#eobard thawne x ofc
unreliablesnake · 1 year
Of reverse love and stuff: Confession (Eobard Thawne x OC x Harrison Wells)
Summary: You know the truth about Eobard, now it's time to find out who Harrison truly is.
Note: If you want to see other parts, check the #orlas tag on my blog.
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Harrison was an excellent tour guide, especially when it came to rich people he needed to fund his projects. S.T.A.R. Labs was busy working on its particle accelerator, but he could talk about the future of that place so excitedly as if it would begin to operate the next day. Despite what they were planning to do there being quite a challenge to understand, he tried to keep things simple and interesting to all of his guests.
Listening to him reminded Nina of Eobard and how he usually took his time to explain everything to her. He didn’t think she was an idiot, but she wasn’t a physicist either so he had to slow down and pay attention to whether or not she could follow him. She missed him and she wished he was there with her now. Sure, this was old news for him, but maybe he would have had fun with her around.
Apparently she wasn't the only one thinking he would like it because her mother let out a dramatic sigh before looking at her. “Don’t take this the wrong way, Harrison, but I’m sure her boyfriend would be a little more entertaining than you. Would you mind if I went out to get some fresh air?” she asked.
“John will go with you,” he began, signaling his employee to get going, but then he noticed people beginning to become a lot more livelier at the thought of leaving. “I believe we’re all tired a little, let’s take a break. Please, follow John, I have to check something before joining you all.” Nina turned around to follow the others, but Harrison was quick to reach out and put a hand on her shoulder to stop her. “Wait, I want to show you something.”
She didn’t understand what this was all about, what he wanted to show her that the others couldn’t see, and this caught her interest. “What is it?”
“You’ll see. Come with me,” he said with a smile before turning to begin to walk again.
Nina reached an empty hallway not far from where he had interrupted the tour, and once he looked around to see if anyone else was around, he put his hand on the wall and it somehow opened a door she didn’t even see before. He signaled her to follow him inside which she did without question. This secret room was almost completely empty and it made her wonder why he wanted her to see it.
Despite the number of question marks rapidly rising in her head, she didn’t ask anything, instead she waited for him to finally begin talking. But he remained silent and only reached into his pocket to grab an object with a smug smirk on his face. It was only when she looked to see what it was that she realized it was a way too familiar piece of jewelry.
Eobard’s ring that contained his suit.
She didn’t even know what to say. Things only became more confusing after he pressed the ring against the wall and it revealed a mannequin that was within a few moments dressed in the yellow and black suit she knew so well.
“How did you get these?” Nina asked hesitantly, doing her best to leave Eobard’s name out of the conversation.
“They’re not from your boyfriend, don’t worry,” he replied as he walked closer to her. “Well, they are, but not from this version of him.” She warned herself to play dumb, to make it look like she had no idea what he was referring to. “These are mine,” he suddenly said when he let go of the ring he’d been toying with and reached out to take her hand.
The young woman didn’t even bother to pull her hand away because her brain was in overdrive. What did he mean when he said these were his? How? He even mentioned that they were from another version of Eobard, so what was the truth? It was getting a little too complicated for her liking. He was confusing her, and she had this feeling that he was doing this on purpose.
“I’m your Eobard, only from a later point in time,” he clarified himself. “I know you probably have a lot of questions right now and I’ll gladly answer them, but right now I need you to listen to me very carefully. I’ve been waiting for almost ten years to tell you this, until you found out the truth about me–about what time period I’m from, about my speed, about my past. I know I already told you everything a month ago, so now I need you to be open minded again, okay?”
“Harrison, why are you doing this?” Nina asked, assuming it was just some cruel joke. But when was the last time she had seen him pranking anyone? He wasn’t the type to do such things. And when he let out a frustrated sigh, she had a sudden feeling that maybe it wasn’t a joke after all. “Let’s say I believe you’re Eobard. Why do you look like this?”
“I came back to 2000 to take care of something and it ended with me losing my speed and getting stranded here. I needed to speed things up, so to speak, which is why I took Harrison Wells’ place.”
That year made her think. She was eleven at the time, but she remembered that was the year Harrison moved to Central City following the accident that took his wife away from him. “Wait, the accident Tess died in–”
“Don’t worry about it,” he was quick to tell her. “All that matters is that this is our chance to be together in a proper relationship.”
“You come back quite regularly and you keep things linear, so I’d say my relationship with… younger you is pretty normal,” Nina explained as she pulled her hand away and took a step back.
