#eot ling
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tibozin · 7 months ago
I meet wizard of oz in Russia
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eot ling
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I'm sure I won't be able to sleep.....
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jaybaeblue · 13 days ago
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gabbbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy · 1 year ago
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Go girl give us nothing
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ndemon93 · 1 year ago
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witchesoz · 2 years ago
Oz... I mean Magic Land lore: More of Volkov
The fourth book of the Magic Land series was published in 1968: “The Fiery God of the Marrans”. If you remember, the Marrans or Leaper are the brutish population of extremely violent and xenophobic people living in the rocky wasteland between the Great River south of Emerald City and the Rose Land over which rules Stella the Good Witch.
This novel returns to the character of Urfin Jus. Ten years have passed since his defeat and he is still living in exile, with only two companions, the two first objects he gave life to: Topotun the gentle Bear-Rug, and Eot Ling, a wicked grimacing Wooden Clown. Despite all the time that passed, Urfin Jus still dreams of becoming the ruler of Magic Land. One day, a giant eagle names Carfax falls in Urfin Jus’ little garden, and Urfin nurses him back to health. Carfax is very thankful and agrees to help Jus as a returning favor. Urfin also ends up in possession of a cigarette lighter that Charlie Black forgot during his last visit. This two elements give Urfin enough material to prepare another wicked plan…
He decided to return to Magic Land despite his banishment, and went straight to the tribe of the Marrans. There, he tricked the simple-minded and primitive people into believing that he was a “fiery god” to be worshipped – for example the lighter is supposed to show that he can produce fire at will, something that greatly amazes the Marrans who don’t have exactly a great mastery of fire. Once Urfin settled himself as their gods, he orders the Leapers/Marrans to attack the rest of the land. They quickly conquer the Violet Land and then focus on conquering the Emerald City (note that this is the exact same strategy Urfin used for his previous attack, where he first conquered the Blue Land then attacked the Emerald City). Oh yes, and the Emerald City is now called the Emerald Island, because they dug a canal all around the city to add another layer of protection.
Hopefully Ellie comes to save the day as usual! Oh wait… no, scratch that, it was established right before that Ellie could never come back. So instead it is Ellie’s little sister, Annie, that goes on the adventure with her friend Tim. They arrive to Magic Land riding a… solar-powered mechanical mule. Okay. And they save the day with an all-seeing magic box (aka the “magic television” of Stella the witch), a magic circlet and… a volleyball. Yep. They defeat Urfin, and the guy ends up so ashamed that he flees to avoid more disgrace.
Some points about the book:
# The narration does not make it clear if it all happens ten or eight years after the previous book.
# Annie was an obvious attempt at creating a replica of Ellie (it is mentioned that Annie was born during the events of the Seven Underground Kings), and… well most of the fans of the books hate her for being a bland copy. She even has her own dog, the grandson of Totoshka, named Arto.
# The trouble Carfax the giant eagle was fleeing from where actually two more giant eagles: you see, the tribe of the giant eagle is limited to a hundred individuals, no more no less. As a result, to have a baby you need to put yourself in a waiting list that has been respected for centuries. And Carfax, the former leader of the tribe, tried to put himself first in the waiting list by modifying it… as a result the entire tribe rebelled against him and chased him away.
# Urfin seems to always have trouble with his armies. His previous army, the Deadwood Oaks, were utterly stupid and thus very hard to control. For the Marrans, it is because they have a hard time staying awake for too long and conquering countries leave them very tired. Urfin ends up using a special kind of nuts that cause insomnia to whoever eats them to keep his army awake… but unknown to him the nuts are a powerful drug, and soon the Marrans become junkies. Ultimately, the heroes cure the Leapers of their addiction by using the Sleeping Water (remember, from the previous book) which can erase all addictions.
# You might be wondering about the mule. Yes. Remember Fred Cunning, the clever young man who would grow up to become an engineer? Well, the mules (in plural, there are two) are actually his invention: he built two mechanical mules named Caesar and Hannibal, that work with solar power (remember, it’s in the 60s). The thing is that, when they arrive in Magic Land, the two mechanical mules become alive, sentient and start speaking. Later, when Annie returns home with the mules, they turn out to be extremely hard workers, so much that the father of Annie and Ellie ends up with a lot of free time since the mules do most of the field work for him, and he ends up selling their services to several neighbors, resulting in the family becoming a bit richer.
In 1970 was released what seemed to be the grand finale of the Magic Land tales. “The Yellow Fog”.
Five thousand years ago, when Hurricap (remember, the giant wizard who created Magic Land) was still living, a dreadful creature came to Magic Land. Name Arachna, she was a wicked witch, as well as a giant like Hurricap. She started attacking the land with all sorts of natural disasters, causing storms, floods and earthquakes. Hurricap decided he would save the land from her misdeeds (and he also just wanted to live peacefully on his own, and Arachna was the equivalent of the loud neighbor who keeps partying to five in the morning). However Hurricap, being a good wizard, refused to kill anything or anyone. So he decided to simply put a sleeping spell on Arachna, hoping that upon waking up she would be wiser and kinder.
Now, five millennia passed by, and Arachna just woke up – just as evil and wicked as before. She immediately asks the people of Magic Land to start worshipping her as their supreme leader, but they refuse to bow down to the giant witch. They already fought several times for their freedom and aren’t ready to give up. As a result, Arachna tries to think of a disaster to inflict upon the land, to force its inhabitants to bow down to her. First she wants to invoke locusts to destroy the crops, but she abandons this idea, realizing that she can’t put heavy taxes on people whose cattle starved to death. She considers using a flooding rain (after all it worked in the Bible – my private joke), but she also abandons the project because it looks too much like a natural disaster and she couldn’t prove that it was her actions. And then, she finds the perfect curse. The Yellow Fog. The Yellow Fog is an irritating, toxic yellow fog, that she puts over the land, to block the sun and the sky, turning the eternal summer of Magic Land into an eternal winter (and also basically making weak and sick anyone who goes too much near it or breathes it too much – yes the parallels with the chemical warfare were conscious). This is Arachna’s ultimatum: either let her rule and she will dispel the fog, either refuse to have her as queen and let your land die.
