#eobarry vampire AU
zeroducks-2 · 1 month
You know what’s rolling around in my head right now? Vampire Eobarry. Either one being a vampire is beautiful. Speedster vampires (I don’t know if that’s a thing that’s possible but the horny brain says it is) needing to feed from someone with a healing factor. Either way it’s some nice Barry whump. Either reverse flash absolutely wrecking him and feeding from the hero or in denial vampire Barry starving himself cause he doesn’t want to hurt people. Eobard cooing at him and saying of course Barry needs him, shoves his wrist in Barry’s mouth while petting him.
i agree with you anon, vampire speedsters are a fantastic concept :3 I am currently writing not one, not two but THREE Eobarry vampire AUs lol, and it must be in the air because @gabedemon also has more than one! Theirs are frickin amazing btw, I highly suggest you go harass them to get them to talk about it :D
But yeah, have a snippet of one of the fics I'm writing featuring Vampire!Eobard and human (well you can't really call him human but you know what I mean) Barry. There's a whole context to this but I won't bore you with it.
(blood drinking, hypnosis, Vampire Eobard, Vampire thrall Barry)
Barry is still holding onto him with both fists tightened around the material of his suit, clawing at what’s left of his consciousness not to let it slip. There’s something frantic in the way his eyes move, hazy as they are, like he’s afraid he isn’t going to open them again if he lets them slip closed. 
Eobard grimaces, a bitter taste on his tongue despite he’s just finished drinking. He wants to wait for him to go down but Barry is fighting really hard not to, and so Eobard ends up sitting down while holding him, supporting his weight while carding fingers through short locks to help him unwind. 
The wound on his neck oozes blood at the same rhythm of his accelerated breathing, and just the smell of it makes Eobard’s jaw tighten with another wince. He is still hungry, he’s never been satisfied with a single session after all, and it suddenly hits him that this might be the reason why Barry hasn’t settled down despite the blood loss. Some acutely aware part of him must have caught that they’re not done yet.
«I’ll be quick.» Eobard mumbles, his thumb going over the smaller speedster’s sweaty brow. Fortunately he’s enough out of it not to realize that he’s being put under mental subjugation. That ability got enhanced so much through the vampirism that now it works even on Barry. It never did before. «Just look at me.»
Barry’s shallow, gasping breaths start to slow down. He ends up  holding on to Eobard’s suit very weakly and with just one hand; his head is heavy and it would loll on a side without support, and it almost feels like he’s reaching into the palm cradling his cheek.
Fangs sinking back into his neck pull a whimper from the pitch of his chest. Eobard shivers hard, holding his quivering body tight against himself.
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emin-folly · 4 months
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title(s) that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! (then tag as many people as you have WIPs.)
Tagged by @ceeloilights~
I'll just doing my DC folder since I have way WAY too many WIPs for a normal person lol (long ass list is LONG, you've been warned~)
My DC art WIPs in alphabetical order:
Ace and Batman
Alan and Thomas
Alan n Hal
Allen fam
Bar Spo (yeah I don't blame you for not understanding this one lol I sometimes like to abbreviate the names of the characters)
Barry and Wally
Barry and Wally 2
Barry horse
Barry Iris
Barry Iris 2
Barry Iris date
Barry Jesse
Barry out of time
Barry possessed
Barry sketchdump
Barry study
Barry suit
Barry Superman 2
Bart the Menace
Batman and Riddler