She could see the disappointment in his eyes, but he didn’t say anything. Instead he nodded and nervously licked his lower lip as he watched her. “It could be better,” he told her.
“So what, you want me to break up with him?”
“No. Definitely not.” Of course, the timeline would be affected if she broke up with him before it would happen naturally. She wondered what Harrison was expecting from her, but she didn’t have to wait long to find out. “You need to keep dating him, but you have to make him understand that you have to marry me.”
As if that would be so easy. “He wouldn’t be fond of the idea of me marrying someone else while I’m seeing him,” Nina noted.
“Yeah, well, if it comes down to it–and knowing myself it will–just say it was his future self telling you to do it. And if he doesn’t believe that, tell him I said I advise him to trust you because you’re not Rose.”
How come she had never heard this name before? Sure, she and Eobard had only been together for eight months, but if she was important, he would have mentioned her, right? “Who’s Rose?”
Harrison looked hesitant, probably considering whether or not he should explain this to her. “A woman I liked,” he said eventually. “But she broke my heart, so… It’s a long story.”
Nina drew in a deep breath then let it out slowly as she thought about the situation. Harrison Wells’ place was taken by her boyfriend’s older version over nine years ago, and he had–as she now assumed–deliberately moved into the house next to her family’s to be close to her. What she saw in his eyes as he talked was the kind of genuine love she hadn’t seen in a long time.
“Does this mean I’d have to keep my relationship with him a secret? That I should make it look like we broke up?” she asked to clarify.
“This is the only way.”
“And if I don’t want that?” Harrison tilted his head to the side as he folded his arms over his chest. She loved Eobard, but even if he was truly his older self, this was too much to ask for. “Listen, I’ve known you ever since you moved here all those years ago, it’s–”
“Weird, I know. Look, don’t think it’s easy for me. I watched the woman I love the most grow up, knowing it will be long years before I can even tell you the truth and we can be together. And even then, what would people say? You’re so much younger than the Harrison Wells they know, it would surely raise some questions.”
“Then why do you want me to be with you?”
He let out a heartfelt laugh before moving closer to cup her face with his hands. “Because I’m selfish and I need you in my life. I need my partner, I need things to be back to how they used to be before I got stranded in this dreadful period of time,” he admitted.
“But I’ve only been seeing your younger self for eight months, during which I met him a total of eight times. I’m not the same woman you left behind,” she told him softly, trying to make him understand that even if she agreed to this, things wouldn’t be the same.
Harrison gulped loudly as he thought about this. Maybe he had only just realized what Nina pointed out might be correct, that unlike her the woman he knew had been his girlfriend for who knows how long. Based on the way he talked about her–about the other version of her–she assumed it was a serious relationship, that the two of them were really close. But her and Eobard? It wasn’t that serious yet.
Nina reached up to wrap her fingers around his hands, ready to pry them off of herself, but he didn’t let her do that. His grip became firmer, his blue eyes locked with hers as he watched her. “It won’t be long before you admit that you love him. You already think this could be something serious, don’t you?” he asked with a smile. When she remained silent, he went on. “You introduced him to your parents, it has to mean something.”
“Yeah, maybe that’s the case, but you two are not the same. You know a lot more about me than I know about you. It isn’t fair,” the woman pointed out.
To her surprise, Harrison let out a short laugh. “You’ll get to know the both of us. I won’t tell you anything my younger self wouldn’t share with you, I can promise you that.”
“How would you know what he tells me?”
Finally letting go of her, he raised a finger with a smile, then walked over to the console by the wall, putting his hand on top of the device to activate it.
“Good afternoon, Dr. Wells,” said the holographic head that showed up.
“Gideon, show me Eobard Thawne’s logs about her,” he instructed the AI.
Nina walked over to him with her arms folded over her chest. There was a screen taking the head’s place, showing her a series of dates, each of them followed by another, much later date. “What’s this?” she asked as she turned to him.
Harrison’s lips curled into a delicate smile as if he was recalling a fond memory before answering her. “I kept track of our meetings. In the first column you can see your time, in the second one you can find mine,” he explained as he looked over at her. “Like I promised, I kept things linear as long as I could. Each meeting is a log, so this is basically a journal with the details of our dates. This way I always knew what I’d already told you.”
This made her think. He was the smartest man she knew, he surely wouldn’t forget these things. “Did you ever return to read these?”
“Every time I had a bad day,” he replied.