Interestingly, Arachna has an entire army of Gnomes serving her, the only people she was kind to during her first attempt at invading Magic Land, and who swore a vow of loyalty to her. They made a promise to serve her forever… however they never made a vow to fight her enemies or her battles, and so they flat out refuse to invade Magic Land for her (hence why she needs the Magic Landers to surrender on their own). And when Arachna is defeated (cause of course she will be) they will greatly rejoice, because after all she was still a wicked witch.
Annie and Tim return to Magic Land to help their friends, alongside the dog Artoshka and their uncle Charlie Black. They are joined by Carfax the giant-eagle (who was always a noble creature and realized in the last book he was manipulated by a wicked man), a giant made of iron that the group of heroes created (named Tilly-Willy), and… Urfin Jus.
Indeed, earlier, Arachna visited Urfin Jus. She had heard he conquered the country twice and wanted to enlist his help into conquering Magic Land a third time. However Urfin Jus refused: he recognized that conquering it was an exhausting and impossible task, that only brought misfortune and defeat to those that attempted it, and he even warned Arachna of not making such a foolish mistake. After this visit, Urfin ended up thinking about precisely how being wicked never brought him anything, and resolves to abandon his wickedness and rather become good in order to be more happy and not have as many worries – he joins the heroes as an ally and becomes one of the heroes of Magic Land.
Now I don’t know exactly how the book ends, but what I know is that the people and armies of the Magic Land end up marching against Arachna, and that the giant witch, corned by all these powerful enemies, jumps off the Cliff of Doom, killing herself. Oh yes, and somehow the giant Tilly-Willy, rendered sentient by the land’s magic, creatures a perpetual motion machine. But I lack information on the exact context.
It seemed like a good ending, right?
But no! One more book was left! “The Mystery of the Deserted Castle”. It was written in 1975, but was only published in 1982. Rumors said that some parts of the book were ghost-written since Volkov’s health was failing him at the time, and we would willingly believe it: this book introduces science-fiction to magic land!
A spaceship leaves the distant planet Rameria and approaches Earth, with the intent to conquer and enslave the Earthlings. The group is made of two different species, the Arzaks, a slave-race, and the Menvits, their masters, who have an hypnotic gaze that can turn any living being into slaves. Searching the planet for a safe spot to land on, they decide to land in Magic Land (though they ignore it has any magic). But, as usual, things don’t go as planned: people from the Outer World (the usual group) go to Magic Land and help the locals get rid of the Menvits. The aliens made their headquarters in the ruins of Hurricap’s castle: the heroes build a pipeline linking the Soporific Waters to the old castle, and end up erasing the mind of the Menvits. As for the Arzak, they are actually free from the hypnosis of the Menvits thanks to emeralds, who can disrupt the charm. They return on their home planet with their spaceship filled with emeralds, in the hope of freeing their enslaved race.
(Interestingly, it had been noted that another type of gem, the diamonds, were magic-repelling, more precisely diamonds can protect one against the effects of the Soporific Waters)
Since the sixth book is so different from the previous five, and is strongly implied to have been changed by another author, many of the fans refuse to read it or refuse to acknowledge it as part of the series.
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gatorstims · 2 years ago
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A Eot Ling (fantastic journey to oz) stimboard for anon!
🤡 🎨 🤡 | 🎨 🤡 🎨 | 🤡 🎨 🤡
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artsygirl0315 · 2 years ago
Eot Ling,My beloved!!
I really loved both of the movies and I just needed to draw this funky clown marionette!!
Movies are: The Fantastic journey to oz,The Fantastic return to oz
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stonetalus · 8 years ago
Hellish post
pYesste e,,drray,, wi e ,, reev;;vealledd ;o;;sM,MEE  opp`A,gens  ffor ourr,, g;;rahai..c ;; ;no,v,o.ll adaaa apptAt  ti,ioon nnooff  t;thh.hees  fii;;rsgt ; A,,Addvveentuuree;;Zon,,n  e arcc,, AAn dn  r,r,ecceiivveeddsmoe  cri,rt,i  cismm o;  f ,thh,e ,, dii.reeccttionn   w.we,,e,,w;; hent witthh a  ofr taaa,,a..k o’ ssccoollortoii,n. th  hi;is araawToo;rkk rvEE  al ; ;;cam.me`  ssom;;oee mmoo  nth saaf tfferr, tih,,h;E firstssr e vveeal     off sOOm e off , oou,r chh  arh.ctcceerrS;;, ,,foor, wwh;hcchh w;;e  al..lss,, oore,eccceekiveeD ccrriitc,icismm  .o;;f  oo..ouurr thttrreee  lella..adds,   allll  off wwh,,hom  Wer,,r,,e  hW;;Wiijtte i N  tthe  see iini.itt,,ia,al  designss.  .U,s  an.nd tdhedd;g  rraphic  n;;nfoov,,ve,el ltjea.m reaallizeed;d  t;;thhatt, yyees,y  ]ta,a t,, is,i  x,,xttR  R;;emelly  bba,,daa,;; ,w,,wnet tb;baackk to]  t he d  rraawiinng; gbarod,  a  andnnvh  daa ,, SSweve,,e,rasll; lnog   id,,su  sccsoinS abo.ouutt  howo t  o.. beestt r,recctIf  y  thi..s .. zss..it;;tua,,att,,ion, r e;;esus..sllttinng i  n  th E,,EArrttw;ork ,, reevveearllde  yy,estt.errdayy.
