#enstars nsft
mauvecandela · 2 years
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ummm awashi 🥰
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sakumasmut · 5 months
Enstars x Reader NSFW Month Day 10
Himeru x Bunny!Fem!Reader
late again, but I promise it’s worth it. Lily when you see this, hope you enjoy (and maybe be inspired to write a continuation wink nudge)
tags/warnings: breeding, vaginal sex, mating cycles
The coming of spring meant several things. Sunny days, floral breezes, gardens and parks full of color, and an uptick in sneezing from the unfortunate souls with pollen allergies (poor Koga was wearing a mask every time you saw him). For those with more primal instincts, the warmer weather meant it was the start of mating season. For the bunnies in Ensemble Square, it was time to either avoid contact with everyone and quarantine themselves, or get busy until all their cravings were satisfied.
You assumed heats were a necessary evolutionary trait thousands of years ago, but in the present day when your main source of stress was working an office job in a capitalist economy, your part-rabbit body throwing a hissy fit over not having a mate just made things even more stressful. The current situation you were in was a prime example of what problems the mating season could bring to the table, kneeling in front of a newer producer and comfortingly stroking their arm as they quivered in their seat.
“Stay here until the taxi arrives.” You spoke calmly to them. They were shaking and flushed red, not having expected to go into heat in the middle of work. “Once you get home, stay there until all the symptoms go away. Don’t worry about work; I’ll take care of it, m’kay?”
“Thank you, senpai.” They quietly sobbed, squeezing and rubbing their long ears to soothe themselves.
They were extremely lucky you happened to notice them hunched over in the hall and escorted them to a safe room before their vulnerable position attracted the wrong type of person. Mating season clouded people’s senses, you knew that too well. Married hybrids usually mated during March, to get it out of the way, but for single people, it was mostly just a waiting game until your body decided it craved a mate. You hadn’t gotten your heat yet, but you felt prepared to lock yourself in a room and call a taxi the moment you felt any sort of onset, to avoid ending up in the exact situation you were helping your coworker out of. For now though, you felt as fresh and (relatively) not horny as ever, and so said goodbye to the younger producer once their lift had arrived, escorting them to the car before rushing off to the meeting you were already late for.
“Sorry I’m late!” You quickly spoke as soon as you pushed the door open, the only person in the room looking up from the sound of your voice.
“Don’t worry, Himeru got your message.” The idol replied cooly, demeanor as nonchalant as ever. “The emergency situation you were dealing with, is it alright now?”
“Yes, yes, it’s all good.”
You were glad Himeru was an understanding person. It was a quality you liked about him, among other things. Maybe you were biased since you had worked with him for a few months on his solo jobs, but he always treated you kindly. You did notice he was harsher with his rowdy unit mates, but it only made you giggle more than anything, seeing him as the sort of person who gave as much respect as he received.
“If it’s not rude for Himeru to ask, what was it you were preoccupied with?”
“Ah, just some rabbit related stuff. You know how spring is for us.”
He frowned and knit his brows together as he looked you up and down.
“Producer, you aren’t feeling…ill, are you?” Himeru asked, “Himeru wouldn’t want you to be in a public place if you’re experiencing such symptoms.”
You flushed, realizing his misunderstanding. “No, ah, it’s not me! I was helping a younger rabbit who went into heat!” Being all red in the face and running into the room covered in sweat didn’t help with your case, as you could tell from his unchanging expression.
“Trust me, I would not be anywhere near here if my heat started! It usually starts pretty late in the spring, so I’m safe for a while.”
He nodded, expression relaxing at your assurances.
“It would certainly pose a large problem if it did. Though, if you ever find yourself in an unpleasant situation like that, Himeru would be glad to assist you in any way possible.”
“Huh?” You blinked at his words. What did he mean by that? Surely he meant that you could rely on him during emergencies, right?
“Now, shall we talk about your latest proposal?”
“Ah, yes!” You smacked yourself on the cheeks to rid yourself of those thoughts. “Here, I have the paperwork. Look over it and tell me what you think!”
You certainly weren’t lying when you said your heats came rather late into the season. People always complained about getting them early in March, but at least when they got them, afterwards they could go about their lives freely with no worries about getting sucker punched by their bodies. For you, spending a good two months worrying about the possibility that it’d come earlier was always a source of stress you had to push in the back of your mind, until finally it did come on a sunny May morning.
You woke up in a sweat, despite having taken a shower the previous night, and everything felt warm, way too warm. Funnily enough, you were meant to meet up with Himeru that afternoon, just as you did last month when you dealt with your coworker going into their own heat. You remembered what he had said about helping you if you ever found yourself in this situation, and thinking about the idol’s words made your horny mess of a brain wander to very obscene thoughts, which you had to smack yourself on the head to rid yourself of. No! You weren’t thinking clearly! You did struggle to understand what he meant, until you considered he likely referred to helping you with calling out of work and telling your clients you’d be unavailable. Having someone do all that for you rather than struggle with forming coherent sentences through a slog of calls sounded great right about now, and so you dialed him up once you managed to grab your phone. He picked up immediately after the first beep.
“Good morning, producer. Do you need Himeru for something?”
Just the sound of his alluring voice was making your body heat up. Stupid horny brain.
“Yeah, sorry this is sudden, but I need help with my heat.” You muttered, before realizing how it sounded without context and backtracking, “I meant—I need help with work, because I’m in heat! I need to tell my clients that I’ll have to reschedule, and you said that you could help, right?”
There was silence on the other end, and for a second you worried that maybe you had offended him somehow, before he responded with an “Understood, Himeru will inform everyone he needs to.”
You thanked him gratefully, and recited a list of people for him to message or call about your situation. That was a big weight off your shoulders, and now you could sink into bed and deal with your heat…all alone…
“Producer, can Himeru help in any other way? This time of year must be quite exhausting for your kind.”
Indecent thoughts of him came flooding back, of scenarios where Himeru could help you in ways your body needed the most…
“Perhaps you’d like him to bring you food and other supplies?”
“T-That’d be great, thanks.”
You hung up after giving him your address, and flopped yourself back onto the sheets, skin feeling sweaty and mind replaying how his voice sounded against your ear, wanting to hear it again after only a few seconds. The professional in you was already regretting saying yes to his offer, asking what kind of producer would invite an idol to their house in the middle of their heat, but the other part of you who saw him as a friend, perhaps a bit more, did really want the company. It would still be a while before he got here though, especially since he promised to do some of your work for you, and you wondered if your impatient body could even last until then.
A wave of desire washed over you, making you shudder. You tugged one of your long ears over your face, rubbing circles soothingly on the pink insides as your legs kicked your blanket off the bed. Your body was way too hot, yet no amount of ice would cool it off, only another person’s own heat enveloping your own would make it go away. You began to grind your hips against your pillow, whining into it, trying to pretend it was another person’s body—specifically a certain blue-haired idol. If you shut your eyes, maybe you could pretend he was already here in your house, comforting you with his presence.
You wondered how it would feel grinding against his thigh, imagining his yellow eyes watching you with immense interest. Yes, you could envision it so well in the blank space of your hormone filled brain. His hands would rest on your hips, holding you in place so you couldn’t climb off as you bucked against his leg. He’d see the wet mess pooling from your crotch area, dripping onto his pants, but rather than chastise he’d praise you, encouraging you to keep humping his leg until you came all over him.
You whined to yourself, the friction between your thighs and the pillow only making you feel a dull ache. You kept trying to chase an orgasm, anything to make your tensed up body feel better, but with only air for your cunt to clench around, you couldn’t bring yourself to. The buzz of the doorbell snapped you out of your daydream. How many minutes had passed? Were you so immersed in the scenario in your head that time had flown without you realizing, or was Himeru just that fast in getting to you? Your legs were shaky as you stood up, each step making your body wobble forward. You doubted you’d be able to leave the bed if you fell back onto it. You opened the door, and as expected Himeru was there, holding a plastic grocery bag.
“Good morning, producer.” His eyes scanned your form, and you did your best to stand upright without shaking. “Are you feeling alright?”
“I-I’m fine. Come on in.”
You tried to look composed as he entered, trying to keep your ears upright and hoping that he couldn’t sense the pheromones your body was releasing. If he could, he didn’t give any indication, expression as blank as ever while he placed the bag on your kitchen counter.
“Himeru admits, he doesn’t know much about your situation. But he tried to get things that could help.”
He took out some snacks and drinks, ones that you immediately recognized as your go-tos in the break area of the ES building. You smiled softly, touched that he would remember your preferred foods.
“Thank you. This means a lot.”
“It’s not a problem. Is there anything else Himeru can do for you while he’s here?”
He kept asking that same question, if he could do anything for you, and the short answer was that he could. But you were too scared to make the first move, in case he actually wasn’t interested in going further than your relationship as an idol and producer. Surely he’d cut ties with you if he didn’t mean it that way, and not seeing him again would hurt more than the rejection. Your body heated up again, as if begging you to voice your desires. You had to bite your lip to stop yourself from audibly whimpering, something Himeru noticed.
“You look quite feverish, perhaps you should go back to your bed to rest?”
“Y-Yeah, maybe I should. Let me just put these away first…”
You took a step towards the counter to take some of the food away, but immediately stumbled. You braced yourself for the impact, but Himeru’s hands moved quickly to catch you. One hand grabbed your shoulder while the other circled around your stomach, pulling you up against his chest. A moan couldn’t help but come out of you at the warmth of his touch, cutting through the sexual tension like a knife. You froze up when you realized what you did, the silence following making you almost certain he heard it.
“S-Sorry, I’m just so…” You stammered, trying to come up with excuses. “out of it.”
His hands were still on you, the mere contact making you want to collapse into his chest. You really didn’t want him to let go, you wanted to imagine his arms wrapped around you forever, so you wondered when you were going to be hit with reality and have his arms release their hold, expecting him to excuse himself and leave you to deal with your heat alone again. Except, they didn’t. They stayed on your body, and you swore he even pulled you closer.
“…Forgive Himeru for being unprofessional, but I can’t bear to leave you in this state.”