Before she knew what she was doing, she stood on her toes and pulled his head down to kiss him. Harrison seemed surprised by her action, but he eventually eased into it and wrapped his arms around her to pull her closer. It was clear he didn’t want to let go, but she didn’t even want to be away from him. This man, this version of her boyfriend clearly loved her more than anyone before.
Maybe it was a mistake. Maybe she shouldn’t have done that. Maybe it counted as cheating. But every cell in her body told her to do it, to test how weird this would be. To her surprise, she liked it a little too much. The way he kissed her reminded her of Eobard, every movement of his was screaming they were the same person, and so it was hard not to catch feelings.
Harrison was the one who broke the kiss, looking at her with a bright smile she had rarely seen on his face. “Attagirl,” he said quietly before placing a soft kiss on her forehead.
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mcbenson25 · 3 years
*Updated 01-16-2024*
Law and Order SVU
One Shots
Lunch date (Barba X Reader)
Attack (Barba X Reader)
Late Night Fights (Barba X Reader)
Fight The Good Fight For You (Barba X OFC)
Unspoken Bonds (Olivia Benson X Friend!Reader, Rafael Barba X Reader)
What You didn't Know (Carisi X Reader)
Birthday (Carisi X Reader)
Lost (Carisi X Reader)
Forgetful Appetite (Carisi X Reader)
More Than Just Extra Help (Carisi X OFC)
Can I Tell You Something? (Olivia X CloseFriend!Reader)
Job Interview (Barba X Reader) Part 1 Part 2
Good Cooks Are Hard to Find (Carisi X Reader) Part 1 Part 2
First Day (Carisi X Reader) Part 1 Part 2
What Was Never Meant To Be (Carisi X Reader) Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
One Night Destiny (Fin) Part 1 Part 2
No Matter the Cost (Fin X OC Character) Part 1 Part 2
If Only... Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5
The Lawyer’s Daughter (BarbaxDaughter!Reader) Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
Dear Mr. B (BarbaXReader) Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6
Together is Better
The Flash
Can You Feel it Too? (Nash Wells X Empath!Reader)
I Have Something For You (Eobard Thawne X Reader)
More than He Bargained For (Harry Wells X Reader, Eobard Thawne X Reader) Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Final Part
*Let Me Know If Any Links Don't Work!*
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unreliablesnake · 1 year
Of reverse love and stuff: Good news, bad news (Eobard Thawne x OFC x Harrison Wells)
Summary: Eobard comes to see Nina with good news, but all she has are bad news.
Note: If you want to know when I post new stuff, follow @unreliablesnakefics. If you want to read other parts of this series, check the #orlas tag.
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Eobard had a big smile on his face when his eyes fell on her in the middle of the crowded bar, and before she could say anything, he closed the gap between them and kissed her gently, clearly taking his time and enjoying every moment of their reunion. He was in a good mood, better than he usually was in when they met for their monthly dates, and Nina suddenly felt guilty for what she was about to do tonight.
“It’s gonna be cruel, I know that, but it has to be done tonight. I can’t waste more time,” Harrison had told her on the phone earlier that day, seconds after he warned her about Eobard’s expected arrival in the afternoon.
So she was now sitting across from him in a secluded booth, nursing a cocktail that was too bright for her current mood, but since his boyfriend decided to pick her favorite, she didn’t complain, only flashed a thankful smile at him. Her foot was tapping furiously from the nervousness that took over her system, and it was hard to pay attention to the small talk he began with.
She knew he had something important to say, and she couldn’t help but wonder what it could be. His bright smile and generally happy attitude made her curious, which is exactly why she put her feelings aside for a second to focus on him. Nina reached out to put her hand on his and she even flashed a smile at him when he looked at her.
“Why don’t you tell me what got you this excited?” she asked him.
“I found him. I found out what time period the Flash is from,” Eobard replied with an incredulous laugh. “After all those trips, I finally found out, and you know what? I found him only a few years from now.”
That was good news. He had been trying to pinpoint his enemy’s location in the timeline for a while now, but knowing he finally succeeded made her proud. “Congratulations, I guess. What now?”
He intertwined his fingers with hers as he thought about the answer. “I need to find out who’s behind the mask. That’s gonna be a tough one,” he admitted, but she could tell he kept the second half of the sentence to himself so he wouldn’t sound too arrogant.
Nina let out a short laugh at this. “You’ll figure it out. If anyone, you can do it,” she told him with a reassuring smile.
