#eobard x malcolm x damien x len
purpleyin · 5 years
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DCTV moodboards: Multiamory March 2020 - Legion of Doom husbands.
Meant to make a board for them for ages because I know it’s a tiny ship with not much content. Making it I was especially thinking of you @kleptoandpyro although I know it’s not domestic doom husbands (I may yet make a board for that).
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supervillain-smut · 5 years
Eobard Thawne x Reader
It was a simple night out, that was it. You, Barry, Cisco, Caitlin. That's the normal half, there was also Malcom, Damien, Eobard and Leonard Snart there. The two teams had to work together on a common enemy, and they decided to call a truce for the night, and naturally Len had invited himself. They didn't know Barry was the Flash, I suspect Eobard thinks he is. Either way, all of us were just talking, joking around. Eobard would flirt with me, and I'd blush and look away from him. I turn to see Cisco coming back with a huge tray full of shots, double the amount of people at our table. 
"Cisco, what are those?" I asked, raising a brow at the whipped cream topped shots. "These, m'lady, are what you call 'Blowjob shots'. I figured it would be a fun little game." I was blushing again, but I had to know the rules so I could maybe avoid playing. "How do you play this 'game' then, Cisco?" He smiled devilishly at me and said "You'll see! Hey guys, let's play a game!" He announced to everyone at the table. Eobard rolled his eyes at the shots, Caitlin snickered and hid her face, while Malcolm waggled his eyebrows at Len, only for him to shake his head.
"I'll pair two people up, and they have to drink the shots out of their partners' lap!" Oh no, please don't pair me with Eobard. Cisco looked around the group of 'friends', and decided picking Eobard and Barry first would be funny, until both of them just grabbed their drinks off the tray and downed them. Cisco frowned at the two, "Okay then, since you guys aren't allowed to cheat, Barry and Caitlin!" They were both blushing messes, and Barry got whipped cream all over his nose, and Caitlin was beet red, it took her a full two minutes just to get the drink out of Barry's lap. 
Cisco was laughing, Eobard was getting a different shot at the bar, his solitude was disturbed when Cisco called him back over after he had downed the shot. He wandered back over, and that's when Cisco said it; "Eobard, you're with Y/N, since you cheated out last time!" Eobard raised an eyebrow and smirked, seeming calm but also seemed to have something in mind. You sat nervously on the bar stool, and as your luck would have it, Eobard was going first; and hoo boy, was it difficult not to just jump out of the seat and make a run for the bathroom.
He made sure to keep eye contact, his hands behind his back so he didn't cheat, and what does he do, while you're sitting there, mesmerized by him and his stare? He sips the whipped cream off first, without getting any on his nose, and then makes a show of pretending not to be able to get it, thus driving it further into your lap, and when he finally does, he's still looking at you when he downs the shot; did nobody else see that?
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darlingpetao3 · 7 years
Legion of Daddies (Thawne, Darhk, Merlyn, Snart x Reader)
Rating: T
Summary: After spending your nights with all four members of the Legion of Doom, you wind up pregnant and wondering... Who's the daddy?
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Okay. You have a problem.
You're pregnant.
Except that's not the problem...
It all started a couple weeks ago when you were feeling especially frisky with each of your Legion of Doom teammates. You were pretty sure they could all sense a shift in your libido too, and one by one, the men took their turns with you each night, not knowing their comrades had taken you previously.
Each man has a different taste and a unique style in bed.
For instance, Eobard gets off on making sure you're pleasured thoroughly. In his eyes, it's a win-win.
Damien likes to play with you and use his “magic touch.” Oh, the things he's done to you...
Malcolm takes his time with you and makes sure to take care of your needs. The Dark Archer is surprisingly attentive.
And then there's Leonard: a wild animal and quite vocal in bed, and of course, very dirty.
Which brings you to your current predicament.
Who's the true father of your baby?
You decide to call a Legion meeting to announce the news to everyone and prepare for the worst.
“Alright boys, I have some news,” you say. “...I'm pregnant.”
“Well, I'll be damned,” Len says, looking proud.
“Fantastic, my dear!” Eobard smiles wide.
“We are truly blessed,” Malcolm agrees.
Damien turns to Malcolm.“What do you mean by that? It's my baby.”
You can see the fire burning in their eyes as they simultaneously snarl at each other, “It's mine!” In an instant, all four men are at each other's throats, punches thrown left, right, and centre. You were afraid it would come to this.
“Guys!” you shout. “HEY!” They stop, but only because you command the room so well (arguably better than they do at times).
“Tell them it's mine, (Y/N),” Eobard says, moving closer to you.
Len pushes him aside. “Just put us out of our misery, Babe. Who's the daddy?”
“See here's the thing...” you start. “I'm not exactly sure.”
“Care to explain?” Malcolm presses.
“Do you remember when we did it a few weeks ago?” You pose the question to everyone at once.
“Of course.”
“Hell yeah.”
You pause and they all raise eyebrows to one another. “Well... see, this is my problem. Anyone of you guys could be the father.” A dead silence fills the room.
“You're kidding,” Len wonders.
“I'm not.” They all start to get agitated again and you have to calm them down. “Boys, please? We can't let this tear us apart! We have a world to conquer! Don't let the paternity of this baby ruin what we have together. You can all be the baby's daddy.”
The men stop, processing the notion.
“It's not the worst idea I've ever heard,” muses Eobard.
“...I guess we can put this matter behind us,” Damien says. “For the sake of the baby.”
“A child with four fathers to set them straight in life? Could be interesting,” Malcolm adds.
“I can see it now,” Len says. “Taking over the world with bottles and baby bjorns.” He makes a dramatic hand gesture. “The Legion of Daddies.”
Anonymous Request: OK this is an odd one so I totally get if you're uncomfortable and would prefer not to write it - the OC slept with each member of the Legion of Doom (maybe her power is being unbelievably horny haha ) but she ends up pregnant and unsure who the daddy is..... Again totally cool if it's not your thing ☺
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