You looked up at him in surprise, only now noticing how hungry his gaze was as his eye bore directly into you. He moved the arm that was around your waist underneath your legs to scoop you up into a bridal carry. All the snacks went ignored as he brought you into your bedroom, having decided to have a taste of something else. You squealed as he dropped you onto the mattress. You would be embarrassed by how messy your bed was if your heart wasn’t beating out of your chest from the sight of Himeru leaning over you, face so close to yours you could hear his breathing. You truly felt like prey, his prey.
“If you want me to leave, tell me so now.”
His voice was husky, looking at you with a deadly serious expression that made shivers run down your spine. His presence was intoxicating, you couldn’t let him leave now. You needed him here, with you, to satisfy you. You kept your lips shut as you stared straight at him, and your arms uncrossed themselves from above your chest to rest on either side of your body.
“Stay. Please.”
His expression softened at your resolution, and he reached a hand out to stroke your long ears gently, gliding his fingers upwards along the fur. You whimpered, thighs squeezing together. Himeru noticed, and gently placed a hand on one knee to pry your legs apart. A wet spot on your crotch area gave away your arousal, and he hummed.
“Poor girl. May I take these off?”
You nodded, and he carefully pulled your pajama bottoms off, exposing your soaked pussy. He pressed a finger against one of your swollen lips, already glistening with your juices. You trembled as he brought it to his mouth, making eye contact with you as he licked it clean.
“So wet already…your body must not want to waste any time.”
He didn’t either, as his gaze momentarily left your body to focus on the buttons of his pants. Seeing the tent that had formed in the short time it took to bring you here filled you with a sense of satisfaction, eased that he was enjoying this as much as you were. Once you saw his erection pop out from his boxers, your body seemed to clench even tighter in anticipation, unable to resist the idea of having it stuffed inside you. Your instincts told you to get onto all fours, knees spread wide to present yourself to your mate, and Himeru cooed at your eagerness.
“Good girl. Such a good bunny for me.”
His words went straight to your cunt, feeling it throb even before his dick was anywhere near it. Being reduced to the bunny in heat you were, his bunny, just felt right. You weren’t a producer right now, you were a helpless rabbit that was begging to be bred. He parted your folds with two fingers, coating them with your slick and rubbing it on his length, lubing it up as you squirmed impatiently, your tail’s movements giving away your excitement.
“Tell me what you want.”
Even now, when you were so close to what your body craved, your lips refused to move. He leaned in close to your ear, close enough that you felt them brush against it when he spoke.
“Do you want me to mount you?”
You whined, babbling affirmative noises as he chuckled at how his words left you quivering in anticipation, lifting your rear high into the air to ask him to take you already. The warm feeling of something pressing against your entrance followed. He pushed himself in slowly, much too easily with how wet you were. Every nerve in your body was focused on the feeling of his length sinking completely into your wet cunt, all the way to the hilt, before slipping back out. Even in your wildest wet dreams you never thought he would be making you feel so full, so complete.
The noises you made were all quiet, either cut short by them catching in your throat or muffled by the pillow you were burying your face into. If he were going any faster, surely the squelch between your union would make a wonderful sound, but at his current pace the only sound in the room was his breathing and your muffled whining.
Himeru’s hands kept your hips steady as he pushed in and out of you, each thrust making the butterflies in your stomach flutter. Being filled by him just felt so right. This was what you were craving, cock stuffed inside you, body weight pressed down to make sure you couldn’t escape. Yet despite how your body trembled, how your legs were spread so wide for him, Himeru was still taking it slow, trying to make sure he wasn’t pushing you too much. It was still relieving your desire, but the slow jolts of pleasure weren’t enough, you needed something more primal to satiate yourself.
“What’s wrong?” He hummed, rocking his hips back and forth, “Is Himeru’s little bunny still needy?”
“Hah~ Meru…” You whined. “Faster, please, I want to feel you deep inside me~”
Who was he to deny you when you sounded so desperate underneath him? He pulled his cock out almost entirely before sinking balls deep inside you, making sure to do it harshly enough that your toes curled when he did. A louder whine escaped you, and it found itself joined by more as he slammed himself into you over and over again. Your short tail brushed against the skin of his stomach, flicking back and forth with each thrust. He reached out to take it in his hand, and you mewled when he lifted it up.
“So you’re sensitive here.” He hummed, gently stroking the white under-fur with his thumb.
“A-Ah, w-wait, mmh~”
Your eyes nearly rolled back in your head, knees wanting to give in from his touch, but he made you keep your hips upright, your back falling to a downwards slant as your arms gave in. You cried out when the first orgasm of your heat finally came, and through it all he just kept fucking you into the mattress, his own grunts of effort filling the air as he focused on the feeling of your warm walls trying to milk his cock.
“Bunny, you’re so tight.” He grunted. “You’re going to make me finish, too.”
“Inside, do it inside!” You whined, pushing your hips back towards him. Being in heat meant you were the most fertile you could’ve ever been; if he came inside you, surely it’d end with carrying his litter. But instead of being terrified of the idea, in the haze of your heat you wanted nothing more than for him to fill you up with his kids, as many as he wanted. He seemed to hesitate, noticeably slowing down.
“I-Himeru shouldn’t do that.”
“Hah, Meru, please!” There were nearly tears in your eyes as you turned to look back at him, pleading. “Breed me, knock me up, just give me everything!”
Your voice was so desperate, your body so eager to take his seed, to become his breeding bunny…he couldn’t help himself, his movements becoming more erratic as he growled out your name. He didn’t seem like he was going to pull out anymore, that was sure.
You mewled as his cock continuously pressed against the entrance to your womb, as if trying to coax it to open a bit further for the oncoming delivery. You chanted his name, the only noise reaching your ears your pitiful “Meru”s until he finally let out a loud groan, eyes shutting tight as he came inside you. The warmth flooding into you made your body and brain equally fuzzy, leaving you unable to think as you both came down from your highs.
“Did that satisfy you, bunny?” Himeru murmured against your ear, lips brushing over them and almost kissing them. He was still inside you, and you were sure he could feel how you clenched tightly around his cock at his words, wanting to feel it grow hard again.
“My my, seems like it didn’t.” He tisked, lifting your hips up high and forcing your shaky knees to support the weight of his hips pressed flush against your ass with a half-hearted whine. “You’re making me work overtime, producer. So all I ask is that you reward Himeru appropriately.”
If the reward he wanted was to make you swell with kids, well, it was practically already fulfilled. After all, he wasn’t going to leave his bunny alone after only one load, was he?
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enstarriedownbad · 1 year
Izumi Sena x F!reader
‼️Minors DNI
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Genre: smut
Tags: dom! Izumi, reverse yandere, jealous (of you), hate-intercourse, unrequited love (you love him), misunderstanding, rough, mixed feelings
Plot: You’ve been hanging around Izumi’s favorite people for too long. He wants to show you that they only belong to him. For all he knows, it’s him that you love.
Words: 3,059
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By clicking on "show more," you acknowledge that you are 18+ and consent to read this fiction.
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First, it was Makoto, and now Leo. You have been hanging out with them from time to time recently. At ES, during work, in town… What you may or may not know is that these two are dear to a certain man. To him, your discussions always look fun from afar, fun enough to keep them distracted for a while. The time spent with you exceeds what he, Izumi, thinks is appropriate. Plus, after chatting with you, these two men always mention you to him. That's it, he's jealous.
He's known them for way longer than you, but now all they ever talk about in his presence is you? You would sometimes hang out with them at the same time as him. However, the few times you two interacted alone, you acted differently in front of him than when you were with his friends. To him, it is as if you are seducing them for your own goals, as if you are trying to take them away from him.
One evening, both you and Izumi are held back at ES for various reasons. On your way to leave work, he happens to spot you and takes the liberty to join you.
"Good evening, Y/N," he greets you.
"Oh- Good evening Izumi-san…" you reply quietly.
There we go. The "-san" honorifics followed by a distant tone. He noticed that when you call out for Makoto, or when you chat with Leo via text, you only use their names. So why were you acting so familiar with them? The answer is very simple: you are in love with Izumi. His friends noticed, and gladly give you some advice every now and then because who, other than his 'little brother' and best friend, could help you out on this? That's why they mention you to him: they ship you together.
However, it goes without saying that he doesn't know. He is too busy focusing on potential threats because of obsessive tendencies.
"You know, you can drop the '-san' with me too," he tells you while opening the exit door for you.
"Really? Okay, 'Izumi'," you reply while walking out the front door as you feel your cheeks getting redder.
You try to hide your face so that he doesn't see the blush mess that you are right now. To your dismay, Izumi interprets this as a passive-aggressive sign. He is now certain that you are acting differently around them. He wants to have a word with you.
"Are you going home?" he asks.
"Yes, why?" you reply.
"Hm… Do you want to go somewhere before heading home?"
"Sure… But where?"
He wants to get you to a quiet place, where he won't be bothered by random people. But he doesn't want another 'kidnapping' scandal to happen, so it won't be at his place. It is night right now, so most stores are closed… A karaoke? No, too noisy. Cafés? Too crowded. A hotel? Sounds like a good plan. Then, hotel it is.
Wait… To a hotel? He suddenly has an idea to make you back off from them.
You, on the other hand, can feel your heart pounding against your chest. Izumi is asking you on a date, right? You always lose your mind when you are around him. After all, your little crush on him turned into something bigger recently.
"Can we go to the hotel? I have something I'd like to tell you in private," he replies with a cold tone that you don't even notice.
"Sure, lead the way," you reply happily, eager to hear what he has to tell you.
Once you get to the hotel room, Izumi closes the door behind you.
"So what is it that you wanted to talk about, Izum–"
"I heard you had a crush."
'There is no way he knows that I like him!' you start thinking, embarrassed. And you are right. In fact, Izumi still doesn't know. He believes you're into either Leo or Makoto and acts according to it.
"I know you've been trying to get with a certain someone?" he says while getting closer to you. "You know I'm the one who's the most worthy, right?" he adds, trying to show you that he's the better option even though you don't even like either of them.
If only he knew that you liked him, he could have anticipated the fact that you just interpreted all of his sentences in a completely different way.
He gets closer and closer to you. As you slowly back up from Izumi aggressively walking up to you, you realize too late that the bed is right behind you. You trip and fall on top of it.