“I know we can’t meet as often as we should, but I’m trying. When I travel in time, getting home is usually the tricky part, but I do my best to keep this relationship alive,” he told her, though she couldn’t really understand what it was all about. Eobard only stopped for a second to raise her hand he was holding and place a soft kiss on it. “I love you, Nina. I know you love me, I will never forget that, and I want you to know that I’ll always be there for you.”
It was strange. Eobard wasn’t the emotional type, something must have happened that made him say things like this. “What’s gotten into you?” she asked with a chuckle.
Eobard leaned back into his seat with a satisfied smirk on his face. “Nothing, I’m just in a good mood. Is it a crime?” She shook her head with a smile as she did the same. “I missed you, darling. I always miss you, especially when I go home alone,” he explained, his words only leaving more question marks behind.
“Then don’t go,” Nina said out of nowhere, going against everything Harrison had told her. She was supposed to break up seemingly, not ask him to stay with her.
“You know I can’t stay.”
It hurt her. Sure, she had his older version all to herself now, but that wasn’t the same. She wanted this version of Eobard, her boyfriend, the man who had saved her life a few months ago. She wanted to be selfish, a part of her wanted to ask for more of his time despite knowing full well he was busy trying to identify his greatest enemy.
Her phone buzzed on the table and she took a quick glance at the phone. It was a message from Harrison, he wanted to know if she had told him the news. With a groan, she turned off the screen and returned her attention to her boyfriend. But Eobard wasn’t stupid, he knew something was up.
He watched her with a raised eyebrow for a few seconds, but when he realized she wasn’t about to tell him, he leaned closer to ask, “Nina, what’s going on?”
“I need to tell you something,” she began hesitantly, having no idea where to begin. “We… I can’t be with you. Not publicly, I mean,” she quickly corrected herself when she saw the look on his face.
“What do you mean by we can’t be together publicly?” he asked, the anger in his voice easily detectable by now.
“You–an older version of you–told me I officially have to be with Harrison, not you. I’m just doing what you told me,” Nina added nervously.
Eobard took a deep breath then exhaled slowly as he thought about what to say next. It was clear he was mad, probably planning his escape from her by now, but he behaved because he wanted to know more. “Why would I believe that?” he asked.
“You told me that’s how you would react. You said something like you should trust me because I’m not Rose. Whatever that means,” she added.
He licked his lips as his hazel eyes were fixed on her. “Let me get this straight. My older version wants you to break up with me so you could date Wells? What’s in it for me?”
Nina shrugged. She wasn’t allowed to say more than this. “I have no idea. But I’m apparently allowed to see you in secret,” she pointed out.
The air was heavy with tension and she didn’t know what else to say. By now she knew how hot headed he could be, and hearing this must have been hard for his ego. Her heart was beating so fast she thought it would jump out of his ribcage as she waited for him to finally say something.
But he only shook his head and stormed out of the bar without saying anything. Nina let her forehead hit the table with a loud thud once he was gone, and it was a tough battle to fight back her tears. Her phone buzzed again. And again. It drew a groan out of her as she reached for the device and looked at the notifications.
Harrison was losing his patience at home. She sent him a text to calm him down, saying she would stop by later to tell him about this meeting, but he insisted on meeting her as soon as possible. So she collected her jacket and bag, then went outside to call a taxi. After the conversation with Eobard, the last thing she wanted was facing his other version.
Once she got out of the car in front of his house, she had to take a deep breath to convince herself to go inside. “I can do this,” she said to herself.
Harrison let her in through the gate without a question, and already waited for her at the front door with his arms folded over his chest. Nina stopped a few feet away from him, keeping a comfortable distance for now. The disappointment could be seen on his face, but there was something else too, something she couldn’t quite decode yet.
“How did it go?” he asked her softly.
“What do you think?” she snapped, surprising him with the reaction. “He just left. I don’t know where he went, for a moment I even thought of the possibility of him coming here to punch you or something.”
Silence fell between them but she wasn’t worried about it. For the first time since she had known him, silence felt nice. But then he ruined it by opening his arms and taking a step closer to her. “Come here, sweetheart.”
“You fucked everything up, Harrison. What if I never see him again?” she asked him worriedly, fighting back her tears for the second time in a matter of hours.
“You will. He loves you, Nina, he will always come back to you,” he assured her as he pulled her into a hug, but she couldn’t believe him. “Trust me, he’ll return. He just needs to calm down a bit first.”
