#enkin week
deuterium51614 · 7 months
My links to the fic aren't showing up in the tags, but wanted to say I started an Enkin fic for NSFW week and there are currently 4 chapters up on AO3!
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The first round's results are in!
In the order that the brackets are numbered, the next match ups will be:
On the loser's bracket:
Beppucest vs En/Kurou Hara
IbuAtsu vs Kyoutarou/Furanui
Nanao/Martha vs Taiju/Martha
Wombat/Kaimu vs Ata/Furanui
On the winner's bracket:
Nanaju vs Akorima
Ata/Karurusu vs EnKin
EnAtsu vs Honyalalacest
IbuKin vs IbuYu
KinAtsu vs Kyoutarou/Karurusu
Martha/Furanui vs NanaRyou
KyoAta vs Taishi/Ichiro
AkoIo vs IoRyuu
I'm going to set up the loser's bracket polls to start either tonight or tomorrow morning, and run for a week. The winner's bracket will start the week after that.
I figure it'll be easier to alternate between brackets instead of doing everything all at once.
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enkinweek · 7 years
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               *:・゚✧ Welcome to Enkin Week 2017! *:・゚✧
And here we have another round for Enkin Week! An entire week dedicated to the relationship Yufuin En and Kusatsu from Binan Kouku Chikyuu Bouei-bu! Everyone is welcome to join, and celebrate with us on September 24 to September 30 with unique prompts each day (❁´◡`❁) Please read the  rules first before asking. See you at the event ✧
                              Only ONE WEEK before the main event!                                     [ ABOUT | RULES | PROMPTS ]
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dantbaealighieri · 7 years
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Love still goes on
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Past Lives
Every so often, Yufuin could be persuaded to walk to school with Kinshirou in the mornings. Yufuin would generally complain about it, especially since Kinshirou was one who liked to be at school early and Yufuin was…not. But Atsushi and the rest of the Defense Club had somehow convinced him that it would be a nice, romantic gesture, and so he had agreed. This did not make him any more pleasant in the mornings, however, and Kinshirou was used to walking next to a rumpled and half-awake Yufuin in questionably comfortable silence.
And if anybody asked why he decided to indulge Yufuin that morning, he would claim shock that Yufuin had started talking in the first place.
“Hey President,” Yufuin said suddenly, “do you think we were enemies in all of our past lives?”
Kinshirou blinked. “Are you talking?”
“About past lives.”
“Do you know what time it is?”
“Too early. Answer the question.”
“Is it already time for you to wax philosophical about life? This is a bit early in the day for you. Usually you wait until lunchtime at the least.”
“President, it’s too early for this. Stop messing around.”
“Could you please elaborate on the question?”
Yufuin sighed. “Well, we have pretty opposite personalities. I don’t think base personality changes that much between lives, so, in theory, we’d have had similar personalities throughout all of our incarnations. On a good day, we fight like cats and dogs, so our past selves were probably the same way, right?
“You’re assuming that we would have known each other in previous lives,” Kinshirou replied, pulling Yufuin to the side of the sidewalk in order to avoid an oncoming cyclist. “What makes you so sure we did?”
“I think Atsushi is definitely an anchor point.”
“What do you mean?”
“Hmmm.” Yufuin tilted his head up to stare at the sky in thought. “Well, I figure in every life there are some things that are different, and some that stay exactly the same. So pretend our life is a galaxy.”
“A galaxy?”
“Yeah, humor me. In this metaphor, we’re random planets. Now, not every planet belongs to the same galaxy. These would be the people you never meet. Then, there are meteors and stars and things in your galaxy that you have a possibility of meeting, but it isn’t a sure thing. And then there are planets that orbit around the same sun as you, so you’ve got to meet up with them at some point. Atsushi’s our sun.”
“I think I understand your theory, although your understanding of space is questionable-” Kinshirou paused to yank on Yufuin’s arm and stop him from walking into a pole. “Please pay attention to where you’re walking!”
“If you’re gonna watch out for me, I don’t need to worry,” Yufuin replied. “Anyway, the metaphor’s not exactly solid. There are bound to be multiple anchor points in someone’s life, so there would have to be multiple suns. But for our purposes, Atsushi is our overlapping sun.”
Kinshirou scowled at Yufuin’s flippant attitude towards pedestrian safety, but continued the conversation nonetheless. “Theoretically, then, in all of our past lives we’ve been mutual friends of Atsushi, but enemies to each other?”
“Not exactly. It’s not a given that we were friends with him, just that we both knew him. But the situations were probably different.”
“So, for instance, we were all daimyo in a past life, but while both of our houses had amicable relations with Atsushi’s, we were rivals?”