"I'm not gonna repeat, so listen. If it's just a one-night stand that you're looking for, I can do it. So look no more around you," he adds while staring at you with a cold glare from upward, trying to push you to accept.
What you don't know is that his plan isn't only to make you go to someone other than Leo or Makoto for sex. His goal is also to make you feel 'tainted' so that these two would never want to be with you after this night. He wants to ruin you.
But you love him and don't understand why he's acting like this all of a sudden. You believe he thinks you are an easy girl and wants to try something with you tonight after what his friends told him about you. It's the only rational reasoning that pops up in your mind. Or maybe the way he worded it could be a sign of jealousy towards the other men you talk to? After all, who could have guessed his real plan. Nonetheless, you still have some self-respect and decide to draw some boundaries. You are not to be considered some kind of easy girl.
"Izumi! That's not what I–"
You hear the sound of metal tickling. You lower your eyes. He's removing his belt. Looks like he's serious about this.
You remain frozen, not in fear, but because of something else. Your crush is really asking you to have intercourse in a hotel room he just rented? Although he's saying nonsense after nonsense, this is more than what you could ever dream of.
"Careful. If you stay here and remain idle like this, I'm gonna assume that this is a 'yes' on your part."
You stay silent. Of course that you want it.
He sighs. After all, in his perspective, you just accepted to sleep with a random guy even though you pretend to love his dear ones.
"You just have to say 'yes'. Or is it that your pride won't let you say it?" he replies aggressively.
"… Y-yes" you give in, still slightly confused about his tone.
Suddenly, Izumi begins removing your clothes, trying to make you feel even more vulnerable, as he stays fully dressed. He looks at your underwear.
"Not bad. Although I doubt they like it like this."
'《They?》', you wonder, thinking he's definitely jealous of the men around you. But little does he know, you bought these with him in mind.
Izumi sits in the middle of the bed, crossed-legged, hinting at you to place yourself on his lap. You oblige.
As he removes your last pieces of clothing while you are sitting on his thighs, he notices something.
"Really? You are already wet from this…? Aren't you a bit of a whore?"
Izumi secures you against himself by firmly wrapping his right arm below your breast. With his left hand, he slides a finger against your vulva and moves it around your slit. His hand feels warm.
"No wonder why you ask for validation from all kinds of men. You like their attention so much, huh?," he insults you while rubbing his middle finger against your clit.
Despite his harsh words, the only sound that leaves your mouth is a moan.
"A finger was all it took to make you moan? See, you don't deserve either of them," he replies coldly while rubbing his finger against your wet clit harder.
His harsh movements, along with his hateful comments, somehow feel godly. Your love juices get all over his hand as wet noises come out of your cunt. Even though you wonder what he's talking about, the one thing on your mind right now is that you are actually having sex with him.
"A-ah~ Izumi~! W-what-" you try to ask while moaning.
"Now my name is the one that comes up when you're fucking someone else than who you pretend to love? Disgusting."
You don't understand the situation. You thought he knew you liked him. His pace goes even faster. Now he uses two of his fingers to rub against your clit. You feel your body tensing up, your back arches, and your toes curl as he continues to touch you. You throw your head backward on top of his shoulder and can feel your climax coming as he keeps firm his hold on you.
"Hahh… Izumi!~" you let out.
You moan his name all over again as you cum on his strong hand, shaking in pleasure.
Izumi remains speechless for a few seconds.
"Wow… So you're really having an orgasm all over the place for some guy you don't even like? What a slut," he finally says.
"What do you mean??" you ask.
He ignores your question and shifts you around his thighs so that you face him, with little to no effort. Startled, you close your thighs.
"Come on, don't act all shy after you just moaned my name out loud, Y/N."
"Get on your back for me now, I'll spread your legs open myself."
You do as he says. You lay your back on the mattress while facing him. Izumi uncrosses his legs, gets on his knees, and spreads your legs open with one arm. Suddenly, he gets his half-erect cock out of his pants with his other hand and starts jacking off in front of your slit.
"Ugh… What a pathetic view. To say that you're supposed to be a threat," he sighs while masturbating before you.
You can't help but stare at his dick. It's quite the length. And it looks thick too.
"What? Don't tell me that your animal instincts hit after you saw my cock? Though I really wouldn't be surprised, considering the fact that you are a bitch."
You can't help but get turned on by his harsh words once again. You move your hips a bit, desperate to feel some sort of friction. Izumi notices and hardens his grip on your leg.
"Don't try to feel yourself up, unless you really are a slut who can't wait for my cock," he says while tossing himself off at a quicker pace.
The view of Izumi of all people masturbating in front of your naked body is just too much for you to handle. Despite his many insults, you reach for your clit and start rubbing.
"That's what I thought, you're a slut," he exclaims.
The man faps his cock closer and closer to your crotch. The noises your two genitals let out are so ungodly. You can see that his dick is twitching, wanting to release soon.
"Get ready for additional lube, slut," he says while his dick is right in front of your entrance. "Take it all, shameless whore," he adds while cumming all over your cunt.
He's shooting more and more of his semen over your sensitive parts, but the way he does it without any lust in his cold blue eyes is quite the view. All you can see in him is hatred. It's like he's spitting on you.
You can't help but moan his name as your second climax hits you like a truck. You wouldn't have called yourself a sadomasochist, but the way he's doing you right now is turning you on without a doubt. All you can feel is your orgasm while you're lying down all naked in front of him, with your lowest part covered in his cum. You fail to notice that he finally removed his shirt.
"I'm gonna give you one last warning. You don't deserve to be with either of them, so you better back off."
"I know you've been trying to get with Leo-kun or Yuu-kun. Why is it that you chose them of all people? Is it for your personal gains? They already have me. They don't need you," he says while placing his tip at your entrance.
Leo? Makoto? So this is what it is about. But, he got it all wrong, *he* is the one you like.
"Izumi, the one I love, it's--"
The man penetrates your insides quickly. His thick dick spreads your walls open, while also inserting some of his cum from earlier deep inside of you.  It hurts a bit, but you were already so wet that your body adjusts just as fast, taking all of him in.
"Don't you dare say his name right now when you're being fucked dumbed by another one," he threatens you while thrusting.
You remain shocked. You thought that his jealousy was aimed at other men, but it looks like it's aimed toward you. You feel disappointed about the fact that you misunderstood his feelings for you, but at the same time, something else is building up within you.
You stare at where your two bodies are connected. He's placed himself between your legs and is ramming hard into your pussy. He's thrusting aggressively, though each of his movements somehow feels amazing. You look up. Izumi is lying on top of you, his arms placed by both of your shoulders, trapping you. His gaze remains unchanged: cold and hateful.
The one you love is currently railing you hard so that you stop chasing after the one he loves. He loves another one and is fucking you so aggressively because of it. Somehow, the fact that Izumi is jealous of you because of someone else makes you lust after him even more. Your walls clench around his cock. Izumi feels it.
"My, my, what's this Y/N? You're desperate for me now? Bitch," he says while looking at you with his sapphire-blue eyes.
Izumi controls the rhythm and depth of his pelvic thrusting recklessly, fucking you as hard as possible. He wants to make a mess of you after all.
That's it, you don't care what happens next and lose yourself to him. You just want more of Izumi. You wrap your legs around his waist and rest your arms on his back as you moan his name with your eyes half closed.
"Wow... I'm speechless. But you're making it easier for me to ruin you", he says while pounding into your pussy even harder. "No one would want you after I use you like this. You won't be a rival anymore, that I can assure you."
As your legs are now at another angle, he gained even more access to your body. You feel his cock roughly hitting against your cervix, definitely leaving bruises there, as you're holding onto him for dear life.
He is now, like he said, fucking you dumb aggressively. His quick pace without a single care for your well-being is beyond what you could have ever imagined. He just wants to ruin you. But it feels so good.
Ever since you've been locked up in this position with Izumi, both of your body temperatures gradually went high. His back feels so hot against your arms. His hot breath tickles your skin. The entire room is warmed with your respective body heat. As for the mattress, it's covered in sweat, love juices, and semen. You feel yet another climax coming.
Your moans get louder. As Izumi keeps penetrating you raw, you open your mouth, begging for him to kiss you.
"You want to pretend to be lovers now? Ugh, I don't get what they see in you," he asks meanly.
Izumi looks down on you before giving in to your pathetic whim. He keeps his eyes fully open while you are closing yours. His lips softly touch yours before he aggressively wraps his tongue around your own as he continues pounding into you. Now he's even sexually submitting you in your mouth. His saliva mixing with yours feels so arousing. His kiss is so exquisite even if it is loveless.
Your desire to serve him sexually, emotionally, and physically gets bigger and bigger as he's thrusting his dick rapidly against your cervix. You want all of him. If one way to share his frustration and dissatisfaction with you is by filling you up, you are totally down. Even though he doesn't like you, you can't help but want to give him your entire body if it means getting fucked like this.
His pace gets faster. He's very close to his own orgasm as well, you can tell from his hard dick twitching inside of you. He pulls out of the kiss and leaves a spit trail between the two of you. This one strand of saliva is the last straw. That's it, you long for him and wish to own just a part of him, anything.
"Izumi~ ah! Y-you know," you manage to say even though he's ramming into you like crazy, "this whole time..."
"Hm? Do you have regrets about fucking someone else other than him now, or maybe you gave up on him?" he asks while the wet noises from where you are connected keep getting louder and louder.
"*You* are the one I've had a crush on," you finally reveal.
Izumi gives it one last thrust and pours all of his seeds deep within you.
"Wait. What?"
While he's still processing what you just confessed, all of his cum floods your insides. You cum on his dick at the same time. Your arms are gripping his back tightly, your legs are firmly wrapped around his waist, his torso is pressing against your boobs, and his face is as close to you as ever. The pressure he's putting on your cervix is helping more and more of his hot semen to gain access to your womb. For the first time during this session, Izumi stops looking at you with hatred for a second.
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Note: Part 2 is now available! Link here
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YOOOO it took me so long to write it, it's even longer than my Kanata one
Ugh I had accidently deleted it and had to get the support to look at it 👤.