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unreliablesnake · 1 year
Of reverse love and stuff: How he met his lightning rod (Eobard Thawne x OFC x Harrison Wells)
Note: Let's start from scratch. I wrote this about five years ago.
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Strangely enough, if Rose hadn't turned him down and broken his heart with that, Eobard probably wouldn't have given Nina a chance when she sat down across from him in that café. So he was sort of grateful for Rose's actions, even though he was still furious about it.
Everything started with his quest to find out which time period the Flash was from. As he traveled in time, he once ended up somewhere before the Flash was born, and while he was searching for clues regarding whether or not he found the right time, Eobard decided to sit in a café, reading a newspaper and watching the people around him.
Out of the corner of his eye he noticed two young women sitting at a table who were chatting over their coffee and a pile of books. Normally he wouldn't have paid much attention to this, but one of them glanced over at him every once in a while, smiling whenever their eyes met. Eobard wondered if she was flirting with him, and this thought–if he was right, of course–somehow made him happy. He liked the attention; he really did.
His assumption was proven right when she suddenly stood up, picked up her coffee and walked over to his table.
"Do you mind if I sit here?" she asked, although she didn't wait for his answer and occupied the empty chair across from him. "I'm Nina," the woman added, extending her hand.
Eobard shook it with a barely visible smile on his lips. "I'm Eobard, it's nice to meet you."
"Eobard? That's... unique," Nina told him. She suddenly turned around, looking at her friend as if she was trying to tell her something. He wondered what it was all about. Was she planning to stand up and leave? A part of him definitely didn't want that, so he was glad to see her turn back to him and rest her elbows on the table, placing her hands on the sides of the coffee mug. "So are you from Central City?"
"No, I'm only here for a few days."
"Too bad," she told him without thinking.
He slightly tilted his head to the side, thinking about what it was all about. Based on her looks he thought she was only around twenty, since the books indicated that she was most probably a college student. Even though he was in his late twenties himself, he still didn't understand why she would flirt with him. But who knew, maybe it was just the doubt the events with Rose had left behind.
Even though he was only here to find the Flash, Eobard couldn't get himself to stand up and leave; he wanted to find out why she was interested in him. So he leaned back with a smirk and glanced at her with an almost challenging look as he asked, "Why?"
"Because I have a feeling you're an interesting person. And I like interesting people," she replied cheerfully. "So what do you do?"
"I'm a... scientist."
"And what's your field?"
Eobard couldn't say he was studying the Speed Force so he thought for a moment and said, "Physics. What about you?"
"I'm still going to college where I'm studying law, but I work for Central City Picture News as an intern. Hopefully I'll be a real journalist. Sounds a bit more fun than being a lawyer."
The moment he heard the word journalist, his body froze. It was all too familiar and reminded him of Rose which made him consider saying goodbye. But then he told himself she wasn't Rose, that this young woman came to his table by herself so he had no reason to push her away. He was planning to stick around for a few days anyway which meant he had time to see where this was going. Eobard wasn't looking for a relationship, it was only an experiment.
And so he continued the conversation, slowly learning quite a lot about the young woman. Her father was a lawyer, while her mother had a small company of her own, so her family could be considered wealthy--which she strangely didn't like because many people believed she was just some spoiled rich kid.
Their neighbor was a certain Dr. Harrison Wells he knew well enough from history books: he was the founder of S.T.A.R. Labs, the establishment that would one day begin the era of metahumans once the particle accelerator exploded.
After a while they realized the café was getting crowded and people were waiting for empty tables so they stood up and left the place, though they didn't part ways right away.
"Do you have plans for tonight?" she suddenly asked once they stepped outside. "Maybe we should continue this conversation over a drink."
"Are you old enough to drink alcohol?"
Nina's eyebrows rose as she looked at him. "Officially, no, according to the fake ID I may or may not have, yes. But don't worry about that, it's irrelevant. So would you like to join me tonight?"
A little voice in the back of his mind told him something wasn't right but he soon realized it was only his experience with Rose that made him doubt her intentions. "Are you sure?"
"I wouldn't have asked if I wasn't," Nina assured him with a wide grin.
And so Eobard agreed to meet her later that day. This was the first time he felt like a woman was really into him, like they truly wanted to get to know him. Not his work, but the person he was. It was a nice change.
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unreliablesnake · 10 months
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This, boys and girls, is the holy grail, aka the notebook with my "Of reverse love and stuff" Eobard fic snippets.