Yufuin chuckled. “Who says we were Japanese? Maybe we were American, and we were on opposite sides of the Civil War, and Atsushi was Abraham Lincoln. Or maybe we were Angolans during World War II, and you were UNITA, and I was MPLA, and Atsushi was Che Guevara.”
Kinshirou looked at Yufuin in astonishment. “Do you actually pay attention to your history lessons?”
Yufuin made a face.
“At any rate,” Kinshirou continued, “do you have any idea how old the world is? We would’ve had countless reincarnations, so it’s feasible that we’ve been Japanese before. All of those scenarios are plausible. In theory.”
Yufuin grinned. “But that doesn’t take into account the increasing population of the world. There are more people here today than there were even 200 years ago, so the newer people would’ve only lived a few cycles.”
“By your logic, we might be people who’ve only lived a few cycles. Maybe we’ve never been reincarnated at all, and this is our first time.”
“Nah, we’ve definitely been around for a while. How else could there have been so much animosity between us over a stupid curry incident? Clearly, that had been building up for centuries.”
“Hmph.” Kinshirou crossed his arms. “Perhaps I’ve just always hated curry, and not everything in my life boils down to petty arguments with, about, or surrounding you.”
“Impossible, curry’s delicious. You accrued bad karma in the past, and that’s why you were born with defective taste buds this time around.”
“Excuse me? I am not defective!”
“You know, you still haven’t answered my question.”
“About being enemies? Yes, I imagine that we always have been. Even when we get along, we fight.”
“Exactly. Which makes this life extra special, doesn’t it?”
“How so?”
Yufuin wrapped both of his arms around Kinshirou’s waist, resting his chin on the shorter boy’s shoulder. “Well, how many times do you think we’ve overcome our differences like this? And so early in life, too.”
Kinshirou flushed. “Get off, we’re in public!”
“I bet my past selves are so jealous,” Yufuin continued as if Kinshirou hadn’t spoken.
“You keep making all of these assumptions about our past lives with absolutely no evidence to back it up. There’s no reason to believe that we’ve never…been together in past lives.” Kinshirou pulled at Yufuin’s hands, but he wouldn’t budge.
“Fair enough. It’s just the feeling I get. Like, every time before this, you’ve been the Tybalt to my Romeo, but now you’re Juliet. Or, I guess you’re still Tybalt, but now Romeo is in love with Tybalt and not Juliet.”
“In the future, please put more effort into your metaphors.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll work on it. The point is, I just get the feeling that this is the first life where we’ve gone from being enemies to being close. So maybe the next life will be the same. Or maybe we’ll get over being enemies faster and faster.”
“And then what, Yufuin? What’s the point of all this? Honestly, let go, we’re standing where anyone can see!”
Yufuin swerved suddenly and pulled Kinshirou off of the sidewalk behind a small cluster of trees. “The point,” he said, pressing Kinshirou back into one of the trees, “is that the sooner we get over hating each other, the sooner we can do this.” He leaned down and brushed his lips over Kinshirou’s, and Kinshirou shuddered.
“We don’t have time for this,” Kinshirou said faintly. “Besides, you’re talking as if we’re supposed to be together in future lives too. Are we switching from reincarnation theory to soul mate theory?”
“I didn’t say that,” Yufuin said, kissing Kinshirou on the neck. “But since you suggested it, what do you think?”
“I didn’t suggest it,” Kinshirou replied, sliding a hand into Yufuin’s hair. “I don’t even believe in reincarnation.”
Yufuin kissed the corner of his mouth. “But if you did?”
“If I did, I think it would be implausible that we’ve never been together before. After all, some things are different, but some stay exactly the same.”
Yufuin smiled. “You know, if our chemistry in past lives was half as good as it is now, you’re right, there’s no way we haven’t been together before.” He slid a hand underneath Kinshirou’s jacket.
“Hold on a second, Yufuin, we don’t have time for this. We need to get to class.” In spite of his words, Kinshirou felt himself leaning in to Yufuin’s touch.
“We left early, it’ll be fine,” Yufuin said, sliding his hand around to Kinshirou’s back. Kinshirou reflexively pulled Yufuin closer.
“Besides,” Yufuin continued, “we’ve been deprived for centuries. We need to take advantage of the moment.”
“Yufuin, be serious,” Kinshirou said. “Everyone will be able to tell-” Yufuin silenced him with another kiss.
“I promise I won’t leave any marks unless you ask,” Yufuin whispered, and Kinshirou had a hard time remembering specifics after that.
Incidentally, that was the first and last time Kusatsu Kinshirou was late to class, in any of his incarnations.
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nardavielwrites · 7 years
Title: The Catalyst Fandom: Boueibu Pairings: Enkin, Ibuatsu Rating: T
One day in middle school, En and Atsushi went to get curry, and in this world, Kinshirou came too. Years later, with no curry incident between them and their mutual friendship with Atsushi on the line, En and Kinshirou still can't manage to get along.
