or sexually charged. I mentioned this privately, but given that Doc said he swore to protect the Earp heir with everything he can--to me, that colored him handing her the ring at the end more as almost a vow of fealty than a proposal? the imagery is similar, but he hands her the ring, which to me... was a clear choice on the part of the imagery and how the scene was to be interpreted. (that’s just how I felt, of course).
Wynonna and Doc, like it or not, have a history and that history involves sex and it involves feelings, but I don’t ultimately see them getting back together? but they’re like. they may not all be a family just yet, but they will be? so this is the kinda thing that’s gonna impact that.
now, I’m not sure I believe Wynonna was breezing past their moment? we only saw them when Waves was in the room in this ep and like... idk, it would be hard to go from the close intimacy of the end of 2.08 into something more public (if only in front of one person) in 2.09, plus--I’m sure Waves disapproved and probably said some things about Wynonna asking Doc to dinner without talking to Dolls that probably made Nonna a little hesitant. I would have loved more one-on-one interaction, absolutely, but like the flow of the episode didn’t allow for it? 
my genuine hope is that they get to talk about it and Dolls is allowed to react negatively and they’re allowed to kinda talk it through. I hope that like as time goes on, Wynonna doesn’t feel like she’s gotta conceal things, because it really only ends in sadness, but I hope that Dolls’ feelings get to be acknowledged. I hope they get closer, and we see everyone kinda... reinforce that found-family bond shit because it’s my SHIT.
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pynkhues · 3 years
Finally catching up on the last 6 eps and I am not a fan of the Beth vs Stan plotline. I get his point of view but it's not like Beth forced Ruby into this, not to mention it saved his daughter, Beth had to deal with her husband being shot, AND clean up a mess that Ruby started with the Canadian drug run in season 2. Ruby not sticking up Beth is also annoying.
I totally get why it's not working for you, anon! I like it as a point of conflict overall in the sense that it feels organic in the tension the show set up in s2 of Ruby struggling to choose between Stan and Beth. She marks the deepest connections in both of their lives, and I love the way that arc explored how difficult it is to be that person – to be the one with the most love in your life, while the two people who mean the most to you have nobody else. I think that feels so, so real, and gosh, I know I've been in Ruby's shoes before with important relationships in my life, so it's definitely something that I empathise with.
I wish there'd been more build up to it though, and I agree that Stan's willful blindness to Ruby's participation doesn't quite work? I actually really wish they'd made more of a direct connection to Stan's jealousy over Beth's relationship with Ruby in the way that s2 showed that Beth was jealous of Stan getting a part of Ruby that she didn't. There feels like a really authentic area there to have drawn on – after all, Ruby did this for their daughter, but not with him! She did it with Beth, which means Beth occupies a place in their family with Ruby that he doesn't! That's ripe for authentic conflict and very real hurt, jealousy and anger!
Ruby getting shot as a part of what she does with Beth should've festered that as an origin point instead of been the origin point, and the fact that it instead had to do the work of steeping such a significant conflict in a 20-year relationship - - mmmm. Yeah, like I said. I don't think it quite works.
I also agree that we needed more of a moment of catharsis with Ruby taking ownership of her role in crime and standing up for Beth. We had the reverse in 2.08 between the fight and the flashbacks and Annie playing intermediary, and then with Beth taking the fall in 2.13, and we kiiiind of had it in 4.15 with Ruby telling Stan she did it for her, but I think the biggest difference is that Beth heard Ruby, and Stan didn't. If Ruby's honesty didn't even give Stan pause, it undermines the weight of the moment on a narrative level.
We need characters to be affected by these sorts of moments, or, if not, it should signal that as narratively relevant. One of the best examples of the latter in anything I've ever watched (literally, actually) is with Dean not reacting to Beth's unhappiness in 2.10. That's both cathartic and infuriating because Dean's been posturing the opposite over the last few episodes when we as an audience know who he is. He's been pretending that getting her out of crime is about keeping her safe and happy and them reclaiming their relationship, but in that moment, the facade finally dropped and we know it was just about putting her back where he wanted her.
That's never been the tone of Stan and Ruby's relationship, and his unwillingness to hear her and respond to her as a partner doesn't work without the groundwork laid down beneath it. He's belligerent and paternalistic in that last arc of s4, which - again - I do think could've worked with a more authentic point of jealousy and conflict, and I actually don't think is out of character, but it doesn't fully land for me in the way that it could because the arc lacks catharsis and growth.