Morr eor,,r essss all  o;f t,he..e c,rCicct;;ticii mssr ,, ,w..e’’ve; r,,recc;;eiv veec  n.n,t  ers;;s konn aT,,TKoo,, wfohshe ksi,i nniis  ampplaaee ,bluue  ;;cooloorri  nn tthee;;se,  d;;esii;gns.  hth we,’vvee. phe..eraaDmwDDsoo tts..I  ddi,siiappp poiint,,nm.esnnt tthaayT,,T ,,Taak,o iiss  nozn..t ..erraalli,i,zee  d  i.. tchESS ;;epapegg.eS;Sa.. s ssaa,, yerrs  osn,o,,f  c,collor, —,— oro,, Too  b,be.e m.or.e . spe,c,pi  iicc ,a;a   LL  taa,,in.n  or  exp,licc,iittlly ,, MMe.eixcaccnnn ch h\.arr,,actCCe,err.  TTh,,heer  was  c,ocn.nern..n  ww;;e haad,,d  fa,,ailee;d  ttoo follolwt,, h,,hrrooug  gh  o\n ;;ann, opppp,ortuunittyy  ttoo;gget  bkeet  tt,tep rep;;p  reesentAAT Ti.ioonn;; ff]oor ; Latniixx  lli,,sTTee,,neers,,,in,,n steea/ d`op,pting  to; ttaak,,e a,a ssaF,,F,e rrooeu, ,a,nad dm]akae  ta,,ako  a  ;; fatNa,,s  y collo  r ,, wiwthwwo,ut   aannyy  kniido f;f  re,eaaL-.oww,rl,d ccsooNNn  n,ec;;ctt.iOOnn..M  uc  ch..h ;; o;;f  ttHee  ccrtiii;ciss   MaMlsso  foocuscceess oonn  ghho,ow t.thhta  .cooloo,,r (,o(..(r,,r,  too /bbe.. e  emore  ssp,,p;;ecii.F\iicc,;; grreeenn ssk,,ik;knn)   haass  aannitt-,-sseeiMtiic.c cnoonnotoaa,,tIIoons. ;T
hhi..iss con  ov,,v;;er;ra..itto;;nOO  was Haapeppnnuiingn i.in  ccretaa,inn c..c;orreerrs  oof.f oou.u;;r  fanaDo,ommm .. llon.ng.g Be;Bfooree ft..th;he  g..gr,,apphhicc  n,,vnel  la  ..r  Reevve;;exAl;;l  ottnomk  pplacce iyes  eerd  y.. ..WWe’’dve  bhhke,,ejaa;;rdd   c crrt,,iiCCiis  symf rmO  s,mooe, ffmool ks,,s    ovver   r,or;;rUR  polgi  caiiyy of  n..noot,, thAv  viin,ng  g   ccnao  o,nicall\  vrii,,su;;al e  pprresene,,e,ct;;tioonnss  oo  f  m a.ny off o..ou,,rU  C,,Ch.ap,,raa;;cttEEr s— .. a;a ppolic;;IYY thhA,tt haas si  rres;;uslst  de id n    a ,, nggenie,,ene;ely huummblidng   o  occee,an,,n oof  ffan,n t,,,   ut  allsso  ssooM Me,e   i.ns;st  acces.. soff  inn--f;;figgh;ht;tiinng,gu  bbeettiween   emmb,,el  r sso..f thee  c,,commmmu;n.iitty yywhhoo atve  u,,u.mbbr ae gwiitthh  o n;;aaontther,,r’ ’sd ; y;isspaarrAAttee  i,,i/ntteer..rpp;;reetaattioo;;n s  o,,of ct;te.eseechharaac;;ctterss..    A;;Anotoehhrr ; c  cirrit'cciim;;  ofe  th.ha..p  ol,liiccy sii tt;;haa t i  t  i,nh  hee;;ree,ntl  ty  ddooEsEE  nnott ,,fst..oer grrooodl  e\rrpreeeS,,nt,,tm.attiino,;;,  ianaadd ;;  in .. jffaa  cttj `rep..prrEE,s,,ennt ts  A;A, nnonC,COOm;mmii.talaa ;; waayy oof . H,andnnlliiNg grra caaiaal .. ,,r eprrees se,,entaatittonn oo[n nn.thhiisy ; shhoo\w.
hheerrje.e’,’s , t  t e,,h,  ttrruth  h ,Of tthh,,e  mmattt;;e: I,   the,,inknn  aasl ,ooff  th,,h;iss  c,,coomemmss    rffO,O]mmt hiHHs,s .. uunndeerrly.yinngg ;; ffpri;;cittonn /b  eTwT.eeee/n  w..wheree TThhe aad veentruu,e Zonn;; eea..andd uuitii  c,,r,,cea,,attorr.s,,, weeRR ..   whne we .. ss,,tarteedd  ..dooII  ngg thhe,e  poocd,dAts,s aNdd whh,,er  re.e w    e,,   hh esf;;ehhow;;,a nj..d. yyoou, ,,tthte,,e [co  mmuunni.itgyy,,.  aaree ;;a  t..t nno w..
w.. Jus,sttwinn  ;o,n.ce;e  DDeesccri,ibbeedt h ee SShoo wa..s a   “ccar tha,,T lEarned,,d  how to. oo;;fyl,” ; h.cIh  I tthi;;k, nni;S.  aann , aaccccuurr;;at.tee  w;;waayy  off ddEEssccriibibbn;g  t.ti..hss , ffriictii,onn.