But yea hope you liked yandere Izumi fic! Usually all we see is a "omg you can only love me 💔😡⛓️ stop talking to him youre mine👿☠️🐺"-yandere x reader, but this time I took it around and reversed it. Oh to be hate-fucked by a yandere who sees us as a potential threat 👤🙏🏼
I left the story there so it's up to interpretation about what he does next: fucks you even more? leaves you? changes his obsession's target to you? You choose
EDIT: I made a part 2! link above
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mintys-musings · 1 year
Madara x Female!Reader - Milk
That one anon on @/ sakumasmut (also hi rei love your blog sm) who talked about lactation? Unlocked a new pathway for me. I cannot go back. This one's for you, but also mainly me (who, if you couldn’t guess- is the 💚anon.) I started writing this, got distracted, then May rolled around and now we’re here. I couldn’t help myself.
Summary: … Gonna be honest guys- I just knew what I wanted. The tags are the summary. Tags: INDUCED LACTATION, COCKWARMING/DEEPTHROATING, DUMBIFICATION, PET PLAY, BREEDING, OVERSTIMULATION, nipple pumps, squirting, dom!Madara, sub!reader Word count: 2079
NSFW under cut~
Your jaw was starting to hurt from keeping it open around Madara’s thick cock and your knees were sore from your position on the floor even with a cushion beneath you. Still, Madara had asked you to keep still. He had his signature smile on his face, eyes gleaming with what you could only describe as a feral excitement. The first time he had caused you to lactate, he would not let you go. And thus, his attempts to increase the amount of milk had not stopped. You didn’t mind at all. Sex got better and it made your man happy beyond belief. Hell- He was so excited by the prospect of more milk, he didn’t even bother fully taking off your bra. He simply pulled down the flimsy, tiny cow-print cups that barely covered your nipples and immediately attached little pumps to your buds. All you could do was take deep breaths through your nose as his dick was practically halfway down your throat. 
Having your nipples pumped was an odd sensation at first, but now the little suction sent shocks of pleasure down your spine. Your small jolt caused the little bell around your neck to ring. The drool that was already steadily streaming out your mouth and down your tits only increased as you moaned weakly around Madara. You could feel his cock twitch and throb, the deep want to thrust just hanging in the air. And you’d take it if he did. You were being good for him, but damn did the lack of any stimulation besides your breast only made you hornier and hornier. You needed him. You needed him so badly. You looked up at him with watery eyes as he squeezed the pump connecting the two cups. Please, you begged mentally, Take pity.
He stared back, pupils blown out wide as he took in the sight of your disheveled state. He looked like he fell in love all over again. “You look so beautiful,” he breathed out. Madara gently stroked your hair until it looked like he remembered something.
You gagged as he leaned forward to grab something from the bedside drawer, large breaths of air puffing in and out your nose. Your throat constricting even that small bit caused him to hiss out, mumbling apologies as he leaned back to sitting. Fat tears fell from your eyes but as ordered- you kept still, gripping his thighs to ground yourself. The idol gently brushed away your tears with his thumb before placing something on your head. A headband with horns.
“There we go~” He smiled wide and tugged at your hair lightly to turn your attention to his face. He patted your cheek with a laugh before slowly guiding your head away from his dick.
The length left your lips with a lewd noise before you started coughing and sputtering as you caught your breath. Madara merely held your head and brushed any stray strands of hair out of your face. He let you calm yourself down before he clasped a tag to your ear. Property of Madara Mikejima.
When you finally started to breathe normally, you rested your head on Madara’s lap as he cooed and played with your hair. His dick looked almost painfully hard from your angle.
“Was that too much for my cutie?” He squished your cheeks mockingly in one hand. Not even waiting for a response, he picked you up off your cushion with ease and all but tossed you onto the bed. You barely had time to react before he crawled on top of you and pushed your panties down your legs. One of his hands returned to the pump, your nipples puffing up within the cups quickly as you squeal. The other hand held one of your legs around his waist so he could rut his saliva coated dick against your folds. Each thrust had the bell around your neck ringing.
Madara was just as needy as you were.
“Madara~!” You squirmed in his grasp. Liquid had started dribbling out of your nipples. “Just fuck me already~!”
He shushed you and nipped at your neck. “Ah ah ah~ That’s not how we ask for things.” He tutted in mock disapproval, grabbing you by the cheeks to shake your head. “I can’t be too mad though~ I know manners are too much for your little brain.” He smacked the side of your thigh. He smacked it hard enough to leave a nice red hand print- As if he was branding his cattle.
You whined even more.
“Be good.” He grunted, precum smearing across your skin as he continued to rut himself against you. “Tell Mama what it is you want. Nicely this time. Then maybe he’ll do as you say~”
As he said this, he flicked the cups of the pump playfully. His eyes went wide once he noticed the liquid dotting the insides and he ducked his head down. You clawed at his back as he immediately took the cups off and latched himself onto one of your nipples.
His tongue swirled around one nipple while the other was attended to by his hand. He squeezed and pinched at you greedily, spreading the milk all over your tits and just making a mess.
“Pleaaase~ Please please pleeeaaase,” you babbled, “I need Mama’s cock inside me~ Please fuck me!” Your voice raised in pitch as your lover harshly sucked on your breasts. The more he squeezed, the more milk squirted out. And Madara drank it all up like a man dying of thirst.
He managed to pull himself from your chest to give you a sloppy kiss. “Good~ Good job, baby~ You used your head and remembered to say please.”
You whimpered into the kiss, arms wrapped around his neck. His hands moved from your breasts to move your legs into place by your head. Without any more hesitation, he pushed his dick into you and you tossed your head back in pleasure.
Madara was quick to bottom out into you with a groan. Not a second later, he started to move. His feral desire was showing. “So tight~ You like having Mama fuck you like this? Can you feel how deep Mama is inside?”
The room was filled with the sounds of your combined moans and wet smacks of skin. In between all of it, the small clinking of the bell around your neck was heard. You could practically feel your brain turning to mush with each thrust. A squeal is ripped out of you again when he smacks you on the thigh once more.
“I know you get distracted easily, baby, but Mama asked you a question~” 
He squeezed your nipple harshly, milk gushing between his fingertips. Another squeak from you. His hips smacked into yours rhythmically. God- He was so big you still felt a stretch every time he pushed in. You felt so full. 
Another squeeze to your other nipple.
“Yes!” You cried out, unable to do anything but take it. “I lo-ove it when you- Fuck! When you fuck me like this~” 
He folded you over so most of your weight was on your upper back, effectively putting you in a mating press. One of his hands rubbed harsh circles into your clit.
“Ah! Ah~! Mama feels so deep~ S-so deep~”
It was a wonder that you were even coherent with the amount of pleasure you felt. Your cunt squeezed Madara’s cock, as if trying to milk it the same way he was milking your tits. Your eyes were glazed over in bliss, drool escaping you as your tongue hung out.
“So pretty~ My pretty slut~” Madara cooed between thrusts. He leaned over to suck at your breasts once more, the angle of which caused his tip to knock against your cervix.
The downright vicious pace at which Madara was ramming his cock into your soaked cunt, the milk flowing out of your puffy nipples, the way he squeezed your tits to make the milk just gush into his mouth, the pressure against your clit- It was all too much. You felt overwhelmed with pleasure. Your orgasm hit you like a truck and you cried out for Madara.
He could feel your warm release splatter against his pelvis, but that didn’t stop his movements. His hips stuttered ever so slightly though as he moaned at how you tightened up further. Your body writhed under him- mindlessly soaking up the pleasure he gave- and he made sure to hold you tight so you couldn’t move a muscle away.
Your nails dug into his back, mouth opened in a silent cry as Madara kept pounding away at you. His grunts and moans against your nipples only added to the sensations. The way his cock bullied its way into your cunt left you breathless. 
“Gah! M-Madara~ It’s too much!”
“Shhhh~” His attempt at being soothing was in direct contrast with the feral way he licked at your skin. 
“Mama will make you feel so good. Don’t think too much, baby. Just let Mama drink from your pretty tits and be a good cocksleeve for me, yeah?”
Your answer in return was just more moans as his tip prodded against the most sensitive spot inside you. Your eyes rolled upward and you arched your back as best you could- Was he going faster? It felt like it. It felt like he was being more rough with your body as time went on.
“Mama’s going to fill you to the brim~ Isn’t that right? Mama’s going to fuck you nice and full.” 
He hissed the last few words out, punctuating each one with a thrust.
His words made your mind melt. He talked down to you as if you were only good for two things. Milking and breeding. And if you were honest, in this moment you felt as if you were only good for those two things. Not that you were complaining when his rough treatment felt this good.
The only things on your mind were Madara and sex now.
He pulled your hair so you would give him more access to your neck. He trailed love bites down your skin, making sure to suck hickeys where it would be hard to miss lest you deliberately wore clothes to cover them. It wasn’t enough to pump his seed into you over and over again. He needed to mark you in every possible way he could. 
You let out another loud moan. His fingers at your clit quickly rubbed the swollen nerve, the stimulation enough to pull you back down from the hazy pool of pleasure you were drowning in back to reality. Your pussy gushed and tightened up around Madara’s cock once again as you came once again. Your chest heaved to catch your breath.
Utterly brainless in the moment, you just laid in Madara’s grasp, whimpering as you took his cock over and over again.
“One more, baby. Just for me~” His own breaths were getting heavy now. “C’mon… One more.”
His thrusts became sloppier. Any rhythm to it now gone in favour of deep, hard thrusts. You were so overstimulated that it didn’t take long for the familiar tension in your core to tighten up once more.
You only last a few more minutes before one last orgasm rocks you. Once again squirting out, Madara let out one final groan as he latched onto your chest and pressed his cock right up to your cervix.
The feeling of being flooded with warm cum leaves you giggling deliriously. Your body twitched ever so slightly in Madara’s hold. You could hear and feel him suck on your breasts more gently now. His thrusts became more shallow and slow until they came to a stop when the last rope of cum released inside you. 
With a happy sigh, you nuzzle your nose against his cheek. Your mind returns to you enough to remember your manners. “Thank you, Madara.”