But sometimes the unlikeliest people can find common ground in the smallest of things. Like, for example, an abandoned kitten who needs a home.
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mystandthemoon · 7 years
For @enkinweek​, day 7, free day.
I saw this list of prompt and one in particular caught my attention: "You crashed in my window at three in the morning when I was crying in my underwear with a tub of ice-cream and don’t you dare try to fly off and save the world or some crap; I need someone to RANT TO!” Superhero AU. It seemed fitting for an EnKin, so there you go!
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mwagneto · 2 years
hey man I followed you for one of your original posts and it turned out that you're into each of my own fandoms, niche or otherwise. but I mostly just want to thank you for introducing me to omfd (and commend you for having a cool profile pic)
FJSJCJSJC omgg that's so cool hi ✋ you're very welcome I'm glad I'm spreading the word😌 and fank yewww I've had it for like 2 years now he's my favourite little guy
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kinshi-rouplied · 3 years
Hello All,
It has been a long while since I have posted to this blog, as I have been taking care of the small Yufuin who appeared in the council room many moons ago.
When I informed Yufuin Prime about the chibi that shares his likeness, he merely snorted and refused to take joint custody.
Now, I'm hearing about a Pretty Boy Week being held on this platform in August of this year, and I have decided to make my return.
If you choose to be among the participants who gets "reblogged," please ensure that you @pretty-boy-week in the post. In addition, you may use the hashtag #pretty boy week in case the @ doesn't work.
However, please ensure that you also tag all posts as #boueibu as the main goal is to CONQUER Tumblr's trending!
*cough* My apologies, that's an old habit.
Create as many posts as you can using that hashtag, perhaps creating crossovers with other "fandoms" you participate in so the event will gain more traction. Flood the "dashboards" of your followers with the Pretty Boys of Binan High School!
Unfortunately, I am unsure if "reblogs" count towards the trending page's algorithm -- because of this, try to queue the majority of your #boueibu "reblogs" for the 27th of August 2021 itself. Alternatively, "reblog" all posts you see on the respective day you see it, but in addition to this, queue an additional "reblog" for the 27th of August itself.
The official prompts will be revealed soon on the Pretty Boy Week blog.
I would like to note: It is possible to begin setting up a queue of posts for August 27th starting now. I believe the post limit is 200. If you queue 100 "meme" or "headcanon" posts with #boueibu between now and August 27th, you will have 100 remaining slots for "reblogs."
Thank you for reading this bulletin. I will wait with bated breath to see what everyone comes up with in August.
Kusatsu Kinshirou
President of Binan High School's Esteemed Student Council
Eternal Pretty Boy
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nardaviel · 7 years
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boueibu high school yearbook awards ( x ) - 01. best hair: kinshirou kusatsu
for @j-ellyfish
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deuterium51614 · 2 years
Chapter 2: School Festival
I attend Binan High School's cultural festival!
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boueibu-ship-bracket · 9 months
First brackets of the New Year!
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I'm going by the order on the bracket itself, so the next match ups will be:
The Loser's Bracket:
Kyoutarou/Karurusu vs En/Kurou Hara
Taishi/Ichiro vs AkoIo
Nanaju vs Taiju/Martha
Taishi/Martha vs IbuYu
And then things get weird, because you'd think the next match ups would be on the winner's bracket, but it's the winners of the above four versus the four ships that lost on the winner's bracket the previous round? (So the winners of these four will be put up against EnKin, IbuKin, NanaRyou, and KyoAta.)
Anyway, I'm going to set up the four polls today to run for a week.
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enkinweek · 7 years
       *:・゚✧ Enkin Week officially starts today!!! ✧  *:・゚
Welcome to the main event! Tag your works using  #enkin week and/or #enkin week 2017 and we’ll be tracking those tags to share everyone’s works. OR you can SUBMIT HERE :D Good luck!
Today’s prompt is: Past.
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dantbaealighieri · 7 years
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Past: talkin' 'bout Atsushi
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serurianouji · 7 years
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Enkin Week: Day 5: A rather chaotic Future (AU …or that Ace Attorney/Lawyer AU 2/?)
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nardavielwrites · 7 years
Title: The Catalyst Fandom: Boueibu Pairings: Enkin, Ibuatsu Rating: T
One day in middle school, En and Atsushi went to get curry, and in this world, Kinshirou came too. Years later, with no curry incident between them and their mutual friendship with Atsushi on the line, En and Kinshirou still can’t manage to get along.
But sometimes the unlikeliest people can find common ground in the smallest of things. Like, for example, an abandoned kitten who needs a home.
Chapter 1
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