Whe;;enn  wwee sttaarrtted,d,  ,,w,e, d diid,d  nottncsidre;;e   thhe;; fa;;ct, i,,Txhhao,,t foo..lks  wwo,,ou.lu.du rel,,laatte  too hte,,ese chahrra,,a;Ctt ers,,  oo;; . wwou ulld  ccA..er,,r ..abbmuo;;o thwatt  t.h;;eyy l;lhoooKKeedd  llik,,iee,, orr  ,if  t;;theyy   llo;oookeed; lli  ki,,iee ;; tthhemm,, orr , aynn;;hit  tnngg  allOnngftm ,, ,,o  ose;; lli,ineess.  ,,e d  idi,i not n. p,,p,,riio.roo  iTiipzee   repeeurees;;eot,ah,,tio  n ,, 'bbeac,cuus sE wee  lDDii, dnnt Oev,,ne  e   tthhi,innk of  I,,Itt  s.be..i  nq;;g ssoe  mT THHiinng  w,,w,e; wooull ddnne,,e,,d ,to ;; .Prr,,ioorr,,it;;it  ze;;e,. pp  r att  off  tahh ttI c annl a\ y,t  th,ehh.. f fee.et  oof tth e ,facttt; hat   THe A;ddE,EnnttU,ree , Z..nnel s ; ttArrtt  Edd aa,,s  aa oonne,,e-..ofoo,,f  fiilcleer  eppiSoddee  o;o,,f, MBM,MBBaM;thh,,a..t we  e ,,p  uufbblsthieed W..hillee  JuJJts  sii;;nw  a.as  `on nptaateerN.Ntiyy  leazevv ee/—;w ; e,,e  di;;ddN’bt t ahhve,, th,,haaTT  c Ognvve..e,,rssaatiioonn b  ccaua;assE w e . d;idnnt’  t;th;hinnk , t thi,is , sshoo wwwouluudd bbe  aa .s   how;w..  BuBBt    thee la  ag,reer ,, reasso..on niiss ,,t  h;;at,t ;tthh,,e   fo,,ur, of uuss ae;;re ; ;;a,lll ;whitee;; d du udedd,;s a,,a;nd;;d have  nneeve err,,,h  ad.d  t,,toot.. hiin;;nkk a,,aboBBut,to  u,r rreedppres;ennt..a;it..t..on nniin nm;;mledia    O;;ur,r en  ti;re  lliievss.
I, ,,dOOn’’tt. taapke ,,thaa sH,,Ho..or,rttncc..omi.inng,,z, lI[  ghty,L aa,ndd I.I ddonn’’T  exp,,pecmt a ny..yonne el..ls;;se  tto,, ee  i,,thher.  THHer;rae E/arre,e,, sdoo ..manny ,zthi  ng.gss  I   q..woUld cchha,,an,n;;geeei   ff,, I  IIcou  ullkdd st,ta;ar..t  o,o;;veerr — osmme , narrrattiiv  ve .. llph,h,oels.s.,  s/om;m, ,,shiitytt  and ,d'tthouug;;ghhtle..esss. trroopesE  —— buu,,t thhisrii  wwooUl  l Db,,b..e  tthe LLaa[res,,stt  hoonte  e. . If ww,,e  haaDD k,,knnonww wh.haat t hhis s ..ss how WooU,,Ud debc;;o  me,;,  ]wwee    Wpoou,lud h aavvee  .be..en n.nm,,moore  tthhoou,ugh,htt..f,,luu aabouut ,,prre,,essejn;nta,atti.on nwwhe..enww,E  ffiicrrsts  mmad.d ethes  es c,chhracetrrs.  In ste,,eazd;d,  w;;'ee ..id,,dn..n’yt,t c  o  no;;sbIIde,r  WWh,haatt; t  thh,epy ,,wo,,ouu ld;d  loook..k lkllee/ bbee;oondd  wwhha;;a  it,  Saniddc; onn  ,tehse eep err-roollledd Charzaacctt  re  s heeeets,s....  Wee, d,,diid,,nd’tt ccoo nsi,edr r arcm,e ;; ,,Beey yn;;od, .. deeccii..dingg wwhhehtter,r aalllffiin,sGG, ,,EE,lhvess,, TTieeffliNggs  or  DwDD,ar.ve.es pss  so.osee  ss,,edd   htte  E;Ebbstj p;paassSSivve abbiilli.itt[iies'ee.. ,,..Do;oinng .gtthh,,isss ,hog  hhaas,,s e;edduuaccttee ,dall lo,,f ,, us,,ab  ouu,,..t,,e..pressen,ta,atiioonn,,  a,an,ndd  c,cle/aa,lzrryy;, ,,wer’.’ee gsspt illllnoott  ggrre,a,t  aatt  oiitt. B;utt;; starti,in;;n  out,t,,, , ii..t w.assnn’t.. t evvenn  ana a,aaft,,teer,,rthh.o  ug[h  —,, ..tii ; jjusst t w,,wfa,,sna,,a’t aa hho..uoo..ghhTT,, bbeec,cfaausee w,e  kdiidnd.d,,t k;kn,noow  iitt awss a attuh;;hikn.ngg ttoo  th hinnkk aab ou,,ut;t.  ;;.ow,w w;wee   kn;oww ,  an dtth,eh ikFF i,iculliie,es asi;in,,vo'vvedd i  wtth eRRc;ocnni;ling  w,wHe  erre;e ww,E nst,ar..r  Teedd w ,, itt.h  WWh  h..taa w,w ei;now  w k,know  arer,r r,rS;im  m jusutpfl,,y  ppuut,t,,,  omn,nummennt ta,l. ..