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( a petrael love rant post / also sort of my personal headcanons for them since canon is inconsistent and shady that no one asked for, because i’m in a very extra mood and i have a lot of feelings that need to be said. )
petra about rafael :   ❛ i already know who i’m meant to be with. ❜ me :   wails from a distance,  s a m e  petra.
since i’m tired of jtv painting petrael as having always been a destructive couple and i’m just sitting here thinking literally zero of the flashbacks suggest they were unhappy or that they brought out the worst in each other like when they started dating  &&  during the first few years of their marriage : ( i ) petra being a supportive pregnant crocheting wifey when rafael talks about investing in the beach  ( ii ) petra being a sweet romantic hormonal cute and raf taking the biggest bite from that purple cupcake  ( iii ) being total happy engaged goofs at the beach like listen, have you ever seen petra laugh that hard anywhere else ?  with anyone else ? i’ll give you a clue the answer is no. they were genuine happy bears who were absolutely in love and  did not  bring out the worst in each other like the finale is trying to suggest. ( also rafael looks pretty happy in these scenes too so.. )
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i genuinely think it was the external circumstances around them in early season one in particular caused them to do hurtful things, not because they aren’t capable of being a functional couple because i do think they are. i think overall, they were young and still had a lot to work on as well, in terms of maturity, in terms of how to trust and handle being in a relationship especially given their own separate backgrounds that didn’t exactly give the healthiest foundations ( lbr they both had the worst parents ). and they also kind of really sucked at communication. and that’s why their relationship fell against everything they had to go through. they’re not perfect, far from it. but season two and three shows how supportive and protective they can be of each other ( and i think it’s a glimpse of how they were when they first started out ). we also see them communicating more and being honest, and being understanding and being there for the other multiple times. i also really like the fact that petra and raf can bluntly call each other out when they see something the other is doing wrong tbh. idk, it might not work for everyone but it kind of does for them, and in a less conventional way it sort of helps the other to be better too. 
2.04  raf at petra after they talk things through : ❛ you are smart and tenacious, and you deserve someone that’ll really make you happy. ❜ 2.08  after petra tells him the truth about everything ( communication !! ) : ❛ do you hate me? ❜ ❛ no. if anything, i think i finally understand you and everything that’s been going on. so let’s get your mother out of your life. ❜ 2.09  raf actually going through with what he said in 2.08 and helping petra with the murder case and being a supportive snowflake, also giving her the hug she so needed after all the cray + raf telling petra she’s not a bad person. 2.10  petrael being total cuties after raf finally understood why petra was being cranky about all the nurses + picking names and petra telling raf he’s a good person.  2.11  raf telling petra he fell in love with her because she was the kind of person who would save $743 on fish fillets ( does that sound like bringing out the worst in each other, lol honestly wtf jennie u high ) 2.15  raf being an angel bear and trying to help petra bond with the twins. 2.21  petra wanting to protect raf and being all like, i have no ulterior motive ! im doing this bcause i love you ! oops. ... as the father of my children. as my family. dragon petra i see u. 2.22  petra being a total carebear and asking raf how he’s doing re : his mom stuff 3.09  raf finally understands how badly being petrafied affected petra, comforted her until she fell asleep + talked her into going to therapy :) 3.10  raf helping petra out with the twins after she broke down the last ep because of all her worries about them and petra in the end supporting raf in doing the right thing aka turning himself in.  3.11-3.13  a bunch of petrael being cute supportive friends 3.14  raf thinks petra is a fierce dragon mama bear and protects people 3.16  raf is rightfully concerned for petra about anezka coming back in town  3.17  petra didnt want to tell raf about her illegal stuff bc she didnt want raf to lie for her because he’s on parole 3.18  raf is concerned about petra after the whole chuck/jp thing happened
i understand that their relationship has had HUGE bumps along the way and they do still have their struggles now, and they prob will have some more along the way but excuse me because that petrael fairytale recap in 3.19 was the shadiest way to bring down my precious cuties because rafael and petra are and have always been SO much more than those three pages of pure yikes. ( jennie urman i see what you’re doing and that’s dirty and low and not cool at all )
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Timeless 2.08 Deleted Scene with Denise and her family, fiance,...
Timeless 2.08 Deleted Scene with Denise and her family, fiance, Lucy and Jiya at the hospital
Way to hit 500 retweets so quickly! Today’s deleted scene is from “The Day Reagan Was Shot” ep and was (unfortunately) cut for time. It shows young Agent Christopher (@KarenDavid) contemplating a big question. Enjoy! #RenewTimeless
from 'RittenhouseTL' for all things Timeless https://ift.tt/2J7xXdr via Istudy world
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