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takeeachdayonebookatatime · 14 days ago
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Why did you elbow me? 246
Nicholas (Nick) Stephen McSwarek undercover part 56
The car accident part 31
Continuation of the Flashback to yesterday in Canada and a description of what happened.
Part 2
Jules: pov I offer to help with everything, Sam suggested he run and grab some food for everyone. Billy is texting Kat asking if she wants him, Zack, Jason, Aisha, Rocky, Adam, Bulk, Skull and Justin to come over. 4 of his former students, Kira, Conner, Ethan and Trent also want to come over. She said it's fine we are all grieving. 30 minutes later Sam arrives with the food. The rest of our friends and the 4 former students also arrive at the house looking sad. Tanya says to me Kat says you're a police officer, did you come straight from work, I say yes we were on a hot call. Actually me and Sam are SRU, we're hostage negotiators and snipers
Tanya: pov wow I had no idea, when Kat said police I had no idea it was SRU.
Sam: pov thankfully the hot call ended okay. The woman was just diagnosed with cancer and wanted to jump off the bridge with her infant named Tommy because she didn't think she could pay for her treatment.
Rocky: pov after hearing the baby was named Tommy, Kat starts crying even more. We start eating the food Sam brought which was Chinese food and start talking about Tommy and the memories we have with him. Kat mentions if it wasn't for Kimberly i mean Jules breaking up with Tommy she would have never dated or married him which is true so thanks to her. We then head to the living room to talk.
Billy: pov me and Jules are best friends always have been every time she talks about spike and his gadgets/babycakes it makes me a little jealous that I don't get to play with them but I'm happy for him. Plus Jules sends me videos and pictures of Spike and his gadgets. Tommy was so great at martial arts I loved when he and Jason would teach me a few moves.
Jason: pov I don't usually run into Jules on call since we work in different towns. But both of our jobs are very hard and stressful. We can't make a mistake because someone's life is on the line.
Adam: pov Sam is checking his phone since it just made a noise. The look on his face says something is wrong he tells Jules to follow him in the kitchen Greg just texted me it's important it's about team 3.
Sam: pov Tanya is filling cups with tea behind us. (Text: from Greg parker) to (Sam Braddock) 2 members of team 3 were involved in a minor hit and run car accident.* In the kitchen with Jules I text Greg for more details he says Troy and Donna were involved in a car accident responding to a hot call, it was a hit and run, Donna was not injured and Troy is at the ER being treated for minor injuries. All teams have been moved up team 4 is taking team 3's hot call team 3 is looking for the driver of the car and team 2 is heading to the station in case we get another hot call team one is being called in to help look for the hit and run driver. It's our choice if we want to come in. Greg mentions while Troy and Donna are out Ed will be filling in for Troy. Donna should only be out a day or 2. Depending on Troy's injuries possible a week or more. We agreed to come in.
Aisha: pov In the living room Jules tell Kat and the gang they have an emergency and are being called into the station Troy and Donna of team 3 were involved in a car accident responding to a hot call, it was a hit and run, Donna was not injured and Troy is at the ER right now being treated for minor injuries. But all teams have been moved up, and they are being called in to help team 3 look for the driver. They tell Kat we will update her and the other later.
Jules: pov we still have the SUV another reason why we have to head to the station, since the car Donna and Troy were using is damaged we are down a car. We are heading to the station. It's 2 SRU officers per car. Leah is riding with Wordy and Spike is riding with Greg, Ed is riding with a member of team 3.
Ed: pov Sophie had just finished doing the dishes from dinner and we were going to watch a movie when the call came in. Sophie was very understanding this time.
Wordy: pov the girls were in the bath and afterwards we were going to play a cool video game, the girls were very understanding and were concerned for aunt Donna and her sergeant Troy. They know my Job is to save lives.
Greg: pov I feel so bad Jules has to come in but the SRU are 2 members down. Donna is trying to convince her team members to let her help look for the driver Ed told her no. Spike is trying to find traffic cameras from the area around the accident.
Spike: pov using traffic cameras from the area I rewind to when the accident was and get his license plate info and follow the car using the cameras. Leah is looking up the guy trying to get his address for us.