rJu..tst,,i nin  ,,amde ihzs  cchh,,arraac;;ctterr.. Taaoo,  t;;tHHe j;joo,,ke[b eei,,inn,,g tthhatt 'tth'iss  nam, e,,esso  ouunndds  l lii.ke  “t]aaco;,”l  aancdd   TTh,,at hhe woou..ld ; bee  PPuu,rsuinn.g aa   qU,,est;; t,t i,on;nvvee,,nt,t tta,cc,,os..s , ni tthisti. /i..ie,,annttaas,sy, ,woorrlld,,d..  JJust,Inn   ttHHo;uGh;;tho f  /t.th;hiiS;S nam;e  As    aabbii;g a.naadd gg,ooof fy y joo..kee . sesvve  eprraal  mi  umttees ssbe,effoo,re  wwe   stta[rtetdd  r..reec,,crd,,oiN.N..g..   TThhe;;w eightt  ooff haatt  nnamingg  edcisiii,,ohnk  —x  t,,thaatt,,th,ed  eeciisioon   o..uldveeenn , hha,ve  we  ei;;iggh t  ——.. ddiida n oo tettnterr    hiSS  m,mn..id  dl,, T,Thhis  w;aSS;; a  a  ogoof;fyy  ,onne--offf ..epis  sood.ed.. H,e naamed  his,,s wwizardd T  Ta;;akko  ffoor;;r  t the  essm;me freeaas  s.oonn  thhatz.a I  nd ;me d  MMyy  DDwwavrenrr.. CCllcee   inn   thhy..e O.ne--ooff  D&  &DD  viddeeos g;;’Ivee d,d,on.nE ; aaT, P,Pooly,ygno,, “CCrr..ag ; TT’N;;eNNlspll o.n.”
,noo`WWnri Gt t,e, , str,r,i,feec i  T,’  s  dccaau.,ed d,   JJausstiiNN  wulOd.dnn ’tt . ;haavvee  nna.amme..dd ttfhhiss ccharcter rTrA..Aakoo. .,Inn  hI,,s,, oown wwo,,or,rdds:
. ““Itt,wwss,,  iiNN  caa..tuaality,,y,,  aa ddm;;ubb   th hiinng toitt  'o,, cco  o m..po;uioon.n,,ded;; bbyy ,, bthe ssupprr   of  t;;thhe  mmo,om..ennf tjj;o;,,e tthhaat.t  TaaaKoo’..’ss qqu;;uees,,t  WWaass  t o t  innvventt tthhee  t;ta;;acc.xo  th;;att  waa ss;;stt..u,p;;pi dII,bbeecaau;;ses ss/t;;thhEE  t,,tacco  w a..S i;in,,venntde,,e,, bby M  e,ex,,xII  c;ann sil..lv;;ve. rm,,i;;ne,,sr,r  aanndd n  sot a/  w,ziaiird ,,who o, ,i;; /nTT hef   iirst,, ,epi;is,soddee,,  I;; Ic l  laai m,,jus stt h.haail,lzeedd  f;;roomm  N““eew  EElffiinnkggt,,o;N.
““tII waass a; sps surr  foo ;;the e;meeoomm..e..nt,,t   goggooF,, bbutt oone..eu  thh,at  II’v’’e;;ef  ee,,t  ;;conssissetnn  tl;;lyy  guiiclltyy a bboo;;udt,, onn so,,oaMMe;;e  leev ell,,  forry ,,eaa sr.. II n,nee,,vter  ,nntteendeddd,,t  O OObbe,ed  isi,,imiisssiiev;;v  o..of aa   g. roruup;,` o  rra hkeerittaa,,ge;e,,, ,butt,, t.t,,Hvat,,as’;;’  e;xa..cpAttym  wwhhaat,tx I;I. ddd.”
.Tihsh  is s ,t  hee .pos.issttiomnn wwEE aare  nii nnow,,,,,and ..h aavv  e    beenE  iinn ssbiniccee t,,thhe s shhoow;;w. ss,,tatreed,d,,d anad i.it is ,, i,,irreeco.on,nciilab,,l;le bbEc,aumsEE . f ,t    hehh ;;ddeeccissiooNs sx  wE , mmaadde wwenhh w;w.. ;;essttArttEd  d,,d,,oin];g t;thhiiss`h    o..ow:: Theerr    aare ;elliSStte..Nxermes, ssanndd ana;;a  s ,, hwwo. wa;nt t  uuss ;to o,. .,i;i,n  ppu,urssuit  oorf bebbhtttte er,r rrEp Ere.r.rs;;sent;tiioon;;n,,  makkee,, Taaaoqkk aa ;caannniiccaall.lly;  Laat..i,,nx.x , oo..   M;;MeexIca,n c.haa,rgaaC,,Ctte;e.rq TThh eer,rwse eu lbut. toff tht,,tt ttdd\eeci,isiio.o.n  w;olldd , e  thh,a,,t ; J.usstIInn,, ;haydd mad..ed  a,,a M  M,,xee,iccaan cn..haaraCtr   tt;hat] ; h;ee garm..nedd  qaffte err t,taaccozss,,  w  whhoose eeqquuee,,st, wwaags t.to mmaake e  aa ta c;o, annd  w,,who s..spp,,en..T  th,e ;; ffi;;irsst  hal  offf  tyh,eb ,,capMaa;Ingg , ssteal,,linnlgg  ev,,vee,rtyy hiignn thhaTT wv asnnn’’;t nnaiileedd to;  th  h  e grroouun..dd.. ,