Madara laughs breathlessly, kissing the top of your head. “You’re welcome, baby~ You did so good. So so good, baby~”
He only pulled out of you briefly to lay you on your side, sliding back in as he acted like the big spoon. You let him do as he pleases, too tired for much protest. His hands moved back to your chest to gently massage them. You honestly think he’s the sweetest with how much aftercare he provi-
“After a little rest, we’ll go again, okay~?”
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knightofconcordia · 2 years
Sakuma Rei NSFW Headcannons
I’m thinking of the old man vampire tonight lmao
Gn pronouns, no mention of reader’s genitals, vibrator, overstimulation
NSFW under the cut! Minors DNI
The man’s definitely gonna make you wear a vibrator during the day, i’m sorry if you’re his s/o
It’s gonna be one of those remote control ones - only the best for his precious producer!
If you have the misfortune of pissing him off or even flirt during work, oh you’re gonna get it
Or you know what? He might just save the energy until evening and just instead turn up the vibrator and watch with a smirk as your thighs clench together over the toy and you bend over for him, trying not to let moans slip past your lips - those lips he loves to kiss and even bite so much
Bonus points if there’s multiple people in the room and your face flushes as you glare at him silently and he smiles back innocently, without a care in the world
He also knows you well enough to know when you’re about to cum. And will he let you? Absolutely not.
When you’re about to reach your high, he’s going to turn it almost all the way down, if not completely off. Because you won’t be allowed to cum until he gets his hands on you himself
As soon as night falls he’s taking you to the bedroom himself - and he won’t let you go till morning
When did your clothes get on the floor? Oh well, it’ll be the least of your worries when Rei’s face is between your thighs, eating you out like a starving man on his last meal
It doesn’t matter if you try to push him off or close your legs, he’s much stronger: he’ll pin your hands above your head with one hand while the other holds your thigh in place
He’ll definitely leave bite marks all over - on your neck, shoulders, chest, the insides of your legs - everywhere
We all know he gets more energetic at night… he’ll get you overstimulated, body shaking, saliva and cum staining the sheets
He’s not a monster though; while his aftercare might not be god-tier, he knows how to treat you after sex- the comforting words with the soft voice he knows you love, the soft touches while he tucks you in, the food and drinks he prepares for you beforehand - he loves you too much to let you go uncared for
In the meantime though before the aftercare is the sex soooo….. until morning comes or his stamina runs out, good luck
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twowink · 1 year
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there was context and i know what he meant but can you imagine being hokuto and fucking. Hiyori Tomoe just pointing at you in the middle of your convo about your relationship with your father and unprompted going You. Youre a bottom. id actually die
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marionettou · 3 months
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erhm. what the freak.
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deepersea · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Ensemble Stars! (Video Game) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Mikejima Madara/Reader Characters: Mikejima Madara, Reader Additional Tags: AFAB reader - Freeform, Breeding, Vaginal Sex, Dirty Talk, Talk about pregnancy, Creampie, Porn with a little bit of Plot Series: Part 1 of Enstars x Reader NSFW Week 2023 Summary:
It began with an innocent enough thought. But what starts out as a harmless inquiry, soon turns into a much more loaded question. But one Madara is happy to answer. In depth. Practical demonstration included.
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a-phantom-kitten · 4 months
NSFW Enstars Month Day 22
Tsumugi x Afab!reader (no pronouns specified)
Hiya!! Fair warning, I haven't written smut like... ever, so I'm very sorry if it's a bit awkward or rushed, but I hope it's ok!!
Warnings: it's pretty vanilla! Just some riding, penetration, biting + mention of aphrodisiacs
Okay. To be fair… you did not think he would have been affected this badly. You figured that due to his bigger stature, a bigger dosage was needed, but given how he'd been balls deep in your aching cunt for the past couple hours… you may have had a small lapse in judgment. He was getting to the point he was shooting blanks, but he continued to desperately rut against you like his life depended on it. Your body was already covered in hickies and love bites. Your mind was completely clouded, as you started to forget how you got into this situation in the first place. You let out a soft whimper as his hips bucked and stilled, and he buried his flushed face against your neck. One of your hands reached up to tangle in his messy hair, breathing out a shaky sigh as you opened your mouth to ask if he was alright, but was cut off with a gasp almost immediately as he started moving again.
A weak mumble of “sorry,” left his mouth as he sank his teeth into your neck for what felt like the millionth time that night, and you pulled on his hair in response. Surely he had to be close to his limits by now… 
You forced words out, your voice shaky and soft from hours of moaning and crying, and your mental state quite delirious from the overstimulation, “Don’t ‘pologize… not your fault…”
“Just so… you feel so good… I want more…”
“I know, baby..”
Tsumugi pulled away just enough to look at you, and you brushed his bangs away from his sweat-soaked forehead, shuddering at the hazy look in his eyes. 
You looked off to the side, feeling slightly guilty about the predicament you had gotten your boyfriend in, but thankfully for you he was a bit too out of it to think much of it, assuming you were just feeling shy again. Part of you felt a bit bad for sneaking him aphrodisiacs, but another part just… really wanted to see him let loose. Even during sex, Tsumugi was usually so gentle, kind… completely focused on your pleasure rather than his own and you’d decided you had enough. You just really didn’t think he’d keep going for this long… You could feel his cum leaking out of you, despite his best efforts to keep himself shoved as close as humanly possible to you, and it was getting you riled up again despite your exhaustion.
“Hey… Mugi. I wanna try something.” You said as you put both hands on his chest and gently pushed against him, eliciting a whine from his lips, but naught more as he obediently pulled away, and out of you, causing you to shudder yet again. 
Tsumugi sat back on the bed and caught his breath, reaching up to rub his eyes before looking at the state you were in, his vision slightly blurred from his current lack of glasses. You were… a mess, to say the least. Your hair disheveled and sticking up wildly as you were panting like a bitch in heat. Your tearstained cheeks, your flushed, red lips… the various bite marks littering your neck, collarbone, and hips… Were he in a less lust-driven state, he’d most likely be running around like a headless chicken to find ways to make sure you were comfortable and in the least amount of pain possible, but in his current state he could do nothing but stare. He carefully reached out to press on your abdomen, humming lowly in content as you mewled pathetically when more of his cum seeped out of you.
You looked really cute like this.
“What did you… wanna try, exactly?” He looked back at your face, feeling a bit impatient now.
You slowly sat up, breathing out as finally moving after all this time caused a couple of your bones to crack, and a dull ache to settle over your legs. You wordlessly straddled him, holding back a small laugh at the way he tensed when you pressed your bare chest to his. You could very clearly feel how hard he still was as you reached down to stroke him and line him up with your leaking pussy. You relished in the soft whimpers that fell from his lips as he grabbed your hips, pulling a yelp from your mouth as he forced you back down onto him. Your lips caught his in a messy kiss as you wasted no time in moving. His nails dug into your hips as he forced his tongue into your mouth, wanting to taste you as deeply as he possibly could.
The change in position was causing him to push even further into you, which felt absolutely heavenly. You barely even noticed when his lips left yours, and made their way kissing from the corner of your mouth, down to your neck, and then your shoulder. He gently lapped at the bruises forming on your skin as he gave a few weak thrusts against you, his body clearly at its limit finally.
You laughed quietly and hugged his head to your chest, slowing to a stop as you kissed his forehead, “Finally had enough?”
He huffed very faintly and nipped your chest, but gave an affirming nod before resting most of his weight against you. Ah well, maybe you can ride him another time… For now, you opted on leaning backwards, until he laid down with you, making sure to keep you tight against him as he tried his best to calm his breathing. You squirmed a bit to get comfortable, both a bit disappointed, and relieved that you could finally relax. 
With a quiet “I love you,” Tsumugi shut his eyes, falling into what you hoped was a restful sleep, with you following behind him not long after, although you might have a few new ideas for next time…
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mauvecandela · 2 years
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um. bnuy
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ohii-san · 1 year
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these may not be my finest works but the mayois are funny you have to give me that
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sakumasmut · 4 months
You name yourself sakumasmut, you must give us some of your thoughts on Rei pls (Definitely not because I ran out of fantasy of him 👀)
well, I named myself sakumasmut because I stole Rei’s name, I don’t actually think about him too often. but I do have some thoughts!
Rei Sakuma General Nsfw Headcanons
-only really interested in sex at night, since he feels bad that he’s so sluggish in the morning. rei sees sex as a big act of service and love, and wants to give back to his partner as much as he can during it. that said, he’s not opposed to being serviced by you in the morning/afternoon if you so desire
-not actually that big on biting! he’ll teasingly drag his fangs against your skin to get you excited, but puncturing it and making you bleed isn’t something he’s keen on. he’ll even be a bit hesitant if you do explicitly ask him to bite you
-he’s into sex in cramped places. a dark closet works fine, but if you really want to see his eyes light up, suggest doing it in his coffin. he just loves having your warm body right up against him as you grind against each other, with nowhere else to go
-he’s such a tease if you let him dom. whispering praise while he thrusts way too slowly in and out of you, his smooth voice constantly finding its way into your head…add in the fact that he loves taking his time, and he’ll be making you beg for him to make you cum far before he even considers speeding up
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enstarriedownbad · 1 year
Ritsu Sakuma x F!reader
‼️Minors DNI
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Genre: smut
Tags: morning, breeding, established relationships, dom!Ritsu
Plot: As you two wake up in Ritsu's bed, your boyfriend desires you first thing in the morning and decides to knock you up.
Words: 1,450
DAY 15 OF Enstars x Reader NSFW month - Ritsu Sakuma
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By clicking on "show more", you acknowledge that you are 18+ and consent to read this fiction.
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Last night was... disappointing to say the least. The two of you had gotten undressed, bought a bunch of condoms, and had gotten in the mood, only for Ritsu to fall asleep before anything could happen. But, you know that he couldn't help it. He, who usually lives at night, must have been exhausted since he went straight into a deep sleep in the middle of the evening.
It's now past sunrise, and the first rays of light are hitting your face through the window. You find yourself still naked, held by Ritsu's arms, who still wouldn't let go of you after he had randomly fallen asleep. Your two bare skins are in contact, warmed by each other's body heat as well as the sheets recovering you. You feel safe in his arms. He smells so good. You wouldn't trade this peaceful moment for anything.
