withinthesebones · 2 years
@entityforged liked for a randomized one-liner... from jackson.
“i trusted you!”
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stiiqma · 1 year
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if it were blythe's choice, he would have been home hours ago. but he can't really say no when his boss tells him to stay late. blythe did see the texts from liah, but he was just too focused on getting home and he had a feeling the other probably had fallen asleep waiting up for him. a soft smile forms on blythe's features as liah is quick to pull him closer. with his hand at the back of the other's neck, he gives him all the time he needs to wake up before liah pulls back. watching him sign, blythe nods. "yeah. some stuff came up and i had to stay late to cover the calls that were happening. and someone also called out, so i had to stay back and take care of things." moving his hand, he places it against the other's cheek. "i'm sorry i made you wait so long."
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earlydew · 1 year
@entityforged sent , [ lonely ] sender finds receiver alone in a dark room ( noah + sungjae )
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    papers were scattered all over his bed, evidence of his futile attempts to write as that's how he sungjae had chosen to spend his birthday. he felt thoroughly jaded. another year older, yet he was not where he had hoped to be in both his personal and professional life. just as he dwelled on those thoughts, the door to the room creaked open and it wasn't difficult for him to discern who it was. he let out a tired sigh but remained still in his bed. “ whatever you have to say, can we talk about it later? i'm not in the mood. ”
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khianat · 1 year
› ₊ ˚ ⊹ @entityforged › 🤎 for a starter feat. dongmin
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dongmin didn't have a mysterious friend who owned an ice rink he could use to practice and record his videos. if he worked on a new choreography for his monthly upload, he had to visit the regular places like everyone else and when he wanted to film, he needed to book a rink for an hour to get that done. a pricy passion that seemed to be worth it and which made him used to working with the tiny space that was available at most spots while usually, lessons for kids or older people were held who wanted to learn or whose parents hoped for the "maybe". he had come to this one more frequently lately, it was closer to his new apartment and while he had a rough idea of who worked here and used the place, they never made it outside of a few conversations as usual. by the time he showed up staff was busy already cleaning, allowing him to use the small space until they shut down. his conversations with lennon had been short and while he was familiar with who they were, it didn't really matter to him, he thought the other was a nice person even tho, they did not seem to be much of an easy chat. so far, he also had failed to see them skate or teach, knowing it was something they seemed to be doing, based on words of other visitors. he wouldn't deny his curiosity. maybe today was a better chance, it was late and dongmin knew he only had an hour of time left to get in the final practice before a scheduled recording for his next video in 2 days. he was fixing his boot, considering it before attempting a conversation when he spotted them nearby: 'i keep forgetting how quiet it is during summer vacations but makes sense kids are keener to report how they went to the pool rather than freezing. at an ice rink'
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lonehearts-a · 1 year
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oz, without much ceremony, drops down across from benny, expression twisted into something vaguely annoyed and tired. before they can ask, he heaves out a sigh, fidgeting a little. "some guy tried to fight me at work because his frozen margarita was cold. i don't even know. regular ones aren't even hot. please tell me your day was better than mine." / @entityforged liked for a starter. oz to benny.
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ghostsxagain · 1 year
continued from here | @entityforged
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Seeley was the kind of person that gave 110% to every relationship he had. Someone needed a drive? Done. Short on cash? Done. Whatever it was, he'd find a way to do it. In return, he asked for, well, nothing. It was difficult for him to express what he needed. So he just didn't. Not unless it had been festering for awhile. And this certainly had. "Yeah, it would be sweet to have someone there who actually knows me, you know? Not just someone who'd been tracking my career waiting to see if I'd finally choke or whatever. I kinda want you around all the time, Ash. I like you, you dork." He was pleased by Ash's answer though, and honestly surprised by it. He knew better than to challenge it though - just accept the win.
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interxstitial · 2 years
@entityforged​ sent: “ ‘is  that  …  my  shirt ?’ they will be soft. or else. ”
they’re in the middle of the produce aisle, twenty minutes into their outing, when caspian drops the question. jiwon doesn’t know how to respond at first, other than blinking dumbly and freezing with two handfuls of spinach bunches. then comes the warmth in the apples of his cheeks, spreading all the way to the tips of his ears, and jiwon is just grateful that his beanie keeps them covered. after his brain finally gets past the buffering stage, he clears his throat quietly and drops one of the spinach bunches into their shopping basket. “yes,” is all he says at first. only after he’s moved on to inspect the carrots does jiwon speak again, invariably shy in the way he avoids eye contact now. “i borrowed it, um.. after staying over one night. i washed it and meant to return it but—” (can his mouth please stop moving?) “—i guess i kept it and wore it today.” (he’s doomed.)
questioning minds starters: ACCEPTING!