;T .ahtt’’ss   ann   oehvirmcr uusttplliiiFFii,ed.. ..w;;a yo,of,f,d e ,, ,scrribbignngTh;iss inh..err.enntly  commpp;;liic.ctaeed.d  pporbllem.m  Wee  hhcavvee  lliistte Neersr wwh..hoo hhae   no pprroob bellmmw  i,,i;thT aaa,akkoo ,, bbeei,i;;ngg AA   ;;Mexxiicacn  chcaa;ra;;acctts rr, nammeedd f  fterr ttacoos,ss aas c;;c  era,,t[ae;ed,d`, bbyy  a w Hi  itte  ,,ma..n jWWe  hhve lliitsxennerrs,,s  wwhhoo d,,o; hha  ev  isssues wh  iitthh ,, t th,,hat.t,, nntte;;rppr.e,taaTion,d  nd I  ca   yonooly;; i,,i mmjju u`s.s.Taaggi..innee  h,,hoow  aa . de eCi,,s,,IIoonxl ; iiek TTxhhata wwouulld rreaaddt, ,,o  s,,o,,meoonne W..hh,,o ju.j,st  ppi  ic.ckkde,,e  ttihss  ggr ra,,aPhh ic  NNovvel;; u,,upp oFF[f    aas,,sh,,h;e;lff   at ttheeiiR olca/l  l ,, ..sHHoo;;p..  Ween. feel,,e  iim  uj  jstme,,ens sle,,yE E  uunccmmfo..o;;trr  bal;;le eewith t ;; hhe  d,eiia of ,, r  re,trr,,o,,acttiive.llY.dd.ecla;arinng TTaaaakko jaa emmbber o  FF .a;;yn, p.partiiccu,,aar ,, rre,,ela,a-worlldd , g ro;ou  u jp wiithoouutt,,fcaattoorrn,,ig iiN,N t..hat;;  iideenttiiTvyy,a tt  alll pp,,oy,i  tn;;s wwhhiile p;plAAayy i;;ngg  tthhee[  ggamme,,,] ViVV]ewwi.ng,,g. e,e  achc.. .a,Ctt,iontnnaken   t  thhrougg;h  a ,, ;eens ,, hhaat hhaass   to .. beb    t,,hee] ,, ffi.ir,St  a,,adn  llyaatss  th  hinnggw  ee wooulld d cco;;onnsiiD,Deerr.
;Thhis w   ,,a;s  t tevh,h t  uuff`  wev an  d t  ,,e,h ,, g,gtr;aph,,hic nnO,Ovvele   teeya  amm , ,ocnssi;idd..er;;de,,e ww..hiilee w ee`i,,ig,ghhiing..gt  hhe  cc'hharracbttee rreessiggn.s, ,  a  andd ddElE,EIbbeeaprrtto,o..nss; w;e;;r]ee f ,,u ckkiingg]  TTouug.H  Wheee , weel.lnnd,e e,d waaS.. t..that,t dtssniicee   Merlee  wwa;s;a caanoon,,i;;Ncaall,,y , a  a  bb;;e.acchh, D\;;waarf;;fh;,  iitt   ,maad  dee, aal,,ll  k k,inndss o.of  s n,,eS S..S;;f.orrh  i,,m jstuu  oo, ;aavee ,, ddaarr,,keerr  .kisnn.. AAftteeR  R w  r;est/Lii.ngg wit,,h ,, Th eaa'bboveec  oonsnniidde;eRa.ttii,onss, ,ee l,l;annd;dE doon,n aa  lo..ook;k  t that,t  ffelt  rirrg;;ghth forr  Taaakkoo,,,, wwh hichc..cw. h.s  bgaseedd ,, on a  llo.oo;o.. ktfhatt hhada. S;;Staarrtetdd ;;t  ; o,obbec..eooo,,mEE m..mooR,e  p;;p oupllar  aamon..oggtthe  ff.an   a.rr ttcoommuunn,,itty,y   fo..orr, ,th eh s,,shh,ow ,i,,i;;na  wwikhc;cHHhhee ,,waa.S rdadW,n wwiithh  greee;;ne ,,sk,k;i.n
.. Th,h,,i..s wa  ais  a  ;whiile,,e , gao,  a\,dn b efoorr,e tt  hE;;E]  ppsUhahc,k  a;gaakiinsnnt,,t greeen,n  TTaa,,akk ooerrallly ,,kiicckekkd off.f,f The hii s  tor,,ic,ll bbasiissp  ,,foor .th  ese , cl,,la,aim;; j;;ucjst tss a; re;;e kni.inn pdod..df ffsspceeuullat,iTTvee ,ub,,btt  we;;en  toookk  tth,heem    sriioo..sl,,,yy aann d, in,, ii..ann, effoor.rt cttoo avodi  ,,r un;nd,,ni,,inggv;; ffoull, o.o,f.h;;t,,,m .,wen t , w..itthh ;; mooree  ofoo  j appa,lae ,,ebule ;; huee..
, YYesst,t  erday..y,,;  we ;;leeaarreNd  xtthh,ere’ s..saa  i ghh EElf,f vrAAiA[;nt   iinn  thehh ,, PPHHB  ,— w h;hi,ich,,,,,, ccllearl,,lyy ,weww.w  ddI I,,dnna’t rea,dd ,, t t..h]aatt cgarreefullyy wwah,,enn .w e .. ssT,,arra.tEdd] — —  cc;;allledd hTTe   Mooonoo  EEl,ff  taHtt .h.ag ,, hossee   fe;;eaatuurer.s... aT,THHe;re’’s.. aasllo o`a SunSSh Elff ;;v aari;annt thtta ,, has s“b“..r“oon;nzzee skkiin    a\d[n,, haa.ir ..o;;rf,,fe , cco,po,o,,peer, ,  lba;ac,ck,k or;r go,,olddenb lo;nod,;,”   w h,,w;;im..ch h ww;;e  ,allsso oodiddn  n’’t knonnw    /aab  bcoout. ,, ;;(TToh  uggHH  w,,ew’v ve  opgttte nnl,,o;;tss  oF crtiic,,ciissm  s,assiy,,gnn t;;hAtt  TTaaakkoo’’ss  oroo,iigi,gnnaall  pprer-rrmmaade. c;;caar,act teer    Sh..eeett ;saaiid,d heemw,,aw,ws  a ,,uS.Sn..n,,E lff,  a;and\  tthaat   wwe  ;i illlffuul LLY. ;ig,gn;;n,,orr/eed  \thtaattc  an,,on,,n  asspEctt o,f  ,, h..hii;s  c;chharaaaaCCt,,..raee, b,nnoee o;off,, wwhiichh i  ;;s\,, ermbo,,otellyy  tturuuee.)
