#enna has never dissapointed me
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Facciotto drawing is a 4-parter world of ice !!!!!
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Okay so basically what we can take from this is: we will get more of Magica doing cool shit with the ocean. Volcanic witches will return. The chapter title makes it sound like Magica’s last name is Oceanica lol.
A world of ice reminds me of that Casty story l’impero sottozero. But that was more science fiction and politics this is gonna be cool magic things there gonna be magic ice in a world of ice in a ice ice magic ice
If every chapter is gonna be 30 pages that means more than 120 pages again which will slap (ITS THE YEAR OF LONG ENNA STORIES EVERYONE YIPPEE)
So like theyre going hard on this whole Magica + water stuff. Which i really like. I like water. I love it so much, i quite literally drink it every day. Even, the country in which i live is under the sea level. And ill tell you, i am largely MADE of water. If that aint enough prove that im a water fan…
Tbh my dream disney comic series was Magica going on her own adventures in the magic realm on a journey or something and then have the format be like PK and now that Seven witches is getting a sequel, its looking like this whole Magica fucking around with no numero uno in sight might just become a regular series. Like this is pretty much becoming my dream comic at this point.
Okay so lets do a bit of speculating on the plot. Ill say that something that happened in seven witches somehow unleashed a curse on the magic realm that has now gone into an ice age. Or maybe they will cause the curse in the first chapter. Actually the chapter title makes that seem more likely. That bitch from last time comes back to start some beef and they fight and shit and then somehow oh oh really cold water gets everywhere. Then Magica journeys through the ice world to solve it and things. Come back in 5 weeks to see that i got everything wrong. I kinda hope that actually what i just made up sounds really lame
But why would she go up against the volcanic witches? She made peace with 6 of em last time theyre best buds now. Magica does some really bad stuff maybe? She goes into dark forbidden magic territory? But that seems unlikely and out of character for what Enna has been writing. The other witches get hypnotized or something? OR MAYBE THE TITLE IS A FAKEOUT. I GOT YOU ENNA. The story starts off with them battling but its a friendly competition and then the story goes somewhere else!
Anyways i reaaaaallly want to know what theyve been cooking and no idea how its gonna go but i know its gonna be amazing because long story + Bruno Enna + Magica = at the very very least gonna be a ton of fun.
Sorry for the ramblings but i could not not ramble about this i mean its Magica and (then the writer proceeded to type out ten paragraphs of confused rambling text where they used the words magica and enna around 3041 times)
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