Leah: pov me and wordy and are heading to the guys address to look for more info. Spike and Greg are following where the guy went via traffic cameras. Jules found out the guy has a long record and is a criminal who got out of jail recently. Turns out he got pulled over recently, just great he is probably on the run. Local police notified us he was pulled over earlier in the day but the cop let him go due to a family emergency. He was heading to the hospital to visit a dying family member. Jules says it looks like he doesn't have any family members. To be continued. ………….
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mikesfilmtalk · 7 months ago
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movienized-com · 10 months ago
Allegiance (Serie 2024) #SupinderWraich #StephenLobo #EnricoColantoni #DavidCubitt #BrianMarkinson #TobyLevins Mehr auf:
Serie / Odanost Jahr: 2024- (Februar) Genre: Action / Krimi / Drama Hauptrollen: Supinder Wraich, Stephen Lobo, Enrico Colantoni, David Cubitt, Brian Markinson, Toby Levins, Adolyn H. Dar … Serienbeschreibung: Eine Anfänger-Agentin, die in Surrey, ihrer Heimatstadt, arbeitet, die mit den Grenzen des Justizsystems konfrontiert ist, kämpft darum, die Unschuld ihres Politiker-Vaters zu beweisen…
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poi-fbi-international · 6 years ago
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#PersonOfInterest #PersonOfInterestquotes #poi #poiquotes #poiseason1 #JohnReese #MrReese #Reese #jimcaviezel #carlelias #enricocolantoni #quotes https://www.instagram.com/p/BuyaZ9aDA0u/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=uw1bcck36x8z
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almasgeeks · 6 years ago
Misterio. Fiestas. Escándalo. Corrupción. #KristenBell retorna en el papel de #VeronicaMars para la cuarte temporada del icónico show. estrena el 26 de julio en @hulu. #EnricoColantoni #FrancisCapra #DaranNorris #RyanHansen #KenMarino #hulu #showtv #series #serie #serietv #Panamá #pty #507 (en Panama City, Panama) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw94GYihh-i/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=36d0pqqwq0d1
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scifitalk · 4 years ago
Byte Galaxy Quest
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raquelzine · 4 years ago
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Qué ver en casa: #VeronicaMars (2019) Veronica Mars se pasó su adolescencia investigando misterios, aprovechando lo aprendido trabajando con su padre, detective privado.
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pipocacombaconwordpress · 5 years ago
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Série: Veronica Mars Episódio: Entering a World of Pain ( S04e06) Ano de Exibição: 2019 #veronicamarsseason4 #veronicamars #kristenbell #keithmars #loganecholls #jasondohring #enricocolantoni #robthomas #pipocacombacon https://www.instagram.com/p/B9ejhWxJxqk/?igshid=1m79n5t7jxncu
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awesomebeasy · 5 years ago
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Fans, filmmakers and stars talk about the legacy of #GalaxyQuest, 20 years after it’s release. First off - if you haven’t seen Galaxy Quest - go do so! I can remember my dad telling us about it and it’s possible I may have actually seen it in theaters 😬🤷🏼‍♀️ but we definately had it on VHS/DVD after it came out, still one of my dad’s favorites. Many people said the film was ahead of it’s time, #GregBerlanti said it was one of the first movies to celebrate the relationship between fans and shows like that; #WilWheaton said called it the Star Trek film 😆 The level they gave to makeup and practical effects definately grounded the film even given the “sillier” subject matter - it even influenced the Star Trek reboots. Full Circle. #TimAllen said he really related to Taggert and it was interesting to see just how big of a scifi fan he is - seeing all the memorabilia behind him; even after hearing who else was considered/offerd the role (among them Kevin Kline, Alec Baldwin, Mel Gibson, Tim Robbins...) I will never be able to picture anyone else in that role. Seeing #JustinLong’s impressions was impressive (he based his character slightly on Marty McFly!😆) The saddest thing was not getting to hear #AlanRickman own memories and stories - though the memories and stories of him on set from everyone else were almost as good. (“I don’t like these emotions I’m feeling. I’d like to go back to my trailer.” “I think he’s just experienced acting.” -Tim Allen and Alan Rock Rickman; and the end of filming elicited an “It’s been fun. Intermittently.”) Seeing how into it fans got and still are - Yyyuuusss! Once again, if you haven’t seen Galaxy Quest -By Grabthar’s Hammer - Do It! #ssmovieof2019 #BrettBerg #PatrickBreen #ElizabethCantillon #EnricoColantoni #LindaDeScenna #BillGeorge #RobertGordon #MarkJohnson #DamienLindelof #ScottMantz #MissiPyle #SamRockwell (“Can you form some sort of rudimentary lathe?”) #TonyShalhoub #SigourneyWeaver #RainnWilson #MarkCrashMcCreery #ShaneMahan #DeanParisott #documentary director: #JackBennett movie of 2019 number 33) #NeverSurrenderAGalaxyQuestDocumentary #NeverSurrender #AGalaxyQuestDocumentary https://www.instagram.com/p/B7SdUT6nuio/?igshid=1ulvttkyfn0jj