You notice Ritsu's bangs are covering his face. Gently, you move a few strands away from his eyes. His hair is so soft. You can't help but play a bit with it before putting it behind his ear.
At the touch of your fingers, Ritsu slowly opens his eyes.
"Mhh?... Y/N... Good morning~" he greets you with his sleepy voice.
His morning voice doesn't leave you indifferent. You feel butterflies in your stomach. He sounds both hot and cute at the same time.
"Good morning Ritsu~ Did you sleep well?" you ask him while kissing his forehead.
When leaning in for a cheek kiss, you notice his boner.
"Yea~ I had a nice drea-" he stops.
That's when he notices that you've been staring at his morning wood.
"...Wait," he says.
After scanning you from head to toe, he finally realizes that you're both still naked from last night's unfinished session.
"Oh," he says as he finally connects the dots. "Sorry for falling asleep..." he apologizes while scratching the back of his hair.
"It's fine, you must have been tired, since you're usually nocturnal," you reply while softly caressing his skin.
"What is it?", you ask.
"I don't feel like sleeping in the morning if I see you naked in my bed like right now," he says while staring at your tits.
You blush at his comment and cover your chest out of reflex.
He suddenly lets go of his embrace and gets on top of you, throwing the sheets that were covering you on the floor in the heat of the moment.
Ritsu takes his sweet time devouring you with his eyes, trying to plan this out. Didn't he just wake up?
"Should we continue what we were doing last night?~" he asks you while looking at you with passionate lust.
Your boyfriend looks so aroused already: his cock is already twitching, it's even slightly bigger than when you looked at it a minute ago; he wants you.
"Yes sure~" you reply.
Without further ado, Ritsu starts showering you with kisses, starting from your neck, to the middle of your boobs, and he finally kisses you all the way down to your belly button. Since it's a sensitive part, you feel butterflies once again when he puts his soft lips on it.
"Ah~", you let out from the pleasure.
Your man heard that moan well. Ritsu begins teasing you a little bit. He blows some air in there while stroking the side of your stomach. He licks the skin around it, making you beg for more.
"Ritsu... Mnh... More please", you request him.
He finally goes all in and puts his tongue inside your navel. It feels like pure bliss and excitement going down your spine. Even though neither your clit nor your folds are being stimulated, his tongue licking that spot makes you feel so good.
"A-aah Ritsu~" you whimper with happiness.
You feel your climax approaching as your body gets hotter and hotter.
However Ritsu has other plans. He slowly backs off from your stomach and goes back to staring at it after sending you a long lustful gaze.
"... Rits--"
"You know," he cuts you off, "I'd love to see that stomach get bigger thanks to me~..."
"D-does that mean you...?" you ask, surprised.
"Yea. I kinda wanna breed you~" he replies while licking his lips.
You had already made love together, but it was always protected so far. Nonetheless, his confession makes you discover a new side of yourself. Of course that you would want your stomach to be filled up with your boyfriend's loads.
"Then breed me~" you reply without a second thought.
"Get ready to bare my kids~" he says as he slides his tip inside of your slit right after the end of your sentence.
His cock feels so good. It's thick enough for you to tell that your walls have completely spread to take him in.
"Ah-- Ritsu~" you moan.
Your noises making him hungry for more, he manages to fit more of his cock inside. You contain yourself from having an orgasm when he reaches your cervix. But he suddenly holds you by the hips, and pulls your body closer to him, making sure that his dick is hitting your absolute end. That way, your pussy has no choice but to swallow his seeds. The touch and pressure of his hands on your skin as well as his cock pressing against your insides without any protection is too much for you to handle. After all, he was already stimulating you with your belly button just a few minutes ago.
"R-Ritsu, I...~"
You can't keep it anymore and cum on his dick. Your love juices release on his cock as you moan in pleasure.
You feel Ritsu getting harder, certainly turned on by you cumming just by being penetrated.
"I promise I'll make you cum even harder~" he declares.
He starts thrusting into you while keeping a hold on your hips. His thrusts are nice and deep. He could go harder if he wanted to but he's just getting started. Nonetheless, he makes sure that his cock is pressing at your farthest spot every time he goes back for more.
"Y/N~..." he moans while looking at you with his bright red eyes.
You can't help but feel yourself losing it. You want that man to breed you so bad.
As if he heard your thoughts, your lover fastens up the pace and begins pounding your pussy. Him suddenly going so rough is making you fall harder for him. It's not every day that you see Ritsu acting so dominant. And right now, he's showing this side of him to you and you only. It goes without saying that you are going to let him fuck the heck out of you today.
"Ritsu, I-I love you...!" you moan in between two breaths.
"I love you too, Y/N..." he says in a soft voice.
Your two genitals are making the sluttiest noises. It's as if your bodies were longing for the day they could finally fuck each other with no protection.
Ritsu is blushing like crazy.
"Anh~ Y/N...!" he moans.
You feel his dick getting hotter and hotter by the second, he needs to release his loads into you soon.
Ritsu tightens his grab onto your hips and gives it one last thrust. His hard dick is twitching against your cervix.
"Bare my children...!" he moans as he cums inside your pussy.
His sperm is filling up your womb. The warmth of his seeds doesn't leave your body as he's still shooting more and more of his loads inside of you.
You feel your stomach getting bigger from his thick cum. The sensation of his semen filling you makes you cum for the second time.
"Hah... Y/N... Take it... all~" he moans while still in the middle of his orgasm.
"I'll carry... your offspring...!" you desperately moan as you release more love juices.
Your eyes are locked on your stomach bulging from all the cum he's leaving inside of you. You two are so turned on by it that your orgasms last even longer.
The look on Ritsu's face as he's impregnating you is such a sight. He's holding you firmly but with care, his eyes are half-closed from the pleasure, and his voice is only moaning for you.
Ritsu lessens the pressure he had on your hips and looks at your stomach with pride.
You thought this was the end for today's breeding session but...
Your boyfriend continues ramming onto you all morning until he is sure he has impregnated you. If it weren't for Mao ringing on the Sakuma's interphone, Ritsu would have not stopped cumming inside of you even though your womb is already full.
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Guess who's finally joining the enstars breeding cult 🙌
Bruh ngl I lost all motivation to write
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mintys-musings · 1 year
His New Hobby (Kuro Kiryu x GN!Reader)
i knew exactly what i wanted to write.
Summary: Kuro seems to have earned a new hobby after spending some time with the outdoors circle and he wants to show you!
Tags: bondage, toys (just some vibrators), praise, overstimulation, mirror sex, mild dacryphilia, soft dom!Kuro because in my heart that's what i believe in, he calls you pretty lots, he also calls you baby and darling, creampie bc predictable
Word Count: 1305
NSFW under cut~!
"You're doing so well."
His voice was as loving and tender as it always was around you. His eyes trailed down your form before him, drinking in the sight of you tied up all pretty. Just for him.
Kuro had already made you come once just with his mouth before he had even finished all the knots. He couldn't help but get a taste of you once he saw how needy you were. It was fine for you to have an early release. He wasn't cruel. He wanted you to feel nice in return for indulging him in this.
Red and black ropes ran around your body in intricate knots and designs. A heart design right on your sternum, ropes weaving like snakes around your legs to tie them as they were folded. You couldn't see the way your hands were tied behind your back, but Kuro had explained to you that it was supposed to mimic a spider's web.
Kuro's lips trailed down your body, kissing each gap of skin between the lines of ropes.
"You're so good to me, baby." He brushed your hair away from your face and gave you a tender kiss. "Thank you for staying still for me. I'm so proud. I know I took my time with this."
You could only respond with a soft whine, his sweet words making you feel warm.
Kuro's eyes bore into yours with a passionate gaze. He had a look of pure admiration as he scooped you up into his arms. There was no place safer right now and no place you'd rather be.
"I want you to watch while I fuck your pretty body numb. Understand?" His hands wandered to caress and thumb over your skin like it was fine art. Your mind had all but ground to a halt at this point, in a near trance like state.
"Good good. I'm going to use some toys too, baby. You remember that, right?" He kissed your head as he brought you to the edge of the bed in front of a tall mirror.
You nodded.
"Verbal response, baby. I need to hear you." He moved your chin so you could look at him through the mirror. "You feeling okay about this still?"
It took a second for your brain to catch up, but you nodded again. Your eyes drifted from Kuro's awaiting gaze to the toys and tape on the bed.
"Yes. I'm okay. I remember." You recalled him talking to you earlier about all this. "Please fuck me, Kuro~"
Kuro let out a deep chuckle that you could feel against your back. "Good job, baby. Thank you for listening to me." His words were sincere as he reached for the toys he said he'd use earlier in this scene.
He taped three bullet vibrators to you. One on each nipple and one directly onto your sex. Your eyes never left the mirror, following his large hands as they put you into the exact position he wanted.
"You see how pretty you are?" He grinned, forcing your head up to look at yourself instead. "You look so good, darling."
More than yourself, you were staring right at Kuro's large, painfully hard looking cock. His thick tip was pressed right against your hole, leaking precum against you. You practically salivated at just the thought of it going into you.
"Watch." He commanded.
And you listened.
Your mouth fell open into a silent gasp as he sank you right down onto his cock. A deep groan could be heard from him.
"Fuck... You're so tight, baby. Look at that. Look at how well you take me."
He moved slowly at first. If anything, he was moving your body up and down his shaft like you were nothing more than a fleshlight. You couldn't help but watch as you were split open with each thrust, the sound of wet, sticky skin gently slapping against each other emanating from the two of you.
"You feel so nice around my dick. You're so good for me, yeah?" He was breathing heavily as he started to move faster. His balls slapped against your skin more and more. "God. I'm so fucking lucky to have you. You're so fucking pretty all tied up like this."
You couldn't find the mind power for any sort of response besides moans and gasps as Kuro thoroughly fucked you. You felt floaty, brainless, like the only thing that mattered was right now and how damn good everything felt.
And then he turned on the vibrators. High.
Maybe it was a lie to say he wasn't cruel. Or maybe it wasn't. Who knew?
When each and every sensitive point on your body was getting attention like this, blinding pleasure flooded your senses. You tried jerking away from the stimulation, but the ropes and Kuro's tight hold on you made it impossible to escape. The floaty nature of your brain quickly gave way to feeling every single cell in your body jolt with pleasure to the point it was nearly painful.