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Nina was sent to another Earth by Harrison before the events at the end of S1 so she wasn't around when Barry changed the timeline. That's why she remembers Flashpoint! Okay, I get it now.
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unreliablesnake · 2 years
FYI: I don't have a taglist. Please follow @unreliablesnakefics and hit the "Get notifications" button to know when I post new chapters/stories.
If you wanna know about my wip's, follow @unreliablesnakewip.
Simon "Ghost" Riley x reader
Forbidden Love
Untitled drabble #1
Smutty request #1
Hold it together when the world's on fire
Animals (smut)
Animals - part 2
Animals - part 3
Animals - part 4 (smut)
Animals - bonus chapter
Animals - bonus chapter 2
Abortion request
The bet
The bet – part 2
The bet – part 3
All of the girls you loved before
Movie night
Jealous Ghost request
Shy!reader request
Bitten - zombie!Ghost
I want you, but...
Bliss (smut) - I want you, but... part 2
Simon says (smut)
Lost and found
Smut drabble #1
It would've been nice (zombie!Ghost)
Jealous!Simon drabble
"Mare" series
Not on my watch
Is it too soon?
High (smut)
Dirty little secrets
"Osprey" series:
The only exception
Simon "Ghost" Riley x reader x John "Soap" MacTavish
It's time to have fun (smut)
Jealousy (smut)
John "Soap" MacTavish x reader
Smut drabble #1
Phillip Graves x reader x John "Soap" MacTavish
Sharing is caring
Sharing is caring – part 2
John Price x reader
Scenes from a relationship: the fight
Punishment (smut)
Am I old?
Give me a reason not to love you
König x reader
Can you handle it? (smut)
Your memory
One-night stand (smut)
Tall reader request
Jealous König request
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick x reader
The first proper date (Mare series)
Race day
The Boogeyman
Joel Miller x reader
Wounded animals
Someone like you
Early birthday present (smut)
Good girl (smut)
The plan
Workaholic!reader request
Dirty little secrets (smut)
You must be new here
I shouldn't love you, yet here we are
part 1
part 2
Phillip Graves x reader
The trip
Is it in your DNA?
Help me out
Marquis Vincent de Gramont x reader
Gf limited series
Proposal (smutish)
Dress-up game (smutish)
Territorial (smut)
Vincent takes a liking to you series
Vincent takes a liking to you HC's
Home is where your heart is
Hold on tight
The dress
Miguel O'Hara x reader
Keep your distance
Keep your distance - part 1
Keep your distance - part 1.5
My place
Villain!reader snippet
Harrison Wells & Eobard Thawne x OFC
Of reverse love and stuff
How he met his lightning rod
The parents
Good news, bad news
Harry Wells x reader
Somebody like you
Part 1
Part 2
141 x reader (barracks bunny)
You're reading what? (Ghost)
Punishment (Price. Smut.)
A special kind of therapy (Alex. Smut.)
The unlucky one (Ghost)
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unreliablesnake · 1 year
Of reverse love and stuff: The parents (Eobard Thawne x OFC x Harrison Wells)
Note: Nina introduces Eobard to her parents… and Harrison. || Check the ORLAS tag on my blog for other chapters. || If you want to know when I post new stuff follow @unreliablesnakefics.
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After seven months and only seven dates, Nina was ready to introduce Eobard to her parents. She couldn’t explain why she felt so confident about this relationship, but whenever she thought of Eobard, her heart skipped a beat, and she felt like kicking her feet and twirling her hair like some stupid teenager.
It was a strange new feeling with her thoughts always running wild with fantasies about their future together. This man somehow got her under his spell in such a short amount of time. She didn’t mind. He was good for her, even if he couldn’t be around that often. But when he was, they had more fun than she had ever had with anyone.
“My parents will probably do a background check on you so maybe we should reconsider this idea.”
Eobard came to a sudden halt, tilting his head to the side as he looked at Nina with an almost scolding expression on his face. “It will be fine,” he repeated the sentence once again with a smug smile, hoping this time she would accept it.
“But they will find out you don’t even exist,” she went on, keeping a short pause before adding, “as of now.”
“Nina, I’ve taken care of that already.”
“Really?” she asked skeptically.
“Yes, really.”
“And what should I call you in front of them then?” The speedster raised his eyebrow a tiny bit as he watched her in silence. “The Thawne family is well known by them so you’d be busted in a moment if you used your real name.”
Before replying to this, he leaned down and gently kissed her forehead. “Just follow my lead.”