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emilycrafty · 6 years ago
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Now Streaming... @veronicamars season 4🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥😁😁😁😁😁😁☺️ . . . . . #actress #jasondohring #hulu #dondraper #enricocolantoni #melissamccarthy #movie #decor #hersmellmovie #veronicamars #vmars #gilead #offred #graphicdesign #usmovie #photography #serenajoy #loganechols #thekitchenmovie #hersmell #thehandmaidstale #underhiseye #handmade #kristenbell #blessedbethefruit #us #bookstagram #cinematography #netflix #art via @hashtagexpert https://www.instagram.com/p/B0HuCeAgi3j/?igshid=1nggt6ze0owcj
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takeeachdayonebookatatime · 21 days ago
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Why did you elbow me? 245
Nicholas (Nick) Stephen McSwarek undercover part 55
The car accident part 30
Kate: pov I just got off the phone with Liv, I tell Castle to go back to the apartment for a bite to eat and eat a home cooked meal. Jules Callaghan is about to be calling me soon. She should be off shift soon unless she has a hot call. I quickly answer my phone before it goes to voicemail. Jules is telling me about how she had today off and how awful her day was yesterday.
Flashback to yesterday in Canada and a description of what happened.
Jules Callaghan: pov Tommy called to tell me now how proud of me he is, which is weird. I asked him if he was calling because he and Kat wanted to hang out. He said no, I mentioned to Tommy I might have some free time this week if my schedule isn't too full. After the call me and Sam talked about how weird the call was.
Winnie: pov at the station i get notified of a hot call, team one gear up, we have a possible jumper with a baby on the bridge north side of town.
Greg Parker: pov once geared up we make plans as we head to the scene. On scene everyone gets into place, Ed and Sam are getting into sniper positions on the roof of a building across the street.
Spike Scarlatti: pov I'm in charge of looking this woman up, her name is candy and she had the baby recently. Greg says it might be postpartum depression or something else. I find contact info for her husband Fred, Greg decides to call him and notify him about what is going on. Jules is negotiating in hopes that a woman cop will make Candy feel more safe.
Wordy: pov Greg was talking with the husband Fred who said Candy has had some issues in her teen years with depression but she got over it. Today she had a doctor's appointment and was diagnosed with cancer. It's in the early stages and is curable. Leah is helping me interview her coworkers and family members. The family members are surprised that this is happening and they thought she was okay. The coworkers had no idea she was having health issues until this morning.
Leah: pov Jules tells the woman I'm here to listen to you, why are you doing this and what brought you here to this point. Candy explains the voice she hears is telling her if they both die, she and the baby boy named Tommy can be together forever. Spike says he might have found something he is looking through her finances, they don't have a lot of money this might also be a factor. Candy tells Jules when she told her boss Jeb he said he would not give her time off or pay her medical bills, which made her angry.
Ed: pov Sam is Sierra one since he has a better view of the woman Jules is negotiating with the woman trying to get her to hand over the baby. Greg is talking with the head of the company Candy works for. Her boss Jeb wouldn't talk to Greg.
Sam: pov the head of the company is willing to work something out with Candy and said Jeb would be let go, for not working something out with her. Once Jules told Candy this info she handed the baby to Wordy, and let herself be handcuffed. Me and Ed headed over to the team to help clean up the scene. Our phones are turned off during hot calls and important messages are passed through by Winnie.