Batman needing help
Battle of the Fashion Tastes
Bby Eo and Barry
Bringing Barry to life
Carrying Barry 1
Carrying Barry 2
Carrying Wonderflash
Clark reading Cinderella
Cover Flash
Cover mockup
Cover redraw fem
Crackship doodles
Creature Eo
Crossdressing Barry
CW Flash
CW Flash 2
Dark Flashpoint Eo Supes
Dark Flashpoint Eo ivy
DC Aftermath
DC Barry and Kitty
DC Barry vs Slade
DC Barry's obsession
DC Barry's weird fears
DC Bruce's Farm Madness
DC Dad brawl
DC Eo styles
DC Flash and Thawne
DC drawpile 1
DC drawpile 2
DC Fashion Tastes
DC Food Cramps
DC Hal's Stripper Discovery
DC Hole in the Ground
DC Human Disaster
DC Human
DC Interviews
DC Justice League Civilian
DC Mer Spell Gone Wrong
DC My Hero
DC Nobody wants to save Thawne
DC Off Worlding
DC Plan Backfire
DC Slade's new pet
DC SonicFlash
DC Speedster Realities
DC Speedsters and Bug
DC The No Speed Force Race
DC Welcoming Barry back
DC Bleached
DC Furries
DC Mer Funny
DC pile
DC things
DC vampires au
DC vs vampires 2
Deer style
Flash AU doodles
Flash AU
Flashfam fluff
Dress up
Drunk Barry
Eo and Croc
Eo Barry civilian
Eo medieval
Eo meme
Eo needs help
Eo outfit
Eo panel practice
Eo torn up
Eo vs Batman
Eo wants commitment
Eobard AU
Eobard AU 2
Eobard Ivy doodles
EoBarry transformers
Eo Carol
EoIvy 2
EoIvy Genderbend
EoIvy meeting
EoIvy talk
Eo's Coping Methods
Eo and Paradox
Eo mini Barry
Eo's verbal mess-ups
Eostar pickup
Fem Bard full body
Fem Eo
Fem Eo 2
Fem EoBarry
Fem Thawne
Funny Silver Age
Genderbend Eo
GL headaches
GL Human infestation
Good Cop, Bad Cop
Hal in Thawne's body
Hal suspects faves
Hamlet 2
Hamlet 3
Hamlet 4
Injustice Eo
Injustice Eo dump
Injustice EoIvy
Iris gets powers
Iris holding a grudge
Ivy about Eo
JL silly faces
Linda and Barry
Manga Eo
Mer AU
Mer AU 2
Mer design concept
Mer Reverses
Mom J'onn
Monster Supes
Muzzle Barry
New suit
No speed
Obsessive Eo
Panel redraw Barry
Panic induced Rogues
Parallax Eo
Personal boundaries
Pre new 52 memories
Prop up
Random doodles
Reverse fam
Rogues and Barry
Role reversal
Roy and Ralph
Scarlet Speedster
Ship comic
Speed dancing
Speed Force and Eo
Swan Thawne
Team up Thomas and Baby Bruce
Thomas and Barry
Touchy feely
Vampire Barry
Wally Shayera AU
Wally talks to Barry
What Eo eats
Wonderflash doodles
Wonderflash 2
xxx 2
Zoom prodigy
As for who I'm tagging, I don't really know who to pick specifically so the person reading this, boop you're it! :>
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coldflasher · 5 months
look i don't usually go here but in honour of interview with the vampire season 2 and the recent uptick in vampire/buffy-inspired AUs i've seen floating around on my dash... eobarry interview with the vampire AU?? 👀
eobard is lestat, as if that doesn't go without saying
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Doodle from a Coldflash/Eobarry/Coldwave vampire and vampire Hunter AU where the speedsters are vampires.
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Eobarry Buffy AU
"This is exactly why, Barry, as your Watcher you need to trust me. Come to me for help. Just because you think you know the ins-and-outs of a situation already, doesn’t mean you do. And now look at you. Look at the mess you've made of tonight. Look at what happened to them, Barry. You know they were never supposed to be involved in something like this."
Barry doesn't speak. He is looking at his hands. they have blood on them, sticky and vivid against his increasingly pale skin. He had thought- He had been sure that it would be an easy take down. A few vamps haunting the sewer and grabbing people. He didn't need Eobard's help- didnt want it. Still hadn't been able to bring himself to trust him when Barry knows why Eobard was sent here for him. Who sent him. What this relationship is supposed to be.