Follow my lead. She’d heard this before and she didn’t like it back then either. “Remember–my mother will most likely dislike you no matter what you do, so don’t even try to get her approval. That would only make things worse,” she added quickly.
For some reason he looked almost terrifyingly calm as she watched him. “I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” he told her.
“And don’t be cocky,” Nina said with a disapproving look. “She hates that.”
At this Eobard only laughed and put an arm around her shoulder. “Why are you afraid of her?”
“What? I'm not afraid.”
“You’ve spent the last hour or so trying to convince me not to come here,” he pointed out with an amused smile.
“I think we’re wasting our time, that’s all.” For a moment she fell silent, then went on with her voice suddenly becoming low and sad. “You’re not here very often and I hoped we could spend some time together.”
Eobard let go of her shoulder and took her hand instead, raising it high enough so he could kiss the back of it. “We will, I promise.”
“For a time traveling speedster you’re pretty terrible at keeping this promise.”
“Is that so?” he asked with a short laugh.
“Yeah, the last ti–” Suddenly the door opened, interrupting her mid-sentence, and her father showed up with a wide smile on his face. “Hi, Dad,” she said without thinking.
The older man quickly moved forward to pull her into a hug. “Hello, honey.” Once he let go he finally paid attention to Eobard, the man who already had an arm around his daughter’s waist to keep her close. “You must be her boyfriend.”
“Eobard Bowen,” he replied without missing a beat as he extended his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Kingston.”
“He has manners! That’s new, Nina.”
Nina put a hand on her face as she shook her head. “Dad, please.”
“Alright, come in, your mother’s a bit impatient. Our other guests are already here.”
Guests? Guests weren’t a part of the plan. She would have preferred to be alone with her parents and Eobard, just to be sure things were real and not as theatrical as they were when others were around. “What guests? I thought it would be a family dinner so you can meet Eobard,” she noted.
“Oh, Harrison and that co-worker of your mother’s,” he began to explain though he suddenly stopped to think about something. “What’s her name? Lily or Linda?”
“You mean Lydia? The one with brown hair and grayish eyes?” Nina asked with a frown.
“Yes, she’s the one.”
“And why the hell are they here?”
“What do you think?”
She let out a long sigh upon hearing this. “Another blind date, I assume. Will she ever give up?” Nina asked, though she’d already known the answer to this one out of experience.
“Not until he finds someone,” her father replied with a shrug.
“Or leaves Central City for good.”
Their conversation ended at this point as her father turned around and went back inside, not looking back to see if the pair was following him. “Caroline, darling, Nina is here!” he called out.
Eobard didn’t let go of her as they went after him, his thumb constantly massaging the small of her back. “What is this all about?” he asked as he leaned closer to her ear.
“Don’t worry about it,” she quickly dismissed the question. “So Bowen, huh? Why this name?”
“It's just a name,” he told her casually.
“Alright, if you say so.”
Suddenly her mother appeared, walking towards them with open arms and a way too big smile on her lips. “Nina, sweetheart, you look amazing in this dress,” she said, completely skipping the greeting.
Of course Nina knew perfectly well what this compliment was all about. “You have impeccable taste, mom, thank you again.”
“You’re welcome.” Finally she paid attention to Eobard as well. “You must be her new boyfriend. I’m Caroline,” she said as she extended a hand.
Without hesitation he shook it and said, “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Eobard.”
“What an unusual name,” she said before looking over at her daughter.
“Yes, it is. Now, if you don’t mind, I promised to give him a tour before dinner,” Nina lied as she took his hand, intertwining her fingers with the speedster’s.
Caroline flashed a predatory smile at her. “I’d like to get to know him a little better so I’ll show him around.”
“I don’t think–”
“No, it’s a great idea,” Eobard said, interrupting her with a smile.
Nina gulped loudly as she looked at her boyfriend. Was he out of his mind? After the series of warnings she had given him, did he really think about agreeing to this? “Are you sure?” she asked cautiously.
The young woman finally let out a sigh and nodded. “Alright, fine,” she said, letting go of Eobard. “But don’t lose him, Mom.”
Her mother flashed a wide smile at her before linking her arm with his and heading down the hallway, already deep in a conversation. Nina didn’t really know what to think of this, mostly because her experience told her her boyfriends usually weren’t compatible with her. But maybe Eobard could charm her in the end, maybe he could even convince her father by the end of the evening that he was the right man for his daughter.