Jules Callaghan: pov winnie says a woman named Kat called HQ. She needs to speak to me. It's an emergency. I check my phone and notice I have a bunch of missed calls from Katherine. Something must have happened, she even left me a voicemail. I clicked play on the voicemail and Kat sounds sad. She said I know you're probably on a hot call but call me it's an emergency. I tell Greg I have to take this. It's Kat, a friend of mine. She says it's an emergency.
Sam: pov i turn off our mics and hold open the door to the SUV so Jules can get in and have some privacy to make her phone call. As soon as she calls Kat, I hear Jules say hey sorry that I missed your call Kat. I was on a hot call. I hear Kat crying. She says over the phone Tommy is dead, Jules says what, come again. Kat says he died about an hour and a half ago and took his own life. Jules mentions how she talked to him last night on the phone and had no idea. His kids must be taking it hard.
Greg: pov Sam comes back over with Jules looking very sad, she says Tommy died that's why Kat called. I tell her she can leave early and we will debrief another day. She went to high school with him and he used to be her boyfriend.
Spike: pov The team tells Jules how sorry we are for her loss Jules says she might head over to Kat's see if she can help out.
Wordy: pov this must be so hard on Jules knowing you saved a life while you could not save your friend.
Leah: pov Jules and Sam decided to head straight to Kat's house instead of changing out of their uniforms.
Ed: pov I watch as Sam and Jules secure their weapons before pulling away from the scene. We finish up at the scene before heading back to HQ.
Sam: pov 40 minutes later we arrive at Kat's house. There are other cars in the driveway. Must be friends and family. A woman named Tanya opened the door to let us in. She seems surprised by our appearance. Tanya is a friend of Kat's and Tommy's; they went to high school together. Jules mentions to Kat sorry for our appearance. We just came from a hot call.To be continued. ……
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tamiryardenne · 5 years ago
Adversity starring Enrico Colantoni will make its WORLD PREMIERE
at the 28th annual Pan African Film Festival in Los Angeles Feb. 11 – 23, 2020. Congrats to our incredibly hard-working cast and crew, and to everyone who donated to help make this possible. We could not have done it without you. For screening times, follow us, @ www.instagram.com/adversitythewebseries. #gratitude Executive producers- Amelia Solomon, Matt McHugh, and Tamir Yardenne.
WORLD PREMIERE Adversity starring Enrico Colantoni will make its WORLD PREMIERE at the 28th annual Pan African Film Festival in Los Angeles Feb.
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d-teflon · 6 years ago
New Revamped Website Now Up Stay updated with my latest Projects and news and videos BTS 🎬🎥 WWW.DTEFLON.COM www.allianceentertainment.org #allianceentertainmentgroup #behindthescenes #actors You know my name not my story.....To be continued #GoneButNeverForgotten #SayHisName #yr We stay looking up at you @kristoffstjohn 🙏�� 🎬🎥 #DTEFLON #EricBraeden #devonhamilton #caneashby #kristoffstjohn #actors #ripkristoffstjohn #shemarfmoore #youngandtherestless #victornewman #enricocolantoni #soaps #losangeles #lewisyoung #toronto #ripkristoffstjohn #jackabbott #YR #neilwinters #newmanenterprises #youngandtherestless #CBS #flashpoint #marktaylor https://www.instagram.com/p/ByDRaMdAB0L/?igshid=5f6q3ix1vme2
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poi-fbi-international · 6 years ago
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#PersonOfInterest #PersonOfInterestquotes #poi #poiquotes #poicast #DetectiveCarter #JossCarter #tarajiphenson #carlelias #CharlieBurton #enricocolantoni #poiseason1 #quotes https://www.instagram.com/p/BvRfmaEDquS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1p7q1omumjrpy
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scifitalk · 5 years ago
Byte Galaxy Quest
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pipocacombaconwordpress · 5 years ago
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Série: Veronica Mars Episódio: Keep Calm and Party On ( S04e03) Ano de Exibição: 2019 #veronicamarsseason4 #veronicamars #kristenbell #keithmars #loganecholls #jasondohring #enricocolantoni #robthomas #pipocacombacon https://www.instagram.com/p/B9ejJHlJP1D/?igshid=7jkbqiqskzy8
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