He is a weapon, and Eobard's is the hunter, despite what either of their titles may have indicated. And tonight... tonight the weapon malfunctioned.
Just a few vamps. Nothing he and the rest of the scoobies couldn't handle, nothing they didn't handle already on a nightly basis, except... except it hadn't been. It had been so much more. There were demons there, some kind of portal. A nest.
He'd tried so hard. He'd fought SO, so hard, using every ounce of his unnatural skills that he could muster, trusting his friends to run far, far away until they could regroup. but it wasn't enough. He hadn't been enough, just like always. What good was this strength of his, this unnatural savagery inside him, if he had to watch as his friends... had to watch his family be....
It had been a feast. And he had served them right up.
"Oh, Barry." Eobard sighs, placing a gentle, consoling hand on the top of his head. He strokes his hair slightly in a comforting gesture that Barry knows he doesn’t deserve. Not after....
He screws his eyelids tighter against the images he knows he will never unsee. Eddie. Caitlin. Cisco. Joe. Iris.
There's no pretending they will wake up, no fooling himself into believing there's a fix for this when Eddie's wind pipe has been bitten through and he can see the sick glistening of Caitlins's innards through the gashes left on her abdomen. Cisco, head bent at an unnatural angle, lays nearest to Joe. Or the majority of him, and it is impossible to ignore the reality of the death that now hangs all around him like a fog.
He can't remember anything after he had seen Iris fall to them too, The only things he can conjure up are his own screams mingling with scattered images of viscera and the feel of her life draining out of her in his hands. He longs to hug her to him tightly, comfort himself with the proximity of her one last time, but his hands are still covered in blood and he does not deserve the comfort he seeks, so instead he merely cradles her in his lap and stares into the distance.
It had been quick enough after that, he supposed, the slaying. It was surprisingly easy to tear through the flesh of A demon's throat with your bare hands, if you were motivated enough. Apparently before he just hadn't been. Another failure of his own making.
It didn't matter though, any of it. Not any more. After the fight he had simply frozen there, staring at his friends and family, each one torn into and pried open. Gazing at him with empty, accusatory eyes still propped open in death. He had taken Iris back into his arms afterwards. Kneeling there, unsure what to do as it strikes him that he is once again been orphaned. He is alone again.
Alone. Except for his watcher.
Eobard's hand continues to stroke through his hair, murmuring soothing words, that slice Barry open with the truth of them.
"I know you didn't mean to Barry. I know they wanted to help. but this is no place for civilians already, and if you don't consult with me, don't trust me completely...
I knew they weren't vampires, Barry. I cpuld have told you what it was you were walking into."
Barry stiffens under his hand, and Eobard hides his smile under a grimace meant to imply his own feelings of guilt. A clean strike. Just a little more now, he thinks to himself.
"If you had just come to me, talked to me, I could have told you that this was demonic activity. That it was too dangerous for them. I don't know why you feel you can't trust me, but barry you have to. You have to or something even worse might happen next time."
There is nothing worse that could happen to him. No way for any situation to devastate him this deeply ever again.
Eobard comes to stand in front of barry. kneeling down in front of him, he gently removes iris from Barry's arms, and takes barry into his own.
"A slayer's life is a solitary one for a reason, Barry. And I'm so sorry you had to find out that truth this way. But, if you can learn to trust me, then I can be here for you, i can help you save people." he feels barry stiffen at those words and he lowers his voice to a whisper, injecting a tone of remorseful desperation into his next words "Please let me help you Barry, even setting aside that I'm your Watcher... I care too much about you to let you do this alone."
Eobard knows hes hit homw again when he feels Barry raise his hands to grip him back finally, in a hug so tight it might break a rib on a normal person. His fingers tangle into the silky fabric of Eo's shirt as he finally breaks and begins to sob in earnest.