She decided to head to the spacious living room, but she was stopped on the way by a familiar voice. “Nina, it’s been a while, hasn’t it?” the man asked with a strange tone in his voice, speaking louder than one would expect when they were so close to each other.
“Yeah, it has,” she replied hesitantly as she looked at Harrison with a smile.
And that’s when he suddenly put a hand on her arm and said, “Please, save me from that woman.”
Nina looked over his shoulder at the brunette who was sipping her drink with her eyes burning holes into the man’s back. “She seems nice,” she noted quietly.
“We both know it’s not true.”
“Why don’t you tell my mother to stop trying to set you up with someone?”
“I did, several times.”
Nina couldn’t help but laugh despite sensing the desperation in his voice. The mysterious Harrison Wells people talked so much about couldn’t handle her mother’s constant scheming. Brilliant.
The man put his arm around her shoulder and leaned a little closer to her as they began to walk away from his date. “She seems to like your new boyfriend,” he said conspiratorially.
“Yeah, she does. It’s strange, I mean she usually doesn’t like anyone I bring home.”
“Well, at least now you look happy and relaxed, not like the last time when you dragged Jeff to that Christmas party,” Harrison pointed out with a smirk.
With an amused hum, she nudged the man a little with her shoulder. “It’s kind of creepy how up-to-date you are with my love life.”
“I just pay attention to people. Especially those I like.”
“So how are you?” He came to a halt, as if this question surprised him and even took him off guard a little. “Dad said something about you being a workaholic lately. Do you really spend so much time in S.T.A.R. Labs?”
He let his hand slip off her shoulder before turning face to face with her. “I’m in the middle of some very interesting projects. Why don’t you jump in one day? We could have lunch,” he suggested.
But Nina knew better than to believe it would be nothing more but a friendly chat. “If it’s about that job, my answer is still no.”
“Some people could kill for an opportunity like this. Look, all I’m asking for is one hour from your life; I’ll tell you about the job and you can even meet the people you’d work with.”
“Harrison, please,” she tried.
“Alright, fine, but think about it.”
“I will.”
Nina was so preoccupied with her conversation with Harrison that she only noticed Eobard when he wrapped an arm around her waist from behind and placed a soft kiss on her temple. “Here you are,” he said happily.
“That was quick,” she said worriedly before turning around to look him in the eye. “Suspiciously quick. What happened?”
Shaking his head, he flashed a smile at her. “Nothing, your mother got a call.”
“You got me worried for a second.” Out of the corner of her eye she noticed the expectant look on Harrison’s face which reminded her of her lack of manners. “Oh, right, I’m so rude. Harrison, this is my beloved boyfriend, Eobard. Eobard, he’s Harrison, our neighbor and also a good friend of ours.”
“I’ve heard a lot about you,” Harrison told him as he extended his hand.
“Well, I can’t say the same.” The speedster took a deep breath then turned to Nina with an irritated look on his face that made her wonder if she really hadn’t spoken enough about Harrison in the past. But he was just a family friend, why should she mention him on a date? “Can we talk somewhere?” Eobard asked her.
“Yeah, sure. Excuse us, Harrison.” The pair walked out of the house and once she closed the door behind herself, Nina turned to her boyfriend. “What’s wrong with you?”
Eobard only watched her in silence for a few seconds before he ran a hand through his dirty blond hair surprisingly nervously. “I don’t like the way he acts around you,” he began, then immediately went on. “I saw the way he touched and looked at you, it wasn’t something a family friend would do.”
“What? This is what you wanted to talk about? That you are jealous?” she asked with a laugh.
“You think I’m jealous of him? Please, I assumed you knew me better,” he replied confidently.
“Then what is your problem?”
“Unless there’s something you’re not telling me about the two of you, then something’s not right with this guy. I don’t know what it is, but I’ll find out.”
She was quick to raise a hand. “No, you won’t.”
“Nina, I only want to protect you,” he tried.
“I know, and it’s really sweet, but I can look out for myself,” she told him with a reassuring smile as she put her hands on his cheeks. “Harrison often acted like a babysitter when my parents wanted to do something together so he’s not a threat. Also, he only wants to convince me to accept a job at S.T.A.R. Labs.”
Eobard’s hazel eyes were fixed on her face as he probably tried to decide whether or not to believe her. When she leaned in to kiss him softly, only testing the waters for now, Nina felt a wave of relief wash through her body when he returned it and pulled her closer. She knew he could be insecure. He had never mentioned it, but it was easy to detect it in the way he acted around her.
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