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brokenfractions · 1 year
closed starter for @entityforged // rihan to ???
"you know, it would be a lot easier for me to work if you weren't hovering around," he sighs, exasperated, closing out of photoshop. "alright, what's on your mind? i know you want to talk about something."
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svndowning · 1 year
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“stop saying i’m jealous. i’m not— i just. i don’t like having to share.” / closed for @entityforged !
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gam3bo1-movedagain · 1 year
( 💌 ) closed starter for: @entityforged
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daniel swipes his tongue across his bottom lip, hyperconscious of the way they were still tingling. "do—are... so you're saying... you regret it?" because i don't, his mind adds, but he doesn't dare vocalise that.
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withinthesebones · 1 year
@entityforged sent "is it alright if i come in?" for jolie from tristan.
she's been seen on tv in all sorts of emotional states - crying, undressed, angry, sick - but she swipes the tears away anyway. something about this, someone seeing her, no characters, no cameras, is somehow the worst. "yeah," she says. she manages a wobbly smile, though, that feels convincing at least - that much she's well-practiced in. "you can come in. sorry," she adds. "just a... weird day."
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stiiqma · 1 year
【 a starter for @entityforged 】
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"while the newer sequels aren't my favorite, i still enjoy the force awakens simply because it had a set up it be something beautiful. but i'm still bitter that the creators were too much of pussies to actually have finnpoe happen you know?" parker is always too passionate when it comes to his favorite franchise. "i just think they could have done more. and as someone that read the old extended novel universe, i saw the twists coming from a mile away. why not fully lean into it?"
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earlydew · 1 year
@entityforged sent: " you don't need to thank me. you'd fix me up if i came to your door with this much trouble, too. "
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     " yeah, i guess i would. " zihao had stumbled into the other's place as if on autopilot, guided by exhaustion, frustration, and the comfort he knew he would find within these walls. " i thought, i really thought i had it this time. but i messed up, cheonbok. i let it slip through my fingers. again. " the underground fighter slumped against the wall, his breath ragged and his body aching from the relentless blows he had endured. " i just needed to come here… maybe being here with you would help me forget, even for a little while, " he confessed, his voice laced with vulnerability.
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khianat · 1 year
› ₊ ˚ ⊹  summer themed starter  ›  feat. @entityforged feat. mhir
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'you know if you really hate the flavor we can switch. i didn't touch my milkshake yet and i am fine with it, we can just switch the drinking straws and it's as good as new,' mhir offered to the other. 'i mean, we can't miss out on finishing a perfect summer day with a stunning sunset and yummy milkshake.'
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pckdrop · 2 years
𐐪 a closed starter for @entityforged featuring daisy and laurence, based on the plot in the source.
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while it had been a fairly long time since one of laurence’s breakout acting gigs as a child, there were a few things from his past that stuck with him. one of those things was daisy. everyone says you remember your childhood sweetheart and that was most definitely true for him. while she wasn’t a constant thought in his mind, he found himself occasionally wondering how she was doing. but never thought they would run into each other like this, laurence deciding to pick up his niece from school while visiting his hometown for his father’s funeral. while he felt all eyes of the other staff on him due to how well-known he was, his eyes were glued to her. his mouth fell open slightly as he approached her, giving her an awkward wave. “wow, of all the people i thought i would see here… you were not on the list daisy mckean.” he chuckled softly. “how have you been? what are you doing here?” he wet his lips. “or would you rather answer those questions over coffee or something?” okay, maybe he still had some charm when it counted.
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hishedonism · 2 years
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@entityforged ➤ random dialogue prompts   ➤ accepting
william said : i’ll sleep on the floor.
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his gaze slides past william and fixes on the bed behind him, down to the hard patch of floor at its side, and back to him again. brows quirk, and his blink is slow and disbelieving.
⠀ ⠀❛     should i be offended right now ? i've never had someone this desperate not to sleep with me.     ❜
alright, so the bed isn't massive, but it's also the most comfortable thing in this entire apartment. he supposes he could be selfless and take the floor himself, but, well. it's not a trait he ascribes to for a reason.
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⠀ ⠀❛     seriously, man, it's fine. i mean, i dunno if you've noticed, but this isn't exactly the ritz. i'm already kind of a shitty host by default. least i can do is not let you sleep on the fuckin' ground.     ❜
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