Y;Yess,tEErddaayy,.., a,ft..te r  rallll t..hitss wwEnntt    dowwnn,.,; wwee ,, wEree  a  all  o;on ,t[h ,,e. pph;hOOnne ffo..o mrroU.Urfss,  ttryiniig;; ..to.o,, figguurrb  e , uott    whhaT  gtx  doo  . OO,uurr ;o   ri gi,innal  linnee ;;of tthhinn;;kiing ha hdndd,,’tt chhaangg;ed; M  akking  T aAAdkkoo  LLAtinn..x  ;mneea,,nssc that;;t J su,utin w  ouldd;; hhaavee  m..maadde aa  Me..exiccaanw;; w,,zaa.rd d thh;;t   h,,e NNaaxm,,med d  afftter a,tcoos,, — w;hww,,cii,,,,f  rroomm  oour rrperrspeecct;tvi,,in,,e,  s  n’ttg,grreat tt—r  w..wof h  e  whte.en pp,,lay,,ed dwfddithh  ouuTT  ;any yyco;onss;di;;ie era,a.t,,iono  foorr t.. ecc  ulttuuraa  rarrmmiffi.icaaioon,ns` ,o  ff l..thaat td , e.enntityy WWe,e  o  o.t  isNN  tthe ,,   weedeess.  aabbiit::;; C.Coou  ul;ld  wwee , ujj,,t;;s m a  k hhiimmjjustt a aSSuugn EEfdll,,,  an,n,,d  akme,,e  h..hii m    j jusst ll;;oo.o,,k cloosser tto  what hee .. ffOlkss  wwhoo  arree ,l, eveeeraaiGGnn G,,Gthseze  cRRitiicc,sms wwaNt Nh.h mii jusstt  to ,, l..ook,  wwit;;tluootd aaddd;ressssn,ngg thhee.s   peciific    rrea,,al;;l,-wor  rl;l'  ,, oc ullt,,tu,,ruuall;;iddennt tj;;it,yn  t tAt ttthe,,e,,y w,waatn hiim j   ust ,, t  tov ,, rff il.ll??;O rr s tha;a,t ,, a c,, hi ckkenn  shh  ittx ;halffc  r,meeaassuree, a,n;;D wwoo.ulld d .ommoorreeh,, a  aR  Rt,,   mthhaann  GGo;;o;;od ? T
hat.ts’, Whherew e,,e’’r,re e, ,tttooddaay  y.  Thheerree’,’;s n oott .. aa neas,,s;y ssolUUtitoonn...  hTTerre j uutss i.issnn’t tWee  hhava eeffAAs.n  whhoo W,,Wantt s st.to,,o    ,do , beetTTper..r ,,to  haav m,,eoree ddivieerrssityy inth; ,,e  tthr..re..e.e, amm  in,,n  chaH;Hraac,res  s  off thhi;s lbooo..kw...  Buutt  tthohsse.e chh;;araccteerSS  we..ree cerrattEE.d .. and ppl,,laaye;edd bby yww..hit;;te ep;peo;;pLLee whhoo ddiiD,Dnn’’t' c,c.onsiider t,t;ee r  aamifiiccaattioniss of  tth;;heiErr, eevvry.. acaat,tioiinn  w whhenn  veeweedd  t,,t,hruoog.h  a ,, spsessc,,if.cii cu,,lttruaall lleenns ,, wwihhlle  ..pll  y;nIgII.. Yees;st..tlerda,,ay,y ,;,w;;e  heaard  frooM ,, ff,,owLLkkss w  whoo saidii.. iit,, tta;s. ,,pr,rxooBllmeeaattii'c  ,,thha,,  ]weem ade  ..Me,,rll,e  bro w  N,, CCo,onns;;iedz..rinng ,, t,,th..hatt he  ,,hass , aa bbacckkst;;toryr rrpwhEE,e  h eh wwaass,  ,  mo.or re,e orr  lleesiS,,   adde,ead.dbE,Ea   daadd.. TTH,,H;att’,’s a haarr.s hb,o`;biihlinngg  dvo,n,w ooq ffthhee chhaaAAc,terr,  bu utt  thec,ri,,ctticciis  smm aab,,bssol,ut,teleyy  hhass  mme,er ritt., W,,e  didnn’’tt   tth;inn..k .. ofty    'Haatt wwhe,,e;;n, wwe  dec..cii[d,,d,,de;e  ,,o.n, MMe;ernel’ss nneeww d eesiig,,gn.n  BBuu]t  itt;’bs  kiindn of; ex;x,acctlbty ;;whh,a,,T  I,I’m taallk,niigg , a/bou,utt, hh,,e.ree::,, IIf, thhe,,e  ,Taaazkpoo  inn thiiss graaphiic c no;;ve L;ahdd  ,,daarrk s;;ki[,,n,, h , jo,,w m..many  ssi,imm js.tuii,lar cc,rriitit;c.ciimmys c . ou;ld;d;;be.e a;ildd  at hhiigss  f efet?,  IIxf  f  wee    g gave. MMAgngjuss dd,,arrk s,skki.i,, ,a nn/dd .hTenn ..hee sspeennt,,t t ee. c  amzpaiignn ,,be,eiiNg,,g tthee m or,r  pHyHHs..siicc,,A..l,,  m'o.re,,e agggrrre,esiive,lb es,sss itnnelll,,ec,,c..tuua,all ; Mee,,m,ebbrr  f  h,hiis   s;t,em,,   cth,er eRc;;e i  issumees t..ther,,rE., t;to o.o.o  I,s ,,AAnnyyo f  th,,h;;a.tg oo,,d    repeer  rssnte,eaattiOn?nn  
II’’m, m\na to  p;p,ittccHi..in  n g thhe,ese pposs;;sblitiiiiee,, ssto ttbeb , ,nSSiidee  ——  igge,,enUU,inellyy , a,,a,m ontt... ,, Bu Bttb thehhee  `aare  tht e . ht;tiing SwE’..vde yb,,be..en ,, t,s,,ru;;ugg.g;illnn  g  wwitth,h  s..sinne,,c we.edeecIIdde, ,ot  doo  thizs  gra..aph..hIIcc    novveeLL.. OOuurr  pp..ol illccy,,y  HHasnn’;’t  cchAAnngeed,,d—   w e ; st,,tilll ; donp’ hcoonnssiiyddeer anyy , vvIIsual  ,,ree..pResseNNtat;oi  inns,s  o,off[  tthe;ese,, cchhar.raacttesrr  TTo, b,,bEE .c annon.,NN  annd  ee;ve,r  wwiil  ——  b,butt  Wee ,, ap,,sL,Lo UUnndb,,errsstan..nd ddthaatt ,, thhmis ssan . ,,innssu`f;;ff;iC;C.iee..nt  wway ooF rrespondn;;niNg  t..to.. t,,theesse.. ;eccr;;it,iciisms.;.