The smile is back on his face, now that Barry can't see, too preoccupied with his grief. He looks around disdainfully at the sight. The demons had been a necessary step in assuring Barry's compliance and the removal of certain negative influences, but that didn't mean he approved of them. Messy, unpredictable things, but A means to an end. One he was an expert at manipulating.
He pats Barry's back in small strokes and tells him that he'll take care of everything. Thats what hes here for after all. To watch over him. To guide him. To make him the strongest version of himself.
It's when he mentions, ever so gently, that they'll need to make funeral arrangements for the others, that Barry finally raises his head again. He looks up at Eobard, eyes shining with so many tears still left unshed, and asks him hesitantly, if he could help him with those too.
"I don't think I can do it by myself, the planning involved- I know that's not part of your job, and it's so much to ask, but I'd have to keep seeing them, talking about it, knowing that I did this, and I can't Eobard I just Can't. Please I-"
Eobard gently shushes him, guiding his head into the crook of his neck as they both still kneel there, clinging together amidst the gore and horror of their surroundings. He did so love it when a plan came together.
"Of course Barry, whatever you need. Were in this together aren't we?" There's is a brief nod against his neck as the Slayer agrees. After all, who else does he have?
"Then I'll take care of everything. All I ask is that you listen to me, respect my abilities, trust me as your partner and Watcher"
Barry nods against his neck again and brings his arm around to hug eobards front, seeking the comfort of his embrace once more.
It feels like victory.
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saltysatellite804 · 7 years
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A friend made this for my vampire au fanfiction. Argh, I love it so much. Major thanks to bisexuowl on the Eobarry Discord chat!!! I hope to post more of her beautiful art eventually!!!
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elrhiarhodan · 6 years
3, 11, 23 please :)
Sorry to take a bit of time to answer, been in a weird place.  But thank you so much for asking.
3-Longest word count on an abandon wip
Therecan be two ways of looking at that question – the truly abandoned, and thestory that gets worked on sporadically.
Thereis my oldest WIP, a White Collar vampire fantasy AU that's about 44k and I sowant to finish it.  But I don't knowhow.  It's been stuck at Chapter 14 since2011 (and it's one of the reasons why I don't publish WIPs anymore).  
Thereare a few other 10k-15k WIPs in various fandoms that still have a lot ofpotential.
Andthen there's the 170K monster that isn't an abandoned WIP – it's a story I'mwriting privately  that gets words inspurts.  It’s technically a Flash (EoBarry) AU that if and when it gets published, it’ll be as original fiction.
11- 1st person or 3rd person?
I think I've written three stories in firstperson (out of the 800+ stories that I've written).  Basically, I won't write what I won'tread.  And while there are probably good first person stories in fan fiction, I haven’t been blessed with finding any in my fandoms.  
That sounds snotty, so let me explain.  First person is a major technical challenge - how to avoid making the writing sound like a writer self-insert or making multiple voices sound distinct (so the author doesn’t need to tell the reader which chapter the POV is from).  It’s hard to do and requires really listening hard to the canon - not just word choice, but flow and sentence length, as well.  I don’t do it because I don’t think I’m capable of meeting that bar.
23- Do you make your own wip covers?
On occasion, I've created artwork for mystories, if that's what's meant my WIP covers.  Usually for stories that are longer and are posted in chapters, so I have something to include with the chapter announcements.  I have had good and more talented friends who’ve created art for me, so I never got into the habit.
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coldflashwave-baby · 7 years
How Likely I am to Write it: From someone who has written two vampire AU’s (one Eobarry and the other Flashwave), and is currently working on a BTVS AU, I would say very likely 
Characters/Pairings I most likely to write it for: I love it for Flashwave and Eobarry, but also Coldflash. 
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saltysatellite804 · 7 years
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This is one of my most recent artworks for eobarry. I made it as a sort of aesthetic for my historical vampire Au. I'm not very good at drawing Eobard from memory. :,) Colored via Autodesk SketchBook.
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saltysatellite804 · 7 years
My Halloween Eobarry Alternate Universe - Vampires fic
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