"Kuro!" You wailed. "Mmmngh~! 's too mu~uch~!"
Your wails were only met with a chuckle as Kuro thrusted into you with more fervour.
"You love it, right baby?" He teased, slamming himself inside your tight hole with no mercy. "I said I wanted you to watch. Look at you, darling."
Through watery eyes, you saw yourself in the mirror. Flushed face, drooling, trembling, hole getting stuffed with Kuro's girth over and over again. He made sure to fuck you hard so you felt every inch of him going in and out of you. He made you take him from tip to hilt with each thrust.
Each wet smack of skin only drove you further to the edge. It was hard to focus on anything else except the white hot pleasure you were being bombarded with. The vibrators kept changing their pulse patterns so you never had a moments rest.
Kuro wasn't fairing any better. He held you just as tight as your walls were holding onto him. He wasn't entirely silent, but the fact he only let out low groans and growls right into your ear brought a whole other level of intimacy to the scene.
One of his hands moved to your sex to play with it as he thrusted.
"You wanna come already, don't you?"
You nodded, eyes screwing shut.
"Verbal response, baby."
"Yes! Yes. I want to come so fucking badly!" You cried, completely at the mercy of Kuro's thrusts and each rapid pulse of the vibrators.
Kuro moaned. "Then come. You've been so good to me tonight. I want you to come all over my cock while I fuck my cum into you." He gritted his teeth and slammed into you repeatedly as hashly as he could. "Come for me. You can do that, right?"
"Yes yes yes—" You lost yourself as you finally peak. "Kuro~"
It was all too much all at once. Kuro's balls pulled taught as he slammed into you one final time to coat your insides white. In the same breath, your body convulses as best it could under your restraints as you come with a satisfying moan.
You hear a faint click and all the vibrators stop. Kuro grumbled curses under his breath as he held you tight, massaging your chest gently with his calloused hands.
You barely registered it as he kissed you. But once you did, you kissed back tenderly.
"Good job, darling. Thank you for indulging me again." He sighed in content, nuzzling his face into your neck. "Give me a minute. I still want to take pictures of you like this."
You giggled and watched through the reflection as some cum leaked out from you as Kuro shifted you on his dick.
"I love you, darling."
"I love you, too."
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knightofconcordia · 2 years
so desperate for hiyori smut if i may request domx afab reader in kind of public space zzzzzz
hell yeah ofc anon! ask and you shall receive
Uhhh possibly ooc dom!hiyori, semi-public sex, one-time pussy smacking, edging, slight degradation, overstimulation
oh dear god help this meant to be just a ramble but it turned into a full-on fic. OH WELL ENJOY PEEPS
NSFW under the cut! Minors DNI
God. Damn it. Your face was flushed, hands tightly gripping the edge of your blazer. The two of you were seated in the middle of a meeting - not a very important one, but a meeting nonetheless. So how the hell did you end up with his fingers buried in your cunt under the table??
It’s not like you did that much anyway, just hanging around Jun more than usual, seeming more than slightly interested in Nagisa’s rock collection, “accidentally” falling into Ibara - all of this in front of Hiyori. Okay, maybe you did deserve a bit of teasing. It wasn’t your fault, really. You just wanted more attention from him. He wants attention a bunch of the time, so why couldn’t you ask for some from him as well? But here you were, dripping all over his fingers during a meeting, muffling your moans and biting your lip so hard you thought it was going to bleed.
And that wasn’t half of it. If you tried to close your legs, Hiyori would lightly slap your pussy - not hard enough to get you to moan but very much damn near it. It was fair, wasn’t it?
“If you wanted attention, you should have just told me so~” he whispered, just loud enough for you to hear. “Just don’t cum, alright love? We don’t want to make a mess right now, don’t we?”
You nearly let out a scream of relief when the meeting finally ended. Sweat beaded your face as the room cleared out, oblivious to what was going to occur next. You certainly weren’t though.
“Look at me.” His voice was commanding, much unlike his usual bubbly tone. You turn to face him, the knot in your stomach threatening to burst. “No cumming. This is your punishment,” he reminded. You couldn’t do anything but nod. “Good!” He switched back to a cheery tone before pushing your chest over the table and pulling down your soaked panties. You heard him undo his belt buckle and his pants fall to the ground. You felt him hesitate, as if wondering whether to prep you, but decided against it as you were already dripping onto the hardwood floor.
You felt his length rub against your slit once. Then twice. You whined and bucked your hips towards him, desperate for some friction. “Ah ah ah.” Hiyori tutted. “No pleasure for you,” he said before ramming his entire cock into your needy cunt. Your mouth opened in a silent scream, your fingers scratching at the wooden table underneath you. You couldn’t see it but behind you, the green-haired male’s pupils were blown wide by lust. His fingers gripped your hips tightly as he pounded into you like there was no tomorrow and you were sure you’d have bruises there the next morning. He was addicted to the way you clenched onto his cock and the way you arched your back, trying to roll your hips into his.
The sound of skin on skin as well as your moans filled the room and Hiyori bent down to whisper in your ear. “Do you like this? The idea anyone could walk in and see your precious face like that? Hear those whorish moans you’re making?” You tightened around him in response, making him groan. “How nasty of you~ well then why don’t I help?”
Hiyori flipped you over onto your back, slinging one of your legs over his shoulder so he could drive his cock deeper, repeatedly bullying your g-spot. The knot in your stomach tightened painfully. You wanted release. And you wanted it now. Your hands moved on their own, grabbing Hiyori’s jacket and tugging him to you and planting your lips on his for a last attempt to take control. The male smirked into the kiss, letting you bite and suck wherever you wanted, then reaching down to thumb your clit. Your lips parted in surprise and ecstasy, allowing him to slip his tongue in, nearly deepthroating you.
You let out a moan into his mouth, overstimulated. “You’re close, aren’t you?” Hiyori asked, moving down to kiss and nibble at your collarbone, marking the pristine skin in purple and blue. You nodded, throwing your head back, allowing him more access. “So am I… so let’s cum together.” The male’s movements slowed, instead focusing on making his cock hit the your deepest parts.
You couldn’t stand it any longer and you hooked your legs around Hiyori’s waist, pulling him to you. His cock twitched and he painted your insides white, warmth pooling into your womb. At the same time, the knot finally burst and your vision went white. Your fists gripped his sleeves and you threw your head back, Hiyori’s name on your lips as you came.
You laid on the table, your puffy cunt dripping with both your and Hiyori’s cum. Your marked-up chest rose and fell as you tried to catch your breath. “Are you alright, love?” Hiyori asked gently, kissing your forehead. “I hope you know I just want you to be all mine, ‘kay? If you ever want attention just ask instead of flirting with my unitmates.” You nodded, too tired to think of a response. But…. this alternative wasn’t half bad, you thought.
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daze-but-thirsty · 2 years
Something came over me and I decided that I need to write it down here. Thank you @mishkakagehishka for helping me in our little “brainstorming session” skbfsbh
Can you tell this is one of my first times writing nsfw fnskfn
This is NSFW content! Minors ( people under 18) and ageless blogs DNI !!
reader´s body and gender are never specified and kept gender-neutral but Shu does call you “slut” and “whore” in this so please decide on your own if you feel comfortable with this before reading!
tw degradation (toward reader, but they´re into it), name-calling, desperate sexually-frustrated virgin Shu, masturbation (Shu), rough sex, penetration(reader receiving), creampie, talk of corruption, slight yandere at the end if you squint? but not really? only a bit of possessive talk
Please tell me if there any more things you would like to be included in the tw as I might have missed things!
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Day after day, Shu has found himself feeling flustered by what he considered to be you trying to tease him. An exposed ankle? A wink sent his way? It all proved too much for him to handle. But maybe he may yet get his chance to finally make his fantasies of you come true...
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The fabrics laid out on top of the table had long since been forgotten as groans and hushed curses filled the air of the handicrafts room, as only a single person remained, hunch-over on his chair as he found himself lost in the unfamiliar pleasure he was currently experiencing
Today, Shu had meant to stay fully focused on his sewing but no matter how hard he tried to push these thoughts away, his concentration had quickly slipped as his mind conjured up pictures of you wearing an outfit he himself had made for you
In the beginning, these daydreams were mainly harmless and innocent in nature, picturing you in one of the many elegant outfits he had created for Valkyrie. It served as a huge source of inspiration for him, as much as he loathed to admit it
But then, slowly but surely Shu realized his mind was being corrupted. Instead of envisioning you in complicated and grandiose outfits adorned with lace and bows, an image of you wearing nothing but skimpy lace and bows flooded his mind
The first time it had happened Shu was outraged ,to say the least. He was an artist solely dedicated to his craft so where were these filthy and impure thoughts coming from? THE Shu Itsuki making up these scandalous scenarios in his mind? Preposterous! No, he must have simply been delirious from overworking himself so much that his brain started drifting off into a direction it otherwise never would!
This was a one-time thing, Shu decided as he felt his pants grow uncomfortably tight just from the mere image of seeing you in such skimpy clothing
He had thought it would remain a singular occurrence but soon found he was sorely mistaken as he kept finding himself lost in thought, thinking about you when he was supposed to be working
Just what had you done to him? Before he met you Shu never had these kinds of filthy thoughts!
And so he can´t help but quietly curse you out as he once more pulls down his underwear just enough so he can wrap his hand around his already leaking and sensitive cock, carefully stroking it with inexperienced movements
Shu has barely started touching himself and yet he feels like he´s already close to bursting. Ever since he saw your shirt ride up a bit and expose a millimeter of your stomach as you were stretching this morning he´s been painfully hard. You must have done that on purpose, teasing him with a hint of exposed skin to rile him up like this!
Oh how badly he wants to wipe that cocky smile off your face and teach you what happens when you tease him too much!