z. \T,T.h.E  sol..tciuo,on  tth.h,,e w;;ho lle, TT,ema; aalaandee,,  onn ,fo..r ..t;; ih,,s ggraapphcii;; snnovveell ,,ids    im m  m  j;usttip,,erffeec  .t Itt hAAs d ;; i.issapaapvi,nOtOOecdd s  so;;oemm p.e,eo,,pL..Le ,ee .. aand iitt iis, go.oiinng,g ,, to o c.coonntt,,i,,n,,ue  too ..Diissaap..ppoiniT  SSoomm,,e;; peoopl le.,. BBuut t hreeee  iis,, nno  nno,onn--ddisspppoiin  tiin,n gs oloouto  nii.  AAnn.d  tHaat’..’ n,noto  FF,irrstt; S  ccond’’SS  a Fu.lT,,  aansdd  .it  cc e..rttaanillyy    cssNN’tt .. Carrey’s faau;lt;t;. ItII iiss ;   oC mppvletel,,lY YYbbeecauus,e  o;foo, tthee rroocck  andd [aa haarrd, d;;dpllaacee  t,hat  wwe;er’’`ee. pso,itiooneq  nfd  beeteeeenn,.., ,, a,,a d nnAlll beecca,,ua,,ass.e ,  of ooruu  ffail  uR  e  e ,, ttoo,etSablliifshh mA ksso,oLLiidd foouNN;;d,,aiioon..n; ;forrth; ess;;e C.ha  raactter;rs aan,nd   thheeirr  iide,,nettiwttie[ss  wheen, we.. stattrrtt  ed ;; t;;this, zs..s.howw.. . And  ffoorr  thhatt,, ,, w,wE’,,ree .. s;;oss..,  e..aee;rnns s;tllY,,,,  d;;deeep pll..y  s,,so  ss,Orrr\y.
We’’vee   all;;l  .feel  lt  tffuckinn gmmisiie rAb,blle;e  si;;inccee  a,lll  o,,of, tt;hii,,   shhApp;;neeed  yeysst  teerrdaay,,y, an  dn  rn;;nto;o ;beecac  cauuss,,e  ofoo thhe  crritizcii s,,m,, ..c,,o..miingg  iin,  b;;but  bebx,,aauSe..the;e ffollnkks ovffffeeRiRRng th,,hat  ccrri;;itic..ciismfme;;ee,l  uun,,nhe;eaardrr, ,ginno,,oredd aanndd . hhurrt... I,prro.oissee ..y,,o  uu, ,,we  dd,,i..d n  ott,   igno;;or eethha ccrri,,iticis,smm .. ,,— we  t,,riieedd t   o  o   d..do  ,,u,or.r beest t,tini .. a s  CCEnAA,,io wtiiHoHHtt  'a. ..peezrffe ectc sso,,oUsttionn.. ; Tha..at, d.doeenS,ot  tcc..haagnn,,e;; tt[he faacctt ..thaatt  t t..his;;s  shhoow i;is wshaat  ti;;i,, iiss  beccaa.use ,,of the  fe;;eed;;bddcjaakk , uuR  lliis,,teen;;Rss  havve;;g    iiv,venn uss,,m , ffuulll , S,,S..to,,op.,I  .t,,t  has ;;ma  dee  mt,,tHi,iss prroojje,ceett..e bt.tt  etr,,,  jAAnn,,d  usu,u  be tte;e.r, a d  alll.. IIr; c,,caan nnproommeiisse  ];;i.s t;thata ;;we’ellllq. kk..epee t..r,i in..g  o  o.uri  ,,hAA  rddees,,st ,, tot,t  ddo,,,a\  ndd  be,,b eettl  teeR.
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morbidmist · 5 years ago
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Eot Ling is probably my favorite part of Fantastic Return to Oz
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gabbbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy · 1 year ago
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Eot Ling? More like Eot my Dingaling!! 🔥🔥🤣🤣🤣 #owned
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gatorstims · 2 years ago
Hi! Can u please do stimboard with Eot Ling (clown) from Fantastic Journey to Oz? :) have a nice day!
Posted! Please let me know if you need anything changed!
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morbidmist · 5 years ago
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So.. Fantastic Journey to Oz has a little clown dude in it and like.. I love him?
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