His hand picks up speed now, stroking his painfully throbbing cock at a furious speed as he pictures cornering you in a meeting after everyone else has left, demanding you pay up for what you had done to him. Before you, his mind had been pure, never once tainted by these filthy and juvenile thoughts like his peers had. He had always prided himself on being above all of these primal needs, instead only focusing on his artistic pursuits. And now he was picturing painting your skin in his cum, using you as his personal canvas as you beg him to keep going
With the mental image of you covered in his cum, Shu reaches his orgasm, cursing you under his breath all the while for corrupting him like this, for turning him into a mere animal that is completely under your spell
His entire body shakes and he´s gasping for air as his own hands are stained white. He can barely stop himself from keeling over as the intense feeling of his orgasm washes over him. He´s shaking and trembling all over, still clearly wound up from what he had just done
Shu stares down at his hands with a scoff, unbelieving and irritated by what you had just driven him to do. He´s sure you would be smirking right now if you knew what kind of effect you had on him. How come he just can´t control himself when it comes to you? You must have cast some sort of devious spell on him!
But he´s not granted any time to call down because with a startle he hears the door to the handicrafts room open with a click as the handle is turned. Absolutely horrified, Shu realizes that he had left the door unlocked when he entered the room, obviously not having anticipated that he would start masturbating to the thought of you instead of working on a new outfit for Valkyrie
He has no time to do anything more than to quickly place a roll of fabric over his lap to try and hide his still-sensitive cock. No one may know that Shu Itsuki has done something as scandalous as this!
But it was just his luck that out of all the people, you were the one to open the door and peek into the handicrafts room with curious eyes
“Is everything alright, Shu? I thought I heard some sort of commotion in here”, you ask concerned for him which just makes him even sicker
Shu is pretty sure that he must look very improper right now, his clothes a mess and his hair sticking to his forehead due to the sweat
“How insolent, has no one ever told you to knock before simply barging into a room? There is no need for someone like you to concern yourself with me. Now leave, you´re harming my productivity”
At this, Shu crosses his arms and pointedly turns away from you, both as to signal to you that he was indeed very busy and to hide his flushed cheeks from your eyes. He could not let you see him like this, it would be utterly unbecoming and surely taint your view of him, something he couldn´t let happen no matter what
And yet, because you were well-acquainted with how snappy Shu can sometimes be, you wouldn´t let yourself be deterred by his blunt rejection and instead fully stepped into the room, walking toward Shu who was still sitting in front of his desk
“Are you sure? You don´t look too well, your face is completely red! You might be coming down with a fever”
You resting your hand on his forehead to measure his temperature did not help Shu in the slightest, instead being touched by you only proved to worsen his “growing problem”.
Oh how bold and devious of you, to touch his forehead without asking him for his approval. You must be laughing to yourself right now, knowing what kind of effect your mere presence has on him!
With a scoff, Shu moved to slap your hand away as he already felt his face heating up again.
Only when you held his hand in yours and had a perplexed look on your face as you examined the sticky white fluid on his fingertips did he realize the great mistake he had made
He had touched you with the hand he had been jerking off with and he´s sure you must have realized that by now
So why for god´s sake have you not let go of his hand yet? Why haven´t you recoiled in disgust? There was only a single explanation for this:
Just as he had thought, you were a filthy slut that got off on knowing that you had such an effect on him, that you made him act like some sort of immature teenage boy that didn´t have his hormones under control. The thought that someone would dare to ridicule THE Shu Itsuki like this was ridiculous and not one he would stand for any longer
No, it was finally time for you to pay off the price for turning him into a desperate, lewd mess
Without a single exchange of words, he pushed you down against the table in one smooth motion as he got up and positioned himself behind you
You yelped in surprise but couldn´t help but feel a simmering heat course through your body as you glanced down to see Shu´s exposed, already hard-again cock
He doesn´t waste any time as he pulls down your pants, his breathing becoming a bit ragged again as your bare legs are fully exposed to him, the sight alone only turning him on even more
The effect you had on him was terrifying and yet Shu could only revel in the way you made him feel. With a groan he pushed himself up against your back, his cock slowly grinding up against your ass as his hands wandered beneath your shirt, harshly groping your chest and enjoying the feeling of your naked skin beneath his fingertips
“Hah, this is what you get for teasing me all these weeks, for throwing these glances at me. Did you really think nothing would happen, that I would simply let you get away with such lewd behaviour? Non! I shall not let you tarnish my good name without any consequences! Before I met you, I never had these kinds of filthy thoughts but now all I can think about is having you writhing beneath me and moaning like the dirty slut you are. So congratulations, I´m going to give you exactly what you´ve been hoping for”
There´s a loud ripping sound and with a startle, you discover that Shu had torn apart your underway in a desperate attempt to get you naked as quickly as possible. He just couldn´t wait any longer, now that you were standing like this right in front of him and he could finally make all of his fantasies a reality. You might have cursed him but now you were about to make up for that
Shu doesn´t bother with preparing you or your hole, too eager to finally slide inside of you and claim you as his own little fucktoy. He reasons that the cum that still party clung to his cock must suffice as lube, he certainly wasn´t the kind of person to carry something like that with him in the first place. A whore like you was probably loose enough for him to slip right in anyway
And so without any further delay and a loud groan, Shu pushed his hips forward slightly, the tip of his cock moving inside of you. Being inside you even like this proved almost too much for his still sensitive dick and were he not so desperate to finally be deep inside of you, he might have waited it out a bit until he felt confident to slide in more
But with how you were eagerly looking at him as if you were begging him to fuck you, he moved once more, sliding his cock even deeper into your tight hole until he was finally all the way in
It felt incredible, your walls eagerly clenching around his painfully throbbing cock, quite unlike anything else he had ever felt. Masturbating in the darkness of his room could never compare to actually being inside of you to the hilt
Shu was already seeing stars just from how warm and nice you felt around him but what pushed him over the edge was when he heard your voice softly moaning and calling out for him
“Shu, please fuck me! I need you”
It was simply too much for an inexperienced virgin like him and his knees buckled under him as he felt himself cum for the second time today, seconds after putting his dick into you. He would have been embarrassed but you simply smiled and encouraged him to cum inside you all he liked
With another groan, Shu pushed even deeper as his warm load filled up your tight hole
“That´s right. You want this, don´t you? You´ve always longed to be filled up by me to the brim, haven´t you? A slut like you craves the feeling of a cock bursting deep inside of you. How deplorable. I ´aught to teach you some manners”
His cock still very sensitive and spent from having just cummed, Shu nonetheless resumed moving his hips slowly with short thrusts as his soft dick turned hard again inside your hole. He groaned and cursed a lot, everything feeling even more intense than it did before but that didn´t stop him one bit, your lewd expression and your naked body spurring him on
After a few minutes of slow and methodical thrusts, Shu had finally regained some of his former energy and immediately began thrusting quicker as his hands once more found purchase by grabbing onto your chest, relishing in the fact that he could grope you to his heart´s content. You were so vulnerable and pliable underneath him, just as he had always secretly desired
Right in this moment, you needed him more than ever before, you needed him for your release. He was showing you mercy by granting you this pleasure, by pounding away at your slick hole like a madman, by finally giving you what you had wanted all this time
And Shu could see just how badly you wanted this from the way your eyes were blown wide, a smile on your face as your tongue stuck out of your mouth. You were enjoying having your hole abused by him
“How filthy”, he commented with a scoff that quickly turned into a groan as he could feel you tighten around him in response to his words
“Do you really enjoy it when I talk to you like this? You´re even more of a slut than I thought. Are you not ashamed of yourself, do you have no dignity? But why am I even asking when I can plainly see the answer to that right in front of me?”
Shu´s response to your happy moans was only to increase his pace even more, his grip on your chest tightening as he lost himself in the pleasure of fucking you and claiming you as his own
“No one else is allowed to do this to you, do you understand? Only I am allowed to defile you just as you have defiled me and corrupted my mind. I won´t let anyone else touch you, for you are mine. You have taken my mind prisoner and refuse to let go of it. You´re all I ever think about so you better take responsibility for causing this and take me like an obedient little whore”
You can only moan in agreement, promising over and over that Shu is the only that will ever get to fuck you like this again
“Oh god, yes! Please- Shu I belong to you! I´m all yours! So please- fill me up again! “
Shu nearly gasps as he hears you beg for him, your voice like music to his hears as his hips pick up speed almost unconsciously, spurred on by his goal of marking you and making sure you´re all his
“Yes that´s right, you belong to me and only me. You´re my pretty little slut and I´ll fill you up with cum to prove it”
With renewed vigor, he thrusts into you at breakneck speed, the sounds of skin slapping against skin loudly reverberating through the entire room but he couldn´t care less if anyone happened to hear you at this point. He was slamming his cock as deep inside of you as he could, his length sliding along your tight walls as both of you felt an intense orgasm approaching. Having Shu abuse your hole like this just felt way too good and you didn´t think you could back anymore
With a scream of his name, you cum as your entire body trembles overwhelmed from all of the pleasure you were feeling
“That´s a good little doll, yes cum for me! Unravel and unwind right before my eyes as your body drowns in the waves of passion.
It wasn´t long before he felt his cock throb painfully once more, knowing that he was about to burst deep inside of you only made his cock leak even more
“Darling, look at me”, he firmly grasps the side of your face, beckoning you to turn towards him. “I want you to look me in the eyes as I cum deep inside of you and claim you with my seed. Can you be good and do this simple thing for me? You would make me very happy if you did”
Completely worn out you can only nod your head, too exhausted to say anything as you stare at Shu with droopy eyes, waiting for the warm feeling of his seed entering you to return
Knowing that he now has your undivided attention, Shu pushes inside of you one more time before he moans loudly, hushed curses leaving his mouth as his entire body shakes, his hands softly grasping your body as comes, ropes of white cum filling you up as he keeps softly thrusting into you as he goes through his orgasm
His eyes roll to the back of his head as he groans, everything feeling way too intense now that he came three times for you in such a short period of time. As his orgasm washes over, both of you breathe heavily, a pleasant feeling coursing through both of you
Without exchanging any words, you both embrace each other tightly as Shu keeps his softening cock inside of you, not wanting to leave the warmth of your depths just yet as you similarly don´t want to feel empty once again
“You´re all mine now, my pretty little doll”, is all Shu says as he presses a soft kiss to your forehead a surprisingly soft look in his eyes compared to how rough his love-making had been in the beginning
All you could do was smile as you snuggled into his chest, feeling safe and protected in his arms as you both drifted off to sleep
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